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Natural Disasters

4th Grade Earth Science Unit

Table of Contents

1.Natural Disasters
2.Table of Contents
3.Dear Parent/Guardian Letter
4.Earth Science- What causes Mountain, Volcanos, and Earthquakes?
5.Earth Science- Types of Volcanos
6.Earth Science- How a Volcano Erupts
7.Earth Science- Volcano Painting:Explosive Art
8..Earth Science- Track a Tsunami
9.Earth Science- How hurricanes are named and what they are called in different parts of the
world(hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones)
10.. Earth Science- The formation of Hurricanes
11.Earth Science- Tornados
12.Earth Science- Project: Weather Hazzard: Flood Barrier Challenge
13.Earth Science- Web quest
14. Assessment

Dear Parent/ Guardian

This month we will be learning about Natural Disasters as we begin our Earth Science unit on
Natural Disasters. Through hands on experiments and activities the students will develop a
deeper understanding of the different types of natural disasters that occur around the world and in
our own backyard. The unit will incorporate both California State Science Standards as well as
the Common core guidelines which include mathematics, engineering, art, language arts and

Throughout the unit students will investigate the following topics:

1. What is an earthquake?
2. How does a volcano form and what are the different types of volcanos?
3. What is a Tsunami is and how do you track them?
4. What is a Hurricane and how does it form?
5. What causes Droughts?
6. How to stop Floods?

Through these activities the students will be challenge to problem solve and critically think as
they learn about natural disasters and the effects they have on our country and world. As the
students investigate these topics they will be meeting the California State Science Standards. At
the completion of the unit each student will have to create a powerpoint presentation on one of
the natural disasters studied in the unit.

I look forward to embarking on this journey as we learn about natural disasters. Thanks you for
your continued support!

Warmest Regards,
Ms. Weatherall
Lesson 1: Earth Science: What Causes Earthquakes?
Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards:RI.4.1, RI.4.3, ESS2.B
NGSS Standards:ESS3.B, 4-ESS3-2
NGSS Practice: 1,3,6,8
1. Objective:
Content: Students will learn what a earthquakes is through a powerpoint

Language/Key Vocabulary:volcano,earthquake,fault, tectonic plates

2. Assessment

Informal: Walk around and listen to students partner talk

Formal: Write in science journal

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: What causes earthquakes video:

Access prior knowledge: Partner activity using worksheet. Have students state if they think the
phrase in the worksheet are fact/myth about earthquakes.

Instruction and Modeling:

Powerpoint presentation

Guided Practice:

Fill out vocabulary worksheet and draw illustrating


Class discussion and write in science journal

Independent Practice:

Make a earthquake preparedness plan at home using

4. Differentiation Strategies

Draw earthquake and plan pictionary with vocabulary words

5. Instructional Resources and Materials: worksheet, paper, pencil

Lesson 2: Earth Science: How volcanoes are formed and the different types
Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards:RI.4.1, W.4.9
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B, 4-ESS2-2
NGSS Practices: 1,3,6

1. Objective

Content: Students will learn the different types of volcanos and how they are formed
through a presentation and worksheet

Language/Key Vocabulary: vent, cone, conduit, magma chamber,lava, parasitic cone, pyroclastic,
dike, and sill

3. Assessment:

Informal: Walk around the room while students are working in groups filling out worksheets

Formal: Have students write and illustrate what they did during the lesson

4. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: Video about volcanoes

Access prior knowledge: Have a class discussion on what students already know about
Instruction and Modeling

Present powerpoint presentation to students

Handout worksheet

Model what to fill in on worksheet on smart board

Guided Practice:

Model worksheet/discussion how to fill out worksheet

Walk around and help students while they are filling out worksheet in groups


Have students write and illustrate what they did during the lesson

Independent Practice:


Encourage students to research volcanos at home

5. Differentiation Strategies: ESL Students

Have class as a whole act out the vocabulary words


6. Instructional Resources and Materials: powerpoint presentation, worksheets, colored pencils,


Lesson 3: How a Volcano Erupts

Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards:SL.4.5
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B
NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

1. Objective

Content: The students will learn how a volcano erupts through a simulation

Language/Key Vocabulary: magma,volcano,earthquake,fault

2. Assessment

Informal: Walk around class while groups are making experiment

Formal: Quiz: two short answer questions

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: Video of volcano erupting:

Activate Prior Knowledge: KWL chart

4. Instruction and Modeling:

Explain step by step how to do the experiment

Hand out materials

Model how to make the volcano with materials

Guided Practice:

Small groups make simulation


Class discussion on what was learned

Write in science journal about what they learned

Independent Practice:

Have students go home and discuss with parents how to make a earthquake preparation kit

5. Differentiation Strategies

Provide directions in spanish as well


6. Instructional Resources and Materials:small disposable paper cup, playdough, baking soda,
vinegar, food coloring

Lesson 4: Volcano Painting- Explosive Art

Subject: Science, Language Arts, Art
Grade 4th
CA Common Core Standards:W.4.9, RI.4.1, W.4.8
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B
NGSS Practices: 1,3,6,8

1. Objective

Content: The students will learn about volcanoes through a newpaper article and art

Language/Key Vocabulary: magma,volcano,eruption, chambers

2. . Assessment
Informal: Walk around class while students are closed reading newspaper article

Formal: Labeling the different parts of the volcano and writing summary

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: Newspaper Article

Activate Prior Knowledge: KWL chart

Instruction and Modeling:

Explain newspaper article directions and write on whiteboard

Explain step by step how to do art project

Hand out materials

Model on smart board the different parts of a volcano

Guided Practice:

Students close read newspaper article

partner talk about article

Students take notes on article


Class discussion on what was learned

Review KWL chart and see if all questions were answered

Article summary

Independent Practice:
Have students explain art project and parts of a volcano. Have parents sign off

4. Differentiation Strategies:


Students act out vocabulary words in groups

5 . Instructional Resources and Materials: cardstock paper, markers, colored pencils, sharpies,
and crayons

Lesson 5:Track a Tsunami

Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards: W.4.9
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B
NGSS Practices: 1,3,6,8

1. Objective

Content: The students will learn what a tsunamis is and how they are formed through
making a poster.

Language/Key Vocabulary: tsunami, earthquake, swell, landslide, volcanic eruption

2 . Assessment:

Informal: Walk around the room and ask students as they are working in groups how is a
tsunami formed?
Formal: Worksheet

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set

Motivation: Video:


Activate Prior Knowledge: discussion to access prior knowledge

Instruction and Modeling:

Model chart the students are going to create(on smartboard).

Show step by step what they students will need to do.

Restate directions and write them on the whiteboard as well.

Guided Practice:

small groups

walk around

ask questions


Group discussion and exit slip

Independent Practice: Exit Slip

4 . Differentiation Strategies


5. Instructional Resources and Materials: poster boards, colored pencils, markers

Lesson 6:How hurricanes are named and what hurricanes are called in different parts of
the world( hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones
Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards:RI.4.1, W.4.9
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B, 4-ESS3-1, 4-ESS3-2
NGSS Practices:1,3,6,8

1. Objective

Content: Students will learn about hurricanes and what they are called around the
world through internet

Language/Key Vocabulary: hurricane, cyclones, typhoon, eye of the hurricane

2. Assessment

Informal: observing partner talk

Formal: Take online hurrican quiz

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: Book: Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane

Activate Prior Knowledge:

Partner talk about what students know about hurricanes

Instruction and Modeling:

Model how to go to website page

Model note-taking template

Guided Practice:

work in groups to research website about hurricanes


Students take notes


Write in science journal about what they learned from website. Give 3 examples

Independent Practice

Online quiz

5. Differentiation Strategies

Poster and visuals

Have student act out vocabulary words to each other

6. Instructional Resources and Materials: computers, worksheet, pencil

Lesson 7:The formation of Hurricanes
Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards: W.4.9, RI.4.1
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B, ESS3.A
NGSS Practices: 1,3,4,6

1. Objective

Content: The students will learn how a hurricane is formed through making a flip

Language/Key Vocabulary: category, climatology, barometer, cyclone, convection

current, coriolis force, eye, and eyewall

2. Assessment

Informal: Walk around class while students are making flip book

Formal: Flip Book and Quiz: short answer and matching

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: Short clip of a hurricane

Activate Prior Knowledge: KWL chart

Instruction and Modeling

Model how to fill out flip book on smart board

Write directions on whiteboard

Guided Practice: Students making flip books working with other students at their table

Closure: Quiz: short answer and matching

Independent Practice:

Quiz: short answer and matching

4. Differentiation Strategies

Pair students with spanish speaking student


5. Instructional Resources and Materials: scissors, stapler, colored pencils, flip book template
Lesson 8: Tornado Flip Book
Subject: Science
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards:W.4.9
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B, ESS1.C
NGSS Practices:1,2,3,,6,8

1. Objective

Content: Students will learn how tornadoes are formed through making a flip book

Language/Key Vocabulary: Tornado, Doppler radar, funnel cloud, waterspout, vortex,

barometer, and anemometer

2. Assessment

Informal: Walk around class while students are making flip book

Formal: Creating Flip book

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set:

Motivation: Present tornado in a bottle experiment to class and video:

Activate Prior Knowledge: Class discussion asking what a tornado is?

Instruction and Modeling:

Handout flip book templates

Model how to make tornado flip book on smartboard

Guided Practice:

Students work together to make flip books


Class discussion

Write in Science Journal about what they know about Tornados

Independent Practice

Science journal write up

5. Differentiation Strategies

Have students act out vocabulary words in groups


6. Instructional Resources and Materials: scissors, stapler, colored pencils, copies of flip book
Lesson 9 (Project) Weather Hazard Stem: Flood Resistant Shelter
Subject: Engineering PBL, Math(measurements), Global Topic
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards: MP.2, MP.4, 4.MD.A.1
NGSS Standards: -5-ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2, 3-ESS3-1, 4-ESS3-1
NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

1. Objective:

Content: Students will learn how to to protect themselves from natural disasters by
building a flood barrier

Language/Key Vocabulary: flood barrier, flood resistant, shelter

2 . Assessment

Informal: Walk around room while students are building their floor barriers

Formal: worksheet, evaluation

3. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Anticipatory Set: Video

Access prior knowledge:

KWL Chart

Instruction and Modeling

Go over directions with class

Show class examples of shelters built by other students

Guided Practice:

My building plan brainstorm worksheet

I have an idea worksheet

Have students work in groups of 3-4 to build shelter


Class discussion

Flood Resistant Structure Self- Evaluation

Independent Practice

Complete Self-Evaluation

4. Differentiation Strategies

Model all activities so all students can watch and understand

Use visuals

Provide directions in spanish if needed

5. Instructional Resources and Materials:Cardboard, Tape, Paper Plates, Index Cards,Aluminum

foil, Construction paper,Pipe cleaner,Water Bottles, Toilet paper tubes,Cotton Balls,Craft sticks,
Plastic, lids, Straws,Paper Cups,Fabric, Glue
Lesson :10 Web Quest
Subject: Science, Global Topic
Grade: 4th
CA Common Core Standards: W.4.9, RI.4.1, RI.4.9
NGSS Standards: ESS3.B
NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,5

The natural disaster webquest I chose allows students to become the researcher and investigate
the worlds natural disasters. The job of the student is to use the internet to describe a natural
disaster event that has occurred. The students will investigate the causes of the events, important
historical occurrences, and what, if anything, can be done to lessen the impact when these events
occur. This is a great webquest because it has many links to great websites and allows the
students choose any topic within natural disasters. Its also great because students not only learn
what causes natural disasters but learn what they can do to help prevent or lessen the impact of
them. Lastly, this website will help my students have a better overall understanding of what they
have learned in this unit.

For the final assessment I will have the students choose one of the following questions to answer.
They then will create a poster and present the information to the class.
1. From what you have learned about earthquakes explain what a earthquake is and what you would
do if one happen today?
2. Use what you have learned to explain similarities and difference between the different types of
3. Choose three natural disasters and explain their similarities and difference.

Performance Assessment
Multiple Criteria


Student Score:
Task Understanding:
Task: Completion:
Task Explanation:
Total Score:
Grade Equivalent:

Criteria 4 3 2 1

Understands Task is correct Task is mostly Task has many No

the task correct mistakes understanding of

Completes All requirements Most Few Requirements

Requirements are met requirements requirements not met
met met

Explains Clear Good Explanation is Explanation is

Response explanation, uses explanation, not clear, unable incorrect
details, example gives some to generate
examples examples

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