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Cisco Training 2011

Routing & Switching

Data Center & Virtualization
Collaboration, Voice & Video
Unified Wireless
Cisco Advanced Services
Bienvenue chez Fast Lane!

Formation et consulting IT de haut niveau

La performance et la viabilit de linfrastructure IT de votre organisation reposent sur le
savoir-faire des personnes en charge de ladministration de vos systmes. Nous vous
proposons une large gamme de formations, allant des formations de base jusquaux
formations avances sur les technologies les plus volues. Notre objectif est de
dvelopper les comptences de vos collaborateurs et de contribuer au management de
leur dveloppement professionnel pour le bnfice de tous, socit et collaborateurs.
Communications sur IP, vido, scurit et VPN, Storage et bases de donnes, rseaux
sansfil, technologies optiques Fast Lane dispose des consultants et des infrastructures
de formation pour satisfaire lensemble de vos besoins dans chacun de ces domaines
spcialiss. En vous offrant un aperu global de nos programmes de formation pour
lanne, ce catalogue 2011 a pour objectif de vous aider concevoir un programme de
qualification IT adapt vos besoins.
Nos offres de formation sont ainsi disponibles partout travers le monde. Fast Lane est
prsent dans plus de 60 pays et sur chaque continent. La recette de notre succs est
simple: chacune de nos actions est oriente vers la satisfaction de critres de qualit
maximale. Notre systme dvaluation global est lassurance que nous tenons nos
engagements. Quand vous vous inscrivez un cours de formation Fast Lane, vous
pouvez-tre srs de bnficier dune formation pratique quipe des derniers dispositifs
et des labs la pointe de la technologie. A titre dillustration, notre lab Cisco Advanced
Technology vous permet un accs la gamme complte des technologies Cisco,
jusquau Cisco Data Center.
Nos spcialistes expriments seront mme de vous accompagner dans le
dveloppement dun plan de formation qui sera parfaitement adapt vos besoins, en
vous apportant toute lexpertise ncessaire aux professionnels de lIT afin de tirer le
meilleur parti de ces technologies avances.
Nous esprons avoir lopportunit de pouvoir collaborer avec vous
lavenir !

Torsten Poels
CEO & Chairman of the Board
Europe, Americas & Japan



North America

Middle East
Asia & Pacific


Latin America


Fast Lane Training Centers


CISCO CAREER CERTIFICATIONS Implementing Data Center Networks Using the Cisco
Certification Programs 10 Nexus 5000 Switch & 2000 Fabric Extender (IDCN5K) 29
Cisco Channel Partner Program 13 Implementing Data Center Networks Using the
Cisco Nexus 7000 Switch (IDCN7K) 29
CISCO POWER WORKSHOPS Fiber Channel over Ethernet Overview (FCOE) 29
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices: Accelerated (CCNAX) 19 Cisco Wide Area Application Services (CWAAS) 30
CCNP Power Workshop (CCNPPW) 19 Implementing the ACE Service Module (ACESM) 30
CCIE Routing & Switching Theorieworkshop (CCIET) 20 Designing Data Center Application Services (DCASD) 30
Cisco CCIE 360 Learning Program 20 Implementing Data Center Application Services (DCASI) 31
CCIE Storage Networking Power Workshop (CCIESAN) 32 Designing an Enterprise Application Infrastructure
CCIE Storage Networking Power Lab (CCIESANPL) 32 with the ACE Family (ACEDES) 31
CCDE Power Workshops 33 Implementing the Cisco ACE Appliance (ACEAP) 31
CIPT 1 & 2 Power Workshop (CIPTPW) 41 ACE XML Gateway Operations and Configuration (AXGOC) 31
CCNP Voice Power Workshop (CCNPVPW) 51 Implementing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (ICSNS) 32
Cisco Unified Contact Center Power Workshop (CUCCPW) 56 Implementing Cisco Adv. Storage Networking Solutions (IASNS) 32
CCVP Power Workshop (CCVPPW) 46 Designing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (DCSNS) 32
CCNP Wireless Power Workshop (CCWP) 50
Cisco CCIE Wireless Written Power Workshop (CCIEWW) 51 Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) 33
Cisco CCIE Wireless Lab Power Workshop (CCIEWL) 51 Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH) 33

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1 (ICND1) 18 Implementing Cisco QoS (QOS) 34
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2) 18 Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers (BGP) 34
Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) 18 Implementing Cisco MPLS (MPLS) 34
Implementing Cisco IP Switching (SWITCH) 19 Implementing MPLS Traffic Engineering (MPLST) 35
Troubleshooting & Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT) 19 MPLS Expert Workshop (MEWS) 35
Cisco Professionals Troubleshooting (CPT) 21 Implementing Cisco Multicast (MCAST) 35
Routing & Switching Solutions for SEs (RSSSE) 21 IPv6 Fundamentals, Design & Deployment (IP6FD) 35
Advanced Routing & Switching for FEs (ARSFE) 21 Designing Service Provider Cisco QoS (SPQOS) 36
Cisco EnergyWise Worksshop (EWF) 21 Cisco 12000 Series Technical Product Training (GSR) 36
Configuring Routers for IS-IS (CISIS) 36
Advanced Catalyst 6500 Switching (CAT6KS) 22 CISCO NETWORK MANAGEMENT TRAINING
Catalyst 6500 & Cisco 7600 Series Routers Firewall Services Implementing CiscoWorks LMS (CWLMS) 36
Module Deployment (FWSMD) 22

Multivendor Data Center Training

Virtual Dynamic Data Center (VDDC) 23
Implementing Secure Multi-Tenancy (ISMT) 23
Implementing Vblock (VBLOCK-TECH) 24
Selling Vblocks (VBLOCK-SALES) 24
VMware vSphere & Cisco Nexus 1000V Integration 25


Data Center Architectural Overview (DCAO) 26
Cisco Nexus Overview Workshop (CNOW) 26
Data Center Unified Computing Design (DCUCD) 27
Data Center Unified Computing Implementation (DCUCI) 27
Data Center Network Infrastructure Design (DCNID) 27
Implementing Cisco DC Network Infrastructure 1 (DCNI-1) 28
Implementing Cisco DC Network Infrastructure 2 (DCNI-2) 28
Implementing Data Center Networks Using the
Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch (IDCN1V) 28

Prices in this catalogue exclude VAT.

Please note that pricing may differ between countries. 3


Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) 37 IP Transfer Point (ITP) 46
Securing Networks with Cisco Routers & Switches (SECURE) 37 Cisco PGW2200 Basic (PGWB) 46
Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Features (FIREWALL) 38 Cisco PGW2200 Advanced Troubleshooting (PGWAT) 46
Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions (VPN) 38
Implementing Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) 38 CISCO TELEPRESENCE TRAINING
Implementing Cisco NAC Appliance (CANAC) 39 TelePresence Power Workshop (TPBOOT) 47
Implementing Cisco Security MARS (MARS) 39 Implementing Advanced TelePresence Video Solutions Part 1
Implementing Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) 39 (PAIATVS1) 47
Implementing Advanced TelePresence Video Solutions Part 2
Introducing Cisco Voice & Unified Communications (ICOMM) 40
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications CISCO business video TRAINING
Voice over IP & QoS (CVOICE) 40 Digital Media Suite (DMS) 48
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part1 Cisco Academy of Digital Signage (ADS) 48
(CIPT1) 40
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 2 CISCO UNIFIED MEETINGPLACE TRAINING
(CIPT2) 41 Designing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Solutions (DMPS) 49
Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications (TVOICE) 41 Implementing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace (IMPS) 49
Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications (CAPPS)42
Cisco Unified Communications Advanced Troubleshooting CISCO WIRELESS / MOBILITY TRAINING
(CUCAT) 42 Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Networking Essentials
Cisco Unified Presence Design & Implementation (PRSDI) 43 (IUWNE) 50
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals (CWLF) 50
Features (UCM70) 43 Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics (CWLAT) 50
Administering Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0
Data Center, Metro Ethernet, Network Management, Routing
CISCO UNIFIED CONTACT CENTER TRAINING & Switching, Security, Service Exchange Framework, Unified
Cisco Unified Contact Center Power Workshop (CUCCPW) 44 Communications, Unified Contact Center, Service Provider Voice,
Unified Contact Center Express & IP IVR Deployment (UCCXD) 44 Wireless LAN 52
Unified Contact Center Express Advanced (UCCXA) 44
Implementing Cisco Unified E-Mail & Web Interaction Manager
Enterprise (UEIME) 45
Customer Voice Portal Implementation (CVPI) 45

A propos de Fast Lane

Formation et consulting IT de haut niveau

Nous pouvons aider votre socit acqurir et dvelopper toutes les comptences
techniques dont vous avez besoin pour relever de nouveaux dfis. Seuls ceux qui
matrisent parfaitement tous ces outils techniques peuvent prtendre capitaliser sur
leurs bnfices. C'est pour toutes ces raisons que nos clients et nos partenaires nous
font confiance.

Fast Lane propose toutes les connaissances rseaux dont vous avez besoin.
La voix et les Communications Unifies, la scurit et les VPN, les Data Centers et le
stockage rseau, les rseaux sans fil ou optiques, quelles que soient les comptences
spcialises et les conseils dont vous avez besoin, Fast Lane vous proposera lexpert
spcialis qui vous conviendra.

Fast lane est prsent pour vous travers le monde, dans 60 pays. Plus de 400
collaborateurs Fast Lane forment et conseillent des compagnies majeures dans toutes les
industries, pour les plus grands Services Providers, pour les agences gouvernementales, le
tout propos en 12 langues. Afin de servir ses clients au niveau mondial, Fast Lane a mis
en place des siges sociaux situs sur chaque continent Berlin, Cary NC, Sydney et Tokyo.

Fast Lane est lun des Cisco Learning Solutions Partners leader du march. En tant
que Cisco Learning Solutions Partner (CLSP) ayant la croissance la plus rapide, Fast Lane est
heureux de vous proposer lensemble des cursus Cisco, depuis les formations de dbut de
cursus jusquaux formations les plus sophistiques, et ce dans toutes les rgions du globe.

Fast Lane est le seul NetApp Learning Partner global du march. En tant que NetApp
Training Partner autoris, Fast Lane propose tous les programmes de formations originaux de
NetApp travers le monde entier. Les spcialistes certifis NetApp vous proposeront des
formations en vous faisant bnficier de leur expertise en matire de Stockage.

Fast Lane a dvelopp ses propres cours afin de couvrir tous les axes clefs des
technologies du futur. Que dire de plus, notre offre de formation couvre des
programmes de formation comme Brocade, CA, Check Point, Citrix, CompTIA, HP, ITIL,
Lotus, LPI, Microsoft, Nokia, Novell, Oracle, PMI, PRINCE2, Red Hat, RSA Security, SAP,
Sun, Symantec/Veritas, Trend Micro, and VMware.

Fast Lane vous propose laccs une infrastructure de Labs Techniques, sans
quivalent dans le monde. Les collaborateurs de nos clients ont ainsi accs travers
notre infrastructure de Labs dentranement et de dmo, tous les domaines des
techniques rseaux les plus sophistiques. Equips des toutes dernires technologies,
nos Labs Hautes Technologies sont les garants dune qualit dexercices pratiques
exemplaires et dune qualit de service haut de gamme.

Les services Fast Lane satisfont les plus exigeants. Avec un systme dvaluation
parfaitement comprhensible et un contrle qualit en temps rel, Fast Lane est en
mesure datteindre des niveaux de qualit pour les plus exigeants. Nos formateurs,
grce leur bonne exprience professionnelle et leurs qualits pdagogiques prouves,
proposent des transferts de comptence efficaces et bien adapts.

Quel que soit le collaborateur Fast Lane, vous tes assur dune rponse
rapide en toute courtoisie. A travers notre quipe votre service, nous vous assurons
dune rponse comptente et circonstancie, mme dans les dlais les plus brefs. A
titre dexemple, nous pouvons vous dlguer un Expert en Troubleshooting en quelques
heures, ou bien vous organiser un cours sur site incluant les quipements adapts et
les kits de cours en 24 heures. 5
Formations Fast Lane

Cours inter-entreprises
Toutes les filiales et centres de formation de Fast Lane vous proposent leurs services pour
les cours inter-entreprises dans plus de 40 pays travers le monde. Vous disposez, travers
nos infrastructures, dun environnement de formation optimal. Notre quipe est votre
disposition pour rpondre toutes vos questions concernant la rservation des cours, les
plannings, lhbergement, les prix, linscription aux examens et tout autre aspect de logistique.

La formation sur site : o et quand vous le souhaitez

Quil sagisse dun cours standard, dune formation technologique hautement spcialise ou
dun Workshop spcifiquement dvelopp pour votre entreprise, nos experts sont capables
de dispenser tout type de formation sur votre site. Fast Lane est ainsi en mesure dorganiser
une formation complte comprenant un instructeur, les quipements de cours et les
supports de cours appropris, sur le site de votre choix dans un dlai de 24 heures.

Dveloppement de cours
Le dveloppement et la complexification des infrastructures IT ncessitent des
connaissances spcialises de plus en plus pousses. Il est frquent que la formation IT
adapte vos besoins ne soit pas disponible sur le march. Cest pourquoi nous
dveloppons des cours centrs autour des technologies cls avec un contenu rpondant
spcifiquement aux besoins des constructeurs, des partenaires et des utilisateurs finaux.
3 Formations personnalises
3 Engager un spcialiste pour
Engager un spcialiste rsoudre un problme particulier
Nous mettons votre disposition des spcialistes des rseaux pendant les priodes pour 3 Dveloppement professionnel,
lesquelles vous manquez de personnel. Vous pouvez ainsi faire appel nos experts lors les dveloppement de comptences et
priodes de congs, en cas de projets ncessitant la mobilisation de vos ressources valuation des besoins
humaines, ou lorsque vous souhaitez un appui pour la mise en place de nouveaux systmes. 3 Planification et mise en oeuvre de
Nous sommes bien entendu en mesure de vous fournir les spcialistes dont vous avez projets de certification
besoin dans les domaines du stockage, de la scurit et des communications unifies. denvergure
3 Centre de test en ligne, prparation
aux certifications constructeurs
Dveloppement professionnel
Nous sommes en mesure de planifier, mettre en place et manager les projets de
qualifications les plus complets. Notre offre de services comprend lanalyse des besoins
en qualification, la ralisation dtudes pralables, le dveloppement et le management
des plans de formation, le management et le contrle des projets de certification, le
dveloppement de programmes et de contenus et la programmation. Nous prenons
galement en charge la logistique, mettons en oeuvre des mesures compltes de
qualification sur nimporte quelle chelle, y compris au niveau mondial et ralisons des
contrles qualits, du reporting et des valuations post examens.

Systmes de gestion de formation

Dans le cadre de notre engagement visant encourager les efforts des entreprises pour
planifier et mettre en place des systmes de formation denvergure et des programmes de
dvelopemment professionnels, nous dveloppons des portails de formation par internet et
des systmes de gestion de formation en ligne (LMS) adapts aux exigences de formation
spcifiques chaque entreprise. Un LMS permet chaque employ daccder prcisment
au contenu de la formation dont il a besoin pour obtenir la qualification vise.

Notre centre de test en ligne a pour objectif de vous aider obtenir rapidement vos
certifications sans contrainte administrative, dans la mesure o nous agissons pour votre
compte et sommes responsable du management de vos projets de certification. Les
questions de nos tests sont issues des quelques 100 sujets lis aux certifications cls
dans lenvironnement Cisco. En outre, nos spcilialistes sont mme de dvelopper pour
vous des tests supplmentaires personnaliss.

Infrastructure de Labs

Une accessibilit mondiale 3 Dispositifs et technologies de pointe

Fast Lane propose des Labs dentranement et de dmonstration uniques au monde,
3 Labs de Data Center & Stockage
permettant de couvrir tous les aspects des rseaux de haute technologie. Bnficiant
3 Labs Routing & Switching
dinfrastructures la pointe de la technologie, les labs et leurs services associs Top
3 Labs Unified Communications
niveau vous fournissent une plate-forme pratique dune qualit ingale. De plus, ces
3 Labs de TelePresence, MeetingPlace,
Labs sont accessibles en tous lieux aux consultants, permettant tout client davoir
DMS & IP Video Surveillance
accs et de tester les technologies les plus rcentes.
3 Labs Securit
3 Labs Unified Wireless Network
Un accs plus de 150 Labs de haute technologie
3 Location de Labs 24/24h 7/7j
Nos labs de Berlin, Hambourg, Francfort, Vienne et Dubai comprennent titre dexemple:
Le seul lab SAN dEurope quip de 2 Switchs MDS 9590 et de 32 Switchs MDS
Un lab MeetingPlace avec des serveurs audios 8106/8112 et des appareils de
vidoconfrence IPVC-3515-MCU12
Le seul lab dEurope de TlPresence, DMS et vidosurveillance sur IP
Des switching labs de haut niveau avec plus de 30 Switchs Catalyst Cisco de la
srie des 6000
Des labs pouvant reproduire des solutions compltes de Data Center
Un lab optique avec quatre Switchs ONS 15454E
Des labs de scurit avec des Virtual Private Networks (VPN), des Firewalls (ASA),
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Cisco NAC et MARS
Le plus important lab Voix au monde avec 80 clusters intgrs Unified
Communicaions Manager-, Cisco Unity- et ICM-Enterprise
Des labs de Quality of Service (QoS)
Des labs MPLS
Des labs spciaux Service-Provider
Des solutions dadministration rseau
Des labs de routage comprenant en tout 840 routeurs 7
Consulting Services


De nos jours, la qualit des infrastructures IT joue un rle central dans la performance
dune entreprise. Nos services de consulting sont destins des entreprises tant prives
que publiques. Nous avons comme objectif de leur donner accs aux solutions
interrseaux les plus volues et de leur fournir laccompagnement ncessaire toutes
les phases de leur dveloppement. Nos consultants sont impartiaux et vous rpondre
aux besoins des clients, sans distinction de constructeur.

Nous mettons votre disposition les services de consulting suivants :

Aide la dcision et tudes de faisabilit
Conception de rseaux innovants
Assistance linstallation et lintgration
Consulting sur des technologies spcialises


Sur la base de mthodes prouves et dune vritable exprience de terrain, nous
sommes en mesure de manager vos projets avec un maximum defficacit. Nos
consultants sont attentifs au respect des cots, au timing et latteinte des objectifs fixs.
Ils sassurent ainsi que vos projets soient raliss dans les dlais impartis et dans la limite
de votre budget. Nos experts ne disposent pas seulement dune exprience significative
dans le management de projet, mais possdent galement les certifications les plus
avances. Nous comptons ainsi 62 CCIEs (Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts) parmi
nos spcialistes.

Nous mettons votre disposition des spcialistes des rseaux pendant les priodes
durant lesquelles vous manquez de personnel. Vous pouvez ainsi faire appel nos
experts lors les priodes de congs, en cas de projets ncessitant la mobilisation de vos
ressources humaines, ou lorsque vous souhaitez un appui pour la mise en place de
nouveaux systmes. Nous sommes bien entendu en mesure de vous fournir les
spcialistes dont vous avez besoin dans les domaines du stockage, de la scurit et des
communications unifies.

Nhsitez pas nous contacter si vous souhaitez plus dinformations sur nos services de consulting. Nous vous rpondrons dans les
plus brefs dlais. Vous pouvez nous joindre par tlphone au +33 (0)1 58 04 27 88 ou nous contacter par e-mail ladresse suivante:

Formations Cisco

Loffre de formation de Fast Lane couvre lensemble des technologies Cisco et des
solutions spcialises ncessaires vos collaborateurs.

Routing & Switching

Fast Lane propose un portefeuille complet de formations Cisco, du niveau dbutant
expert. Vous pouvez tre assurs de bnficier de la formation optimale pour relever les
dfis des certifications et spcialisations Cisco.

COURS PERSONNALISES Unified Communications

Nos experts sont votre disposition pour dvelopper des cours et des formations
adapts vos besoins.


Tous nos instructeurs sont des spcialistes certifis Cisco possdant une exprience
pratique significative dans leurs domaines dintervention. Ainsi, ce ne sont pas moins de TelePresence
62 CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Experts) et 80 CCNP (Cisco Certified Network
Professionals) qui sont votre disposition.


Nous proposons des sessions de formation rgulires dans de nombreux pays
europens, afin de vous aider planifier et mettre en place votre programme de MeetingPlace
formation selon votre convenance.


Fast Lane est certifi dans toutes les rgions du globe en tant que Cisco Learning DMS
Solution Partner.


Des exercices pratiques utilisant les derniers quipements Cisco, vous permettront
dacqurir les connaissances dont vous avez besoin pour faire fonctionner les Data Center & Virtualization
infrastructures de rseaux les plus complexes.


Echangez vos Cisco Learning Credits ! Vous tes invit utiliser vos CLC pour payer
nimporte quelle formation Cisco.

Security & VPN

Notre centre de test en ligne a pour objectif de vous aider obtenir rapidement vos
certifications sans contrainte administrative, dans la mesure o nous agissons pour votre
compte et sommes responsables du management de vos projets de certification.

Wireless LAN 9
Cisco Career Certifications

Widely respected throughout the world, Cisco Certifications substantiate the knowledge and skills of certified
specialists. They rank among the most sought-after qualifications for internetworking professionals.
Five Certification Levels: Cisco offers five levels of certification: from Entry and Associate, the basic levels
of networking certification, to the advanced level of Professional, and up to Expert and Architect, the highest Professional

certification level for network specialists.


Seven Certification Tracks: Certification can be attained in various fields: Routing & Switching, Design, Entry
Security, Service Provider, Storage Networking, Voice and Wireless.

Routing & Storage Service SP Security Voice Wireless Design

Switching Provider Operations
CCIE Routing & CCIE Storage CCIE Service CCIE SP CCIE Security CCIE Voice CCIE Wireless CCDE
Switching Networking Provider Operations Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified
Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Internetwork Internetwork Internetwork Design Expert
Internetwork Internetwork Internetwork Internetwork Expert Expert Expert
Expert Level

Expert Expert Expert Expert

Lab Exam Lab Exam Lab Exam Practical Exam Lab Exam Lab Exam Lab Exam Practical Exam
Cisco 360 CCIE Storage CCIE Preparation Individuelles Individuelles Cisco 360 CCIE Wireless Lab CCDE Lab Exam
Learning Program Networking Lab Service Trainings- Trainings- Learning Program Power Workshop Power Workshop
Power Lab Provider programm programm (CCIEWL) (CCDEL5)
Written Exam Written Exam Written Exam Written Exam Written Exam Written Exam Written Exam 352-001
350-001 350-040 350-029 350-060 350-018 350-030 350-050 CCDE Written
Cisco 360 Individuelles Individuelles Individuelles Individuelles Cisco 360 CCIE Wireless Exam Power
Learning Program Trainings- Trainings- Trainings- Trainings- Learning Program Written Power Work- Workshop
programm programm programm programm shop (CCIEWW) (CCDEW)

Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Operations Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Cisco Certified
Network Network Internetwork Cisco Certified Network Network Network Design
Professional Professional Professional Network Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Implementing Maintaining Cisco Deploying Troubleshooting Implementing Designing Cisco
& Maintaining & Maintaining Cisco MPLS Service Provider Cisco ASA VPN Cisco Unified Cisco Unified Network Service
Cisco IP Cisco IP (MPLS) Quality of Service Solutions Communications Wireless Architectures
Networks Networks Test 642-611 (MSPQS) (VPN) (TVoice) Mobility Services (ARCH)
(TSHOOT) (TSHOOT) Test 642-785 Test 642-647 Test 642-427 (IUWMS) Test 642-873
Test 642-832 Test 642-832 Configuring Test 642-746
Professional Level

BGP on Maintaining Implementing Implementing Implementing

Implementing Implementing Cisco Routers Cisco Service Cisco Intrusion Cisco UC Implementing Cisco IP
Cisco IP Cisco IP (BGP) Provider VPNs & Prevention Manager Part 2 Cisco Unified Switched
Switched Switched Test 642-661 MPLS Networks System (IPS) (CIPT2) Wireless Voice Networks
Networks Networks (MSPVM) Test 642-627 Test 642-457 Networks (SWITCH)
(SWITCH) (SWITCH) Implementing Test 642-780 Implementing (IUWVN) Test 642-813
Test 642-813 Test 642-813 Cisco Quality Deploying Cisco Cisco UC Test 642-741
of Service Maintaining Cisco ASA Firewall Manager Part 1 Implementing
Implementing Implementing (QOS) Service Provider Features (CIPT1) Implementing Cisco IP Routing
Cisco IP Routing Cisco IP Routing Test 642-642 Routing Protocols (FIREWALL) Test 642-447 Advanced Cisco (ROUTE)
(ROUTE) (ROUTE) (MSPRP) Test 642-617 Unified Wireless Test 642-902
Test 642-902 Test 642-902 Implementing Test 642-775 Implementing Security
Cisco IP Routing Securing Cisco UC VoIP & (IAUWS)
(ROUTE) Operational Networks with QoS (CVOICE) Test 642-736
Test 642-902 Foundations for Cisco Routers Test 642-437
Cisco Service & Switches Conducting Cisco
Provider Core (SECURE) Integrating Unified Wireless
Networks Test 642-637 Cisco Unified Site Survey
(OFCN) Communications (CUWSS)
Test 642-770 Applications Test 642-731
Test 642-467

SP Operations Security Voice Wireless Certified
Design Associate
Entry & Associate Level

Supporting Implemen- Introducing Implementing Designing for

Cisco Service ting Cisco IOS Cisco Voice & UC Cisco Unified Cisco
Provider IP NGN Network Security Administration Wireless Networ- Internetwork
Operations (IINS) (ICOMM) king Essentials Solutions
CCENT CCNA (SSPO) Test 640-553 Test 640-461 (IUWNE) (DESGN)
Cisco Certified Cisco Certified Test 640-760 Test 640-721 Test 640-863
Entry Network
Interconnecting Interconnecting Interconnecting
Cisco Network Cisco Network Cisco Network
Devices Part 1
Devices Part 2 oder Devices: Accele-
(ICND2) rated (CCNAX)
Test 640-822 Test 640-816 Test 640-802

Cisco Specialist Certifications

Next to the general Cisco qualification programs, Cisco Qualified Specialist certifications are available to demonstrate competence in specific
technology areas, solutions, and/or job roles: Advanced Routing & Switching, Data Center, Foundation for Channel Partners, Unified
Communications & Video, MeetingPlace, Security and Wireless.

Data Center: Networking Infrastructure, Application Services, Storage Networking, Unified Computing
Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco Data Center Application Services Design Specialist
CCDA Certification DCASD Designing Cisco Data Center Application Services 5 DCASD Test #642-972
Cisco Data Center Application Services Support Specialist
CCNA Certification DCASI Implementing Cisco Data Center Application Services 5 DCASI Test #642-975
Cisco Data Center Networking Infrastructure Design Specialist
CCDA Certification DCNID Designing Cisco Data Center Network Infrastructure 5 DCNID Test #642-971
Cisco Data Center Networking Infrastructure Support Specialist
CCNP Certification DCNI-1 Implementing Cisco Data Center Network Infrastructure 1 5 DCNIS-1 Test #642-973
DCNI-2 Implementing Cisco Data Center Network Infrastructure 2 5 DCNIS-2 Test #642-974
Cisco Data Center Storage Networking Design Specialist
None DCSNS Designing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions 5 DCSNS Test #642-357
Cisco Data Center Storage Networking Support Specialist
None ICSNS Implementing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions 5 ICSNS Test #642-359
IASNS Implem. Advanced Cisco Storage Networking Solutions 5
Cisco Data Center Networking Sales Specialist
CSE Certification DCNSS Data Center Networking Solution Sales DCNSS Test #646-985
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist
VCP (VMware Certified Professional)
PLUS one of the following options:
CCDA Certification and DCUCD Data Center Unified Computing Design 5 DCUCD Test #642-982
DCUCD 642-978 Qualifier Exam
DCSNs and DCNID Certifications

Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Support Specialist

VCP (VMware Certified Professional)
PLUS one of the following options:
CCNA Certification and DCUCI Data Center Unified Computing Implementation 5 DCUCI Test #642-983
DCUCI 642-979 Qualifier Exam
ICSNS and DCNIS Certifications

Security & VPN

Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco ASA Specialist
CCNA Security Certification SNAF Securing Networks with ASA Fundamentals 5 SNAF Test #642-524
SNAA Securing Networks with ASA Advanced 5 SNAA Test #642-515
Cisco IPS Specialist
CCNA Security Certification IPS Implementing Cisco Intrusion Prevention System 5 IPS Test #642-533
Cisco Network admission control Specialist
CCNA Security Certification Canac Implementing Cisco NAC Appliance 3 CANAC Test #642-591
Cisco Security solutions & design Specialist
CCDA Certification SSSE Security Solutions for System Engineers 5 SSSE Test #642-583
Cisco Web Security Field Engineer Specialist
WSCPT Web Security for Channel Partners 2 WSFE Test #650-568
CCSP Certification
LCSAS Cisco Lifecycle Services Advanced Security LCSAS Test #650-575
Cisco security Sales Specialist
CSE Certification ASAM Advanced Security for Account Managers ASAM Test #646-578

Foundation for Channel Partners

Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco Express Foundation Design Specialist
CCDA Certification CXFS Cisco Express Foundation SE CXFS Test #642-374
Cisco Express Foundation Field Specialist
CCNA Certification CXFF Cisco Express Foundation FE CXFF Test #642-384
Cisco Express Foundation Sales Specialist
CSE Certification CXFA Cisco Express Foundation AM CXFA Test #646-364 11
Advanced Routing & Switching
Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco Routing & Switching Field Specialist

CCNP Certification ARSFE Advanced Routing & Switching for Field Engineers 3 ARSFE Test #642-067
CWAAS Cisco Wide Area Application Services 5 WAASFE Test #642-655
Cisco Routing & Switching Solutions Specialist
RSSSE Routing & Switching Solutions for System Engineers 2 RSSSE Test #642-062
CCDA Certification
CWAAS Cisco Wide Area Application Services 5 WAASSE Test #642-654
Cisco Routing & Switching Sales Specialist
ARSAM Advanced Routing & Switching for AMs ARSAM Test #646-046
CSE Certification Cisco Lifecycle Services Express
WAASAM Wide Area Application Services for AMs WAASAM Test #646-656

Unified Communications & Video

Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco IP Communications Express Specialist

ICOMM Introducing Cisco Voice & UC Administration (ICOMM) 5

IIUC2 Test #642-145
CCNA Certification IIUC2 Implementing Cisco IOS Unified Communications Part 2 5
LCSE Test #650-393
Cisco Lifecycle Services Express

Cisco IP Contact Center Express Specialist

None UCCXD Unified Contact Center Express & Unified IP IVR 5 UCCX Test #642-165
Cisco IP Communications Design Specialist
UCAD Cisco Unified Communications Architecture & Design 5 UCAD Test #642-415
CCDA Certification QOS Implementing Cisco QoS 5 QOS Test #642-642
Cisco Lifecycle Services for Advanced Unified Communications LCSAUC Test #650-251
Cisco Rich Media Communications Specialist
CCNA Certification ICRMC Implem. Cisco IP Video Conference Rich Media Comm. 5 CRMC Test #642-481
CVOICE Implementing Cisco Voice Communications & QoS CVOICE Test #642-436
Cisco unity design Specialist
CCDA Certification IUM Implementing Cisco Unified Messaging 5
CUDN Cisco Unity Design & Networking 4 CUDN Test #642-072
Cisco unity support Specialist
None IUC Implementing Cisco Unity Connection 5 IUC Test #642-262
Cisco Unified Presence Specialist
None PRSDI Cisco Unified Presence Design & Implementation 3 PRSDI Test #642-181
Cisco TelePresence Installations Specialist
None ITI Implementing Cisco TelePresence Installation ITI Test #642-188
Cisco TelePresence Solutions Specialist
CCNA Certification TPBOOT TelePresence Power Workshop 5 ITS Test #642-185
Cisco Advanced IP Communications Sales Specialist
CSE Certification AUCAM Advanced Unified Communications Account Manager AUCAM Test #646-230
Cisco Lifecycle Services Express LCSE Test #650-393
Cisco IP Communications Express Sales Specialist

CSE Certification UCXAM Unified Communications Express AM UCXAM Test #646-223

Cisco Lifecycle Services Express LCSE Test #650-393

Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco MeetingPlace Design Specialist
CCDA Certification DMPS Designing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Solutions 3 DMPS Test #642-272
Cisco MeetingPlace Support Specialist
CCNA Certification IMPS Implementing MeetingPlace Solutions 5 IMPS Test #642-274
Cisco MeetingPlace Sales Specialist
CSE Certification SMPS Selling Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Solutions SMPS Test #646-276

Wireless LAN
Prerequisites Recommended Training Days Test
Cisco advanced Wireless lan Design Specialist
CWLF Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals 4
CCDA Certification AWLANSE Test #642-681
CWLAT Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics 4
Cisco advanced Wireless lan field Specialist

CCNA Certification CWLF Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals 4 AWLANFE Test #642-631
CWLAT Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics 4
Cisco advanced Wireless lan Sales Specialist
CSE Certification WLAS Wireless LAN Advanced Sales AWLANAM Test #646-671

Cisco Channel Partner Program

Les certifications Cisco font partie dun programme de qualification Leader sur le march,
vous permettant de vous diffrencier de manire unique, travers vos solutions et vos
comptences auprs de vos clients.


Le niveau de certification du programme Cisco Channel Partner reprsente ltendue de
votre matrise des technologies Cisco, assurant votre capacit proposer des solutions
Il existe quatre niveaux de certifications partenaires :
Certification-Select ncessite la certification SMB.
Certification-Premier ncessite la spcialisation Express Foundation.
Certification-Silver ncessite la spcialisation Express Foundation, ainsi quune des
deux options suivantes : * Deux spcialisations Advanced au choix OU * la spcialisation
Express Unified Communications plus une spcialisation Advanced au choix,
lexception de la spcialisation Advanced Unified Communications.
Certification-Gold ncessite les quatre spcialisations suivantes : Advanced Routing
and Switching, Advanced Security, Advanced Unified Communications et Advanced
Wireless LAN pour des savoir-faire rpartis dans de multiples domaines de technologies


Les spcialisations Cisco refltent ltendue des comptences dun partenaire dans une
technologie particulire. Le programme Cisco Channel Partner offre quatre niveaux de
Spcialisation Entry
Spcialisation Express
Spcialisation Advanced
Spcialisation Master
Chaque niveau traduit des comptences suprieures dans les domaines de la vente, de
la matrise technique et du management du cycle de vie des services. Ces spcialisations
sont centres sur des domaines technologiques particuliers et offrent aux partenaires
un moyen de se diffrencier sur leurs marchs. En obtenant une spcialisation, les
partenaires ont dmontr leur expertise en termes de vente, de matrise technique et
de management du cycle de vie des services pour planifier, concevoir, mettre en oeuvre
et grer des solutions auprs de leurs clients.

Cisco Resale Partner Program Framework

Nhsitez pas nous contacter si
vous souhaitez des renseignements
supplmentaires sur le programme Cisco
Channel Partner, nous vous rpondrons
dans les plus brefs dlais. Vous pouvez
nous joindre par tlphone au +33 (0)1
58 04 27 88 ou nous contacter par e-mail
ladresse suivante : 13
Select Partner
Specialization Requirements Account Manager Engineer Certified
SMB Cisco SMB Account Manager Cisco SMB Engineer 1 or 2

Premier Partner
Specialization Requirements Account Manager System Engineer Field Engineer Certified
Express Foundation CSE CCDA CCNA 3

Silver Partner
Specialization Requirements* Account Manager System Engineer Field Engineer Certified
Express Unified Communications CSE CCDA or CCNA 2
Advanced Routing & Switching CSE CCDA CCNP 3
Advanced Unified Communications CSE CCDA CCVP 3
Advanced Security CSE CCDA CCSP 3
Advanced Wireless LAN CSE CCDA CCNA 3

* A Silver Partner requires two Advanced Specializations (Express Unified Communications can be substituted for one of the Advanced
Specializations but cannot be combined with Advanced Unified Communications specialization.)

In order to satisfy Silver certification requirements a partner must also have 2 CCIEs (these can satisfy any technical specialization role).

Gold Partner
Specialization Requirements Account Manager System Engineer Field Engineer Certified
Advanced Routing & Switching CSE CCDA CCNP 3
Advanced Unified Communications CSE CCDA CCVP 3
Advanced Security CSE CCDA CCSP 3
Advanced Wireless LAN CSE CCDA CCNA 3

In order to satisfy Gold certification requirements a partner must also have 4 CCIEs (these can satisfy any technical specialization role).

Cisco Channel Partner Program:
Training by Specialization
Small Business Specialization
Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test
Small Business
SMB Solutions for Account Managers
AM None SMBAM Test #650-177
SMB Solutions for Engineers
SE None SMBE Test #650-195

Express Specialization
Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test
Cisco Express Foundation
AM CSE Certification CXFA Express Foundation AM CXFA Test #646-364
Sales Specialist
Cisco Express Foundation
SE CCDA Certification CXFS Express Foundation SE CXFS Test #642-374
Design Specialist
Cisco Express Foundation
FE CCNA Certification CXFF Express Foundation FE CXFF Test #642-384
Field Specialist

Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test

Express Unified Communications
Cisco IP Communications Unified Communications Express AM UCXAM Test #646-223
AM CSE Certification
Express Sales Specialist Cisco Lifecycle Services Express LCSE Test #650-393
ICOMM Introducing Cisco Voice & UC
Cisco IP Communications Administration
SE CCNA Certification
Express Specialist IIUC2 Implementing Cisco IOS UC Part 2 IIUC2 Test #642-145
Cisco Lifecycle Services Express LCSE Test #650-393

Advanced Specialization
Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test
AUCAM Advanced Unified Communications
Cisco Advanced IPC Sales AUCAM Test #646-230
AM CSE Certification Account Manager
Specialist LCSE Test #650-393
Cisco Lifecycle Services Express
UCAD Cisco UCs Architecture & Design UCAD Test #642-415
Cisco IPC Design Specialist
SE CCDA Certification QOS Cisco Quality of Service QOS Test #642-642
Cisco Lifecycle Services for Advanced UC LCSAUC Test #650-251
CCVP Certification Cisco Lifecycle Services for
FE LCSAUC Test #650-251
Advanced Unified Communications
Weitere Anforderungen*
Cisco Unified Contact Center UCCXD Unified Contact Center Express &
None UCCX Test #642-165
Express Specialist Unified IP IVR Deployment
CUDN Cisco Unity Design & Networking
CCDA Certification Cisco Unity Design Specialist CUDN Test #642-072
IUM Implementing Cisco Unified Messaging
MCSE Messaging on
Cisco Unity Support
Windows Server 2003 IUC Implementing Cisco Unity Connection IUC Test #642-262
ICRMC Implementing Cisco IP Video
CRMC Test #642-481
Cisco Rich Media Conference Rich Media Communications
CCNA Certification
Communications Specialist CVOICE Implementing Cisco Voice
CVOICE Test #642-436
Communications & QoS

* In addition to the above unique individual role requirements, the following Cisco Qualified Specialist badges are required for Advanced Unified Communications Specialization:
Cisco Rich Media Communications Specialist, Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Specialist, Cisco Unity Design Specialist, Cisco Unity Support Specialist 15
Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test
Advanced Routing & Switching for AMs ARSAM Test #646-046
Cisco Routing & Switching
AM CSE Certification Cisco WAAS for AMs WAASAM Test #646-656
Sales Specialist
Cisco Lifecycle Services Express
QOS Cisco Quality of Service
Cisco Advanced Routing & ROUTE Implementing Cisco IP Routing
SE CCDA Certification Switching Solutions RSSSE Routing & Switching Solutions for RSSSE Test #642-062
Specialist System Engineers
CWAAS Wide Area Application Services WAASSE Test #642-654
QOS Cisco Quality of Service
CCNP Certification Cisco Advanced Routing & ARSFE Advanced Routing & Switching for ARSFE Test #642-067
Switching Field Specialist Field Engineers
CWAAS Wide Area Application Services WAASFE Test #642-655

Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test

Cisco Security Sales ASAM Advanced Security for Account
AM CSE Certification ASAM Test #646-578
Specialist Managers
Cisco Security Solutions & SSSE Security Solutions for System
SE CCDA Certification SSSE Test #642-583
Design Specialist Engineers
CCSP or CCIE Security Cisco Web Security Field WSCPT Web Security for Channel Partners WSFE Test #650-568
Certification Engineer Specialist Lifecycle Services Advanced Security LCSAS Test #650-575

Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test

Cisco Advanced Wireless WLAS Wireless LAN Advanced Sales AWLANAM Test #646-671
AM CSE Certification
LAN Sales Specialist Cisco Lifecycle Services Express
CWLF Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals AWLANSE Test #642-681
Cisco Advanced Wireless
SE CCDA Certification CWLAT Cisco WLAN Advanced Topics
LAN Design Specialist
Lifecycle Services for Advanced WLAN
CWLF Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals AWLANFE Test #642-631
Cisco Advanced Wireless
FE CCNA Certification CWLAT Cisco WLAN Advanced Topics
LAN Field Specialist
Lifecycle Services for Advanced WLAN

Nhsitez pas nous contacter si vous
souhaitez des renseignements suppl-
mentaires sur les spcialisations Master
de Cisco, nous vous rpondrons dans les
plus brefs dlais. Vous pouvez nous joindre
par tlphone au +33 (0)1 58 04 27 88
ou nous contacter par e-mail ladresse
suivante :

Programme Cisco Channel Partner:
Spcialisation par formation
Spcialisations optionnelles
Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test
Advanced Data Center Networking Infrastructure
Cisco Data Center DCNSS Data Center Networking Solution Sales DCNSS Test #646-985
AM CSE Certification
Networking Sales Specialist
Cisco Data Center
DCNID Designing Cisco Data Center DCNID Test #642-971
SE CCDA Certification Networking Infrastructure
Network Infrastructure
Design Specialist
DCNI-1 Implementing Cisco Data DCNIS-1 Test #642-973
Cisco Data Center
Center Network Infrastructure 1
FE CCNP Certification Networking Infrastructure
DCNI-2 Implementing Cisco Data DCNIS-2 Test #642-974
Support Specialist
Center Network Infrastructure 2
Cisco Data Center
DCASD Designing Cisco Data Center DCASD Test #642-972
CCDA Certification Application Services Design
Application Services
Cisco Data Center
DCASI Implementing Cisco Data Center DCASI Test #642-975
CCNA Certification Application Services Support
Application Services

Job Role Prerequisites Cisco Career Certification Recommended Training Test

Cisco Data Center DCNSS Data Center Networking Solution Sales DCNSS Test #646-985
AM CSE Certification
Networking Sales Specialist
Cisco Data Center Storage
DCSNS Designing Cisco Storage DCSNS Test #642-357
SE None Networking Design
Networking Solutions
ICSNS Test #642-359
ICSNS Implementing Cisco Storage
Cisco Data Center Storage
Networking Solutions
FE None Networking Support
IASNS Implementing Advanced Cisco Storage
Networking Solutions

Spcialisation Master
La spcialisation Cisco Master est destine un groupe de partenaires experts possdant
les comptences technologiques les plus volues et ayant dmontr avec succs leur
capacit vendre, dployer et fournir des services pour des solutions Cisco les plus
sophistiques. Seuls les partenaires possdant une exprience hautement qualifie dans
une technologie donne peuvent atteindre la spcialisation Master, indpendamment
de leur niveau de qualification antrieure. De plus, la spcialisation Master fournit aux
partenaires un niveau de distinction suprieure, les aidant promouvoir leur expertise
dans leur champ dactivit. Cisco propose actuellement la spcialisation Master Unified
Communication et la spcialisation Master Security. Pour obtenir une spcialisation
Master, nos partenaires doivent atteindre le niveau de spcialisation Advanced dans cette
technologie. Ils doivent ensuite remplir des conditions rigoureuses comme preuves de
leurs comptences et avoir de bons antcdents auprs de leurs clients dans les trois
domaines suivants:
Comptence commerciale : aptitudes la vente, investissements dans la force
de vente, connaissance des produits et des solutions, capacit de dploiement des
solutions Cisco et rfrences clients incluant le dploiement de solutions et de CONTACTEZ-NOUS.
services Cisco. Nhsitez pas nous contacter si vous
Comptence technique : personnel technique complmentaire, comprenant des souhaitez des renseignements suppl-
certifis CCIE additionnels. mentaires sur les spcialisations Master
Comptence en termes de services et de conseil : capacit fournir une valuation de Cisco, nous vous rpondrons dans les
des services tout au long de la prparation, la planification, la conception, la mise en plus brefs dlais. Vous pouvez nous joindre
place, le fonctionnement et loptimisation de lapproche du cycle de vie des par tlphone au +33 (0)1 58 04 27 88
services Cisco; capacit remplir les normes rglementaires ISO pour des services ou nous contacter par e-mail ladresse
Cisco spcifiques. suivante : 17
Cisco Routing & Switching Training

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1 (ICND1)

ID CI-ICND1 Price 3.000,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

SCHEDULE France Lyon 18.04.-22.04.11

Pr-requis Sophia Antipolis 10.01.-14.01.11 Rennes 18.04.-22.04.11
Aucun Toulouse 10.01.-14.01.11 Paris 02.05.-06.05.11
Paris 17.01.-21.01.11 Toulouse 02.05.-06.05.11
Lyon 17.01.-21.01.11 Sophia Antipolis 09.05.-13.05.11
Contenu du cours Rennes 17.01.-21.01.11 Lyon 06.06.-10.06.11
Construire un rseau simple Sophia Antipolis 31.01.-04.02.11 Rennes 06.06.-10.06.11
Paris 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 13.06.-17.06.11
Rseau local Ethernet Sophia Antipolis 07.03.-11.03.11 Sophia Antipolis 13.06.-17.06.11
Rseau local sans fil Toulouse 07.03.-11.03.11 Toulouse 13.06.-17.06.11
Lyon 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 22.08.-26.08.11
Explorer les fonctions du routage Rennes 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 03.10.-07.10.11
Les rseaux tendus Paris 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 14.11.-18.11.11
Gestion de lenvironnement rseau Toulouse 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 12.12.-16.12.11
Sophia Antipolis 04.04.-08.04.11

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2)

ID CI-ICND2 Price 3.100,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Cours Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 (ICND1)

Contenu du cours SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 02.05.-06.05.11

Toulouse 17.01.-21.01.11 Toulouse 09.05.-13.05.11
Mise en place dun rseau de petite taille Paris 24.01.-28.01.11 Paris 23.05.-27.05.11
Mise en place dun rseau commut de taille moyenne Sophia Antipolis 24.01.-28.01.11 Paris 23.05.-27.05.11
Mise en place dun rseau rout de taille moyenne Lyon 24.01.-28.01.11 Lyon 23.05.-27.05.11
Rennes 24.01.-28.01.11 Sophia Antipolis 06.06.-10.06.11
Installation de OSPF Toulouse 07.02.-11.02.11 Toulouse 06.06.-10.06.11
Installation de EIGRP Sophia Antipolis 14.02.-18.02.11 Paris 27.06.-01.07.11
Paris 21.03.-25.03.11 Sophia Antipolis 27.06.-01.07.11
Listes de contrle daccs Lyon 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 05.09.-09.09.11
Gestion des espaces dadresses Rennes 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 17.10.-21.10.11
Sophia Antipolis 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 21.11.-25.11.11
Extension du rseau LAN vers WAN
Toulouse 28.03.-01.04.11

Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)

ID CI-Route Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Cours Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1 (ICND1) et
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2)

Contenu du cours
Planification des services de routage
Mettre en uvre une solution base sur EIGRP
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 11.04.-15.04.11
Mettre en uvre un rseau multi-aire volutive bas sur une Lyon 10.01.-14.01.11 Toulouse 02.05.-06.05.11
solution OSPF Rennes 10.01.-14.01.11 Lyon 16.05.-20.05.11
Sophia Antipolis 17.01.-21.01.11 Rennes 16.05.-20.05.11
Mettre en uvre une solution de redistribution base IPv4 Toulouse 24.01.-28.01.11 Paris 06.06.-10.06.11
Mettre en uvre le contrle de chemin Paris 31.01.-04.02.11 Toulouse 13.06.-17.06.11
Connecter un rseau dentreprise un rseau ISP Paris 14.03.-18.03.11 Sophia Antipolis 13.06.-17.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 12.09.-16.09.11
Lyon 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 28.11.-02.12.11
Rennes 28.03.-01.04.11

18 Online Booking
Cisco routing & switching training

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices: Accelerated (CCNAX)

ID CI-CCNAX Price 3.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Accelerated preparation for CCNA SCHEDULE France

(Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Implementing Cisco IP Switching (SWITCH)

ID CI-SWITCH Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Cours Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1 (ICND1) et
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2)

Contenu du cours
Analyse du design dun rseau de type campus
Mise en uvre des VLANs dans un rseau de type campus
Mise en uvre du Spanning Tree
Mise en uvre du routage Inter-VLAN
Mise en uvre dun rseau de haute disponibilit SCHEDULE France Rennes 04.04.-08.04.11
Mise en uvre de la haute disponibilit sur la couche 3 Toulouse 31.01.-04.02.11 Toulouse 18.04.-22.04.11
Paris 07.02.-11.02.11 Sophia Antipolis 23.05.-27.05.11
Minimiser la perte de service et le vol de donnes dans un Lyon 13.06.-17.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 07.02.-11.02.11
rseau de type campus Lyon 07.02.-11.02.11 Rennes 13.06.-17.06.11
Voix et vido dans un rseau de type campus Rennes 07.02.-11.02.11 Paris 20.06.-24.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 14.02.-18.02.11 Sophia Antipolis 20.06.-24.06.11
Intgration des LANs sans fils dans un rseau de type campus Paris 28.03.-01.04.11 Toulouse 20.06.-24.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 04.04.-08.04.11 Paris 26.09.-30.09.11
Lyon 04.04.-08.04.11 Paris 05.12.-09.12.11

Troubleshooting & Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)

ID CI-TSHOOT Price 3.450,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Pr-requis Contenu du cours

Cours Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) et Planification de la maintenance pour les rseaux complexes
Implementing Cisco IP Switching (SWITCH) Planification des process de dpannage pour les rseaux
dentreprise complexes
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 02.05.-06.05.11 Outils et applications de maintenance et de dpannage
Lyon 31.01.-04.02.11 Toulouse 16.05.-20.05.11 Maintenance & dpannage de solutions de campus switchs
Rennes 31.01.-04.02.11 Sophia Antipolis 27.06.-01.07.11
Paris 28.02.-04.03.11 Lyon 27.06.-01.07.11 Maintenance & dpannage des solutions de routage
Sophia Antipolis 28.02.-04.03.11 Rennes 27.06.-01.07.11 Maintenance & dpannage des solutions de scurit rseau
Toulouse 07.03.-11.03.11 Toulouse 27.06.-01.07.11
Sophia Antipolis 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 04.07.-08.07.11
Maintenance & dpannage des rseaux dentreprise intgrs et
Paris 04.04.-08.04.11 Paris 10.10.-14.10.11 complexes
Lyon 18.04.-22.04.11 Paris 12.12.-16.12.11
Rennes 18.04.-22.04.11

CCNP Power Workshop (CCNPPW)

ID FL-CCNPPW Price 6.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 12 Days

Accelerated preparation for CCNP

(Cisco Certified Network Professional) certification: SCHEDULE France
12 days, Monday to Saturday Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 19
Cisco routing & switching training

CCIE Routing & Switching Theory Workshop (CCIET) Voucher
ID FL-CCIET Price 2.890,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Course Content
Implement Layer 2 Technologies
Implement IPv4
Implement IPv6
Implement MPLS Layer 3 VPNs
Implement IP Multicast
Implement Network Security
Implement Network Services
Implement Quality of Service (QoS)
Troubleshoot a Network
Optimize the Network
Evaluate proposed changes to a Network SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco 360 Learning Program:

CCIE Routing & Switching
The Cisco CCIE 360 Learning Program for Routing & Switching is intended to accelerate
the skills and competencies of networking professionals, who have at least three years
of experience, to an expert level of expertise. The program offers multiple learning
products and services intended to be blended together to provide a customized learning
program to prepare for the CCIE R&S lab exam. Components can be matched to each
students skill level, learning preference, and resources for maximum flexibility.

The Cisco 360 Learning Program also includes two hands-on instructor-led classes,
Cisco Internetwork Expert Routing & Switching Part 1 & 2.

Cisco Internetwork Expert Routing & Switching 1 (CIERS1) lecture and
40% hands-on
lab exercises
ID CI-CIERS1 Price 4.890,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Course Content BGP

The following topics are covered in this workshop IP Multicast
Frame-Relay IPv6 Incl. new topics for
Cisco Catalyst 3550/3560 Essentials (port Router and Cisco Catalyst 3560 QoS CCIE R&S Version 4:
assignment, trunking, VTP, EtherChannel, Planning and evaluating
Layer 3 Connectivity and Spanning Tree) network changes
IGPs (OSPF, EIGRP and RIPv2) SCHEDULE France Implementing performance
Redistribution Planning europen disponible sur notre web : routing, optimized edge
routing, EIGRPv6, filtering
and route distribution
IPv6 Multicast
Cisco Internetwork Expert Routing & Switching 2 (CIERS2) MPLS and Layer 3 VPN

ID CI-CIERS2 Price 4.890,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Includes more than 16 hours

of Instructor Led Training,
lab guide and more than 32
SCHEDULE France hours of assessment labs
Planning europen disponible sur notre web : including instructor time and
feedback to provide student
mentoring and support

20 Online Booking
Cisco routing & switching training

Cisco Professionals Troubleshooting (CPT) Hands-on
ID FL-CPT Price 3.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Application Layer (DHCP, DNS, HTTP)

CCNP certification or comparable experience

Course content
Troubleshooting Models
Trouble Tickets
Troubleshooting with IOS Features
OSI Layer 2: Ethernet; Switching; VLANs; Trunks; Spanning Tree;
Frame Relay; PPP
OSI Layer 3: IP; IPv6; Route Maps; NAT/PAT; ACLs; Routing
Protocols (OSPF, EIGRP, BGP); Redistribution
Remote Access (IPSec, VPN)
Quality of Service
Transport Layer (TCP, UDP) SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Routing & Switching Solutions for System Engineers (RSSSE)

ID CI-RSSSE Price 1.450,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 2 Days

Prerequisites Course content

CCDA certification or comparable experience SONA Overview
Advanced Technology
Choose Routing and Switching Solutions
SCHEDULE France Design an Advanced Technology Ready Organization
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Advanced Routing & Switching for Field Engineers (ARSFE)

ID CI-ARSFE Price 2.450,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

CCNP certification or comparable experience recommended Advanced Capabilities of Cisco Routers and Switches
Network Management
Implement High Availability
MPLS Implementation

Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco EnergyWise Workshop (EWF)

ID CI-EWF Price 750,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 1 Day


Course content
Cisco Borderless Networks Introduction
Business Energy Management
Cost Savings with Cisco EnergyWise
Cisco EnergyWise Functionality
Cisco EnergyWise Management
Cisco EnergyWise Orchestrator Functionality Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 21
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Training

Advanced Catalyst 6500 Switching (CAT6KS)

ID FL-CAT6KS Price 3.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Utilizing Automated Diagnostics

CCNP certification or comparable experience Implementing SPAN, RSPAN, and ERSPAN
Implementing High Availability Features (HSRP, FHRP, VRRP,GLBP)
Course content Implementing Catalyst 6500 Stateful Switchover options
Options and Hardware available for the Catalyst 6500 Network Security Enhancements
Switches: Chassis, Line Card, Supervisor, MSFC, PFC, SFM,
DFC, Power Supplies, Architecture, Service Modules Overview
Virtual Switching System 1440 Architecture, Operation and
Deploying and Examining IOS Software Modularity
Recovering the Supervisor Password
Managing and Upgrading IOS on Catalyst 6500
VLAN Enhancements: VTP and Trunk Configuration Guidelines
and Restrictions
Spanning Tree, Rapid and Multiple Spanning-Tree Operation
Spanning-Tree Enhancements: BPDU Guard and Filter, Root
Guard, Loop Guard, PortFast, UplinkFast, BackboneFast
Using Unidirectional Link Detection
Using EtherChannel including MultiChassis EtherChannel in
VSS mode
Configuring NetFlow and NDE
Understanding and Implementing Catalyst 6500 QoS options
Deploying and Examining Embedded Event Manager SCHEDULE France
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Catalyst 6500 & Cisco 7600 Series Routers Firewall Services Module
Deployment (FWSMD)
ID FL-FWSMD Price 3.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Authentication, Authorization and Accounting

Experience of configuring Cisco IOS Software Deployment of the FWSM within multiple contexts
CCNA certification or similar knowledge Failover
Basic knowledge of Windows Operating systems FWSM Management
Familiarity with Network and Security Concepts Site-to-Site and Remote Access VPN for FWSM Remote
Course Content FWSM Troubleshooting
Catalyst 6500 Family and overview over Advanced Services Cisco Security Manager
Firewall Services
Configuration of the switch for the FWSM
Implementing the FWSM
Translations and Connections
Access Control Lists and Content Filtering
Grouping of objects
IP Routing
Cisco Modular Policy Framework
Advanced Protocol Handling
Transparent Firewall Mode SCHEDULE France
Cisco Adaptive Security Device Manager Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

22 Online Booking
Data Center Training

Virtual Dynamic Data Center (VDDC)

ID FL-VDDC Price 750,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 1 Day

Basic knowledge about networking, virtualization and storage

Course Content
Data Center of the Future with Cisco, NetApp and VMware
Data Center Strategy: Consolidation, Virtualization, Integration,
Customers Requirements
Cisco Data Center 3.0
Unified Fabric Concept
Dynamic Data Center (DDC): NetApp Unified Storage & Cisco
Unified Computing
Virtualization (Server and Desktop with VMware, Storage with
NetApp), Cloud Infrastructures
Market Trends

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Implementing Secure Multi-Tenancy Solutions (ISMT)

ID FL-ISMT Price 3.090,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Intermediate knowledge in switching, routing, data center
architecture and protocols, VMware ESX server virtualization
and vSphere, NetApp storage, backup and disaster recovery

Course Content
Understanding Secure Multi-Tenant Environments
Introduction to the Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)
Compute Node Connectivity
Cisco Unified Computing System Manager
Cisco Unified Computing System Maintenance
Configuring NetApp Storage in a Multi-Tenant Environment
Storage High Availability, Backup and Disaster Recovery in a
Multi-Tenant Environment
Managing Data on NetApp MultiStore
NetApp MultiStore Management Tools
NetApp MultiStore Performance and Troubleshooting
Configuring the VMware Virtualized Environment
VMware Virtual Networking
VMware High Availability and Security in a Multi-Tenant
Environment SCHEDULE France
Integration: Putting It All Together Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 23
Data Center Training

Implementing Vblock (VBLOCK-TECH)

ID FL-VBLOCK-TECH Price 3.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites VMware vSphere

Intermediate knowledge in switching, routing, data center Configuring the VMware Virtualized Environment
architecture and protocols, VMware ESX server virtualization and VMware Virtual Networking
vSphere, EMC storage, backup and disaster recovery VMware High-Availability and Security

Course Content
Data Center
Data Center Challenges
Data Center Solutions
Vblock Architecture
Differences between the 3 Vblocks (0, 1, 2)
Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS)
Introduction to the UCS System
Compute Node Connectivity
Cisco Unified Computing System Manager
Cisco Unified Computing System Maintenance
EMC Storage
EMC Storage Portfolio: Celerra (Vblock 0), Clariion
(Vblock 1), Symmetrix (Vblock 2)
Configuring EMC Storage
EMC Storage High Availability, Backup and Disaster Recovery
Managing Data on EMC Storage
EMC Storage Management Tools
EMC Storage Performance and Troubleshooting
SCHEDULE France Paris 28.11.-02.12.11
Paris 27.06.-01.07.11

Selling Vblocks (VBLOCK-SALES)

ID FL-VBLOCK-Sales Price 990,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 1 Day

Prerequisites Relationship to Cisco UCS

Good understanding of the Data Center environment and the Why is it of interest to customers
challenges and solutions found within that environment What challenges is it addressing
What benefits will the customer see
Course Content Selling Vblocks
The Virtual Computing Environment Who is our target demographic: Geographic markets, vertical
The VCE Coalition (Cisco, VMware and EMC) markets, customer profile
Intel and Acadia Who do we approach
Why did they get together What is our messaging
What are they delivering Who/What is the Competition and why can we beat them:
What is of Benefit to the Customer Vblock SWOT Analysis, compare and contrast other solutions
What is Vblock? Supporting a Sale
The Vblock Architecture Sales & Marketing Tools
Vblock Components (vCenter, Nexus, VN-Link, etc.)
Flavours of Vblock (0, 1 & 2)
SCHEDULE France Paris 02.09.11
Paris 24.06.11 Paris 25.11.11

24 Online Booking
VMware vSphere and
Cisco Nexus 1000V Integration

Whats New vSphere 4 on Nexus 1000V Data Center Networks (WNNDC)

ID FL-WNNDC Price 2.690,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Prerequisites Utilize Cisco NX-OS based End-to-End QoS Concepts and

VMware Infrastructure 3: Install & Configure (VIIC) or equivalent Enforcement
experience with VMware ESX and vCenter Server Configure the Nexus 1000V System Management and
Intermediate knowledge of switching, routing and data center Monitoring Features
architectures and protocols, as well as an understanding of Configure Virtual Machine Security Features Using the Nexus
server virtualization techniques 1000V
Save disk space with thin provisioning
Course Content Administer virtual appliances consisting of more than one
Overview of the Nexus 1000 VEM and VSM virtual machine
Network Virtualization and consolidation in Data Center Bridging
Upgrading VMware deployments
Data Center Application High-Availability
Nexus 1000 VEM (NX-OS) Features and Switching Mechanisms
Deploying distributed virtual switches to simplify datacenter-
wide network management
Migrating virtual machines storage while they are live with
Storage vMotion
Growing virtual disks and VMFS volumes while they are live
Employing VMwares new Pluggable Storage Architecture
Ensuring application availability with VMware Fault Tolerance
Use the new host profiles feature to keep hosts uniformly
Saving energy with VMware Distributed Power Management
Saving disk space with thin provisioning
NIV on ESX using Cisco Nexus switches
Virtual Machine Policy-based Connectivity and Mobility SCHEDULE France
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Install, Config & Manage vSphere 4 on Nexus 1000V Data Center Networks
ID FL-ICMNDC Price 3.290,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Overview of the Nexus 1000 VEM and VSM

Administration experience on Microsoft Windows or Linux Network Virtualization & consolidation in DC Bridging Networks
operating systems Data Center Application High-Availability
Intermediate knowledge of switching, routing and data center Nexus 1000 VEM (NX-OS) Features and Switching Mechanisms
architectures and protocols NIV on ESX using Cisco Nexus switches
VMware vSphere 4: Whats New (VIWN) course Virtual Machine Policy-based Connectivity and Mobility
Utilize Cisco NX-OS based End-to-End QoS Concepts and
Course Content Enforcement
Install and configure ESX and vCenter Server Configure the Nexus 1000V System Management and
Configure and manage ESX networking and storage using Monitoring Features
vCenter Server Configure VM Security Features Using the Nexus 1000V
Deploy, manage and monitor VM and their resources Manage higher availability & data protection using vCenter Server
Manage user access to the VMware infrastructure
Increase scalability using vCenter Server
Apply patches using VMware vCenter Update Manager Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 25
Cisco Data Center Training

Data Center Architectural Overview (DCAO)

ID FL-DCAO Price 790,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 1 Day

Prerequisites Nexus 1000V: Virtual Server Overview; VMware Overview,

An understanding of Data Center LAN and SAN architectures Vmotion, DRS, HA; vSphere, vSwitch and DVS; Nexus 1000V
would be an advantage Extended Access Layer; Deployment and Strategy;
Nexus 1000V Architecture, VSM, VEM and DVS; Nexus 1000V
Course Content Management
Data Center Architecture: Cisco Data Center 3.0 Architectures; Unified Computing System: UCS Overview; UCS Architecture
Core, Aggregation and Access Layers; Redundant SAN and Deployment; Service Profiles; UCS Manager; BMC
Architecture; FCoE Overview; Unified I/O and Data Center Bladelogic and Service Orchestration
Bridging (DCB); NX-OS and Management Case Study Building a Data Center with Nexus and UCS
Nexus 7000 Core Switch: Overview of Nexus 7010 and
7018; Nexus 7000 Supervisor and Linecards; Nexus 7000 Core
Layer Deployment; Nexus 7000 Aggregation Layer Deployment;
Aggregation Layer Services, ACE, FWSM, IDSM-2; VDC
Operation and Management
Nexus 5000 Access Layer Switch: Overview of Nexus 5010
and 5020; Nexus 5000 Access Layer Deployment; TOR versus
EOR switches; CNAs and server connectivity; VN-Tag and VN-Link
Nexus 2000 Fabric Extender (FEX): Overview; Connecting
Legacy Servers through the FEX
Nexus 4000 FCoE Blade Switch: Overview; Connecting legacy
Blade Servers to the Nexus 5000 SCHEDULE France
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Cisco Nexus Overview Workshop (CNOW)

ID FL-CNOW Price 750,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 1 Day

CCNA Certification or equivalent knowledge

Course Content
Cisco Nexus Family Overview: Nexus 7000; Nexus 5000;
Nexus 2000; Nexus 1000V; NX-OS
The Nexus 5000 Series Switch: Data Center challenges; I/O
Consolidation; Nexus 5000 Architecture Overview; FCoE Server
Adapters; Management of the Nexus 5000
The Nexus 2000 Fabric Extender: Architecture of the Access
Switch; Nexus 2000 Access Layer Design
The Nexus 1000v Virtual Switch: Overview of the Virtual
Environment; VN-Link; VM Provisioning
The Nexus 7000 Core Switch: Data Center Core Requirements;
Nexus 7000 Deployment, Nexus 7000 Integrated Core
Virtual Data Center Architecture: Data Center Network
Overview; Access Layer Designs

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26 Online Booking
Cisco Data Center Training

Data Center Unified Computing Design (DCUCD)

ID CI-DCUCD Price 3.420,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Design Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Solutions

CCNA certification Evaluate Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Solutions
MDS 9x00, Nexus 5000, Nexus 7000, Catalyst 6500, and ACE
Engineer Level Knowledge
VMware Certified Professional (VCP)
Designing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (DCSNS) and
Data Center Network Infrastructure Design (DCNID) courses

Course Content
Data Center Computing Solutions
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Solution Components
Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Solution Benefits
Unified Computing System Implementation Aspects
Evaluate Existing Data Center Computing Solutions SCHEDULE France Paris 05.12.-09.12.11
Paris 04.04.-08.04.11

Data Center Unified Computing Implementation (DCUCI)

ID CI-DCUCI Price 3.420,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

CCNA certification Understanding how Cisco UCS Benefits Todays Data Center
MDS 9x00, Nexus 5000, Nexus 7000, Catalyst 6500, and ACE Ciscos Unified Computing System: UCS Hardware
Engineer Level Knowledge Components & UCS Features
VMware Certified Professional (VCP) Understanding User Management
Designing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (DCSNS) and Understanding the Chassis Array Manager (CAM) Conceptual
Data Center Network Infrastructure Design (DCNID) courses Overview
Explaining the Implementation of Server Resources via the
Unified Computing System
Maintaining a Cisco Unified Computing System
Monitoring, Diagnostics & Troubleshooting the Cisco Unified
Computing System
Designing Cisco Unified Computing System Deployment

SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 23.05.-27.05.11

Paris 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 13.06.-17.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 14.11.-18.11.11

Data Center Network Infrastructure Design (DCNID)

ID CI-DCNID Price 3.200,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Nexus 7010 position in the DC network

Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN), Cisco Nexus 5000 Switch: Introduction to Fibre Channel over
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) and Ethernet (FCoE); Introduction to Cisco Nexus 5000 Switch;
Security Solutions for System Engineers (SSSE) courses Cisco Nexus 5000 Switch Design Overview
Data Center Design: Overview; Data Center Application Design
Course Content
Data Center Objectives: Key Data Center Concerns and
Objectives; Data Center Environmental Requirements; Data
Center Networking Components: Cisco Platforms and Modules
Cisco Nexus 7010 Switch: Hardware Architecture; Software
Architecture; Continual Availabilty; Network Management; SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 11.04.-15.04.11
Security Overview; QoS implementation on NX 7010; Cisco Sophia Antipolis 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 20.06.-24.06.11 27
Cisco Data Center Training

Implementing Cisco Data Center Network Infrastructure 1 (DCNI-1)

ID CI-DCNI-1 Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

CCNP or CCIE Routing & Switching certification status or Implementing the Catalyst 6500 ,4900 and Blade Switches
equivalent knowledge Implementing FWSM for a Data Center Network Infrastructure
Implementing Network Analysis with NAM
SCHEDULE France Paris 02.05.-06.05.11
Sophia Antipolis 31.01.-04.02.11 Sophia Antipolis 02.05.-06.05.11 Implementing High Availability Data Center Features
Paris 28.02.-04.03.11 Sophia Antipolis 06.06.-10.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 28.02.-04.03.11 Paris 19.09.-23.09.11

Implementing Cisco Data Center Network Infrastructure 2 (DCNI-2)

ID CI-DCNI-2 Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days Real Nexus
Hardware for
Prerequisites all Lab
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2), Building Activities!
Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN), Building Scalable
Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) and Implementing Secure
Converged Wide Area Networks (ISCW) courses

Course Content
Using the Cisco Nexus 7000 in Data Center Networks
Understanding the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
Overview of the Cisco Nexus 7000
Introducing the Virtual Device Contexts in the Cisco
Nexus 7000
Managing the Cisco Nexus 7000
Cisco Nexus 7000 & Cisco NX-OS Layer 2 Protocols &
Cisco Nexus 7000 & Cisco NX-OS Layer 3 Protocols &
Cisco Nexus 7000 & Cisco NX-OS Quality of Service
Cisco Nexus 7000 & Cisco NX-OS Security
Using the Cisco Nexus 5000 & 2000 in Data Center Networks
Overview of the Cisco Nexus 5000 & Cisco Nexus 2000
Understanding Fibre Channel SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 16.05.-20.05.11
Implementing an FCoE Network Using Cisco Nexus 5000 Sophia Antipolis 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 03.10.-07.10.11
Switches Paris 28.03.-01.04.11 Paris 28.11.-02.12.11
Paris 16.05.-20.05.11

Implementing Data Center Networks Using the Cisco Nexus 1000V Switch
ID FL-IDCN1V Price 1.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 2 Days

Prerequisites Nexus 1000V Switching Mechanisms

Intermediate knowledge of switching, routing and data center Overview of the Nexus 1000 VSM
architectures and protocols, as well as an understanding of VM Policy-based Connectivity & Mobility using Nexus 1000V
server virtualization techniques Utilize Cisco NX-OS based End-to-End QoS Concepts &
Course Content Configure the Nexus 1000V System Management & Monitoring
Modern Server Architecture Scalability & Consolidation Features
Network Virtualization & Consolidation in DC Bridging Networks Configure VM Security Features Using the Nexus 1000V
Data Center Application High-Availability
NIV on ESX using Cisco Nexus Hardware Switches SCHEDULE France
Nexus 1000 VEM (NX-OS) Features & Functions Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

28 Online Booking
Cisco Data Center Training

Implementing Data Center Networks Using the

Cisco Nexus 5000 Switch & 2000 Fabric Extender (IDCN5K)
ID FL-IDCN5K Price 2.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Intermediate knowledge of switching, routing and data center
architectures and protocols, as well as an understanding of
server virtualization techniques

Course Content
Fibre Channel Protocol Implementation on the Cisco Nexus 5000
FCoE & DCB Protocols & their Applicability to a Unified Fabric
DCB/FCoE Network Design Considerations
Configure the Nexus 5000 in Converged Network Environments
Nexus 5000 System Hardware & Software Architecture
Nexus 5000 Software Features & Licensing
Configure Server Connectivity to the FCoE/DCB Network Using
Converged Network Adapters
Nexus 5000 High-Availability Features
Configure the Nexus 5000 Management & Monitoring Features
Nexus 2000 Hardware Architecture & Operational Features
Relationship Between the Nexus 5000 & 2000 Product Families
Configure Advanced Features Including Congestion Avoidance,
Traffic Management, Static & Dynamic Pinning
Utilize the Fabric & Device Manager Products to Perform
Discovery, Configuration, Management & Troubleshooting SCHEDULE France
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Fiber Channel over Ethernet Overview (FCOE)

ID FL-FCOE Price 1.090,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 2 Days

Prerequisites Interface Virtualization and VEB for Virtualization environment

CCNA Certification or equivalent knowledge FCoE and DCB congestion management plane virtualization
High Availability with Cisco FCF - Features Review
Course Content FCoE in the Future
FC Protocol Introduction
FCoE Protocol and DCB Introduction
Converged Network Adapters for DCB connectivity
DCB/FCoE Network Character and Design Consideration SCHEDULE France
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Implementing Data Center Networks Using the Cisco Nexus 7000 Switch
ID FL-IDCN7K Price 2.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Managing the Cisco Nexus 7000

Intermediate knowledge of switching, routing and storage Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco NX-OS Layer 2 Protocols and
architectures and protocols, as well as an understanding of Features
server virtualization techniques Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco NX-OS Layer 3 Protocols and
Course Content Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco NX-OS Quality of Service
Understanding the Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches Cisco Nexus 7000 and Cisco NX-OS Security
Overview of the Cisco Nexus 7000 Troubleshooting
Introducing the Virtual Device Contexts in the Cisco Nexus
7000 Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 29
Cisco Data Center Training

Cisco Wide Area Application Services (CWAAS)

ID CI-CWAAS Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Configuring SSL Optimization

CCNA certification or equivalent knowledge Cisco WAAS Design and Troubleshooting
Planning a Cisco WAAS Network Design
Course Content Troubleshooting Introduction
Cisco Wide-Area Application Services Troubleshooting Network Interception
Introducing Cisco WAAS Troubleshooting WAN Optimization
Understanding WAN Optimization Cisco WAAS Mobile Client Solution
Understanding Application Acceleration Installing Cisco WAAS Mobile
Cisco WAAS Quick Start Configuring Cisco WAAS Mobile Options
Introducing Traffic Interception Troubleshooting Cisco WAAS Mobile
Installing and Configuring Cisco WAAS Using Quick Start
Implementation, Integration, and Management
Performing an Advanced Cisco WAE Installation and
Configuring Traffic Interception
Implementing Cisco WAAS Central Management
Configuring Application Traffic Policies
Configuring Cisco WAAS Virtualization
Cisco WAAS Application Optimizers
Configuring CIFS Optimization
Configuring Cisco WAAS Windows Network Printing
Configuring NFS Optimization
Configuring HTTP Optimization
Configuring Streaming Video Optimization
Configuring MAPI Optimization SCHEDULE France Paris 21.11.-25.11.11
Paris 09.05.-13.05.11

Implementing the Application Control Engine Service Module (ACESM)

ID CI-ACESM Price 2.950,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Prerequisites Configuring Layer 4 Load Balancing

Basic understanding of the following topics: The TCP/IP Configuring Health Monitoring
protocol, the HTTP and SSL protocols, N-tier application Configuring Layer 7 Protocol Processing
architecture, Server load-balancing Processing Secure Connections
Understanding High
Course Content Availability
Introducing the Cisco ACE Module Integrating Multiple Features
Deploying the Cisco ACE Module
Understanding Modular Policy CLI
Managing the Cisco ACE Module
Understanding Security Features Paris 28.03.-01.04.11 Sophia Antipolis 23.05.-26.05.11

Designing Data Center Application Services (DCASD)

ID CI-DCASD Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Basic understanding of the following topics: The TCP/IP Data Center Application Services Overview
protocol, the HTTP and SSL protocols, N-tier application Designing Server Load Balancing Solutions
architecture, Server load-balancing Designing Web Application Acceleration Solutions
Designing Site-to-Site Load Balancing Solutions
Optimizing the DCAS Solution
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30 Online Booking
Cisco Data Center Training

Implementing Data Center Application Services (DCASI)

ID CI-DCASI Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Basic understanding of the following topics: The TCP/IP
protocol, the HTTP and SSL protocols, N-tier application
architecture, Server load-balancing

Course Content
Data Center Application Services Overview
Implementing Server Load Balancing
Implementing Web Application Acceleration
Implementing Site-to-Site Load Balancing
Redundancy and
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Designing an Enterprise Application Infrastructure with the ACE Family (ACEDES)

ID CI-ACEDES Price 2.690,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Course Content Layer 7 Protocol Processing

Introducing ACE Processing Secure
Deploying ACE Connections
Modular Policy Security Features
Configuration High Availability
Layer 4 / 7 Load Balancing Integrating Multiple Features SCHEDULE France
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Implementing the Cisco ACE Appliance (ACEAP)

ID CI-ACEAP Price 2.940,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Course Content Health Monitoring

Implementing the Cisco Application Control Engine Appliance Layer 7 Protocol Processing
Introducing the Cisco ACE 4710 Appliance Processing Secure Connections
Deploying Cisco ACE Deploying Application Acceleration and Optimization
Modular Policy CLI High Availability
Managing the Cisco ACE Appliance Integrating Multiple Features
Security Features
Load Balancing SCHEDULE France
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ACE XML Gateway Operations & Configuration (AXGOC)

ID CI-AXGOC Price 1.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 2 Days

Course Content
Application Security
Introducing the ACE XML Gateway
Deploying the ACE XML Gateway
Securing Communications with SSL
Message Level Security
Advanced Deployment Options
Troubleshooting the ACE XML Gateway
Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 31
Cisco Data Center Training

Implementing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (ICSNS)

ID CI-ICSNS Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Basic understanding of data storage hardware components and
protocols, including SCSI and Fibre Channel

Course Content
MDS 9000 Platform Overview
System Installation and Initial Configuration
Building Virtual SANs
Managing SAN Traffic
Implementing FCIP
Troubleshooting Tools and Scenarios Paris 21.03.-25.03.11

Implementing Cisco Advanced Storage Networking Solutions (IASNS)

ID CI-IASNS Price 3.440,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Implementing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (ICSNS) Building Enterprise SAN Fabrics
Implementing Management and Security Services
Advanced Troubleshooting
Sophia Antipolis 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 04.04.-08.04.11 Implementing iSCSI

Designing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions (DCSNS)

ID CI-DCSNS Price 3.200,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Securing the SAN

Basic understanding of data storage hardware components and Designing SAN Extension
protocols, including SCSI and Fibre Channel Solutions

Course Content
MDS 9000 Platform Overview
Designing SAN Fabrics SCHEDULE France
Consolidating Storage in the Data Center Paris 04.07.-08.07.11

CCIE Storage Networking Power Workshop (CCIESAN)

ID FL-CCIESAN Price 7.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 10 Days

Course Content
This Power Workshop contains the topics of the Cisco Data Center
Storage Networking Curriculum in a comprehensive form. Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

CCIE Storage Networking Power Lab (CCIESANPL)

ID FL-CCIESANPL Price 5.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Course Content
The CCIE Storage Networking Power Lab is an intensive, hands-on
course which prepares the students for the challenging CCIE Storage SCHEDULE France
Networking Lab exam. Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

32 Online Booking
Cisco Network Design Training

Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN)

ID CI-DESGN Price 2.700,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Designing IP Addressing and Selecting Routing Protocols

CCNA certification or equivalent knowledge Evaluating Security Solutions for the Network
Practical experience with deploying and operating Cisco Identifying Voice Networking Considerations
networks Identifying Wireless Networking Considerations
Implementing and Operating the Network Design
Course Content
Applying a Methodology to Network Design
Structuring and Modularizing the Network
Designing Basic Campus and Data Center Networks
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 09.05.-13.05.11
Designing Remote Connectivity Sophia Antipolis 10.01.-14.01.11 Paris 06.06.-10.06.11

Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH)

ID CI-ARCH Price 2.800,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Designing IP Telephony & Video Solutions

CCNA, CCDA and CCNP knowledge Designing Enterprise Wireless Networks for Voice
Designing Network Management Services
Course Content
Cisco Network Service Architectures
Designing the Enterprise Campus Infrastructure
Designing Advanced Addressing and Routing
Designing Advanced WAN
Designing the Enterprise Data Center
Design Considerations for SAN
Design Considerations for Application Network Services
Design Considerations for E-Commerce Module
Designing Security Services
Designing IPSec VPNS
Designing QoS
Designing IP Multicast Services Sophia Antipolis 20.06.-24.06.11

CCDE Written Exam Power Workshop (CCDEW)

ID FL-CCDEW Price 2.690,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

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CCDE Lab Exam Power Workshop (CCDEL5)

ID FL-CCDEL5 Price 3.690,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

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Cisco Communications & Services Training

Implementing Cisco QoS (QOS)

ID CI-QOS Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Congestion Management

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2) course Congestion Avoidance
Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers (BGP) recommended Traffic Policing and Shaping
Link Efficiency Mechanisms
Course Content QoS Best Practices
Introduction to IP QoS
The Building Blocks of IP QoS
Introduction to Modular QoS CLI and Auto-QoS SCHEDULE France Paris 23.05.-27.05.11
Classification and Marking Paris 14.03.-18.03.11 Sophia Antipolis 23.05.-27.05.11
Sophia Antipolis 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 17.10.-21.10.11

Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers (BGP)

ID CI-BGP Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2) and
Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) courses

Course Content
BGP Overview
BGP Transit Autonomous Systems
Route Selection Using Policy Controls
Route Selection Using Attributes
Customer to Provider Connectivity with BGP
Scaling Service Provider Networks SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 06.06.-10.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 10.10.-14.10.11
Optimizing BGP Scalability Paris 21.03.-25.03.11

Implementing Cisco MPLS (MPLS)

ID CI-MPLS Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites VPNs; Categorizing VPNs; MPLS VPN Architecture; MPLS VPN

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2), Building Routing Model; Using MPLS VPN Mechanisms of Cisco IOS
Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) and Configuring BGP on Platforms; Configuring VRF Tables; Configuring an MP-BGP Session
Cisco Routers (BGP) courses Between PE Routers; Configuring Small-Scale Routing Protocols
Implementing Cisco QoS (QOS) course recommended Between PE & CE Routers; Monitoring MPLS VPN Operations;
Initial MPLS VPN Setup; Running EIGRP Between PE & CE Routers;
Course Content Configuring & Running OSPF as the Routing Protocol Between PE
Basic MPLS Concepts; MPLS Labels & Label Stack; Identifying & CE routers; Configuring & Running BGP as the Routing Protocol
MPLS Applications; Discovering LDP Neighbors; Establishing Between PE & CE routers; Troubleshooting MPLS VPNs
the Service Provider IGP Routing Environment; Typical Label
Distribution in Frame-Mode MPLS; Convergence in Frame-Mode
MPLS; MPLS Label Allocation, Distribution & Retention Modes;
CEF Switching; Configuring, Monitoring & Troubleshooting Frame-
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 16.05.-20.05.11
Mode MPLS on Cisco IOS Platforms; Establishing the Core MPLS Sophia Antipolis 07.02.-11.02.11 Paris 28.11.-02.12.11
Environment; Virtual Private Networks; Overlay & Peer-to-Peer Paris 16.05.-20.05.11

34 Online Booking
Cisco Communications & Services Training

Implementing Cisco MPLS Traffic Engineering & Other Features (MPLST)

ID CI-MPLST Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites MPLS Traffic Engineering Technology

Configuring BGP on Cisco Routers (BGP), Implementing Cisco Configuring MPLS Traffic Engineering
QoS (QOS) and Implementing Cisco MPLS (MPLS) courses MPLS Quality of Service
Any Transport over MPLS (AToM)
Course Content MPLS IPv6 support
Carrier Supporting Carrier (CsC) SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

MPLS Expert Workshop (MEWS) Equipment

Cisco 7200,
ID FL-MEWS Price 3.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days 3600, 2800

Prerequisites MPLS Layer 2 VPN Systems

Implementing Cisco MPLS Traffic Engineering & Other Features Inter AS-MPLS VPNV4 Peering
(MPLST) MPLS Multicast
MPLS Security
Course Content MPLS IPv6
MPLS Traffic-Engineering
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Implementing Cisco Multicast (MCAST)

ID CI-MCAST Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Multicast on Data Link Layer

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2) and Simple Intradomain Deployment of IP Multicasts
Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) courses

Course Content
IP Multicast Technology
PIM Dense Mode Protocol, Configuration, Monitoring and
Sparse Mode Multicast Protocols, Configuration, Monitoring
and Troubleshooting
Reliable IP Multicasting, Configuration, Monitoring and
Implementation, Monitoring and Troubleshooting of IP SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web

IPv6 Fundamentals, Design & Deployment (IP6FD)

ID CI-IP6FD Price 3.400,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Using IPv6 Services

Routing, switching and access product knowledge and skills Describing IPv6-Enabled Routing Protocols
Working knowledge of routing protocols IPv6 Transition Mechanisms
Discussing Security Issues in IPv6
Course Content Mobile IP Model
Introduction to IPv6 Deploying IPv6
IPv6 Operation
Advanced IPv6 Topics SCHEDULE France
Paris 28.02.-04.03.11 Sophia Antipolis 13.06.-17.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 17.10.-21.10.11 35
Cisco Communications & Services Training

Designing Service Provider Cisco Quality of Service (SPQOS)

ID CI-SPQOS Price 2.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Prerequisites Provision QoS for Interactive-Video and for Streaming Video

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 2 (ICND2) and Provision QoS for data traffic
Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) courses MPLS VPN services for full-mesh connectivity
Familiarity with MPLS and QoS concepts recommended Three-Class, Four-Class and Five-Class QoS models with traffic
priorities and classifications
Course Content Concepts and features of SP SLA Requirements for applications
Quality of Service structure within different traffic models
Tools used within Cisco IOS to deploy and manage Quality of Typical QoS configurations for Frame-Relay access
Service in complex networks
Cisco QoS Baseline
Identify and manage the QoS factors that directly affect Voice
traffic, both for Call (bearer traffic) and Call Signaling SCHEDULE France
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Cisco 12000 Series Technical Product Training (GSR)

ID CI-GSR Price 2.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Course Content
Network Roles and System Overview; CLI Fundamentals; Line
Card Hardware; Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF); Class of Service
Features; Features and Applications; Troubleshooting SCHEDULE France
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Configuring Routers for IS-IS (CISIS)

ID CI-CISIS Price 1.950,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Course Content Intregrated IS-IS Routing Designs

Overview of IS-IS Technologies, Structures and Protocols
In-Depth Details of Integrated IS-IS
IS-IS Deployment in Different WAN Environments SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco Network Management Training

Implementing CiscoWorks LMS 3.0 (CWLMS)

ID CI-CWLMS Price 3.600,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites CiscoWorks Campus Manager

Knowledge of basic Cisco IOS commands; Knowledge of CiscoWorks Resource Manager Essentials
basic Cisco Catalyst OS commands; Basic knowledge of TCP/IP; CiscoWorks Internetwork
Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows; Basic Internet browser Performance Monitor
navigation skills; Basic e-mail usage skills CiscoWorks Device Fault Manager
Device Troubleshooting
Course Content CiscoWorks System Administration
Introduction to Network Management Using CiscoWorks LMS SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 16.05.-20.05.11
Jump-Start CiscoWorks Paris 14.03.-18.03.11

36 Online Booking
Cisco Security Training

Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS)

ID CI-IINS Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1 (ICND1) course

Course Content
Introduction to Network Security Principles
Perimeter Security
Network Security Using Cisco IOS Firewalls
Site-to-Site VPNs
Network Security Using Cisco IOS IPS
LAN, SAN, Voice, and Endpoint Security Overview

SCHEDULE France Toulouse 24.04.-28.04.11

Sophia Antipolis 07.03.-11.03.11 Toulouse 13.06.-17.06.11
Paris 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 12.09.-16.09.11

Securing Networks with Cisco Routers & Switches (SECURE)

ID CI-SECURE Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification or
equivalent knowledge
Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security)
certification or equivalent knowledge
Working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system

Course Content
Deploying Cisco IOS Software Network Foundation Protection
Deploying Cisco IOS Software Threat Control and Containment
Deploying Cisco IOS Software Site-to-Site Transmission Security
Deploying Secure Remote Access with Cisco IOS Software

SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 14.03.-18.03.11

Paris 07.02.-11.02.11 Paris 10.10.-14.10.11
Sophia Antipolis 14.02.-18.02.11 37
Cisco security training

Deploying Cisco ASA Firewall Features (FIREWALL)

ID CI-FIREWALL Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification or Introducing the Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance
equivalent knowledge Implementing Basic Connectivity and Device Management
Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) Deploying Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Access
certification or equivalent knowledge Control Features
Working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system Deploying Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Network
Integration Features
Deploying Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Virtualization
and High Availability Features
Integrating Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Security
Service Modules

SCHEDULE France Paris 26.09.-30.09.11

Paris 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 05.12.-09.12.11
Sophia Antipolis 07.03.-11.03.11

Deploying Cisco ASA VPN Solutions (VPN)

ID CI-VPN Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Deploying Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance Clientless

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification or Remote Access VPN Solutions
equivalent knowledge Deploying Advanced Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance
Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) VPN Solutions
certification or equivalent knowledge
Working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system

Course Content
Evaluating the Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance VPN
Deploying Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance IPsec VPN
Deploying Cisco ASA Adaptive Security Appliance AnyConnect
Remote Access VPN Solutions SCHEDULE France Paris 09.05.-13.05.11
Sophia Antipolis 07.02.-11.02.11 Paris 21.11.-25.11.11
Sophia Antipolis 21.03.-25.03.11

Implementing Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

ID CI-IPS Price 2.600,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Prerequisites Adapting Traffic Analysis and Response to the Environment

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification or Managing and Analyzing Events
equivalent knowledge Deploying Virtualization, High Availability, and High Performance
Cisco Certified Network Associate Security (CCNA Security) Solutions
certification or equivalent knowledge Configuring and Maintaining Specific Cisco IPS Hardware
Working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system

Course Content
Introduction to Intrusion Prevention and Detection, Cisco IPS
Software, and Supporting Devices
Installing and Maintaining Cisco IPS Sensors
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 06.06.-10.06.11
Applying Cisco IPS Security Policies Sophia Antipolis 31.01.-04.02.11 Sophia Antipolis 20.06.-24.06.11
Paris 23.05.-27.05.11 Paris 12.12.-16.12.11

38 Online Booking
Cisco security training

Implementing Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis & Response System(MARS)

ID CI-MARS Price 2.620,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

CCNA Security certification or equivalent experience
Securing Networks with Cisco Routers & Switches (SNRS),
Securing Networks with ASA Fundamentals (SNAF) and
Implementing Cisco Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) courses

Course Content
Introducing Security Monitoring, Analysis & Response System
Understanding the System Architecture
Configuring a Cisco Security MARS Appliance
Adding Reporting and Mitigation Devices
Viewing the Summary Page
Managing Rules
Understanding Queries and Reports
Investigating and Mitigating Incidents
Working with User-Defined Log Parser Templates
Integrating with Cisco Security Manager
Managing and Administering the System
Troubleshooting and Optimizing Cisco Security MARS
Using the Cisco Security MARS Global Controller SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Implementing Cisco NAC Appliance (CANAC)

ID CI-CANAC Price 2.320,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI), Building Cisco
Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN) and Securing Networks
with Cisco Routers & Switches (SNRS) courses

Course Content
Cisco NAC Endpoint Security Solutions
Cisco NAC Appliance Common Elements Configuration
Cisco NAC Appliance Implementation
Cisco NAC Appliance Implementation Options
Cisco NAC Appliance Monitoring and Administration

Sophia Antipolis 30.05.-02.06.11

Implementing Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC)

ID CI-NAC Price 2.150,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Configuring Cisco Routers for Cisco NAC

Certification as a CCSP or the equivalent knowledge Configuring Cisco Switches for Cisco NAC
Configuring Cisco NAC Agents
Course Content Configuring Wireless Access Points for Cisco NAC
Implementing Cisco NAC; Understanding Cisco NAC
Configuring Cisco Secure ACS for Cisco NAC
Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 39
Cisco Unified Communications Training

Introducing Cisco Voice & Unified Communications (ICOMM)

ID CI-ICOMM Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks Overview of Cisco Unified Communications Solutions
Basic knowledge of Cisco IOS gateways Overview of Administrator and End-User Interfaces
Basic knowledge of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Flows in Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco
and Cisco Unity Connection Unified Communications Manager Express
Endpoint and End User Administration
Enablement of End User Telephony and Mobility Features
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 11.04.-15.04.11
Toulouse 11.04.-15.04.11
Enablement of Cisco Unity Connection and Cisco Unified
Sophia Antipolis 17.01.-21.01.11
Toulouse 17.01.-21.01.11 Sophia Antipolis 27.06.-02.07.11 Presence
Sophia Antipolis 21.02.-25.02.11 Paris 05.09.-09.09.11 Cisco Unified Communications Solutions Maintenance
Paris 28.03.-01.04.11

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Voice over IP & QoS (CVOICE)

ID CI-CVOICE Price 3.390,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Working knowledge of fundamental terms and concepts of Introduction to Voice Gateways
computer networking including LANs, WANs, and IP switching VoIP Call Legs
and routing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Endpoints
Ability to configure and operate Cisco IOS routers in IP Implementation
environment at the CCNA level Dial Plan Implementation
Basic knowledge of traditional voice, converged voice, and data Gatekeeper and Cisco
networks at the CCNA Voice level Unified Border Element
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 02.05.-06.05.11 Quality of Service
Sophia Antipolis 10.01.-14.01.11 Paris 06.06.-10.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 14.02.-18.02.11 Sophia Antipolis 20.06.-24.06.11
Paris 07.03.-11.03.11 Paris 22.08.-26.08.11
Sophia Antipolis 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 14.11.-18.11.11

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1 (CIPT1)

ID CI-CIPT1 Price 3.420,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Feature and Application Implementation

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks
Working knowledge of the MGCP, SIP, and H.323 protocols and
their implementation on Cisco IOS gateways
Ability to configure and operate Cisco routers and switches
Ability to configure and operate Cisco Unified Communications
Manager in a single-site environment

Course Content
Introduction to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administering Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Enabling Single-Site On-Net Calling SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 18.04.-22.04.11
Single-Site Off-Net Calling Sophia Antipolis 24.01.-28.01.11 Paris 09.05.-13.05.11
Paris 31.01.-04.02.11 Paris 19.09.-23.09.11
Media Resources Paris 14.03.-18.03.11

40 Online Booking

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 2 (CIPT2)

ID CI-CIPT2 Price 3.450,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks Multisite Deployment Implementation
Working knowledge of the MGCP, SIP, and H.323 protocols and Centralized Call-Processing Redundancy Implementation
their implementation on Cisco IOS gateways Bandwidth Management and CAC Implementation
Ability to configure and operate Cisco routers and switches Implementation of Features and Applications for Multisite
Ability to configure and operate Cisco Unified Communications Deployments
Manager in a single-site environment CCD

SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 09.05.-13.05.11

Sophia Antipolis 21.02.-25.02.11 Paris 13.06.-17.06.11
Paris 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 03.10.-07.10.11

CIPT 1 & 2 Power Workshop (CIPTPW)

ID FL-CIPTPW Price 5.990,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 8 Days

Course Content
The CIPT Power Workshop comprises the following courses:
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1
(CIPT1) und Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Part 2 (CIPT2) SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications (TVOICE)

ID CI-TVOICE Price 3.390,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks
Working knowledge of the MGCP, SIP, and H.323 and their
implementation on Cisco IOS gateways
Working knowledge of Cisco Unified Communications Manager,
Cisco Unified Communications features and applications,
and Cisco IOS voice gateways in a single-site and multisite

Course Content
Introduction to Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Call Setup Issues
SAF and CCD Issues
Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Features and Application Issues
Voice Quality and Media Resources Issues

SCHEDULE France Paris 16.05.-20.05.11

Sophia Antipolis 28.02.-04.03.11 Paris 28.11.-02.12.11 41

Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications (CAPPS)

ID CI-CAPPS Price 3.390,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks

Basic knowledge of Cisco IOS gateways
Working knowledge of Cisco Unified Communications Manager
and Cisco Unity Connection
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification or
equivalent knowledge

Course Content
Introduction to Voice Mail
Cisco Unity Connection in a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Environment
Cisco Unity Express Implementation in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express Environment
Voice Profile for Internet Mail Implementation
Cisco Unified Presence Implementation
SCHEDULE France Paris 20.06.-24.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 12.12.-16.12.11

CCNP Voice Power Workshop (CCNPVPW) Prfungs-
ID FL-CCNPVPW Price 10.900,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 15 Days

Course Content
The CCNP Voice Power Workshop comprises the following courses:
Implementing Cisco Voice Communications and QoS (CVOICE)
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 2
Troubleshooting Cisco Unified Communications (TVOICE)
Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Applications (CAPPS)
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco Unified Communications Advanced Troubleshooting (CUCAT) More

than 80%
ID CI-CUCAT Price 1.890,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days Lab Time!

Prerequisites Labs
Prior knowledge of VoIP concepts and components, CUCM, PSTN / PBX connections in single / multisite environments;
Cisco IOS gateways and media resources, IP infrastructure, as Voice gateways, MGCP, SIP, H323; ISDN, CLID no screening, TON,
well as an understanding of traditional telephony overlapping sending / receiving; Variable lengths number plans;
CUCM single / multisite; CUCM distributed processing; SRST /
Course Content SRST using CME; Media Resources local / distributed; CUCM
Call Manager architecture; Telephony concepts review; Cisco connected to SIP Service Provider; CUCM connected with SIP
IOS Voice concepts; Cisco IOS Voice call-processing (inbound/ endpoints; CUCM connected to CME / non CISCO VOIP; CUBE;
outbound dial-peers); Signaling protocols review; Quality of Mobility: Device Mobility; Extension Mobility; Mobile Voice Access;
Service; Failure scenarios QoS / Call Admission Control; Call Routing (local route groups);
Digit Manipulation: Translation Pattern; Calling Party Transformation;
Called Party Transformation; Number Globalization (E164);
Number Localization; IP Infrastructure failures

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42 Online Booking

Cisco Unified Presence Design & Implementation (PRSDI)

ID CI-PRSDI Price 1.980,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Configuration;Cisco Unified Presence Configuration; Microsoft

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks Integration; IBM Lotus Sametime Integration; Maintain Cisco
Working knowledge of MGCP, SIP, and H.323 Unified Presence; Cisco Unified Presence Serviceability; Operating
Ability to configure Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Administration; Disaster Recovery

Course Content
Presence Overview; Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Presence; Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
Presence; Design Cisco Unified Presence & Cisco Unified Presence
Server; Design Cisco Unified Presence Security; Cisco Unified
Personal Communicator;Cisco IP Phone Messenger Application;
Cisco Unified Presence Interoperability; Cisco Product Integration;
Third-Party Presence Server Integration; Deploy and Installing
Cisco Unified Presence; Cisco Unified Communications Manager SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager v7.0 Features (UCM70)

ID CI-UCM70 Price 2.320,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Global transformations

Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1 Local route Groups
and 2 (CIPT1, CIPT2) Configuring Unified Mobility Enhancements in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager v7.0
Course Content
Overview of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 7.0
Overview of Installation Options
Cisco Unified Communications Manager v7 Migration from v5
and v6
Migration from Cisco Unified CallManager v4 to v7
New Features in Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0
E.164 Support SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Administering Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (ACUCM)

ID CI-ACUCM Price 2.450,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP Reviewing Telephony and IP Phones; comparing Legacy and IP
Working knowledge of Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino Telephony Technology
messaging environment Cisco Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data
Working knowledge of the features and benefits of a PBX Networking Terms and Concepts
(CallManager preferred) What's new in CUCM 5 & 6
Basic IP telephony concepts CUCM 6 Mobility feature set
Introducing Cisco IP Phones
An Overview of a Cisco Unified Communications System
Understanding Cisco Unity Global Subscriber Settings
Understanding Cisco Unity Subscriber Accounts and Settings
Monitoring Unified Communications Systems
Maintaining Unified Communications Systems
Reporting in Unified Communications Systems

Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 43
Cisco Unified Contact Center Training

Cisco Unified Contact Center Power Workshop (CUCCPW)

ID CI-CUCCPW Price 6.790,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 10 Days

Prerequisites IPCC Routing Enterprise IPCC vs. System

Familiarity with your call center operations IPCC Deployment Planning IPCC
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Part 2 (CIPT2) course
Unified Contact Center Express (UCCXD) recommended

Course Content ICM Reporting

Contact Center & Routing Configuration Labs
ICM Components & Concepts Architecture & Deployment
ICM Options & Integration Lab Design
ICM Routing Lab Software
Boston Site Configuration ICM Monitoring &
ICM Script Editor Troubleshooting
Database Routing IP Contact Center & Routing
Translation Routing IPCC Components &
Adding a Second Site Concepts SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Unified Contact Center Express & Unified IP IVR Deployment (UCCXD)

ID CI-UCCXD Price 3.350,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Creating Scripts and Applications

Internetworking fundamentals, Basic IP telephony Configuring UCCX ACD
fundamentals, Cisco Unified Communications Manager Creating Scripts for Contact Centers
deployments, Cisco IP Phones and Cisco IP Communicator, Using CDA
Contact Center Operations, Microsoft Windows Server 2000, Supervisor Remote Monitoring
2003, XP, MS SQL 2000, MSDE databases Using ASR and TTS
Outbound Preview Dialing
Course Content Reporting
CRS Product Overview Troubleshooting
CRS Design and Ordering
Installation & Configuration
Script Editor SCHEDULE France
Sophia Antipolis 18.04.-22.04.11

Unified Contact Center Express Advanced (UCCXA)

ID CI-UCCXA Price 2.790,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Prerequisites Database Setup / Steps

Unified Contact Center Express (UCCXD) course Advanced ACD Routing
Advanced ACD Callback Options
Course Content Advanced Database Configuration
Session management Agent Desktop Configuration
Build Common Utilities
Basic ACD Routing
Common / Good Practices Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

44 Online Booking

Implementing Cisco Unified E-Mail and Web Interaction Manager Enterprise

ID CI-UEIME Price 2.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Experience with Windows 2003 OS and Internet Information Features of Cisco Unified EIM and Cisco Unified WIM
Server (IIS) Architecture Installation Planning and Environment Installation
Databases (SQL, stored procedures, administration, ODBC) - User Management
SQL Server 2000 / 2005 The Knowledge Base
Web site / application development (Programming, debugging, Administration
testing) - HTML, JavaScript Agent Console
Ability to deploy and configure of Cisco Unified Contact Center Cisco Unified CCE Integration and Configuration
Enterprise (Unified CCE) Cisco Unified Web Interaction Manager
Management Tools: Monitors and Reporting
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal Implementation (CVPI)

ID CI-CVPI Price 3.200,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Reporting Database and Backup

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 ICND1), Failover, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1
(CIPT1), Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE), Cisco Unified Contact
Center Power Workshop (CUCCPW)

Course Content
Cisco Unified CVP Technical overview
Cisco Unified CVP Comprehensive
Cisco Unified ICM Enterprise Scripting to Support Unified CVP
Media File, ECC and Micro Applications
Cisco Unified CVP VXML Solution
VXML Server and Studio
Events, Log Files, and Reporting Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 45
Cisco Service Provider Voice Training

IP Transfer Point (ITP)

ID CI-ITP Price 2.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Prerequisites ITP Multi-Instances High-Speed Signaling Links

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2 (ICND2) course Gateway Screening ITP MAP Proxy
Telecommunications, basic telephony signaling, TCP/IP and IP Multi-Layer Routing Distributed Short Message
routing ITP Maintenance, Monitoring Router
and Troubleshooting Designing an ITP Network
Course Content SS7 Overview M3UA and SUA Router
Cisco ITP Generic Overview SS7oIP Features & Functions
IOS Basics Global Title Translation SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco PSTN 2200 Gateway Basics (PGWB)

ID CI-PGWB Price 3.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Media Gateway

CCNA level of knowledge Traffic part
Provisioning other legacy protocols
Course Content FAS and NFAS
Intro to PGW DPNSS
Introduction to SS7 networks Provisioning VoIP side
Platform Overview Enhanced ISUP (EISUP)
Provisioning tools H.323 Signaling Interface (H.323)
XECfgParm.dat Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Voice Services Provisioning Tool (VSPT and CMNM) Number Analysis
Man Machine Language Dial Plan
Provisioning SS7 side
SS7 Signaling
IP Transfer Point Link Extender SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco PSTN 2200 Gateway Advanced Troubleshooting (PGWAT)

ID CI-PGWAT Price 3.490,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Digit Modification & Number Field Processing Result Types

Cisco PGW2200 Basic (PGWB) course Message Parameter Modification & More Info Requests
En-bloc & overlap signaling
Course Content Call & Cause Treatment Result Types
Troubleshooting PGW Database related Result Types
MGC Toolkit Advanced features
Advanced troubleshooting tools M3UA and SUA over SCTP
Troubleshooting protocols in PGW system NON-RAS mode
Troubleshooting PGW components Lawful Intercept
Interconnection Testing Billing and Measurement System:
MTP Level 2 testing, MTP Level 3 testing Installing BAMS
ISUP basic call testing Provisioning BAMS
End-to-end tests Call Detail Records (CDRs)
Dial Plan
Routing related Result Types Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

46 Online Booking
Cisco TelePresence Training

TelePresence Power Workshop (TPBOOT)

ID CI-TPBOOT Price 3.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites TelePresence Recording Server; Examining Intercompany

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 (ICND1), Communications; Examining Cisco TelePresence Security
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 2 (ICND2),
Implementing Cisco Quality of Service (QOS), Implementing Labs
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 1 (CIPT1) courses Cisco TelePresence Demonstration to EBC (Optional)
Assembling the Endpoint
Course Content Using RRA Measuring and Test Equipment
Introduction to Cisco TelePresence: Exploring the Cisco Performing an RRA Environmental Assessment
TelePresence Solution; Exploring the Cisco TelePresence Measuring RRA Acoustics and Illumination
Environments; Planning a Cisco TelePresence Room Design Programming the Codec
Cisco TelePresence Planning and Assessment: Managing the Tuning the Cisco TelePresence Cameras and Testing Audio
Project and Product Order; Examining Room Readiness Registering the Cisco TelePresence Endpoint
Requirements; Examining the Basics of Acoustics; Examining Completing a Cisco TelePresence Call Between Two Endpoints
Lighting Basics; Examining Lighting Basics; Planning a Cisco Performing an NPA Using VSAA
TelePresence Room Design Performing an NPA Using IP SLA
Physical Assembly and Logistics: Preparing for a Cisco Configuring the Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch
TelePresence System Installation; Assembling the Cisco Using the Cisco TelePresence Manager Prequalification Tool
TelePresence Systems 3000 and 3200; Assembling the Cisco Configuring Cisco TelePresence Manager, Cisco UC Manager,
TelePresence Systems 500, 1000, 1100, and 1300; Installing and Microsoft Exchange Service Account
Auxiliary Displays; Installing a Document Camera; Wiring; Adding Users to Exchange
Tuning the Cisco TelePresence System Configuring Scheduled Meetings
Cisco TelePresence Call Control: Integrating Cisco TelePresence Enabling Cisco Unified Video Advantage
Endpoints with Cisco Unified Communications Manager; Configuring the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing MCU with SIP
Examining the Cisco TelePresence User Interface Configuring the Cisco TelePresence Recording Server
Cisco TelePresence Network Architecture: Deploying a Cisco
TelePresence Network; Shaping and Policing; Setting a QoS
Policy; Designing WAN and Branch QoS Policies; Understanding
the NPA; Using the VSAA
Cisco TelePresence Extended System Features: Understanding
the Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch; Exploring One-
Button-to-Push Without Cisco TelePresence Manager; Examining
Cisco TelePresence Interoperability; Working with the Cisco SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Implementing Advanced TelePresence Video Solutions Part 1 (PAIATVS1)

ID CI-PAIATVS1 Prix 3.190,00 EUR (H.T.) Dur 5 Jours

Prerequisites maintain, and troubleshoot Cisco TelePresence Codec C90

Installation and support engineers installing, maintaining and Describe Call Control protocols, install, configure basic
troubleshooting the Cisco TelePresence solutions registration capabilites, and troubleshoot Cisco TelePresence
Video Communications Server (VCS).
Course Content Locate support documentation, install, operate, configure,
The Advanced TelePresence Video Solutions Part 1 course maintain, and troubleshoot the Cisco TelePresence MCU range
is designed to empower the partner with the capacity to install, Install, operate, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot the Cisco
configure, maintain and troubleshoot a Cisco TelePresence TelePresence Management Suite (TMS).
network so that 80% of all field activity is unassisted. Upon
completing this course, the learner will be able to meet these SCHEDULE France Paris 12.09.-16.09.11
overall objectives: Paris 14.03.-18.03.11 Paris 10.10.-14.10.11
Paris 09.05.-13.05.11 Paris 28.11.-02.12.11
Locate support documentation, install, operate, configure, Paris 13.06.-17.06.11 47
CISCO telepresence TRAINING

Implementing Advanced TelePresence Video Solutions Part 2 (PAIATVS2)

ID CI-TCE2 Prix 3.190,00 EUR (H.T.) Dure 5 Jours

Prerequisites endpoints.
Completed and passed the PATVSEE & PATVSEA exam To be able to configure and operate a Cisco TelePresence
Implementing Advanced TelePresence Video Solutions Part 1 Content Server
(PAIATVS1) To be able to configure a Cisco TelePresence Video
Communication Server for subzones, zones, complex dial plans
CONTENU DE LA FORMATION and security requirements
Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to meet To be able to use the Cisco TelePresence Management Suite
these overall objectives: and Cisco TelePresence Communication Server to provision
Recognize the MSE 8000 chassis and the corresponding blades Movi and E20 systems
available including their function. SCHEDULE France Paris 19.09.-23.09.11
Be able to operate a Cisco TelePresence Server to enable Paris 21.03.-25.03.11 Paris 17.10.-21.10.11
mixed network calls between CTS and other Cisco TelePresence Paris 16.05.-20.05.11 Paris 05.12.-09.12.11
Paris 20.06.-24.06.11

Cisco Digital Media Suite (DMS) Training

Digital Media Suite (DMS)

ID CI-DMS Price 1.950,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Proof of Play Show & Share configuration

Complete Video 101 online training Digital Media Designer DME 1100 & 2200
Understanding of basic IT technologies including IP addressing, DMP Local storage setup Configuration
multicasting, web and media streaming servers Cisco Cast DMS authentication
Cisco LCD setup and config ACNS and WAAS integration
Course Content
Overview of new features
DMM installation and upgrade procedure
Show and Share installation and upgrade procedure
DMP hardware overview
Touchscreen integration
Administering the Digital Signage Module SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco Academy of Digital Signage (ADS)

ID CI-ADS Price 1.950,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 2 Days

Prerequisites Content Management: content control, organization, playlisting,

Skilled in rich media content creation and video production: scheduling, digital signage management, content rights and
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Premiere, Dreamweaver administration
Content Distribution: best practices for content-delivery
Course Content networking, store-and-forward, IP multicasting, content
Content Creation: best practices for creating high-definition, assessment, network and system readiness assessment,
on-demand video, network-broadcasted and CCTV live video, streaming video
multimedia and Web design, flash automations, still and
animated images, text, dynamic content, modular designs Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

48 Online Booking
Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Training

Designing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Solutions (DMPS)

ID CI-DMPS Price 1.950,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 3 Days

Prerequisites Evalute End-User Requirements; Evaluating Customer

Self-paced Cisco MeetingPlace Product Overview course Infrastructure and Telephony Environment; Evaluating Customer
Hands-on experience with MeetingPlace from having attended Database Requirements
the following on-line courses: Cisco MeetingPlace Basic User Designing a Customer MeetingPlace Solution: Determining
(90-minute Web-based) and Cisco MeetingPlace System Customer MeetingPlace System Requirements; Evaluating
Administrator (90-minute, web-based) the Customer Impact of MeetingPlace Deployment; Selecting
MeetingPlace Product Bundles for Customer Requirements;
Course Content Designing a MeetingPlace Conferencing Solution; Designing
Understanding MeetingPlace Architecture and Design: a Highly Available Conferencing Solution; Documenting the
Demonstrating MeetingPlace Product Features; Planning MeetingPlace Design
MeetingPlace Media Server Deployment; Planning Media
Convergence Server Deployment; Planning MeetingPlace
Control Server Deployment; Planning MeetingPlace Web
Integration; Planning MeetingPlace Optional Integrations
Evaluating Customer Environment and Conferencing
Requirements: Evaluating the Customer Network Environment; SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Implementing Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Solutions (IMPS)

ID CI-IMPS Price 3.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites MeetingPlace Integrations, Administration, and Maintenance:

Working knowledge of converged voice and data networks Integrating Lotus Notes, Jabber and MOC; Configuring
Working knowledge of SIP, MGCP, and H.323 protocols and PhoneView; Using MeetingManager; Backing-Up the Control
their implementation on Cisco IOS gateways Server Database; Implementing a Highly Available Conferencing
Working knowledge of video basics Solution; Maintaining and Troubleshooting a Conferencing
Implementing Cisco Unified Communication Manager Part 1 Solution; Locating Documentation and Training Resources
(CIPT1) course

Course Content
Understanding MeetingPlace Architecture and Hardware:
Understanding the MeetingPlace Solution; Gathering Customer
Information; Implementing MeetingPlace Convergence Servers
Implementing and Upgrading a MeetingPlace Media Server:
Understanding Media Server Components and Operations;
Installing and Configuring a Media Server; Upgrading Media
Server Hardware and Software; Troubleshooting a Media Server
Implementing a MeetingPlace Control Server: Installing
and configuring a Control Server; Configuring a SIP Gateway;
Configuring Outlook and SMTP Integration; Configuring LDAP
Integration; Configuring Video Integration and Administration;
Implementing Localization
Implementing MeetingPlace Web Conferencing: Understanding
MeetingPlace Web Conferencing; Implementing MeetingPlace
Web Conferencing; Using the MeetingPlace Web User Interface;
Providing External Access to MeetingPlace Web Conferencing;
Upgrading or Uninstalling a Functioning MeetingPlace Web
Conferencing Installation Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 49
Cisco Wireless/Mobility Training

Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Networking Essentials (IUWNE)

ID CI-IUWNE Price 3.250,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Prerequisites Course Content

Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 1 (ICND1) and Wireless Fundamentals
Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices Part 2 (ICND2) courses Basic WLAN Installation
Wireless Clients
SCHEDULE France Sophia Antipolis 06.06.-10.06.11 WLAN Security
Toulouse 10.01.-14.01.11 Toulouse 06.06.-10.06.11 WCS Administration
Sophia Antipolis 17.01.-21.01.11 Paris 20.06.-24.06.11
Sophia Antipolis 04.04.-08.04.11
WLAN Maintenance and Troubleshooting

CCNP Wireless Power Workshop (CCWP)

ID FL-CCWP Price 7.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 10 Days

Course Content
The CCNP Wireless Power Workshop comprises the following
Conducting Cisco Unified Wireless Site Survey (CUWSS)
Implementing Advanced Cisco Unified Wireless Security
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Voice Networks (IUWVN)
Implementing Cisco Unified Wireless Mobility Services (IUWMS)

Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals (CWLF)

ID CI-CWLF Price 3.290,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Knowledge of fundamental networking components and
terminology, knowledge of the OSI reference model
Knowledge of basic LAN components and functions

Course Content
Wireless Technology
Cisco WLAN Products
Cisco Wireless Clients and Supplicants
Standalone Access Point Administration
Wireless Bridges
Cisco Unified WLAN Administration
Site Survey Preparation and Techniques
Tools and Utilities

Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

50 Online Booking
CISCO WIreless/mobility TRAINING

Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics (CWLAT)

ID CI-CWLAT Price 2.760,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 4 Days

Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals (CWLF) course

Course Content
Describing the Cisco Unified Wireless Network
Describing Controller-Based Architecture
Implementing the WLAN with Cisco WCS
Installing the Cisco Wireless Control System
Configuring the Cisco Wireless Control System
Managing the WLAN using the Cisco WLAN Controller
Managing the Cisco Unified Wireless Network using Cisco WCS
Managing the Cisco Unified Wireless Network using Controllers
Troubleshooting the WLAN Controller-Based Wireless Network
Describing and Implementing the VoWLAN Infrastructure
Introducing the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance
Deploying the Mesh Network
Describing WLAN Security Design Concepts
Securing the WLAN
Configuring Cisco Secure ACS

Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco CWLF/CWLAT Power Workshop (CWLPW)

ID FL-CWLPW Price 3.590,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Course Content
The Wireless LAN Power Workshop comprises the following courses:
Cisco Wireless LAN Fundamentals (CWLF)
Cisco Wireless LAN Advanced Topics (CWLAT) SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco CCIE Wireless Written Power Workshop (CCIEWW)

ID FL-CCIEWW Price 2.790,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Course Content
This intensive power workshop focusing on using Cisco Unified
Wireless solution is designed to give students a firm knowledge of
the theoretical background needed to successfully pass the CCIE
Wireless Written exam. SCHEDULE France
Planning europen disponible sur notre web :

Cisco CCIE Wireless Lab Power Workshop (CCIEWL) Practice
ID FL-CCIEWL Price 3.190,00 EUR (excl. VAT) Duration 5 Days

Course Content
This intensive power workshop is heavily focused on lab training
and practice. Each student works on an independent rack offering SCHEDULE France
all the features that may be to be configured in the real lab exam. Planning europen disponible sur notre web : 51
Cisco Advanced Services Training

The primary mission of Advanced Services Education (ASE) is to help Cisco customers optimize their network investment, and speed
adoption and migration of advanced technologies, by providing customer-oriented skills development solutions. We have partnered with
Cisco Advanced Services to offer their broad range of courses on a worldwide basis. For further information please contact your nearest
Fast Lane office. Details can be found on the back page.

Data Center
Building Enterprise Data Center Architectures (EDCA)
Implementing Cisco Data Center Network Infrastructure 2 (DCNI-2)
Implementing Enterprise Data Center Infrastructure Security (IEDIS)

Metro Ethernet
Deploying & Maintaining Carrier Ethernet Services (DMCE)

Network Management
Cisco Active Network Abstraction (CANA)
Cisco Secure Access Control Server (CS-ACS)
Cisco Unified Operations Manager & Service Monitor (CUOM-SM)
Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager (CUPM)

Routing & Switching

Cisco IOS XR Software Fundamentals for Network Operations (XRFUND)
Cisco IOS XR IPV4 Routing (XIPV4R)
Cisco XR 12000 Series Essentials (XR12K)
Deploy, Maintain, and Troubleshoot Cisco IOS XR Software (IOSXR)
Cisco CRS-1 Essentials (CRS1)
Cisco 10000 Series Essentials (C10K)
Implementing Broadband Aggregation on Cisco Routers (BBAGG)
ASR 1000 Essentials (ASR1K)
Cisco ASR 9000 Aggregation Services Router Series Essentials (ASR9K)
Cisco 7600 Series Essentials (ASISR)
Building Core Networks with OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, and MPLS (BCN)
Advanced Implementing and Troubleshooting MPLS VPN Networks (AMPLS)

Building Enhanced Cisco Security Networks (BECSN)

Service Exchange Framework

Service Control Application for Broadband Training (SCA-BB)
Service Control Application Solution Deployment (SCA-D)

Unified Communications
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 (CMBC7)
Cisco Unified Application Environment Developer Essentials (CUAE)

Unified Contact Center

Cisco IPCC Enterprise PPDIOO Workshop (PPDIOO)
Customized Reporting for ICM and IPCC (IPCAR)
Cisco IPCC Advanced Scripting (IPCAS)

Service Provider Voice

Cisco BTS 10200 Essentials (BTSE1, BTSE2)
Cisco IP Transfer Point (ITP)

Wireless LAN
Cisco Unified Wireless Network for Data and Voice (CUWN-DVW)

52 Online Booking
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Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer France SAS

13 rue Camille Desmoulins, 92441 Issy Les Moulineaux, France
Tlphone: +33 (0)158 042 788 / Fax: +33 (0)158 042 300 /

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Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer France SAS

13 rue Camille Desmoulins, 92441 Issy Les Moulineaux, France
Tlphone: +33 (0)158 042 788 / Fax: +33 (0)158 042 300 /

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