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Chapter Title v


Acknowledgements vii

Introduction: Deleuze and the Social: Is there a D-function? 1

Martin Fuglsang and Bent Meier Srensen

I. Order and Organisation 19

1 Order, Exteriority and Flat Multiplicities in the Social 21
Paul Patton
2 The Trembling Organisation: Order, Change and the
Philosophy of the Virtual 39
Torkild Thanem and Stephen Linstead
3 The Others of Hierarchy: Rhizomatics of Organising 58
Martin Kornberger, Carl Rhodes and Ren ten Bos

II. Subjectivity and Transformation 75

4 In the Mean Time: Vitalism, Affects and Metamorphosis
in Organisational Change 77
Peter Lohmann and Chris Steyaert
5 I Knew there were Kisses in the Air 96
Thomas Bay
6 Becoming-Cyborg: Changing the Subject of the Social? 112
Chris Land

III. Art and the Outside 133

7 Practical Deleuzism and Postmodern Space 135
Ian Buchanan
8 Anti-Oedipus Thirty Years On (Between Art and Politics) 151
ric Alliez

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vi Contents

IV. Capitalism and Resistance 169

9. The Concepts of Life and the Living in the Societies of
Control 171
Maurizio Lazzarato
10 Nomad Citizenship and Global Democracy 191
Eugene W. Holland
11 Deleuze, Change, History 207
Jussi Vhmki and Akseli Virtanen

V. Social Constitution and Ontology 229

12 Society with/out Organs 231
Niels Albertsen and Blent Diken
13 Deleuzian Social Ontology and Assemblage Theory 250
Manuel DeLanda
Notes on contributors 267

Index 274

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