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Pangasinan State University

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

College of Teacher Education II.) SURVEY- QUESTIONS
1. )-Academic Profile.
Date: _____________________ A-Which of the following subjects do you teach? (You can check more than 1)
___English (Language and Communication) _____Science _____Mathematics ____Filipino
Dear Respondent, ___ Social Studies (History, HEKASI) ____E.S.P. (Values Ed./ Religion) ___MAPEH ___TLE

A blessed day to you! B.) What is your rank in your institution?

I, Ms. Marissa Tandoc, a bona fide student of PSU-Urdaneta Campus would like to humbly ask your ____Teacher I _____Master Teacher I
participation for the accomplishment my Masters Thesis entitled 21st Century Pedagogical Strategies of ____Teacher II _____Master Teacher II
Elementary Teachers in Dagupan City. I am requesting an ample time to you for filling in the survey- ____Teacher III _____Master Teacher III
questions that has 5 components indicated below with utmost academic integrity and honesty. Your
response in relation to this research study will be utilized solely for academic purposes. The researcher 2- On Classroom Management. Put a check mark in the column that best describes your
guarantees that all of your responses regarding this activity will be considered confidential.
response regarding your classroom management styles.
Thank you so much for your time and effort! God bless.

Respectfully yours, Classroom Management Style FREQUENCY

Never Sometimes Often Always
A.) Classroom Climate
Ms. Marissa Tandoc, Researcher
1.)-I ensure that all learning materials are well-
prepared before teaching.
Approved by: 2.)-I check the cleanliness of the classroom;
thus, it will become more conducive for learning.
Prof. , Research Adviser 3.)- I keep my students highly-motivated in
participating classroom activities
I.)- DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENT 4.)-I update the information bulletins in the
Age: ___________ Gender: _________ Civil Status: ______________________________ classroom such as the Word-of-the-Day
No. of Members in the Household: ______________ Corner, Articulation Calendar, Periodic
Ethnicity (Pangasinense, Ilocano, etc.): _________________ Religion: _________________ Lessons, etc.
Weight (kindly check): 0below 45 kg 046-50 kg 051-55 kg 056-60 kg 061-65 kg 0above 65 5.)-I introduce new classroom songs and
Height: ( ) less than 5 feet ( ) 51 to 55 feet ( ) 56 to 60 feet ( ) above 6 feet academic drills before teaching the lesson for
Residence: _________________________________________________________________ the day to attain enthusiastic learning arena.
Estimated Monthly Net Income: _________________________________________________ 6.)-I set up classroom climate by telling personal
a-School (Where are you practicing your profession?): anecdotes that could initiate the classroom
__________________________________________________________________ discussion.
b-School (Where were you graduated?): B.) Teachers Characteristics
__________________________________________________________________ 1.)-I ensure that I am emotionally stable before
Highest Educational Degree (Kindly check): () Bachelors Degree BEED/BSED delivering the lesson.
() Masters Degree- MAEd, etc. 2)-I am approachable regarding my students
() Doctorate Degree- PhD / EdD concern.
L.E.T. Rating: ( )80 %- below ( )80.01-85.00% ( ) 85.01-90.00 % ( ) 90.01%-above 3.)-I give enthusiasm whenever I give lectures
Grade Level Advisory: 0None 0Gr 1 0Gr 2 0Gr 3 0Gr 4 0Gr 5 0Gr 6 and discussions.
Number of Years in Profession: ( ) less than 5 years ( )5-10 years ( ) 11-15 years
4.)-I am neutral regarding my relation to my
( ) 16-20 years ( ) more than 20 years
students. I assure that their ratings are purely
Do you have serious medical condition (e.g. diabetes, hypertension, asthma): ( ) Yes ( )None
based on their scholastic performance.
If yes, please indicate this condition: _________________________________________
5.)-I observe prudence in my profession.
6.)-I insist too much authority to my students to
attain a well-behaved class Sometimes Often Always
C.) Students Discipline 1.)-The execution of the lesson is primarily based
1.)- I reinforce the meritocratic setting of the on lecture done by the teacher.
classroom to control students discipline. I 2.)-The lesson is delivered through the utilization
reward good students by giving them of chalk and blackboard and Manila paper.
compliments and punish students by giving the 3.)-The delivery of the lesson must be based on
additional classroom tasks such as erasing the the presentation of the reference book.
writings in the board, watering the plants, 4.)-The teacher conditions the class before the
throwing the garbage in the compost pit, etc. discussion by asking the students to pray.
2.)- I give set of rules to maintain harmonious 5.)-The lesson is delivered by letting the students
classroom setting and to govern students to take down notes in order to enhance their
behavior. listening skills.
3.)-I divulge malicious words to suppress the 6.)-When imparting a textbook story, the teacher
unpleasant behavior of students. merely read the texts or the teacher let his/her
4.)-I execute strong facial expressions such as students to read the story.
smirking, bulging of eyes, frowning, etc. to 7.)-When understanding the story, the students
discipline misbehave students. are evaluated based on the capability to answer
5.)-I am coordinating with the guardians of the the WHAT, WHO, and WHEN of the story.
students who are always misbehaving in class. 8.)-When the lesson is too lengthy, the teacher
6.)-I am deducting certain points on the test ask the students to copy the content of the lesson
scores of the misbehaved students in their notebooks before he/she discusses the
D.) Instructional Material Preparation subject matter.
1.)-I prepare instructional materials creatively by 9.)-The lesson is delivered in a direct and rigid
making illustrative visual aids, utilizing multi- style such that the delivery of the lesson is highly
media technology, etc. bookish (book-oriented).
2.)-I prepare instructional materials on time. In 10.)-The lesson is strictly delivered based on the
relation, I establish routines for all daily task and number of hours indicated in the lesson plan to
needs. attain scholastic efficiency.
3.)-I transfer the class into a multi-media center 11.)-The delivery of the lesson is authoritative in
such as in computer rooms to effectively deliver nature. Students are afraid to ask questions.
the subject matter. 12.)-Reading and memorizing the notes at home
4.)-I assign the class to make school projects are required for the students to reinforce the
and utilize these accomplished projects as the content of the subject matter especially in History
instructional materials. and Science.
5.)-I prepare the learning materials such as 13.)-To determine the comprehension level of
photocopied documents and illustrative pictures students, the teacher ask the students to repeat
with the ratio of 1 is to 1. what she/he said.
6.)-I summarize the content of the learning 14.)-The mastery of the lesson by the students is
material, brief enough to be clearly understood determined through conducting quizzes (more of
by the learner. objective type), having class recitations or giving
home works and textbook activities.
3- On Delivery and Assessment of the Lesson. The following are the statements that may 15.)-The assessment is conducted because the
reflect your techniques in delivering the subject matter. Put a check on either YES or NO column. teacher wants to easily rank students according
If YES, check the column if it is either Sometimes, Often or Always. to intellectual capacity.
Teaching Strategies Options 16.)-In Science subject, the assessment is based
YES on the ability of the study to reenact the concepts
NO learned through
constructing a debate, doing artworks, or giving
17.)-The execution of the lesson is based on the real-life problems in which students can enhance
interaction of teacher and the students through their imaginative and critical thinking.
lecture-discussion method. 31.)-The teacher performs flash card drills to
18.)-The lesson is facilitated though the usage of generally evaluate the mastery of the students in
charts, illustrations, sound clips, video a particular subject such as in Math and
presentations, and slideshow. Language subjects.
19.)-The delivery of the lesson must be based on 32.)-In Science subjects, the assessment is
the intellectual development of the students and based on the ability of the study to reenact the
may not necessarily based on the presentation of concepts learned through performing hands-on
the book. experiment.
20.)-The teacher conditions the class before
discussion by leading the students to sing or to 4.A- Approach to Student Learning. The following statements are the possible perceptions of
dance or by sharing personal anecdotes. the teacher regarding learning process. Put a check mark on the column that best describe your
21.)-The lesson is delivered through student response in each item.
reports, class sharing or group presentation. Statement Never Somewhat Very
22.)-To maximize analytic visual learning, the True True True
teacher utilize concept mapping (mind map) A.)-Academic learning is designed to
techniques and diagramming in delivering the develop potential skills among students in
lessons especially Science and Language order to become functional members of
Lessons. the society.
23.)- When imparting a textbook story, the B.) Most of the times, Academic Learning
teacher puts a lot of effort by shifting the tone of empowers hierarchy among students in
the voice, making hand gestures, having facial which there should be the presence of
expressions, etc. dominant and inferior.
24.)- When understanding the story, the students C.)-Academic Learning teaches student to
are evaluated further based on the ability to become competitive person.
answer the WHY and HOW of the story. D.)-Learning is only in educational
25.)-When the lesson is too lengthy, the teacher institutions.
provides a printed illustrative learning module for E.)-Academic Learning contributes to the
his/her students. Thus, the lesson will be psychological and emotional well-being of
delivered immediately. man.
26.)-The lesson is flexibly delivered according to F.)-Academic Learning today has been
the time line made by the teacher to ensure the integrated with the realities of life. It is not
high comprehension level of the students. merely theoretical in nature.
27.)- The lesson is delivered in a creative manner G.)-Learning process among elementary
such that the teacher shares personal stories or students takes too much time and effort
parables relevant to the discussion. for the teacher as compared to high
28.)-Field Trips are required for the students to school students.
reinforce the content of the subject matter H.)- Learning develops both intellectual
especially in History and Science. capacity and emotional upbringing of the
29.)-To determine the comprehension level of the learner.
students, the teacher motivates his/her students I.)-Learning process should be
to clarify something or asks questions. entertaining for the young learners.
30.)-The mastery of the lesson by the students is J.)- Good grades among students signifies
determined either through writing essays, having holistic learning process.
role plays, solving crossword puzzles,
4.B- Approach to Teaching (PEDAGOGY). 5-Competency Development. Kindly answer the following question regarding your
Statement Never Somewhat Very competency development.
True True True 1.) In what year did you take your L.E.T.? _________________________________________
A.)-I teach to earn sufficient amount to 2.)-Considering the last school year until the present time, how many seminars either district,
finance the needs of my family. division or national level, you attended?
B.) I teach because I believe that the ___Less than 5 ___5-10 seminars ___more than 10
youth needs to be educated to become 3.)-When was the last time that you were promoted? (Year may suffice)
functional members of the society. ____________________
C.)-I teach well because I wanted my 4.)-RATING SCALE: (Scale of 1-4)
students to become successful in their A.) Rate from 1 (being the lowest) to 4 (being the highest)) the level of your activeness in
careers someday.. organizing school programs, events, etc.
D.)-Teaching requires more of patience RATING:
rather than of intelligence. ( )1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4
E.)-The deviant behaviors of the youths B.) Rate your control of knowledge base of teaching and learning (teaching and learning
signified that teachers are not effective style of the teacher) and use of this knowledge to guide students
vanguards of good manners and right RATING:
conduct ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( )3 ( )4
F.) Dedication to the teaching job is the
essence of professionalism. 5.) I aim to teach a science (advanced) class.
G.) High levels of motivation in teachers ________YES __________NO
relate to high levels of achievement in
students 6.)- Do you have any plans to be promoted in higher position other than teacher such as
H.) I practice gender, racial and ethnic becoming a school principal, district supervisor, division superintendent or DEPED Director?
_______ YES _________NO
I.) I build a classroom setting which
consistently recognizes students right to ******************************END OF SURVEY, Thank You!*******************************************
make mistakes.
J.) Teaching permits confrontation since
learners feel at ease and feel they are
accepted whey they are not afraid to
confront their teacher regarding the

4.C- Estimating the Intelligence Distribution Among The Students:

Let us consider the population of your entire students (from all sections in which you are
teaching), what is the percentage of those students who possessed: (Put a CHECK MARK)

a.-Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
b.-Logical-Mathematical Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
c.-Spatial Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
d.-Bodily-Kinesthetic __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
e.-Musical Intelligence __above 50% _30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
f.- Interpersonal Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
g.- Naturalist Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
h.-Intrapersonal Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%
i.-Existentialist Intelligence __above 50% __30-50% __10-20% __less than 10%

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