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since 1896


soluii eficiente pentru oameni i mediu | effective solutions for people and the environment
since 1896

1896 -2016
1896 M
 eterul sas Schuster Walter nfiineaz
primul atelier de producie a plcilor
ceramice din Bistria. n 1917, atelierul este
 ceramic tiles manufacturing unit was
set up in Bistrita, belonging to the Saxon
craftsman Walter Schuster. In 1917 the family
vndut Doctorului Biss Cornel i devine of Dr. Coneliu Biss acquired the ceramic tiles
societatea pe aciuni sub numele de unit and turned it into a joint stock company
Fabrica de sobe i produse ceramice. Factory of stoves and ceramic products.

1948 F abrica a fost naionalizat. The factory was nationalized.

1977 A
 u inceput lucrrile de investiii la
Intreprinderea de Materiale de Construcii
Bistria, iar Fabrica de Teracot a devenit
Establishment of Building Materials
Enterprise Bistritra and Factory of Stoves
and Ceramic Products was integrated into
parte a acesteia. this enterprise.
 fost nfiinat secia mase plastice n
A Setting up of the plastic products
cadrul Intreprinderii de Materiale department within the Building Materials
de Construcii Bistria. Enterprise Bistrita.

1978 S
 e pun n funciune primele linii de
extrudare evi PVC.
Experien de peste 35 de ani n extrudare.
Comissioning of the first extrusion line
for PVC profiles and pipes.
Over 35 years experience in extrusion.

1990 I a natere Teraplast, prin divizarea

Intreprinderii de Materiale de Constructii
din Bistria, care deinea seciile de teracot
Teraplast was founded by splitting the
Building Materials Enterprise from Bistrita,
which owned the departments of tiles and
si de prelucrare a maselor plastice. plastics processing.
S-a pornit la drum cu o secie de cahle de It started out with two production
teracot i o secie de mase plastice capabil departments: production of tiles stove and
s fabrice o gam restrans de profile i evi production of a small range of profiles and
cu diametre maxime de 110 mm. pipes with maximum diameters of 110 mm.

1992  ncepe producia de lambriuri din PVC.

n vederea asigurrii accesului la pieele
Begins the production of PVC panelling.
Teraplast concluded a strategic partnership
externe, Teraplast a ncheiat un parteneriat with the Hungarian company Gemenc
strategic cu compania maghiar Gemenc Plast Rt, as the aim of this association was
Plast, care activa pe un domeniu similar. to ensure access to foreign markets by
adopting advanced production technologies.
since 1896

1994  n asociere cu Rompetrol SA, Gaz de France

i Socomo-Socotub, Teraplast a nfiinat
 eraplast established in colaboration
with Rompetrol SA and French companies
firma mixt Politub, care a fost prima Gaz de France and Socomo-Socotub,
companie din Romnia care a produs the joint venture company-Politub.
tubulatur agrementat din polietilen. This was the first company in Romania
that produced certified polyethylene

1995 T
 eraplast i privatizeaz integral capitalul. Teraplast privatized its capital in full.

1999 T
 eraplast preia participaia Rompetrol SA n
Politub, devenind asociat cu o participaie
de 50% alturi de Socotub.
Teraplast took over the stake of Rompetrol
SA in Politub, becoming thus the main
associate with a 50% interests along with
French partners, from Socotub.

2001  ncepe producia evilor multistrat,

Teraplast fiind prima companie din
Teraplast started the production
of multilayer pipes, being the first
Romnia care a produs acest tip de company in Romania that produced
tubulatur. this type of tubing.

2002  ncepe producia de profile PVC pentru

Teraplast started production of PVC
joinery profiles.

2004  ncepe producia de tmplrie

termoizolant din PVC.
Teraplast started the production
of insulating glass window.

2007 T
 eraplast devine acionar majoritar
(70.42%) n TeraSteel (Plastsistem), care
Teraplast became the principal shareholder
with a stake of 70.42% in TeraSteel
a fost reorganizat i ncepe producia de (Plastsistem), which was later reorganized
panouri termoizolante cu miez de spum to manufacture sandwich panels with
poliuretanic. polyurethane foam core.

2008 T
 eraplast se listeaz la Bursa de Valori
Bucureti, fiind pn n acest moment cel
mai mare i ultimul IPO derulat cu success
Listing on the Bucharest Stock Exchange,
of a pack of 20% of shares being so far the
higher and the most successful IPO runed
de o companie privat din Romnia. by a private company in Romania.
 rupul Teraplast demareaz cel mai Launching the process of relocation of
amplu program de investiii din istoria Teraplast factories from Bistrita, in an
sa, ce presupune relocarea tuturor Industrial Park developed outside town,
capacitilor de producie din Bistria, which meant the largetse investment
ntr-un Parc industrial dezvoltat n program in the company history.
extravilanul municipiului.

2011 G
 rupul Teraplast finalizeaz relocarea n
urma unor investiii de peste 36 de milioane
de euro.
Teraplast Group completes relocation after
investments of over 36 million.

2013  eraSteel (Plastsistem) ncepe producia

de structuri zincate, n urma investiiei de
TeraSteel (Plastsistem) begins production
of galvanized structures, following
2.5 milioane de euro. investment of 2.5 million euros.

2016 C
 ompania Teraplast SA nfiineaz
compania Teraplast Hungaria KFT,
ca parte a strategiei companiei de a crete
Teraplast SA founded Teraplast
Hungaria KFT as part of the companys
strategy to increase the value of exports.
valoarea exporturilor.

2016 R
 ebrandingul companiei Plastsistem care
devine TeraSteel, noul nume reprezentnd
mai bine domeniul de activitate, direciile
Rebranding Plastsistem to TerraSteel.
The new brand is more suitable
considering the fields of activity and future
de dezvoltare viitoare ale companiei i development directions. It also emphasizes
apartenena la grup. better the Teraplast Group affiliation. 2
since 1896


50% 100% 100% 100%


TeraSteel Politub Teraglass Teraplast TeraSteel

(Plastsistem) Hungaria KFT DOO Belgrade

Cu o tradiie de peste 120 ani, With a tradition of over 120 years, Teraplast Group
Grupul Teraplast este unul dintre principalii is currently the largest PVC processor in Romania and
productori romni de sisteme n domeniul the one of the leading manufacturers of materials for
construciilor, instalaiilor i amenajrilor. construction and installation market.

Grupul dezvolt o cifr de afaceri anual de The group develops an annual turnover of nearly
aproape 100 de milioane i deine 100 million and has production facilities
on an area of over 200.000 m .
capaciti de producie pe o suprafa de peste
200.000 m2.
During 2007-2016 Teraplast Group invested
n perioada 2007-2016 Grupul Teraplast a investit over 62 milion in the development and
peste 62 de milioane n dezvoltarea the modernization of the production capacities,
i modernizarea capacitilor de producie. but also in the products portofoliu extension. 3
since 1896

Compania Teraplast (TRP) este n prezent unul dintre cei Teraplast Company (TRP) is currently one of the leading
mai importani productori de soluii i sisteme pentru piaa manufacturers of solutions and systems for the construction,
construciilor, instalaiilor i amenajrilor din Romnia. installations and interior market in Romania.
Portofoliul de produse al firmei este structurat pe trei linii de The product portfolio of the company is structured in three business
business: Instalaii & Amenajri, Profile pentru tmplrie si lines: Installations & Interior, PVC joinery profiles and PVC Granules.
Granule din PVC.
Teraplast is the largest PVC processor in Romania and holds top
Compania Teraplast este cel mai mare procesator de PVC din positions in the PVC pipe market (market share 45%) and PVC
Romnia i deine poziii de top pe pieele de evi din PVC (o cot granules (market share 34%). Teraplast is also the second largest
de 45%) i de granule PVC (cot de 34%). De asemenea Teraplast producer of PP (polypropylene) pipe with a market share estimated
este al doilea mare productor de tubulatur PP (polipropilen) cu at 30%.
o cot de piat estimat la 30%.
Teraplast owns production facilities distributed in PVC manufac-
Teraplast deine faciliti de producie distribuite n Fabrica de turing plant (PVC pipe production department, PVC paneeling
producie PVC (Secia de evi PVC, Secia de lambriuri PVC, Secia production departmen, PVC profiles production department, PVC
de profile de tmplrie PVC, Secia de granule PVC) i Fabrica de granules production department) and Polyolefins manufacturing
poliolefine (Secia de camine i rezervoare PE, Secia de fitinguri plant (PE Manholes and tanks production department, PP and PVC
PP i PVC, Secia de evi PP). fittings production department, PP pipe production department).

Compania TeraSteel (Plastsistem) produce panouri sandwich cu TeraSteel (Plastsistem) produce polyurethane sandwich panels
spum poliuretanic i structuri zincate. and galvanized structures.
Participaia companiei Teraplast n TeraSteel (Plastsistem) este de Teraplast shareholding is 98% in TeraSteel (Plastsistem) and from
98%, iar din anul 2007 compania i desfoar activitatea n Parcul 2007 the company operates in the Industrial Park Teraplast from
Industrial Teraplast de la Srel. Srel.
ncepnd cu anul 2013, TeraSteel (Plastsistem) a demarat producia Since 2013 TeraSteel (Plastsistem) started production of galvanized
de structuri zincate pentru construcii. Investiia n noua fabric structures for buildings. The investment in new plant amounting to
cifrndu-se la valoarea de 2,5 milioane euro, fiind finanat n EUR 2.5 million, being 50% financed from European funds through
proporie de 50% din Fonduri Europene prin Programul Operaional the Sectorial Operational Programme Increase of Economic
Sectorial Creterea Competivitii Economice. Competitiveness.
n prezent compania TeraSteel (Plastsistem) este lider pe aceast pia. At this moment TeraSteel (Plastsistem) is the leader on this market. 4
since 1896

Compania Teraglass s-a nfiinat n anul 2011 i este deinut n TeraGlass company was founded in 2011 and is owned 100% by
proporie de 100% de Teraplast. Teraplast.
n anul 2015 Teraplast a decis transferul liniei de business tmplrie In 2015 Teraplast decided to transfer the business line of PVC
termoizolant pe compania Teraglass Bistria SRL. insulating joinery to TeraGlass Bistrita SRL company.
Cu o experienta de peste 10 ani in fabricarea de tmplrie With over 10 years experience in manufacturing insulating
termoizolant, Grupul Teraplast este un juctor important att la joinery, Teraplast Group is an important player at both national
nivel naional ct i european, fiind prezent pe pieele dezvoltate, and European level, being present on developed markets such
cum ar fi Germania, Italia, Belgia sau Austria. Portofoliul nostru as Germany, Italy, Belgium or Austria. Our portofolio includes
include 3 sisteme de profile din PVC cu 4, 6 si 7 camere izolatoare. 3 PVC profile systems with 4, 6 and 7 insulating chambers. The
Sticla termoizolant, folosit pentru fabricarea tmplriei este de thermoinsulating glass, used to manufacture Teraplast joinery is
asemenea produs n unitatea noastr de producie de la Bistria. also produced in our production facility from Bistria.
Fabrica TeraGlass pentru ui i ferestre dispune de toate Teraglass factory for doors and windows has all the necessary
echipamentele necesare astfel nct procesul de producie s fie equipment for the production process to be completely
complet tehnologizat i automatizat. technologized and automated.
Tamplaria TeraGlass se caracterizeaza prin individualitate, design, Teraglasss joinery is characterized by individuality, design, but also
dar i prin confortul pe care le ofer, reflectnd personalitatea by the comfort that it provides, reflecting the personality of each
fiecrei cldiri. building.

Compania Politub produce prin extrudare evi de polietilen de medie Politub produce by extrusion polyethylene pipes of medium and high
i nalt densitate (PE80, PE100), fiind unul dintre jucatorii de top pe density (PE80, PE100), being one of the top players in this market.
aceast pia.
The company produces polyethylene pipes for various applications
Compania produce evi din polietilen destinate mai multor aplicaii such as transport and distribution of drinking water and natural gas,
cum sunt reelelor de transport i distribuie a apei potabile i gazelor irrigation, sewerage, telecommunications, sheating pipes for protection
naturale, irigaii, canalizare, telecomunicaii, mantale pentru protecia of pre-insulated pipes with diameters between 20 and 630mm.
conductelor preizolate cu diametre cuprinse ntre 20 i 630mm.
Also with a new modern production facility the company expanded
De asemenea cu ajutorul unei linii moderne de producie compania si-a its portfolio, providing corrugated PE pipe for drainage systems and
extins portfoliul, oferind evi corugate din PE pentru sisteme de drenaj protection of electrical cables.
i protecia cablurilor electrice.
The systems are completed with necessary fittings for each application,
Sistemele sunt completate cu fitingurile necesare fiecrei aplicaii, equipments and tools for their installation, purchased from leading
echipamente i scule pentru punerea n oper achiziionate de la European suppliers so the quality of the systems offered by Politub is
furnizori de top din Europa astfel nct calitatea sistemelor oferite de great.
Politub este deosebit.
The company has also its own laboratory for testing samples equipped
Compania dispune de asemenea de un laborator propriu pentru probe according the highest European standards in the field.
i ncercri dotat dup cele mai exigente norme europene n materie. 5
since 1896


Dei n ultimii ani n Romnia s-au fcut progrese remarcabile n Although remarkable progress was made in the last years
ceea ce privete dezvoltarea reelelor de utiliti n infrastructura in Romania as related to the development of urban and
urban i rural, exist nc numeroase gospodrii ce nu au rural infrastructure utility networks, there are still numerous
acces la servicii eseniale cum sunt apa potabil, canalizarea households with no access to the essential services such as
sau reele de telefonie i date. Sistemele din material plastic drinking water, sewerage and telephone and data networks.
oferite de Teraplast asigur soluii pentru aceste nevoi astfel The plastic equipment offered by Teraplast offer solutions
nct populaia s poat beneficia n siguran, fr riscul for such needs so that the population can safely use these
contaminrii sau mbolnvirii de aceste utiliti. utilities with no risk of contamination and disease.

Canalizri exterioare Outdoor sewerage systems
Ap i gaz Water and gas
Electrice Electricals


Transport ape uzate i pluviale Transporting wastewater and rainwater
Inspecie i acces reele canalizare Inspection and access to the sewer networks
Drenaj ape subterane i supraterane Underground and surface water drainage
Sisteme de Management - ape pluviale Management System rainwater
Epurare i tratare ap Water cleaning and treatment
Transport i distribuie ap i gaz Water and gas transport and distribution
Cmine de apometre i apometre Meter chambers and water meters
Protecie cabluri electrice i fibr optic Protection of electrical cables and optical fibre 6
since 1896


Nevoia pentru instalaii inovative n construcii este n cretere The need for innovative installations for constructions is
tot mai accentuat. Acolo unde se dorete echiparea cladirii cu continuously rising. If you wish to fit your building with safe
sisteme de instalaii interioare sigure i sustenabile, Teraplast and sustainable indoor systems, Teraplast can provide you
v poate asigura o gam larga de sisteme i soluii realizate din with an extensive range of systems and solutions made of
materiale de o excelent durabilitate i performane nalte pe materials with an excellent durability and long-term high
termen lung. Oferim soluii att pentru aplicaii din interiorul performance. We offer solutions both for applications inside
cldirii ct i pentru cele din exteriorul cldirii. the building and outside the building.

Canalizri interioare Indoor drains
Termice Heat
Ap i gaz Water and gas
Canalizri exterioare Outdoor sewerage
Electrice Electricals


Evacuare - ape menajere i pluviale Drainage of wastewater and rainwater
Sifoane n aplicaii interioare Traps for indoor applications
Treceri etane prin fundaii Tight passing through foundations
Sisteme de nclzire Heating systems
Canalizare i drenaj ap din subteran i suprateran Sewerage and underground and surface water drainage
Receptori de acoperiuri i terase Roof and terrace receptors
Jgheaburi i burlane Chutes and pipes
Inspecie conducte canalizri exterioare Inspecting the exterior sewer pipes
Sisteme de Management - ape pluviale Management System rainwater
Epurare i tratare ap Water cleaning and treatment
Distribuie ap i gaz Water and gas distribution
Cmine pentru apometre si apometre Water meters and meter chambers
Protecie cabluri electrice Protection of electrical cables 7
since 1896

Teraplast este liderul pieei interne de granule i produce Teraplast is the leader of the internal market of pellets and
granule plastifiate i rigide cu aplicaii n industria manufactures plastic and rigid pellets which are used in the
prelucrtoare pentru extrudare i injecie. Teraplast processing industry for extrusion and injection moulding.
livreaz granule pentru cei mai importani productori de Teraplast delivers pellets to the most important cable
cabluri din Romania i i propune constant dezvoltarea producers in Romania and constantly seeks to enlarge its
portofoliului de produse. product portfolio.

Granule PVC plastifiate Plastic PVC pellets
Granule PVC rigide Rigid PVC pellets


Mantale i izolaii cabluri electrice Covers and insulations for electrical cables
Tlpi nclminte Shoe soles
Furtune transparente Transparent hoses
Injecie fitinguri i alte accesorii i componente Fitting injections and other accessories and components
Extrudare evi, jgheaburi electrice, lambriuri Pipe extrusion, electrical chutes, wainscot panelling
Alte aplicaii pentru extrudare sau injecie Other applications for extrusion or injection 8
since 1896

Linia de business Profile tmplrie include sistemele de Carpentry profile business line includes the profile systems
profile cu 4, 6 i 7 camere i limi constructive cuprinse ntre with 4, 6 and 7 chambers and constructive widths ranging
60 i 88 mm. Din 2009 pn n prezent Teraplast a investit from 60 to 88 mm. From 2009 to the present Teraplast
peste 27 milioane de lei n dezvoltarea capacitilor de has invested over 27 million lei in the development of the
producie i a unor noi sisteme de profile. production output and new profile systems.

Profile PVC PVC profiles
Armturi i accesorii Reinforcements and accessories
Feronerie Hardware


Ui i ferestre-profile 4 camere TP4000 Doors and windows 4-chamber profiles TP4000
Ui i ferestre-profile 6 camere TP6000 Doors and windows 6-chamber profiles TP6000
Ui i ferestre-profile 7 camere TP7000 Doors and windows 7-chamber profiles TP7000
Armturi metalice pentru profile PVC Metallic reinforcements for PVC profiles
Accesorii pentru ui i ferestre Door and window accessories
Feronerie Hardware 9
since 1896 10
since 1896

Cap. 1 Transport ape menajere i pluviale
Sewage and rainwater transport 13
Cap. 2 Inspecie i vizitare reele de canalizare
Inspection chambers and manholes for sewer networks 69
Cap. 3 Drenajul apelor subterane i supraterane
Underground and overground water drainage 153
Cap. 4 Managementul apelor pluviale
Rainwater Management 181
Cap. 5 Pre-epurare i tratare ape pluviale i menajere
Wastewater and rainwater treatment 207
Cap. 6 Transport i distribuie ap i gaz
Water and Gas Transport & Distribution 219
Cap. 7 Protecie cabluri electrice
Cable protection 317 11
since 1896
since 1896

CAP. 1 T

1.1 evi i fitinguri PVC

PVC pipes and fittings
1.2 evi i fitinguri PP i PE CORUGATE
PP and corrugated PE pipes and fittings
1.3 evi i fitinguri PE pentru canalizare
PE pipes and fittings for water and gas
1.4 Accesorii pentru canalizare
Sewage accessories
since 1896
since 1896

 evi i fitinguri PVC
PVC pipes and fittings 15
since 1896

Descrierea sistemului System description

Teraplast, n calitate de cel mai mare procesator de PVC-U din Teraplast, as the largest PVC-U processor in Romania
Romnia, produce o varietate larg de evi din PVC neplastifiat produces a wide variety of PVC-U pipe (non-plasticized) for
(PVC-U) pentru sisteme de canalizri gravitaionale ngropate, buried gravitational sewer both sewage and rainwater for
supuse unor sarcini normale sau sarcini de lucru deosebite. applications in infrastructure and beyond.
Domeniile de utilizare a sistemelor din PVC-U sunt variate, Application areas of PVC-U systems are varied, covering
acoperind att reele de canalizare ngropate n sol pentru both networks below ground for sewage and rainwater with
ape menajere ct i pentru ape pluviale cu aplicabilitate n application in infrastructure and residential construction,
infrastructur i construcii rezideniale, evacuarea apei n industrial and agricultural water discharge or drainage.
agricultur i industrie sau pentru drenaj. Maximum temperatures of wastewater transported by u-PVC
Temperaturile maxime ale apelor uzate transportate prin systems are:
sistemele din PVC-U sunt de: 60C for D 110 - 200mm pipes and 40C for D 250-500mm
60C pentru evi cu D 110 200mm i de 40C pentru evile pipes. There are allowed temperatures of 60C for short
cu D 250 500mm. Se admit i temperaturi de 60C pentru periods of time at these diameters. Recommended range
perioade de scurt durat. slope is between 4 500/00.
Intervalul recomandat de pant este ntre 4 500/00. PVC-U pipes and fittings are manufactured by extrusion
evile i fitingurile din PVC-U se produc prin extrudare, respectiv respectively injection of a mixture of PVC and carbonate,
injecie dintr-un amestec de PVC i carbonat, respectiv granule respectevely of tough non-plasticized PVC granules in
de PVC dur neplastifiat n combinaie cu colorani, materiale de combination with pigments, fillers, stabilizers and friction
umplutur, stabilizatori i adaosuri de friciune. additives.

Caracteristicile PVC-Ului neplastifiat (materia prim) Characteristics of PVC-U (raw material)

Densitatea 1.37-1.6 kg/dm3 Density 1.37-1.6 kg/dm3

Sarcina unitara max. >45 MPa Max. Load unit. >45 MPa
Modul elasticitate Aprox. 3000MPa Elasticity module Aprox. 3000MPa
Rezistena electric superficial >1012 Superficial electrical resistance >1012
Coef dilatare liniara 0,08 mm/mK Linear expansion 0,08 mm/mK
Conductivitate termica 0,15 W/mK Thermal conductivity 0,15 W/mK
Alungirea la rupere < 10% Break elongation < 10%
Etanarea este asigurat cu garnituri fabricate din cauciuc Sealing is ensured by gaskets made of synthetic rubber
sintetic cu durat mare de via, ce sunt montate n elementul (EPDM) with long life, which are mounted in the profiled
profilat al mufei evii. Etanarea rmne asigurat chiar i n element of the pipe socket. Sealing is assured even if the
cazul deformrii evii n limitele admise sau deplasrii sale. pipe deformation or movement exists in its permissible
evile se livreaz cu garnitura de etanare montat. limits. The pipes are delivered with the gaskets installed.
Durata estimat de via a sistemului PVC-U este de minim Expected life of PVC-U system is 50 years.
50 de ani.
PVC-U external sewage system offered by Teraplast is
Sistemul de canalizri exterioare din PVC-U, oferit de
complete and varied, comprising both alternative pipes made
Teraplast, este un sistem complet si variat, ce cuprinde att
in multilayer according to SR EN 1401 SR EN13476-1,2 and
evi realizate n varianta MULTISTRAT, conform standardelor
SF36/2017 as well as compact pipes according SR-EN 1401-1.
SR EN 1401, SR EN13476-1,2 si SF36/2017 cat si in varianta
COMPACT conform SR-EN 1401-1. From the dimensionally point of view the diameter range of
Din punct de vedere dimensional gama de diametre a evilor Teraplast PVC-U pipes is between 110 and 500mm.
PVC-U produse de Teraplast este cuprins intre 110 si 500mm. Depending on the stiffness, Teraplast PVC-U pipes (multilayer
n funcie de rigiditatea inelar, Teraplast produce evi din or compact) range is: SN2, SN4, SN8 and SN12.
PVC (multistrat sau compact) n gama SN2, SN4, SN8 i SN12.
Below we present correspondence between SN and SDR for
Mai jos prezentm corespondena ntre SN si SDR n cazul non-plasticized PVC pipes for external sewage.
conductelor din PVC neplastifiat pentru canalizari exterioare.
Tip Rigiditate inelar Etanare
Type Ring stiffness Sealing
SN2 (SDR51) 2 kN/m2 Garnituri EPDM
SN4 (SDR41) 4 kN/m 2
Garnituri EPDM
SN8 (SDR34) 8 kN/m 2
Garnituri EPDM
SN12 (SDR30) 12 kN/m 2
Garnituri EPDM 16
since 1896

Principalele caracteristici si avantaje ale PVC-U pipes and fittings system key
sistemului de evi si fitinguri din PVC-U features and benefits
evile din PVC fac parte din categoria evilor flexibile. Aceast PVC-U pipes are part of flexible pipes. This feature gives
caracteristic confer evilor din PVC-U (PVC neplastifiat) u-PVC pipes (non-plasticized PVC) outstanding mechanical
o rezisten mecanic deosebit, acestea putnd transfera strength, which can transfer in their soil around much of
n solul din jurul lor o mare parte din sarcina ce se exercita the loads exerted on them. In case of overload, PVC-U pipes
asupra lor. n cazul suprancrcrilor, evile din PVC-U react in a reversible deformation which has no effect on their
reacioneaz printr-o deformare reversibil ce nu are efect functionality, if installation conditions are respected.
asupra funcionalitii acestora, n condiiile unei instalri
Both PVC-U pipes and fittings have high chemical resistance
to most aqueous solutions, the aggressive action of materials
Att evile ct i fitingurile din PVC-U au o rezisten chimic in the soil, salts and caustics or acidic aqueous solutions.
ridicat la majoritatea soluiilor apoase, la aciunea agresiv Thus, PVC-U pipes and fittings may be used for the transport
a materiilor din sol, srurilor i substanelor caustice sau a of aqueous acidic or basic solutions, minerals, etc. with pH
soluiilor acide apoase. Astfel, evile i fitingurile din PVC-U between 2 and 12 and working temperature max. 60 C.
se pot utiliza pentru transportul de soluii apoase bazice sau
acide, sruri minerale, etc cu pH intre 2 si 12 si temperaturi
de lucru de max. 60 C. HYDRAULIC FEATURES
The outstanding characteristics of the hydraulic system of
pipes and fittings in PVC-U are determined by the ability
to produce interior walls with an extremely low roughness
Remarcabilele caracteristici hidraulice ale sistemului de (<0.01mm) which means 10 times less than other pipes
evi i fitinguri din PVC-U sunt determinate de posibilitatea made from materials other than plastic. Such velocities and
de a produce perei interiori cu o rugozitate extrem de flow rates are obviously higher than the concrete pipes (up
redus (<0.01mm) ceea ce nseamn de 10 ori mai redus to approx 20%). Also the deposits in pipes are eliminated.
comparativ cu alte evi realizate din alte materiale dect
plastic. Astfel vitezele de curgere i evident debitele sunt
mai ridicate fa de evile din beton (pn cu aprox. 20%), HANDLING
apariia depunerilor n conducte este eliminat.
The lightweight PVC-U pipes and fittings system components
ensures extremely high maneuverability in terms of
transport, storage, handling and installation. Also existence
gaskets ensure easy connection and seal the components
Greutatea redus a componentelor sistemului de evi i thus ensuring a high speed assembly.
fitinguri din PVC-U asigur o manevrabilitate extrem de
For high speed assembly is recommended to use lubricant
ridicat n ceea ce privete transportul, depozitarea i
on the gasket and spigot pipe end.
manevrarea elementelor precum i instalarea acestuia.
Deasemenea existena garniturilor asigur o mbinare facil
i etan a elementelor componente asigurandu-se astfel o
vitez ridicat la montaj. Pentru o vitez ridicat la montaj
se recomand lubrifierea garniturii i a captului evii care
se mufeaz. 17
since 1896

Prezentarea sistemului de evi PVC-U Multilayer PVC-U pipes system

multistrat presentation
Teraplast este prima companie din Romania ce a produs Teraplast is the first company in Romania that produced this
acest tip de eav (multistrat) nc din anul 2004 utiliznd type of pipe since the early 2004 using revolutionary new co-
noua i revoluionara tehnologie de coextrudare la aceea extrusion technology at that time. The main characteristic
vreme. Caracteristica principal a evilor PVC-U multistrat o of the PVC-U multilayer pipes is the wall structure which is
constituie structura peretelui care este format din 3 straturi composed of three independent layers of PVC-U, as follows :
independente de PVC-U, astfel:
An inner layer of compact PVC,
Un strat interior din PVC compact, The core, consisting of foamed PVC,
Miezul, format din PVC expandat, An outer layer of compact PVC.
Un strat exterior din PVC compact. It results a PVC-U pipe with mechanical properties similar
Rezulta astfel o eav din PVC-U cu proprieti mecanice with compact wall pipes but with a lower specific weight and
similare evilor realizate cu perete compact ins cu o greutate therefore a lower cost.
specific mai redus i implicit cu un cost mai redus.
Teraplast produce multilayer PVC-U sewage pipes for buried
Teraplast produce evi din PVC-U multistrat pentru canalizri outside installation in the gravitational system in accordance
ngropate exterioare n sistem gravitaional n conformitate with SR EN13476-1,2 and SF36/2017.
cu standardele SR EN13476-1,2 si SF36/2017.
The range of diameters is between 110mm and 500mm with
Gama de diametre este cuprinsa intre 110mm si 500mm cu ring stiffness: SN2 (SDR51), SN4 (SDR41), SN8 (SDR34) and
rigiditatea inelar SN2 (SDR51), SN4(SDR41), SN8 (SDR34) i SN12 (SDR30).
SN12 (SDR30).
Color is orange RAL8023.
Culoarea este orange RAL8023.
The products are used for gravitational sewage and industrial
Produsele se utilizeaza la canalizarea gravitationala a apelor waste outside buildings, buried with depths between 0.8 m
reziduale menajere si industriale in exteriorul cladirilor, and 6 m.
ingropat, cu adancimi de ingropare intre 0,8 m si 6 m.
SN2 - in areas without traffic,
SN2 - in zone fara trafic stradal,
SN4 - street with medium traffic load,
SN4 - trafic stradal cu incarcatura medie,
SN8, SN12 - street with medium or hig traffic load.
SN8, SN12 - trafic stradal cu incarcatura medie sau grea.
The system is complemented by an extensive range of PVC-U
Sistemul este completat cu o gama extinsa de fitinguri din injected fittings in the same range size as PVC-U pipes.
PVC-U injectate in aceeasi gama dimensionala ca si tevile Teraplast offer PVC-U fittings both stiffness class SN4 and
din PVC-U. Teraplast ofera fitinguri din PVC-U atat in clasa de SN8.
rigiditate SN4 cat si in clasa de rigiditate SN8.
The PVC-U pipes stiffness class SN2 use PVC-U fittings
Pentru clasa de rigiditate SN2 se folosesc fitingurile din clasa stiffness class SN4.
de rigiditate SN4.
The physical properties tested at multilayer pipes include
Proprietile fizice testate la evile multistrat includ i also the annular flexibility. The test consists of deformation
flexibilitatea inelar. Testul const n deformarea pn la of a sample of pipe up to 30% of its diameter and the
30% din diametru a unui eantion de eav, iar cerina fiind requirement is that the pipe does not break and return to
c eava s nu se sparg i s revin la forma iniiala dup the initial shape after removing the downforce.
eliminarea forei de apsare. 18
since 1896

Prezentarea sistemului de evi PVC-U Solid wall PVC-U pipes system

compact presentation

Pe lng evile din PVC-U multistrat, Teraplast produce i Besides multilayer PVC-U pipes, Teraplast produce also
evi de PVC-U n varianta de perete compact. Evident n acest PVC-U pipes with solid PVC-U wall. Obviously in this case the
caz structutura peretelui nu mai este de tip multistrat ci este wall structure is no longer multilayer type and is a compact
o structura de tip compact din PVC-U. solid wall PVC-U.
La acest tip de eav proprietile mecanice sunt aceleai ca In this type of pipe the mechanical properties are the same
i n cazul evilor multistrat ns greutatea specific este mai as in the case of multilayer pipes, however, the specific
mare. weight is higher.
Teraplast produce acest tip de evi din PVC-U cu perete Teraplast produce this type of solid wall PVC-U pipe for buried
compact pentru canalizri ngropate exterioare n sistem sewer installation in gravitational system in accordance with
gravitaional n conformitate cu standardele SR EN1401-1. SR EN1401-1.
Gama de diametre este similar cu cea produs n cazul Diameter range is similar to the one produced in case of
evilor multistrat, respectiv intre 110mm si 500mm cu multilayer pipes, respectively between 110mm and 500mm
rigiditatea inelar SN4(SDR41), SN8 (SDR34). and the ring stiffness SN4 (SDR41), SN8 (SDR34).
Culoarea este orange RAL8023. The color of the pipes and fittings is orange RAL8023.
Produsele se utilizeaza la canalizarea gravitationala a apelor The products are used for gravitational sewage and industrial
reziduale menajere si industriale in exteriorul cladirilor, waste outside buildings, buried with depths between 0.8 m
ingropat, cu adancimi de ingropare intre 0,8 m si 6 m. and 6 m.
SN4 - trafic stradal cu incarcatura medie, SN4 - street with traffic medium load,
SN8 - trafic stradal cu incarcatura medie sau grea. SN8 - street with medium or high traffic loads.
Fitingurile folosite n cadrul acestui sistem sunt aceleai The fittings used in this system are the same fittings with the
fitinguri ce se utilizeaz i n cazul evilor multistrat respectiv one used for multilayer pipes respectively injected PVC-U
fitinguri din PVC-U injectate, n aceeai gam dimensional fittings, in the same size range as PVC-U pipes. Teraplast
ca i evile din PVC-U. Teraplast ofera fitinguri din PVC-U atat offer PVC-U fittings in both stiffness class SN4 and SN8.
in clasa de rigiditate SN4 cat si in clasa de rigiditate SN8. The physical properties tested at multilayer pipes include
Proprietile fizice testate la evile multistrat includ i also the annular flexibility. The test consists of deformation
flexibilitatea inelar. Testul const n deformarea pn la of a sample of pipe up to 30% of its diameter and the
30% din diametru a unui eantion de eav, iar cerina fiind requirement is that the pipe does not break and return to
c eava s nu se sparg i s revin la forma iniiala dup the initial shape after removing the downforce.
eliminarea forei de apsare. 19
since 1896

Dimensionarea hidraulic seciune Hydraulic design full bore pipe

Exceptional hydraulic characteristics of the sewer PVC-U
systems are determined by the ability to produce these
Caracteristicile hidraulice de excepie ale sistemelor de
systems with an inner wall roughness extremely low
canalizare din PVC-U sunt determinate de posibilitatea de a
produce aceste sisteme cu o rugozitate interioara a peretilor
extrem de redusa (<0.01mm). When designing the sewer network is necessary to know
the volume of domestic and rain water to be transported
Pentru dimensionarea retelei de canalizare este necesara
through the pipes.
cunoaterea volumului de ap menajer i pluvial ce
trebuie transportat. The volume of sewage result from domestic water
consumption in the area where the project will be implement.
Volumul de de ap menajer rezult din consumul de ap
If there is no reliable information regarding this, then use the
din zona n care se execut proiectul. n cazul n care nu
standards in force for this account.
exist informaii certe cu privire la acesta, atunci se folosesc
standardele in vigoare pentru realizarea acestui calcul.
n cazul apei pluviale, volumul apei se determin in funcie In case of rainwater, the water volume is determined according
de mrimea suprafaei, intensitatea ploii din zona respectiv the surface size, the rain intensity and characteristics of the
i caracteristicile suprafeei de pe care urmeaz sa fie surface area that will be collected the rainwater.
colectat apa de ploaie.
When a sewer pipe is designed we compare the anticipated
Atunci cnd se dimensioneaz o conduct de canalizare flow of water that has to be channeled Q (l / sec) with
se compar debitul anticipat de ap ce trebuie canalizat hydraulic tables.
Q (l/sec) cu tabelele hidraulice.
Hydraulic sizing is based on Prandtl-Colebrook formula,
Dimensionarea hidraulic se bazeaz pe formula Prandtl- based physical and experimental.
Colebrook, fundamentat fizic i experimental.
v - average speed of flow in full pipe.
v viteza medie de curgere, pentru conducta complet plin
Q - flow in the completely full pipe.
Q debitul, pentru conducta complet plin.

g - gravitational acceleration
g acceleraia gravitaional I - slope
I panta D internal diameter of the pipe
D diametrul interior al evii v - kinematic viscosity of thec water
v v scozitatea cinematic a apei (to 10C is 1,31 10-6 m2/s)
(pentru 10C este 1,31 10-6 m2/s) kb - roughness coefficient
kb coeficientul de rugozitate kb = 0.04 mm for networks free of connections or manholes
kb = 0,04mm pentru reele fr racorduri laterale sau cmine kb = 0,067mm for networks with lateral connections
de vizitare
kb = 0,125mm for networks with lateral connections and
kb = 0,067mm pentru reele cu racorduri laterale manholes spaced not more than 50m apart.
kb = 0,125mm pentru reele cu racorduri laterale i cmine
de vizitare amplasate la o distan nu mai mare de 50m
unul de altul. It follows data on the flow speed rate and flow for a full pipe
Astfel, rezult datele cu privire la viteza de curgere si debit
pentru o conduct cu seciune plin. As example below a table which presents the data for u-PVC
pipes SN4 and kb = 0.04 mm.
Mai jos ca exemplu un tabel n care sunt prezentate aceste
date pentru evi din PVC-U SN4 si kb = 0,04mm. 20
since 1896

Debitul i viteza maxim de curgere n evi din PVC pentru canalizare SN4, cu seciunea plin (Kb=0,04).
Maximum flow rate and flow velocity in sewer PVC pipes SN4, completely filled (Kb=0,04).

DN/OD (mm) 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500
DN/ID (mm) 103,6 118,6 152 190,2 237,6 299,6 380,4 475,6
Q(l/s) 3,50 5,00 9,70 17,60 31,90 59,00 111,20 200,70
v(m/s) 0,41 0,45 0,53 0,62 0,72 0,84 0,98 1,13
Q(l/s) 4,30 6,20 12,10 22,00 39,70 73,50 138,20 249,30
v(m/s) 0,51 0,56 0,67 0,77 0,90 1,04 1,22 1,40
Q(l/s) 5,10 7,30 14,10 25,70 46,40 85,80 161,20 290,50
v(m/s) 0,60 0,66 0,78 0,90 1,05 1,22 1,42 1,64
Q(l/s) 5,70 8,20 16,00 29,00 52,30 96,70 181,60 327,00
v(m/s) 0,68 0,75 0,88 1,02 1,18 1,37 1,60 1,84
Q(l/s) 6,30 9,10 17,60 32,00 57,70 106,60 200,10 360,20
v(m/s) 0,75 0,82 0,97 1,13 1,30 1,51 1,76 2,03
Q(l/s) 6,90 9,90 19,20 34,80 62,70 115,70 217,10 390,70
v(m/s) 0,81 0,88 1,06 1,22 1,41 1,64 1,91 2,20
Q(l/s) 7,40 10,60 20,60 37,40 67,30 124,20 233,00 419,20
v(m/s) 0,88 0,96 1,14 1,31 1,52 1,76 2,05 2,36
Q(l/s) 7,90 11,30 21,90 39,80 71,70 132,30 248,00 446,00
v(m/s) 0,94 1,03 1,21 1,40 1,62 1,88 2,18 2,51
Q(l/s) 8,40 12,00 23,20 42,10 75,80 139,80 262,10 471,40
v(m/s) 0,99 1,09 1,28 1,48 1,71 1,98 2,31 2,65
Q(l/s) 10,40 14,90 28,70 52,20 94,00 173,20 324,40 582,90
Panta / Slope 0/00

v(m/s) 1,24 1,35 1,59 1,84 2,12 2,46 2,85 3,28
Q(l/s) 12,20 17,40 33,60 60,90 109,40 201,40 377,10 677,20
v(m/s) 1,44 1,58 1,85 2,14 2,47 2,86 3,32 3,81
Q(l/s) 13,70 19,60 37,90 68,50 123,10 226,40 423,60 760,40
v(m/s) 1,62 1,78 2,09 2,40 2,78 3,21 3,73 4,28
Q(l/s) 15,10 21,60 41,70 75,40 135,40 249,00 465,80 835,80
v(m/s) 1,79 1,96 2,30 2,65 3,05 3,53 4,10 4,70
Q(l/s) 16,40 23,50 45,30 81,70 146,80 269,90 504,60 905,20
v(m/s) 1,95 2,13 2,49 2,88 3,31 3,83 4,44 5,10
Q(l/s) 17,60 25,20 48,60 87,70 157,40 289,30 540,80 969,90
v(m/s) 2,09 2,81 2,67 3,08 3,55 4,10 4,76 5,46
Q(l/s) 19,80 28,40 54,60 88,50 176,80 324,80 606,90 1088,10
v(m/s) 2,35 2,57 3,00 3,47 3,99 4,61 5,34 6,12
Q(l/s) 21,80 31,20 60,10 108,40 194,40 357,00 666,80 1195,10
v(m/s) 2,59 2,83 3,31 3,81 4,38 5,06 5,87 6,73
Q(l/s) 23,70 33,80 66,10 117,40 210,60 386,60 721,90 1293,60
v(m/s) 2,81 3,06 3,59 4,13 4,75 5,48 6,35 7,28
Q(l/s) 25,40 36,30 69,80 125,80 235,60 414,10 773,20 1385,30
v(m/s) 3,01 3,29 3,85 4,43 5,09 5,87 6,80 7,80
Q(l/s) 27,00 38,60 74,20 133,80 239,80 440,10 821,40 1471,40
v(m/s) 3,20 3,49 4,09 4,71 5,41 6,24 7,23 8,28
Q(l/s) 28,60 40,80 78,40 141,30 253,20 464,60 867,10 1552,90
v(m/s) 3,39 3,69 4,32 4,97 5,71 6,59 7,63 8,74

Pentru valorile acestor parametrii n cazul altor tipuri de evi (SN8) sau altor rugozitai (Kb) sau pante v rugm sa ne contactai.
For the values of these parameters in other pipes systems (SN8) or other operational roughness and slope, please contact us. 21
since 1896

Dimensionarea hidraulic umplere Hydraulic design - partial filling

To determine the partial filling of the pipe you must multiply
the flow rate and flow velocity from the previous table with
Pentru a determina gradul partial de umplere al evii trebuie
coefficients Q/Q100% and v/v100% shown in table and
sa multiplicm debitul i viteza de curgere din tabelul
graph below:
anterior cu coeficienii Q/Q100% si v/v100% prezentai in tabelul
i graficul de mai jos:

Q = Q100% Q/Q100% Q = Q100% Q/Q100%

v = v100% v/v100% v = v100% v/v100%
Q100% - debitul, pentru eava cu seciune plin Q100% - flow for the full pipe section
v100% - viteza de curgere n eava cu seciune plin v100% - flow velocity for the full pipe


Filling Q/Q100% v/v100%
5% 0,004 0,184
10% 0,017 0,333
15% 0,043 0,457 Grad umplere
20% 0,080 0,565 Filling
25% 0,129 0,661
30% 0,188 0,748
35% 0,256 0,821
40% 0,332 0,889
45% 0,414 0,948
50% 0,500 1,000
55% 0,589 1,045
60% 0,678 1,083
65% 0,766 1,113
70% 0,850 1,137
75% 0,927 1,152
80% 0,994 1,159
85% 1,048 1,157
90% 1,082 1,142 Coeficieni/Coefficients Q/Q100% i v/v100%
95% 1,087 1,108
100% 1,000 1,000

Dilatarea liniara a evilor de PVC PVC pipes linear expansion

n cazul proiectrii reelelor cu evi din PVC-U trebuie s se When designing networks with PVC-U pipes you must take
in cont de faptul ca modificrile n lungime ale acestora into consideration that changes in their length due to
ca urmare a variaiilor de temperatur sunt considerabil mai temperature variations are considerably higher compared to
mari comparativ cu evile metalice sau ceramice. ceramic or metal pipes.
Pentru calculul modificrii lungimii tevilor din PVC-U se To calculate the change in length of PVC-U pipes will be taken
vor lua n considerare temperatura existent la momentul into account the temperature at the moment of installation
pozrii i temperatura maxim i minim prevazut pentru and maximum and minimum temperature foreseen for the
pereii evii n timpul exploatrii reelei. pipe walls during operation of the network.
Modificarea lungimii este egal cu: Change in length is equal to:
L = Lc T L = Lc T
unde: where:
Lc = lungimea conductei Lc = length of the pipe
T = diferena de temperatur T = temperature difference
= coeficientul de dilatare liniar (0,08mm/mK pentru PVC) = coefficient of linear thermal expansion (0,08mm / m K - for PVC) 22
since 1896


Atunci cnd sunt ngropate, sub aciunea forelor exercitate When are buried, under the forces exerted by the ground
de sol i trafic, evile din material plastic fiind flexibile, and traffic, plastic pipes are flexible and permit the transfer
permit transferul acestor sarcini n solul din jur. n situaia of these forces into the surrounding soil. In the event
unor supra-ncrcri, n sistemele din material plastic apar of overload, in the plastic systems deformations occur
deformri (reversibile) ce nu influeneaz disfuncionaliti (reversibile) that not affect the surface or functionality issues.
ale suprafeelor sau probleme de funcionalitate. Criteriile The major criteria in the designing, from the structural point
majore n dimensionarea din punct de vedere structural n of view, in case of these systems are related to the degree of
cazul acestor sisteme sunt legate de gradul de deformare permit deformation and the pipe soil interaction.
permis i interaciunea eav sol.
If are not indicated values accepted by the beneficiary,
n cazul n care nu sunt indicate valorile acceptate de catre deformation of the pipes must not exceed 10%.
beneficiar gradul de deformare al evilor nu trebuie s
The degree of deformation of a buried pipe is influenced by
depaeasc 10%.
various factors such as the characteristics of the bed laying
Gradul de deformare a unei evi ngropate in sol este of the pipeline, type of soil, degree of compaction, burial
influenat de diferii factori cum sunt : caracteristicile patului depth, the ground water level, the rigidity of the pipe, the
de pozare a conductei, tipul de sol, gradul de compactare, influence of the traffic, etc.
adncimea de ngropare, nivelul apei freatice, rigiditatea
evii, influena traficului, etc.
We can classify the next bed shapes:
Untreated bed (angle of installation less than 30),
Putem clasifica urmtoarele forme de pat de pozare:
Treated bed (angle of installation between 30 and 90),
Pat de pozare nepregtit (unghi de instalare mai mic de 30),
Carefully treated bed (angle of installation greater
Pat de pozare pregtit (unghi de instalare ntre 30 i 90), than 90).
Pat de pozare executat cu grij (unghi de instalare mai The greater the angle of installation, the deeper the pipeline
mare de 90). cover may be with minimum pipe deformation. It is not
Cu ct este mai mare unghiul de instalare, cu att mai adnc recommended to design untreated beds.
eav poate fi instalat iar deformarea este mai redus. Nu
este recomandat s se execute paturi de aezare netratate.

Fr pat de pozare Pat de pozare normal Pat de pozare executat cu atenie

Untreated bed Treated bed Carefully treated bed

Fr, None,
Normal (85%<D<95%; 0,7<lD<0,8), Normal (85%<D<95%; 0,7<lD<0,8),
Cu atenie, verificat (D>95%; lD>0,8), Careful, supervised (D>95%; lD>0,8),
unde: where:
D: gradul de compactare determinat conform testului D: compactation parameter determined using standard
Proctor standard (pentru soluri coezive), Proctor test (for cohesive soils),
ID: densitatea relativ (pentru soluri ne-coezive la care ID: relative density (for non-cohesive soils where the
densitatea volumic maxim nu se poate determina cu maximum volume density cannot be dtermined with the
testul Proctor). Proctor test).
Cu ct se executa cu mai mare atenie compactarea cu att The more careful the compactation, he deeper the pipeline
adncimea de ngropare poate fi mai mare iar gradul de cover may be with minimum pipe deformation.
deformare mai redus. 23
since 1896

Soluri nisipoase (non-coezive, consolidarea rapid), Sandy loams (non-cohesive, fast consolidating),
Nisipuri argiloase (cele mai frecvente, cu viteza medie Loamy sands (most common, with medium
de consolidare), consolidation speed),
Soluri argiloase-lutoase (lente n consolidare). Clay loams (slow consolidating).


Drumuri de clasa A (cu vehicule de sarcin extrem cu Class A roads (with extreme model vehicle wheel
sarcin de 120kN/osie), pressure of 120kN),
Teren liber (se ia n considerare o sarcina accidental de Open ground (under consideration of accidental wheel
30kN/osie). pressure of 30kN).

Rezistena la flambaj a unei conducte ngropate poate fi The buckling resistance of a buried pipe can be determinated
determinat prin compararea presiunii actuale de susinere by comparing the actual outside sustained pressure against
cu presiunea critic de flambaj a conductei. n cazul the critical buckling pressure of the pipe. For buried pipes,
conductelor ngropate, sarcina de susinere este n fapt sustained load is basically the load exerted by groundwater
sarcina exercitat de apa subteran asupra conductei. on the pipe.
Presiunea apei subterane asupra conductei poate fi calculat: The groundwater pressure on the pipe can be calculated by:
q = 9,81 x Hg q = 9,81 x Hg
Unde: where:
q - presiunea apei subterane (kPa), q acting ground water pressure (kPa),
Hg - nivelul apei subterane deasupra conductei (m). Hg depth of groundwater over the pipe (m).

Rezistena mpotriva flambajului poate fi calculat (pentru The resistance against buckiling can be calculated (for firm
soluri ferme) prin: soils) by:
qcrit = 5,63 (Et x SN) qcrit = 5,63 (Et x SN)
Unde: where:
qcrit - presiunea critic de flambaj (kPa), qcrit - critical buckling pressure (kPa),
SN - rigiditatea inelar a evii (kPa), SN ring stiffness of the pipe (kPa),
Et - tangent modulul de sol (kPa). Et tangent modulus of the soil (kPa).
Valorile Et, evident, variaz n funcie de tipul de sol i gradul The Et values obviously vary per soil type and rate of
de compactare (a se vedea tabelul). compactation (see the table).

Tangena modului de sol Et (kPa)/Soil tangent modulus Et (kPa)

Grad de compactare / Compactation

Tipul solului /Soil type Fr Normal Cu grij, verificat
None Normal Careful, supervised
Necoeziv / Non-cohesive 1400 4000 10000
Uor coezive / Slightly cohesive 1200 2400 6000
Mixte coezive / Cohesive mixed soils 1000 2000 5000


Umplutura cu sol de granulaie fin Pack and backfill with fine-grained soil (internal fristion
(unghi intern de frecare 240, g = 18kN / m3), angle 240, g=18kN/m3),
Pat de pozare executat cu atenie, Carefully treated bed,
Compactare atent, supervizat. Careful, supervised compactation.
n aceste condiii opime de ngropare nivelul maxim de Under these opimum burying conditions the maximum
acoperire a evii este conform tabelului de mai jos. depth of pipeline cover is according table below. 24
since 1896

nlimea maxim de acoperire a conductei n condiii optime de ngropare.

Maximum depth of pipeline covers under optimum burying conditions (m).

D (mm) Teren liber (fr circulaie) Drumuri clasa A
Open ground Class A roads
110 5,85 5,35
125 4,00 3,65
160 3,30 3,05
200 3,35 3,10
250 4,35 4,00
315 4,45 4,10
400 4,55 4,25
500 4,6 4,35
Criteriul major: Deformarea < 10% / Decisive criterion: Deformation < 10%
D (mm) Teren liber (fr circulaie) Drumuri clasa A
Open ground Class A roads
250 6,50 6,10
315 6,60 6,20
400 6,70 6,20
500 6,75 6,25
Criteriul major: Deformarea < 10% / Decisive criterion: Deformation < 10%


Cnd se transport evi, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. Asigurai n mod eficient which may damage the pipes. Secure the pipes effectively
conductele nainte de a le transporta. before transporting them.
Atunci cnd se ncarc evi cu muf, evile se vor stivui When loading socket-ended pipes, stack the pipes so that the
astfel nct mufele sa nu fie n contact cu evile adiacente. sockets are not in contact with adjacent pipes. The largest
evile cu diametrul cel mai mare ar trebui s fie plasate pe diameter pipes should be placed on the bed of the vehicle.
podeaua vehiculului. De preferin, evile nu trebuie s fie n Pipes should preferably not overhang the vehicle, and in any
exteriorul vehiculul, i n orice caz, nu cu mai mult de cinci case not by more than five times the diameter or 2 meters.
ori diametrul sau 2 metri.
When handling the pipes, fittings and chambers, take care
La manipularea tevilor, fitingurilor i cminelor, asigurai-v to prevent damage. Plastics products can be damaged when
s prevenii deteriorarea acestora. Produsele din material get in contact with sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or
plastic pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd intr n contact cu dragged along the ground. In all circumstances, do not drop
obiecte ascuite sau n cazul n care cad, sunt aruncate sau or throw products and pallets. In case of unloading pipes
trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai s cad sau aruncai from the trucks with a crane use textile belts, preferably
produsele si paleii. n cazul descrcrii evilor din camioane supported at two points along the length of the pallet.
cu o macara utilizai centuri textile, de preferin sprijinite n
If loading or unloading pipes using forklifts, ensure that
dou puncte de-a lungul lungimii paletului.
only fork lift trucks with smooth forks should be used. Care
n cazul n care evile se ncarc sau descarc should be taken to ensure that forks do not strike the pipe
folosind stivuitoare, asigurai-v s fie folosite numai when lifting. If pipes are supplied in pallets, ensure that the
motostivuitoarele cu furci netede. Trebuie luate msuri slings are to be mounted centrally on the pallet at a distance
pentru a se asigura ca furcile s nu loveasc eava atunci of 3,5 m. It is important to ensure as large a space between
cnd ridicai paleii. n cazul n care conductele sunt livrate the forks as possible for stability of the pallets.
n palei, asigurai-v c furcile s fie poziionate central pe
palet la o distan de 3,5 m. Este important s se asigure un
spaiu ct mai mare ntre furci pentru stabilitatea paleilor. 25
since 1896

Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
a se evite orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandam o
We recommend special attention to handling pipes and
atenie deosebi la manevrarea evilor i fitingurilor n cazul
fittings when the ambient temperature is below -5 C.
n care temperatura este sub -5 C.
When storing pipes and fittings on site, the manufacturer
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, constructorul
must provide adequate space for storage. PVC pipes in bulk
trebuie s asigure un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea
or pallets have to be stored on flat surfaces without sharp
acestora. evile PVC vrac sau n palei trebuie depozitate
objects (stones or bumps). We recommend to keep the
pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite (pietre sau
fittings in the original packaging as much as possible. If
proeminene). Fitingurile se recomand sa fie pastrate n
there is not available a covered space, fittings can be kept
ambalajul original ct mai mult cu putin. Dac nu exist
also outdoors.
un spatiu acoperit se pot pstra i n exterior.
If keeping the pipes in pallets, they can be stacked, but not
n cazul pastrarii evilor n paleti, acetia se pot stivui, ns
more than 3 pallets - for pipes with diameter 110-200mm and
nu mai mult de 3 palei pentru evile cu diametrul D110 -
maximum 2 pallets for pipes with diameter D250 - 500mm.
200mm i maxim 2 palei n cazul evilor cu diametrul D250
In both cases safety measures shall be taken to prevent the
500mm. n ambele situaii se vor lua masuri de siguran
possibility of collapse or lateral displacement in the case of
pentru prevenirea deplasarilor laterale sau posibilitii de
prabuire a acestora in cazul rafalelor de vnt.
In the case of loose pipes, stack height must not exceed 1.5m.
n cazul depozitrii evilor vrac, nlimea stivei nu trebuie s
In this case, the pipes must be laid on wooden racks with a
depaeasc 1,5m. n aceast situaie, evile trebuie aezate
minimum width of 7,5cm positioned at a distance of 1 - 2m.
pe supori de lemn cu o lime de minim 7,5cm pozitionai la
The supports at the ends of the stack should be positioned
o distan de 1 2m. Suporii de la la capetele stivei trebuie
at a distance of 0.5, maximum 1m before the end of the pipe.
pozitionai la o distan de 0,5, maxim 1m faa de capatul evii.
Smaller diameter pipes may be telescopic pipes with
evile cu diametrul mai mic pot fi telescopate n evile cu
diameter so long as the pipes are provided with supports
diametrul mai mare att timp ct evile sunt prevzute cu
throughout their entire length.
supori pe toat lungimea lor.
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste
to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
6 luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile
not obstruct the ventilation and also to remove the pipes
solare astfel nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora i
seals and keeping them in a place protected from intense
deasemenea demontarea garniturilor evilor i pstrarea
sunlight and high temperatures.
acestora ntr-un spaiu ferit de radiaii solare puternice i
temperaturi ridicate.

Instalarea Installation

Excavarea sanului Trench Excavation

Se recomand ca excavarea sanului s nu se execute cu mult It is recommended that the trench excavation not run long
timp nainte de instalarea evilor. anul trebuie acoperit cat before installing pipes. The trench should be covered as
mai repede dup instalarea evilor, daca este posibil, chiar soon as possible after installing the pipes, if possible, even
n aceaai zi. in the same day.
Lucrul n santuri deschise prezint un potenial pericol. Se Working in open trenches is a potential danger. You should
recomand asigurarea pereilor anului. Asigurai-v ca provide protection of the trench walls. Make sure that when
atunci cnd operatorii sunt n an micarea echipamentelor operators are in the ditch the movement of equipment can
de pe mal nu poate provoca prbuirea antului i nu exist not cause the collapse of the trench and there are no other
alte obiecte ce pot cdea n an. Baza anului trebuie objects that may fall into the ditch. The trench base should
s asigure un spaiu suficient pentru mbinarea evilor i provide sufficient space for pipes joining and achievement
realizarea in mod corespunztor a compactrii i nu trebuie in properly conditions of the soil compaction and do not
s reduc influena pozitiv a solului asupra evilor. In cele 2 reduce the positive influence of soil on pipes. In the two
tabele de mai jos este indicat laimea bazei anului. tables below is indicate the width of the trench base. 26
since 1896

Limea minim an-funcie de diametrul evii Minimum trench width-according pipe diameter

Diametrul evii Unghi an Unghi an Pipe diameter Trench angle Trench angle
(mm) > 60 < 60 (mm) > 60 < 60
200-300 0,9m 0,9m 200-300 0,9m 0,9m
400 1,0m 0,9m 400 1,0m 0,9m
500 1,2m 0,9m 500 1,2m 0,9m
600 1,3m 1,0m 600 1,3m 1,0m
800 1,6m 1,2m 800 1,6m 1,2m

Unghiul santului este unghiul taluzului msurat fa de The trench angle is the slope angle measured from the
orizontal. horizontal.
Limea minim an-funcie de adncime Minimum trench width-according depth

Adncime an (m) Lime minim (m) Trench depth (m) Minimum width (m)

< 1m Nu se specific < 1m Not specified

1 1,75m 0,9m 1 1,75m 0,9m
1,75 4,0m 0,95m 1,75 4,0m 0,95m
> 4m 1,0m > 4m 1,0m

Limea minim a anului poate fi modificat n anumite The minimum width of the trench can be modified in certain
situaii, ca de exemplu: situations, for example:
n cazul n care personalul nu coboar niciodat n an If the staff never does enter into the ditch (laying is done
(pozarea se face automat); dac personalul nu intr n automatically), unless personal enter in the space between
spaiul dintre conduct i peretele anului sau n locuri the pipe and the trench wall or in very narrow places or in
foarte nguste i situaii cnd este inevitabil. circumstances when it is inevitable.
n astfel de situaii este necesar luarea unor msuri particulare In such situations it is necessary to take particular measures
precum i executarea calcului static pentru astfel de situaii. private and static calculation for such situations.
n cazul instalrii unor evi paralele se va avea in vedere When installing parallel pipes you have to ensure a sufficient
asigurarea unui spaiu suficient pentru compactare ntre compaction space between the pipes. A space between
evi. Se recomand un spaiu egal cu minim 150mm mai the pipes of at least 150 mm greater than the width of the
mare dect limea tlpii compactorului. compactor is recommended.

Pregtirea patului de montaj i instalarea evilor Preparation of the bed assembly and pipes installation
n cazul n care partea inferioar a anului excavat este In case the bottom of the excavated trench consists of fine
alctuit din soluri cu granulatie fina, fr obiecte ascuite, grained soils without sharp objects such as large stones,
cum ar fi pietre mari, este suficient s nivelm suprafaa, it is sufficient to level the bottom in line with the required
n conformitate cu gradientul necesar i s o afnm, fie gradient and to loosen the bottom, either with the teeth of
cu dinii cupei excavator sau cu o cazma. n caz contrar se the excavator bucket or with a spade.
va achiziiona i folosi un material granular adecvat. Acest
If not, proper imported granular material shall be used.
material poate fi pietri, nisip sau piatr concasat, cu o
This material may be gravel, sand or crushed rock, with a
dimensiune maxim a particulei de 20 mm. Cu acesta se
maximum particle size of 20 mm. With this a bedding layer of
va realiza un strat de aternut de cel puin 50 mm, dar de
at least 50 mm, but preferably 100-150 mm, shall be made.
preferin 100-150 mm. Este indicat s se asigure un mic
Some space shall be provided under the planned position of
spaiu n zonele n care se vor poziiona mufele evii.
the socket. Ground water swelling up in the trench should be
n cazul apariiei apei n an din pnza freatic se vor lua prevented with suitable de-watering.
masuri de evacuare a acesteia cu echipamente adecvate. 27
since 1896

Instalarea sistemului Installation

nainte de instalare, se vor verifica garniturile evilor i Before the pipe installation, it is necessary to check pipes
fitingurilor i existena altor eventuale defecte. La instalare and fittings sealing and any other potential damage. At
se va introduce capatul fr muf al evii n mufa evii installation the spigot end pipe will be introduced into the
instalate anterior. Direcia de curgere este de la capatul evii previously installed pipe socket. Flow direction is from
cu muf catre capatul fr muf al evii. Din acest motiv este the pipe socket to the pipe end spigot. For this reason it is
recomandat sa se nceap instalarea din zona de jos (cota recommended to begin installation from the downstream
inferioar) a seciunii de lucru ctre partea superioar (cota part of the section working upwards. Each pipe and fittings
superioar). Fiecare eav i fiting se vor instala conform will be installed according the slope of the project. Lay the
pantei prevzute n proiect. ntindei eava n an astfel nct pipe in the trench so that it bears evenly on the bedding
sa fie uniform aezat pe toat lungimea sa pe patul anului. throughout its length.
evile sunt prevazute din fabricaie cu un anfren. evile ce The pipes are properly chamfered when coming from the
se vor debita n antier se vor tia la un unghi de 90 fa de factory.Pipes cut on the site will be cut at an angle of 90 to
axa orizontal dup care taietura se va debavura i apoi cu their horizontal axis then deburr the cut end and chamfer
ajutorul unei pile se va executa un nou anfren, la un unghi with a file at an angle of 15 over a length (L mm) according
de 15 pe o lungime (L- in mm) conform tabelului de mai jos. to the table below
Lungimea anfrenului-funcie de diametrul evii (mm) Chamfer lenght-according pipe diameter (mm)

D 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 D 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500
L 6 6 7 9 9 12 15 18 L 6 6 7 9 9 12 15 18

Etapele mbinarii elementelor sistemului sunt: Stages of joint system elements are:
1. Verificai ca garnitura sa fie corect aezat in locaul 1. Check that the ring seal is properly seated in the socket
mufei. Verificai ca atat capatul fr muf ct i mufa evii housing. Check that both the pipe or fitting spigot end ring
sau a fitingului s fie uscate, curate, fr pietricele sau praf. seal socket are dry, clean and free from grit or dust.
2. Lubrifiai garnitura i captul fr mufa ce urmeaz sa fie 2. Lubricate the ring seal and spigot end that will be
mbinate, cu un lubrifiant dedicat. Asigurai-v ca cele dou connected with a dedicated lubricant. Make sure that the
elemente ce urmeaz sa fie imbinate s fie corect aliniate. components to be joined are correctly aligned.
Mai jos v prezentam consumul estimat de lubrifiant pentru Bellow we present the estimated lubricant consumption for
100 de mbinri. 100 connections.

Consumul estimat de lubrifiant pentru 100 de mbinri / Estimated lubricant consumption for 100 connections.

D (mm) 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500

200 250 300 400 600 800 1000 1300

3. Impingei captul fr muf pn la maxim in mufa 3. Push the spigot fully into the socket. Mark the spigot at the
celuilalt element. Marcai cu marker si apoi tragei napoi socket face and then withdraw the spigot by a 3mm for each
din muf cu minim 3mm pentru fiecare m de eava din 1m of pipe, by a minimum of 10 mm. Prevent soil and dirt
bara respectiv, dar nu mai puin de 10mm . Asigurai-va ca coming into the jointing area during assembly.
pmnt sau mizerie s nu ptrund n zona de mbinare n
4. When a lever (crow bar) is used to push the joint home, a
timpul montajului.
block of wood should be placed between the lever and the
4. Atunci cnd o prghie (levier) este folosit pentru a executa end of the pipe to prevent the pipe from being damaged.
mbinarea, o bucat de lemn trebuie s fie plasat ntre
5. Check if the desired pipe gradient has been achieved,
prghie i captul evii, pentru a preveni deteriorarea evii.
either with laser or with other means of level indication. For
5. Verificai dac panta este corespunztoare, fie cu laser example, a gradient of 1:300 on a 6 m long pipe results in a 2
sau cu alte mijloace de indicare a nivelului. De exemplu, un cm higher socket.
gradient de 1:300 pe o eav de 6 m lungime are ca rezultat
Change of direction is achieved by fittings or manholes or
pozitionarea mufei cu 2 cm mai sus.
inspection chambers. Even so, PVC-U pipes can bend, but
Schimbarile de direcie se realizeaz cu ajutorul fitingurilor the bending is prohibited in the coupler zone. Depending
sau caminelor de vizitare sau chiar inspecie. Chiar i aa, on the bending radius, we have the following maximum h
tuburile din PVC-U se pot curba, ns este interzis curbarea dimensions for a L length of a pipe.
n zona mufelor. n funcie de raza de curbur, avem
urmtoarele dimensiuni maxime h pentru o lungime L a evii. 28
since 1896

h (mm)
D (mm) rmin (m)
L=2m L=5m L=10
110 33 15 95 380
125 37,5 13 83 330
160 48 10 65 260
200 60 8 52 210
n continuare v prezentm cteva instruciuni suplimentare Here we present some additional instructions regarding
n ceea ce privete montajul n cazul zonelor n pant precum installation in sloping areas and some guidance on minimum
i cteva instruciuni cu privire la distanele minime fa de distances from buildings or other networks.
construcii sau alte reele.

n situaia unor suprafee n pant In the event of sloping surfaces

n astfel de situaii, ca urmare a vitezei mari de curgere si In such circumstances, due to the high flow velocity and
greutii, va aprea pe versant o for de mpingere mpotriva weight, on the slope will appear a thrust against which the
creia reeaua trebuie asigurat. Forele de mpingere sunt network should be ensured. Pushing forces are captured
preluate cu ajutorul unor blocuri de ancorare din beton, ce se using concrete anchor blocks, which will be located behind
vor instala n spatele mufelor. n cazul pantelor abrupte se va the coupler. If case of steep slopes an anchor block will be
monta un bloc de ancorare n spatele fiecarei mufe din 6 n 6 m. installed behind each socket every 6m.
n eventualitatea existenei apelor de coast, acestea trebuie In the event of any coastal waters, they must be removed by
ndeprtate cu ajutorul unor sisteme de drenaj. means of drainage system.
O soluie extrem de moderna i indicat este cea a utilizrii A very modern and appropriate solution is the use of
caminelor de rupere de pant, ce disipeaz energia acumulat. backdrop chamber that dissipates the accumulated energy.

Pat din pietri

(bine compactat)
Alt material
de umplutur
Sprijin din
Pmnt vegetal

Distane de protecie fa de construcii i alte reele Protective distances to buildings and other networks
Pentru stabilirea distanelor minime se iau n considerare To establish minimum distances are considered the following
urmatoarele criteri: criteria:
S existe spaiu suficient pentru construirea i/sau Ensure a sufficient space to build and/or renovate the
renovarea reelei, network,
O distan de siguran n ce privete apropierea A safe distance in the dangerous proximity between the
periculoas ntre evi si cablaje, pipes and wiring,
S nu existe transmisii de fore inadmisibile, Let there be no transmission of inadmissible forces,
S nu existe influene de temperatur inadmisibile Not inadmissible influences temperature (heating
(reele de termoficare sau cabluri de nalt tensiune). networks or high-voltage). 29
since 1896

n ceea ce privete distana fa de construcii se va respecta Regarding the distance from constructions will comply with
distana orizontal de minim 40cm fa de fundaii sau alte the minimum horizontal distance of 40cm to foundations
construcii subterane. Distana vertical fa de fundaii or other underground construction. The vertical distance to
trebuie sa fie >15cm. foundations must be > 15cm.
n cazul conductelor i cablurilor, la pozarea paralel cu alte If pipelines and cables are installed in parallel with other
reele sau cabluri se va pstra o distan de cel putin 40cm. O networks or laying cables, keep a distance of at least 40cm. A
distan minim de 20cm trebuie pstrat chiar i n locurile minimum distance of 20cm must be maintained even in tight
strmte. Daca din anumite motive, aceast distan nu se places. If for some reason, this distance cannot be ensured,
poate asigura, trebuie luate msuri adecvate ce urmeaz sa adequate measures must be taken to be set by users of both
fie stabilite de catre utilizatorii celor doua reele, pentru a se networks to prevent direct contact.
mpiedica contactul direct.
At intersections between the pipes and cables will keep
La intersecii ntre conducte i cabluri se va pstra o distan a distance of 20cm. If not possible, contact between them
de 20cm. Dac nu este posibil, contactul dintre cele doua must be prevented by placing between membranes or
trebuie mpiedicat prin plasarea ntre acestea a unor electrical insulation boards.
membrane sau placi izolatoare electric.
Warning! The transmission of force should be excluded.
Atenie! Transmisia de for trebuie exclus.
Drinking water pipes must be routed at a higher level than
Conductele de ap potabil trebuie pozate mai nalt fa sewer pipes. If the drinking water pipe is at the same depth
de conductele de canalizare. n cazul n care conducta de or lower than the sewer pipe, laid in parallel with this, then
ap potabil se afla la aceeai adncime sau mai jos dect it must be kept at a minimum distance of 100cm between
conducta de canalizare, pozat n paralel cu aceasta, atunci them. Exceptions are forced trajectory points.
trebuie pstrat o distan minim de 100cm ntre cele dou.
Excepie fac punctele cu traiectorie forat.

Verificarea montajului Installation checking

Dup finalizarea pozrii se vor face face o serie de verificri. After completing the installation, a number of checks will be
Verificri vizuale care cuprind direcia i nivelul de pozare,
mbinrile executate, eventuale deformri neuniforme, Visual inspection which include the laying direction and
modul de executare a racordurilor. level, joints, any irregular deformation, house connections.
Realizarea conform cerinelor din proiect a zonei de reea se The achievement according project requirements of the
poate face prin verificarea compactrii i/sau a deformrii evii, network area can be done by checking of the compaction
iar verificarea umpluturii principale prin verificarea compactrii. and/or deformation of the pipe and checking of the filling by
compactation checking.
La cerere se va verifica gradul de compactare al patului
i al umpluturii laterale precum si deformarea conductei On request there will be check the degree of compaction
prin verificarea modificrii diametrului evii pe vertical n of the bed and side pack and also pipe deformation by
conformitate cu calcul static. checking the vertical diameter pipe modification according
static calculation.
Etaneitatea reelei (deci inclusiv a racordurilor i cminelor)
se realizeaz fie prin procedeul cu aer fie prin cel cu ap. The tightness of the network (including fittings and chambers)
Componentele reelei se pot verifica i separat, de exemplu is carried out either by air or by the water method. Network
tuburile cu aer iar cminele cu ap. components can be checked separately, for example pipes
with air and inspection chambers or manholes with water.

Umplutura i compactarea anului

Backfilling and compaction
Odat ce conducta a fost instalat i testat n modul
prescris, putei ncepe umplerea anului. Once the pipeline has been installed and tested in the
prescribed manner, you can start filling in the pack.
n ceea ce privete straturile umpluturii se poate face o
distincie clar ntre patul de aezare al evii, pe care l-am With backfilling a clear distinction can be made between the
descris anterior, umplutura lateral, umplutura iniial i bedding, side fill, initial backfill and final backfill.
umplutura final.
Both pack of side filling and compaction must be done
n cazul umpluturii laterale, umplerea ct i compactarea on both sides simultaneously preventing any cavities to
trebuie fcute pe ambele pri simultan prevenindu-se be created under the drains. The filling will be made with
formarea unor caviti sub conduct. Umplerea se va face successive layers with a maximum 30cm thickness. The
in straturi succesive de maxim 30cm grosime. Zona dintre area between the pipeline and the trench wall must be
conduct i peretele anului trebuie s fie compactat compacted evenly in accordance with the requirements
uniform n conformitate cu cerinele proiectului (de of the project specification (e.g. to the minimum required
exemplu, la nivelul minim necesar de densitate Proctor). Proctor density). 30
since 1896

nlimea umpluturii laterale se execut pna la o grosime The side fill goes up to minimum 2/3 of the pipe diameter. It
egal cu minim 2/3 din diametrul conductei. Este indicat ca is advisable to execute the filling side up to the pipeline top
umplerea lateral sa se execute pn la nivelul generatoarei edge.
superioare a conductei.
The initial backfill should exceed the pipeline top edge by
Umplutura iniial se execut pana la 30 de cm deasupra 30cm in successive layers with a uniform compaction to the
generatoarei superioare a conductei n straturi succesive cu minimum required Proctor density according the project.
o compactare uniform la un grad de compactare Proctor
For compacting you can use a rammer that will be used on
conform proiectului.
both sides of the pipe. Never use the rammer directly above
Pentru compactare se va folosi un mai cu care se va compacta the pipeline!
pe ambele pri ale conductei.Niciodat nu utilizai maiul
For both the side fill and the initial backfill, as with the pipe
direct deasupra conductei!
bedding, will be used a filling material similar with the bed
Att pentru umplutura lateral ct i pentru cea iniial se fill. Excavated material may be used provided that this
va folosi o umplutur similar cu cea utilizata la patul evii. material consists of fine-grained soils without sharp objects
Materialul excavat poate fi utilizat cu condiia ca acest such as large stones. If not, proper granular material shall be
material s fie din soluri cu granulaie fin, fr obiecte imported from elsewhere. This material may be gravel, sand
ascuite, cum ar fi pietre mari. n cazul contrar, un material or crushed rock, with a maximum particle size of 20 mm.
granular se achiziioneaz din alt parte. Acest material
For the final backfill the excavated material can be used.
poate fi pietri, nisip sau piatr concasat, cu o dimensiune
The final backfill must be compacted along the entire
maxim a particulei de 20 mm.
trench width. We do not recommend using frozen earth or
Pentru umplutura final se poate utiliza materialul excavat. earth containing particles greater than 150 mm for the final
Umplutura final trebuie s fie compacat pe toat limea backfill.
anului. Nu se recomand utilizarea pmntului ngheat
At locations with higher levels of groundwater, it is necessary
sau a pmntului ce conine particule cu un diametru mai
to pack, backfill and compact faster to prevent the pipeline
mare de 150mm pentru stratul de umplutur final.
from floating. The trench reinfor-cement is to be removed
n locaiile cu nivelul ridicat al pnzei de ap freatic simultaneously as the backfill and compaction advance.
este necesar sa executai umpluturile i compactarea cu
vitez mare pentru a preveni fenomenul de flotabilitate al
conductei. Elementele de sprijin ale anului se vor indeprta
simultan cu avansarea umpluturii i compactrii. 31
since 1896

evi canalizri exterioare PVC-U multistrat cu o muf i garnitur SN2 (SDR51) (KGEM)
PVC-U multilayer sewer single socket pipes SN2 (SDR51) (KGEM)

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN Ltotal Lm

D (mm) s (mm) L+Lm(m) (mm)
V93110022I11000OR 110 2,2 2 1 60
V93110022I12000OR 110 2,2 2 2 60
V93110022I13000OR 110 2,2 2 3 60
V93110022I14000OR 110 2,2 2 4 60
V93110022I16000OR 110 2,2 2 6 60
V93125025I11000OR 125 2,5 2 1 67
V93125025I12000OR 125 2,5 2 2 67
V93125025I13000OR 125 2,5 2 3 67
V93125025I14000OR 125 2,5 2 4 67
V93125025I16000OR 125 2,5 2 6 67
V93160032I11000OR 160 3,2 2 1 81
V93160032I12000OR 160 3,2 2 2 81
V93160032I13000OR 160 3,2 2 3 81
V93160032I14000OR 160 3,2 2 4 81
V93160032I16000OR 160 3,2 2 6 81
V93200039I11000OR 200 3,9 2 1 99
V93200039I12000OR 200 3,9 2 2 99
V93200039I13000OR 200 3,9 2 3 99
V93200039I14000OR 200 3,9 2 4 99
V93200039I16000OR 200 3,9 2 6 99
V93250049I11000OR 250 4,9 2 1 125
V93250049I12000OR 250 4,9 2 2 125
V93250049I13000OR 250 4,9 2 3 125
V93250049I14000OR 250 4,9 2 4 125
V93250049I16000OR 250 4,9 2 6 125
V93315062I11000OR 315 6,2 2 1 132
V93315062I12000OR 315 6,2 2 2 132
V93315062I13000OR 315 6,2 2 3 132
V93315062I14000OR 315 6,2 2 4 132
V93315062I16000OR 315 6,2 2 6 132
V93400079I11000OR 400 7,9 2 1 150
V93400079I12000OR 400 7,9 2 2 150
V93400079I13000OR 400 7,9 2 3 150
V93400079I14000OR 400 7,9 2 4 150
V93400079I16000OR 400 7,9 2 6 150
V93500098I11000ORB 500 9,8 2 1 160
V93500098I12000ORB 500 9,8 2 2 160
V93500098I13000ORB 500 9,8 2 3 160
V93500098I14000ORB 500 9,8 2 4 160
V93500098I16000ORB 500 9,8 2 6 160
Not Note
La cerere se pot livra evi SN2 i cu lungimea de 5m. On request we can deliver SN2 pipes - 5m lenght. On order we
La comand se pot livra evi SN2 cu muf lis la 4 i 6m. can deliver SN2 pipes 4m and 6m length with glued socket.

evi canalizri exterioare PVC-U multistrat cu o muf i garnitur SN4 (SDR41) (KGEM)
PVC-U multilayer sewer single socket pipes SN4 (SDR41) (KGEM)

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V95110032I11000ORB 110 3,2 4 1 60
V95110032I12000ORB 110 3,2 4 2 60
V95110032I13000ORB 110 3,2 4 3 60
V95110032I14000ORB 110 3,2 4 4 60
V95110032I15000ORB 110 3,2 4 5 60
V95110032I16000ORB 110 3,2 4 6 60
V95125032I11000ORB 125 3,2 4 1 67
V95125032I12000ORB 125 3,2 4 2 67
V95125032I13000ORB 125 3,2 4 3 67
V95125032I14000ORB 125 3,2 4 4 67
V95125032I15000ORB 125 3,2 4 5 67
V95125032I16000ORB 125 3,2 4 6 67
V95160040I11000ORB 160 4,0 4 1 81
V95160040I12000ORB 160 4,0 4 2 81
V95160040I13000ORB 160 4,0 4 3 81
V95160040I14000ORB 160 4,0 4 4 81
V95160040I15000ORB 160 4,0 4 5 81
V95160040I16000ORB 160 4,0 4 6 81
V95200049I11000ORB 200 4,9 4 1 99
V95200049I12000ORB 200 4,9 4 2 99
V95200049I13000ORB 200 4,9 4 3 99
V95200049I14000ORB 200 4,9 4 4 99
V95200049I15000ORB 200 4,9 4 5 99
V95200049I16000ORB 200 4,9 4 6 99
V95250062I11000ORB 250 6,2 4 1 125 32
since 1896

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V95250062I12000ORB 250 6,2 4 2 125
V95250062I13000ORB 250 6,2 4 3 125
V95250062I14000ORB 250 6,2 4 4 125
V95250062I15000ORB 250 6,2 4 5 125
V95250062I16000ORB 250 6,2 4 6 125
V95315077I11000ORB 315 7,7 4 1 132
V95315077I12000ORB 315 7,7 4 2 132
V95315077I13000ORB 315 7,7 4 3 132
V95315077I14000ORB 315 7,7 4 4 132
V95315077I15000ORB 315 7,7 4 5 132
V95315077I16000ORB 315 7,7 4 6 132
V95400098I11000OM 400 9,8 4 1 150
V95400098I12000OM 400 9,8 4 2 150
V95400098I13000OM 400 9,8 4 3 150
V95400098I14000OM 400 9,8 4 4 150
V95400098I15000OM 400 9,8 4 5 150
V95400098I16000OM 400 9,8 4 6 150
V95500123I11000ORB 500 12,3 4 1 160
V95500123I12000ORB 500 12,3 4 2 160
V95500123I13000ORB 500 12,3 4 3 160
V95500123I14000ORB 500 12,3 4 4 160
V95500123I15000ORB 500 12,3 4 5 160
V95500123I16000ORB 500 12,3 4 6 160
Not Note
La comand se pot livra evi SN4 cu muf lisa la 4 i 6m. On order we can deliver SN4 pipes 4m and 6m length
with glued socket.

evi canalizri exterioare PVC-U multistrat cu o muf i garnitur SN8 (SDR34) (KGEM)
PVC-U multilayer sewer single socket pipes SN8 (SDR34) (KGEM)

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V97110032I11000ORM 110 3,2 8 1 60
V97110032I12000ORM 110 3,2 8 2 60
V97110032I13000ORM 110 3,2 8 3 60
V97110032I14000ORM 110 3,2 8 4 60
V97110032I15000ORM 110 3,2 8 5 60
V97110032I16000ORM 110 3,2 8 6 60
V97160047I11000ORM 160 4,7 8 1 81
V97160047I12000ORM 160 4,7 8 2 81
V97160047I13000ORM 160 4,7 8 3 81
V97160047I14000ORM 160 4,7 8 4 81
V97160047I15000ORM 160 4,7 8 5 81
V97160047I16000ORM 160 4,7 8 6 81
V97200059I11000ORM 200 5,9 8 1 99
V97200059I12000ORM 200 5,9 8 2 99
V97200059I13000ORM 200 5,9 8 3 99
V97200059I14000ORM 200 5,9 8 4 99
V97200059I15000ORM 200 5,9 8 5 99
V97200059I16000ORM 200 5,9 8 6 99
V97250073I11000ORM 250 7,3 8 1 125
V97250073I12000ORM 250 7,3 8 2 125
V97250073I13000ORM 250 7,3 8 3 125
V97250073I14000ORM 250 7,3 8 4 125
V97250073I15000ORM 250 7,3 8 5 125
V97250073I16000ORM 250 7,3 8 6 125
V97315092I11000ORM 315 9,2 8 1 132
V97315092I12000ORM 315 9,2 8 2 132
V97315092I13000ORM 315 9,2 8 3 132
V97315092I14000ORM 315 9,2 8 4 132
V97315092I15000ORM 315 9,2 8 5 132
V97315092I16000ORM 315 9,2 8 6 132
V97400117I11000ORM 400 11,7 8 1 150
V97400117I12000ORM 400 11,7 8 2 150
V97400117I13000ORM 400 11,7 8 3 150
V97400117I14000ORM 400 11,7 8 4 150
V97400117I15000ORM 400 11,7 8 5 150
V97400117I16000ORM 400 11,7 8 6 150
V97500146I11000ORM 500 14,6 8 1 160
V97500146I12000ORM 500 14,6 8 2 160
V97500146I13000ORM 500 14,6 8 3 160
V97500146I14000ORM 500 14,6 8 4 160
V97500146I15000ORM 500 14,6 8 5 160
V97500146I16000ORM 500 14,6 8 6 160

Not Note
La comand se pot livra evi SN8 cu muf lis la 4 i 6m. On order we can deliver SN8 pipes 4m and 6m length
with glued socket. 33
since 1896

evi canalizri exterioare PVC-U multistrat cu o muf i garnitur SN4 (SDR41) (KGEM) - SR EN 13476-1,2
PVC-U sewer multilayer single socket pipes SN4 (SDR41) (KGEM) - SR EN 13476-1,2

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V95110032I11000EN 110 3,2 4 1 60
V95110032I12000EN 110 3,2 4 2 60
V95110032I13000EN 110 3,2 4 3 60
V95110032I14000EN 110 3,2 4 4 60
V95110032I15000EN 110 3,2 4 5 60
V95110032I16000EN 110 3,2 4 6 60
V95125032I11000EN 125 3,2 4 1 67
V95125032I12000EN 125 3,2 4 2 67
V95125032I13000EN 125 3,2 4 3 67
V95125032I14000EN 125 3,2 4 4 67
V95125032I15000EN 125 3,2 4 5 67
V95125032I16000EN 125 3,2 4 6 67
V95160040I11000EN 160 4,0 4 1 81
V95160040I12000EN 160 4,0 4 2 81
V95160040I13000EN 160 4,0 4 3 81
V95160040I14000EN 160 4,0 4 4 81
V95160040I15000EN 160 4,0 4 5 81
V95160040I16000EN 160 4,0 4 6 81
V95200049I11000EN 200 4,9 4 1 99
V95200049I12000EN 200 4,9 4 2 99
V95200049I13000EN 200 4,9 4 3 99
V95200049I14000EN 200 4,9 4 4 99
V95200049I15000EN 200 4,9 4 5 99
V95200049I16000EN 200 4,9 4 6 99
V95250062I11000EN 250 6,2 4 1 125
V95250062I12000EN 250 6,2 4 2 125
V95250062I13000EN 250 6,2 4 3 125
V95250062I14000EN 250 6,2 4 4 125
V95250062I15000EN 250 6,2 4 5 125
V95250062I16000EN 250 6,2 4 6 125
V95315077I11000EN 315 7,7 4 1 132
V95315077I12000EN 315 7,7 4 2 132
V95315077I13000EN 315 7,7 4 3 132
V95315077I14000EN 315 7,7 4 4 132
V95315077I15000EN 315 7,7 4 5 132
V95315077I16000EN 315 7,7 4 6 132
V95400098I11000EN 400 9,8 4 1 150
V95400098I12000EN 400 9,8 4 2 150
V95400098I13000EN 400 9,8 4 3 150
V95400098I14000EN 400 9,8 4 4 150
V95400098I15000EN 400 9,8 4 5 150
V95400098I16000EN 400 9,8 4 6 150
V95500123I11000EN 500 12,3 4 1 160
V95500123I12000EN 500 12,3 4 2 160
V95500123I13000EN 500 12,3 4 3 160
V95500123I14000EN 500 12,3 4 4 160
V95500123I15000EN 500 12,3 4 5 160
V95500123I16000EN 500 12,3 4 6 160

evi canalizri exterioare PVC-U multistrat cu o muf i garnitur SN8 (SDR34) (KGEM) - SR EN 13476-1,2
PVC-U sewer multilayer single socket pipes SN8 (SDR34) (KGEM) - SR EN 13476-1,2

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V97110032I11000EN 110 3,2 8 1 60
V97110032I12000EN 110 3,2 8 2 60
V97110032I13000EN 110 3,2 8 3 60
V97110032I14000EN 110 3,2 8 4 60
V97110032I15000EN 110 3,2 8 5 60
V97110032I16000EN 110 3,2 8 6 60
V97125037I11000EN 125 3,7 8 1 91
V97125037I12000EN 125 3,7 8 2 91
V97125037I13000EN 125 3,7 8 3 91
V97125037I14000EN 125 3,7 8 4 91
V97125037I15000EN 125 3,7 8 5 91
V97125037I16000EN 125 3,7 8 6 91
V97160047I11000EN 160 4,7 8 1 81
V97160047I12000EN 160 4,7 8 2 81
V97160047I13000EN 160 4,7 8 3 81
V97160047I14000EN 160 4,7 8 4 81
V97160047I15000EN 160 4,7 8 5 81
V97160047I16000EN 160 4,7 8 6 81
V97200059I11000EN 200 5,9 8 1 99
V97200059I12000EN 200 5,9 8 2 99
V97200059I13000EN 200 5,9 8 3 99 34
since 1896

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V97200059I14000EN 200 5,9 8 4 99
V97200059I15000EN 200 5,9 8 5 99
V97200059I16000EN 200 5,9 8 6 99
V97250073I11000EN 250 7,3 8 1 125
V97250073I12000EN 250 7,3 8 2 125
V97250073I13000EN 250 7,3 8 3 125
V97250073I14000EN 250 7,3 8 4 125
V97250073I15000EN 250 7,3 8 5 125
V97250073I16000EN 250 7,3 8 6 125
V97315092I11000EN 315 9,2 8 1 132
V97315092I12000EN 315 9,2 8 2 132
V97315092I13000EN 315 9,2 8 3 132
V97315092I14000EN 315 9,2 8 4 132
V97315092I15000EN 315 9,2 8 5 132
V97315092I16000EN 315 9,2 8 6 132
V97400117I11000EN 400 11,7 8 1 150
V97400117I12000EN 400 11,7 8 2 150
V97400117I13000EN 400 11,7 8 3 150
V97400117I14000EN 400 11,7 8 4 150
V97400117I15000EN 400 11,7 8 5 150
V97400117I16000EN 400 11,7 8 6 150
V97500146I11000EN 500 14,6 8 1 160
V97500146I12000EN 500 14,6 8 2 160
V97500146I13000EN 500 14,6 8 3 160
V97500146I14000EN 500 14,6 8 4 160
V97500146I15000EN 500 14,6 8 5 160
V97500146I16000EN 500 14,6 8 6 160

evi canalizri exterioare PVC COMPACT cu o muf i garnitur SN4 (KGEM)

PVC sewer SOLID WALL single socket pipes SN4 (KGEM)

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V84110032I16000ORM 110 3,2 4 6 60
V84125032I16000ORM 125 3,2 4 6 67
V84160040I16000ORM 160 4,0 4 6 81
V84200049I16000ORM 200 4,9 4 6 99
V84250062I16000ORM 250 6,2 4 6 125
V84315077I16000ORM 315 7,7 4 6 132
V84400098I16000ORM 400 9,8 4 6 150
V84500123I16000ORM 500 12,3 4 6 160

Not Note
La cerere se pot livra i bare cu lungimile de 1,2,3,4 i On order we can deliver also pipes with lenght of 1,2,3,4
5m lungime. and 5m lenght.

evi canalizri exterioare PVC COMPACT cu o muf i garnitur SN8 (KGEM)

PVC sewer SOLID WALL single socket pipes SN8 (KGEM)

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (m) (mm)
V88110032I16000ORM 110 3,2 8 6 60
V88125037I16000ORM 125 3,7 8 6 67
V88160047I16000ORM 160 4,7 8 6 81
V88200059I16000ORM 200 5,9 8 6 99
V88250073I16000ORM 250 7,3 8 6 125
V88315092I16000ORM 315 9,2 8 6 132
V88400117I16000ORM 400 11,7 8 6 150
V88500146I16000ORM 500 14,6 8 6 160

Not Note
La cerere se pot livra i bare cu lungimile de 1,2,3,4 i On order we can deliver also pipes with lenght of 1,2,3,4
5m lungime. and 5m lenght. 35
since 1896

evi PVC-U multistrat fr muf SN2 (SDR51) (KGGT)

PVC-U multilayer pipes SN2 (SDR 51) without socket (KGGT)

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN Lm

D (mm) s (mm) (mm)
V93160032N01000OR 160 3,2 2 1
V93160032N01000OR 160 3,2 2 2
V93160032N06000OR 160 3,2 2 6
V93200039N01000OR 200 3,9 2 1
V93200039N02000OR 200 3,9 2 2
V93200039N06000OR 200 3,9 2 6
V93250049FM1000OR 250 4,9 2 1
V93250049FM2000OR 250 4,9 2 2
V93250049FM6000OR 250 4,9 2 6
V93315062FM01000OR 315 6,2 2 1
V93315062FM02000OR 315 6,2 2 2
V93315062FM06000OR 315 6,2 2 6
V93400079FM01000OR 400 7,9 2 1
V93400079FM02000OR 400 7,9 2 2
V93400079FM06000OR 400 7,9 2 6
Se utilizeaz n special cu rol de coloan de cmin la Mainly used as a shaft for the sewer line inspection
cminele de inspecie pentru canalizare. chambers.

Cot PVC cu muf i garnitur SN4 (KGB)

PVC single socket elbow SN4 (KGB)

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi SN Z1 Z2

D (mm) (grd) (mm) (mm)
FVE0188 110 15 4 9 15
FVE0197 125 15 4 10 16
FVE0191 160 15 4 13 19
FVE0201 200 15 4 15 25
FVE0202 250 15 4 28 34
FVE0192 315 15 4 35 42
FVE0294 400 15 4 34 53
FVE0309 500 15 4 150 160
FVE0169 110 30 4 17 22
FVE0190 125 30 4 19 23
FVE0168 160 30 4 24 30
FVE0255 200 30 4 30 38
FVE0203 250 30 4 46 50
FVE0222 315 30 4 59 62
MFD0370 400 30 4 64 83
FVE0310 500 30 4 165 230
FPVCT110XXX45IOR 110 45 4 19 36
FVE0076 125 45 4 28 33
FPVCT160XXX45IOR 160 45 4 33 45
FVE0034 200 45 4 46 54
FVE0014 250 45 4 66 69
FVE0056 315 45 4 84 86
FVE0052 400 45 4 96 110
MFD0368 500 45 4 103 152
FVE0010 110 67 4 41 47
FVE0138 125 67 4 46 50
FVE0131 160 67 4 59 65
FVE0108 200 67 4 73 82
FVE0011 110 87 4 59 65
FVE0077 125 87 4 65 70
FVE0001 160 87 4 83 89
FVE0013 200 87 4 105 113
FVE0002 250 87 4 141 143
FVE0046 315 87 4 178 180
FVE0047 400 87 4 216 229
FVE0195 500 87 4 380 430

Muf PVC dubl pentru reparaii SN4 (KGU)

PVC repair coupler SN4 (KGU)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0262 110 122
FVE0189 125 110
FVE0246 160 176
SPVMR200XX200IOR 200 160
SPVMR250XX250IOR 250 210
SPVMR315XX315IOR 315 225
SPVMR400XX400IOR 400 235
FVE0273 500 380 36
since 1896

Muf PVC dubl cu opritor SN4 (KGMM)

PVC double socket coupler SN4 (KGMM)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0030 110 122
FVE0142 160 110
FVE0031 200 132
FVE0045 250 158
FVE0126 315 250
FVE0078 400 293

Ramificaie PVC la 45 i 67 SN4 (KGEA)

PVC branch 45 and 67 SN4 (KGEA)

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Z1 Z2 Z3 L

(mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0019 110/110 45 25 134 134 275
FVE0134 125/110 45 18 144 141 290
FVE0075 125/125 45 28 152 152 310
FVE0020 160/110 45 2 168 159 318
FVE0095 160/125 45 13 176 170 340
FVE0043 160/160 45 36 194 194 387
FVE0021 200/110 45 -14 197 182 358
FVE0135 200/125 45 -3 205 192 379
FVE0081 200/160 45 21 223 216 426
FVE0023 200/200 45 48 243 243 485
FVE0125 250/110 45 41 228 209 484
FVE0185 250/125 45 30 236 220 484
FVE0025 250/160 45 6 254 244 484
FVE0156 250/200 45 33 275 271 537
FVE0072 250/250 45 66 304 304 604
FVE0140 315/110 45 -9 272 244 491
FVE0158 315/125 45 -19 279 254 491
FVE0103 315/160 45 -43 297 278 491
FVE0154 315/200 45 7 318 305 568
FVE0174 315/250 45 40 345 338 633
FVE0141 315/315 45 84 382 382 722
FVE0257 400/125 45 -94 400 400 740
FPI0207 400/160 45 -77 358 327 545
FVE0236 400/200 45 -49 379 354 598
FVI0052 400/250 45 35 445 440 820
FVE0254 400/315 45 73 530 480 883
FVI0040 400/400 45 170 535 510 1020
FVE0289 500/160 45 -65 680 450 965
FVI0207 500/200 45 87 575 400 937
FVI0110 500/250 45 -10 530 510 970
FVI0111 500/315 45 -45 503 475 970
FVE0314 500/400 45 115 640 615 1180
FVE0315 500/500 45 240 675 665 1355

FVE0091 110/110 67 39 80 86 240

FVE0173 160/160 67 48 115 120 385

Ramificaie PVC la 87 SN4 (KGEA)

PVC branch 87 SN4 (KGEA)

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Z1 Z2 Z3 L

(mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0253 110/110 87 59 62 62 238
FVE0136 125/110 87 58 69 63 250
FVE0160 125/125 87 65 70 70 265
FVE0060 160/110 87 58 86 64 278
FVE0178 160/125 87 66 87 71 294
FVE0044 160/160 87 83 89 89 328
FVE0022 200/110 87 63 108 69 320
FVE0175 200/125 87 71 108 77 337
FVE0089 200/160 87 88 110 93 369
FVE0024 200/200 87 107 113 113 409
FVE0179 250/110 87 90 132 100 433
FVE0226 250/125 87 99 132 100 433
FVE0026 250/160 87 99 134 100 433
FVE0093 250/200 87 99 136 143 518
FVE0071 250/250 87 141 143 143 518
FVE0101 315/110 87 78 162 104 438 37
since 1896

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Z1 Z2 Z3 L

(mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0232 315/125 87 78 162 104 438
FVE0170 315/160 87 78 164 104 438
FVE0083 315/200 87 178 170 178 612
FVE0193 315/250 87 178 174 178 612
FVE0067 315/315 87 178 178 178 612
FVE0296 400/110 87 153 240 183 661
FVI0051 400/160 87 120 135 205 700
FVI0036 400/200 87 145 145 240 775
FVE0334 400/250 87 186 270 227 738
FVI0222 400/315 87 186 260 227 738
FVE0244 400/400 87 250 230 270 910
FVE0208 500/160 87 163 300 205 848
FVI0053 500/200 87 163 300 205 748
FVE0316 500/250 87 - - - 660
FVI0221 500/315 87 - - - 725
FVE0317 500/400 87 - - - 810
FVI0211 500/500 87 265 345 355 1160

a PVC bransament prin lipire 45 - SN4

PVC saddle 45 SN4 glued

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi D1 D2 L

D (mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0320 200 45 200 160 390
FVE0321 250 45 250 160 400
FVE0277 315 45 315 160 432
FVI0122 315 45 315 200 513
FVE0276 400 45 400 160 400
FVI0034 400 45 400 200 400
FVE0278 500 45 500 160 400

a PVC bransament prin lipire 87 - SN4

PVC saddle 87 SN4 glued

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi D1 D2 L

D (mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0319 200 90 200 160 322
SPVSA250X160IOR 250 90 250 160 300
SPVSA315X160IOR 315 90 315 160 320
FVI0033 315 90 315 200 390
SPVSA400X160IOR 400 90 400 160 380
SPVSA400X200IOR 400 90 400 200 380
MFD0261 500 90 500 160 400
MFD0271 500 90 500 200 400

a mecanic pentru bransament

Mechanical saddle

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi D1 D2 H A

D (mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0367 250 90 250 160 116 168
FVE0368 315 90 315 160 116 168
FVE0369 400 90 400 160 116 168
FVE0352 500 90 500 160 116 168

Cheie pentru montaj a mecanic

Key for mechanical saddle

Cod articol Diametrul

D (mm)
FVE0323 160

Not Note
Se folosete numai la eile de branare mecanice de mai sus! Used only with above mechanical saddles!

Carot perforare conduct - pentru a branare mecanic

Core drill for mechanical saddle

Cod articol Diametrul

D (mm)
FVE0366 160/168 38
since 1896

Reducie excentric PVC SN4 (KGR)

PVC abxial reduction SN4 (KGR)

Cod articol Diametrul D1 D2 Z L

D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FPVRD125110XXIOR 125/110 125 110 15 139
FPVRD160110XXIOR 160/110 160 110 34 183
FVE0080 160/125 160 125 29 173
FVE0038 200/160 200 160 31 204
FVE0068 250/160 250 160 122 260
FVE0066 250/200 250 200 47 261
FVE0233 315/160 315 160 62 288
FVE0069 315/200 315 200 78 319
FVE0070 315/250 315 250 62 302
FVE0318 400/200 400 200 50 240
FVE0243 400/250 400 250 50 250
FVE0059 400/315 400 315 67 340
FVI0047 500/400 500 400 150 -


PVC socket stopper SN4 (KGM)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0182 110 45
FVE0228 125 45
FVE0196 160 53
FVE0218 200 64
FVE0183 250 95
FVE0207 315 100
FVE0229 400 114
FVE0275 500 80

Capac PVC SN4 (KGK)

PVC end cap SN4 (KGK)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0167 110 46
FVE0209 125 46
FVE0084 160 53
FVE0058 200 65
FVE0249 250 69
FVE0057 315 76
FVE0250 400 86
FVE0266 500 80

Pies de curire PVC SN4 (KGRE)

PVC acces pipe SN4 (KGRE)

Cod articol Diametrul D1 D2 L

D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0032 110 110 110 238
FVE0073 125 125 125 316
FVE0042 160 160 160 328
FVE0082 200 200 160 369
SPVPC25016090 250 250 160 445
SPVPC31516090 315 315 160 480
SPVPC40016090 400 400 160 530

Pies de trecere prin perete de beton cmin (KGF-SB)

Shaft Connector for PVC pipe connection (KGF-SB)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0153 110 240
FVE0177 125 240
FVE0180 160 240
FVE0109 200 240
FVE0176 250 240
FVE0110 315 240
FVE0111 400 240
FVE0112 500 240 39
since 1896

Pies de trecere prin perete de beton cmin (KGFP)

Shaft Connector for PVC pipe connection (KGFP)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0105 160 240
FVE0063 200 240
FVE0085 250 240
FVE0064 315 240
FVE0065 400 240

Clapet de sens PVC (anti-retur) (KGSZ)

PVC anti-flooading valve (KGSZ)

Cod articol Diametrul I L H

D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0365 50 92 169 87
FVE0048 110 190 310 200
FVE0094 125 200 400 270
FVE0062 160 235 340 260
FVE0186 200 304 560 353
FVE0293 250 - 520 374
FVE0184 315 - 615 440
FVE0271 400 - 800 480
FVE0348 * 500 - 1400 750

Not Note
* Fr nchidere manual. * Without manual closure.

Sifon canalizare exterioar PVC

PVC siphon for external sewer

Cod articol DN DN1 s L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0298 110 40 3 61 202 88 495 35 153
FVE0299 160 63 3 72 295 158 655 50 210
FVE0300 200 63 4 84 345 198 795 50 270

Branament CONNEX cu articulaie sferic 0 - 11 grade

CONNEX junction with adjustable socket 0 - 11 degree

D colector Diametrul Grosime DN Diametru

Cod articol (mm) interior maxim perete bransament carot (mm)
colector (mm) colector (mm) (mm)
CO201.191 200 185-191 15,0 160 162
CO253.242 250 231-242 15,0 160 162
CO302.306 315 291-306 15,0 160 162
CO403.380 400 364-380 31,8 160 200
CO502.513 500 461-513 31,8 160 200
CO251.241 250 233-241 31,8 200 200
CO301.313 315 295-313 31,8 200 200
CO401.380 400 364-380 31,8 200 200
CO501.513 500 461-513 31,8 200 200 40
since 1896

Cot PVC cu muf i garnitur SN8 (KGB)

PVC single socket elbow SN8 (KGB)

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Grosime Z1 Z2

D (mm) (grd) perete (mm) (mm)
FVE0440 125 15 3,7 8 8
FVE0442 160 15 4,7 7 7
FVE0444 200 15 5,9 15 15
FVE0446 250 15 7,3 35 45
FVE0449 315 15 9,2 95 35
FVE0450 400 15 11,7 160 160
FVE0451 500 15 14,6 200 200
FVE0452 630 15 18,4 280 280
FVE0453 710 15 20,8 220 220
FVE0454 800 15 23,4 220 220

FVE0456 125 30 3,7 17 17

FVE0458 160 30 4,7 20 20
FVE0460 200 30 5,9 37 37
FVE0462 250 30 7,3 55 65
FVE0465 315 30 9,2 120 55
FVE0466 400 30 11,7 225 225
FVE0467 500 30 14,6 285 285
FVE0468 630 30 18,4 375 375
FVE0469 710 30 20,8 330 330
FVE0470 800 30 23,4 330 330

FVE0472 125 45 3,7 26 26

FVE0474 160 45 4,7 32 32
FVE0476 200 45 5,9 48 48
FVE0478 250 45 7,3 75 85
FVE0481 315 45 9,2 140 80
FVE0482 400 45 11,7 255 255
FVE0483 500 45 14,6 325 325
FVE0484 630 45 18,4 460 460
FVE0485 710 45 20,8 410 410
FVE0486 800 45 23,4 420 420

FVE0488 125 87 3,7 59 59

FVE0490 160 87 4,7 59 59
FVE0492 200 87 5,9 99 99
FVE0495 315 87 9,2 440 440
FVE0496 400 87 11,7 495 495
FVE0497 500 87 14,6 575 575
FVE0498 630 87 18,4 770 770
FVE0499 710 87 20,8 745 745
FVE0500 800 87 23,4 780 780

Cot PVC cu 2 mufe i garnitur SN8

PVC double socket elbow SN8

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Grosime Z1 Z2

D (mm) (grd) perete (mm) (mm)
FVE0439 110 15 55 10 10
FVE0441 125 15 60 8 8
FVE0443 160 15 70 7 7
FVE0445 200 15 80 15 15
FVE0447 250 15 35 45
FVE0448 315 15 45 55

FVE0455 110 30 55 16 16
FVE0457 125 30 60 17 17
FVE0459 160 30 70 20 20
FVE0461 200 30 80 37 37
FVE0463 250 30 55 65
FVE0464 315 30 65 80

FVE0471 110 45 55 24 24
FVE0473 125 45 60 26 26
FVE0475 160 45 70 32 32
FVE0477 200 45 80 48 48
FVE0479 250 45 75 85
FVE0480 315 45 90 100

FVE0487 110 87 55 140 140

FVE0489 125 87 60 59 59
FVE0491 160 87 70 59 59
FVE0493 200 87 80 99 99 41
since 1896

Muf PVC dubl pentru reparaii SN8 (KGU)

PVC repair coupler SN8 (KGU)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0506 160 180
FVE0507 200 210
FVE0508 250 245
FVE0509 315 300
FVE0510 400 350
FVE0511 500 400
FVE0512 630 440
FVE0513 710 460
FVE0514 800 530

Muf PVC dubl cu opritor SN8 (KGMM)

PVC double socket coupler SN8 (KGMM)

Cod articol Diametrul L

D (mm) (mm)
FVE0501 160 180
FVE0502 200 210
FVE0503 250 245
FVE0504 315 300
FVE0505 400 350

Ramificaie PVC la 45 i 87 SN8 (KGEA)

PVC branch 45 and 87 SN8 (KGEA)

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Z1 Z2 Z3 L

D (mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0394 125/110 45 18 144 141 279
FVE0396 125/125 45 29 152 152 301
FVE0399 160/160 45 37 194 194 370
FVE0402 200/160 45 19 221 214 395
FVE0406 250/160 45 45 285 285 530
FVE0408 250/200 45 45 290 285 530
FVE0410 250/250 45 45 315 285 610
FVE0414 315/160 45 60 325 325 320
FVE0415 315/200 45 60 325 325 320
FVE0416 315/250 45 170 585 585 470
COA301545 315/160 45 20 330 330 610
FVE0420 400/160 45 -70 465 440 800
FVE0421 400/200 45 -95 510 465 800
FVE0422 400/250 45 345 640 725 1500
FVE0423 400/315 45 345 530 725 1500
FVE0425 500/160 45 550 535 480 1500
FVE0426 500/200 45 520 580 510 1500
FVE0427 500/250 45 280 710 750 1500
FVE0428 500/315 45 280 595 750 1500
FVE0429 500/400 45 280 670 750 1500
FVE0430 630/160 45 195 670 785 1500
FVE0431 630/250 45 195 795 785 1500
FVE0432 630/315 45 195 680 785 1500
FVE0433 710/160 45 90 740 760 1500
FVE0434 710/250 45 90 850 760 1500
FVE0435 710/315 45 90 735 760 1500
FVE0436 800/200 45 45 835 795 1500
FVE0437 800/250 45 45 885 795 1500
FVE0438 800/500 45 295 900 1045 2000

Ramificaie PVC cu 3 mufe la 45 i 87 SN8 (KGEA)

PVC 3 sockets branch 45 and 87 SN8 (KGEA)

Cod articol Diametrul Unghi Z1 Z2 Z3 L

D (mm) (grd) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0393 110/110 45 55 26 134 134
FVE0395 125/110 45 60 18 144 141
FVE0397 125/125 45 60 29 152 152
FVE0400 160/160 45 70 37 194 194
FVE0403 200/160 45 80 19 221 214
FVE0404 200/200 45 89 46 241 241
FVE0407 250/160 45 110 45 280 275
FVE0409 250/200 45 110 45 285 275
FVE0412 315/160 45 115 10 325 320
FVE0413 315/200 45 115 10 325 320

FVE0398 125/125 87 65 75 100 80 42
since 1896

Reducie excentric PVC SN8 (KGR)

PVC abxial reduction SN8 (KGR)

Cod articol D1 D2 z1 LM1 LM2 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVE0515 200 125 11 95 65 171
FVE0516 200 160 30 100 80 210
FVE0518 250 200 10 130 90 230
FVE0520 315 250 15 170 200 385
FVE0521 400 315 15 200 220 435
FVE0522 500 400 15 220 260 495
FVE0523 630 500 20 250 310 575
FVE0524 710 630 20 310 350 675


PVC socket stopper SN8 (KGM)

Cod articol D1 D2
(mm) (mm)
FVE0528 160 42
FVE0529 250 95
FVE0530 315 110
FVE0531 400 200
FVE0532 500 220
FVE0533 630 250
FVE0534 710 310
FVE0535 800 320 43
since 1896 44
since 1896

 evi i fitinguri PP i PE
corugate pentru canalizri
PP and corrugated PE pipes
and fittings 45
since 1896

Descrierea sistemelor de tevi si fitinguri PP and PE corrugated pipes and

din PE i PP corugate fittings system description
Pentru a veni n ntmpinarea cerinelor partenerilor notri To meet our partners demands to develop and diversify
de a dezvolta i diversifica gama noastr de soluii, Teraplast our range of solutions, Teraplast completed its product
a completat oferta sa i cu sistemele de evi si fitinguri pentru portofolio with pipes and fittings systems for sewer with
canalizare cu perete structurat, cunoscute sub numele de structured-wall, known as the corrugated pipe and fittings
sistem de evi i fitinguri corugate din PE (polietilen) si systems made in PE (polyethylene ) and corrugated pipes
sistem de evi i fitinguri corugate din PP (polipropilen). and fittings in PP (polypropylene).
evile din PE i PP corugate se produc prin coextrudare, din PE and PP corrugated pipes are produced by coextrusion of
granule de polietilen, respectiv polipropilen ce asigur o polyethylene granules, respectively polypropylene ensuring
duritate ridicat dar si elasticitate, caracteristici specifice high hardness and elasticity, important characteristics of
acestor tipuri de materiale. these types of materials.
Coextrudarea celor doi pereti ai evii se realizeaz pe un The coextrusion of the two walls of the pipe is performed
corugator ce realizeaza profilarea peretelui exterior. Peretele on an outer wall corrugator that makes the profile. External
extern adera pe matrita corugatorului in timp ce peretele wall joins on the corugater mould while the internal wall is
intern aluneca pe un dorn racit cu apa. Cei doi pereti ai tevii se sliding on a water cooled mandrel. The two walls of the pipe
sudeaza intre ei la cald in interiorul corugatorului, evitandu- are welded between them inside corugator, avoiding in this
se astfel crearea de tensiuni interne. Astfel, prin sudarea lor way the creation of internal tensions. Thus, by welding of the
cei doi pereti ai tevii formeaza o structura unitar. two walls of the pipe it forms a unitary structure.

Caracteristicile polietilenei (PE) Polyethylene (PE) characteristics

Densitatea 0,96 g/cm3 Density 0,96 g/cm3
Indice de fluiditate 5,0kg; 0,5g/10min (190C) Melt flow rate 5,0kg; 0,5g/10min (190C)
Conductivitate termic 0,43 W/mK Thermal conductivity 0,43 W/mK
Modul elasticitate 900-1200 Mpa Bending elasticity module 900-1200 Mpa
Coef dilatare liniar 0,18 mm/mK Linear expansion 0,18 mm/mK

Caracteristicile polipropilenei (PP) Polyethylene (PP) characteristics

Densitatea 0,91 g/cm3 Density 0,91 g/cm3
Indice de fluiditate 2,16kg; 0,3g/10min (230C) Melt flow rate 2,16kg; 0,3g/10min (230C)
Conductivitate termic 0,2 W/mK Thermal conductivity 0,2 W/mK
Modul de elasticitate 1300-1700 MPa Bending elasticity module 1300-1700 MPa
Coef dilatare liniar 0,15 mm/mK Linear expansion 0,15 mm/mK
Etanarea este asigurat cu garnituri fabricate din cauciuc Sealing is ensured by gaskets made of synthetic rubber
sintetic cu durata mare de viata, ce sunt pe partea exterioar (EPDM) with long life, which are mounted on the outside of
a evii montate in elementul profilat al evii. Garniturile the pipe in the pipe profile element. Gaskets provide sealing
asigura etanarea n intervalul de presiune -0,3 pana la 0,5 pressure in the range of -0.3 to 0.5 bar. Sealing is assured
bar. Etansarea ramane asigurata chiar si in cazul deformarii even if the pipe deformation or movement in its permissible
evii in limitele admise sau deplasarii sale. Durata estimat limits. Expected life of pipes and fittings systems in PE and
de via a sistemelelor de evi i fitinguri din PE i PP corugat PP corrugated is 50 years.
este de 50 de ani. Please find below some of the important mechanical
n continuare v prezentm cteva dintre proprietiile properties of PE and PP pipes of corrugated.
mecanice importante ale evilor din PE i PP corugate. 46
since 1896

Proprieti mecanice ale evilor din PE / Mechanical proprieties of PE pipes

Unitate msur/ Valoare/

Caracteristica / Characteristic
Unit Value
Modul de elasticitate la tractiune/Traction Elasticity Module MPa 700
Modul de elasticitate la incovoiere/Bending elasticity Module MPa 1050
Sarcina de rezistenta la tractiune/Traction resistence MPa 24
Alungirea la rupere/Break elongation % > 700
Rezistena la impact/Impact resistence (23C) kJ/m 2

Proprieti mecanice ale evilor din PP / Mechanical proprieties of PP pipes

Unitate msur/ Valoare/

Caracteristica / Characteristic
Unit Value
Modul de elasticitate la tractiune/Traction Elasticity Module MPa 1350
Modul de elasticitate la incovoiere/Bending elasticity Module MPa 1450
Sarcina de rezistenta la tractiune/Traction resistence MPa 33
Alungirea la rupere/Break elongation % 400
Rezistena la impact/Impact resistence (23C) kJ/m2 66

Principalele caracteristici i avantaje Main features and advantages of the

ale sistemelor din PE si PP PE and PP systems
evile din PE i PP corugat fac parte din categoria evilor PE and PP pipes are part of flexible pipes category. This
flexibile. Aceast caracteristic confer evilor o rezistenta feature gives plastic pipes outstanding mechanical strength,
mecanica deosebita, acestea putnd transfera in solul din which can transfer in their around soil much of the loads
jurul lor o mare parte din sarcina ce se exercit asupra lor. n exerted on them. In case of overload, PE and PP pipes,
cazul suprancrcrilor, evile din PE i PP, asemenea evilor similar with PVC-U pipes, react in a reversible deformation
din PVC reacioneaz printr-o deformare reversibil ce nu which has no effect on their functionality, if installation
are efect asupra funcionalitii acestora, n condiiile unei conditions are respected.
instalri corespunztoare.

Both pipes and fittings in PE and PP have high chemical
Att evile ct i fitingurile din PE i PP au o rezisten chimic resistance to most aqueous solutions, the aggressive action
ridicat la majoritatea soluiilor apoase, la aciunea agresiv of materials in the soil, salts and caustics or acidic aqueous
a materiilor din sol, srurilor i substanelor caustice sau a solutions. Thus, pipes and fittings in PE and PP may be
soluiilor acide apoase. Astfel, evile i fitingurile din PE i PP used for the transport of aqueous acidic or basic solutions,
se pot utiliza pentru transportul de soluii apoase bazice sau minerals, etc. with pH between 2 and 12 .
acide, sruri minerale, etc. cu pH ntre 2 i 12.

PE pipe and fittings system can withstand at temperatures
Sistemul de evi i fitinguri din PE rezist la temperaturi de up to 50 C for short periods up to 75 C.
pana la 50 C i pentru perioade scurte de pn la 75 C.
In the case of PP systems, working temperatures are higher
n cazul sistemelor din PP temepraturile de lucru sunt due to better characteristics of propylene from this point of
mai ridicate ca urmare a caracteristicilor mai bune ale view, so it can continue operating at working temperatures
propilenei din acest punct de vedere, astfel poate funciona of 60 C and max. 95 100C on short term.
la temperaturi de lucru continue de 60 C i max. 95 100C
pe termen scurt. 47
since 1896


Remarcabilele caracteristici hidraulice ale sistemului de The outstanding characteristics of the hydraulic system
evi si fitinguri din PP sunt determinate de posibilitatea de of pipes and fittings in PP are determined by the ability to
a produce pereti interiori cu o rugozitate extrem de redusa produce interior walls with an extremely low roughness
(intre 0.0011 si 0.0015mm). Deasemenea sistemul prezinta o (between 0.0011mm and 0.0015mm). System also features
rezisten ridicat la abraziune, mult mai ridicat comparativ a high abrasion resistance, much higher compared to other
cu alte sisteme realizate din material plastic fiind un sistem systems made of plastics being a particularly suitable system
potrivit n special pentru canalizarea apelor pluviale ce for channeling rainwater containing numerous grains of
conin numeroase particule de nisip sau pietri. sand or gravel.

Greutatea redusa a componentelor sistemului de evi i The lightweight of PE and PP pipes and fittings system
fitinguri din PE i PP asigur o manevrabilitate extrem components ensures extremely high manoeuvrability in
de ridicata in ceea ce priveste transportul, depozitarea si terms of transport, storage, handling and installation. Also
manevrarea elementelor precum si instalarea acestuia. the gaskets ensure easy connection and sealing of the
Deasemenea garniturile asigura o imbinare facila si etansa components thus ensuring a high speed assembly. For high
a elementelor componente asigurandu-se astfel o viteza speed assembly is recommended to use lubricant on the
ridicat la montaj. Pentru o vitez ridicat la montaj se gasket and spigot pipe end.
recomand lubrifierea garniturii i a captului evii care se
Piping system inside is manufactured in a bright color that
provides a very good visibility to facilitate inspection with
Interiorul evilor sistemului este realizat ntr-o culoare video cameras.
deschis ce asigur o vizibilitatea foarte bun pentru a
facilita inspecia cu ajutorul camerelor video.

Prezentarea sistemului PE corugat PE corrugated system overview

Sistemul este alctuit din evi i fitinguri din PE corugat. The system consists of PE corrugated pipes and fittings. Pe
evile se produc prin coextrudare, conform standardului SR corrugated pipes are manufactured by extrusion, according
EN13476-3:2007 rezultnd o eav cu un perete interior lis to SR EN13476-3: 2007 standard, resulting a smooth pipe
de culoare deschis pentru a uura inspectarea cu camere inside wall in light color for ease inspection with video
video, cu o rugozitate extrem de redus i un perete exterior, cameras, with extremely low roughness and an outside wall
de tip profilat. profiled type.
Peretele exterior profilat asigur rezistena la sarcinile Shaped outer wall provides resistance to external loads,
externe, fiind caracterizat printr-o foarte bun rezisten. characterized by a very good resistance. The profiled
Structura profilat a peretelui exterior prezint o serie de structure of the outer wall has a number of major advantages:
avantaje majore: grosime mult mai mic a peretelui n smaller wall thickness than a smooth wall, for the same
comparaie cu un perete neted, pentru o aceeai rezisten strength of the pipe, which results in a reduced specific
a evii, ceea ce determin o greutate specific mult redus a weight of the pipe. To resist the destructive effect of solar
evilor. radiation, the exterior walls of corrugated pipes are made of
materials stabilized against the action of UV radiation.
Pentru a rezista efectului distructiv al radiaiilor solare,
pereii exteriori ai evilor corugate sunt realizai din materiale HDPE corrugated pipes, fittings, and accessories are used in
stabilizate contra aciunii radiaiilor ultraviolete. external buried networks for storm water, wastewater, anti-
flood tailboard, undercrossing of roads and railways, under
evile corugate din PEID, fitingurile i accesoriile se
free-flow (non-pressure) with temperature not more than +
utilizeaz la realizarea reelelor exterioare ngropate pentru
50 C (are accepted for a short time increases of up to + 50%)
canalizarea apelor pluviale, a apelor menajere, sisteme anti-
and a pH of between 2 and 12.
viitur, subtraversri de drumuri i ci ferate, n condiii de
curgere liber (non-presiune), cu temperatura de cel mult Diameter range is between 200mm and 1200mm and ring
+50C (accidental se accept creteri pe timp scurt de pn stiffness (according EN ISO 9969), in classes SN4 and SN8.
la +50%) i cu pH cuprins ntre 2 i 12.
Depending on the connection method the pipes are
Gama de diametre este cuprinsa intre 200mm si 1200mm iar produced with or without socket, with standard length of
rigiditatea inelara (conform EN ISO 9969), in clasele SN4 i 6,21m for pipes with integrated socket and 6m length for
SN8. pipes without socket. 48
since 1896

Funcie de modalitatea de conectare evile se produc cu The pipes connection is made with sockets and O-ring seal
muf sau fr muf cu lungimi standard de 6,21m n cazul profiled gaskets in synthetic rubber (EPDM, SBR, NBR), which
evilor cu muf integrat i de 6m n cazul evilor fr muf. ensure the tightness of the system.
Conectarea evilor se face cu mufe i garnituri O-ring The socket geometry ensures the continuity of the inner
profilate, din cauciuc sintetic (EPDM, SBR, NBR), asigurnd wall joined pipes, leading very good hydrodynamic
etaneitatea sistemului. characteristics for transporting fluids, without zones that
can build solid material and can generate turbulence.
Geometria mufei asigur continuitatea peretelui interior
a evilor mbinate, determinnd foarte bune caracteristici The ring stiffness (SN) in the socket joint is provided by
hidrodinamice pentru transportul fluidelor, fr poriuni n care overlapping the socket over the profile of the next pipe.
se poate acumula material solid i care pot genera turbulene.
Rigiditatea inelar (SN) n zona de mbinare este asigurat
prin suprapunerea mufei peste profilele evii urmtoare.

Prezentarea sistemului PP corugat PP corrugated system overview

evile se produc prin coextrudare, conform standardului SR The pipes are produced by coextrusion, according to SR
EN13476-3:2007 rezultnd o eav cu un perete interior lis EN13476-3: 2007 norm, standard, resulting a smooth pipe
de culoare deschis pentru a uura inspectarea cu camere inside wall in light color for ease inspection with video
video, cu o rugozitate extrem de redus i un perete exterior, cameras, with extremely low roughness and an outside wall
de tip profilat. profiled type.
Peretele exterior profilat asigur rezistena la sarcinile Shaped outer wall provides resistance to external loads,
externe, fiind caracterizat printr-o foarte bun rezisten. characterized by a very good resistance. The profiled
Structura profilat a peretelui exterior prezint o serie de structure of the outer wall has a number of major advantages:
avantaje majore: grosime mult mai mic a peretelui n smaller wall thickness than a smooth wall, for the same
comparaie cu un perete neted, pentru o aceeai rezisten strength of the pipe, which results in a reduced specific
a evii, ceea ce determin o greutate specific mult redus a weight of the pipe.
To resist the destructive effect of solar radiation, the exterior
Pentru a rezista efectului distructiv al radiaiilor solare, walls of corrugated pipes are made of materials stabilized
pereii exteriori ai evilor corugate sunt realizai din materiale against the action of UV radiation.
stabilizate contra aciunii radiaiilor ultraviolete.
PP corrugated pipes, fittings, and accessories are used in
evile corugate din PP, fitingurile i accesoriile se utilizeaz la external buried networks for storm water, wastewater, anti-
realizarea reelelor exterioare ngropate pentru canalizarea flood tailboard, undercrossing of roads and railways, under
apelor pluviale, a apelor menajere, sisteme anti-viitur, free-flow (non-pressure) with working constant temperature
subtraversri de drumuri i ci ferate, n condiii de curgere of + 60C and maximum 95 100C on short term and a pH
liber (non-presiune), cu temperatura de 60 C i max. 95 between 2 and 12.
100C pe termen scurt i cu pH cuprins ntre 2 i 12.
The system consists of PP corrugated pipes and fittings
Sistemul este alctuit din evi i fitinguri din PP corugat in clasa in stiffness class SN8 (8kN / sqm). Dimensionally the
de rigiditate SN8 (8kN/mp). Din punct de vedere dimensional PP corrugated pipes diferentiates depending on their
evile se difereniaza n funcie de diametrul lor n: diameter in:
1.evi DN/OD - diametrul indicat este diametrul exterior al evii. 1.DN/OD pipes - indicate the outside diameter of the pipe.
2.Tevi DN/ID - diametrul indicat este diametrul interior al evii. 2.DN/ID pipes - indicate the internal diameter of the pipe.
Evident fiecare dintre aceste game sunt prevazute cu gama Obviously each of these range of pipes are provided with
de fitinguri aferent. corresponding range of fittings.
Gama de diametre este cuprinsa ntre 160mm si 1000mm. The range of diameters is between 160mm and 1000mm.
Conectarea evilor se face cu mufe i garnituri O-ring The pipes connection is made with sockets and O-ring seal
profilate, din cauciuc sintetic (EPDM, SBR, NBR), asigurnd profiled gaskets in synthetic rubber (EPDM, SBR, NBR), which
etaneitatea sistemului. ensure the tightness of the system.
Geometria mufei asigur continuitatea peretelui interior The socket geometry ensures the continuity of the inner
a evilor mbinate, determinnd foarte bune caracteristici wall joined pipes, leading very good hydrodynamic
hidrodinamice pentru transportul fluidelor, fr poriuni characteristics for transporting fluids, without zones that
n care se poate acumula material solid i care pot genera can build solid material and can generate turbulence.
turbulene. 49
since 1896


Se pot utiliza mijloace de transport deschise, asigurnd For transport you can use open vehicles, ensuring proper
buna ancorare a evilor fr a produce deteriorarea acestora. anchoring of the pipes without causing damage. Anchor will
Pentru ancorare se vor utiliza de preferin chingi sau rigle preferably use straps or wooden rods fixed with straps, being
de lemn fixate n chingi, fiind interzis utilizarea de cabluri forbidden the use of metal cables, wires, chains which can
metalice, srme, lanuri care pot deteriora pereii evilor. damage the pipe walls. For PE pipes will be paid particular
n cazul tevilor din PE se va acorda o atenie deosebit attention to protect sockets against deformation during
protejrii i nedeformrii mufelor pe timpul transportului, transport, stacking in an appropriate way the pipes in the
stivuind corespunztor evile n mijlocul de transport. transport vehicle.
Pe timpul manipulrii se va acorda atenie pstrrii During manipulation attention will be given to preserving
integritii evilor. evile corugate au o greutate specific the integrity of the pipes. Corrugated pipes have a low
redus i se manipuleaz n general manual pentru diametre specific weight and generally manipulation si manually for
mici sau mecanic pentru diametre mari. smaller diameters or mechanically for large diameters.
eava nu va fi tras sau rostogolit n special pe suprafee The pipe will not be drawn or rolled particularly on rough
denivelate sau abrazive. Se interzice zgrierea evilor, lovirea, surfaces. It is prohibited scratching, hitting, or subjected to
sau supunerea la eforturi mecanice suplimentare pe timpul additional mechanical stress of the pipes during handling,
manipulrii, depozitrii i transportului. Dei evile corugate storage and transport. Although corrugated double-walled
cu perei dubli au o foarte bun rezisten la impact, aceste pipes have a very good impact resistance, these will not
nu vor fi lsate s cad liber de la nlime, n special pentru be allowed to fall freely from height, in particular to avoid
a evita deformarea evilor, deformarea mufelor sau a zonelor pipe deformation, socket deformation or deformations on
de etanare. sealing areas.
evile cu diametre cuprinse ntre 160 i 400 mm (inclusiv) pot The pipes with diameters between 160 and 400 mm
fi manipulate manual, de preferin de cte dou persoane, (inclusive) can be handled manually, preferably two people,
cte una la fiecare capt. one at each end.
Pentru evile cu diametre peste 500 mm se recomand For pipes with diameter over 500mm it is recommended
folosirea de utilaje mecanice de ridicare (stivuitoare, to use mechanical lifting equipment (forklifts, cranes,
macarale, excavatoare etc.) iar eava va fi suspendat cu excavators, etc.) and the pipe will be suspended with
chingi rezistente. Nu se vor utiliza cabluri metalice, srme resistant straps. Do not use metal cables, wires or chains
sau lanuri care pot deteriora pereii evilor. which can damage the pipe walls.
evile cu diametre de 500 mm pot fi suspendate prin legare The pipes with diameters of 500 mm can be suspended only
doar de mijlocul acestora. evile cu diametre mai mari de by binding their midst. The pipes with diameters larger than
500 mm vor fi ridicate mecanic, suspendate n dou puncte, 500 mm will be lifted mechanically, suspended in two points
la distane egale de capete. at equal distances heads.
evile corugate se vor depozita pe suprafee orizontale plane, Corrugated pipes will be stored on horizontal flat surface,
lipsite de obiecte ascuite, pietre sau alte proeminene care without sharp objects, stones or other projections which can
pot deforma sau deteriora evile i ferite de surse de foc sau warp or damage the pipes and away from sources of fire or
de cldur excesiv. heat.
Datorit greutii specifice reduse i a rezistenei circulare Due to low specific weight and high circular strength,
ridicate, evile corugate pot fi stivuite fr probleme. Se corrugated pipes can be stacked without problems. It is
recomand ca nlimea maxim a stivei s fie de 2 metri iar recommended that the maximum stack height to be of 2
n antier de 1,5 m. meters and 1.5 meters on the site.
Desi mufele evilor sunt elastice, n acelai timp ns, Although socket pipes are elastic, also at the same time,
plasticitatea peretelui face ca mufa s fie mai uor plasticity of the wall makes the socket easier deformable
deformabil i n consecin trebuie protejat, avnd grij and therefore must be protected, being careful not to be
s nu fie turtit pe timpul manipulrii i depozitrii. Pentru a flattened during handling or storing. To avoid flattening of
evita aplatizarea mufelor n contact cu suprafaa de aezare the pipes sockets at contact with the surface of the stored
a evilor depozitate, sub evi se vor amplasa grinzi sau cadre pipes under the pipes will be located beams or frames of
din lemn de nlime i lime corespunztoare (s cuprind wood on the height and width corresponding to (comprising
minim 2 profile iar mufa s nu fie presat pe sol), din 2 n a minimum of 2 sections and the socket is not pressed to
2 metri. De asemenea, straturile succesive din stiv vor the ground) every 2,2 meters. Also, the successive layers of
avea mufele situate alternativ pe cele dou laterale. Este the stack will have sockets positioned alternately on the
important ntruct de calitatea i integritatea mufei depinde two sides. It is important as the quality and integrity of the
calitatea etanrii. sealing depends on the quality of the socket. 50
since 1896

Avnd n vedere forma cilindric a evilor, n situaia stivuirii In the situation of stacking them, given the cylindrical shape
acestora se vor lua msuri de evitare a rostogolirii prin of the pipes, you have to take measures to avoid rolling, by
blocarea lateral cu cale din lemn. blocking side with wood.
evile pot fi depozitate n atmosfer liber, nefiind afectate The pipes can be stored in free atmosphere because are
de umiditate, fiind preferabile zone umbrite, ferite de radiaia not affected by moisture, preferable in shaded areas, away
solar direct. Pentru depozitri ndelungate se recomand from direct sunlight. However in case of long storage is
totui depozitarea sub oproane protejate de radiaii solare recommended to storage under sunlight protected sheds or
sau protejarea cu folie din material plastic opac permind protect with opaque plastic film simultaneously allowing air
simultan circulaia aerului prin stivele de evi. Timpul de circulation through stacks of pipes. The storage time should
depozitare nu va depi un an de la data producerii evilor. not exceed one year from the date of the pipes production.

Grinzi transversale Opritor din lemn Grinzi transversale Opritor din lemn
pentru susinere eav pentru asigurare stiv pentru susinere eav pentru asigurare stiv
i protecie mufe i protecie mufe

Stivuire pe dou direcii perpendiculare, cu mufe alternative

Grinzi transversale Opritor din lemn Grinzi transversale Opritor din lemn
pentru susinere eav pentru asigurare stiv pentru susinere eav pentru asigurare stiv
i protecie i protecie

Instalarea Installation
Excavarea sanului Trench Excavation
Se recomand ca excavarea sanului s nu se execute cu mult It is recommended that the trench excavation not run long
timp nainte de instalarea evilor. anul trebuie acoperit cat before installing pipes. The trench should be covered as
mai repede dup instalarea evilor, daca este posibil, chiar soon as possible after installing the pipes, if possible, even
n aceaai zi. Lucrul n anuri deschise prezint un potenial in the same day.
pericol. Se recomand asigurarea pereilor anului.
Working in open trenches is a potential danger. You should
Pe lng ncrcarea static i dinamic la care vor fi supuse provide protection of the trench walls.
evile ngropate, la stabilirea adncimii minime a anului se
In addition to static and dynamic loading at which buried
va ine cont i de adncimea de nghe a zonei n care se pun
pipes will be submitted, to establish minimum depth of
n oper evile i fitingurile.
the trench will take into account the frost depth of the area
Este interzis pozarea conductelor la suprafaa solului, chiar where the pipes and fittings will be installed. It is forbidden
dac se iau msuri tehnice adiionale. laying pipelines along the ground, even taking additional
technical measures.
Limea anului pentru ngroparea conductei trebuie s fie 51
since 1896

minim, astfel nct s permit totui realizarea rezonabil a Trench width of the pipeline has to be minimal, but also has
mbinrilor. Ca regul general, limea anului nu trebuie to allow joints still be achieved reasonable. As a general rule,
s fie mai mare dect diametrul evii plus 600 mm. Dac the trench width should not be larger than the diameter of
limea anului este mai mare, umplei cu material de the pipe plus 600 mm. If the width of the trench is higher, fill
umplutur compactat o mai mare nlime deasupra evii, with compacted filler at a greater height above the pipe, up
ajungnd pn la 2 OD. to 2 OD.
evile corugate din PE i PP se ncadreaz n categoria PE and PP corrugated pipes are included into the flexible
evilor flexibile, n acord cu prevederile SR EN 13476-3. Acest pipes category, in accordance with the provisions of SR
fapt implic o serie de particulariti la punerea n oper a EN 13476-3. This fact involve a number of features at the
reelelor construite cu tuburi ce au un nivel de flexibilitate. installation of networks built with tubes that have a level of
Adncimea de montare fiind funcie de sarcinile statice i flexibility. The installation depth is according the static and
dinamice prevzut a fi suportate, natura solului, natura dynamic loads expected to be incurred, nature of the soil,
umpluturii i gradul de compactare al acesteia etc. the nature of the filler and the degree of compaction etc.

Pregtirea patului de montaj i instalarea evilor Preparation of the bed assembly and pipes installation
Dimensionarea patului de aezare al evii depinde de The sizing of the laying bed of the pipe depends on the soil
caracteristicile solului. In general se pot ntlni dou situaii: characteristics. In general we can meet two conditions:
Aezarea pe pat de pmnt natural. Laying on a bed of natural earth.
Aezarea pe un pat de pmnt selecionat i compactat. Laying on a bed of selected and compacted earth.
n cazul n care partea inferioar a anului excavat este If the bottom of the excavated trench is composed of soils
alctuit din soluri cu granulatie fina, fr obiecte ascuite, with fine-grained without sharp objects, such as large and
cum ar fi pietre mari, este suficient s nivelm suprafaa, n sharp stones is enough to level the surface, according to the
conformitate cu gradientul necesar i s o afnm, fie cu gradient necessary, to loose with teeth bucket excavator or a
dinii cupei excavator sau cu o cazma. n caz contrar se va spade. Otherwise has to be acquired and used an appropriate
achiziiona i folosi un material granular adecvat. Pentru granular material. In order to achieve the laying bed and for
realizarea patului de pozare i pentru umplere n jurul evii se backfilling around the pipe will preferably use a fine-grained
va utiliza de preferin un material cu granulaie fin, sorturi material, which sorts the maximum size should not exceed
cu a cror dimensiune maxim nu trebuie s depeasc of the height profile of the pipe. With this material will be
din nlimea profilului evii. Cu acesta se va realiza un strat create a layer bed, preferably 100-150 mm. It is desirable to
de aternut, de preferin de 100-150 mm. Este indicat s provide a small space in which to place the areas of the pipe
se asigure un mic spaiu n zonele n care se vor poziiona sockets. It will be ensured a sufficient width of the trench to
mufele evii. Se va asigura o lime suficient a anului allow a good compaction of the filler material under the axis
pentru a permite o bun compactare a materialului de of the pipe (90-95% standard proctor), avoiding the remains
umplutur sub axa evii (9095% standard Proctor) , evitnd voids or loose zones which considerably reduces the internal
a rmne goluri sau zone afnate care scad considerabil pressure resistance of the pipeline.
rezistena conductei la presiune interioar.
In case of water in the trench from groundwater discharge
n cazul apariiei apei n an din pnza freatic se vor lua will be taken by its adequate equipment.
masuri de evacuare a acesteia cu echipamente adecvate.

Installation of pipes and fittings

Instalarea evilor i fitingurilor
Before the pipe installation, it is necessary to check pipes
nainte de instalare, se vor verifica garniturile evilor i and fittings sealing and any other potential damage. At
fitingurilor i existena altor eventuale defecte. La instalare installation the spigot end pipe will be introduced into the
se va introduce capatul fr muf al evii n mufa evii previously installed pipe socket. Flow direction is from
instalate anterior. Direcia de curgere este de la capatul evii the pipe socket to the pipe end spigot. For this reason it is
cu muf catre capatul fr muf al evii. Din acest motiv este recommended to begin installation from the downstream
recomandat sa se nceap instalarea din zona de jos (cota part of the section working upwards. Each pipe and fittings
inferioar) a seciunii de lucru ctre partea superioar (cota will be installed according the slope of the project. Lay the
superioar). Fiecare eav i fiting se vor instala conform pipe in the trench so that it bears evenly on the bedding
pantei prevzute n proiect. ntindei eava n an astfel throughout its length.
nct sa fie uniform aezat pe toat lungimea sa pe patul
The positioning will be performed as much as possible in
the center of the trench in order to allow correct filling of the
Poziionarea se va executa pe ct posibil n centrul anului filling material and good compaction. It will avoid tensions
pentru a permite o umplere corect cu material de umplutur or distortions in the pipeline. It will eliminate distortions due
i o bun compactare. Se va evita apariia de tensiuni sau to thermal contraction.
distorsiuni n conducte. Se vor elimina distorsiunile datorate
contraciei termice. 52
since 1896

n mod normal reelele de canalizare se instaleaz liniar. Normally sewer network systems are installed linear.
Totui, n cazul evilor cu perei structurai, datorit However, in the case of structured-wall pipes due to
flexibilitii longitudinale, este posibil a obine raze de longitudinal flexibility, it is possible to obtain curvature
curbur prin ndoirea evilor. n acest caz, se recomand radius of the bend pipes. In this case, it is recommended
precauii pentru a nu se introduce tensiuni suplimentare n precautions to not introduce additional tension in the
seciunile de conectare dintre evi, unghiurile de deviaie connecting sections of pipe being recommended maximum
maxime recomandate fiind: deviation angles:
- pentru diametre de pn la 315 mm, unghiuri de deviaie - For diameters up to 315 mm socket deviation angles no
n conectori de maxim 2; more than 2;
- pentru diametre cuprinse ntre 315 mm i 630 mm, - For diameters between 315 mm and 630 mm socket
unghiuri de deviaie n conectori de maxim 1.5; deviation angles up to 1.5;
- pentru diametre mai mari de 630 mm, unghiuri de - For diameters greater than 630 mm socket angles
deviaie n conectori de maxim 1; deviation less than 1;
evile i fitingurile corugate PP se produc cu mufa de PP corrugated pipes and fittings are produced with integrated
mbinare integrat iar cele din PE se produc n dou variante socket joint and the PE is produced in two variants for all
constructive pentru toate diametrele i rezistenele: diameters and resistances:
- cu muf de mbinare integrat; - With integrated socket joint;
- fr muf de mbinare. - Without socket joint.

mbinarea prin sudur cap la cap a tevilor din PE corugate Butt welding of the corrugated PE pipes
Se preteaz pentru evile fr muf de mbinare. Grosimea Suitable for pipes without socket. Their wall thickness
pereilor acestora permind sudura cap la cap i garantnd allowing butt welding and ensuring a perfect seal.
o perfect etaneizare.
The technology used is similar to the one of butt welding
Tehnologia utilizat este similar cu cea pentru sudura cap HDPE smooth pipes. The parameters used (pressure and
la cap a tuburilor lise din PEID. Parametrii utilizai (presiuni temperature) are the same as for the smooth thin-walled
i temperaturi) sunt aceiai ca i pentru tuburile lise cu perei tubes of the HDPE.
subiri din PEID.
Milling of pipe ends will be done on the portion where two
Frezarea capetelor se va realiza pe poriunea unde cei doi walls form a double layer, on a very short area, so that
perei formeaz un strat dublu, pe o zon foarte scurt, astfel heating does not involve also the profiled area.
nct nclzirea s nu implice i zona profilat.

mbinarea cu muf integrat

Connection with integrated socket
Sistemul de mbinare cu muf integrat reduce semnificativ
Socket joint integrated system significantly reduces the
numrul de faze de execuie precum i complexitatea
number of execution stages and the complexity of installing
lucrrilor de instalare a reelelor de evi, asigurnd simultan
pipe networks, while ensuring a perfect seal with O-ring
o perfect etaneizare prin garnituri O-ring din cauciuc
seals rubber (EPDM) produced in accordance with EN 681-1.
(EPDM) produse n conformitate cu EN 681-1.
mbinarea cu acest tip de muf permite inserarea n interiorul
acesteia a mai multor profile circulare ale captului evii Connection with this type of socket permits the insertion
urmtoare. n acest fel se poate realiza o aliniere corect inside it of more circular profile of the next pipe end. In
a evilor. De asemenea, dei pentru marea majoritate a this way it can achieve a proper alignment of pipes. Also,
aplicaiilor etaneizarea cu o singur garnitur O-ring asigur although in the vast majority of applications a seal with a
cerinele de utilizare, n situaia n care se dorete obinerea single O-ring seal provides the requirements for use, when it
de performane superioare, se pot monta 2 garnituri n is desired to produce superior performance, can be mounted
primele dou profile de la captul evii ce va fi introdus n two gaskets in the first two sections of the pipe end to be
muf. inserted into the socket.
mbinarea cu muf integrat prezint avantajul de a fi Integrated socket joint has the advantage of easy installation,
simplu de realizat, fr a necesita utilaje sau dispozitive without requiring special tools or devices. It is facilitate by
special. Este facilitat de greutatea specific redus a evilor the low specific weight of corrugated pipes. At the same
riflate. Totodat, se asigur meninerea diametrului extern time, it will ensure the external diameter in all connection
n toate punctele de mbinare, permind o perfect aliniere points, allowing a perfect alignment of pipe laying on the
a conductei pe patul de pozare. bed. 53
since 1896

Etapele operaiunii de mbinare: Joint operation steps:

1. Curarea zonelor de mbinare ale evilor i a garniturii. 1. Clean the bonding areas of the pipes and gaskets.
2. Determinarea lungimii de eav ce va fi introdus n muf: 2. Determine the length of pipe that is inserted into the
msurare i marcare pe eav cu un instrument care nu socket: measuring and marking on the pipe with a tool
deterioreaz pereii acesteia: marker, cret etc. that does not damage its walls: marker, chalk, etc.
3. Ungerea cu lubrifiant a primului profil de la captul evii 3. Lubricate the first profile at the end of the pipe with grease
peste care trebuie s treac garnitura pentru a fi introdus to be passed over the gasket to be inserted in the profile.
n profil. Inserarea garniturii de cauciuc pe captul Insert the rubber seal on the end of the pipe to be inserted
tubului care va fi introdus n muf. Se va avea grij ca pe into the socket. Be careful when mounting gasket as it is
timpul montrii garniturii aceasta s nu fie deteriorat i not damaged and also not damaged the pipe. The O-ring
de asemenea s nu fie deteriorat eava. Garnitura O-ring is designed so as to ensure tightness both the inside to
este conceput astfel nct s asigure etaneitate att de the outside and from outside to inside.
la interior la exterior ct i de la exterior la interior.
4. Lubricate the contact areas within socket joint and seal
4. Ungerea zonelor de contact ale mbinrii din interiorul lubricant to facilitate sliding.
mufei i a garniturii cu lubrifiant care s faciliteze
5. Insert the pipe into the socket. It will consider that during
the operation are not engaged foreign bodies inside
5. Inserarea tubului n muf. Se va avea n vedere ca pe socket (sand, gravel, etc.). Also, measures will be taken
timpul operaiunii s nu fie antrenate corpuri strine n to avoid damage by mechanical actions of the following
interiorul mufei (nisip, pietri etc.). De asemenea, se vor socket. It is preferable to use a pipe end without gasket,
lua msuri pentru a se evita deteriorarea mufei urmtoare placed in the last socket to protect it when it is pressed on.
prin aciuni mecanice. Este preferabil a se utiliza un capt For small diameters operation can be done manually, the
de eav fr garnitur, introdus n ultima muf pentru pipe inserted into the socket being attached to the side
a o proteja n momentul n care se preseaz pe aceasta. walls. For large diameters is necessary to use mechanical
Pentru diametre mici operaiunea se poate realiza equipment (eg. an excavator bucket) that will push the
manual, eava introdus n muf fiind prins de pereii pipe inserted, taking precautions as it is not damaged. At
laterali. Pentru diametre mari este necesar utilizarea the free end of the pipe can use two pieces of thick and
unor echipamente mecanice (ex. cupa unui excavator) wide plank to ensure that the pressure surface without
care vor mpinge eava introdus, lund precauiuni ca causing deformation.
aceasta s nu fie deteriorat. La captul liber al evii se
pot utiliza dou buci de scndur groase i late care s
asigure suprafaa de presare fr a produce deformaii.

Umplutura i compactarea anului Backfilling and compaction

Odat ce conducta a fost instalat i testat n modul Once the pipe has been installed and tested in the prescribed
prescris, putei ncepe umplerea anului. manner, you can start filling the trench.
n ceea ce privete straturile umpluturii se poate face o With backfilling a clear distinction can be made between the
distincie clar ntre patul de aezare al evii, pe care l-am bedding, side fill, initial backfill and final backfill.
descris anterior, umplutura lateral, umplutura iniial i
An optimal compaction of the backfill material, in a manner
umplutura final.
that not damaged installed pipe, will provide a rigidity
O compactare optim a materialului de re-umplere, realizat elasticity balance of the whole system that will be stable on
astfel nct s nu fie deteriorat eava instalat, va asigura un the long term, ensuring the very best features of use.
echilibru rigiditate elasticitate a ntregului sistem care va fi
Both pack of side filling and compaction must be done on
stabil pe termen lung, asigurnd foarte bune caracteristici
both sides simultaneously preventing any cavities to be
de utilizare.
created under the drains.
n cazul umpluturii laterale, umplerea ct i compactarea
trebuie fcute pe ambele pri simultan prevenindu-se
formarea unor caviti sub conduct. 54
since 1896

Compactarea materialului se va asigura uniform la un indice The compaction of the material will ensure a uniform
Proctor standard de 90 95%. Material cu granulaie fin se va standard Proctor index of 90-95%. Fine-grained material will
utiliza de preferin pn la minim 30 cm deasupra evii. Peste be used preferably by at least 30 cm above the pipe. Above it,
acesta, pentru umplerea anului se poate utiliza un material to fill the trench you can use good material, compact, higher
bun, compact, cu granulaie mai mare, pentru urmtorii 80 grain for the next 80 -100 cm. Over 1 m above the pipe can be
-100 cm. La peste 1 m deasupra evii se poate utiliza pentru used for fill material from the trench excavation.
umplere material provenit din excavarea anului.
Under axis of the pipe, filling material should be applied in
Sub axa evii, umplutura se va aplica n straturi de 150 layers of 150 mm. Above the pipe, filling layers can be 300
mm. Deasupra nivelului evii, umplutura se poate aplica n mm. Compacted layers of filler appropriately.
straturi de 300 mm. Straturile de umplutur se compacteaz
For compacting the layers will be used a mallet that compacts
on both sides of the pipe. Never use the mallet directly over
Pentru compactare se va folosi un mai cu care se va compacta the pipe!
pe ambele pri ale conductei.Niciodat nu utilizai maiul
Both for side filling and for the initial one use a filler similar
direct deasupra conductei!
to that used at the bedside pipe.
Att pentru umplutura lateral ct i pentru cea iniial se
Final filling has to be compacted on the full width of the
va folosi o umplutur similar cu cea utilizata la patul evii.
trench. It is not recommended for use frozen earth or earth
Umplutura final trebuie s fie compacat pe toat limea containing particles with a diameter greater than 150mm for
anului. Nu se recomand utilizarea pmntului ngheat final filling layer.
sau a pmntului ce conine particule cu un diametru mai
At locations with higher levels of groundwater, it is necessary
mare de 150mm pentru stratul de umplutur final.
to pack, backfill and compact faster to prevent the pipeline
n locaiile cu nivelul ridicat al pnzei de ap freatic from floating. The trench reinfor-cement is to be removed
este necesar sa executai umpluturile i compactarea cu simultaneously as the backfill and compaction advance.
vitez mare pentru a preveni fenomenul de flotabilitate al
When installing parallel pipes you have to ensure a sufficient
conductei. Elementele de sprijin ale anului se vor indeprta
compaction space between the pipes to allow proper
simultan cu avansarea umpluturii i compactrii.
compaction of the material. For pipes diameters up to 600
n cazul instalrii a dou conducte paralele, ntre cele dou mm, the minimum distance between them will be 300 mm.
conducte se va lsa un spaiu suficient pentru a permite For diameters over 600 mm, the distance will be OD.
buna compactare a materialului. Pentru evi cu diametre
pn la 600 mm, distana minim dintre acestea va fi de 300
mm. Pentru diametre peste 600 mm, distana va fi OD. 55
since 1896

evi canalizri exterioare PP corugat DN/OD - SN8

PP corrugated pipe DN/OD SN8 for storm water and sewer

Cod articol DN/OD di min de dy t L1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m)
COD1278 200 174 200 227 113 162 6
COD1279 250 218 250 283 129 185 6
COD1280 315 276 315 355 148 211 6
COD1281 400 348 400 451 158 231 6
COD1282 500 434 500 556 188 302 6
COD1283 630 546 630 712 232 373 6

La comand v putem oferi fitinguri din PP corugate pentru On request we can offer PP corugated fittings for both
ambele variante de evi corugate (DN/OD sau DN/ID). types of PP corugated pipes (DN/OD or DN/ID).

Tevi canalizari exterioare PP corugat DN/ID - SN8

PP corrugated pipe DN/ID SN8 for storm water and sewer

Cod articol DN/ID di min dem dy t L1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m)
COR0019 200 195 228 248 118 170 6
COR0020 250 245 285 308 127 185 6
COR0021 300 299 343 374 116 185 6
COR0022 400 398 458 498 139 226 6
COR0023 500 498 573 624 170 284 6
TPE0178 630 597 688 750 197 400 6
TPE0040 800 799 925 1003 247 421 6
TPE0023 1000 993 1140 1222 340 546 6

La comand v putem oferi fitinguri din PP corugate pentru On request we can offer PP corugated fittings for both
ambele variante de evi corugate (DN/OD sau DN/ID). types of PP corugated pipes (DN/OD or DN/ID). 56
since 1896

evi canalizri exterioare PE corugat DN/OD - SN4

PE corrugated pipe DN/OD SN4 for storm water and sewer

Cod articol DN/OD di min e4 A L S1 B T

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TPE0125 200 176 2,1 100 6210 3,0 14,0 25,0
TPE0167 250 216 2,5 120 6210 3,5 16,0 30,0
TPE0177 315 271 2,9 140 6210 4,0 21,0 37,0
TPE0174 400 343 3,3 160 6210 4,0 30,0 49,5
TPE0156 500 426 4 165 6210 4,5 30,0 49,5
TPE0155 630 530 5 195 6210 5,0 41,0 74,0
TPE0115 800 670 5,5 235 6210 5,5 41,0 74,0
MFD0565 1000 850 6,5 255 6210 6,0 55,0 99,0
La comand v putem oferi o gam larg de fitinguri din PE On request we can offer a wide range of PE corugated
corugate. fittings.

evi canalizri exterioare PE corugat DN/OD - SN8

PE corrugated pipe DN/OD SN8 for storm water and sewer

Cod articol DN/OD di min e4 A L S1 B T

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TPE0180 200 176 2,5 100 6210 3,0 14,0 25,0
TPE0168 250 216 3 120 6210 3,5 16,0 30,0
COR0001 315 271 3,5 140 6210 4,0 21,0 37,0
TPE0175 400 343 4 160 6210 4,0 30,0 49,5
TPE0172 500 426 5 165 6210 4,5 30,0 49,5
COR0002 630 530 6,5 195 6210 5,0 41,0 74,0
TPE0169 800 670 7,5 235 6210 5,5 41,0 74,0
MFD0752 1000 850 9 255 6210 6,0 55,0 99,0
La comand v putem oferi o gam larg de fitinguri din PE On request we can offer a wide range of PE corugated
corugate. fittings. 57
since 1896 58
since 1896

 evi i fitinguri PE
pentru canalizare
PE pipes and fittings
for water and gas 59
since 1896

Sistemul de tevi i fitinguri din Polyethylene pipes and fittings

polietilen pentru canalizare for water and gas
evile din polietilen sunt produse prin extrudarea granulelor Polyethylene pipes are produced by extruding polyethylene
de polietilen (PE80 sau PE100). granules (PE80 and PE100).
evile din polietilen, au suprafea interioar i exterioar Polyethylene pipes have smooth outer and inner surface, are
neted, sunt flexibile i rezistente la temperaturi exterioare flexible and resistant to external temperatures up to -30C.
de pn la -30C.
Polyethylene pipes and fittings have many area of use such
evile i fitingurile din polietilen au numeroase domenii de as:
utilizare dintre care amintim:
Drinking water supply networks for domestic and
Reele de distribuie a apei potabile pentru industrial consumers.
consumatori casnici i industriali. Natural gas distribution networks.
Reele de distribuie a gazelor naturale. Irrigation networks and water management.
Reele de irigaii i gospodrirea apelor. Gravity or pressure sewer system networks.
Reele de canalizare fie in sistem gravitaional fie n Soil & waste systems in construction.
Security systems for electrical cables.
Reele de canalizri interioare pentru construcii.
Transport for food and industrial liquids.
Sisteme de protecie pentru cabluri electrice.
Pre-insulated pipes for thermal protection systems.
Transport de lichide alimentare sau industriale.
Conducte de protecie n sisteme preizolate termic.
The life of the system is estimated at a minimum of 50 years
under the conditions of pressure and temperature as well as
Durata de viat este apreciat la minim 50 de ani n condiiile implementing technology work.
respectrii condiiilor de de presiune i temperatur precum
Polyethylene pipes are defined by the following basic
i a tehnologiei de punere n oper.
evile din polietilen sunt definite dupa urmatorii parametrii
-D = outer diameter of pipe
de baz:
-PN = Nominal pressure (in bars)
-D = diametrul exterior al evii
-S = Pipe series
-PN = presiunea nominal (n bari)
-SDR = Standard dimension ratio - is the ratio between
-S = seria evii
external diameter and wall thickness.
-SDR = raportul dimensional standard reprezint raportul
dintre diametrul extern i grosimea peretelui evii.
The outside diameters of polyethylene pipes were set by the
Diametrele exterioare ale evilor din polietilen au fost
ISO Technical Subcommittee.
stabilite de subcomisia tehnic a ISO.
The wall thickness of the polyethylene pipe is determined
Grosimea de perete a evii de polietilen se stabilete, n
according to the nominal pressure given by the formula:
funcie de presiunea nominal cu ajutorul formulei:

s = thickness of the wall of the tube (mm);
s = grosimea de perete a evii (mm);
PN = nominal pressure (bar);
PN = presiunea nominal (bari);
D = outer diameter of pipe (mm);
D = diametrul exterior al evii (mm);
= tangential tension at 20C (Mpa).
= tensiunea tangenial de calcul la 20C (Mpa).
The value of is a characteristic for each material,
Valoarea lui este o caracteristic a fiecrui material,
being extracted from regression curves diagram at 20C,
fiind extras de pe diagrama curbelor de regresie la 20C,
extrapolated to 50 years. This value is corrected with a safety
extrapolat la 50 de ani. Acest valoare este corectat cu un
factor of 1.25.
coeficient de siguran de 1,25. 60
since 1896

Marcarea unitar acceptat internaional a seriilor de Uniform marking, internationally accepted of the pipe series
conducte se face cu ajutorul unor valori adimensionale astfel : is made using dimensionless values as follows:

Unde : where:
S = numrul de serie al evii S = pipe serial number
D = diametrul exterior al evii (mm) D = outer diameter of pipe (mm)
s = grosimea de perete (mm) s = wall thickness (mm)
Corelaia dintre seria evii (S) i raportul dimensional The relation between the pipe series (S) and standard
standard (SDR) se poate exprima cu formula: dimension ratio (SDR) can be expressed by the formula:

Astfel, obinem: Thus, we get:

PE80 PE100
PN (bar) (PN (bar)
41 20 3,2 4
33 16 4 5
27,6 13,3 6
26 12,5 5 6
21 10 6 8
17,6 8,3 6
17 8 8 10
13,6 6,3 10 12,5
11 5 12,5 16
9 4 16 20
7,4 3,2 20 25
6 2,5 25

evile i fitingurile din polietilen sunt mai cunoscute pentru Polyethylene pipes and fittings are known for their use in
utilizarea lor n reele de alimentare i distribuie ap i gaz water distribution networks and gas supply but are used
ns sunt utilizate cu succes i n cazul sistemelor de canalizare successfully also in the case of buried gravity sewer systems
ngropat gravitaional dar mai ales pentru cele n presiune. but especially for those in pressure.
Sunt deseori situaii n care o anumit poriune a reelei de There are often situations where a certain part of the
canalizare este n sistem de presiune (canalizare pompat). sewerage network is in pressure (pumped sewage). In
n astfel de situaii cel mai recomandat sistem este sistemul such situations the recommended system is the system
de evi i fitinguri din polietilen ca urmare a faptului c of polyethylene pipe and fittings due to the fact that the
mbinarea elementelor sistemului se execut prin sudur, ce combination of elements is executed by welding, which
asigur o etaneitate a sistemului n cazul unor presiuni mai ensures tightness of the system more than 0.5 bar pressure
mari de 0,5 bari, presiunea de verificare pentru reelele de which is the check pressure for the PVC sewerage networks
canalizare din PVC cu mbinare cu muf i garnitur. with connection by coupler and sealing gasket.
Dei evile de polietilen se produc pentru reele n care Although polyethylene pipes are produced for networks that
presiunile pot ajunge i pn la 25 de bari, n cele mai multe can reach pressures up to 25 bar, in most of the situations
dintre situaii n sistemele de canalizare n presiune se in sewage pressure system are used pipes with nominal
utilizeaza evi cu presiuni nominale de 3,2 sau 4 bari. pressure of 3,2 up to 4 bars.
Tevile de polietilen pentru canalizare sunt de culoare neagr, Sewer polyethylene pipes are black, without stripes or black
far dungi sau negre cu dungi de culoare maron. with brown stripes.
Gama de diametre pentru evi de presiune de canalizare Pipe diameters range from sewage offered Teraplast pressure
oferit de Teraplast este cuprins ntre 200 i 630mm i se is between 200 and 630mm delivered in 12m bars.
livreaz n bare de 12m lungime.
Following are some of the features and benefits of using
n continuare sunt prezentate cteva dintre caracteristicile i polyethylene pipes and fittings.
avantajele utilizrii evilor i fitingurilor din polietilen. 61
since 1896

Caracteristici si avantaje Features and benefits

ale sistemului de evi si fitinguri of the polyethylene pipes
din polietilen and fittings systems
Greutatea redus a componentelor sistemului de evi i PE pipes and fittings lightweight system components ensures
fitinguri din PE asigur o manevrabilitate extrem de ridicat extremely high maneuverability in terms of transport,
n ceea ce privete transportul, depozitarea i manevrarea storage, handling and installation.
precum i instalarea acestuia.
It is a fundamental characteristic of this type of system.
Este o caracteristic fundamental a acestui tip de sistem. Component parts of the system can be combined with
Parile componente ale sistemuli se pot mbina prin various special welding technology within reach of builders.
diferite tehnologii speciale de sudur aflate la ndemna
The inner surface of pipes and fittings is extremely smooth
so that it cannot form materials deposits inside and pressure
Suprafaa interioar a evilor i fitingurile este extrem de losses are minimized.
neted astfel nct nu se pot forma depuneri de materiale
n interior, iar pierderile de presiune sunt reduse la minim.
Polyethylene Elasticity allows pipe section widening if the
transported fluid freezes and thus expands.
Elasticitatea polietilenei permite lrgirea seciunii evii n
cazul n care lichidul transportat nghea i astfel i mrete
Both pipes and fittings of PE has high chemical resistance to
most aqueous solutions, the aggressive action of materials
in the soil, and most of the inorganic salts and most of
Att evile ct i fitingurile din PE au o rezisten chimic acids and bases even in high concentrations and high
ridicat la majoritatea soluiilor apoase, la aciunea agresiv temperatures.
a materiilor din sol, srurilor anorganice i majoritatea
acizilor i bazelor chiar i n cazul concentraiilor mari i
temperaturilor ridicate.
These features allow the transport of fluids at speeds of over
7m/sec without erosion problems, even of acidic or alkaline
substances with pH between 1 and 14.
Aceste caracteristici permit transportul fluidelor cu viteze
de peste 7m/sec fr probleme de eroziune, chiar i n cazul
substanelor acide sau alcaline cu pH cuprins ntre 1 i 14.
From this point of view, polyethylene pipes ignite and
burn slowly, but does not support combustion and are self
extinguishing (class C4).
Din acest punct de vedere, evile din polietilen se aprind i
ard ncet, dar nu ntrein arderea i se autosting (clasa C4).
Flexibility and elasticity of polyethylene pipes are ideal for
use in areas with seismic risk.
Flexibilitatea i elasticitatea evilor din polietilen le
recomand pentru utilizare n zone cu risc seismic.
PE pipe is subjected to electrostatic phenomena due to
high resistivity material. Grounded pipes are subjected
eava din PE este supus fenomenelor electrostatice datorit to electrical charge, due to ample moisture and contact
rezistivitii ridicate a materialului. Tevile mpmntate network environment - land.
sunt supuse acumulrilor de sarcini, ca urmare a umiditii
mediului i amplului contact reea teren. 62
since 1896

Dilatarea liniar a evilor din PE PE pipes linear expansion

n cazul proiectrii reelelor cu evi din PE trebuie s se in When designing networks with PE pipes you must take
cont de faptul ca modificrile n lungime ale acestora ca into consideration that changes in their length due to
urmare a variaiilor de temperatur sunt considerabil mai temperature variations are considerably higher compared to
mari comparativ cu evile metalice. metal pipes.
n cazul evilor montate suprateran, expuse la mari variaii If pipes are installed above ground, exposed to large
de temperatur este necesar examinarea cu atenie a temperature variations is necessary to examine carefully the
fenomenului de dilatare termic liniar. phenomenon of linear thermal expansion.
n cazul evilor ngropate n pmnt, n afara unor situaii If pipes are buried in the ground, out of particular situations,
particulare, problema dilatrii liniare este neglijabil. the problem of linear expansion is negligible.
Pentru calculul modificrii lungimii tevilor din PE se vor lua To calculate the change in length of PE pipes will be taken
n considerare temperatura existent la momentul pozrii into account the temperature at the moment of installation
i temperatura maxim i minim prevazut pentru pereii and maximum and minimum temperature foreseen for the
evii n timpul exploatrii reelei. pipe walls during operation of the network.

Modificarea lungimii este egal cu: Change in length is equal to:

L = Lc T L = Lc T
unde: where:
Lc = lungimea conductei Lc = length of the pipe
T = diferena de temperatur T = temperature difference
= c oeficientul de dilatare liniar = coefficient of linear thermal expansion
(2 10-4 K-1 pentru PE) (2 10-4 K-1 for PE)


Cnd se transport evi, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. Asigurai n mod eficient which may damage the pipes. Secure the pipes effectively
conductele nainte de a le transporta. before transporting them.
La manipularea tevilor i fitingurilor, asigurai-v s prevenii When handling the pipes and fittings, take care to prevent
deteriorarea acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot damage. Plastics products can be damaged when get in
fi deteriorate atunci cnd n intr n contact cu obiecte contact with sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged
ascuite sau n cazul n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe along the ground. In all circumstances, do not drop or throw
sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai s cad sau aruncai produsele si products and pallets. In case of unloading pipes from the
paleii. n cazul descrcrii evilor din camioane cu o macara trucks with a crane use textile belts, preferably supported at
utilizai centuri textile, de preferin sprijinite n dou puncte two points along the length of the pipe packing.
de-a lungul lungimii pachetului.
If loading or unloading pipes using forklifts, ensure that only
n cazul n care evile se ncarc sau descarc folosind fork lift trucks with smooth forks should be used. Care should
stivuitoare, asigurai-v s fie folosite numai motostivuitoarele be taken to ensure that forks do not strike the pipe when
cu furci netede. Trebuie luate msuri pentru a se asigura ca lifting. It is important to ensure as large a space between the
furcile s nu loveasc eava atunci cnd ridicai pachetele de forks as possible for stability of the pallets.
eav. Este important s se asigure un spaiu ct mai mare
When storing pipes and fittings on site, the contractor must
ntre furci pentru stabilitatea paleilor.
provide adequate space for storage. Pipes have to be stored
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, constructorul on flat surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps). We
trebuie s asigure un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea recommend to keep the fittings in the original packaging as
acestora. evile trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr much as possible. If there is not available a covered space,
obiecte ascuite (pietre sau proeminene). Fitingurile se fittings can be kept also outdoors.
recomand sa fie pastrate n ambalajul original ct mai mult
cu putin. Dac nu exist un spatiu acoperit se pot pstra i
n exterior. 63
since 1896

Este indicat ca evile s fie depozitate n stive nu mai nalte It is indicated to store the pipes in stacks no higher than 1.5m
de 1,5 m n cazul celor cu grosime mai mic de perete (PN in case of the pipes with thinner wall (PN 2.5, 3.2, 4)
2,5; 3,2; 4)
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
6 luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile not obstruct the ventilation and also to remove the pipes
solare astfel nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora i seals and keeping them in a place protected from intense
deasemenea demontarea garniturilor evilor i pstrarea sunlight and high temperatures.
acestora ntr-un spaiu ferit de radiaii solare puternice i
temperaturi ridicate.

Instalarea Installation
Durata de via a reelelor executate din polietilen este The lifetime of polyethylene networks is overwhelmingly
influenat n mod covritor de modul n care este realizat influenced by the execution of the trench, laying bed
anul de pozare, patul de fundare precum i de gradul de foundation and the degree of compaction.
The influence of the diamter pipe, soil characteristics and
Influena diametrului evii, a caracteristicilor terenului installation depth on the strain or deformation of the pipe
i adncimii de pozare asupra tensiunilor, respectiv is negligible. The effect due to the traffic loads is manifested
a deformrilor evii este neglijabil. Efectul sarcinilor only if the installation depth is less than 1m. Quality of the
datorate circulaiei vehiculelor se manifest numai n work when laying the material and the degree of compaction
cazul adncimilor de pozare mai mici de 1m. Calitatea is crucial in respect stresses and deformation.
lucrarilor de pozare, materialul i gradul de compactare sunt
For detailed information on the installation of polyethylene
determinante n privina tensiunilor i deformaiilor.
pipes and fittings and joining techniques please refer to
Pentru informaii detaliate cu privire la instalarea evilor Chapter Polyethylene pipes and fittings for water and gas
i fitingurilor din polietilen, precum i a tehnicilor de supply in the Infrastructure-Utilities section.
mbinare va rugm sa consultai capitolul evi i fitinguri
din polietilen pentru alimentare i Distribuie ap-gaz
din Seciunea Infrastructur-Utiliti. 64
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru CANALIZARE - PE80 SDR41 - PN 3.2

HDPE PE80 SDR41 Sewer pipe - PN 3.2

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0075 200 4,9 bare 12m
COD0076 225 5,5 bare 12m
COD0077 250 6,2 bare 12m
COD0078 280 6,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0079 315 7,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0080 355 8,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0081 400 9,8 bare 12m/13m
COD0082 450 11,0 bare 12m/13m
COD0083 500 12,3 bare 12m/13m
COD0084 560 13,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0085 630 15,4 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4065; EN 12201-2. Standards: ISO4065; EN 12201-2.
evile sunt de culoare neagr sau negre cu dungi de reparaj The pipes are in black colour or in black with brown
maron. stripes.

eav polietilen pentru CANALIZARE - PE80 SDR33 - PN 4

HDPE PE80 SDR33 Sewer pipe - PN 4

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0086 200 6,2 bare 12m
COD0087 225 6,9 bare 12m
TPE0261 250 7,7 bare 12m
COD0088 280 8,6 bare 12m/13m
TPE0145 315 9,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0089 355 10,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0090 400 12,3 bare 12m/13m
COD0091 450 13,8 bare 12m/13m
COD0092 500 15,3 bare 12m/13m
COD0093 560 17,2 bare 12m/13m
COD0094 630 19,3 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4065; EN 12201-2. Standards: ISO4065; EN 12201-2.
evile sunt de culoare neagr sau negre cu dungi de reparaj The pipes are in black colour or in black with brown
maron. stripes.

eav polietilen pentru CANALIZARE - PE100 SDR41 - PN 4

HDPE PE100 SDR41 Sewer pipe - PN 4

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0188 200 4,9 bare 12m
COD0189 225 5,5 bare 12m
TPE0283 250 6,2 bare 12m
COD0190 280 6,9 bare 12m/13m
TPE0158 315 7,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0191 355 8,7 bare 12m/13m
TPE0281 400 9,8 bare 12m/13m
COD0192 450 11,0 bare 12m/13m
COD0193 500 12,3 bare 12m/13m
COD0194 560 13,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0195 630 15,4 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4065; EN 12201-2 Standards: ISO4065; EN 12201-2.
evile sunt de culoare neagr sau negre cu dungi de reparaj The pipes are in black colour or in black with brown
maron. stripes.

La comand v putem oferi fitinguri din PE pentru sudur On request we can offer PE fittings for butt welding or
cap la cap sau confecionate. welded. 65
since 1896 66
since 1896

1.4 A
 ccesorii pentru canalizare
Sewage accessories 67
since 1896

Band de avertizare pentru reele canalizare

Warning tape for sewer pipelines

Cod articol L/greutate Lung bobin Aplicaie/Application

ml/kg ml
MFD1322 100 200 Canalizare/Sewer

Band de avertizare cu fir inox pentru reele canalizare

Stainless steel wire tape warning for sewer pipelines

Cod articol Wire Lung bobin Aplicaie/Application

mm ml
MFD1536 0,5 250 Canalizare/Sewer

Banda de semnalizare pentru uz general

Signaling tape for general use

Cod articol Lung bobin Aplicaie/Application

MFD1591 200 Semnalizare

Obturator pneumatic multidimensional de la 1,0 la 2,5 bar

Multidimensional sealing bag, 1,0 to 2,5 bar

Cod articol PN Gam diametre

bar Dimension range
COD0001 2,5 DN40-DN70
COD0002 2,5 DN70-DN150
MFD1608 2,5 DN100-DN200
COD0003 2,5 DN150-DN200
COD0004 2,5 DN150-DN300
MFD0867 1,5 DN160-DN400
MFD1615 2,5 DN200-DN400
COD0005 2,5 DN300-DN525
COD0006 2,5 DN350-DN600
COD0007 2,5 DN375-DN750
COD0008 2,5 DN500-DN800
COD0009 1,5 DN500-DN1000
COD0010 1,0 DN600-DN1200
COD0011 1,0 DN750-DN1500
COD0012 1,0 DN800-DN1800

Obturator pneumatic multidimensional cu by-pass de la 1,0 la 2,5 bar

Multidimensional sealing bag, 1,0 to 2,5 bar

Cod articol PN Bypass Gam diametre

bar " Dimension range
COD0013 2,5 DN70-DN150
COD0014 2,5 DN150-DN200
COD0015 2,5 1" DN100-DN200
COD0016 2,5 1" DN150-DN300
COD0017 2,5 2" DN200-DN400
COD0018 2,5 2" DN300-DN525
COD0019 2,5 2" DN350-DN600
COD0020 2,5 2" DN375-DN750
COD0021 2,5 2" DN500-DN800
COD0022 1,5 2" DN500-DN1000
COD0023 1,0 4" DN600-DN1200
COD0024 1,0 4" DN750-DN1500
COD0025 1,0 4" DN800-DN1800

Dispozitiv de siguran i exploatare

Safety and operating device

Cod articol PN
MFD1413 1,5
COD0026 2,5 68
since 1896


2.1 Cmine din material plastic pentru canalizare
Plastic systems chambers for sewer networks
2.2 Cmine de inspecie cu eava lis
Inspection chambers with smooth pipe column
2.3 Cmine de inspecie cu eav corugat
Inspection chambers with corrugated pipe column
2.4 Cmine de vizitare multi-element
Multi-element plastic manholes
2.5 Cmine de vizitare monobloc
Mono-bloc plastic manholes
2.6 Capace pentru cmine
Covers for manholes
since 1896
since 1896

2.1 C
 mine din material plastic
pentru canalizare
Plastic systems chambers
for sewer networks 71
since 1896

Descrierea sistemelor de cmine Description of plastic systems

din material plastic pentru reele chambers for sewer networks
de canalizare
Teraplast, as an expert in the field of sewer solutions offer
Compania Teraplast, n calitate de expert n domeniul soluiilor to its partners the widest range of inspection chambers
pentru reele de canalizare pune la dispoziia partenerilor si and manholes from the Romanian market, so they can
cea mai variat gam de camine de inspecie i vizitare de pe choose for the optimal solution (system) depending on the
piaa din Romania astfel nct s poat opta pentru soluia construction application.
(sistemul) optim aplicaiei care se pune n oper. Cambers are one of the main components of a sewer
Cminele reprezint una dintre principalele componente network. Chambers have to be installed under the ground, in
ale unui sistem de canalizare. Cminele se instaleaz sewage networks, in order to have access and control to the
ngropat, pe reelele de canalizare, cu scopul asigurrii sewerage network. Usually there are sited in sensitive points
accesului la reeaua de canalizare n vederea controlului of the network, where either is possible to appear network
acesteia. De regul se amplaseaz n puncte mai sensiblile clogging either at changes in diameter or at the intersection
ale reelei, unde fie este posibil o nfundare a acesteia fie la of two or more lines on the sewer network.
schimbrile de diametru din reea sau la intersecia a dou As it is well known there is a growing and intense interest
sau mai multe conducte de pe traseul reelei de canalizare. by governmental associations and governments on the
Aa cum este bine tiut, exist un interes tot mai intens al most effective measures for environmental protection.
asociaiilor neguvernamentale dar i al guvernelor cu privire These measures obviously targeting more and more efficient
la msuri ct mai eficiente pentru protecia mediului. Aceste solutions for soil and groundwater protection.
msuri vizeaz evident i soluii ct mai eficiente pentru Now many of the chambers and manholes installed in the
protecia solului i a pnzei de ap freatic. sewer networks are in concrete. In 2004 it was carried out
n acest moment, o mare parte dintre cminele montate in Germany a study regarding the concrete chambers and
n reelele de canalizare sunt din beton. n anul 2004 s-a manholes conditions in existing sewer networks.
efectuat n Germania un studiu cu privire la starea cminelor The results of the study were extremely worrying because
din beton existente n reelele de canalizare. they were held a big number of failures and damages: cracks,
Rezultatele studiului au fost extrem de ngrijortoare inadequate connections, leaks, defective ladders, frames
deoarece au fost constate numeroase daune i defeciuni ale and lids moved, others.
acestora: fisuri, racorduri necorespunztoare, neetaneiti, It assumes that between 30% and 50% of German concrete
scri defectuoase, rame si capace deplasate, altele. sewer manholes are fault, leading to repair costs of about 50
Se pornete de la premisa c ntre 30% si 50% din cminele billion euro.
de canalizare germane din beton prezint defecte, ceea ce Consequences of the faults are extremely varied:
duce la costuri de reparaii de aproximativ 50 miliarde Euro.
Waste water seepage through chambers and manholes
Consecinele defectelor sunt extrem de variate: cracks or joints that contaminate the groundwater,
Apa rezidual exfiltrat prin fisurile cminelor sau The infiltrated groundwater contaminates the
racordurilor ce contamineaz pnza de ap freatic, treatment plants,
Apa freatic infiltrat contamineaz staiile de tartare, Covers immersed in road traffic represent an important
Capace scufundate n carosabil reprezint un pericol danger.
pentru trafic. Heavy concrete manholes are coming from the past in case
Cminele grele din beton, pentru vizitare, sunt de domeniul of private, municipal or city sewage networks. Current and
trecutului n reelele de canalizare private, comunale sau modern inspection solutions of the sewerage networks,
oreneti. Soluiile actuale moderne de inspectare a reelelor with video systems and modern equipments for cleaning
de canalizare cu sisteme video precum i echipamentele in pressure jetting greatly simplified inspection and
moderne de splare cu jet n presiune au simplificat extrem maintenance activities of the sewerage networks. Thus, with
de mult activitile de inspectare i ntreinere a reelelor de these modern solutions, means it is not more necessary that
canalizare. Astfel, cu aceste mijloace moderne nu mai este the maintenance personnel to go down in the manhole.
necesar vizitarea cminului de ctre personalul autorizat.
The new generation of chambers made of plastic offer
Noile generaii de camine realizate din materiale plastice environmentally friendly solutions which satisfy all the
ofer soluii moderne i ecologice ce satisfac toate cerinele requirements currently imposed regarding wastewater
impuse n prezent n ceea ce privete evacuarea apelor uzate. discharge.
Prin utilizarea cminelor moderne din materiale plastice By using modern plastic chambers and manholes is ensured
se asigur o etaneitate complet a reelei de canalizare a complete sealing of the sewage network as a result of
ca urmare a mbinrilor etane ntre acestea i evile din tight connections between chambers and plastic pipes,
materiale plastice, eliminndu-se astfel caminele din beton, thus eliminating concrete manholes, the only elements of
singurele elemente din reeaua de canalizare (realizat the sewerage network (done today overwhelmingly with 72
since 1896

n zilele noastre ntr-o proporie covritoare cu tevi din plastic pipes) that could not guarantee the tightness of the
material plastic) ce nu puteau garanta etaneitatea reelei. network.
Domeniile de utilizare a cminelor din material plastic sunt Fields of application for plastic manholes are similar to those
similare cu cele ale evilor de canalizare din material plastic, of plastic piping pipes covering both sewer networks below
acoperind att reele de canalizare ngropate n sol pentru ground for sewage and rainwater applicable in infrastructure
ape menajere ct i pentru ape pluviale cu aplicabilitate n and residential construction, waste water in agriculture and
infrastructur i construcii rezideniale, evacuarea apei n industry or drainage.
agricultur i industrie sau pentru drenaj.
Maximum temperatures of wastewater transported are the
Temperaturile maxime ale apelor uzate transportate sunt same ones that should fit pipes that are to be used in the
aceleai cu cele n care trebuie s se ncadreze evile ce network.
urmeaz s se utilizeze n reeaua respectiv.

Principalele caracteristici si avantaje Key features and benefits

ale caminelor din materiale plastice of plastic manholes

Radierul cminelor este prevazut cu mufe cu garnituri Chamber base is equipped with connectors with elastomeric
elastomerice, pentru a se asigura o imbinare perfect etan seals to ensure a perfect seal with plastic sewer pipes used
cu evile de canalizare din materiale plastice utilizate in sewerage networks. Also the components of the modular
n reelele de canalizare. Deasemenea i elementele chambers are sealed together by gaskets. This ensures
componente ale cminelor modulare se etaneaz ntre ele absolute tightness of the sewerage system.
cu ajutorul garniturilor. Astfel se garanteaz etaneitatea The tightness of the inspection chambers and manholes is
absolut a sistemului de canalizare. tested at a pressure of 0.5 bar.
Etaneitatea cminelor este testat la o presiune de 0,5 bari.

CARACTERISTICI HIDRAULICE Plastic sewer inspection chambers and manholes are
Cminele de canalizare din material plastic sunt prevzute provided with calculated optimal flow profiles, ensuring a
cu profile de curgere optim calculate, ce asigur o scurgere safe water drainage, eliminating the risk of clogging due to
sigur a apei eliminndu-se riscul nfundrii reelei ca occlusion of the chamber.
urmare a obturrii caminului.

REZISTENA LA AGENI CHIMICI Plastic manholes as otherwise the pipes have an extremely
Cminele din material plastic, ca i evile dealtfel, au o high resistance to abrasion and chemical aggression of
rezisten extrem de ridicat la abraziune i la agresivitatea chemical substances existing in the wastewater (such as eg.
unor substane chimice existente n apele uzate (cum este de Sulfuric acid).
ex. acidul sulfuric).


REZISTENTE I ROBUSTE Inspection chambers and manholes have all the advantages
Cminele din material plastic au toate avantajele asigurate provided by this type of material: sturdiness, shape stability,
de acest tip de material: robustee, stabilitate a formei, flexibility. As it is well known flexibility of plastic products
flexibilitate. Aa cum este bine tiut flexibilitatea produselor ensure their long-term behavior much better than those rigid
din mase plastice le asigura un comportament pe termen (concrete) because it performs much better in successive
lung mult mai bun decat al celor rigide (beton) deoarece se loads of traffic load.
comport mult mai bine la ncrcri succesive de sarcin.


INSTALARE SIMPL I EFICIEN ECONOMIC All components are lightweight and can be handled by one
Toate elementele componente au o greutate redus, putnd person (maximum 2 in the case of large diameter manholes),
fi manevrate de o singura persoan (maxim 2 n cazul so installation is simplified and fast without additional costs
cminelor de diametre mari), astfel c instalarea cminului generate by other machines.
este mult simplificat i rapid, fr costuri suplimentare
generate de alte utilaje. 73
since 1896

Pe lng instalarea rapid i manevrarea simpl trebuie inut In addition to fast installation and simple handling must be
cont i de transportul mult mai facil i cu un cost mult mai taken into account the easier transport with a much lower
redus precum i de necesarul de spaiu redus pentru stocare. cost and reduced space required for storage.


Durata de via estimat a acestor tipuri de cmine este de Expected life of these types of inspection chambers and
50 de ani, durat de viaa similar cu cea a evilor din PVC, in manholes is of 50 years, similar with PVC pipes, in this cased
acest caz dovedit. already proved.
Toate aceste caracteristici aduc numeroase avantaje All these features bring a lot of advantages to water
companiilor ce exploatez reelele de canalizare i companies that are exploiting the sewer network but
beneficiarilor acestora prin economiile pe care le pot also to their beneficiaries through savings that can be
realiza ca urmare a: achieved as a result of:
Lipsei costurilor de reparaii pe termen lung. Lack of long-term repair costs.
Costurilor reduse de ntreinere. Low maintenance costs.
Reducerii costurilor de epurare ca urmare a Treatment plant reduced costs due to the removal of
eliminrii infiltraiilor apei din pnza de ap freatic ground water infiltration into the sewer network.
n reeaua de canalizare. Eliminate the costs of fines as a result of soil
Eliminarea costurilor cu amenzile ca urmare a pollution due to infiltration of the contaminated
polurii solului datorit exfiltraiilor n sol. water from the sewer network into the ground.

Teraplast ofer o multitudine de sisteme de cmine din Teraplast offers a variety of plastic chambers and manhole
material plastic, pe care le vom clasifica n continuare, systems, which we will forwards classify in order to have a
pentru a putea avea o imagine de ansamblu mai clar. clearer overview of the range.
Astfel, o prim clasificare a cminelor oferite de Teraplast Thus, a first classification of Teraplast chambers and manholes
este dupa modul de acces la reeaua de canalizare: is offered by the way of access to the sewerage system:
A. Cmine de inspectie. A. Inspection chambers.
B. Cmine de vizitare. B. Manholes.

La randul lor, acestea au fost clasificate n funcie de tipul de In turn those were classified according to the type of column
coloan utilizat i de structura lor constructiv astfel: used and thus their constructive structure:
A.1 Cmine de inspecie cu coloana din teava lis. A.1 Inspection chambers with smooth pipe column.
A.2 Cmine de inspecie cu coloana din eav corugat. A.2 Inspection chambers with corrugated pipe column.

B.1 Cmine de vizitare multi element. B.1 Multi-element manholes.

B.2 Cmine de vizitare monobloc. B.2 Block Manholes.

n continuare vom detalia fiecare din aceste grupe de sisteme Next, we detail each of these groups of systems and will
i vom prezenta n detaliu fiecare membru al subgrupelor de present in detail each member of the above subgroups.
mai sus. 74
2.2 C
 mine de inspecie
cu eava lis
Inspection chambers with
smooth pipe column 75
since 1896

A.1 Cmine de inspecie cu coloan A.1 Inspection chambers with smooth

din eava lis pipe column
Cminele de inspectie cu coloan din eav lis sunt cmine Inspection chambers with smooth pipe column are multi-
modulare, multi-element ce se recomand a fi utilizate n element modular chambers, which are recommended to be
aplicaii cum sunt parcri private, racorduri de branament, used in applications such as private parking, connections
spaii verzi, dar i aplicaii i reele comunale, industriale sau branching, green spaces, but also applications in network
rezideniale i comerciale prin utilizarea capacelor din font i utilities, industrial or residential and commercial using iron
celorlalte accesorii pentru trafic. covers and other accessories for traffic.
Adancimea maxima de ngropare este de 6m iar nivelul maxim Maximum burial depth is 6m and the maximum level of
al apei freatice de 5m. groundwater 5m.
Un cmin de inspecie este alctuit din trei elemente de baz : An Inspection chamber is composed of three basic elements:
Radierul (baza) cminului; Inspection chamber Base;
Coloana cminului; Chamber riser pipe;
Acoperirea cminului. Chamber cover.
Subgrupa de cmine de inspecie A.1. cuprinde 3 tipuri de A.1. inspection chambers subgroup includes 3 types of
cmine cu coloana de nlare din eava PVC lis: D200, D315, chambers with PVC riser pipe smooth column: D200, D315,
D400mm. D400mm.

Capac cmin din fonta, PP Chamber cover in cast iron,

sau material compozit PP or composite

Tub telescop din PVC PVC telescopic pipe

Manet (garnitur) de etanare Sealing gasket (collar) between

ntre coloan i tub telescop the riser pipe and telescope

Coloana cminului din eav PVC PVC riser for inspection chamber

Radierul (Baza) cminului din PP PP Chamber base with sealing

cu garnitur de etanare la gasket for the PVC inspection
coloana cminului chamber riser pipe 76
since 1896


Fabricat prin injecie din PP (polipropilen) i este prevazut cu Manufactured as injection molded PP (polypropylene)
racorduri de tip muf cu garnitur pentru racordarea la acesta provided with inlet and outlet couplers with sealing gasket
a evilor de canalizare. Configuraia radierelor poate fi cu 1 for connecting sewer pipes to it. The inspection chambers
intrare / 1 ieire sau cu 3 intrri / 1 ieire, perfect compatibile configuration can be 1 inlet / 1 outlet or 3 inlets / 1 outlet,
cu evile de canalizare din material plastic cu perete lis. fully compatible with PVC smooth sewer pipes.
n aceast subgrup de cmine radierele sunt prevazute In this subgroup the inspection chamber bases are provided
cu garnitur de etanare montat n partea superioar a with seal mounted on top of the base in order to seal the
acestora pentru etanare cu coloana de nlare a cminului. riser column pipe.
Deoarece sunt fabricate din PP prin injecie, acestea sunt Because they are made of PP injection, they are highly
extrem de rezistente la impact, chiar i la temperaturi resistant to impact, even at low temperatures and due
reduse iar datorita gradului de rugozitate extrem de redus to their extremely low roughness the possibility of base
posibilitatea infundrii radierului este eliminat. clogging is removed.
n tabelul de mai jos sunt prezentate posibilitile de racordare The table below shows the possibilities to connect the
a conductelor de canalizare cu perete lis la radierul cminului. smooth PVC sewer pipes to the inspection chamber base.
De reinut c radierul (baza) cminului este prevazut cu Please note that the inspection chamber base is fitted with sealing
mufe cu garnitur de acelai diametru Dintrare = Dieire. couplers with the same diameter Inlet diameter = Outlet diameter.

Diametrele evilor de canalizare ce se pot racorda la radierul (baza) cminului

Sewer pipes diameters that can be connected to the chamber base

Configuraie/ Diametrul racordului / Connection diameter

D cmin
Configuration 110 160 200 250 315 400





Coloana utilizat pentru nlarea cminului este din eav The column used to extend the inspection chamber (the riser
de PVC-U cu clasa de rigiditate SN2, fr muf cu diametre pie) is a PVC-U pipe with stiffness class SN2 without coupler
de 200, 315, 400mm. in diameters of 200, 315 and 400mm.
La cerere se poate livra coloana camin cu rigiditate SN4 sau On request can be delivered also SN4 or SN8 rigidity chamber
SN8. colomn.
Coloana cminului poate fi extrem de simplu debitat cu The riser pipe can be extremely easy cut by a fine tooth saws
ajutorul unui fierstrau cu dini fini astfel nct s se obine as to get the desired length for installation.
lungimea dorit pentru montaj.


Acoperirea cminului se poate realiza n diferite moduri, n The coverage of the inspection chamber can be achieved in
funcie de locaia de montaj a cminului i de solicitrile de various ways, depending on the installation location of the
ncrcare (trafic) la care urmeaz fie supus cminul. Gama chamber and requests by the traffic loading. The covering
cuprinde capace ce se pot instala direct peste coloana range includes covers that can be directly installed over the
cminului sau capace cu diferite rezistene la trafic (intre A15 riser pipe or covers with different load resistance (between
si D400, conform EN124) prevazute cu tub telescop pentru A15 and D400, according EN124) equipped with telescope to
aducere la cot. bring the cover on the finished level . 77
since 1896

n cazul capacelor cu tub telescop se folosesc garnituri i For telescoped covers range are used sealing gaskets and
manete speciale pentru etanarea ntre coloana cminului special collars to ensure the sealing between the riser pipe
i tubul telescop. and telescope pipe.
Utilizarea acoperirilor cu tub telescop asigur avantaje The use of the telescoped covers ensures special advantages
deosebite datorit simplificrii montajului n ceea ce due to the simplification of installation in terms of bringing
privete aducerea cminului la cota final dar i din punct the chamber to the final level but also in terms of its reliability
de vedere al fiabilitii acestuia n timp. over time.
Prin utilizarea telescopului forele i ocurile transmise By using the telescope, the forces and shocks transmitted
de catre autovehicule n momentul trecerii acestora peste by the car when passes over the covers are no longer
capace nu se mai transmit direct n radier, aa cum se transmitted directly into slab, as happens in chambers and
ntmpl n cazul caminelor cu structuri rigide din beton, manholes with rigid structures in concrete. Al the shocks are
ci sunt preluate de ansamblul capac telescop i disipate taken by the cover telescope ensemble and dissipated into
n solul nconjurtor prin intermediul inelului de suport al the surrounding ground through the support ring for frame
ramei capacului. cover.In green areas which are not exposed to traffic can be
used light traffic covers or garden covers in PP.
Pentru zonele verzi, ce nu sunt expuse circulaiei se pot
utiliza capace pietonale sau de gradin din PP.

Clasificarea capacelor oferite de Teraplast The cover classification offered by Teraplast

Grupa 1 - A15 1,5 tone/osie (15kN) destinate zonelor cu Group 1 - A15 - 1.5 tons / axle (15kN) - for areas with heavy
trafic pietonal alei, curi sau trasee de biciclete. pedestrian walkways, courtyards or bike trails.
Grupa 2 - B125 12,5 tone/osie (125kN) trafic redus (parcri Group 2 - B125 - 12.5 tons / axle (125kN) - reduced traffic
cu restricii de tonaj, piee, drumuri private, parcri). (parking restricted tonnage markets, private roads, parking
Grupa 3 - C250 25 tone/osie (250kN) drumuri, drumuri
pentru vehicule comerciale uoare, parcri pentru vehicule Group 3 - C250 - 25 tonnes / axle (250kN) - roads, roads
pn la 25 de tone, guri de scurgere. for light commercial vehicles, parking for vehicles up to 25
tonnes , rainwater gullies
Grupa 4 - D400 40 tone/osie (400kN) drumuri pentru
vehicule grele, autostrzi, zone de staionare pentru toate Group 4 - D400 - 40 tonnes / axle (400kN) - roads for heavy
tipurile de autovehicule. vehicles, highways, parking areas for all types of vehicles.

Clasificarea mai include i: Classification also includes:

Clasa E600 60 tone/osie (600kN) - zone cu trafic greu i Class E600 - 60 tonnes / axle (600kN) - areas with heavy
foarte greu (porturi, aeroporturi) traffic and very hard (ports, airports)
Clasa F900 90 tone/osie (900kN) - vehicule exceptionale, Class F900 - 90 tonnes / axle (900kN) - Exceptional vehicles,
porturi, aeroporturi, etc. ports, airports, etc.

Mai jos sunt prezentate zonele de monaj pentru primele Below are presented the mounting areas for the first 4
4 grupe definite mai sus precum si care sunt variantele de groups defined above and also the alternatives of covering
acoperiri pentru cminele de inspecie din aceast sub-grup. the inspection chambers from this sub-group
nainte de a achiziiona un cmin asigurai-va c modelul Before purchasing an inspection chamber make sure that the
ales corespunde necesitilor atat din punct de vedere chosen model meets the needs both in terms of installation
al spaiului pentru montaj i posibilitilor de accesare space and possibilities of accessing it but especially in terms
ulterioar a acestuia dar mai ales din punct de vedere al of the configuration of the base and pipe diameters that will
configuraiei radierului i a diametrelor conductelor ce be connected to the inspection chamber.
urmeaz sa fie racordate la cmin. 78
since 1896

Variantele de acoperire pentru cminele D200, 315 si 400 cu eav lis

Cover options for the inspection chamber range D200, 315 si 400 with PVC plain pipe riser

Tip acoperire Material clasa sarcin/ Type of the cover -Material- Load
Capac PP/ Capac - Font/ Capac-compozit/ Grtar font/
D cmin PP cover Cast iron cover Composite cover Cast iron gratting
A15 A15 B125 D400 B125 B125 D400


Pentru transport se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme For transporting flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The bed shall
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice be free from nails and other metallic protuberances, which
ce pot deteriora produsele. Asigurai n mod eficient marfa may damage the products. Secure the goods effectively
nainte de transport. before transporting them.
La manipulare, asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea acestora. When handling, take care to prevent damage. Plastics
Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd products can be damaged when in contact with sharp objects
n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul n care or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the ground. In all
cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai circumstances, do not drop from height or throw the products.
produsele s cad de la nlimi mari sau sa le aruncai.
The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru a se at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
evite orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul manipulrii,
We recommend special attention at handling when the
ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandam o atenie deosebi la
ambient temperature is below -5 C.
manevrare n cazul n care temperatura este sub -5 C.
When storing on site, the Contractor must provide adequate
La depozitarea n antier, constructorul trebuie s asigure
space for storage. The products have to be stored on flat
un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea acestora. Produsele
surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps).
trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite
(pietre sau proeminene). At storage please avoid stacking chambers and manholes
one over another or placing weights over its, because these
La depozitare v rugm s evitai stivuirea cminelor de
additional long term efforts can cause deformations and
vizitare unul peste altul sau aezarea de greuti peste
damage on the product.
acestea, deoarece aceste eforturi suplimentare de lung
durat pot cauza deformri i deteriora produsul. 79
since 1896

n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste When stored on a longer term (over 6 months) it is
6 luni) se recomand protejarea de radiatiile solare astfel recommended to protect from solar radiation in a manner
nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora. that does not obstruct the ventilation.


1. Nivelai fundul anului i ndeprtai pietrele mari i cele 1. Level the bottom of the trench and remove large and sharp
ascuite. Pregtii un pat de nisip de 10cm necompactat. stones. Prepare a non-compacted sand bedding 10cm high.
2. Poziionai baza cminului pe patul pregtit i lubrefiai 2. Place the chamber base on the sand bedding and lubricate
att eava ct i garniturile de etanare ale racordurilor bazei the pipe and inspection chamber sealing gaskets before
nainte de mbinare. connecting to the base.
3. Racordai evile de canalizare la baza cminului. 3. Connect sewer pipes to the base.
4. Secionai eava din PVC pentru realizarea coloanei 4. Cut the PVC pipe to get the inspection riser pipe at the
cminului, la lungimea necesar pentru a obine nlimea necessary length in order to obtain the required height of the
necesar a caminului, apoi executai anfrenul. chamber and after that chamfer the pipe end.
5. nainte de montajul n baza cminului lubrefai bine att 5. Before connecting to the base, lubricate the riser pipe and
coloana de cmin ct i garnitura de etanare montat pe the sealing gasket base already installed on it.
baza cminului.
6. Install the prepared riser pipe on the oinspection chamber
6. Montai coloana astfel pregtit pe baza cminului cu atenie. base carefully.
7. Fixai garnitura de etanare pentru tubul telescop n partea 7. Fix the telescope sealing gasket (collar) on the upper
superioar a coloanei caminului i lubrefiati-o. Verificai part of the riser pipe and lubricate it. Check the correct
instalarea corect a garniturii. installation of the gasket (collar).
8. n cazul n care nu ati optat pentru alegerea unui ansamblu 8. If you did not chose an already made ensemble cover-
capac-tub telescop deja montat, tiai o bucat de minim telescope, cut a piece of minimum 30cm from a PVC pipe
30cm dintr-o eav de PVC cu diametrul corespunzator, with corresponding diameter to execute de telescope pipe.
pentru realizarea tubului telescop.
9. Fix the cover on the telescope made before and then fix
9. Fixai capacul pe tubul telescop astfel confecionat i apoi the kit in the riser pipe. Make sure that the sealing gasket
fixai ansamblul n coloana cminului. Asigurai-v c garnitura pre-mounted on the riser pipe seals perfect on the entire
de etanare montat n prealabil pe coloana cminului circumference of the telescope.
etaneaz perfect pe toat circumferina tubul telescop.
10. Backfill the trench and space arund the inspection
10. Umplei anul i spaiul din jurul cminului cu straturi chamber layer by layer with carefully selected ground and
succesive de umplutur atent selecionat i compactai compact each layer to at least 30cm above the top of the
fiecare strat cu grij pana la cel putin 30cm deasupra prii sewer pipe.
superioare a evii de canalizare.
11. Stretch the warning tape.
11. ntindei banda de avertizare.
12. Continue with the backfill of the trench following the
12. Reluai umplerea antului, respectnd instruciunile instructions given in chapter PVC pipes and fittings for
prezentate n capitolul evi i fitinguri din PVC pentru sewage.
Around the inspection chamber the backfill will be executed
n jurul cminului umplerea se va executa tot n straturi also layer by layer .Compact layers uniform along the
succesive. Compactai uniform fiecare strat de-a lungul entire circumference of the inspection chamber. Soil must
ntregii circumferine a caminului. Solul trebuie s fie be compacted adequately to the current ground and
compactat corespunztor condiiilor de sol i de ap actuale, water conditions as well as the future external load. It is
precum i viitoarei sarcini externe. Este recomandat pentru recommended to compact the soil at a minimum standard
a compacta solul la o densitate minim standard Proctor de: Proctor density of :
90% pentru zonele verzi 90% for green areas
95% pentru zonele pavate cu sarcin limitat de trafic 95% for paved areas with limited traffic load
98% pentru drumuri cu trafic intens de sarcin 98% for roads with heavy traffic load
n cazul n care nivelul de ap freatic este ridicat (deasupra In case of high ground water level (above the chamber
nivelului inferior al bazei cminului), se recomand bottom level) it is recommended to adopt a stricter
adoptarea unui regim de instalare mai strict i creterea installation regime and increase the degree of compaction:
gradului de compactare: SPD: 95%, 98%, 98%. SPD : 95%, 98%, 98%. 80
since 1896

1 2 3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10 11 12 81
since 1896



Capac sau Grtar din Capac i ram de font Capac din PP.
font cu tub telescop. cu inel din beton. PP cover.
Cast iron cover and frame Cast iron cover and frame
with Telescope pipe. with concrete ring. 82
since 1896

Baze cmine de inspecie D200 cu picior de sprijin

KGET inspection chamber base D200 with stand

Cod articol DN/OD2 DN/OD1 DN/OD2 Intrare/ h1 h3 h4 t L

(mm) (mm) (mm) Ieire (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1063 200 110 110 Muf/Muf 74 140,6 113,4 56,1 380
CAM1065 200 160 160 Muf/Muf 105 140,6 113,4 71,9 420
CAM1066 200 200 200 Muf/Muf 125 140,6 113,4 84,4 450

Cod articol DN/OD2 DN/OD1 DN/OD2 Intrare/ h1 h3 h4 t L

(mm) (mm) (mm) Ieire (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1062 200 110 110 Muf/Lis 74 140,6 113,4 56,1 380
CAM1064 200 160 160 Muf/Lis 105 140,6 113,4 71,9 420
CAM1067 200 200 200 Muf/Lis 125 140,6 113,4 84,4 450

Baze cmine de inspecie D200 fr picior de sprijin

KGET inspection chamber base D200 without stand

Cod articol DN/OD2 DN/OD1 DN/OD2 Intrare/ h1 h3 h4 t L

(mm) (mm) (mm) Ieire (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1057 200 110 110 Muf/Muf 64 140,6 113,4 56,1 380
CAM1059 200 160 160 Muf/Muf 92,4 140,6 113,4 71,9 420
CAM1060 200 200 200 Muf/Muf 114,4 140,6 113,4 84,4 450

Cod articol DN/OD2 DN/OD1 DN/OD2 Intrare/ h1 h3 h4 t L

(mm) (mm) (mm) Ieire (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1056 200 110 110 Muf/Lis 64 140,6 113,4 56,1 380
CAM1058 200 160 160 Muf/Lis 92,4 140,6 113,4 71,9 420
CAM1061 200 200 200 Muf/Lis 114,4 140,6 113,4 84,4 450

Coloan cmin PVC D200

PVC Inspection chamber shaft D200

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93200039N01000OR 200 3,9 1
V93200039N02000OR 200 3,9 2
V93200039N06000OR 200 3,9 6

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cutted at the required length (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth.
Este recomandabil executarea unui anfren n zona It is recommended to chamfer the pipe after is cut.

Garnitur tip manet D200/160

Manchette D200/160

Cod articol D1 D2 H
(mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1079 200 160 65
Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre tubul telescop D160 It is used for a safe connection between the telescope
al capacelor de font si coloana cminului D200. pipe D160 of the cast iron covers and the chamber
Nu se utilizeaz n cazul n care se alege capacul din shaft D200.
PP D200. It is not necessary if you choose the PP cover D200.

eav PVC pentru tub telescop D160

PVC pipe for inspection chamber telescope D160

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93160032N01000OR 160 3,2 1
V93160032N01000OR 160 3,2 2
V93160032N06000OR 160 3,2 6

Not Note
Se folosete n combinaie cu capacele din font pentru It is used in combination with the cast iron covers for
tub telescop D160 de mai jos. telescope pipe presented below. 83
since 1896

Capac font pentru tub telescop D160mm

Cast iron cover for D160mm telescope

Cod articol Diametrul clasa D rama P util D capac H total

D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1081 160 B125 320 162 206 80
CAM1078 160 D400 320 162 206 80

Not Note
Pentru monajul capacului este necesar instalarea unui For installation of the cover it is necessary to install a
tub telescop cu D160 n gtul capacului. telescope pipe with D160 into the neck of the cover.

Ram i capac PP D200mm

PP frame with cover D200mm

Cod articol Diametrul clasa D rama P util D capac H total

D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1068 200 A15 280 185 215 80

Not Note
Se monteaz direct n partea superioar a coloanei Install direct on the top of the PVC SN2 pipe D200
cminului din eava PVC D200. inspecion chamber shaft. 84
since 1896


Capac font pentru

tub telescop D160mm
Cast iron cover for
D160mm telescope

eav PVC pentru

tub telescop D160
PVC pipe for
inspection chamber
telescope D160
Rama i capac PP D200mm
PP frame with cover D200mm

Garnitur tip
manet D200/160
Manchette D200/160

Coloan cmin
PVC D200
PVC Inspection chamber
shaft D200

Muf/Muf Muf/Lis Muf/Muf Muf/Lis

Baze cmine de inspecie Baze cmine de inspecie
D200/160 cu picior de sprijin D200/160 fr picior de sprijin
KGET inspection chamber KGET inspection chamber
base D200 with stand base D200 without stand 85
since 1896

Baz cmin de inspecie D315 tip G (1 intrare/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315 type G type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN1 DN H Hu H1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC001 315 110 510,5 188,5 70 685
FVEC002 315 160 415,0 255,0 95 550
FVEC003 315 200 437,0 277,0 117 570

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana cminului D315. the inspection chamber shaft D315.

Baz cmine de inspecie D315 tip RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315 RML type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN1 DN H Hu H1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC009 315 110 510,5 188,5 70 685
FVEC010 315 160 558,5 266,5 97,5 685
FVEC011 315 200 606,0 284,0 120 685

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana cminului D315. the inspection chamber shaft D315.

Coloan cmin PVC SN2 D315

PVC Inspection chamber shaft - PVC SN2 pipe D315

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93315062FM01000OR 315 6,2 1
V93315062FM02000OR 315 6,2 2
V93315062FM06000OR 315 6,2 6

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cutted at the required length (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth.
Este recomandabil executarea unui anfren n zona It is recommended to chamfer the pipe after is cut.

Ram i capac PP D315/355

PP frame with cover D315/355

Cod articol Clasa DN D1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC050 A15 315 315 345 116

Not Note
Se monteaz direct n partea superioar a coloanei Install direct on the top of the PVC SN2 pipe D315
cminului din eava PVC D315. inspecion chamber shaft. 86
since 1896

Capac PP D340 - A15 (1,5 tone/osie)

PP cover D340 - A15 (1,5 tons/axel)

Cod articol Clasa DN D1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0027 A15 315 360 297 39

Not Note
Se monteaz direct n partea superioar a coloanei Install direct on the top of the PVC SN2 pipe D315
cminului din eava PVC D315. inspecion chamber shaft.

Capace font cu tub telescop D250 i manet D315/250

Cast iron covers with telescope pipe D250 and telescopic collar D315/250

Cod articol Clasa DN D1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVCA015250 A15 250 292 250 600
SPVCB125250 B125 250 330 254 600
SPVCD400250 D400 250 330 268 600

Not Note
Manseta D315/250 se monteaz pe coloana cminului cu The telescopic collar D315/250 has to be installed on the
D315 i asigur etanarea cu tubul telescop D250. inspection chamber shaft D315 and ensure the seal wih
the telescope pipe D250.

Capac compozit KIO 300/250 cu gt clasa B125

Composite cover with neck D300/250 - B125

Cod articol Clasa AxA B CxC DxD E H I

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
CAM1053 B125 300 x 300 37 209 x 209 240 x 240 25 250 115

Not Note
Pentru montajul capacului este necesar instalarea unui For installation of the cover it is necessary to install a
tub telescop cu D250 n gtul capacului KIO 300/250. telescope pipe with D250 into the neck of KIO 300/250.




eav PVC pentru tub telescop D250

PVC pipe for inspection chamber telescope D250

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93250049FM1000OR 250 4,9 2 1
V93250049FM2000OR 250 4,9 2 2
V93250049FM6000OR 250 4,9 2 6

Not Note
Pentru realizarea tubului telescop D250 necesar capacului To manufacture the telescope pipe necessary for the
KIO 300/250. composite cover KIO 300/250.

Manet D315/250 pentru tub telescop D250

Telescope pipe collar D315/250 for the telescope pipe D250

Cod articol Diametrul D D1 D2 s

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1038 250/315 328,6 237 312,5 6,5
d2 Not Note
D Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre tubul telescop D250 al It is used for a safe connection between the telescope
capacul compozit KIO 300/250 i coloana cminului D315. pipe of the composite cover KIO 300/250 and the
chamber shaft D315. 87
since 1896


Capace font cu tub Capac compozit

telescop D250 i KIO 300/250 cu gt
manet D315/250 clasa B125
Ram i capac Capac PP D340 - A15 Cast iron covers with Composite cover
PP - D315 (1,5 tone/osie) telescope pipe D250 with neck
PP frame with PP cover D340 - A15 and telescopic collar D300/250 - B125
cover PP - D315 (1,5 tons/axel) D315/250

eav PVC pentru

tub telescop D250
PVC pipe for
inspection chamber
telescope D250

Manet D315/250
Telescope pipe collar

Garnitur pentru racord

ulterior la coloana cminului
Coloan cmin PVC D110/160/200
SN2 D315 Special gasket for in situ
PVC Inspection connection D110/160/200
chamber shaft - PVC
SN2 pipe D315

Baz cmin de inspecie Baz cmine de inspecie

D315 tip G D315 tip RML
Inspection chamber base Inspection chamber base
D315 type G type D315 RML type 88
since 1896

Baz cmin de inspecie D400 tip G (1 intrare/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D400 G type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN1 DN H Hu H1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC004 400 110 400 180 68 564
FVEC005 400 160 432 205 102 590
FVEC006 400 200 492 292 117 650
FVEC007 400 250 910 620 150 1140
FVEC008 400 315 920 600 160 1085
FVE0328 400 400 608 458 220 1022

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana cminului D400. the inspection chamber shaft D400.

Baz cmin de inspecie D400 tip RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D400 RML type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN1 DN H Hu H1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC012 400 110 400 180 58 564
FVEC013 400 160 432 205 102 536
FVEC014 400 200 457 257 117 630
FVEC015 400 250 917 600 128 1136
FVEC016 400 315 920 600 164 1080

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana cminului D400. the inspection chamber shaft D400.

Coloan cmin PVC SN2 D315

PVC Inspection chamber shaft - PVC SN2 pipe D315

Cod articol DN1 s L

(mm) (mm) (m)
V93400079FM010000R 400 7,9 1
V93400079FM020000R 400 7,9 2
V93400079FM060000R 400 7,9 6

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cutted at the required length (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth.

Inel de beton D400

Concrete ring D400

Cod articol DN D D1 L1 H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0008 400 630 410 70 200
Not Note
Se instaleaz n partea superioar a coloanei cminului Instalation on the top part of the chamber to ensure the
pentru a asigura suportul capacelor de font. support of the cast iron covers. 89
since 1896

Capac font clasa B125 pentru inel beton

Cast iron cover for concrete ring

Cod articol Clasa D D1 D2 H Sarcina

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (tone)
CAM0009 B125 450 375 325 70 12,5

Not Note
Acest capac se poate instala numai peste inelul de beton This cover can be installed only over the concrete ring
D400-cod CAM0008. D400-code CAM0008.

Capac PP D400 - A15 (1,5 tone/osie)

PP cover D400 - A15 (1,5 tons/axel)

Cod articol Clasa DN D H H1 Sarcina

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (tone)
MFD0378 A15 400 448 45 10 1,5

Not Note
Se monteaz direct pe coloana de nlare a cminului. Installation direct on the top of the inspection chamber

Ram i capac PP D400

PP frame with cover D400

Cod articol Clasa DN D1 D2 H Sarcina

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (tone)
FVEC040 A15 400 400 500 88 1,5

Not Note
Rama se poate instala pe un tu de teav PVC cu D315 The frame can be installed on a PVC pipe D315 as a
cu rol de tub telescop. Pentru instalare se comand telescope pipe. For installation you must order separate
separat garnitura D400/315, cod FVC035. the gasket D400/315, code FVC035.

Capac font cu tub telescop D315 - cu manet D400/315

Cast iron cover with telescope pipe D315 - with lip telescopic collar D400/315

Cod articol Clasa D1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVCA015315 A15 356 x 356 310 600
SPVCB125315 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVCD400315 D400 374 x 374 319 600

Not Note
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + capac font It is delivered as an assembly of frame+ cover + lip collar
+ manet de etanare D400/315 ce asigur etanarea D400/315 which ensure the seal between the telescope
ntre tubul telescop i coloana D400 a cminului. pipe and PVC D400 chamber shaft.
Maneta se instaleaz n captul superior al coloanei The lip collar has to be installed on the upper part of the
cminului. PVC D400 chamber shaft.

Capac font cu tub telescop D315 - cu manet D400/315

Cast iron cover with telescope pipe D315 - with lip telescopic collar D400/315

Cod articol Clasa D1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVGB125315 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVGD400315 D400 380 x 380 319 600

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru preluarea apei pluviale. Used for rainwater.
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + grtar font It is delivered as an assembly of frame+ gratting + lip
+ manet de etanare D400/315 ce asigur etanarea collar D400/315 which ensure the seal between the
ntre tubul telescop i coloana D400 a cminului. telescope pipe and PVC D400 chamber shaft.
Maneta se instaleaz n captul superior al coloanei The lip collar has to be installed on the upper part of the
cminului. PVC D400 chamber shaft. 90
since 1896

Capac compozit KIO 400/315 cu gat clasa B125

Composite cover with neck D400/315 - B125

Cod articol AxA B CxC DxD E H I

mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
CAM1052 400 x 400 36 305 x 305 335 x 335 22 315 135

Not Note
Pentru montajul capacului este necesara instalarea unui For installation of the cover it is necessary to install a
tub telescop cu D315 in gatul capacului KIO 400/315. telescope pipe with D315 into the neck of KIO 400/315.




eav PVC pentru tub telescop D315

PVC pipe for inspection chamber telescope D315

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93315062FM01000OR 315 6,2 2 1
V93315062FM02000OR 315 6,2 2 2
V93315062FM06000OR 315 6,2 2 6

Not Note
Pentru realizarea tubului telescop D315 necesar capacului To manufacture the telescope pipe necessary for the
KIO 400/315. composite cover KIO 400/315.

Garnitur tip manet D400/315

Lip telescopic collar D400/315

Cod articol Diametrul D D1

(mm) (mm)
FVEC035 319 304,4 383

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre tubul telescop D315 i It is used for a safe connection between telescope cover
coloana cminului D400. D315 and the PVC D400 shaft.

Garnitur pentru racord ulterior la coloana cmin

Special gasket for in situ connection

Cod articol D1 D2 D3
mm mm (mm)
CAM0011 110 127 30
CAM0012 160 177 30
CAM0013 200 212 30

Not Note
Pentru realizarea unor racorduri ulterioare n coloana To achieve in situ connections in the chamber shaft.
cminului la alte cote fa de cota radierului.

Carot perforare coloan cmin

Core drilling for corugated shaft

Cod articol DN D
mm mm
CAM0014 110 127
CAM0015 160 177
CAM0016 200 212

Burghiu pentru fixare i centrare carot

Drill for the core drilling

Cod articol
CAM0017 pentru carote DN 110/127; DN160/177; DN200/212 91
since 1896


Capac font clasa Capace font cu tub Capac compozit

B125 pentru inel telescop D250 i KIO 300/250 cu gt
beton manet D315/250 clasa B125
Ram i capac Capac PP Cast iron cover for Cast iron covers with Composite cover
PP - D315 D400 - A15 concrete ring telescope pipe D250 with neck
PP frame with PP cover PP and telescopic collar D300/250 - B125
cover PP - D315 D400 - A15 D315/250

eav PVC pentru

tub telescop D250
PVC pipe for
inspection chamber
telescope D250

Inel de beton D400

Concrete ring D400

Manet D315/250
Telescope pipe collar

Garnitur pentru racord

ulterior la coloana cminului
Coloan cmin PVC
Special gasket for in situ
SN2 D400
PVC Inspection
chamber shaft - PVC
SN2 pipe D400

Baz cmin de inspecie Baz cmine de inspecie

D400 tip G D400 tip RML
Inspection chamber base Inspection chamber base
D400 type G type D400 RML type 92
since 1896

2.3 C
 mine de inspecie
cu eav corugat
Inspection chambers with
corrugated pipe column 93
since 1896

A.2 Cmine de inspecie cu coloan din A.2 Inspection chambers

eava corugat with corrugated pipe column
Informaii generale cu privire la cminele din materiale General information regarding plastic chambers and
plastice precum i avantajele i argumentele att tehnice ct manholes, advantages and both technical and economic
i economice pentru utilizarea acestora sunt prezentate la arguments for their use are presented at the beginning of
nceputul capitolului de cmine. Chamber Chapter.
Caminele de inspecie cu coloan din eav corugat sunt Inspection chambers with corrugated pipe column are made
realizate deasemenea n variant modular, multi-element i also in modular version, multi-element and are recommended
se recomand a fi utilizate n aplicaii cum sunt parcri private, to be used in applications such as private parking, house
racorduri de branament, spaii verzi, dar i aplicaii n reele connections, green spaces, but also applications in utilities,
comunale, industriale sau rezideniale i comerciale prin industrial or residential and commercial networks using cast
utilizarea capacelor din font i celorlalte accesorii pentru trafic. iron covers and other accessories for traffic.
Adncimea maxim de ngropare este de 6m iar nivelul Maximum burial depth is 6m and the maximum level of
maxim al apei freatice de 5m. groundwater 5m.
Un cmin de inspecie este alctuit din trei elemente de baz: An Inspection chamber is composed of three basic elements:
Radierul (baza) cminului Inspection chamber Base
Coloana cminului Chamber riser pipe
Acoperirea cminului Chamber cover
Subgrupa de cmine de inspecie A.2 cuprinde 5 tipuri de A.2 inspection chambers subgroup includes 5 types of
cmine cu coloana de nlare din eava corugat: chambers with corrugated pipe riser as column:
D340, D353, D355, D670-Tegra 600, D630-Pro630. D340, D353, D355, D670-Tegra 600, D630-Pro630.
Iniiala D se refer la diametrul exterior al coloanei corugate The initial "D" refers to the outer diameter of the corrugated
de nlare a cminului. column of the chamber.

Capac cmin din font, PP Chamber cover in cast iron,

sau material compozit PP or composite

Tub telescop din PVC PVC telescopic pipe

Garnitur de etanare ntre Sealing gasket between

coloan i tub telescop n the riser pipe and telescope
interiorul coloanei corugate in the corrugated riser pipe

Coloan corugat cmin PP or PVC riser for inspection

din PP sau PVC chamber

Radierul (Baza) cminului din PP PP Chamber base with sealing

cu garnitur de etanare la gasket for the PVC inspection
coloana cminului chamber riser pipe 94
since 1896


La toate cele 5 tipuri de cmine, radierul (baza) cminului este At all 5 types of inspection chamber, bases are made
fabricat prin injecie din PP (polipropilen) i este prevazut by injection moulding from PP (polypropylene) and are
cu racorduri de tip muf cu garnitur pentru racordarea la provided with inlet and outlet couplers with sealing gasket
acesta a evilor de canalizare. Configuraia radierului poate fi for connecting sewer pipes to it. Base configuration can be
cu 1 intrare / 1 ieire, 2 intrari / 1 iesire sau cu 3 intrri / 1 ieire 1 inlet / 1 outlet, 2 inlets / 1 outlet or 3 inlets / 1 outlet at
la cminele cu D340, 353 i 355. inspection chambers with D340, 353 and 355.
La cminele cu D670-Tegra 600 si D630 Pro630 configuraia D670-Tegra 600 and D630 - Pro630 inspection chambers base
radierelor este mai diversificat i complex. configuration is more diversified and complex.
O not aparte o reprezint radierele caminelor Tegra 600 care A special note is the Tegra 600 inspection chamber bases
sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil, ce permite which are provided with variable geometry connectors, that
o deviaie unghiular de pana la 7.5. Astfel n cazul unei allows an angular rate up to 7.5. Thus, if there is a change of
schimbri de direcie a unui colector nu exist situaie pentru the collector direction, there is no situation for which there
care s nu existe o soluie cu Tegra 600. is no solution with Tegra 600.
Toate radierele sunt perfect compatibile cu evile de canalizare All bases are fully compatible with smooth plastic sewer
din material plastic cu perete lis. pipes.
n aceast subgrup de cmine radierele nu mai sunt prevazute In this subgroup inspection chamber bases are not provided
cu garnitur de etanare montat n partea superioar a with gasket mounted in the upper part of the body. The seal
corpul radierului. Etanarea ntre radier i coloana de nlare between base and riser pipe (column) is made also with a
corugat se face tot cu garnitur, dar pentru aceste tipuri gasket but for this type of chambers the gasket has to be
de camine garnitura trebuie montat pe exteriorul coloanei installed on corrugated pipe external part.
corugate a cminului.
Because they are made of PP injection, they are highly
Deoarece sunt fabricate din PP prin injecie, acestea sunt resistant to impact, even at low temperatures and due
extrem de rezistente la impact, chiar i la temperaturi to their extremely low roughness the possibility of base
reduse iar datorita gradului de rugozitate extrem de redus clogging is removed.
posibilitatea nfundrii radierului a fost eliminat.
The table below shows the possibilities to connect the
In tabelele de mai jos sunt prezentate posibilitile de racordare smooth PVC sewer pipes to the inspection chamber base.
a conductelor de canalizare cu perete lis la radierul cminului.
Please note that the inspection chamber base is fitted
De reinut ca radierul (baza) cminului este prevazut cu mufe with sealing couplers with the same diameter Inlet diameter
cu garnitur de acelai diametru Dintrare = Dieire. = Outlet diameter.

Diametrele evilor de canalizare ce se pot racorda la radierul (baza) cminelor D340, 353, 355.
Sewer pipes diameters that can be connected to the chamber bases D340, 353, 355.

Configuraie/ Diametrul racordului / Connection diameter

D cmin
Configuration 110 160 200 250 315 400



355 95
since 1896

Diametrele evilor de canalizare ce se pot racorda la radierul (baza) cminelor D340, 353, 355.
Sewer pipes diameters that can be connected to the chamber bases D340, 353, 355.

Configuraie/ Diametrul racordului / Connection diameter

D cmin
Configuration 110 160 200 250 315 400

D 670

D 630

Pro 630


Coloana utilizat pentru nlarea cminului are profilul The riser pipe used to extend the inspection chamber has a
corugat i este realizat prin extrudare din PP. corrugated profile made by extrusion of PP.
Coloanele de nlare pentru cminele de inspecie D340, 353 i The riser pipes for inspection chambers D340, 353 and 355
355 sunt cu un singur perete n clasa de rigiditate SN2. Diametrul are with a single-wall in stiffness class SN2. Their external
exterior al acestora este de 340, 353, respectiv 355mm iar diametrul diameter is 340, 353 or 355mm and corresponding inner
interior corespondent este de 298, 315, respectiv 315mm. diameter is 298, 315 respectively 315mm.
Coloanele de nlare ale cminelor din gama 600 au The riser pipes of the inspection chambers in the 600 range
urmatoarele caracteristici : have the following characteristics:
Tegra 600 Dexterior/Dinterior = 670mm/600mm, cu un singur Tegra 600 Dexternal /Dinternal = 670mm / 600mm, single wall
perete cu clasele de rigiditate SN2 i SN4 stiffness classes SN2 and SN4
Pro 630 Dexterior/Dinterior = 630mm/546mm, cu un singur perete 630 Pro - Dexternal /Dinternal = 630mm / 546mm, single-wall stiffness
cu clasa de rigiditate SN2 i cu perete dublu cu clasele de class SN2 and double wall stiffness classes SN4 and SN8.
rigiditate SN4 i SN8.
Depending on the burial depth and soil characteristics it will
n funcie de adncimea de ngropare i de caracteristicile solului consider choosing the riser pipe of the inspection chamber.
se va avea n vedere alegerea coloanei de nlare a cminului.
The riser pipe of the inspection chamber can be extremely easy
Coloana cminului poate fi extrem de simplu debitat cu cut by a fine tooth saws as to get the desired length for installation.
ajutorul unui fierstrau cu dini fini astfel nct s se obine
lungimea dorit pentru montaj. Coloana se va seciona pe The column will be cut on the outer rib (the highest
nervura exterioara (partea mai nalt a profilului corugat). corrugated profile rib).


Acoperirea cminului n cazul cminelor cu D340, 353 i The coverage of the inspection chambers D340, 353 and 355
355mm se poate realiza n diferite moduri, n funcie de locaia can be achieved in various ways, depending on the installation
de montaj a cminului i de solicitrile de ncrcare (trafic) la location of the chamber and requests by the traffic load. The
care urmeaz fie supus cminul. Gama cuprinde capace ce covering range includes covers that can be directly installed
se pot instala direct peste coloana cminului sau capace cu over the riser pipe or covers with different load resistance
diferite rezistene la trafic (ntre A15 si D400) prevazute cu tub (between A15 and D400, according EN124) equipped with
telescop pentru aducere la cot. telescope to bring the cover on the finished level. 96
since 1896

n cazul capacelor cu tub telescop se folosesc garnituri speciale For telescoped covers range are used special sealing gaskets
pentru etanarea ntre coloana cminului i tubul telescop. to ensure the sealing between the riser pipe and telescope
Utilizarea acoperirilor cu tub telescop asigur avantaje
deosebite datorit simplificrii montajului n ceea ce privete The use of the telescoped covers ensures special advantages
aducerea cminului la cota final dar i din punct de vedere al due to the simplification of installation in terms of bringing
fiabilitii acestuia n timp. the chamber to the final level but also in terms of its reliability
over time.
Prin utilizarea telescopului forele i ocurile transmise de
catre autovehicule n momentul trecerii acestora peste capace By using the telescope, the forces and shocks transmitted
nu se mai transmit direct n radier, aa cum se ntmpl n by the car when passes over the covers are no longer
cazul caminelor cu structuri rigide din beton, ci sunt preluate transmitted directly into slab, as happens in chambers and
de ansamblul capac telescop i disipate n solul nconjurtor manholes with rigid structures in concrete. Al the shocks are
prin intermediul inelului de suport al ramei capacului. taken by the cover telescope ensemble and dissipated into
the surrounding ground through the support ring for frame
Pentru zonele verzi, ce nu sunt expuse circulaiei se pot utiliza
cover. In green areas which are not exposed to traffic can be
capace pietonale sau de grdin din PP.
used light traffic covers or garden covers in PP.
Acoperirea n cazul cminelor Tegra 600 si Pro 630 se face
The coverage of the inspection chambers Tegra600 and Pro
n funcie de locaia de montaj a cminului i de solicitrile
630 is done, depending on the installation location of the
de ncrcare (trafic) la care urmeaz fie supus cminul. n
chamber and requests by the traffic load. In general for these
general la aceste cmine se folosesc capace de font pentru
chambers are used iron covers to cover them. Also these
acoperirea lor. Si aceaste camine au disponibile tuburi
inspection chambers have available telescope pipes in order
telescop pentru aducere la cot astfel nct s beneficieze de
to bring the cover at the finished level so as to benefit from
avantajele prezentate anterior.
above advantages.
n acest caz ns, forma constructiv a tubului telescop este
In this case, however, the shape of the telescope pipe design
diferit (a se vedea partea de prezentare a produselor).
is different (see the product presentation).
Etanarea ntre coloana corugat a cminului i tubul telescop
The seal between the corrugated pipe column and telescope
se face cu ajutorul unei garnituri ce se monteaz in profilul
is done using a seal installed in the interior of the column
interior al coloanei corugate.
corrugated profile.
Deasemenea deoarece aceste cmine se monteaz de cele
Also because these inspection chambers are assembled
mai multe ori n zone cu trafic, pentru montajul capacului n
mostly in traffic areas, for the installation of the cover in such
astfel de situaie este necesar montarea n prealabil a unui
a situation it is necessary to install previously a concrete ring
inel de beton (sau turnarea in situ), pe care urmeaz s se
(or cast in situ), which will support the frame of the cast iron
sprijine rama capacului de font.
Inelul de beton are rolul de a prelua sarcinile i ocurile
The concrete ring is designed to take loads and shocks due to
datorate traficului i a le disipa in solul nconjurator, fr a
traffic and dissipate into surrounding soil without affecting
afecta integritatea structural a cminului
the structural integrity of the inspection chamber.
Clasificarea capacelor oferite de Teraplast:
The cover classification offered by Teraplast:
Grupa 1 - A15 1,5 tone/osie (15kN) destinate zonelor cu
Group 1 - A15 - 1.5 tons / axle (15kN) - for areas with heavy
trafic pietonal alei, curi sau trasee de biciclete.
pedestrian walkways, courtyards or bike trails.
Grupa 2 - B125 12,5 tone/osie (125kN) trafic redus (parcri
Group 2 - B125 - 12.5 tons / axle (125kN) - reduced traffic (parking
cu restricii de tonaj, piee, drumuri private, parcri).
restricted tonnage markets, private roads, parking lots).
Grupa 3 - C250 25 tone/osie (250kN) drumuri, drumuri
Group 3 - C250 - 25 tonnes / axle (250kN) - roads, roads
pentru vehicule comerciale uoare, parcri pentru vehicule
for light commercial vehicles, parking for vehicles up to 25
pn la 25 de tone, guri de scurgere.
tonnes, rainwater gullies.
Grupa 4 - D400 40 tone/osie (400kN) drumuri pentru
Group 4 - D400 - 40 tonnes / axle (400kN) - roads for heavy
vehicule grele, autostrzi, zone de staionare pentru toate
vehicles, highways, parking areas for all types of vehicles.
tipurile de autovehicule.
Classification also includes:
Clasificarea mai include i:
Class E600 - 60 tonnes / axle (600kN) - areas with heavy
Clasa E600 60 tone/osie (600kN) - zone cu trafic greu i foarte
traffic and very hard (ports, airports).
greu (porturi, aeroporturi).
Class F900 - 90 tonnes / axle (900kN) - Exceptional vehicles,
Clasa F900 90 tone/osie (900kN) - vehicule exceptionale,
ports, airports, etc.
porturi, aeroporturi, etc.
Below are presented the mounting areas for the first 4
Mai jos sunt prezentate zonele de monaj pentru primele
groups defined above and also the alternatives of covering
4 grupe definite mai sus precum si care sunt variantele de
the inspection chambers from this sub-group.
acoperiri pentru cminele de inspecie din aceast sub-grup. 97
since 1896

nainte de a achiziiona un cmin asigurai-va c modelul ales Before purchasing an inspection chamber make sure that the
corespunde necesitilor att din punct de vedere al spaiului chosen model meets the needs both in terms of installation
pentru montaj i posibilitilor de accesare ulterioar a space and possibilities of accessing it but especially in terms
acestuia dar mai ales din punct de vedere al configuraiei of the configuration of the base and pipe diameters that will
radierului i a diametrelor conductelor ce urmeaz sa fie be connected to the inspection chamber.
racordate la cmin.

Variantele de acoperire pentru cminele D340, 353 si 355 cu eav corugat.

Cover options for the inspection chamber range D340, 353 and 355 with corrugated pipe riser.

Tip acoperire Material clasa sarcin/ Type of the cover -Material- Load
Capac PP/ Capac - Font/ Capac-compozit/ Grtar font/
D cmin PP cover Cast iron cover Composite cover Cast iron gratting
A15 A15 B125 D400 B125 B125 D400

Variantele de acoperire pentru cminele Tegra 600 i Pro 630.

Cover options for the inspection chamber Tegra 600 and Pro 630.

Tip acoperire Material clasa sarcin/ Type of the cover -Material- Load
Capac PP/ Capac - Font/ Capac-compozit/ Grtar font/
D cmin PP cover Cast iron cover Composite cover Cast iron gratting
A15 A15 B125 D400 B125 B125 D400
Tegra 600
Pro 630
Pentru alegerea capacelor se va consulta capitolul n care sunt prezentate capacele de font i composite.
To choose the proper cover, please consult the cast iron and composite covers chapter.


Pentru transport se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme For transporting flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The bed shall
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice be free from nails and other metallic protuberances, which
ce pot deteriora produsele. Asigurai n mod eficient marfa may damage the products. Secure the goods effectively
nainte de transport. before transporting them. 98
since 1896

La manipulare, asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea acestora. When handling, take care to prevent damage. Plastics
Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd products can be damaged when in contact with sharp
n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul n care objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the ground.
cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai In all circumstances, do not drop from height or throw the
produsele s cad de la nlimi mari sau sa le aruncai. products.
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie very low temperatures and under such conditions, extra
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru a se care during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp
evita orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul manipulrii, impacts at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandm o atenie deosebi la We recommend special attention at handling when the
manevrare n cazul n care temperatura este sub -5 C. ambient temperature is below -5 C.
La depozitarea n antier, constructorul trebuie s asigure When storing on site, the Contractor must provide adequate
un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea acestora. Produsele space for storage. The products have to be stored on flat
trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps).
(pietre sau proeminene).
At storage please avoid stacking chambers and manholes
La depozitare v rugm s evitai stivuirea cminelor de one over another or placing weights over its, because these
vizitare unul peste altul sau aezarea de greuti peste acestea, additional long term efforts can cause deformations and
deoarece aceste eforturi suplimentare de lung durat pot damage on the product.
cauza deformri i deteriora produsul.
When stored on a longer term (over 6 months) it is
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste 6 recommended to protect from solar radiation in a manner
luni) se recomand protejarea de radiatiile solare astfel nct that does not obstruct the ventilation.
sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora.



1. Spai groapa pentru montaj astfel nct s se asigure un 1.Dig the installation hole and ensure a space of 30-40 cm
spaiu de 30-40 cm n jurul cminului. Baza gropii trebuie s around the chamber. Based pit should be flat. Level the
fie plan. Nivelai fundul gropii i eliminai pietrele mari i bottom of the trench and remove large and sharp stones.
ascuite. Preparai un pat de aezare necompactat din nisip Prepare a non-compacted sand bedding 10-15cm high.
de 10-15cm grosime. 2. Place the chamber base on the sand bedding. Make sure
Aezai baza cminului pe patul de nisip. Asigurai-v that the base is in a stabile position. Connect sewer pipes
c baza este ntr-o poziie stabil. Conectai evile de to the base. In case of Tegra 600 you can adjust the angle
canalizare la baz. In cazul cminelor Tegra 600 putei regla of the pipe connection in the range +/- 7,5.
unghiul racordurilor n intervalul +/- 7,5. 3. Fill the space between the chamber and the ditch with
3. Umplei spaiul dintre pereii gropii i cei ai cminului cu layers of 25-30 cm of filler material. Each layer should
straturi de circa 25-30 cm material de umplutur. Fiecare be compacted carefully to achieve adequate land and
strat trebuie compactat cu atenie, pn la atingerea application index Proctor. It is recommended to backfill
indicelui Proctor adecvat terenului si aplicatiei. Se the trench at least 30cm above the top surface of the
recomand umplerea gropii cu cel puin 30 cm deasupra sewer pipe.
generatoarei superioare a conductei de canalizare. 4. Cut the corrugated riser pipe to create the required height
4. Secionai coloana cminului la lungimea necesar pentru of the chamber.
a crea nlimea necesar a cminului. 5. Fix the sealing gasket in the lowest groove (hollow part)
5. Fixai garnitura de etanare n cea mai mic canelur (partea between the outer ribs of the corrugated riser pipe.
goal la interior), ntre nervurile exterioare ale coloanei 6. 
Check the correct installation of the gasket on the
corugate a cminului. corrugated riser pipe.
6. Verificai instalarea corect a garniturii de pe coloana cminului. 7. Clean the socket of the base and lubricate to facilitate the
7. Curai zona interioar de cuplare cu baza cminului i installation of the corrugated riser pipe.
lubrifiai pentru a uura instalarea coloanei corugate. 8. Backfill the trench layer by layer. Compact layers uniform
8. Umplei groapa cu straturi successive. Compactai uniform along the entire circumference of the inspection chamber.
fiecare strat de-a lungul ntregii circumferine a caminului. Soil must be compacted adequately to the current ground
Solul trebuie s fie compactat corespunztor condiiilor de and water conditions as well as the future external load.
sol i de ap actuale, precum i viitoarei sarcini externe. 99
since 1896

Este recomandat pentru a compacta solul la o densitate It is recommended to compact the soil at a minimum
minim standard Proctor de: standard Proctor density of :
90% pentru zonele verzi; 90% for green areas;
95% pentru zonele pavate cu sarcin limitat de traffic; 95% for paved areas with limited traffic load;
98% pentru drumuri cu trafic intens de sarcin. 98% for roads with heavy traffic load.
n cazul n care nivelul de ap freatic este ridicat (deasupra In case of high ground water level (above the chamber
nivelului inferior al bazei cminului), se recomand adoptarea bottom level) it is recommended to adopt a stricter
unui regim de instalare mai strict i creterea gradului de installation regime and increase the degree of compaction:
compactare: SPD: 95%, 98%, 98%. SPD : 95%, 98%, 98%.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8



Capac sau Grtar din Capac i ram de font Capac din PP.
font cu tub telescop. cu inel din beton. PP cover.
Cast iron cover and frame Cast iron cover and frame
with Telescope pipe. with concrete ring.



Capac i rama de font cu telescop Capac i ram de font Capac i ram de font cu inel beton.
Cast iron cover and frame with cu telescop i inel beton. Cast iron cover and frame
Telescope pipe. Cast iron cover and frame with with concrete ring.
Telescope pipe and concrete ring. 100
since 1896

Baz cmin de inspecie D315/340 tip G (1 intrare/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/340 type G type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN DN1 H Hu L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0022 160 341 290 165 521
CAM0025 200 341 336 200 513

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura CAM661320 necesar The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
etanrii cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. (CAM661320) to the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz cmine de inspecie D315/340 tip RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/340 RML type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN DN1 H Hu L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM33111 160 341 310 185 521
CAM0026 200 341 356 220 513

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura CAM661320 necesar The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
etanrii cu coloana corugat de inlare a cminului. (CAM661320) to the inspection chamber shaft.

Coloan corugat camin PP D315/340

PP Inspection chamber shaft D315/340

Cod articol DN DN1 H

(mm) (mm) (m)
CAM33011 300 338 1000
CAM33021 300 338 2000
CAM33031 300 338 3000
CAM0021 300 338 6000

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cuted at the requiered lenght (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth.

Capac PP D340 - A15 (1,5 tone/osie)

PP cover D340 - A15 (1,5 tons/axel)

Cod articol Clasa DN1 DN2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0027 A15 360 297 39

Not Note
Se monteaz direct pe coloana corugat a cminului. Installation direct on the top of the inspection chamber shaft.

Capac grdin concav PP pentru coloana corugat D340

PP garden concave plug for inspection shaft D340

Cod articol DN1 DN2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0020 331 297 58

Not Note
Se poate monta in partea superioara a caminului pe It can be install direct on the top of the inspection
coloana caminului cu rol de capac de gradina sau in chamber shaft as a garden cover or on the bottom part
partea inferioar a coloanei cminului cu rol de dop. of the cover as a plug.
Pentru instalarea corecta se comanda separat garnitura For a corect installation you must order separate the
D315/340, cod CAM661320 care se monteaza in inetriorul gasket D315/340, code CAM661320, which will be
coloanei corugate in primul rib. installed inside the corugated shaft in the first rib. 101
since 1896

Ram beton rectangular pentru capace font

Rectangular concrete frame for iron covers

Cod articol D1 D2 DN H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0028 440 350 330 100

Not Note
Se instaleaza in partea superioara a coloanei caminului Instalation on the top part of the chamber to ensure the
pentru a asigura suportul capacelor de fonta cu tub telescop. support of the cast iron covers.

Capace font cu tub telescop D295 - fr garnitur*

Cast iron covers with telescope pipe D295 - without gasket*

Cod articol Clasa D D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM666400 B125 342*342 255 495
CAM0007 D400 342*342 255 495

Not Note
Pentru instalarea corect se comand separat garnitura For a corect installation you must order separate the gasket
D315/340, cod CAM661320 care se va monta n inetriorul D315/340, code CAM661320, which will be installed inside the
coloanei corugate n primul rib. corugated shaft in the first rib.

Garnitur pentru coloana corugat cmin D315/340

Gasket for inspection chamber shaft D315/340

Cod articol DN1 DN2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM661320 292 342 26

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului i It is used for a safe connection between the camber base and
coloana corugat, capacul de grdin i coloana corugat i the corugated shaft, garden cover and shaft and telescope
ntre tubul telescop i coloana corugat. cover and the shaft.

Capac compozit KIO 400/340 cu gat clasa B125

Composite cover with neck D400/340 - B125

Cod articol Clasa AxA B CxC DxD H I

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1074 B125 400 x 400 35 300 x 300 335 x 335 351 125

Not Note
Pentru montajul capacului este necesar instalarea For instalation of the cover it is necessary to install the
garniturii CAM663120 pe exteriorul coloanei corugate n gasket CAM663120 on the external part of the corrugated
primul rib, iar gtul capacului KIO va culisa pe exteriorul shaft (on the first rib) and the neck of the cover will slide

coloanei corugate. on the external part of the shaft.




Garnitur pentru coloana corugat cmin D315/355

Gasket for inspection chamber shaft D315/355

Cod articol DN H
(mm) (mm)
FVEC049 315 22

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre capacul compozit KIO It is used for a safe connection between the composite cover
400/340 i coloana corugat. KIO 400/340 and the shaft. 102
since 1896


Capace font cu tub Capac compozit
Capac grdin concav telescop D295 - fr KIO 400/340 0 cu
PP pentru coloana garnitur* gt clasa B125
corugat D340 Capac PP D340 - A15 Cast iron covers with Composite cover
PP garden concave (1,5 tone/osie) telescope pipe D295 with neck
plug for inspection PP cover D340 - A15 - without gasket* D400/340 - B125
shaft D340 (1,5 tons/axel)

Ram beton rectangular

pentru capace font
Rectangular concrete Garnitur pentru
frame for iron covers coloana corugat
cmin D315/340
Gasket for
chamber shaft

Coloan corugat
Garnitur pentru racord
camin PP D315/340
ulterior la coloana cminului
PP Inspection
Special gasket for in situ
chamber shaft

Garnitur pentru coloana

corugat cmin D315/340
Gasket for inspection chamber
shaft D315/340

Capac grdin concav PP Baz cmin de inspecie D315/340 Baz cmine de inspecie D315/340
pentru coloana corugat D340 tip G (1 intrare/1 ieire) tip RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)
PP garden concave plug for Inspection chamber base Inspection chamber base D315/340
inspection shaft D340 D315/340 type G type (1 in / 1 out) RML type (3 in / 1 out) 103
since 1896

Baz cmin de inspecie D315/353 tip SG (1 intrare/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/353 SG type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol Dy Di H1 L1 Z Du
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0316 110 356 239 524 387 370
MFD0291 160 356 290 578 395 370
MFDCAF1203 200 356 340 612 416 370

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura MFDCAFG31 necesar The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
etanrii cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. MFDCAFG31 to the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz camine de inspecie D315/353 tip RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/353 RML type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol Dy=Dy1=Dy2 Di H1 L1 Z F1

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0409 160 356 290 578 395 612
MFDCAF2203 200 356 340 612 416 700

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura MFDCAFG31 necesar The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
etanrii cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. MFDCAFG31 to the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz cmin de inspecie D315/353 tip RM (2 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/353 RM type (2 in / 1 out)

Cod articol Dy=Dy1 Di H1 L1 Z F1

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFDCAF3113 110 356 239 524 387 422
MFDCAF3163 160 356 290 578 395 490
MFD0297 200 356 340 612 416 540

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura MFDCAFG31 necesar The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
etanrii cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. MFDCAFG31 to the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz cmin de inspecie D315/353 tip ML (2 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/353 ML type (2 in / 1 out)

Cod articol Dy=Dy1 Di H1 L1 Z F1

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFDCAF4113 110 356 239 524 387 422
MFD0593 160 356 290 578 395 490
MFD0657 200 356 340 612 416 540

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura MFDCAFG31 necesar The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
etanrii cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. MFDCAFG31 to the inspection chamber shaft.

Coloan corugat cmin PVC D315/353

PVC Inspection chamber shaft D315/353

Cod articol DN DN1 H

[mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0293 315 353 6000

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cuted at the requiered lenght (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth. 104
since 1896

Garnitur coloan corugat cmin D315/353 pentru etanarea la baz cmin

Chamber shaft gasket D315/353 for sealing of inspecion chamber base

Cod articol DN1 DN2 H

[mm] [mm] [mm]
MFDCAFG31 351 359 22

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului It is used for a safe connection between the camber base and
i coloana corugat, capacul de grdin i coloana the corugated shaft, garden cover and shaft and telescope
corugat i ntre tubul telescop i coloana corugat. cover and the shaft.

Tub telescop D315

Telescope pipe D315

Cod articol Dy H1
[mm] [mm]
MFD0377 315 375

Capac font B125 penru tub telescop D315

Cast iron cover for telescope pipe D315

Cod articol Clasa

MFD0267 B125

Not Note
Capac special pentru tubul telescop de mai sus (MFD0377). Special cover for above telescopic pipe (MFD0377).

Capac font cu tub telescop D315 - cu garnitur D315/355

Cast iron cover with telescope pipe D315 - with gasket D315/355

Cod articol Clasa D1xD1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVCA015315/355 A15 356 x 356 310 600
SPVCB125315/355 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVCD400315/355 D400 374 x 374 319 600

Not Note
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + capac font It is delivered as an assembly of frame+ cover + gasket
+ garnitur de etanare D315/355 ce asigur etanarea D315/355 which ensure the seal between the telescope
ntre tubul telescop i coloana corugat. pipe and corrugated shaft.
Garnitura se instaleaz n interiorul coloanei corugate a The gasked must be installed inside the corrugated shaft
cminului n primul rib. on the first rib.

Grtar font cu tub telescop D315 - cu garnitur D315/355

Cast iron gratting with telescope pipe D315 - with gasket D315/355

Cod articol Clasa D1xD1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVGB125315/355 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVGD400315/355 D400 380 x 380 319 600

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru preluarea apei pluviale. Used for rainwater.
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + grtar font It is delivered as an assembly of frame+ gratting + gasket
+ garnitur de etanare D315/355 ce asigur etanarea D315/355 which ensure the seal between the telescope
ntre tubul telescop i coloana corugat. pipe and corrugated shaft.
Garnitura se instaleaz n interiorul coloanei corugate a The gasked must be installed inside the corrugated shaft
cminului n primul rib. on the first rib. 105
since 1896

Capac compozit KIO 400/340 cu gat clasa B125

Composite cover with neck D400/340 - B125

Cod articol AxA B CxC DxD E H I

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1052 400 x 400 36 305 x 305 335 x 335 22 315 135

Not Note
Pentru monajul capacului este necesar instalarea unui For installation of the cover it is necessary to install a
tub telescop cu D315 n gtul capacului KIO 400/315. telescope pipe with D315 into the neck of KIO 400/315.




eav PVC pentru tub telescop D315

PVC pipe for inspection chamber telescope D315

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93315062FM01000OR 315 6,2 2 1
V93315062FM02000OR 315 6,2 2 2
V93315062FM06000OR 315 6,2 2 6

Not Note
Pentru realizarea tubului telescop D315 necesar capacului To manufacture the telescope pipe necessary for the
KIO 400/315 cu gt. composite cover KIO 400/315 with neck.

Garnitur pentru coloana corugat cmin D315/355

Gasket for inspection chamber shaft D315/355

Cod articol DN H
(mm) (mm)
FVEC049 315 22

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre tubul telescop D315 al It is used for a safe connection between the telescope pipe of
capacul compozit KIO 400/315 i coloana cminului D353. the composite cover KIO 400/315 and the chamber shaft D353.

Muf pentru racord ulterior n coloana cminului

In-situ insert for inspection chamber shaft

Cod articol Dy Du
(mm) (mm)
TPCAS16 160 177
TPCAS20 200 228
Not Note
Pentru realizarea unor racorduri ulterioare n coloana To achieve in-situ connections in the corrugated shaft.
cminului la alte cote fa de cota radierului.

Carot perforare coloan cmin

Core drilling for corugated shaft

Cod articol DN D
mm mm
CAM0015 160 177
COD0040 200 228

Burghiu pentru fixare i centrare carot

Drill for the core drilling

Cod articol
CAM0017 pentru carote DN160/177; DN200/226 106
since 1896

Capac compozit
KIO 400/315 cu
CMINE DE INSPECIE D 353 gt clasa B125
Composite cover
Ram i capac with neck
PP - D315 Capac font Capac font cu Grtar font cu D400/315 - B125
PP frame with B125 penru tub tub telescop D315 tub telescop D315
cover PP - D315 telescop D315 - cu garnitur - cu garnitur
Cast iron cover D315/355 D315/355
eav PVC pentru for telescope Cast iron cover Cast iron gratting
Capac grdin tub telescop D315 pipe D315 with telescope with telescope
concav PP PVC pipe for pipe D315 - with pipe D315 - with eav PVC pentru
pentru coloana inspection chamber gasket D315/355 gasket D315/355 tub telescop D315
corugat D353 telescope D315 PVC pipe for
PP garden inspection chamber
concave plug Capac PP clasa telescope D315
for inspection A15 PP cover
shaft D353 class A15

Garnitur pentru coloana

corugat cmin D315/355 Garnitur pentru coloana
Gasket for inspection corugat cmin D315/355
chamber shaft D315/355 Gasket for inspection
chamber shaft D315/355

Garnitur pentru racord

ulterior la coloana cminului
Coloan corugat cmin
Special gasket for in situ connection
PVC D315/353
PVC Inspection chamber Muf pentru racord ulterior
shaft D315/353 n coloana cminului
In-situ insert for inspection chamber shaft

Garnitur pentru coloana

corugat cmin D315/355
Gasket for inspection
chamber shaft D315/355

Capac grdin concav Baz cmin de Baz camine de Baz cmin de Baz cmin de
PP pentru coloana inspecie D315/353 tip inspecie D315/353 tip inspecie D315/353 tip inspecie D315/353 tip
corugat D353 SG (1 intrare/1 ieire) RML (3 intrri/1 ieire) RM (2 intrri/1 ieire) ML (2 intrri/1 ieire)
PP garden concave Inspection chamber Inspection chamber Inspection chamber Inspection chamber
plug for inspection base D315/353 SG base D315/353 RML base D315/353 RM base D315/353 ML
shaft D353 type (1 in / 1 out) type (3 in / 1 out) type (2 in / 1 out) type (2 in / 1 out) 107
since 1896

Baz cmin de inspecie D315/355 tip G (1 intrare/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/355 G type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN DN1 H Hu H1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC051 110 355 282 145 68 564
FVE0324 160 355 337 192 100 636
FVE0325 200 355 382 234 122 632

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura FVEC049 necesar etanrii The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. (FVEC049) to the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz cmin de inspecie D315/355 tip RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)

Inspection chamber base D315/355 RML type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN DN1 H Hu H1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVEC051 110 355 282 148 68 564
FVE0324 160 355 337 192 100 636
FVE0325 200 355 377 234 122 632

Not Note
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura FVEC049 necesar etanrii The bases are delivered with the connection gasket
cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. (FVEC049) to the inspection chamber shaft.

Coloan corugat camin PP D315/340

PP Inspection chamber shaft D315/340

Cod articol DN DN1 H

(mm) (mm) (m)
FVEC048 315 355 1250
CAM0001 315 355 2000
FVEC018 315 355 3000
FVEC019 315 355 6000

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cuted at the requiered lenght (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth.

Garnitur pentru coloan corugat cmin D315/355

Gasket for inspection chamber shaft D315/355

Cod articol DN H
(mm) (mm)
FVEC049 315 22

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului It is used for a safe connection between the camber base
i coloana corugat, capacul de grdin i coloan and the corugated shaft, garden cover and shaft and
corugat i ntre tubul telescop i coloana corugat. telescope cover and the shaft. 108
since 1896

Capac grdin concav PP pentru coloan corugat D355

PP garden concave plug for inspection shaft D355

Cod articol DN H
(mm) (mm)
CAM0002 315 90

Not Note
Se poate monta n partea superioar a cminului pe It can be install direct on the top of the inspection
coloana cminului cu rol de capac de grdin sau n chamber shaft as a garden cover or on the bottom part
partea inferioar a coloanei cminului cu rol de dop. of the cover as a plug.
Pentru instalarea corect se comand separat garnitura For a corect installation you must order separate the
D315/355, cod FVEC049 care se monteaz n interiorul gasket D315/355, code FVEC049, which will be installed
coloanei corugate n prima nervur. inside the corrugated shaft in the first rib.

Capac PP D355 - A15 (1,5 tone/osie)

PP cover D355 - A15 (1,5 tons/axel)

Cod articol Clasa DN D H H1 Sarcina

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (tone)
FVEC044 A15 315 364 48 10 1,5

Not Note
Se monteaz direct pe coloana corugat a cminului. Installation direct on the top of the inspection chamber

Ram i capac PP D400

PP frame with cover D400

Cod articol Clasa DN Sarcina

(mm) (tone)
FVEC044 A15 315 1,5

Not Note
Rama se poate instala pe un tu de teav PVC cu D315 The frame can be installed on a PVC pipe D315 as a
cu rol de tub telescop. Pentru instalare se comand telescope pipe. For installation you must order separate
separat garnitura D315/355, cod FVEC049. the gasket D315/355, code FVEC049.

Inel de beton D315/355

Concrete ring D315/355

Cod articol DN D D1 D2 H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
MFD0266 355/315 565 365 70 250

Not Note
Se instaleaz n partea superioar a coloanei cminului Instalation on the top part of the chamber to ensure the
pentru a asigura suportul capacelor de font. support of the cast iron covers.

Capac font clasa B125 pentru inel beton

Cast iron cover for concrete ring

Cod articol Clasa D D1 D2 H Sarcina

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (tone)
FVE0287 B125 450 375 325 70 12,5

Not Note
Acest capac se instaleaz numai pe inelul de beton This cast iron cover can be installed only on the concrete
D315/355, cod MFD0266. ring D315/355, code MFD0266.

Capac font cu tub telescop D315 - cu garnitur D315/355*

Cast iron cover with telescope pipe D315 - with gasket D315/355 *

Cod articol Clasa D1xD1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVCA015315/355 A15 356 x 356 310 600
SPVCB125315/355 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVCD400315/355 D400 374 x 374 319 600

Not Note
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + capac font+ It is delivered as an assembly of frame+ cover + gasket
garnitur de etanare D315/355 ce asigur etanarea D315/355 which ensure the seal between the telescope
ntre tubul telescop i coloana corugat. pipe and corrugated shaft.
Garnitura se instaleaz n interiorul coloanei corugate a The gasked must be installed inside the corrugated shaft
cminului n prima nervur. on the first rib. 109
since 1896

Grtar font cu tub telescop D315 - cu garnitur D315/355*

Cast iron gratting with telescope pipe D315 - with gasket D315/355*

Cod articol Clasa D1xD1 D2 H

(mm) (mm) (mm)
SPVGB125315/355 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVGD400315/355 D400 380 x 380 319 600

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru preluarea apei pluviale de ctre cmin. Used for rainwater.
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + grtar font + It is delivered as an assembly of frame+ gratting + gasket
garnitur de etanare D315/355 ce asigur etanarea ntre D315/355 which ensure the seal between the telescope
tubul telescop i coloana corugat. Garnitura se instaleaz pipe and corrugated shaft. The gasked must be installed
n interiorul coloanei corugate a cminului n prima nervur. inside the corrugated shaft on the first rib.

Capac compozit KIO 400/340 cu gt clasa B125

Composite cover with neck D400/340 - B125

Cod articol AxA B CxC DxD E H I

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM1052 400 x 400 36 305 x 305 335 x 335 22 315 135

Not Note
Pentru monajul capacului este necesar instalarea unui For installation of the cover it is necessary to install a
tub telescop cu D315 n gtul capacului KIO 400/315. telescope pipe with D315 into the neck of KIO 400/315.




eav PVC pentru tub telescop D315

PVC pipe for inspection chamber telescope D315

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime SN L

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V93315062FM01000OR 315 6,2 2 1
V93315062FM02000OR 315 6,2 2 2
V93315062FM06000OR 315 6,2 2 6

Not Note
Pentru realizarea tubului telescop D315 necesar capacului To manufacture the telescope pipe necessary for the
KIO 400/315 cu gt. composite cover KIO 400/315 with neck.

Garnitur pentru racord ulterior la coloana cmin

Special gasket for in situ connection

Cod articol DN D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm)
CAM0023 110 138 50
CAM0030 160 177 50
CAM5167251060 200 226 50

Not Note
Pentru realizarea unor racorduri ulterioare in coloana To achieve in situ connections for the corrugated shaft .
caminului la alte cote fata de cota radierului.

Carot perforare coloan cmin

Core drilling for corugated shaft

Cod articol DN D
mm mm
CAM0015 160 177
COD0040 200 228

Burghiu pentru fixare i centrare carot

Drill for the core drilling
Cod articol
CAM0017 pentru carote DN 110/127; DN160/177; DN200/212 110
since 1896

Capac compozit
KIO 400/315 cu
CMINE DE INSPECIE D 355 gt clasa B125
Composite cover
Ram i capac Capac font with neck
PP - D315/355 clasa B125 Capac font cu Grtar font cu D400/315 - B125
PP frame with pentru inel tub telescop D315 tub telescop D315
cover PP - D315/355 beton - cu garnitur - cu garnitur
Cast iron cover D315/355 D315/355
eav PVC pentru for concrete Cast iron cover Cast iron gratting
Capac grdin tub telescop D315 ring with telescope with telescope
concav PP PVC pipe for pipe D315 - with pipe D315 - with eav PVC pentru
pentru coloana inspection chamber gasket D315/355 gasket D315/355 tub telescop D315
corugat D355 telescope D315 PVC pipe for
PP garden inspection chamber
concave plug Capac PP telescope D315
for inspection D355 clasa A15 Inel de beton D315/355
shaft D355 PP cover D355 Concrete ring D315/355
class A15

Garnitur pentru coloana

corugat cmin D315/355 Garnitur pentru coloana
Gasket for inspection corugat cmin D315/355
chamber shaft D315/355 Gasket for inspection
chamber shaft D315/355

Garnitur pentru racord

ulterior la coloana cminului
Coloan corugat cmin
Special gasket for in situ connection
PP D315/353
PP Inspection chamber Muf pentru racord ulterior
shaft D315/353 n coloana cminului
In-situ insert for inspection chamber shaft

Garnitur pentru coloana

corugat cmin D315/355
Gasket for inspection
chamber shaft D315/355

Capac grdin concav Baz cmin de Baz cmin de

PP pentru coloana inspecie D315/355 tip inspecie D315/355 tip
corugat D353 G (1 intrare/1 ieire) RML (3 intrri/1 ieire)
PP garden concave Inspection chamber Inspection chamber
plug for inspection base D315/355 G type base D315/355 RML
shaft D353 (1 in / 1 out) type (3 in / 1 out) 111
since 1896

Baz PP cmin de inspecie Tegra 600 1 intrare / 1 ieire

PP Inspection chamber base Tegra 600 straight type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN Unghi H1 H2 H3 H4

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD1433 160 0 -180 646 207 271 168
MFD0412 200 0 -180 646 207 274 165
MFD1345 250 0 -180 705 207 274 227
MFD1346 315 0 -180 705 207 271 227
MFD0696 400 0 -180 715 207 271 237

MFD1434 160 0 -150 646 207 271 168

MFD1435 200 0 -150 646 207 274 165
MFD0655 250 0 -150 705 207 274 227
MFD0650 315 0 -150 705 207 271 227

MFD0425 160 0 -120 646 207 271 168

MFD1333 200 0 -120 646 207 274 165
MFD1436 250 0 -120 705 207 274 227
MFD1437 315 0 -120 705 207 271 227

MFD0690 160 0 -90 646 207 271 168

MFD1225 200 0 -90 646 207 274 165
MFD0694 250 0 -90 705 207 274 227
MFD1347 315 0 -90 705 207 271 227

Not Note
Bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil The bases are bases are equipped with adjustable
+/-7,5 pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. sockets +/-7,5 for PVC pipe conections.
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz PP cmin de inspecie Tegra 600 2 intrri / 1 ieire

PP Inspection chamber base Tegra 600 junction (left or right) "T" type (2 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN Unghi H1 H2 H3 H4

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0689 160 90 646 207 271 168
MFD0691 200 90 646 207 271 168
MFD0692 250 90 705 207 271 227
MFD0695 315 90 705 207 271 227
Not Note
Bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil The bases are bases are equipped with adjustable
+/-7,5 pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. sockets +/-7,5 for PVC pipe conections.
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft.
Racordurile de intrare laterale sunt situate cu 30mm Side inlet bottom is located 30 mm above the main
deasupra profilului principal de scurgere. channel bottom.

Baz PP cmin de inspecie Tegra 600 3 intrri / 1 ieire

PP Inspection chamber base Tegra 600 double junction "X" type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN Unghi H1 H2 H3 H4

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0735 160 90 646 207 271 168
MFD1376 200 90 646 207 271 168
MFD0693 250 90 705 207 271 227
MFD1342 315 90 705 207 271 227
Not Note
Bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil The bases are bases are equipped with adjustable
+/-7,5 pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. sockets +/-7,5 for PVC pipe conections.
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft.
Racordurile de intrare laterale sunt situate cu 30mm Side inlet bottom is located 30 mm above the main
deasupra profilului principal de scurgere. channel bottom.

Baz PP cmin de inspecie Tegra 600 blind

PP Inspection chamber base Tegra 600 empty type (without inlets & outlets)

Cod articol DN Unghi H1 H2 H3 H4

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD1438 - - 715 207 451 57

Not Note
Baza se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu coloana The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft. 112
since 1896

Coloana PP corugata cmin Tegra D600/670

PP Inspection chamber shaft Tegra D600/670

Cod articol SN DN1 DN2 L1 L

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
MFD1443 4 670 600 100 6000
MFD3012555 2 670 600 100 6000

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cuted at the requiered lenght (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth.

Adaptor telescopic PP Tegra DN600 - clasa de sarcin D400

Telescopic adapter Tegra DN600 - loading class D400

Cod articol D1 D2 H H1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
MFD1226 850 805 462 400

Not Note
Adaptorul telescopic se livreaz cu garnitura necesar The telescopic adapter is delivered with the connection
etanrii cu coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. gasket to the inspection chamber shaft.

Garnitur de etanare pentru coloana corugat Tegra 600

Seal for Tegra 600 corrugated shaft pipe

Cod articol DN
MFD0410 600

Muf pentru racord ulterior n coloana cminului

In-situ insert for inspection chamber shaft

Cod articol Dy Du
(mm) (mm)
TPCAS16 160 177
TPCAS20 200 228

Not Note
Pentru realizarea unor racorduri ulterioare n coloana To achieve in-situ connections in the corrugated shaft.
cminului la alte cote fa de cota radierului.

Carot perforare coloan cmin

Core drilling for corugated shaft

Cod articol DN D
mm mm
CAM0015 160 177
COD0040* 200 228

Not Note
*Carota DN200 - COD0040 se livreaz mpreun cu burghiul *The core drilling DN200 - COD0040 is delivered with the
aferent drill included

Burghiu pentru fixare i centrare carot

Drill for the core drilling

Cod articol
CAM0017 113
since 1896


Adaptor telescopic PP
Tegra DN600 - clasa
de sarcin D400
Telescopic adapter
Tegra DN600 - loading
class D400

Inel de beton pentru c min

800/600 clasa D400
Concrete ring 800/600
class D400

Garnitur de etanare pentru

coloana corugat Tegra 600
Seal for Tegra 600 corrugated
shaft pipe

Coloana PP corugata
camin Tegra D600/670 Muf pentru racord ulterior
PP Inspection chamber n coloana cminului
shaft Tegra D600/670 In-situ insert for inspection chamber shaft

Garnitur de etanare pentru

coloana corugat Tegra 600
Seal for Tegra 600 corrugated
shaft pipe

Baz PP cmin de Baz PP cmin de Baz PP cmin de Baz PP cmin de

inspecie Tegra 600 inspecie Tegra 600 inspecie Tegra 600 inspecie Tegra 600
1 intrare / 1 ieire 2 intrri / 1 ieire 3 intrri / 1 ieire blind
PP Inspection PP Inspection PP Inspection PP Inspection
chamber base Tegra chamber base Tegra chamber base Tegra chamber base Tegra
600 straight type 600 junction 600 double junction 600 empty type
(1 in / 1 out) (left or right) "T" type "X" type (3 in / 1 out) (without inlets
(2 in / 1 out) & outlets) 114
since 1896

Baz PP cmin de inspecie PRO 630 1 intrare / 1 ieire

PP Inspection chamber base PRO 630 straight type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi D2 D3 D4 H1 H2 H3 H L

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAM6001 160 0 -180 630 637 712 75 155 300 473 693
CAM6002 200 0 -180 630 637 712 78 175 300 473 693
CAM6003 250 0 -180 630 637 712 71 204 410 583 693
CAM6004 315 0 -180 630 637 712 88 230 410 583 693
Not Note
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.

Baz PP cmin de inspecie PRO 630 2 intrri / 1 ieire

PP Inspection chamber base PRO 630 junction (2 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi D2 D3 D4 H1 H2 H3 H

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
COD0045 160 0 -180-270 630 637 712 83 155 288 463
CAM1055 200 0 -90-180 630 637 712 75 175 300 473
Not Note
La cerere se pot livra baze cu 2 intrri / 1 ieire i n alte On request can be delivered also bases 2 in / 1 out in
configuraii i unghiuri. V rugm contactai-ne! different configurations and angles. Please contact us!
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.

Baz PP cmin de inspecie PRO 630 3 intrri / 1 ieire

PP Inspection chamber base PRO 630 double junction (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi D2 D3 D4 H1 H2 H3 H

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAM6006 160 0-90-180-270 630 637 712 83 155 288 463
CAM1054 160 0-135-180-225 630 637 712 75 175 300 473
CAM6007 200 0-90-180-270 630 637 712 67 195 312 483
COD0044 200 0-135-180-225 630 637 712 59 215 324 493

Not Note
La cerere se pot livra baze cu 3 intrri / 1 ieire i n alte On request can be delivered also bases 3 in / 1 out in
configuraii i unghiuri. V rugm contactai-ne! different configurations and angles. Please contact us!
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.
Toate bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe tip Eurosocket pentru All bases are equipped with sockets type Eurosocked for
pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. PVC pipe conections.

Coloan PP corugat cmin PRO 630 - D546/630

PP Inspection chamber shaft Pro 630 - D546/630

Cod articol SN Structur/ dn di H

Structure [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAM6014 4 SS/SW 630 546 6000
CAM6019 4 SS/SW 630 546 6000
COD0048 8 DS/DW 630 546 6000

Not Note
SS/SW = simplu strat; DS/DW=dublu strat. SS/SW = single wall; DS/DW=double wall.
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea The shaft can be cuted at the requiered lenght (height)
(nlimea) necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth. 115
since 1896

Adaptor telescopic PE PRO 630

Telescopic PE adapter PRO 630

Cod articol D1 D2 D3 H1 H2
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAM6015 845 860 537 38 507

Not Note
nlimea util a adaptorului telescopic este de 300mm. The effective height of the telescope adaptor is 300mm.
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the corrugated chamber shaft and
coloana corugat de nlare i adaptorul telescopic. telescopic adapter has to be ordered separate.

Garnitur etanare baz cmin Pro 630

Seal for base Pro 630

Cod articol DN
CAM6017 630

Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului i coloana corugat. To seal the connection between the base and corrugated

Garnitur etanare adaptor telescopic Pro 630

Seal for telescopic PE adapter Pro 630

Cod articol D1 H
[mm] [mm]
CAM6016 535 72

Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre adaptorul telescopic i coloana To seal the connection between the telescopic adapter
corugat. and corrugated shaft.

Inel beton pentru camin 800/600 cl D400

Concrete ring for Pro 630 800/600

Cod articol D1 D2 H
[mm] [mm] [mm]
CAM6018 800 600 130

Not Note
Folosit att pentru adaptorul telescopic ct i capace font Used for telescopic adapter or for cast iron covers class:
clasele A-D. A-D. 116
since 1896


Adaptor telescopic PE
PRO 630
Telescopic PE adapter
PRO 630

Inel de beton pentru cmin

800/600 clasa D400
Concrete ring 800/600
class D400

Garnitur etanare adaptor

telescopic Pro 630
Seal for telescopic PE adapter
Pro 630

Coloan PP corugat cmin

PRO 630 - D546/630
PP Inspection chamber
shaft Pro 630 - D546/630

Garnitur etanare baz cmin

Pro 630
Seal for base Pro 630

Baz PP cmin de Baz PP cmin de Baz PP cmin de

inspecie PRO 630 inspecie PRO 630 inspecie PRO 630
1 intrare / 1 ieire 2 intrri / 1 ieire 3 intrri / 1 ieire
PP Inspection PP Inspection PP Inspection
chamber base PRO chamber base PRO chamber base PRO
630 straight type 630 junction 630 double junction
(1 in / 1 out) (2 in / 1 out) (3 in / 1 out) 117
since 1896
since 1896

2.4 C
 mine de vizitare
Multi-element plastic
manholes 119
since 1896

B.1 Cmine de VIZITARE din material B.1 Plastic manholes

plastic multi-element multi-element
Informaii generale cu privire la cminele din materiale General information regarding plastic chambers and
plastice precum i avantajele i argumentele att tehnice ct manholes, advantages and both technical and economic
i economice pentru utilizarea acestora sunt prezentate la arguments for their use are presented at the beginning of
nceputul capitolului de cmine. Chamber Chapter.
Caminele de vizitare sunt realizate deasemenea n variant Manholes are made also in modular version, multi-
modular, multi-element i se recomand a fi utilizate n element and are recommended to be used in infrastructure
aplicaii de infrastructur in reelele de canalizare comunale, applications in networks of sewer utility, municipal,
oreneti, industriale comerciale sau rezideniale pe industrial, commercial or residential with collector diameter
colectoare cu diametrul pana la 400mm prin utilizarea up to 400mm using iron covers and other accessories for
capacelor din font i celorlalte accesorii pentru trafic. traffic.
Aceste tipuri de cmine au fost proiectate pentru a fi instalate These types of manholes have been designed to be
pn la adncimi de 6m chiar i n zone cu un nivel ridicat la installed to depths of 6m even in areas with high levels in
pnzei freatice. groundwater.
Norme de referin: EN 13598-2; EN 14982; EN 14396; Reference standards: EN 13598-2; EN 14982; EN 14396;
ISO 9969; EN14830. ISO 9969; EN14830.
Cminele de vizitare sunt realizate prin injecie din PP Manholes are made by injection moulding PP (polypropylene)
(polipropilen) i sunt alctuite din trei elemente de baz: and consist of three basic elements:
Radierul (baza) cminului Base of the Manhole
Coloana de nlare a cminului Manhole riser pipe
Conul cminului Manhole Cone (Reduction)

Subgrupa de cmine de vizitare B.1 conform clasificrii B.1 manholes subgroup under our classification includes 3
noastre, cuprinde 3 tipuri de cmine de vizitare: Pro 800, Pro types of shafts:
1000 i Tegra 1000NG. Pro 800, Pro 1000 and Tegra 1000NG
n acest caz, spre deosebire de caminele corugate unde In this case, unlike corrugated inspection chambers where
ne raportam la diametrul exterior al coloanei corugate de we relate to the outer diameter of the corrugated riser pipe
nlare a cminului n acest caz valorile precizate se refer la column, the values specified in this case refers to the inner
diametrul interior al cminului (coloanei). diameter of the manhole (column).

Tub telescop cmin Manhole telescope

(optional) (optional)

Conul cminului Cone of the manhole

Coloana cmin din PP cu PP or PVC riser for

nlime fix inspection chamber

Radierul (Baza) cminului din PP PP Manhole base with sealing

cu garnitur de etanare la gasket for the chamber shaft
coloana cminului 120
since 1896


Conul cminului Cone of the manhole

Coloana corugat cmin PP corrugated

secionabil din PP cu shaft cutable with
Dinterior =1000mm Dinterior =1000mm

Radierul (Baza) cminului PP Manhole base

din PP cu mufe de racord with flexible
cu geometrie variabil pipe inlets


La toate cele 3 tipuri de cmine, radierul (baza) cminului este At all 3 types of manholes, bases are made by injection
fabricat prin injecie din PP (polipropilen) i este prevazut moulding from PP (polypropylene) and are provided with
cu racorduri de tip muf cu garnitur pentru racordarea la inlet and outlet couplers with sealing gasket for connecting
acesta a evilor de canalizare. Configuraia radierelor poate fi sewer pipes to it. Base configuration can be 1 inlet / 1 outlet,
cu 1 intrare / 1 ieire, 2 intrari / 1 iesire sau cu 3 intrri / 1 ieire. 2 inlets / 1 outlet or 3 inlets / 1 outlet.
Baza caminelor este puternic ranforsata, pentru a rezista la Manholes bases are heavily reinforced to withstand to
o presiune a apei freatice de pana la 0.5 bar fara deformare. groundwater pressure up to 0.5 bar without deformation.
Baza plata a caminelor ofera o buna stabilitate in timpul The plate base of the manholes manholes provides good
montajului. stability during installation.
O not aparte o reprezint radierele caminelor Tegra 1000NG A special note is for the Tegra1000NG manholes bases which
care sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil, ce are equipped with variable geometry connectors, that allows
permite o deviaie unghiular de pana la 7.5. Astfel, n cazul an angular rate up to 7.5. Thus, if there is a change of the
unei schimbri de direcie a unui colector nu exist situaie collector direction, there is no situation for which there is no
pentru care s nu existe o soluie cu Tegra 1000NG. solution with Tegra 1000NG.
Toate radierele sunt perfect compatibile cu evile de canalizare All bases are fully compatible with smooth plastic sewer
din material plastic cu perete lis. pipes.
Etanarea ntre radier i coloana cminului se face tot cu The seal between the base and the manhole shaft is made
garnitur, care se monteaz pe exteriorul radierului caminului. also with gasket, which is mounted on the exterior of the
Deoarece sunt fabricate din PP prin injecie, acestea sunt
extrem de rezistente la impact, chiar i la temperaturi Because they are made of PP injection, they are highly
reduse iar datorita gradului de rugozitate extrem de redus resistant to impact, even at low temperatures and due
posibilitatea infundrii radierului a fost eliminat. to their extremely low roughness the possibility of base
clogging is removed.
n tabelele de mai jos sunt prezentate posibilitile de
racordare a conductelor de canalizare cu perete lis la radierul The table below shows the possibilities to connect the
cminului. smooth PVC sewer pipes to the inspection chamber base.
De reinut ca radierul (baza) cminului este prevazut cu Please note that the inspection chamber base is fitted with
mufe cu garnitur de acelai diametru Dintrare = Dieire. sealing couplers with the same diameter Inlet diameter = Outlet
diameter. 121
since 1896

Diametrele evilor de canalizare ce se pot racorda la radierul (baza) cminelor Pro 800, Pro 1000 si Tegra 1000NG.
Sewer pipes diameters that can be connected to the chamber bases Pro 800, Pro 1000 and Tegra 1000NG.

Configuraie/ Diametrul racordului / Connection diameter

D cmin
Configuration 110 160 200 250 315 400







Coloanele cminelor de vizitare sunt realizate din PP The manholes shafts are made of PP (polypropylene).
The shaft used to extend the manhole is with fixed height of
Coloana utilizat pentru nlarea cminului este cu nlimea 500mm, for manholes rane Pro 800 (Dinternal = 800mm) and Pro
fix de 500mm, n cazul caminelor Pro 800 (Dinterior=800mm) i 1000 (Dinternal = 1000mm).
Pro 1000 (Dinterior=1000mm).
TEGRA1000NG manholes are using a corrugated pipe as
Caminele Tegra1000NG folosesc o eav corugat ca i coloan a shaft (similar in structural terms with the one for Tegra
de nlare (similar din punct de vedere structural cu cea a 600 chambers) with an external diameter of 1108mm and
caminelor Tegra 600) cu diametrul exterior de 1108mm si cel internal one of 1004mm.
interior de 1004mm.
Obviously, if case of the manholes range Pro 800 and Pro
Evident, n cazul caminelor Pro 800 si Pro 1000 coloana se poate 1000 shaft can be extended by coupling one over each
extinde prin cuplarea una peste alta a unui numar mai mare de other of a greater number of columns with fixed height until
coloane cu nlime fix pn la atingerea nlimii necesare. reaching the required height.
Coloanele caminelor Pro 800 si Pro 1000 sunt prevazute la Manholes shafts Pro 800 and Pro 1000 are provided inside
interior cu scara cu trepte protejate. with a ladder with protected steps.
Coloana corugata din PP a cminelor Tegra 1000NG se poate PP corrugated shaft of Tegra 1000NG manhole can be
seciona extrem de simplu, la nlimea dorit cu ajutorul unui extremely easy cut by a fine tooth saw or electric saw as to
fierastru cu dini fini sau a unui fierastru electric astfel nct s get the desired length for installation.
se obine lungimea dorit pentru montaj. Coloana se va seciona
The column will be cut on the outer rib (the highest
pe nervura exterioara (partea mai nalt a profilului corugat).
corrugated profile rib).
Clasa de rigiditate este SN>4.
Stiffness class SN> 4. 122
since 1896


Solutia pentru partea superioara a caminelor de canalizare The solution for the top of the sewer manholes is chosen so
este aleasa in asa fel incat sa fie compatibila cu majoritatea as to be compatible with the most cast iron manhole covers.
capacelor de canal din fonta.
Such manholes are equipped with a cone element in order
Astfel caminele sunt prevazute cu un element tip con pentru to achieve the transition from a diameter of 1000mm to
a se putea realiza trecerea de la diametrul de 1000mm la a diameter of 600mm, necessary in order to achieve the
diametrul de 600mm, necesar pentru a se putea realiza coverage with a concrete manhole ring and standard cast
acoperirea caminului cu inel de beton si capace din fonta iron lids existing on the market.
standard, existente pe pia.
In case of manhole range Pro 800 and Pro 1000 the manhole
n cazul cminelor din gama Pro 800 i Pro 1000 conul cone is telescope type and Tegra 1000NG has a fixed height
cminului este de tip telescop iar n cazul cminului Tegra cone.
1000NG acesta are o nlime fix.


Deoarece cea mai mare parte a acestor cmine se utilizeaz Since most part of these manholes are used in traffic areas,
in zone cu trafic, acoperirea caminelor se realizeaza cu the coverage of the manhole is ensured with an assembly
ansamblul de tip inel de beton + rama si capac de fonta n of a concrete ring + iron frame and cover in appropriate
clasa de sarcin corespunztoare. load class.
Utilizarea acoperirilor cu tub telescop asigur avantaje Using the telescope cone provide special advantages due
deosebite datorit simplificrii montajului n ceea ce privete to the simplification of installation in terms of bringing
aducerea cminului la cota final dar i din punct de vedere al the manhole cover to the final level but also in terms of its
fiabilitii acestuia n timp. reliability over time.
Capacul se alege n funcie de locaia de montaj a cminului The cover is chosen depending on the installation location
i de solicitrile de ncrcare (trafic) la care urmeaz fie supus of the manhole and the traffic load in the specific location. In
cminul. n general la aceste cmine se folosesc capace de general these manholes use standard cast iron covers with
font standard, cu pasul liber cuprins ntre 550 i 600mm. free step between 550 and 600mm.
Deasemenea deoarece aceste cmine se monteaz de cele Also because these manholes are installed mostly in traffic
mai multe ori n zone cu trafic, pentru montajul capacului areas, for installation of a cover in such a situation it is
n astfel de situaie este necesar montarea n prealabil a necessary to install in advance a concrete ring (or cast in situ).
unui inel de beton (sau turnarea in situ). Acest inel de beton This concrete ring is going to support the frame of the cast
urmeaz s sprijine rama capacului de font. iron cover.
Inelul de beton are rolul de a prelua sarcinile i ocurile Concrete ring is designed to take loads and shocks due
datorate traficului i a le disipa in solul nconjurator, fr a to traffic and to dissipate into surrounding soil without
afecta integritatea structural a cminului affecting the structural integrity of the manhole.

Clasificarea capacelor oferite de Teraplast The cover classification offered by Teraplast

Grupa 1 - A15 1,5 tone/osie (15kN) destinate zonelor cu Group 1 - A15 - 1.5 tons / axle (15kN) - for areas with heavy
trafic pietonal alei, curi sau trasee de biciclete. pedestrian walkways, courtyards or bike trails.
Grupa 2 - B125 12,5 tone/osie (125kN) trafic redus (parcri Group 2 - B125 - 12.5 tons / axle (125kN) - reduced traffic
cu restricii de tonaj, piee, drumuri private, parcri). (parking restricted tonnage markets, private roads, parking
Grupa 3 - C250 25 tone/osie (250kN) drumuri, drumuri lots).
pentru vehicule comerciale uoare, parcri pentru vehicule Group 3 - C250 - 25 tonnes / axle (250kN) - roads, roads
pn la 25 de tone, guri de scurgere. for light commercial vehicles, parking for vehicles up to 25
Grupa 4 - D400 40 tone/osie (400kN) drumuri pentru tonnes , rainwater gullies.
vehicule grele, autostrzi, zone de staionare pentru toate Group 4 - D400 - 40 tonnes / axle (400kN) - roads for heavy
tipurile de autovehicule. vehicles, highways, parking areas for all types of vehicles.
Clasificarea mai include i: Classification also includes:
Clasa E600 60 tone/osie (600kN) - zone cu trafic greu i foarte Class E600 - 60 tonnes / axle (600kN) - areas with heavy
greu (porturi, aeroporturi) traffic and very hard (ports, airports)
Clasa F900 90 tone/osie (900kN) - vehicule exceptionale, Class F900 - 90 tonnes / axle (900kN) - Exceptional vehicles,
porturi, aeroporturi, etc. ports, airports, etc. 123
since 1896

Mai jos sunt prezentate zonele de monaj pentru primele Below are presented the mounting areas for the first 4
4 grupe definite mai sus precum si care sunt variantele de groups defined above and also the alternatives of covering
acoperiri pentru cminele de inspecie din aceast sub-grup. the inspection chambers from this sub-group
nainte de a achiziiona un cmin asigurai-va c modelul ales Before purchasing an inspection chamber make sure that the
corespunde necesitilor att din punct de vedere al spaiului chosen model meets the needs both in terms of installation
pentru montaj i posibilitilor de accesare ulterioar a space and possibilities of accessing it but especially in terms
acestuia dar mai ales din punct de vedere al configuraiei of the configuration of the base and pipe diameters that will
radierului i a diametrelor conductelor ce urmeaz sa fie be connected to the inspection chamber.
racordate la cmin.


Pentru transport se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme For transporting flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The bed shall
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice be free from nails and other metallic protuberances, which
ce pot deteriora produsele. Asigurai n mod eficient marfa may damage the products. Secure the goods effectively
nainte de transport. before transporting them.
La manipulare, asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea acestora. When handling, take care to prevent damage. Plastics
Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd products can be damaged when in contact with sharp
n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul n care objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the ground.
cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai In all circumstances, do not drop from height or throw the
produsele s cad de la nlimi mari sau sa le aruncai. products.
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
a se evita orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandm o
We recommend special attention at handling when the
atenie deosebi la manevrare n cazul n care temperatura
ambient temperature is below -5 C.
este sub -5 C.
When storing on site, the Contractor must provide adequate
La depozitarea n antier, constructorul trebuie s asigure
space for storage. The products have to be stored on flat
un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea acestora. Produsele
surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps).
trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite
(pietre sau proeminene). At storage please avoid stacking chambers and manholes
one over another or placing weights over its, because these
La depozitare v rugm s evitai stivuirea cminelor de
additional long term efforts can cause deformations and
vizitare unul peste altul sau aezarea de greuti peste
damage on the product.
acestea, deoarece aceste eforturi suplimentare de lung
durat pot cauza deformri i deteriora produsul. When stored on a longer term (over 6 months) it is
recommended to protect from solar radiation in a manner
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste
that does not obstruct the ventilation.
6 luni) se recomand protejarea de radiatiile solare astfel
nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora. 124
since 1896


1. Spai groapa pentru montaj astfel nct s se asigure un 1. Dig the installation hole and ensure a space of 30-40 cm
spaiu de 30-40 cm n jurul cminului. Baza gropii trebuie around the chamber. Based pit should be flat. Level the
s fie plan. Nivelai fundul gropii i eliminai pietrele mari bottom of the trench and remove large and sharp stones.
i ascuite. Preparai un pat de aezare compactat de 10- Prepare a non-compacted sand bedding 10-15 cm high.
15cm grosime.
2. Install the sealing gasket in the first rib on the exterior of the
2. Montai garnitura de etanare n canalul superior de pe base. Check the integrity of the gasket before installation
exteriorul bazei cminului. Verificai nainte de instalare ca and check the correct position after installation. Lubricate
acesta s nu prezinte defecte iar dup instalare verificai the gasket.
poziia de montaj.
3. Place the chamber base on the sand bedding. Make sure
3. Aezai baza cminului pe patul pregtit. Asigurai-v c that the base is in a stabile position. Lubricate the gasket.
baza este ntr-o poziie stabil. Lubrefiai garnitura de
4. A flexible connection such as Tegra 1000NG can be reached
by installation of double couplers. Before the installation
4. Pentru o conexiune flexibil precum cea a cminelor Tegra the sealing gaskets of the coupler must be lubricated.
1000NG se recomanda montarea unor mufe duble. nainte
5. Install the double coupler.
de montaj garniturile acestora trebuie lubrefiate.
6. Connect the sewage pipes.
5. Montai mufa dubla.
7. Place the seal gasket in the first rib on the exterior of the
6. Conectai evile de canalizare.
fixed shaft. Lubricate the gasket.
7. Montai garnitura de etanare n canalul superior de pe
8. Install the shaft over the manhole base. If it is necessary
exteriorul coloanei fixe a cminului. Lubrefiai garnitura.
to install a larger number of shafts, repeat steps 7 and 8.
8. Instalai coloana cminului peste baza cminului. Dac
9. Backfill the trench in careful selected ground layers with
este necesar instalarea unui numar mai mare de coloane,
20-40 cm thickness. Compact each layer uniform along
se reiau paii 7 i 8.
the entire circumference of the manhole. Soil must be
9. Umplei groapa cu straturi successive de 20-40 cm cu compacted adequately to the current ground and water
material de umplutur atent selectat. Compactai uniform conditions as well as the future external load.
fiecare strat de-a lungul ntregii circumferine a caminului.
Solul trebuie s fie compactat corespunztor condiiilor
de sol i de ap actuale, precum i viitoarei sarcini externe. 10. L ubricate uniform the inner side of the manhole cone to
come into contact with the gasket.
10. Lubrefiai uniform partea interioar a conului cminului
care va veni n contact cu garnitura. 11. I nstall the manhole cone over the last installed column
and then protected the top to prevent foreign bodies fall
11. Instalai conul cminului peste ultima coloan instalat
inside the manhole.
i apoi protejai partea superioar pentru a evita
ptrunderea corpurilor strine n interiorul cminului. 12. R
 esume the backfill and compact. Soil must be compacted
adequately to the current ground and water conditions
Reluai umplerea i compactai. Solul trebuie s fie
as well as the future external load. It is recommended to
compactat corespunztor condiiilor de sol i de
compact the soil at a minimum standard Proctor density of:
ap actuale, precum i viitoarei sarcini externe. Este
recomandat pentru a compacta solul la o densitate 90% for green areas
minim standard Proctor de: 95% for paved areas with limited traffic load
90% pentru zonele verzi 98% for roads with heavy traffic load
95% pentru zonele pavate cu sarcin limitat de trafic In case of high ground water level (above the chamber
98% pentru drumuri cu trafic intens de sarcin bottom level) it is recommended to adopt a stricter
installation regime and increase the degree of compaction:
n cazul n care nivelul de ap freatic este ridicat (deasupra
SPD: 95%, 98%, 98%.
nivelului inferior al bazei cminului), se recomand
adoptarea unui regim de instalare mai strict i creterea
gradului de compactare: SPD: 95%, 98%, 98%. 125
since 1896

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12 126
since 1896



Acoperire cu asfalt
Asphalt covering

Strat de uzur aprox. 3cm

Carrying layer about 3cm

Strat bituminous de portan aprox. 20cm

Bituminous carrying layer about 20 cm

Strat de protecie 10cm

Protective layer about 10cm

Strat de protecie la nghe aprox. 20cm

Layer against freezing about 20cm

Pietri 25-30cm
Gravel about 25-30cm


Sand 127
since 1896

Baz PP cmin vizitare PRO 800 1 intrare / 1 ieire

PP manhole base PRO 800 straight type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi H1 H2 H

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm]
COD0049 160 0 -180 167 373 540
COD0050 200 0 -180 167 373 540
COD0051 250 0 -180 170 370 540
COD0052 315 0 -180 167 521 688
COD0053 400 0 -180 165 523 688
Not Note
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.

Baz PP cmin vizitare PRO 800 3 intrri / 1 ieire

PP manhole base PRO 800 double junction (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi H1 H2 H

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm]
COD0054 200 0-135-180-225 167 373 540
COD0055 200 0-90-180-270 167 373 540
Not Note
La cerere se pot livra baze cu 3 intrri / 1 ieire i n alte On request can be delivered also bases 3 in / 1 out in
configuraii i unghiuri. V rugm contactai-ne! different configurations and angles. Please contact us!
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.
Toate bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe tip Eurosocket pentru All bases are equipped with sockets type Eurosocked for
pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. PVC pipe conections.

Coloan PP cmin PRO 800 - D800/890 cu suport pentru scar

PP chamber shaft Pro 800 - D800/890 with leader support
Cod articol D1 D2 H1 H2 H3 M
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
COD0056 800 890 100 200 500 90
Not Note
Scara se comand separat. Se instaleaz dupa configurarea The leader has to be ordered separate. It can be instaled
cminului. after the instalation of the chamber.

Garnitur etanare baz cmin Pro 800

Seal for base Pro 800

Cod articol D1
COD0059 822
Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului i coloana cminului To seal the connection between the base and chamber
Pro 800. shaft Pro 800.

Garnitur etanare ntre coloane cmin Pro 800

Gasket for sealing connection between chamber shafts Pro 800

Cod articol D1 H
[mm] [mm]
COD0059 822 42
Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre coloanele cminului Pro 800 (cnd To seal the connection between the chamber shafts Pro
se utilizeaz mai mult de 1 bucat). 800 (when are used more than 1 piece).

Con 800/630 telescopic

Telescopic Cone 800/630

Cod articol Ide Hc Hs Odc Hef H

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
COD0060 637 210 90 910 340 480

Garnitur etanare 630 pentru coloana telescopic

Gasket D630 for telescoipic sealing

Cod articol D1 D2 H
[mm] [mm] [mm]
FEE0064 653 716 42
Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului i coloana cminului To seal the connection between the base and chamber
Pro 800. shaft Pro 800. 128
since 1896

Baz PP cmin vizitare Tegra 1000NG 1 intrare / 1 ieire

PP manhole base Tegra 1000NG straight type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol Dn Unghi D H h L

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CBGFE16 160 0 -180 1187 536 185 1178
CBGFE20 200 0 -180 1187 536 185 1168
CBGFE25 250 0 -180 1187 647 185 1263
CBGFE31 315 0 -180 1187 647 185 1250
400 0 -180 1194 863 188 1282

CBGF320 200 0 -150 1187 536 185 -

CBGF325 250 0 -150 1187 647 185 -
CBGF331 315 0 -150 1187 647 185 -

CBGF620 200 0 -120 1187 514 185 -

CBGF625 250 0 -120 1187 647 185 -
CBGF631 315 0 -120 1187 647 185 -

CBGF916 160 0 -90 1187 536 185 -

CBGF920 200 0 -90 1187 536 185 -
CBGF925 250 0 -90 1187 647 185 -
CBGF931 315 0 -90 1187 647 185 -

Not Note
Bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil The bases are equipped with adjustable sockets +/-7,5
+/-7,5 pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. for PVC pipe conections.
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz PP cmin vizitare Tegra 1000NG 3 intrri / 1 ieire - (45 grade)

PP manhole base Tegra 1000 double junction "Y" type (3 in / 1 out) - 45 degree

Cod articol Dn Unghi D H h L

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CBGFY16 160 45 1187 536 185 1178
CBGFY20 200 45 1187 536 185 1168
CBGFY25 250 45 1187 647 185 1263
CBGFY31 315 45 1187 647 185 1250

Not Note
Bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil The bases are equipped with adjustable sockets +/-7,5
+/-7,5 pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. for PVC pipe conections.
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft.

Baz PP cmin vizitare Tegra 1000NG 3 intrri / 1 ieire - (90 grade)

PP manhole base Tegra 1000 double junction "X" type (3 in / 1 out) - 90 degree

Cod articol Dn Unghi D H h L

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CBGFX16 160 90 1187 536 185 1178
CBGFX20 200 90 1187 536 185 1168
CBGFX25 250 90 1194 622 185 414
CBGFX31 315 90 1194 622 185 397

Not Note
Bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe cu geometrie variabil The bases are equipped with adjustable sockets +/-7,5
+/-7,5 pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. for PVC pipe conections.
Bazele se livreaz cu garnitura necesar etanrii cu The bases are delivered with the connection gasket to
coloana corugat de nlare a cminului. the inspection chamber shaft.

Coloan PP corugat cmin Tegra 1000NG

PP corrugated manhole shaft Tegra 1000NG

Cod articol D1 D2 L L1
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CBGC6000 1004 1108 6000 100

Not Note
Coloana cminului se poate debita la lungimea (nlimea) The shaft can be cuted at the requiered lenght (height)
necesar cu ajutorul unui fierstru cu dini. with a saw tooth. 129
since 1896

Con Tegra 1000NG - 1000/600

Manhole Cone Tegra1000NG - 1000/600

Cod articol

Garnitur de etanare pentru coloana corugat Tegra 1000NG

Seal for Tegra 1000NG corrugated shaft pipe

Cod articol D
CBGX1000 1000

Not Note
Garnitura se monteaz pe exteriorul coloanei corugate a The sealing gasket has to be installed on the exterior of
cminului. the corrugated shaft.
Asigur etanarea ntre baza de cmin i coloana corugat It ensure the sealing between the chamber base and
i ntre coloana corugat i Conul Tegra1000NG. corrugated shaft and between the corrugated shaft and
manhole cone.

Garnitur de etanare pentru Con Tegra 1000NG

Seal for Cone - Tegra 1000NG upper part

Cod articol D

Not Note
Garnitura se monteaz pe exteriorul conului cminului la The sealing gasket has to be installed on the exterior, in
partea superioar. the upper part of the cone.
Asigur etanarea ntre partea superioar a conului de It ensure the sealing between the upper part of the cone
cmin i inelului de beton. and the concrete ring.

Scar din GRP pentru cmine Tegra100NG - set complet

GRP Ladder for Tegra1000NG manhole (set including bracket)

Cod articol Lungime Trepte Numr brri

[mm] aaa aaa
CBGL10 1.63 6 1
CBGL10 2.83 10 1

Set fixare scar GRP - Tegra1000NG

Ladder bracket set for Tegra1000NG

Cod articol

Not Note
Setul este alctuit din brar + 2 cleme. The set consist in stripe + 2 strings. 130
since 1896

Baz PP cmin vizitare PRO 1000 1 intrare / 1 ieire

PP manhole base PRO 1000 straight type (1 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi H1 H2 H

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm]
FEE0063 160 0 -180 167 418 585
FEE0066 200 0 -180 167 418 585
FEE0064 250 0 -180 170 415 585
FEE0065 315 0 -180 167 566 733
FEE0059 400 0 -180 165 568 733
Not Note
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.

Baz PP cmin vizitare PRO 1000 3 intrri / 1 ieire

PP manhole base PRO 1000 double junction (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol D1 Unghi H1 H2 H

[mm] Angle [mm] [mm] [mm]
FEE0066 200 0-135-180-225 167 418 585
FEE0069 200 0-90-180-270 167 418 585
Not Note
La cerere se pot livra baze cu 3 intrri / 1 ieire i n alte On request can be delivered also bases 3 in / 1 out in
configuraii i unghiuri. V rugm contactai-ne! different configurations and angles. Please contact us!
Trebuie comandat separat garnitura de etanare ntre The seal between the base and corrugated chamber
baza cminului i coloana corugat de nlare. shaft has to be ordered separate.
Toate bazele sunt prevzute cu mufe tip Eurosocket pentru All bases are equipped with sockets type Eurosocked for
pentru conectarea evilor din PVC. PVC pipe conections.

Coloan PP cmin PRO 1000 - D1090/1000 cu suport pentru scar

PP chamber shaft PRO 1000 - D1090/1000 with leader support

Cod articol D1 D2 H1 H2 H3 M
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
FEE0060 1000 1090 100 200 500 90
Not Note
Scara se comand separat. Se instaleaz dupa configurarea The leader has to be ordered separate. It can be instaled
cminului. after the instalation of the chamber.

Garnitur etanare ntre coloane cmin Pro 1000

Gasket for sealing connection between chamber shafts Pro 1000

Cod articol D1 H
[mm] [mm]
FEE0062 1022 42
Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre coloanele cminului Pro 1000 (cnd To seal the connection between the chamber shafts Pro
se utilizeaz mai mult de 1 bucat). 1000 (when are used more than 1 piece).

Con 1000/630 telescopic

Telescopic Cone 1000/630

Cod articol Ide Hc Hs Odc Hef H

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
FEE0063 637 430 90 1110 560 700

Garnitur etanare 630 pentru coloana telescopic

Gasket D630 for telescoipic sealing

Cod articol D1 D2 H
[mm] [mm] [mm]
FEE0064 653 716 42

Not Note
Pentru etanarea ntre baza cminului i coloana cminului To seal the connection between the base and chamber
Pro 1000. shaft Pro 1000. 131
since 1896 132
2.5 C
 mine de vizitare
Mono-bloc plastic
manholes 133
since 1896

B.2 Cmine de VIZITARE din material B.2 Plastic Manholes Mono-bloc

plastic monobloc Version
Informaii generale cu privire la cminele din materiale General information regarding plastic chambers and
plastice precum i avantajele i argumentele att tehnice ct manholes, advantages and both technical and economic
i economice pentru utilizarea acestora sunt prezentate la arguments for their use are presented at the beginning of
nceputul capitolului de cmine. Chamber Chapter.
Caminele de vizitare monobloc, sunt realizate dintr-un singur Mono-bloc manholes are made of a single element with
element, cu nlimi diferite i se recomand a fi utilizate n different heights and are recommended to be used in
aplicaii de infrastructur n reelele de canalizare comunale, infrastructure applications in networks of sewer utility,
oreneti, industriale comerciale sau rezideniale, montate municipal, industrial, commercial or residential with
pe colectoare cu diametrul pana la 500mm prin utilizarea collector diameter up to 500mm using iron covers and other
capacelor din font i celorlalte accesorii pentru trafic. accessories for traffic.
Aceste tipuri de cmine au fost proiectate pentru a fi instalate These types of manholes have been designed to be installed
pn la adncimi de 4m. In zonele cu un nivel ridicat al to depths of up to 4m. In areas with high groundwater please
pnzei freatice v rugm s ne contactai pentru a v pune la contact us to make available special mounting instructions.
dispoziie instruciuni speciale de montaj.
Monobloc manholes are made of polyethylene by the
Cminele de vizitare monobloc sunt realizate din polietilen process called "rotomoulding" or rotational molding. This is
prin procedeul denumit rotomoulding sau formare a process that allows independent rotation in two directions
rotaional. Acesta este un procedeu ce permite rotirea of the forming mold after the polyethylene powder is
independent dupa dou direcii a matriei de formare n care introduced. This process allow the production of large
este introdus pulberea de polietilen. Prin acest procedeu se products in various shapes.
pot obine produse de dimensiuni mari cu forme variate.
To simplify the installation of the manholes have been
Pentru a simplifica instalarea cminului, au fost dezvoltate i developed for these manholes also telescope tubes.
pentru aceste cmine acoperiri telescop.
In case of the manholes, unlike corrugated inspection
n cazul cminelor de vizitare, spre deosebire de caminele chambers where we relate to the outer diameter of the
corugate, unde ne raportam la diametrul exterior al coloanei corrugated riser pipe column, the values specified in this
corugate de nlare a cminului, valorile precizate se refer la case refers to the inner diameter of the manhole.
diametrul interior al cminului.

Partea redus a Reduced part of

corpului de cmin the manhole body

Corpul cminului The manhole body

monobloc rotoformat din rotomulded in PE
PE cu nlime fix with fixed height

Racorduri de intrare i Inlets and outlet

racord ieire n corpul in the monobloc
monobloc al cminului manhole body 134
since 1896


Cminele de vizitare monobloc Teraplast realizate din Teraplast mono-bloc manholes are made of polyethylene
polietilen, prin rotoformare, au un diametru interior de by rotomoulding have an internal diameter of 1000mm and
1000mm si sunt executate cu nlimi fixe cuprinse ntre 800 i are executed with fixed height between 800 and 3700mm.
3700mm. Radierul cminului care se afl la partea inferioar The manhole base which is at the bottom of the manhole
a corpului cminului este prevazut cu suprafee pre-formate body is provided with a pre-shaped surfaces for connecting
pentru racordarea evilor de canalizare cu diametre cuprinse sewer pipes with diameters between 160 and 500mm. Base
ntre 160 i 500mm. Configuraia radierelor poate fi cu 3 intrri configuration can be 3 inputs / 1 output or 5 inputs / 1 output.
/ 1 ieire sau cu 5 intrri / 1 iesire.
Connecting sewer inlet pipes in the base of the manhole is
Conectarea evilor de canalizare pe racordurile de intrare n done using special seals mounted on the base after previously
radierul cminului se realizeaz cu ajutorul unor garnituri the bases are drilled with a core at the corresponding
de etanare speciale care se monteaz pe radier dupa diameter of the inlet sewer pipe. Outlet connection is
ce n prealabil are loc carotarea acestuia pe diametrul provided in two dimensional ranges, respectively 160/200,
corespunztor. Racordul de iesire este prevzut n dou game 250/315 or 400/500.
dimensionale, respectiv 160/200, 250/315 sau 400/500.
Depending on the diameter and position (configuration)
n funcie de diametrul i poziia (configuraia) evilor de intrare of the inlet pipes into the manhole, the proper diameter is
n cmin, se decupeaza diametrul corespunzator n partea drilled in the base on the appropriate position and depending
corespunztoare a radierului iar n funcie de diametrul racordului on the diameter of the outlet the outlet connection is cut
de ieire se decupeaz diametrul corespunztor acestuia. according it.
Corpul cminului este prevazut cu trepte pentru acces, realizate The body of the manhole is equipped with stairs for access,
din formare iar la partea superioar se reduce la un diametru de made during the process and the top part of the manhole
635mm (diametrul interior) astfel nct este posibil i utilizarea is reduced to a diameter of 635mm (inner diameter) so it is
unui tub telescop pentru aducerea la cot a cminului. possible to use a telescope tube to bring the cover on the
final position.
Deasemenea corpul cminului este prevazut din fabricaie
cu doua elemente profilate pentru prinderea caminului n Also the manhole body is provided with two profiles for its
vederea manevrrii sale cu uurin. easy handling.
n tabelul de mai jos sunt prezentate posibilitile de racordare The table below shows the possibilities of connecting the
a evilor de intrare/ieire din cmin n functie de configuraia inlet / outlet manhole pipes according its configuration.
As was previously stated all of them are closed, so that at the
Asa cum s-a precizat i anterior toate acestea sunt blindate, installation site, installer has to cut on the manhole base the
urmnd ca la locaia de montaj s se execute decuparea opening according the needs.
acestora n funcie de necesiti.
Sewer pipes diameters that can be connected to the chamber
Diametrele evilor de canalizare ce se pot racorda la radierul bases of Monobloc Teraplast manholes DN1000, Pro 800, Pro
(baza) cminelor de vizitare Monobloc DN1000 Teraplast Pro 1000 and Tegra 1000NG.
800, Pro 1000 si Tegra 1000NG.

Configuraie/ Diametrul racordului intrare / Diametrul racordului iesire /

Configuration Inlet connection diameter Outlet connection diameter
160/200 160/200

110/160/200/250/315 250/315

110/160/200/250/315/400/500 400/500


Deoarece cea mai mare parte a acestor cmine se utilizeaz Since most part of these manholes are used in traffic areas,
in zone cu trafic, acoperirea caminelor se realizeaz cu the coverage of the manhole is ensured with an assembly of a
ansamblul de tip inel de beton + rama si capac de fonta n concrete ring + iron frame and cover in appropriate load class.
clasa de sarcin corespunztoare.
As previously stated the range includes two telescopic tubes
Aa cum s-a precizat anterior gama cuprinde i doua tuburi with heights of 300 and 600mm which can be mounted at
telescop cu nlimile de 300, respectiv 600mm care se pot monta the top of the chamber, the sealing being ensured by means
n partea superioar a cminului, etanarea fiind asigurat cu of special sealing gasket installed in the special profile in the
ajutorul unei garnituri speciale de etanare care se instaleaz n top of the chamber.
profilul special executat din partea superioar a cminului. 135
since 1896

Utilizarea acoperirilor cu tub telescop asigur avantaje The use of the telescoped covers ensures special advantages
deosebite datorit simplificrii montajului n ceea ce privete due to the simplification of installation in terms of bringing
aducerea cminului la cota final dar i din punct de vedere al the chamber to the final level but also in terms of its reliability
fiabilitii acestuia n timp. over time.
Prin utilizarea telescopului forele i ocurile transmise de By using the telescope, the forces and shocks transmitted by
catre autovehicule n momentul trecerii acestora peste capace the car when passes over the covers are no longer transmitted
nu se mai transmit direct n radier, aa cum se ntmpl n directly into slab, as happens in chambers and manholes
cazul caminelor cu structuri rigide din beton, ci sunt preluate with rigid structures in concrete. Al the shocks are taken
de ansamblul capac telescop i disipate n solul nconjurtor by the cover telescope ensemble and dissipated into the
prin intermediul inelului de suport al ramei capacului. surrounding ground through the support ring for frame cover.
Capacul se alege n funcie de locaia de montaj a cminului The cover is chosen depending on the installation location
i de solicitrile de ncrcare (trafic) la care urmeaz fie supus of the manhole and the traffic load in the specific location. In
cminul. n general la aceste cmine se folosesc capace de general these manholes use standard cast iron covers with
font standard, cu pasul liber cuprins ntre 550 i 600mm. free step between 550 and 600mm.
Deasemenea deoarece aceste cmine se monteaz de cele Also because these manholes are installed mostly in traffic
mai multe ori n zone cu trafic, pentru montajul capacului areas, for installation of a cover in such a situation it is
n astfel de situaie este necesar montarea n prealabil a necessary to install in advance a concrete ring (or cast in situ).
unui inel de beton (sau turnarea in situ). Acest inel de beton
This concrete ring is going to support the frame of the cast
urmeaz s sprijine rama capacului de font.
iron cover.
Inelul de beton are rolul de a prelua sarcinile i ocurile
Concrete ring is designed to take loads and shocks due
datorate traficului i a le disipa in solul nconjurator, fr a
to traffic and to dissipate into surrounding soil without
afecta integritatea structural a cminului.
affecting the structural integrity of the manhole.

Clasificarea capacelor oferite de Teraplast

The cover classification offered by Teraplast
Grupa 1 - A15 1,5 tone/osie (15kN) destinate zonelor cu
Group 1 - A15 - 1.5 tons / axle (15kN) - for areas with heavy
trafic pietonal alei, curi sau trasee de biciclete
pedestrian walkways, courtyards or bike trails
Grupa 2 - B125 12,5 tone/osie (125kN) trafic redus (parcri
Group 2 - B125 - 12.5 tons / axle (125kN) - reduced traffic
cu restricii de tonaj, piee, drumuri private, parcri)
(parking restricted tonnage markets, private roads, parking
Grupa 3 - C250 25 tone/osie (250kN) drumuri, drumuri lots)
pentru vehicule comerciale uoare, parcri pentru vehicule
Group 3 - C250 - 25 tonnes / axle (250kN) - roads, roads
pn la 25 de tone, guri de scurgere
for light commercial vehicles, parking for vehicles up to 25
Grupa 4 - D400 40 tone/osie (400kN) drumuri pentru tonnes , rainwater gullies
vehicule grele, autostrzi, zone de staionare pentru toate
Group 4 - D400 - 40 tonnes / axle (400kN) - roads for heavy
tipurile de autovehicule.
vehicles, highways, parking areas for all types of vehicles.
Clasificarea mai include i:
Classification also includes:
Clasa E600 60 tone/osie (600kN) - zone cu trafic greu i foarte
Class E600 - 60 tonnes / axle (600kN) - areas with heavy
greu (porturi, aeroporturi)
traffic and very hard (ports, airports)
Clasa F900 90 tone/osie (900kN) - vehicule exceptionale,
Class F900 - 90 tonnes / axle (900kN) - Exceptional vehicles,
porturi, aeroporturi, etc.
ports, airports, etc.
Mai jos sunt prezentate zonele de montaj pentru primele
Below are presented the mounting areas for the first 4
4 grupe definite mai sus precum si care sunt variantele de
groups defined above and also the alternatives of covering
acoperiri pentru cminele de inspecie din aceast sub-grup.
the inspection chambers from this sub-group.
nainte de a achiziiona un cmin asigurai-va c modelul ales
Before purchasing an inspection chamber make sure that the
corespunde necesitilor att din punct de vedere al spaiului
chosen model meets the needs both in terms of installation
pentru montaj i posibilitilor de accesare ulterioar a
space and possibilities of accessing it but especially in terms
acestuia dar mai ales din punct de vedere al configuraiei
of the configuration of the base and pipe diameters that will
radierului i a diametrelor conductelor ce urmeaz sa fie
be connected to the inspection chamber.
racordate la cmin. 136
since 1896


Pentru transport se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme For transporting flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The bed shall
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice be free from nails and other metallic protuberances, which
ce pot deteriora produsele. Asigurai n mod eficient marfa may damage the products. Secure the goods effectively
nainte de transport. before transporting them.
La manipulare, asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea acestora. When handling, take care to prevent damage. Plastics
Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd products can be damaged when in contact with sharp
intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul n care cad, objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the ground.
sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai In all circumstances, do not drop from height or throw the
produsele s cad de la nlimi mari sau sa le aruncai . products.
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru a se during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
evite orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul manipulrii, at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandm o atenie deosebit la
We recommend special attention at handling when the
manevrare n cazul n care temperatura este sub -5 C.
ambient temperature is below -5 C.
La depozitarea n antier, constructorul trebuie s asigure
When storing on site, the Contractor must provide adequate
un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea acestora. Produsele
space for storage. The products have to be stored on flat
trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite
surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps).
(pietre sau proeminene).
At storage please avoid stacking chambers and manholes
La depozitare v rugm s evitai stivuirea cminelor de
one over another or placing weights over its, because these
vizitare unul peste altul sau aezarea de greuti peste acestea,
additional long term efforts can cause deformations and
deoarece aceste eforturi suplimentare de lung durat pot
damage on the product.
cauza deformri i deteriora produsul.
When stored on a longer term (over 6 months) it is
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste 6
recommended to protect from solar radiation in a manner
luni) se recomand protejarea de radiatiile solare astfel nct
that does not obstruct the ventilation.
sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora.



1. Se sap groapa de pozare a cminului astfel nct s se 1. D

 ig the manhole pit so as to ensure 30-40cm space
asigure n jurul acestuia un spaiu de 30-40cm. Fundul gropii around. Bottom of the pit must be flat and free of large
trebuie s fie plan i fr pietre mari sau ascuite. n funcie or sharp stones. Depending on the nature of the soil and
de natura terenului si adncimea de pozare, sptura se the installation depth, excavation can be performed
poate executa cu perei verticali (cu sau fr sprijiniri) sau with vertical walls (with or without support) or sloping
cu taluz nclinat. Pe fundul gropii se aterne un pat de nisip embankment. Prepare a compacted sand bedding of
de 10-15cm grosime i se compacteaz. 10-15cm. 137
since 1896

2. tuul de ieire al cminului se taie la diametrul dorit 2. T

 he outlet of the manhole is cut to the desired diameter
(160/200mm, 250/315mm sau 400/500mm) prin simpla (160/200 mm, 250/315mm or 400/500mm) by simply
retezare cu un fierstru sau flex la locul de montaj. Dup cutting off with a saw or flex at the installation site. After
tiere tuul se anfreneaz. cutting nozzle has to be chamfered.
3. Pentru pregtirea racordurilor de intrare n cmin se guresc 3. T
 o prepare incoming connections in the manhole drill the
pereii laterali n zonele marcate, la diametrul dorit (160, sidewalls in marked areas at the desired diameter (160,
200, 250, 315, 400, 500mm) utiliznd o main de gurit i o 200, 250, 315, 400, 500mm) using a drill and a core with
carot cu diametrul potrivit. corresponding diameter.
4. Pe orificiile executate se monteaz garniturile speciale ce 4. O
 n the holes, special gaskets which ensure the sealing
asigur etanarea ntre cmin i evile de intrare n cmin. between the sewer pipes and manholes are installed.
5. Se aseaz cminul pe fundul gropii, cu ajutorul unor franghii 5. P
 osition the manhole on the bottom of the pit with the
prinse de mnerele de manipulare i se verific ca acesta sa help of ropes attached to the handles and check it to be
fie asezat ntr-o poziie stabil pe fundul gropii. placed in a stable position on the bottom of the pit.
6. Se racordeaz evile de canalizare la cmin. 6. C
 onnect the sewer pipes to the manhole.
7. Umplei spaiul dintre pereii gropii si cei ai cminului cu 7. F ill the space between the manhole and the walls pit with
straturi de circa 25-30 cm material de umplutur, compactnd layers of 25-30 cm of granular material and compact each
fiecare strat n parte pe toat circumferina cminului. layer along the entire circumference of the manhole.
Solul trebuie s fie compactat corespunztor condiiilor de Soil must be compacted adequately to the current ground
sol i de ap actuale, precum i viitoarei sarcini externe. Este and water conditions as well as the future external load. It is
recomandat pentru a compacta solul la o densitate minim recommended to compact the soil at a minimum standard
standard Proctor de: Proctor density of :
90% pentru zonele verzi 90% for green areas
95% pentru zonele pavate cu sarcin limitat de trafic 95% for paved areas with limited traffic load
98% pentru drumuri cu trafic intens de sarcin 98% for roads with heavy traffic load

n cazul n care nivelul pnzei de ap freatic este la mic If the groundwater is shallow (above the base), the manhole
adncime (deasupra nivelului bazei cminului), cminul se va will be installed on a concrete foundation dimensioned
aseza pe fundaie de beton dimensionat conform condiiilor according to the hydro-geological and static conditions of
hidrogeologice si statice ale pmntului. nainte de turnarea the earth. Before concreting reduce the groundwater level
betonului se scade nivelul pnzei freatice, prin pompare, sub with a pump, below concrete slab.
nivelul radierului de beton. Depending on the groundwater level, the space around the
n funcie de nivelul pnzei freatice, spaiul din jurul cminului manhole will be partially or fully concreted.
se va betona parial sau total. Pentru echilibrarea presiunii To balance the pressure from poured concrete, on the
exercitate de betonul turnat, asupra pereilor cminului este manhole walls is necessary to support the manhole with
necesar ca pe interior s se sprijine cu ipci. some strips inside.
8. n cazul n care se instaleaz i piesa telescopica pentru a 8. I f the telescope pipe is installed too, a gasket has to be
asigura etanarea dintre cmin si nltor se monteaz o installed to ensure sealing of the manhole and telescope.
9. C
 ontinue to backfill up to 20-30cm below the upper part
9. Se continu stratul de umplutur cu 20-30 cm sub nivelul of the telescope.
prii superioare a nltorului.
10. C
 arry out the final manhole coverage. Depending on the
10. Se procedeaz la acoperirea final a cminului. n funcie location of the manhole, its coverage can be done in two
de zona de amplasare a cminului, acoperirea acestuia se ways:
poate face n dou moduri:
If green spaces no trafficable areas, the manhole can
n cazul spaiilor verzi - zone necarosabile, cminul be covered with plastic cover;
poate fi acoperit cu capacul din plastic;
In traffic areas it is recommended to install a cast iron
n cazul zonelor carosabile, este recomandat montarea cover, corresponding to the category of road.
unui capac din font cu ram, corespunztor categoriei
de drum. Depending on the installation area, the cast iron cover is
mounted on the telescope and is embedded in concrete or
n funcie de zona de montare, capacul din font se monteaz
reinforced concrete.
pe telescop i se ncastreaz n beton sau beton armat.
For reinforced concrete reinforcing steel will be used
Pentru armarea betoanelor se va utiliza oel beton
properly according to the rules of design and execution. The
corespunztor, conform normelor de proiectare si execuie.
plate must have minimum dimensions of 1700x1700mm and
Placa trebuie sa aiba dimensiunile minime de 1700x1700mm
be centered to the manhole axis and not to the access axis of
si sa fie centrata fata de axa caminului si nu fata de axa gurii
the manhole.
de vizitare. 138
since 1896

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

13 139
since 1896

Cmin vizitare PE DN1000 monobloc 5 intrri / 1 ieire

PE monoblock DN1000 manhole junction (5 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN1 DN2 H H1 L2

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
RPECA01100I3E10800 160 200 800 145 130
RPECA01100I3E1100 160 200 1000 145 130
RPECA01100I3E1150 160 200 1500 145 130
RPECA01100I3E1200 160 200 2000 145 130
RPECA01100I3E1250 160 200 2500 145 130
RPECA01100I3E1300S 160 200 3000 145 130
RPECA01100I3E1350S 160 200 3500 145 130
RPECA02100I3E10800 250 315 800 170 150
RPECA02100I3E1100 250 315 1000 170 150
RPECA02100I3E1150 250 315 1500 170 150
RPECA02100I3E1200 250 315 2000 170 150
RPECA02100I3E1250 250 315 2500 170 150
RPECA02100I3E1300S 250 315 3000 170 150
RPECA02100I3E1350S 250 315 3500 170 150

Not Note
Pentru racordarea conductelor de canalizare la cmin se To connect the sewer pipes you have to order separate
vor comanda separat n funcie de diametrul acestora, according the diameter the sealing gaskets to the
garniturile necesare pentru etanare la cmin. manhole.

Cmin vizitare PE DN1000 monobloc 3 intrri / 1 ieire

PE monoblock DN1000 manhole junction "X" type (3 in / 1 out)

Cod articol DN1 DN2 H H1 L2

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
RPECA03100I3E1100 400 500 1225 250 175
RPECA03100I3E1150 400 500 1725 250 175
RPECA03100I3E1200 400 500 2225 250 175
RPECA03100I3E1250 400 500 2725 250 175
RPECA03100I3E1320S 400 500 3200 250 175
RPECA03100I3E1370S 400 500 3700 250 175

Not Note
Pentru racordarea conductelor de canalizare la cmin se To connect the sewer pipes you have to order separate
vor comanda separat n funcie de diametrul acestora, according the diameter the sealing gaskets to the
garniturile necesare pentru etanare la cmin. manhole.

Garnituri pentru etanarea evilor ce se racordeaz la cmin

Sealing gaskets for PVC pipes that will connected to the manhole

Cod articol D D decupare s

[mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0683 160 170+1-0 9
MFD0595 200 210+2-0 9

D decupare FEI0799 250 260+2-0 9

MFD0265 315 325+2-0 9
MFD0380 400 420+2-0 9
FEE0044 500 520+2-0 9

Carot pentru perforare cmin

Core drilling for PE manholes

Cod articol D D decupare H

[mm] [mm] [mm]
FEESMF0427 160 170+1-0 33
FEESMF0428 200 210+2-0 33
D decupare

MFDSMF0429 250 260+2-0 33

FEESMF0430 315 325+2-0 33
FEESMF0449 400 420+2-0 33
FEESMF0451 500 520+2-0 33

Not Note
Cu ajutorul carotei se perforeaz cminul n vederea The core drilling is used to drill the manhole in order to
montrii garniturilor de etanare de mai sus i conectarea install the gasket that will seal the conection between
evilor de canalizare. the sewer pipe and manhole.
"D" reprezint diametrul conductei ce urmeaz s se "D" meaning the diameter of the pipe that will be
racordeze la radierul cminului din PE. connected to the manhole base. 140
since 1896

Piesa PE telescopic reglabil D600 pentru cmine vizitare PE

PE telescopic adapter D600 for PE manhole
DN1 DN2 DN3 DN4 H h1

Cod articol [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
RPECAXXD835H300 835 628 550 550 380 50
RPECAXXD835H680 835 628 550 550 680 50
Not Note
Se va comanda separat garnitura de etansare (cod: The sealing gasket (code: MFD 0630) between the
D3 MFD0630) ntre piesa telescopic reglabil i gtul telescopic adapter and the manhole nack has to be
D2 cminului din PE. ordered separate.

Garnitur etanare pentru piesa PE telescopic

Sealing gasket for PE telescopic adapter

Cod articol D1 D2 H
[mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0630 671 627 53


Capac PE D1000 pentru cmin PE

PE cover for PE manholes D1000

Cod articol D1 D2 H
[mm] [mm] [mm]
RPECAPACAPO1000 700 625 65

Not Note
Capacul din PE se poate monta numai peste cminul The PE cover can be installed only in the upper part of the
monobloc. Nu se va monta peste piesa PE telescopic. manhole. It cannot be instaled over the telescopic adapter.

D2 141
since 1896 142
since 1896

2.6 C
 apace pentru cmine
Covers for manholes 143
since 1896

Descrierea gamei de capace si gratare Description of cast iron and composite

din font si materiale compozite covers and grates range
Capacele reprezint elemente de nchidere i protecie pentru The covers are sealing and protection elements for inspection
cminele de inspecie i vizitare din reelele de canalizare sau chambers and manholes of sewer or water supply networks.
alimentare cu ap. Grtarele reprezinta elemente de protecie The gratings represent protection and retrieval of rainwater
si preluare a apelor pluviale utilizate n special n cazul gurilor elements used in particular for rainwater gullies.
de scurgere.
Because they are placed at ground level are exposed to many
Deoarece acestea se amplaseaz la nivelul solului sunt expuse types of applications, particularly due to mechanical loads
la numeroase categorii de solicitri, in special mecanice ca exerted by pedestrians or vehicles that run on top of them.
urmare a sarcinilor exercitate de pietoni sau vehiculele care
From this point of view covers and gratings are classified
circula pe deasupra acestora.
according to standard EN124 in classes.
Din acest punct de vedere capacele i gratarele sunt clasificate
Group 1 - A15 - 1.5 tons / axle (15kN) - for areas with heavy
conform standardului EN124 n mai multe clase.
pedestrian walkways, courtyards or bike trails.
Grupa 1 - A15 1,5 tone/osie (15kN) destinate zonelor cu
Group 2 - B125 - 12.5 tons / axle (125kN) - reduced traffic
trafic pietonal alei, curi sau trasee de biciclete.
(parking restricted tonnage markets, private roads, parking
Grupa 2 - B125 12,5 tone/osie (125kN) trafic redus (parcri lots).
cu restricii de tonaj, piee, drumuri private, parcri).
Group 3 - C250 - 25 tonnes / axle (250kN) - roads, roads
Grupa 3 - C250 25 tone/osie (250kN) drumuri, drumuri for light commercial vehicles, parking for vehicles up to 25
pentru vehicule comerciale uoare, parcri pentru vehicule tonnes, rainwater gullies.
pn la 25 de tone, guri de scurgere.
Group 4 - D400 - 40 tonnes / axle (400kN) - roads for heavy
Grupa 4 - D400 40 tone/osie (400kN) drumuri pentru vehicles, highways, parking areas for all types of vehicles.
vehicule grele, autostrzi, zone de staionare pentru toate
Classification also includes:
tipurile de autovehicule.
Class E600 - 60 tonnes / axle (600kN) - areas with heavy
Clasificarea mai include i:
traffic and very hard (ports, airports).
Clasa E600 60 tone/osie (600kN) - zone cu trafic greu i foarte
Class F900 - 90 tonnes / axle (900kN) - Exceptional vehicles,
greu (porturi, aeroporturi).
ports, airports, etc.
Clasa F900 90 tone/osie (900kN) - vehicule exceptionale,
Below are mounting areas for the first 4 groups defined
porturi, aeroporturi, etc.
above which also are the most common.
Mai jos sunt prezentate zonele de montaj pentru primele 4
grupe definite mai sus care de altfel sunt i cele mai uzuale.

Teraplast ofer o gam larg de capace i gratare de diferite Teraplast offers a wide range of covers and grates of different
dimensiuni i rezistene la trafic fabricate att din materialul size and resistance to traffic from both traditional materials,
tradiional, fonta, dar i din materiale de nou generaie made of cast iron, but also from new generation materials
cum sunt materialele compozite. such as composites. 144
since 1896

Capacele i grtarele oferite de Teraplast sunt de culoare Covers and grates provided by Teraplast are black,
neagr, fabricate din font ductil prin turnare. Se livreaz manufactured of ductile cast iron. Delivered as a set
sub forma unui ansamblu alcatuit din ram + capac, n unele consisting of frame + cover, in some situations the two
situaii cele dou componente fiind cuplate prin intermediul components are connected through a hinge.
unei balamale.
The ductile iron confers to the products, elasticity and
Fonta ductil confer produselor o elasticitate i o rezisten a higher resistance to tear lately being preferred to the
mai mare la rupere fiind preferat n ultima vreme n detrimentul detriment of the traditional grey cast iron.
traditionalei fonte cenuii.
Ductile iron has a higher safety factor than grey cast iron
Fonta ductil are un coeficient mai mare de siguran because it allows greater deformation due to the application
comparativ cu fonta cenuie deoarece permite deformri of forces and returns to baseline after the force disappeared.
mai mari ca urmare a aplicrii unor sarcini i revine la starea Also, the corrosion resistance is high and the degree of crack
iniial dup dispariia solicitrii. Deasemenea rezistena la propagation is much lower due to the existence of graphite
coroziune este mai ridicat iar gradul de propagare al fisurilor in the nodular form not as in the case of lamellar grey cast
este mult mai redus ca urmare existenei grafitului sub form iron.
nodular i nu lamelar aa cum este cazul fontei cenuii.


Pentru a veni n ntmpinarea noilor cerine ale pieei, In order to meet new market demands, Teraplast completed
Teraplast a completat gama sa de acoperiri i cu o nou gama its range of covers with a new covers and grates range made
de capace i grtare fabricate din material compozit. of composite materials.
Capacele i gratarele oferite de Teraplast sunt fabricate dintr-un Covers and grates provided by Teraplast are made of a
material compozit modern i inovativ patentat (KinextTM). modern and innovative composite material patented as
Acest material compozit inovator permite fabricarea capacelor
pentru cmine de vizitare sau inspecie cu o rezisten ridicat This innovative composite material allows the manufacturing
la sarcini. of covers for manholes or inspection chambers with a high
load strength.
n continuare enumerm cteva dintre avantajele utilizrii
acestor tipuri de capace. Further we mention some benefits of using these types of
new types of covers.
Greutate redus Capacele compozite fabricate din Kinext TM

au o greutate cu pn la 70% mai mic comparativ cu Lightweight KinextTM covers made of composites, weigh
capacele similare din font, astfel se reduc costurile att cu up to 70% less compared to similar cast iron covers, thus
manipularea acestora dar n mod special cu transportul. reducing both manipulation costs but especially transport
Cu rezisten ridicat la deformare i rupere Capacele
compozite au o rezisten ridicat la deformare i rupere High resistance to deformation and fracture - composite
sub efectul sarcinii, acestea incadrandu-se fr probleme in covers have a high resistance to deformation and fracture
clasele de rezisten la sarcin n conformitate cu standardul under the effect of traffic load, and it fits smoothly in load
EN124. strength classes according EN124 standard.
Reduce nivelul zgomotului Capacele compozite reduc Noise reduction The composite covers greatly reduces
considerabil poluarea fonic. KinextTM are o densitate mai noise pollution. KinextTM has a lower density than cast iron,
mic dect fonta i reduce zgomotul i neplacerile cauzate de and deadens the noise and disturbance caused by vehicles
vehiculele ce trec peste capacele de cmin instalate. driving over installed covers.
Izolare electric Capacele sunt deosebit de potrivite pentru Electric insulation Covers are particularly suitable for
instalare pe artere de circulaie pietonale. KinextTM este non- installation on pedestrian thoroughfares. KinextTM is Non-
conductiv, deci aceste capace protejeaz pietonii mpotriva Conductive, so the covers protect pedestrians against voltage
dispersiilor de tensiune, n special n medii umede. dispersion, especially in moist and wet environments.
Rezisten la coroziune - KinextTM este rezistent la substane Resistance to corrosion - KinextTM is resistant to chemicals
chimice i nu ruginete sau corodeaz ca urmare a expunerii and is not subject to rust and corrosion caused by constant
constante la agenii atmosferici. Din acest motiv, capacele exposure to atmospheric agents. For this reason the covers
nu trebuie s fie re-vopsite, iar produsele sunt deosebit de never needs to be re-painted, and products are particularly
adecvate n zonele cu lichide inflamabile, cum ar fi staiile de suitable in areas with flammable liquids such as fuel filling
alimentare cu combustibil, instalaii de depozitare, reducnd stations and storage plants, significantly reducing the risk of
semnificativ riscul de aprindere ca urmare a apariiei de ignition from sparks over ferrous materials.
scntei aa cum este cazul materialelor feroase. 145
since 1896

Anti-furt - Valoarea fierului vechi este n cretere, iar numrul Theft prevention - The value of scrap iron is rising and the
de furturi are un impact deosebit asupra costurilor suportate number of thefts is impacting on costs to local authorities
de ctre autoritile locale i companiile de servicii. Pe lng and service companies. Besides the economic impact caused
impactul economic cauzat de furtul produselor, exist i riscul by the theft of products, there is also the risk of serious
de accidente grave i leziuni provocate de golurile periculoase accidents and injuries caused by dangerous openings on the
din drum. Capacele compozite nu au nici o valoare (sau o road. Composite covers have no scrap value (or a very low
valoare extrem de mic) pentru companiile ce se ocup de value) for the recycling companies.
reciclarea diferitelor materiale.
Resistant to temperature changes The covers were
Rezistent la schimbrile de temperatur - Capacele au tested at -30 C and +150 C, and maintains its characteristics
fost testate la -30C i +150C meninndu-i caracteristicile of loading resistance, so are particularly suitable for very hot
de rezisten la ncrcare, de aceea sunt deosebit de potrivite and/or very cold areas.
pentru zone foarte calde i/sau foarte reci.
Permeable to electromagnetic waves - Thanks to RFID
Permeabilitate la undele electromagnetice - Datorit RFID (Radio Frequancy IDentification) SMART COVER is the
(Identificare prin Radio Frecven) Capacul inteligent este manhole cover which allows you to:
capacul de cmin care v permite s:
Receive and transmit without battery when it is
Primii i transmite fr baterie atunci cnd este interogat interrogated by a reader.
de un cititor. Be located, if it is covered with asphalt.
S fie localizat, n cazul n care este acoperit cu asfalt. Knowing all the information about what is present inside
Avei toate informaiile cu privire la ceea ce este prezent n the manhole.
interiorul cminului. Record of maintenance actions.
nregistrarea aciunilor de ntreinere. Have a unique identification of the product (each
Cu o identificare unic a produsului (fiecare capac de Manhole cover has its own serial number on the
camin are propriul numr de serie pe microcip). microchip). 146
since 1896

Ram i capac font circular carosabil clasa D400

Cast iron frame and cover round - D400

Cod articol Dr Dc Di H Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPD728 728 582 550 82 DA tip ostra
CAPD805 805 631 600 90 DA tip ostra
CAP0005 * 805 631 600 90 DA tip ostra

Not Note
Prevzute cu garnitur i dispozitiv de zvorre cu urub. Provided with seal and screw locking device.
* Capacul CAP0005 este ventilat (6 guri) *Cover with code CAP0005 - with ventilation holes (6 holes)

Ram i capac font circular carosabil clasa C250

Cast iron frame and cover round - C250

Cod articol Dr Dc Di H Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPC720 720 580 550 65 DA tip ostra
CAPC750 750 630 600 65 DA tip ostra

Not Note
Prevzute cu garnitur i dispozitiv de zvorre cu urub. Provided with seal and screw locking device.

Ram i capac font necarosabil circular clasa B125

Cast iron frame and cover round - B125

Cod articol Dr Dc Di H Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0418 705 580 535 45 DA nu
CAPB780 780 653 600 65 DA nu

Not Note
Prevzute cu garnitur i dispozitiv de zvorre cu urub. Provided with seal and screw locking device.

Ram i capac font necarosabil rectangular clasa B125

Cast iron frame and cover square - B125

Cod articol AxB CxD P1 x P H Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPB530 530 x 530 480 x 480 435 x 435 27 NU NU

Not Note
Prevzute cu garnitur. Provided with seal. 147
since 1896

Ram i grtar font carosabil rectangular clasa C250

Cast iron frame and gratting square - C250

Cod articol AxB CxD P x P1 H Balama

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
MFD0837 530 x 375 375 x 315 382 x 318 100 DA

Not Note
Prevzute cu garnitur i dispozitiv de zvorre cu urub. Provided with seal and screw locking device.

Ram i grtar font carosabil rectangular clasa C250

Cast iron frame and gratting square - C250

Cod articol AxB CxD P1 x P H Balama

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPGD590 590 x 530 440 x 440 400 x 400 100 DA

Not Note
Prevzute cu garnitur. Provided with seal. 148
since 1896

Ram i capac COMPOZIT circular carosabil clasa D400

COMPOSITE frame and cover round - D400

Cod articol A B C D E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO800D400 840 120 600 665 45 DA oel inox

Not Note
Rama cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Capacul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface
La cerere capacul se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Locking system in stainless steel.
Sistemul de nchidere al capacului realizat din oel inox.

Ram i capac COMPOZIT rectangular carosabil clasa D400

COMPOSITE frame and cover square - D400

Cod articol AXA B CXC DXD E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO500D400 500 X 500 100 402 X 402 443 X 443 42 NU oel inox

Not Note
Rama cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Capacul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface
La cerere capacul se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Locking system in stainless steel.
Sistemul de nchidere al capacului realizat din oel inox.

Ram i capac COMPOZIT circular carosabil clasa C250

COMPOSITE frame and cover round - C250

Cod articol A B C D E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO800C250 840 107 600 665 36 NU opional

Not Note
Ram cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Capacul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface.
La cerere capacul se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Optional locking system in composite material.
Optional sistem de inchidere in materialul compozit. 149
since 1896

Ram i capac COMPOZIT rectangular carosabil clasa C250

COMPOSITE frame and cover square - C250

Cod articol AXA B CXC DXD E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO400C250 400 x 400 44 305 x 305 335 x 335 30 NU otel inox
CAPKIO500C250 500 X 500 55 402 x 402 443 x 443 37 NU otel inox
CAPKIO600C250 600 x 600 56 502 x 502 543 x 543 38 NU otel inox
CAPKIO700C250 700 x 700 54 602 x 602 643 x 643 40 NU otel inox

Not Note
Ram cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Capacul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface
La cerere capacul se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Optional locking system in composite material.
Opional sistem de nchidere n materialul compozit.

Ram i capac COMPOZIT circular necarosabil clasa B125

COMPOSITE frame and cover round - B125

Cod articol A B C D E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO800B125 840 101 600 665 30 NU opional

Not Note
Rama cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Capacul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface.
La cerere capacul se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Optional locking system in composite material.
Opional sistem de nchidere n materialul compozit.

Ram i capac COMPOZIT rectangular necarosabil clasa B125

COMPOSITE frame and cover square - B125

Cod articol AXA B CXC DXD E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO500B125 500 X 500 42 402 x 402 443 x 443 24 NU
CAPKIO600B125 600 x 600 44 502 x 502 543 x 543 26 NU
CAPKIO700B125 700 x 700 42 602 x 602 643 x 643 28 NU

Not Note
Ram cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Capacul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface.
La cerere capacul se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Locking system in stainless steel.
Sistemul de nchidere al capacului realizat din oel inox. 150
since 1896

Ram i capac COMPOZIT circular necarosabil clasa A15

COMPOSITE frame and cover round - A15

Cod articol A B C D E Balama nchidere

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
CAPKIO800A15 840 101 600 665 30 NU opional

Not Note
Rama cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Grtarul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip surface.
La cerere capacul se poate personaliz cu numele sau tipul Optional personalisation (name or service type).
aplicaiei. Radial slots, width 32 mm. 30% of the surface is free for
Fante cu lime de 32mm. 30 % din suprafaa grtarului outflow.
este liber pentru scurgere.

Ram i grtar COMPOZIT rectangular carosabil clasa C250

COMPOSITE frame and square grattig - C250

Cod articol AXA B CXC DXD E F G Balama

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
500 X 500 107 402 x 402 443 x 443 87 7 32 NU

Not Note
Rama cu profil integrat pentru ancorare la instalare. Frame with integrated profile for anchoring during
Grtarul realizat din Kinext cu suprafa antiderapant. instalation. Cover made of Kinext with anti-slip
La cerere se poate personaliza cu numele sau tipul surface.
aplicaiei. Optional personalisation (name or service type).
Fante cu lme de 32mm. 30% din suprafaa grtarului este Radial slots, width 32mm. 30% of the surface is free for
liber pentru scurgere. outflow. 151
since 1896 152
since 1896

CAP. 3 D
3.1 evi i fitinguri drenaj
Drainage pipes and fittings
3.2 Guri de scurgere stradale
Rainwater gullies
3.3 Guri de scurgere pentru parcri
Rainwater gullies for parking areas
since 1896 154
since 1896

 evi i fitinguri drenaj
Drainage pipes and fittings 155
since 1896

Descrierea sistemelor de drenaj Drainage systems description

n calitate de expert n domeniul soluiilor pentru reele de As an expert in the field of sewer solutions, Teraplast
canalizare, Teraplast completeaz portofoliul su de sisteme completes its portfolio of drainage solutions systems,
cu soluii pentru drenajul apei, punnd la dispoziia clienilor providing its customers three drainage systems from which
si trei sisteme de drenaj din care acetia pot opta, n funcie they can choose, depending on the application they have to
de aplicaia pe care au o de executat, astfel: execute, so:
Sistemul pentru drenaj ce utilizeaz evi rigide cu fante Drainage system using rigid pipes made of PVC and PVC
fabricate din PVC cu perete compact. slotted compact wall pipes.
Sistemul pentru drenaj ce utilizeaz evi flexibile cu Drainage system using slotted PVC corrugated flexible
fante, fabricate din PVC gofrat. pipes.
Sistemul pentru drenaj ce utilizeaz evi flexibile cu Drainage system using slotted flexible pipes made of
fante fabricate din PE corugat cu perete dublu. double-walled corrugated PE.
Toate aceste sisteme se pot utiliza pentru drenajul apelor All these systems can be used for drainage of groundwater
subterane, n cazul diferitelor aplicaii cum sunt sistemele de in various applications such as surface and depth drainage
drenaj de suprafa i de adncime, subtraversri i drenaje systems, undercrossing and drainage for roads and railways,
pentru drumuri, ci ferate, construcii de stadioane dar i construction of stadiums and other civil or industrial
alte construcii civile sau industriale, amenajri hidrotehnice buildings, hydro-technical improvements or different
sau diferite aplicaii n agricultur. Alegerea soluiei optime, agricultural applications. The optimal solution, respectively
respectiv a sistemului, urmnd s se fac n funcie de choose of the optimal system will be made depending on
aplicaia ce urmeaz s fie pus n oper i cerinele de the application that is going to be installed and stiffness
rigiditate impuse de aplicaia respectiv. requirements imposed by the application.
Durata de via a sistemelor de drenaj realizate din PVC sau PE The life of drainage systems made of PVC or PE is estimated
este estimat la minim 50 de ani. at a minimum 50 years.
Aceste sisteme cu rezisten mare la coroziune se pot instala These systems with high corrosion resistance can be
simplu i extrem de rapid, in special n cazul sistemelor ce au installed simple and very quickly, especially if the systems
n componen tevile livrate in colaci. ntreinerea i curarea are made up of pipes supplied in coils. Systems maintenance
sistemelor se poate face cu usurin. and cleaning can be done easily.

Sistemul de drenaj cu evi rigide cu The PVC compact rigid slotted wall
fante din PVC cu perete compact pipe system
Teraplast produce evi din PVC-U cu perete compact, rigide, Teraplast produce PVC drainage rigid pipes with compact
pentru drenaj prevzute cu muf i garnitur elastomeric, wall, provided with socket and elastomeric sealing gasket,
cu diametre cuprinse ntre 110 i 400 mm, n clasele de with diameters between 110 and 400 mm, in ring stiffness
rigiditatea inelar SN4 i SN8. evile se produc n bare cu muf classes SN4 and SN8. The pipes are produced in 6m length
i garnitura montat, cu lungimea de 6m. bars with socket and sealing gasket.
Acest tip de sistem se utilizeaza pentru drenarea apelor This type of system is used for drainage of groundwater,
subterane in special n condiii mai deosebite n care ncrcrile especially in special conditions in which static and dynamic
statice i dinamice sunt ridicate, cum sunt aplicaiile din loads are high, as are applications in railways, roads with
domeniul feroviar, rutier cu clase mari de ncarcare, etc. Pe high class traffic, etc. In addition to traditional applications,
lng aplicaii clasice, ca cele descrise mai sus acest tip de such as those described above this system can also be used
sistem se poate utiliza i pentru colectarea levigatului la to collect leachate from solid landfills or biogas capture from
depozitele de deeuri solide, sau captarea biogazului din waste landfills.
depozitele de deeuri menajere.
The maximum acceptable temperature of the fluid is 60C.
Temperatura max.acceptabil a fluidului vehiculat este de 60C.
The physico-chemical proprieties and implicit advantages of
Caracteristicile fizico-chimice i implicit avantajele acestui this system are similar to those of PVC-U system, described
sistem sunt similare cu cele ale sistemului din PVC-U, descrise n in Chapter PVC-U Sewer pipes and fittings.
capitolul Tevi si Fitinguri din PVC-U pentru canalizri exterioare.
Drainage pipes are manufactured according to the SF
evile pentru drenaj sunt fabricate conform standardului 97/2015 standard, by executing an additional operation of
SF 97/2015, prin executarea unei operaii suplimentare de slot milling on the circumference of compact PVC pipes, using
frezare a unor fante pe circumferina evilor din PVC compact, a special machine. The slots are executed perpendicular to
cu ajutorul unui utilaj specializat. Fantele se realizeaz the axis of the pipe.
perpendicular pe axa evii. 156
since 1896

Fantele au dimensiuni de 1,00mm i 2,00mm cu o distan de The slots have dimensions of 1,00mm and 2,00mm with a
10,00mm ntre acestea. distance of 10,00mm them.
evile se pot realiza cu 1, 2, 3 sau 4 rnduri de fante. The pipes can be made with 1, 2, 3 or 4 rows of slots.
n funcie de numarul rndurilor de fante executate, rezult Depending on the executed number of rows of slots, results
gradul de deschidere. the opening degree.
Astfel vom avea : Thus we have:
Cu 4 rnduri de fante - 360 4 rows of slots - 360
Cu 3 rnduri de fante - 270 3 rows of slots - 270
Cu 2 rnduri de fante - 180 2 rows of slots - 180
Cu 1 rnd de fante - 90 1 row of slots - 90
Pentru acest tip de evi se pot utiliza fitingurile injectate din For this type of pipes can be used injected PVC SN4 or SN8
PVC SN4 sau SN8, prezentate detaliat n cadrul capitolului de fittings, presented in detailed in Chapter Chapter PVC-U
evi i fitinguri din PVC-U pentru canalizri exterioare cu care Sewer pipes and fittings which are perfectly compatible
sunt perfect compatibile. with.

Sistemul de drenaj cu evi flexibile cu The slotted PVC corrugated flexible

fante din PVC cu perete gofrat wall drainage pipe system
Sistemul de tevi flexibile din PVC gofrat pentru drenaj este un The slotted PVC corrugated flexible wall drainage pipe
sistem complet ce cuprinde evi din PVC cu un singur perete, system is a complete system comprising of PVC pipe with a
ce se utilizeaz n special pentru drenarea apelor subterane single wall, which is mainly used for draining groundwater in
n aplicaii rezideniale, pentru protecia mpotriva umezelii i residential applications, for protection against moisture and
a apelor freatice ce acioneaz asupra fundaiilor i zidurilor, groundwater acting on the foundations and walls, roadside
pe marginea drumurilor, n afara zonelor cu trafic, terenuri de traffic areas, sports fields or in agriculture, grassland or
sport sau n agricultur, pentru drenajul pajitilor sau altor other type of lands, or for water dispersal and infiltration
terenuri sau pentru disiparea i infiltrarea apelor provenite from micro-treatment plant.
din micro-staii de epurare. n general utilizarea acestui sistem
Generally is recommended to use this system for relatively
este recomandat pentru aplicaii relative simple ce nu impun
simple applications that do not require ring stiffness
condiii de rigiditate inelar.
Gama de diametre a acestui sistem cuprinde evi cu diametrul
Diameter range of this system includes pipes with diameters
cuprins ntre 50 i 160mm.
between 50 and 160mm.
evile se produc i se livreaz n colaci cu lungimi de 50m.
The pipes are produced and delivered in coils with lengths of
Fiecare colac fiind prevazut cu o mufa special dubl pentru
50m. Each seat is equiped with a special double coupler for
conectarea cu tronsonul urmtor.
connecting with the next section.
De asemenea evile sunt disponibile i se pot comanda i cu
Pipes are also available and can be ordered with a synthetic
nveli din filtru sintetic. (Tevile sunt mbrcate ntr-o pnz de
filter coating. (Pipes are encased in a geotextile cloth).
The maximum acceptable temperature of the fluid is 60C.
Temperatura maxim acceptabil a fluidului vehiculat este de
60C. Drainage pipes are manufactured by extrusion according SR
EN61386-23: 2004 by execution of slits on the circumference
evile pentru drenaj sunt fabricate prin extrudare conform
of corrugated PVC pipes using a specialized machine. The
standardului SR EN61386-23:2004, prin executarea unor
slots are executed perpendicular to the axis of the pipe.
fante pe circumferina evilor din PVC gofrat, cu ajutorul
unui utilaj specializat. Fantele se realizeaz perpendicular pe The pipes are provided with slits all around their
generatoarea evii. circumference (360).
Tevile sunt prevzute cu fante pe toat circumferina (360). Correspondence between the number of slots on section and
the free receiving surface (in cm2/m) can be checked in the
following part of the catalog presenting the range in detail.
Corespondena ntre numrul fantelor pe seciune i suprafaa
The system is completed by a range of molded fittings
liber de preluare (in cm2/m) se poate consulta n partea
manufactured specifically for this type of pipe.
urmatoare a catalogului ce prezint detaliat aceast gam.
Sistemul este ntregit de o gama de fitinguri injectate fabricate
special pentru acest tip de eav. 157
since 1896

Sistemul de drenaj cu evi flexibile The slotted PE flexible double wall

corugate cu fante din PE cu perete dublu corrugated drainage pipe system
Sistemul de tevi flexibile corugate din polietilen pentru The slotted PE flexible double wall corrugated drainage
drenaj este un sistem complet ce cuprinde evi din PE pipe system is a complete system comprising of PE double
corugate cu perete dublu, ce se utilizeaz n sisteme de wall corrugated pipes, which is used for surface and depth
drenaj de suprafa i de adncime, subtraversri i drenaje drainage systems, undercrossing and drainage for roads,
pentru drumuri, ci ferate, construcii de stadioane dar i alte railways, stadiums construction and other civil or industrial,
construcii civile sau industriale, sau alte aplicaii n care este or other applications where it is required to ensure a high
solicitat asigurarea unei rigiditi inelare ridicate. ring stiffness.
Conductele corugate au peretele interior neted, din polietilen Corrugated pipes have a smooth inner wall, made in
de medie densitate, iar cel exterior, din polietilen de nalt medium-density polyethylene, and the outer one, high-
densitate, profilat i lipit de cel interior n zonele de contact. density polyethylene, shaped and glued to the inner wall in
Structura corugat asigur flexibilitatea conductei i un the contact areas. The corrugated structure provides pipe
consum minim de material pe unitatea de lungime, pentru un flexibility and a minimum consumption of material per unit
diametru i o rigiditate inelar date. of length for a given diameter and a ring stiffness.
Sistemul cuprinde evi flexibile din PE pentru drenaj cu perete The system includes flexible pipes for drainage PE double
dublu cu diametre cuprinse ntre 90 i 200mm n clasele de wall with diameters between 90 and 200mm in ring stiffness
rigiditatea inelar SN4, SN8 conform EN ISO9969. classes SN4, SN8 according to EN ISO9969.
Rezistena la oc exterior este conform EN744 iar flexibilitatea External shock resistance is according to EN744 and ring
inelar conform EN1446. flexibility according EN1446.
evile se produc i se livreaz n colaci cu lungimi diferite, in The pipes are produced and delivered in coils with different
funcie de diametrul evii. Fiecare colac este prevazut cu o lengths depending on pipe diameter. Each seat is equipped
mufa special dubl pentru conectarea cu tronsonul urmtor. with a special double coupler for connecting with the next
Temperatura max. acceptabil a fluidului vehiculat este de
40C. The maximum acceptable temperature of the fluid is 40C.
evile pentru drenaj sunt fabricate conform standardului Drainage pipes are manufactured according to EN 13476-3 SR:
standardului SR EN 13476-3:2009, prin executarea unor fante pe 2009 standard by performing of slots on the circumference of
circumferina evilor din PE gofrat, cu ajutorul unui utilaj specializat. corrugated PE pipes using a specialized machine. The slots
Fantele se realizeaz perpendicular pe generatoarea evii. are executed perpendicular to the axis of the pipe.
Tevile sunt prevzute cu trei tipuri de fante: la 360, la 225 The pipes are provided with three types of slots: at 360,
i la 135. Fantele prin care apa ptrunde n tub sunt situate at 225 and at 135. The slots through which the water
simetric pe circumferina i pe toat lungimea evii. Aceste enters the tube are located symmetrically around the
perforaii ocup aproximativ ntre 50 si 100 cm2/m2 din circumference and along the length of the pipe. These
suprafaa evii pentru libera circulaie a apei n funcie de perforations take about 50 to 100 cm2/m2 of pipe surface for
varianta de perforare. free water movement depending on the slot alternative.
Corespondena ntre numrul fantelor pe seciune i suprafaa The correspondence between the number of slots per section
liber de preluare (n cm2/m) se poate consulta n partea and the free surface (in cm2/m) can be found in the following
urmatoare a catalogului ce prezint detaliat aceast gam. part of the catalog that presents in detail this range.
Sistemul este ntregit de o gama de fitinguri injectate, fabricate The system is completed by a range of molded fittings made
special pentru acest tip de eav. specifically for this type of pipe.



Cnd se transport evile, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. Asigurai n mod eficient which may damage the pipes. Secure the pipes effectively
conductele nainte de a le transporta. before transporting them.
La manipularea tevilor asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea When handling the pipes, take care to prevent damage.
acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate Plastics products can be damaged when in contact with sharp
atunci cnd n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the ground.
n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n cazul descrcrii
In case of unloading pipes from the trucks with a crane use
evilor din camioane cu o macara utilizai centuri textile.
textile belts. 158
since 1896

n cazul n care evile se ncarc sau descarc folosind If loading or unloading pipes using forklifts, ensure that only
stivuitoare, asigurai-v s fie folosite numai motostivuitoarele fork lift trucks with smooth forks should be used.
cu furci netede. Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic
The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
este redus la temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii,
low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
o atenie suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii
during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
pentru a se evita orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul
at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandm o atenie
deosebit la manevrarea evilor i fitingurilor n cazul n care We recommend special attention to handling pipes and
temperatura este sub -5C. fittings when the ambient temperature is below -5C.
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, constructorul When storing pipes and fittings on site, the contractor must
trebuie s asigure un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea acestora. provide adequate space for storage. The pipes have to be
evile trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite stored on flat surfaces without sharp objects (stones or
(pietre sau proeminene). Fitingurile se recomand sa fie pastrate bumps). We recommend to keep the fittings in the original
n ambalajul original ct mai mult cu putin. Dac nu exist un packaging as much as possible. If there is not available a
spatiu acoperit se pot pstra i n exterior. covered space, fittings can be kept also outdoors.
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
6 luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
solare astfel nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora i not obstruct the ventilation and also to remove the pipes
deasemenea demontarea garniturilor evilor i pstrarea seals and keeping them in a place protected from intense
acestora ntr-un spaiu ferit de radiaii solare puternice i sunlight and high temperatures.
temperaturi ridicate.
More information regarding the handling and storage of PVC
Mai multe informaii cu privire la manipularea si depozitarea rigid pipes for drainage that are delivered in bars you can
tevilor rigide din PVC pentru drenaj ce se livreaz in bare find up in Chapter PVC-U Pipes and fittings for sewer.
gasii la capitolui evi si fitinguri din PVC-U pentru
canalizri exterioare.

Instalarea Installation
Trench Excavation
Excavarea anului de montaj
It is recommended that the trench excavation not run long
Se recomand ca excavarea sanului s nu se execute cu mult
before installing pipes. The trench should be covered as
timp nainte de instalarea evilor. anul trebuie acoperit cat mai
soon as possible after installing the pipes, if possible, even
repede dup instalarea evilor, daca este posibil, chiar n aceeai zi.
in the same day.
Lucrul n santuri deschise prezint un potenial pericol. Se
Working in open trenches is a potential danger. You should
recomand asigurarea pereilor anului. Asigurai-v ca
provide protection of the trench walls. Make sure that when
atunci cnd operatorii sunt n an micarea echipamentelor
operators are in the ditch the movement of equipment can
de pe mal nu poate provoca prbuirea antului i nu exist
not cause the collapse of the trench and there are no other
alte obiecte ce pot cdea n an. Baza anului trebuie
objects that may fall into the ditch. The trench base should
s asigure un spaiu suficient pentru mbinarea evilor i
provide sufficient space for pipes joining and achievement
realizarea in mod corespunztor a compactrii i nu trebuie
in properly conditions of the soil compaction and do not
s reduc influena pozitiv a solului asupra evilor.
reduce the positive influence of soil on pipes.
Mai multe informaii cu privire la tipurile de an gasii
More information regarding the type of the trench you can
la capitolui evi si fitinguri din PVC-U pentru canalizri
find up in Chapter PVC-U Pipes and fittings for sewer.
exterioare i sunt aplicabile n special n cazul instalrii unor
sisteme de drenaj n conditii dificile de lucru.
Preparation of the bed assembly and pipes installation
Pregtirea patului de montaj i instalarea evilor After performing the trench, the first step is to cover the walls
and base of the trench with a geotextile.
Dup executarea anului primul pas const n acoperirea
pereilor si bazei anului cu un material geotextil. After this you have to execute the drainage pipe support bed
with gravel of graded 3-5mm and minimum 10cm thickness.
Urmeaz executarea patului suport al evii de drenaj din pietri
cu granulometrie 3-5mm i cu o grosime de minim 10cm. Some space shall be provided under the planned position of
the socket.
Este indicat s se asigure un mic spaiu n zonele n care se
vor poziiona mufele evilor. Ground water swelling up in the trench should be prevented
with suitable de-watering.
n cazul apariiei apei n an din pnza freatic se vor lua
masuri de evacuare a acesteia cu echipamente adecvate. 159
since 1896

Instalarea sistemului Installation of the sistem

nainte de instalare, se vor verifica evile i fitingurile i Before the pipe installation, it is necessary to check pipes
existena eventualelor defecte. Direcia de curgere este de la and fittings of any potential damage. Flow direction is from
capatul evii cu muf catre capatul fr muf al evii. Din acest the pipe spigot end to the pipe socket. For this reason it is
motiv este recomandat sa se nceap instalarea din zona de recommended to begin installation from the downstream
jos (cota inferioar) a seciunii de lucru ctre partea superioar part of the section working upwards. Each pipe and fittings
(cota superioar). Fiecare eav i fiting se vor instala conform will be installed according the slope of the project. Lay the
pantei prevzute n proiect. ntindei eava n an astfel nct pipe in the trench so that it bears evenly on the bedding
sa fie uniform aezat pe toat lungimea sa pe patul anului. throughout its length.
evile rigide din PVC cu muf i garnitura pentru drenaj sunt The rigid PVC pipes for drainage with gasket are properly
prevazute din fabricaie cu un anfren. evile ce se vor debita chamfered when coming from the factory. Pipes cut on the
n antier se vor tia la un unghi de 90 fa de axa orizontal site will be cut at an angle of 90 to their horizontal axis then
dup care taietura se va debavura i apoi cu ajutorul unei deburr the cut end and execute a new chamfer with a file at
pile se va executa un nou anfren la un unghi de 15. an angle of 15.
n cazul evilor flexibile gofrate sau corugate, acestea se The corrugated flexible pipes can be cut extremely simple
pot tia extrem de simplu cu un fierstru cu dini fini, with a fine-toothed saw, perpendicular to the axis pipe in the
perpendicular pe axa evii n punctul minim de corugare iar lowest point of corrugation and then deburr. For this type of
apoi se debavureaz, n acest caz nefiind necesar sanfrenul. pipes there is not necessary the chamfer.
Instruciuni mai detaliate n ceea ce privete instalarea evilor More detailed instructions regarding the installation of rigid
rigide din PVC pentru drenaj gasii la capitolui evi si fitinguri PVC pipes for drainage pipes you can find up in Chapter
din PVC-U pentru canalizri exterioare i sunt aplicabile i n PVC-U Pipes and fittings for sewer and are applicable to the
cazul instalrii sisteme de drenaj cu evi rigide din PVC. drainage pipe installation systems PVC rigid.

Umplutura i compactarea anului Backfilling and compactation

Odat ce conducta a fost instalat se poate ncepe umplerea Once the pipeline has been installed, you can start filling in
anului n jurul tubului de drenaj. the pack.
Umplutura utilizat va fi tot pietri cu granulometrie de 3-5mm The filler used will still be graded gravel of 3-5mm and will
i se va executa n straturi de 20 de cm care se compacteaz. run in of 20 cm compacted layers.
Se continu astfel pn ce materialul de umplutur This continues until the filler pipe exceeds the upper part of
depete partea superioar a evii cu 40 de cm, apoi se the pipe with 40 cm, then cover with the two loose ends of
acopera cu cele dou capete libere ale materialului geotextil. the geotextile.
Umplutura se finalizeaz cu straturi din materialul excavat The filling is completed with layers of the excavated material
(pamnt), care se compacteaz. (earth), which are compacted.
Este important ca compactarea s se efectueze cu It is important that compaction is done with the right
echipamente potrivite i sa se supravegheze lucrarea astfel equipment and to supervise the work so that on the working
nct pe perioada lucrrilor s nu se treac cu utilaje grele period to do not cross over excavation with heavy machinery.
peste sptur.

Material geotextil
Material geotextil
Pietri cu
granulometrie fin Pietri cu eava
Crushed fine grain granulometrie fin Pipe
Crushed fine grain 160
since 1896

evi drenaj PVC COMPACT cu o muf i garnitur SN4 - Fante 2mm

PVC SOLID WALL drainage single socket pipes SN4 - 2mm slot
Nr. permeabil
Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Nr. Deschidere fante/ Lu b
De (mm) s (mm) fante grd m pe ml in (mm) (mm)
(cm )

VDR110032F200I6000 110 3.2 4 360 83 353 6 10

VDR125032F200I6000 125 3.2 4 360 83 433 6 10
VDR160040F200I6000 160 4.0 4 360 83 600 6 10
VDR200049F200I6000 200 4.9 4 360 83 627 6 10
VDR250062F200I6000 250 6.2 4 360 83 640 6 10
A b lf VDR315077F200I6000 315 7.7 4 360 83 647 6 10
VDR400098F200I6000 400 9.8 4 360 83 647 6 10

VDR110032F200I2706 110 3.2 3 270 83 265 6 10
A SECTION A-A VDR125032F200I2706 125 3.2 3 270 83 325 6 10
VDR160040F200I2706 160 4.0 3 270 83 450 6 10
VDR200049F200I2706 200 4.9 3 270 83 470 6 10
VDR250062F200I2706 250 6.2 3 270 83 480 6 10
VDR315077F200I2706 315 7.7 3 270 83 485 6 10
VDR400098F200I2706 400 9.8 3 270 83 485 6 10

VDR110032F200I1806 110 3.2 2 180 83 177 6 10

lf b
VDR125032F200I1806 125 3.2 2 180 83 217 6 10
VDR160040F200I1806 160 4.0 2 180 83 300 6 10
w VDR200049F200I1806 200 4.9 2 180 83 313 6 10

L5 L4 VDR250062F200I1806 250 6.2 2 180 83 320 6 10

VDR315077F200I1806 315 7.7 2 180 83 323 6 10
VDR400098F200I1806 400 9.8 2 180 83 323 6 10


W VDR110032F200I0906 110 3.2 1 90 83 88 6 10


L5 L4 VDR125032F200I0906 125 3.2 1 90 83 108 6 10

Lu VDR160040F200I0906 160 4.0 1 90 83 150 6 10
VDR200049F200I0906 200 4.9 1 90 83 157 6 10
VDR250062F200I0906 250 6.2 1 90 83 160 6 10
VDR315077F200I0906 315 7.7 1 90 83 162 6 10
VDR400098F200I0906 400 9.8 1 90 83 162 6 10

evi drenaj PVC COMPACT cu o muf i garnitur SN8 - Fante 2mm

PVC SOLID WALL drainage single socket pipes SN8 - 2mm slot
Nr. permeabil
Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Nr. Deschidere fante/ Lu b
De (mm) s (mm) fante grd m pe ml in (mm) (mm)
(cm )

VDR110033F200I6000 110 3.2 4 360 83 353 6 10

VDR125037F200I6000 125 3.7 4 360 83 433 6 10
VDR160047F100I6000 160 4.7 4 360 83 600 6 10
VDR200059F200I6000 200 5.9 4 360 83 627 6 10
VDR250073F200I6000 250 7.3 4 360 83 640 6 10
A b lf VDR315092F200I6000 315 9.2 4 360 83 647 6 10
VDR4000117F200I600 400 11.7 4 360 83 647 6 10

VDR110033F200I2706 110 3.2 3 270 83 265 6 10
A SECTION A-A VDR125037F200I2706 125 3.7 3 270 83 325 6 10
VDR160047F200I2706 160 4.7 3 270 83 450 6 10
VDR200059F200I2706 200 5.9 3 270 83 470 6 10
VDR250073F200I2706 250 7.3 3 270 83 480 6 10
VDR315092F200I2706 315 9.2 3 270 83 485 6 10
VDR400117F200I2706 400 11.7 3 270 83 485 6 10

VDR110033F200I1806 110 3.2 2 180 83 177 6 10

lf b
VDR125037F200I1806 125 3.7 2 180 83 217 6 10
VDR160047F200I1806 160 4.7 2 180 83 300 6 10
w VDR200059F200I1806 200 5.9 2 180 83 313 6 10

L5 L4 VDR250073F200I1806 250 7.3 2 180 83 320 6 10

VDR315092F200I1806 315 9.2 2 180 83 323 6 10
VDR400117F200I1806 400 11.7 2 180 83 323 6 10


W VDR110033F200I0906 110 3.2 1 90 83 88 6 10


L5 L4 VDR125037F200I0906 125 3.7 1 90 83 108 6 10

Lu VDR160047F200I0906 160 4.7 1 90 83 150 6 10
VDR200059F200I0906 200 5.9 1 90 83 157 6 10
VDR250073F200I0906 250 7.3 1 90 83 160 6 10
VDR315092F200I0906 315 9.2 1 90 83 162 6 10
VDR400117F200I0906 400 11.7 1 90 83 162 6 10 161
since 1896

evi PVC flexibile drenaj gofrate

PVC flexible drainage pipes

Cod articol DN De Di Nr. fante/ Supraf. perf. L colac

[mm] [mm] [mm] seciune (cm2/ml) [m]

TFL0007 50 50,0 44,0 6 32,0 50
TFL0009 65 65,0 58,0 6 25,0 50
TFL0006 80 80,0 72,0 6 26,3 50
TFL0008 100 100,0 91,0 6 24,9 50
TFL0011 160 159,5 144,0 12 41,3 50

evi PVC flexibile drenaj gofrate cu filtru sintetic

PVC flexible drainage pipes with sintetic filter

Cod articol DN De Di Nr. fante/ Supraf. perf. L colac

[mm] [mm] [mm] seciune (cm2/ml) [m]
TFD0030 50 50,0 44,0 6 32,0 50


TFD0031 80 80,0 72,0 6 26,3 50

TFD0032 100 100,0 91,0 6 24,9 50

Muf drenaj
PVC drainage coupler

Cod articol DN
TFD0002 50

TFD0003 80
TFD0004 100
TFD0005 100
MFD1215 160

Teu drenaj
PVC drainage Tee
Cod articol DN1 DN1
[mm] [mm]
TFD0011 50 50
TFD0012 80 50
TFD0013 80 80


TFD0014 100 50
TFD0015 100 80
TFD0016 100 100
TFD0017 125 125
TFD0018 160 160

a drenaj
PVC drainage saddle
Cod articol DN1
TFD0019 80-100/50
TFD0020 100/80
TFD0021 125/50
TFD0022 125/80
TFD0023 160/50
TFD0024 160/80
TFD0025 160-125/100
TFD0026 160/125

Reducie drenaj
PVC drainage reduction

Cod articol DN1 DN2

[mm] [mm]
TFD0027 80 100

TFD0028 100 125

TFD0029 125 160 162
since 1896

Tub flexibil drenaj PE cu perete dublu cu fante la 360 de grade

PE Double wall flexible drainage pipe with slots at 360 degrees

Cod articol DN De Di Supraf. perf. L colac

[mm] [mm] [mm] (cm2/ml) [m]

TFD0037 90 90 74,9 68,5 50
TFD0038 110 110 92,7 76,7 50
TFD0039 125 125 106,2 84,3 50
TFD0040 140 140 120,0 89,9 50
45O TFD0041 160 160 138,0 94,4 50
TFD0042 200 200 171,0 125,0 50

Not Note
Fiecare colac se livreaz cu o muf dubl de legatur. Each coil is delivered with a double coupler. The lenght of
Lungimea de livrare a colacului se poate modifica la comand. the coil can be modified at request.

Tub flexibil drenaj PE cu perete dublu cu fante la 225 de grade

PE Double wall flexible drainage pipe with slots at 225 degrees

Cod articol DN De Di Supraf. perf. L colac

[mm] [mm] [mm] (cm2/ml) [m]

TFD0053 90 90 74,9 68,5 50

TFD0048 110 110 92,7 76,7 50
TFD0049 125 125 106,2 84,3 50
TFD0050 140 140 120,0 89,9 50
45O TFD0051 160 160 138,0 94,4 50

Not Note
Fiecare colac se livreaz cu o muf dubl de legatur. Each coil is delivered with a double coupler. The lenght of
Lungimea de livrare a colacului se poate modifica la comand. the coil can be modified at request.

Tub flexibil drenaj PE cu perete dublu cu fante la 135 de grade

PE Double wall flexible drainage pipe with slots at 135 degrees

Cod articol DN De Di Supraf. perf. L colac

[mm] [mm] [mm] (cm2/ml) [m]

TFD0059 90 90 74,9 68,5 50

TFD0054 110 110 92,7 76,7 50
TFD0055 125 125 106,2 84,3 50
45O TFD0056 140 140 120,0 89,9 50
TFD0057 160 160 138,0 94,4 50

Not Note
Fiecare colac se livreaz cu o muf dubl de legatur. Each coil is delivered with a double coupler. The lenght of
Lungimea de livrare a colacului se poate modifica la comand. the coil can be modified at request. 163
since 1896 164
since 1896

3.2 G
 uri de scurgere stradale
Rainwater gullies 165
since 1896

Descrierea gamei de guri de scurgere Description of rainwater

stradale gully range
Gurile de scurgere stradale, sau geigerele, aa cum mai sunt Rainwater gullies or geigers as are this elements known
cunoscute de o mare parte dintre utilizatori, reprezint o by most of users, are a part of the sewer network used to
parte component a unei reele de canalizare ce se utilizeaz retrieve the rainwater from the surface of the roads, parking
pentru preluarea apelor pluviale de pe suprafetele carosabile lots and other surfaces and directing to the collector of the
ale drumurilor, din parcri sau alte suprafee amenajate i rainwater or sewage network.
directionarea acesteia catre conducta de colectare a reelei
de canalizare.
Teraplast offers a modern and efficient rainwater gully,
Teraplast ofer o gur de scurgere modern i eficient
obviously made of plastic, with a multi-element construction
realizat evident din material plastic, cu o structur
constructiv de tip multi-element.

Avantajele utilizrii gurilor de scurgere The advantages of using Teraplast

Teraplast rainwater gullies
All the components that make up all the rainwater gully
Toate elementele componente ce alcatuiesc ansamblul gurii
are sealed together by elastomeric gaskets that guarantee
de scurgere se etaneaz ntre ele cu ajutorul garniturilor
absolute tightness of the sewerage system, thus eliminating
elastomerice ce garanteaz etaneitatea absolut a
the risk of soil pollution due to possible loss of rainwater
sistemului de canalizare, eliminndu-se astfel riscul polurii
with high oil content.
solului ca urmare a eventualelor pierderi de ap pluvial cu
coninut ridicat de hidrocarburi.
GARDA HIDRAULIC SI DEPOZIT DE NAMOL The rainwater gully body is provided with an element that
ensures the smell trap by creating a hydraulic guard, so it is
Corpul gurii de scurgere este prevazut cu un element ce
avoided the emanation of odors from the sewer drain in the
asigur obturarea mirosului prin crearea unei grzi hidraulice
gully area. Also ensure a generous storage volume of sand
astfel ca este evitat emanarea de mirosuri neplacute din
and mud which is washed by rain, avoiding so the entry in
canalizare n zona gurii de scurgere. De asemena se asigura
the sewage system.
un volum generos de depozitare a nisipului sau nmolului
ce este spalat de apele pluviale evitandu-se introducerea
acestuia n reeaua de canalizare. RESISTANCE TO CHEMICALS AND ABRASION
The PE rainwater gully has an extremely high resistance to
REZISTENA LA AGENI CHIMICI I ABRAZIUNE abrasion and aggression of chemical substances existing in
the rainwater.
Gura de scurgere din polietilen are o rezisten extrem
de ridicat la abraziune i la agresivitatea unor substane
chimice existente n apele pluviale. RESISTANT AND ROBUST
Teraplast rainwater gully has all the advantages provided
REZISTENTE I ROBUSTE by plastics: sturdiness, shape stability, flexibility. As it is well
known flexibility of plastic products ensure their long-term
Gura de scurgere Teraplast prezint toate avantajele asigurate
behavior much better than those rigid (concrete) because it
de materialele plastice: robustee, stabilitate a formei,
performs much better in successive loads of traffic load.
flexibilitate. Aa cum este bine tiut flexibilitatea produselor
din mase plastice le asigura un comportament pe termen
lung mult mai bun decat al celor rigide (beton) deoarece se EASY INSTALLATION AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY
comport mult mai bine la ncrcri succesive de sarcin. All components are lightweight and can be handled by one
person, so the installation of the rainwater gully is simplified
INSTALARE SIMPL I EFICIEN ECONOMIC and fast, without additional costs generate by other
machine. In addition to these advantages must be taken into
Toate elementele componente au o greutate redus, putnd
account the easier transport and with a much lower cost.
fi manevrate de o singura persoan, astfel c instalarea gurii
de scurgere este mult simplificat i rapid, fr costuri
suplimentare generate de alte utilaje. Pe lng aceste
avantaje trebuie inut cont i de transportul mult mai facil i
cu un cost mult mai redus. 166
since 1896


Durata de via estimat a acestor tipuri de guri de scurgere Expected life of these types of rainwater gullies is 50 years.
este de 50 de ani.

Cu deschidere D400mm, 400mm opening,

compatibil cu evi compatible with D400mm
PVC D400mm sau D315 mm or D315 mm PVC pipes

With sealing gasket D400mm

Cu garnitur de etansare D400

Racord de iesire D160 sau 200mm
Lateral outlet D160 or 200mm
Prevazut cu gard hidraulic
mpotriva emanrii mirosurilor

With water trap against smell

Din polietilen, cu rezisten
ridicat la substane
chimice agresive
Made in PE with high
resistence to chemical

Baz larg pentru depozit Large base for sand

de nisip i nmol and mud storage

Astfel, principalele pari componente ale gurii de scurgere Thus, the main components of the Teraplast rainwater
Teraplast sunt: gullies are:
Corpul gurii de scurgere Rainwater gully body
Coloana de prelungire a gurii de scurgere Riser pipe of the gully
Acoperirea telescopic Telescoping cover (grate)


Fabricat din polietilen prin tehnologia de rotoformare corpul Made of polyethylene, using rotomoulding technology, the
gurii de scurgere este prevazut cu racord de iesire lateral la 90 rainwater gully body is provided with lateral outlet at 90
cu diametrul de 160mm sau 200mm. Gura de scurgere are o and a 160mm or 200mm diameter. The rainwater gully has a
nlime de 930mm i o deschidere la partea superioar de height of 930mm and a 400mm opening at the top, with seal,
400mm, prevazut cu garnitur de etanare, astfel nct gura so that the gully height can be extended if necessary, using a
de scurgere se poate prelungi n nlime dac este necesar, cu usual PVC pipe D400mm.
ajutorul unei evi uzuale de PVC cu D400mm.
Partea inferioar a corpului este mai larg i asigur depunerea
The lower part of the body is wider and provides filing and
i depozitarea nisipului i nmolului antrenat de apa pluvial.
storage of sand and mud driven by rainwater.
Deasemenea corpul gurii de scurgere este prevazut la interior cu
Also the rainwater gully body is fitted inside with a conical
un element conic ce asigura o gard hidraulica pentru a preveni
element that provides a hydraulic guard to prevent
emanarea mirosurilor neplacute din reteaua de canalizare.
unpleasant odors emanating from the sewer. 167
since 1896


n cazul n care este necesar asigurarea unei nlimi mai Where it is necessary to ensure a greater heights of the
mari a gurii de scurgere se pot folosi evi uzuale de canalizare rainwater gully, can be used usual PVC sewer pipes with
din PVC cu diametrul de 400mm sau chiar 300mm, aceasta diameter of 400mm or even 300mm. For the last one (300mm)
din urm necesitnd o garnitur special pentru etanarea is required a special gasket for sealing with the gully body.
la corpul cminului.


In case of rainwater gullies for coverage, you may only use
Pentru acoperire, n cazul gurilor de scurgere se pot utiliza cast iron or composite grills in order to take the rainwater
numai gratare din fonta sau materiale compozite pentru from ground level. The offered gratings are equipped with
a prelua apa pluvial de la nivelul terenului amenajat. telescope tube to benefit from all the advantages of this type
Gratarele oferite sunt prevazute cu tub telescop pentru a of coverage and there are available in load classes B125 and
beneficia de toate avantajele oferite de acest tip de acoperire D400.
i sunt disponibile n clasele de sarcina B125 sau D400.
The possibilities of combining the components that make up
Posibilitile de combinare a elementelor componente ce the system are shown at the end of this sub-chapter, after
alcatuiesc sistemul sunt prezentate la finalul acestui sub- reviewing them.
capitol, dupa trecerea n revist a acestora.


Pentru transport se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme For transporting flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The bed shall
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice be free from nails and other metallic protuberances, which
ce pot deteriora produsele. Asigurai n mod eficient marfa may damage the products. Secure the goods effectively
nainte de transport. before transporting them.
La manipulare, asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea When handling, take care to prevent damage. Plastics
acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate products can be damaged when in contact with sharp
atunci cnd intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the ground.
n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu In all circumstances, do not drop from height or throw the
lsai produsele s cad de la nlimi mari sau sa le aruncai. products.
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
a se evite orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandm o
We recommend special attention at handling when the
atenie deosebit la manevrare n cazul n care temperatura
ambient temperature is below -5 C.
este sub -5 C.
When storing on site, the Contractor must provide adequate
La depozitarea n antier, constructorul trebuie s asigure
space for storage. The products have to be stored on flat
un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea acestora. Produsele
surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps).
trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite
(pietre sau proeminene). At storage please avoid stacking chambers and manholes
one over another or placing weights over its, because these
La depozitare v rugm s evitai stivuirea gurilor de scurgere
additional long term efforts can cause deformations and
una peste alta sau aezarea de greuti peste acestea,
damage on the product.
deoarece aceste eforturi suplimentare de lung durat pot
cauza deformri i deteriora produsul. When stored on a longer term (over 6 months) it is
recommended to protect from solar radiation in a manner
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste
that does not obstruct the ventilation.
6 luni) se recomand protejarea de radiatiile solare astfel
nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora. 168
since 1896

Posibiliti realizare guri de scurgere

Grtar cu tub telescop D315 Grtar cu tub telescop D315 Grtar cu tub telescop D250
i manet D400/315 i manet D400/315 i manet D315/250
Cast iron gratting with telescope Cast iron gratting with telescope Cast iron gratting with telescope
pipe D315-with lip telescopic pipe D315-with lip telescopic pipe D250-with lip telescopic
collar D400/315 collar D400/315 collar D315/250

eava PVC D400 eava PVC D315

PVC riser D400 PVC riser D315

Garnitur tip manet

Lip telescopic collar

Corp gur de scurgere

cu racord D160, D200
Rainwater gully with
lateral connection
D160, D200 169
since 1896

Gur de scurgere (geiger) D400

Rainwater gully D400

Cod articol D d Coloan H F hd L l hr

[mm] [mm] extensie [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
RPEGEIGERD400I160 400 160 D400 930 515 510 560 102 260
RPEGEIGERD400I200 400 200 D400 930 515 470 575 120 260
RPEGEIGERD315I160 400 160 D315 * 930 515 510 560 102 260
RPEGEIGERD315I200 400 200 D315 * 930 515 470 575 120 260

Not Note
Fabricat din PE, prevazut cu sifon si depozit pentru nisip Made in PE with siphon and deposit of sand and mud.
i nmol. Coloan extensie (PVC riser) - is indicated the diameter
Coloan extensie - este indicat diametrul coloanei de of the PVC riser that will fit to the gully.
extensie ce se va utiliza pentru gura de scurgere. * When choosing the gully for PVC D315 riser you must
* n cazul alegerii gurii de scurgere pentru coloana de order separately the lip telescopic collar D400/315 - code
extensie D315 trebuie comandat separat garnitura de FVEC035.
etanare tip manet D400/315 - cod FVEC035.

Coloane PVC D400 si D315 - pentru extensie gura de scurgere (Geiger)

PVC riser D400 and D315 - for rainwater gully extension

Cod articol D s L
[mm] [mm] [mm]
V93400079FM01000OR 400 7,9 1
V93400079FM02000OR 400 7,9 2
V93400079FM06000OR 400 7,9 6
V93315062FM01000OR 315 6,2 1
V93315062FM02000OR 315 6,2 2
V93315062FM06000OR 315 6,2 6

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru a supranla gura de scurgere. Used as a riser for the rainwater gully.
Coloana D400 se monteaz n partea superioar a gurii D400 riser is instaled on the upper part of the gully and is
de scurgere i se etaneaz cu garnitura D400mm cu sealed with the D400 gasket of the gully.
care este prevzut gura de scurgere. D315 riser is instaled on the upper part of the gully and
Coloana D315 se monteaz n partea superioar a gurii is sealed with the D400/315 lip telescopic collar (code
de scurgere i se etaneaz cu garnitur tip manet. FVEC035) which has to be ordered separate.
D400/315 (cod FVEC035) care se comanda separat i se The lip telescopic collar D400/315 will be installed at the
monteaz n partea superioar a gurii de scurgere. top of the gully.

Garnitur tip manet D400/315

Lip telescopic collar D400/315

Cod articol D1 D2 D3
[mm] [mm] [mm]
FVEC035 319 304,4 383
Not Note
Se instaleaz n partea superioar a gurii de scurgere Installation at the top of the D400 rainwater gully in
pentru a asigura etanare cu coloana de nlare PVC order to ensure the seal with the PVC D315 riser or with
D315 sau cu tubul telescop al grtarului de font. the D315 telescope of the cast iron grate.

Grtar font cu tub telescop D315 - cu manet D400/315

Cast iron gratting with telescope pipe D315 - with lip telescopic collar D400/315

Cod articol Clasa D1 D2 H

[mm] [mm] [mm]
SPVGB125315 B125 366 x 366 319 600
SPVGD400315 D400 380 x 380 319 600

Not Note
Se utilizeaza pentru preluarea apei pluviale. Used for rainwater.
Se livreaza ca ansamblu alcatuit din rama + gratar fonta + It is delivered as an assembly of frame + gratting +
telescop D315 + garnitura tip manet D400/315 ce asigur telescope D315 + lip collar D400/315 which ensure the
etansarea intre tubul telescop si coloana D400, sau ntre seal between the D315 telescope pipe and D400 riser, or
tubul telescop D315 i gura de scurgere, atunci cand nu between the D315 telescope and the gully, when there is
este necesar montajul coloanei de nlare D400. no need to use the D400 riser.
Garnitura se instaleaz n partea superioar a coloanei The gasked must be installed on the upper part of the
de PVC D400 sau la partea superioar a gurii de scurgere. PVC extension shaft D400 or on the upper part of the
rainwater gully. 170
since 1896

Grtar font cu tub telescop D250 - cu manet D315/250

Cast iron gratting with telescope pipe D250 - with telescopic collar D315/250

Cod articol Clasa D1 D2 H

[mm] [mm] [mm]
SPVGB125250 B125 325x325 253 600
SPVGD400250 D400 325x325 253 600

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru preluarea apei pluviale. Used for rainwater.
Se livreaz ca ansamblu alctuit din ram + gratar It is delivered as an assembly of frame + gratting +
font + telescop D250 cu manet D315/250 ce asigur telescope D315 with collar D315/250 which ensure the
etansarea ntre tubul telescop D250 i coloana de seal between the D250 telescope pipe and D315 riser
extensie D315. pipe.
Coloana D315 se poate instala la gura de scurgere numai The D315 riser pipe it can be installed on the rainwater
mpreun cu maneta D400/315 care se monteaz n gully only using the lip collar D400/315, which has to be
partea superioar a gurii de scurgere. installed on the upper part of the gully. 171
since 1896 172
since 1896

3.3 G
 uri de scurgere
pentru parcri
Rainwater gullies
for parking areas 173
since 1896

Informatii generale pentru proiectare General information for designing

Teraplast v ofer o gam profesional de receptori de Teraplast offer a range of professional drains, with big
dimensiuni mari pentru zone de parcare sau terase, produse dimensions, for parking areas or terraces, manufactured by
de compania HL Hutterer & Lechner Gmbh, companie cu HL Hutterer & Lechner Gmbh, a company with a tradition of
o tradiie de peste 60 de ani n domeniul dezvoltrii de over 60 years in the development of innovative products for
produse inovative pentru aplicaii din domeniul drenajului applications in the drainage of surfaces (floor siphons, roof
suprafetelor (sifoane de pardoseala, receptori pentru and terrace-drains, aerators, etc.).
acoperiuri i terase, aeratoare, etc.).
If you are designing open spaces with large areas such as
n cazul proiectarii spaiilor deschise cu suprafee mari cum parking lots or large terraces, rainwater drainage solution
sunt parcrile sau terasele mari, soluia pentru drenajul has become increasingly important due to the increasing
apei de ploaie a devenit din ce in ce mai important datorit intensity of rains lately.
creterii intensitii ploilor din ultima perioad.
Thus, HL has developed a new series of drains for these
Astfel, HL a dezvoltat o nou serie de receptori pentru astfel applications, called "PERFEKT" Series.
de aplicaii, denumit Seria "PERFEKT".
Dimensionarea i alegerea corect a receptorilor este
Sizing and choosing the correct drain is influenced by
influenat de mai muli factori cum sunt: mrimea
many factors such as size of the area to be drained, the
suprafeei ce trebuie drenat, structura straturilor n
structure of layers in the respective application, the types
aplicaia respectiv, tipurile de hidroizolaii folosite (dac
of waterproofing used (if applicable). Depending on these
este cazul). n funcie de aceti parametrii sunt necesare
parameters are required different combinations of receptors
diferite combinaii variate de receptori i accesorii.
and various accessories.
nainte de a proiecta i dimensiona sistemul de evacuare al
Before you design and size the exhaust system of rainwater
apelor pluviale trebuie s se in cont de urmtoarele:
has to take into account the following:

1. Calculul numrului necesar de receptori

1. Calculation for the necessary number of receptors
n prima faz se determin cantitatea de ap de ploaie.
At first you have to calculate the amount of rainwater.
Conform EN12056 valoarea minim a factorului de
According to EN12056 the minimum factor intensity of rain is
intensitate a ploii este de 300 l/(sec x ha), ceea ce este
300 l/(sec x ha), which is equivalent to an intense rain event
echivalentul unui eveniment cu o ploaie intens o dat la
every five years for a period of 5 minutes. If this value is
5 ani pe o durat de 5 minute. Dac aceast valoare este
higher in the area where construction is going to be executed
mai mare decat valoarea minima de 300 l/(sec x ha) n zona
than the minimum of 300 l/(sec x ha) you have to choose his
unde urmeaz s se execute construcia se va alege factorul
value as the factor resulting from the diagram.
rezultat din diagram.
The amount of rain water = 300 l/(sec x ha) x surface drained
Cantitatea de ap de ploaie = 300 l/(sec x ha) x Suprafaa de
= 0.030 l/(sec x mp) x-drained surface (sqm)
drenat = 0.030 l/(sec x mp) x Suprafaa de drenat (mp)
Number of drains = rainwater amount (l/sec)
Numrul de receptori = Cantitatea de ap de ploaie (l/sec)
/ Drain flow (l/s)
/ Capacitatea receptorului ales (l/s)

2. The waterproofing
2. Hidroizolaia
For the right choice of drain model previously you need to
Pentru alegerea corect a modelului de receptor, trebuie
have information of the type of the waterproofing intended
ca n prealabil s avei informaii cu privire la tipul de
to be used.
hidroizolaie ce urmeaz s se utilizeze.
Empirical methods of rainwater drainage from the terraces
Modalitile empirice de evacuare a apelor de pe terase sunt
are responsible in most cases for problems damages
responsabile n cele mai multe dintre cazuri de problemele
arising as a result of water infiltration into the building
i stricciunile ce apar ca urmare a infiltrrii apei n structura
structure. Extremely high attention should be given since
cldirii. Trebuie acordat o atenie extrem de ridicat nc
the design phase to ensure a 100% safe connection between
din faza de proiectare pentru asigurarea unei conexiuni
waterproofing that will be used in your application and the
100% sigure ntre hidroizolaia ce urmeaz s se utilizeze n
drain you choose.
aplicaia dumneavoastr i receptorul ales.
It is preferable to use a drain with bitumen collar welded in
Este de preferat alegerea receptorilor cu guler din bitum
the factory when on the floor or terrace is going to be used
prefabricat atunci cnd pardoseala (terasa) urmeaz s fie
bitumen waterproofing.
hidroizolat cu bitum. 174
since 1896

Pentru toate celelalte tipuri de hidroizolaii se va alege kitul For all other types of waterproofing, you have to choose
de hidroizolare corespunzator, compatibil cu membrana de the proper sealing kit compatible with the waterproofing
hidroizolare ce se va utiliza n antier, astfel: membrane that will be used on the site, as follows:
a) Benzi bitum si KMB precum si mase KMB: Receptori cu a) 
Bitumen waterproofings, liquid bitumen sheetings or
guler din bitum sudat din fabrica de corpul receptorului; compounds e.g. KMB: Drains with bitumen collar welded
on the body in the factory;
b) Benzi polimerice de hidroizolatie, de ex. din PVC: Receptori
cu flansa + kitul hidroizolare HL86.0; b) Polymer waterproofing tapes, eg PVC: Flanged drains +
sealing kit HL86.0;
Componenti de hidroizolare pensulabili: Receptori cu
flansa + kitul hidroizolare HL86.M. c) Liquid components: Flanged drains + sealing kit HL86.M.

3. Structura parcarii/terasei 3. Parking/ terrace structure

In functie de structura constructiv a aplicaiei respective Depending on the constructive structure of those
este posibil s existe mai multe straturi ce trebuie drenate applications there may be several layers to be drained (eg.
(de exemplu, structuri inversate, terase verzi, etc.). Pentru a inverted structures, green terraces, etc.). To determine the
determina care este cea mai bun combinaie de elemente best combination of elements that make up the whole
ce alctuiesc ansamblul receptorului (elementele de functional drain (extension elements, drainage rings,
extensie, inelele de drenaj, degivrare, etc.) este necesar un heating, etc.) it is necessary to present a detailed plan with
plan detaliat care s prezinte straturile succesive proiectate. successive layers.

4. Clase de sarcina 4. Loading classes

La alegerea receptorului trebuie inut cont s utilizai When choosing the drain you must consider to use the
receptorul corespunzator clasei de sarcin. Receptorii notrii proper drain according load class in the specific place. Our
din gama "Perfekt" acoper urmtoarele clase de sarcin : Perfekt range covers the following classes:
A15 (1,5 t/osie) si B125 (12,5 t/osie) n funcie de materialul A15 (1.5 t/axle) and B125 (12,5t/axle) depending on the
utilizat pentru ram i grtar. La instalare v rugm s v material used for the frame and cover. When install please
asigurai c rama receptorului s fie bine aezat pe fundaie make sure the receiver frame to be well placed on the
astfel nct forele s fie uniform distribuite. foundation so that the forces to be evenly distributed.

5. Obturarea mirosului 5. Stench trap

n general apa de ploaie ar trebui deversat la un sistem de In general rain water should be discharged to a rainwater
canalizare pluvial sau infiltrat (conf. DIN 1986-100). Dac nu este system or infiltrated (according to DIN 1986-100). If it is not
posibil, pentru a preveni emanarea mirosurilor din canalizarea possible to prevent odors emanating from sewage through
menajer prin receptori, se folosesc obturatoare de miros. the drains, use stench traps. For the drains installed inside
Pentru receptorii din interiorul cldirii, HL pune la dispoziie the building HL offers standard smell guard (water-guard
obturatoare de miros standard (cu gard de ap). Pentru exterior, 5cm). For the drains installed outside the building we
recomandm folosirea obturatoarelor tip clapet anti-nghe. recommend to use anti-freeze stench traps flap type.

6. Ajustarea nivelului gratarului la nivelul carosabilului 6. Adjust the grate to the road level
Una dintre cele mai frecvente probleme, n multe aplicaii, One of the most common problems in many applications
n cazul receptorilor este accea c nu este cunoscut i fixat where the receptor are used is that the final level of the
nivelul cotei finale. Deci este aproape imposibil de fixat road is not well known and fixed. So it is almost impossible
de la nceput nivelul grtarului receptorului la nivelul final to fix from the beginning the level of the drain grate on the
al carosabilului. Din acest motiv, recomandm utilizarea same level with the finished construction. For this reason
receptorilor din 2 prti. Prima dat se conecteaza corpul we recommend our drains in 2 parts. First connect the drain
receptorului la conducta de canalizare. Cnd cota final (prin body to the sewer systems. When the final level (by asphalt,
turnarea asfaltului, betonului, pavajului) este cunoscut, concrete, pavement) is known, uplifting grate element can
elementul nltor cu grtar poate fi ajustat la nlimea be adjusted to the required height and then fixed to the body
necesar i apoi fixat pe corpul receptorului. Astfel, este receiver. In this way is simplified also the construction of
simplificat i realizarea unor eventuale pante ctre receptor. slopes to the drain. 175
since 1896

Descrierea gamei seria "PERFEKT" Description Series "PERFEKT"

Avantaje: Advantages:
Receptori cu capaciti relativi mari de scurgere (intre Drains with relatively large drainage capacity (between
2,1l/sec pana la 4,3l/sec), fapt ce permite utilizarea 2.1l/sec up to 4.3 l/sec), which allows use of less drains
unui numar mai mic de receptori pentru drenarea for large areas of parking or terrace and implicitly
unor suprafee mari de parcare sau terasa i implicit reducing costs.
reducerea costurilor. Drains suitable for applications like parking lots. In the
Receptori ce se preteaz pentru aplicaii de tipul range there are drains with load class A15 and B125.
parcrilor, n gam existnd receptori cu rezistena la With the possibility of installation in asphalt (class B125
sarcin clasa A15 sau B125. receptors).
Cu posibilitatea de montaj i pentru asfalt (receptorii din With possibility of subsequent adjustment of grate
clasa B125). height to the final level of the surface.
Cu posibillitate de ajustare ulterioara a nlimii The range include flanged drains (for polymers
grtarului la cota final a suprafeei amenajate. waterproofing or other types of materials) or with
Gama cuprinde receptorii cu flan (pentru hidroizolaii bitumen collar factory welded for use in case of
din polimeri sau alte tipuri) sau cu guler din bitum sudat waterproofing membranes based on bitumen.
n fabric, pentru utilizarea n cazul membranelor de The drains are standard equipped with sand and leaves
hidroizolare pe baz de bitum. basket and odor trap silt to choose: either hydraulic
Receptorii sunt prevzui standard cu co pentru (water guard) or mechanical (type anti-freeze flap).
aluviuni i cu obturator de miros, la alegere: fie hidraulic The range includes both type of drains: with horizontal
(cu gard de ap) fie mecanic (cu clapet tip anti-nghe). outlet (D110mm) and vertical outlet in size D110 or
Gama cuprinde receptori att cu ieire orizontal D160mm.
(D110mm) ct i cu ieire vertical n gama dimensional This series also offer the possibility to purchase separate
D110 i D160mm. parts of the complete drain and is completed with
Aceasta serie ofer totodat posibilitatea de a a number of accessories (drainage rings, extension
achiziiona separat pri componente ale receptorilor elements, leaf catchers, waterproofing sets to fix
i este completat cu un numr mare de accesorii (inele different types of waterproofing, heating sets, elevation
de drenaj, elemente de extensie, parafrunzare, kituri elements with different types of grates, etc.), accessories
pentru fixarea hidroizolaiilor, kit de degivrare, elemente that ensure to obtain a complex drain for terraces or
de inaltare cu diferite tipuri de gratare, etc.), accesorii ce other applications.
asigur realizarea de receptori compleci pentru terase Basically, the "PERFEKT" series from HL provide you
sau alte tipuri de aplicaii. solutions for almost any type of parking, terrace or other
Practic, seria "PERFEKT" de la HL v asigur soluii pentru applications.
aproape orice tip de parcare, terasa sau alte tipuri de
aplicaii. 176
since 1896

Gur de scurgere PP monobloc (receptor parcare) cu ieire lateral D110 - clasa A15 (1,5 tone/osie)
PP Monobloc rainwater gully (parking drain) with lateral outlet D110 - class A15 (1,5 tons)
Otel inox Cod articol Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Rama PP Material Dimens.
l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
Plastic SIFHL605 4.2 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL605L 4.2 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL605S 4.2 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
SIFHL605W 2.5 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL605LW 2.5 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
HL0606.2E SIFHL605SW 2.5 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
Not Note
Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E
Pentru exterior se recomand varianta cu obturator de For external use are recomanded the drains with frost
miros mecanic tip clapet pentru ca garda de ap s nu proof flap stench trap in order to avoid the frozen of the
nghee. water trap.
Pentru interior se recomand varianta cu obturator cu For internal use are recommended the drains with water
gard de ap. trap stench trap.

Gur de scurgere PP monobloc (receptor parcare) cu ieire lateral D110 - clasa B125 (12,5 tone/osie)
PP Monobloc rainwater gully (parking drain) with lateral outlet D110 - class B125 (12,5 tons)

Cod articol Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Ram PP Material Dimens.

l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
SIFHL605.1 4.2 clapet exterior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL605.1W 2.5 gard ap interior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
Not Note
Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Pentru exterior se recomand varianta cu obturator de For external use are recomanded the drains with frost
miros mecanic tip clapet pentru ca garda de ap s nu proof flap stench trap in order to avoid the frozen of the
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E
nghee. water trap.
Pentru interior se recomand varianta cu obturator cu For internal use are recommended the drains with water
gard de ap. trap stench trap.


Gur de scurgere PP monobloc (receptor parcare) cu ieire vertical D110, D160 - clasa A15 (1,5 tone/osie)
PP Monobloc rainwater gully (parking drain) with vertical outlet D110, D160- class A15 (1,5 tons)
Otel inox Cod articol D Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Ram PP Material Dimens.
[mm] l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
HL0605.1E SIFHL606/1 110 4.3 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL606/5 160 4.3 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
HL0606.1E SIFHL606L/1 110 4.3 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL606L/5 160 4.3 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL606S/1 110 4.3 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
SIFHL606S/5 160 4.3 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
SIFHL606W/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL606W/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E SIFHL606LW/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL606LW/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL606SW/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
SIFHL606SW/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
Not Note
Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Pentru exterior se recomand varianta cu obturator de For external use are recomanded the drains with frost
miros mecanic tip clapet pentru ca garda de ap s nu proof flap stench trap in order to avoid the frozen of the
nghee. water trap.
Pentru interior se recomand varianta cu obturator cu For internal use are recommended the drains with water
gard de ap. trap stench trap.

Gur de scurgere PP monobloc (receptor parcare) cu ieire vertical D110, D160 - clasa B125 (12,5 tone/osie)
PP Monobloc rainwater gully (parking drain) with lateral outlet D110, D160 - class B125 (12,5 tons)

Cod articol D Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Ram PP Material Dimens.

[mm] l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
SIFHL606.1/1 110 4.3 clapet exterior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL606.1/5 160 4.3 clapet exterior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
HL0606.2E SIFHL606.1W/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 261 x 260 Font 227 x 226
SIFHL606.1W/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 262 x 260 Font 228 x 226
Not Note
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Pentru exterior se recomand varianta cu obturator de For external use are recomanded the drains with frost
miros mecanic tip clapet pentru ca garda de ap s nu proof flap stench trap in order to avoid the frozen of the
nghee. water trap.
Pentru interior se recomand varianta cu obturator cu For internal use are recommended the drains with water
gard de ap. trap stench trap.
HL606.1K 177
since 1896

Gur de scurgere PP (receptor parcare) cu flan, ieire lateral D110 - clasa A15 (1,5 tone/osie)
PP rainwater drain (parking drain) with flange and lateral outlet D110 - class A15 (1,5 tons)
HL0605.3E Debit Obturare Rama PP Material Dimens.
Otel inox Cod articol l/sec miros Aplicabilitate mm x mm grtar grtar
HL0605.1E SIFHL615 4.2 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL615L 4.2 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
HL0606.1E SIFHL615S 4.2 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
SIFHL615W 2.5 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL615LW 2.5 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL615SW 2.5 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
Not Note
Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Vezi notele de la receptorii de mai sus cu privire la See notes above regarding the installing recomandation
HL608 recomandarea de montaj n interior sau exterior. (in exterior or interior of the building).
Se recomand alegerea acestor receptori n cazul n care We recommend to use this models in case that the
cota final nu este bine definit sau cnd se folosesc finnishe level is not exactlly set or will be used water
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E membrane de hidroizolatie. sealing membranes.
Pentru fixarea hidroizolatiilor se va comanda separat kitul To fix the water sealing membrane has to be ordered
de hidroizolare corespunztor hidroizolatiei utilizate (vezi separate the corresponding kit for hidroisolation (see
mai jos). below).
Important Important
HL615K Le cerere se pot livra astfel de receptori cu guler de On request we can deliver such drains with bitumen
bitum sudat din fabric pentru o etanare perfect la collar welded on the factory for a perfect connection to
hidroizolaii din bitum. bitumen membranes.

Gur de scurgere PP (receptor parcare) cu flan, ieire lateral D110 - clasa B125 (12,5 tone/osie)
PP rainwater drain (parking drain) with flange and lateral outlet D110 - class B125 (12,5 tons)

Cod articol Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Rama PP Material Dimens.

l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
HL0606.1E SIFHL615.1 4.2 clapet exterior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL615.1W 2.5 gard ap interior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
Not Note
Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Vezi notele de la receptorii de mai sus cu privire la See notes above regarding the installing recomandation
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E recomandarea de montaj n interior sau exterior. (in exterior or interior of the building).
Se recomand alegerea acestor receptori n cazul n care We recommend to use this models in case that the
cota final nu este bine definit sau cnd se folosesc finnishe level is not exactlly set or will be used water
membrane de hidroizolatie. sealing membranes.
Pentru fixarea hidroizolatiilor se va comanda separat kitul To fix the water sealing membrane has to be ordered
HL608.1 de hidroizolare corespunztor hidroizolatiei utilizate (vezi separate the corresponding kit for hidroisolation (see
mai jos). below).
Important Important
Le cerere se pot livra astfel de receptori cu guler de On request we can deliver such drains with bitumen
bitum sudat din fabric pentru o etanare perfect la collar welded on the factory for a perfect connection to
hidroizolaii din bitum. bitumen membranes.

Gur de scurgere PP (receptor parcare) cu flan, ieire vertical D110, D160 - clasa A15 (1,5 tone/osie)
PP rainwater drain (parking drain) with flange and vertical outlet D110, D160 - class A15 (1,5 tons)
Otel inox
Cod articol D Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Ram PP Material Dimens.
[mm] l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
Plastic SIFHL616/1 110 5.5 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL616/5 160 4.8 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL616L/1 110 5.5 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL616L/5 160 4.8 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
HL0606.2E SIFHL616S/1 110 5.5 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
240 x240
SIFHL616S/5 160 4.8 clapet exterior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
SIFHL616W/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
45- 120

SIFHL616W/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Font 226 x 226
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E SIFHL616LW/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL616LW/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Plastic 226 x 226
SIFHL616SW/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226
260 (265)

SIFHL616SW/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 244 x 244 Oel inox 226 x 226

Not Note
188 Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Vezi notele de la receptorii de mai sus cu privire la See notes above regarding the installing recomandation
recomandarea de montaj n interior sau exterior. (in exterior or interior of the building).
Se recomand alegerea acestor receptori n cazul n care We recommend to use this models in case that the
cota final nu este bine definit sau cnd se folosesc finnishe level is not exactlly set or will be used water
membrane de hidroizolatie. Pentru fixarea hidroizolatiilor sealing membranes. To fix the water sealing membrane
se va comanda separat kitul de hidroizolare corespunztor has to be ordered separate the corresponding kit for
hidroizolatiei utilizate (vezi mai jos). hidroisolation (see below).
Important Important
Le cerere se pot livra astfel de receptori cu guler de On request we can deliver such drains with bitumen
bitum sudat din fabric pentru o etanare perfect la collar welded on the factory for a perfect connection to
hidroizolaii din bitum. bitumen membranes. 178
since 1896

Gur de scurgere PP (receptor parcare) cu flan, ieire vertical D110, D160 - clasa B125 (12,5 tone/osie)
PP rainwater drain (parking drain) with flange and vertical outlet D110, D160 - class B125 (12,5 tons)

Cod articol D Debit Obturare Aplicabilitate Ram PP Material Dimens.

[mm] l/sec miros mm x mm grtar grtar
HL0606.1E SIFHL616.1/1 110 5.5 clapet exterior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL616.1/5 160 4.8 clapet exterior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
HL0606.2E SIFHL616.1W/1 110 2.1 gard ap interior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226
SIFHL616.1W/5 160 2.1 gard ap interior 260 x 260 Font 226 x 226

Not Note
260 x260 HL608.1 Prevzut cu co pentru frunze i nisip. Equiped with leaf catcher.
Vezi notele de la receptorii de mai sus cu privire la See notes above regarding the installing recomandation
55- 130

recomandarea de montaj n interior sau exterior. (in exterior or interior of the building).
HL0606.3E HL0605.2E
Se recomand alegerea acestor receptori n cazul n care We recommend to use this models in case that the
cota final nu este bine definit sau cnd se folosesc finnishe level is not exactlly set or will be used water
membrane de hidroizolatie. sealing membranes.
260 (265)
62 (72)

Pentru fixarea hidroizolatiilor se va comanda separat kitul To fix the water sealing membrane has to be ordered
de hidroizolare corespunztor hidroizolatiei utilizate (vezi separate the corresponding kit for hidroisolation (see
DN110 (DN160)
mai jos). below).
Important Important
Le cerere se pot livra astfel de receptori cu guler de On request we can deliver such drains with bitumen
bitum sudat din fabric pentru o etanare perfect la collar welded on the factory for a perfect connection to
hidroizolaii din bitum. bitumen membranes.

Kit complet pentru hidroizolare

Complete kit for water sealing

Cod articol Material Dimens. Dimens. Tipul foliei Hidroizolaia

flan flan folie (mm) corespondent
SIFHL86.0 inox 278x198 fr fr benzi din polimeri
SIFHL86.M inox 278x198 500x500 paste din 2 comp. epoxidice
SIFHL86 inox 278x199 500x500 EPDM membrane EPDM, acoperiri cu bitum

Not Note
Se folosesc n cazul n care se utilizeaz membrane de Are used when sealing membranes are designed to be
hidroizolaie ce trebuie fixate pe flana receptorului. used and fixed on the drain flange or extension.
Kiturile conin i uruburile de fixare pe flana Package contains the screw to fix the stainless steel
receptorului sau a elementului de extensie. flange on the flange of the drain or extension.

Elemente de extensie pentru guri de scurgere (Receptori parcare)

Extension elements for rainwater drains (parking drains)
Cod articol [mm] nlime Material Tipul flanei/ Hidroizolaia
util gulerului corespondent
SIFHL620 195 100 PP fr numai pentru extensie
SIFHL618 195 95 PP flan PP alege kitul corespondent
SIFHL618H 195 95 PP+Bitum guler bitum sudur cu membrane bituminoase

Not Note
Se utilizeaz numai la receptorii cu flan n diferite Used only at rainwater drains with flange in different
situaii n funcie de aplicaie (numrul i tipurile de aplications (according number and types of layers
straturi ce se instaleaz peste placa de beton). instaled over the concrete base).
Exemplu: Exemples:
HL620 - p  entru prelungirea elementului de nlare HL620 - to extend the length of the cast iron gratting
cu grtar. cover.
HL618 - pentru conectarea unei membrane sulimentare HL618 - to connect a sealing membrane installed
de hidroizolatie la un nivel superior fa de upper than the concrete base.
nivelul plcii de beton. HL618H - to connect a bitumen sealing membrane
HL618H - pentru conectare la o membran din bitum installed upper than the concrete base.
instalate la un nivel superior fa de nivelul
plcii de beton. 179
since 1896

Inel de drenaj pentru guri de scurgere (receptori parcare)

Drainage ring for rainwater drains (parking drains)

Cod articol D Material


SIFHL190 195 PP

Not Note
Se utilizeaz pentru preluarea apei de pe membrane de Used to collect the water from sealing membranes from
hidroizolaii n layerele inferioare din structura parcrii. the internal layers of the parking construction structure.
Se monteaz peste flana receptorului sau peste flana Installation above the flange of the rainwater drain or
elementului de extensie. above the flange of extension element with flange.

Set de degivrare pentru guri de scurgere (receptori parcare)

Heating set for rainwater drains (parking drains)

Cod articol

Not Note
Banda de nclzire auto-reglabil prin intermediul unui Self regulating heating tape 36W/m, 230V. Including
cablu de nclzire 36W/m, 230V, cu 3 poli de cablu cu o a 3-pole kable (length 1,5m), self-adhesive thermal
lungime de legtur la curent. Include banda adeziv i conducting tape and insulating tape.
banda de izolare. Overheating is, due to self-regulating construction,
Datorit construciei cu auto-reglare, supranclzirea nu impossible.
este posibil. Important
Important On request we can deliver also just sparing parts of the
La cerere se pot livra i pri componente ale receptorilor rainwater drains presented above. Please contact us in
de parcare enumerai mai sus. V rugm contactai-ne order to offer you the optimal solution for your aplication.
pentru a v consilia n alegerea soluiei optime n funcie
de aplicaia pe care o avei de realizat. 180
since 1896

CAP. 4 M

4.1 Sisteme de infiltrare n sol + ECO Bloc Inspect Flex

Infiltration into the soil system + Eco Bloc Inspect Flex
4.2 Tunel de infiltrare
Infiltration Tunnel
4.3 Sisteme de stocare
Storage Systems
since 1896 182
since 1896

4.1 S
 isteme de infiltrare n sol
+ ECO Bloc Inspect Flex
Infiltration into the soil
system + Eco Bloc
Inspect Flex 183
since 1896

Cuvnt nainte Foreword

Argumente pentru implementarea unui Arguments for implementing
sistem de management al apelor pluviale a stormwater management system
Peste jumtate din populaia lumii triete n centre urbane More than half the world's population lives in congested
aglomerate. n cele mai multe zone construite apa de urban centers. In most build areas rainwater rarely reaches
ploaie nu mai ajunge dect foarte rar pe cale natural n naturally in the water cycle. Most of the water is transported
circuitul apei. Cea mai mare parte a apei este transportat through sewers systems to the sewage treatment plants. This
prin canalizri n staiile de epurare. Aceast fapt reduce reduces blade regeneration of groundwater and drinking
regenerarea pnzei de ape freatice i a resurselor de ap water resources and also influence regional climate.
potabil influennd totodat i clima regional.
Directive on water of the European Parliament (2000/60 / EC
Directiva referitoare la ap a Parlamentului European of 12.12.2006) entered into force in early 2007.
(2000/60/ EG din 12.12.2006) a intrat n vigoare la nceputul
"Rainwater has to be collected and infiltrated local .... as
anului 2007.
long as this is not contrary to law".
Apa de ploaie trebuie colectat i infiltrat local.... att timp
Sewage system should be used for rainwater runoff only
ct acest fapt nu este contrar legislaiei.
when very contaminated or infiltration is not possible due
Reeaua de canalizare ar trebui utilizat pentru scurgerea technical problems.
apei de ploaie doar atunci cnd este foarte impurificat sau
For choosing a system of local infiltration of the rainwater no
nu este posibil infiltrarea din punct de vedere tehnic.
reason and arguments related only environmental but also
Pentru alegerea unui sistem de infiltrare local a apei economic reasons.
de ploaie nu exista numai motive si argumente ce tin de
Removing rainwater through sewer pipes requires
protecia mediului ci i motive economice.
considerable investment and operating expenses, both to
nlturarea apei de ploaie prin conducte de canalizare arrange large pipeline network to retrieve large amounts of
necesit investiii i cheltuieli de exploatare considerabile, water due to the relatively rare occurrence of events of high
pentru a amenaja reeaua de conducte de dimensiuni mari rainfall. In addition to the pipeline network investments are
n vederea prelurii unor cantiti mari de ap, ca urmare a needed in treatment plants and additional constructions for
apariiei unor evenimente relativ rare de ploi abundende. retention basins for rainwater and overflows. It also reduces
Pe lng reeaua de conducte sunt necesare investiii i the risk of hydraulic loading of sewerage network for mixed
n staiile de epurare n vederea construirii de bazine de sewers and such systems are indicated to prevent flooding.
retenie i preplinuri pentru apa de ploaie. Deasemenea se
reduce considerabil riscul ncrcrii hidraulice a retelei de
canalizare n cazul canalizrilor mixte iar astfel de sisteme These systems replace traditional drainage pipe with
sunt indicate n vederea prevenirii inundaiilor. gravel pack. The using of the compact module reduces
embankments related works to a minimum.
Aceste sisteme nlocuiesc tradiionala eav de drenaj
mpreun cu pachetul de pietri. Utilizarea modulului The systems build with respective blocks or tunnels
compact reduce lucrrile aferente de terasamente la accumulate rainwater from the surfaces of roofs and
minim. courtyards and then either infiltrate it into the ground
or retain and then discharged into the existing sewer
Sistemele alctuite cu blocurile sau tunelele respective
acumuleaz apa de ploaie de pe suprafeele acoperiurilor
i ale curilor i apoi fie o infiltreaz in sol fie o rein si Using these systems is particularly appropriate in areas
apoi o evacueaz in reelele de canalizare existente. where are new construction, with big sealed surfaces
where there is unavailable a sewage network that can
Utilizarea acestor sisteme este foarte indicat in zonele
take large volumes of water collected from large areas of
unde apar construcii noi, cu suprafae mari i unde nu
new investments or in areas with high risk of flooding.
este disponibil o reea de canalizare care sa poat prelua
volumele mari de ap colectate de pe suprafeele mari ale
noilor investiii sau n zone cu risc ridicat de inundaii. 184
since 1896

Date pentru dimensionarea i proiectarea Data for sizing and design a system
unui sistem de infiltrare n sol of infiltration into the soil
n vederea dimensionrii unui astfel de sistem sunt necesare To dimension such system certain information are required:
anumite informaii:
Surface that will collect rainwater
Suprafaa de pe care se va colecta apa de ploaie Identification and calculation of roof areas , roads and
Identificarea si determinarea suprafeelor parking lots or other sealed surfaces;
acoperiurilor, a drumurilor i parcrilor sau a altor Information regarding the ground soil
suprafee inchise; Determining soil permeability coefficient (k, in m / sec)
Informatii cu privire la sol and the level of ground water level;
Determinarea coeficientului de permeabilitate a solului The amount of rainfall intensity in specific region
(kf, in m/sec) si a nivelului panzei de ap freatic; The most of the calculations are based on the values
Valoarea intensitii ploii in regiunea respectiv chosen for an event that occurs every 5 years;
Marea majoritate a calculelor se fac pe baza acestei valori The level of harmful substances in rainwater
alese pentru un eveniment ce apare o dat la 5 ani; For example in the case of large surface parking, the
Nivelul de ncrcarea al apei de ploaie cu substane rainwater has a higher concentration of hydrocarbons
nocive and oils.
De exemplu n cazul unor suprafee mari de parcare apa
pluvial are o concentraie mai mare de hidrocarburi si

Suprafaa de pe care se va colecta apa de ploaie Surface that will collect rainwater
Apa de ploaie este colectat prin guri de scurgere, burlane, Rainwater is collected through drains, downspouts, roof-
etc. i transportat la distan prin conducte de pe gutters, etc. and transported away through pipes from
suprafeele de acoperi, zone de parcare, zone pavate i alte roof surfaces, parking areas, paved areas and other sealed
suprafee nchise. Evaporarea i infiltrarea parial direct surfaces. Evaporation and the partially direct infiltration
prin suprafeele de colectare duce la o reducere a cantitii through the collection surfaces result in a reduction of the
de ap ce ajunge n sistemul de infiltrare/dispersie. Acest amount of water that ends up in the infiltration system. This
lucru conduce la coeficieni diferii de scurgere n funcie leads to different outflow coefficients for the connected
de tipurile de suprafee (a se vedea tabelul de mai jos). surface types (see table below). The projected surfaces are
Suprafeele proiectate sunt relevante pentru evaluarea relevant for the evaluation of the amount of rain water and
cantitii de ap de ploaie i se pot abate n mod substanial, may deviate substantially from the roof surface, particulary
n special de exemplu n cazul acoperiurilor nclinate. in case of sloping roofs.

Tipul suprafeei / Type of surface

Acoperi / Roof Dale beton / Concrete blocks Piatr / Natural stone Iarb / Turf
95% 90% 25% 10%

Asfalt i beton/ Pavaj cu rosturi nchise/ Pavaj cu rosturi deschise/ Alei cu pietri/
Asphalt and concrete Paving with sealed joints Paving with sealed joints Gravel path
90% 75% 75% 30% 185
since 1896

Informatii cu privire la sol Information regarding the ground soil

Nu toate solurile sunt potrivite pentru infiltrarea apei de ploaie, Not all soils are suitable for rainwater infiltration. Decisive is
decisiv fiind permeabilitatea la ap. Astfel, solurile cu un mare the water permeability. Such soils with a high percentage of
procent de argil sunt n mod normal nepotrivite datorit clay are normally unsuitable because of their stop process
efectului lor de stopare. De asemenea i solurile cu o foarte mare and also soils with a very high permeability such as gravel,
permeabilitate cum ar fi pietriul, sunt nepotrivite deoarece n because here the rainwater is not sufficient purified because
acest caz nu este fcut o purificare suficient a apei de ploaie of the relatively small transit time through the ground.
(din cauza duratei relativ mici de tranzitare prin sol).
The drainage capacity of a soil is expressed by kf, the
Capacitatea de drenare a unui sol se exprim prin permeability coefficient. It depends on the grain size,
coeficientul de permeabilitate kf. Depinde de mrimea composition of the granule and the volume of the pores of
granulei, componena granulei ct i de volumul porilor the material and indicates the speed at which water passes
materialului i indic viteza cu care apa trece prin material through the material according the pressure. For reliable
n funcie de presiune. Pentru o funcionare fiabil a unei operation of an infiltration system kf value should be located
instalaii de drenare valoarea kf ar trebui s fie situat ntre between 10-3 m/s and 10-5 m/s.
10-3 m/s i 10-5 m/s.
For smaller projects such as a house for a family or several
Pentru proiecte mai mici de tipul unei case pentru o familie families, a rapid testing ground, as described below, it is a
sau mai multe familii, o testare rapid a solului, aa cum este possibility to find adequate drainage capacity of the soil.
descris n continuare, este o posibilitate suficient de a afla
For larger projects we recommend the establishment of
capacitatea de drenare a solului.
a geological expert to have a sufficient safety design for
Pentru proiecte mai mari recomandm ntocmirea unei system installation work.
expertize geologice pentru a avea o siguran de proiectare
suficient la lucrarea de instalare a sistemului.

Tipul solului /Type of soil Permeabilitate/Permeability Valoarea kf (m/s) / kf Value (m/s)

Pietri fin / Grit foarte permeabil / very permeable 5 x 10-3
Pietri nisipos / Sandy gravel foarte permeabil / very permeable 1 x 10-3
Nisip dur / Rough sand foarte permeabil / very permeable 5 x 10-4
Nisip mediu / Medium sand permeabil / permeable 1 x 10-4
Nisip fin / Fine sand permeabil / permeable 5 x 10-5
Nisip prfos / Powdery sand permeabil / permeable 1 x 10-5
Praf nisipos / Sandy dust slab permeabil/ week permeability 5 x 10-6
Praf / Dust slab permeabil/ week permeability 1 x 10-6

Testarea rapid a solului Rapid testing of soil

Constructorul poate aprecia n mare msura cu urmtorul The contractor may appreciate with the next test if the soil is
test dac solul este potrivit pentru infiltrarea apei de ploaie: suitable for rainwater infiltration:
1. S
 ap o groap n dimensiunile 50 x 50 x 50 cm. Fundul ar 1. Dig a hole size of 50 x 50 x 50 cm. The bottom should be
trebui s fie drept. flat.
2. F undul se acoper cu un strat de pietri sau plit de 1 2. The bottom is covered with a layer of gravel or split of 1 to
pn la 2 cm i se fixeaz un metru pliant (de croitorie) pe 2 cm and fix a folding rule on a stick in the ground.
un b nfipt n pmnt.
3. Moisten the pit for 30 min. to moisten the earth.
3. G
 roapa se umezete cca. 30 min. pentru a umezi pmntul. Before starting the experiment actually water must be
naintea nceperii de fapt a experimentului apa trebuie completely emptied.
complet golit.
4. Fill the pit with 20 cm water, note the time and the water
4. G
 roapa se umple cu cca. 20 cm ap, se noteaz ora i level.
nivelul apei.
5. After 30 min. check the water level. If it fell more than 2 cm
5. D
 up 30 min. se verific nivelul apei. Dac acesta a sczut then recheck over 120 minutes.
mai puin de 2 cm atunci se verific din nou peste 120 min.
6. The experiment has to be repeated for a second time.
6. E
 xperimentul se repet a doua oar. La abateri de la First attempt to deviation from required a third way.
prima ncercare este necesar un al treilea parcurs. 186
since 1896

Analiz test de 30 min: 30 min test analysis :

2-4 cm adncime de drenare: permeabilitate slab a 2-4 cm deep drainage: low permeability soil (loam / clay);
solului (lut/argil); 4-8 cm deep drainage: average soil permeability (sand);
4-8 cm adncime de drenare: permeabilitate medie a >8cm deep drainage: very good permeability of the soil
solului (nisip); (stony).
> 8 cm adncime de drenare: permeabilitate foarte bun
a solului (pietri).

Analiz test de 120 min: 120 min test analysis:

<4 cm adncime de drenare: permeabilitate a solului <4 cm deep drainage: insufficient soil permeability;
insuficient; 4-12 cm deep drainage: low permeability soil;
4-12 cm adncime de drenare: permeabilitate slab a solului; >12 cm deep drainage: average soil permeability.
>12 cm adncime de drenare: permeabilitate medie a
ntre talpa de fundare a sistemului de infiltrare (nivelul inferior) i Between the sole foundation infiltration system (lower level)
nivelul cel mai ridicat al pnzei freatice trebuie avut in vedere o and the highest groundwater level should be considered a
distan minim de 1 m. Decisiv este valoarea medie a nivelului minimum distance of 1 m. The decisive factor is the average
apelor freatice din ultimii 10 ani. n cazul n care nu se poate groundwater level in 10 years. If you can not achieve this,
realiza acest lucru trebuie verificat ca straturile de acoperire de la should be checked as surface coatings to provide sufficient
suprafa s ofere o protecie suficient apei freatice. protection of groundwater.

Valoarea intensitii ploii in regiunea respectiv The amount of rainfall intensity in specific region
Cantitatea de ploaie i frecvena de ploaie se calculeaz The amount of rain and rain frequency is calculated
(obtine) din datele ce trebuie puse la dispoziie de institul (obtained) from data that has to be made available by
de meteorologie. De aici se obtin date cu privire la mrimea meteorological institutes. From here we obtain data
precipitaiilor abundente n funcie de nivelul duratei i regarding the amount of heavy precipitation depending
timpul de revenire. Se pot face interpolri i extrapolri n on the duration and recovery time. Interpolations and
domeniul nivelului duratelor D ntre 5 minute i 72 de ore ct extrapolations can be made in the duration D levels between
i n domeniul timpilor de revenire ntre T=0,5a (corespunde 5 minutes and 72 hours and recovery time in between T=0,5a
densitii de trecere peste nivel din media n=2 ori pe an) (corresponds crossing density over the level of the average
i T=100a (n medie la fiecare 100 de ani o dat atins sau n=2 times per year) and T=100a to (on average once every
depit conform n=0,01). 100 years reached or exceeded as n=0,01).

Nivelul de ncrcarea al apei de ploaie cu substane nocive The level of harmful substances in rainwater
Infiltrarea apei de ploaie nu este ntotdeauna posibil fr Rainwater infiltration is not always possible without prior
epurarea prealabil, deoarece prin erodarea anumitor treatment because it erodes certain surfaces and can occur
suprafee poate aprea o poluare cu substane toxice. with toxic pollution.
Se disting: It consists of:
1. scurgeri de ap de ploaie fr riscuri de pe: 1. leaked rainwater safely on:
suprafee verzi, cmpii, teren cultivabil; meadows, arable land;
suprafee de acoperi i terase n zone de locuit sau roof surfaces and terraces in residential areas or
zone comparabile, zon de producie meteugreasc comparable areas, handmade production area (without
(nclinaia acoperiului fr metale neacoperite cu metal roof pitch covered with coatings).
straturi de protecie).
This is not expected to groundwater pollution. Thus the
Aici nu se preconizeaz o poluare a apei freatice. Astfel este infiltration is permitted without pre-treatment drainage.
permis o drenare fr tratarea prealabil.
2. scurgeri de ap de ploaie tolerabile de pe: 2. leaked rainwater tolerable on:
suprafee de acoperi metalic (cupru, zinc, plumb etc.); roof surfaces covered with the usual components of
suprafee de acoperiuri n zone industriale i zon de metal (copper, zinc, lead);
producie meteugreasc cu poluare semnificativ a roof surfaces in industrial areas and craft production
aerului; areas with significant air pollution; 187
since 1896

drum pentru bicicliti i pietonal n zonele de locuit ct i road for cyclists and pedestrians in residential areas and
strzi cu o circulaie medie zilnic (DTV) pn la 15.000 KFZ. streets with an average daily traffic (DTV) up to 15,000 KFZ.
Aici apa de ploaie se poate drena doar dup prealabila In this case the rainwater can be infiltrated only after prior
tratare. treatment.
3. scurgeri de ap de ploaie netolerabile de pe: 3. leaked intolerabile rainwater from:
strzi i suprafeele curilor cu poluare semnificativ a courts streets and areas with significant air pollution;
aerului; special surfaces, eg. parks and parking areas for trucks,
suprafee speciale, de ex. parcuri i suprafee de parcare warehouses uncovered substances (biocompost, paper,
pt. camioane, depozite neacoperite de substane waste).
(biocompost, hrtie, deeuri). These waste water should be drained into the sewage
Aceste ape reziduale ar trebui s se scurg n reeaua de system. In individual cases it is possible to infiltrate after a
canalizare. n cazuri individuale este posibil o drenare dup preliminary treatment suitable.
o tratare preliminara potrivit.
In polluted soils is not permitted installation of infiltration
n solurile poluate nu este permis instalarea de instalaii de systems because there is danger for multiplication emanation
drenare deoarece exist pericolul emanrii unor substane of toxic chemicals in rainwater to reach groundwater.
toxice n apa de ploaie care s ajung nmulite n apa freatic.

Descrierea sistemului System description

Teraplast v pune la dispozitie 2 sisteme pentru infiltrarea Teraplast offers two systems for water infiltration into the
apei in sol: soil:
EcoBLoc Inspect Flex Inspect EcoBLoc Flex
Tunelul pentru infiltrare Tunnel for infiltration

EcoBloc Inspect Flex este un bloc funcional de infiltrare EcoBloc Inspect Flex is a functional infiltration block used
cu ajutorul cruia se construiesc instalaii de infiltrare sau to build infiltration or retention systems for all possible
sisteme de retenie de toate dimensiunile posibile. n funcie sizes. Depending on the system construction design EcoBloc
de sistemul de construcie EcoBloc Inspect Flex preia cele Inspect Flex system takes various tasks outside the assembly
mai diferite sarcini din afara ansamblului construit. building.

EcoBloc Inspect Flex Plac de baz EcoBloc Inspect Flex

EcoBloc Inspect Flex Baseplate

Se poate inspecta si este uor de curat. It can be inspected and is easy to clean.
Sistemul este completat cu diferite accesorii (piesa de The system is completed by various accessories (deaeration
ventilatie, clipsuri pentru conectarea blocurilor intre ele, ends, connector clips-to connect the blocks together,
adaptoare pentru racorduri) dar si un sistem de camine de adapters for inflows) but also with a system inspection and
inspecie i acces in interiorul sistemului ce conine inclusiv access chambers and cover elements.
elementele de acoperire. 188
since 1896

Tunelul pentru infiltrare este constituit dintr-un bloc semi- The Infiltration Tunnel is set as a semicircular block that
circular ce se poate utiliza individual sau in combinatie de 2 can be used individually or in combination of two elements,
elemente, formand Tunelul de infiltrare Twin Tunnel. Cu forming infiltration tunnel - Twin Infiltration Tunnel. Using
ajutorul acestor elemente se pot realiza configuraii diferite this elements in different configurations can be achieved from a
pornind de la o singula linie de drenaj pn la baterii de drenaj. sing infiltration row to a combined drainage-infiltration battery.

Tunel de infiltrare Tunel de infiltrare Twin

Infiltration Tunnel Twin Infiltration Tunnel

i acest sistem este completat cu diferite accesorii (piesa de Also this system is completed by various accessories
ventilatie, clipsuri pentru conectarea elementelor intre ele, (deaeration ends, connector clips, adapters) but also with a
adaptoare pentru racorduri) dar si un sistem de camine de system inspection and access chambers and cover elements.
inspecie i acces in interiorul sistemului ce conine inclusiv
elementele de acoperire. 189
since 1896

EcoBloc Inspect Flex

Flexibilitate Rezisten la sarcini E600 Cu adncimea de ngropare de

pn la 5m
Fiecare Bloc (Modul) EcoBloc EcoBloc Inspect Flex suport sarcini
Inspect Flex are un volum de 205 de 60 tone cu un nivel de acoperire Chiar i n condiii de trafic greu,
litri (vezi date tehnice). Mrimea cu pmnt de 800mm. sistemul cu module EcoBloc Inspect
sistemului i rezistena la sarcina Flex poate fi instalat pn la 5m
pot fi ajustate individual pentru a adncime. Deci, se pot instala pn
Resistance to loads class E600
ndeplini cerinele n zone cu trafic la 14 rnduri.
sau fr trafic. Inspect EcoBloc Flex has a heavy-
duty lorry-bearing capacity of 60
Installation depth up to 5m
tons with an 800mm earth covering.
Even in heavy traffic conditions,
Each Inspect EcoBloc Flex module has system modules EcoBloc Inspect
a volume of 205 liters (see technical Flex can be installed up to 5m deep.
data). System size and load resistance So you can install up to 14 layers.
can be adjusted individually to meet
the requirements of traffic or no
traffic areas.

Racorduri pn la D500
Volumele mari de ap necesit
conducte cu diametre mari.
EcoBloc Inspect Flex: are conexiuni
pentru D110/160 i 200mm pe
toate laturile. Conexiuni mai mari,
pn la 400mm sunt disponibile n
conjuncie cu Vario 800 Flex, tip2.
Conexiuni pn la D500mm pot fi
realizate cu plci adaptoare.

Connections up to D500
Large volumes of water requires
big diameters pipes. EcoBloc
Inspect Flex has connections for
D110 / 160 and 200mm on all sides.
Connections larger, up to 400mm
are available in conjunction with the
800 Vario Flex Type 2. Connections
can be made to D500mm with
adapters plates.

Proiectat pentru zeci de ani de Cu utilizare universal Rata ridicat de percolare

Pentru infiltrarea apei de ploaie, Blocul este proiectat s aib o rat
Un produs proiectat durabil asigur detenie, pstrarea sau colectarea ridicat de percolare i fr bariere
sustenabilitatea sa. EcoBloc Inspect apei de ploaie. n vederea inspectrii sale.
flex este proiectat pentru o durat
de via de peste 50 de ani.
Universal use High percolation rate
For rainwater infiltartion, detention, The Bloc is designed to have a high
Designed for decades of use
retention or rainwater harvesting. rate of percolation and barrier-free
A durable product design ensures inspection.
sustainability. Eco Bloc Inspect flex is
designed for a service life of over 50
years. 190
since 1896

Simplu de instalat Easy to install

Blocurile EcoBloc Inspect Flex sunt EcoBloc Inspect flex modules are
simplu de transportat, manipulate easy to transport and install. The
i instalat. Structura modular ce modular system structure requires
alcatuiete sistemul necesit un just a few accessories.
numr redus de accesorii.

Uor de inspectat Easy to inspect

Canalele standard de inspectare ale The standard inspection channel
modulelor permit monitorizarea allows the entire percolation system
efectiv a ntregului sistem. Sistemul to be monitored effectively. The
realizat cu blocuri EcoBloc Inspect EcoBloc Inspect flex systems allows
Flex permite accesul camerelor video access by commercially available
existente pe pia. Acest fapt este inspection cameras. This has been
confirmat de mai multe organisme confirmed by several independent
independente de testare. testing authorities.

Posibilitate de curare cu jet High pressure jetting possible

de presiune
EcoBloc Inspect Flex system can
Sistemul cu module EcoBloc Inspect easily resist high pressure jetting for
Flex rezist cu uurin la utilizarea cleaning.
furtunelor cu jet de presiune n
vederea currii.

Instalare / Installation
Fr trafic Vehicul Camion 12t Camion 40t Camion 60t
EcoBloc Inspect flex
Without traffic load Vehicle Lorry 12t Lorry 40t Lorry 60t
Acoperirea min. cu pmnt
250mm 250mm 500mm 500mm 800mm
min. earth covering
Acoperirea max. cu pmnt
2750mm 2750mm 2750mm 2250mm 2000mm
max. earth covering
Adncimea max. de instalare
5000mm 5000mm 5000mm 5000mm 5000mm
max. installation depth
Numrul max. de rnduri
14 14 13 13 13
max. number of layers

Capacitate de ncrcare / Load capacity

Termen scurt/ Short term max. 100kN/mp
Termen lung / Long term max. 59 kN/mp 191
since 1896

Bloc de infiltrare EcoBloc Inspect Flex

EcoBloc Inspect Flex

Cod articol Volum Lungime Lime nlime Culoare

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0030 205 800 800 320 gri

Not Note
Pentru volume mari de stocare sau infiltrare. For large storage or infiltration volumes.
Cu posibilitate de conectare a conductelor cu D110 / 160 D110 / 160 / 200 connecting faces.
/ 200mm.

Plac de baz EcoBloc Inspect Flex - pentru Blocul de infiltrare

EcoBloc Inspect Flex Baseplate - for the EcoBloc Inspect Flex

Cod articol Volum Lungime Lime nlime Culoare

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0031 25 800 800 40 gri

Not Note
Realizeaz fundaia sistemului EcoBloc Inspect Flex. Form the foundation of the EcoBloc Inspect flex system.

Plci de nchidere Bloc EcoBloc Inspect Flex - set 2 buci

EcoBloc Inspect Flex end plates - set 2 pieces

Cod articol Culoare

COD0032 gri

Not Note
Pentru nchiderea capetelor sistemului de infiltrare The front ends of an EcoBloc Inspect flex system are
EcoBloc Inspect Flex. sealed eith end plates.
Cu posibilitate de conectare a conductelor cu D110 / 160 D110 / 160 / 200 contact surfaces.
/ 200mm.

Conectori EcoBloc Inspection Flex - set 50 buci

EcoBloc Inspect Flexconnectors - set 50 pieces

Cod articol Culoare

COD0033 roie

Not Note
Pentru Conectarea intre ele a blocurilor EcoBloc Inspect To connect EcoBloc Inspect Flex Blocks.

Pies de aerare (ventilaie) a sistemului

Deaeration end

Cod articol DN
COD0034 100

Plac adaptoare pentru racord intrare

Adapter plate

Cod articol DN
COD1284 300/400/500 192
since 1896

Corp cmin Vario 800 flex, tip 1 - pentru un layer de blocuri EcoBloc Inspect flex
Vario 800 flex, type 1 shaft body for one layer of EcoBloc Inspect flex

Cod articol Volum Lungime Lime nlime Culoare

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD1285 230 800 800 355 gri

Corp cmin Vario 800 flex, tip 2 - pentru dou sau mai multe layere de blocuri EcoBloc Inspect flex
Vario 800 flex, type 21 shaft body for one or more layers of EcoBloc Inspect flex

Cod articol Volum Lungime Lime nlime Culoare

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD1286 420 800 800 660 gri

Set baz/acoperire Vario 800 flex

Vario 800 flex, base/cover set

Cod articol Culoare

COD1287 roie

Modul DN600 cu racord de intrare pentru sisteme de infiltrare

Infiltration inlet module DN600

Cod articol Racorduri intrare

D (mm)
COD1288 160/ 200/ 250/ 315

Not Note
Inclusiv garnitur de etanare pentru adaptorul telescopic. Including sealing for telescopic dome. 193
since 1896

Element de extensie DN600

Infiltration connecting piece

Cod articol nlime util

COD1289 300

Not Note
Inclusiv garnitura de etansare pentru adaptorul telescopic. Including sealing for telescopic dome.
Pentru adncimi mari de instalare. For large installation depths.

Element de extensie DN600

Infiltration connecting piece

Cod articol Racorduri

COD1290 2 x160

Not Note
Inclusiv garnitura de etanare pentru elementul de extensie Including sealing for infiltration connecting piece and/
DN60 si/sau modulul DN600 cu racord de intrare. or inlet module.

Capac cu telescop
Telescopic dome shaft
Cod articol Material Model nlime Sarcina
COD1291 PE - Verde MINI 140-340 pietonal
COD1292 PE - Verde MAXI 140-440 pietonal
COD1293 FONT FONT 140-440 3-5 tone

Telescop pentru trafic greu

Telescopic dome shaft lorry

Cod articol Material Model Sarcina

COD1294 LORRY 140-440 60 tone
Not Note
Pentru inele de beton uzuale existente pe pia. For commercially available concrete rings/ covers.
Fr inel i fr capac de font. Acestea se achiziioneaz Without concrete and cast iron ring. Those parts will be
separat. provided separate. 194
since 1896

4.2 T
 unel de infiltrare
Infiltration Tunnel 195
since 1896

Tunel pentru Infiltrare

Infiltration Tunnel
Volum de 300 Litri Rezisten la sarcini E600 Volum de stocare 100%
Dimensionarea compact combinat Pentru a permite amenajarea liber Structura tipic a Tunelului de
cu un coeficient de nmagazinare de a suprafeelor deasupra acestuia, infiltrare permite utilizarea complet
100% are ca rezultat obinerea unui tunelul de infiltrarea are o rezisten a volumului disponibil pentru
volum util de 300 litri. pe termen lung de 59 kN/mp (pentru stocarea temporar a apei.
Tunelul de Infiltrare Twin: 35kN/mp)
i este, prin urmare rezistent la trafic.
300 l Volume 100% storage volume
The compact dimensions combined The typical shape of the infiltration
Resistance to loads class E600
with a storage coefficient of 100% Tunnel enables complete utilization
result in a useful volume of 300l. In order to enable the free of the available volume for
arangement of surfaces above it, temporary storage of rainwater.
the Infiltration Tunnel features long
term resistance with 59kN/mp (for
Infiltration Tunnel Twin: 35kN/mp)
and is therefore lorry-bearing.

Rata ridicat de infiltrare Cu adncimea de ngropare de Racorduri pn la D315

pn la 4m
Elementele tunelului sunt plasate Volumele mari de ap necesit evi
direct pe un strat uniform de pietri. Tunelul de infiltrare se poate instala cu diametre mari. Fiecare plac de
Prile laterale sunt apoi acoperite pn la adncimi de 4,25m chiar i capt are prevazut posibilitatea de
cu geotextil i capetele sunt nchise n condiii de trafic greu. Adncimea conectare pentru D110/ 160/ 200 i
cu ajutorul plcilor de capt. Acest maxim de instalare a sistemului 315mm. In plus partea superioara a
sistem asigur o performan Tunel Twin este de 2,5m. tunelului are prevzute posibiliti de
permanent ridicat de infiltrare. conectare a evilor cu D110/200mm
pentru aerisire sau inspecie.
Installation depth up to 5m
High infiltration performance
The tunnel infiltration can be
Connections up to D315
The ditch elements are placed directly installed at a depth of 4,25m even
upon an even layer of gravel. The under heavy loads. The maximum Large volumes of water requires
sides are then covered with geotextile installation depth for the Tunnel- big diameters pipes. Each end plate
and the end faces are closed using Twin is 2,5m. of the tunnel infiltration features
end plates.This installation system connections for D110/160/200 and
ensures a permanent high infiltration 315mm. In addition connections in
performance. sizes D110 and 200mm are provided
on the upper surface for the
connection of the ventilation system
or an inspection opening. 196
since 1896

Simplu de instalat Easy to install

Tunelurile de infiltrare sunt dispuse Infiltration Tunnels are laid in
n linie i se pot rapid adapta lines and can be flexibly adapted
condiiilor specifice i volumului de to specific conditions and to
nmagazinare necesar. Instalarea the individual storage volume
modulelor este simpl, rapid si requested. The instalation of the
variat. Instalarea este posibil fr modules is easy, quick and variable.
utilaje grele deoarece un modul The instalation is possible without
cntrete numai 11 kg. Modulele de heavy equipment, as one infiltration
tunel sunt pur i simplu mpreunate Tunnel only weight 11 kilos.
ntr-o singur linie i echipate cu 2 The tunnels modules are simply
plci de capt pentru fiecare linie. stuck together in one line and
equipped with 2 end plates per line.

Tunel de infiltrare Twin - de dou Infiltration tunnel Twin twice

ori volumul pentru aceeai the volume with the same space
suprafa requirement
La cerere sau la nevoie, Tunelul de Upon request the infiltration tunnel
Infiltrare Twin asigur un volum twin 600 liters offers volume through
de 600 litri prin conectarea a dou the connection of two identical
module de infiltrare identice. infiltration modules.

Instalare / Installation

Fr trafic
Tunel pentru infiltrare/ Vehicule Camion 12t Camion 40t Camion 60t
Without traffic
Infiltration Tunnel Vehicle Lorry 12t Lorry 40t Lorry 60t
Acoperirea min. cu pmnt
250mm 250mm 500mm 500mm 750mm
min. earth covering
Acoperirea max. cu pmnt
3740mm 3490mm 3240mm 2490mm 1740mm
max. earth covering
Adncimea max. de instalare
4250mm 4000mm 3750mm 3000mm 2250mm
max. installation depth

Instalare / Installation

Fr trafic
Tunel pentru infiltrare Twin/ Vehicule Camion 12t Camion 40t Camion 60t
Without traffic
Infiltration Tunnel Twin Vehicle Lorry 12t Lorry 40t Lorry 60t
Acoperirea min. cu pmnt
250mm 500mm
min. earth covering
Acoperirea max. cu pmnt
1480mm 1480mm
max. earth covering
Adncimea max. de instalare
2500mm 2500mm
max. installation depth

Capacitate de ncrcare / Load capacity

Tunel pentru infiltrare / Tunel pentru infiltrare Twin /

Infiltration Tunnel Infiltration Tunnel Twin
Termen scurt / Short-term max. 100kN/mp max. 75kN/mp
Termen lung / Long term max. 59 kN/mp max. 35 kN/mp 197
since 1896

Tunel pentru infiltrare

Infiltration Tunnel lorry

Cod articol Volum Lungime Lime nlime Culoare

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TFD0064 300 1160 800 510 negru

Not Note
Recomandat in cazul traficului cu camioane pn la 60 t. Recommended in case of Lorry -bearing up to 60 t.
Cu posibiliti de racordare a evilor de intrare cu D: With possibility to connect pipes with D: 110/160/200/315.

Tunel pentru infiltrare - Twin

Infiltration Tunnel twin

Cod articol Volum Lungime Lime nlime Culoare

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
TFD0065 600 1160 800 1020 negru

Not Note
Se livreaza 2 buci tunel pentru infiltrare + 1 set de Delivery as a set consist in 2 infiltration tunnel + 1 set
conectori de legtur. click-bolt connectors.
Recomandat pentru trafic pietonal sau cu vehicule uoare. Recommended for pedestrian and vehicle loading.

Element de nchidere tunel

End plate for Infiltration Tunnel

Cod articol Culoare

TFD0065 negru

Not Note
Se livreaz n set de 2 buci. Delivery as a set of 2 pieces.

Conectori de cuplare pentru Tunnel twin

Click-bolt connectors

Cod articol Culoare

COD0035 negru

Not Note
Se livreaz n set de 6 buci. Delivery as a set of 6 pieces.

Piesa de aerare (ventilaie) a sistemului

Deaeration end

Cod articol DN
COD0034 100

Capac de inspecie
Inspection end

Cod articol DN
COD0036 200 198
since 1896

Modul DN400 cu racord de intrare pentru sisteme de infiltrare

Infiltration inlet module DN600

Cod articol Racorduri intrare

D (mm)
COD1295 160/ 200
Not Note
Inclusiv garnitura de etanare pentru adaptorul telescopic. Including sealing for telescopic dome.

Element de extensie DN400

Infiltration connecting piece DN400

Cod articol nlime util

COD1296 500
Not Note
Inclusiv garnitura de etanare pentru adaptorul telescopic. Including sealing for telescopic dome.
Pentru adncimi mari de instalare. For large installation depths.
Se poate scurta la 250mm. Can be shortended to 250mm.

Modul de ditribuie DN400 pentru sistemele de infiltrare

Infiltration distributor module DN400

Cod articol Racorduri

COD1297 2 x160

Not Note
Inclusiv garnitura de etanare pentru elementul de Including sealing for infiltration connectiong piece and/
extensie DN400 i/sau modulul DN400 cu racord de intrare. or inlet module.

Capac cu telescop D400

Telescopic dome shaft D400
Cod articol Capac Sarcina
COD1298 PE verde pietonal
COD1299 FONT pietonal
COD1300 FONT 3-5 tone 199
since 1896 200
since 1896

4.3 S
 isteme de stocare
Storage Systems 201
since 1896

Rezervoare pentru ap Water tanks

Teraplast v ofer o varietate mare de rezervoare pentru ap Teraplast offers a big variety of water tanks for above ground
cu montaj suprateran sau subteran. or underground installation.
Rezervoarele pentru ap sunt din ce n ce mai utilizate n ultima Water tanks are increasingly used in recent years in particular
perioad n special pentru stocarea n vederea reutilizrii apei for harvesting rainwater for re-use in domestic activities but
de ploaie n activiti domestice dar nu numai. not only.
n numeroase alte situaii rezervoarele pentru ap de Also in many other situations large volumes of water tanks
volume mari sunt utilizate pentru utilizarea apei n activiti are used for water use in production or construction sites.
de producie sau n organizri de antier. In general 98% of the water used does not need to be
n general 98% din necesarul de ap utilizat nu este necesar drinkable.
s fie potabil. In this chapter we will present particularly large water tanks
n acest capitol vor fi prezentate n mod special rezervoarele that are used by construction companies or infrastructure
de volum mare ce sunt utilizate de companiile de construcii works for different applications.
sau n lucrri de infrastructur pentru diferite aplicaii. Water tanks offered by Teraplast are made of polyethylene
Rezervoarele oferite de Teraplast sunt realizate din polietilen by the process called "rotomoulding" or rotational molding.
prin procedeul denumit rotomoulding sau formare This is a process that allows independent rotation on the
rotaional. Acesta este un procedeu ce permite rotirea two directions of the forming mold in which is inserted a
independent dupa dou direcii a matriei de formare n care polyethylene powder. With this process can be obtained
este introdus pulberea de polietilen. Prin acest procedeu se large products in various shapes.
pot obine produse de dimensiuni mari cu forme variate. To simplify installation of buried tanks have been developed
Pentru a simplifica instalarea ngropat a rezervoarelor au fost also for these products telescopic covers.
dezvoltate i pentru aceste produse acoperiri de tip telescopic. The estimated life of polyethylene tanks for 50 years under a
Durata estimat de via a rezervoarelor din polietilen proper installation and operation.
este de 50 de ani n condiiile unei instalri i exploatri

Principalele caracteristici i avantaje Key features and benefits

ale rezervoarelor din polietilen of polyethylene tanks
Rezervoarele realizate din polietilen sunt realizate n variant Tanks made of polyethylene are made in mono-block
monobloc ceea ce le asigur o etaneitate ridicat. Eventualele version which ensures a high tightness. Any elements that
elemente ce se conecteaz la rezervoare se fixeaz cu garnituri are connected to the tanks are fixed with special seals that
speciale ce asigur o etanare sigur ntregului ansamblu. ensure reliable sealing for the entire assembly.


Rezervoarele din material polietilen ca i evile dealtfel, au Polyethylene water tanks similar with polyethylene pipes
o rezisten extrem de ridicat la abraziune i la agresivitatea have an extremely high resistance to abrasion and aggressive
unor substane chimice. chemical substances.


Rezervoarele din polietilen au toate avantajele asigurate Polyethylene tanks have all the advantages provided by this
de acest tip de material: robustee, stabilitate a formei, type of material: sturdiness, shape stability, flexibility. As it
flexibilitate. Aa cum este bine tiut flexibilitatea produselor is well known flexibility of plastic products to ensure their
din mase plastice le asigura un comportament pe termen long-term behavior much better than those rigid (concrete)
lung mult mai bun decat al celor rigide (beton) deoarece se because it performs much better in successive loads.
comport mult mai bine la ncrcri succesive de sarcin.
Polyethylene tanks are lightweight and can be handled
Rezervoarele din polietilen au o greutate redus, putnd easily, so installation is simplified and fast. With a good
fi manevrate cu uurin, astfel c instalarea este mult strength it can be also buried underground.
simplificat i rapid. Avnd o bun rezisten se pot instala
i ngropat. 202
since 1896


Pentru transport, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
ce pot deteriora produsele. Produsele din material plastic which may damage the products.
pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd intr n contact cu obiecte
Plastics products can be damaged when get in contact with
ascuite sau n cazul n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe
sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the
sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai s cad sau aruncai produsele
ground. In all circumstances, do not drop or throw products
din camion.
from the truck.
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la
The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie
low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru
during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
a se evita orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul
at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii.
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste
to protect from solar radiation in a manner that does not
6 luni) se recomand protejarea de radiaiile solare astfel
obstruct the ventilation.
nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora.
For more information regarding the full range of polyethylene
Pentru mai multe informaii cu privire la gama complet de
water tanks please consult the Chapter Storage Systems in
rezervoare din polietilen va rugam sa consultai capitolul
the second section of the catalog - Building Installations.
de Sisteme de stocare din a doua seciune a catalogului
Instalaii pentru Cldiri. 203
since 1896

Corp rezervor subteran tip iglu - TRP

Underground tank body type igloo- TRP

Cod articol Volum L H

(L) (mm) (mm)
RPERE0500ST 5000 2450 1615
RPERE1000ST 10000 2450 2615

Not Note
Extensia cod RPEREEXTD800H540 i capacul cod Extension code RPEREEXTD800H540 and Cover with
RPERE660CAPAC se comand separat. code RPERE660CAPAC have to be ordered separate.

= = 691




Extensie pentru rezervoare TRP

Extension - for TRP tanks

Cod articol D H h1 h2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPEREEXTD800H540 600 547 54 51

Capac PE pentru rezervoare TRP

PE cover - for TRP tanks

Cod articol D H h1 h2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPERE660CAPAC 660 151 51,4 37,9

Rezervor subteran: Roterra Big

Underground tank - Roterra Big

Cod articol Volum L W Hmin Hmax Capac

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
REZ6257 22000 6280 2310 2310 2830 600
REZ86257 25000 7370 2310 2830 2870 600
REZ6235 30000 8800 2310 2310 2830 600
REZ6237 40000 11320 2310 2310 2810 600
REZ6242 50000 13840 2310 2310 2810 600

Rezervor subteran: Roterra Big

Underground tank - Roterra Big

Cod articol Volum L W Hmin Hmax Capac

(L) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
REZ6712 3500 2080 1800 2000 2340 600
REZ6713 5000 2440 1800 2000 2340 600
REZ6714 6000 2820 1800 2000 2340 600
REZ6254 8000 2680 2310 2310 2830 600
REZ86577 10000 3040 2310 2310 2830 600
REZ6250 12000 3760 2310 2350 2830 600
REZ6577 16000 4480 2310 2350 2830 600 204
since 1896

Extensie pentru rezervor Rottera

Additional tank extension Rottera

Cod articol D H
(mm) (mm)
REZ6357 600 200
REZ5760 600 250
REZ1311070 600 400

Garnitur etanare
Rubber gasket

Cod articol D
REZ1280302 50
REZ1280304 110
REZ1280305 125
REZ1280323 160

Indicator nivel
Water level meter

Cod articol D H
(mm) (mm)
REZ6556 250 600

Capac rezervor PE D600

Pe cover D600

Cod articol D H
(mm) (mm)
REZ9132 648 70
REZ7300 600 100 205
since 1896
since 1896

CAP. 5 P
5.1 Separatoare de hidrocarburi
Oil separators
5.2 Separatoare de grsimi
Grease separator
since 1896 208
since 1896

5.1 S
 eparatoare de hidrocarburi
Oil separators 209
since 1896

Descrierea gamei de separatoare Oil separator range

de hidrocarburi description
Separatoarele de hidrocarburi sunt proiectate conform Light liquid separators are designed according to EN858 and
standardelor EN858 i DIN 1999-10. DIN1999-10.
Separatoarele de hidrocarburi oferite de Teraplast sunt realizate Oil separators offered by Teraplast are made of polyethylene
din polietilena prin procedeul denumit rotomoulding sau by the process called "rotomoulding" or rotational molding.
formare rotaional. Acesta este un procedeu ce permite rotirea This is a process that allows independent rotation on the
independent dupa dou direcii a matriei de formare n care two directions of the forming mold in which is inserted a
este introdus pulberea de polietilen. Prin acest procedeu se polyethylene powder. With this process can be obtained
pot obine produse de dimensiuni mari cu forme variate. large products in various shapes.
Separatoarele de uleiuri i hidrocarburi sunt necesare acolo Oil and coalescence separators are required where light
unde au loc scurgeri de lichide uoare. Acestea apar, de liquid occur. This is usually at:
obicei, la:
petrol/gas stations;
staii de alimentare cu combustibili; car washes;
spltorii auto; vehicle workshops;
ateliere de reparaii auto; car-parks.

Gama separatoarelor de hidrocarburi The range of oil separators offered by

oferite de Teraplast Teraplast
Separatoare de hidrocarburi de clasa I Oil separators class I
Proiectate pentru a atinge o concentraie mai mic de 5 Designed to achieve a concentration of less than 5mg/l of
mg de ulei per litru n condiii de testare standard, aceste oil under standard test conditions should be used when
separatoare se vor utiliza cnd este necesar eliminarea the separator is required to remove very small oil droplets.
picturilor foarte mici de ulei. Un filtru coalescent este A coalescent filter is installed before the outlet drain to
instalat nainte de racordul de ieire pentru a mbunti improve the separating effect in the separator. When the
efectul de separare al hidrocarburilor n separator. Atunci water flows through, tiny oil drops combine to form large
cnd apa trece prin filtru, mici picaturi de ulei se combin drops which than leave the coalescent material and rise to
pentru a forma picturi mari, care se desprind apoi de pe the surface. With oil separators a special inlet system has a
materialul coalescent i se ridic la suprafa. Un sistem plug-flow effect in the separator. This slows the flow down
de admisie special produce un efect tampon-curgere n and distributes it in a hydraulically effective way over the
separator. Acesta ncetinete fluxul de intrare i l distribuie separator space. The heavy materials sink to the bottom and
ntr-un mod eficient n spaiului de separare. Particulele grele are separated out, the light materials rise to the top and are
se scufunda n partea de jos i sunt separate, iar particulele separated off there.
uoare se ridic la suprafa i sunt separate acolo.

Separatoare de hidrocarburi de clasa II Oil separators class II

Proiectate pentru a atinge o concentraie mai mic de 100 mg Designed to achieve a concentration of less than 100mg/l of
de ulei per litru n condiii de testare standard, acestea sunt oil under standard test conditions are suitable for dealing
potrivite pentru utilizare n cazul n care se aplic o cerin de with discharges where a lower quality requirement applies.
calitate inferioar.

Separatoare de hidrocarburi cu by-pass Oil separators with Bypass

Separatoarele cu by-pass trateaz deplin toate debitele Bypass separators fully treat all flows generated by rainfall
generate de ratele de precipitaii de pn la 6,5mm/or (99% rates up to 6.5mm/hr (99% of rainfall events). These
dintre precipitaii). Aceste separatoare sunt folosite in zone separators are used on parking area when it is considered an
de parcri atunci cnd este considerat un risc acceptabil acceptable risk not to provide full treatment for high flows,
neasigurarea unui tratament complet pentru debite mari. for example where the risk of a large spillage and heavy
De exemplu, cnd riscul apariiei unei scurgeri importante rainfall occurring at the same time is small.
de hidrocarburi i ploi abundente, n acelai timp, este mic. 210
since 1896

Alegerea separatorului de hidrocarburi Selection of the appropriate separator

Formula utilizat pentru alegerea separatorului de The formula used for the selection of the oil separator is:
hidrocarburi este:
Ns= (Qr + fx * Qs) * fd Ns= (Qr + fx * Qs) * fd
unde: where:
NS = debitul nominal n l/sec NS = nominal flow in l/sec
Qr = debitul maxim al apei de ploaie in l/sec Qr = maximum flow of rainwater in l/sec
Qs = debitul maxim al apelor uzate in l/sec Qs = maximum flow of wastewater in l/sec
fx = factorul de retenie, n funcie de tipul suprafeei fx = retention factor, depending of the nature of release
fd = factorul de densitate al hidrocarburii. fd = density factor for the suitable light fluid.

n mod normal separatoarele de hidrocarburi se utilizeaz Oil separators are normally used in combination with
n combinaie cu un decantor de nisip i nmol n cazul n a sand and silt separator where the area that will take
care zona de pe care se vor prelua apele pluviale conine rainwater contains such a large amount of materials and a
astfel de materiale n cantitate mare i cu un cmin pentru sampling inspection chamber. Thus, the chain is composed
prelevare probe. Astfel, lanul este alctuit n aceasta ordine: in this order: sand and silt separator (where necessary) - oil
decantor de nisip i nmol (unde este necesar) separator separator sampling inspection chamber.
de hidrocarburi cmin pentru probe.
Thus, the following steps occur:
Astfel, au loc urmtoarele etape:
1. Water containing sand, mud and hydrocarbons flows to
1. Apa, ce conine nisip, nmol i hidrocarburi ptrunde n the separator.
2. Mud and sand is deposited at the bottom of the separator
2. Nmolul i nisipul se decanteaz pe fundul separatorului into the first compartment. When water enters into the
n primul compartiment. Cnd apa ptrunde n al doilea second compartment of the separator, sand and mud
compartiment al separatorului, nisipul i nmolul au fost already have been removed.
deja ndeprtate.
3. Oil separates from water in the second compartment of
Hidrocarburile sunt separate din ap n al doilea the oil separator. Larger drops of oil rise to the surface as
compartiment al separatorului. Picturile mai mari de ulei a result of their low density. Smaller drops of oil combine
se ridic la suprafaa apei ca urmare a densitii lor mici. and increase in the filter, and then rise to the surface.
Picturile mai mici de ulei se unesc i se mresc n filtru i
apoi se ridic la suprafa. Teraplast can make available, on request, in addition to the
oil separators also other accessories such as:
Teraplast va poate pune la dispoziie, la cerere, pe lng
separatoarele de hidrocarburi i alte accesorii cum sunt:
Sistem de alarmare vizual si audio Vizual and audio alarm equipment

Acesta intr n alarm atunci cnd nivelul hidrocarburilor Operates when the oil level reaches 90% of the oil storage
atinge 90% din spaiul de stocare al hidrocarburilor i volume and indicates that the separator needs immediate
indic ca acesta trebuie curat imediat pentru a funciona emptying for it to continue work effectively.
corespunztor n continuare.
Automatic closure device
Dispozitiv de nchidere automat Operates in the event of a sudden surge of a large quantity
Acesta intr n funciune n cazul unei cantiti prea mare de of oil entering the system or too high an accumulation. The
uleiuri ce intr brusc n separator sau n cazul unui nivel prea device should work in conjunction with the oil alarm.
ridicat al hidrocarburilor stocate. Dispozitivul ar trebui s
funcioneze n combinaie cu sistemul de alarm.
Sampling chamber
The sampling inspection chamber makes it possible to
Cminul de probe monitor the quality of the water on outflow of the separator.
Cminul de probe face posibil monitorizarea calitii apei
evacuate din separator. 211
since 1896

Instalarea n zone cu trafic Installation in traffic areas

1. Dimensiunea gropii de construcie trebuie s fie mai mare 1. The size of the construction pit must be 60-100cm larger
cu 60-100cm dect amprenta separatorului. Distana than the footprint of the separator. Distance between the
ntre rezervor i instalaiile existente trebuie s fie minim tank and the existing facilities have to be minimum 100cm.
100cm. Dac solul existent permite, este necesar s se If the existing soil allows it, is necessary to work with an
lucreze cu o nclinaie de 90. (Se va acorda o atenie inclination of 90. (Pay attention to safety at work!)
deosebit siguranei la locul de munc!)
2. Bottom construction pit has to be straight and clean with
2. Baza gropii de construcie trebuie s fie dreapt i curat, no sharp objects. If the capacity of the existing soil is too
fr obiecte ascuite. n cazul n care capacitatea solului small is necessary to do the concreting of thin concrete
existent este prea mic este necesar betonarea "subire" C16/20 in thickness of 30-40cm. When working concreting
cu beton C16/20 n grosime de 30-40cm. Cnd se execut and installation of the tank in the construction pit, it is
betonarea i instalarea rezervorului n groapa de lucru, necessary to pump water (if there is inflow).
este necesar s se pompeze apa din acesta (dac exist).
On the concrete surface prepared with concrete slab
Pe suprafaa betonat pregtit cu placa de beton embed the anchors. The thickness of concrete slabs
ncorporai ancore de susinere. Grosimea plcilor de depends on the force of buoyancy groundwater. The load-
beton depinde de fora apelor subterane. Planseul trebuie bearing slab should be greater than 60cm in size tanks.
s fie mai mare de 60cm n cazul separatoarelor de
The retaining walls are necessary to reduce lateral
dimensiuni mari.
4. Pereii laterali sunt necesari pentru a reduce presiunea
5. Place the tank carefully on the prepared concrete slab
and perform vertical alignment. To adjust the final height
5. Plasati rezervorul cu atenie pe placa de beton pregtit screw telescopic wall socket. For additional fixing use
i efectuai alinierea pe vertical. Pentru a regla nlimea steel cables 10-12mm.
final filetai prelungirea telescopic. Pentru fixarea
6. Fill the tank to 1/3 with water and parallel to over burden
suplimentar folosii cabluri de otel 10-12mm.
1/3 with gravel. It is necessary to pay attention to rounding
6. Se umple rezervorul cu ap pn la 1/3 i n paralel umplei parts under the tank and not to remain hollow spaces.
groapa 1/3 cu pietri. Este necesar s se acorde atenie la Further filling is done with fraction of 8-16mm. Filling and
prile rotunjite de sub rezervor astfel nct s nu rmn backfilling is repeated with 1/3 while the tank is not filled
spaii goale. Umplutura ulterioar se face cu pietri cu completely (25cm below ground level).
granulaia de 8-16mm. Umplerea i rambleierea se repet
7. Make connections of the pipes.
pn cnd 1/3 din rezervor nu este umplut complet (25cm
sub nivelul solului). 8. Make concrete ring.
7. Racordai conductele.
8. Executai placa de beton superioar.

Placa superioar de beton

Concrete ring

Pietri Perete de beton

Gravel Concrete wall

Placa de fundaie
Rezervor Foundation plate
Tank 212
since 1896

Separatoare hidrocarburi cu filtru coalescent, clasa I

Oil separators I class, with coalescent filter

Cod articol Model

Q l/s (NS)
C (Hmax) Intrare/Ieire
(mm) DN (mm)
SEPH7595 3 3 2.200 1.840 1.400 2.100 110 600
SEPH7597 6 6 3.000 2.400 1.400 2.100 125 600
SEPH7275 10 10 3.500 2.080 1.800 2.500 160 600
SEPH7599 15 15 5.000 2.450 1.800 2.500 200 600
SEPH7588 20 20 6.000 2.820 1.800 2.500 200 600
SEPH7273 30 30 8.000 2.680 2.310 2.830 250 600
SEPH7278 40 40 12.000 3.760 2.310 2.830 250 600
SEPH7276 50 50 16.000 4.840 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7200 65 65 16.000 4.840 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7289 80 80 22.000 6.280 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7421 100 100 25.000 7.370 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7201 125 125 30.000 8.800 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH7592 150 150 35.000 9.890 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH7598 200 200 40.000 11320 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH7600 250 250 45.000 12410 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH7202 300 300 50.000 13840 2.310 2.830 500 600

Not Note
Separatoarele cu filtru coalescent, clasa I nu depaesc o Class I coalescing separators do not exceed the
concentraie a hidrocarburilor in apa evacuat de 5mg/l. hydrocarbon concentration of 5mg/l.
La service-uri auto, staii de benzin, spalatorii, n cazul At service stations, gas stations, laundries, where the
n care se produc deeuri lichide uleioase i inflamabile, waste is produced oil and flammable liquid separators
separatoare trebuie s fie instalate n toate punctele de must be installed in all points of discharge of oil before
deversare a hidrocarburilor, nainte de golire n sistemul emptying into the sewer system.
de canalizare. Oil separators are equipped with coalescent filter,
Separatoare de ulei sunt echipate cu filtru de coalescen, automatic closure devices and on request with
dispozitive automate de nchidere i, la cerere, cu sistem electronic warning system.
electronic de avertizare. Coalescent filters are connected on the integrated wall
Filtrele de coalescen sunt fixate pe peretele integrat al of the separator and can be easily cleaned and replaced.
separatorului i pot fi uor de curat i nlocuit.

Separatoare hidrocarburi fara filtru coalescent, clasa II

Oil separators II class, without coalescent filter

Cod articol Model

Q l/s (NS)
C (Hmax) Intrare/Ieire
(mm) DN (mm)
SEPH7595 3 3 2.200 1.840 1.400 2.100 110 600
SEPH7597 6 6 3.000 2.400 1.400 2.100 125 600
SEPH7275 10 10 3.500 2.080 1.800 2.500 160 600
SEPH7599 15 15 5.000 2.450 1.800 2.500 200 600
SEPH7588 20 20 6.000 2.820 1.800 2.500 200 600
SEPH7273 30 30 8.000 2.680 2.310 2.830 250 600
SEPH7278 40 40 12.000 3.760 2.310 2.830 250 600
SEPH7276 50 50 16.000 4.840 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7200 65 65 16.000 4.840 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7289 80 80 22.000 6.280 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7421 100 100 25.000 7.370 2.310 2.830 315 600
SEPH7201 125 125 30.000 8.800 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH7592 150 150 35.000 9.890 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH7598 200 200 40.000 11.320 2.310 2.830 400 600


SEPH7600 250 250 45.000 12.410 2.310 2.830 400 600


SEPH7202 300 300 50.000 13.840 2.310 2.830 500 600

Not Note


Separatoarele cu filtru coalescent, clasa I nu depaesc o Class I coalescing separators do not exceed the
concentraie a hidrocarburilor in apa evacuat de 5mg/l. hydrocarbon concentration of 5mg/l.
La service-uri auto, staii de benzin, spalatorii, n cazul At service stations, gas stations, laundries, where the
A n care se produc deeuri lichide uleioase i inflamabile, waste is produced oil and flammable liquid separators
separatoare trebuie s fie instalate n care toate punctele must be installed in all points of discharge of oil before
de deversare a hidrocarburilor, nainte de golire n emptying into the sewer system.
sistemul de canalizare. Oil separators are equipped with coalescent filter,
Separatoare de ulei sunt echipate cu filtru de coalescen, automatic closure devices and on request with
dispozitive automate de nchidere i, la cerere, cu sistem electronic warning system.
electronic de avertizare. Coalescent filters are connected on the integrated wall
Filtrele de coalescen sunt fixate pe peretele integrat al of the separator and can be easily cleaned and replaced.
separatorului i pot fi uor de curat i nlocuit. 213
since 1896

Separatoare hidrocarburi cu bypass (BP) 10%

Oil separators with by pass (BP)10%

Debit Debit C Intrare/

Cod Model max. prin Volum
max. total separator A B (Hmax) Ieire Capac
articol NS Q l/s (NS) Q l/s (NS) (L) (mm) (mm) (mm) DN (mm)
SEPH6890 3/30 30 3 2.200 1.840 1.400 2.100 200 600
SEPH6891 5/50 50 5 2.600 2.150 1.400 2.100 250 600
SEPH6898 8/80 80 8 3.000 2.400 1.400 2.100 250 600
SEPH6892 10/100 100 10 3.500 2.080 1.800 2.500 315 600
SEPH6893 15/150 150 15 5.000 2.450 1.800 2.500 400 600
SEPH6894 20/200 200 20 6.000 2.820 1.800 2.500 400 600
SEPH6861 25/250 250 25 8.000 2.680 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH6895 30/300 300 30 10.000 3.040 2.310 2.830 500 600
SEPH6896 40/400 400 40 12.000 3.760 2.310 2.830 500 600
SEPH6897 50/500 500 50 16.000 4.840 2.310 2.830 600 600
SEPH6856 65/650 650 65 22.000 6.280 2.310 2.830 600 600
SEPH6857 80/800 800 80 25.000 7.370 2.310 2.830 600 600
SEPH6858 100/1000 1.000 100 30.000 8.800 2.310 2.830 800 600
SEPH6859 125/1250 1.250 125 35.000 9.890 2.310 2.830 800 600
SEPH6860 150/1500 1.500 150 40.000 11.320 2.310 2.830 1.000 600

Not Note
Separatoare cu by-pass trateaz deplin toate debitele Bypass separators fully treat all flows generated by
generate de ratele de precipitaii de pn la 6,5mm/or. rainfall rates up to 6.5mm/hr. (99% of rainfall events).
(99% dintre precipitaii). These separators are used on parking area when it
Aceste separatoare sunt folosite in zone de parcri atunci is considered an acceptable risk not to provide full
cnd este considerat un risc acceptabil neasigurarea unui treatment for high flows, for example where the risk of
tratament complet pentru debite mari, de exemplu, n a large spillage and heavy rainfall occurring at the same
cazul n care riscul apariiei unei scurgeri importante de time is small.
hidrocarburi i ploi abundente, n acelai timp, este mic.

Separatoare hidrocarburi cu bypass (BP) 20%

Oil separators with by pass (BP) 20%

Debit Debit C Intrare/

Cod Model max. prin Volum
max. total separator A B (Hmax) Ieire Capac
articol NS Q l/s (NS) Q l/s (NS) (L) (mm) (mm) (mm) DN (mm)
SEPH6880 3/15 15 3 2.200 1.840 1.400 2.100 200 600
SEPH6881 6/30 30 6 3.000 2.400 1.400 2.100 200 600
SEPH6850 10/50 50 10 3.500 2.080 1.800 2.500 250 600
SEPH6882 16/80 80 16 5.000 2.450 1.800 2.500 315 600
SEPH6884 20/100 100 20 6.000 2.820 1.800 2.500 315 600
SEPH6885 30/150 150 30 8.000 2.680 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH6886 40/200 200 40 10.000 3.040 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH6887 50/250 250 50 12.000 3.760 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH6883 65/325 325 65 16.000 4.840 2.310 2.830 400 600
SEPH6888 80/400 400 80 22.000 6.280 2.310 2.830 500 600
SEPH6889 100/500 500 100 25.000 7.370 2.310 2.830 600 600
SEPH6851 125/650 650 125 30.000 8.800 2.310 2.830 600 600
SEPH6852 150/700 700 150 35.000 9.890 2.310 2.830 600 600
SEPH6853 200/1000 1.000 200 40.000 11.320 2.310 2.830 800 600
SEPH6854 250/1250 1.250 250 45.000 12.410 2.310 2.830 800 600
SEPH6855 300/1500 1.500 300 50.000 13.840 2.310 2.830 1.000 600

Not Note
Separatoare cu by-pass trateaz deplin toate debitele Bypass separators fully treat all flows generated by
generate de ratele de precipitaii de pn la 6,5mm/or. rainfall rates up to 6.5mm/hr. (99% of rainfall events).
(99% dintre precipitaii). These separators are used on parking area when it
Aceste separatoare sunt folosite in zone de parcri atunci is considered an acceptable risk not to provide full
cnd este considerat un risc acceptabil neasigurarea unui treatment for high flows, for example where the risk of
tratament complet pentru debite mari, de exemplu, n a large spillage and heavy rainfall occurring at the same
cazul n care riscul apariiei unei scurgeri importante de time is small.
hidrocarburi i ploi abundente, n acelai timp, este mic. 214
since 1896

5.2 S
 eparatoare de grsimi
Grease separator 215
since 1896

Descrierea gamei de separatoare Grease separator range

de grsimi description
n activitile n care se produc ape uzate ce conin grsimi, In businesses which produce wastewater containing fat or
separatoarele de grsimi trebuie s fie instalate n conformitate grease, grease separators must be installed in accordance
cu EN1825 i DIN 4040-100, n scopul de a preveni deteriorarea with EN1825 and DIN 4040-100 in order to prevent damage
conductelor de canalizare i staiilor de epurare a apelor of the sewer pipes and wastewater treatment facilities. They
uzate. Ele reduc incidentele cum sunt conductele nfundate reduce incidents of blocked drains from kitchen, improve the
din buctrie, mbuntesc performana foselor septice, performance of septic tanks and prevent the contamination
previn contaminarea staiilor mici de epurare a apelor uzate. of small sewage treatment plants.
Separatoarele de grsimi oferite de Teraplast sunt fabricate Grease separator offered by Teraplast are made from
din polietilen. Sunt extreme de durabile, cu greutate redus polyethylene. They are very durable, lightweight and resistant
i rezistente la aciunea diferitelor substane chimice utilizate against various chemical substances used in kitchen.
n buctrii.
The grease separator should be installed close to the source
Separatorul de grsimi trebuie instalat n apropierea sursei of contamination, inside or outside the building.
de contaminare, n interiorul sau n exteriorul cldirii.
Underground grease separator should be located close to
Separatorul de grsimi instalat subteran trebuie s fie the building in areas where release of strong and aggressive
amplasat n apropierea cldirii, n zonele n care eliberarea odors will not pose a problem and where is possible to access
de mirosuri puternice si agresive nu va reprezenta o the separator with the disposal hose of the disposal truck.
problem i n zona n care este posibil, accesul cu furtunul
The inlet level must be located below the frost level. The
de colectare a vehiculului de vidanjare.
grease separator has to be opened for emptying and
Nivelul racordului de admisie trebuie s fie situat sub nivelul cleaning.
de nghe. Separatorul de grsimi trebuie s fie deschis pentru
golire i curare.

Determinarea marimii separatorului Determine the size of the separator

Mrimea necesar a separatorului de grsimi este determinat Size of grease trap is determined by number of meals or
de numrul de mese servite pe zi sau debitul maxim posibil al the maximum possible flow of contaminated water, type of
apei contaminate, tipul de poluare, temperatura efluentului i pollution, effluent temperature and detergent use.
utilizarea detergenilor.
The formula used for the selection of the grease separator is:
Formula utilizat pentru selectarea separatorul de grsimi este:
NG = Qs * fd * ft * fr * FM NG= Qs * fd * ft * fr * fm
unde where
Qs = cantitatea de ap uzat n l/sec Qs = the amount of wastewater in l/sec
fd = densitatea grsimilor n g/cm3 fd = density of grease in g/cm3
ft = factor de temperatur C ft = temperature factor C
fr = factorul de detergeni fr = detergents factor
fm = factorul de grsime majorat fm = increased grease factor


Intrare Grsime
Inflow Grease

Colector de nmol Colector grsime

Mud Collector Grease Collector 216
since 1896

Separatoare grasimi - Rofett

Grease separators - Rofett

Cod articol Model Volum Diametru H Capac

NG (L) (mm) (mm) (mm)
SEPG77531 2 1000 1200 1500 600
SEPG77532 4 2000 1500 1800 600
SEPG77533 7 3200 1800 2000 600
SEPG77534 10 4500 2300 2000 600
SEPG77796 15 6000 2300 2100 600
SEPG7539 20 8000 2680 2310 600
SEPG77797 25 10000 3040 2310 600

Not Note
Separ grasimea din apele uzate poluate cu grsime Separate the grease from wastewater polluted with fat
din buctrii instituionale, restaurante i faciliti de and grease in instiutional kitchens, restaurants and food
prelucrare a alimentelor. procesing facilities.
Uor de instalat, necesit o mentenan redus, garantat Easy installabel, require very low maintenance and
asigur o buna performan de lung durat. guaranteed to deliver long-lasting performance.
Compatibile cu alte sisteme de epurare a apei. Compatible with other water treatment systems.

Separatoare grasimi - Romast

Grease separators - Romast

Cod articol Model Volum Lungime Lime nlime nlime

NG (L) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
SEPG77810 0.25 100 530 530 420 110
SEPG77788 0.5 250 600 600 928 110
SEPG77794 1 500 760 760 1100 110
SEPG77858 2 1000 1520 760 1150 110
SEPG7529 4 2000 2250 750 1600 160

Not Note
Soluie simpl i independent pentru separarea grsimii Small free standing solutions to separate grease from
din apele uzate. Se poate instala sub chiuveta din buctrie wastewater. They fit under the sink of he kichen or can
sau poate fi montat la subsol. be install also in the basement.
Grsimea poate fi ndeprtat manual ca urmare a The grease can be removed manually thought big
deschiderii largi a capacului superior. opening on the top.
Uor de instalat, necesit o mentenan redus, garantat Easy to install, require very low maintenance and
asigur o buna performan de lung durat. guaranteed to deliver long-lasting performance. 217
since 1896 218
since 1896

CAP. 6 T
6.1 evi i fitinguri din PE pentru reele ap i gaz
PE pipes and fittings for water and gas networks
6.2 evi i fitinguri din PVC presiune pentru ap
PVC-U pressure pipes and fittings
6.3 Armturi reele ap
Water networks reinforcements
6.4 evi PVC foraj
Drilling PVC pipes
6.5 Cmine de apometru
Water chambers 219
since 1896 220
since 1896

 evi i fitinguri din PE pentru
reele ap i gaz
PE pipes and fittings for water
and gas networks 221
since 1896

Soluii pentru transport i distribuie Transport and distribution solutions

ap i gaz for water and gas
n reelele de infrastructura, sistemele de alimentare cu ap In infrastructure networks, water and gas supply systems are
i gaz se numar printre cele mai importante aplicaii ale among the most important applications of utility networks.
reelelor de utiliti.
As is well known utility networks comprising in addition to
Asa cum este bine tiut reelele de utiliti cuprind pe lng sewage systems that were previously presented, transport
reelele de canalizare ce au fost prezentate anterior, reele and distribution networks for water, gas and power.
de transport i distribuie a apei i gazelor precum i reele
In order to provide complete solutions in the field of utility
de transport i distribuie a energiei.
infrastructure networks, Teraplast completed several years
Pentru a putea oferi soluii complete n domeniul reelelor ago its products portfolio with water and gas distribution
de utilitai n infrastructura, Teraplast a completat cu mai systems.
muli ani n urm portofoliul su de produse cu sisteme
The systems offered by Teraplast to ensure these utilities are:
pentru distributia apei i gazului.
polyethylene pipes with a broad and varied range of
Sistemele oferite de Teraplast pentru asigurarea acestor
fittings for this aplication, such as electrofusion fittings,
utiliti sunt:
butt welding fittings or mechanical compression fittings
evi din polietilen impreun cu o gam extins i variat de for water and gas supply and distribution networks;
fitinguri pentru acestea, cum sunt fitinguri de electrofuziune, PVC pipes and fittings for water supply and distribution
fitinguri de sudura cap-cap sau fitinguri mecanice de or industrial applications;
compresiune pentru reele de distribuie ap i gaz;
drilling pipes - the execution of deep wells;
evi i fitinguri din PVC pentru transport i distribuie a
fittings and accessories for water and gas networks;
apei dar i pentru aplicaii industriale;
watermeters chambers.
evi pentru foraj n vederea executrii de puuri de
adncime; Even if some of the items that make up the systems listed
above are not produced by Teraplast they are purchased
armturi i accesorii pentru reele de ap i gaz;
from reputable suppliers from Europe and fully meet the
cmine pentru apometru. requirements of the most demanding recipients or users.
Chiar daca o parte dintre articolele ce alcatuiesc sistemele
Further in this catalog we will give a brief overview of the
prezentate mai sus nu sunt produse de catre Teraplast,
systems mentioned above, briefly presenting the technical
acestea sunt achizitionate de la furnizori europeni de
advantages and benefits that can be obtained through their
renume i ndeplinesc n totalitate cerinele impuse de ctre
use, followed by a more detailed presentation of items that
cei mai pretenioi beneficiari sau utilizatori.
make up these systems.
n continuare n prezentul catalog vom face o scurt trecere
n revist a sistemelor amintite mai sus prezentnd pe scurt
din punct de vedere tehnic avantajele i beneficiile ce se pot
obine prin utilizarea acestora, urmat de o prezentare mai
detaliat a articolelor ce alcatuiesc aceste sisteme.

Sistemul de tevi din polietilen Polyethylene pipes and fittings for

i fitinguri pentru ap i gaz water and gas
evile din polietilen sunt produse prin extrudarea granulelor Polyethylene pipes are produced by extruding polyethylene
de polietilen (PE80 sau PE100). granules (PE80 and PE100).
evile sunt de culoare neagr-omogen i opac fiind The pipes are black-homogeneous and opaque marked with
marcate cu dungi longitudinale albastre-pentru ap i four blue stripes for water and yellow stripes for gas, offset
galbene-pentru gaz, decalate la 90. 90.
evile din polietilen, au suprafaa interioar i exterioar Polyethylene pipes have smooth outer and inner surface, are
neted, sunt flexibile i rezistente la temperaturi exterioare flexible and resistant to external temperatures up to -30C.
de pn la -30C.
Polyethylene pipes and fittings have many area of use such
evile i fitingurile din polietilen au numeroase domenii de as:
utilizare dintre care amintim:
drinking water supply networks for domestic and
reele de distribuie a apei potabile pentru consumatori industrial consumers;
casnici i industriali; natural gas distribution networks; 222
since 1896

reele de distribuie a gazelor naturale; irrigation networks and water management;

reele de irigaii i gospodrirea apelor; gravity or pressure sewer system networks;
reele de canalizare fie in sistem gravitaional fie n soil & waste systems in construction;
presiune; security systems for electrical cables;
reele de canalizri interioare pentru construcii; transport for food and industrial liquids;
sisteme de protecie pentru cabluri electrice; pre-insulated pipes for thermal protection systems.
transport de lichide alimentare sau industriale; The life of the system is estimated at a minimum of 50 years
conducte de protecie n sisteme preizolate termic. under the conditions of pressure and temperature as well as
Durata de viat este apreciat la minim 50 de ani n cazul implementing technology work.
respectrii condiiilor de presiune i temperatur precum i
a tehnologiei de punere n oper.

Standardizarea evilor din PE Standardization of PE pipes

evile din polietilen oferite de Teraplast sunt produse n Polyethylene pipes provided by Teraplast are produced in
conformitate cu urmtoarele normative internaionale: ISO accordance with the following international norms: ISO
4427, EN12201-2, ISO 4065. 4427, EN12201-2, ISO 4065.

Polietilena se obine din anul 1938. Din 1980 se fabric Polyethylene is obtained since 1938. From 1980 PE80
polietilena de tip PE80 iar mai trziu, ca urmare a polyethylene type is manufactured and later, as a result of
perfecionrii procesului de polimerizare a aprut si the polymerization process improvement appeared also
polietilena PE100. PE100 polyethylene.

n funcie de caracteristicile granulelor a fost realizat Depending on the characteristics of the granules was
clasificarea ISO-CEN n cadrul creia se clasific urmtoarele achieved the ISO-CEN classification in which it classifies the
tipuri de polietilene. following types of polyethylene.

Denumire conform ISO-CEN LCL MRS min (HDS)

Description according ISO-CEN (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
PE 40 4,00 4,99 4,0 3,2
PE 63 6,30 7,99 6,3 5,0
PE 80 8,00 9,99 8,0 6,3
PE 100 10,00 11,99 10,0 8,0

LCL=limita inferioar de ncredere constituie tensiunea LCL = lower confidence limit - is tangential tensile represents
tangenial de ntindere ce reprezinta 97,5% din limita 97.5% of the theoretical lower limit of the long-term
teoretic inferioar de rezisten hidrostatic pe termen lung hydrostatic strength in water at a temperature of 20C for a
n ap la o temperatur de 20C pe o perioad de 50 de ani. period of 50 years.
MRS=rezistena limit admisibil reprezint valoarea limitei MRS = minimum required strength - is reliable lower limit
inferioare de ncredere (LCL) rotunjit la minus cea mai apropiat (LCL) rounded down to the nearest value of R10 Renard
valoare a seriei numerelor Renard R10 atunci cnd LCL < 10Mpa series of numbers when LCL <10Mpa and the nearest R20
i la valoarea cea mai apropiat a seriei R20 cnd LCL 10 Mpa. series when LCL 10 Mpa.

(HDS) = tensiunea hidrostatic de proiectare. (HDS) = hydrostatic design stress.

n cazul utilizrii continue a evii la temperaturi mai mari de In the case of continuous use of the pipe at temperatures
20C se aplic un coeficient de reducere al presiunii n cazul higher than 20C is applied a pressure reduction coefficient
evilor din PE80 si PE100 dup cum urmeaz: in PE80 and PE100 pipes as follows:

Coeficient de reducere a presiunii

Pressure Reduction Coefficient
20C 1,00
30C 0,87
40C 0,74 223
since 1896

evile din polietilen sunt definite dupa urmatorii parametrii Polyethylene pipes are defined by the following basic
de baz: parameters:
D = diametrul exterior al evii; D = outer diameter of pipe;
PN = presiunea nominal (n bari); PN = nominal pressure (in bars);
S = seria evii; S = pipe series;
SDR = raportul dimensional standard reprezint raportul SDR = standard dimension ratio - is the ratio between
dintre diametrul extern i grosimea peretelui evii. external diameter and wall thickness.
Diametrele exterioare ale evilor din polietilen au fost The outside diameters of polyethylene pipes were set by the
stabilite de subcomisia tehnic a ISO. ISO Technical Subcommittee.
Grosimea de perete a evii de polietilen se stabilete, n The wall thickness of the polyethylene pipe is determined
funcie de presiunea nominal cu ajutorul formulei: according to the nominal pressure given by the formula:

Unde : Where:
S = grosimea de perete a evii (mm); S = thickness of the wall of the tube (mm);
PN = presiunea nominal (bari); PN = nominal pressure (bar);
D = diametrul exterior al evii (mm); D = outer diameter of pipe (mm);
= tensiunea tangenial de calcul la 20C (Mpa). = tangential tension at 20C (Mpa).
Valoarea lui este o caracteristic a fiecrui material, The value of is a characteristic for each material,
fiind extras de pe diagrama curbelor de regresie la 20C, being extracted from regression curves diagram at 20C,
extrapolat la 50 de ani. Acest valoare este corectat cu un extrapolated to 50 years. This value is corrected with a safety
coeficient de siguran de 1,25. factor of 1.25.
Marcarea unitar acceptat internaional a seriilor de Uniform marking, internationally accepted of the pipe series
conducte se face cu ajutorul unor valori adimensionale astfel: is made using dimensionless values as follows:

Unde: Where:
S = numrul de serie al evii; S = pipe serial number;
D = diametrul exterior al evii (mm); D = outer diameter of pipe (mm);
s = grosimea de perete (mm). s = wall thickness (mm).

Corelaia dintre seria evii (S) i raportul dimensional The relation between the pipe series (S) and standard
standard (SDR) se poate exprima cu formula: dimension ratio (SDR) can be expressed by the formula:

Astfel, obinem: Thus, we get:

PE80 PE100
PN (bar) PN (bar)
41 20 3,2 4
33 16 4 5
27,6 13,3 6
26 12,5 5 6
21 10 6 8
17,6 8,3 6
17 8 8 10
13,6 6,3 10 12,5
11 5 12,5 16
9 4 16 20
7,4 3,2 20 25
6 2,5 25 224
since 1896

Caracteristici si avantaje ale sistemului Features and benefits of the

de evi si fitinguri din polietilen polyethylene pipes and fittings systems
Sistemul alcatuit din tevi de polietilen i fitingurile aferente The system consisting of polyethylene pipes and fittings
este n concordan cu standardele internaionale referitoare is produced according to relevant international standards
la transportul apei potabile prin evi din material plastic. relating to water transport through plastic pipes.

Greutatea redus a componentelor sistemului de evi i PE pipes and fittings lightweight system components ensures
fitinguri din PE asigur o manevrabilitate extrem de ridicat extremely high maneuverability in terms of transport,
n ceea ce privete transportul, depozitarea i manevrarea storage, handling and installation.
precum i instalarea acestuia.
It is a fundamental characteristic of this type of system.
Este o caracteristic fundamental a acestui tip de sistem. Component parts of the system can be combined with
Parile componente ale sistemului se pot mbina prin various special welding technology within reach of builders.
diferite tehnologii speciale de sudur aflate la ndemna
constructorilor. LOSS OF PRESSURE
The inner surface of pipes and fittings is extremely smooth
so that it cannot form materials deposits inside and pressure
Suprafaa interioar a evilor i fitingurilor este extrem de losses are minimized.
neted, astfel nct nu se pot forma depuneri de materiale
n interior, iar pierderile de presiune sunt reduse la minim. FROST RESISTANCE
Polyethylene elasticity allows pipe section widening if the
transported fluid freezes and thus expands.
Elasticitatea polietilenei permite lrgirea seciunii evii n cazul
n care lichidul transportat nghea i astfel i mrete volumul. CHEMICAL RESISTANCE
Both pipes and fittings of PE has high chemical resistance to
most aqueous solutions, the aggressive action of materials
Att evile ct i fitingurile din PE au o rezisten chimic in the soil, and most of the inorganic salts and most of
ridicat la majoritatea soluiilor apoase, la aciunea agresiv acids and bases even in high concentrations and high
a materiilor din sol, srurilor anorganice i majoritatea temperatures.
acizilor i bazelor chiar i n cazul concentraiilor mari i
These features allow the transport of fluids at speeds of over
7m/sec without erosion problems, even of acidic or alkaline
Aceste caracteristici permit transportul fluidelor cu viteze substances with pH between 1 and 14.
de peste 7m/sec fr probleme de eroziune, chiar i n cazul
substanelor acide sau alcaline cu pH cuprins ntre 1 i 14. FIRE BEHAVIOR
From this point of view, polyethylene pipes ignite and
burn slowly, but does not support combustion and are self
Din acest punct de vedere, evile din polietilen se aprind i extinguishing (class C4).
ard ncet, dar nu ntrein arderea i se autosting (clasa C4).
Flexibility and elasticity of polyethylene pipes are ideal for
Flexibilitatea i elasticitatea evilor din polietilen le use in areas with seismic risk.
recomand pentru utilizare n zone cu risc seismic.
PE pipe is subjected to electrostatic phenomena due to
eava din PE este supus fenomenelor electrostatice datorit high resistivity material. Grounded pipes are subjected
rezistivitii ridicate a materialului. Tevile mpmntate to electrical charge, due to ample moisture and contact
sunt supuse acumulrilor de sarcini, ca urmare a umiditii network environment - land.
mediului i amplului contact reea teren. 225
since 1896

Dilatarea liniara a evilor din PE PE pipes linear expansion

n cazul proiectrii reelelor cu evi din PE trebuie s se in When designing networks with PE pipes you must take
cont de faptul ca modificrile n lungime ale acestora ca into consideration that changes in their length due to
urmare a variaiilor de temperatur sunt considerabil mai temperature variations are considerably higher compared to
mari comparativ cu evile metalice. metal pipes.
n cazul evilor montate suprateran, expuse la mari variaii If pipes are installed above ground, exposed to large
de temperatur este necesar examinarea cu atenie a temperature variations is necessary to examine carefully the
fenomenului de dilatare termic liniar. phenomenon of linear thermal expansion.
n cazul evilor ngropate n pmnt, n afara unor situaii If pipes are buried in the ground, out of particular situations,
particulare, problema dilatrii liniare este neglijabil. the problem of linear expansion is negligible.
Pentru calculul modificrii lungimii tevilor din PE se vor lua To calculate the change in length of PE pipes will be taken
n considerare temperatura existent la momentul pozrii into account the temperature at the moment of installation
i temperatura maxim i minim prevazut pentru pereii and maximum and minimum temperature foreseen for the
evii n timpul exploatrii reelei. pipe walls during operation of the network.

Modificarea lungimii este egal cu: Change in length is equal to:

L = Lc T L = Lc T
unde: where:
Lc = lungimea conductei; Lc = length of the pipe;
T = diferena de temperatur; T = temperature difference;
= coeficientul de dilatare liniar (2 10-4 K-1 pentru PE). = coefficient of linear thermal expansion ((2 10-4 K-1 for PE).


Cnd se transport evi, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. Asigurai n mod eficient which may damage the pipes. Secure the pipes effectively
conductele nainte de a le transporta. before transporting them.
La manipularea tevilor i fitingurilor, asigurai-v s prevenii When handling the pipes and fittings, take care to prevent
deteriorarea acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot fi damage. Plastics products can be damaged when get in
deteriorate atunci cnd intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite contact with sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged
sau n cazul n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. along the ground. In all circumstances, do not drop or throw
n nici un caz, nu lsai s cad sau aruncai produsele si products and pallets. In case of unloading pipes from the
paleii. n cazul descrcrii evilor din camioane cu o macara trucks with a crane use textile belts, preferably supported at
utilizai centuri textile, de preferin sprijinite n dou puncte two points along the length of the pipe packing.
de-a lungul lungimii pachetului.
If loading or unloading pipes using forklifts, ensure that only
n cazul n care evile se ncarc sau descarc fork lift trucks with smooth forks should be used. Care should
folosind stivuitoare, asigurai-v s fie folosite numai be taken to ensure that forks do not strike the pipe when
motostivuitoarele cu furci netede. Trebuie luate msuri lifting. It is important to ensure as large a space between the
pentru a se asigura ca furcile s nu loveasc eava atunci forks as possible for stability of the pallets.
cnd ridicai pachetele de eav. Este important s se
asigure un spaiu ct mai mare ntre furci pentru stabilitatea When storing pipes and fittings on site, the contractor must
paleilor. provide adequate space for storage. Pipes have to be stored
on flat surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps). We
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, constructorul recommend to keep the fittings in the original packaging as
trebuie s asigure un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea much as possible. If there is not available a covered space,
acestora. evile trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr fittings can be kept also outdoors.
obiecte ascuite (pietre sau proeminene). Fitingurile se
recomand sa fie pastrate n ambalajul original ct mai mult
cu putin. Dac nu exist un spatiu acoperit se pot pstra i
n exterior. 226
since 1896

Este indicat ca evile s fie depozitate n stive nu mai nalte It is indicated to store the pipes in stacks no higher than
de 1,5m n cazul celor cu grosime mai mic de perete (PN 1.5m in case of the pipes with thinner wall (PN 2.5, 3.2, 4).
2,5; 3,2; 4).
The pipe coils can be stored in an inclined position, supported
Colacii de eav se pot depozita n poziie nclinat, sprijinii by a plan wall vertically. The coils with a small wall thickness
de un perete plan, vertical. Colacii cu grosime mic de perete (PN 4 or 6 bar) is recommended to be stacked horizontally to
(PN4 sau 6 bari) este recomandat sa fie stivuii pe orizontal be better protected from possible deformation.
pentru a fi mai bine protejai de eventuale deformri.
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
6 luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile not obstruct the ventilation and also to remove the pipes
solare astfel nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora i seals and keeping them in a place protected from intense
deasemenea demontarea garniturilor evilor i pstrarea sunlight and high temperatures.
acestora ntr-un spaiu ferit de radiaii solare puternice i
temperaturi ridicate.

Instalarea Installation
Durata de via a reelelor executate din polietilen este The lifetime of polyethylene networks is overwhelmingly
influenat n mod covritor de modul n care este realizat influenced by the execution of the trench, laying bed
anul de pozare, patul de fundare precum i de gradul de foundation and the degree of compaction.
The influence of the diamter pipe, soil characteristics and
Influena diametrului evii, a caracteristicilor terenului installation depth on the strain or deformation of the pipe
i adncimii de pozare asupra tensiunilor, respectiv a is negligible. The effect due to the traffic loads is manifested
deformrilor evii este neglijabil. Efectul sarcinilor datorate only if the installation depth is less than 1m. Quality of the
circulaiei vehiculelor se manifest numai n cazul adncimilor work when laying the material and the degree of compaction
de pozare mai mici de 1m. Calitatea lucrarilor de pozare, is crucial in respect stresses and deformation.
materialul i gradul de compactare sunt determinante n
privina tensiunilor i deformaiilor.

Excavarea sanului Trench Excavation

Excavarea anului se face conform indicaiilor proiectului n Trench excavation is done according the project regarding
ceea ce privete adncimea de pozare. the installation depth.
Pentru determinarea limii antului trebuie s se in cont de To determine the width of the trench must take into account
anumii factori ce influeneaz configuraia spturii cum sunt: the factors influencing the excavation configuration such as:
caracteristicile terenului (necesitatea sprijinirilor); soil characteristics (need support of not);
diametrul evii care se va instala; pipe diameter that will be installed;
tehnologia de montaj (mbinarile se execut n afara connection technology (the connections are executed
anului sau n an). outside the trench or in the trench).

n tabelul de mai jos sunt indicate valori orientative ale The table below show guide values for burial depths of
adncimilor de ngropare pentru evile din polietilen: polyethylene pipes:

Diametrul evii / Grosime strat de acoperire (m) / Ground covering thickness (m)
Diameter of the pipe Minim Maxim
80 1,20 3,00
> 300mm 0,80 3,00 227
since 1896

n general realizarea mbinrilor n an este necesar numai In general, the executions of the connections in the trench
n anumite situaii punctuale, aadar limea anului poate are required only in certain punctual situations, therefore
fi redus la minim. the width of the trench can be minimized.
Pentru cazurile n care pozarea evilor se face la o adncime For cases where pipeline construction is at a normal depth, it
normal, este recomandat realizarea unui an de lime is recommended to achieve a minimum width trench, which
minim, ce este avantajos att din punct de vedere static ct is advantageous both in terms of static and economically:
i economic:
B = dn + 2a = D + 20cm, Bminim = 40cm
B = dn + 2a = D + 20cm, Bminim = 40cm

If the pipe line intersects with other works, or when it is

n cazul n care traseul evii se intersecteaz cu alte lucrri, necessary to install the pipe at greater depths than usual,
sau atunci cnd este necesar instalarea evii la adncimi we recommend a wider trench:
mai mari dect cele uzuale, se recomand un san cu o
lime mai mare:
B = dn + 2a = D + 40cm, Bminim = 40cm
B = dn + 2a = D + 40cm, Bminim = 40cm
Execution of laying bed and flange connections runs in the
Executarea patului de pozare i a mbinarilor cu flane se
trench. If it is necessary to ensure the trench support, the
execut n an. Dac este necesar realizarea de sprijiniri,
trench width will be increased additional with the space
limea anului va fi mrit cu necesarul de spaiu al
required by the support structure or it can be adopted the
structurii de sprijin sau se poate adopta soluia executrii
solution with the execution of the embankment trench.
anului cu taluz.

Pregtirea patului de montaj i instalarea evilor Preparation of the bed assembly and pipes installation
Capacitatea portant i deformarea evilor din PE sunt Capacity and deformation of PE pipes are influenced by the
influenate de calitatea patului de pozare. Un pat bun quality of laying bed. A good laying bed is able to prevent the
de pozare este capabil s mpiedice micrile cauzate movements caused by temperature changes by friction with
de variaiile de temperatur prin frecarea cu suprafaa the outer surface of the pipe.
exterioar a evii.
In case the bottom of the excavated trench consists of fine
n cazul n care partea inferioar a anului excavat este grained soils without sharp objects such as large stones,
alctuit din soluri cu granulatie fina, fr obiecte ascuite, it is sufficient to level the bottom in line with the required
cum ar fi pietre mari, este suficient s nivelm suprafaa, gradient and to loosen the bottom, either with the teeth of
n conformitate cu gradientul necesar i s o afnm, fie the excavator bucket or with a spade.
cu dinii cupei excavator sau cu o cazma. n caz contrar se
If not, proper imported granular material shall be used.
va achiziiona i folosi un material granular adecvat. Acest
This material may be gravel, sand or crushed rock, with a
material poate fi pietri, nisip sau piatr concasat, cu o
maximum particle size of 20 mm. With this a bedding layer of
dimensiune maxim a particulei de 20 mm. Cu acesta se va
at least 10 cm, shall be made. Some space shall be provided
realiza un strat de aternut de cel puin 10 cm, iar n cazul
under the planned position of the socket. Ground water
n care a fost realizat nengrijit, cu denivelri se recomand
swelling up in the trench should be prevented with suitable
mrirea acestui strat. n cazul apariiei apei n an din
pnza freatic se vor lua masuri de evacuare a acesteia cu
echipamente adecvate.

Pozarea sistemului Laying of the system

Reeaua poate fi premontat prin mbinarea evilor (colaci The network can be pre-assembled by combining pipes (coils
sau bare) pe mai muli kilometri. n general, premontajul, or bars) for several kilometers. In general, pre-assembled,
adic mbinarea evilor, se face lng anul gata spat, prin means joining of the pipes is done near the trench, by moving
deplasarea aparatului de sudur i pesonalului de execuie. welding equipment and workers. It is possible to reverse the
Este posibil i inversarea ordinii: evile se mbin lng order: pipes welded near the route, following the digging of
traseu, urmnd ca sparea anului s se execute ulterior, n the trench to run later, thus shortening the exposure time of
acest fel scurtndu-se timpul de expunere al anului. the trench.
Chiar i pentru pozarea evilor exist mai multe posibiliti. Even for pipeline installation are several possibilities. For
De exemplu, colacii de eav pot fi pozai direct de pe tambur, example, pipes in coils can be installed directly from the
n paralel cu sparea anului. drum, while digging the trench.
evile de diametru mare, pot fi pozate direct pe pat, sau pe Large diameter pipes, can be installed directly on the laying
reazeme aezate peste an. eava se coboar pe pat prin bed, or on supports placed over the trench. The pipe comes
ndeprtarea succesiv a reazemelor. down on the bed by removing successive supports. 228
since 1896

Pentru realizarea unor lucrri de calitate, se recomand To achieve good quality work, we recommend the following:
it is not accepted to roll the welded pipes due to torsion
nu se accept rularea evilor sudate din cauza solicitrilor strains that may affect tubes or welds;
de torsiune la care pot fi supuse evile, respectiv sudurile; plug points can induce dangerous elongations, so the
punctele de priz ndeprtate pot induce alungiri launch of the pipe should be made carefully;
periculoase, de aceea lansarea trebuie efectuat cu atenie; at the completion of the pipe position in the trench it must
la definitivarea poziiei evii n an aceasta nu trebuie s not come into contact with the walls of the excavation.
vin n contact cu pereii spturii.

Umplutura i compactarea anului Backfilling and compaction

Odat ce eava a fost instalat i testat n modul prescris, Once the pipeline has been installed and tested in the
putei ncepe umplerea anului. prescribed manner, you can start filling in the pack.
n cazul umpluturii laterale, umplerea ct i compactarea In case of side filling the filling and compaction must be
trebuie fcute pe ambele pri simultan. Umplerea se done on both sides simultaneously.
va face in straturi succesive de maxim 20cm grosime. The filling will be made with successive layers with a
Zona dintre conduct i peretele anului trebuie s fie maximum 20cm thickness. The area between the pipeline
compactat uniform n conformitate cu cerinele proiectului and the trench wall must be compacted evenly in accordance
(de exemplu, la nivelul minim necesar de densitate Proctor). with the requirements of the project specification (e.g. to the
nlimea umpluturii laterale se execut pna la o grosime minimum required Proctor density). The side fill goes up to
egal cu minim 2/3 din diametrul conductei. Este indicat ca minimum 2/3 of the pipe diameter. It is advisable to execute
umplerea lateral sa se execute pn la nivelul generatoarei the filling side up to the pipeline top edge.
superioare a conductei.
The initial backfill should exceed the pipeline top edge by
Umplutura iniial se execut pana la 30 de cm deasupra 30cm in successive layers with a uniform compaction to the
generatoarei superioare a conductei n straturi succesive cu minimum required Proctor density according the project.
o compactare uniform la un grad de compactare Proctor It is recommended a 95% compaction degree for the initial
conform proiectului. Se recomand un grad de compactare filling for areas under the roads and 85% for other situations.
al umpluturii iniiale de 95% pentru zone aflate sub ci
rutiere, respectiv 85% pentru celelalte situaii. For compacting you can use a rammer that will be used on
both sides of the pipe.
Pentru compactare se va folosi un mai cu care se va compacta
pe ambele pri ale conductei. Att pentru umplutura For both the side fill and the initial backfill, as with the pipe
lateral ct i pentru cea iniial se va folosi o umplutur bedding, will be used a filling material similar with the bed
similar cu cea utilizata la patul evii. fill. Over the top layer of sand over the initial filling, for the
final filling can be used excavated material free of stones
Deasupra stratului superior de nisip al umpluturii iniiale, with sharp edges.
pentru umplutura final se poate utiliza materialul excavat
cu condiia sa nu conina pietre cu muchii ascuite. The final filling will run in layers of about 30 cm that will be
Umplutura final se va executa n straturi de circa 30 de cm compacted. The recommended degree of compaction is 90%
ce se vor compacta. Gradul de compactare recomandat este below the roads and 85% in other situations.
de 90% sub cile rutiere i de 85% n celelalte situaii. At execution is necessary to ensure the possibility of further
La execuie este necesar asigurarea posibilitii de detectare detecting of the network line. To do this is recommended to
ulterioar a treseului reelei. Pentru aceasta la pozarea evilor use at the laying of the pipeline a signalling metal wire or a
se recomand utilizarea unui fir metalic de semnalizare sau a signal band with embedded wire.
unei benzi de semnalizare cu fir metalic ncorporat.

Tehnicile de mbinare ale evilor i Joining techniques of polyethylene

fitingurilor din polietilen pipes and fittings

Alegerea modalitii optime de mbinare a elementelor The choice of optimal connection between the elements
reelei depinde foarte mult de funcia pe care urmeaz s of the pipeline depends very much on the position they is
o indeplineasc reeaua, condiiile de montaj precum i expected to achieve by the network, installation conditions
mijloacele auxiliare aflate la dispoziie. and available equipments.
mbinrile ntre evi sau ntre evi i fitinguri pot fi de 2 feluri: The joints between pipes or between pipes and fittings can
be of two kinds:
mbinari nedemontabile;
mbinri demontabile. Permanent joints;
Demountable connections. 229
since 1896

mbinri nedemontabile Permanent joints

n categoria mbinrilor nedemontabile se ncadreaz In the category of permanent joints are following
urmtoarele tehnologii: technologies:
mbinarea prin sudura cap la cap; Butt welding connection;
mbinarea cu fitinguri de electrofuziune; Connection with electrofusion fittings;
mbinarea prin polifuziune (foarte puin utilizat n Romnia). Polifusion connection (not so much used in Romania).

mbinarea prin sudur cap la cap Butt weld connection

Este cea mai frecvent tehnologie de mbinare nedemontabil Is the most common technology used for permanent
utilizat. Principiul acestei metode are la baz fenomenul de joint. The principle of this method is based on the fusion
fuziune. Practic, are loc o nclzire a suprafeelor ce urmeaz phenomenon. In practice, there is ensured a heating of the
s fie mbinate pentru o anumit perioad de timp. Apoi, cele surfaces to be joined for a certain period of time. Then, the
dou suprafee se preseaz una peste cealalt la o presiune two surfaces are pressed to each other at a certain pressure
stabilit i pe o perioad de timp bine precizata, astfel nct and for a well defined period of time, so that the resulting
materialul topit fuzioneaz determinnd o singur structur. melted material merging in a single structure. This phase is
Aceast faz este urmat de o faz de rcire. followed by a cooling phase.
Parametri de sudur sunt aadar timpul, presiunea i So, the welding parameters are therefore, pressure and
temperatura. Acetia depind de materialul de baz al evii temperature. They depend on the material of the pipe
(fitingurilor) i de raportul dimensional standard (SDR) i se (fittings) and standard dimension ratio (SDR) and are made
pun la dispoziie de productorii aparatelor de sudur. available by manufacturers of welding equipment.
Dei nu este o procedur complicat trebuie s se in seama Although is not a complicated procedure you must take into
de civa factori extrem de importani dintre care amintim: account several factors, extremely important, as:
alinierea perfect a elementelor ce urmeaz sa fie mbinate; perfect alignment of the elements to be joined;
curirea suprafeelor de mbinare de corpuri strine i cleaning the contact surfaces from foreign bodies and in
n special de grsimi; particular of fat;
respectarea parametrilor de sudur (timp, presiune, compliance with welding parameter (time, pressure,
temperatur); temperature);
rcirea trebuie s se fac natural. cooling should be natural.
Pentru realizarea sudurilor cap la cap se folosesc aparate de To achieve butt welds are used welding machines manual,
sudur manual, semi-automate sau automate iar realizarea semi-automated or automated welds and to achieve those
acestor suduri necesit personal bine calificat. is requiring skilled personnel.

mbinarea cu fitinguri de electrofuziune Connection with electrofusion fittings

Sudura cu fitinguri de electrofuziune a devenit din ce n ce Electro fittings welding has become increasingly used
mai utilizat ca urmare a procedurii extrem de simple i following the extremely simple and fast procedure and the
rapide dar i a calitii superioare a mbinrii. n general high quality of the connection. Generally this procedure is
acest procedur este foarte mult utilizat n cazul reelelor greatly used in gas distribution networks.
de distribuie a gazelor. Electrofusion fittings are made by injection and have inside
Fitingurile de electrofuziune sunt realizate prin injecie i the wall an electrical calibrated resistance. In fact in case
conin la interiorul peretelui o rezisten electric calibrat. of this connection, the energy generated in the coils of the
Practic n cazul acestei mbinri, energia care este generat n fitting heats the inner surface of the fitting and the outer side
spirele fitingului de electrofuziune nclzete materialul de pe of the pipe after was introduced into the fitting.
suprafaa interioar a fitingului i cea exterioar a evii dup Following the increase in temperature and pressure, between
ce a fost introdus n fiting. Ca urmare a creterii temperaturii the two surfaces, the two masses of melted material flowing
i presiunii ntre cele dou suprafee, cele dou mase de along, taking place the fusion phenomenon. Each of the
material topit curg mpreun avnd loc fenomenul de fuziune areas of fusion is provided with a fusion indicator done in
al acestora. Fiecare dintre zonele de fuziune este prevazut cu the fitting wall which is pushed outwards during the welding
un indicator realizat n peretele fitingului care este mpins n process. This is the first visual evidence that the welding was
exterior n timpul procesului de fuziune. Acesta este i prima carried out.
dovad vizual c procesul de sudur s-a realizat.
If electro fittings welding procedure the used parameters are
n cazul sudurii cu fitinguri de electrofuziune parametrii temperature and time. Parameters are printed on the fitting
utilzai sunt temperatur i timpul. Parametrii sunt label and automatically read by the electrofusion welding
inscripionai pe eticheta produsului i citii automat de device.
aparatul de electrofuziune.
Although it is a simple procedure, even more than the butt
Dei este o procedur chiar mai simpl dect cea a sudurii cap welding, should be taken into account several important
la cap trebuie s se in seama de civa factori importani factors such as:
dintre care amintim: 230
since 1896

tierea corect a capetelor evilor i marcarea pe acestea proper cutting of the pipes and correct marking on pipe
a lungimii de inserie n fiting; ends the length of insertion into the fitting;
rzuirea suprafeelor exterioare ale elementelor ce scraping the outer surface of the elements to be welded
urmeaz s fie mbinate pentru eliminarea stratului in order to eliminate the oxidized superficial layer from
superficial oxidat de la suprafaa acestora; the surface;
curirea suprafeelor de mbinare de corpuri strine i cleaning of the engaging surfaces from foreign bodies
n special de grsimi cu solveni speciali; and in special from fat with special solvents;
rcirea trebuie s se fac natural conform timpului cooling must be made natural according the time
marcat pe eticheta fitingului. marked on the label of the fitting.
Pentru realizarea sudurilor prin electrofuziune se folosesc To achieve electrofusion welds are used automatic welding
aparate de sudur automate, cu cititor de cod de bare iar machines, equipped with barcode reader and to achieve
realizarea acestor suduri necesit personal bine calificat. those welds is required skilled personnel.

mbinarea prin polifuziune

Polifusion connection
Este un procedeu de mbinare ce utilizeaz un fiting special de
polifuziune. Se bazeaz pe transferul termic prin intermediul It is a joining process that uses a special polifusion fitting. It
unui bac metalic calibrat la suprafaa interioar a unui fiting i is based on heat transfer through a metal calibrated casing
cea exterioar a evii. Fitingurile pentru sudura prin polifuziune to the inner surfaces of a special fitting and outer surface of
sunt disponibile n gama de diametre D 20-110mm. Aceast the pipe. Polifusion welding fittings are available in diameter
tehnologie nu este foarte rspndit pentru c fenomenul de range of 20-110mm. This technology is not widespread
polifuziune nu este automatizat i este dificil de controlat. because polifusion phenomenon is not automatic and is
difficult to control.
mbinri demontabile
Demountable joints
Din categoria mbinrilor demontabile cele mai cunoscute i
utilizate sunt: From the demountable joints category best known and used
imbinarea cu adaptor de flan i flan libera; are:
imbinarea cu fitinguri de compresiune. joint with flange adaptor and free flange;
joint with compression fittings.
mbinarea cu adaptor de flan
Jointing with flange adaptor and free flange
Acest tip de mbinare este nelipsit n tehnica de execuie
a unei reele de ap. mbinarea cu adaptor de flan i This type of joint is customary in the technique of execution
flan liber este cea mai folosit la realizarea mbinrilor of a water network. Jointing with flange adapter and free
cu arterele principale i obligatorie la montarea vanelor flange is the most used in making the connections to main
metalice i a hidrantilor de font n cadrul reelei. pipelines and mandatory for the installation of metal valves
Etaneitatea mbinrii depinde foarte mult de calitatea and hydrants on the network.
garniturii de etanare dar mai ales de calitatea execuiei. Joint tightness depends heavily on the quality of the sealing
Dezavantajul acestui tip de mbinare este determinat de gasket but especially on the quality of execution.
sensibilitatea la coroziune a flanelor i uruburilor, respectiv The disadvantage of this type of joint is determined by the
durata de via diferit fa de cea a evilor i fitingurilor. sensitivity to corrosion of the flanges and screws, respectively
the different life time compare with the one of pipes and fittings.
mbinarea cu fitinguri de compresiune
Jointing with compression fittings
Este cea mai simpl dintre tehnologiile de mbinare a evilor
din polietilen. Aceast tehnic d posibilitatea executrii cu It is the simplest from all polyethylene pipes jointing
un randament mrit i foarte economic a sute de metri de technologies. This technique allows execution with increaed
reea de eav, mai ales cea livrat n colaci. Aceste fitinguri yield and very economical of hundreds of meters of pipe
se fabric n gama dimensional 16 160mm avnd un network, especially for the one delivered in coils. These
domeniu de utilizare relativ extins. fittings are manufactured in the size range 16 - 160mm with
a relatively broad range of applications.
Domeniul cel mai fecvent de utilizare al fitingurilor de
compresiune este depanarea defeciunilor ce apar n The most frequently field for the use of compression fittings
reelelele de ap. Utilizarea lor este posibil chiar i pentru is troubleshoot faults occurring in water networks. Their use is
instalaii interioare i conducte tehnologice. possible even for interior installations and technological pipelines.
De cele mai multe ori se utilizeaz n zona cuprins ntre Most often are used in the area between the network house
branamentul la reea i cldire. connection and the house.
Recomandam acordarea unei atenii deosebite fitingurilor We recommend paying attention to fittings used for the house
utilizate pentru realizarea branamentelor (a se consulta partea connection supply lines (please consult the presentation of
de prezentare a elementelor componente ale acestei game). the elements of this range). 231
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE80 SDR26 - PN 5

HDPE PE80 SDR26 Water pipe - PN5

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0166 50 2.0 colac 250m
COD1301 63 2.5 colac 200m
COD1302 75 2.9 bare 12m
TPE0165 90 3.5 bare 12m
COD1303 110 4.2 bare 12m
COD1304 125 4.8 bare 12m
COD1305 140 5.4 bare 12m
COD1306 160 6.2 bare 12m
COD1307 180 6.9 bare 12m
TPE0046 200 7.7 bare 12m
COD1308 225 8.6 bare 12m
COD1309 250 9.6 bare 12m
COD1310 280 10.7 bare 12m/13m
COD1311 315 12.1 bare 12m/13m
COD1312 355 13.6 bare 12m/13m
COD1313 400 15.3 bare 12m/13m
COD1314 450 17.2 bare 12m/13m
COD1315 500 19.1 bare 12m/13m
COD1316 560 21.4 bare 12m/13m
COD1317 630 24.1 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Coeficient de siguran, C=1,25. Safety coefficient, C=1,25.
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201.

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE80 SDR21 - PN 6

HDPE PE80 SDR21 Water pipe - PN6

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0031 20 - colac 200
TPE0149 25 - colac 200
TPE0153 32 - colac 200
TPE0024 40 2.0 colac 200
TPE0004 50 2.4 colac 250
TPE0005 63 3.0 colac 250
TPE0019 75 3.6 colac 200
TPE0018 90 4.3 colac 100
TPE0020 110 5.3 bare 12
TPE0068 125 6.0 bare 12
TPE0182 140 6.7 bare 12
TPE0067 160 7.7 bare 12
TPE0183 180 8.6 bare 12
TPE0119 200 9.6 bare 12
TPE0184 225 10.8 bare 12
TPE0185 250 11.9 bare 12
TPE0186 280 13.4 bare 12
TPE0187 315 15.0 bare 12
TPE0146 355 16.9 bare 12
TPE0188 400 19.1 bare 12
TPE0189 450 21.5 bare 12
TPE0190 500 23.9 bare 12
TPE0191 560 26.7 bare 12
TPE0192 630 30.0 bare 12

Not Note
Coeficient de siguranta, C=1,25. Safety coefficient, C=1,25.
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201. 232
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE80 SDR17,6 - PN 6

HDPE PE80 SDR17,6 Water pipe - PN6

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0032 40 2,3 colac 200
TPE0028 50 2,9 colac 250
TPE0123 63 3,6 colac 250
TPE0016 75 4,3 colac 200
TPE0029 90 5,2 colac 150
TPE0011 110 6,3 colac 100
TPE0021 125 7,4 bare 12
TPE0109 140 8,0 bare 12
TPE0022 160 9,1 bare 12
TPE0057 180 10,2 bare 12
TPE0039 200 11,4 bare 12
TPE0164 225 12,8 bare 12
TPE0193 250 14,2 bare 12
TPE0194 280 15,9 bare 12
TPE0163 315 17,9 bare 12
TPE0195 355 20,1 bare 12
TPE0141 400 22,7 bare 12
TPE0196 450 25,5 bare 12
TPE0197 500 28,3 bare 12
TPE0198 560 31,7 bare 12
TPE0199 630 35,7 bare 12

Not Note
Coeficient de siguranta, C=1,6. Standarde: DIN8074/8075. Safety coefficient, C=1.6. Standards: DIN8074/8075.
La cerere putem furniza i tevi PE80 SDR17 - PN8. On request we can deliver also PE80 SDR17-PN8
Water pipes.

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE80 SDR13,6 - PN 10

HDPE PE80 SDR13,6 Water pipe - PN10

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0108 20 2,0 colac 200
TPE0118 25 2,3 colac 200
TPE0087 32 2,4 colac 200
TPE0007 40 3,0 colac 200
TPE0036 50 3,7 colac 250
TPE0012 63 4,7 colac 250
TPE0041 75 5,5 colac 200
TPE0015 90 6,6 colac 150
TPE0035 110 8,1 colac 100
TPE0114 125 9,2 bare 12
TPE0200 140 10,3 bare 12
TPE0066 160 11,8 bare 12
TPE0047 180 13,3 bare 12
TPE0201 200 14,7 bare 12
TPE0034 225 16,6 bare 12
TPE0042 250 18,4 bare 12
TPE0202 280 20,6 bare 12
TPE0203 315 23,3 bare 12
TPE0204 355 26,1 bare 12
TPE0205 400 29,4 bare 12
TPE0206 450 33,1 bare 12
TPE0088 500 36,8 bare 12
TPE0207 560 41,2 bare 12
TPE0209 630 46,4 bare 12

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201. 233
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE80 SDR11 - PN 10

HDPE PE80 SDR11 Water pipe - PN10

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0208 20 2,3 colac 200
TPE0054 25 3,0 colac 200
TPE0001 32 3,0 colac 200
TPE0033 40 3,7 colac 200
TPE0014 50 4,6 colac 250
TPE0089 63 5,8 colac 250
TPE0079 75 6,8 colac 200
TPE0009 90 8,2 colac 150
TPE0074 110 10,0 colac 100
TPE0210 125 11,4 bare 12
TPE0128 140 12,7 bare 12
TPE0131 160 14,6 bare 12
TPE0045 180 16,4 bare 12
TPE0211 200 18,2 bare 12
TPE0044 225 20,5 bare 12
TPE0212 250 22,7 bare 12
TPE0053 280 25,4 bare 12
TPE0162 315 28,6 bare 12
TPE0213 355 32,2 bare 12
TPE0214 400 36,3 bare 12
TPE0215 450 40,9 bare 12
TPE0216 500 45,4 bare 12
TPE0217 560 50,8 bare 12
TPE0218 630 57,2 bare 12

Not Note
PN10 pentru Coeficient de siguranta, C=1,6. PN10 for Safety coefficient, C=1.6.
PN12,5 pentru Coeficient de siguranta, C=1,25. PN12.5 for Safety coefficient, C=1.25.
Standarde: DIN8074/8075. Standards: DIN8074/8075.

Important Important
La cerere putem furniza i evi din polieltilen PE80 On request we can deliver also PE80 water pipes as
astfel: follows:
PE80 SDR9 - PN16 PE80 SDR9 - PN16
PE80 SDR7,4 - PN20 PE80 SDR7,4 - PN20
PE80 SDR6 - PN25. PE80 SDR6 - PN25.

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE100 SDR26 - PN 6

HDPE PE100 SDR26 Water pipe - PN6

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0219 50 2,0 colac 250
TPE0220 63 2,5 bare 12
TPE0116 75 2,9 bare 12
TPE0051 90 3,5 bare 12
TPE0026 110 4,2 bare 12
TPE0104 125 4,8 bare 12
TPE0103 140 5,4 bare 12
TPE0037 160 6,2 bare 12
TPE0050 180 6,9 bare 12
TPE0140 200 7,7 bare 12
TPE0105 225 8,6 bare 12
TPE0132 250 9,6 bare 12
TPE0139 280 10,7 bare 12
TPE0161 315 12,1 bare 12
TPE0221 355 13,6 bare 12
TPE0222 400 15,3 bare 12
TPE0223 450 17,2 bare 12
TPE0127 500 19,1 bare 12
TPE0224 560 21,4 bare 12
TPE0117 630 24,1 bare 12

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201.

Important Important
La cerere putem furniza i evi din polietilen ap PE100 On request we can deliver also PE100 SDR33 - PN5 water
SDR33 - PN5, cu diametre cuprinse ntre 315 i 630mm. pipes in diameters from 315 to 630mm. 234
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE100 SDR21 - PN 8

HDPE PE100 SDR21 Water pipe - PN8

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0203 50 2,4 colac 250m
COD0204 63 3,0 colac 250m
COD0205 75 3,6 colac 200m
COD0206 90 4,3 colac 240m
COD0207 110 5,3 bare 12 m
COD0208 125 6,0 bare 12 m
COD0209 140 6,7 bare 12 m
COD0210 160 7,7 bare 12 m
COD0211 180 8,6 bare 12 m
COD0212 200 9,6 bare 12 m
COD0213 225 10,8 bare 12 m
COD0214 250 11,9 bare 12 m
COD0215 280 13,4 bare 12m/13m
COD0216 315 15,0 bare 12m/13m
COD0217 355 16,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0218 400 19,1 bare 12m/13m
COD0219 450 21,5 bare 12m/13m
COD0220 500 23,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0221 560 26,7 bare 12m/13m
COD0222 630 30,0 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201.

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE100 SDR17 - PN10

HDPE PE100 SDR17 Water pipe - PN10

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0223 20 2,0 colac 200
TPE0075 25 2,0 colac 200
TPE0076 32 2,0 colac 200
TPE0124 40 2,4 colac 200
TPE060 50 3,0 colac 250
TPE0048 63 3,8 colac 250
TPE0130 75 4,5 colac 200
TPE0052 90 5,4 colac 150
TPE0008 110 6,6 colac 100
TPE0058 125 7,4 bare 12
TPE0092 140 8,3 bare 12
TPE0084 160 9,5 bare 12
TPE0083 180 10,7 bare 12
TPE0142 200 11,9 bare 12
TPE0082 225 13,4 bare 12
TPE0081 250 14,8 bare 12
TPE0159 280 16,6 bare 12
TPE0062 315 18,7 bare 12
FEI0637 355 21,1 bare 12
TPE0150 400 23,7 bare 12
TPE0148 450 26,7 bare 12
TPE0225 500 29,7 bare 12
TPE0226 560 33,2 bare 12
TPE0078 630 37,4 bare 12

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201. 235
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE100 SDR13,6 - PN 12,5

HDPE PE100 SDR13,6 Water pipe - PN12,5

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0224 25 2,3 colac 200m
COD0225 32 2,4 colac 200m
COD0226 40 3,0 colac 250m
COD0227 50 3,7 colac 250m
COD0228 63 4,7 colac 250m
COD0229 75 5,5 colac 200m
TPE0278 90 6,6 colac 150m
TPE0013 110 8,1 colac 100m
COD0230 125 9,2 bare 12 m
COD0231 140 10,3 bare 12 m
TPE0049 160 11,8 bare 12 m
COD0232 180 13,3 bare 12 m
TPE0113 200 14,7 bare 12 m
COD0233 225 16,6 bare 12 m
COD0234 250 18,4 bare 12 m
COD0235 280 20,6 bare 12 m
COD0236 315 23,3 bare 12m/13m
COD0237 355 26,1 bare 12m/13m
COD0238 400 29,4 bare 12m/13m
COD0239 450 33,1 bare 12m/13m
COD0240 500 36,8 bare 12m/13m
COD0241 560 41,2 bare 12m/13m
COD0242 630 46,4 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201.

eav polietilen pentru AP - PE100 SDR11 - PN 16

HDPE PE100 SDR11 Water pipe - PN16

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0228 32 3,0 colac 200
TPE0229 40 3,7 colac 200
TPE0230 50 4,6 colac 250
TPE0231 63 5,8 colac 250
TPE0232 75 6,8 colac 200
TPE0233 90 8,2 colac 150
TPE0027 110 10,0 colac 100
TPE0069 125 11,4 bare 12
TPE0234 140 12,7 bare 12
TPE0065 160 14,6 bare 12
TPE0258 180 16,4 bare 12
TPE0072 200 18,2 bare 12
TPE0179 225 20,5 bare 12
TPE0227 250 22,7 bare 12
TPE0235 280 25,4 bare 12
TPE0176 315 28,6 bare 12
TPE0236 355 32,2 bare 12
TPE0237 400 36,6 bare 12
TPE0147 450 40,9 bare 12
TPE0238 500 45,4 bare 12
TPE0239 560 50,8 bare 12
TPE0240 630 57,2 bare 12

Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201.

Important Important
La cerere putem furniza i evi din polieltilen PE80 ON request we can deliver also PE80 water pipes as
astfel: follows:
PE100 SDR9 - PN20 PE100 SDR9 - PN20
PE100 SDR7,4 - PN25 PE100 SDR7,4 - PN25
PE80 SDR6 - PN25. PE80 SDR6 - PN25. 236
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru IRIGATII

HDPE pipe for irrigation

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0377 25 2,0 colac 200m
COD0378 32 2,0 colac 200m
COD0379 40 2,0 colac 250m
COD0380 50 2,4 colac 250m
COD0381 63 3,0 colac 250m
Not Note
Standarde: ISO4427; EN 12201. Standards: ISO4427; EN 12201.

eav polietilen pentru GAZ - PE80 SDR17,6

HDPE PE80 SDR17,6 Gas pipe

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0296 20 2,3 colac 200m
COD0297 25 2,3 colac 200m
COD0298 32 2,3 colac 200m
COD0299 40 2,3 colac 250m
COD0300 50 2,9 colac 250m
COD0301 63 3,6 colac 250m
COD0302 75 4,3 colac 200m
COD0303 90 5,1 colac 150m
COD0304 110 6,3 colac 100m
COD0305 125 7,1 bare 12 m
COD0306 140 8,0 bare 12 m
COD0307 160 9,1 bare 12 m
COD0308 180 10,3 bare 12 m
COD0309 200 11,4 bare 12 m
COD0310 225 12,8 bare 12 m
COD0311 250 14,2 bare 12 m
COD0312 280 15,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0313 315 17,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0314 355 20,2 bare 12m/13m
COD0315 400 22,8 bare 12m/13m
COD0316 450 25,6 bare 12m/13m
COD0317 500 28,4 bare 12m/13m
COD0318 560 31,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0319 630 35,8 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: EN 155/ISO 4437. Standards: EN 155/ISO 4437.

eav polietilen pentru GAZ - PE80 SDR11

HDPE PE80 SDR11 Gas pipe

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0320 20 3,0 colac 200m
COD0321 25 3,0 colac 200m
TPE0086 32 3,0 colac 200m
TPE0071 40 3,7 colac 250m
TPE0090 50 4,6 colac 250m
TPE0025 63 5,8 colac 250m
TPE0091 75 6,8 colac 200m
TPE0111 90 8,2 colac 150m
TPE0073 110 10,0 colac 100m
TPE0122 125 11,4 bare 12 m
COD0322 140 12,7 bare 12 m
TPE0061 160 14,6 bare 12 m
COD0323 180 16,4 bare 12 m
TPE0070 200 18,2 bare 12 m
COD0324 225 20,5 bare 12 m
TPE0093 250 22,7 bare 12 m
COD0325 280 25,4 bare 12m/13m
TPE0077 315 28,6 bare 12m/13m
COD0326 355 32,3 bare 12m/13m
COD0327 400 36,4 bare 12m/13m
COD0328 450 40,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0329 500 45,5 bare 12m/13m
COD0330 560 50,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0331 630 57,3 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: EN 155/ISO 4437. Standards: EN 155/ISO 4437. 237
since 1896

eav polietilen pentru GAZ - PE100 SDR17,6

HDPE PE80 SDR17.6 Gas pipe

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0332 20 2,3 colac 200m
COD0333 25 2,3 colac 200m
COD0334 32 2,3 colac 200m
COD0335 40 2,3 colac 250m
COD0336 50 2,9 colac 250m
COD0337 63 3,6 colac 250m
COD0338 75 4,3 colac 200m
COD0339 90 5,1 colac 150m
COD0340 110 6,3 colac 100m
COD0341 125 7,1 bare 12 m
COD0342 140 8,0 bare 12 m
COD0343 160 9,1 bare 12 m
COD0344 180 10,3 bare 12 m
COD0345 200 11,4 bare 12 m
COD0346 225 12,8 bare 12 m
COD0347 250 14,2 bare 12 m
COD0348 280 15,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0349 315 17,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0350 355 20,2 bare 12m/13m
COD0351 400 22,8 bare 12m/13m
COD0352 450 25,6 bare 12m/13m
COD0353 500 28,4 bare 12m/13m
COD0354 560 31,9 bare 12m/13m
COD0355 630 35,8 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: EN 155/ISO 4437. Standards: EN 155/ISO 4437.

eav polietilen pentru GAZ - PE100 SDR11

HDPE PE80 SDR11 Gas pipe

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Livrare

D (mm) s (mm)
TPE0241 20 3,0 colac 200m
TPE0242 25 3,0 colac 200m
TPE0094 32 3,0 colac 200m
TPE0095 40 3,7 colac 250m
TPE0096 50 4,6 colac 250m
TPE0097 63 5,8 colac 250m
TPE0098 75 6,8 colac 200m
TPE0099 90 8,2 colac 150m
TPE0133 110 10,0 colac 100m
TPE0160 125 11,4 bare 12 m
TPE0064 140 12,7 bare 12 m
TPE0137 160 14,6 bare 12 m
TPE0120 180 16,4 bare 12 m
TPE0144 200 18,2 bare 12 m
TPE0243 225 20,5 bare 12 m
TPE0152 250 22,7 bare 12 m
TPE0244 280 25,4 bare 12m/13m
TPE0245 315 28,6 bare 12m/13m
TPE0246 355 32,3 bare 12m/13m
TPE0063 400 36,4 bare 12m/13m
TPE0247 450 40,9 bare 12m/13m
TPE0080 500 45,5 bare 12m/13m
TPE0248 560 50,9 bare 12m/13m
TPE0249 630 57,3 bare 12m/13m

Not Note
Standarde: EN 155/ISO 4437. Standards: EN 155/ISO 4437. 238
since 1896

Muf electrofuziune PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion coupler PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 L Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0225 20 31 68 2
FEI0372 25 36 68 2
FEI0255 32 44 72 2
FEI0563 40 54 80 2
FEI0373 50 66 88 2
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare FEI0168 63 81 96 2
i indicatori centrali detaabili
With integral pipe fixation and removable center stop
Cod articol D D1 L Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0328 75 96 125 2
FEI0167 90 113 145 2
FEI0082 110 138 158 2
FEI0220 125 154 168 3
FEI0200 140 172 180 3
FEI0254 160 196 194 3
FEI0047 180 219 208 -
FEI0429 200 244 224 -
FEI0589 225 273 244 -
FEI0430 250 304 252 -
FEI0431 280 340 268 -
Cu indicatori centrali detaabili pn la D160 FEI0432 315 382 246 -
Removable centre stop up to D160
FEI0100 355 432 246 -
FEI0715 400 487 246 -

Mufa electrofuziune PE100 SDR17

Electrofusion coupler PE100 SDR17
PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0371 160 186 180
FEF0372 180 213 194
MFD0260 200 233 208
FEF0373 225 261 224
FEF0374 250 304 244
FEF0375 280 340 252
FEF0089 315 382 268
FEF0376 355 414 290
FEF0081 400 487 290
FEF0377 450 522 313
FEF0378 500 579 343

Cod articol D D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0379 560 638 392
FEF0380 630 716 442

Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare

With integral pipe fixation 239
since 1896

Cot electrofuziune 90 grd PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Elbow 90 degree PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0383 20 35 54 34 20
FEI0213 25 35 54 34 20
FEI0426 32 44 53 36 17
FEI0368 40 54 62 39 23
FEI0369 50 66 71 43 28
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare
FEI0327 63 81 81 48 32
With integral pipe fixation

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0370 75 97 101 61 40
FEI0371 90 115 122 62 60
FEI0592 110 140 147 72 76
FEI0628 125 151 142 74 68
FEI0212 160 196 178 92 86
FEI0214 180 219 195 95 100

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0429 200 245 265 104 161
FEI0589 225 274 305 112 193
FEI0430 250 305 335 123 212

Cu dou zone separate de sudur

With 2 different welding areas

Cot electrofuziune 45 grd PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Elbow 45 degree PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0018 32 44 44 36 8
FEF0019 40 54 50 39 11
FEF0020 50 66 56 43 13
FEI0705 63 81 63 48 15

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0021 75 97 79 62 17
FEI0706 90 115 91 62 29
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare FEI0813 110 140 112 72 40
With integral pipe fixation FEF0022 125 160 127 78 49
FEI1023 160 196 134 92 42
FEF0023 180 217 142 95 47

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0024 200 245 215 104 111
FEF0025 225 274 235 112 123
FEF0026 250 305 263 123 140

Cu dou zone separate de sudur

With 2 different welding areas 240
since 1896

Teu egal electrofuziune PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Equal Tee PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z Z1 H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0484 20 35 88 32 11 92 67
COD0485 25 35 90 32 11 92 70
FEI0448 32 44 102 36 15 100 74
FEI0584 40 54 120 39 21 114 82
FEI0334 50 66 135 43 24 126 90
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare FEI0380 63 81 152 48 28 150 102
With integral pipe fixation

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z Z1 H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0381 75 97 187 61 33 126 78
FEI0301 90 115 205 62 41 161 94
FEI0447 110 140 255 72 56 184 104
FEI0629 125 151 256 75 53 174 92
FEI0868 160 196 325 92 71 206 103
FEI0870 180 225 344 90 82 250 110

Cod articol D D1 L L1 Z Z1 H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0860 200 245 560 104 176 250 117
FEI0942 225 274 610 112 193 270 122
FEI0919 250 305 667 123 211 288 127

Cu dou zone separate de sudur

With 2 different welding areas

Teu redus electrofuziune PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Reduced Tee PE100 SDR11

Cod articol D D1 A B C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0419 25 20 108 37 43
COD0420 32 20 107 45 46
COD0421 32 25 108 45 58
COD0422 40 25 106 57 41
COD0423 40 32 106 57 42
COD0424 50 32 155 67 44
COD0425 50 40 155 67 60
COD0426 63 32 155 81 44
COD0427 63 40 155 81 59
COD0428 63 50 155 81 60
COD0429 75 63 233 95 79
COD0430 90 63 230 111 82
COD0431 110 90 262 132 97 241
since 1896

Reductie electrofuziune PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Reducer PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D2 D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0386 25 20 35 74
FEI0329 32 20 44 79
FEI0696 32 25 44 79
FEF0388 40 25 54 88
FEI0560 40 32 54 88
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare COD0387 50 25 66 96
With integral pipe fixation FEI0593 50 32 66 96
FEI0662 50 40 66 96
COD0388 63 25 81 106
FEI0428 63 32 81 105
FEI0594 63 40 81 105
FEI0595 63 50 81 105

Cod articol D D2 D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0389 75 63 100 127
FEI0374 90 63 113 146
COD0390 90 75 115 132
COD0391 110 63 141 168
COD0392 110 75 142 163
FEI0099 110 90 138 173
FEI0575 125 90 152 180
FEI0815 160 110 202 226
FEI0229 180 125 225 254

Cod articol D D2 D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0950 200 160 250 365
FEI0916 225 160 280 385
FEI0926 250 160 310 400
FEI0946 250 200 310 427

Cu dou zone separate de sudur

With 2 different welding areas

Dop electrofuziune PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion End Cap PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 L L1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0382 20 35 52 44
FEF0037 25 35 52 44
FEI0365 32 44 52 44
FEI0366 40 54 56 47
FEI0367 50 66 60 49
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare
FEI0425 63 81 66 54
With integral pipe fixation

Cod articol D D1 L L1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0596 75 96 110 -
FEI0597 90 113 125 -
FEI0711 110 133 145 -
FEI0146 125 155 158 -
FEI0557 140 175 170 -
Kit alctuit din mufa EF + Dop FEI0145 160 197 180 -
Kit: Electrofusion Coupler + End Cap 242
since 1896

Muf tranziie electrofuziune PE/Alama (MS58) cu filet exterior

Electrofusion Transition Coupler PE/brass (Ms 58) Male Thread
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
Cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water.
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D Rp
(mm) (inch)
FEF0383 20 1/2
FEF0384 20 3/4
FEF0381 25 3/4
FEF0028 32 1
FEF0386 40 1 1/4
FEF0398 50 1 1/2
FEF0443 63 2
FEF0073 75 2 1/2
FEF0075 90 3
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare
FEF0441 110 4
With integral pipe fixation
FEF0442 125 4

Muf tranziie electrofuziune PE/Alama (MS58) cu filet interior

Electrofusion Transition Coupler PE/brass (Ms 58) Female Thread
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
Cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water.
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D Rp
(mm) (inch)
FEF0385 20 1/2
FEF0397 20 3/4
FEF0431 25 3/4
FEF0382 32 1
FEF0438 40 1 1/4
FEF0439 50 1 1/2
FEF0440 63 2
FEF0403 75 2 1/2
FEF0401 90 3
FEF0402 110 4
Cu sistem integrat pentru fixare
With integral pipe fixation FEF0400 125 4

Colier branare EF "SATURN" PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Branch "SATURN" PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar i 3 uruburi de fixare.
Fixare suplimentar cu balama.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Branch fitting complete, incl. lower part and 3 screws.
Additional fixing with snatch hinge.

Cod articol D D1 D2 L L1 H B
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0810 110 90 65 220 82 101 164
FEI1010 110 110 65 220 88 107 164
FEI0811 125 90 65 220 82 101 179
FEI0923 125 110 65 220 88 107 179
COD0394 * 140 90 65 220 81 101 195
COD0395 * 140 110 65 220 87 107 195
FEI0721 160 90 65 240 82 102 215
FEI0553 160 110 86 240 88 108 215
FEI0554 160 125 86 240 99 129 215
FEI0812 180 90 65 260 82 102 237
FEI0671 180 110 86 260 88 108 237
Racordul de ieire de electrofuziune cu sistem
integrat de fixare a evii. FEI0686 180 125 86 260 99 129 237
Electrofusion outlet with integrated pipe fixation FEI0755 200 90 65 260 82 102 253 243
since 1896

Cod articol D D1 D2 L L1 H B
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0756 200 110 86 260 88 108 253
FEI0757 200 125 86 260 99 129 253
FEI0565 225 90 65 260 82 102 287
FEI0760 225 110 86 260 88 108 287
FEI0967 225 125 86 260 99 129 287
FEI0931 250 90 65 260 82 102 312
FEI0914 250 110 86 260 88 108 312
FEI1011 250 125 86 260 99 129 312

Not Note
Se livreaz fr partea inferioar. Pentru fixare se va Delivered without lower part. Pipe fixation with multiple
utiliza echipamentul special 193 281 027. use assembly tool no. 193 281 027.

Important Important
Se livreaz fr partea inferioar, numai colierele *
Delivered without lower part, only branch fitting
140x110 i 140x90. Pentru fixare se va utiliza 140x110 si 140x90. Pipe fixation with multiple use
echipamentul special 193 281 027. assembly tool no. 193 281 027.

a branare EF "SATURN" PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Branch Fitting Topload "SATURN" PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol D D1 D2 L L1 H B
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0396 280 90 65 260 82 102 243
FEF0393 280 110 86 260 88 108 243
COD0397 280 125 86 260 99 129 243
COD0398 315-355 90 65 260 82 102 249
COD0399 315-355 110 86 260 88 108 249
COD0400 315-355 125 86 260 99 129 249
COD0401 400-450 90 65 260 82 102 256
COD0402 400-450 110 86 260 88 108 256
COD0403 400-450 125 86 260 99 129 256
COD0404 500-630 90 65 260 82 102 263
FEF0391 500-630 110 86 260 88 108 263
FEF0392 500-630 125 86 260 99 129 263
Racordul de ieire de electrofuziune cu sistem
integrat de fixare a evii Not Note
Electrofusion outlet with integrated pipe fixation * Se livreaz fr partea inferioar. Pentru fixare se vor *
Delivered without lower part. Pipe fixation with
utiliza echipamentele speciale specifice. multiple use special specific assembly tools.

Colier de bransare EF PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Saddle PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Branch fitting complete, incl. lower part.

Cod articol D D1 D2 L L1 H B
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0562 63 63 165 260 82 102 243
FEI0446 75 63 165 260 88 108 243
FEI0585 90 63 165 260 99 129 243
FEI0437 110 63 165 260 82 102 249
FEI0620 125 63 165 260 88 108 249
FEI0438 140 63 165 260 99 129 249
FEI0439 160 63 165 260 82 102 256
FEI0440 180 63 165 260 88 108 256
FEI0441 200 63 165 260 99 129 256
FEI0442 225 63 165 260 82 102 263
FEI0443 250 63 165 260 88 108 263
FEI0444 * 280 63 165 260 99 129 263
FEI0445 * 315 63 165
COD0393 * 400 63 165

Not Note
* Se livreaz fr partea inferioar. Pentru fixare se va *
Delivered without lower part. Pipe fixation with
utiliza echipamentul special 799 350 475. multiple use assembly tool no. 799 350 475. 244
since 1896

Teu modular autoperforant

Taping Tee
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu preducea i cuit integrat pentru perforarea conductelor n presiune.
Cu ieire lung i capc filetat cu etanare suplimentar cu O-ring.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure.
With long fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.

Cod articol D D1 D2 L Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0404 63 20 32 69 130
FEF0405 63 25 32 70 130
FEI0382 63 32 32 76 130
FEI0449 63 40 32 81 137
FEI0450 63 63 32 100 160
FEF0406* 63 63 35 100 160
Not Note
Se utilizeaz n combinaie cu eile de branare EF de mai sus. Used in combination with above Electrofusion saddles.
* Cu preducea i cuit lung pentru evile SDR11 cu D>250. * With longer cutter for SDR11 PE pipes, D>250mm.

a branare EF cu stut PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Spigot Saddle PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Branch Fitting complete, incl. lower part.

Cod articol D D1 H H1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0407 63 32 145 50 165
FEF0409 75 32 151 50 165
FEF0411 90 32 158 50 165
FEF0412 90 63 165 50 165
FEF0413 110 32 168 50 165
FEF0414 110 63 175 50 165
FEF0415 125 32 176 50 165
FEF0416 125 63 183 50 165
FEF0419 160 32 193 50 165
FEF0420 160 63 200 50 165
FEF0421 180 32 203 50 165
FEF0422 180 63 210 50 165

a branare EF PE100 SDR11

Electrofusion Saddle PE100 SDR11
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.

Cod articol d d1 h H L L1 B d2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0405 315 160 212 137 322 110 282 131
COD0406 315 225 306 160 366 127 260 184
COD0407 355 160 206 137 322 110 282 131
COD0408 355 225 319 160 366 127 260 184
COD0409 400 160 198 137 322 110 300 131
COD0410 400 225 329 160 366 127 233 184
COD0411 450 160 194 137 322 110 300 131
COD0412 450 225 329 160 366 127 233 184
COD0413 500 160 186 137 322 110 310 131
COD0414 500 225 344 160 366 127 226 184
COD0415 560 160 183 137 322 110 310 131
COD0416 560 225 344 160 366 127 220 184
COD0417 630 160 177 137 322 110 312 131
COD0418 630 225 353 160 366 127 214 184 245
since 1896

Teu branament electrofuziune Duobloc cu ieire orientabil (rotativ) la 360

Tapping Saddle with 360 rotatable outlet
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar. Cu preducea i cuit integrat pentru
perforarea conductelor n presiune. Cu ieire lung i capac filetat cu etanare
suplimentar cu O-ring.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators. Branch Fitting complete,
incl. lower part. With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure. With long
fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.

Cod articol D D1 D2 H H1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0432 63 20 32 186 108 165 71 130
COD0433 75 20 32 191 113 165 71 130
COD0434 90 20 32 199 121 165 71 130
COD0435* 110 20 32 209 131 165 71 130
COD0436 125 20 32 216 138 165 71 130
COD0437 140 20 32 233 146 165 71 130
COD0438* 160 20 32 243 156 165 71 130
COD0439 180 20 32 244 166 165 71 130
COD0440 200 20 32 254 176 165 71 137
COD0441 225 20 32 266 188 165 71 130
COD0442 250 20 32 279 201 165 76 130
FEF0065 63 25 32 186 108 165 71 130
FEF0066 75 25 32 191 113 165 71 130
FEI1049 90 25 32 199 121 165 71 130
FEI1046* 110 25 32 209 131 165 71 130
FEF0058 125 25 32 216 138 165 71 130
FEF0059 140 25 32 233 146 165 71 130
FEF0060* 160 25 32 243 156 165 71 130
FEF0061 180 25 32 244 166 165 71 130
FEF0062 200 25 32 254 176 165 71 130
FEF0063 225 25 32 266 188 165 71 130
FEF0064 250 25 32 279 201 165 71 130
FEI0332 63 32 32 186 108 165 76 130
FEI0699 75 32 32 191 113 165 76 130
FEI0333 90 32 32 199 121 165 76 130
FEI0531* 110 32 32 209 131 165 76 130
FEI0375 125 32 32 216 138 165 76 130
FEI0789 140 32 32 233 146 165 76 130
FEI0418* 160 32 32 243 156 165 76 130
FEI0330 180 32 32 244 166 165 76 130
FEI0421 200 32 32 254 176 165 76 130
FEI1007 225 32 32 266 188 165 76 130
FEI0423 250 32 32 279 201 165 76 130
FEI0733 63 40 32 186 108 165 81 137
FEI1015 75 40 32 191 113 165 81 137
FEI1014 90 40 32 199 121 165 81 137
FEI0598* 110 40 32 209 131 165 81 137
FEI0600 125 40 32 216 138 165 81 137
FEI1006 140 40 32 233 146 165 81 137
FEI0803* 160 40 32 243 156 165 81 137
FEI0670 180 40 32 244 166 165 81 137
FEI0152 200 40 32 254 176 165 81 137
FEI0962 225 40 32 266 188 165 81 137
FEI1009 250 40 32 279 201 165 81 137
FEI0378 63 63 35 134 112 165 100 160
FEI0379 75 63 35 240 118 165 100 160
FEI0417 90 63 35 248 126 165 100 160
FEI0599* 110 63 35 258 136 165 100 160
FEI0376 125 63 35 265 143 165 100 160
FEI0980* 160 63 35 283 161 165 100 160
FEI0420 180 63 35 293 171 165 100 160
FEI0422 200 63 35 303 181 165 100 160
FEI0943 225 63 35 315 193 165 100 160
FEI0977 250 63 35 328 206 165 100 160
FEI0899** 280 63 35 328 206 165 100 160
FEI0949** 315-355 63 35 328 206 165 100 160
COD0443** 400 63 35 328 206 165 100 160

Not Note
D315 - 400mm; aplicaia este limitat la evi cu D355 i D 315 - 400 mm: application is limited on pipes d 355
D400mm. n acest caz nu este potrivit pentru evile cu un and d 400 mm. Not suitable for pipes with an SDR value
SDR mai mare de 17. higher than 17.
* Partea inferioar este sudat. * Moulded-on lower clamp.
** Se livreaz fr partea inferioar a colierului. ** Delivery without lower part. 246
since 1896

Teu branament electrofuziune (KIT) cu ieire orientabil (rotativ) la 360

Tapping Saddle (kit) with 360 rotatable outlet
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Livrat sub form de KIT mpreun cu fitingul de electrofuziune (muf sau reducie).
Cu preducea i cuit integrat pentru perforarea conductelor n presiune.
Cu ieire lung i capac filetat cu etanare suplimentar cu O-ring.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Supplied as Kit with enclosed service line electrofusion fitting (Coupler or Reducer).
With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure.
With long fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.
With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure.
With long fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.

Cod articol D D1 D2 H H1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0067* 280 32 35 328 206 165 100 160
FEF0068* 280 40 35 328 206 165 100 160
FEF0069* 315-355 32 35 328 206 165 100 160
FEF0070* 315-355 40 35 328 206 165 100 160

Not Note
D315 - 400mm: aplicaia este limitat la evi cu D355 i D315 - 400 mm: application is limited on pipes D355
D400mm. n acest caz nu este potrivit pentru evile cu un and D400 mm. Not suitable for pipes with an SDR value
SDR mai mare de 17. higher than 17.
*Se livreaz fr partea inferioar a colierului. *Delivery without lower part.

Teu branament electrofuziune Monobloc (ieire fix)

Tapping Saddle Monobloc version
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar.
Cu preducea i cuit integrat pentru perforarea conductelor n presiune.
Cu ieire lung i capac filetat cu etanare suplimentar cu O-ring.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Branch fitting complete, incl. lower part.
With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure.
With long fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.

Cod articol D D1 D2 H H1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0444 40 20 16 99 33 103 70 102
COD0445 40 24 16 99 33 103 70 102
FEI0331 40 32 16 99 33 103 70 102
COD0446 50 20 16 104 38 103 70 102
COD0447 50 25 16 104 38 103 70 102
FEI0377 50 32 16 104 38 103 70 102

Teu branament electrofuziune Monobloc (ieire fix)

Tapping Saddle Monobloc version
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar.
Cu preducea i cuit integrat pentru perforarea conductelor n presiune.
Cu ieire lung i capac filetat cu etanare suplimentar cu O-ring.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Branch fitting complete, incl. lower part.
With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure.
With long fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.

Cod articol D D1 D2 H H1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0052 63 20 25 146 44 144 76 110
FEF0053 63 25 25 146 44 144 76 110
FEF0054 63 32 25 146 44 144 76 110 247
since 1896

Cod articol D D1 D2 H H1 L L1 Z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0055 90 20 32 198 61 162 76 115
FEF0056 90 25 32 198 61 162 76 115
FEF0057 90 32 32 198 61 162 76 115
FEF0042 110 20 32 208 71 162 76 115
FEF0043 110 25 32 208 71 162 76 115
FEI1080 110 32 32 208 71 162 76 115
FEF0044 110 63 32 208 71 162 76 115
FEF0045 125 20 32 216 79 162 76 120
FEF0046 125 25 32 216 79 162 76 120
FEF0047 125 32 32 216 79 162 76 120
FEF0048 160 20 32 233 96 162 76 125
FEF0049 160 25 32 233 96 162 76 125
FEF0050 160 32 32 233 96 162 76 125
FEF0051 160 63 32 233 96 162 76 125

Teu branament electrofuziune Monobloc (ieire fix)

Tapping Saddle Monobloc version
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
Cu borne de conectare 4mm i martori de sudur cu deplasare limitat.
Colier complet, include i partea inferioar.
Cu preducea i cuit integrat pentru perforarea conductelor n presiune.
Cu ieire lung i capac filetat cu etanare suplimentar cu O-ring.
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water.
4mm pin connectors and limited path fusion indicators.
Branch fitting complete, incl. lower part.
With integrated cutter to tap live mains under pressure.
With long fusion outlet and O-ring sealed screw-cap.

Cod articol D D1 A B C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0448 63 40 149 105 67
COD0449 75 25 151 105 67
COD0450 75 32 151 105 67
COD0451 75 40 151 105 67
COD0453 75 63 193 161 100
COD0455 90 50 235 140 110
COD0456 90 63 235 140 110
COD0457 110 40 175 105 67
COD0458 110 50 245 140 111
COD0459 125 40 175 105 67
COD0460 125 50 245 140 109
COD0461 125 63 245 140 109
COD0463 140 32 245 140 111
COD0466 140 63 245 140 111
COD0467 160 40 275 140 111
COD0468 160 50 275 140 111
COD0469 180 25 275 140 86
COD0470 180 32 275 140 111
COD0471 180 40 275 140 111
COD0472 180 50 275 140 111
COD0473 180 63 275 140 111
COD0474 200 25 270 140 86
COD0475 200 32 270 140 111
COD0476 200 40 270 140 111
COD0477 200 50 270 140 111
COD0478 200 63 245 140 111
COD0479 225 25 270 140 86
COD0480 225 32 245 140 111
COD0481 225 40 245 140 111
COD0482 225 50 265 140 111
COD0483 225 63 245 140 111 248
since 1896

Cot PE100 90
PE 100 Elbow 90
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0515 32 85 54 3,0
FEI0770 40 95 57 3,7
FEI0665 50 105 63 4,6
FEI0170 63 115 65 5,8
FEI0337 75 130 72 6,8
FEI0171 90 150 81 8,2
FEI0336 110 165 86 10,0
FEI0454 125 180 93 11,4
FEI0456 140 202 92 12,7
FEI0583 160 210 103 14,6
FEI0185 180 232 107 16,4
FEI0459 200 253 117 18,2
FEI0461 225 270 122 20,5
FEI0463 250 292 130 22,7
FEI0464 280 320 140 25,4
FEI0465 315 370 150 28,6

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0249 90 150 81 5,4
FEI0627 110 165 86 6,6
FEI0248 125 180 93 7,4
FEI0199 140 202 92 8,3
FEI0666 160 210 102 9,5
FEI0235 180 232 107 10,7
FEI0471 200 253 115 11,9
FEI0121 225 270 120 13,4
FEI0726 250 292 130 14,8
FEI0740 280 320 140 16,6
FEI0741 315 370 150 18,7

Cot PE100 45
PE 100 Elbow 45
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0015 32 80 54 3,0
FEF0016 40 85 57 3,7
FEF0017 50 90 63 4,6
FEI0410 63 95 65 5,8
FEI0578 75 105 72 6,8
FEI0466 90 120 81 8,2
FEI0452 110 130 86 10,0
FEI0453 125 140 92 11,4
FEI0455 140 164 120 12,7
FEI0582 160 162 102 14,6
FEI0457 180 170 107 16,4
FEI0458 200 186 116 18,2
FEI0460 225 200 123 20,5
FEI0462 250 220 130 22,7
FEI0621 280 230 140 25,4
FEF0005 315 250 150 28,6

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0703 90 120 81 5,4
FEI0704 110 130 86 6,6
FEF0012 125 140 92 7,4
FEF0013 140 164 120 8,3
FEI0735 160 162 102 9,5
FEF0003 180 170 107 10,7
FEI0727 200 186 116 11,9
FEF0014 225 205 123 13,4
FPE0102 250 220 130 14,8
FEI0773 280 230 140 16,6
FEF0004 315 250 150 18,7 249
since 1896

Teu egal PE100 90

PE100 Equal Tee 90
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z Z1 L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0987 25 160 80 52 3,0
FEI0986 32 170 85 54 3,0
FEI0906 40 190 95 57 3,7
FEI0786 50 210 105 63 4,6
FEI0399 63 230 115 65 5,8
FEI0520 75 264 132 72 6,8
FEI0169 90 300 150 81 8,2
FEI0586 110 330 165 86 10,0
FEI0513 125 366 183 92 11,4
FEI0347 140 396 196 92 12,7
FEI0601 160 420 210 102 14,6
FEI0602 180 460 230 107 16,4
FEI0518 200 500 250 117 18,2
FEI0179 225 540 270 122 20,5
FEI0912 250 575 288 130 22,7
FEI0622 280 615 308 139 25,4
FEI0917 315 695 346 150 28,6
FEI0867 355 818 410 165 32,3
FEI0559 400 910 455 180 36,4

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z Z1 L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0782 90 300 150 80 5,4
FEI0207 110 330 165 86 6,6
FEI0574 125 366 183 92 7,4
FEI0401 140 396 196 92 8,3
FEI0716 160 428 214 104 9,5
FEI0303 180 460 230 105 10,7
FEI0745 200 500 250 115 11,9
FEI0656 225 540 270 122 13,4
FEI0680 250 575 288 130 14,8
FEI0645 280 615 308 139 16,6
FEI0732 315 695 346 150 18,7
FEI0149 355 818 410 165 21,1
FEI0126 400 910 455 180 23,7

Teu redus PE100 90

PE 100 Reduced Tee 90
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D D1 Z Z1 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0918 63 50 215 103 63 56 5,8
FEI0998 75 32 256 108 70 46 6,8
COD0566 75 40 260 106 70 49 6,8
FEI0888 75 50 253 113 70 56 6,8
FEI0519 75 63 255 117 70 63 6,8
FEI0900 90 50 280 117 79 55 8,2
FEI0521 90 63 280 123 79 63 8,2
FEI0522 90 75 272 138 73 68 8,2
FEI0619 110 63 320 147 87 63 10,0
FEI0511 110 75 309 151 82 70 10,0
FEI0398 110 90 320 158 86 79 10,0
FEI0514 125 90 340 170 112 92 11,4
FEI0512 125 110 341 170 90 83 11,4
COD0569 140 90 378 175 92 79 12,7
COD0570 140 110 378 179 92 82 12,7
COD0571 140 125 378 184 92 87 12,7
FEI0901 160 63 343 176 98 65 14,6
FEI0516 160 75 343 180 98 74 14,6
FEI0517 160 90 412 188 101 79 14,6
FEI0515 160 110 412 195 101 82 14,6
COD0572 160 125 422 200 98 87 14,6
COD0573 160 140 422 205 98 92 14,6
FEI0668 180 90 418 200 136 97 16,4
FEI0713 180 110 430 206 130 101 16,4
COD0574 180 125 455 215 105 87 16,4
FEI0885 180 160 411 205 105 94 16,4
FEI0744 200 63 500 190 122 63 18,2 250
since 1896

Cod articol D D1 Z Z1 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0911 200 90 500 207 122 79 18,2
FEI0639 200 110 500 215 122 82 18,2
COD0575 200 125 481 225 112 87 18,2
FEI0640 200 160 500 234 122 98 18,2
FEI0905 225 75 555 215 120 70 20,5
FEI0904 225 90 558 226 120 80 20,5
FEI0864 225 110 558 235 120 82 20,5
COD0576 225 125 527 239 120 87 20,5
FEI0821 225 160 560 253 120 98 20,5
FEI0822 225 180 560 280 120 105 20,5
FEI1077 250 110 575 242 130 82 22,7
COD0577 250 125 590 252 129 87 22,7
FEI1052 250 160 575 261 127 98 22,7
COD0578 280 110 690 286 139 82 25,4
COD0579 280 160 690 302 139 98 25,4
COD0580 280 200 690 316 139 112 25,4
COD0581 280 225 690 320 139 120 25,4
COD0582 280 250 690 334 139 129 25,4
FEI0903 315 110 695 277 150 82 28,6
FEI0908 315 160 695 296 150 102 28,6
COD0583 315 200 716 317 150 112 28,6
FEI0983 315 225 650 335 150 145 28,6
FEI0898 315 250 695 325 150 130 28,6

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D D1 Z Z1 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0526 90 63 275 123 79 63 5,4
FEI0924 90 75 272 139 74 71 5,4
FEI0573 110 63 318 147 82 63 5,4
FEI0624 110 75 315 152 84 70 6,6
FEI0400 110 90 318 158 82 79 6,6
COD0584 125 90 355 172 87 79 7,4
FEI0302 125 110 334 168 84 83 6,6
FEF0103 140 90 378 175 92 79 8,3
COD0585 140 110 378 179 92 82 8,3
FEF0094 140 125 378 184 92 87 8,3
FEI0237 160 63 330 130 86 63 7,4
FEI0348 160 75 343 180 98 74 9,5
FEI0643 160 90 410 188 98 79 9,5
FEI0236 160 110 410 195 98 82 9,5
FEI1062 160 125 422 200 98 87 9,5
COD0586 160 140 422 205 98 92 9,5
FEI1000 180 90 422 204 134 97 9,5
COD0587 180 110 455 210 105 82 10,7
COD0588 180 125 455 215 105 87 10,7
FEI0698 180 160 411 205 105 94 10,7
FEI0859 200 63 500 190 122 63 10,7
FEI0785 200 90 500 207 122 79 11,9
FEI0945 200 110 500 215 122 82 11,9
FEF0096 200 125 481 225 112 87 11,9
FEI0927 200 160 500 234 122 98 11,9
FEI0886 225 75 555 277 120 70 11,9
FEI0865 225 90 555 226 127 80 13,4
FEI0873 225 110 555 235 127 82 13,4
FEF0002 225 125 527 239 120 87 13,4
FEI0697 225 160 555 253 127 98 13,4
FEI0877 225 180 550 280 120 105 13,4
FEF0034 250 110 575 242 130 82 14,8
COD0589 250 125 590 252 129 87 14,8
FEI1053 250 160 575 261 130 98 14,8
COD0591 250 225 590 285 129 120 14,8
COD0592 280 110 690 286 139 82 16,6
COD0593 280 160 690 302 139 98 16,6
COD0594 280 200 690 316 139 112 16,6
COD0595 280 225 690 320 139 120 16,6
COD0596 280 250 690 334 139 129 16,6
FEI0878 315 110 695 277 150 82 18,7
FEI0883 315 160 695 296 150 102 18,7
FEF0396 315 200 716 317 150 112 18,7
FEI0881 315 225 650 335 170 145 18,7
FEI0882 315 250 695 325 150 130 18,7
FEI0903 315 110 695 277 150 82 28,6
FEI0908 315 160 695 296 150 102 28,6
COD0583 315 200 716 317 150 112 28,6
FEI0983 315 225 650 335 150 145 28,6
FEI0898 315 250 695 325 150 130 28,6 251
since 1896

Reducie PE100
PE100 Reducer
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D D1 Z L L1 e e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0947 25 20 115 52 52 3,0 3,0
FEI0932 32 20 120 54 52 3,0 3,0
FEI0816 32 25 120 54 52 3,0 3,0
FEI1002 40 20 130 57 52 3,7 3,0
FEI0929 40 25 130 57 52 3,7 3,0
FEI0934 40 32 130 57 53 3,7 3,0
FEI0964 50 20 150 63 52 4,6 3,0
FEI0930 50 25 140 63 52 4,6 3,0
FEI0630 50 32 140 63 53 4,6 3,0
FEI0679 50 40 140 63 57 4,6 3,7
FEI0505 63 32 150 65 53 5,8 3,0
FEI0506 63 40 150 65 57 5,8 3,7
FEI0787 63 50 150 65 63 5,8 4,6
FEI0189 75 40 170 72 57 6,8 3,7
FEI0190 75 50 170 72 63 6,8 4,6
FEI0393 75 63 170 72 65 6,8 5,8
FEI0267 90 50 190 81 63 8,2 4,6
FEI0394 90 63 190 81 65 8,2 5,8
FEI0357 90 75 190 81 70 8,2 6,8
FEI0561 110 63 205 86 65 10,0 5,8
FEI0188 110 75 205 86 70 10,0 6,8
FEI0391 110 90 205 86 81 10,0 8,2
FEI0392 125 63 214 87 63 11,4 5,8
FEI0341 125 75 210 92 72 11,4 6,8
FEI0529 125 90 212 92 81 11,4 8,2
FEI0528 125 110 212 92 86 11,4 10,0
FEI0790 140 75 230 110 70 12,7 6,8
FEI0343 140 90 230 110 79 12,7 8,2
FEI0530 140 110 230 110 88 12,7 10,0
FEI0342 140 125 235 110 90 12,7 11,4
FEI0493 160 90 244 120 79 14,6 8,2
FEI0194 160 110 244 102 86 14,6 10,0
FEI0603 160 125 245 102 92 14,6 11,4
FEI0492 160 140 260 120 110 14,6 12,7
FEI0669 180 90 245 105 79 16,4 8,2
FEI0800 180 110 270 105 82 16,4 10,0
FEI0344 180 125 255 107 92 16,4 11,4
FEI0982 180 140 270 120 110 16,4 12,7
FEI0935 180 160 255 107 102 16,4 14,6
FEI0494 200 140 275 120 110 18,2 12,7
FEI0495 200 160 265 117 102 18,2 14,6
FEI0345 200 180 265 117 107 18,2 16,4
FEI0880 225 140 295 130 110 20,5 12,7
FEI0496 225 160 279 122 102 20,5 14,6
FEI0497 225 180 280 122 107 20,5 16,4
FEI0498 225 200 280 122 117 20,5 18,2
FEI0500 250 160 300 130 100 22,7 14,6
FEI0991 250 180 295 130 105 22,7 16,4
FEI0501 250 200 315 130 112 22,7 18,2
FEI0502 250 225 332 130 120 22,7 20,5
FEF0363 280 200 333 140 112 25,4 18,2
FEF0364 280 225 335 140 120 25,4 20,5
FEI0887 280 250 340 140 130 25,4 22,7
FEI0503 315 200 380 180 134 28,6 18,2
FEI0953 315 225 365 150 120 28,6 20,5
FEI0504 315 250 365 150 130 28,6 22,7
FEI0933 315 280 365 150 139 28,6 25,4
FEI0957 355 250 390 165 130 32,3 22,7
FEI0958 355 280 390 165 139 32,3 25,4
FEI0997 355 315 390 165 150 32,3 28,6
FEI1012 400 280 415 180 139 36,4 25,4
FEI0974 400 315 415 180 150 36,4 28,6
FEI0993 400 355 420 180 165 36,4 32,3 252
since 1896

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D D1 Z L L1 e e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0346 90 63 182 79 70 5,4 3,8
FEI0681 90 75 185 79 70 5,4 4,5
FEI0863 110 63 185 82 63 6,6 3,8
FEI0861 110 90 205 85 80 6,6 5,4
FEF0365 125 63 200 87 63 7,4 3,8
FEI0217 125 90 215 90 80 7,4 5,4
FEI0219 125 110 215 90 85 7,4 6,6
FEI0490 140 75 230 112 70 8,3 4,5
FEF0366 140 90 230 112 79 8,3 5,4
FEI0124 140 110 230 112 82 8,3 6,6
FEI0915 140 125 235 115 87 8,3 7,4
FEI0948 160 90 248 120 85 9,5 5,4
FEI0491 160 110 245 100 85 9,5 6,6
FEI0218 160 125 245 100 90 9,5 7,4
FEI0509 160 140 260 120 110 9,5 8,3
FEI0397 180 90 237 105 79 10,7 5,4
FEI0817 180 110 270 120 92 10,7 6,6
FEI0734 180 125 255 105 90 10,7 7,4
FEI0746 180 140 270 120 110 10,7 8,3
FEI0872 180 160 255 105 100 10,7 9,5
FEI0862 200 140 275 120 110 11,9 8,3
FEI0653 200 160 265 115 100 11,9 9,5
FEI0234 200 180 265 115 105 11,9 10,7
FEI0685 225 140 280 120 100 13,4 8,3
FEI0510 225 160 280 120 100 13,4 9,5
FEI0647 225 180 280 120 105 13,4 10,7
FEI0646 225 200 280 120 115 13,4 11,9
FEI0651 250 160 290 130 100 14,8 9,5
FEF0040 250 180 295 130 105 14,8 10,7
FEI0208 250 200 302 130 112 14,8 11,9
FEI0216 250 225 332 162 120 14,8 13,4
FEI0652 280 200 333 140 112 16,6 11,9
FEI0675 280 225 335 140 120 16,6 13,4
FEI0999 280 250 340 140 130 16,6 14,8
FEI0806 315 200 380 180 134 18,7 11,9
FEI0805 315 225 365 150 120 18,7 13,4
FEI0875 315 250 365 150 130 18,7 14,8
FEI0994 315 280 365 150 140 18,7 16,6
FEI0902 355 250 390 165 130 21,1 14,8
FEI0961 355 280 390 165 140 21,1 16,6
FEI0969 355 315 390 165 150 21,1 18,7
FEI0960 400 280 415 180 140 23,7 16,6
FEI0959 400 315 415 180 150 23,7 18,7
FEI0952 400 355 420 180 165 23,7 21,1

Reducie scurt PE100

PE100 Short Reducer
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D D1 Z L L1 e e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0519 315 200 225 80 50 28,6 20,5
COD0520 315 225 130 30 30 28,6 20,5
COD0521 315 250 100 30 20 28,6 22,7
COD0522 315 280 63 30 18 28,6 25,4
COD0523 355 250 245 90 60 32,3 22,7
COD0524 355 280 245 90 70 32,3 25,4
COD0525 355 315 245 90 80 32,3 28,6
COD0526 400 280 260 95 70 36,4 25,4
COD0527 400 315 260 95 80 36,4 28,6
COD0528 400 355 260 95 90 36,4 32,3
COD0529 450 315 230 60 80 40,9 28,6
COD0530 450 355 230 60 90 40,9 32,3
COD0531 450 400 230 60 95 40,9 36,4
COD0532 500 355 230 60 90 45,4 32,3
COD0534 500 400 230 60 95 45,4 36,4
COD0533 500 450 200 60 60 45,4 40,9 253
since 1896

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D D1 Z L L1 e e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0541 315 200 225 80 50 18,7 11,9
COD0542 315 225 130 30 20 17,9 12,8
COD0543 315 250 100 30 20 17,9 14,2
COD0544 315 280 63 30 18 17,9 15,9
COD0545 355 250 245 90 60 21,1 14,8
COD0546 355 280 245 90 70 21,1 16,6
COD0547 355 315 245 90 80 21,1 18,7
COD0548 400 280 260 95 70 23,7 16,6
COD0549 400 315 260 95 80 23,7 18,7
COD0550 400 355 260 95 90 23,7 21,1
COD0551 450 315 230 60 80 26,7 18,7
COD0552 450 355 230 60 90 26,7 21,1
COD0553 450 400 230 60 95 26,7 23,7
COD0554 500 355 230 60 90 29,7 21,1
COD0555 500 400 230 60 95 29,7 23,7
COD0556 500 450 200 60 60 29,7 26,7
COD0557 560 400 230 60 95 32,3 23,7
COD0558 560 450 200 60 60 32,3 26,7
COD0559 560 500 200 60 60 32,3 29,7
COD0560 630 500 200 60 60 37,4 29,7
COD0561 630 560 200 60 60 37,4 33,2

Dop injectat PE100

PE 100 End cap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0928 20 52 52 3,0
FEI0971 25 52 52 3,0
FEI0196 32 54 54 3,0
FEI0195 40 57 57 3,7
FEI0693 50 63 63 4,6
FEI0604 63 65 65 5,8
FEI0384 75 80 72 6,8
FEI0385 90 90 81 8,2
FEI0472 110 98 86 10,0
FEI0473 125 105 92 11,4
FEI0819 140 136 92 12,7
FEI0474 160 120 102 14,6
FEI0475 180 128 107 16,4
FEI0476 200 138 115 18,2
FEI0477 225 148 122 20,5
FEI0478 250 205 130 22,7
FEI0479 280 235 139 25,4
FEI0909 315 255 150 28,6
FEI0897 355 280 165 32,3
FEI0889 400 310 180 36,4
COD0505 450 275 195 40,9
COD0506 500 297 212 45,5
COD0507 560 325 212 45,5
COD0508 630 355 250 57,3

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D Z L e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0509 63 82 63 3,8
COD0510 75 92 70 4,5
FEI0386 90 90 81 5,4
FEI0571 110 98 86 6,6
FEI0253 125 105 92 7,4
FEI0480 140 136 92 8,3
FEI0797 160 120 102 9,5
FEI0895 180 128 107 10,7
FEI0209 200 128 115 11,9
FEI0871 225 148 122 13,4
FEI0896 250 205 130 14,8
FEI0774 280 235 139 16,6
FEI0920 315 255 150 18,7
FEI0874 355 280 165 21,1
FEI0922 400 310 180 23,7
COD0511 450 265 195 26,7
COD0512 500 287 212 29,7
COD0513 560 310 230 33,2
COD0514 630 340 250 37,4 254
since 1896

Adaptor de flan PE100

PE 100 Flange Adaptor
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D DN Z D1 D2 D3 D4 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0131 20 15 85 27 45 - 16 41 7 1,9
FEI0094 25 20 85 33 58 - 20 41 9 2,3
FEI0818 32 25 85 40 68 - 26 44 10 3,0
FEI0181 40 32 85 50 78 - 32 49 11 3,7
FEI0183 50 40 104 61 88 - 40 55 12 4,6
FEI0144 63 50 98 75 102 - 51 65 14 5,8
FEI0182 75 65 125 89 122 66 61 75 16 6,8
FEI0076 90 80 140 105 138 78 73 85 17 8,2
FEI0083 110 100 160 125 158 100 90 90 18 10,0
FEI0081 125 100 170 132 158 114 102 95 25 11,4
FEI0615 140 125 200 155 188 127 114 92 25 12,7
FEI0159 160 150 200 175 212 151 130 110 25 14,6
FEI0467 180 150 200 180 212 158 147 115 30 16,4
FEI0383 200 200 200 232 268 203 163 120 32 20,5
FEI0119 225 200 200 235 268 210 184 130 32 22,7
FEI0468 250 250 220 285 320 245 204 130 35 25,4
FEI0469 280 250 220 291 320 265 229 139 35 28,6
FEI0742 315 300 230 335 370 300 257 150 35 32,3
FEI0470 355 350 250 373 430 340 290 165 40 36,4
FEI0672 400 400 280 427 482 385 327 180 46 40,9
COD0486 500 500 530 585 440 409 350 212 60 45,5
COD0487 560 600 615 685 490 458 365 230 60 50,9
COD0488 630 600 642 685 545 515 385 250 60 57,3

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gaz/10 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR17 (ISO S8) - 5 bar Gas/10 Bar Water
Cod articol D DN Z D1 D2 D3 D4 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0203 90 80 140 105 138 - 79 85 17 5,4
FEI0204 110 100 160 125 158 - 96 90 18 6,6
FEI0180 125 100 170 132 158 114 110 95 25 7,4
FEI0244 140 125 200 155 158 127 123 92 25 8,3
FEI0623 160 150 200 175 212 158 141 110 25 9,5
FEI0245 180 150 200 180 212 - 158 115 30 10,7
FEI0649 200 200 200 232 268 203 176 120 32 11,9
FEI0657 225 200 200 235 268 210 198 130 32 13,4
FEI0747 250 250 220 285 320 245 220 130 35 14,8
FEI0246 280 250 220 291 320 265 246 139 35 16,6
FEI0730 315 300 230 335 370 308 277 150 35 18,7
FEI0118 355 350 250 373 430 340 312 165 40 21,1
FEI0723 400 400 280 427 482 385 352 180 46 23,7

Adaptor de flan SCURT PE100

PE100 Flange Adaptor - SHORT Version
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D DN Z D1 D2 D3 D4 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0489 280 250 121 285 320 245 204 54 35 22,7
COD0490 315 300 166 335 370 300 257 88 35 28,6
COD0491 355 350 187 373 430 340 290 98 40 32,2
COD0492 400 400 196 427 482 385 327 106 45 36,3
COD0493 450 500 139 514 585 400 368 61 60 40,9
COD0494 500 500 138 530 585 440 409 62 60 45,4
COD0495 560 600 135 615 684 490 458 20 60 50,8
COD0496 630 600 135 642 684 545 516 40 60 57,2

PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap

PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D DN Z D1 D2 D3 D4 L L1 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
COD0497 280 250 119 291 320 265 246 69 25 16,6
COD0498 315 300 164 335 370 300 277 86 25 18,7
COD0499 355 350 180 373 430 340 312 100 30 21,1
COD0500 400 400 197 427 482 385 352 110 33 23,7
COD0501 450 500 141 514 585 396 64 46 26,7
COD0502 500 500 141 530 585 440 67 46 29,7
COD0503 560 600 142 615 685 493 60 50 33,2
COD0504 630 600 144 642 685 555 71 50 37,4 255
since 1896

Flan PP-V
Backing Flanges, PP-V

Cod articol D DN Z D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0682 25 20 105 75 34 14 12 4 M12
FEI0807 32 25 115 85 42 14 16 4 M12
FEI0673 40 32 140 100 51 18 16 4 M16
FEI0581 50 40 150 110 62 18 20 4 M16
FEI0486 63 50 165 125 78 18 20 4 M16
FEI0801 75 65 185 145 92 18 20 4 M16
FEI0655 90 80 200 160 108 18 20 8 M16
FEI0481 110 100 220 180 128 18 20 8 M16
FEI0482 125 100 220 180 135 18 20 8 M16
FEI0709 140 125 250 210 158 18 24 8 M16
FEI0483 160 150 285 240 178 22 24 8 M20
FEI0160 180 150 285 240 188 22 24 8 M20
FEI0484 200 200 340 295 235 22 27 8 M20
FEI0485 225 200 340 295 238 22 27 8 M20
FEI0701 250 250 395 350 288 22 30 12 M20
FEI0661 280 250 395 350 294 22 30 12 M20
FEI0731 315 300 445 400 338 22 34 12 M20 256
since 1896

Robinet cu sfer din PE - montaj ngropat

PE Ball valve - burried instalation
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gaz/16 Bar Ap
PE100 SDR11 (ISO S5) - 10 bar Gas/16 Bar Water
Cod articol D L L1 H H1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEF0239 32 261 73 186 136
FEF0240 40 261 73 186 136
FEF0241 50 325 91 231 164
FEF0242 63 325 91 231 164
FEI0954 75 325 91 231 164
FEF0243 90 325 91 231 164
FEF0244 110 405 112 290 205
FEF0245 125 405 112 290 205
FEF0246 160 508 160 363 263
FEF0247 180 540 123 364 247
FEF0248 200 540 123 364 247
FEF0249 225 508 127 472 320

Fiting de tranzitie PE/OL

Transition fitting PE/OL

Cod articol D L PN Material

(mm) (mm) (bar)
FEI0184 32 354 6 PE100/OL
FEI0710 40 354 6 PE100/OL
FEI0388 50 404 6 PE100/OL
FEI0351 63 455 6 PE100/OL
FEI0389 75 570 6 PE100/OL
FEI0390 90 570 6 PE100/OL
FEI0695 110 600 6 PE100/OL
FEI0768 125 600 6 PE100/OL
FEI0907 140 620 6 PE100/OL
FEI0769 160 720 6 PE100/OL
FEI0387 180 750 6 PE100/OL
FEI0728 200 800 6 PE100/OL
FEI0893 225 830 6 PE100/OL
FEI0925 250 850 6 PE100/OL
FEI0890 280 850 6 PE100/OL
FEI0891 315 900 6 PE100/OL
FEI0879 355 920 6 PE100/OL
FEI0751 400 1000 6 PE100/OL

Capt de branament (reiser)


Cod articol D L PN Material

(mm) (mm) (bar)
FEI0184 32 750 6 PE100/OL
FEI0710 40 800 6 PE100/OL
FEI0388 50 850 6 PE100/OL
FEI0351 63 850 6 PE100/OL

Cot PE confecionat cu unghi ntre 10 - 60 PN6, PN10, PN16

HDPE Welded Bend with angle between 10- 60 PN6, PN10, PN16
Diametrul Unghi PN Cod PN Cod PN Cod
D (mm) grade articol articol articol
90 15/30/45 6 COD0597 10 COD0625 16 COD0645
110 15/30/45 6 COD0598 10 COD0626 16 FEF0449
125 15/30/45 6 COD0599 10 COD0627 16 COD0646
140 15/30/45 6 COD0600 10 COD0628 16 COD0647
160 15/30/45 6 FEI1067 10 FEI1069 16 COD0648
180 15/30/45 6 COD0601 10 COD0629 16 COD0649
200 15/30/45 6 COD0602 10 COD0630 16 COD0650
225 15/30/45 6 COD0603 10 COD0631 16 COD0651
250 15/30/45 6 COD0604 10 FEF0457 16 COD0652
280 15/30/45 6 COD0605 10 FEF0454 16 COD0653
315 15/30/45 6 COD0606 10 COD0632 16 COD0654
355 15/30/45 6 COD0607 10 COD0633 16 COD0655
400 15/30/45 6 FEF0455 10 FEF0456 16 COD0656
450 15/30/45 6 COD0608 10 FEI0753 16 FEI0762
500 15/30/45 6 COD0609 10 FEF0101 16 COD0657
560 15/30/45 6 COD0610 10 COD0634 16 COD0658
630 15/30/45 6 FEF0006 10 FEF0007 16 COD0659 257
since 1896

Cot PE confecionat 90 PN6, PN10, PN16

HDPE Welded Bend with angle 90 PN6, PN10, PN16
Diametrul Unghi PN Cod PN Cod PN Cod
D (mm) grade articol articol articol
90 90 6 COD0611 10 COD0635 16 COD0660
110 90 6 COD0612 10 COD0636 16 COD0661
125 90 6 COD0613 10 COD0637 16 COD0662
140 90 6 COD0614 10 FEF0459 16 COD0663
160 90 6 MFD0159 10 FEI1068 16 COD0664
180 90 6 COD0615 10 COD0638 16 COD0665
200 90 6 COD0616 10 FEF0458 16 COD0666
225 90 6 COD0617 10 COD0639 16 COD0667
250 90 6 COD0618 10 COD0640 16 COD0668
280 90 6 COD0619 10 COD0641 16 COD0669
315 90 6 FEI1075 10 COD0642 16 COD0670
355 90 6 COD0620 10 COD0643 16 COD0671
400 90 6 COD0621 10 FEI0240 16 COD0672
450 90 6 COD0622 10 FEI0754 16 FEI0763
500 90 6 COD0623 10 FEF0099 16 FEF0100
560 90 6 COD0624 10 COD0644 16 COD0673
630 90 6 FEF0286 10 FEF0008 16 FEF0009

Teu egal PE confecionat PN6, PN10, PN16

HDPE Welded Equal Tee PN6, PN10, PN16
Diametrul Unghi PN Cod PN Cod PN Cod
D (mm) grade articol articol articol
110 90 6 COD0674 10 COD0690 16 COD0706
125 90 6 COD0675 10 COD0691 16 COD0707
140 90 6 COD0676 10 COD0692 16 COD0708
160 90 6 COD0677 10 COD0693 16 COD0709
180 90 6 COD0678 10 COD0694 16 COD0710
200 90 6 COD0679 10 COD0695 16 COD0711
225 90 6 COD0680 10 COD0696 16 COD0712
250 90 6 COD0681 10 COD0697 16 COD0713
280 90 6 COD0682 10 COD0698 16 COD0714
315 90 6 COD0683 10 COD0699 16 COD0715
355 90 6 COD0684 10 COD0700 16 COD0716
400 90 6 COD0685 10 COD0701 16 COD0717
450 90 6 COD0686 10 COD0702 16 COD0718
500 90 6 COD0687 10 COD0703 16 COD0719
560 90 6 COD0688 10 COD0704 16 COD0720
630 90 6 COD0689 10 COD0705 16 COD0721

Cruce PE confecionat PN6, PN10, PN16

HDPE Welded Cross PN6, PN10, PN16
Diametrul PN Cod PN Cod PN Cod
D (mm) articol articol articol
110 6 COD0722 10 FEI1071 16 COD0743
125 6 COD0723 10 FEI1065 16 COD0744
140 6 COD0724 10 FEI1074 16 COD0745
160 6 COD0725 10 FEI0712 16 COD0746
180 6 COD0726 10 FEF0446 16 COD0747
200 6 COD0727 10 COD0732 16 COD0748
225 6 COD0728 10 COD0733 16 COD0749
250 6 COD0729 10 COD0734 16 COD0750
280 6 COD0730 10 COD0735 16 COD0751
315 6 COD0731 10 COD0736 16 COD0752
355 10 COD0737 16 COD0753
400 10 COD0738 16 COD0754
450 10 COD0739 16 COD0755
500 10 COD0740 16 COD0756
560 10 COD0741 16 COD0757
630 10 COD0742 16 COD0758

Ramificaie egal PE confecionat la 45 PN6, PN10, PN16

HDPE Welded Equal Branch 45 PN6, PN10, PN16
Diametrul Unghi PN Cod PN Cod PN Cod
D (mm) grade articol articol articol
110 45 6 COD0759 10 COD0769 16 COD0779
125 45 6 COD0760 10 COD0770 16 COD0780
140 45 6 COD0761 10 COD0771 16 COD0781
160 45 6 COD0762 10 COD0772 16 COD0782
180 45 6 COD0763 10 COD0773 16 COD0783
200 45 6 COD0764 10 COD0774 16 COD0784
225 45 6 COD0765 10 COD0775 16 COD0785
250 45 6 COD0766 10 COD0776 16 COD0786
280 45 6 COD0767 10 COD0777 16 COD0787
315 45 6 COD0768 10 COD0778 16 COD0788 258
since 1896

Cot de compresiune 90
Compression Elbow 90

Cod articol d d D I L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0004 20 20 43 49 63
FEI0005 25 25 50 55 72
FEI0006 32 32 58 64 84
FEI0095 40 40 74 80 100
FEI0013 50 50 85 91 117
FEI0034 63 63 99 95 127
FEI0191 75 75 129 136 177
FEI0057 90 90 155 156 204
FEI0014 110 110 183 201 258

Cot mixt compresiune 90 cu filet interior (fi)

Compression Female Threaded Elbow 90

Cod articol d G D I H I H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0021 20 1/2" 43 49 14 41 61
FEI1020 20 3/4" 43 49 16 43 61
FEI0414 25 1/2" 50 56 14 44 71
FEI0033 25 3/4" 50 56 16 46 71
FEI0087 25 1" 50 56 18 49 73
CDF027 32 1/2" 58 67 14 48 81
CDF028 32 3/4" 58 67 16 50 81
FEI0044 32 1" 58 67 18 52 81
CDF029 32 1 1/4" 58 67 20 56 85
CDF030 40 3/4'' 74 79 16 55 100
CDF031 40 1'' 74 79 18 57 100
FEI0089 40 1 1/4'' 74 79 20 59 100
CDF032 40 1 1/2'' 74 79 22 61 100
CDF033 50 1 1/4" 85 95 20 66 118
FEI0027 50 1 1/2" 85 95 22 68 118
CDF034 50 2" 85 95 26 72 118
CDF035 63 1 1/2'' 99 95 22 72 126
FEI0035 63 2'' 99 95 26 76 126
CDF036 63 2 1/2'' 115 130 32 104 174
CDF037 75 2 1/2" 129 136 32 104 188
CDF038 75 3" 129 136 35 107 188
CDF039 90 3'' 155 156 35 114 210
CDF040 90 4'' 155 156 41 120 210
CDF041 110 4'' 183 205 42 144 270

Cot mixt compresiune 90 cu filet exterior (fe)

Compression Male Threaded Elbow 90

Cod articol d G D I H I H
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0020 20 1/2" 43 49 17 44 61
FEI0412 20 3/4" 43 49 19 47 61
FEI0413 25 1/2" 50 60 17 46 69
FEI0053 25 3/4" 50 60 19 49 69
FEI0556 25 1" 50 60 21 53 69
CDF042 32 1/2" 58 67 17 54 80
FEI0309 32 3/4" 58 67 19 56 80
FEI0025 32 1" 58 67 21 58 80
CDF043 32 1 1/4" 58 67 23 60 80
CDF044 40 3/4'' 74 79 19 57 100
CDF045 40 1'' 74 79 21 59 100
FEI0088 40 1 1/4'' 74 79 23 61 100
FEI0137 40 1 1/2'' 74 79 25 63 100
CDF046 50 1 1/4" 85 95 23 70 117
FEI0026 50 1 1/2" 85 95 25 77 116
FEI1044 50 2" 85 95 29 81 118
CDF047 63 1 1/2'' 99 95 25 76 126
FEI0036 63 2'' 99 95 29 80 126
CDF048 63 2 1/2'' 115 131 35 108 140
CDF049 75 2" 129 143 36 123 157
FEI0358 75 2 1/2" 129 143 37 125 157
CDF050 75 3" 129 143 38 129 157
FEI0312 90 3'' 155 158 40 140 169
CDF051 90 4'' 155 158 40 142 169
CDF052 110 3'' 183 211 40 134 223
FEI0059 110 4'' 183 211 40 138 223 259
since 1896

Muf egal de compresiune

Compression Coupler

Cod articol d d D D1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0023 20 20 43 51 100
FEI0113 25 25 50 57 117
FEI0128 32 32 58 54 131
FEI0129 40 40 74 76 155
FEI0130 50 50 85 88 180
FEI0070 63 63 99 91 187
FEI0153 75 75 129 136 278
FEI0132 90 90 155 154 315
FEI0038 110 110 183 205 422

Muf mixt de compresiune cu filet exterior (fe)

Compression Male Adaptor

Cod articol d G D I H L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0048 20 1/2" 43 50 14 72
FEI0256 20 3/4" 43 50 16 74
FEI0257 25 1/2" 50 54 14 75
FEI0114 25 3/4" 50 54 16 78
FEI0642 25 1" 50 54 18 80
CDF006 32 1/2" 58 62 14 86
FEI0315 32 3/4" 58 62 16 88
FEI0086 32 1" 58 62 18 90
CDF007 32 1 1/4" 58 62 20 91
CDF008 40 3/4'' 74 73 16 99
FEI0317 40 1'' 74 73 18 101
FEI0135 40 1 1/4'' 74 73 20 103
FEI0138 40 1 1/2'' 74 73 22 105
CDF009 40 2'' 74 73 28 109
FEI1022 50 1" 85 85 18 114
CDF010 50 1 1/4" 85 85 20 116
FEI0045 50 1 1/2" 85 85 22 118
FEI0115 50 2" 85 85 26 122
CDF011 63 1 1/4'' 99 94 20 124
CDF012 63 1 1/2'' 99 94 22 126
FEI0102 63 2'' 99 94 26 130
FEI0017 63 2 1/2'' 115 120 29 158
FEI1034 75 2" 129 135 27 171
FEI0258 75 2 1/2" 129 135 34 178
FEI0116 75 3" 129 135 34 178
FEI0434 90 2'' 155 158 34 200
CDF013 90 2 1/2'' 155 158 34 200
FEI0259 90 3'' 155 158 34 200
FEI0001 90 4'' 155 158 36 200
CDF014 110 2" 183 198 34 247
FEI0433 110 3" 183 198 37 250
FEI0314 110 4" 183 200 37 250

Muf mixt de compresiune cu filet interior (fi)

Compression Female Adaptor

Cod articol d G D I H L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0049 20 1/2" 43 50 17 76
FEI0260 20 3/4" 43 50 18 79
FEI0261 25 1/2" 50 54 17 77
FEI0050 25 3/4" 50 54 19 81
FEI0700 25 1" 50 54 21 86
CDF015 32 1/2" 58 62 17 86
FEI0316 32 3/4" 58 62 19 87
FEI0103 32 1" 58 62 20 91
CDF016 32 1 1/4" 58 62 23 94
CDF017 40 3/4'' 74 73 19 100
FEI1021 40 1'' 74 73 21 102
FEI0134 40 1 1/4'' 74 73 23 105
FEI0139 40 1 1/2'' 74 73 25 109
CDF018 40 2'' 74 73 29 116
CDF019 50 1" 85 85 21 116
FEI0066 50 1 1/4" 85 85 23 118
FEI0046 50 1 1/2" 85 85 25 121
CDF020 50 2" 85 85 29 126
CDF021 63 1 1/4'' 99 94 23 128
FEI1033 63 1 1/2'' 99 94 25 130
FEI0101 63 2'' 99 94 29 134
CDF022 63 2 1/2'' 115 120 23 168
FEI0117 75 2" 129 135 26 182
FEI0318 75 2 1/2" 129 135 28 187 260
since 1896

Cod articol d G D I H L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CDF023 75 3" 129 135 33 187
FEI0766 90 2'' 155 158 33 190
CDF024 90 2 1/2'' 155 158 33 195
FEI0123 90 3'' 155 158 33 195
CDF025 90 4'' 155 158 42 204
CDF026 110 3" 183 198 41 263
FEI0077 110 4" 183 200 43 263
FEI0314 110 4" 183 200 37 250

Muf redus de compresiune (reducie)

Compression Reducing Coupler

Cod articol d d1 D D1 l l1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0319 25 20 50 43 56 52 112
FEI0263 32 20 58 43 64 52 121
FEI0320 32 25 58 50 64 55 125
CDF001 40 20 74 43 73 52 134
FEI0435 40 25 74 50 73 55 138
FEI0264 40 32 74 58 73 62 145
FEI0641 50 25 85 50 85 55 151
FEI0321 50 32 85 58 85 62 157
FEI0265 50 40 85 74 85 73 168
CDF002 63 32 99 58 93 62 163
CDF003 63 40 99 74 93 73 174
FEI0322 63 50 99 85 93 88 185
CDF004 75 50 129 96 134 100 248
FEI0359 75 63 129 115 146 130 285
FEI0266 90 63 155 115 157 134 298
FEI0356 90 75 155 129 162 146 318
CDF005 110 75 178 131 192 129 365
FEI0262 110 90 183 155 201 157 370

Adaptor de flan prin compresiune (capt de flan)

Compression Flange Adaptor

Cod articol d e D L l E F C
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
CDF086 50 1 1/2" 96 162 148 152 110 18
FEI0324 50 2" 96 162 148 165 125 18
FEI0147 63 2" 115 193 178 165 125 18
FEI1019 63 2 1/2" 115 193 178 184 144 18
FEI0075 75 2 1/2" 129 201 186 184 144 18
CDF087 75 3" 129 203 186 198 158 18
FEI0056 90 3" 155 220 202 198 158 18
FEI0579 90 4" 155 223 202 220 180 18
FEI0052 110 4" 183 253 233 220 180 18

Dop de compresiune
Compression End plug

Cod articol d D D I
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0084 25 50 54 77
FEI0019 32 58 62 88
FEI0313 40 74 74 98
FEI0252 50 85 85 110
FEI0058 63 99 94 121
FEI0532 75 129 137 158
FEI0211 90 155 158 179
FEI0210 110 183 202 225

Teu egal de compresiune

Compression Equal Tee

Cod articol d d d D I L1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0007 20 20 20 43 52 63 126
FEI0008 25 25 25 50 59 73 146
FEI0071 32 32 32 58 66 85 169
FEI0016 40 40 40 74 80 100 200
FEI0074 50 50 50 85 92 117 235
FEI0011 63 63 63 99 95 127 253
FEI0193 75 75 75 129 142 180 364
FEI0192 90 90 90 155 154 199 407
FEI0039 110 110 110 183 209 264 539 261
since 1896

Teu redus de compresiune

Compression Reduced Tee

Cod articol d d1 d D1 D I l1 L1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0307 25 20 25 43 50 51 59 68 146
CDF053 32 20 32 43 58 51 66 74 169
FEI0308 32 25 32 50 58 61 66 79 169
CDF054 40 20 40 43 74 51 80 79 200
CDF055 40 25 40 50 74 59 80 83 200
FEI0361 40 32 40 58 74 66 80 89 200
CDF056 50 25 50 50 85 58 92 88 235
FEI0325 50 32 50 58 85 64 92 94 235
FEI0326 50 40 50 74 85 78 92 106 235
CDF057 63 25 63 50 99 68 80 83 253
CDF058 63 32 63 58 99 68 95 101 253
CDF059 63 40 63 74 99 78 95 112 253
FEI0363 63 50 63 85 99 85 95 118 253
FEI0133 75 63 75 115 129 136 123 170 365
CDF060 90 75 90 129 155 154 136 195 407
FEI1186 110 90 110 155 183 203 156 231 535

Teu mixt compresiune cu filet exterior

Compression Male Threaded Tee

Cod articol d G d D I H L1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0030 20 1/2 20 43 52 13 40 126
FEI0009 20 3/4 20 43 52 15 42 126
CDF061 25 1/2" 25 50 59 13 44 146
FEI0093 25 3/4" 25 50 59 15 46 146
CDF062 25 1" 25 50 59 17 48 146
CDF063 32 1/2" 32 58 66 13 50 169
FEI0591 32 3/4" 32 58 66 15 52 169
FEI0031 32 1" 32 58 66 17 54 169
CDF064 32 1 1/4" 32 58 66 19 56 169
CDF065 40 1" 40 74 80 18 58 200
FEI0096 40 1 1/4" 40 74 80 20 60 200
FEI0097 40 1 1/2" 40 74 80 22 62 200
CDF066 50 1 1/4" 50 85 92 20 66 235
FEI0299 50 1 1/2" 50 85 92 22 68 235
CDF067 50 2" 50 85 92 26 72 235
CDF068 63 1 1/2" 63 99 95 22 73 253
FEI0037 63 2" 63 99 95 26 77 253
CDF069 63 2 1/2" 63 115 130 28 63 335
FEI0743 75 2 1/2" 75 129 137 32 70 365
CDF070 75 3" 75 129 137 35 73 365
CDF071 90 3" 90 155 155 35 73 408
CDF072 90 4" 90 155 155 41 81 408
CDF073 110 4" 110 183 211 42 98 538

Teu mixt compresiune cu filet interior

Compression Female Threaded Tee

Cod articol d G d I H L1 L
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0028 20 1/2" 20 43 52 17 44 126
CDF074 20 3/4 20 43 52 19 47 126
CDF075 25 1/2" 25 50 59 17 45 146
FEI0042 25 3/4" 25 50 59 19 49 146
CDF076 25 1" 25 50 59 21 53 146
FEI0300 32 1/2" 32 58 66 17 52 169
FEI0590 32 3/4" 32 58 66 19 54 169
FEI0136 32 1" 32 58 66 21 56 169
CDF077 32 1 1/4" 32 58 66 23 58 169
FEI1036 40 1" 40 74 80 21 61 200
FEI0043 40 1 1/4" 40 74 80 23 68 200
CDF078 40 1 1/2" 40 74 80 25 69 200
FEI1037 50 1 1/4" 50 85 92 23 70 235
FEI0029 50 1 1/2" 50 85 92 25 76 235
CDF079 50 2" 50 85 92 29 80 235
FEI1039 63 1 1/2" 63 99 95 25 77 253
FEI0362 63 2" 63 99 95 29 81 253
CDF080 63 2 1/2" 63 115 123 30 65 313
CDF081 75 2" 75 129 138 35 84 362
FEI0051 75 2 1/2" 75 129 138 35 84 362
CDF082 75 3" 75 129 138 36 85 362
CDF083 90 2 1/2" 90 155 154 43 91 406
FEI0125 90 3" 90 155 154 47 95 406
CDF084 90 4" 90 155 154 47 95 406
CDF085 110 3" 110 183 205 41 104 534
FEI0427 110 4" 110 183 205 45 104 534 262
since 1896

Colier de branare compresiune cu inel de rigidizare

Compression Saddle with reinforcement ring

Cod articol D Rp B M D1 L L1 H H1
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI1107 25 3/4 2 M8X30 13 49 79 58 15
FEI1108 32 1/2 2 M8X30 14 49 79 62 20
FEI1109 32 3/4 2 M8X30 14 49 79 62 20
FEI1110 40 1/2 2 M8X40 21 62 86 71 20
FEI1111 40 3/4 2 M8X40 21 62 86 71 20
FEI1113 50 1/2 4 M8X40 21 62 86 82 20
FEI1114 50 3/4 4 M8X40 21 62 86 82 20
FEI1115 50 1 4 M8X40 21 62 86 82 20
FEI1116 63 1/2 4 M8X40 18 62 101 96 21
FEI1117 63 3/4 4 M8X40 24 62 101 96 21
FEI1118 63 1 4 M8X40 31 62 101 96 21
FEI1119 63 11/4 4 M8X40 31 62 101 96 21
FEI1120 75 1/2 4 M8X60 16 79 123 102 14
FEI1121 75 3/4 4 M8X60 21 79 123 104 16
FEI1122 75 1 4 M8X60 27 79 123 107 19
FEI1123 75 11/4 4 M8X60 35 79 123 109 21
FEI1124 75 11/2 4 M8X60 42 79 123 109 21
FEI1126 90 1/2 4 M8X60 16 87 138 116 14
FEI1127 90 3/4 4 M8X60 21 87 138 118 16
FEI1128 90 1 4 M8X60 27 87 138 121 19
FEI1129 90 11/4 4 M8X60 35 87 138 123 21
FEI1130 90 11/2 4 M8X60 42 87 138 123 21
FEI1131 90 2 4 M8X60 53 87 138 126 24
FEI0271 110 1/2 6 M8X60 15 99 152 150 23
FEI0272 110 3/4 6 M8X50 20 99 152 150 23
FEI0105 110 1 6 M8X50 26 99 152 150 23
FEI0305 110 11/4 6 M8X50 35 99 152 150 23
FEI0304 110 11/2 6 M8X50 41 99 152 150 23
FEI0143 110 2 6 M8X50 51 99 152 150 23
FEI1029 110 3 6 M8X50 85 99 152 150 23
FEI0156 125 1/2 6 M8X70 15 101 166 169 24
FEI0273 125 3/4 6 M8X50 20 101 166 169 24
FEI0157 125 1 6 M8X50 26 101 166 169 24
FEI1059 125 11/4 6 M8X50 35 101 166 168 23
FEI1060 125 11/2 6 M8X50 41 101 166 168 23
FEI0158* 125 2 6 M8X50 50 101 166 168 23
FEI0277 140 3/4 6 M10X70 24 114 207 191 25
FEI0274 140 1 6 M10X70 30 114 207 191 25
FEI1030 140 11/4 6 M10X70 38 114 207 191 25
FEI1132 140 11/2 6 M10X70 45 114 207 191 24
FEI0276 140 2 6 M10X70 50 114 207 191 24
FEI0541 140 3 6 M10X70 85 142 208 201 38
FEI0543 160 1/2 6 M10X70 18 114 226 215 24
FEI0281 160 3/4 6 M10X70 24 114 226 215 24
FEI0279 160 1 6 M10X70 30 114 226 215 24
FEI0278 160 11/4 6 M10X70 37 114 226 215 24
FEI0542 160 11/2 6 M10X70 45 114 226 215 24
FEI0280 160 2 6 M10X70 51 114 226 215 24
FEI0544 160 3 6 M10X70 84 142 228 222 24
FEI0545 160 4 6 M10X70 90 142 228 222 24
FEI0282 200 11/2 6 M10x80 45 169 262 265 38
FEI0154 200 2 6 M10x80 54 169 262 265 38
FEI0547 200 3 6 M10x80 85 169 262 265 38
FEI0692 200 4 6 M10x80 103 169 262 267 40
FEI0284* 225 11/2 6 M10x80 45 145 287 287 26
FEI0283 225 2 6 M10x80 51 145 287 287 287
FEI0408 225 3 6 M10x80 85 174 287 287 295
FEI0548 225 4 6 M10x80 103 174 287 287 295
FEI0311 250 2 6 M10x80 55 178 310 310 314
FEI0549 250 3 6 M10x80 85 178 310 310 314
FEI0350 250 4 6 M10x80 103 178 310 310 314
FEI0287 315 2 6 M10x120 51 246 246 390 350
FEI0551 315 3 6 M10x120 78 246 246 390 363
FEI0552 315 4 6 M10x120 98 246 246 390 363

Colier branare de compresiune PN 12,5 - fr inel de rigidizare

Compression Saddle without reinforcement ring

Cod articol D Rp B M L L1 H H1
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FEI0660 32 3/4 2 M8x30 49 79 62 20
FEI0289 40 1/2 2 M8x40 62 86 71 20
FEI0111 40 1 2 M8x40 62 86 70 19
FEI0349 50 1/2 2 M8x40 62 86 82 20
FEI0110 50 3/4 2 M8x40 62 86 82 20
FEI0109 50 1 2 M8x40 62 86 82 20
FEI0108 63 3/4 4 M8x40 62 101 96 21
FEI0539 75 1/2 4 M8x70 79 123 102 14
FEI0297 90 1/2 4 M8x70 87 138 116 14
FEI0106 90 1 4 M8x70 87 138 121 19
FEI0296 90 1 1/2 4 M8x70 87 138 123 21
FEI0150 90 2 4 M8x70 87 138 126 24
FEI0306 110 1/2 4 M8x50 99 152 150 23
FEI0714 110 3/4 4 M8x50 99 152 150 23
FEI0310 110 1 4 M8x50 99 152 150 23
FEI0683 110 1 1/4 4 M8x50 99 152 150 23 263
since 1896 264
since 1896

 evi i fitinguri din PVC
presiune pentru ap
PVC-U pressure pipes
and fittings 265
since 1896

Sistemul de evi i fitinguri din PVC-U PVC-U pressure pipes and fittings
de presiune pentru ap for water
evile i fitingurile din PVC se produc prin extrudare, respectiv PVC pipes and fittings are manufactured by extrusion
injecie din granule de PVC dur neplastifiat n combinaie cu respectively injection of tough non-plasticized PVC granules
colorani, materiale de umplutur, stabilizatori i adaosuri in combination with pigments, fillers, stabilizers and friction
de friciune. additives.
evile sunt de culoare gri sau albastr au suprafaa interioar The pipes are colored in grey or blue, have smooth outer and
i exterioar neted i sunt prevzute cu mufe pentru inner surface and are manufactured with one socket that
asigurarea mbinrii. ensure the connection between the pipes.
Spre deosebire de evile din PVC-U pentru canalizare, n Unlike PVC-U pipes for sewage, in this case joining is made
cazul acestora mbinarea se execut prin lipire. by solvent cement.
Temperatura recomandat a apei vehiculate n sistemele de The recommended temperature of the water transported
PVC-U de presiune este cuprins ntre 20C i 40C. through PVC-U pressure pipes systems is between 20C i 40C.
Se admit i temperaturi de 60C pentru perioade de scurt There are allowed temperatures of 60C for short periods of
durat. time.
evile i fitingurile din PVC-U de presiune au numeroase Polyethylene pipes and fittings have many area of use such
domenii de utilizare dintre care amintim: as:
reele de distribuie a apei potabile pentru consumatori drinking water supply networks for domestic and
casnici i industriali; industrial consumers;
reele de irigaii i gospodrirea apelor; irrigation networks and water management;
transport de lichide n industrie. transport for industrial liquids.

Caracteristicile PVC-Ului neplastifiat (materia prim) Characteristics of PVC-U (raw material)

Densitatea 1,37-1,47 kg/dm3 Density 1,37-1,47 kg/dm3
Sarcina unitara max. >45 MPa Max. load unit. >45 MPa
Modul elasticitate Aprox. 3000MPa Elasticity module Aprox. 3000MPa
Rezistena electric superficial >1012 Superficial electrical resistance >1012
Coef. dilatare liniar 0,08 mm/mK Linear expansion 0,08 mm/mK
Conductivitate termic 0,15 W/mK Thermal conductivity 0,15 W/mK
Alungirea la rupere < 10% Break elongation < 10%

Durata de viat este apreciat la minim 50 de ani n condiiile The life of the system is estimated at a minimum of 50 years
respectrii condiiilor de presiune i temperatur precum i under the conditions of pressure and temperature as well as
a tehnologiei de punere n oper. implementing technology work.
Sistemul de evi i fitinguri din PVC-U de presiune, oferit de PVC-U pressure pipes and fittings system offered by Teraplast
Teraplast, este un sistem complet si variat, ce cuprinde evi is complete and varied, comprising of grey and blue colored
de culoare gri i albastr fabricate n gamele de presiune pipes manufactured in pressure range of PN6, PN10 and
PN6, PN10 i P16 bari. PN16 bars.
Sistemul este completat cu o gam extrem de variat The system is completed with a wide range of PVC pressure
de fitinguri din PVC de presiune ce asigur posibilitatea fittings which ensures the possibility to execute underground
executrii de sisteme de distribuie a apei att n variant water distribution systems but also internal distribution
ngropat ct i de sisteme interioare de distribuie a apei water or industrial distribution systems.
sau a fluidelor industriale. From the dimensionally point of view the diameter range of
Din punct de vedere dimensional gama de diametre a evilor Teraplast PVC-U pressure pipes is between 32 and 400mm.
PVC-U de presiune produse de Teraplast este cuprins intre
32 si 400mm. 266
since 1896

Caracteristici si avantaje ale sistemului Features and benefits of PVC pressure

de evi si fitinguri din PVC de presiune pipes and fittings system
Sistemul alcatuit din tevi i fitinguri din PVC-U este n The system consisting of PVC-U pipes and fittings is produced
concordan cu standardele internaionale referitoare la according to relevant international standards relating to
transportul apei potabile prin evi din material plastic. water transport through plastic pipes.


Att evile ct i fitingurile din PVC au o rezisten chimic Both PVC pipes and fittings have high chemical resistance to
ridicat la majoritatea soluiilor apoase, la aciunea agresiv most aqueous solutions, the aggressive action of materials
a materiilor din sol, srurilor i substanelor caustice sau a in the soil, salts and caustics or acidic aqueous solutions.
soluiilor acide apoase. Astfel, evile i fitingurile din PVC-U Thus, PVC-U pipes and fittings may be used for the transport
se pot utiliza pentru transportul de soluii apoase bazice sau of aqueous acidic or basic solutions, minerals, etc. with pH
acide, sruri minerale, etc. cu pH intre 2 si 12 si temperaturi between 2 and 12 and working temperature max. 60C.
de lucru de max. 60C.

The outstanding characteristics of the hydraulic system
Remarcabilele caracteristici hidraulice ale sistemului de of pipes and fittings in PVC are determined by the ability
evi i fitinguri din PVC sunt determinate de posibilitatea de to produce interior walls with an extremely low roughness
a produce perei interiori cu o rugozitate extrem de redus (<0,01mm) which means 10 times less than other pipes made
(<0,01mm) ceea ce nseamn de 10 ori mai redus comparativ from materials other than plastic. Such velocities and flow
cu alte evi realizate din alte materiale dect plastic. Astfel rates are obviously higher than in iron pipes and pressure
vitezele de curgere i evident debitele sunt mai ridicate fa de losses are minimized.
evile din oel iar pierderile de presiune sunt reduse la minim.


PVC pipes and fittings lightweight system components
Greutatea redus a componentelor sistemului de evi i ensures extremely high maneuverability in terms of
fitinguri din PVC asigur o manevrabilitate extrem de ridicat transport, storage, handling and installation. Installation
n ceea ce privete transportul, depozitarea i manevrarea is made extremely simple as connection of the component
precum i instalarea acestuia. Instalarea se realizeaz extrem elements is done by solvent cement.
de simplu deoarece mbinarea elemenelor componente se
face prin lipire cu adeziv.

Dilatarea liniara a evilor de PVC PVC pipes linear expansion

n cazul proiectrii reelelor cu evi din PVC-U trebuie s se When designing networks with PVC-U pipes you must take
in cont de faptul ca modificrile n lungime ale acestora into consideration that changes in their length due to
ca urmare a variaiilor de temperatur sunt considerabil mai temperature variations are considerably higher compared to
mari comparativ cu evile metalice sau ceramice. ceramic or metal pipes.

Pentru calculul modificrii lungimii tevilor din PVC-U se To calculate the change in length of PVC-U pipes will be taken
vor lua n considerare temperatura existent la momentul into account the temperature at the moment of installation
pozrii i temperatura maxim i minim prevazut pentru and maximum and minimum temperature foreseen for the
pereii evii n timpul exploatrii reelei. pipe walls during operation of the network.

Modificarea lungimii este egal cu: Change in length is equal to:

L = Lc T L = Lc T

unde: where:
Lc = lungimea conductei Lc = length of the pipe
T = diferena de temperatur T = temperature difference
= coeficientul de dilatare liniar (0,08mm/mK pentru PVC) = coefficient of linear thermal expansion (0,08mm / mK for PVC) 267
since 1896

Msuri pentru compensarea dilatrii Measures to compensate the expansion

n cazul sistemelor de PVC presiune pentru distribuia apei, In the case of PVC pressure water supply, underground
montate ngropat, influena dilatrii nu este att de mare. installed, the effect of expansion is not so great.
Pentru sistemele montate aparent, trebuie s se in cont For apparent mounted systems, the expansion of the system
de dilatarea sistemului i s se asigure posibilitatea utilizrii must be taken into account and to ensure the possibility of
coturilor pentru expansiune, dimensionate corespunztor i using the appropriately sized expansion bends and fixing
fixarea cu cleme a acestora. Prin folosirea de puncte fixe bine with clamps. By using well-established fixed points we can
stabilite putem avea o dilatare direcionat iar prin utilizarea have a directed dilation and using expansion elbows to
coturilor pentru expansiune, n vederea schimbrii direciei change direction we can compensate the dilation.
putem compensa aceast dilatare.
Below are the distances between the fixing points of PVC
Mai jos sunt prezentate distanele ntre punctele de fixare pressure pipes according diameter and fluid temperature.
pentru evile de PVC n funcie de diametru i temperatura
It was considered a fluid density of 1g/cm3. If the density
fluidului. S-a luat n considerare o densitate a fluidului de
of the fluid is higher, the distances should be reduced
1g/cm3. n cazul n care densitatea fluidului este mai mare,
distanele trebuie reduse corespunztor.

Distana ntre cleme n funcie de temperatur/

D (mm)
Distance between the fixing points according to temperature
20C 40C 60C
16 110 100 Permanent
20 110 100 Permanent
25 120 105 75
32 135 125 90
40 145 135 100
50 160 150 115
63 180 170 130
75 200 185 145
90 220 200 155
110 240 225 175
125 255 240 185
140 270 250 195
160 290 270 210
200 310 285 220
225 325 300 235

Dac se utilizeaz piese grele, cum sunt filtre, robinei sau If you use heavy parts such as filters, valves or other
alte accesorii, acestea trebuie fixate cu suporturi separate, accessories, they shall be fitted with separate, individual
individuale capabile s susin greutatea acestora. bracket systems, able to support their weight.


Cnd se transport evi, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. Asigurai n mod eficient which may damage the pipes. Secure the pipes effectively
conductele nainte de a le transporta. before transporting them.
Atunci cnd se ncarc evi cu muf, evile se vor stivui When loading socket-ended pipes, stack the pipes so that
astfel nct mufele sa fie n contact cu evile adiacente. La the sockets are not in contact with adjacent pipes. When
manipularea tevilor i fitingurilor, asigurai-v s prevenii handling the pipes and fittings, take care to prevent damage.
deteriorarea acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot fi Plastics products can be damaged when get in contact with
deteriorate atunci cnd n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the
sau n cazul n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici ground. In all circumstances, do not drop or throw products
un caz, nu lsai s cad sau aruncai produsele si paleii. and pallets. 268
since 1896

Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
la temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii trebuie low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
acordat o atenie suplimentar n timpul manipulrii pentru during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
a se evita orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandam o
We recommend special attention to handling pipes and
atenie deosebi la manevrarea evilor i fitingurilor n cazul
fittings when the ambient temperature is below -5C.
n care temperatura este sub -5C.
When storing pipes and fittings on site, the manufacturer
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, constructorul
must provide adequate space for storage. PVC pipes in bulk
trebuie s asigure un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea
or pallets have to be stored on flat surfaces without sharp
acestora. evile PVC vrac sau n palei trebuie depozitate
objects (stones or bumps). We recommend to keep the
pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite (pietre sau
fittings in the original packaging as much as possible. If
proeminene). Fitingurile se recomand sa fie pastrate n
there is not available a covered space, fittings can be kept
ambalajul original ct mai mult cu putin. Dac nu exist
also outdoors.
un spatiu acoperit se pot pstra i n exterior.
If keeping the pipes in pallets, they can be stacked, but not
n cazul pastrarii evilor n paleti, acetia se pot stivui, ns
more than 3 pallets - for pipes with diameter 110-200mm and
nu mai mult de 3 palei pentru evile cu diametrul 110-
maximum 2 pallets for pipes with diameter D250 - 400mm.
200mm i maxim 2 palei n cazul evilor cu diametrul D250
In both cases safety measures shall be taken to prevent the
400mm. n ambele situaii se vor lua masuri de siguran
possibility of collapse or lateral displacement in the case of
pentru prevenirea deplasarilor laterale sau posibilitii de
prabuire a acestora in cazul rafalelor de vnt.
In the case of loose pipes, stack height must not exceed
n cazul depozitrii evilor vrac, nlimea stivei nu trebuie s
1.5m. In this case, the pipes must be laid on wooden racks
depaeasc 1,5m. n aceast situaie, evile trebuie aezate
with a minimum width of 7.5cm positioned at a distance
pe supori de lemn cu o lime de minim 7,5cm pozitionai
of 1-2m. The supports at the ends of the stack should be
la o distan de 12m. Suporii de la capetele stivei trebuie
positioned at a distance of 0.5, maximum 1m before the
pozitionai la o distan de 0,5, maxim 1m faa de capatul evii.
end of the pipe.
evile cu diametrul mai mic pot fi telescopate n evile cu
Smaller diameter pipes may be telescopic pipes with
diametrul mai mare att timp ct evile sunt prevzute cu
diameter so long as the pipes are provided with supports
supori pe toat lungimea lor.
throughout their entire length.
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste 6
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile solare astfel
to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora i deasemenea
not obstruct the ventilation and also to remove the pipes
demontarea garniturilor evilor i pstrarea acestora ntr-un
seals and keeping them in a place protected from intense
spaiu ferit de radiaii solare puternice i temperaturi ridicate.
sunlight and high temperatures.

Instalarea Installation
Excavarea sanului
Trench Excavation
Se recomand ca excavarea sanului s nu se execute cu mult
It is recommended that the trench excavation not run long
timp nainte de instalarea evilor. anul trebuie acoperit cat
before installing pipes. The trench should be covered as
mai repede dup instalarea evilor, daca este posibil, chiar
soon as possible after installing the pipes, if possible, even
n aceaai zi.
in the same day.
Lucrul n santuri deschise prezint un potenial pericol. Se
Working in open trenches is a potential danger. You should
recomand asigurarea pereilor anului. Asigurai-v ca
provide protection of the trench walls. Make sure that when
atunci cnd operatorii sunt n an micarea echipamentelor
operators are in the ditch the movement of equipment can
de pe mal nu poate provoca prbuirea antului i nu exist
not cause the collapse of the trench and there are no other
alte obiecte ce pot cdea n an. Baza anului trebuie s
objects that may fall into the ditch. The trench base should
asigure un spaiu suficient de larg pentru mbinarea evilor i
provide sufficient space for pipes joining and achievement
realizarea in mod corespunztor a compactrii i nu trebuie
in properly conditions of the soil compaction and do not
s reduc influena pozitiv a solului asupra evilor. In cele 2
reduce the positive influence of soil on pipes. In the two
tabele de mai jos este indicat laimea bazei anului.
tables below is indicated the width of the trench base. 269
since 1896

Limea minim an-funcie de diametrul evii: Minimum trench width-according pipe diameter:

Diametrul evii Unghi an Unghi an Pipe diameter Trench angle Trench angle
(mm) > 60 < 60 (mm) > 60 < 60
200-300 0,9m 0,9m 200-300 0,9m 0,9m
400 1,0m 0,9m 400 1,0m 0,9m
500 1,2m 0,9m 500 1,2m 0,9m
Unghiul santului este unghiul taluzului msurat fa de The trench angle is the slope angle measured from the
orizontal. horizontal.
Limea minim an-funcie de adncime: Minimum trench width-according depth:

Adncime an (m) Lime minim (m) Trench depth (m) Minimum width (m)
< 1m Nu se specific < 1m Not specified
1 1,75m 0,9m 1 1.75m 0.9m
1,75 4,0m 0,95m 1.75 4.0m 0.95m
> 4m 1,0m > 4m 1.0m
n cazul instalrii unor evi paralele se va avea n vedere When installing parallel pipes you have to ensure a sufficient
asigurarea unui spaiu suficient pentru compactare ntre compaction space between the pipes. A space between
evi. Se recomand un spaiu egal cu minim 150mm mai the pipes of at least 150mm greater than the width of the
mare dect limea tlpii compactorului. compactor is recommended.

Pregtirea patului de montaj i instalarea evilor Preparation of the bed assembly and pipes installation
n cazul n care partea inferioar a anului excavat este In case the bottom of the excavated trench consists of fine
alctuit din soluri cu granulatie fina, fr obiecte ascuite, grained soils without sharp objects such as large stones,
cum ar fi pietre mari, este suficient s nivelm suprafaa, n it is sufficient to level the bottom in line with the required
conformitate cu gradientul necesar i s o afnm, fie cu gradient and to loosen the bottom, either with the teeth of
dinii cupei excavator sau cu o cazma. the excavator bucket or with a spade.
n caz contrar se va achiziiona i folosi un material granular If not, proper imported granular material shall be used.
adecvat. Acest material poate fi pietri, nisip sau piatr This material may be gravel, sand or crushed rock, with a
concasat, cu o dimensiune maxim a particulei de 20mm. maximum particle size of 20mm. With this a bedding layer
Cu acesta se va realiza un strat de aternut, de preferin cu preferably with 100-150mm, shall be made. Some space
grosimea de 100-150mm. Este indicat s se asigure un mic shall be provided under the planned position of the socket.
spaiu n zonele n care se vor poziiona mufele evii.
Ground water swelling up in the trench should be prevented
n cazul apariiei apei n an se vor lua masuri de evacuare a with suitable de-watering.
acesteia cu echipamente adecvate.

Instalarea sistemului Installation

nainte de instalare, se vor verifica evile i fitingurile de Before the pipe installation, it is necessary to check pipes and
existena eventualelor defecte. La instalare se va introduce fittings of any potential damage. At installation the spigot
capatul fr muf al evii n mufa evii instalate anterior. end pipe will be introduced into the previously installed pipe
ntindei eava n an astfel nct sa fie uniform aezat pe socket. Lay the pipe in the trench so that it bears evenly on
toat lungimea sa pe patul anului. the bedding throughout its length.
evile sunt prevazute din fabricaie cu un anfren. evile ce The pipes are properly chamfered when coming from the
se vor debita n antier se vor tia la un unghi de 90C fa de factory. Pipes cut on the site will be cut at an angle of 90
axa orizontal dup care taietura se va debavura i apoi cu to their horizontal axis then deburr the cut end and chamfer
ajutorul unei pile se va executa un nou anfren, la un unghi with a file at an angle of 15 over a length (L-mm) according
de 15 pe o lungime (L-in mm) conform tabelului de mai jos: to the table below:
Lungimea anfrenului-funcie de diametrul evii (mm) Chamfer lenght-according pipe diameter (mm)

D 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 D 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500
L 6 6 7 9 9 12 15 18 L 6 6 7 9 9 12 15 18 270
since 1896

mbinarea elementelor sistemului de PVC de presiune se The connections between the PVC pressure system elements
face prin lipire cu ajutorul unor adezivi speciali. are made with special solvent cement.

Etapele mbinarii elementelor sistemului sunt: Stages of joint system elements are:
1. Verificai ca atat capatul fr muf ct i mufa evii sau a 1. Check that both the pipe or fitting spigot end ring seal
fitingului s fie uscate, curate, fr pietricele sau praf. socket are dry, clean and free from grit or dust.
2. Msurai lungimea de patrundere a evii n interiorul mufei 2. Measure the length of the pipe insertion inside the coupler
evii sau fitingului cu care urmeaz s se mbine i marcai of the pipe or fitting to combine with and mark it on the
pe captul fr muf al evii. end of the pipe.
Asigurai-v ca cele dou elemente ce urmeaz sa fie Make sure that the components to be joined are correctly
mbinate s fie corect aliniate. aligned.
3. Cu ajutorul unui prosop de hrtie nmuiat n decapant 3. Using a paper towel soaked in pickle clean of dust and
curai bine de praf i grsime interiorul mufei ce urmeaz grease the inside surface of the socket which will be
s se mbine i exteriorul evii cu care urmeaz s aib loc connected and outside part of the pipe which is going to
mbinarea pe lungimea marcat. be connected on the marked length.
4. Dup uscarea decapantului se aplic cu o pensul curat 4. After the pickle is dried apply with a clean brush the
adezivul pe suprafeele curate anterior. Aplicarea adhesive on the surfaces previously cleaned. Application
trebuie fcut rapid, uniform i longitudinal. must be made fast, uniform and longitudinal.
Se introduce eava n muf printr-o singur micare 5. Insert the pipe into the socket by a single axial movement
axial, continu, fr a o roti. Dup aceast operaie eava and continue without spin. After this operation the pipe is
se poate roti puin, maxim un sfert de rotaie pentru a rotatable least up to a quarter turn, in order to equalize
uniformiza stratul de adeziv dintre cele dou elemente. the layer of adhesive between the two elements.
6. mbinrile se vor stabiliza pentru o perioad scurt de 6. The joints will stabilize for a short period of time until the
timp, pn adezivul se ntrete. Excesele de adeziv adhesive is dried. Adhesive in excess will be removed with
trebuie ndeprtate cu hrtie absorbant. tissue paper.

Timpul de repaus depinde de presiunea de operare a The rest time depends on the operating pressure of the
sistemului i temperatura mediului ambiant, astfel: system and the ambient temperature, so:
Pentru mbinri de reparaii ce nu vor fi supuse testelor For repair joints that will not be subjected to pressure
de presiune, pentru orice dimensiune i presiune se testing, for any size and pressure, recommended joint
recomand o perioad de repaus a mbinarii de 1 or/bar. rest period is of 1 hour/bar.
Pentru mbinri ce vor fi supuse testelor de presiune For joints of pipes and fittings up to 16 bar, that will be
pentru orice evi i fitinguri pn la 16 bari, se recomand subjected to pressure testing, it is recommended a rest
o perioad de repaus a mbinarii de 24 de ore. period of 24 hours.

Msuri de precauie Precautions

Att decapantul ct i adezivul sunt volatile i inflamabile, Both stripper and adhesive are volatile and flammable, so
deci trebuie depozitate i manipulate cu atenie. Cutiile it should be stored and handled with care. The jars must be
trebuie nchise imediat dup utilizare, vaporii acestora fiind closed immediately after use, because the vapors are toxic.
toxici. n cazul realizrii mbinrilor n ncperi, acestea When you make connections in rooms, they must be well
trebuie s fie bine ventilate. ventilated.

Umplutura i compactarea anului Backfilling and compaction

Odat ce conducta a fost instalat i testat n modul Once the pipeline has been installed and tested in the
prescris, putei ncepe umplerea anului. prescribed manner, you can start filling in the pack.
n ceea ce privete straturile umpluturii se poate face o With backfilling a clear distinction can be made between the
distincie clar ntre patul de aezare al evii, pe care l-am bedding, side fill, initial backfill and final backfill.
descris anterior, umplutura lateral, umplutura iniial i
umplutura final. 271
since 1896

n cazul umpluturii laterale, umplerea ct i compactarea Both pack of side filling and compaction must be done
trebuie fcute pe ambele pri simultan prevenindu-se on both sides simultaneously preventing any cavities to
formarea unor caviti sub conduct. Umplerea se va face be created under the drains. The filling will be made with
in straturi succesive de maxim 30cm grosime. Zona dintre successive layers with a maximum 30cm thickness. The area
conduct i peretele anului trebuie s fie compactat between the pipeline and the trench wall must be compacted
uniform n conformitate cu cerinele proiectului (de evenly in accordance with the requirements of the project
exemplu, la nivelul minim necesar de densitate Proctor). specification (e.g. to the minimum required Proctor density).
nlimea umpluturii laterale se execut pna la o grosime The side fill goes up to minimum 2/3 of the pipe diameter. It
egal cu minim 2/3 din diametrul conductei. Este indicat ca is advisable to execute the filling side up to the pipeline top
umplerea lateral sa se execute pn la nivelul generatoarei edge.
superioare a conductei.
The initial backfill should exceed the pipeline top edge by
Umplutura iniial se execut pana la 30cm deasupra 30cm in successive layers with a uniform compaction to the
generatoarei superioare a conductei n straturi succesive cu minimum required Proctor density according the project.
o compactare uniform la un grad de compactare Proctor
For compacting you can use a rammer that will be used on
conform proiectului.
both sides of the pipe. Never use the rammer directly above
Pentru compactare se va folosi un mai cu care se va compacta the pipeline!
pe ambele pri ale conductei. Niciodat nu utilizai maiul
For both the side fill and the initial backfill, as with the pipe
direct deasupra conductei!
bedding, will be used a filling material similar with the bed
Att pentru umplutura lateral ct i pentru cea iniial se fill. Excavated material may be used provided that this
va folosi o umplutur similar cu cea utilizata la patul evii. material consists of fine-grained soils without sharp objects
Materialul excavat poate fi utilizat cu condiia ca acest such as large stones. If not, proper granular material shall be
material s fie din soluri cu granulaie fin, fr obiecte imported from elsewhere. This material may be gravel, sand
ascuite, cum ar fi pietre mari. n cazul contrar, un material or crushed rock, with a maximum particle size of 20mm.
granular se achiziioneaz din alt parte. Acest material
For the final backfill the excavated material can be used.
poate fi pietri, nisip sau piatr concasat, cu o dimensiune
The final backfill must be compacted along the entire
maxim a particulei de 20mm.
trench width. We do not recommend using frozen earth or
Pentru umplutura final se poate utiliza materialul excavat. earth containing particles greater than 150 mm for the final
Umplutura final trebuie s fie compactat pe toat limea backfill.
anului. Nu se recomand utilizarea pmntului ngheat
At locations with higher levels of groundwater, it is necessary
sau a pmntului ce conine particule cu un diametru mai
to pack, backfill and compact faster to prevent the pipeline
mare de 150mm pentru stratul de umplutur final.
from floating. The trench reinforcement is to be removed
n locaiile cu nivelul ridicat al pnzei de ap freatic simultaneously as the backfill and compaction advance.
este necesar sa executai umpluturile i compactarea cu
vitez mare pentru a preveni fenomenul de flotabilitate al
conductei. Elementele de sprijin ale anului se vor indeprta
simultan cu avansarea umpluturii i compactrii. 272
since 1896

eav PVC de presiune pentru AP cu mufa lis - PN 6

PVC pressure water pipe - with glue socket - PN 6

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Lungime Bar

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
VO6040015L14000GR 40 1.5 4
VO6050015L14000GR 50 1.5 4
VO6063019L14000GR 63 1.9 4
VO6110027L14000GR 110 2.7 4
VO6125031L14000GR 125 3.1 4
VO6160040L14000GR 160 4.0 4
VO6250062L14000GR 250 6.2 4
VO6315077L14000GR 315 7.7 4
VO640098L14000GR 400 9.8 4

Not Note
La cerere, evile se pot debita i la alte lungimi. On request we can deliver pipes at other lenghts.

eav PVC de presiune pentru AP cu mufa lis - PN 10

PVC pressure water pipe - with glue socket - PN 10

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Lungime Bar

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V1O032016L14000GR 32 1.6 4
V1O040019L14000GR 40 1.9 4
V1O050024L14000GR 50 2.4 4
V1O063030L14000GR 63 3.0 4
V1O075036L14000GR 75 3.6 4
V1O090043L14000GR 90 4.3 4
V1O110042L14000GR 110 4.2 4
V1O125060L14000GR 125 6.0 4
V1O140067L14000GR 140 6.7 4
V1O160077L14000GR 160 7.7 4
V1O200096L14000GR 200 9.6 4
V1O225108L14000GR 225 10.8 4
V1O250119L14000GR 250 11.9 4
V1O315150L14000GR 315 15.0 4
V1O400153L14000GR 400 15.3 4

Not Note
La cerere, evile se pot debita i la alte lungimi. On request we can deliver pipes at other lenghts.

eav PVC de presiune pentru AP cu mufa lis - PN 16

PVC pressure water pipe - with glue socket - PN 16

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Lungime Bar

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V16050037L14000GR 50 3.7 4
V16063047L14000GR 63 4.7 4
V16075056L14000GR 75 5.6 4
V16090067L14000GR 90 6.7 4
V16110082L14000GR 110 8.2 4
V16140104L14000GR 140 10.4 4
V16160095L14000GR 160 9.5 4
V16200119L14000GR 200 11.9 4

Not Note
La cerere, evile se pot debita i la alte lungimi. On request we can deliver pipes at other lenghts. 273
since 1896

eav PVC de presiune ALBASTR pentru AP cu mufa lis - PN 6

PVC Blue pressure water pipe - with glue socket - PN 6

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Lungime Bar

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
VO6110032L14000AB 110 3.2 4
VO6125037L14000AB 125 3.7 4
VO6140041L14000AB 140 4.1 4

eav PVC de presiune ALBASTR pentru AP cu mufa lis - PN 10

PVC Blue pressure water pipe - with glue socket - PN 10

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Lungime Bar

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V1O040019L14000AB 40 1.9 4
V1O050024L14000AB 50 2.4 4
V1O063030L14000AB 63 3.0 4
V1O090043L14000AB 90 4.3 4
V1O110053L14000AB 110 4.2 4
V1O125060L14000AB 125 6.0 4
V1O140067L14000AB 140 6.7 4
V1O160077L14000AB 160 7.7 4
V1O200096L14000AB 200 9.6 4
V1O225108L14000AB 225 10.8 4
V1O315150L14000AB 315 15.0 4

Not Note
La cerere, evile se pot debita i la alte lungimi. On request we can deliver pipes at other lenghts.

eav PVC de presiune ALBASTR pentru AP cu mufa lis - PN 10

PVC Blue pressure water pipe - with glue socket - PN 10

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Lungime Bar

D (mm) s (mm) (m)
V16063047L14000AB 63 4.7 4
V16090067L14000AB 90 6.7 4
V16110082L14000AB 110 8.2 4
V16140104L14000AB 140 10.4 4
V16160119L14000AB 160 11.9 4

Decapant pentru evi PVC presiune

Cleanser for PVC rigid pipes & fittings

Cod articol Capacitate

FVI0545 1

Adeziv pentru evi PVC presiune

Special adhesivefor PVC rigid pipes & fitings

Cod articol Capacitate

FVI0138 1 274
since 1896

Cot PVC presiune la 45

PVC Pressure elbow 45

Cod articol D L Z E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0029 20 16 5 28 16
FVI0030 25 19 6 35 16
FVE0053 32 22 8 43 16
FVE0164 40 26 10 52 16
FVE0123 50 31 12 61 16
FVE0171 63 38 14 76 16
FVI0358 75 44 17 93 16
FVI0359 90 51 20 109 16
FVI0178 110 61 24 133 16
FVI0315 125 69 27 148 16
FVI0357 140 76 30 164 16
FVE0096 160 86 34 180 16
FVI0280 200 106 43 225 10

Cot PVC presiune la 90

PVC Pressure elbow 90

Cod articol D L Z E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVE0054 20 16 11 27 16
FVI0014 25 19 14 33 16
FVE0035 32 22 17 41 16
FVI0031 40 26 21 50 16
FVI0038 50 31 26 61 16
FVI0039 63 38 33 76 16
FVI0126 75 44 39 90 16
FVI0130 90 51 46 108 16
FVI0012 110 61 56 131 16
FVE0097 125 69 64 148 16
FVI0230 140 76 71 164 16
FVI0042 160 86 81 180 16
FVE0144 200 106 101 225 10

Cot 90 mixt: un capt prin lipire i unul fe

PVC Pressure male threaded elbow 90

Cod articol D R L Z E PN
(mm) (oli) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0363 20 3/4 16 11 28 16
FVI0492 25 1 19 13,5 34 16
FVI0348 32 3/4 22 17 43 16
FVI0327 32 1 26 23 43 16
FVI0346 32 11/4 31 28 43 16
FVI0347 40 11/4 38 34 54 16
FVI0350 40 11/2 44 40 54 16
FVI0373 50 11/4 51 48 63 16
FVI0353 50 11/2 61 58 63 16
FVI0354 50 2 69 66 63 16
FVI0351 63 2 76 72 78 16

Cot 90 mixt: un capt prin lipire i unul fi - cu inel de ntrire

PVC Pressure female threaded elbow 90 - with reinforcement ring

Cod articol D R L Z E PN
(mm) (oli) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0306 20 1/2 16 11 28 16
FVI0352 25 3/4 19 14 34 16
FVI0375 32 1 22 17 43 16
FVI0378 40 11/4 26 21 54 16
FVI0410 50 11/2 31 26 63 16
FVI0376 63 2 38 33 78 16
FVI0377 75 21/2 44 40 89 16
FVI0380 90 3 51 48 106 16
FVI0412 110 4 61 58 129 16 275
since 1896

Cot 90 cu 2 capete fi
PVC Pressure double female threaded elbow 90

Cod articol R L Z E PN
(oli) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0384 1/2 16 11 28 16
FVI0381 3/4 19 14 34 16
FVI0382 1 22 17 43 16
FVI0281 11/4 26 21 54 16
FVI0365 11/2 31 26 63 16
FVI0368 2 38 33 78 16
FVI0369 21/2 30 54 89 16
FVI0269 3 33 66 106 16
FVI0367 4 39 80 129 16

Cot 90 cu 2 capete fi
PVC Pressure double female threaded elbow 90

Cod articol D L Z E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0032 20 16 3 27 16
FVI0015 25 19 3 33 16
FVE0036 32 22 3 41 16
FVE0055 40 26 3 50 16
FVE0122 50 31 3 61 16
FVI0045 63 38 3 75 16
FVI0193 75 44 4 90 16
FVI0046 90 51 5 108 16
FVE0129 110 61 6 129 16
FVI0081 125 69 7 148 16
FVI0235 140 76 9 164 16
FVI0080 160 86 9 180 16
FVI0438 200 106 10 225 12.5

Niplu redus PVC presiune cu filet exterior

PVC pressure nipple male threaded

Cod articol D R L L1 H S PN
(mm) (oli) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0294 25/20 1/2 19 14 45 5 16
FVI0461 25/20 3/4 19 16 47 6 16
FVI0462 32/25 1/2 22 14 49 5 16
FPI0223 32/25 3/4 22 16 51 8 16
FVI0433 32/25 1 22 19 54 8 16
FVI0448 40/32 1/2 26 13 - 8 16
FVI0449 40/32 3/4 26 16 55 10 16
FVI0446 40/32 1 26 19 58 11 16
FVI0054 40/32 11/4 26 21 60 11 16
FVI0450 50/40 1 31 19 64 11 16
FVI0105 50/40 11/4 31 21 66 11 16
FVI0243 50/40 11/2 31 25 70 11 16
FVI0339 63/50 1 38 19 - 12 16
FVI0180 63/50 11/4 38 21 73 12 16
FVI0181 63/50 11/2 38 21 73 12 16
FVI0237 63/50 2 38 25 78 12 16
FVI0362 75/63 11/4 44 17 - 19 16
FVI0366 75/63 11/2 44 21 80 19 16
FVI0451 75/63 2 44 25 84 19 16
FVI0152 75/63 21/2 44 30 89 19 16
FVI0372 90/75 2 51 25 91 25 16
FVI0344 90 21/2 61 30 106 31 16
FVI0452 90/75 21/2 51 30 96 25 16
FVE0143 90/75 3 51 33 99 25 16
FVI0274 110 3 61 33 109 31 16
FVE0087 110 4 61 40 116 31 16
FVI0349 110/90 3 61 33 109 25 16
FVI0308 110/90 4 61 40 116 25 16 276
since 1896

Niplu redus PVC presiune cu filet interior

PVC pressure nipple female threaded

Cod articol D R L L1 L2 S PN
(mm) (oli) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVE0224 20 1/2 17 16 14 5 16
FVI0312 25 1/2 18 19 16 5 16
FVE0225 25 3/4 18 19 16 5 16
FVI0379 32 1/2 18 22 19 6 16
FVI0431 32 3/4 18 22 19 8 16
FVI0188 32 1 22 22 19 2 16
FVI0478 40 1 23 26 22 3 16
FVI0106 40 11/4 23 26 22 3 16
FVI0107 50 11/4 25 31 26 4 16
FVI0459 50 11/2 25 31 26 4 16
FVI0456 63 11/2 28 38 31 4,7 16
FVI0114 63 2 28 38 31 4,7 16
FVI0460 75 21/2 33 44 38 3 16
FPI0163 90 3 36 51 44 3 16
FVI0463 110 4 45 61 51 5 16

Niplu redus PVC presiune - lipire

PVC pressure reduced nipple - glue

Cod articol D D L L1 Z F PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVE0050 32/25 20 26 16 30 27 16
FVI0271 32/25 25 26 16 30 33 16
FVI0273 40/32 20 26 19 36 27 16
FVI0268 40/32 25 31 16 36 33 16
FVI0259 40/32 32 26 22 36 38 16
FVI0266 50/40 20 31 16 44 27 16
FVI0254 50/40 25 31 19 44 33 16
FVI0255 50/40 32 31 22 44 41 16
FVE0121 50/40 40 31 26 44 48 16
FVI0261 63/50 20 38 19 54 27 16
FVI0265 63/50 25 38 19 54 33 16
FVI0192 63/50 32 38 22 54 41 16
FVI0361 63/50 40 38 26 54 50 16
FVI0284 63/50 50 38 31 54 61 16
FVI0267 75/63 20 44 - 62 - 16
FVI0270 75/63 25 44 - 62 - 16
FVI0292 75/63 32 44 22 62 41 16
FVI0264 75/63 40 44 26 62 50 16
FVI0262 75/63 50 44 31 62 61 16
FVI0302 75/63 63 44 38 62 73 16
FVI0429 90/75 40 51 26 74 50 16
FVI0316 90/75 50 51 31 74 61 16
FVI0279 90/75 63 51 38 74 75 16
FVI0282 90/75 75 51 44 74 87 16
FVI0432 110/90 50 61 31 88 61 16
FVI0275 110/90 63 61 38 88 75 16
FVI0278 110/90 75 61 44 88 90 16
FVI0277 110/90 90 61 51 88 105 16
FVI0355 125/110 63 69 38 100 75 16
FVI0253 125/110 75 69 44 100 90 16
FVI0272 125/110 90 69 51 100 105 16
FVI0256 140/125 110 76 44 111 132 16
FVI0260 140/125 75 76 51 111 105 16
FVI0258 140/125 90 76 61 111 90 16
FVI0323 160/140 110 86 51 126 105 10
FVI0310 160/140 125 86 61 126 130 10
FVI0257 160/140 90 86 69 126 148 10
FVI0317 200/180 110 106 61 154 130 10
FVI0301 200/180 125 106 69 154 148 10 277
since 1896

Niplu redus PVC presiune - lipire

PVC pressure reduced nipple - glue

Cod articol d1/d2 Z B C PN

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0393 63/50 32 40 33 12.5
FVI0457 75/50 37 46 33 7.5
FVI0437 75/63 33 46 40 12.5
FVI0440 90/50 35 53 33 12.5
FVI0203 90/63 55 53 40 10.0
FVI0494 90/75 40 53 46 12.5
FVI0444 110/75 65 64 46 7.5
FVI0441 110/90 60 64 53 12.5
FVI0442 125/90 70 72 53 10.0
FPI0165 125/110 60 72 64 12.5
FVI0436 140/110 55 80 64 6.0
FVI0425 140/125 65 80 72 10.0
FVI0428 160/110 95 90 64 6.0
FVI0360 160/125 80 90 72 10.0
FVI0495 160/140 70 90 80 10.0
FVI0427 200/125 120 111 72 6.0
FVI0430 200/140 115 111 80 10.0
FVE0146 200/160 100 111 90 10.0

Reducie scurt 2 capete prin lipire

PVC pressure short reduction

Cod articol D L L1 PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0304 20/16 16 14 16
FVI0336 25/16 19 14 16
FVI0458 25/20 19 16 16
FVI0335 32/16 22 14 16
FVI0127 32/20 22 16 16
FVI0027 32/25 22 19 16
FVI0334 40/16 26 14 16
FVI0333 40/20 26 16 16
FVI0464 40/25 26 19 16
FVI0028 40/32 26 22 16
FVI0276 50/20 31 16 16
FVI0293 50/25 31 19 16
FVI0288 50/32 31 22 16
FVI0299 50/40 31 26 16
FVI0483 63/25 38 19 16
FPI0222 63/32 38 22 16
FVI0296 63/40 38 26 16
FVI0148 63/50 38 31 16
FVI0383 75/32 44 22 16
FVI0295 75/40 44 26 16
FVI0286 75/50 44 31 16
FVE0120 75/63 44 38 16
FVI0454 90/50 51 31 16
FVE0152 90/63 51 38 16
FVE0119 90/75 51 44 16
FVI0325 110/50 61 31 16
FVI0204 110/63 61 38 16
FVI0219 110/75 61 44 16
FVI0076 110/90 61 51 16
FVI0309 110/100 61 56 16
FVI0465 125/75 69 44 16
FVI0303 125/90 69 51 16
FVI0186 125/110 69 61 16
FVI0314 140/75 76 44 16
FVI0434 140/90 76 51 16
FVI0229 140/110 76 61 16
FVI0311 140/125 76 69 16
FVE0147 160/90 86 51 16
FVE0148 160/110 86 61 16
FVI0075 160/125 86 69 16
FVI0300 160/140 86 76 16
FVI0307 200/140 - - 10 278
since 1896

Adaptor pentru flan PVC presiune

PVC pressure flange adaptor

Cod articol D L F B Z PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0328 20 16 34 6 3 16
FVI0198 25 19 41 7 3 16
FVI0231 32 22 50 7 3 16
FVI0326 40 26 60 8 3 16
FVI0142 50 31 72 8 3 16
FVI0182 63 38 90 9 3 16
FVI0170 75 44 106 10 3 16
FVI0177 90 51 125 11 5 16
FVI0078 110 61 150 12 5 16
FVI0079 125 69 170 13 5 16
FVI0153 140 76 188 14 5 16
FVI0171 160 86 212 16 5 16
FVI0172 200 106 248 19 7 10

Flan PVC presiune

PVC pressure flange

Cod articol D E H K F PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0503 20 95 11 65 14x4 16
FVI0250 25 105 12 75 14x4 16
FVI0129 32 115 14 85 14x4 16
FVI0319 40 140 15 100 18x4 16
FVE0116 50 150 16 110 18x4 16
FVI0155 63 165 18 125 18x4 16
FVI0065 75 185 19 145 18x4 16
FVE0117 90 200 20 160 18x8 16
FVE0118 110 220 22 180 18x8 16
FVI0049 125 235 26 190 18x8 16
FVI0154 140 240 26 210 18x8 16
FVI0048 160 280 26 240 22x8 16
FVE0149 200 315 28 270 22x8 10

Dop PVC presiune

PVC pressure end cap

Cod articol D L Z E
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
FVI0338 20 16 89 25
FVI0140 25 19 10 32
FVI0125 32 22 12 40
FVI0370 40 26 15 50
FVI0242 50 31 17 63
FVI0238 63 38 19 75
FVI0332 75 44 23 90
FVI0285 90 51 28 110
FVI0341 110 61 32 131
FVE0162 125 69 36 148
FVI0331 140 76 40 167
FVI0283 160 86 46 185
FVI0329 200 106 28 224

Teu 90 3 capete prin lipire

PVC pressure equal Tee 90

Cod articol D L Z E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVE0051 20 16 11 27 16
FVI0013 25 19 14 33 16
FVE0124 32 22 17 41 16
FVE0155 40 26 21 50 16
FVE0086 50 31 26 63 16
FVI0151 63 38 33 78 16
FVI0213 75 44 39 90 16
FVE0098 90 51 46 108 16
FVI0176 110 61 56 131 16
FVE0099 125 69 64 148 16
FVI0241 140 76 71 164 16
FVE0100 160 86 81 186 16
FVE0145 200 106 101 228 10 279
since 1896

Teu redus PVC presiune 90

PVC pressure reduced Tee 90

Cod articol D L L1 Z E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0084 25x20 19 16 14 33 16
FVI0290 32x20 22 16 17 41 16
FVI0236 32x25 22 19 17 41 16
FVI0467 40x20 26 16 21 50 16
FVI0477 40x25 26 19 21 50 16
FVI0189 40x32 26 22 21 50 16
FVI0298 50x20 31 16 26 61 16
FVI0484 50x25 31 19 26 61 16
FVE0163 50x32 31 22 26 61 16
FVI0112 50x40 31 26 26 61 16
FVI0481 63x20 38 16 32 76 16
FVI0249 63x25 38 19 32 76 16
FVI0190 63x32 38 22 32 76 16
FVI0223 63x40 38 26 32 76 16
FVI0468 63x50 38 31 32 76 16
FVI0469 75x32 44 22 38 90 16
FVI0466 75x40 44 26 38 90 16
FVI0337 75x50 44 31 38 90 16
FVI0470 75x63 44 38 38 90 16
FVI0205 90x32 51 22 46 108 16
FVI0473 90x40 51 26 46 108 16
FVI0408 90x50 51 31 46 108 16
FVI0135 90x63 51 38 46 108 16
FVI0471 90x75 51 44 46 108 16
FVI0472 110x32 61 22 56 131 16
FVE0137 110x50 61 31 56 131 16
FVI0074 110x63 61 38 56 131 16
FVI0498 110x75 61 44 56 131 16
FVI0374 110x90 61 51 56 131 16
FVI0245 125x50 69 31 63 149 16
FVI0072 125x63 69 38 63 149 16
FVI0212 125x75 69 44 63 149 16
FVI0475 125x90 69 51 63 149 16
FVI0287 125x110 69 61 63 149 16
FVI0496 140x50 76 31 71 162 16
FVI0497 140x75 76 44 71 162 16
FVI0415 140x90 76 51 71 162 16
FVI0500 140x110 76 61 71 162 16
FVI0321 140x125 76 69 71 162 16
FVI0073 160x90 86 51 81 186 16
FVI0364 160x110 86 61 81 186 16
FVI0501 160x125 86 69 81 186 16
FVI0502 160x140 86 76 81 186 16
FVI0485 200x110 107 61 106 - 16
FVI0453 200x160 107 81 106 - 16

Teu egal PVC presiune 45 - 3 capete prin lipire

PVC pressure equal Tee 45

Cod articol D L L1 Z E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0488 20 16 29,5 6 16 16
FVI0489 25 19 35,5 7,5 16 16
FVI0025 32 22 44,5 9 22 16
FVI0026 40 26 56 10 26 16
FVI0424 50 31 69 12 31 16
FVE0172 63 38 86 14 38 16
FVI0486 75 44 102 17 44 16
FVI0487 90 51 121 20 51 16
FVI0120 110 61 148 24 61 16
FVI0435 125 - 167 30 69 16
FVI0443 140 - 190 34 76 16
FVI0318 160 - 211 35 86 10
FVI0491 200 - 266 49 107 10 280
since 1896

Supap sens PVC

PVC pressure Backflow valve

Cod articol D DN L H E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0291 20 15 16 84 52 16
FVI0342 25 20 19 108 62 16
FVI0479 32 25 22 124 70 16
FVI0297 40 32 26 142 84 16
FVI0504 50 40 31 167 104 16
FVI0343 63 50 38 198 120 16
FVI0356 75 65 44 232 148 10
FVI0184 90 80 51 269 179 10
FVI0474 110 80 61 279 179 10

Robinet PVC cu bil tip mega cu filet

PVC pressure Ball valve - Mega type - threaded

Cod articol G DN H L E PN
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0201 1/2 16 84 14 52 16
FVI0022 3/4 20 111 28 65 16
FVI0019 1 25 113 29 65 16
FVI0020 11/4 32 146 35 90 16
FVI0313 11/2 40 148 36 90 16
FVI0227 2 50 168 44 111 16
FVI0215 21/2 63 238 47 168 16
FVE0259 3 75 242 55 168 10
FVE0258 4 90 275 61 179 10

Robinet PVC cu bil tip mega

PVC pressure Ball valve - Mega type

Cod articol D DN H L E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0018 20 15 84 16 52 16
MFD0025 25 20 111 28 65 16
FVE0049 32 25 113 29 65 16
MFD0026 40 32 146 35 90 16
FVI0150 50 40 148 36 90 16
FVI0058 63 50 168 44 111 16
FVI0220 75 63 238 47 168 10
FVI0183 90 80 242 55 168 10
FVI0179 110 90 275 - - 10

Robinet PVC fluture fr flane

PVC pressure butterfly valve

Cod articol D PN
(mm) (bar)
FVI0371 63/75 16
FVI0476 90 16
FVI0289 110 16
FVI0322 125 16
FVI0324 140 16
FVI0263 160 10
FVI0330 200 10
FVI0445 225 10
FVI0252 250 10 281
since 1896

Racord olandez 2 capete prin lipire

PVC pressure screwed union

Cod articol D L Z G E PN
(mm) (mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (bar)
FVI0398 20 16 13 1 41 16
FVI0480 25 19 13 11/4 52 16
FVI0399 32 22 13 11/2 60 16
FVI0414 40 26 15 2 74 16
FVI0396 50 31 17 21/4 80 16
FVI0397 63 38 21 23/4 99 16
FVI0400 75 44 21 31/2 120 10
FVI0417 90 51 24 4 138 10
FVI0404 110 61 26 51/2 179 10

Racord olandez mixt un capt prin lipire i un capt fi

PVC pressure screwed union - female threaded

Cod articol D G L L1 Z G1 E PN
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (bar)
FVI0401 20 1/2 16 16 13 1 41 16
FVI0402 25 3/4 19 19 13 11/4 52 16
FVI0493 32 1 22 22 13 11/2 60 16
FVI0385 40 11/4 26 26 15 2 74 16
FVI0388 50 11/2 31 31 17 21/2 80 16
FVI0389 63 2 38 38 21 23/4 99 16
FVI0340 75 21/2 44 44 21 31/2 120 10
FVI0386 90 3 51 51 24 4 138 10
FVI0447 110 4 61 61 26 51/2 179 10

Racord olandez mixt un capt prin lipire i un capt fe

PVC pressure screwed union - male threaded

Cod articol D G L L1 Z PN
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0390 20 1/2 15 16 33 16
FVI0439 25 3/4 16 19 35 16
FVI0394 32 1 19 22 40 16
FVI0391 40 11/4 21 26 40 16
FVI0387 50 11/2 21 31 48 16
FVI0392 50 2 24 34 54 16
FVI0418 63 2 28 38 62 16
FVI0419 75 21/2 30 44 70 10
FVI0416 90 3 33 51 62 10
FVI0305 110 4 40 61 70 10

Racord olandez cu filet 2 x fi

PVC pressure screwed union - double female threaded

Cod articol G L L1 Z G1 E PN
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (bar)
FVI0406 1/2 16 15 12 1 41 16
FVI0407 3/4 19 17 12 11/4 52 16
FVI0499 1 22 20 14 11/2 60 16
FVI0395 11/4 26 24 16 2 74 16
FVI0413 11/2 31 25 18 21/2 80 16
FVI0482 2 38 29 20 23/4 99 16
FVI0455 21/2 44 34 21 31/2 120 10
FVI0411 3 51 37 24 4 138 10
FVI0403 4 61 42 26 51/2 179 10

Racord olandez cu filet fi x fe

PVC pressure screwed union - male - female threaded

Cod articol R L L1 Z PN
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar)
FVI0420 1/2 x 1/2 15 16 33 16
FVI0423 3/4 x 3/4 16 19 35 16
FVI0490 1x1 19 22 40 16
FVI0345 11/4 x 11/4 21 26 40 16
FVI0422 11/2 x 11/2 21 31 48 16
FVI0320 2x2 28 38 62 16
FVI0409 21/2 x 21/2 30 44 70 10
FVI0421 3x3 33 51 62 10
FVI0405 4x4 40 61 70 10 282
since 1896

Band de avertizare pentru reele distribuie ap i gaz

Warning tape for water and gas pipelines

Cod articol L/greutate Lungime bobin Aplicaie

ml/kg ml
MFD1322 100 200 Ap/Water
MFD1428 100 200 Gaz/Gas

Band de avertizare cu fir inox pentru reele ap

Stainless steel wire tape warning for water pipelines

Cod articol L/greutate

Wire Lungime bobin Aplicaie
mm ml
MFD1605 100
0.5 200
250 Ap/Water
MFD1428 100 200 Gaz/Gas

Band de semnalizare pentru uz general

Signaling tape for general use

Cod articol Lungime bobin Aplicaie

MFD1591 200 Semnalizare 283
since 1896 284
since 1896

6.3 A
 rmturi reele ap
Water networks
reinforcements 285
since 1896

Hidrant subteran cu o nchidere cat. no. 852

Underground hydrant with single closing cat. no. 852

Cod articol Diametrul HB H PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
M85280HB1500 DN80 1500 1200 16 40,2
M85280HB1250 DN80 1250 950 16 35,7
M85280HB1000 DN80 1000 700 16 30,7
M85280HB750 DN80 750 500 16 24,0

Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, Made of ductile iron EN GJS 500-7, epoxy
vopsea epoxi. powder painting.

Hidrant subteran cu o nchidere cat. no. 852

Underground hydrant with single closing cat. no. 852

Cod articol Diametrul HB H PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
M852100HB1500 DN100 1500 1232 16 55
M852100HB1250 DN100 1250 982 16 45
M852100HB1000 DN100 1000 732 16 40

Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, Made of ductile iron EN GJS 500-7, epoxy
vopsea epoxi. powder painting.

Hidrant subteran cu nchidere dubl cat. no. 852 PZ

Underground hydrant with double closing cat. no. 852 PZ

Cod articol Diametrul HB H PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
PZ85280HB1500 DN80 1500 1250 16 45,6
PZ85280HB1250 DN80 1250 1000 16 41,0
PZ85280HB1000 DN80 1000 750 16 36,7

Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, Made of ductile cast iron EN GJS 500-7,
vopsea epoxi. epoxy powder painting. 286
since 1896

Hidrant suprateran cu o nchidere cat. no. 855

Overground hydrant with single closing cat. no. 855

Cod articol Diametrul HB H H1 PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
M85580HB1500 DN80 1500 2160 1370 16 39,7
M85580HB1250 DN80 1250 1910 1120 16 37,4
M85580HB1000 DN80 1000 1660 870 16 35,1
M855100HB1500 DN100 1500 2160 1377 16 60,4
M855100HB1250 DN100 1250 1910 1127 16 57,1
M855100HB1000 DN100 1000 1660 877 16 53,9

Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, cu eav din oel Made of ductile cast iron EN GJS 500-7, with carbon steel
carbon, acoperire cu poliester. pipe, powder polyester coating.


16 16





15 14

15 13

Hidrant suprateran cu o nchidere i protecie la rupere cat. no. 855 SKZ

Overground hydrant with single closing and breaking protection cat. no. 855 SKZ

Cod articol Diametrul HB H H1 PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
SKZ85580HB1500 DN80 1500 2136 1382 16 55,5
SKZ85580HB1250 DN80 1250 1886 1132 16 53,3
SKZ85580HB1000 DN80 1000 1636 882 16 51,5
SKZ855100HB1500 DN100 1500 2130 1377 16 71,0
SKZ855100HB1250 DN100 1250 1880 1127 16 67,3
SKZ855100HB1000 DN100 1000 1630 877 16 63,5

Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, cu eav din oel Made of ductile cast iron EN GJS 500-7, with carbon steel
carbon, acoperire cu poliester. pipe, powder polyester coating.

23 24





23 287
since 1896

Hidrant suprateran cu nchidere dubl cat. no. 855 PZ

Overground hydrant with double closing cat. no. 855 PZ

Cod articol Diametrul HB H H1 PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
PZ85580HB1500 DN80 1500 2160 1370 16 45,2
PZ85580HB1250 DN80 1250 1910 1120 16 42,4
PZ85580HB1000 DN80 1000 1660 870 16 39,6
PZ855100HB1500 DN100 1500 2160 1670 16 67,0
PZ855100HB1250 DN100 1250 1910 1120 16 63,3
PZ855100HB1000 DN100 1000 1660 870 16 59,4

Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, cu eav din oel Made of ductile cast iron EN GJS 500-7, with carbon steel
carbon, acoperire cu poliester. pipe, powder polyester coating.

19 19 22








Hidrant suprateran cu inchidere dubla si protectie la rupere cat. no. 855 PZ-SKZ
Overground hydrant with double closing and breaking protection cat. no. 855 PZ-SKZ

Cod articol Diametrul HB H H1 PN Masa

nominal (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
PZSKZ85580HB1500 DN80 1500 2136 1382 16 60,6
PZSKZ85580HB1250 DN80 1250 1886 1132 16 57,8
PZSKZ85580HB1000 DN80 1000 1636 882 16 54,9
Not Note
Produs din font ductil EN GJS 500-7, cu eav din oel Made of ductile cast iron EN GJS 500-7, with carbon steel
carbon, acoperire cu poliester. pipe, powder polyester coating.




28 24



28 288
since 1896

Hidrani subterani font - se livreaz sub form de kit complet

Underground hydrant - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol D H PN
(mm) (mm) (bar)
ARM0440 65 1000 10/16
ARM0441 65 750 10/16
ARM0442 80 1000 10/16
ARM0443 80 750 10/16
ARM0444 100 750 10/16

Not Note
Kitul conine hidrantul subteran, cotul de font cu picior The complete kit consists in: underground hydrant,
i cutia de protecie. double flanged elbow with foot and surface protection
Cutia de protectie aferent kitului este o cutie de box.
protectie din PE. La cerere se poate livra i The surface box of the kit is produced in PEHD. At
cutie de protecie din font. request we can deliver also surface boxes in cast iron.

Hidrani subterani font - se livreaz sub form de kit complet

Underground hydrant - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol D H PN
(mm) (mm) (bar)
ARM0438 80 2150 10/16
ARM0439 100 2150 10/16
Not Note
Kitul conine hidrantul subteran i cotul de font cu The complete kit consists in: above ground hydrant and
picior i cutia de protecie. double flanged elbow with foot.

Cutie protecie din font

Cast iron surface protection boxes

Cod articol Aplicaie Aplication

ARM0446 van ap water valve
ARM0447 van gaz gas valve
ARM0448 hidrant hydrant

Cutie protecie din polietilen

PEHD surface protection boxes

Cod articol Aplicaie Aplication

ARM0449 van apa water valve
ARM0450 van gaz gas valve
ARM0451 hidrant hydrant

Robinet sertar pan corp plat cu roat de manevr - se livreaz sub form de kit complet
Gate valve with flat body and handwheel - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0452 50 10
ARM0453 65 10
ARM0454 80 10
ARM0455 100 10
ARM0456 125 10
ARM0457 150 10
ARM0458 200 10
ARM0459 250 10
ARM0460 300 10

Not Note
Kitul conine robinetul i roata de manevr. The complete kit consists in: gate valve and handwheel. 289
since 1896

Robinet sertar pan corp oval cu roat de manevr - se livreaz sub form de kit complet
Gate valve with oval body and handwheel - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0461 50 10
ARM0462 65 10
ARM0463 80 10
ARM0464 100 10
ARM0465 125 10
ARM0466 150 10
ARM0467 200 10
ARM0468 250 10
ARM0469 300 10

Not Note
Kitul conine robinetul, tija de manevr i cutia de protecie. The complete kit consists in: gate valve, rod handle and
Cutia de protecie aferent kitului este o cutie de surface protection box.
protecie din PE. La cerere se poate livra i cutie de The surface box of the kit is produced in PEHD.
protecie din font. At request we can deliver also surface boxes in cast iron.

Robinet sertar pan corp oval cu roat de manevr - se livreaza sub form de kit complet
Gate valve with oval body and handwheel - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0470 40 10
ARM0471 50 10
ARM0472 65 10
ARM0473 80 10
ARM0474 100 10
ARM0475 125 10
ARM0476 150 10
ARM0477 200 10
ARM0478 250 10
ARM0479 300 10

Not Note
Kitul conine robinetul i roata de manevr. The complete kit consists in: gate valve and handwheel.

Robinet sertar pan corp oval montaj ngropat cu tij i cutie - se livreaz sub form de kit complet
Gate valve with oval body for underground instalation, with rod handle and surface box - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0480 40 10
ARM0481 50 10
ARM0482 65 10
ARM0483 80 10
ARM0484 100 10
ARM0485 125 10
ARM0486 150 10
ARM0487 200 10
ARM0488 250 10
ARM0489 300 10

Not Note
Kitul conine robinetul, tija de manevr i cutia de protecie. The complete kit consists in: gate valve, rod handle and
Cutia de protecie aferent kitului este o cutie de surface protection box.
protecie din PE. La cerere se poate livra i cutie de The surface box of the kit is produced in PEHD.
protecie din font. At request we can deliver also surface boxes in cast iron.

Robinet concesie montaj ngropat cu tij i cutie - se livreaz sub form de kit complet
Concession tap for underground instalation, with rod handle and surface box - delivery as a complete kit

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0490 25 10
ARM0491 32 10
ARM0492 40 10
ARM0493 50 10

Not Note
Kitul conine robinetul, tija de manevr i cutia de protecie. The complete kit consists in: gate valve, rod handle and
Cutia de protecie aferent kitului este o cutie de surface protection box.
protecie din PE. La cerere se poate livra i cutie de The surface box of the kit is produced in PEHD.
protecie din font. At request we can deliver also surface boxes in cast iron. 290
since 1896

Robinet fluture PN16

Butterfly valve PN16

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0494 50 16
ARM0495 65 16
ARM0496 80 16
ARM0497 100 16
ARM0498 125 16
ARM0499 150 16
ARM0500 200 16
ARM0501 250 16
ARM0502 300 16
ARM0503 350 16
ARM0504 400 16
ARM0505 500 16
ARM0506 600 16

Adaptor flan font

Cast iron flange adaptor

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0514 50 10
ARM0515 80 10
ARM0516 100 10
ARM0517 150 10
ARM0518 200 10
ARM0519 250 10
ARM0520 300 10
ARM0521 400 10
ARM0522 500 10

Cot cu flane din font

Cast iron double flanged elbow

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0523 50 10
ARM0524 80 10
ARM0525 100 10
ARM0526 150 10
ARM0527 200 10

Teu cu flane din font

Cast iron flanged tee

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0528 50x50 10
ARM0529 80x50 10
ARM0530 80x80 10
ARM0531 100x50 10
ARM0532 100x80 10
ARM0533 100x100 10
ARM0534 150x80 10
ARM0535 150x100 10
ARM0536 150x150 10
ARM0537 200x80 10
ARM0538 200x100 10
ARM0539 200x150 10

Reducie cu flane din font

Cast iron flanged reduction

Cod articol DN PN
(mm) (bar)
ARM0541 80x50 10
ARM0542 100x50 10
ARM0543 100x80 10
ARM0544 150x80 10
ARM0545 150x100 10
ARM0546 200x80 10
ARM0547 200x100 10
ARM0548 200x150 10 291
since 1896

tut cu flane din font

Cast iron flanged spigot

Cod articol DN L PN
(mm) (mm) (bar)
ARM0549 80 100 10
ARM0550 80 200 10
ARM0551 80 300 10
ARM0552 80 400 10
ARM0553 80 500 10
ARM0554 100 200 10
ARM0555 100 300 10
ARM0556 100 400 10
ARM0557 100 500 10
ARM0558 100 600 10
ARM0559 100 800 10
ARM0560 100 1000 10
ARM0561 150 200 10
ARM0562 150 300 10
ARM0563 150 400 10
ARM0564 150 500 10
ARM0565 150 600 10
ARM0566 150 800 10
ARM0567 150 1000 10
ARM0568 200 200 10
ARM0569 200 300 10
ARM0570 200 400 10
ARM0571 200 500 10
ARM0572 200 600 10
ARM0573 200 800 10
ARM0574 200 1000 10

Flane OL/ZN pentru adaptor de flan din PE

Zincpalted flange for PE flange adaptor

Cod articol DN D/PE Nr. guri PN

(mm) (mm) (bar)
FEI0973 25 32 4 10/16
FEI0936 32 40 4 10/16
FEI0677 40 50 4 10/16
FEI0937 50 63 4 10/16
FEI0981 65 75 8 10/16
FEI0771 80 90 8 10/16
FEI0939 100 110 8 10/16
FEI0122 100 125 8 10/16
FEI0040 125 140 8 10/16
FEI0761 150 160 8 10/16
FEI0978 150 180 8 10/16
FEI0658 200 200 8 10
ARM0324 200 200 12 16
MFD0777 200 225 12 16
FEI0941 250 250 12 10/16
FEI1005 250 280 12 10/16
FEI0979 300 315 12 10/16
FEF0027 350 355 16 10/16
FEI0725 400 400 16 10/16
ARM0328 500 500 16 10/16
COD0790 600 560 16
COD0791 600 630 16

Flane plate pentru sudur PN10 / PN16

Flat flanges for welding - PN10 / 16
DN PN Cod articol PN Cod articol
(mm) (bar) (bar)
15 10 COD0792 16 COD0814
20 10 COD0793 16 COD0815
25 10 COD0794 16 COD0816
32 10 COD0795 16 COD0817
40 10 COD0796 16 COD0818
50 10 COD0797 16 COD0819
65 10 COD0798 16 COD0820
80 10 COD0799 16 COD0821
100 10 COD0800 16 COD0822
125 10 COD0801 16 COD0823
150 10 COD0802 16 COD0824
200 10 COD0803 16 COD0825
250 10 COD0804 16 COD0826
300 10 COD0805 16 COD0827
350 10 COD0806 16 COD0828
400 10 COD0807 16 COD0829
500 10 COD0808 16 COD0830
600 10 COD0809 16 COD0831
700 10 COD0810 16 COD0832
800 10 COD0811 16 COD0833
900 10 COD0812 16 COD0834
1000 10 COD0813 16 COD0835 292
since 1896

Flane cu gt pentru sudur PN10 / PN16

Flanges with neck for welding - PN10 / PN16
DN PN Cod articol PN Cod articol
(mm) (bar) (bar)
15 10 COD0836 16 COD0857
20 10 COD0837 16 COD0858
25 10 COD0838 16 COD0859
32 10 COD0839 16 COD0860
40 10 COD0840 16 COD0861
50 10 COD0841 16 COD0862
65 10 COD0842 16 COD0863
80 10 COD0843 16 COD0864
100 10 COD0844 16 COD0865
125 10 COD0845 16 COD0866
150 10 COD0846 16 COD0867
200 10 COD0847 16 COD0868
250 10 COD0848 16 COD0869
300 10 COD0849 16 COD0870
350 10 COD0850 16 COD0871
400 10 COD0851 16 COD0872
500 10 COD0852 16 COD0873
600 10 COD0853 16 COD0874
700 10 COD0854 16 COD0875
800 10 COD0855 16 COD0876
1000 10 COD0856 16 COD0877

Flane oarbe PN10 / PN16

Blind flanges - PN10 / PN16
DN PN Cod articol PN Cod articol
(mm) (bar) (bar)
15 10 COD0878 16 COD0895
20 10 COD0879 16 COD0896
25 10 COD0880 16 COD0897
32 10 COD0881 16 COD0898
40 10 COD0882 16 COD0899
50 10 COD0883 16 COD0900
65 10 COD0884 16 COD0901
80 10 COD0885 16 COD0902
100 10 COD0886 16 COD0903
125 10 COD0887 16 COD0904
150 10 COD0888 16 COD0905
200 10 COD0889 16 COD0906
250 10 COD0890 16 COD0907
300 10 COD0891 16 COD0908
350 10 COD0892 16 COD0909
400 10 COD0893 16 COD0910
500 10 COD0894 16 COD0911

Kit pentru montaj flane - urub + piuli + aib

Installation kit for flanges - screw + washer + nut

Cod articol M
ARM0507 16x80
ARM0508 16x90
ARM0509 16x100
ARM0510 18x80
ARM0511 18x90
ARM0512 18x100
ARM0513 20x100

Garnituri pentru etanare flane

Gaskets sealing flanges

Cod articol DN
ARM0067 50
ARM0072 65
ARM0073 80
ARM0096 100
ARM0399 125
ARM0062 150
ARM0063 200
ARM0064 250
ARM0029 300 293
since 1896

Manon de larg toleran MULTI/JOINT 3007 Plus cu rezisten la smulgere

Wide tolerance MULTI/JOINT 3007 Plus Coupler, restraint
Cod D Plaja 1 Plaja 3 a b d e PN - ap PN - gaz
articol (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (bar)
709305210 50 46-71 46-71 209-233 164 95 3 x M12 16 8
709305212 65 63-90 69-90 220-250 186 100 3 x M12 16 8
709305214 80 84-105 84-105 234-262 204 115 3 x M12 16 8
709305216 100 104-132 104-132 230-268 236 110 3 x M16 16 8
709305218 125 132-155 132-155 246-282 264 120 4 x M16 16 8
709305220 150 154-192 154-192 242-298 304 120 4 x M16 16 8
709305224 200 192-232 192-232 297-351 354 140 6 x M16 16 8
709305226 225 230-268 230-268 342-404 386 145 6 x M20 16 8
709305228 250 267-310 267-310 354-424 432 170 6 x M20 16 8
709305232 300 315-356 315-356 356-426 490 170 8 x M20 16 8
709305236 350 352-393 352-393 504-588 534 245 8 x M20 10 5
709305240 400 392-433 392-433 562-648 574 275 10 x M20 10 5
709305272 450 450-482 450-482 530-580 641 275 10 x M20 10 5
709305274 500 500-532 500-532 530-580 691 275 10 x M20 10 5
709305276 550 548-580 548-580 530-580 739 275 12 x M20 10 5
709305278 600 605-637 605-637 530-580 796 275 12 x M20 10 5
Not Note
Potrivit pentru toate tipurile de conducte, pentru ap i Suitable for all kinds of pipes, for water and gas. Ductile
gaze. Corp din font maleabil GGG45. Acoperire cu pulberi cast iron GGG45 body. RESICOAT epoxy powder coating.
epoxidice RESICOAT. Garnitura NBR. NBR (de la -5C pn NBR gasket. NBR according EN682 (-5C up to +50C).
la +50C) Conform EN682. Deformarea unghiular maxim Angular deflection of max 8 per socket at installation.
de 8 pe fiecare muf. Oel Inoxidabil de calitate A2 (ASI304) Stainless steel A2 quality (ASI304) bolts, nuts and
pentru uruburi, piulie i aibe. Pentru conducte din washers. For plastic pipes the use of an insert stiffener
plastic utilizarea unei inserii de rigidizare este obligatorie. is mandatory. Please contract us!
V rugm s ne contactai!

Adaptor de flan larg toleran MULTI/JOINT 3007 Plus cu rezisten la smulgere

Wide tolerance MULTI/JOINT 3007 Plus Flange adaptor, restraint
Cod D Plaja 1 Flana 3 PN a b d e PN-ap PN-gaz Flan
articol (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (bar) Nr.guri
709355210 50 46-71 50 PN16 179-194 164 100 3 x M12 16 8 4
709355212 65 63-90 60/65 PN16 187-198 186 95 3 x M12 16 8 4
709355214 80 84-105 80 PN16 183-197 204 115 3 x M12 16 8 8
709355216 100 104-132 100 PN16 181-200 236 110 3 x M16 16 8 8
709355218 125 132-155 125 PN16 196-214 264 120 4 x M16 16 8 8
709355220 150 154-192 150 PN16 194-222 304 120 4 x M16 16 8 8
709355224 200 192-232 200 PN16 224-251 354 140 6 x M16 16 8 8
709355225 200 192-232 200 PN16 224-251 354 140 6 x M16 16 8 12
709355228 250 267-310 250 PN16 260-295 432 170 6 x M20 16 8 12
709355229 250 267-310 250 PN16 260-295 432 170 6 x M20 16 8 12
709355232 300 315-356 300 PN16 283-318 490 170 8 x M20 16 8 12
709355233 300 315-356 300 PN16 283-318 490 170 8 x M20 16 8 12
709355236 350 352-393 350 PN16 326-364 534 245 8 x M20 10 5 16
709355237 350 352-393 350 PN16 326-364 534 245 8 x M20 10 5 16
709355238 400 392-433 400 PN16 356-395 574 275 10 x M20 10 5 16
709355239 400 392-433 400 PN16 356-395 574 275 10 x M20 10 5 16
709355274 500 500-532 500 PN10/16 365-390 715 275 10 x M20 10 5 20
709355278 600 605-637 600 PN10/16 365-390 840 275 14 x M20 10 5 20

Not Note
Potrivit pentru toate tipurile de conducte, pentru ap i Suitable for all kinds of pipes, for water and gas. Ductile
gaze. Corp din font maleabil GGG45. Acoperire cu pulberi cast iron GGG45 body. RESICOAT epoxy powder coating.
epoxidice RESICOAT. Garnitura NBR. NBR (de la -5C pn NBR gasket. NBR according EN682 (-5C up to +50C).
la +50C) Conform EN682. Deformarea unghiular maxim Angular deflection of max 8 per socket at installation.
de 8 pe fiecare muf. Oel Inoxidabil de calitate A2 (ASI304) Stainless steel A2 quality (ASI304) bolts, nuts and
pentru uruburi, piulie i aibe. Pentru conducte din washers. For plastic pipes the use of an insert stiffener
plastic utilizarea unei inserii de rigidizare este obligatorie. is mandatory. Please contract us!
V rugm s ne contactai! 294
since 1896

Dop larg toleran

Wide tolerance end cap
D Plaja 1 a b d e PN - ap PN - gaz
COD (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (bar)
709375210 50 46-71 115-130 164 100 3 x M12 16 8
709375212 65 63-90 145-157 186 95 3 x M12 16 8
709375214 80 84-105 142-156 204 115 3 x M12 16 8
709375216 100 104-132 144-163 236 110 3 x M16 16 8
709375218 125 132-155 151-169 264 120 3 x M16 16 8
709375220 150 154-192 149-177 304 120 4 x M16 16 8
709375224 200 192-232 180-207 354 140 6 x M16 16 8
709375226 225 230-268 211-242 386 145 6 x M20 16 8
709375228 250 267-310 214-249 432 170 6 x M20 16 8
709375232 300 315-356 219-254 490 170 8 x M20 16 8
709375234 400 253-295 504-588 574 205 10 x M20 10 5

Not Note
Potrivit pentru toate tipurile de conducte, pentru ap i Suitable for all kinds of pipes, for water and gas. Ductile
gaze. Corp din font maleabil GGG45. Acoperire cu pulberi cast iron GGG45 body. RESICOAT epoxy powder coating.
epoxidice RESICOAT. Garnitura NBR. NBR (de la -5C pn NBR gasket. NBR according EN682 (-5C up to +50C).
la +50C) Conform EN682. Deformarea unghiular maxim Angular deflection of max 8 per socket at installation.
de 8 pe fiecare muf. Oel Inoxidabil de calitate A2 (ASI304) Stainless steel A2 quality (ASI304) bolts, nuts and
pentru uruburi, piulie i aibe. Pentru conducte din washers. For plastic pipes the use of an insert stiffener
plastic utilizarea unei inserii de rigidizare este obligatorie. is mandatory. Please contract us!
V rugm s ne contactai! 295
since 1896 296
since 1896

 evi PVC foraj
Drilling PVC pipes 297
since 1896

Sistemul pentru foraj cu evi din PVC Drilling system with PVC-U pipes
Sistemul de foraj dezvoltat de Teraplast cuprinde evile Drilling system developed by Teraplast includes pipes for
pentru tubare i elementele filtrante, realizate din PVC-U. casing and filter elements made of PVC-U.
Sistemul Teraplast pentru foraj cu evi si elemente filtrante din The Teraplast system for drilling with PVC 100 pipes and
PVC100 se utilizeaza in tubarea puturilor pentru alimentare cu filter elements is used in tubing for water supply wells, the
apa, a forajelor de epuisment sau a puturilor piezo. drilling of epuisment or piezo wells.
evile pentru foraje se produc prin extrudare din PVC sunt Drilling pipes are manufactured by extrusion of PVC are blue
de culoare albastr RAL5012 au suprafaa interioar - RAL5012 have smooth inner and outer surface and and are
i exterioar neted i sunt prevzute cu mufe pentru manufactured with one socket to ensure the connection
asigurarea mbinrii evilor. between the pipes.
Durata de viat este apreciat la minim 50 de ani n condiiile The life of the system is estimated at a minimum of 50 years
respectrii condiiilor de presiune i temperatur precum i under the conditions of pressure and temperature as well as
a tehnologiei de punere n oper. implementing technology work.
Sistemul de evi pentru foraj se produce n trei clase de The drill pipe system is produced in three classes of thickness
grosimi de perete: of the wall:
P8 (SDR13,6), P10 (SDR21), P16 (SDR26) ce corespund P8 (SDR13,6), P10 (SDR21), P16 (SDR26) corresponding
gamelor de presiuni PN8, PN10 respectiv PN16. pressure ranges PN8, PN10 PN16 respectively.
Din punct de vedere dimensional gama de diametre a evilor Dimensionally the diameter range of PVC-U pipes for drilling
PVC-U pentru foraj produse de Teraplast este cuprins intre produced by Teraplast is between 90 and 250mm.
90 si 250mm.

Principalele caracteristici si avantaje ale Features and benefits of PVC pressure

sistemului de evi si fitinguri din PVC-U pipes and fittings system
evile din PVC fac parte din categoria evilor flexibile. Aceast PVC pipes are part of flexible pipes category. This feature gives
caracteristic confer evilor din PVC-U (PVC neplastifiat) o to u-PVC pipes (non-plasticized PVC) special mechanical
rezisten mecanic deosebit, acestea putnd transfera n solul strength, because they can transfer to the soil around much
din jurul lor o mare parte din sarcina ce se exercita asupra lor. of the loads exerted on them.


evile din PVC pentru foraj au o rezisten chimic ridicat la PVC pipes for drilling have a high chemical resistance to
majoritatea soluiilor apoase, la aciunea agresiv a materiilor most aqueous solutions, the aggressive action of materials
din sol, srurilor i substanelor caustice sau a soluiilor acide in the soil, salts and caustics or acidic aqueous solutions.
apoase. Astfel, evile i fitingurile din PVC-U se pot utiliza pentru Thus, PVC-U pipes and fittings may be used for the transport
transportul de soluii apoase bazice sau acide, sruri minerale, of aqueous acidic or basic solutions, minerals, etc. with pH
etc. cu pH intre 2 si 12 si temperaturi de lucru de max. 60C. between 2 and 12 and working temperature max. 60C.

Modalitile de mbinare ale evilor din PVC pentru foraj, The connecting possibilities of PVC drilling pipes, by gluing or
respectiv prin lipire sau prin filetare asigur o etanare sigur by threading ensures a reliable sealing of the entire system.
a sistemului construit.


PVC pipes and fittings lightweight system components
Greutatea redus a componentelor sistemului de evi i ensures extremely high maneuverability in terms of
fitinguri din PVC asigur o manevrabilitate extrem de ridicat transport, storage, handling and installation.
n ceea ce privete transportul, depozitarea i manevrarea
elementelor precum i instalarea acestuia. 298
since 1896

evile pentru tubare Drilling pipes

evile pentru foraje se execut prin extrudare din PVC. Dup Drilling pipes are produced by PVC extrusion. After cutting
debitarea la lungimea util, la unul din capete se realizeaz the pipe at the usable length, on one end of the pipe a sleeve
operaia de mufare. is performed.
Teraplast ofer dou tipuri de evi pentru tubare: Teraplast offers two types of drilling pipes:
evi pentru tubare cu muf lis, fr filet. mbinarea Drilling pipes with smooth socket, without thread. The
se execut prin lipire cu adeziv special (ntrire rapid) junction runs by special glue (fast curing) for PVC with
pentru PVC cu decaparea prealabil a zonelor care vor prior pickling areas that will come into contact with the
intra n contact cu adezivul pentru o priz optim. Se pot adhesive, for an optimal grip. Mechanical methods may
utiliza i metode mecanice de asigurare a lipiturii. be used to ensure the connection.
evi pentru tubare cu filet. Dup executarea operaiei Drilling pipes with thread. After performing the operation
de mufare att mufa ct i captul drept al evii sunt of sleeve performing, the sleeve socket and the smooth
supuse operatiei de filetare pe o masina specializata. end of the pipe are subject to threading operations on a
Pentru muf se execut un filet interior iar la capul specialized machine. An internal thread is performed on
fr muf al evi un filet exterior. Acest tip de filet asigur the socket and on the other part of the pipe an external one.
o rezisten maxim la traciune. Pasul filetului este This type of thread provides a maximal tensile strength.
funcie de diametrul tevii. The thread pitch is according on the pipe diameter.
mbinarea ntre evi se asigur prin nfiletare, iar etanarea The joint between the pipes is ensured by screwing and
printr-un inel elastomeric, montat ntr-un loca special, la sealing with an elastomeric ring mounted in a special slot, to
rdcina filetului exterior. the root of the external thread.
Suprafeele interioare i exterioare ale evii trebuie s fie Inner and outer surfaces of the pipe must be clean, smooth,
curate, netede, fr zgrieturi, asperiti, rizuri, deformaii, without scratches, roughness, burr, deformations, inclusions
incluziuni de alte materiale, retuuri sau lips de material, of other materials, touches or lack of material, affecting
care s afecteze calitatea produselor. Mici ondulari, deci product quality. Small wane, so irregularities in wall
neregulariti n grosimea peretelui sunt permise, cu thickness are permitted, under the condition to be not less
condiia s nu fie sub grosimea nominal de perete. Nu sunt than the nominal wall thickness. They are not allowed under
permise n nici un caz protuberane n unghi sau denivelri, any circumstances angle protrusions and irregularities that
care merg nspre interiorul peretelui. go towards the inner wall.
Capetele evilor trebuie s fie taiate perpendicular pe axa evii. The ends of the pipe must be cut perpendicular to the axis
of the pipe.
Caracteristicile dimensionale ale tuburilor se gsesc n
partea de prezentare detaliat a produselor sistemului de The dimensional characteristics of the tubes can be found
foraj ce urmeaz acestei prezentri. in the detailed description of the following products drilling
system of this presentation.

Elementele filtrante (filtrele) The filter elements (filters)

Elementele filtrante (filtrele) sunt evi de tubare supuse The filter elements (filters) are drilling pipes subjected
unei operaii suplimentare de frezare a fantelor de filtrare. to an additional operation of milling the filter slots. The
Echipamentul cu care se execut fantele este specializat equipment that is running the slots is specialized for this
pentru acest tip de operaie. Fantele se realizeaz type of operation. The slots are executed perpendicular to
perpendicular pe axa evii, asigurnd o valoare minim a the axis of the pipe, ensuring a minimum reduction of the
diminurii rezistenei la presiunea exterioar a evii. external pressure resistance of the pipe.
Filtrele se realizeaz n conformitate cu DIN 4925-2 i DIN Filters are produced according DIN 4925-2 and DIN 4925-3.
4925-3. Fantele au dimensiuni de 0,75mm, 1,00mm, 2,00mm. The slots have dimensions of 0.75 mm, 1,00mm, 2,00mm. On
La cerere se pot realiza i alte dimensiuni ale fantelor. request can be made also other dimensions of slots.
Pentru fiecare diametru de teava, permeabilitatea filtrului este For each diameter pipe, the permeability of the filter is directly
direct proportionala cu marimea sectiunii libere a crei valoare proportional to the size of the free section whose value is
este dat de nsumarea suprafeelor individuale ale fantelor given by summing the individual surfaces made of slits per
executate pe unitatea de lungime sau unitatea de suprafa a unit length or unit area of the filter pipe. To maintain the
evii filtrante. Pentru pstrarea rezistenei mecanice ct mai mechanical strength as close to the unperformed pipe, slots
apropiat de cea a evilor neperforate, dimensiunea fantelor size is designed by keeping two important characteristics
este proiectat n funcie de pstrarea celor dou caracteristici (filter permeability and mechanical resistance to hydrostatic
importante (permeabilitatea filtrului i rezistena mecanic la applications that can arise from underground).
solicitrile hidrostatice ce pot aprea din subteran).
The filter elements (filters) are installed interposed between the
Elementele filtrante (filtrele) se monteaz intercalat ntre drilling pipes with the same diameter and wall thickness at the
evile de tubare de acelai diametru i grosime de perete la required depth in order to be in contact with the aquifer layer.
adncimea necesar pentru contactul cu stratul acvifer. 299
since 1896

Mai jos este prezentat corespondena ntre limea fantelor Below is the correlation between the width of the slits and
i distana ntre fante. the distance between slots.

Distana ntre fante (mm) Distance between

Lime fant (mm) Slot width (mm)
0,5mm slots(mm) 0,5mm
0,751,1 9,5 0,751,1 9,5
11,4 9,5 11,4 9,5
22,2 9,5 22,2 9,5
n tabelul de mai jos este prezentat relaia ntre diametrul The table below shows the relationship between the filter
elementului filtrant, laimea fantelor, lungimea transversal element diameter, slots width, total cross-sectional length
total a fantelor i permeabilitatea filtrului exprimat n of the slots and filter permeability in m3/h for one meter of
m3/h pe metru liniar de filtru. filter.

Permeabilitatea specifica (m3/mh)

Clasa de Grosime Nr. fante/No.
DN grosime/ Perete/Wall of slots a Lime fant/ Lime fant/ Lime fant/
[mm] Thickness thickness n/ panza [mm] Slot width, Slot width, Slot width,
class [mm] [mm] w [mm] w [mm] w [mm]
0,75 0+0,4 1,0 0+0,4 2,0 0+0,4
90 P 10 4.3 4/ 150 125.09 1.03 1.33 2.41
90 P 16 6.7 4/ 150 97.53 0.81 1.05 1.91
114 P 10 5.3 4/ 150 210.81 1.72 2.22 3.97
114 P 16 8.1 4/ 150 204.73 1.67 2.15 3.86
125 P 10 6.0 4/ 150 229.68 1.87 2.41 4.31
125 P 16 9.2 4/ 150 214.14 1.74 2.25 4.03
140 P8 5.4 4/ 150 270.56 2.20 2.83 5.05
140 P 10 6.7 4/ 150 261.29 2.12 2.74 4.89
140 P 16 10.3 4/ 150 243.76 1.98 2.56 4.57
160 P8 6.2 4/ 150 301.55 2.45 3.15 5.62
160 P 10 7.7 4/ 150 298.49 2.42 3.12 5.56
160 P 16 11.8 4/ 150 281.95 2.29 2.95 5.26
180 P8 6.9 4/ 150 344.78 2.79 3.60 6.40
180 P 10 8.6 4/ 150 337.42 2.74 3.52 6.27
180 P 16 13.3 4/ 150 316.27 2.57 3.30 5.88
200 P8 7.7 4/ 150 370.70 3.00 3.87 6.87
200 P 10 9.6 4/ 150 362.25 2.93 3.78 6.72
200 P 16 14.7 4/ 150 341.26 2.77 3.56 6.34
225 P8 8.6 4/ 150 387.16 3.13 4.04 7.17
225 P 10 10.8 4/ 150 377.57 3.06 3.94 7.00
250 P8 9.6 4/ 150 391.08 3.17 4.08 7.24
250 P 10 11.9 4/ 150 374.76 3.04 3.91 6.94
Unde a este lungimea total transversal a fantelor.
Where a is the total cross-sectional lenght of slots. 300
since 1896


Cnd se transport evi, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. Asigurai n mod eficient which may damage the pipes. Secure the pipes effectively
conductele nainte de a le transporta. before transporting them.
Atunci cnd se ncarc evi cu muf, evile se vor stivui When loading socket-ended pipes, stack the pipes so that
astfel nct mufele sa fie n contact cu evile adiacente. La the sockets are not in contact with adjacent pipes. When
manipularea tevilor i fitingurilor, asigurai-v s prevenii handling the pipes and fittings, take care to prevent damage.
deteriorarea acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot fi Plastics products can be damaged when get in contact with
deteriorate atunci cnd n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the
sau n cazul n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici ground. In all circumstances, do not drop or throw products
un caz, nu lsai s cad sau aruncai produsele i paleii. and pallets.
Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic este redus la The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at very
temperaturi foarte sczute i n astfel de condiii, o atenie low temperatures and under such conditions, extra care
suplimentar trebuie acordat n timpul manipulrii pentru during handling is recommended to avoid any sharp impacts
a se evita orice impact cu obiecte ascuite la momentul at the time of handling or loading and unloading.
manipulrii, ncrcrii sau descrcrii. Recomandm o
We recommend special attention to handling pipes and
atenie deosebi la manevrarea evilor i fitingurilor n cazul
fittings when the ambient temperature is below -5C.
n care temperatura este sub -5C.
When storing pipes and fittings on site, the manufacturer
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, constructorul
must provide adequate space for storage. PVC pipes in bulk
trebuie s asigure un spaiu adecvat pentru depozitarea
or pallets have to be stored on flat surfaces without sharp
acestora. evile PVC vrac sau n palei trebuie depozitate pe
objects (stones or bumps).
suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite (pietre sau proeminene).
If keeping the pipes in pallets, they can be stacked, but not
n cazul pastrarii evilor n paleti, acetia se pot stivui, ns
more than 3 pallets - for pipes with diameter 110-200mm and
nu mai mult de 3 palei pentru evile cu diametrul 110-
maximum 2 pallets for pipes with diameter D250 - 400mm.
200mm i maxim 2 palei n cazul evilor cu diametrul D250
In both cases safety measures shall be taken to prevent the
400mm. n ambele situaii se vor lua masuri de siguran
possibility of collapse or lateral displacement in the case of
pentru prevenirea deplasarilor laterale sau posibilitii de
prabuire a acestora in cazul rafalelor de vnt.
In the case of loose pipes, stack height must not exceed 1.5m.
n cazul depozitrii evilor vrac, nlimea stivei nu trebuie s
In this case, the pipes must be laid on wooden racks with a
depaeasc 1,5m. n aceast situaie, evile trebuie aezate
minimum width of 7.5cm positioned at a distance of 1-2m.
pe supori de lemn cu o lime de minim 7,5cm pozitionai
The supports at the ends of the stack should be positioned
la o distan de 12m. Suporii de la la capetele stivei trebuie
at a distance of 0.5, maximum 1m before the end of the pipe.
pozitionai la o distan de 0,5, maxim 1m faa de capatul evii.
Smaller diameter pipes may be telescopic pipes with
evile cu diametrul mai mic pot fi telescopate n evile cu
diameter so long as the pipes are provided with supports
diametrul mai mare att timp ct evile sunt prevzute cu
throughout their entire length.
supori pe toat lungimea lor.
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste
to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
6 luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile
not obstruct the ventilation and also to remove the pipes
solare astfel nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora i
seals and keeping them in a place protected from intense
deasemenea demontarea garniturilor evilor i pstrarea
sunlight and high temperatures.
acestora ntr-un spaiu ferit de radiaii solare puternice i
temperaturi ridicate.

Instalarea sistemului Realizarea tubajului Installation Casing execution

nainte de instalare, se vor verifica evile de existena Before the pipe installation, it is necessary to check pipes of
eventualelor defecte. any potential damage.
mbinarea evilor de tubaj se poate face demontabil, prin The joining of the drilling pipes can be removable, threaded
mbinare filetat sau nedemontabil prin lipire cu adeziv cu connection or non-removable by fast curing glue in sockets
ntrire rapid n mufe lise (recomandm adezivul Bison, (adhesive recommend Bison, Griffon).
Griffon). 301
since 1896

mbinarea prin filetare Threaded coonection

Principala modalitate de asamblare a sistemelor de foraj The main assembly method of the drilling systems is
este prin filetarea evilor i acesoriilor specifice. threaded of specific pipes and accessories.
mbinarea prin filetare se realizeaz dup cum urmeaz: Threading jointing is performed as follows:
se cura cu atenie prile de mbinat (exteriorul evii i clean carefully the parts to be joined (the outside part of
interiorul mufei) de particule abrazive, verificndu-se i the pipe and inside the socket) from abrasive particles,
integritatea lor; checking also their integrity;
se lubrifiaz suprafaa intern a mufei i suprafaa lubricate the internal surface of the socket and the outer
exterioar a evii cu past lubrifiant (lubrifiant pe baz surface of the pipe with lubricating paste (silicone-based
de silicon, etc.); lubricant, etc.);
se aeaz garnitura n canalul de garnitur; install the seal gasket into the seal channel;
se introduce captul de eav in canalul mufei; insert the pipe end into the socket channel;
se rotete uor eava pn cnd captul de eav se swirl gently until the end of tube pipe is being blocked
blocheaz n muf. in the socket.
Montarea evii se face manual sau cu un utilaj specializat. The installation of the pipe is done manually or with
In cazul mbinrii manuale se vor utiliza dispozitive specialized equipment. In the case of manually joint
care s asigure coaxialitatea mbinrii pentru a evita devices should be used devices to provide coaxial
distrugerea filetului. connection to prevent thread damage.

mbinarea prin lipire Glueing connection

Recomandm folosirea mbinrilor prin lipire cu mufe lise We recommend using of glue jointing with smooth socket in
numai n zonele fr activitate seismic accentuat, n areas without seismic activity, in stable ground.
terenuri stabile.
The pipes are properly chamfered when coming from the
evile sunt prevazute din fabricaie cu un anfren. evile ce factory. Pipes cut on the site will be cut at an angle of 90
se vor debita n antier se vor tia la un unghi de 90 fa de to their horizontal axis then deburr the cut end and chamfer
axa orizontal dup care taietura se va debavura i apoi cu with a file at an angle of 15 over a length (L mm) according
ajutorul unei pile se va executa un nou anfren, la un unghi to the table below.
de 15 pe o lungime (L - in mm) conform tabelului de mai jos.
Lungimea anfrenului-funcie de diametrul evii (mm) Chamfer lenght-according pipe diameter (mm)

D 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 D 110 125 160 200 250 315 400 500
L 6 6 7 9 9 12 15 18 L 6 6 7 9 9 12 15 18

mbinarea se face prin lipire cu ajutorul unor adezivi speciali. The connections are made with special solvent cement.
Etapele mbinarii elementelor sistemului sunt: Stages of joint system elements are:
1. Verificai ca atat capatul fr muf ct i mufa evii s fie 1. Check that both the pipe spigot end socket are dry, clean
uscate, curate, fr pietricele sau praf. and free from grit or dust.
2. Masurai lungimea de patrundere a evii n interiorul mufei 2. Measure the length of the pipe insertion inside the socket
evii cu care urmeaz s se mbine i marcai pe captul of the pipe to combine with and mark it on the end of the
fr muf al evii. pipe.
Asigurai-v ca cele dou elemente ce urmeaz sa fie Make sure that the components to be joined are correctly
imbinate s fie corect aliniate. aligned.
3. Cu ajutorul unui prosop de hrtie nmuiat n decapant 3. Using a paper towel soaked in pickle clean of dust and
curai bine de praf i grsime interiorul mufei ce urmeaz grease the inside surface of the socket which will be
s se mbine i exteriorul evii cu care urmeaz s aib loc connected and outside part of the pipe which is going to
mbinarea pe lungimea marcat. be connected on the marked length. 302
since 1896

4. Dup uscarea decapantului se aplic cu o pensul curat 4. After the pickle is dried apply with a clean brush the
adezivul pe suprafeele curate anterior. Aplicarea adhesive on the surfaces previously cleaned. Application
trebuie fcut rapid, uniform i longitudinal. must be made fast, uniform and longitudinal.
Se introduce eava n muf printr-o singur micare 5. Insert the pipe into the socket by a single axial movement
axial, continu, fr a o roti. Dup aceast operaie eava and continue without spin. After this operation the pipe is
se poate roti puin, maxim un sfert de rotaie pentru a rotatable least up to a quarter turn, in order to equalize the
uniformiza stratul de adeziv dintre cele dou elemente. layer of adhesive between the two elements.
6. mbinrile se vor stabiliza pentru o perioad scurt de 6. The joints will stabilize for a short period of time until the
timp, pn adezivul se ntrete. Excesele de adeziv adhesive is dried. Adhesive in excess will be removed with
trebuie ndeprtate cu hrtie absorbant. tissue paper.

Timpul de repaus depinde de presiunea de operare a The rest time depends on the operating pressure of the
sistemului i temperatura mediului ambiant, astfel: system and the ambient temperature, so:
pentru mbinri de reparaii ce nu vor fi supuse testelor for repair joints that will not be subjected to pressure
de presiune, pentru orice dimensiune i presiune se testing, for any size and pressure, recommended joint
recomand o perioad de repaus a mbinarii de 1 or/bar; rest period is of 1 hour/bar;
pentru mbinri ce vor fi supuse testelor de presiune for joints of pipes and fittings up to 16 bar, that will be
pentru orice evi i fitinguri pn la 16 bari, se recomand subjected to pressure testing, it is recommended a rest
o perioad de repaus a mbinarii de 24 de ore. period of 24 hours.

Msuri de precauie Precautions

Att decapantul ct i adezivul sunt volatile i inflamabile, Both stripper and adhesive are volatile and flammable, so
deci trebuie depozitate i manipulate cu atenie. Cutiile it should be stored and handled with care. The jars must be
trebuie nchise imediat dup utilizare, vaporii acestora fiind closed immediately after use, because the vapors are toxic.
toxici. n cazul realizrii mbinrilor n ncperi, acestea When you make connections in rooms, they must be well
trebuie s fie bine ventilate. ventilated.

Adncimea de montaj The installation depth

Puurile forate de apa pot fi de mic adncime (50m), The drilled wells for water may be shallow (50m ...), medium
medie adancime (150m) i mare adancime (>150m). depth (150m ...) and deep (> 150m).
Diametrul gurii forate trebuie s fie cu 150300mm mai The diameter of the bore hole must be with 150 up to 300mm
mare dect diametrul evilor de foraj prevzute prin proiect. larger than the diameter of the drill pipes provided by the
Adncimile maxime de tubare recomandate de Teraplast
sunt prezentate in tabelul de mai jos. The maximum tubal depth recommended by Teraplast are
presented in the table below.

Nivel hidrodinamic maxim/ Nivel hidrodinamic maxim/

Maximum hydrodynamic level Maximum hydrodynamic level
P8 15 m 45 m
P 10 30 m 90 m
P 16 120 m 300 m
Adncimile de montaj de mai sus se aplic doar pentru montajul evilor din acceai clas de presiune.
Installation depth above apply only for installation of the pipes from the same pressure class. 303
since 1896

Presiunea exterioar de colaps pentru The outside collapse pressure of PVC

evile de tubare din PVC drilling pipes
n tabelul de mai jos sunt exprimate valorile teoretice pentru In the table below are expressed theoretical values for
presiunea exterioar de colaps a tuburilor din PVC pentru outside pressure to collapse of PVC tubes for water drilling.
tubare foraje pentru ap. Valorile sunt orientative i trebuie The values are indicative and must necessarily be correlated
obligatoriu s fie corelate cu parametrii din teren (densitatea i with parameters from the location (soil structure and density,
structura solului, temperatura, condiii specifice locale, etc.), de temperature, specific local conditions, etc.), resistance of
rezistena mbinrii filetate a evilor de tubare i a filtrelor. threaded connection of pipes and filters.

D ext. eav s Modul elasticitate Pp

[mm] [mm] [kg/cm] [kg/cm]
114 5,3 25000 6,44
114 8,1 25000 16,53
125 6 33000 8,96
125 9,2 27000 30,79
140 5,4 33000 4,46
140 6,7 33000 8,96
140 10,3 27500 30,42
160 6,2 33000 4,60
160 7,7 32000 8,97
160 11,8 27000 30,39
180 6,9 33000 4,70
180 8,6 33000 9,12
180 13,3 27000 30,75
200 7,7 32000 4,46
200 9,6 33000 9,03
200 14,7 27000 31,09
225 8,6 32000 4,56
225 10,8 33000 9,12
250 9,6 40000 4,57
250 11,9 33000 8,96 304
since 1896

evi PVC foraj cu mufa lis, bar cu L=5m

PVC drilling solvent cement socket pipes, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052L5000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 140,2 151,3
VFJ160060L5000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 160,2 172,9
VFJ180068L5000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 180,2 194,4
VFJ200075L5000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 200,2 216,0
VFJ225085L5000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 225,3 242,9
VFJ250088L5000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 250,3 270,0
VFJ090043L5000 90 P10 SDR 21 4,3 90,1 98,9
VFJ114052L5000 114 P10 SDR 21 5,3 114,1 125,0
VFJ125058L5000 125 P10 SDR 21 6,0 125,1 137,4
VFJ140065L5000 140 P10 SDR 21 6,7 140,2 153,9
VFJ160075L5000 160 P10 SDR 21 7,7 160,2 175,9
VFJ180084L5000 180 P10 SDR 21 8,6 180,2 197,8
VFJ200093L5000 200 P10 SDR 21 9,6 200,2 219,8
VFJ225105L5000 225 P10 SDR 21 10,8 225,3 247,3
VFJ250116L5000 250 P10 SDR 21 11,9 250,3 274,6
VFJ090067L5000 90 P 16 SDR 13,6 6,7 90,1 103,7
VFJ114070L5000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 114,1 130,6
VFJ125091L5000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 125,1 143,8
VFJ140101L5000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 140,2 161,1
VFJ160116L5000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 160,2 184,1
VFJ180131L5000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 180,2 207,2
VFJ200146L5000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 200,2 230,0
Not Note
La cerere se pot executa i tevi cu L=2m. By request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length.

evi PVC foraj cu muf lis, cu fante 0,75mm, bara cu L=5m

PVC drilling solvent cement socket pipes, with 0,75mm slots, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052LF0755000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 140,2 151,3
VFJ160060LF0755000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 160,2 172,9
VFJ180068LF0755000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 180,2 194,4
VFJ200075LF0755000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 200,2 216,0
VFJ225085LF0755000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 225,3 242,9
VFJ250088LF0755000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 250,3 270,0
VFJ114052LF0755000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 114,1 125,0
VFJ125058LF0755000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 125,1 137,4
VFJ140065LF0755000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 140,2 153,9
VFJ160075LF0755000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 160,2 175,9
VFJ180084LF0845000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 180,2 197,8
VFJ200093LF0935000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 200,2 219,8
VFJ225105LF1055000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 225,3 247,3
VFJ250116LF1165000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 250,3 274,6
VFJ114070LF0755000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 114,1 130,6
VFJ125091LF0755000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 125,1 143,8
VFJ140101LF0755000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 140,2 161,1
VFJ160116LF0755000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 160,2 184,1
VFJ180131LF0755000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 180,2 207,2
VFJ200146LF0755000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 200,2 230,0

Not Note
Distanele dintre fante se execut conform standardelor The distance between slots are executed according
sau specificaiilor clientului. La cerere se pot executa i to the standarts or according to customer request.
evi cu L=2m. By request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length. 305
since 1896

evi PVC foraj cu muf lis, cu fante 1,00mm, bar cu L=5m

PVC drilling solvent cement socket pipes, with 1,00mm slots, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052LF1005000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 140,2 151,3
VFJ160060LF1005000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 160,2 172,9
VFJ180068LF1005000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 180,2 194,4
VFJ200075LF1005000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 200,2 216,0
VFJ225085LF1005000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 225,3 242,9
VFJ250088LF1005000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 250,3 270,0
VFJ114052LF1005000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 114,1 125,0
VFJ125058LF1005000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 125,1 137,4
VFJ140065LF1005000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 140,2 153,9
VFJ160075LF1005000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 160,2 175,9
VFJ180084LF1005000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 180,2 197,8
VFJ200093LF1005000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 200,2 219,8
VFJ225105LF1005000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 225,3 247,3
VFJ250116LF1005000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 250,3 274,6
VFJ114070LF1005000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 114,1 130,6
VFJ125091LF1005000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 125,1 143,8
VFJ140101LF1005000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 140,2 161,1
VFJ160116LF1005000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 160,2 184,1
VFJ180131LF1005000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 180,2 207,2
VFJ200146LF1005000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 200,2 230,0

Not Note
Distanele dintre fante se execut conform standardelor The distance between slots are executed according
sau specificaiilor clientului. La cerere se pot executa i to the standarts or according to customer request. By
evi cu L=2m. request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length.

evi PVC foraj cu muf lis, cu fante 2,00mm, bar cu L=5m

PVC drilling solvent cement socket pipes, with 2,00mm slots, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052LF2005000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 140,2 151,3
VFJ160060LF2005000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 160,2 172,9
VFJ180068LF2005000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 180,2 194,4
VFJ200075LF2005000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 200,2 216,0
VFJ225085LF2255000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 225,3 242,9
VFJ250088LF2505000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 250,3 270,0
VFJ114052LF2005000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 114,1 125,0
VFJ125058LF2005000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 125,1 137,4
VFJ140065LF2005000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 140,2 153,9
VFJ160075LF2005000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 160,2 175,9
VFJ180084LF2005000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 180,2 197,8
VFJ200093LF2005000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 200,2 219,8
VFJ225105LF2255000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 225,3 247,3
VFJ250116LF2505000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 250,3 274,6
VFJ114070LF2005000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 114,1 130,6
VFJ125091LF2005000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 125,1 143,8
VFJ140101LF2005000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 140,2 161,1
VFJ160116LF2005000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 160,2 184,1
VFJ180131LF2005000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 180,2 207,2
VFJ200146LF2005000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 200,2 230,0

Not Note
Distanele dintre fante se execut conform standardelor The distance between slots are executed according
sau specificaiilor clientului. La cerere se pot executa i to the standarts or according to customer request. By
evi cu L=2m. request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length. 306
since 1896

evi PVC foraj cu filet, bar cu L=5m

PVC threaded drilling pipes, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm Pas filet

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052F5000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 134,78 145,72 6
VFJ160060F5000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 154,60 167,20 6
VFJ180068F5000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 174,48 188,70 6
VFJ200075F5000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 194,36 209,26 6
VFJ225085F5000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 219,18 236,13 6
VFJ250088F5000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 242,40 260,58 10
VFJ114052F5000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 110,26 119,72 4
VFJ125058F5000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 119,90 131,52 6
VFJ140065F5000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 134,78 148,00 6
VFJ160075F5000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 154,60 169,82 6
VFJ180084F5000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 174,48 191,66 6
VFJ200093F5000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 194,36 212,57 6
VFJ225105F5000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 219,18 239,95 6
VFJ250116F5000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 242,40 264,61 10
VFJ114070F5000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 110,26 124,37 4
VFJ125091F5000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 119,90 136,79 6
VFJ140101F5000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 134,78 153,91 6
VFJ160116F5000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 154,60 176,51 6
VFJ180131F5000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 174,48 199,31 6
VFJ200146F5000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 194,36 220,88 6
Not Note
La cerere se pot executa i tevi cu L=2m. By request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length.

evi PVC foraj cu filet, cu fante 0,75mm, bar cu L=5m

PVC threaded drilling pipes, with 0,75mm slots, in bars L=5

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm Pas filet

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052FF0755000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 134,78 145,72 6
VFJ160060FF0755000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 154,60 167,20 6
VFJ180068FF0755000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 174,48 188,70 6
VFJ200075FF0755000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 194,36 209,26 6
VFJ225085FF0755000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 219,18 236,13 6
VFJ250088FF0755000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 242,40 260,58 10
VFJ114052FF0755000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 110,26 119,72 4
VFJ125058FF0755000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 119,90 131,52 6
VFJ140065FF0755000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 134,78 148,00 6
VFJ160075FF0755000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 154,60 169,82 6
VFJ180084FF0845000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 174,48 191,66 6
VFJ200093FF0935000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 194,36 212,57 6
VFJ225105FF1055000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 219,18 239,95 6
VFJ250116FF1165000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 242,40 264,61 10
VFJ114070FF0755000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 110,26 124,37 4
VFJ125091FF0755000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 119,90 136,79 6
VFJ140101FF0755000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 134,78 153,91 6
VFJ160116FF0755000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 154,60 176,51 6
VFJ180131FF0755000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 174,48 199,31 6
VFJ200146FF0755000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 194,36 220,88 6
Not Note
Distanele dintre fante se execut conform standardelor The distance between slots are executed according
sau specificaiilor clientului. La cerere se pot executa i to the standarts or according to customer request. By
evi cu L=2m. request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length. 307
since 1896

evi PVC foraj cu filet, cu fante 1,00mm, bar cu L=5m

PVC threaded drilling pipes, with 1,00mm slots, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm Pas filet

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052FF1005000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 134,78 145,72 6
VFJ160060FF1005000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 154,60 167,20 6
VFJ180068FF1005000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 174,48 188,70 6
VFJ200075FF1005000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 194,36 209,26 6
VFJ225085FF1005000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 219,18 236,13 6
VFJ250088FF1005000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 242,40 260,58 10
VFJ114052FF1005000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 110,26 119,72 4
VFJ125058FF1005000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 119,90 131,52 6
VFJ140065FF1005000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 134,78 148,00 6
VFJ160075FF1005000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 154,60 169,82 6
VFJ180084FF1005000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 174,48 191,66 6
VFJ200093FF1005000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 194,36 212,57 6
VFJ225105FF1005000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 219,18 239,95 6
VFJ250116FF1005000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 242,40 264,61 10
VFJ114070FF1005000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 110,26 124,37 4
VFJ125091FF1005000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 119,90 136,79 6
VFJ140101FF1005000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 134,78 153,91 6
VFJ160116FF1005000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 154,60 176,51 6
VFJ180131FF1005000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 174,48 199,31 6
VFJ200146FF1005000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 194,36 220,88 6

Not Note
Distanele dintre fante se execut conform standardelor The distance between slots are executed according
sau specificaiilor clientului. La cerere se pot executa i to the standarts or according to customer request. By
evi cu L=2m. request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length.

evi PVC foraj cu filet, cu fante 2,00mm, bara cu L=5m

PVC threaded drilling pipes, with 2,00mm slots, in bars L=5m

Cod articol De PN SDR s Di muf Dm Pas filet

(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
VFJ140052FF2005000 140 P8 SDR 26 5,4 134,78 145,72 6
VFJ160060FF2005000 160 P8 SDR 26 6,2 154,60 167,20 6
VFJ180068FF2005000 180 P8 SDR 26 6,9 174,48 188,70 6
VFJ200075FF2005000 200 P8 SDR 26 7,7 194,36 209,26 6
VFJ225085FF2255000 225 P8 SDR 26 8,6 219,18 236,13 6
VFJ250088FF2505000 250 P8 SDR 26 9,6 242,40 260,58 10
VFJ114052FF2005000 114 P 10 SDR 21 5,3 110,26 119,72 4
VFJ125058FF2005000 125 P 10 SDR 21 6,0 119,90 131,52 6
VFJ140065FF2005000 140 P 10 SDR 21 6,7 134,78 148,00 6
VFJ160075FF2005000 160 P 10 SDR 21 7,7 154,60 169,82 6
VFJ180084FF2005000 180 P 10 SDR 21 8,6 174,48 191,66 6
VFJ200093FF2005000 200 P 10 SDR 21 9,6 194,36 212,57 6
VFJ225105FF1055000 225 P 10 SDR 21 10,8 219,18 239,95 6
VFJ250116FF2505000 250 P 10 SDR 21 11,9 242,40 264,61 10
VFJ114070FF2005000 114 P 16 SDR 13,6 8,1 110,26 124,37 4
VFJ125091FF2005000 125 P 16 SDR 13,6 9,2 119,90 136,79 6
VFJ140101FF2005000 140 P 16 SDR 13,6 10,3 134,78 153,91 6
VFJ160116FF2005000 160 P 16 SDR 13,6 11,8 154,60 176,51 6
VFJ180131FF2005000 180 P 16 SDR 13,6 13,3 174,48 199,31 6
VFJ200146FF2005000 200 P 16 SDR 13,6 14,7 194,36 220,88 6

Not Note
Distanele dintre fante se execut conform standardelor The distance between slots are executed according to
sau specificaiilor clientului. La cerere se pot executa i the standarts or according to customer request. By
evi cu L=2m. request we can deliver also pipes with 2m length. 308
since 1896

6.5 C
 mine de apometru
Water chambers 309
since 1896

Cmine de apometru Descrierea gamei Water meter chambers - Range description

Cminele pentru apometru sunt destinate pentru asigurarea Water meter chambers are meant to provide the protection
spaiului de protecie necesar apometrelor ce contorizeaz space required by water meters which count the water
consumul apei att la locuinele unifamiliale ct i pentru consumption of single-family houses but also for buildings
cldiri cu un numr mare de persoane branate. with a large number of connected persons.
Pe lng rolul de izolare termic i protecie a elementelor Besides the role of insulation and protective of water supply
instalaiei de alimentare cu ap de factorii externi: sarcina system elements of external factors: ground pressure, water
pmntului, infiltrarea apei, cminele pentru apometru infiltration, water meter chambers should facilitate the
trebuie s faciliteze accesul pentru citirea apometrelor. access for reading the water meters.
Durata de via estimat a acestor tipuri de cmine este de 50 Expected life of these types of chambers is 50 years under a
de ani n condiiile unei instalri i exploatri corespunztoare. proper installation and operation.
Din punct de vedere dimensional Teraplast produce cmine In terms of dimensions Teraplast produce water meter
de apometru pentru branamente individuale la care chambers for individual homes with 500m in diameter
diametrul cminului este de 500mm dar i cmine pentru but also water meters shafts for collective consumers with
branamente colective cu diametrul de 1000mm. diameter of 1000mm.
Cminele pentru apometru sunt fabricate prin rotoformare Water meter chambers are manufactured from polyethylene
din polietilen, compacte, de tip monobloc. by rotomoulding, compact, mono-block type.
Acestea sunt alctuite din dou elemente de baz: They consist of two basic elements:
Corpul cminului; Chamber body;
Capacul cminului. Cover.
Corpurile de cmin se produc n cte dou variante Chamber bodies are produced in two height alternatives for
constructive de nlime pentru fiecare diametru. each diameter.
Cminele cu D=500mm se produc cu nlimi de 800mm, Chambers with D=500mm are produced with heights of
respectiv 1200mm i se pot livra fie izolate termic fie 800mm or 1200mm and can be supplied either insulated or
neizolate termic. non-insulated.
Cminele cu D=1000mm se produc cu nlimi de 1200mm, Chambers with D=1000mm are produced with heights of
respectiv 1500mm. 1200mm, 1500mm respectively.
Pentru a se asigura o rezisten mecanic mrit, peretele To ensure an increased mechanical strength, the chamber
corpului de cmin este ramforsat cu nervuri verticale i orizontale. body wall is reinforced with vertical and horizontal ribs.
Este asigurat o etaneitate de 100% la trecerea evilor prin It is ensured 100% tightness for the pipes passing through
corpul cminelor cu ajutorul garniturilor de etanare folosite. the chamber using special sealing gaskets.
Capacul, fabricat din polietilen, prezint o pern de aer, cu The lid, made of polyethylene, has a cushion of air, as the
rol termoizolant. heat-insulating part.
n urma testelor efectuate capacul asigur o etaneitate ridicat: According the tests, the lid ensure a high sealing tightness:
jet de ap vertical (ploaie) etaneitate 100%; Water vertical jet (rain) - tightness 100%;
jet de ap nclinat (ploaie n rafale) infiltrare max. 200ml. Water inclined jet (rain gusting) - infiltration 200ml maximum.
La cererea clienilor si, recent Teraplast a dezvoltat i un tip At the request of its customers, Teraplast recently developed
de cmin de apometru cu un capac asigurat anti-efracie. a type of water meter chamber with a secured burglar lid.
Variantele disponibile ce sunt prezentate n continuare The available options presented below include both water
cuprind cmine de apometru att n variant neechipat meter chambers unequipped version (without the water
(fr instalaia pentru apometru) dar i n varianta echipat. meter system), but also in the embodiment equipped.

Principalele avantaje ale caminelor din PE pentru apometru: The main advantages of PE water meter chambers:
rezisten mecanic ridicat; high mechanical strength;
simplu i rapid de instalat; easy and quick to install;
greutate mic; low-weight;
termoizolare i etaneitate - se elimin riscul de heat-insulation and tightness - it eliminates the risk of
ngheare a instalaiei; freezing of the installation;
rezisten la coroziune electrochimic; resistance to electrochemical corrosion; 310
since 1896

montajul apometrului permite citirea foarte accesibil; very accessible, accurate water meter installation;
materialul din care este confecionat permite citirea de the material it is made of allows to read remotely (by
la distan (prin unde radio) a contoarelor; radio waves) of the meter;
prevzut cu robinei de izolare, nainte i dup apometru. equipped with isolation valves before and after the
water meter.

Transport, manipulare i depozitare Shipping, handling and storage

Pentru transport se vor utiliza vehicule a cror platforme For transporting flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The bed
trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane metalice shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
ce pot deteriora produsele. which may damage the products. When handling, take
care to prevent damage. Plastics products can be damaged
La manipulare, asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea acestora.
when in contact with sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or
Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate atunci cnd
dragged along the ground. In all circumstances, do not drop
intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul n care cad,
from height or throw the products.
sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n nici un caz, nu lsai
produsele s cad de la nlimi mari sau s le aruncai. We recommend special attention at handling when the
ambient temperature is below -5C.
Recomandam o atenie deosebit la manevrare n cazul n
care temperatura este sub -5C. When storing on site, the products have to be stored on flat
surfaces without sharp objects (stones or bumps).
La depozitarea n antier, produsele trebuie depozitate pe
suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite (pietre sau proeminene). At storage please avoid stacking chambers and manholes
one over another or placing weights over its, because these
La depozitare v rugm s evitai stivuirea cminelor unul
additional long term efforts can cause deformations and
peste altul sau aezarea de greuti peste acestea, deoarece
damage on the product.
aceste eforturi suplimentare de lung durat pot cauza
deformri i deteriora produsul. When stored on a longer term (over 6 months) it is
recommended to protect from solar radiation in a manner
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste
that does not obstruct the ventilation.
6 luni) se recomand protejarea de radiatiile solare astfel
nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora.

Instalarea cminelor de apometru Water meter chamber installation

n general se recomand montarea cminelor de apometru It is generally recommended to install the water meter
n zone pietonale sau spaii verzi unde nu exist trafic chambers in pedestrian zones and green spaces where there
rutier, astfel nct s poat fi uor accesate pentru citirea i is no traffic, so they can be easily accessed for reading and
inspectarea contoarelor de ap. inspection of water meters.
Astfel trebuie executate urmtoarele etape de montaj: The following installation steps should executed:
1. Groapa de instalare trebuie s fie executat astfel nct s 1. Installation pit must be executed in such a manner to
asigure n jurul acesteia un spatiu liber de minim 30-40cm. provide around it a minimum space of 30-40cm.
2. Nivelai fundul anului i ndeprtai pietrele mari i cele 2. L evel the bottom of the trench and remove large and sharp
ascuite. Pregtii un pat de nisip de 10-15cm si compactai. stones. Prepare a compacted sand bedding of 10-15cm high.
3. Poziionai cminul pe patul pregtit ntr-o poziie stabil. 3. P
 lace the chamber base on the sand bedding in a stable
Pentru cminele echipate se realizeaz conectarea la position.
reeaua de ap. Pentru cminele neechipate prin orificiile 4. For equipped chambers connect the chamber to the water
realizate anterior prevazute cu garniturile de etanare system. For not equipped chambers, through previously
corespunztoare se introduc evile de alimentare cu ap. completed holes provided with adequate seals the pipes
5. ncepei s umplei spaiul din jurul cminului cu straturi water supply have to be inserted.
succesive de aproximativ 20-25cm de umplutur atent 5. Start to fill the space around the chamber with successive
selecionat i compactai fiecare strat cu grij cu un grad layers of around 20-25cm thickness carefully selected and
de compactare de minim 80%. carefully compacted each layer with a compaction degree
6 n zonele verzi umplerea se face pn la 3-4cm de partea of 80%.
superioar a corpului cminului. 6. In green areas filling will be made up to 3-4cm from the
n cazul instalrii cminelor de apometru n spaiu cu trafic v rugm upper part of the chamber body.
sa ne soliciai instruciunile de montaj specifice acestei situaii. If the water meter will be install in traffic areas please ask for
the specific installation instructions for this situation. 311
since 1896

Cmin apometru PE - D500mm, H1200mm - echipat i neechipat

PE Watermeter inspection chamber - D500, H1200mm - equipped and unequipped

Cod articol DN H H1 d Observaii

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPEAPOMETRU500V1 500 1220 150 *
RPEAPOMETRU500IV1 500 1220 150 **
RPEAPOMETRU500IV13 500 1220 150 20
RPEAPOMETRU500V2 500 1220 150 25
RPEAPOMETRU500V3 500 1220 150 32
Not Note
Cminele sunt echipate conform descrierii de mai jos. The watermeter inspection chambers are equipped
* cminul nu este prevzut dect cu capac. according to the description below.
** cminul nu este prevzut dect cu capac si izolatie. * the watermeter inspection chamber is equipped only
with cover.
** the watermeter inspection chamber is equipped only
with cover and insulation.

Descriere Poz.
1 buc x Corp cmin 1
1 buc x Dop PP 2
1 buc x Izolaie cmin 3
2 buc x Robinet 4
2 buc x Cot 90 5
2 buc x Coliere fixare 6
2 buc x eav PE 7
2 buc x Garnituri 8
1 buc x Capac cmin 9
2 buc x Mufa compr. 10

Cmin apometru PE - D500mm, H800mm echipat i neechipat

PE Watermeter inspection chamber - D500, H800mm - equipped and unequipped

Cod articol DN H H1 d Observaii

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPEAPOMD500H800V1 500 800 150 - *
RPEAPOMD500D800V2 500 800 150 - **
RPEAPOMD500D800V6 500 800 150 20
RPEAPOMD500D800V4 500 800 150 25
RPEAPOMD500D800V5 500 800 150 32
Not Note
Cminele sunt echipate conform descrierii de mai jos. The watermeter inspection chambers are equipped
* cminul nu este prevzut dect cu capac. according to the description below.
** cminul nu este prevzut dect cu capac si izolatie. * the watermeter inspection chamber is equipped only
Important: Se va ine cont de adncimea minim de with cover.
nghe din zon! ** the watermeter inspection chamber is equipped only
with cover and insulation.
Important: Please take into account the minumum frost
Descriere Poz. depth in the area!
1 buc x Capac cmin 1
1 buc x Dop PP 2
1 buc x Corp cmin 3
1 buc x Izolaie cmin 4
2 buc x Muf
compresiune mixt
2 buc x Robinet 6
2 buc x Garnitur 7
2 buc x eav PE 8 312
since 1896

Cmin apometru PE - D500mm, H1200mm echipat i neechipat - CU CAPAC ANTI-EFRACIE

PE Watermeter inspection chamber - D500, H1200mm - equipped and unequipped - ANTI BURGLARY COVER

Cod articol DN H H1 d Observaii

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPEAPOMETRU500AV1 500 1200 150 - *
RPEAPOMETRU500IAV1 500 1200 150 - **
RPEAPOMETRU500AV5 500 1200 150 20
RPEAPOMETRU500AV2 500 1200 150 25
RPEAPOMETRU500AV6 500 1200 150 32
Not Note
Cminele sunt echipate conform descrierii de mai jos. The watermeter inspection chambers are equipped
* cminul nu este prevzut dect cu capac. according to the description below.
** cminul nu este prevzut dect cu capac si izolatie. * the watermeter inspection chamber is equipped only
with cover.
** the watermeter inspection chamber is equipped only
with cover and insulation.

Descriere Poz.
1 buc x Capac cmin 1
1 buc x Dop PP 2
1 buc x Corp cmin 3
1 buc x Izolaie cmin 4
2 buc x Cot 90 5
2 buc x Robinet 6
2 buc x Coliere fixare 7
2 buc x eav PE 8
2 buc x Garnituri 9
2 buc x Muf compr. 10

Cmin apometru profilat PE - D1000mm

PE Watermeter inspection chamber shaped - D1000

Cod articol DN D D1 D2 H H1 H2 Observaii

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPECORPAPPROFILAT 1000 630 750 830 1240 1285 1015 corp cmin
RPECAPACAPPROFILAT 630 40 capac cmin
Not Note
Important: La cerere cminele pot fi echipate conform Important: At request the manholes can be delivered
descrierii de mai jos. according to the below description.

Descriere Poz.
1 buc x Capac cmin 1
1 buc x Corp cmin 2
2 buc x Garnitur etanare 3
2 buc x eav PE 4
2 buc x Muf mixt compresiune 5
2 buc x Robinet 6
1 buc x Contor ap 7

Garnituri pentru etanarea evilor ce se racordeaz la cmin

Sealing gaskets for PVC pipes that will connected to the manhole

Cod articol DN Cod articol DN

(mm) (mm)
FEE0058 20 MFD0916 75
MFD0290 25 MFD0917 90
MFD0719 32 MFD0594 110
FEE0030 40 MFD0625 125
MFD0788 50 MFD0683 160
MFD0915 63

D decupare 313
since 1896

Piesa PE telescopic reglabil D600 pentru cmine PE

PE telescopic adapter D600 for PE manhole

Cod articol D1 D2 D3 D4 H1 H2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
RPECAXXD835H300 835 628 550 550 380 50
RPECAXXD835H680 835 628 550 550 680 50

Not Note
Se va comanda separat garnitura de etanare (cod: The sealing gasket (code: MFD 0630) between the
MFD0630) ntre piesa telescopic reglabil i gtul telescopic adapter and the manhole nack has to be
cminului din PE. ordered separately.

Contor ap rece APATOR JM cu mecanism semi-umed clasa C

Watermeter APATOR JM - semi wet mechanism - Class C

Cod articol DN Debit max Debit norm Debit min Debit pornire PN
(mm) (m3/h) (m3/h) (l/h) (l/h) (bar)
ARM0581 15 3,125 2,5 15,6 3,5 16
ARM0580 20 5 4 25 6 16

Not Note
Temperatura de lucru: 30/50 C. Working temperature: 30/50 Celsius.
Clasa metrologic: R160-H; R80-V. Metrological Class: R160-H; R80-V.

Contor ap rece ZENNER MTK-S-N cu mecanism uscat (R80)

Watermeter ZENNER MTK-S-N dry mechanism (R80)

Cod articol DN Debit max Debit norm Debit min Debit pornire PN
(mm) (m3/h) (m3/h) (l/h) (l/h) (bar)
COD0912 15 3,125 2,5 31,25 4 16
COD0913 20 5 4 50 5 16

Not Note
Temperatura de lucru: 30 C. Working temperature: 30 Celsius.
Clasa metrologic: R80-H; R40-V. Metrological Class: R80-H; R40-V.

Contor ap rece Multijet ZENNER MTK-N cu mecanism uscat (R80)

Watermeter Multijet ZENNER MTK-N dry mechanism (R80)

Cod articol DN Debit max Debit norm Debit min Debit pornire PN
(mm) (m3/h) (m3/h) (l/h) (l/h) (bar)
COD0914 25 7,875 6,3 78,75 10 16
Not Note
Temperatura de lucru: 30 C. Working temperature: 30 Celsius.
Clasa metrologic: R80-H; R40-V. Metrological Class: R80-H; R40-V.

Contor ap rece Multijet ZENNER MTK-N cu mecanism uscat (R80)

Watermeter Multijet ZENNER MTK-N dry mechanism (R80)

Cod articol DN Debit max Debit norm Debit min Debit pornire PN
(mm) (m3/h) (m3/h) (l/h) (l/h) (bar)
COD0915 15 3.125 2.5 31.25 4 16
COD0916 20 5 4 50 5 16
COD0917 25 7.875 6.3 78.75 10 16
COD0918 32 12.5 10 125 10 16
COD0919 40 20 16 200 20 16
COD0920 50 30 15 200 20 16

Not Note
Temperatura de lucru: 30 C. Working temperature: 30 Celsius.
Clasa metrologic: R80-H; R40-V. Metrological Class: R80-H; R40-V. 314
since 1896

Contor ap rece ZENNER MNK/MNK-N cu mecanism umed (R160)

Watermeter ZENNER MNK/MNK-N wet mechanism (R160)

Cod articol DN Debit max Debit norm Debit min Debit pornire PN
(mm) (m3/h) (m3/h) (l/h) (l/h) (bar)
ARM0579 15 3,125 2,5 15,63 4 16
ARM0577 20 5 4 25 5 16
COD0921 25 7,875 6,3 39,38 10 16
COD0922 32 12,5 10 62,5 10 16
COD0923 40 20 16 100 20 16

Not Note
Temperatura de lucru: 30 C. Working temperature: 30 Celsius.
Clasa metrologic: R160-H; R80-V. Metrological Class: R160-H; R80-V.

Contor ap rece ZENNER MNK-RP/MNK-RP-N cu role protejate (R160/80)

Watermeter ZENNER MNK-RP/MNK-RP-N protected roller (R160/80)

Cod articol DN Debit max Debit norm Debit min Debit pornire PN
(mm) (m3/h) (m3/h) (l/h) (l/h) (bar)
ARM0579 15 3,125 2,5 31,25 4 16
ARM0577 20 5 4 50 5 16
COD0921 25 7,875 6,3 78,75 10 16
COD0922 32 12,5 10 125 10 16
COD0923 40 20 16 200 20 16

Not Note
Temperatura de lucru: 30 C. Working temperature: 30 Celsius.
Clasa metrologic: R160-H; R80-V. Metrological Class: R160-H; R80-V. 315
since 1896 316
since 1896

CAP. 7 P

7.1 evi protecie cabluri electrice

Electrical cable protection pipes 317
since 1896 318
since 1896

 evi protecie cabluri
Electrical cable
protection pipes 319
since 1896

Descrierea sistemelor de evi Cable pipe protection systems

de protecie cabluri description
Sistemele pentru protecia cablurilor fac parte deasemenea Cable protection systems are also part of the solutions offered
din soluiile pe care Teraplast le ofer pentru aplicaiile by Teraplast for infrastructure applications as electricity
din infrastructur, deoarece reelele electrice sunt o parte networks are an important part of these applications.
important a acestor aplicaii.
In addition to this range, Teraplast offers piping systems
Pe lng aceast gam, Teraplast ofer i sisteme de evi for the protection of electrical cables installed in buildings,
pentru protecia cablurilor electrice instalate n cldiri, systems that you can see in the second part of the catalog
sisteme pe care le putei vizualiza n partea a doua a Building Installations.
catalogului Instalaii pentru cldiri.
Teraplast manufactures and offers a wide range of pipe
Teraplast produce i ofer o gam variat de sisteme de evi systems for the protection of electrical buried cables from
pentru protecia cablurilor electrice ngropate din care se which you can choose depending on the application to be
poate opta n funcie de aplicaia ce trebuie executat astfel: executed as follows:
Sistemul de evi din PVC cu muf lis; Smooth socket PVC pipe system;
Sistemul de evi corugate din polietilen; Polyethylene corrugated pipe system;
Sistemul de evi din polietilen pentru protecie fibr optic. Polyethylene pipes for fiber protection.
Toate aceste sisteme de evi se utilizeaz pentru protejarea All these pipe systems are used for mechanical protection of
mecanic a cablurilor electrice sau de telecomunicaii ce se electrical or telecommunication cables buried installation.
monteaz ngropat.
The optimal solution, respectively choose of the optimal
Alegerea soluiei optime, respectiv a sistemului, se face system is made depending on the application that is going
n funcie de aplicaia ce urmeaz s fie pus n oper i to be installed and stiffness requirements imposed by the
cerinele de rigiditate impuse de aplicaia respectiv. application.
Durata de viaa a sistemelor de evi de protecie fabricate din The life of the protection pipe systems made of PVC or PE is
PVC sau PE este estimat la minim 50 de ani. estimated at a minimum 50 years.
Aceste sisteme cu rezisten mare la coroziune se pot instala These systems with high corrosion resistance can be installed
simplu i extrem de rapid, in special n cazul sistemelor ce au simple and very quickly, especially if the systems are made
n componen tevile livrate in colaci. up of pipes supplied in coils.

Sistemul de evi de protecie din PVC cu muf lis The PVC protection pipes with smooth socket
Teraplast produce evi din PVC-U cu perete compact, rigide, Teraplast produce PVC rigid pipes with compact wall, for
pentru protecia cablurilor prevzute cu muf pentru lipire cable protection provided with glue socket according SR EN
conform standardului SR EN 61386-24 n clasele L si N. 61386-24 standard in classes L and N.
Cele dou clase sunt rezultatul clasificrii evilor pentru protecie The two classes are the result of the classification of protection
cabluri, n funcie de rezistena acestora la impact astfel: cable pipes, according to their impact resistance as follows:
Clasa L = condiii uoare de lucru (cel putin 9 eantioane trec Class L = light-duty (at least 9 samples pass the test of
testul de rezisten la impact cu ciocanul de 3kg). resistance to impact hammer 3kg).
Clasa N = condiii normale de lucru (cel putin 9 eantioane Class N = normal conditions (at least 9 samples pass the test
trec testul de rezisten la impact cu ciocanul de 5kg). impact resistance hammered 5kg).
Pe lng aceasta clasificare mai exist o clasificare n funcie Besides this classification there is a classification depending
de rezistena la compresiune. Astfel att evile din clasa on the compressive strength. Thus both pipes in class L and
L ct i cele din clasa N se clasific din punct de vedere al N are classified in terms of compressive strength according
rezistenei la compresiune n funcie de urmatoarele valori: to the following values: 250, 450 or 750 N.
250, 450 sau 750 N. Class and impact resistance must to be marked on PVC pipes
Clasa i rezistena la impact trebuie obligatoriu marcate pe for cable protection.
evile de PVC pentru protecie cabluri. The diameter range is between 32 and 140mm for the pipes
Gama de diametre este cuprins ntre 32 i 140 mm pentru produced in class L and between 63 and 250mm for the pipes
tuburile din clasa L i ntre 63 i 250mm pentru evile din produced in class N.
clasa N. The pipes are produced in most of the cases in bars of 6m
evile se produc n bare, n special cu lungimile de 6m, ns length but for some of the diameters are available also in 4m
pentru anumite diametre se produc i la lungimea de 4m. length bars. 320
since 1896

Sistemul de evi corugate de protecie din PE PE corrugated cable protection pipe system
Sistemul de tevi flexibile corugate din polietilen pentru The PE flexible double wall corrugated protection pipe
protecia cablurilor este un sistem ce cuprinde evi din PE system is a complete system comprising of PE double wall
corugate cu perete dublu ce se utilizeaz n aplicaii n care corrugated pipes, which is used in applications where it is
este solicitat asigurarea unei rigiditi inelare ridicate. required to ensure a high ring stiffness.
Conductele corugate au peretele interior neted, din polietilen Corrugated pipes have a smooth inner wall, made in medium-
de medie densitate, iar cel exterior, din polietilen de nalt density polyethylene, and the outer one, high-density polyethylene,
densitate, profilat i lipit de cel interior n zonele de contact. shaped and glued to the inner wall in the contact areas.
Structura corugat asigur flexibilitatea conductei i un The corrugated structure provides pipe flexibility and a
consum minim de material pe unitatea de lungime, pentru minimum consumption of material per unit of length for a
un diametru i o rigiditate inelar date. given diameter and a ring stiffness.
evi corugate cu perete dublu din PE pentru protecia cablurilor The PE double wall corrugated pipes for cable protection are
sunt produse conform standardului SR EN 61386-24 n clasa N produced according to SR EN 61386-24 in class N normal
condiii normale de lucru iar rezistena la compresiune este working conditions and the compression resistance is >450N.
>450N. Gama de diametre este cuprins ntre 40 i 200mm. Diameter range is between 40 and 200mm.
evile se produc i se livreaz n colaci cu lungimi diferite, in The pipes are produced and delivered in coils with different
funcie de diametrul evii. Fiecare colac este prevazut cu o lengths depending on pipe diameter. Each set is equipped with
mufa special dubl pentru conectarea cu tronsonul urmtor. a special double coupler for connecting with the next section.

Sistemul de evi de protecie din PE The PE pipe protection system

Sistemul de tevi din polietilen pentru protecia cabluri Polyethylene pipes system for telecom cables and optical
telecomunicaii i fibre optice este un sistem ce cuprinde fiber protection is a system comprising PE pipes similar to
evi din PE similar cu evile din PE pentru ap. PE pipes for water.
evile au peretele interior i exterior neted, cu rezisten Inner and outer pipes have smooth, high impact resistance
ridicat la impact i compresiune. Gama de diametre este and compressive. The range of diameters is between 25 and
cuprins ntre 25 i 110mm. 110mm.
evile se produc i se livreaz n colaci cu lungimi diferite, in The pipes are produced and delivered in coils with different
funcie de diametrul evii. mbinarea ntre capetele de colaci se lengths depending on pipe diameter. Joining between the ends
face fie prin sudur fie cu ajutorul fitingurilor de compresiune. of coils is done either by welding or using compression fittings.

Transport, manipulare, depozitare Transport, handling, storage

i instalare and installation
Cnd se transport evile, se vor utiliza vehicule a cror When transporting pipes, flat-bed vehicles shall be used. The
platforme trebuie s fie libere de cuie sau alte protuberane bed shall be free from nails and other metallic protuberances,
metalice ce pot deteriora evile. which may damage the pipes.
La manipularea tevilor asigurai-v s prevenii deteriorarea When handling the pipes, take care to prevent damage.
acestora. Produsele din material plastic pot fi deteriorate Plastics products can be damaged when in contact with
atunci cnd n intr n contact cu obiecte ascuite sau n cazul sharp objects or if dropped, thrown or dragged along the
n care cad, sunt aruncate sau trte pe sol. n cazul descrcrii ground. In case of unloading pipes from the trucks with a
evilor din camioane cu o macara utilizai centuri textile. crane use textile belts.
If loading or unloading pipes using forklifts, ensure that only
n cazul n care evile se ncarc sau descarc folosind
fork lift trucks with smooth forks should be used.
stivuitoare, asigurai-v s fie folosite numai motostivuitoarele
cu furci netede. Rezistena la impact a produselor din plastic The impact resistance of plastics products is lowered at
este redus la temperaturi foarte sczute. Recomandam o very low temperatures. We recommend special attention to
atenie deosebi la manevrarea evilor i fitingurilor n cazul handling pipes and fittings when the ambient temperature
n care temperatura este sub -5C. is below -5C.
When storing pipes and fittings on site, the contractor must
La depozitarea evilor i fitingurilor n antier, acestea
store the pipes on flat surfaces without sharp objects (stones
trebuie depozitate pe suprafee plane, fr obiecte ascuite
or bumps).
(pietre sau proeminene).
When stored on a longer term (6+ months) it is recommended
n cazul depozitrii pe o perioad mai ndelungat (peste to protect pipes from solar radiation in a manner that does
6 luni) se recomand protejarea evilor de radiatiile solare not obstruct the ventilation.
astfel nct sa nu se mpiedice aerisirea acestora.
Installation of the protection pipes will be made according
Instalarea evilor de protecie se va face conform instruciunilor to the instructions provided by the supplier.
puse la dispoziie de catre furnizor. 321
since 1896

eav PVC protecie cabluri tip L- montaj ngropat

PVC cable protection pipes type L - underground installation

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Rezist. la Lungime

D (mm) s (mm) compresiune (N) (m)
VTE250L032018L6GR 32 1,8 250 6
VTE450L032024L6GR 32 2,4 450 6
VTE450L040020L6GR 40 2,0 450 6
VTE450L040018L6GR 40 1,8 450 6
VTE750L040030L6GR 40 3,0 750 6
VTE250L050018L6GR 50 1,8 250 6
VTE450L050024L6GR 50 2,4 450 6
VTE750L050037L6GR 50 3,7 750 6
VTE250L063018L6GR 63 1,8 250 6
VTE250L063019L6GR 63 1,9 250 6
VTE250L075018L6GR 75 1,8 250 6
VTE250L090018L6GR 90 1,8 250 6
VTE450L090027L6GR 90 2,7 450 6
VTE750L090030L6GR 90 3,0 750 6
VTE750L090043L6GR 90 4,3 750 6
VTE250L110022L6GR 110 2,2 250 6
VTE450L110032L6GR 110 3,2 450 6
VTE750L110040L6GR 110 4,0 750 6
VTE750L110053L6GR 110 5,3 750 6
VTE250L125025L6GR 125 2,5 250 6
VTE750L125037L6GR 125 3,7 750 6
VTE450L140041L6GR 140 4,1 450 6
VTE750L140067L6GR 140 6,7 750 6

Not Note
evile sunt produse conform SR EN 61386-24. Pipes produced according SR EN 61386-24.
Clasa L = condiii uoare de lucru - minim 9 eantioane L Class = light-duty - at least 9 samples pass the resistance
trec testul de rezisten la impact cu ciocanul de 3kg. impact test with 3kg hammer.

eav PVC protecie cabluri tip N - montaj ngropat

PVC cable protection pipes type N - underground installation

Cod articol Diametrul Grosime Rezist. la Lungime

D (mm) s (mm) compresiune (N) (m)
VTE750N063030L6GR 63 3,0 750 6
VTE750N063047L6GR 63 4,7 750 6
VTE750N075036L6GR 75 3,6 750 6
VTE750N075056L6GR 75 5,6 750 6
VTE750N090067L6GR 90 6,7 750 6
VTE750N110053L6GR 110 5,3 750 6
VTE750N110082L6GR 110 8,2 750 6
VTE750N125093L6GR 125 9,3 750 6
VTE250N140104L6GR 140 10,4 750 6
VTE750N160047L6GR 160 4,7 750 6
VTE750N160077L6GR 160 7,7 750 6
VTE750N160119L6GR 160 11,9 750 6
VTE750N200149L6GR 200 14,9 750 6
VTE750N225108L6GR 225 10,8 750 6
VTE250N250049L6GR 250 4,9 250 6
VTE750N250119L6GR 250 11,9 750 6
VTE750N250186L6GR 250 18,6 750 6

Not Note
evile sunt produse conform SR EN 61386-24. Pipes produced according SR EN 61386-24.
Clasa N = condiii normale de lucru - minim 9 eantioane N Class = normal working conditions - at least 9 samples
trec testul de rezisten la impact cu ciocanul de 5kg. pass the resistance impact test with 5kg hammer. 322
since 1896

evi corugate din PE protecie cabluri electrice - montaj ngropat

PE corrugated cable protection pipes - underground installation

Cod articol Diametrul Livrarea

D (mm)
TFL0018 40 colac 50m
TFL0020 50 colac 50m
TFL0022 63 colac 50m
TFL0021 75 colac 50m
TFL0012 90 colac 50m
TFL0013 110 colac 50m
TFL0025 125 colac 50m
TFL0019 160 colac 50m
TFL0027 200 colac 25m

Not Note
Fiecare colac este prevzut cu o muf dubl pe conectare. Each coil is delivered with a double coupler for connection.
evile sunt disponibile n culorile rou i negru. La The pipes are available in red and black colour. On
comand se pot executa i n alte culori. request can be delievered other colours.

eav polietilen telecomunicaii - protecie fibr optic

HDPE telecom pipes - optical fiber protection

Cod articol Diametrul Grosimea Livrarea

D (mm) s (mm)
COD0373 25 2,0 colac 200-1000m
TPE0055 32 2,0 colac 200-1000m
TPE059 40 2,0 colac 250-800m
COD0374 25 2,3 colac 200-1000m
TPE0270 32 2,4 colac 200-1000m
COD0375 40 2,3 colac 250-800m
TPE0143 40 2,4 colac 250-800m
TPE0267 40 3,0 colac 250-800m
TPE0287 40 3,7 colac 250-800m
TPE0170 63 3,0 colac 250m
TPE0272 63 3,6 colac 250m
TPE0151 90 5,3 colac 100m
TPE0274 90 5,4 colac 140m
TPE0171 110 6,3 colac 100m
COD0376 110 6,6 colac 100m 323
since 1896 324
Teraplast i rezerv dreptul de a aduce modificri de natur tehnic, estetic i comercial fr nici o obligaie sau preaviz.
Varianta cea mai actual a catalogului o vei gsi pe site-ul
since 1896

Parc Industrial Teraplast Parc Industrial Teraplast Parc Industrial Teraplast Str. Trpiului, Nr. 27A, Nagysndor Jzsef ut37
DN15A (Reghin-Bistria), DN15A (Reghin-Bistria), DN15A (Reghin-Bistria), Bistria, Cod 427298, Szolnok, Hungaria
Km 45+500, Cod 427298, Km 45+500, Cod 427298, Km 45+500, Cod 427298, Tel: +4(0) 363 101 777
Jud. Bistria-Nsud Jud. Bistria-Nsud Jud. Bistria-Nsud Fax: +4(0) 363 101 777
Tel: +4(0) 374 461 529 Tel: +4(0) 263 238 202 Tel: +4(0) 263 235 901 E-mail:
Fax: +4(0) 263 231 221 Fax: +4(0) 263 234 707 Fax: +4(0) 263 235 800


Calea Bucuretilor, Nr. 1, Str. Calea Bucureti, Nr. 249A, DN 2B Km6, Zona Tirighina, Str. Orizontului, Nr. 1,
Cod 075100, Jud. Ilfov Cod 500299, Jud. Braov Cod 800416, Jud. Galai Cod 330181, Jud. Hunedoara
E-mail: Tel: +4(0) 268 336 011 Tel: +4(0) 236 306 257 Tel: +4(0) 354 418 455
Fax: +4(0) 268 336 011 Fax: +4(0) 236 306 258 Fax: +4(0) 354 418 455
E-mail: E-mail: E-mail:

Ediia februarie 2017

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