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Blackmore's Night Gone With The Wind Elfjta a szl

Twisting turning Fordulat, sodrs,

Oh The winds are burning Mindent felget szelek,
Leaving me without a name Nvtelenl hagyva engem.
How will we ever find our way... Valaha utunk megtalljuk-e?
Snow was falling Szakadt a h,
I could hear the frightened calling Hallottam a rmlt hvst,
Fear taking over every man Mindenkin rr lett a flsz.
Life meaning nothing more than sand... Az let nem ms, mint kzdtr.

Wind will sweep away Elspri nyomt a szl,

The traces I was here Annak, hogy itt jrtam
A story in a teardrop Egy knnycseppnyi trtnet,
That's all I have to give... Amit mg adnom kell.
Rage inferno swallowing the life that I know Ismert letem dhng pokol nyeli el,
Strength is the only way to fight A kzdelem tja a kitarts.
You must look up to see the light... Az gre nzz, hogy a fnyt lsd!
Gone With The Wind... Elfjta a szl
Gone With The Wind... Elfjta a szl
Gone With The Wind... Elfjta a szl

Take all I know Vigyl mindent,

Turn it into darkened shadows Vljon jstt rnyakk,
They'll disappear in the sun Eltnnek hamar, ha kel a nap.
When a new story has begun Ha j trtnet kezddik majd,
She survived the nightmare a rmlmot tllve,
Began a whole new life here Teljes j letet kezdett itt
But I can see behind those eyes De ltom szeme gdrben,
She still sees those fires in the night... Mg mindig ltja az j tzt
Twisting and turning Fordulat, sodrs,
Oh, the winds are burning A szelek felgetnek,
Leaving me without a name Nvtelenl hagyva engem.
How will we ever find our way... Valaha megleljk-e utunk?

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