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I aH.

.::^- anthorrhiza
ttz Arnoniurn


*'"":-fffi :,*, j *** ;t*t *u'u#
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tr--H:t *flT-arnents)are
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,.ou"* covered
;;;;ttt u* tlssasins
*tt:' "';-'^-:'. for the ejs'
tacrorr i"' --
#*t^*,,"'" *,i'il'T

;ail'itgr+qTTqtrrgqtainqqr grT[ I
a-?i qfu g{ii ia* qqairiqB u q.-{ u
?ftas* qrg*t q g*eaewfi q I

fbrtwt*si at qffi qqqRqr{

q$s{iftai Oqtqers'aqt fhqn'ru ?,a u
gETi frrrii? ai qF.i. qcisriff ;rt: ll Rts ll
arffirqfld.gui ftiq irfrftrdt gurq r

HareryuE ( Pisum satiuum Linn.

), prt2ahgu ( Cailicarpa ?nacr,-
pfulk Vahl. ), pTtlmika ( Nigella satiaa Linn. ), kejari ( Mesua
ferrea Linn. ), naklta ( ? ), hnuera ( paaonia odorata wilrd. ), candana
( san:talum album Linn. ), patra ( cinnamomum tamara Nees and
Eberum ), taak ( Cinnamomum zrylanicumBlume
), ela ( Etettaria
cardamomum Maton ), ulira ( vetiauia zizanioides Nurr,
i, padnaka
( Prurus cerasoides D. Don. ), dhydmaka ( clmbopogon schoenanthus
Spreng. ),madhu,ka ( GQcyrrhiaa glabra Linn.
/, mdfnsi ( Nardosta.
clrys jatamansi DC. ), guggulu ( Commifora mukul Engl.
), aguru
( Aquilarta agallocha Roxb. ), larkard (sugar bark of n2agroilha
( Ficus bengalensis Linn. /, udumbma ( Ficus racem,sa- Linn.
aluattha ( Ficus religiosn Linn. ), plak;a ( Ficus locor Buch-Ham.')',
and lodhra ( s2mplocos racem,sa Roxb.
), uaryta (cltpuus tenuiflorui),
sarjarasa ( resin of' vateria indica Linn.
), mustd ( c2perus rotundus
Linn. /, laileya ( Pennellia perf,rata
), kamala ( Netumbo nacfera
Gaertn. ), utpala ( Jt$mphaea alba Linn.
extract from Pinus roxburghif sargent
), lriae;{aka ( resinous
), iallaki ( Bosuellia serrata
Roxb. ), lukabarha ( 7 ),-all these drugs should Le ground, made
to a paste and applied to a reed, and then made into a cigar of
the shape of a barley grain having the thickness ( at the centre
of a thumb and length of eight fingers breadth; it should then be
dried up and the reed be taken out of it :
with the herp of a
pipe, one should regularly smoke that cigar after greasing it
with some unctuous substance and applying fire to Thisit.
is altogether harmless.
It is true that application of
coflyrium in eyes herps eliminating the
kopha element from the eyes but that is not enough. A part ofthe vitiated
kapha of the head which is not easily eriminated
by the application of
collyrium is instantaneously eliminated by smoking. so,
iust aftcr
describing collyrium, the process of smoking has been
cescribea nere.
It4 cARAKA.SA\,{HlTA I cu.

aeqa+4Mdkg*,idq*r u R.\ n
ui6 qgti: qril r*t qeqarq r

One should srnoke unctuous cigars made of useful drugs of

sweet taste along with fat of muscle, ghee, and bee wax
according to the prescribed method. [ 25 I
All these drugs are to be mixed in such a proportion that the
resultant produet ean easily take the form ofa eigar"

' sfrftq61 +q furd qilfhffi n R,q n

cr.'qT*rrgarnen qTi q$f&ffi I

For the elirnination af dasw from the head, smoking of cigars

made of iuetd ( white variety of Clitoria ternatea tinn. ), 11oti;mati
( Celastrws paniculatws Willd. ), orpiment, realgar and other
fragrant articles like agurw ( Aquilaria agalacha Roxb. ), patra
( Cinnamomurn tamala I'{ees and Eberum ), etc. is prescribed. I lO ]
Among the drugs eoming under aguru ( Aquitaria agalocha Roxb. ),
ete" such of the drugs as are exceedingly irritating, for example kuEtha
{ saussurea lappa e. B. clarke and tagara ( valeriana wallichi Dc. are )
to be avoided as there is danger of the brain matter being oozed out
there by-cf. Cikitsa 26 : 182. and Suiruta : Cikltsa 40 z 3.

Aduantages of smaking :
.r)(d fhrs: ?&t qlqe,trtq*qs'l lt R.e lt
sofifW Frcr*r f?.spqrqt {rosrf I

q-cdfeqqTqlqr ,frasrqtmtqq! lt Rc Nl

q{haturcatruwa {raqryqfrqqr t

gTFzTFr! qsr ftqqr wqgil gG it a< tr

q}Ecsffi **i c.t-gqqqfHk*r r

t*rkzi ftqd?ri q *'wni qa;i der u 1.,

q{Egatrffiraw' Er gQdtisfhftqar r

{qqTarq sdrrrqfu e* }Tqfe qrfbsq il Rt

n \ FA
rtr{reFqlarimqFfrcfialr Glqq f I
n er fl'66q1rmrdt efirfrseqtrfrqTs{r il eR. il
{qq*.enqrqq 6q[crqr r ffiqar; I
Smoking cures heaviness of heacl, headache, rhinitis
hemicrania, earache, pain in eye, cough, hic-cough, dyspnoea,
obstruction in throat, weakness of teeth, discharge from the
and mouth'
ear' nose and eye' purulcnt smell from nose
norbid torticollis' pruritus' infective
ioothache' u'o"*iu] ii"t ';u*'
greying of hair, falling
of hair'
:onsilitis, uvulitis, alopecia,
excessive i'o*'i"J"' loss of consciousness' and
hair' skull bones' sense organs
h1'persomnia' tt ut'o strengthens
the diseases may be' pertaining
:nd voice. Ht*;t;-;;"g do not affect
to head and neck uriring
the person who is ;;
;" smoking by oral route' 127-32l
khedule Jor smoking :
ti ??' ll
cft{rfih il{qlg\ i6'tst!- dqi{fiffiat
ql6altnugtTAt': qr&Ag k awhq

II?EII gd egk*q ?il

trariig.q tt lts lt
qnit irlqt
;;#Fqoa- *'-*u'u'qelXt:itr{srr ll e\ ll
aql qrciffitqrft c
trn<q e Qqt qScwadi*eae* smoking because

Eight times ul'" p'"'"'iUt1 ?t these times' That is to
adta, pi,tta d ko;;;gii;itiutta
^ 'during after bathing' eating'
say' one having itiiti**t should
'*"okt of
brushing the teeth' inhalation
*uit'iut' apfii"atio" of collyrium [and after sleep'
medicated of head
eight tl*"*"; pttu*tt
This ( srnoking;;il'" of ttopno and^t!!a' smoking
from the vitiation
and neck resulting
puffs each time. [ 33-35 ]
is to be aorr" trrri".-three
been prescribed for
habitual smoking with
Eight definite times have
for unctuou' t: n":'1:LJh"n ralc
The time p"t"'iiti 'tJto' 'th:
vitiatedbecause'OiJ""'i""ofsmokingisusefulforcuring-diseasesdue time suited
irr"-n.ri'"a *rr"" rrrpl," g"" vitiated
to,rata. si.*urrv '^;;;^;;;t:kiog' itluit" -1t^-1"
this is a prescribed
for the etiminotivrt
d;*il;; to the vitiati on of kapha'
for the cure of is responsiblc
-in"thabitual s1o]<ine
it- t".1:: for
plri ir. trealth; it why timings. of its adminis-
for the maintena'#? s"*"' ;;;;t t'oia tu" view that these
tration ur" t"o'i'-o-*d'h"'"' th11 u"J'itt of smoking' viz" prayogika
ro' utt the
timings u'" n'"'l'iJti j *oit'it'o' o'uottuout variety and vairecanlka
( meant f"' U"Uit""i for the
because all of them are responsible
or eliminative variety
maintenance of positive health-thc latter two specially by preventing
the occurrence of diseases due to vata and kapha respectively.
Whenever cigars are tobe smoked, consecutively three puffs are
to be taken each time. One is required to pause a little after smoking
once ( consisting of three puffs ) and then repeat smoking for the second
and third times in the same manner.

qt f,ii.Ffirdcrdt tqq6; srAg gfecr{. lt aq tt

\\ \nl r. l
s'irn, taf6d rH, arcri i*qqrf,Gq t

During the prescribed times, a

wise person should smoke
twice for habitual variety of smoking, once for unctuous
variety and three to four times for the eliminative variety
of smoking. [ 36 ]

6itfr{iqudgfUd$,i itqq' ttqr ll ?s ll

rrlfrarci iqui rrt=rdiin{T a,q{qq, I

Clarity of mind, throat and sense organs, lightness of head

and elimination of the above mentioned are features of
correct smoking. [ 37 ]

Complications of smoking :
qrFrririlni{qsci qfffH' filuuqn 1z tt
e{{rA arR'iiaer {c, gqigqqqrq, t
If untimelydone or overdone, smoking causes such troubles
as deafness, blindness, dumbness, bleeding from different parts of
the body and giddiness. [ 38 ]
Treatment of complications :

d+!i q+frhr qr+ arr{rwdadurqtt Aq tl

uai {ra arg: iqarg,ir qiE r

qfti A (fiftt t<r-:aBsnfR' Ftq{qrq. tt tso ll

If troubles ( due to untimely and over smoking ) arise,
intake of ghee, administration of nasal drops, collyrium and
demulscent drinks are prescribed. These should be prepared with
unctuous drugs in the event of vitiation of udlu associated with
pitta, with cooling drugs in the case of raktapitta" and with arid
drugs in the event of vitiation of kapha and pitta. [ 39-40 ]
'.'- s0rnesrsiN,r
1,.:.Jr a.i ndic ations for smoking :
qt iqa: c;rqqrftq qfr AEi frqQa. I
a Gfiu; fniq *{d EA qftil{ffh n tsq, u
a ctt c Riqrd c" {tqa q rrfiuft r

>Th n qa qfi q fi* c cqrrtnBRn

"a q;efiHqqtorrg q eTtQ a1|q q qri r
a nagr) dttar q a tid q q qrk{q l tsA u
ttr+i a g+ar ir ? Gqri $.q qq q
+itr I
a drg{iti fiftt &rttqtffi a qneau
a ug* a itRoqi q iE ;r qEri r
qg {qrr*l}g *irarq f,qqid .ir m, u B\ lt
rrqnmq lrdrftfr qrcort qei*umq r

Now I shall exprain the situations ( conditions

snroking is prohibited. A person after ) in which
taking emesis or purgative
:r enerna' or a person having bleeding through differeni
rf the body, or one affiicted with toxins or a
lrieFstricken person
should not smoke; a pregnant weman
should also refrain from
smoking; similarly one should not
smoke when he is fatigued or
Lrtoxicated. smoking is also prohibited
ir1 the event of the vitia.
tion of digestion including metaborism
vitiation of pitta, vigsr,
lainting, giddiness, morbid thirst, consumption
and pnifririr.
one should not smoke after having taken
liquor or milk or fatty
substances or honey or curd; ,ro''
orr. should smoke when there
is roughness in his b:d.r o1 he is
enraged. Smoking is also prohi.
bited in the event of the dryness of
pilat., faintini, injury to the
head, iahkltaka ( a type of headache
in the t.lrporut regiori
marked by exessive.pain and swelring-usua'y
killing a patient in
three days ), rohirli ( a condition cha-racterised
by e*tensive and
painful swelling at the base of the tongue
diabetes and narcosis..
One who, out of ignorance, ,moke, in ),contravention
situations, subjects himself to various
of these
serious diseases. These
diseases become severe due to
the adverse effect of improper
smoking. | 4I-45

Routes of smoking :
*tre,i'Rtr fiAN Mttzfi lt tsq tl

HTftilq ffiq6A g&q sroT'it alq t

srq qrrqtffirq. fteq HTfud *ailq n se ll
qffi"d q-& arg qfr Rwrfb Engdi I
One for whom the smoking is prescribed should smoke
through the nose in tire event of diseases relating to the head,
nose and eyes, and thro,ugh themouth for diseases of the throat.
While srnoking through the nose, one should exhale through
mouth but if one srnokes through the rnouth,he should not exhale
through the nose treeause of the smoke moving in the reverse
| +6-+7 7
direction instantaneously affects the eyes.
xsqtrqEa'arr qqfbekq*<q tt ae tt
fta{-=6if fttrrid ;rrcpr{ {rrqTeqql*,
With the body erect, eyes looking front, mind concentrated
and having sel$control, one should sit at ease and smoke three
tirnes, thrice during each time, through one nostril while closing
the other one" [ 4E ]
The rules regarding smoking as explained in this verse are to be observ'
ed for the entire duration of smoking.

Si,ze and shaPe of the smoking PiPe :

q-dffi{rfeffi A* drgdi$rfritqh tt eq tt
errq$q q*a cfrtsuqdflq* r

For the elirninative tvpe of smoking, the length of the pipe

should be twenty four fingers; for unctuous smoking, of thirty
two frngers; whiie for habitual smoking, of thirty six fingers
( finger breadth is to be rneasurad with one's own finger ). t 49 ]
sg &dtqrqfbd * \o lt
eRaea.qqq6?i Wad m*oe I

The best pipe is one which is straight, having three knots,

whose mouth is of the size of the stone of a kola fruit ( lr,zlphus
jujuba Lam. ) and wtrich is made of the same material as that of
the enema pipe. [ 50 ]

(a&ihiar {dffit melaqoar n qq u

hf"dri Erse Tit qpnqrafRfra; r

The smoke used according to the prescribed dose and time

i' I sorlrestHfi$re 119

lose not affect the sense organs as it is not inhaled directly. It is

:nterrupted by knots and is attenuated by its flow through the
passage of the pipe. [ 51 ]
Features oJ good smoking :
qT{r *rar rn'uazr firqar 6gili aiq rt qq, rr

$$4r agai qr$ gftii .{q{G+( |

Sigrrs like lightness o[ the chest, throat, head and liquification

ol kapha are the features of correct smoking. [ 52 ]
Features of insfficient smoking :

edlg$ tqfr qtq e6qEH dfr rr*q ll q1 u

ftaffi lrcecq+qqql* {errrQiq I

Impairment of voice, presence of kapha ( phlegm ) in the

throat and heaviness of the head are the features of insufficient
smoking. [ 53 ]

Features of excessiue smoking :

drg qblt ir en'uaal g"qe qftacqe ll \B lt
Esqe gft q"( qqi q qqisrqq. t

Rrqq qqes?qei ql ercM lt qq n

qfuqrsgqaGq+ qistati filfii t

If one smokes in excess, his palate, head and throat

dried up andbecome hot. One feels thirsty and he becomes
unconscious; there is excessive bleeding; he gets excessive
giddiness in his head. There is fainting and his sense organs
become hot. [ 54-55 ]

Pnsonal futgiene : J{asal drops

et etsg*d q qt}g &g -n q\ tt qq tt,
qtEe^{rqeF*g rraAb arrm} t

One shouid inhale "Aryu taila" every year during the three
seasons, viz., the rainy season, the autumn and the spring, when
the sky is free from cloud. [ 56 ]
A4u taila is a special preparation for nasal therapy which is
useful for eradicating and preventing morbid conditions of inter'cellular
spaces and channels of the body.

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