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Course: Applied Linguistics 2

Mondays and Tuesdays at 2 p.m.

Profa. Dra. Cludia Jotto Kawachi Furlan
Activity 1
In groups of 3 or 4, use key words, symbols or
drawings to answer the following questions:

1. What is Applied Linguistics?

2. What do you know about Applied Linguistics?

3. What would you like to know about Applied


4. What do you expect from this course?

Reviewing: Applied Linguistics 1

Linguistics vs. Applied Linguistics

Language acquisition theories (behaviorism,

cognitivist, integrationist)

Acquisition vs. Learning (Krashens theory)

Teaching methods and approaches ??

Factors involved in learning / acquiring a language:

motivation, aptitude, age, beliefs.

Aspectos funcionais da linguagem.

Aprofundamento de conceitos bsicos da
anlise do discurso e da conversa. nfase nos
aspectos interacionais da linguagem com
implicaes para o ensino de Ingls como
lngua estrangeira.

To discuss what it means to study and do research in

the area of Applied Linguistics;

To consider different aspects that are involved in the

process of teaching and learning a foreign language;

To reflect about contemporary themes in the field of

Applied Linguistics;

To familiarize students with the terminology in the area;

To review concepts of interactional processes and


I) The field of Applied Linguistics

II) Teaching methods and approaches
III) Interaction processes / Pragmatics

IV) Contemporary themes in the field of Applied Linguistics

- Critical Applied Linguistics
- Multiliteracies / critical literacies

- Language policies
- Teaching EFL in different contexts

Presentation and explanation of the content;

Discussions and debates;

Research and reading (be prepared to read articles

and book chapters)

Summaries of assigned texts

Students are required to:

Attend classes;

Read the assigned texts;

Participate in the discussions and ask questions;

Hand in the assignments;

Control attendance and grades;

Be prepared for classes;

Work collaboratively.
Written exam ( 0 10)
Assignments ( 0 10 )

1. Critical summary

2. Report

3. Questionnaire
4. Review

Assignments should be handed/delivered on time.

Presentation ( 0 10)
Choose one theme in the field of Applied Linguistics
that you would like to study.

Select two - three texts about it or one thesis /


Present a brief summary of the texts you read by

emphasizing the theoretical background and
implications in this area of study.
For next classes

March 28th: Read the introduction of

Techniques and Principles in Language
Learning(p. X XIV)

April 3rd: Read the text Fotografias da

Lingustica Aplicada no campo de Lnguas
Estrangeiras no Brasil(Moita Lopes, 1998)
ALMEIDA FILHO, J.C.P. Lingustica Aplicada, Ensino de Lnguas e Comunicao. Campinas: Pontes, 2007, 111p.

BROWN, Douglas H. Teaching by Principles: an interactive approach to language pedagogy. Longman, 2001.

BROWN, Douglas, H. Principles of language learning and teaching. Fourth Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, 2000.

ELLIS, R. Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

KRASHEN, Stephen.D. The input hypothesis: issues and implications. London, New York: Longman, 1986.

KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Toward a Post-Method Pedagogy. TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 4, Winter 2001. Disponvel em %20Pedagogy.pdf

LARSEN-FREEMAN, D. ; ANDERSON, M. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 252p.

LIGHTBOWN, P. & SPADA, N. How Languages are Learned. Oxford: OUP, 2004.

MOITA LOPES, L. P. Oficina de Lingstica Aplicada. A Natureza Social e Educacional dos Processos de Ensino/Aprendizagem de
Lnguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras. 1996.

RAJAGOPALAN, K. & LACOSTE, Y A Geopoltica do Ingls. So Paulo: Parbola Editorial, 2005

RICHARDS, J. & J. SCHMIDT. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 1983.

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