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Tribune August 7, 2104

Lulu Yu / U.S. Tribune / 7 August 2104

Return to Agriculture? Nations Must Decide

Nine years ago, due to the rising species of wheat had been modified so that it
temperatures of the globe, the Norwegian was resistant to all types of pesticides and it
Svalbard Global Seed Vault was flooded by would be able to grow season after season
melted permafrost, destroying nearly all of without fail. In the United States, farmers
the worlds scarce crop diversity. All around immediately began mass cultivating this
the world, previously common crops such as wheat crop in order to support the massive
corn, organic tomatoes, and even potatoes American population. Similarly in Europe,
became obsolete in the agricultural industry this all-resistant wheat had become a staple
and soon the human diet. in European living and dining. This alternate
food source seemed to be flourishing and
succeeding in maintaining the world
population, until the turn of the 22nd
century, when a sudden wheat blight hit and
consequently devastated the remaining
farms on the earth.
With the ever growing threat of mass
starvation, nations all around the globe
began planning methods of survival for their
populations. A popular back up plan for
several industrialized countries like the
United States and the European Union was
the utilization and implementation of food
replacement pills into their societies. Some
governments, like the American and British
governments had already manufactured
In the United States, the only
some types of food replacement pills a few
remaining crop available to the population
years prior. Named MRE pills, they were
was a genetically engineered wheat. This
U.S. Tribune August 7, 2104

used in the military as supplements and those in the European Union simply
werent available to the general public. distributed the nutrition pills for free.
Five years after the implementation
of the GFU pills, early this year, the barren
farms across the world recovered from the
obliterating wheat blight and the extreme
amounts of pesticide sprayed on them.
Farms around the world have begun to be
tested for fertility in growing seeds of the
few crops nations still have. Countries in
Europe begin to plant sweet potato as a new
food staple.
The European Union reached a
consensus stating that they will discontinue
the distribution of food replacement pills,
and instead return to growing crops and
rebuilding Europes seed bank, beginning
with potatoes, wheat, and corn. Along with
their return to farming, the European Union
bans monoculture and declares that their
But in response to this major health nations must practice crop rotation in order
crisis, MRE pills become available to the to preserve the natural biodiversity of
public, advertised as the GFU, or Good For crop-growing.
U, pill. The sales of this pill immediately
skyrocketed in the American population.
However, these supplements soon became
scarce due to its low production rate. Many
people in America took up government jobs
in order to receive the nutrition pills since
U.S. Government employees received
priority for the pills. Soon, nearly the entire
nation was employed in the government,
allowing them prioritized access to the pill.
The scramble for well-ranked positions in
Contrary to the European Union, the
the American government became prevalent
United States declares that the pill provides
in everyday American life as it became a
the population with sufficient nutrients at
vital part in maintaining the well-being of
lower production costs, and so agriculture
American citizens. Unlike the American
will not be implemented into American
government however, other countries like
U.S. Tribune August 7, 2104

society again. Due to the GFU pills, the

American population has experienced
weight loss and heightened efficiency in
daily life. Furthermore, the government has
gained increased mobility due to their influx
of employees and money saved from the
absence of agricultural investments.
With Bill 15, the United States
government bans the production of crops
and declares a law stating nutritional pills
must be consumed. The government has
begun to promote the all-purposeness of the
GFU pills, as they contain sufficient
nutrition, protective substances, and
essential fiber to the citizens. Bill 15
furthermore establishes an embargo on
foreign foods and prevents any citizen from
practicing farming. Old farmland is decreed
to be urbanized and transformed into office
buildings as extensions of the government
office. Any object related to farming is
obliterated by the government, thus totally
eliminating agriculture from American

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