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Reducing Cutting Force Induced Bore Cylindricity Errors by Learning Control and Variable R. D. Hanson i, Grawvate Stude cell te we) Tsu-Chin Tsao Assoorie Povsscr Destine af Wecnanica anc Trowsal Engines Lnetiy 9 Moss at Ursa: raepain, Untaa, Tinos 618° Introduction F Although the purpese of the boring pesutun is to produce eylindical surfates, alien the machined suetuce lacks eylin [arity due co several Factors, These include spindle mation Femur, werkpiece ander machine ton vibration and dts on errors dus to workpiece flexibility, Far the list cas the eylindricty of tha machined surbuce 1 limited hy the degeey workpiece Mexibiiy. the severty of the cuting conditions, and the manner in which the paris held by the machine tnt fxture. a adeition, workpiece texioility ca Toul (0 eylindmtity errs from post-macioning defermation due to assembly or thermal messes. A notable example vy which Hexureinduced eylin- ticity errs are large concern i inthe preauction of engine FSylinder bores or lincrs (Kakade aud Clue. 1993, Sudastin al, 1993) where the luck of eylindneity can lead t© por fete periormance and excessive piston and wylinder wer ‘The conventional appreac to reece Mlexute-induced ey in icity ermrs isto use low material removal rslee and elaborate wine 4 ris = Poe a 8 Poiemping and restraint fixtures. This cosily approach may be ens followed by micro-sizing operations such as steess honing to tia fuer evie ne tnsehining erry a8 Well as to eorrest tor ‘machining deformation. However, if these errors are re Deatshle and can be quantified, ether by off line ealsuetion nr Oxrline measurement, ney can be eliminated during the machin if process by compensatis tool motion, To achieve err Beoimpensation, the depth of eut must be dynamically varied pce the Hexuze-induced ertors vary around the bore circum’ Fac, In tis paper. we propose & suo-fevel contol scheme ‘chieve compensation whieh consists of both Feartin and tte control, This method is illustrated in Pig. 1 i "9 Consecutive machining cycles are represented. Note that eVlindticity errors, are messed afi each workpiece has ‘machined and are then used by a learning eontvoller 9 int the reference signal. r. for the subsequent workpiece. 2 repetitive coatroller is used ducing each machin yele to accurately track the updated reference signal ead Wy te Manuftian Enserme Disco fe milion ate Brena ov hscracronne Scunct ave Ercmezane, Maney ed 1885 asouite Techs! Hate: Basu of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Depth of Cut Machining I ahi prior. mths $0" cieline compensation i eskindrscts vonevs in mle ores is jormutured and denionstated. The exlindrcity errors adresse are hove eaused by the elastic dijornation af the bore sell due fo forver applied t0 the hnorkptece burt hiring nel ater the inichinane prowess, Compensation re achioved sing a piezoelectric boring bur servo capable of varving che depuh ef ent raprdly for online Compensation at accoprable industrish melvin speeds, Conte 1) Boring bar servn consists nf hath learning and vepeive contral. Leeming coms! i cd ro determing the cutting ton veferense traje surfom, cad repesiiye serv) como! i ved to acer The tabs und convervenee ef the error esmannics A learatas vonerol sam are analysed wsing a adel jor the Herare-indeced machining wrror®. Expevitnenns! sesnits cemensirete thar he proposed methor! cae stenteuntts improve face esi dancin om machined components iy rere to achieve vom track th rajeronce Dae tors Variable depth of cut machining refers to shining syste lst have the ability to vary the depts oF ext rapidly by wing Fusciue seu, fn recent years, reseaucers tive invested the application of variable deh of cut macaining inthe produc liom ol nomeircule stapes on [athe (Bow eth, IPL: Miler ot al 1984; Rassmessen etal. 1908: Tomiaaka et al. 187) amd for dysamic cero compensation. Most ofthe researeh in ‘dynamic err eompensatien tis sarseled! sibration of spindle oti errs in precision rurming ¢Tomizuka eta 1947: Faw tt, 1954; Okavak, 1990: Wis, [YSN ar the ertor motion ot ike rotating cutter in boning (im et al. IK). The use a punts einee compensations hay ay hee comida ewer rmachiniew operaboos sach a6 end mil cand Perry, 02) and surtaes grinding @Wu, HORS Previous cescare in the area of dynamic errar compensation has dealt ith machining errors thar could be menitered during the machining operation (Chen and Yang. WH; Dow et a, 199}: Faweett, 1990; Li and Li, 199%: Liang and Berry, #992 Miller M_ Finally, let fs axcume thar thy serve tracking were ie nogligihle sien smplies se belie aide Tab = Fat) «sy By substituting Eqs, (14) ond (18) into Ey. (15) and ear ranging, we obtain the governing eqcation for this system which ean be expresned as oral [= Kt Kear — KK) | KEE Ky ihBmanlid ~ 6669 + ECE ~ Brsgmaal?) 19) From this equation, i ean be seem hat ifthe system is table and the inputs ave starionary, then ef = 1) + FL) asd Which implies etry =r Q asf fo Ea. 15), The sess wean be made stable if Ky is chosen sueh ti the eigentalues uf (Pd = dey] iad the unit dink. The saps are ston fry Hall che Input terms in Ey. (18) do oot change with the Inder (implying that theve terns are tepeatabke irom one ers. piece to another The above diseussin ean be susie th 3s follows, Ifthe process variation is zere aad the Fearming sa fs etuven si Wak the eigenvalues oF [PAU Ref ate inside the unit disk then the eylinaricity errors de ro wovkpiee ouibidity wall aaymaptotically sppeaach vat From Ey (9), its cleve thar the onsianal converzence take syll occur when K- inverts f — Ky. This is toe sugested choice for &, when the cutting stifness is of the same order of musa tude as the tatial stiffness oF the workpieve. However. {11s known that <2 1. which s Ue case forthe engine cylinders considered in (Subramani ot a, 19931 where [Ky] = 005, the omplenity of determining X can be avoided. In his ssration, by simply setting A. equal so the identity maths, rapid conver: _zence ofthe learning eanttol scheme will occur see this choice ‘OF K; is cloge to optimal, Note trem Eos. (7) and 10 | that tis sitaghion arises when dhe magnitude of che cutting stifness is rch less than the radial Satiaess ofthe worgpicee. The above conclusions can be restated in terms of the original lear tain At, 2) as follows: To achieve a stable proces feedback Eystem wich the optimal convergence rate, tbe leaming gain should be set equal to 44, 1 — bolt. ss and it LS foe tat fh 5) or al he lento set bi. Fig. 6 Block clagram ofthe novo feedback contol ayetn Journal of Manufacturing Science and Enaineerina AUGUST 1998, Vol, 120 / S91 (2) Cycle #1 (o) Cyete 3 (b) Cycle m2 / = Vo (a) Cycle mt Flo. 7- Gyimarcityeror praties obtained in machining experiment In the above analysis. ais assumed that the process aviation {s recw and thet all nesenepeating errars such as these aE 10 spindle error motion, are zero. Obvieusly, tis ideal case wi not he the siusrion é9 practice. and the proces watiotion san] omrepeating errors will ener inca the above process. Altmongh the eyiindricity ecmurs van no longer be expected! co sree. te vero. it the magnitude of Unese errors is telatvely small in comparison 1 the magnitude of the error associated with work Discs Nesibiity, a large reduction 9g te eylindricny errurs can sill be expected, Experimental Results “The ohjective of the experiment deste below iste demon Scale the eftestivencecof the proposed approach i= compen tng for fexune-indueed eylindricny erorw For this experiment thinewslled workpiesesthac were mounted ia'a Saw chu a show in Fig. 3 were machined. Te sverkpieces coms sted of 12.8 om lengths of 102 mm ciametersehedsle 89 suminum vie. For ene combined workmrece?sjae chuck struct. The ‘ada stfnoss ofthe strdctre i at is maximum a the 3 Ica Sings were the jaws came in cantace wit the wonRplece sd 838 minimum a¢ the # midpoinis between the manna, It workpiece Was righined usine 4 cemvenianat ating ar ond the resting cybnericity err profile wes measured while the Yerkpisce was sill mounted inthe Jew chach. a 7 lobed Surase rested gs shown Fig 7a). The goal ofthis exper emt as ke produce @cvfindicl Bure in the workpiece jaw 552 / Vol. 120, AUGUST i988 chuck structure: 16 drive the cuting force induced machin Ing errs to ere, A series of 8 workpieces was machined in this experiment, Amer each workpiece was machmes, the ¢ylinricity ertors were measured and used! in te learning contro! algoritim te maxhty the reference sigeal for the subsequent «yeh: THe cylinuiey ‘errors generated i tis experiment Were treated as I-dimensional feriors Fdepending ely: 8) die to the comtani workpiece’ fixture geomerry in the axial direction, and dhe eylindriity rors -ere measured at the mid-section of the workpiece only ‘The evlindnicity eros were measured wsing a surface gauge which was mounted stationary inside the bore of the machined workpiece, The probe mounted on the surtace gauge had a hall lip having a diameter of 3 mm. Using such a probe. the rapid ‘changes in che surface finish arc not detected tle measure ‘ment cbvained is representative of fos exer rath than surface roughness. The change inthe hae rtie way digitally revorid at 240 equally spaced points around the bore cireumference 3s. the workpiece was slowly rated abour che saindle axis, Using this measurement system, it was only possible fo measure rela liye changes in the hore radius. and as 2 resvit, static radius errors were not addressed in Uns eapenment, The cylindriity errors shown in the subsequent plots represent the dynamic Component of the tre eylindicity cris cuunputel a VC2) Sem Where i) is the measuremmen? obtained from the surface BaMg! and Sgr HS rhe average measurement over one spine oration. The eylindriity errors obtained in this manmer differ trom the tr cylindsicty errors by 2 constant offen ‘Transactions of tha ASME x Pook tally . | me Cycle Nember Fig. 8. Convergence of te leaning contrl system Each workpiece inthis experiment was machined in the iden ical fashion with the exception of che reference sigue! unc First, an instal diss cut was made using a eoastoot ‘adial oo! Position 0 retuce the wall thickaess of the workpiece tn 6.56 fim. A second poss was diem made in wane the raha tool Dosition was varied as specified hy the reference signa lo this is. the nominal depth of cul, tecdrats, spindie spect nd surface speed were 0.7 mim. 0.05 mites. 1000 apn and 638 vin respectively. Dring the first machining evcle (designated cycle #1) a sonstant reference signal ‘eoaslant radial tool position, wis wed. uit Ute results obtained age therefore represeAative SF conventional horing, The evlincriity rts that resale in ey le 1 are shown in Fig. 7a) im jwlarccaruinanes. tm ation, the cytindricty errs measured for ches 2, 3 and 4 are show io Fens. 7b), Tc and 14d}, eespestivaly, tn thene hgusens the Jos of the 3.jaw chuck contzecod the workpivees st the 210 an 330 degree jneations. From this sequence a figures. che improvement im eylindriity that is abained eli learning Sontrol is apparent. & ploe showing both the rams. sout-mtear Square} eeror and peak-so-valley Shor [yasuium sadsus nds ‘minimum radius) for eacis machining eyeie is shown in Fis, ¥ ‘As can fe seen. the peak-to-villey ewan. which man 42 0am ‘in the first machining eycle, decayed t@ no more tman &.] jem alter the Sith eycle, ‘The Teaming gein used in this experiment was hi Us. c.) = 1 for al & since i Was determined than bd, 5.) 0.059 for the vrorkpicue/ Yojaw chuck sinucture, The boul om the process ‘uit Was determined using results from eycle #1 of this exper men! which reprenents coxventignal borin. To compute this oun, it was assumed the disturmunces involved in 84, (91 Were seglisible (0's = 0) and thar the cutting radius af the Donny bar was eyuai to the desired bore radius Cr, = res) “Making these assumptions, Eq, (9) can be rewntten as Bs) a Wor Ti) Re eo Note that gna Fo epiesents dhe nontinal depth of cut associated With conventional boring, Therefore, hy knowing the cgminal depth of cut and the mausum eylindrcity emmor genetoed iad can be computed for &, using Bq. (20), Por the ini Borkpiece machined, the peal-co.valey cylindvcity ere wat 42.0 'mierons. Since the nominal depth of eut used was 076 un, a bound on &, sas computed 3 0.054, vournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineerina ‘The tact thatthe evlindricny errors did wot converse to zero tm this expenment can be atfributed 1 noise present is the Feedack sensor signal. error motions nf tke machine ton! stsue (ore und opin, and prowess anti, Discussion, In the experiment ave, the eres generated were [ime somal erors produced hs the cutting favees. The proposed si proach could also he used co compensate tor post machin sletormacicn if dhe process feedback meastinement was a after all sources af Hexure-induced errors were applied. Ad Fienally. compacsation for 2cimeasicnal une:y cul be lchieved it the process @edhack measurement system used Was Capable of measuring 2-imensional emma panties. The mes Sufement and compensation of post-machining aid 2-limene sional emor prailes is the Subject af Fonize research. Conelusions A model for bore eytindricity eror bus been developed toe the purpose af neacese tenbick como nysteen design. Thre ‘model relates the output variable (the eylindseity error) to the conti input | tke cutting too displacement), The model inl ales thatthe process gain varies with the variable iarapiese? fixture radial sifiness. Based on the mele, st cycle-owyeke peocess feeubuck leaening coments desizbee, and ts sea lity. And convergence criteria. which relates Wi che ¢ot4ad of ratio Hf the eunina atifInass te the workpiecer'ivtutestiTicsy. ‘s Uerved. A method to select lear gains for rapid stable error conergence is iven. The resilting compensating tnol motion 's pervstically varying wits respect to the spindle cotati, nd ‘is 1001 marion is eenerated prsetiely hy w plevoelectre deen Fast ool servo usta an Mkrepeliive conte evelapel in Flame son and Tso | 19561. An exporimestal demonstration shits thatthe eslindreits error wate neduset hy more tae 3 Urs jsompared (othe eonventiomal uncompensated machi Acknowledgment Tic srk way iigoin. Mavsfaa carn DMI9s238)5 jppered in par by the University af Researen Center and by NSH Grant References ‘Cae. md Gant Le Msgr Bao erin nce Prinses op S578 hen ana Yang C, 1%, “Dyagine Gms Teese be Spine ion of etuon Lathe” Paciion tmeaning Yo A rss 7. Miles, Mind Fair P1991, “pphtion o Movements isan Neen ah 1 Fs Tl Ser lor Duarse Tatnne of Naussly Speman Stace” Preven Ene seein Va |S pp she Towed 5. 199, Small Ampnate Vibaon Carpensn foe Hschon Duara fusing” Prom anna a eon ee Minit, Eoueatye ema Caron on aboard aon Sat Baaien pp S734 Seem Ro and Tom. 86, fhe Dei saa so Cam vt 2 Fa Tol Strate Dens ViableDeph fut ching” ME een De Merutseninte SCHNCE tno ESCNEL ANG sibel er ee Evan! i 3992 "aise Rome baer Comperanan Wa ira Leaning Cook ASME Jcucxay or Escntbane x ioLsT ety 3d em. 8 WE, “Ming Cat Ranou) Compersavon Bs {Gondor Raat Desf CAL” Fp! SH Seimei ao alt op fel fe ‘aie 9. and Chom. 5.1951, Fie lomo Atal ot Exige Bet Dereon Dug acme Oration” ASM Ja Encoweane Fo" Be Son yy oes Fim an, Ke abd Wo 5.191,“ Paps Cone of Clty io ‘orog Open” ASME Bout eSehuenns na arnon Wo D, Sodio Bie, AUGUST 1998, Vol. 120 / 553 Mill BL Gre Po tan Tene Li, 8 Cael ibis Mphaaks V, UAD. "A Mansbrawniag. Soot! tone a ‘Soi Piao Joule Ss Vata DCI ning” aera Jorn Feileane Paved wemwamigy bat sg Ro ap eee Sew Kaper cab Deon Ren ay oy Eada anne Mas, en er ee S40 loves Toph ane Yarone 8 “Leng. Comes Ke pai “Tonrraba MS, Chea. Ren, S. ane Tu, 198, ol Pasi an Tod Toma MME" Aaaoe Kee igi Cova “dapat Sanpetman oo Frac Annan Manet, Bp WWE GE Transactions of the ASME fee a Jo

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