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f ih"of1 "'IDI1r-,. 9'11c a...,.ni t"""~flDtfI
81bYear No. 23
ADDIS AB'A'BA-lld'June. 2002

tt,,:Eo-kIJ'CIf(tl/Iiif2i ~'9" Proclamation No. 276/2002
V1C ""-f;:fh.":j..",.. ii./h.1.:iIouh"h,t''i ;,o~flJm~1'9"hC , National HIV/AIDS'Prevention and Control Council
0.'1.~ltfh,::r."""'R./h.1.:iI ooh"h1'i oo"'ltJm~1 WihL'}' and the HIV/AIDS Ptevention' and Control Office
a."" "''1:'1:''t1 "":Eo :... 1Jt'iitif:li: Establishment Proclamation Page 1753


, ." '-1: cklJ'C I~ iii/Iii f.2!l PROCLAMA TION NO.276/2002

v'Ie ".,.t;: fh."fr'..1,..ii./h.I:iI oohl\h1c; ou"'tfliI1~.f 9"hc A PROCLAMATION TO PRO VIDEFOR THE
. o..}.'h'.' fh.~"~"..ii.Jh.~.(t.oohl\h1'.' OU"'tfliI1~1~';',4l.'}' ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NATIONAL mY/AIDS
a..}.') ft'*'1:9" f,lDtfI ""1: ' PREVENTION AND CONTROL COUNCIL AND THE
fh.".y..", nh.'}'r-k1 nhc;:"'~ f.~~ nooil mY/AIDS PREVENTION AND CONTROL OFFICE
~.~..}. 1\" f07:l~ "'I\I\'4l..)"Ii;" nOOIf)': WHEREAS, 'mY/AIDS is a communicable disease
n7i:"ID' n..,ftta'l~" 1\" h"'.4l.IJ'~ID' f ;"ouijo iI:J>,.'i 'l"'}': which is spreading at an alarming rate in Ethiopia;
n."cn.o,~ nCI1"''i
.-. ~iI")iI") O'1nt.CC'i h.18'i07.-tcc ".y...,~ . . WHERE~S, in addition t9 the suffering and death it
f07.1hh""A noult~j . , . may cause to individuals, the disease 'has"~eriousimpact on
the complex socio-economicdevelopment of the country;
h.":j""".4i./h.1.:tt .}o'):Eo.}~
1ft~'i Uih1'of1 "''''}'G: 1\"
f"'oulP~'" foohl\hA'i fcklJ'lJ'C 1100;': "'I.e1n.}' JPC6f}"': WHEREAS, unless. ,contained through a concerted
'IA.,..,:J. nil~""-C ~.fhh~}'A flllJ.~'.ft~ fm.'.'1 fOY1nt.CC'i multifaceted prevention and control campaign based on ~

fh.I''i''t'''~it 'h~'" f"7..filLt. noulf)': popular participation, mY/AIDS will caUse a health and
socio-economiccrisis tbat is extremely disastrous;
fh.-:;'.h,..ii./h.I:ft FCIifi:.}.') ftuu..,:",}, f.,.ft1f. 001..,
JP:J.'e'i ou')"IJP ;J'fJ! .f /.\If)' I:C:Eo.,.":J'..)'..
/.\f. /.\f. f1.n~ WHER~AS, to contain th.~spread of mY/AIDS, it has
.,.ta"l hc;:ft--:;.') 111""".[ alt~.~).'fellJJ"'}'C;: V1C ".,.c;: "I1A become ne<;essaryto establish'a national body, that involves
various governmental and non-governmental organizations
'h')-\O''}'' t,.ta.') f;J=ft ou')..,~:'.~ "il4l:K"t UUJP~.f a..}.
as well as various sectors of the society, and an autonomous
7cJ:'1:'J""il4l.I\'" If'i UOU'f)..,::
government executiveo~gan; ,

nh..}.r-,A'.f "--,,..t,.I\ce Jl'l"h,t,.ta.1'e ~T"I/t.h .."'1 NOt.-V,THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55( 1)
ou')"IJP.). "'''-~' y.?;/il "ul1'~')'fu7.h.,.ftlD..:J'ID'~:A:: of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
fi' "6~C e6i1 Ethiopia, it i's hereby proclaimed as follows:

,.U "'P~ "v'Ie ""-t;: fh.~"'''f...ii./h.I:iI ouhl\h1'i PART ONE

ou"'tflm~1 'J'"he a..}. 'h'.' fh."'}".h".ii./~1...iI ouhl\h1'i
1. Short Title
. General
uu"'tflm~.f ~',,"'4l.'}' a..}. "''1:cJ:O?Jh"~ cf:IJ'C IlG1/ .

IiifjR" "'''lft- /t.m.,.iI "-:;'1\/.\11 This Proclamationmay be cited as the "National

mv /AIDS Preventionand,Control Council and the
mv /AIDS Prevention and Control Office Establishment
'.f1~. .r;J~ 3,40 Proclamation No. 27612002" .
Unit PriCe

",): -I~;J~'}' !J,I.IIJ';r.Uf'~' 'ii'n:ji

, Negarit G:P.O.Box 80;001
1W lil.lfii /J.~A ~;J~+ ;Ju ..-rc Ie I\~i +"JIlf2i&,~':':~\ ; Fecieral,;N~garitGazeta- No.23 11*June, 2002-Page 1754
, ,.,', ,":', J" ,J!\

I. +C=l"l ~\'~' , . ',{; ".., DeJjniaq~

fJi'tr "'1q... A.~ +cJ.fD f"7.1AmlD-"'Aar~:dla:t+i:i. In thi:~/i:'Proclamation,unless the contest requires
0 1f.1J"'''~Fo-)/"ID-la'rI;~.J( .'~';' .
. ,

i. ~~rbc 0.+" "7A+ I1If.IJ"'''1: "',.,." r ',+st';"', 1) ''Council'' ~ the ~/AIDS ~vention ~d
!l:0D1D-IJ1C ",.,.r;: f1t."f."'~.ii/1t.l:la ODh~hl'i,\
-' '"
. Control C?UDCtles~1ished unde Article 3 of thIS
OD"'lfIm~1 fDbc 0.+ ~ID-I , .,' , 2) !'Office~' means the HIVIAIDS Prevention and
I. "A"ihL+ 0.+" "7A+ I1If.IJ"'''1: ""~A" Ii f+!I: ControlOfficeestablishedunder Article8 of this
~OD"1~"f:,,~.ii/1t.~la ODh"J11'i -.lIJm~I:'::~Proclamation; , ; .
tJ'ihL+o.+~.." " j" ", 3) "Regiofi",~ a ~mber ,.~ of tI)~,Federal
r. "bAA" "7A+ I1th1-,..,,.,1: """'A" '!1'!,/i/ ' DemoCraticRepubli~'~bfEthiopia as pr6vided for
f1\.+,,'" AJ.~'..."..b~n UD~rArticle471(I)QftheConstifUtiQii~dincludes
111'~-r-ol\.h hqAtar~ llWt f"'-'",Oqh.,., " the Addis Ababa City Admimstrationand Dire
I ,,o,

ODla+~~'i f~~" h.,., fDbc 0.:,., , DawaCityCouncil; , '.

~fAfD~AI 4) "Non-governmentalorganization"means an as-

. ""..,,.,;J-, IAar~ ~C1:+ "7A+ 11111C ",.,.r;: sociation,a charitableorganization,or a religious
1./Jf A-'., ,.la f"t1la"fA th:J' "'!l:fDIAID-'i institution having a legal status allowing,it to
1t."f."',..ii/1t.1;laO-h~hA'i O-"'lIJmC .,...,qC ?perateata n~tionallevelandwhichisparticipating
+"'+Bh'AID-"7~OClfOi "'.("~i+ ~:E+ m~fD IDthepreventIonand controlofHIV/AIDS.
f'I""''r:to +!I:,. ~ID-If PART~TWO
The NationallHV/AIDS Prevention
br;:A .,.A+ and Control Council
ou"'t1Jm~1fDbc 0.+ ' '
3. Establishm(:!)t :
The National mv IAIDS Prev~n90n and Control is
r. -!l:!I:,. h~reby~tablished.
111C",.,.r;:.f1t."f."'~.o./~la., -"~hl'i OD"'lIJm~1 4. Members of the Council "

,.bC 0.+ 01f.1J"'''1: +!l:4I?AII

The Council shall be presidedover by the President of the
. ffDbC 0.1:",q~+ Federal ~mocratic Republic of Ethiopia and shall have
fDbC0.1: 01\.+"", U'.~' -'I.""h~h.J'' ~T"'l\.b the following'JDem~rs: '

. ,T~If.JS~+ta-o"'o.~+ f"t-~ ar'r f"th+H ",q~+ 1) the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal De-
~'r~;J-AI mocratic Republic of Ethiopia;
2) ,Ministers of the Federal Govemmen~;
i. f1\.+"", U'.~~' "''''b~h.J'' 3) the Speaker of the House of Peoples, Represen-
~T"'l\.brb+A m~~~"ttla+Ci tatives;
I. fU.~A -,..,,.,+ "ttla+C'"fi 4) Headst~fRegions;
e. fthll-o+m",,."f,.bC 0.+ "'L.,.q"'l 5) the Head of Women's j\ffaii's in the Office of the
. fbAA C ~ -la+~~1 , Prime Minister
~. Om:"t\~"ttla+C "thL+ 0.+ fd..,."f~~ ;)~4.1 6) the Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commis-
I. f"'1.;J o,uh~hA~1I.,)t:~+ ItDY.iI~C' sioner; . ..

I. fU.~A llo.A ACiilaIt"til)C' 7) the Federal Civil Service Commissioner;

~. f1\.+,,'" "'~'h'i -i:b'rA-J[ItDY.iI~C' 8) the Science and Technology Commissioner,
j. f"thL+ 0.1:;)~4.'i f"'~ "'-~ (1C.t:",q~+, 9) the Head and Man~gement Board members of the
I. f"th+tr+ f~1'i" " +!1:"7+;)~4.""f' ,Office, .

II) f1\.Tf-kl ~K -I:A.ii=fn~1:+'

10) Heads of the following mass media organizations:
A) f1\.+""'fL'i "'1A1A-+~C1:+f '
(a) the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency;
(b) the Ethiopian News Agency; . '
dt) f1\.+,.", T4.h ~1:+' (c) the Ethiopian Press Agency;
ou) OfDbc0.1: f"tAf'" 1bA-"ff""1"7""'''''' (d) Other,mass media Organizations 'to be desig-
+1\'"..,",' ,
nated by the Council;
1li. f"7.h+tr+ r'1P7't:t +!I:".."f
-~,.,", 11). Leaders of the following religious institutions:
(a) the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
II) f1\.+"",lac.,.P.bla+"IJp.o..,.bCh-tn, (b) the E,thiopianIslamicAffairs SupfCmeCouncil;
A) f1\.+"", nhA,.'i .,...,."fm~~~rbc 0.+' . (c) theEthiopianCatholicSecretariat;
dt) f1\.+"","''''I\.''',+ o.+bCh-tn' (d) the Ethiopi'8n Evangelical. Church of
ou) f1\.:,.,.I;, CD'1.~'+ -~~'8\-"o..,.bCh Mekaneyesus;
-tn, . ,: (e) the EvangelicalChurch Fellowship of Ethiopia;
12) the Directorof the ChristianRelief-andDevelopment
IP) r1\.+,."'" "'-oI+bCla-tI'i:t ~...~+,
II. fbC18-tn Oi "'~~i+'i A"7+ ~1:+ JUb+C' Association; .
13) the President of the Ethiopian Red Cross Society;
Ie. f1\.+""''''~ -h.,.A "7~OCT4.If.~'+ff
I ..
1 ,.' liitifU.
'IA" u.~,A.., ~,?~.}.,?'LnJ c Ir CU,!
+, !iif2!!
. ,.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 23 11111
June, 2002-Page 1755
.. .. ,,'
Ii, fh. :"f-li, 0.., 0 OOIJD
t, D7~OC,. ~n.,c;1T' 14) the President of the Ethiopian Family Guidance
I~' fh.Tf-k' ,UhIJD'i D7"'0C'111dJ.~1i1,.~...,c;1TI Association;
Ii' fh.:"f-,., hp'~"'?f D7~OC.l.1.~ii1 "~n.,c;1TI , 15) the Presidentof the Ethiopian Medical Practitioners
I~' fh.Tf-Ii' '''~IJDhCo.T "~fl,c;1TI Association;
Ii, fh.Tf'1i1'oo"Ut-1 D7...0CT~n.,c;1TI 16) the President of the Ethiopian Labour Unions
Confederati<;>n; J
. 3" h1..';(-..h,..ii./1..~it ,;JC f"7.'i"~ ,11:)';(-"''''Ot-T
17) the President of the Federation of Ethiopian Em-
OOt~';(-i .
ployers' AS,sociations;
rli-' fflU h1':E- h1.,.;r lIi/ ~:J1. l\1~"'mO'" 1I''i1 18) the President of the Ethiopian Chamber of Com-
OIJDhc 0.-1: f"7.i'lf~ A.i\':(-001"'P'~' ,/A"", merce;
~C~.,.';(- :}I\~"";('~' . 19) the President of the Federation of Ethiopian
rl' a,.hc 8.-1: f"7.ltf~ ~'Pct "'1\"'(1':(-81 Teachers' Associations;
20) Leaders of associationsof persons living with mv /
~. fIJDhc 0.-1: ~I\D7~".f AIDS;
,.hc 8.-1: f"7.h~'\'T 'il\D7~';(- ~'i"~:l'/Ai 21) withoutprejudiceto the provisionsof Article 2(4) of
Ii' 1..1'.h,.. ii./1..~it'} i\oohl\h/A'i i\oo.JtlJmC h..,Il-o this Proclamation, Heads of other non-governmen-
'I\:fl& hl11\T I\".f..,~ "O/A'I' .:'fh-lT "''1''''1& tal organizationsto be designated by the Council;
l\1Jl1., , 0117~l"''i f ol",,,,o-1-rJ1I0.l\ '}Jl 22) Prominent individuals to be designated by the
111\-0-1: OD70l;r;J'T m.c;D7 houl\t)hT'i IlOt
f"7.,c;-oCOT1 v-k:l' oo.,.fflt 5. Objectivesof the Council
I' OIJ1C h.,.t;: ~l"K f"7.~l""T 1..".f.h,.. ii./1..~it1 The objectives of the Council due to:
fouhl\h/A'i foo.JtlJmC 'I'l"'".f O.,.c;m/A 1t"11'1 1) mobilizeconcernedbodies to give greater attention to
0"'''''1'1: OO/Ah l\1Jlt]~~'i tDtIJ"'".fc; ,.".1-1 the problem aJ)d encourage them to enhance the
~,.~ i\01i;h1& "O/A'I' f"',;JI\tn- f ol.,.i'I-o society's level of awareness about mY/AIDS and
thereby promote the development of healthy attitude
htj:I\-".f t-It:fafo1 hOii;r1& I\ouhl\h/A l\'}Jl".fA- and behaviour,
hitLI\1.1&1 l\c,c;;J'C; ~;Jtj: f"7.!1~OT1 v-k;r 2) to create conditions whereby nationwide prevention
D700;J:TTi and control activities are carried out not through
[. h1..';(-.h"~ii./1..~it;JC f"7.'i~ f ol.,."'-o ht;:i\- scattered efforts but in an integrated manner and
';f~ a1..~it.IJDh1'T tDI\~ h/All flf'" /A;(".f fm.'i I vulnerablesectors of the society including youths and
fP''' /Ao-c;c;fIJDhCh1/A..,i\oTc; hitLI\1.1&1fD7'1: women are provided with the necessay support and
assistance in protecting themselves against disease;
t'/A ~;Jt;: f"7.!1~OT1 l\1~"'IJD i'I"'h'e
oo"';r:fl& f"7.hOCOT1 v-k;r D700;J=:fTI 3) create conducive environment whereby people Iving
,I., " . .
with mv /AIDS and orphans obtain health,
i' fh1t-l: f1..~it
~, rlt.i'I.. hhm:J"I\" fm.'i rlt.i'l.1&
psychological, counseling services as well as the
,;JC """'i~ .,...,IlC 1\" f"7.I&/AO+1 0011~ provision of necessary assistance and ensure the full
1\00"'fit'ifflii~1&1 P'C""',T I\ooh;r.,./Ac; i\001 protection of their rights;
,.,,. .f"7.!it".f/A 1J:"~'i itTt--t::( 1\001~t;: 4) to generate ideas for drawing an agreement of the
f"7.l~ '1\(1';(-1D700'}Q;LT'i hflv- ;JC f.,."". country's lllV /AIDS Policy with the framework of
f'l''iTc;'fIJDCIJDC "''''1l~".f1"70l:l';rTi the overall Health Policy and the development of
~. O"'mIJ:hlit' 0"'''''11: oo/Ah ,.~t."..".1-1 I\"'it future plans and strategies for monitoring and
u.IJD hh",t; I&it'l''i hl&,.,.. l\C,c;;r f"7.i'lIl18"'OT1 evaluating the situation on the spread of the disease;
and facilitate studies and research related thereto;
V-k;J' D7ou!FTTII .
5) mobilize local and external resources for implemen-
,;. fIJDhC 8.-1: P'/AtlJ1'i .,...,IlC ting programs in a strengthened and integrated man-
IJDhC0.-1:,f"7.hfA-T P'/AtlJ1'i "''''Il~".f ,.tj~;r/AI
ji' 'il\D7I&1 I\D7itU.IJDO"7.l~ ~f-".f 1\" "ooht-/AI 6. Powers and Duties of the Council
,It... '011" -"/A i The Council shall have the.powers and duties to:
I, hh1C I&it'l''i h~ l\C,c;:l' 1\"7"'''''''''' 1\1\,;Jii'".f . 1) deliberate on all matters that could contribute to the
'I't ''''CIl/A1 itl\lJc,c;:r1& hm:J""''' hm:J"I\" realizationof its objectives; generateideas and follow
hoot-C ""'tIJ/A1 hL~~~,} ,.h;r.,.1\/A1 up their implementation;
2) extend a call on local and external donors to provide
[. f1..';(-.h".ii./1..~it ,,~"'t-""".f1 hLU,.'i on.v-
assistance;guide and oversee the utilization t~ereof;
,,.t, f001..,P':l''e'i001"'p';r'e,/A"", ~C~ 3) evaluate the execution of mY/AIDS programs and
.,.".f1 :f.1~:l''e l\1:"it:J"iI."100"'''7/Ai f"77f7f'C; the concertedactionsof governmentaland non-gover-
fD7m'iht' '1\(1';(-1,"'CQ/AI nmental organizations; generate ideas for the im-
g' n1..".f.h".ii./1..~it oohl\h/A'i cf:'I'TC .,...,Ilt-T provement and enhancement of same;
hoocct I&m.T l\it1"f. .,.*D7T'i ..,l\i'I(11'7i/A"7T 4) give awards of merit to institutions and individuals
,,"'tIJ /A1 who have accomplished remarkable task in mv I
~. f t-"'" ~C"7 :"c;rc; ,."..,. "tDit'i /Ai AIDS prevention and control efforts; ,
5) determine the shape and content of its own emblem;
j. 'il\"71&1 l\"7itL~" f"7.l~ ,1t(1".1-1f"7.!oo.,Q;1I
6) establish committees to generate ideas necessary for
""7.'1:~1' '*4:"7/A1I
the realizationof its objectives.
I 1A' ii.lf~i /..1./,011. ~.;7t,.,. .;7111114I'I'C.rf .U. i ""IiUi ,.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta- No.?3 11111
Jun~, 2002-Page 1756

,;. f,.hc 0.-1:1111f1f191~ 7. Meetings of the Council

Ii, f,.hC 0.-1:ool.O~ 1111f1f1 Ofl1t:'l1""m~ .e.ta~A 1. . Regular 'meetingsof the Council shall be held every

Ifq-,. O"7'i=fm-,. 1..1f."l1~.e. 1111f1f1 A.I.I." sixmOltths; provided,I however, that extra~ordinary
meetings may be called any time.
.e.~'I\A: .
2) There shall be a quorUmwhere more than hlaf.ofthe
R' h,.hc 0..,: "flI\.}' ootahA h""7"li 01\10hT1"f. members oithe Council are present at any meeting.
9uAfH' ""lft ,e..fc,'A: 3). The Council shallpass its decisions by majority vote
e. f9~hc (I.',: m'''~ ny.'9u~, ,nA"'i. .1A4-A: Ifq-,. and, in case of a tie, the Chairmfln shall have a
,r:9u~. hh.A nhh.A f'HM.t\ h,)Y.If~ f1,n"o.m- casting vote.
m"~~ Y.'9u~. ,,e.'r.I.'PA: 4). Without prejudice to the provisions of this Article,
g. f'UJ" ')+1\ t:''):J1.9I~ h,) I."'mnck Ifq-: ,.hc the Council may adopt its rilles or procedure.
. 0.-1: ft-"",) f1111f1f1",~ ",c,..,. 1.')11 A.lmlfJ
10 ":t'I\ A r:
The mY/AIDS Prevention
and Control Office
. htt:A yol1""
8. Establishment
f 1..~~.".e..ii./h.t:'l1obl\hl'i oo"lfJm~l1\ :it~"" 0.""
1) The mv /AIDS Prevention and Control Office is
~. ou!l:!I:,.
herebyestablishedas an autonomous federal govern-
Ii' f1..~'''.e.. ii./1..t:'l1 oohl\hl'i oo"'lfJm~I1\:it~"" ment organ having,its own legal personality.
0."" t-"",) f!FA f:it" f1m-~""'Am- f~1.t-A 2) The Office shall be accountable to the Prime
00')""''''' 00"'~1 0."" Iflf OlltJ "tp;E- T!l:ck".7.A:
Minister. .

l.f1\:it~.}. oA: Tm~~"" Am.}ol\.e."7"tl1""~ .e.1f'iA; 9. Headquarter

.,ij. f'C,'(/U"'~ ,f(1.')' The Office shall have its headquarter in Addis Ababa
and may have branch offices elsewhere, as may be
f~';htC.')' 11.":'Pc,'(/O1"~1 0..). n"Jtl1 MI'IIf':"h')y."ratC.
1\'"~.,: n07c,':,=m'9u",Ij:t. :"C')6'"Ltt:t\.'i I.m. .e.1'I\A
10. Objectives
1.. '1\7
The objectives of the Office shall be to coordinate and
f1\:it~:" 0..,: '1\"7 f"1~-I:,) f1..~.".e..ii./1..t:'l1 rt\."" direct the implementation of the country's mY/AIDS
,,~~~,. "7l1.,'QOC'ioo,.t-"" ,e.1f'iAr: Policy.
Xli' ",AIfJ')'i "'''flC 11. Powers and Duties
< .,
"'''flCO~'.e.q-~;J-A; The Office shall have the powers and duties to:
i' f,.hc 0.-1:f\ht.;J'~I"" Ifq- 11t\"I\A; 1) serve as the secretariat of the Council;
2) submit for the approval of the Government a
I' f,.hC 0.-1:') "l1Tlf"" "taof f,,.II,;J;( "1C ""'tt:
national mv /AIDS program prepared on the basis
f1..~"".e.. ii./1..t:'fJoohl\hl'i oo"lfJm~1 TCO"t-,. of the recommendations of the Council; follow up
t\ou')"","" ".}oC(1111~t:':J'A; "~~~oo-') ,e.h;J- , andcoordinatethe implementationof same;
.,.I\Ai fl1Tfl11t-AJ 3) Coordinate the activities of federal and regional
C. 1..~'.".e..ii./1..t:'l1,)t\oohl\hA'i t\oo"lfJmC f"7,,')+ goverment organs and non-governmental or-
,,+ fklot-A'i fhAA ou')"P';J-If "tal\""')'i ganizations engaged in mv /AIDS 'prevention and
C/D'}",,,,:J.'C .f/:\II')' I:C~.r'1'') h').}ol1:J'f\.fl1"'fI control activities and facilitate conditons for in-
,nt./:\; f",t.:"')~.}' ~')Jtq-C rr~;J'9I1'') 1(/0;1: tegration;
:J=/:\; 4) organize local and international meetings and
!!. 'HI I."'f10' 11t\1..1" ",e.. ,i./1..y.'ra "n " 0. h ')Jt 'i I.m.
workshops for enhancing the awareness of the
society about mv /AIDS and faclitate conditions
"1C "+tj:'i 'A" ""'tt: 1111f1f191~''i
'm-I. 1''iof~'
for organizing same;
'";1:(Ai ,,')-tll,;J':(" rr~;J-9I~,) 1O;1:~/:\; 5) participate in national and international conferen-
li' 1..~,,".e.. ii./1..y.'l1') t\oohl\hA'i t\oo"lfJmC 0"7,,1. ces on prevention and control of mv /AIDS;
I..,. "..,.,.t-If'i 'A" "+4-ce 1111f1f191~' .e."T4-/:\; 6) collect and compile information on the general
i' f1"1~-I: lAm-') f1..~.".e..ii./1..t:'111i1;J- oul.:(91~ situation of mv /AIDS in the coutnry and dis-
1f1f1l1f1A; Im'i.}ot-A; ",)'-;11~I\1.~-I: t\"7,,(/OAh seminate same to all concerned, as deemed neces-
;J'=fm- rrt\- 1f1t-1A; sary;
:;;. h.,.t\If. A,;Jl'~ ;1C ..,')"f.~"" Ooott:mc t:',;Jr;;f"7,,1~ 7) draw a devise whereby support is obtained by
O.}',) ,,1. .e.+.e.4Ai creating contact with viarous donors;
8) ensure that the money secured in donation and the
~. OA1'" fT1"rm- 1')1111'1'hoo')"","" f"7"ooY.Om-
budget allocated by the Government is properly
O;(.}. n""flf1- ",t- 1\10ootpt\-') 11.,;J"IfJA; utilized;
u. f,)O(II..}' '1Ao..}' .e.1I''iA; m-A .e.""PI\A; nraoo- 9) own property, enter into contracts, sue and be sued
',h"A: ,e.hf1"/:\: in its own name;
:':- ,I\o'/tD"} h",n. t\ fot.rlttC.A'" 1\.1\"")".,.",1) 10) performother duties necessaryfortherealization of
c::1'') J'hc,'m.c,'A:: its objectives.
Federat. Negarit Gazda - ~o..23,11~J1lDe,2~2TPag~ 1757"
'1; f1,1,fft~~::~~:?it. '
~t~ I +') .Jltftl~!~;~
.71i...,:!~ .... '~;C;-~
I ' .."

;II; "Wlh~""o.*,tt"',.' . 12. .fJrganization of the,Office,'

Wih~"" 0.-1:1 ,The office shall have:
I' f JP~ t,OD~t: "C~f 1) a Management Bo~;
I' ooui-,e+ f~tifrJ1.'~ :-\d. ~'i 2), aHead to ~ appointed by the 9<>v~rnment;and
r. ,1\la~il1e~IP~.,.t-
~' ,-'" y .. , '
3) the DC:Cess,8ry staff. "', .. ',,' ,;
f,ft'r;J-Aii '
13. Mem~ofth.ellOaro ,

I It. laA(1C~l\ql\:" , ~
Members of the Borad' shail be desl$Dated by the
Government from government institdtions having
; I' fJP~ 1\OD~ (1CII.'f~"f.1\f,.ii./1i;t~la rA.f\'
significaDtrole 'In.the 'implementation of the HIVI
"-'AuJi. 1..1Y:'1-AU .. "7.'i 1II\:fdJe "--'.,JP+ AIDS policy and from 'non-governmental or-
OD/PI,'::"o..,.~ 'f,.hc 0.-1: 1\ql\+ hlf)' 011'1
ganizations which are represented~i~ th~ Council;
JP;J-, 'IAtf~'X-C;Eo-f-"f f"'''IIJm- 0-'1P'+ Their number ~J1aU~,4e~nnin~ as may be
f"tfaf~ t-ill\+f,'r'r?AII
~''-;laLI\ Ii necessary. .. ' ' '

1.)-1: 'jf,lIi(t.lJA,1I, " , 2) The Chairperson shill bCdesignatedby the\Govern-


I' f(1C~ I. ti...fao.

,J',:, i h1\ql\-I: ODllhA OOD'-'p'+ ,, 'men~from
.. amongimembers"of,the!Board.
f,OD1.qAII "
14. Powers and Dl!ties of tl}eBoSrd" . ';
II' f(1CII.P'AIIJ''i
, " ,,- ' !
.,..,QC The Management--BQardshaIl have the powers and duties
fJPt-1\OD~ (1C~~
I' Jr~L+,JLof; ,"'~h~"'I\:f" Tr:1~"""f'i Tr::( , 1) provide 'guidance and spuervision to ensure the
b"'ft.O"'~'it OuAhODLA"7:f.., A"7I.;J11'001\ " , coordin~ted implementation of programs' and
projectS: fatling' under the. responsibility of the
, ~t+ ~~~:UlIJtnt-AI , ' , I " '
Office;< ,

I' h"C'lt-~"f'i TC:(b.,."f 1\~U" ;ic' "',f,II"

, 2) decide on issues requiring guidance in connection
o~!j'~'i"h~t-t: o"t~ ~r-"f I\f, ~'1.J\1Q'"
" , -" ",,,, .. ','
with the"" implementation of.P,I;Ograms
and projects or

..fa) 1tt\,~~,J lDf,r hJ\la""f-l: ~c AOD'~J.P+ submit its recommendation'thereon to the govern-

~ent. as maybe appropriate; " . , ' ,

f' f.A"ih~+0.1:, OD'P!t.C'i

fta.. ;)f,A TI\, ODcrr: 3) review' arid submit to' the, govennenf'the or-
I\~"P'+ ,1~CQAI ' , ganizaitonalstructure and manning..plan of the
I' AOD"e'T. f~~CO'" fA'ih~+' 0.1:, o:(+'i I' , Office; , .,'

I,rc+l"~?AI 4) approve the budget and report of the Office to be

~~ OA'ihL+0.1:~I\d. O"7.+Co-A+ib~"f .,..-;r-"f1\" sumbitted to the Govement;
f,ODbt-AI f,lDla'iAII ' 5) deliberate and decide on other matters submitted by
.. '( I the Head of the Office.
I~' f(1ell. .(!:{I4Q" "
15 Meetingsof theBoard . "

i' (1C-'I.OIDCJ\,1.'1.tL f,taOtaQAi Ifftr J\laLI\:f. Ifft

f\ 1~ nta...fao.lD- 1'1, n"7'iT..r 1.tL A.taota... 1) The Board shall meet once in a month; provided
~"fl\AI "
however,thatit maymeetat ~y'time at tHerequest
of the O1airpel'SQn.
I' h",C~ '~ql\~ 1i..,..,1i nl\~ f"tlf)'+ riri..."qI\~ I
" .. "', .

2) J)1ereshall be a quorum when; more than half of the

h"'1~ ",oA~.,. ~Q~ "If'; /:\1
members are present at'a mee~ingof the Board.
f' (1c-'l. ..fa) J'''t1faAL'' 01."fDA'"'A 81 f,1f'i AI. 3) Decisons of the Board shall be pasSed by majority
,\ , ' .. '.. ',.. ~11~A' O~~A ,f"'hL" . ~, 1.1f., , vote. and, in case
~\ of a tie, Chairperson shall have a
ta...fao... lAO,"'" 1D1' Vfa... f(1C-'I. ..fa) Iflf castmg vote., .. "

lA4.AI "
4) Withoutprejudiceto the provisionsof this Article, ~

!!. fiLII J\,)+~ ~'');J1.JP"{' ~,)I.-"tnnck If)" i (1C-'I.: the Board may adopt its own rules of precedure.
r toM r la...faq P'~ JPC~+ 1.')... A.11D1IJf,"fI\A II
, '~ 16. Powers and Duties of the Head of the Office
Ii' fA'ihL+ 0.1: ;)I\d. JPAIIJ')'i "''''~c.., 1) The Head of-the Office shaR,be the chief executive
lie U"ihLT Uo1:PI\d.'A'ihLT(L1: 'P'i P't- J\laL~"t officer of the OffiCeand shall, subject to the general
directives of the Board, directahd administer the
Iflf O(1C'" O"tta~.. J\1J1:J"~"ODoD /'1 01111'
activities of the Office; ,
fA'ihLT 0.1:') JPt-JP"f tODt-lAllla+'-;~t.AII ..
2)Wi~out limiting tt1egenerality ofSu~Article (1) of
I' flUJ J\')+A'. ,)~la J\')+A' III J\"..~~~; "''';J1C this Arti~le,the Head of the Office shall:
~,)1."'tnO+ Iflf 1f",":laL+ 0.1: ;)~4.'i
..i, i, (a) participate in the meetings of the Board as a
0) n(1C-''OJ\I1A')"'~"fa-'~--A.I, . member; 'x
A) Ollll J\'P~ J\')+A' Ii f-"ooAI11:""') fA'ihLT (b) exercise the powers at1d'duti~softhe Office
0.1:') P'AIIJ')'i .,.111r:"f
O~t- "" $f'-!"I\AI, specified under Article 11of this Proclamation;
.r.) "04..1.t-A 00,)1P'T 1Pt-.,.~"f ih.., ODIP/'+ (c) employ and administer''the employees of the
" fA'lhLT o.1:i 1Pt-",'"f "+1't-AI 118.,.i4 ,Office in accordance~with the federal civil
'1.'~AI service laws;
,~r. ~~ ~ +1 !il2i ,'t.,.; Federal ,f)l~garitGazetfl:,~ No. 23.Il1h}une,tpD2-Page 17S~/:
,::-.~... , ,~ ."

OD) fA-ihL"" (d) prepare and sumbit to the ManageJD.ent.

0.-1:")" fJP6- BQardthe
Tr:.,6-'JO'i" f1:(~
hU;J~'" Ar6- hiID~C '(1CJJ. f~Cf1Ai Work program and budget of' the Offi~e;' and '

implement same upon approval;

r"fJ.~+1:9"f1~6-'~t';bJ..\AI .
,~.' " ",
" .'
I ~v. "" . ,!; '

, ' " .

(e) effect expenditure in ~G()I:~ge )ViiI1. ~e approved

IP) AA-ihL"" o.~ f1"'~+~A"" f1~~1 '",6- budget and'work program o(the Office;,
Tr:.,6-r ODlPl"" 1'U,of1"tD~ '~CjAi ..1i (f) represent the Office in air its aealihgs with third "

l) """ h"~"'~
; JC'f1~l"': "1"f.~~",'.,.tr
,,' ' parties;
. .1,itiI/tL+~1:1 ~tDh"Af J ,~' .' .~. , (g) prepare and sumbit to the Board the o~ratio~al and
,A) '.. f~m~llir4;1:', f P:f6- hLUf"5 . f~ltof1 , . ~;rc"" I' ,i'
finaQ~ialrcp,orts,of the Office~ ',{
i. ,..t.lI\:J:fN-1\(1CJkf~cqAla '3) " The Head IQfthe Offi~ maydeJegate,part of his
I:~ fA-a..l\'tL'i: ~I\A- AA-ihL"" 0.-1: fP-;6-.i"A1'~'i i " '. powers and duties, to the offici~ls','and'other em-
',.., '\'" :,{. ", " . ...
f)liLIt1"~;n1 ",A'irJ1t;',+.,'f),,-, f1hA-AA~ihL"" , " , ',. ployees ofttte Office to ,the ~x\e~t necessary for the
efficien~perf9rm~ce'ofthe activitie~.of ~e Office;
"0:-1:~'1.,r~ A.A."f,.~~T~"f f1~h.A~ ft.!la'" provided,however, that in thec~e 9f anofflcial who
I\A~ ""f!\~I-I1''r~ ,7.~~ f1"''''iCf1'''' 1,.11f"7.tD ~~acts
'... on ~half of th~Head
'" of the pfflce fo~more
, , than
hAm- ftm- hJO ~'i"" f1~" '''7.11'6- hl1'~ m-hA'itlJo .: thirty days, approval of the Board sh~l ~ required.
", . \..
A(1CJJ.~C(1 OoL~1: hAf1"""
' " ," 17. Budget
"l~ f1~.... 1) The operational budget to the Office shall be
, ,\ ..,J:! "..', :
allocated by the Governmerit. I
. , Ii'. !~fflL"" 0.-1:~~f1~ ,(1:(""OOD':'I"''''' f,OD~f)AII
. 2) The.budg~tth~tthe office requires for theexecution
" I' ~ihL~.o.-I: A"7.1~L,..,,:fm- Tr::(h"'"f f"7.1laL
, of projects shall be drawn, from financial con-
A1m- f1:("" hou")"",""! f1A;J1i1:C~!/o"f'i f1...of1l
'. . tributions.. by the Government donor agencies and
,.,.ft""h~l~ f1'Uof1 OD'f'~'i htlJ1l" h"7.1~ the community at large and from external
rtiJ1-ip,,,,, ~i-c ,.,.m.tfJtfJ'''I1''iAal . lx?rrowingsby the Government as well.
~. 'f1~Uh1+';' 1,0.">,-'+Jt'I-.I
' f.,.o..Ah.,.m- f1:(""
3) The budget referred to in Sub-Article (2) of this
frJ1Uof..~'P~9'=J: h"'~l"f1"".. 'of11:C'i '6CJS:Jw , ,. Article shall
" be utilized in, conformity with the credit
' "" I-

la'JO~~"'"f ;JC .f1"'lIJl,IJouODAIl-'i f1P'~ hOD6-C , and grant agreements under which contributions

have been made and in accordance with the disbur-

(1CJJ.f1~~~ '~ihL"" 0.-1: ,.,:rr'i ftD~ hLU'JO
! . ;j ," < sement proCedure of the Office approved by the
p'c,:f o...PlT f11'.:ro'JO
",. "tIJol\Aaa Board of Management.
, ,t

1~' 'f)")ti ~""f1 \ , 18. Bank Accounts

f1tLllh'f'~ h")~~ Ii III ,.,.o..l\h.,.m- 1'1uof1
f1~ihL"" , The fund referred to in Sub-Article (2) of Article 17
0.-1:~'JOf1f),h T+"7~ ""'i All hereofshall be deposited in a bank accounHn the nameof
i . the Office. f

Iii' f~"'tfI-"'''At ",

19. Book of Accounts
Ii' A-ihL"" 0.-1:f1tLUh'P~ h")~A- II ")o.~ h")~~ IiI
'1) The Office shall keep separate books pf accounts for
~'i IIIA"'~"hi:"" f1'Uof1MP-"f"'.,.Aff. f~"'of1' the funds referred to in Sub-ArtiCles(1) and (2) of
" ,
" , Article 17 hereof.

I' ' fA-,).L~ 0.-1:f~"'of1OD.,.,of1""'i1~Uof1~h ft~p."f.., . ' 2) The books of accounts.and financial documents of
f1'P'itlJo 1-Jl"'C tD~'JO 'P'itlJo 1-Jl.,.C f1"7.ft"ODtIJo the Office shall be auditedby the Auditor General or
1-Jl."'C 'fJODlOU6-fr..
.. '
by an auditor designated by 'him.

. ,h~ h6-"" 0'

Miscellaneous Provisions
Af."Af.' ~ n9'"f
, '
20. Duty to Cooperate
f' fOD"'f)f1C "'&:1-
The c~ncern~ federal and regional government organs
A-ihL"" 0.-1:'1t."f.h".ii./1t.1:~ ;rft.ft.1tLUM f1"7~'" and non-governmentalo~ganizationsshall have the duty
Qf1C'i" f1oD"'6-~' l11: f~"'n.m-") '~I\A-~"" f1of1:1-"" to cp-operate with the office with a view to enabling it to
I\ODtDtfJ"""'Jl"f,\, .,.,c;tt'DtODI\h;M=m- '4.I.6-Ac; effectively discharge its reSponsibilitieswith regard to
fhAA OD")"",,,,, OUp'~f o..,."ftf OU''''P':Jwf fA"'" coordinating arid directing the implementation of the
" 1:C~"f 'r~"'f)f1C "1.:1"hAf):fm-II, " FmT/DS Policy. ;.,

. . ,r" oil"

fli~ +LA"7.f.,,,I1')' ,..,,"f 21.: JnappHcabJe Laws

No law, regulations, directive-or practice shall, in so far as
"11' ".,.~ ,~g, ""~fDe9" 'th"f" ~'of1l ODOD~f
: it is'inConsistent with this Proclamation, have force or
tD"" fhlP6-C A,.1: f1tLllh'f'~" f1+1(L)..,.,c;r-"f1\"
effect in respect of matters provided for by this
"'LA-Y.~""h,.lf lfDe9"1I Proclamation.
1A"i1tlfJl ~A ~~~~ ~'LIIJ4I'I'CIf ~ I +1 1112.,.,.. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 23 11111
June, 2002-Page 1759
II, r--o..,.. 11.:1"-.,."Aii: 22. Transferof Rights and Obligations
fI.:fe."'''',ii./1t.~la-h"hl'i tID"'lfIm~I'A.h4.:1"~I+ The rights and obligations of the organ known as the
OtIDl)Ar"t:l"lD+dJe"'''A tIDofI+'i 11.:I"fP'4oOIl.U"''':Eo HIVIAIDS prevention and Control Secretariat are hereby
AJtihL+ 0.1: .,."AL"AII transferred to the Office.
23. Effective Date
Ir' "''':( rDU'iO+1.11.
This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the II III day
"'U"''':Eo hlt~! +1 !lf2! ~.r 1.rr: ''1'1'"''''iAII of June, 2002.

"'JLla"'01) lt~ ! +1 !lf2! ~.r Done at Addis Ababa, this 11thday of June, 2002.


,,,,-+,.181d.1.~'I! JL"'h~lt.1'1!~Tof1A.h PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL

of1CY'...c\I\,. "7ofd't1 ~C~+ :1-.,.-


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