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Improving Students Reading Comprehension Using Collaborative

Strategic Reading (CSR) for Students at Grade 8B of Junior High

School (A Classroom Action Research in SMP N 23 Surakarta,
Academic Year 2014-2015)
A Proposal
It is submitted to fulfill the assignment of Seminar
Lectured by Lusiana Dewi K, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Artika Indra Cahyawati (14521019)





Chapter I


A. Background of The Study

Language is an extremely important way of interacting with the people around us. People

use language to let others know how they feel, what they need, and to ask questions.

Additionally, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is becoming more and more

important in the increasingly integrated global business community.

Due of the most important language that is used in the world is English, nowadays, it can

not be separated from globalization era. English is very important for answering the need of the

world development since many sectors such as education, politic, social, economy, trade, and

entertainment use English. This language is one of the International languages that has been used

in many countries in the world. By learning English, people can understand the information from

foreign countries and follow the world development easily. Mastering English is not an easy job.

Therefore, English should be taught well.

In Indonesia, English slowly becomes a necessity in order to face the globalization.

Therefore English has become a primary subject from kindergarten until university levels. There

are many language skills that students have to master. They are reading, speaking, listening,

writing, andalso grammar. One of the important skills is reading. According to Harmer,

Reading is one of the language skills which needed be taught in language classroom. Students

need to be able to read texts in English either for their careers, for study, or simply for pleasure.

Reading is also plays an important role for language acquisition. When students are provided

with comprehensible linguistic inputs, some of the language will stick in their minds as part of

the language acquisition process. When reading texts are very interesting and engaging, the

acquisition process will be more successful. Reading texts also provide opportunities for students

to learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and even good models for English writing the

way sentences,pargraphs, or texts are constructed. Last but not the least, reading texts can

intoduce interesting topics and stimulate discussion (2005: 68). According to Permendikbud

(Peraturan Pemerintah Pendidikan dan Budaya) No. 58 2014 , in Indonesia, English becomes a

main subject in Junior High School level. Therefore, reading text is also deeply taught at that


In SMP 23 Surakarta, the minimum score (KKM: Kriteria Ketuntsan Minimal) for

English is 75. However, the average score for English in class 8B is under 75. The students

thinks that learning English is quite difficult, especially reading. The obstacles of the teaching

learning process come from many factors, they are from teachers factors, students factors, and

also schools factors. From the teacher factors are 1) the teacher had low voice so that the

students at the back couldnt hear his voice well, 2) he also only sat down on his chair so that

there was no body movement to attract the students, 3) moreover, the teacher just used

translation method in class so that it didnt improve the students competence. While from the

students factors are 1) some of them, especially the boys, didnt pay attention to the teacher, 2)

boys and girls are placed in the same row so that they got easy to chat with others. From the

shcool factor is the school doesnt have an appropriate language laboratory and also interesting

English books that can interest students to improve their motivation in learning English.

Those factors influence the students competence in mastering the English lesson,

especially in reading comprehension. When they get difficulties in understanding the text, they

cant get explanation well. It needs effective strategy to improve their reading comprehension

skill. One of the ways to solve the problems is the use of technique. According to Anthony, a

technique is implementational that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is a particular

trick, strategem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Technique must be

consistent with a method, and therefore in harmoby with an approach as well (1963:63-67). One

of a good technique for reading is Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) technique.

Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) was found and developed by Klinger & Vaughn (1987).

CSR is the comprehension strategy which combine modification of Reciprocal Teaching (RT)

(Palincsar & Brown, 1984) and Cooperative Learning (CL) strategy (Johnson & Johnson, 1987).

The concept of this strategy is engaging students to work in small cooperative groups (3-5) and

apply four reading strategies: Preview, Click & Clunk, Get the Gist and Wrap Up. Moreover,

using this technique will make the students of class 8B interested in the learning process since

they can work in group and discussing with their friends. Also, they can comprehend the idea of

a text by applying Click & Clunk strategy.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher wants to conduct a research entitled

Improving Students Reading Comprehension Using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)

for Students at Grade 8B of Junior High School (A Classroom Action Research in SMP N 23

Surakarta, Academic Year 2014-2015).

B. Identification of The Study

1. Boys and are girls are placed in the same row so that they got easy to chat with others.
2. Some students, especially the boys, didnt pay attention to the teacher.
3. The teacher had low voice so that the students a the back couldn hear his voice
4. The teacher only sat down on his chair so that there was no body movement to attract the
5. It seemed that the teacher didnt master the mterial well so that he couldnt explained th
material well too.
6. The teacher just used translation method in class so that it didnt improve the students

C. Limitation of The Study

The limitation of the study is to know The Influence of Using Collaborative Strategic

Reading (CSR) to Reading Comprehension for Students at 2nd Grade of Junior High School

in SMP N 23 Surakarta, Academic Year 2014-2015.

D. Formulation of the Study

a. Can Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) improve the students reading

comprehension in class 8B in SMP N 23 Surakarta, academic year 2014/2015?

b. How far is the improvement of the students reading comprehension using (CSR)

Collaborative Strategic Reading in class 8B in SMP N 23 Surakarta, academic year


E. Aims of The Study

a. To know wether Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) can improve the students

reading comprehension in class 8B in SMP N 23 Surakarta, academic year 2014/2015.

b. To know the improvement of reading comprehension using (CSR) Collaborative

Strategic Reading in class 8B in SMP N 23 Surakarta, academic year 2014/2015.

F. Benefits of The Study

The reasearcher expects that this reasearch will bring theoretical and practical benefits,

they are:

1. Theoretical benefits

a. For the teacher

From the research result, the teacher can get another overview to teach reading

comprehension using CSR (Collaborative Strategic Reading).

b. For the students

The students know another technique in learning reading comprehension that is using

(CSR) Collaborative Strategic Reading.

c. For the other researchers

The other researchers can continue a reseach using CSR (Collaborative Strategic

Reading) with other theories or medias.

2. Practical benefits

a. For the teacher

The teacher can teach reading comprehension using (CSR) Collaborative Strategic


b. For Students

The students can learn reading comprehension well using CSR (Collaborative Strategic


c. For Other Researcher

The other researchers can get another overview to write a thesis.

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