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Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Euler transformation formula for multiple basic

hypergeometric series of type A and
some applications
Yasushi Kajihara
Department of Mathematics, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Received 15 January 2001; accepted 13 August 2003

Communicated by A. Lascoux


A multiple generalization of the Euler transformation formula for basic hypergeometric

series 2 f1 is derived. It is obtained from the symmetry of the reproducing kernel for
Macdonald polynomials by a method of multiple principal specialization. As applications,
elementary proofs of the Pfaff–Saalschutz summation formula and the Gauss summation
formula for basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ due to S.C. Milne are given. Some other
multiple transformation and summation formulas for very-well-poised 10 f9 and 8 f7 series,
balanced 4 f3 series and 3 f2 series are also given.
r 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

MSC: 33D67; 33D52; 33D15; 33C20

Keywords: Multiple basic hypergeometric series of type A; Euler transformation; Macdonald

polynomials; Pfaff–Saalschutz summation; Watson type transformation; Bailey–Jackson type transforma-
tion–summation formula

1. Introduction

In this paper, we derive a multiple generalization of the Euler transformation

formula for basic hypergeometric series 2 f1 : We obtain our main result
(Theorem 1.1) by specializing suitably the well-known symmetry of the reproducing

Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science,
Osaka University, Machikaneyama 1-1, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan. Fax: +81-6-6850-5327.
E-mail address:

0001-8708/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
54 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

kernel for Macdonald polynomials [12]. As applications of our result, we give

elementary proofs of the Pfaff–Saalschutz summation formula and the Gauss
summation formula for basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ due to S.C. Milne
[16,17] from the special case of our Euler transformation formula (Proposition 5.1).
We also give some other multiple transformation and summation formulas for basic
and ordinary hypergeometric series ( for example, very-well-poised series, Sears
transformation and others).
There are many well-known summation and transformation formulas in the
theory of hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric series. One of the most
important is the binomial theorem
X ½z
ð1  uÞz ¼ k k
u ; ð1:1Þ

where we denote by

½zn ¼ zðz þ 1Þ?ðz þ n  1Þ ð1:2Þ

the (ordinary) Pochhammer symbol. A q-analogue of (1.1) is given by

ðauÞN X ðaÞk k
¼ u : ð1:3Þ
ðuÞN kAN

Throughout of this paper, we use the notation of q-series [5]

Y ðaÞN
ðaÞN :¼ ða; qÞN ¼ ð1  aqn Þ; ðaÞk :¼ ða; qÞk ¼ for kAC; ð1:4Þ
ðaqk ÞN

assuming that 0oqo1: We often omit the basis q in q-shifted factorials.

On the other hand, one of the most fundamental transformation formulas for
hypergeometric series is the Euler transformation for Gauss’ hypergeometric series
2 F1 (see, for example, [1])
a; b cab c  a; c  b
2 1 ; u ¼ ð1  uÞ F
2 1 ; u ; ð1:5Þ
c c

a0 ; a1 ; y; an ½a0 k ½a1 k ?½an k k
nþ1 Fn ;u ¼ u : ð1:6Þ
b1 ; y; bn kAN
k!½b1 k ?½bn k

Among the most important transformation formulas for basic hypergeometric

series are Heine’s transformation formulas for 2 f1 series.
a; b ðbÞN ðauÞN c=b; u
2 f1 ; q; u ¼ 2 f1 ; q; b ð1:7Þ
c ðcÞN ðuÞN au
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 55

ðc=bÞN ðbuÞN abu=c; b
¼ 2 f1 ; q; c=b ð1:8Þ
ðcÞN ðuÞN bu
ðabu=cÞN c=a; c=b
¼ 2 f1 ; q; abu=c ; ð1:9Þ
ðuÞN c

where the basic hypergeometric series rþ1 fr is defined by

a0 ; a1 ; y; ar ða0 Þn ða1 Þn yðar Þn n
rþ1 r ; q; u ¼ u : ð1:10Þ
c1 ; y; cr nAN
ðqÞn ðc1 Þn yðcr Þn

The third equality of Heine’s transformation formulas (1.9) is a q-analogue of Euler

transformation formula for 2 F1 (1.5). It is needless to say that these hypergeometric
and basic hypergeometric identities frequently appear in many areas of mathematics
such as in combinatorics, analytic number theory, statistics and representation
theory of Lie algebras.
The multiple basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ initiated by Holman et al.
[7,8] have been investigated by many researchers from various viewpoints. The most
important summation formula for basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ is the
multiple q-binomial theorem due to S.C. Milne (Theorem 1.47 in [14]):

ða1 ?an uÞN X Dðxqb Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þbi

¼ ðuÞjbj ; ð1:11Þ
ðuÞN bANn
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þbi

where jaj ¼ i¼1 ai : In this formula,
DðxÞ ¼ ðxi  xj Þ and Dðxqb Þ ¼ ðxi qbi  xj qbj Þ
1piojpn 1piojpn

denote the Vandermonde determinants of x ¼ ðx1 ; y; xn Þ and xqb ¼

ðx1 qb1 ; y; xn qbn Þ; respectively. In our previous work [10], we encountered a
terminating version of (1.11) when we determine the explicit coefficients of the
raising and lowering operators of row type for Macdonald polynomials. We also
gave a proof of (1.11) based on the identity that a constant function 1 is a
eigenfunction of the Macdonald’s q-difference operator
X jKj Y 1  qxi =xj
Dx ðu; t; qÞ
1 ¼ ðuÞjKj q 2

KC½1;y;n iAK; jeK

1  xi =xj
¼ ðuÞn : ð1:12Þ

The terminating version of (1.11) is in fact obtained by a method of multiple

principal specialization from (1.12). In this paper, we apply the same method to
derive the main result of this paper.
56 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Theorem 1.1. Suppose that none of denominators vanish. Then we have Euler
transformation formula between basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ and Uðm þ 1Þ

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ym Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þgi
ða1 ?an b1 ?bm u=cm ÞN
X Dðyqd Þ
ða1 ?an b1 ?bm u=cm Þjdj
Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk
ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þdk

for a1 1
1 ; y; an ; b1 =c; y; bm =cAC:

Remark 1.1. As discussed in [15] more general form, the radius of convergence of the
series in (1.13) is 1.

In this paper, we refer to Eq. (1.13) as the multiple q-Euler transformation. What
is interesting in our multiple q-Euler transformation formula is that the dimension of
the summation in both sides are independent of each other.
In the case when m ¼ n ¼ 1; formula (1.13) reduces to the third Heine’s
transformation formula (1.9). We remark that our multiple q-Euler transformation
(1.13) is different from the third Heine’s transformation for basic hypergeometric
series in Uðn þ 1Þ studied in [6].
We give a proof of Theorem 1.1 in Section 3. The source identity for proving our
multiple q-Euler transformation formula for basic hypergeometric series is based on
self-duality of the reproducing kernel for Macdonald polynomials. That is,
Macdonald polynomials and Macdonald’s q-difference operators know some
properties of the basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ: Our transformation
formula of Theorem 1.1 also involves in a sense fundamental properties of
Macdonald polynomials.
We also give some special cases and q-1 limits of (1.13) in Section 4. In
particular, formula (1.13) for m ¼ 1 implies an interesting and useful transformation
formula (4.1) between nþ1 fn and basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ: Eq. (4.1)
has also an expression in terms of basic Lauricella function fD obtained by
Andrews’ transformation [2,3].
In fact, formula (1.13) can be considered as a master formula from which various
multiple hypergeometric transformation and summation formulas are derived and
which provides elementary proofs of them as in usual basic and ordinary
hypergeometric series case.
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 57

In Section 5, we make use of (4.1) to give elementary proofs of the Pfaff–

Saalschutz summation formula and the Gauss summation formula for basic
hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ by S.C. Milne [16,18].
We also discuss some generalizations of multiple Pfaff–Saalschutz summation
formula in Section 6. In a similar way to our proof of multiple Pfaff–Saalschutz
summation, we also derive from (1.13) some new multiple transformation and
summation formulas for very-well-poised (basic) hypergeometric series. A general-
ization of a transformation formula between terminating 8 W7 series and terminating
balanced 4 f3 series and a formula of multiple (basic) hypergeometric series which
involves multiple Jackson’s 8 W7 terminating summation due to S.C. Milne [17] and
multiple 10 W9 transformation formula is included.
In Section 7, we give two type of multiple generalizations of Sears’ transformation
for balanced 4 f3 basic hypergeometric series from the product of two multiple q-
Euler transformations. Two multiple generalizations of terminating 3 f2 transforma-
tions are presented.

2. Background information

In this section, we summarize some basic facts on Macdonald polynomials of type

An1 and Andrews’ transformation formula for basic hypergeometric series between
fD and nþ1 fn : Definitions of very-well-poised (basic) hypergeometric series are also

2.1. Macdonald symmetric polynomials

Here, we define Macdonald polynomials and summarize their properties which we

need in this paper. We follow basically the notation of Macdonald’s book [12]. For
detail on Macdonald polynomials, see [12].
Suppose that t is non zero real number and let K ¼ Qðq; tÞ be the field of rational
functions in ðq; tÞ; and K½xSn ¼ K½x1 ; y; xn Sn the ring of symmetric functions in n
variables over K: The Macdonald symmetric polynomials Pl ðx; q; tÞ are a family of
homogeneous polynomials that are parametrized by partitions l ¼ ðl1 ; y; ln Þ with
lðlÞpn: Macdonald’s q-difference operator Dx ðu; q; tÞ is defined by
X jKj Y 1  txi =xj Y
Dx ðu; q; tÞ ¼ ðuÞjKj t 2 Tq;xi
KC½1;y;n iAK; jeK
1  xi =xj iAK
¼ ðuÞr Dr ðxÞ; ð2:1Þ

where Tq;xi are the q-shift operators in xi

Tq;xi f ðx1 ; y; xi ; y; xn Þ ¼ f ðx1 ; y; xi q; y; xn Þ: ð2:2Þ

58 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

This operator is the generating function of the commuting family of q-difference

operators Dr ; r ¼ 0; y; n: The Macdonald polynomial Pl ðx; q; tÞ are characterized as
the joint eigenfunctions in K½xSn of Dr : Namely, each Pl ðx; q; tÞ satisfies the
following q-difference equation
Dx ðu; q; tÞPl ðx; q; tÞ ¼ Pl ðx; q; tÞ ð1  utni qli Þ: ð2:3Þ

Note that Pl ðx; q; tÞ has the leading term ml ðxÞ under the dominance order of
partition when it is expressed as a linear combination of monomial symmetric
function mm ðxÞ: It is known that Pl ðx; q; tÞ is determined uniquely by two conditions
mentioned above.
Macdonald polynomials have a following reproducing kernel
Y Y ðtxi yk ÞN X
ðx; yÞ :¼ ¼ bl ðq; tÞPl ðx; q; tÞPl ðy; q; tÞ ð2:4Þ
ðxi yk ÞN lðlÞpminðn;mÞ

for the variables x ¼ ðx1 ; y; xn Þ and y ¼ ðy1 ; y; ym Þ: The coefficient bl ðq; tÞ is

determined by
Y 1  tlðsÞþ1 qaðsÞ
bl ðq; tÞ ¼ : ð2:5Þ
1  tlðsÞ qaðsÞþ1

The following identity can be proved from (2.3) and (2.4).

Proposition 2.1 (Kirillov and Noumi [11], Mimachi and Noumi [13]). Suppose that
nXm: Then
Dx ðuÞ ðx; yÞ ¼ ðu; tÞnm Dy ðutnm Þ ðx; yÞ: ð2:6Þ

2.2. Andrews’ transformation formula for basic hypergeometric function

Here, we recall on the multivariable basic hypergeometric function fD and
Andrews’ transformation formula. Our fundamental reference on the notation of
q-series and basic hypergeometric function is [5].
The Lauricella type multivariable basic hypergeometric series fD is defined as
ðlÞ a; b1 ; b2 ; y; bl ðaÞjaj ðb1 Þa1 ðb2 Þa2 yðbl Þal a
fD ; q; x1 ; x2 ; y; xl ¼ x ; ð2:7Þ
c l
ðcÞjaj ðqÞa1 ðqÞa2 yðqÞal

where jaj ¼ i¼1 ai is the length of multi-index a ¼ ða1 ; y; al Þ:
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 59

Andrews derived the transformation formula between fD and lþ1 fl ([2] for l ¼ 2;
[3] for any positive integer l).

Proposition 2.2 (Andrews [2,3]).

ðlÞ a; b1 ; b2 ; y; bl
fD ; q; x1 ; x2 ; y; xl
ðaÞN Y l
ðbk xk ÞN c=a; x1 ; y; xl
¼ lþ1 fl ; q; a : ð2:8Þ
ðcÞN k¼1 ðxk ÞN b1 x1 ; y; bl xl

Note that (2.8) reduces 1st Heine’s transformation formula when l ¼ 1: For our
purpose, it is convenient to rewrite (2.8) into the following form:
a; b1 ; y; bl
lþ1 l ; q; u
c1 ; y; cl
ðauÞN Y l
ðbk ÞN ðlÞ u; c1 =b1 ; y; cl =bl
¼ f ; q; b1 ; y; bl : ð2:9Þ
ðuÞN k¼1 ðck ÞN D au

2.3. Very-well-poised hypergeometric series

The hypergeometric series nþ1 Fn is ‘‘well-poised’’ if a0 þ 1 ¼ a1 þ b1 ¼ ? ¼

an þ bn : It is called very-well-poised if it is well-poised and if a1 ¼ a0 =2 þ 1: Namely,
the very-well-poised nþ1 Fn series is expressed as the following form:
2 a0 3
a0 ; þ 1; a2 ; y; an
6 2 7
nþ1 Fn 4 a0 ; u5
; a0  a2 þ 1; y; a0  an þ 1
X a0 þ 2k ½a0 k ½a2 k ?½an k
¼ uk : ð2:10Þ
a 0 k!½a 0  a 2 þ 1k ?½a0  an þ 1k

The basic hypergeometric series nþ1 fn is ‘‘well-poised’’ if

a0 q ¼ a1 c1 ¼ ? ¼ an cn : It is called very-well-poised if it is well-poised and if a1 ¼
pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi
q a0 and a2 ¼ q a0 : Namely, the very-well-poised nþ1 fn is expressed as the
following form
 pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi 
a0 ; q a0 ; q a0 ; a3 ; y; an
nþ1 fn pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi ; q; u
a0 ;  a0 ; a0 q=a3 ; y; a0 q=an

X 1  a0 q2 ða0 Þk ða3 Þk ?ðan Þk

¼ uk : ð2:11Þ
1  a 0 ðqÞ k ða0 q=a3 Þk ?ða0 q=an Þk
60 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Hereafter, we employ the notation of very-well-poised (basic) hypergeometric

series as
2 a0 3
a0 ; þ 1; a2 ; y; an
6 2 7
nþ1 Fn 4 a0 ; u5
; a0  a2 þ 1; y; a0  an þ 1
¼ nþ1 Vn ½a0 ; a2 ; y; an ; u ð2:12Þ

 pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi 
a0 ; q a0 ; q a0 ; a3 ; y; an
nþ1 fn pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffi ; q; u
a0 ;  a0 ; a0 q=a3 ; y; a0 q=an
¼ nþ1 Wn ½a0 ; a3 ; y; an ; q; u ð2:13Þ

for short.

3. Proof of the multiple q-Euler transformation

In this section, we show the main theorem of this paper, Euler transformation
formula between basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ and Uðm þ 1Þ (1.13)

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ym Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þgi

ða1 ?an b1 ?bm u=cm ÞN

X Dðyqd Þ
ða1 ?an b1 ?bm u=cm Þjdj
Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þdk

by starting from well-known property of Macdonald polynomials in An :

First we shall prove

Proposition 3.1. Formula (1.13) is valid for all a1 ai bk

i ¼ q ; ð1pipnÞ; bk =c ¼ q ;
n m
1pkpm with aAN ; bAN :

To prove this proposition, we consider the following rational function (see

F ðujz; wÞ ¼ ðz; wÞ1 Dz ðuÞ ðz; wÞ ð3:1Þ
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 61

for the variables z ¼ ðz1 ; y; zr Þ and w ¼ ðw1 ; y; wp Þ: The rational function F ðujz; wÞ
is of the form
X jKj Y 1  tzi =zj Y 1  zi wk
F ðujz; wÞ ¼ ðuÞjKj t 2 : ð3:2Þ
KC½1;y;r iAK; jeK
1  zi =zj iAK;1pkpp 1  tzi wk

We now assume rXp: Note that the rational function F ðujz; wÞ has a following
self-duality from (2.6)

F ðujz; wÞ ¼ ðu; tÞrp F ðutrp jw; zÞ: ð3:3Þ

For convenience of latter discussion, replace t to q: For each multi-index aANn
with jaj ¼ r; we define the multiple principal specialization y ¼ ðy1 ; y; yr Þ to the
points pa ðv; xÞ by

y ¼ ðy1 ; y; yr Þ

-pa ðv; xÞ ¼ ðv=x1 ; v=x1 q; y; v=x1 qa1 1 ; v=x2 ; y;

 v=xn ; y; v=xn qan 1 Þ: ð3:4Þ

We analyze some properties for multiple principal specialization. When we specialize
z to pa ðv; xÞ; the index set ½1; y; r is divided into n blocks with cardinality a1 ; y; an ;
respectively. Note also that

Y qzi  zj 

z  z 
iAK; jeK i j z¼pa ðv;xÞ

is equal to zero unless the elements of K should be packed to the left in each block.
Simple verification leads to the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1. For such a configuration K; we denote the number of points of K sitting in
i-th block for i ¼ 1; y; n as gi and set g ¼ ðg1 ; y; gn Þ: We have
Y qzi  zj  Y qzi  zj 
iAK; jeK
zi  zj z¼pa ðv;xÞ iAK; jeK zi  zj z¼pa ð1;xÞ
jgj g Y ðqaj xi =xj Þg
jaj jgj  2 Dðxq Þ i
¼ ðq Þ q ð3:5Þ
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn ðqxi =xj Þgi

for any v and

Y Y m
1  zi wk  jbjjgj
ðqbj xi yj Þgi
¼q : ð3:6Þ
iAK k¼1
1  qzi wk z¼pa ð1;xÞ;w¼pb ðq1 ;yÞ ðxi yj Þgi

Proof of Proposition 3.1. We first replace t in (3.3) by q; and then specialize z and w
to pa ð1; xÞ and pb ðq1 ; yÞ; respectively, where x ¼ ðx1 ; y; xn Þ; y ¼ ðy1 ; y; ym Þ and
62 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

aANn ; bANm are multi-indices with jaj ¼ r and jbj ¼ p; respectively. Then we have
X Dðxqg Þ
ðqjajjbj uÞjgj
gANn ;gpa
Y ðqaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðqbk xi yk Þgi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðxi yk Þgi
X Dðyqd Þ
¼ ðuÞjajjbj ðuÞjdj
dANm ;dpb
Y ðqbl yk =yl Þdk Y ðqai xi yk Þdk
: ð3:7Þ
ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðxi yk Þdk

Then by changing the variables and parameters u-uqjbjjaj ; xi -xi =xn ð1pipnÞ;
yk -cyk =ym ð1pkpmÞ to (3.7), we obtain the desired identity. Thus we complete the
proof of the proposition.

Proof of the main theorem. To prove the main theorem, by replacing u-uqjbj ; we
rewrite (3.7) as follows:
X jgj
jgj Y ðqai gj þ1 xi =xj Þgj Y ðqbk xi yk Þgi
ðuq ÞN ðuÞ q 2
gANn 1pi; jpn
ðqgi gj þ1 xi =xj Þgj 1pipn;1pkpm ðxi yk Þgi
X jdj
jdj Y ðqbk dl þ1 yk =yl Þd
¼ ðuq ÞN ðuÞ q 2 dk dl þ1 y =y Þ

dAN m
ðq k l dl
Y ðqai xi yk Þdk
: ð3:8Þ
ðxi yk Þdk

By taking the coefficient of us in (3.8), we obtain

X jgj
jgj Y ðqai gj þ1 xi =xj Þgj Y ðqbk xi yk Þgi
ð1Þ q 2 gi gj þ1
gANn ;jgjps 1pi; jpn ðq xi =xj Þgj 1pipn;1pkpm ðxi yk Þgi
ðqjaj Þsjgj q 2

X jdj
jdj Y ðqbk dl þ1 yk =yl Þdl Y ðqai xi yk Þdk
¼ ð1Þ q
dANm ;jdjps 1pk;lpm
ðqdk dl þ1 yk =yl Þdl 1pipn;1pkpm
ðxi yk Þdk
ðqjbj Þsjdj q 2
: ð3:9Þ
ai bk
Note that this is a polynomial identity of q ; 1pipn and q ; 1pkpm: Hence (1.13)
is valid for all a1
i ð1pipnÞ; bk =c ð1pkpmÞAC for formal power series of u: Thus
the main theorem is proved.
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 63

Remark 3.1. The homogeneous version of the multiple q-Euler transformation (1.13)
is expressed as
X Dðxqg Þ
ðut1 ?tn ÞN ðut1 ?tn Þjgj
Y ðt1
j xi =xj Þgi
Y ðsk xi yk Þgi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðxi yk Þgi
X Dðyqd Þ
¼ ðus1 ?sm ÞN ðus1 ?sm Þjdj
Y 1
ðsl yk =yl Þdk Y ðti xi yk Þdk
: ð3:10Þ
ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðxi yk Þdk

4. Some special and limiting cases of multiple q-Euler transformation

In this section, we give some formulas of special cases of our Euler transformation
formula (1.13)

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ym Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þgi
ða1 ?an b1 ?bm u=c ÞN
X Dðyqd Þ
ða1 ?an b1 ?bm u=cm Þjdj
Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þdk

and the corresponding q-1 limits.

Proposition 4.1. In the case when m ¼ 1; the multiple q-Euler transformation formula
(1.13) reduces to

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ða1 ?an bu=cÞN
c=b; ðc=a1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðc=an1 Þxn1 =xn ; c=an
nþ1 fn ; q; a1 yan bu=c : ð4:1Þ
cx1 =xn ; y; cxn1 =xn ; c
64 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Furthermore, This formula has an alternative expression in terms of Lauricella basic

hypergeometric function

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ða1 ?an uÞN Y ððc=ai Þxi =xn ÞN
ðuÞN 1pipn
ðcxi =xn ÞN
ðnÞ a1 ?an bu=c; a1 ; y; an
fD ; q; ðc=a1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðc=an1 Þxn1 =xn ; c=an : ð4:2Þ
a1 ?an u

Formula (4.2) is obtained from (4.1) by using Andrews’ transformation (2.9).

Remark 4.1. In the case when n ¼ 1; (4.2) reduces to the 2nd Heine’s transformation
formula (1.8).

Formula (4.1) will be a key to giving elementary proofs of some summation

formulas for basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ in the next section of the
present paper.

Remark 4.2. In the case when m ¼ n and yk ¼ x1

k ; (1.13) reduces to

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi ðbj xi =xj Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi ðcxi =xj Þgi
ða1 ?an b1 ?bn u=cn ÞN
X Dðx1 qd Þ
ða1 ?an b1 ?bn u=cn Þjdj
Dðx1 Þ
Y ððc=bi Þxj =xi Þdi ððc=ai Þxi =xj Þdi
: ð4:3Þ
1pi; jpn
ðqxj =xi Þdi ðcxi =xj Þdi

The informed reader might compare this formula with the third Heine’s
transformation formula for basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ due to
Gustafson and Krattenthaler [6].

Now, we will write down the q-1 limit of the formulas in this section.
To this end, note that

1  qz
lim ¼ z: ð4:4Þ
q-1 1q
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 65

As an application of (4.4), we have

ðqz Þn
lim ¼ ½zn : ð4:5Þ
q-1 ð1  qÞn
Note also that

ðqz uÞN
lim ¼ ð1  uÞz ð4:6Þ
q-1 ðuÞN

lim ¼ GðsÞ; ð4:7Þ
q-1 ðqs Þ N ð1  qÞs1
where GðsÞ is the Euler gamma function. Before taking the limit, we replace all the
parameters z in our formulas by qz :
Then, by taking the limit q-1 in Eq. (1.13), we have the Euler transformation for
multiple hypergeometric series of type A:

Proposition 4.2.
X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
Y ½bk þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½c þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi
mc ai  bk
¼ ð1  uÞ 1pipn 1pkpm

X Dðy þ dÞ Y ½c  bl þ yk  yl dk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm ½1 þ yk  yl dk
Y ½c  ai þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk
: ð4:8Þ
½c þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk

Corollary 4.1. In the case when m ¼ 1; our Euler transformation formula for multiple
(ordinary) hypergeometric series (4.8) reduces to
X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi Y ½b þ xi  xn gi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn ½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn ½c þ xi  xn gi
cb ai
¼ ð1  uÞ 1pipn

c  b; c  a1 þ x1  xn ; y; c  an1 þ xn1  xn ; c  an
nþ1 Fn ;u : ð4:9Þ
c þ x1  xn ; y; c þ xn1  xn ; c
66 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Remark 4.3. The q-1 limit of (4.3) is

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi ½bj þ xi  xj gi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn ½1 þ xi  xj gi ½c þ xi  xj gi
nc ðai þbi Þ Dðx  dÞ
¼ ð1  uÞ 1pipn ujdj
dAN n DðxÞ
Y ½c  bi þ xj  xi di ½c  ai þ xi  xj di
: ð4:10Þ
1pi; jpn
½1 þ xj  xi di ½c þ xi  xj di

Remark 4.4. The homogeneous version of multiple Euler transformation (4.8) is

expressed as
P X Dðx þ gÞ
ð1  uÞ t
i i ujgj
gAN n DðxÞ
Y ½ti þ xi  xj gi Y ½sk þ xi þ yk gi

1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn;1pkpm ½xi þ yk gi
P X Dðy þ dÞ
¼ ð1  uÞ k sk ujdj
Y ½sl þ yk  yl dk Y ½ti þ xi þ yk dk
: ð4:11Þ
½1 þ yk  yl dk 1pipn;1pkpm
½xi þ yk dk

5. Simple proofs of some summation formulas for basic hypergeometric series in

Uðn þ 1Þ

In this section, we give simple proofs of the Pfaff–Saalschutz summation formula

and the Gauss summation formula for basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ by
using the special case of our Euler transformation formula for multiple basic
hypergeometric series (4.1)
X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ða1 ?an bu=cÞN
c=b; ðc=a1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðc=an1 Þxn1 =xn ; c=an
nþ1 fn ; q; a1 y; an bu=c :
cx1 =xn ; y; cxn1 =xn ; c

By virtue of this formula, our proofs are essentially the same as in the case of basic
hypergeometric series of one variable.
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 67

Proposition 5.1 (Pfaff–Saalschutz summation formula for basic hypergeometric

series in Uðn þ 1Þ).

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi ðqN Þjgj

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi ða1 ?an bq1N =cÞjgj
ðc=bÞN Y ððc=ai Þxi =xn Þ
¼ : ð5:1Þ
ðc=a1 ?an bÞN 1pipn ðcxi =xn ÞN

Remark 5.1. This formula is already known by S.C. Milne ([18, Theorem 4.15]). In
the case when n ¼ 1; (5.1) reduces to the ordinary Pfaff–Saalschutz summation
formula for terminating balanced 3 f2 series ( formula (1.7.2) in [5])
a; b; qN ðc=aÞN ðc=bÞN
3 2 ; q; q ¼ : ð5:2Þ
c; q1N ab=c ðcÞN ðc=abÞN

Proof. We rewrite Eq. (4.1) as

ðcu=a1 ?an bÞN X Dðxqg Þ

ðcu=a1 ?an bÞjgj
ðuÞN gANn
Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn ðcxi =xn Þgi
c=b; ðc=a1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðc=an1 Þxn1 =xn ; c=an
¼ nþ1 fn ; q; u : ð5:3Þ
cx1 =xn ; y; cxn1 =xn ; c

By taking the coefficient of uN of the equation above, we have

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi
ðc=a1 ?an bÞjgj
gANn ;jgjpl
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
Y ðbxi =xn Þg ðc=a1 ?an bÞNjgj

ðcxi =xn Þgi ðqÞNjgj
ðc=bÞN Y ððc=ai Þxi =xn ÞN
¼ : ð5:4Þ
ðqÞN 1pipn ðcxi =xn ÞN

Note that

ðzÞNr ðzÞN ðqN Þr qr

¼ : ð5:5Þ
ðqÞNr ðqÞN ðz1 q1N Þr z

Then a simple verification leads to the desired identity (5.1). &

68 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

By taking the limit l-N; we have

Proposition 5.2 (Gauss summation formula for basic hypergeometric series in

Uðn þ 1Þ).

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi

ðc=a1 ?an bÞjgj
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ðc=bÞN Y ððc=ai Þxi =xn Þ
¼ : ð5:6Þ
ðc=a1 ?an bÞN 1pipn ðcxi =xn ÞN

Remark 5.2. This formula is already known by S.C. Milne ([16, Theorem 3.9]). In
the case when n ¼ 1; Eq. (5.6) reduces to the ordinary Gauss summation formula for
2 f1 series ( formula (1.5.1) in [5])

a; b; ðc=aÞN ðc=bÞN
2 f1 ; q; c=ab ¼ : ð5:7Þ
c; ðcÞN ðc=abÞN

Similarly, from (4.9)

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi Y ½b þ xi  xn gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn ½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn ½c þ xi  xn gi
cb ai
¼ ð1  uÞ 1pipn

c  b; c  a1 þ x1  xn ; y; c  an1 þ xn1  xn ; c  an
nþ1 Fn ;u ;
c þ x1  xn ; y; c þ xn1  xn ; c

the Pfaff–Saalschutz summation formula

X Dðxþ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi Y ½bxi  xn gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn
½c þ xi  xn gi

½1  N þ a1 þ ? þ an þ b  cjgj
½c  bN Y ½c  ai þ xi  xn 
¼ ð5:8Þ
½c  a1  ?  an  bN 1pipn ½c þ xi  xn N
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 69

and the Gauss summation formula

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi Y ½b þ xi  xn gi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn
½c þ xi  xn gi
Gðc  a1  ?  an  bÞ Y Gðc þ xi  xn Þ
¼ ð5:9Þ
Gðc  bÞ 1pipn
Gðc  ai þ xi  xn Þ
for hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ are derived directly in the same way as in the
case of basic hypergeometric series in Uðn þ 1Þ case.

Remark 5.3. Eqs. (5.8) and (5.9) are the q-1 limiting cases of (5.1) and (5.6),
respectively. In the case when n ¼ 1; (5.8) reduces to the Pfaff–Saalschutz summation
formula for balanced terminating 3 F2 series
N; a; b ½c  aN ½c  bN
3 2 ; 1 ¼ ð5:10Þ
c; a þ b  c  N þ 1 ½cN ½c  a  bN

and (5.6) reduces to the Gauss summation formula for Gauss’ hypergeometric
series 2 F1
a; b GðcÞGðc  a  bÞ
2 F1 ;1 ¼ : ð5:11Þ
c Gðc  aÞGðc  bÞ

6. Beyond the q-Pfaff–Saalschutz summation formula in Uðn þ 1Þ

In this section, we discuss some generalizations of multiple q-Pfaff–Saalschutz

formula by using the multiple q-Euler transformation formula (1.13). As a result, we
derive some multiple transformation formulas for very-well-poised basic hypergeo-
metric series and recover a multiple generalization of the Jackson’s 8 W7 summation
theorem due to Milne [17] by using the same method as in the previous section.
Before preceding our derivations, let us explain the essence of our discussion. Note
that, the homogeneous part of the summation (the summand is taken by all the
multiindices bANnþ1 with jbj ¼ N for any nonnegative integer N) in the multiple
basic hypergeometric series is of the form

X Dðxqb Þ b1 bnþ1
u ?unþ1
DðxÞ 1
bANnþ1 ;jbj¼N

ðbasic hypergeometric stuffÞ

X Dðxqb Þ Y 1  aqjbjþbi xi =xn b

¼ z1 1 ?zbn n
bAN n DðxÞ 1pipn
1  ax i =xn

ðanother basic hypergeometric stuffÞ; ð6:1Þ

70 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

where we notice that bnþ1 ¼ N  ðb1 þ ? þ bn Þ: Furthermore, the case when n ¼ 1;

that series in right-hand side of equation above is reduced to very-well-poised basic
hypergeometric series which are introduced in Section 2. In the course of his
derivation of multiple q-binomial theorem, Milne [14] proved a multiple general-
ization of Rogers’ terminating very-well-poised 6 W5 summation theorem. Con-
versely, after changing n-n þ 1; take the coefficients of uN in the both side of (1.11)

ðb1 ?bn bnþ1 uÞN X Dðxqb Þ Y ðbj xi =xj Þbi

¼ ðuÞjbj :
ðuÞN nþ1
DðxÞ 1pi; jpnþ1
ðqxi =xj Þbi

Then by changing the parameter suitably, we obtain multiple Rogers’ terminating

very-well-poised 6 W5 summation formula [18],
ðaq=b1 ?bn cÞN Y ðaqxi =xn ÞN
ðaq=cÞN 1pipn
ððaq=bi Þxi =xn ÞN
X aq1þN jbj Dðxqb Þ Y 1  aqjbjþbi xi =xn
b1 ?bn c DðxÞ 1pipn 1  axi =xn
Y ðbj xi =xj Þbi Y ðcxi =xn Þbi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þbi 1pipn
ðaq1þN xi =xn Þbi
ðqN Þjbj Y ðaxi =xn Þjbj
: ð6:2Þ
ðaq=cÞjbj 1pipn
ððaq=bi Þxi =xn Þjbj

Note that in the case when n ¼ 1; (6.2) reduces to the Rogers’ terminating very-
well-poised 6 W5 summation (cf. [5])
ðaq=bcÞN ðaqÞN N aq1þN
¼ 6 W5 a; b; c; q ; q; : ð6:3Þ
ðaq=cÞN ðaq=bÞN bc

Multiple q-binomial theorem and our Euler transformation formula (1.13) can be
interpreted as a generating functions of (multiple) very-well-poised hypergeometric
series. We shall carry out the latter one in several cases.

6.1. Multiple generalization of Watson type transformation formula

In this subsection, we give a multiple transformation formula of Watson type for

very-well-poised basic hypergeometric series (see Proposition 6.1 below). As a special
case, it implies the following transformation formula between a 4 f3 series and a very-
well-poised 8 W7 series:
N a2 qNþ2
8 W7 a; b; c; d; e; q ; q;
2 2
ða q =bcdeÞN ðeÞN ðaqÞN q ; aq=be; aq=ce; aq=de
¼ 4f ; q; q : ð6:4Þ
ðaq=bÞN ðaq=cÞN ðaq=dÞN 3 q1N =e; a2 q2 =bcde; aq=e
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 71

Formula (6.4) is similar to a Watson transformation formula (Eq. (2.5.1) in [5])

a2 q2þN
8 W7 a; b; c; d; e; q ; q;
ðaqÞN ðaq=deÞN qN ; d; e; aq=bc
¼ 4 f ; q; q : ð6:5Þ
ðaq=dÞN ðaq=eÞN 3 aq=b; aq=c; deqN =a

In fact, (6.4) includes the same number of free parameters as (6.5) and right-hand
side of (6.4) and (6.5) are balanced. Formula (6.5) may be obtained by combining
Sears transformation (see next section) from (6.4). In this paper, we call (6.4) a
Watson type transformation formula. The informed reader might compare some
formula for multiple Watson transformation formula in Milne [17], Milne–Lily [19]
and Schlosser [22].

Proposition 6.1

ðanþ1 qnþ1 =b1 ?bm cd1 ?dn en ÞN

Y ðaqyk =ym ÞN Y ðexn =xi ÞN

ððaq=b Þy
k k =y Þ
m N 1pipn ððaq=d i Þxn =xi ÞN

X Dðxqg Þ Y ððaq=dj eÞxi =xj Þgi

gANn ;jgjpN
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
Y ððaq=bk eÞxi yk =xn ym Þgi Y ððaq=ceÞxi =xn Þgi

ððaq=eÞxi yk =xn ym Þgi 1pipn
ðq1N e1 xi =xn Þgi
ðqN Þjgj

ðanþ1 qnþ1 =b1 ?bm cd1 ?dn en Þjgj
¼ ðanþ1 qNþnþ1 =b1 ?bm cd1 ?dn en Þjdj
Dðyqd Þ Y 1  aqjdjþdk yk =ym

DðyÞ 1pkpm
1  ayk =ym
Y ðbl yk =yl Þdk Y ðcyk =ym Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm
ðaqN yk =ym Þdk
Y ðdi xi yk =xn ym Þdk

ððaq=eÞxi yk =xn ym Þdk
ðqN Þjdj Y ðayk =ym Þjdj Y ðexn =xi Þjdj
: ð6:6Þ
ðaq=cÞjdj 1pkpm
ððaq=bk Þyk =ym Þjdj 1pipn
ððaq=di Þxn =xi Þjdj
72 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Proof. By taking the coefficient of uN in

ðcmþ1 u=a1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 ÞN

X Dðxqg Þ
ðcmþ1 u=a1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 Þjgj
Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ymþ1 Þgi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpmþ1
ðcxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þgi
X Dðỹqd Þ Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk
¼ ujdj
DðỹÞ ðqyk =yl Þdk
dANmþ1 1pk;lpmþ1
Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þdk
; ð6:7Þ
ðcxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þdk

where ỹ ¼ ðy1 ; y; ym ; ymþ1 Þ; we have

ðcmþ1 =a1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 ÞN Y ðymþ1 =yk ÞN

ðc=bmþ1 ÞN 1pkpm
ððc=bk Þymþ1 =yk ÞN
Y ðcxi =xn ÞN

ððc=a i Þxi =xn ÞN

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þg

qjgj i

gANn ;jgjpN
DðxÞ 1pi;jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
Y ðbk xi yk =xn ymþ1 Þgi Y ðbmþ1 xi =xn Þgi

ðcxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ðqN Þjgj

ðq1N a1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 =cmþ1 Þjgj
¼ ða1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 q=cmþ1 Þjdj
Dðyqd Þ Y 1  qNþjdjþdk yk =ymþ1

DðyÞ 1pkpm
1  qN yk =ymþ1
Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=bmþ1 Þyk =ymþ1 Þd

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm
ðqy k =y mþ1 Þ d k

Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þdk

ðcxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þdk
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 73

ðqN Þjdj Y ðqN yk =ymþ1 Þjdj

ðq1N bmþ1 =cÞjdj 1pkpm
ðq1N ðbk =cÞyk =ymþ1 Þjdj
Y ðq1N c1 xn =xi Þjdj
: ð6:8Þ
ðq1N ðai =cÞxn =xi Þjdj

After some simple verification in the equation above, we obtain

ðcmþ1 =a1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 ÞN Y ðymþ1 =yk ÞN

ðc=bmþ1 ÞN 1pkpm
ððc=bk Þymþ1 =yk ÞN
Y ðcxi =xn ÞN

ððc=a i Þxi =xn ÞN

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi

gANn ;jgjpN
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
Y ðbk xi yk =xn ymþ1 Þgi Y ðbmþ1 xi =xn Þgi

ðcxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ðqN Þjgj

ðq1N a1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 =cmþ1 Þjgj
¼ ða1 ?an b1 ?bm bmþ1 q=cmþ1 Þjdj
Dðyqd Þ Y 1  qNþjdjþdk yk =ymþ1

DðyÞ 1pkpm
1  qN yk =ymþ1
Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=bmþ1 Þyk =ymþ1 Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm
ðqyk =ymþ1 Þdk
Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þdk

ðcxi yk =xn ymþ1 Þdk
ðqN Þjdj Y ðqN yk =ymþ1 Þjdj

ðq1N bmþ1 =cÞjdj 1pkpm
ðq1N ðbk =cÞyk =ymþ1 Þjdj
Y ðq1N c1 xn =xi Þjdj
: ð6:9Þ
ðq1N ðai =cÞxn =xi Þjdj

Finally by changing the parameters suitably, we have the desired formula. &

In the case when m ¼ 1; the right-hand side of Eq. (6.6) reduces to the special
value of very-well-poised basic hypergeometric series.
74 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Corollary 6.1.

ðanþ1 qnþ1 =bcd1 ?dn en ÞN ðaqÞN Y ðexn =xi ÞN

ðaq=cÞN ðaq=bÞN 1pipn ððaq=di Þxn =xi ÞN
X Dðxqg Þ Y ððaq=dj eÞxi =xj Þgi
gANn ;jgjpN
DðxÞ ðqxi =xj Þgi
1pi; jpn
" #
Y ððaq=beÞxi =xn Þgi ððaq=ceÞxi =xn Þgi

ððaq=eÞxi =xn Þgi ðq1N e1 xi =xn Þgi
ðqN Þjgj

ðanþ1 qnþ1 =bcd1 ?dn en Þjgj
¼ 2nþ6 W2nþ5 ½a; b; c; d1 x1 =xn ; ?dn1 xn1 =xn ; dn ;

exn =x1 ; ?exn =xn1 ; e; qN ; q; anþ1 qNþnþ1 =bcd1 ?dn en : ð6:10Þ

In the case when n ¼ 1; Eq. (6.6) reduces to

Corollary 6.2.

ða2 q2 =b1 ?bm cdeÞN ðexÞN Y ðaqyk =ym ÞN

ðaq=cÞN ðaq=dÞN 1pkpm ððaq=bk Þyk =ym ÞN

qN ; ðaq=b1 eÞy1 =ym ; y;
mþ3 fmþ2 2 2
a q =b1 ?bm cde; ðaq=eÞy1 =ym ; y;

ðaq=bm1 eÞym1 =ym ; aq=bm e; aq=ce; aq=de
; q; q
ðaq=eÞym1 =ym ; aq=e; q1N =e
¼ ða2 qNþ2 =b1 ?bm cdeÞjdj
Dðyqd Þ Y1  aqjdjþdk yk =ym

DðyÞ 1pkpm
1  ayk =ym
" #
Y ðbl yk =yl Þd Y ðcyk =ym Þdk ðdyk =ym Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm ðaqN yk =ym Þdk ððaq=eÞyk =ym Þdk
ðqN Þjdj ðeÞjdj Y ðayk =ym Þjdj
: ð6:11Þ
ðaq=cÞjdj ðaq=dÞjdj 1pkpm
ððaq=bk Þyk =ym Þjdj

Remark 6.1. Eq. (6.6) is a multiple generalization of Watson type transformation.

Namely, (6.4) is a n ¼ 1; m ¼ 1 case of (6.6).
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 75

6.2. Bailey–Jackson type transformation-summation formula

We give a multiple transformation-summation formula of very-well-poised basic

hypergeometric series including, as special cases, Jackson’s terminating 8 W7
summation formula

8 W7 ½a; b; c; d; e; q ; q; q

ðaqÞN ðaq=bcÞN ðaq=bdÞN ðaq=cdÞN

¼ ð6:12Þ
ðkq=bÞN ðaq=cÞN ðaq=dÞN ðaq=bcdÞN

when a2 qNþ1 ¼ bcde (Eq. (2.6.1) in [5]), and 10 W9 transformation formula

ðaq=bÞN ðaq=cÞN ðaq=dÞN ðaq=eÞN ðmqÞN ðmf =aÞN

ðmbf =aÞN ðmcf =aÞN ðmdf =aÞN ðmef =aÞN ðaqÞN ð f ÞN
10 W9 ½a; b; c; d; e; f ; mfqN ; qN ; q; q

¼ 10 W9 ½m; aq=bf ; aq=cf ; aq=df ; aq=ef ; mf =a; mfqN ; qN ; q; q; ð6:13Þ

where m ¼ a3 q2 =bcdef 2 :
Note that (6.13) is similar to the Bailey transformation formula for a terminating
balanced 10 W9 series (Eq. (2.9.1) in [5])

10 W9 ½a; b; c; d; e; f ; laq
=ef ; qN ; q; q

ðaqÞN ðaq=ef ÞN ðlq=eÞN ðlq=f ÞN

ðaq=eÞN ðaq=f ÞN ðlqÞN ðlq=ef ÞN
10 W9 ½l; lb=a; lc=a; ld=a; e; f ; laqNþ1 =ef ; qN ; q; q; ð6:14Þ

where l ¼ a2 q=bcd:
Though it has same conditions (number of free parameters and series of both side
are balanced) as in Bailey’s 10 W9 transformation (6.14), formula (6.13) is different
from known ones. One can check that both the Bailey transformation (6.14) and our
10 W9 transformation (6.13) can be obtained by iterating twice the another one. For
comparison to other multiple 10 W9 transformation formula in An ; see Milne–
Newcomb [20] and Denis–Gustafson [4].
In this paper, we call (6.13) the Bailey type transformation.
76 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Proposition 6.2.
X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ym Þgi
gANn ;jgj¼N
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þgi
X Dðyqd Þ Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk
dANm ;jdj¼N
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk
Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þdk

when a1 ?an b1 ?bm ¼ cm :

Proof. In the case when a1 ?an b1 ?bm ¼ cm ; (1.13) is written as

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ym Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þgi
X Dðyqd Þ Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk
¼ ujdj
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk
Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk
: ð6:16Þ
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þdk

By taking the coefficient of uN in (6.16), we have the desired formula. &

In this paper, we call (6.15) the Bailey–Jackson type transformation-summation

Now we give a multiple generalization of Bailey type transformation (6.13).

Corollary 6.3.

ðaq=dÞN ðaq=eÞN Y ðmqyk =ym Þ ððaq=ck Þym =yk Þ

ðmdf =aÞN ðmef =aÞN 1pkpm ððmck f =aÞyk =ym ÞN ð fym =yk ÞN
Y ððaq=bi Þxi =xn Þ ððmf =aÞxn =xi Þ

ðaqxi =xn ÞN ððmbi f =aÞxn =xi ÞN
X Dðxqg Þ Y 1  aqjgjþgi xi =xn
DðxÞ 1pipn 1  axi =xn
Y ðbj xi =xj Þgi Y ðdxi =xn Þgi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðaqNþ1 xi =xn Þgi
Y ðck xi yk =xn ym Þgi Y
ðexi =xn Þgi
ððaq=f Þxi yk =xn ym Þgi 1pipn ðaq =mf Þxi =xn Þgi
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 77

ðqN Þjgj Y ðaxi =xn Þjgj

ðaq=dÞjgj 1pipn
ððaq=bi Þxi =xn Þjgj
ðmfqN Þjgj Y ð fym =yk Þjgj

ðaq=eÞjgj 1pkpm
ððaq=ck Þym =yk Þjgj
X Dðyqd Þ Y 1  mqjdjþdk yk =ym
¼ qjdj
DðyÞ 1pkpm1
1  myk =ym
Y ððaq=cl f Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððaq=ef Þyk =ym Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm
ðmqNþ1 yk =ym Þdk
Y ððaq=bi f Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk Y ððaq=df Þyk =ym Þdk

ððaq=f Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk 1pkpm
ððq1N =f Þyk =ym Þdk
ðqN Þjdj Y ðmyk =ym Þjdj

ðmef =aÞjdj 1pkpm
ððmck f =aÞyk =ym Þjdj
ðmfqN Þjdj Y ððmf =aÞxn =xi Þjdj
; ð6:17Þ
ðmdf =aÞjdj 1pipn
ððmbi f =aÞxn =xi Þjdj

where m ¼ amþ2 qmþ1 =b1 ?bn c1 ?cm def mþ1 :

Proof. Replace n to n þ 1 and m to m þ 1 in (6.15). Some simple but long

manipulation leads to the following in the case when a1 ?an anþ1 b1 ?bm bmþ1 ¼ cmþ1

ðanþ1 ÞN ðbmþ1 ÞN Y ðymþ1 =yk ÞN ðbk yk =ymþ1 ÞN

ðc=anþ1 ÞN ðc=bmþ1 ÞN 1pkpm ððc=bk Þymþ1 =yk ÞN ðcyk =ymþ1 ÞN
Y ðcxi =xnþ1 ÞN ðai xnþ1 =xi ÞN

ððc=ai Þxi =xnþ1 ÞN ðxnþ1 =xi ÞN
X Dðxqg Þ Y 1  qNþjgjþgi xi =xnþ1
DðxÞ 1pipn 1  qN xi =xnþ1
Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðanþ1 xi =xnþ1 Þgi

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðqxi =xnþ1 Þgi
Y ðbk xi yk =xnþ1 ymþ1 Þgi Y ðbmþ1 xi =xnþ1 Þgi

ðcxi yk =xnþ1 ymþ1 Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xnþ1 Þgi
ðqN Þjgj Y ðqN xi =xnþ1 Þjgj

ðq1N a1
nþ1 Þjgj 1pipn
ðq1N a1
i xi =xnþ1 Þjgj

Y ðq1N c1 ymþ1 =yk Þjgj ðq1N c1 Þjgj

ðq1N b1
k ymþ1 =yk Þjgj ðq
1N b1 Þ
mþ1 jgj
78 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

X Dðyqd Þ Y 1  qNþjdjþdk yk =ymþ1

¼ qjdj
dANm ;jdjpN
DðyÞ 1pkpm
1  qN yk =ymþ1
Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=bmþ1 Þyk =ymþ1 Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm1
ðqyk =ymþ1 Þdk
Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xnþ1 ymþ1 Þdk Y ððc=anþ1 Þyk =ymþ1 Þdk

ðcxi yk =xnþ1 ymþ1 Þdk 1pkpm
ðcyk =ymþ1 Þdk
ðq Þjdj ðq yk =ymþ1 Þjdj

ðq1N b mþ1 =cÞjdj 1pkpm ðq1N ðb k =cÞyk =ymþ1 Þjdj
1N 1
Y ðq c xnþ1 =xi Þjdj ðq1N c1 Þjdj
: ð6:18Þ
ðq1N ðai =cÞxnþ1 =xi Þjdj ðq1N ðanþ1 =cÞÞjdj

Finally by changing the parameters suitably, we have the desired identity (6.17). &

Corollary 6.4. In the case when m ¼ 1; (6.17) reduces to

ðmqÞN ðaq=cÞN ðaq=dÞN ðaq=eÞN

ððf ÞN Þðmcf =aÞN ðmdf =aÞN ðmef =aÞN
Y ððaq=bi Þxi =xn Þ ððmf =aÞxn =xi Þ

ðaqx i =xn Þ N ððmb i f =aÞxn =xi Þ N
X Dðxqg Þ Y 1  aqjgjþgi xi =xn Y ðbj xi =xj Þgi
DðxÞ 1pipn 1  axi =xn 1pi;jpn ðqxi =xj Þgi
" #
Y ðcxi =xn Þgi ðdxi =xn Þgi ðexi =xn Þgi

ððaq=f Þxi =xn Þgi ðaqNþ1 xi =xn Þgi ðaq1N =mf Þxi =xn Þgi
ðf Þjgj ðmfqN Þjgj ðqN Þjgj Y ðaxi =xn Þjgj

ðaq=cÞjgj ðaq=dÞjgj ðaq=eÞjgj 1pipn ððaq=bi Þxi =xn Þjgj
¼ 2nþ8 W2nþ7 ½m; ðaq=b1 f Þx1 =xn ; y; ðaq=bnþ1 f Þxnþ1 =xn ; aq=bn f ; aq=cf ;

aq=df ; aq=ef ; ðmf =aÞxn =x1 ; y; ðmf =aÞxn =xn1 ; mf =a; mfqN ; qN ; q; q ð6:19Þ

where m ¼ a3 q2 =b1 ?bn cdef 2 :

Remark 6.2. m ¼ n ¼ 1 case of (6.17) is (6.13).

In the case when m ¼ 1; (6.15) reduces to the following multiple generalization of

Jackson summation (6.12) by some manipulations and change of parameters as in
multiple Bailey type transformation.
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 79

Corollary 6.5.

X Dðxqg Þ Y 1  aqjgjþgi xi =xn

DðxÞ 1pipn 1  axi =xn
" #
Y ðbj xi =xj Þg Y ðcx i =x n Þ g ðex i =xn Þ g
i i i

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn ðaqNþ1 xi =xn Þgi ððaq=dÞxi =xn Þgi
ðqN Þjgj ðdÞjgj Y ðaxi =xn Þjgj

ðaq=cÞjgj ðaq=eÞjgj ððaq=bi Þxi =xn Þjgj
ðaq=b1 ?bn cÞN ðaq=cdÞN Y ððaq=bi dÞxi =xn ÞN ðaqxi =xn ÞN
¼ ð6:20Þ
ðaq=b1 ?bn cdÞN ðaq=cÞN 1pipn ððaq=bi Þxi =xn ÞN ððaq=dÞxi =xn ÞN

provided a2 qNþ1 ¼ b1 ?bn cde:

Remark 6.3. Formula (6.20) is already known by Milne (Theorem 4.70 in [17]). The
n ¼ 1 case of (6.20), namely m ¼ 1; n ¼ 2 of (6.15) is (6.12).

6.3. q-1 limits

We can also obtain the results for ordinary hypergeometric series from (4.8) in the
same way as in basic hypergeometric case. Here, we state the q-1 limits of the
transformation and summation formulas of this section.
First, we give some q-1 limits of Watson type transformations.

Proposition 6.3. The q-1 limit of (6.6) is

½ðn þ 1Þa þ n þ 1  b1  ?  bm  c  d1  ?  dn  neN

½a þ 1  cN
Y ½a þ 1 þ yk  ym N Y ½e þ xn  xi N

½a þ 1  b k þ y k  y 
m N 1pipn ½a þ 1  d i þ xn  x i  N
X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½a þ 1  dj  e þ xi  xj gi

gANn ;jgjpN
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
Y ½a þ 1  bk  e þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½a þ 1  e þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi
Y ½a þ 1  c  e þ xi þ yk  xn  ym g

½1  N  e þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½ðn þ 1Þa þ n þ 1  b1  ?  bm  c  d1  ?  dn  nejgj
80 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

X Dðy þ dÞ Y a þ jdj þ dk þ yk  ym
DðyÞ 1pkpm
a þ yk  ym
Y ½bl þ yk  yl dk Y ½c þ yk  ym dk

½1 þ yk  yl dk 1pkpm
½a þ N þ yk  ym dk
Y ½di þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk

½a þ 1  e þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk
½Njdj Y ½a þ yk  ym jdj

½a þ 1  cjdj 1pkpm
½a þ 1  bk þ yk  ym jdj
Y ½e þ xn  xi jdj
: ð6:21Þ
½a þ 1  di þ xn  xi jdj

In the case when m ¼ 1; the right-hand side of Eq. (6.21) reduces to the special
value of very-well-poised hypergeometric series.

Corollary 6.6

½ðn þ 1Þa þ n þ 1  b  c  d1  ?  dn  neN

½a þ 1  cN
½a þ 1N Y ½e þ xn  xi N

½a þ 1  bN 1pipn ½a þ 1  di þ xn  xi N
X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½a þ 1  dj  e þ xi  xj gi

gANn ;jgjpN
1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
" #
Y ½a þ 1  b  e þ xi  xn g ½a þ 1  c  e þ xi  xn g
i i

½a þ 1  e þ xi  xn gi ½1  N  e þ xi  xn gi

½ðn þ 1Þa þ n þ 1  b  c  d1  ?  dn  nejgj
¼ 2nþ5 V2nþ4 ½a; b; c; d1 þ x1  xn ; ?dn1 þ xn1  xn ; dn ;

e þ xn  x1 ; ?e þ xn  xn1 ; e; N; 1: ð6:22Þ

Corollary 6.7. In the case when n ¼ 1; Eq. (6.21) reduces to

½2a þ 2  b1  ?  bm  c  d  eN
½a þ 1  cN
½eN Y ½a þ 1 þ yk  ym N

½a þ 1  dN 1pkpm ½a þ 1  bk þ yk  ym N
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 81

N; a þ 1  b1  e þ y1  ym ; y;
mþ3 Fmþ2
2a þ 2  b1  ?  bm  c  d  e; a þ 1  e þ y1  ym ; y;

a þ 1  bm1  e þ ym1  ym ; a þ 1  bm  e; a þ 1  c  e; a þ 1  d  e
a þ 1  e þ ym1  ym ; a þ 1  e; 1N e
X Dðy þ dÞ Y a þ jdj þ dk þ yk  ym Y ½bl þ yk  yl d
dAN m DðyÞ 1pkpm
a þ y k  y m 1pk;lpm
½1 þ y k  y l  dk
" #
Y ½c þ yk  ym dk ½d þ yk  ym dk

½a þ N þ yk  ym dk ½a þ 1  e þ yk  ym dk
½Njdj ½ejdj Y ½a þ yk  ym jdj
: ð6:23Þ
½a þ 1  cjdj ½a þ 1  djdj 1pkpm
½a þ 1  bk þ yk  ym jdj

Remark 6.4. In the case when m ¼ n ¼ 1 of (6.21) is

7 V6 ½a; b; c; d; e; N; 1

½2a þ 2  b  c  d  eN ½eN ½a þ 1N

½a þ 1  bN ½a þ 1  cN ½a þ 1  dN
N; a þ 1  b  e; a þ 1  c  e; a þ 1  d  e
4 F3 ;1 ð6:24Þ
1  N  e; 2a þ 2  b  c  d  e; a þ 1  e

This formula is similar to but different from the Whipple transformation formula
between terminating very-well-poised 7 F6 series and terminating 4 F3 series
(Eq. ( in [23])
½a þ 1N ½a þ 1  d  eN N; d; e; a þ 1  b  c
4 F3 ;1
½a þ 1  dN ½a þ 1  eN a þ 1  b; a þ 1  c; d þ e  a  N
¼ 7 V6 ½a; b; c; d; e; N; 1: ð6:25Þ

Next, we present some q-1 limit of multiple Bailey-Jackson type transformation-

summation formula and some special cases.
The q-1 limit of multiple Bailey-Jackson type transformation-summation
formula is the following.

Proposition 6.4. When a1 þ ? þ an þ b1 þ ?bm ¼ mc; we have

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi

gANn ;jgj¼N
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
Y ½bk þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½c þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi
82 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

X Dðy þ dÞ Y ½c  bl þ yk  yl dk
dANm ;jdj¼N
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
½1 þ yk  yl dk
Y ½c  ai þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk
: ð6:26Þ
½c þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk

Now we give a q-1 limit of the multiple generalization of Bailey type

transformation (6.17).

Corollary 6.8.

½a þ 1  dN ½a þ 1  eN
½m þ d þ f  aN ½m þ e þ f  aN
Y ½m þ 1 þ yk  ym  ½a þ 1  ck þ ym  yk 

½m þ ck þ f  a þ yk  ym N ½ f þ ym  yk N
Y ½a þ 1  bi þ xi  xn  ½m þ f  a þ xn  xi 

½a þ 1 þ x i  x n  N ½m þ b i þ f  a þ x n  x i  N
X Dðx þ gÞ Y a þ jgj þ g þ xi  xn

gAN n DðxÞ 1pipn
a þ x i  xn
Y ½bj þ xi  xj gi Y ½d þ xi  xn gi

1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn
½a þ N þ 1 þ xi  xn gi
Y ½ck þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½a þ 1  f þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi
Y ½e þ xi  xn gi

½a þ 1  N  m  f þ xi  xn gi
½Njgj Y ½a þ xi  xn jgj

½a þ 1  djgj 1pipn
½a þ 1  bi þ xi  xn jgj
½m þ f þ Njgj Y ½ f þ ym  yk jgj

½a þ 1  ejgj 1pkpm ½a þ 1  ck þ ym  yk jgj
X Dðy þ dÞ Y m þ jdj þ dk þ yk  ym
DðyÞ 1pkpm m þ yk  ym
Y ½a þ 1  cl  f þ yk  yl dk Y ½a þ 1  e  f þ yk  ym dk

½1 þ yk  yl dk 1pkpm
½m þ N þ 1 þ yk  ym dk
Y ½a þ 1  bi  f þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk

½a þ 1  f þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 83

Y ½a þ 1  d  f þ yk  ym dk

½1  N  f þ yk  ym dk

½Njdj Y ½m þ yk  ym jdj

½m þ e þ f  ajdj 1pkpm
½m þ ck þ f  a þ yk  ym jdj

½m þ f þ Njdj Y ½m þ f  a þ xn  xi jdj ð6:27Þ

½m þ d þ f  ajdj 1pipn
½m þ bi þ f  a þ xn  xi jdj

where m ¼ ðm þ 2Þa þ m þ 1  b1  ?  bn  c1  ?  cm  d  e  ðm þ 1Þf :

Corollary 6.9. In the case when m ¼ 1; (6.27) reduces to

½m þ 1N ½a þ 1  cN ½a þ 1  dN ½a þ 1  eN
½ f N ½m þ c þ f  aN ½m þ d þ f  aN ½m þ e þ f  aN
Y ½a þ 1  bi þ xi  xn  ½m þ f  a þ xn  xi 

½a þ 1 þ x i  x 
n N ½m þ b i þ f  a þ x n  x 
i N

X Dðx þ gÞ Y a þ jgj þ g þ xi  xn Y ½bj þ xi  xj g

i i

gANn DðxÞ 1pipn
a þ x i  x n 1pi; jpn
½1 þ x i  x j  gi
" #
Y ½c þ xi  xn gi ½d þ xi  xn gi ½e þ xi  xn gi

½a þ 1  f þ xi  xn gi ½a þ 1  N  m  f þ xi  xn gi ½a þ N þ 1 þ xi  xn gi

½ f jgj ½m þ f þ Njgj ½Njgj Y ½a þ xi  xn jgj

½a þ 1  cjgj ½a þ 1  djgj ½a þ 1  ejgj 1pipn ½a þ 1  bi þ xi  xn jgj

¼ 2nþ5 V2nþ4 ½m; a þ 1  b1  f þ x1  xn ; y; a þ 1  bn1  f þ xn1  xn ;

a þ 1  bn  f ; a þ 1  c  f ; a þ 1  d  f ; a þ 1  e  f ;

m þ f  a þ xn  x1 ; y; m þ f  a þ xn  xn1 ; m þ f  a; m þ f þ N; N; 1

where m ¼ 3a þ 2  b1  ?  bn  c  d  e  2f :

Remark 6.5. The m ¼ n ¼ 1 case of (6.27) is

½a þ 1  bN ½a þ 1  cN ½a þ 1  dN ½a þ 1  eN

½m þ b þ f  aN ½m þ c þ f  aN ½m þ d þ f  aN ½m þ e þ f  aN
84 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

½m þ 1N ½m þ f  aN

½a þ 1N ½ f N

9 V8 ½a; b; c; d; e; f ; m þ f þ N; N; 1

¼ 9 V8 ½m; a þ 1  b  f ; a þ 1  c  f ; a þ 1  d  f ; a þ 1  e  f ;

m þ f  a; m þ f þ N; N; 1; ð6:29Þ

where m ¼ 3a þ 2  b  c  d  e  2f :
This formula is similar to the Bailey transformation formula for terminating
balanced 9 F8 series (equivalent to Eq. ( in [23])

9 V8 ½a; b; c; d; e; f ; l þ a þ N þ 1  e  f ; N; 1

½a þ 1N ½a þ 1  e  f N ½l þ 1  eN ½l þ 1  f N
½a þ 1  eN ½a þ 1  f N ½l þ 1N ½l þ 1  e  f N
9 V8 ½l; l þ b  a; l þ c  a; l þ d  a; e; f ; l þ a þ N þ 1  e  f ; N; 1;


where l ¼ 2a þ 1  b  c  d: But it is certainly different.

Corollary 6.10. The limiting q-1 case of (6.20) is

X Dðx þ gÞ Y a þ jgj þ g þ xi  xn Y ½bj þ xi  xj g

i i

gANn DðxÞ 1pipn

a þ x i  x n 1pi; jpn
½1 þ x i  x j  g i
" #
Y ½c þ xi  xn gi ½e þ xi  xn gi

½a þ N þ 1 þ xi  xn gi ½a þ 1  d þ xi  xn gi

½Njgj ½djgj Y ½a þ xi  xn jgj

½a þ 1  cjgj ½a þ 1  ejgj 1pipn
½a þ 1  bi þ xi  xn jgj

½a þ 1  b1  ?  bn  cN ½a þ 1  c  dN
½a þ 1  b1  ?  bn  c  dÞN ½a þ 1  cN
Y ½a þ 1  bi  d þ xi  xn  ½a þ 1 þ xi  xn  ð6:31Þ

½a þ 1  b i þ x i  x n  N ½a þ 1  d þ x i  x n N

provided 2a þ N þ 1 ¼ b1 þ ? þ bn þ c þ d þ e:
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 85

Remark 6.6. In the case when n ¼ 1; (6.31) reduces to Dougall’s summation formula
for very-well-poised 7 V6 (Eq. ( in [23])

7 V6 ½a; b; c; d; e; N; 1

½a þ 1N ½a þ 1  b  cN ½a þ 1  b  dN ½a þ 1  c  dN

¼ : ð6:32Þ
½a þ 1  bN ½a þ 1  cN ½a þ 1  dN ½a þ 1  b  c  dN

when 2a þ N þ 1 ¼ b þ c þ d þ e:

7. Multiple generalization of Sears’ transformation formula

In this section, we give two types of multiple generalization of Sears’

transformation formula for 4 f3 balanced basic hypergeometric series
and 2 types of 3 f2 terminating basic hypergeometric series and their q-1

7.1. Multiple Sears’ transformation

Proposition 7.1.

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðbj xi =xj Þgi Y ðck xi yk =xn ym Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm
ðdxi yk =xn ym Þgi

ðqN Þjgj ðaÞjgj Y ðck xi yk =xn ym Þgi

ðeÞjgj ð f Þjgj 1pipn;1pkpm
ðdxi yk =xn ym Þgi

ðe=aÞN ð f =aÞN N
¼ a
ðeÞN ð f ÞN
X Dðyqd Þ Y ððd=cl Þyk =yl Þdk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk

ðqN Þjdj ðaÞjdj Y ððd=bi Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk ð7:1Þ

ðq1N a=eÞjdj ðq1N a=f Þjdj 1pipn;1pkpm
ðdxi yk =xn ym Þdk

when ab1 ?bn c1 ?cm q1N ¼ d m ef :

86 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Proof. We consider the product of multiple q-Euler transformation (1.13) and third
Heine’s transformation (1.9),

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðAj xi =xj Þgi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
Y ðBk xi yk =xn ym Þgi

ðCxi yk =xn ym Þgi
ðDEu=F ÞN F =D; F =E
2 f1 ; q; DEu=F
ðuÞN F
ðA1 ?An B1 ?Bm u=C m ÞN
X Dðyqd Þ
ðA1 ?An B1 ?Bm u=C m Þjdj
Y ððC=Bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððC=Ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk

ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðCxi yk =xn ym Þdk
D; E
2 f1 ; q; u : ð7:2Þ

We now suppose that a1 ?an b1 ?bm =cm ¼ DE=F : By taking the coefficients of the
both side of uN in the equation above, we have

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðAj xi =xj Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
ðqN Þjgj ðq1N =F Þjgj Y ðBk xi yk =xn ym Þgi

ðq1N D=F Þjgj ðq1N E=F Þjgj 1pipn;1pkpm ðCxi yk =xn ym Þgi
X Dðyqd Þ Y ððC=Bl Þyk =yl Þdk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm ðqyk =yl Þdk
ðqN Þjdj ðq1N =F Þjdj Y ððC=Ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk
: ð7:3Þ
ðq1N =DÞ jdj ðq1N =EÞ jdj 1pipn;1pkpm ðCxi yk =xn ym Þdk

After a suitable change of parameters, we obtain the desired identity. &

Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 87

Corollary 7.1. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.1) reduces

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðbj xi =xj Þgi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
ðqN Þjgj ðaÞjgj Y ðcxi =xn Þgi

ðeÞjgj ð f Þjgj 1pipn
ðdxi =xn Þgi
ðe=aÞN ð f =aÞN N
¼ a
ðeÞN ð f ÞN
q ; a; ðd=b1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðd=bn1 Þxn1 =xn ; d=bn ; d=c
nþ3 fnþ2 ; q; q : ð7:4Þ
dx1 =xn ; y; dxn1 =xn ; d; q1N a=e; q1N a=f ;

Remark 7.1. m ¼ n ¼ 1 case of this transformation reduces to Sears’ transformation

for balanced 4 f3 series (Eq. (2.10.4) in [5])
q ; a; b; c
4 f3 ; q; q
d; e; f
N ðe=aÞN ð f =aÞN qN ; a; d=b; d=c
¼a 4 f3 ; q; q ð7:5Þ
ðeÞN ð f ÞN d; aq1N =e; aq1N =f

when abc ¼ defqN1 :

We have also another form of multiple Sears’ transformation.

Proposition 7.2
X Dðxqg Þ Y ðbj xi =xj Þgi Y ðcxi =xn Þgi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðdxi =xn Þgi
ðq Þjgj ðaym =yk Þjgj

ð f Þjgj 1pkpm
ðek ym =yk Þjgj
ðd=cÞN Y ððd=bi Þxi =xn Þ
¼ m
ðde1 ?em =a b1 ?bn cÞN 1pipn ðdxi =xn ÞN
Y ðaym =yk Þ e1 ?em N

ðe k y m =y k Þ N am
X Dðyqd Þ Y ððel =aÞyk =yl Þdk Y ðð f =aÞyk =ym Þdk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm
ðq1N a1 yk =ym Þdk
ðqN Þjdj Y ðq1N d 1 xn =xi Þjdj
ðq1N c=dÞjdj 1pipn
ðq1N ðbi =dÞxn =xi Þjdj

when am b1 ?bm cq1N ¼ de1 ?em f :

88 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

Proof. We consider the product of 2 multiple q-Euler transformations of type (4.1)

( )
X Dðxqg Þ Y ðAj xi =xj Þgi Y ðBxi =xn Þgi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðCxi =xn Þgi
ðD1 ?Dm Eu=F ÞN


F =E; ðF =D1 Þy1 =ym ; y;
mþ1 fm
ðF =Dm1 Þym1 =ym ; F =Dm

Fy1 =ym ; y;
; q; D1 y; Dm Eu=F
Fym1 =ym ; F
( )
X d Y ðDl yk =yl Þd Y ðEyk =ym Þd
jdj Dðyq Þ k k
¼ u
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm ðFyk =ym Þdk
ðA1 ?An Bu=CÞN

C=B; ðC=A1 Þx1 =xn ; y; Cx1 =xn ; y;
nþ1 fn ; q; A1 y; An Bu=C :
ðC=An1 Þxn1 =xn ; C=An Cxn1 =xn ; C

We now suppose that A1 ?An B=C ¼ D1 ?Dm E=F : By taking the coefficient of uN
in both sides of (7.7), we obtain

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðAj xi =xj Þgi Y ðBxi =xn Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðCxi =xn Þgi
ðqN Þjgj Y ðq1N F 1 ym =yk Þjgj

ðq1N E=F Þjgj 1pkpm ðq1N ðDk =F Þym =yk Þjgj
ðC=BÞN Y ððC=Ai Þxi =xn ÞN Y ðFyk =ym ÞN
ðF =EÞN 1pipn ðCxi =xn ÞN 1pkpm
ððF =Dk Þyk =ym ÞN
X Dðyqd Þ Y ðDl yk =yl Þdk Y ðEyk =ym Þdk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pkpm
ðFyk =ym Þdk
N Y 1N 1
ðq Þjdj ðq C xn =xi Þjdj
: ð7:8Þ
ðq1N B=CÞjdj 1pipn
ðq1N ðAi =CÞxn =xi Þjdj

By changing of parameters suitably, we get the desired identity. &

Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 89

Corollary 7.2. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.6) reduces to

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðbj xi =xj Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
ðqN Þjgj ðaÞjgj Y ðcxi =xn Þgi

ðeÞjgj ð f Þjgj 1pipn ðdxi =xn Þgi
ðd=cÞN Y ððd=bi Þxi =xn Þ ðaÞ  e N
¼ m
ðde1 ?em =a b1 ?bn cÞN 1pipn ðdxi =xn ÞN ðeÞN a

qN ; e=a; f =a; q1N d 1 xn =x1 ; y;
nþ3 fnþ2 1N 1 1N
q a ;q c=d; q1N ðb1 =dÞxn =x1 ; y;

q1N d 1 xn =xn1 ; q1N d 1
; q; q : ð7:9Þ
q1N ðbn1 =dÞxn =xn1 ; q1N bn =d

Note that right-hand side of (7.9) is essentially the same as that of (7.4).

Remark 7.2. m ¼ n ¼ 1 case of (7.6) is itself opposite version of Sears’ transforma-

tion obtained by reversing the order of summation.

Remark 7.3. Further properties of multiple Sears transformation of type (7.1) is

discussed in [9].

7.2. Multiple 3 f2 transformation

In the same way, we obtain two types of multiple transformation formula for 3 f2
by using the multiple q-Euler transformation formulas and (multiple) q-binomial

Proposition 7.3.

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi

ðq=d1 ?dm Þjgj
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi
ðq Þjgj ðbxi =xn Þgi

ðq1N cd 1 ?dm =a1 ?an bÞjgj ðcxi =xn Þgi
90 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

ðc=bÞN Y ððc=ai Þxi =xn Þ

ðcd1 ?dm =a1 ?an bÞN 1pipn ðcxi =xn ÞN
X Dðyqd Þ Y ðdl yk =yl Þdk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk
ðq Þjdj Y ðq1N c1 xn =xi Þjdj
: ð7:10Þ
ðq1N b=cÞjdj 1pipn ðq1N ðai =cÞxn =xi Þjdj

Proof. Consider the product of the multiple q-Euler transformation (1.13) and the
multiple q-binomial theorem (1.11)

( )
X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi
DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi
ðd1 ?dm uÞN

ða1 ?an bu=cÞN
( )
X d Y ðdl yk =yl Þd
jdj Dðyq Þ k
¼ u
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm ðqyk =yl Þdk
c=b; ðc=a1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðc=an1 Þxn1 =xn ; c=an
nþ1 fn ; q; a1 y; an bu=c : ð7:11Þ
cx1 =xn ; y; cxn1 =xn ; c

By taking the coefficient of uN in the equation above and by using a simple

modification of q-shifted factorials, we have the desired formula. &

Corollary 7.3. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.10) reduces

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn ðqxi =xj Þgi
" #
Y ðbxi =xn Þg
ðqN Þjgj

ðcxi =xn Þgi ðq1N cd=a1 ?an bÞjgj

ðc=bÞN Y ððc=ai Þxi =xn Þ

ðcd=a1 ?an bÞN 1pipn ðcxi =xn ÞN
q ; d; q1N c1 xn =x1 ; y;
nþ2 fnþ1 1N
q b=c; q1N ða1 =cÞxn =x1 ; y;

q1N c1 xn =xn1 ; q1N c1
; q; q : ð7:12Þ
q1N ðan1 =cÞxn =xn1 ; q1N an =c
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 91

Remark 7.4. Eq. (7.10) is a multiple generalization of transformation formula for

terminating 3 f2 basic hypergeometric series.
qN ; a; b
3 f2 ; q; q=d
c; q1N cd=ab
ðc=bÞN ðc=aÞN q ; d; q1N c1
¼ f
3 2 ; q; q : ð7:13Þ
ðcd=abÞN ðcÞN q1N b=c; q1N a=c

Proposition 7.4.

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbk xi yk =xn ym Þgi ðqN Þjgj

1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn;1pkpm ðcxi yk =xn ym Þgi ðq1N d 1 Þjgj
ða1 ?an b1 ?bm =c dÞN
X Dðyqd Þ Y ððc=bl Þyk =yl Þdk Y ððc=ai Þxi yk =xn ym Þdk
DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
ðqyk =yl Þdk 1pipn;1pkpm
ðcxi yk =xn ym Þdk
ðq Þjdj
: ð7:14Þ
ðq1N cm =a1 ?an b1 ?bm dÞjdj

Proof. Multiply the factor ðuÞN =ðd 1 uÞN to the both sides of (1.13) and take the
coefficient of un in that equation. &

Corollary 7.4. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.14) reduces

X Dðxqg Þ Y ðaj xi =xj Þgi Y ðbxi =xn Þgi ðqN Þjgj

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
ðqxi =xj Þgi 1pipn
ðcxi =xn Þgi ðq1N d 1 Þjgj
ða1 ?an bd=cÞN
q ; c=b; ðc=a1 Þx1 =xn ; y; ðc=an1 Þxn1 =xn ; c=an
nþ2 fnþ1 ; q; q : ð7:15Þ
q1N c=a1 ?an bd; cx1 =xn ; y; cxn1 =xn ; c

Remark 7.5. Eq. (7.14) is also a multiple generalization of transformation formula

for terminating 3 f2 basic hypergeometric series
qN ; a; b
3 f2 1
; q; q
c; q1N d
ðabd=cÞN q ; c=b; c=a
¼ 3 f2 ; q; q : ð7:16Þ
ðdÞN q1N c=abd; c
92 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

7.3. Their q-1 limits

Now we write down q-1 limits of the formulas of this section. One can obtain
from multiple Euler transformation (4.8), etc. in the same way as in basic
hypergeometric case.

Proposition 7.5.

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½bj þ xi  xj gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
Y ½ck þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½d þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi
½Njgj ½ajgj

½ejgj ½ f jgj
½e  aN ½ f  aN
½eN ½ f N
X Dðy þ dÞ Y ½d  cl þ yk  yl d

dAN m DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
½1 þ y k  y l  dk
Y ½d  bi þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk

½d þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk
½Njdj ½ajdj
½1  N þ a  ejdj ½1  N þ a  f jdj

when a þ b1 þ ? þ bn þ c1 þ ? þ cm þ 1  N ¼ md þ e þ f :

Corollary 7.5. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.17) reduces

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½bj þ xi  xj gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
½Njgj ½ajgj Y ½c þ xi  xn gi

½ejgj ½ f jgj 1pipn
½d þ xi  xn gi
½e  aN ½ f  aN
½eN ½ f N

N; a; d  b1 þ x1  xn ; y;
nþ3 Fnþ2
d þ x1  xn ; y;

d  bn1 þ xn1  xn ; d  bn ; d  c
; 1 : ð7:18Þ
d þ xn1  xn ; d; 1  N þ a  e; 1  N þ a  f ;
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 93

Remark 7.6. m ¼ n ¼ 1 case of this transformation reduces to Whipple’s transfor-

mation for balanced 4 F3 series

N; a; b; c
4 F3 ;1
d; e; f
½e  aN ½ f  aN N; a; d  b; d  c
¼ 4 F3 ;1 ð7:19Þ
½eN ½ f N d; 1  N þ a  e; 1  N þ a  f

when a þ b þ c ¼ d þ e þ f þ N  1:

We have also another form of the multiple Whipple transformation.

Proposition 7.6.

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½bj þ xi  xj gi Y ½c þ xi  xn gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn
½d þ xi  xn gi
½Njgj Y ½a þ ym  yk jgj

½ f jgj 1pkpm
½ek ym =yk jgj
½d  cN
½d þ e1 þ ? þ em  ma  b1  ?  bn  cN
Y ½d  bi þ xi  xn  Y ½a þ ym  yk 

½d þ xi  xn N 1pkpm ½ek þ ym  yk N
X Dðy þ dÞ Y ½el  a þ yk  yl dk

DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
½1 þ yk  yl dk
Y ½ f  a þ yk  ym dk

½1  N  a þ yk  ym dk
½Njdj Y ½1  N  d þ xn  xi jdj
½1  N þ c  djdj 1pipn
½1  N þ bi  d þ xn  xi jdj

when ma þ b1 þ ? þ bm þ c þ 1  N ¼ d þ e1 þ ? þ em þ f :

Corollary 7.6. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.20) reduces to

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½bj þ xi  xj gi Y ½c þ xi  xn gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn
½d þ xi  xn gi
½Njgj ½ajgj

½ f jgj ½ejgj
94 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

½d  cN
½d þ e1 þ ? þ em  ma  b1  ?  bn  cN
½a Y ½d  bi þ xi  xn 

½eN 1pipn
½d þ xi  xn N

N; e  a; f  a; 1  N  d þ xn  x1 ; y;
nþ3 Fnþ2
1  N  a; 1  N þ c  d; 1  N þ b1  d þ xn  x1 ; y;

1  N  d þ xn  xn1 ; 1  N  d
;1 : ð7:21Þ
1  N þ bn1  d þ xn  xn1 ; 1  N þ bn  d

Note that right-hand side of (7.21) is essentially the same as that of (7.18).

Remark 7.7. m ¼ n ¼ 1 case of (7.20) is itself is opposite version of the Whipple

transformation (7.19) obtained by reversing the order of the summation.

In the same way, we obtain two types of multiple transformation formula for 3 F2
by using the multiple Euler transformation formulas and (multiple) binomial

Proposition 7.7

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi Y ½b þ xi  xn gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi 1pipn
½c þ xi  xn gi

½1  N þ c þ d1 þ ? þ dm  a1  ?  an  bjgj
½c  bN Y ½c  ai þ xi  xn 
½c þ d1 þ ? þ dm  a1  ?  an  bN 1pipn ½c þ xi  xn N
X Dðy þ dÞ Y ½dl þ yk  yl dk

DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
½1 þ yk  yl dk
½Njdj Y ½1  N  c þ xn  xi jdj
: ð7:22Þ
½1  N þ b  cjdj 1pipn
½1  N þ ai  c þ xn  xi jdj

Corollary 7.7. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.22) reduces

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
Y ½b þ xi  xn g ½Njgj

½c þ xi  xn gi ½1  N þ c þ d  a1  ?  an  bjgj
Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97 95

½c  bN Y ½c  ai þ xi  xn 
½c þ d  a1  ?  an  bN 1pipn ½c þ xi  xn N

N; d; 1  N  c þ xn  x1 ; y;
nþ2 Fnþ1
1  N þ b  c; 1  N þ a1  c þ xn  x1 ; y;

1  N  c þ xn  xn1 ; 1  N  c
;1 : ð7:23Þ
1  N þ an1  c þ xn  xn1 ; 1  N þ an  c

Remark 7.8. Eq. (7.22) is a multiple generalization of transformation formula for

terminating 3 F2 basic hypergeometric series.
N; a; b
3 F2 ;1
c; 1  N þ c þ d  a  b
½c  bN ½c  aN N; d; 1  N  c
¼ 3 F2 ;1 : ð7:24Þ
½c þ d  a  bN ½cN 1  N þ b  c; 1  N þ a  c

Proposition 7.8.

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
½Njgj Y ½bk þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi

½1  N  djgj 1pipn;1pkpm ½c þ xi þ yk  xn  ym gi
½a1 þ ? þ an þ b1 þ ? þ bm  mc  dN
X Dðy þ dÞ Y ½c  bl þ yk  yl d

dAN m DðyÞ 1pk;lpm
½1 þ y k  y l d k

Y ½c  ai þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk

½c þ xi þ yk  xn  ym dk
: ð7:25Þ
½1  N þ mc  a1  ?  an  b1  ?  bm  djdj

Corollary 7.8. In the case when m ¼ 1; (7.25) reduces

X Dðx þ gÞ Y ½aj þ xi  xj gi

DðxÞ 1pi; jpn
½1 þ xi  xj gi
½Njgj Y ½b þ xi  xn g

½1  N  djgj 1pipn ½c þ xi  xn gi
96 Y. Kajihara / Advances in Mathematics 187 (2004) 53–97

½a1 þ ? þ an þ b þ d  cN

N; c  b; c  a1 þ x1  xn ; y;
nþ2 Fnþ1
1  N þ c  a1  ?  an  b  d; c þ x1  xn ; y;

c  an1 þ xn1  xn ; c  an
;1 : ð7:26Þ
c þ xn1  xn ; c

Remark 7.9. Eq. (7.25) is also a multiple generalization of transformation formula

for terminating 3 F2 basic hypergeometric series
N; a; b
3 F2 ;1
c; 1  N  d
½a þ b þ d  cN N; c  b; c  a
¼ F
3 2 ; 1 : ð7:27Þ
½dN 1  N þ c  a  b  d; c


It is the author‘s pleasure to thank the referee for valuable comments. He would
express his sincere gratitude to Prof. C. Krattenthaler, Prof. S.C. Milne and Dr. M.
Schlosser for useful comments and especially to his adviser Prof. M. Noumi for so
many encouragements, advises and suggestions. He also thanks Dr. K. Iohara and
Dr. H. Rosengren for careful reading of the earlier version of this paper and pointing
out several misprints.
Note added
After finishing this work, H. Rosengren kindly informed the author that he
recovered the results of Section 6 of this paper in [21] by using his reduction formula
of Karlsson–Minton type. The author would like to thank again Dr. Rosengren for
informing his result.


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