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2008 American Control Conference FrA07.

Westin Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Washington, USA
June 11-13, 2008

Stabilization of a 2-DOF Inverted Pendulum

by a Low Cost Visual Feedback
Haoping Wang, Afzal Chamroo, Christian Vasseur and Vladan Koncar

AbstractThis paper presents a stabilization control system interesting to develop robust control methods that do not
of a 2-DOF inverted pendulum. The challenge is to realize a require high accuracy and expensive sensors.
control with a contact-less feedback including a low cost CCD Therefore, our challenge is to consider low cost CCD
camera. The global control system uses two feedback loops. cameras as contactless pendulum sensor. The problem is that
The first one (inner loop) includes the delayed and sampled
these sensors are less accurate and often deliver sampled and
inverted pendulums top coordinates, obtained from the CCD
camera and the second one (outer loop) concerns the carts delayed signals due to their digital nature and computation-
position in continuous time (obtained from encoders). With this transfer time (image processing) respectively.
feedback scheme, we propose a specific control method by Using visual feedback to control a robot is commonly
choosing an optimal balancing plane at each cameras sampling termed as visual servoing [12]. For example visual (image
instant, in view of transforming the 2-DOF pendulum problem based) features such as points, lines and regions can be used
to a 1-DOF one. Then in this balancing plane, we realize two
to enable the alignment of a manipulator/gripping
control loops: The inner loop, relative to the pendulums angle,
is controlled by a linearization and stabilization method based mechanism with an object. Hence, vision is a part of a
on an innovative observer called Piecewise Continuous control system providing feedback. However, traditionally
Reduced-Order Luenberger Observer (PCROLO). The outer visual sensing and manipulation are combined in an open-
loop uses a Lyapunov function based control scheme with loop configuration, looking and moving [20], or just for
slower internal dynamics compared to that of the pendulum, visualizations and animations [1]. Recently, visual
considering that the global controlled system (cart + pendulum)
supervision has been gradually combined in the closed
is an unstable non-minimum-phase system. Numerical
simulations show that the stabilization control of the inverted control loop particularly for cart-inverted pendulum control
pendulum on an x-y robot that are strongly non linear is such as in [8], [23]. Unfortunately there is no real successful
successful. application reported on controlling the pendulum and the
carts position by visual servoing till now. Only a fuzzy-
I. INTRODUCTION logic based controller was reported in [16], but just for

T he inverted pendulum system is a perfect benchmark for

the design of a wide range of nonlinear control theories
because of its inherent instability with highly non-linear
controlling the pendulum. The PID+Q controller has been
applied to antisway control of crane lifter modeled by the
structure of an inverted pendulum [17]. Unfortunately, there
dynamics. The most considered inverted pendulums are: is no research work related to an inverted pendulum on an x-
single, double or triple inverted pendulum on a cart [2], [4], y robot using visual feedback has been reported.
[7], [9], [15], [18], [22], a rotational single-arm or two-link Analyzing difficulties of previous vision based research
pendulum [20] and an inverted pendulum on an x-y robot works related to inverted pendulum control; it seemed that
[13], [5], [6], [24]. In almost all cases, controllers use the camera signal has not been sufficiently exploited.
continuous accurate sensors which are in physical contact Therefore, our efforts have been focused on the
with the pendulum. development of the accurate observer using the theory of
However, in numerous applications it is impossible to put Piecewise Continuous Systems (PCS) [14] to compensate
sensors in direct contact with the controlled object. Vision the delayed, imprecise sampled data of the vision system.
systems are a means to avoid this physical constraint. The improved signal is generated in continuous time.
Moreover, from an economical point of view it may be The research results presented here are an extension and
development of the previous works [14], [3], [21], especially
relative to the use of the PCS in order to design a PCROLO
This work was supported by the Nord - Pas de Calais region, the France that compensates the time delay and the sampling effects
state and the European Community with the contract 15010/02Y0064/03-04
CAR/Presage N 4605 Obi. 2-2004:2 - 4.1 - N 160/4605. The authors introduced by the visual feedback.
would like to thank them for their kind support. In this article, the control scheme implemented via a
H.P. Wang, C. Vasseur, are with LAGIS CNRS UMR 8146, Universit cascade combination method is inspired by the work of K.
des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, UFR IEEA, Btiment P2 314/204,
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France (e-mail: ( Guemghar et al. [10]. The control method based on a, and ( PCROLO and linearization and stabilization control applied
A. Chamroo is with Universit de Poitiers, LAII, 40 avenue du recteur to control the pendulums angle form the inner loop. In
Pineau, 86022 Poitiers, France (e-mail:
And V. Koncar is with GEMTEX/ENSAIT 9 rue de lErmitage, BP
parallel, a Lyapunov based control for the unstable non-
30329, 59056 Roubaix, France (e-mail: minimum-phase internal system (cart) with slower dynamics

978-1-4244-2079-7/08/$25.00 2008 AACC. 3851

comparing to the pendulum dynamics constitutes the outer D. The actuators
loop. Simulation results are given at the end of the paper. This part of the system is composed of two servo motors
(SANYO DENKI PY2A015A3-A3), whose configurations
II. EXPERIMENTAL PLATFORM can be modified and parameterized via the RS-232 serial
The vision based control platform of the 3D inverted communication by the PY software in the control computer.
pendulum presented in Fig. 1 contains the next four parts: AC motors P50B050020DXS00M, driven by a dSpace
computer input/output card via a power amplifier, are
A. The Mechanical X-Y table (Fig. 1)
actually mounted on each axis of the X-Y table. The
The system is composed of an X-Y aluminum chassis and amplifier is supplied with 240 V. The AC motors deliver a
a plastic inverted pendulum mounted on the mobile cart. nominal couple of 3.0 Nm with a power of 200 W. The
Between the pendulum and the cart, a circular shock platform provides the carts x, y position through encoders.
absorber preventing the pendulum from completely falling
to horizontal position is installed. It allows the pendulum to III. MODELING THE INVERTED PENDULUM SYSTEM
have a maximum angle of 50 with respect to the vertical
In [13], [5], [6], [24], the authors propose an
approximately decoupled modeling method for a 2-DOF
Axes are actuated by AC servo motors via notched belt.
inverted pendulum with the constraint of working in a small
B. Vision system angle inclination. As compared to this method, we propose
Instead of using hi-tech digital cameras capable of higher here a different modeling approach without any restriction.
sampling rates, higher spatial resolution and improved Its main idea consists in choosing an optimal plane in view
signal/noise ratio, we used a low cost IR CCD (Jai M50 IR) of transforming a 2-DOF inverted pendulum problem in a 1-
camera with a sampling rate of 25 frames/sec and a low DOF problem.
resolution of 640 480 pixels in non-interlaced mode. The A. Inverted Pendulum (cf. Fig. 2)
measurements of the camera are available at a sampling rate
Initially, we consider the Pxyz reference parallel to the
of T = 40 ms (acquisition-processing-transferring time). In
Oxyz reference of the cart-pendulum system, with point P
order to simplify the data sensing, an infrared LED has been
being the pivot of the pendulum. At any time, the inverted
added on the upper tip of pendulum.
pendulum can be projected onto two orthogonal planes: r-z
The vision computer is equipped with an image
(including the entire inverted pendulum) and x-y plane
acquisition card (ELTEC PC-EYE 4). Image processing is
(parallel to two directions of the X-Y table), as illustrated in
realized by software called TEKVIS that detects the inverted
Fig.2. According to the main modeling idea, the r-z plane
pendulums upper tip (x, y) coordinates and transmits them
has been chosen as the optimal one to balance the pendulum.
to the control computer via the RS-232 serial
Therefore, the 2-DOF problem is reduced to a 1-DOF one.
communication. In order to synchronize the camera with the
By referring to the methods proposed in [2], [7], the 2-
controller, the camera is triggered by an external periodical
DOF inverted pendulum can be modeled as follows
pulse signal, generated via the dSpace card with a sampling
period equal the acquisition-processing-transferring time.
As soon as the control computer receives the pendulums  + 2n n 2 sin = K cos 
r (1)
coordinates, a four step TSAI calibration method [11] is
carried out. It supports not only the real inverted pendulum where: n = mgl ( J + ml 2 ) natural frequency ,
top position but also the compensation of the deformations
caused by the cameras lenses. Moreover, the difference in = Br [2n ( J + ml 2 )] damping ratio,
the height of the pendulum's upper tip plays an important K = ml ( J + ml 2 ) the gain,
role in the projective imaging geometry of the camera.
with: the angle of the pendulum with z-axis in the r-z
Hence, two points with a same coordinate in x-y plane but in plane, l the length from the pendulums center of gravity to
different height project to two different points in the image, the pivot, m the mass of the pendulum, Br the viscous
affecting the sensing results and accuracy. damping constant between the pendulum and the cart, g the
C. The controller gravitational acceleration, J=(ml2)/3 the pendulum
momentum of inertia and r the carts position on r-axis,
The controller is implemented on a dSpace DS1103 card
considering the origin of this axis to be O which is the
on a control computer. The ControlDesk module integrated orthogonal projection of O on r-axis. Naturally, the
with Matlab/Simulink, enables the modeling, the supervision displacement on r-axis is the result of a combination on x
and the development of direct control methods for the real and y axes.
system using control cards variables and parameters. The Moreover, by considering the projection of the pendulum
control signals are sent to power amplifiers via 10 V DAC. on the x-y plane, as shown in Fig. 3, we can find the
geometrical relationship between x, y and r:

r = x cos + y sin (2) linearization module. The second one (the outer loop)
realizes a Lyapunov based control for the unstable internal
with the angle between r and x axes and calculated by (5). system having slower dynamics than that of the pendulum.
The aim is to find two controls ux and uy by introducing an
B. Motor-Cart System intermediate pendulums reference angle ref which ensures
On x-axis, the motor-cart model which considers the the global stability of the 2-DOF cart-pendulum system.
motor terminal voltage ux as its input and the motors
A. Stabilization of the Inverted Pendulum
horizontal displacement x as its output, can be modeled as
follows Under the assumption that the inverted pendulums
angular position and velocity  are precisely estimated via
x = ( x + k x u x ) x
 (3) the PCROLO, the 1-DOF inverted pendulums dynamic
equations in (1) lead to
where: kx the overall gain of the motor-cart on x-axis,
x the time constant of the motor-cart on x-axis. r = v ,
In the same way, the motor-cart on y-axis is modeled as  + 2n n 2 sin = K cos v. (9)

y = ( y + k y u y ) y .
 (4) In order to stabilize the pendulum, a stable dynamics can be
imposed by introducing a new control v, a new gain K 2 , a
C. Pendulums Angles Computation ( and )
new natural frequency n and a new damping ratio
According the structure of our platform, the only
defined as follows
accessible information are the coordinates (xC, yC) of the
pendulums upper tip projection on the x-y plane via the
2n + n 2 sin K cos v = 2 n 2n + K 2 v. (10)
vision system and the pendulums pivot coordinates (x, y)
via x and y encoders.
In these conditions, according to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the From (10) the relation between v and v is
and angles can be computed as follows
v = [2(n n ) + 2n + n 2 sin K 2 v] K cos (11)
= tan [( yC y) ( xC x)] ,
= sin {[ ( xc x) cos + ( yc y )sin ] 2l} .
(6) with: < 2. After the transformation, one has

In our case, only sampled and delayed measurements of r = [2(n n ) + n2 + n 2 sin K 2 v] K cos , (12)

the camera are available  + 2  + 2 = K v. (13)
n n 2

( xC (kte Te ), yC (kte Te )) = ( xC ,k q , yC , k q ) (7) Thus, from (13), the linearized pendulums state equation is

with te the cameras sampling cycle, and Te=qte. where: q is  (t ) = A(t ) + Bv(t )
an integer number and Te represents the delay time
corresponding the time necessary for data acquisition, 0 1 0 (t )
processing and transfer. For our vision system, te=40 ms and with A = , B = and (t ) =  .
(t )
q=1. n 2 n K2
Finally, from (5), (6) and (7), k-1 and k-1 are computed.
B. PCROL Observer
IV. INVERTED PENDULUM CONTROL The problem is to estimate the continuous position and
The main control architecture for the 2-DOF pendulum is velocity  from the visual feedback k-1. In order to resolve
presented in Fig. 4. The hybrid feedback generates the this problem, a specific PCROLO is designed. This observer
continuous cart coordinates (x, y) and the delayed and combines a Reduced-Order Discrete Luenberger Observer
sampled pendulums angular position k-1. The control (RODLO) and two Piecewise Continuous Systems (PCS) as
principle is that at each sampling instant an optimal defined in [12]. A PCS ({kte}, A, B, C) is symbolized by
balancing plane r-z is selected by using k-1. Then, in this Fig. 5. It is characterized by a first continuous input (t), a
balancing plane, the control system is built considering two
second input (t) sampled at discrete instants kte, three state
loops. The first one (inner loop) realizes a linearization and
matrices A, B and C, a state vector x(t) and an output vector
the stabilization control of the pendulum based on the
y(t). In these conditions, the functioning equations are as
innovative observer of PCROLO coupled with a

t and =ref. Thus the simplified dynamic system becomes
xk (t ) = exp( A(t kte )) (kte ) + kte
exp A(t )B ( )d ,
yk (t ) = Cxk (t ), t [ kte , (k + 1)te [ . r = v = [n 2 tan( ref )] K ,
v = ( 2n ref ) K 2 . (18)
In order to observe (t), we choose A and B as in (14) and
C=I2 .
According to Fig. 6, the PCROLO is constructed as Based on this internal 2-DOF pendulum system, a
follows: Lyapunov candidate function is defined as follows
First step: PCS I
Using the PCS I, with (t)=v(t) and (t)=0, one has V (r , r) = ( r 2 + r 2 ) 2, with , 0 .

M k 1 (t ) = ( k 1) te
exp A(t )Bv ( ) d . In order to ensure the Lyapunov derivations negativity

V (r , r) = r( r + 
r ) = r( r + v ) < 0 ,
By sampling (ZOH) at each kte, one obtains
a particular function which stabilizes its internal dynamics is
kte m1k
M kk1 =
( k 1)te
exp A(kte )Bv( )d = k 1 .
m2k 1

+ r 2 ) 2
( r + v ) = [1 e ( r ]r, > 0 .
Second step:RODLO
k-1 is estimated by a RODLO defined below Therefore, we have

zk = Fzk -1 + G k 1 + (m 2kk 1 Lm1kk 1 ), 2

+ r 2 ) 2)
v = [ r + (1 e( r )r] (19)

zk 1 = k 1 L k 1 ,
and then replacing (19) in (17), the intermediate value ref
where F, G and L are defined from as follows: can be computed. Then, by substituting ref in (18), the
f f control v is given
exp( Ate ) = 11 12 , F = ( f 22 Lf12 ) ,
f f
21 22
v = f1 (r , r) = ( 2n f1 ) K 2 (20)
G = ( f 22 Lf12 ) L + ( f 21 Lf11 ) , L = ( f 22 f12 ) R
(imposed value to maximize the RODL Observers
convergence speed). {
with f1 = tan 1 K [ r + (1 e ( r
+ r 2 ) 2
) r] (n 2 ) .

Estimating k 1 by k 1 = zk 1 + L k 1 , one gets
k 1 , The last step is to find the relations between the control v
then , by integration of (14) on the time interval and the two controls ux and uy as illustrated in Fig 4.
Considering (2) (3) and (4) with local input/output
[(k 1)te , kte [ injection for each motor, we can obtain: kx=ky=k and
x=y=. In these conditions, the balancing of the pendulum
= exp( At )

k 1 + M k 1 .
k e in the r-z plane is ensured by imposing the following
additional condition for the carts accelerations
Third step: PCS II  x = tan .
, one has
Using the PCS II, with (t)=v(t) and (t ) = Finally ux and uy are defined as follows

t u x = ( x + cos v ) k , (21)
(t ) = exp( At )
k kte
exp A(t )Bv( )d . (16)
u y = ( y + sin v ) k . (22)
C. Lyapunov Function Based Cascade Control
The main idea of the control scheme is to introduce an V. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS
angular reference ref as an intermediate for the pendulum The mass of the pendulum is 38 g and its length is 31.5
angular position in the aim of finding the two controls (ux, cm, the viscous friction between the pendulum and the cart
uy). on the x-y robot is supposed zero. Therefore, according to
Applying the quasi-steady state assumption in (12) and the modeling procedure, the inverted pendulum is
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Fig. 1. Experimental platform. Fig. 4. The 2-DOF Inverted pendulum control architecture

z' A (t )
+ xk (t ) yk (t )
C (t ) + yk (t )
[{kte }, A, B, C ]
z B
xk (t ) C
(t )
{kte }
y' r (t )
C' Fig. 5. a) PCS detailed structure b) PCS symbolic representation
P x'
Fig. 2. Inverted pendulum on the r-z and x-y-z planes
v [{kte }, A, B, I 2 ]
(t )

y k 1 +
+ e Ate
r L +
k 1
C '( xC , yC ) G k 1
M kk1
+ zk te s zk 1
+ + ZOH
P ( x, y )
m1kk 1
[{kte }, A, B, I 2 ]
O x Mk 1 (t ) 0
P' m2kk 1 PCS I
O' Q ODLOR Observateur

Fig. 3. Projection of inverted pendulum on the x-y plane Fig. 6. Piecewise Continuous Reduced Order Luenberger Observer

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 7. Simulation result: { 0 = 3 rad, 0 = 6 rad, x0 = 1 m and y0 = 0.2 m}

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 8. Simulation result under measuring error and white noise { 0 = 3 rad, 0 = 6 rad, x0 = 1 m and y0 = 0.2 m}


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