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First Bible Lesson: Matthew Chapter 19 verse 22

"But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had gr
eat possessions."
Second Bible Lesson: 2nd Timothy Chapter 3 verse 13
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being decei
Golden Text: Luke Chapter 14 verses 13 and 14
"But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: A
nd thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be rec
ompensed at the resurrection of the just."
BRETHREN, we have something of interest we want to reveal to you today. I have c
onsidered it my sole responsibility to check your spiritual knots and do the nor
mal overhauling from time to time, so, what is slack may not be put out of joint
, but rather that it may be healed, tightened and straightened.
I have observed, the whole world is blind and ignorant, not knowing the way out
of this world's snares of materialism. Because all those who claim to have money
do not want to give out their money to others who have none. Or rather should I
say, they do not want to save themselves by means of giving away these unrighte
ous riches, for these will fail them and they will not have peace of mind, if th
ey fail to give. Also those who do not have this world's means of living, are fi
nding ways of duping others, which means, they themselves also do not want to sa
ve themselves or to be at peace.
Brethren, the whole world is pitiful, for no one is prepared to be saved. Anyone
sensible will not pick any money he sees on the road because it does not belong
to him. Do you know, to pick money on the road, which does not belong to you, l
eads you to destruction, the same with stealing three kobo that belongs to anoth
er person? Also if anybody obtains money from another person under false pretenc
e, it is disastrous and punishable by law. It is said, if you do not work, you s
hould not eat, you must only eat from the sweat of your labour. If you agree wit
h some one on a salary of 10 naira a month, then at the end of the month, he ina
dvertently pays you more than the agreed amount, and if you do not return the ex
tra payment to your employer, it is dangerous.
What has brought untold sorrows to the whole world is, they are reaping from whe
re they did not sow. This has brought sickness, distress, scarcity, poverty, tri
bulations and death to humanity. Who is he that reaps from where he did not sow?
He is that fellow who does not want to work but wants to eat; or if possible de
fraud others. Do you think you are free? There is no one created by God to remai
n idle and lazy, and then expect to have his daily food. If there is, such one i
s a son of perdition.
From the day you have the understanding of God's Word, if somebody should call o
n you, and give you 20 naira, you must think carefully what you have done to him
to deserve such a gift; or if there is anything you are to do for him in return
, before you will accept such a present. I am grateful to God because this gospe
l will be circulated to all parts of the world so, you may bear in mind always t
his order and exhortation: you should not eat food from anyone free; and you sho
uld not obtain anything from anyone whom you have not worked for. This has broug
ht the present world to its disastrous condition.
Women have suffered because of this, parents and children have all suffered the
same fate because it is God's divine order, you should only eat food, you earn.
Therefore what hope has anybody who does not work when he is fit to do so; but b
ecomes lazy and gets food or things from people? What hope of life has he? You w
ho receive and do not give out, neither do you work for what you receive, do you
not know you are signing your death sentence? Do you not know, impostors will a
lso come to you and deceive you, and snatch your ill-gotten wealth from you? If
you cheat anybody with one kobo, you must receive punishment for doing so. If yo
u pray as long as you can, or fast as many days as possible, you must be punishe
This is what made that rich man to be grieved, because the ways and means of gai
ning his riches were not proper. It was through cheating and robbing and deceit,
and therefore he had no rest of mind and was not free. Satan is lazy. God and H
is children are never lazy, they use their hands to work and to eat what they ea
rn. Therefore if you do not use your hands to work either for your father, broth
er, relative or mother, do not eat their food free.
When you look to people to do things for you, and you continue getting things fr
om them free, you are selling your wisdom, glory and your rightful place to such
people. Why not learn from the experiences of Esau and Jacob? It was because of
them the whole nation of Israel suffered. You remember, Esau came along from th
e field one day and was so tired and hungry, he was unable to endure it, so he s
aid to his brother please, give me just a spoon of that red pottage. His brother
required him to sell his birthright to him. With hunger and tiredness, Esau sai
d: "Here I am simply going to die, and of what benefit is a birthright to me?" D
o you see how you despise your positions today? Esau sold his birthright for jus
t a spoon of red pottage. From that day all misfortunes came his way. This is ex
actly what happens to you today, and when this happens, you attribute it to juju
and witchcraft, or to your enemies or some other people you think are responsib
le for your misfortune. You are the master of your own fortune, you eat someone'
s food without working for it. You of course reap the punishment Esau received.
Notwithstanding this outstanding lesson, yet today you see people campaigning, l
ooking to people to give them money, when they have not done anything worthy. Su
ch ones must understand, if they receive anything from someone free when they ar
e quite normal to work, they are receiving punishment. I do not say, any poison
is contained in the presents given you, but it is contrary to God's divine instr
uction which says: "If anyone does not work, neither let him eat." ALL SHOULD EA
T FOOD EARNED BY THEMSELVES, do not accept anything you have not labored for whe
ther from your parents or relatives.
Jacob also received his own share of punishment, because he was not worthy of th
e blessing he received from Isaac. He was an imposter, a deceiver, he misled Isa
ac and for doing so, although he received the blessing yet in the end, he receiv
ed punishment, together with all his household. If you read through the sad expe
rience of Jacob and his children, the punishment they later on received from rea
ping where they did not sow; another day you will not receive one kobo from anyo
ne, if you do not labor or toil for it; the punishment Jacob and his children re
ceived was so great. Do not seek another's position that has been given him. Eve
n though anybody tells you to give 50 kobo to obtain such a position, please do
not seek the downfall of others, for this will lead you to destruction. Do not s
eek for unjust profits. If you retain unjust profits you will receive punishment
. There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. If you continue
to receive when you are supposed to give, you will receive punishment, sickness,
or death. But all goodness and reward goes to the one who gives. That is why, C
hrist said to the young man, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou has
t, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and fo
llow me." (Matthew Chapter 19 verse 22). But the young man became grieved. We ar
e really very fortunate for this wonderful light of help in these days so, we ma
y know how to keep our riches in heaven, because we do not know where all this m
oney comes from, therefore by giving them to the poor, we will be repaid in the
resurrection of the righteous ones. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
From today, do not put your trust in nobles or in any Son of Man, but each day u
se your hands and work, labor and toil for here you will receive blessing and ha
ve what to give out to others who are in need. If you look into the whole world
you will notice that it is vacant: why? The nations of mankind have sold their r
ightful place either to their parents or relatives or to other nations of the wo
rld and thereby enslaved themselves, and are not free to serve God. Take for ins
tance in the whole of Nigeria, who are the rich men among them? It is because yo
u want the white man to do everything for you. Each time you ask for a loan, you
use it and do not pay back; in another short while you turn to another nation f
or loan, by so doing you are selling your fortune, your glory, and your riches t
o those nations. Just for a spoonful of pottage or loan you despise your positio
n as a nation. Whom will you blame? But you will turn to say, God loves the whit
e man more than the black man, of course that is not true, because they are will
ing to give out and are willing to use their hands to labour for what to eat, th
ey are not lazy. If they have nothing to eat, they may polish shoes for people,
or convey luggage for people, sweep their houses, wash people's clothes, and the
y will be paid, and thereby have money with which to feed themselves, and also r
eceive blessing from God for obeying His divine instruction. If the white man ha
ve not practiced any of God's Word, they have kept this particular one. This gos
pel will bring greater progress to this Country and other Countries of the world
because you have accused evil forces, your enemies and witchcraft as being resp
onsible for your sufferings and downfall. This is not true, it is your ingratitu
de and failure to practise this gospel.
For instance an employer, who earns 100 naira a month happens to be approached b
y an applicant, he knows there is a vacancy to employ this man but demands money
from this person who is an applicant, and may be this fellow has no hope of his
day's food. Do you not see, this employer has invited trouble into his family,
infact a great ruin to himself? Nobody has the right to obtain even one kobo fro
m anyone in order to employ him. Even though it is government work, or departmen
t or Mission, all these are God's own field of work. There is no reason why anyo
ne in authority should demand money from anybody before he is employed.
Another unjust demand is the disastrous trade in marriage. The bargain you impos
e in the marriage of your daughters is unscriptural, and any amount obtained as
PRICE is detrimental. How much did you pay to God who gave you that child.
Brethren, this is how God's arrangement should function: that is, if you are emp
loyed, you must show gratitude to the person who assisted you to get employed. E
ven if you should give out 200 naira, this is not bad, it is not a demand but a
free will offering and it is given as a sign of appreciation. That is equity. Un
less you show such appreciation, you have not yet got employment, you will not h
ave peace in that office, there will be no progress and no promotion for you. Yo
u must not eat someone's food free. Likewise with land, if you are given a piece
of land to build a house or to farm on, you must show gratitude to the giver, o
therwise you would not have peace in that place. Go and show appreciation to the
giver and feel free.
Some of you may fall in love with a lady and eventually take her to be your wife
, without meeting the parents of the lady, but thanking God for providing you wi
th a wife. Watch out! The end of these two people, their children and the entire
house will end in ruins and chaos. Both of them are in fire. If any one has acc
epted you in marriage go and meet the parents with heartfelt appreciation and gr
atefulness. And you, the wife, do not rejoice because you have got a husband and
say therefore it will cost you nothing. You must also show gratitude for having
a husband. That is why, many people say, the English marriage is much better th
an the Blackman's marriage. This is true, because when a marriage is contracted
in the English way of life, the husband will bring his riches and the wife will
also bring her own, then the two ends will meet. But here with the Blackman, onl
y the husband has to bring money, but the wife will march in carefree into what
she calls "my husband's home:" which home? You have contributed nothing. In the
English marriage, if the wife is educated, then the husband must pay back the fe
es of her education, and the proposed wife must be prepared to pay the fees of t
he husband's education, both sides must be equally attended to before marriage i
s solemnized. If you are an educated child, your parents expect you to pay them
the money they used in educating you: if you fail to do so, you will not be free
, and you are a debtor. These instructions are from God and not man. Do not eat
anybody's food freely. You must labour and toil with your hands and earn your fo
od. Let our first Bible lesson be read.
First Bible Lesson: Matthew Chapter 19 verse 22
"But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had gr
eat possessions."
What word did that young man hear that automatically turned him back grieved? Wh
y was he said to have been holding many possessions? Was it not because of being
dubious? Giving out 20 naira to somebody and expecting 100 percent interest in
return. Employing people on agreed rate of 50 kobo, but paying them 20 kobo inst
ead. That is why, Christ said: "Truly I say to you, it will be a difficult thing
for a rich man to get into the kingdom of the heaven."
The lottery and pool business is the exploitation of the poor. The poor man cont
ributed 20 kobo or 30 kobo but with your smartness, you exploit him through gamb
ling, this is extortion. How could you give just 10 kobo and receive 2000 naira?
Is this not stealing? Is this not extortion? You cannot escape being punished o
n the last day. Tell me how you will put in 10 kobo in a machine and it gives yo
u 10000 naira? Where does all this money come from? They are not yours. Give bac
k what you are given otherwise you become a robber. This is why it is said, a ri
ch man will not get into the kingdom of heaven. He has no peace, he is not free
unless he returns all the money which is not his to the owners. Have you ever se
en a rich man spending one kobo, if he has no hope of any profit forthcoming eve
n in his family circle? Therefore since they have not sought for themselves a go
od land, where will they be at the resurrection of the righteous ones?
Take for instance, a young man who earns 20 naira a month, but in six months he
puts up a storey building, again in the next six months he puts up another build
ing; where does he get all this money? Is he the only worker there? What they ca
ll business will show up in no time, and the entire family will go into ruins. S
ometimes you will hear people saying, a man received so-so amount from me and fa
iled to pay back. Do you know how he himself had deceived other people and made
away with their money? He must also be deceived. All those who deceive: others m
ust deceive them. God says whatever you would like others to do to you, do so to
others first. Is this not the source of your disaster? Think of the money doubl
ers! Somebody calls on you to give him 40 naira and he will give you 80 naira. T
hat man and yourself who is the thief? Are you not the one? The hardships, distr
ess, and suffering that have met pool, lottery stakers, rafflers and money doubl
ers are unspeakable. The love of money is the root of all evil, and by reaching
out for this love, some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed the
mselves all over with many pains. Beloved, this way is disastrous. Others organi
ze themselves into gangs and perform highway robbery: the night is dangerous! Do
they read this portion of the Bible, that their house, themselves and family ha
ve perished? That is why, God says, we should be satisfied in the position he ha
s given to each of us, and use our hands to labor and toil and earn our food.
If anybody gives you money, no matter how small it may be, do not fail to work f
or that money in return. Whatever a person does to you, do not accept for gratis
, so, you might obtain blessing from God. Do not deceive anybody even with 1 kod
o, either in your house, with your wife, children or with your co-workers, so, y
ou may not perish. May we have our second Bible lesson read, for this is where p
unishment comes upon the entire inhabitants of earth today.
Second Bible Lesson: 2nd Timothy Chapter 3 verse 13
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being decei
I desire you read this portion of the Bible once more at your leisure. So, you m
ay know, if you have deceived anyone, and in turn someone else deceives you, wha
t then is your gain? There is nothing you will do to another man that will not b
e done to you in return. Pray as you may, and fast as you can, it must surely co
me to pass. "With the measure, you are measuring out to others it shall be measu
red out to you again."
Do you not see how women are deceiving men and how they are being deceived; how
men are deceiving women and in turn how they are being deceived? The whole world
is filled with deception. Doctors, money doublers, lawyers are on the job of de
ceiving and being in turn deceived. Traders, contractors every field of business
in the world is full of deceit. What then is the profit? The whole world is nak
ed before God in their parade of deceptions.
If the world were to apply itself to the instructions of God, things would not h
ave been like this. God says freely you received, you must also give freely. You
are counseled not to feed the lazy person; and, we ourselves should not be lazy
. Again you are warned not to eat any man's food free, this includes your wife's
food, your parent's food, your children's and also God's own food. You must wor
k for it. Today many of those who cared for our education are crying, looking fo
rward to us paying them the cost, and that is why many of you who are educated d
o not have peace because you have failed to pay back the money that was spent in
your education either to your parents, relatives community or government. Anoth
er ground is that some of you must have received help from friends, neighbors or
villagers, but have failed to give back such help in return. They have not rece
ived any benefit from you, since they are regretting over the help given you; ho
w can you have peace of mind? Greedy persons do not give out, but expect to rece
ive. Some of you are chronic debtors, debts, you will not be able to pay out unt
il your death. You are indebted to both those who love you as well as to those w
ho hate you.
If you visit a friend and he slaughters a goat to prepare a meal for you know, y
our own goat is slaughtered. This is how we meet misfortune. Watch out, the day
the friend will call on you, if you want to prepare a meal with a chicken, he wi
ll tell you, the deal was not with a chicken but with a goat. Now you have it! Y
ou cannot eat your cake and have it.
To somebody who has got this understanding, he will tell such a house holder, pl
ease do not worry to prepare any food; but if he so desires to eat, he should ge
t some banana and groundnuts and say instead, this will do; because he knows, he
will not have money to pay the house holder back. Do you get the sense of it?
Therefore as from today, let this advice become a part of you as your guiding fa
ctor. If anybody gives you money please think carefully whether you are worthy t
o receive that money if not say, "thank you," and remain free. He may be setting
a trap for you, or he may be looking for greater interest on that amount, so, b
e careful! Why so do you not give the beggar by the road side 2 kobo, but when a
rich man buys a car, you give him more money to buy more cars? Is that not "Osu
su," (Pyramid scheme), in disguise? Brethren, I do not intend to take you furthe
r, may the golden text be read.
Golden Text: Luke Chapter 14 verses 13 and 14
"But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: A
nd thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be rec
ompensed at the resurrection of the just."
Since that rich man did not want to give out, what will be his stand on the resu
rrection of the righteous ones? Let us ask ourselves this question. Those of you
who move about collecting money from people, and refuse to give out to the poor
, at the resurrection of the righteous ones, what will be your share? It is said
, "we should store up for ourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consu
mes and where thieves do not break in an steal." (Matthew Chapter 6 verse 20). A
ll worldly treasures will perish and if you refuse now to give them out; (giving
out meaning storing them in heaven), what will happen to these treasures during
the regeneration? That is why, Christ told the young man to sell his belongings
and give to the poor so, he may have treasure in heaven, which he will receive
back during the resurrection of the righteous ones, but he refused and left with
Examine yourselves now, do you give to the poor, widows and orphans, so at the r
esurrection of the righteous ones you may be repaid? Do not destroy the work of
God just for the sake of food. Stop tearing down the work of God just for the sa
ke of money. All your money in your houses and in the banks will result in nothi
ng at the resurrection of the righteous ones, but whatever you give out now to p
eople is what will be repaid to you on that day. If you have not been doing so,
start now. Make sure those you give to will not repay you.
Just as the roof leaks, you should put in the required patch and keep everything
in its correct place. You are God's husbandry. If you use all you have to suppo
rt the poor, you have done a great thing.
Is there any work of God that is great? I say this is the greatest, because ther
e is no loss in it. If your right hand gives anything to the poor, you should no
t allow your left hand to know what your right hand is doing. If you give to the
poor in secret, your heavenly Father who sees in secret, will reward you openly
God blesses us and replenishes us, through our caring for the needs and wants of
the poor. You have been told the poor ones will go to heaven, so as to show to
us what this assignment means for our own good. People often pray to God to take
away poverty. If God takes the poor people, how will He bless the Children of G
When you are told to keep your treasure in heaven. Where is heaven? The heaven s
ymbolizes the poor ones. The only bank and treasury of God are the poor people.
If you continue to care for the poor, the orphans and the paupers, you have stor
ed your riches in the Kingdom of God.
I have told you before am I am repeating it now, the whites have gone very far i
n this wisdom. Most of the whites have listened to this gospel and have endeavor
ed to put it into practice. They are practicing it in their own way.
Today everybody is crying, there is no money and that the country is going bankr
upt. It is not that there is no money; the money is in the hands of a few people
Whenever money gets into the hands of a rich man he will keep it to himself. The
little that a poor person has, will also be taken by him. In fact, he does not
want a kobo to leave his hands. If you ask him to give his money to the service
of the poor or put it into a church fund, he will refuse.
It is for this reason, the Bible says of how difficult it is for a rich man to e
nter into the Kingdom of God. This is why you have been warned not to love the w
orld and the things in the world.
Whoever loves money cannot give anything to the poor. It is very easy for a pers
on who does not love money to love his fellow human beings. Such a person can gi
ve his wealth to the poor and needy, and sees to it, the orphans are cared for.
This is the greatest work.
You will find today, the poor people and the orphans all over the world, with no
body to care for them. Look at the sick ones who cannot help themselves. They ha
ve no parents or anyone to care for them. They are just left to suffer in the ha
rsh world.
There are widows all around you. Some are so aged, they cannot look after themse
lves, and there is no one who cares to find out how they are doing.
Search yourselves carefully, how many people have you given money to this mornin
g? When you are told to go to the hospital, you are not expected to go empty han
ded because there are some people in the hospital, who have not eaten for three
You have to feed them and cater for their needs. You can go into a place and fin
d the entire family lying down, too week to move, because they do not have even
a kobo to buy food.
You will discover hunger can force you to things you would not normally do. If y
ou were to practice this gospel and wear it as a garment a great deal would have
been done for the entire world.
When you involve yourself in football pool, betting and sweepstake, you are wast
ing your time. Experiment from today. The one naira you would have used on footb
all pool, give it instead to a poor person and continue like this.
I do not say, you will receive the benefit in another world or in the dream. I m
ean in this world, you will see what will happen to you.
What I am telling you is that hidden treasure you have been hearing about. It ta
kes away the death in your family, takes away poverty, sickness and wretchedness
in your family and village. There is nothing this tradition cannot do for any m
an. If anyone remembers a poor person, he has remembered God.
When Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Feed my lambs," who were the lambs? Of course,
they are the poor people, the orphans and all those, who have no life. If you s
ee a person behaving like a demented fellow, it is because he is poor and he beh
aves in this way to attract some assistance from people.
You can see someone lying with his arms folded; there is nothing wrong with him,
but poverty. He continues to lie down on the bed because he has nothing else to
do. When you offer him prayers, he will thank you. But he may complain, he was
very hungry before you offered him prayers.
It is your place to do something to satisfy that hunger. You know, hunger and si
ckness go together. When you leave this place for ministry work there are some h
omes you will find small children crying. They can beat up their mother and thre
aten their father. There is nothing the parents can do because they have no mone
y to buy the children food.
When you see those on the wayside, the blind, lame, crippled, those in hospitals
, clinics, prison camps, those in affliction and tribulation, it is your place t
o help and assist them. This is your chance to get out of the hell, fire by heed
ing to this timely instruction. Use this chance to erase your name now in hell b
y practicing this gospel. Those who practice this gospel are those who will inhe
rit this Kingdom for eternity.
If you are disturbed in mind and you lack peace, it means, you are not liberal,
you are lacking love. This is sin on your part and you are definitely in fire. I
f you use your wealth to help others, you will be compensated with salvation fro
m God. Many people who have money hate themselves. In fact their children are no
t cared for and their wives do not feed well at least. That is why, such rich pe
rsons have no share in this kingdom, for they know not Christ. This is the time
to practice the gospel. If it is a very small child that requires help, give it,
for by so doing, you are doing it to God. People suffer because they fail to he
lp others in need.
God has abundantly supplied you with all good things. Then share it with others.
This is the ORDER of the day for your eternal salvation. If you are blessed wit
h riches do not think God loves you more than the one who does not have. If you
are given a submissive wife, do not boast as if God loves you more than the one
who has the stubborn wife. Use this chance to help others in order to be blessed
by God.
Many people in Brotherhood have peace of mind and they enjoy the blessing of God
because they are generous, hospitable and liberal; while the avaricious ones ar
e still in hell fire till now. If you decide now all you have, belong to the Fat
her, then you have no problem at all. You will not be selfish or greedy over the
m. Therefore, brethren, go back and sell all you have and give to the poor; then
rededicate yourself to this Kingdom. Use all things for God's glory and to the
benefit of the unfortunate ones you meet, and you will have peace and happiness
now in this Kingdom, and have your name erased from Hell fire, and be written in
the book of life for heavenly glory.
Brethren, those who have ears to hear, let them hear. May God bless His Holy Wor
d. Amen!

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