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BECOMING A CHAMPION SALES FORCE THAT PRODUCES. LONG-TERM RESULTS Turning Time Into Sales: Becoming A Champion Sales Force That Produces Long-Term Results Mickey Bell ©2015 Mickey Bell This document is geared towards providing exact and reliable information in regards to the topic and issue covered. The publication is sold with the idea that the publisher is not required to render accounting, officially permitted, or otherwise, qualified services. If advice is necessary, logal or professional, a practiced individual inthe profession should be ordered, - From a Declaration of Principles which was accepted and approved equally by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either lectronie means or in printed format. 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I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Turning Time into Sales” This book maybe only three chapter but it contains proven steps and strategies on how to become the best salesperson in your industry. This book does not only give you the basic theories that you need to learn to become a good sales professional. It also teaches you specific skills that you can apply right now. Using this book, you will learn how to create a referral system that will increase your sales volume in the future. Executing the strategies in this book will help you make more sales in shorter periods of time ‘Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it! Want To Be? Chapter 1 Before taking another step in the world of sales, you need to think of the type of salesperson that you want to become, We have organized the types of successful salespeople into three categories. Each type has its own pros and cons and you need to choose the right one based on your personality and your specific situation. The sit-and-wait type A salesperson of this type went into sales because he loves to be his own boss. His focus is not on the sales process itself, but on how to work smart to get people to enter it. He will start working whenever he likes and he enjoys this process. Though most readers would think that these types of In fact, many salespeople who stick with one industry and company all their lives reach the point where they no longer have to work hard to make a sale and to reach quotas. If this sounds good to you, then read on so you will know how to become one How to be successful as a sit-and-wait type: To become successful as a sit-and-wait salesperson, you need to work hard in the beginning of your career and start building solid relationships. To become successful, you must focus your efforts in attracting people who will, refer qualified clients to you. Build solid relationships by spending some time with them and by remembering to communicate whenever you have the time. Instead of focusing on potential clients, put more effort on talking to existing dlients who gave you referrals in the past. These types of clients already trust, you. They will be willing to give you more referrals if you continue to build your relationship with them The farming salesperson There are also salespeople who see sales as a natural process that takes time to cultivate. This school of thought for sales makes salespeople follow dust ike areal farmer, they Know that there are seasons when they will thrive and there are seasons when crop yields will be lower. They anticipate these possibilities and prepare for them. They understand that relationships with dents are like crops. First, you need to plant the seeds by meeting new qualified people. Then, you should cultivate each relationship by regularly communicating with potential clients. Lastly, you should know when to make the move and harvest the sale. Failed farmers Farming salespeople usually fail to ask for business from their prospect clients. People who use this strategy are usually the types who do not like confrontations. This strategy allows them to approach people with the thought that they are not going to ask for the sale yet. This makes them more courageous when facing potential clients, However, in sales, there is always the need to ask someone for business. This is when most people using this strategy fail. They never take the necessary actions to reap the rewards from the relationships that they sowed. Successful farmers Successful sales farmers, on the other hand, never miss the chance to ask for the sale. When they do and they find that the client is not ready yet, they give the relationship more time. This gives them more time to develop a ATow To succeed as a sates yarmer Successful sales farmers know the right time to reap the fruits of what they planted. It takes experience to know when the relationship you have been, working on is ripe for the takmg. The more popular you are in the mdustry that you are in, the shorter the time it takes to reap the rewards of your relationship cultivation strategy. You should also consider the amount of money involved in the deal that you want to close. Most clients will try to get to know you first before they risk a big amount of money with your products and services. Even when you do ask for their business, they usually say that they are not ready to start or they need more time to consider it. The hunting salesperson The feeling of closing a deal fuels the hunting salesperson. These types of people usnally love to look for new prospects all day long. They take advantage of the small opportunities that most people overlook. This type likes to look for new clients even from outside of their natural social circles. ‘These salespeople focus on activities that give them opportunities to meet new people. They think that the success of the sales process depends on their ability to close the deal as soon as possible. there are hunting salespeople who take their love ror closmg the deal too far, Some will say just about anything just to close the deal. Forcing the sale to happen by lying or by hard selling may work sometimes, but they may also damage your relationship with the people you are selling to. If you want a long career in sales, then you should take care of your relationships with your clients, Being too eager to close the deal may compromise your relationship with people. This will lead you to miss closing potential clients who may be sources of referrals in the future. How to become successful as a hunting salesperson: One of the bad qualities of most hunters is their inability to focus on deals that may take some time to close. Big deals usually take time and you need to be able to endure the long process of building rapport with the client before they will fully give you their trust. You should also take some time in your busy day to build relationships with your existing clients. In the sales industry, today's customer will always be tomorrow's source of referrals. However, you will only have referrals if the people you sold produets and services to are satisfied with your service. Qualities that each salesperson should have specific skills. The good news is that you can learn and develop these skills. With your conscious effort, you can master each of them. Closing skills Closing is the skill of sealing the deal with a client. The point when the deal is dlosed is the point when the salesperson makes money though commission. If a salesperson closes more deals in a month, then his income for the month, also increases. The skill of closing inchudes a group of actions that the salesperson does from the point when he asks for business to the time the prospect client makes the purchase or signs the contract. By doing the right actions, the salesperson hastens the process by making the prospect feel and think that accepting the dealis the right thing to do. Relationship building skills All successful people are also excellent in building relationships even with people who are not their clients. Everyone is a potential client or knows someone who can become a client. This is the reason why you need to treat everyone with respect. However, because you have limited working time, you need to put more people to talk to. However, it is also important to consider thei influence 11 the industry that you are operating in, aside from checking out their financial stability. Reputation building skills As a salesperson, your best asset is your reputation. It is the characteristic that will make people send you referrals. This characteristic can also make people loyal to you As a sales professional, you are also building your own brand. People should know that you provide a pleasant business experience. They should also know that you are not lying about your products and you are not just after the commission. You can show all these through the consistency of your actions and your self-marketing materials, Chapter 2 I have developed what I have called “The 7..M_E sales method" that will help you become successful regardless of the type of salesperson that you want to be, Just follow the steps that will be discussed and you will reach the top of your sales industry. (1) Training your mind to become a better person A salesperson should always aim for improvement. If you make $2000 regularly, you should strive to make your income higher next month. If you missed your quota, you should continuously look for ways to improve your methods so that you can achieve your monthly goals. This constant struggle for self-improvement may seem stressful for some, but for the successful salespeople, it's all a part of a day’s work. A salesperson does not only aim for improvement in his career, but in all aspects of his life. There is always a goal a salesperson needs to meet inside iis 1S a part of the culture of Most successnu salespeople, iC1s a common state of mind among them. Most people think that the successful salespeople are so busy looking for prospects and doing sales pitches that they no longer have time for reading. Even though it is true that they are always in the lookout for new sales opportunities, they still make sure that they have the time to read books and listen to educational audio books. Most sales beginners do not have a growth-focused mindset. Most of them think that they need to keep working to compete with the ones who are on the top of their game If you are thinking this way right now, then you need to remember that the ones you look up to also started from where you are right now and they excelled because they learned from the experiences of others. Creating a growth mindset ‘The topmost factor that prevents a salesperson from developing habits that contribute to career and personal growth is his thoughts. We usually have a voice inside our minds. When we make decisions that require analysis, we usually have a conversation with our inner voice to rationalize the decision that we want to take. When used on autopilot, this immer voice usually operates based on learning experiences as a source of pleasure, then you will never have a growth-oriented mindset To be able to develop the right mindset, you need to observe your inner voice actively. Does it prevent you from reading or taking any other learning experiences? Ifit does, then you need to take the next step: Improve your decision-making skills You need to tum off the autopilot from your mind and recognize that you have a decision to make on what you will do on your free time. Do you often flip through channels on your television mindlessly? Do you want to scroll for hours on your social media feeds? Do you want to become a better person by reading books that will help you achieve your goals? You have to make the right decision every time. If you do miss to recognize your choice, do not beat yourself up. Just make sure to remember your responsibility to improve your mind the next time you will have free time. There are always new things to learn. For instance, beginners need to learn, about their products and their company profile. They should also know how to deliver their pitch properly and prepare for common objections. Talk yourself into doing the right decision the case with you, you should talk back using the growth-focused mindset as your basis. Always remind yourself of the benefits of learning your future self. The more you lear today, the smarter and wiser your future self will be. Act on your decisions immediately Thoughts are worthless if you cumnot translate them into actions. Time is the enemy of action. If you do not do the aetion immediately after making the decision, then there is a higher chance that your immer voice will talk you out of doing it Right after you have made a decision, define the steps that you need to take to act on it. After planning, do the first step immediately. This will build the momentum you need to reach your goals. This also works well with sales activities. The moment you meet someone new, you should not only get their business cards, but you should also take the first step by entering their information in your prospect database. (D Invest in improvements that will allow you to influence other people umproving yourself, you should always make sure that the actions that you: are taking would make you better in doing your job. Itincludes your ability to lose deals and build relationships. You can also improve by developing your skills in widening your network and meeting new people. Continuing education To make yourself an expert in your industry, pursue continuing education. The course that you need to take will depend on the path that you want to take with your career. If you sell financial products and services for example, then a course related to finance will greatly improve your credibility to future ents. Improve your network You should also continue to improve your network. If you rely on the list that, your company gives you, then that same list will mit your monthly and yearly production. If you want to continue to improve your production, then, you need to keep meeting new people. To start doing this, you need to look at the people whom you meet frequently and go with them in the activities and events where they like to participate in. Doing this will instantly increase your chances of meeting new people your chents, then you should jom them. Skill development You should also to develop your skills not only in meeting new people and losing the deal, but also in providing excellent customer service to your new and existing clients. Take classes and seminars in sales that will help you improve your follow-up system. (MD) Make every person a prospect Word-of-mouth marketing works whether you act on it actively or not. If you do not control the impression that you leave with each person that you meet however, this type of marketing may work against you. To avoid the negative effects of word-of-mouth marketing, you should make sure that you treat every person that you meet as a possible client. You must develop a system that will help you to remember each person that you meet. A Microsoft Excel file works, but if your company has customer relationship management (CRM) software for prospects, then consider using it keep track of these people. Many factors may affect the answers to these questions. If you have just met the person and you think he does not trust you enough yet, then you may need to take some time to make the relationship grow. However, there are times when you will meet people who have an immediate need for the products and services that you are offering, This will make them feel right to do the deal even when you have not established rapport yet. You will still need to build the ideal relationship with these types of clients after the purchase to increase the probability of getting repeat sales and referrals. (E) Expose others to the view of a larger world than what they see around them Your ability to close the deal will depend on your ability to make people see that your products and services can make their lives better. In this step of the TIME sales strategy, you need to make people realize that buying products and services from youis a “need Most of the people you will meet will not know that they have a need for your products and services. This is a common challenge for salespeople especially if your prospects are not familiar with your product or the company that you are representing. the commission that you will receive. ‘There are also prospects who think that they know more than you when it comes to your products. They will challenge your claims about it and they will tell you outright that they do not need it. Your job a sales professional begins when you meet objections like these. Itis, your job to make the prospect feel and think that they need your products, and services. You can do this by appealing to their emotions. Note that you can always find a trigger that can make a person decide to make a purchase Even people who are adamant that they do not need your products can be convinced otherwise by using these triggers. To know about a person's triggers, you need to figure out what motivates them. For example, some people get motivation from their family. You should use this knowledge when convincing them that they need your products and services. You can tell a father that there will be great unprovements in the quality of living of his entire family if he makes the purchase. Paint the picture You cannot convince people to see the world from your point of view just by telling them what is written im your brochures. To make them do the right displays how the car would look in thei front yard. Make sure that the photo is well lit and there are people around who are awed by the car. Chapter 3 All the skills that you need can be learned through books like this one. ll you need is to continue learning and developing new skills that will help you achieve your goals. Mastery of these skills, on the other hand, requires training, The best way to tram and improve your skills is by going out m the real world and making deals happen. Start a sales journal You can only hone your skills in meeting new prospects, presenting your products and services, closing the deal and building relationships that lead to retum sales and referrals when you go through the process and analyze your experience. To be able to go back on each of your sales experience, you need to keep a sales journal. In this journal, you need to write about your experiences in closing deals. You should then go back to these experiences twice every month and analyze why you succeeded or you failed to close it includes only the practices that worked for you in the past. Establish your process Using the experiences that you have in your sales journal, you ean create a system that will allow you to see each deal from the big picture. The amount of tasks that they need to do, as well as the people whom they need to meet, often overwhelm most salespeople. You can organize them by knowing which, meetings are more important and will bring in better results, You should always improve the process as you learn. Most salespeople never change their process when they are satisfied by the results that it produces. Some never change their process for decades. However, there are always new types of technology that may make your process obsolete. This is the reason why many young sales professionals are able to catch up with their older counterparts. Practice and improve your process To make sure that your process never becomes obsolete, keep on improving it as you learn new strategies and as new technology emerges. As you add parts to it and remove unproductive parts, you should continuously practice to make the process flawless then you will remain on top of the rest of your career. ‘Thank you again for downloading this book! Ihope this book was able to help you to improve your sales performance. The next step is to continue to learn about sales strategies and the different Ways to improve your process, Never stop learning and practicing your skills appreciated! Please leave a review for this book on Amazon! ‘Thank you and good luck! Check Out My Other Books Below you'll find some of my other popular books that are popular on Amazon and Kindle as well. Simply click on the links below to check them out. How To Get The Respect of Colin Powell: Exposing the One Successful Leadership Secret of Colin Powell si rs Gi Wi si Market That Puts Money Into Your Account Tfound a secret in my quest to make my first million - Check It out here!

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