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Are You Healthy Enough to Heal Others and Not Exhaust Your Own

I am Tong-Ren Dao, founder of the Tong Ren School. If you look at the website you will
know more about my apprentices and I teach in person or via skype. Also in the website are
some of my other writings which are free of any charge. However, you must respect my

Enjoy reading.

In all traditional cultures, only the individuals who had strong, expressive vitality, or those
who were positively entered and possessed by a very palpable Being (of the human
evolution or other) who could induce profound acts of verified healing, worked and energy-

Nowadays however, because of the idea that is being sold worldwide that someone with
very little accurate personal knowledge and clinically effective skills is able to connect you to
be an ever-flowing channel of universal energy, almost everyone who places their hand or
intent, feels that they can be a skilful energy-healer.

Most people who consider them-selves to be healers or have bought a very dubious reiki-
attunement don’t have enough available vitality to give away or to sell, and they also don’t
have the ability or know-how to recover their expended energy on a daily basis.

From my clinical experience with diagnosing and treating, as well as giving further training
to energy workers, I have found that most of them suffer from various chronic health
conditions that their own healing modality is unable to cure or even manage.

Rather than re-newing them, their healing profession is in fact draining their deeper
reserves of vitality.

Most healers suffer from disorders that are caused by the depletion and also the blockage of
their basic energies. If reiki healers were truly attuned as channels to a never ending source
of universal-energy, these practitioners would be full of vibrant, healthy vitality, and would
be without much effort on their own part be living examples to all of us.

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


For all the claims of channelling universal energy, you would expect miracles of healing
occurring on a daily basis.

All contact energy healers (this includes all manner of body-workers) deplete themselves of
righteous vitality and to a lesser or greater extent, absorb the negative and sometimes
needy energy of their clients.

Also, if you as a healer, and your Inner-Self is dominated by one or a combination of the
eleven states, then you have to honestly ask yourself

“what kind of energy am I really sending out”.

These eleven states include:








Hyper-vigilant or on-guard




To know if your heart, liver and kidneys are by themselves strong enough to support your
healing activity, read the following points and find out.

There are three components to having enough vitality. You need to have deep refreshing
sleep that is long enough for your physiological requirements; you need to be able to fully
digest the nutritious food that you are hopefully eating; and finally, you need to do daily
non-exhaustive but restorative exercise.

To resolve many of the issues mentioned below, you will need to see a competent
practitioner of Chinese medicine. Choose an older person who has at least ten years
experience behind them. Why ten years? Because it takes about ten years of private

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


practice for someone to grow beyond the text books as well as what was learnt at their
training institution and to start thinking for themselves, matching their medical perspective
with their life experience.

Do You Tire Very Easily and Find it Difficult to Recover Your Energy no Matter How Much
Sleep You Have

One of the duties of the liver and kidneys is the recovery of vitality after exertion. Some
people do a day’s work then need two to three days to get over the exertion.

This kind of tiredness is often associated with a low thyroid function, together with carrying
too much water in your intestines and surface tissues.

When you are tired do you need to lie down for a while in order to recover your vitality

The kidneys are relieved of their fatigue when you lay down. The weight of gravity seems to
exhaust them when they are already tired. We have all head our mothers say “I’ll just have a
quick lie down and I’ll be right”.

Are you often too tired to do your professional sessions to the standard that you normally
set for your-self

As an unbreakable rule, no healer should be charging money when they are really too tired
to do the job. We have all done it sometime in our professional lives. However, if you
habitually work for money when you are depleted, then you might need to question your
integrity, take a break from what you are doing, or just change jobs.

No one wants to pay a healer when they have no vitality to sell.

Do you feel emotionally flat no matter how positive and upbeat you pretend to be with your

Apart from an inability to deal with the day to day issues of living, this condition often arises
from the obstructed circulation of the liver, although there are times when the heart is also

It is important that you look at why you are experiencing this state of flatness. Unburden
yourself with a trusted friend, or even a stranger. See a counseller if your problem is bigger

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


than what your friend can handle, and/ or, as well, find some purpose and meaning to your

Clients want to be greeted with openness and warmth, not a forced paid-for smile.

Would you really want to have healing sessions from someone who is emotionally flat or is
chronically depressed?

Does your lower back feel aching and sore after work

In Chinese medicine, weakness of the kidneys is a common cause for sore and aching lower
back. You might be standing too long, or just even emotionally giving out more than you
really have. An aching and sore back after a day’s work means that you are working far
beyond your energetic capacity.

You may need to work shorter hours, have a lay down between clients, and have a colleague
refresh your back as often as you can organise it.

As a last thought, you may need to reduce your social life, as well as your frequency of
orgasmic focussed sex as you are losing much more vitality than what you are making.

Do your knees feel cold weak and aching

This is also a problem of the kidneys and is often associated with constant backache,
especially when you are a little more than tired. The same advice is the same for as for
above. For these two conditions, I would recommend that you learn the Ho gung or the
Pang Ming squats as these strengthen the lower back, knees, ankles and feet.

Do your legs feel tired, weak and achingly very heavy

This is a condition of severely weak kidney energy, as well as poor circulation of blood and
energy to and also throughout the legs. Tired, aching, heavy legs can be an extremely
debilitating condition that will also tend to also wear you down emotionally. Sometimes
people just want to have their legs chopped off. Many people with this condition have
varicose veins while others don’t.

In Switzerland there is a company that produces a number of Tibetan medicines, one of

which is Padma 32.

Padma 32 is very effective for blocked circulation in the legs and has saved many people,
men especially from having their legs amputated.

Ho gung or the Pang Ming squats will be a perfect marriage with Padma 32.

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


Do your legs and arms feel weak, and heavy like lead

Usually this condition is caused by chronic indigestion with the main symptom being that
food stays undigested in the stomach for an unbearably long time.

Instead of the energy from the food being circulated to the limbs to energise them, the food
just sits in the stomach and weighs the person down physically and emotionally.

Chinese medicine has extremely good digestive formulas, much better than what
naturopathy has to offer.

Do you have a low sexual-drive

Being a healer of people and animals and having little or no sexual-drive isn’t a very good
sign at all. If you have no drive then you literally have no drive.

Having a good appetite for food and sex are positive indicators of a healthy and vital life-

As healers and clinicians we need to be at least as healthy as our clients. Otherwise, what
are we in the health-care business for?

The fact of the matter is that the more sexual drive that we have, then the more vitality we
have to treat our clients with, and the less burn-out we experience.

We all know the saying that money attracts money, well, by the principle, energy attracts

Do you have night-sweats

Sweating at night has two causes which work hand in hand. Firstly it means that your
kidneys are on the dry side and you need to take a Chinese herbal formula like Zhi Bai Di
Huang Wan. Also, you may also be putting your feet outside of the covers because they feel
so hot feverish. People with this dis-ease pattern will when tired get hot and feverish in their

The second cause is that after working or playing too hard, your body gets too tired to hold
the moisture within the body and so sweats and with it comes what’s left of your depleted

The amount of sweating can range from being slightly damp at one end of the scale, to
being saturated in both body and sheets at the other.

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


Children tend to have night-sweats after they have run and exhausted themselves. They too
can range through the same scale as above.

Children who habitually sweat at night will always end up having a weaker constitution than
the children who haven’t chronically sweated.

So those of you with young children, when you check on them before you go to bed
yourself, see if they are sweating and by how much. If your children have nightsweats then
take them to a TCM practitioner. Tcm has very effective as well as easily taken pediatric
formuals on the market these days.

Do you regularly suffer from insomnia and have to face treating clients the next day

With insomnia there are several basic kinds:

1. You can’t settle yourself and fall into sleep

2. You are a light sleeper and wake very easily
3. You wake up during the night
4. You dream too vividly all night
5. You are tired when you are about to go bed but as soon as you lay down, you
become wide awake

Being unable to settle into deep, refreshing sleep means that you are unable to unwind
from the day and still your mind, your emotions and your body.

Being a light sleeper can often mean that you are on-guard. When someone falls into deep
sleep, their Inner-Self or Spirit settles deeply within their body in order to refresh and
recharge itself for its nightly other-life.

When you are on-guard, your spirit or inner-self stays at the surface of the body-mind in
anticipation of something negative happening around them or to them. This is a common
sign of post traumatic stress disorder.

Whether it is from experiencing a war zone with all of its terrible implications; being
bashed; being in a major and violent accident; and the after affects of sexual and emotional
abuse the feeling is the same, but with different degrees of intensity and acuteness.

In extreme cases, the client will literally sleep with their eyes open.

Waking during the night is generally caused by the heat that is generated by the internal
organs, and as it moves from the internal environment to the surface of the body, it wakes

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


Several years ago, when doonas and duvets became at once both affordable and very
popular in the western suburbs of Sydney, a new medical syndrome appeared. It turned out
that the new doonas and duvets were much more effective at keeping the people warm at
night than their usual blankets, and so people were getting over-heated during sleep,
becoming dehydrated and feeling thoroughly washed out in the morning.

People who wake up in the night to urinate more than once generally have cold and
depleted kidneys.

When you dream too vividly all night it doesn’t allow your spirit or inner-self to settle deeply
within the body-mind. Instead, the spirit or inner-self becomes stuck within the head where
the heart and mind drive it in a relentless manner

We all have had a night like this, and in the morning we awake feeling washout and

Some people are dead tired before they lie down to sleep, but as soon as they put their
head onto the pillow, they jump wide awake. In TCM this symptom is associated with yin

Tossing and turning during sleep is also a very common experience for people. If you have
this then you are extremely agitated and troubled and you probably need to unburden
yourself to a friend or professional counsellor.

As a contact healer it is extremely important that you maintain a reasonable level of vitality
and genuine emotional optimism.

When your clients have a treatment with you, what are they really paying for you to give

The client wants your undivided attention or your present-ness during their session with
you, and they are also paying for the transference of your positive vitality to them.

The client is not paying you to think about your own personal issues.

The client is also paying you to be more emotionally and spiritually intelligent and mature
than they themselves – this means that you have worked through the emotional drivers of
your life, and that you have clearly thought-through as well as personally integrated (as in
you practice what you preach) your own spiritual beliefs and practices.

It saddens me however, that most people who claim to be spiritual teachers are just as blind
as their followers. Romantic ideas, beautiful phrases and slick marketing are no substitute
for personal direct experience that is supported by both intellectual and perceptual rigor.

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©


One of the ironies about the so-called spiritual life, is that the blind want to lead the also
blind, and those who know least, make the most noise about their un-tested

Another irony which is very apparent on the internet is that the slicker the marketing and
the bigger the claims, the least the person or organisation really has to offer.

And by the way, slick marketing isn’t counted as a personal accomplishment. Nor do I see
blatant greed as a positive spiritual trait.

As I have grown older, and have now been teaching for over thirty five years, and have
mastered several bodies of knowledge, the more I come to know the truth in the ancient
principle that I para-phrase as follows:

“Those who actually know what they are doing and serenely live the life that they espouse,
tend to keep silent unless there is truly a need to speak”

Tong Ren Dao 2008 Australia©

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