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Polaritons in anisotropic materials with cylindrical geometry

E. F. Nobre, R. N. Costa Filho, and G. A. Farias*
Departamento de Fsica , Universidade Federal do Ceara, Campus do Pici, Cx. P. 6030, CEP 60.451-970 - Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

N. S. Almeida
Departamento de Fsica Teorica e Experimental, Centro de Ciencias Exatas,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, CEP 59.072-970 - Natal, RN, Brazil
~Received 19 November 1997!
The properties of polaritons propagating in an anisotropic material with a cylindrical geometry are studied.
Solving Maxwells equations for nonradiative modes, the dispersion relation, power flows, energy densities,
and the group velocity of the polaritons are obtained. It is shown that the nonradiative modes can propagate in
two different modes namely confined or localized modes. The significative differences between these modes
are presented. The uniaxial Heisenberg antiferromagnet MnF2 is used in order to obtain numerical results.

I. INTRODUCTION found solutions similar to those obtained for isotropic

cylinders,10 i.e., in these anisotropic materials the solutions
Surface polaritons are a sensitive probe in surface analysis also have TE and TM modes coupled together, unless they
since they can provide valuable information about the pa- are modes with no angular dependence. Shortly after,
rameters associated with the surface. This is a subject that Almeida et al.14 showed that the presence of an external
has been studied for many years but the propagation of these static magnetic field applied parallel to the axis of the
coupled modes in different materials and geometries are still uniaxial anisotropy and parallel to the cylinder axis can de-
the subject of much research.16 Particularly, in magnetic couple these modes. They found an implicit dispersion rela-
materials, polaritons propagating in antiferromagnetic mate- tion and, from that, they obtained theoretical dispersion
rials in a planar geometry have been theoretically well curves for surface and bulk modes confined into an uniaxial
studied.36 Recently Jensen et al.7 reported the direct experi- Heisenberg antiferromagnetic specimen. The main motiva-
mental observation of magnetic surface polaritons in an tion for the study of mixed modes in cylindrical geometry is
uniaxial antiferromagnet material by using the attenuated to- the possibility of using it for practical purposes ~optical fi-
tal reflection technique. bers, for example!. Therefore, besides dispersion relation
Most of the studies of these collective modes are re- curves, it is necessary to know the electromagnetic field dis-
stricted to geometry where the surfaces are flat planes or tribution as well as how the energy is transported in the
spheres. It is well known that the planar, as well as the material.
spherical geometry, always allow pure magnetic waves ~TM In the present paper, we generalize the work of Vascon-
modes! and pure electric waves ~TE modes! as the two inde- celos et al.13 by studying the electromagnetic field distribu-
pendent solutions of the Maxwells equations. This is not the tion and energy transport of the nonradiative confined and
case when the surfaces are cylindrical. In this later geometry localized polaritons propagating in an uniaxial anisotropic
the separation of TE and TM modes is allowed only in par- material with a cylindrical geometry. To do this, we solve
ticular cases. This fact makes the problem a rather compli- the Maxwells equations in order to calculate the electric and
cated one. However, the cylindrical geometry is quite attrac- magnetic fields inside and outside the cylinder. Using the
tive since it is an intermediate geometry and then it should boundary conditions at the cylinder interface we obtain an
exhibit characteristics of the two others. Moreover, this ge- implicit dispersion relation of volume and surface modes,
ometry is a good candidate to be used in experiments and power flows, energy densities of electromagnetic field, and
could better reveal properties of surfaces as well as of mate- the group velocity of the polaritons. In the last section we
rials. It should be mentioned that objects with cylindrical present the numerical results obtained considering the
geometry have been proposed as an important tool to study uniaxial Heisenberg antiferromagnet MnF2.
the scattering of electromagnetic waves by surfaces.8,9
The physical behavior of electromagnetic waves propa-
gating in cylinders of isotropic nonmagnetic material has II. MODEL
been well known for many years.1012 However, similar
study for anisotropic materials has received little attention. The system under consideration is a long cylinder of ra-
Recently, Vasconcelos et al.13 studied polaritons propagating dius r5a with its axis parallel to the anisotropy direction
in a cylinder with uniaxial anisotropy and obtained the dis- and immersed in an isotropic medium which, without loss of
persion relation of nonradiative polaritons confined in an generality, we will consider to be the vacuum. The cylinder
uniaxial anisotropic antiferromagnetic material. They also e ) and permeability tensor
is characterized by the dielectric (J

0163-1829/98/57~17!/10583~9!/$15.00 57 10 583 1998 The American Physical Society


J ) which can be written in Cartesian coordinates in the d
form: e' ~ rE r ! 1in e' E u 1ikr e i E z 50. ~4h!

e' 0 0
In general, Eqs. ~4a!~4g! present two independent solu-
J 0 e' 0 ~1a! tions: namely, the pure electric waves ~TE modes! and pure
0 0 ei magnetic modes ~TM modes!, where in the TE ~TM! mode
the component E z (H z ) is equal to zero and cannot be sepa-
rated if the wave has some angular dependence (n0).10

Thus, it is easy to show that the z component F z 5E z (or H z )
m' 0 0 satisfies the equation:

J5 0
, ~1b!
r rF G
d dF z
dr dr
1 @~ g r ! 2 2n 2 # F z 50 ~5!


where the nonzero elements of the tensor are, in general,
frequency dependent. The subscript i (') means the corre-
mi 2
spondent function parallel ~perpendicular! to the axis of the a 2in 5 k , TE modes
uniaxial anisotropy. m' in
g 5
We consider a polariton propagating parallel to the axis of ei 2
the cylinder, with wave vector k and frequency v , to write b 2in 5 k , TM modes
e' in
the components of the electromagnetic field as13
E5 @ Er~ r! ,Eu ~ r! ,Ez ~ r!# Sn, ~2a!
and v2
k 2in5 e' m' 2k 2 , ~7!
H5 @ Hr~ r! ,Hu ~ r! ,Hz ~ r!# Sn, ~2b!
whose solutions are the Bessel functions
F z 5Z n ~ g r ! ~8!
S n 5exp@ i ~ kz1n u 2 v t !# , ~3!
of the first type, which will be rewritten as Bessel functions
where r (z) is the direction perpendicular ~parallel! to the
of the second type when its argument is imaginary.15
axis of the cylinder, u is the direction defined by r3z , and in We use Eq. ~8! in Eqs. ~4a!~4g! to obtain the general
Eq. ~3! n is an integer since the solutions must be single solution for the components of the electric and magnetic
value functions. Hence, from Maxwells equations in cylin- fields, inside the cylinder (r,a) for the mode n, in the form:
drical coordinates we find the components of the electric and
magnetic field obeying the equations:

1 v
~ nE z 2krE u ! 5 m' H r , ~4a!
E in F ik
k in
Aee '
Z 8n ~ b inr ! A n 2
n v m'
crk 2in
Z n ~ a inr ! B n S n ,

r c ~9a!

dE z
2ikE r 52i m' H u ,
~4b! u5 2
E in F nk
rk 2in
Z n ~ b inr ! A n 2
Am m Z 8 ~ a r ! B n S n ,
ck in i ' n in G
d v
~ rE u ! 2inE r 5i m i rH z , ~4c!
dr c z 5 @ Z n ~ b inr ! A n # S n ,
E in ~9c!

v and

e' rE r 5krH u 2nH z , ~4d!

nv ik i
H in e' Z n ~ b inr ! A n 1 Z 8n ~ a in r ! B n S n ,
v dH z crk 2in k in '
i e' E u 5 2ikH r , ~4e! ~10a!
c dr

rE z 5inH r 2 ~ rH u ! ,
~4f! u5
H in F iv
ck in
Ae i e' Z 8n ~ b inr ! A n 2 2 Z n ~ a inr ! B n S n ,
rk in
m' ~ rH r ! 1in m' H u 1ikr m i H z 50, ~4g!
dr z 5 @ Z n ~ a inr ! B n # S n .
H in ~10c!

and Outside the cylinder (r.a) these components are given by


r 5 2
E out F ik
k out
K 8n ~ k outr ! C n 1
crk 2out
K n ~ k outr ! D n S n , G FA m i m' Z 8n ~ a ina !
k ina Z n ~ a ina !
m 0 H 8n ~ k outa !
k outa H n ~ k outa !
e i e' Z 8n ~ b ina ! e 0 H 8n ~ k outa !
3 1
k ina Z n ~ b ina ! k outa H n ~ k outa !

u 5
E out F nk
rk 2out
K n ~ k outr ! C n 1
K 8 ~ k r !D n S n,
ck out n out G 2
n 2k 2
F 1
~ v /c ! 2 ~ k outa ! 2
~ k ina ! 2
G 2

50. ~13!
It should be remarked that the result presented in Eq. ~13!
coincides with the one obtained by Pfeiffer et al.10 for the
z 5 @ K n ~ b inr ! C n # S n ,
E out ~11c!
case of isotropic materials.
Since the time average of the instantaneous power-flow
and density16 is given by

r 5 2
H out F nv
crk 2out
e 0 K n ~ k outr ! C n 2
K 8 ~ k r !B n S n,
k out n out G S~ r! 5
Re ^ E~ r,t ! 3H* ~ r,t ! & , ~14!

~12a! where ^ & represents the time average, the power flow
with which we shall be concerned can be written as

u 5 2
H out F iv
ck out
e 0 K 8n ~ k outr ! C n 1
rk 2out
K n ~ k outr ! D n S n , G P tot~ q, v ! 5 P in~ q, v ! 1 P out~ q, v ! ~15!

~12b! with

z 5 @ K n ~ k outr ! D n # S n ,
H out ~12c!

where Z 8 (x)5dZ(x)/dx, k 2out5k 2 2 v 2 /c 2 e' m' .0,

P in~ q, v ! 5 E E
z ~ r !du
S in ~16a!

H n (x) is the Hankel function of order n since we are con- and

sidering nonradiative modes.
The dispersion relation of polaritons propagating in the
cylinder is obtained by using the usual Maxwells boundary P out~ q, v ! 5 E E
z ~ r !du,
S out ~16b!
conditions for the fields at r5a and the fact that they are
finite at r50 and r5`. In doing this we obtain the implicit since the time average of S(r) is z directed, with S in z (r)
dispersion relation for the confined and localized nonradia- @ S out
z (r) # representing the time average power-flow density
tive modes given by in the region r<a (r>a), and given by

z ~ r !5
S in
4p HS D vk
2ck 2in
@ e i @ G 8n ~ b inr !# 2 E 20z 1 m i @ G 8n ~ a inr !# 2 u H 0z u 2 # 1
n 2v k
2cr 2 k 4in
@ e' @ G n ~ b inr !# 2 E 20z

1 m' @ G n ~ a inr !# 2 u H 0z u 2 # 1
2rk 3in
G n ~ a inr ! G 8n ~ b inr ! S v2
c 2
m' Ae i e' 1k 2 Aee D i

1G 8n ~ a inr ! G n ~ b inr !

3 S v2
c 2
e' Am i m' 1k 2 Amm D G '
E 0z H 0z , J ~17!


z ~ r !5
S out
4p HS vk
2ck 2out
@ G 8n ~ k outr !# 2 1
n 2v k
2cr 2 k 4out
@ G n ~ k outr !# 2 @ e 0 E 20z 1 m 0 u H 0z u 2 #

rk 3out
F v2
c 2 G
m 0 e 0 1k 2 G 8n ~ k outr ! G n ~ k outr ! E 0z H 0z , J ~18!

with v2
u! 5
~ E in 2
m i m' @ G 8n ~ a inr !# 2 u H 0z u 2
Z n ~ g inr ! c 2 k 2in
G n ~ g inr ! 5 , ~19a!
Z n ~ g ina ! n 2k 2
1 @ G n ~ b inr !# 2 E 20z
for fields inside the cylinder r 2 k 4in

2ink v
G n ~ k outr ! 5
K n ~ k outr !
, ~19b! 1 Am i m' G 8n ~ a inr ! G n ~ b inr ! E 0z H 0z ,
K n ~ k outa ! crk 3in
for fields outside the cylinder, and
E 0z 5K n ~ k outa ! A n , ~20a!
~ E inz ! 2 5Z n~ b inr ! 2 E 20z ~24c!
H 0z 56i K ~ k a !Cn ~20b!
U n n out for the components of the electric field, and

with n 2v 2
r ! 5
~ H in 2
e' 2
@ G n ~ b inr !# 2 E 20z

T n5 S
nk 1
6 2 ,
a k out k in D ~21a!
c 2 r 2 k 4in

k 2m i
@ G 8n ~ a inr !# 2 u H 0z u 2
k 2inm'

U n5
FA m u m'
k in
G 8n ~ a ina ! 6 G 8n ~ k outa ! ,
k out
G ~21b!
2ink v
e' Amm i
G 8n ~ a inr ! G n ~ b inr ! E 0z H 0z ,
crk 3in '
where the signal 1 (2) in Eqs. ~21a! and ~21b! is associ-
ated with the volume ~surface! modes and the derivatives in ~25a!
these equations are taken with respect to the argument.
In order to obtain the energy per unit length of the cylin- v2
e i e' @ G n ~ b inr !#
u! 5
~ H in E 20z
2 2
der we must first calculate the energy density, which for the
dispersive medium is in general16 c 2 k 2in

n 2k 2
1 d d 1 @ G n ~ a inr !# 2 u H 0z u 2
U5 e ! EE* 1
~ vJ ~vm
J ! HH* , ~22! r 2 k 4in
8p dv dv
2ink v
which in our case can be separated into two terms U in(r) 1 Ae i e' G n ~ a inr ! G 8n ~ b inr ! E 0z H 0z ,
@ U out(r) # representing the energy density in the region crk 3in
r<a (r>a). For the energy density U in(r), we obtain

U in~ r ! 5
16p F
e' $ u E in
r u 1 u E u u % 1 m' 1 v
2 in 2
d m'
dv S
$ u H in
D and

G z ! 5 @ G n ~ a inr !# H 0z
~ H in ~25c!
2 2 2

u u % 1 e iu E z u 1 m iu H z u
1 u H in ~23!
2 in 2 in 2
for the components of the magnetic field. For the energy
density U out(r) we obtain

n 2v 2 U out5 @ e u E outu 2 1 m 0 u H out
n u #,
r ! 5
~ E in 2
m' @ G n ~ a inr !# u H 0z u
2 2 2
16p 0 n
c 2 r 2 k 4in
k 2e i
1 @ G 8n ~ b inr !# 2 E 20z
k 2ine'
n u 5~ Er ! 1~ Eu ! 1~ Ez ! ,
u E out ~27a!
2 out 2 out 2 out 2

2ink v
crk 3in
m' Aee i

G n ~ a inr ! G 8n ~ b inr ! E 0z H 0z , n u 5~ Hr ! 1~ Hu ! 1~ Hz !
u H out 2 out 2 out 2 out 2

~24a! with

r ! 5
~ E out 2
c 2 r 2 k 4out
m 0 2 @ G n ~ k outr !# 2 u H 0z u 2 Y in~ q, v ! 5 E E

U in~ r ! d u ~31a!

1 @G8~k outr !#
E 20z
n ` 2p
k 2out
Y out~ q, v ! 5 rdr U out~ r ! d u . ~31b!
a 0
2ik v
1 m 0 G n ~ k outr ! G 8n ~ k outr ! E 0z H 0z ,
crk 3out Finally, the energy transport velocity10 that is equal to the
group velocity, is given by
P tot~ q, v !
v2 v E5 . ~32!
u ! 5
~ E out 2
m 0 2 @ G 8n ~ k outr !# 2 u H 0z u 2 Y tot~ q, v !
c 2 k 2out


1 @ G n ~ k outr !# 2 E 20z
r 2 k 4out The analytical results displayed in Sec. II can be used to
obtain a complete description of polaritons propagating in
2ik v any anisotropic cylinder, provided its dielectric constant and
1 m 0 G 8n ~ k outr ! G n ~ k outr ! E 0z H 0z , magnetic permeability can be written in the form given by
crk 3out
Eqs. ~1a! and ~1b!. In order to have numerical results, we
~28b! choose the uniaxial Heisenberg antiferromagnet MnF2 as the
and anisotropic material. This material is a prototype of an an-
isotropic magnetic material and all parameters necessary to
z ! 5 @ G n ~ k outr !# E 0z
~ E out 2 2 2
~28c! describe it are very well known.3 In the following, we
present the numerical results for the dispersion relation of the
for the components of the electric field, and volume and surface modes, power-flow density, energy den-
sity, and the energy velocity considering the MnF2, immerse
n 2v 2 in vacuum ( e 0 51.0,m 0 51.0). This material is characterized
r ! 5
~ H out 2
e 0 2 @ G n ~ k outr !# 2 E 0z 2
c 2 r 2 k 4out by the dielectric tensor, Eq. ~1a!, with e i 54.0, e' 55.5 and
the permeability tensor by Eq. ~1b!, with the nonzero com-
k2 ponents of the magnetic permeability tensor given by
1 @ G 8n ~ k outr !# 2 u H 0z u 2 m' ( v )511V 2s /(V 20 2 v 2 ) and m i 51.0, where V 0
k 2out
5 g (2H E H A 1H 2A ) 1/2 is the antiferromagnetic resonance fre-
2ik v quency, V S 5 g (8 p H A M S ) 1/2 with g 51.83107 rad/G de-
1 e 0 G 8n ~ k outr ! G n ~ k outr ! E 0z H 0z , noting the gyromagnetic factor, H A 57.85 kG is the anisot-
crk 3out ropy field, H E 5550 kG the exchange field, and M S 50.6 kG
~29a! the saturation magnetization of each sublattice.3
We solve Eq. ~13! numerically to obtain the dispersion
v2 curves of polaritons associated with confined and localized
u ! 5
~ H out 2
e 0 2 @ G 8n ~ k outr !# 2 E 0z 2 modes. The confined modes are characterized by the fact that
c 2 k 2out a in and b in in Eq. ~13! are both real numbers, while the
surface modes have these parameters imaginary. We should
1 @ G n ~ k inr !# 2 u H 0z u 2 mention that modes with n50 are not influenced by the
r 2 k 4out curvature of the cylinder and consequently have their behav-
ior similar to the planar geometry. In Fig. 1 we present the
2ik v dispersion relation of confined and surface ~localized! modes
1 e 0 G n ~ k outr ! G 8n ~ k outr ! E 0z H 0z , as a function of the wave vector of the polariton, for a cyl-
crk 3out
inder of radius ~a! a50.5 mm and ~b! 2.0 mm with n51.
~29b! Although the cylinder with a50.5 mm presents a confined
and mode in the region v ,V 0 , its frequency is extremely close
to the resonance line ( v 5V 0 ). For this reason only the con-
z ! 5 @ G n ~ k outr !# u H 0z u
~ H out ~29c!
2 2 2 fined modes for the cylinder with a52.0 mm which are
propagating with v ,V 0 were plotted. The cylinder with ra-
for the components of the magnetic field. dius a52.0 mm presents a larger number of branches com-
The energy per unit length of the cylinder Y tot(q, v ) is pared with the one with a50.5 mm, showing that the num-
obtained by integrating the energy density, and is given by ber of branches of confined modes increases with the
cylinder radius. Particularly, for an isotropic dielectric mate-
Y tot~ q, v ! 5Y in~ q, v ! 1Y out~ q, v ! ~30!
rial with a cylindrical geometry Pfeiffer et al.10 observed lo-
with calized modes in the region e ,0. However, for the uniaxial

FIG. 2. The function rS z (r) for polaritons on confined modes

FIG. 1. Dispersion relation of confined ~solid curve! and local- with n51 as a function of the distance from the cylinder axis, for a
ized ~dashed curve! modes of the polariton as a function of the cylinder of radius a52.0 mm, for the eighth ~a! and seventh ~b!
wave vector, for a cylinder with radius ~a! a50.5 mm and ~b! a branches with frequency v 52.13V 0 , corresponding to k
52.0 mm. 52.31V 0 /c and k52.75V 0 /c, respectively.

Heisenberg antiferromagnet studied here, in the region where describe this mode are Bessel functions of the first type in-
m' ,0 ~which corresponds to the frequency region V 20 , v 2 side and Bessel functions of the second type outside the cyl-
,V 20 1V 2S ), we observed modes with mixed character, i.e., inder. The discontinuity of the power flow at the interface
the solutions present oscillating and decay character simulta- r5a for both modes is a consequence of discontinuity of the
neously. Since this frequency region is very narrow for this fields at this interface. To analyze the power flow, we first
material, we will not discuss this case. Considering n51, we plot in Fig. 2 the function rS z (r) for polaritons, propagating
observed that for both cylinders mentioned above, there are with the same frequency but in two different branches of
localized modes in the frequency region where m' .0 cor- confined modes, as a function of the distance from the cyl-
responding to frequencies v 2 .V 20 1V 2S or v ,V 0 . The lo- inder axis, for a cylinder of radius a52.0 mm, with n51
calized mode which appears in the region where v ,V 0 in and in the region of frequency v 2 .V 20 1V 2S . We choose the
the cylinder of radius, a50.5 mm has its frequency almost polaritons in the eighth and seventh branches above the reso-
constant and equal to the resonance frequency V 0 , see Fig. nance line, which have frequency v 52.13 V 0 , correspond-
1~a!. For the cylinder with radius a52.0 mm, Fig. 1~b!, the ing to k52.31 V 0 /c @Fig. 2~a!# and k52.75 V 0 /c @Fig.
localized modes appear for smaller values of the wave vector 2~b!#, respectively. In Fig. 2~a! we observed that the power
compared to the one with radius a50.5 mm. Differently flow inside the cylinder is smaller than the power flow out-
from the confined modes, the number of localized modes side the cylinder, while in Fig. 2~b! the intensity of the power
does not change with the cylinder radius. flow inside the cylinder is considerable larger ~three orders
The knowledge of the dispersion relation does not provide of magnitude! compared with its intensity outside the cylin-
all the information necessary to analyze the propagation of der. In fact we observed that, for confined modes in the re-
polaritons. For this reason we now present the results for the gion v 2 .V 20 1V 2S , where the second derivative of the dis-
time-average power flux, energy density, integrate power persion curve is negative, such as in the eight branch, the
flow, energy per unit length, and finally energy transport power flow inside the cylinder is smaller than outside, while
velocity. For the polariton propagating in the confined mode, an opposite behavior is observed in the branches on which
the power flow inside the cylinder oscillates, while outside it the second derivative of the dispersion curve is positive. In a
decays. This behavior comes from the fact that the fields that cylinder of a50.5 mm the confined mode with frequency

FIG. 3. The function rS z (r) for a polariton on a localized mode FIG. 5. The function rU(r) for a polariton in the localized mode
with n51 as a function of the distance from the cylinder axis, for a with n51 as a function of the distance from the cylinder axis, for a
cylinder of radius a52.0 mm, corresponding to a frequency v cylinder of radius a52.0 mm, corresponding to a frequency v
51.04V 0 . 51.04V 0 .

above AV 20 1V 2S also presents a second derivative of the curve negative, but the intensity of the power flow inside the
dispersion curve negative, and we observed that the power cylinder is greater than outside.
flow inside the cylinder is also smaller than outside, repre- For localized modes, in Fig. 3 we show the function
senting an analogous behavior to the one observed for the rS z (r) as a function of the distance from the cylinder axis,
power flow of the confined mode shown in Fig. 2~a!. How- for a52.0 mm, with n51 and in the region of frequency
ever, we observed that confined modes with frequency below v 2 .V 20 1V 2S . As can be seen, the power flow inside is con-
the resonance, have the second derivative of the dispersion siderable larger than outside the cylinder. This fact is also
observed for the mode below the resonance frequency. Par-
ticularly, for a cylinder of radius a50.5 mm, the power flux
inside it is one order of magnitude larger than the power flow
outside the cylinder. This behavior is different from the one
observed by Khosravi et al.11 in localized modes of a cylin-
der with isotropic dielectric material with n51, where the
intensity of the power flow is of the same order of magni-
tude. We observed that the difference in magnitude, between
the power flow inside and outside the cylinder, decreases
with the cylinder radius.
To analyze the energy density of the polariton propagat-
ing in a cylinder we show in Figs. 4~a! and 4~b!, the function
rU(r) as a function of the distance from the cylinder axis,
for a cylinder of radius a52.0 mm, corresponding to the
same modes considered in Figs. 2~a! and 2~b!, respectively.
In both cases we observe that the energy density is greater

FIG. 4. The function rU(r) for polaritons on confined modes

with n51 as a function of the distance from the cylinder axis, for a
cylinder of radius a52.0 mm, for the eighth ~a! and seventh ~b! FIG. 6. The integrated power flow of the localized mode in the
branches with frequency v 52.13V 0 , corresponding to k region v . AV 20 1V 2S as a function of the wave vector, for a cylin-
52.31V 0 /c and k52.75V 0 /c, respectively. der of radius a50.5 mm and with n51.

FIG. 7. The energy per unit length of the localized mode in the FIG. 8. The energy velocity of the localized mode in the region
region v . AV 20 1V 2S as a function of the wave vector, for a cylin- v . AV 20 1V 2S as a function of the wave vector, for a cylinder of
der of radius a50.5 mm and with n51. radius a50.5 mm and with n51.

inside the cylinder than it is outside the cylinder, indepen-

dent of the signal of the second derivative of the dispersion The analytical equations obtained are general and the results
curve. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the energy density has a can be used to have a complete description of polaritons in
similar behavior for the localized mode presented in Fig. 3, cylindrical geometry. It should be remarked that the result
but the difference between the values inside and outside is for an isotropic cylinder can be obtained as a particular case.
only one order of magnitude. We choose the uniaxial Heisenberg antiferromagnet MnF2 to
For the results of the integrated power flow Eq. ~15! and display numerical results of the dispersion curves of confined
the energy per unit length Eq. ~30! we will restrict our atten- and localized modes, power-flow density, energy density,
tion to localized modes, since they can be compared with and the energy transport velocity. As discussed in Sec. III,
those obtained by Khosravi et al.11 in a cylinder with isotro- the many branches of confined and localized modes present
pic dielectric. In Figs. 6 and 7 we present the integrated different behaviors of propagation and remarkable variations
power flow and energy per unit length of the localized mode on the intensities of electromagnetic fields, inside and out-
in the region v 2 .V 20 1V 2S as a function of the wave vector, side the cylinder. In isotropic dielectric materials with the
for a cylinder of radius a50.5 mm and with n51. As can be same geometry considered here and a fixed radius, the dif-
seen, the integrated power flow and the energy per unit ferent modes are restricted to regions of negative values of
length decreases with the wave vector and are always posi- dielectric function. Considering a cylinder with the same ra-
tive. We should mention that this behavior is also observed dius and an anisotropic material we observed a much larger
for the confined modes studied here. This characteristic is range of frequencies on which polaritons can propagate. The
not observed in an isotropic dielectric cylinder11 where the existence of damping was not considered but consists in an
integrated power flow is negative in the region where the important point to be studied in order to analyze the decay of
slope of the corresponding dispersion curve is negative. For different modes. This subject is now under consideration.
the anisotropic material considered and the modes investi- Finally, we should say that we have applied our analytical
gated, the slope of the dispersion curves did not change sig- calculations to study the behavior of polaritons in a uniaxial
nal and consequently it could be expected that the integrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet cylinder but we do not expect
power flow and energy per unit length had the same signal. qualitative changes for propagation of these modes in a dif-
These facts show consistency in Fig. 8, where we present the ferent anisotropic medium with the same geometry.
energy transport velocity of the localized modes presented in
Figs. 6 and 7, given by Eq. ~32!, which is in qualitative
agreement with the group velocity found as the slope of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
corresponding dispersion curve.
G.A.F. is partially supported by the Brazilian Agencies,
Fundacao Cearense de Amparo a Pesquisa ~FUNCAP!, Bra-
zilian National Research Council ~CNPq! and The Ministry
We have investigated the properties of polaritons propa- of Planning ~FINEP!, and N.S.A. is partially supported by
gating in an anisotropic material with a cylindrical geometry. the Brazilian National Research Council ~CNPq!.

*Electronic address: 3

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