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Important Literacy Legislation

Resources for Parents Great In 2016, the Michigan Legislature
resources! Also for English Language passed the Third Grade Retention Law to
Learners ensure that students exit 3rd grade reading at or above grade level. This legislation, will
affect 2016/2017 kindergarten students by
tesforkids.html: games that support all
the time they are in third grade.

Reading At
the components of reading
In accordance with this law, and as a means of better informing classroom instruction, districts will be providing K-3

Home assessments to students across the state.
These assessments will identify students
who are reading below grade level and in
need of intensive reading intervention. They
will also provide useful information to help
teachers tailor instruction to meet individual
student needs, and parents to help work
with their child at home.

Literacy is at the root of a

persons ability to succeed The Five Essential Readers are Leaders at:
& the family is at Components of Reading Allendale Elementary
the heart.
Phonemic awareness Melvindale, MI
~Lind, 1999 313-389-4664
Comprehension You are your childs first & most
Any questions or concerns? The Allendale Vocabulary important teacher! Studies show that its
Literacy Team is here to help support you as you
vitally important for children to have a
continue to work with your child at home.
good start in reading. What you do at
home is what will help your child
become a successful, confident reader!

Kopera 2017
What if my child keeps reading words Were there any new vocabulary words
in this book? Discuss what they mean.
Helping Your Child Become A incorrectly?
Successful, Confident Reader Ask your child, Does that sound
Were there any pictures, graphs,
headings, diagrams, etc., that were in
right? Does that look right? Does the book? Discuss what they show you.
Read with your child every day! that make sense? Then try it again!
Discuss what lessons or new ideas this
How can I help my child understand book could teach someone.
what they are reading? Discuss why the author wrote this book.
Reading every day is crucial To help your child with comprehension, make sure
How can I help my child read
for beginner readers! This you always talk about the text before, during and
means during breaks and over after reading! fluently?
the summer too! Summer Try this before you read: To help your child with fluency, remind them that
Learning Loss is really hard on reading out loud should sound like you are talking. It
children. They lose 9 weeks Talk about the title and cover. Make should have flow and expression. Reading with
Follow the 20-minute predictions about the text. fluency helps the reader bring the book to life and
rule! A beginning or one quarter of progress by
reader should spend at not reading in the summer. Look through the book together. Talk to reach deeper meaning.
least 20 minutes a day about how the book is organized. Is it
reading to or with Try this:
someone. fiction or non-fiction? Is there a table of
contents or glossary to read? Are there
Pay attention to punctuation. Pause at
any challenging words you already
What if my child gets stuck on words? certain spots (phrasing), and have your
notice and could talk about?
voice go up or down (intonation)
Be patient. Dont just tell your child a word Try this while you read: depending on the end mark.
he/she doesnt know. Here are some cues we use
in the classroom and during reading Stop every few pages to ask your child Read with expression. If there are
interventions. You can remind your child to: to retell you what they have read so far quotation marks in the story, have your
and to make predictions about what the child practice using different voices.
Look at the pictures for a clue. author may write about next. Also, think about how the character is
feeling, and make your voice show that.
Get your lips ready for that first sound. Occasionally, have your child stop and
Dont forget the last sound, too! write about what they have read. This Echo read with your child. You
will build connections for not only read/model a couple sentences & your
Look for familiar chunks to help figure
comprehending what they read, but also child echoes back the sentences. Then
out the word.
sounding out words, and creating switch roles!
Can we flip that vowel sound? For meaningful sentences and ideas in print.
example, change from the short a sound Help your child make connections. Did
to long a. Try this after you read: the book remind them of any other book
Have your child compare their they read, something that happened to
Have your child skip the word and read them, or something else in the world?
ahead for clues. Then go back and think predictions with what really happened.
about the word again. Retell the story, or the facts that they Reread! Rereading increases fluency
read about. and also deepens comprehension.
If its a difficult word, & these
strategies dont help, simply supply the Help your child make connections. Did SoRead, Read, and Read
word & go on. the book remind them of any other book again with your child every day!
they read, something that happened to
them, or something else in the world?
Kopera 2017

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