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City of Madison

Fire Department
Ladder/Aerial Operations Apprenticeship
MFD Reference: Policy and Procedures 3.5, 3.11, 3.12,
3.20, 3.24, 3.41, 3.45, 8.1, 8.5
MFD Ladder Skill Sheets
Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook
NFPA References: 1001, 1002, 1142, 1451, 1500, 1901
Essentials of Firefighting & Fire Dept Ops 5th Edition, Chapters 8 & 10

I. TOPIC: Ladder/Aerial Operations

II. Goal/Scope
A. All Apprentice firefighters will complete this assignment as a
requirement for their apprenticeship.
III. Learning Objectives
A. Apprentice will drive assigned or reserve ladder with proficiency at
a competent level through observed practice by assigned Officer
and/or AE.
B. Apprentice will perform ladder/aerial operations on assigned or
reserve ladder at proficient and competent level through observed
practice by assigned Officer and/or AE.
IV. Assignment Expectations
A. Driving proficiency
1. Initially, the apprentice will log two(2) hours of over the
road driving, logged on Driving Log Sheet.
2. Officer and/or AE will observe and note
a) Speed and braking
b) Negotiating turns
c) Defensive techniques
d) Controlled intersection stops and anticipation of other
e) Use Ladder Skill Sheet 4 attached to this folder to
log hours (NOTE: Training Officer signature
needed for acting AE only)
3. After two(2) hours of non-emergent driving:
a) Apprentice will drive on five (5) single-ladder
emergency responses

4. Officer and/or AE will observe, note and encourage:

a) Safe speed and braking
b) Proper turn negotiating
c) Defensive Techniques
d) Controlled intersection stops and anticipation of other
e) Provide written list of notes of corrective action
behaviors provided by AE and/or Officer

B. Ladder/Aerial Operations
1. Apprentice will prove knowledge of all mechanical operations
of the Ladder truck.
2. Apprentice will perform:
a) Ladder Skill Sheet 1,2,3,5,and 6 from the City of
Madison Fire Department Acting Driving Program Guide and
Skill Sheets
b) There will not be a time limit
c) Apprentice will acknowledge, to Training, the
date of performed Evolutions for possible
observation by a representative from the Training
d) Will be observed by assigned Officer and/or AE
C. Completion
1. It will be noted by Training Division when assigned
Lieutenant acknowledges Assignment Expectations have been
performed by apprentice.
2. The apprentice will have Ladder Skill Sheets referenced in
this assignment: filled out, signed by assigned officer, scanned and
then e-mailed to Training Chief.

City of Madison

Fire Department


Acting Engineer Ladder Skill Sheet 1 Vehicle Overview

All personnel seeking to become acting Apparatus Engineers
Vehicle Overview/Expectations
1. The Company Officer will give a brief overview of the roles of Ladder Company Apparatus
2. The Company Officer will identify expectations of the acting AE, not limited to daily checks,
vehicle checklists, and maintenance forms.

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments

Daily Expectations

Vehicle Placement:
Collapse Zone
Outrigger Placement

Vehicle Maintenance Forms

Daily Log Book/Vehicle Log


Pierce Operator Manual
Given (Vehicle Appropriate)

Review All Equipment in AE

Compartment and its

Firefighter Name:

Officer Signature:

Date Qualified:

Keep all sheets until final check-off. All sheets required at final check-off.

City of Madison

Fire Department


Acting Engineer Ladder Skill Sheet 2 Vehicle Orientation

All personnel seeking to become acting Apparatus Engineers
General Orientation
1. The firefighter will identify the general components, switches and gauges inside the cab of a
2. The firefighter will demonstrate proper use of all switches and gauges within the cab.

Skills Accomplished:
Cab Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Notes
Parking Brake
Transmission Selector
Warning Lights
Oil Gauge
Air Pressure F/R
Pump Transfer Lever
Fuel Gauge
Seat Adjustment
Mirror Adjustment
Vehicle Height/Width/Length
Aerial Master
Aerial PTO
Front Brake
Differential Lock
Generator Switch
Engine Brake
Pump Panel
Tank to Pump
Pump Recirculate Valve/Tank Fill
Pre-Connect Gates
Discharge Gates
Intake Valves
Husky Foam System
Pump Intake Gauge
Pump Discharge Gauge
Pressure Governor/Throttle Control
Aerial Nozzle Controls
Identifies Breaker Box

Firefighter Name:

Officer Signature: Date Qualified:

Keep all sheets until final check-off. All sheets required at final check-off.

City of Madison

Fire Department


Acting Engineer Ladder Skill Sheet 3 Basic Operations

All personnel seeking to become acting Apparatus Engineers
1. The firefighter will demonstrate proper transfer to Aerial Master and Aerial PTO.
2. The firefighter will demonstrate engaging front braking system.
3. The firefighter will demonstrate engaging the onboard generator.

Aerial Operations Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Notes

Vehicle in Neutral

Parking Brake Set

Front Brake Set

Aerial Master Engaged

Aerial PTO Engaged

Generator Engaged

Pump Engaged
Confirms Pump is

Wheel Chocks Deployed

Tank to Pump Valve


Tank Fill/Recirculate
Valve Opened
Visual Confirms

Husky Foam System

Turned On

Engine Pressure
Increased to 100psi

Firefighter Name:

Officer Signature:

Date Qualified:

Keep all sheets until final check-off. All sheets required at final check-off.

City of Madison

Fire Department


Acting Engineer Ladder Skill Sheet 4 Over the Road Driving

All personnel seeking to become acting Apparatus Engineers
1. The firefighter will demonstrate over the road driving of the Ladder.
a. Suggested practices: The greater the drivers exposure to different scenarios, the
higher the firefighters potential for success.
i. Residential Streets
ii. Major Streets
iii. Highways
iv. Backing into the Firehouse
v. Covering the Brake
vi. Right and Left Turns
2. The firefighter will accumulate a minimum of 2 hours of experience driving the Ladder.

Driving Skills Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Notes

Major Streets
Backing into
Covering the
Right Turns

Left Turns

Actual Drive
Date Officer Signature
Time in Minutes

Reference attached over the road skills document

Firefighter Name:

Officer Signature:

Training Officer Signature: (Only needed for acting AE)

Date Qualified:__________________________________________

Keep all sheets until final check-off. All sheets required at final check-off.

City of Madison
Fire Department
Acting Engineer Ladder Skill Sheet 5 Rescue Mode Raise/Extension
Final Version
All personnel seeking to become acting Apparatus Engineers
The firefighter will demonstrate engaging aerial and placing aerial device in service for the
purpose of rescue.

Aerial Operations Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Notes

Vehicle in Neutral
Front and Rear
Brakes Set
Aerial Master
PTO Engaged
Generator Engaged

Wheel Chocks
Cones Deployed
Stabilizers Set and
Power Transferred
from Stabilizer to
Aerial (Vehicle

Aerial Nozzle
Appropriate Mode
Aerial Raised
Aerial Rotated
Aerial Extended
Aerial Tip Stops at
Desired Location
Rungs are Aligned
Aerial is Bedded
with Proper
Pressure until
Release Valve
High Idle Used at
Appropriate Times

Firefighter Name: _________________________________________

Officer Signature: _________________________________________

Date Qualified: ___________________________________________

Keep all sheets until final check-off. All sheets required at final check-off
City of Madison
Fire Department
Water Tower Mode
Acting Engineer Ladder Skill Sheet 6
Final Version
All personnel seeking to become acting Apparatus Engineers
The firefighter will demonstrate engaging aerial and placing aerial device in service for the
purpose of water tower operations.

Aerial Operations Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Notes

Vehicle in Neutral
Front and Rear Brakes Set
Aerial Master Engaged
Aerial PTO Engaged
Generator Engaged

Wheel Chocks Deployed

Cones Deployed
Stabilizers Set and Pinned
Power Transferred from Stabilizer to
Aerial (Vehicle Dependent)

Aerial Nozzle Appropriate Mode

(Rescue/Water Tower)
Aerial Raised
Aerial Rotated
Aerial Extended
Aerial Tip Stops at Desired Location

Pump Engaged
Confirms Pump is Engaged
Water Supply Established
Anti-Electrocution Platform Deployed
Bleeds Air from Supply Line
Proper Gates Opened/Drains Closed
Discharge Pressure +/- 10psi

Shut Down and Proper Drains Opened

Aerial is Bedded with Proper Pressure
until Release Valve Opens
High Idle Used at Appropiate Times

Firefighter Name: _________________________________________

Officer Signature: _________________________________________

Date Qualified: ___________________________________________

Keep all sheets until final check-off. All sheets required at final check-off.
Apparatus Engineer O.T.R. Promotional Guide
All skills and requirements based upon NFPA 1002, 1451, and Wisconsin D.O.T-CDL Skills Test Guide.


Proper use of seatbelt.
Set mirrors for proper vehicle operation.
Use brakes properly-smooth deceleration.
Proper steering-keep both hands on the wheel.
Proper lane usage.
Proper use of turn signals.
Utilize regular traffic checks.
When backing vehicle, utilize vehicle emergency lights and window should be
rolled down to allow for verbal commands from the backer.
Maintain visual awareness of all roadside signage.(i.e.- speed limits, height
restrictions, weight restrictions, etc.)



Traffic Check: Prior to reaching the corner, check the traffic ahead, to the left
and to the right by head movement and to the rear through the mirrors and
making eye contact with other drivers and pedestrians. Maintain traffic checks
prior, during, and after the turn is complete.
Turn Signal: Turn signals should be activated at least 100 prior to corner.
o Right Turns: Vehicle should be positioned in the right-most traffic lane
and not over lane markings. While making a right turn, driver may go over
the left lane marking, only if necessary.
o Left Turns: Vehicle should be positioned in the left most lane and not
over lane markings.
o Multiple Left Turn Lanes: Vehicle should be positioned in the farthest
right hand traffic lane and not over the lane markings.
o 3-lane usage: A driver may use three lanes during a turn. It may be
starting in one lane and using two lanes to complete turn. It may be using
two lanes to start turn and one to complete the turn.
Deceleration- There should be a smooth deceleration by braking gradually.
If stop required prior to the turn:
o Stop Line- Stop before stop line, crosswalk, or before entering
intersection curb line of street.
o Wheels Straight- Keep the steering wheel straight until actually starting
the turn. If your vehicle is rear ended, it may be pushed into oncoming
o Gap- Driver should be able to see rear tires of the vehicle ahead of you.
(Minimum Requirement for gap distance)

o Traffic Check- While turning, there should be head movement to the left
and right, watching for other drivers and pedestrians.
o Both hands- While turning, both hands should be on the steering wheel.
Steering wheel can self-turn as long as the driver is holding it with both
o Speed- Speed during turns should be smooth-even acceleration and no
unnecessary stopping.
o Wide/short- Do not cut across lanes unless necessary. Do not force
others to stop or backup. Tires must not rub or run over the curb.

Completing Turn
o Traffic Check- Check the traffic ahead, to the left and to the right by head
movement and to the rear through the mirrors checking the vehicle path
and making eye contact with other drivers and pedestrians.
o Correct Lane- Left turns should be completed in lane closet to the center
line. Right turns should be completed in the closest marked driving lane to
the curb. When multiple turn lanes are available, vehicle must be in the
right lane for right turns and completed in the appropriate lane.
o Signal- Confirm turn signal is cancelled at completion of turn.
o Accelerate- Acceleration should be smooth.

Stopped Intersection-approach
o Traffic Check- Prior to reaching the intersection, check the traffic ahead,
to the left and to the right by head movement making eye contact with
other drivers and pedestrians.
o Deceleration- There should be smooth deceleration by braking gradually.
o Correct Lane- Maintains lane position in correct lane.
o Gap- Should be able to see the rear tires of the vehicle ahead of you.
(Minimum Requirement for gap distance)
o Stop line- - Stop before stop line, crosswalk, or before entering
intersection curb line of street.
Driving through Intersections
o Traffic Check- Check traffic to left and right before entering the
intersection and to the rear by checking mirrors. If pedestrians or other
traffic is stopped or near the intersection, remove your foot from the
accelerator and cover the brake. Anticipate light changing yellow.
o Both Hands- Keep both hands in proper position on the steering wheel.
o Accelerate- Acceleration should be smooth.
o Yield- Yields to other traffic and pedestrians.
o Lane- Remain in traffic land and do not change lanes while in the
o Outage- Check for clearance on the other side of the intersection.

Urban/Rural Sections
Traffic Checks- Check mirrors every 8-10 seconds.
Proper Lane- Keep vehicle centered in proper lane and react to situations
requiring a lane change or reducing speed.
Speed- Keep up with traffic, but do not exceed the speed limit.
Following Distance- Stay one second, for every 10 of vehicle length behind the
vehicle in front of you.
Lane Change
o Traffic Check- Before during and after the lane change, check the traffic
ahead, to the left and to the right by head movement and to the rear
through the mirrors.
o Signal- Turn signal on before the lane change and cancel signal after
vehicle is completely into new lane.
o Spacing- Maintains a safe following distance.
o Smooth change- Change lanes smoothly and not in an intersection.

Traffic Checks- Observes traffic throughout the curve.
Speed- Reduce speed before curve, do not brake during curve. Maintain speed
during curve.
Lane- Keep the entire vehicle within the traffic lane.
o Traffic check- Check traffic to left and right by head movement before
merging and to the rear through the mirrors.
o Signal- Signal 100 before merging.
o Smooth merge, Lane- Merge smoothly and safely without crossing
painted white lines.
o Signal Off- Cancel signal after vehicle is completely in lane.

Straight Ahead Driving

o Traffic Checks- Check mirrors every 8-10 seconds.
o Proper Lane- Keep vehicle centered in right most lane and react to
situations requiring lane change or reducing speed.
o Speed- Keep up with traffic but do not exceed the speed limit.
o Following Distance- Stay one second, for every 10 of vehicle length,
behind the vehicle in front of you.
o Traffic Checks- Prior to reaching the exit, check the traffic ahead, to the
left and to the right by head movement and to the rear through the mirrors.
o Signal- Signal 100 before merging.
o Lane- Enter smoothly at start of exit lane.
o Decelerate- Smooth deceleration on exit ramp.
o Ramp Speed- Maintain a safe speed.
o Gap-- Should be able to see the rear tires of the vehicle ahead of you.
(Minimum Requirement for gap distance)
o Signal off- Cancel signal when the vehicle is completely on the exit ramp.

Roadside Stop/Start( EMS Stop)

o Traffic Check- Prior to pulling over; check the traffic ahead, to the left and
to the right by head movement and to the rear through the mirrors.
o Turn signal- Turn signals should be activated at least 100 prior to pulling
over for stop.
o Lane- Vehicle needs to be in right most lane.
o Use of Emergency Lights- activate vehicle emergency lights.
o Parallel- Vehicle is completely in the right most lane, parallel with curb,
gravel, or road edge. Vehicle does not rub curb and is within 18 of curb.
o 4-ways on- Cancel turn signal, activate 4-ways once vehicle is stopped.
o Parking Brake- Set the parking brake before releasing the foot brake,
place transmission in neutral.
o Traffic Check- Prior to pulling away from stop; check the traffic ahead, to
the left and to the right by head movement and to the rear through the
o 4-ways off- Cancel 4-way flashers, activate turn signal before pulling
o Pulling away- Turn off vehicle emergency lights, release parking brake
and accelerate smoothly.

Roadside Stop/Start( Fire Stop)

o Traffic Check- Prior to pulling over; check the traffic ahead, to the left and
to the right by head movement and to the rear through the mirrors.
o Turn signal- Turn signals should be activated at least 100 prior to pulling
over for stop.
o Lane- Vehicle needs to be in right most lane.
o Use of Emergency Lights- activate vehicle emergency lights.
o Parallel- Vehicle is completely in the right most lane, parallel with curb,
gravel, or road edge. Vehicle is positioned 48-64 as measured from the
curb, gravel, or road edge to the rear wheels of apparatus. The turntable
is located in a position to a given target which is no more than 36 either
forward or back from the center of the turntable (this center point
corresponds to the center of the rear most compartment doors of the
o 4-ways on- Cancel turn signal, activate 4-ways once vehicle is stopped.
o Parking Brake- Set the parking brake before releasing the foot brake,
place transmission in neutral.
o Traffic Check- Prior to pulling away from stop; check the traffic ahead, to
the left and to the right by head movement and to the rear through the
o 4-ways off- Cancel 4-way flashers, activate turn signal before pulling
o Pulling away- Turn off vehicle emergency lights, release parking brake
and accelerate smoothly.

o Traffic Check- Check traffic ahead, to the left and to the right by head
movement and to the rear through mirrors prior to selecting the proper
lane usage to allow for exiting of the roundabout to allow for proper traffic
o Turn signal- Turn signal on before the lane change and cancel signal
after vehicle is completely into new lane.
o Lane Rules-
When vehicle is in the right most lane of the roundabout, vehicle
must exit and the first or second possible lane leaving the
roundabout. Always utilize proper use of turn signal.
When vehicle is in the left most lane of the roundabout, vehicle has
the option to choose when they exit the roundabout maintaining
lane usage and proper use of turn signal.

Use Diagram as a reference:


Personnel may proceed through a yellow traffic signal if stopping of the vehicle
would cause an unsafe situation for the vehicle or surrounding traffic. Optimal
awareness of the traffic signal, vehicle speed, and traffic conditions will allow
personnel ample time to perform a safe stopping operation while proceeding
through traffic light controlled intersections. At the approach to an intersection,
the driver covers the brake and then based on the speed of the vehicle and
distance from the intersection, if the light changes to yellow the driver continues
through or stops. The determination as to what is an appropriate distance to be
able to stop or continue is at the discretion of the examiner based on that
particular set of circumstances.
During testing and practice operations, verbalization of driving actions such as
traffic checks, covering the brake, etc. is encouraged to allow for reinforcement of
proper driving techniques during vehicle operations.

Immediate Disqualification

o Accident- Is involved in any accident the driver could have prevented or

contacts any fixed object or pedestrian. This includes, if the proctor is
required to stop the candidate from being involved in an accident or
contacting a fixed object or pedestrian.
o Law Violations- Violation of any traffic law. (I.E.- speed limits, running of
stop signs, etc.)
o Safety Belt- Refuses to wear safety belt or does not utilize safety belt.
o Proctor Instructions- Not following proctor instructions during exam more
than three times will result in disqualification.

Required Cone Skills

o Utilize the diagrams on the following pages to practice cone skills.

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