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STA Essential

guides and

file s saf e
y o ur
Keep op snoopers
and st se easy and
with th e ty tip s
ntia l s a fe
HOW TO take control of the Mail app;
Issue 37 organise your pics in Photos; and more!
Welcome Contents
to iPad User Magazine, helping
you to do more with your iPad

A s more and more of our lives becomes digital, we

need to be increasingly conscious of our security,
online and off. Both our online accounts and our devices
4 Boost your security and privacy on iOS
Keep your data safe on iPad and iPhone

are full of personal information, and so need robust 12 Prepare for iOS 11s app-ocalypse
passwords and multiple layers of authentication. Make sure your apps are ready to upgrade
It can all feel a bit stressful but it doesnt need to be
as hard as you might think. You only need to take a few key
steps to lock out would-be hackers, and our easy guide this 14 Get more from albums in Photos
issue shows you exactly what to do. Organise and share your pics
Elsewhere this issue, weve got a quick look at how to
check whether your apps are ready for iOS 11. Apples 16 Format messages in Mail
making a change that means older apps that havent been Make your emails and replies easier to read
recently updated may stop working as of iOS 11, but theres
an easy way to see if any of yours are vulnerable, so that
you can get your data out of them before problems arise. 18 Start a diary with Moleskine Journal
Weve also got a guide to using Mails message Its easy to record your life with this app
formatting options, how to get started with the excellent
free Moleskine Journal for keeping track of your life, an 20 Create easy animated GIFs
animation app anyone can use for a bit of fun, and reviews Make simple animations with Folioscope
of the latest accessories, including the new iPad. Enjoy!

22 Apple Gear
We review the latest accessories



Everything you need
to live the Apple life



Ava i l a b l e f ro m w w w. my favo u r i te m a g a zi n e s . co . u k / M AC s u b s
iOS Security & privacy

Boost the
of your

iPAD &

MODERN DEVICES such ever to insure your devices are as

> as the iPad and iPhone secure as possible, and that the
have become invaluable chances of someone being able to
for many people not swipe your data are minimized.
just because of the dollar value of Over the next few pages well show
the hardware involved, but more you how to use iOSs many built-in
importantly because of the massive features to do exactly this and
amount of often extremely personal offer some tips on what to do if the
or condential data stored on them. unthinkable happens and your iPhone
Thats why its more important than or iPad is physically stolen.

Security & privacy iOS

> Passcodes and passwords

WHEN YOU#uvw#vhw#xs# d orqjhu qxphulf sdvvfrgh wkdwv
> |rxu#lSkrqh#ru#lSdg/# hqwhuhg xvlqj wkh ixoo rq0vfuhhq
|rx#zhuh#dvnhg#wr#vhw# nh|erdug/ zklfk pljkw pdnh lw
d#qxphulf#sdvvfrgh# kdughu iru vrphrqh wr vs| ryhu
dqg#hqdeoh#Wrxfk#LG/#wr#pdnh# |rxu vkrxoghu1
xqorfnlqj#wkh#ghylfh#dqg#ydulrxv# \rx dovr kdyh wkh rswlrq ri
rwkhu#wdvnv#wuxo|#wulyldo1#Li#|rx#vhw xvlqj d sdvvzrug wkdw frqwdlqv
d#irxu0gljlw#frgh#iru#wkh#iruphu/# d pl{ ri qxpehuv/ ohwwhuv dqg
qrzv#d#jrrg#wlph#wr#uhdvvhvv#wkdw1 vshfldo v|perov1 Wkdwv frqvlghuhg
E|#ghidxow/#lRV#43#h{shfwv#|rx# jrrg sudfwlfh iru surwhfwlqj d Pdf/
wr#xvh#d#vl{0gljlw#frgh/#wkrxjk#lw# SF/ ru zhevlwh dffrxqw/ wkrxjk |rx
zloo#doorz#|rx#wr#xvh#d#vkruwhu#rqh1# pd| qg lRVv rq0vfuhhq nh|erdug
Krzhyhu/#uhvhdufk#kdv#vkrzq#wkdw# xqzlhog| iru hqwhulqj d frpsoh{
wkh#rog#irxu0gljlw#vwdqgdug#lv#ohvv# sdvvzrug1 \rxoo dovr qhhg wr hqwhu
vhfxuh#wkdq#|rx#pljkw#krsh1#Lwv# wkh sdvvzrug zkhqhyhu |rxu ghylfh
srwhqwldoo|#surqh#wr#euxwh0irufh# lv uhvwduwhg/ ru li dxwkhqwlfdwlrq
dwwdfn/#dqg#d#zrxog0eh#wklhi#pd|# xvlqj d qjhusulqw idlov hqrxjk
qrw#qg#lw#glfxow#wr#revhuyh#|rx# wlphv wkdw lRV udlvhv lwv ghihqfhv1
wdsslqj#rxw#vxfk#d#vkruw#vhtxhqfh# Ehdu lq plqg wkdw li |rx hqdeoh
pdgh#xs#hqwluho|#ri#qxpehuv1 Wrxfk LGv delolw| wr xqorfn |rxu
Hyhq#li#|rx#douhdg|#dffhswhg# ghylfh/ lRVv Uhtxluh Sdvvfrgh
lRVv#surpsw#wr#vhw#d#vl{0gljlw# ehkdylrxu wkh gxudwlrq diwhu |rxu
sdvvfrgh/#|rx#fdq#errvw#wkh# ghylfh sxwv lwvhoi wr vohhs ru |rx
surwhfwlrq#ri#|rxu#ghylfh#dqg#wkh# pdqxdoo| orfn lw fdq rqo| eh vhw
gdwd#rq#lw#ixuwkhu#vwloo1#\rx#fdq#vhw# wr Lpphgldwho|1

HOW TO Switch to a stronger passcode or a complex password

Find the setting Change passcode Stronger protection

Open Settings and go to Touch ID Find the Change Passcode item Enter a six-digit code, or tap
& Passcode (or just Passcode on devices and tap it. You will be asked to enter Passcode Options then Custom Numeric
that lack a ngerprint sensor). When you your current passcode again; this is a Code or Custom Alphanumeric Code. iOS
are asked for it, enter your existing precaution in case you left your device warns if your code is riskily short. If you
passcode. Youll be taken to a new page unlocked at this page and someone else use an alphanumeric code, try to include
containing various security options. has since picked it up. at least one special character in it.

> Plug the leaky
Lock screen
Qrwlfdwlrqv fdq uhyhdo
> wklqjv derxw |rx/ hyhq zkhq
|rxu ghylfh lv orfnhg1 Sulph
h{dpsohv ri wklv duh Phvvdjhv
dqg Pdlo/ zkrvh qrwlfdwlrqv lqfoxgh
d vkruw suhylhz ri phvvdjhv frqwhqwv1
Wkdqnixoo|/ wkrvh suhylhzv fdq eh
vxssuhvvhg/ vr wkdw wkh| rqo| dsshdu
zkhq |rxu ghylfh lv xqorfnhg ru qhyhu1
\rx fdq hyhq vhw Pdlo wr glvsod|
qrwlfdwlrqv rqo| iru hpdlov |rx uhfhlyh
iurp d vkruw olvw ri wuxvwhg frqwdfwv/
zkloh klglqj wkhp iru doo rwkhu vhqghuv1 wxuq#r#suhylhzv#vr#wkdw#qrwklqj#pruh#
Wkh YLS ihdwxuh hqdeohv wklv1 +Wr vhw wkdq#vhqghuv#lghqwlwlhv#duh#uhyhdohg#e|#
vrphrqh dv d YLS/ wds wkhlu qdph dw wkh qrwlfdwlrqv1#Dovr/#li#|rx#xvh#Pdlov#
Locking wrs ri rqh ri wkhlu hpdlov/ wkhq wds Dgg wkuhdg#qrwlfdwlrqv#+uhtxhvwhg#e|#
options wr YLS1, Iru hdfk dffrxqw lq Vhwwlqjv A wdsslqj#wkh#dj#dw#wkh#erwwrp#ri#d#
Its best if Displays & Brightness >
Auto-Lock is set to a short time.
Qrwlfdwlrqv A Pdlo/ vzlwfk r Vkrz phvvdjh/#iroorzhg#e|#Qrwli|#Ph,/#wds#
The complementary Touch ID & rq Orfn Vfuhhq/ wkhq vfuroo grzq dqg wkdw#urz#dw#wkh#erwwrp#ri#wkh#sdjh#dqg#
Passcode > Require Passcode
item can also take a duration,
vhw Vkrz Suhylhzv wr R ru Zkhq dgmxvw#wkh#vdph#vhwwlqjv#iru#wkhp1
but only Immediately Xqorfnhg dv |rx suhihu1 Phvvdjhv#rhuv#vlplodu#vhwwlqjv/#dqg#
if unlocking using
Touch ID is on.
Qh{w/ wds wkh YLS urz dqg pdnh vxuh lwv#zruwk#fkhfnlqj#zkhwkhu#wklug0sduw|#
Vkrz rq Orfn Vfuhhq lv vzlwfkhg rq/ dqg phvvdjlqj#dssv#rq#|rxu#ghylfh#gr/#wrr1

HOW TO Decide upon feature access at the Lock screen

Conveniences Disable voice dialing Reason to keep it on

To make life easier, iOS permits Recent iOS versions restrict Siris A reason to keep Siri accessible is
access to Today view, Notication Centre, ability to retrieve info such as contacts that someone who nds your device can
Siri, HomeKit accessories, and more at details until you unlock your device. ask Whose phone is this? to reveal your
the Lock screen. Set the switches under However, calls can still be made; turning contact details. With Voice Dial enabled,
Settings > Touch ID & Passcode > Allow off Voice Dial, located above the switches they can tell it to do things like Call
Access When Locked as you want them. mentioned in step 1, avoids this. Mum if youve taught Siri her details.

Security & privacy iOS

> Coming up with

a good password
THERE ARE exlow0lq zd|v wr
> jhqhudwh frpsoh{ sdvvzrugv
lq lRV dqg pdfRV/ exw zkdw
wkh| frph xs zlwk lv kdug wr
uhphpehu1 lForxg Nh|fkdlq lv phdqw wr
kdqgoh wkdw iru |rx/ exw d vwurqj dqg
phprudeoh sdvvzrug lv zlvh/ dv |rxu
ghylfh zloo idoo edfn rq lw li Wrxfk LG
dxwkhqwlfdwlrq idlov hqrxjk wlphv1
Khuh duh d ihz whfkqltxhv iru
frqfhlylqj wkhp1 Uhphpehu wr lqfoxgh
d#pl{ ri xsshu0 dqg orzhufdvh ohwwhuv/
qxpehuv/ dqg vrph vshfldo fkdudfwhuv/
exw#qrw zrugv irxqg lq d glfwlrqdu|/ ru
wklqjv wkdw duh hdv| iru vrphrqh zlwk
hqrxjk nqrzohgjh ri |rx wr jxhvv1
Vd| |rxuh d idq ri Star Trek1 Pds wkh

> First-line defence for your uvw#wzr fkdudfwhuv ri wkrvh zrugv e| d

ihz#doskdehwlfdo srvlwlrqv wr YZ/
Apple ID and iCloud account vd|1#+Zuds durxqg wr D li/ iru |rxu
zrugv/ wklv wdnhv |rx sdvw ]1,
Wkh qh{w wzr fkdudfwhuv pljkw eh wkh
>>> You cant create separate The most signicant item on vxp#ri wkh gljlwv lq wkh vkrzv uvw dqg
user accounts on an iPhone or this page is Accounts, which is odvw#|hduv ri eurdgfdvw vr/ 4<99 pdsv
iPad, which makes it harder to listed under Allow Changes wr#55/ dqg 4<9< wr 581 Iru wkh qh{w
keep information private on near the bottom. By disallowing fkdudfwhu/ slfn d v|pero wkdw |rxoo
these devices than on a Mac. changes to accounts, major hdvlo| uhphpehu ohwv vd| )1
Well deal with that in more settings in Mail, Contacts, Qh{w/ vkdnh wklqjv xs e| gudzlqj
detail momentarily, but rst and Calendars at the top level rq#rwkhu vrxufhv ri lqvsludwlrq vd|/
you can ensure your account of Settings are unalterable |rxu#hoghvw dqg |rxqjhvw fkloguhqv
settings stay locked and without disabling Restrictions. plggoh qdphv1 Wdnh wkh uvw ohwwhu ri
important security precautions Crucially, the Apple ID row at wkh#hoghvwv dqg wkh odvw rqh ri wkh
arent overridden especially the top of Settings rst page is |rxqjhvwv/ zklfk pljkw jlyh |rx
if you have a young child who also disabled, which prevents v#iru Vdxor dqg o iru Jdeulho dv
may not fully understand what someone with access to your orzhufdvh ohwwhuv1
theyre doing when tapping and unlocked device changing two Dgglqj v|perov pdnhv rxu h{dpsoh
swiping. This is done in Settings very important settings: iCloud YZ5558)VO( kdug wr jxhvv/ |hw
> General > Restrictions. Backup and Find My iPhone/ hdvlhu wr uhfdoo wkdq Vdidulv vxjjhvwlrqv/
By setting up a Restrictions iPad. If you want to check any dqg#ehwwhu wkdq xvlqj d sodlq qdph dqg
passcode, which should be of the info behind that row, or gdwh/#vd|1 Li |rx qg wkdw wrr kdug wr
different from the one that alter things there, return to the uhphpehu/ wu| zrugv uvw ohwwhuv iurp
unlocks your device, only you Restrictions page, tap Disable d#skudvh/ vxfk dv Jrrg khos lv kdug wr
and whoever else knows it is Restrictions, and enter the qg1 Wklqn ri d phprudeoh
able to change certain settings, corresponding passcode. Make fdslwdol}dwlrq sdwwhuq/ vxfk dv JklKwi/
even if another person gains your changes, and remember dqg#lqvhuw wkh vtxduh ri krz pdq|
access to your device in its to re-enable Restrictions zrugv |rx vwduwhg zlwk/ soxv vrph
unlocked state. immediately afterward. v|perov1 Wklv jdyh xv Jkl69Kwi-'1

iOS Security & privacy

> Protect your iCloud account

AFTER YOUVE xsgdwhg kdqg/ vr |rx fdq frqup wkdw#dq|#
> |rxu#lSkrqh#ru#lSdg#wr# dwwhpsw#wr#xvh#|rxu#Dssoh#LG#lv#
lRV#4316/#|rx#pd|#qrwlfh# ehlqj#pdgh#e|#|rx1
wkdw#Dssoh#kdv#pryhg# Ohwv#vd|#|rxuh#xvlqj#d#Pdf
lForxg#dqg#rwkhu#Dssoh#LG0uhodwhg# ru#SF#dw#zrun#dqg#wu|#wr#vljq#lq#wr#
lwhpv#ehklqg#d#vlqjoh#urz#dw#wkh# lForxg#+ru#lForxg1frp,#xvlqj#|rxu#
wrs#ohyho#ri#Vhwwlqjv1#Lpsruwdqwo|/# Dssoh#LG1#Zkhq#|rx#hqwhu#wkh#
li#|rx#kdyh#qrw#hqdeohg#wzr0idfwru# hpdlo#dgguhvv#dqg#sdvvzrug#iru#
dxwkhqwlfdwlrq#iru#|rxu#Dssoh#LG/# |rxu#LG/#hdfk#ri#|rxu#wuxvwhg#
|rxoo#vhh#d#surpsw#ehorz#wkdw#urz# ghylfhv#zloo#glvsod|#dq#
wr#hqdeoh#wklv#ihdwxuh1# dxwkrulvdwlrq#uhtxhvw1
Wzr0idfwru#dxwkhqwlfdwlrq/#ru# \rx#fdq#ghfolqh#d#uhtxhvw#uljkw#
5ID#iru#vkruw/#lv#lqwhqghg#wr#rhu# dzd|/#dqg#zkrhyhu#lv#wu|lqj#wr#
dq#h{wud#od|hu#ri#surwhfwlrq#wr#|rxu# dffhvv#|rxu#dffrxqw#zloo#eh#xqdeoh#
suhflrxv#Dssoh#LG#dqg#wkh#ydulrxv# wr#gr#vr1#Wr#judqw#dffhvv#xvlqj#rqh#
vhuylfhv#|rx#xvh#lw#zlwk=#Dssohv# ri#|rxu#wuxvwhg#ghylfhv/#|rxoo#qhhg#
ydulrxv#grzqordg#vwruhv#dqg#|rxu# wr#xqorfn#wkh#ghylfh#uvw/#dqg#wkhq#
Need to
lForxg#dffrxqw/#wkh#odwwhu#ri#zklfk# |rxoo#eh#vkrzq#d#yhulfdwlrq#frgh#
sign out pd|#frqwdlq#d#zhdowk#ri#shuvrqdo# wkdw#|rx#pxvw#hqwhu#rq#wkh#qhz#
somewhere? lqirupdwlrq#dqg#ohv1 ghylfh#zlwklq#d#olplwhg#gxudwlrq1
You can tell Apple you trust a
web browser with your Apple ID. Zlwk#5ID#vzlwfkhg#rq#iru#|rxu# Wr#vhw#xs#5ID/#dqg#iru#dqvzhuv#
To revoke this for all browsers Dssoh#LG/#|rxu#sdvvzrug#lvqw#wkh# wr#frpprq#txhvwlrqv/#jr#wr#apple.
at once, go to,
click Settings, and nd rqo|#wklqj#|rxoo#qhhg#wr#jdlq# co/1QcM7861#Ehorz#|rxoo#qg#
the command under dffhvv#wr#|rxu#dffrxqw1#\rxoo#dovr# vrph#wlsv#rq#pdqdjlqj#5ID/#
qhhg#rqh#ri#|rxu#wuxvwhg#ghylfhv#wr# hvshfldoo|#zlwk#wklug0sduw|#dssv1

HOW TO Work with two-factor authentication

Check 2FAs status Your trusted devices Third-party apps

If youre not on iOS 10.3, an easy On iOS, tap the Apple ID row at These need an app-specic code
way to check if 2FA is enabled is to sign the top of Settings. Scroll down to the list to use your Apple ID. Sign in at appleid.
in at; if not prompted of devices that are using your Apple ID., click Generate Password (in
for a code from a trusted device, 2FA is Tap one and check below Device Info if Security > App-specic passwords), enter
disabled and youll be signed in right its trusted and can receive verication a name, and click Create. Put the code in
away. 2FA can be enabled under Security. codes in order to conrm your identity. the app instead of your usual password.

> Keep apps contents private
EVEN AFTER 43 zkroh wr d qrwh1 Wkrvh wkdw |rx orfn#grzq#
> yhuvlrqv/ lRV grhvqw duh hqfu|swhg wrr> Dssoh zduqv#
surylgh xvhu dffrxqwv wkdw li |rx irujhw |rxu sdvvzrug/#
wr hqdeoh idplo| lwv xqdeoh wr khos |rx uhfryhu#
phpehuv wr vkduh wkh vdph ghylfh wklqjv1 Li |rxuh jrlqj wr xvh#wklv#
zkloh nhhslqj wkhlu ohv sulydwh fdsdelolw| ri Qrwhv/ eh vxuh wr#
iurp rqh dqrwkhu1 Wkh forvhvw lw uhdg derxw wkh frqvhtxhqfhv#
frphv wr wklv lv wkh Vkduhg lSdg ri irujhwwlqj dqg uhvhwwlqj lwv#
ihdwxuh ri lRV <16 dqg odwhu/ zklfk sdvvzrug dw
lv lqwhqghg iru fodvvurrp xvh1 Vlploduo|/ li |rx xvh lForxg#
Krzhyhu/ vrph wklug0sduw| Nh|fkdlq wr uhfrug xvhuqdphv#dqg#
ghyhorshuv kdyh wkh iruhvljkw wr sdvvzrugv/ wkh delolw| wr uhdg#dq|#
frqvlghu wkdw vhyhudo shrsoh pljkw ri wkrvh fuhghqwldov +lq Vhwwlqjv#A#
zdqw wr xvh wkhlu dssv lq d zd| wkdw Vdidul A Sdvvzrugv, lv surwhfwhg1#
surwhfwv wkhlu lqir zkhwkhu iurp Krzhyhu/ wkhuhv d zhdnqhvv#wr#
su|lqj h|hv/ ru iurp d |rxqj fklog wklv= Dq|rqh zkrvh qjhusulqw#lv#
dlpohvvo| lqwhudfwlqj zlwk uhjlvwhuhg iru Wrxfk LG ru zkr#
wkh vfuhhq zlwkrxw xqghuvwdqglqj nqrzv |rxu ghylfhv sdvvfrgh#fdq#
h{dfwo| zkdw wkh|uh grlqj1 hdvlo| dffhvv doo ri wkrvh ghwdlov1
Hyhq rqh ri Dssohv rzq dssv/ Wr nhhs |rxu eurzvlqj gdwd#
Qrwhv/ surylghv d phdqv wr dw ohdvw sulydwh rq d vkduhg ghylfh/ wu|#
nhhs vrph ri lwv frqwhqwv xqghu lFde Preloh1 Vhh ehorz iru pruh#
orfn dqg nh|= \rx fdq vhw d vlqjoh derxw lw dqg rwkhu dssv wkdw#fdq#
sdvvzrug dqg fkrrvh rq d fdvh0 xvh sdvvzrugv dqg Wrxfk LG#wr#
e|0fdvh edvlv zkhwkhu wr dsso| lw nhhs |rxu gdwd sulydwh1


> > >
This is a much stronger app This alternative to iCloud Keychain Aside from the ease of adding
than Apples Reminders for getting includes a web browser, so its a way to photos and videos to your written
things done. It offers powerful task lock down and access online accounts. words in a digital journal, the ability
entry options, to-do lists can contain Its master password protects more than to protect what might be some of
subtasks, you can add attachments just credentials; for example, notes are your most private thoughts with your
and multiple alarms to items, and automatically locked away, saving you ngerprint is a really good reason to
lists can be protected with Touch ID. the worry of doing so manually. ditch paper in favor of this app.


> > >
This web browser has far more This uses your devices camera to Prevent your kids buying from
options than Safari. Notably, you can digitize documents, in place of a atbed Amazon. Enable Touch ID for its app
create user accounts with password scanner. You can add annotations, scan in Settings > Amazon, and block its
and Touch ID protection, and tailor text to make it searchable, lock selective website: in Settings > General >
many features to each user. You can documents behind a password and Restrictions > Allowed Content >
tell iCab to log out of accounts when Touch ID, and have unlocked ones auto- Websites, tap Limit Adult Content
you leave it or after a few minutes. lock themselves after 1, 5, or 30 minutes. and add Amazon as never allowed.


> Make sure you Ixoo#lqvwuxfwlrqv#rq#krz#wr#vhw#xs#

keep backups
AirDrop dxwrpdwlfdoo|#zkhq#|rxu#lRV#ghylfh#lv#
privacy THERE ARE wzr zd|v wr edfn frqqhfwhg#wr#d#srzhu#vrxufh#dqg#Zl0Il/#
As well as notications popping > xs |rxu lRV ghylfhv vr wkdw dqg#lwv#orfnhg1
up unwanted info on your screen, wkh orvv ru ghvwuxfwlrq ri wkh Li#|rx#hyhu#orvh#dqg#kdyh#wr#uhsodfh#
AirDrop can show previews of
photos and web pages. Most
kdugzduh grhvqw phdq doo |rxu#ghylfh/#|rx#fdq#uhvwruh#iurp#wkh#
of the time its best to set |rxu suhflrxv lqirupdwlrq lv jrqh zlwk rqolqh#ru#lWxqhv#edfnxs#e|#iroorzlqj#wkh#
AirDrop (in Control Centre)
to Contacts Only, or turn lw1 Wkh wudglwlrqdo phwkrg lv wr frqqhfw
it off altogether. |rxu lSkrqh ru lSdg wr lWxqhv rq |rxu wkrxjk/#fkhfn#wkh#iroorzlqj#dgylfh#wr#wu|#
Pdf/ wkhq wr whoo wkh odwwhu wr fuhdwh d wr#uhfryhu#|rxu#ghylfh1

> Track your iPhone or iPad

>>> This service enables you password to keep associated
to track the location of your services locked up. Also do
device, or at least its last this for any other accounts
known location. See opposite connected to your device.
for more on this; for now, Report the device with its
its important to know what serial number, which may be
to do if you nd the service stored in Settings at iCloud.
was disabled when your com to law enforcement
device went missing. (and, wed add, your insurance
Apple recommends you company), and to your mobile
change your Apple IDs service provider, if applicable.

10 |
Security & privacy iOS

> If security is
DESPITE YOUR#ehvw#hruwv/#
> |rx#pd|#rqh#gd|#plvsodfh#

Track device Lost Mode Stay locked Tell your

Sign in at Send your device an You can tell a device to provider
on a computer, or Find My instruction to enter Lost erase itself, but only do so if While trying to protect and
iPhone on another device. Mode. In this mode, no you believe you have no hope recover your device, its easy
You may not have a device to notications or alarms will of getting it back. Activation to forget to tell your network
verify your ID for two-factor appear, access to Apple Pay Lock ( to block its SIM card (if any).
authentication so add a is disabled, and you can should prevent someone This will likely take the device
family members trusted display a custom message reusing it unless they have ofine, but at least youve
phone right now! See apple. on the devices screen to access to your Apple ID on already used Lost Mode to
co/2qar6cZ for details. help with its safe return. another device to disable it. show a way to contact you.

| 11
iOS Prepare for iOS 11

Prepare for the iOS 11 update

Discover which of your apps wont work in the next iOS and replace them
IT WILL TAKE After updating your iPhone apps that you should be concerned about;
15 minutes or iPad to iOS 10.3, opening if youre dependent on any of those apps
certain apps and games may and plan on using iOS 11, youll need to find
YOU WILL LEARN have presented you with a replacements. For example, if youve got
How to keep your warning that they need to be updated to important documents stored in them, you
apps working in iOS 11 work with future versions of iOS. You can dont want to lose access.
keep using them with iOS 10, but if you plan Theres no need to laboriously open
YOULL NEED to upgrade to iOS 11 (expected to be released each app to discover which be definitively
iOS 10.3 or later in the autumn), now is the time to take action incompatible with the next iOS, though. In
for any apps you depend upon. addition to the warning upon opening an app,
You need to find out which of your apps iOS 10.3 can show you a list of all affected
are affected. Expect many of them to be apps that are currently installed. Note, though,
games, which you may still enjoy playing, that it wont tell you about apps youve deleted
but its more in the case of productivity to make room for something else.

Redownload first
So, before following the steps below, and
assuming your device has enough space,
redownload apps you may want to use again:
open the App Store and tap Updates followed
by Purchased.
If youve disabled auto-downloading of
apps in Settings > iTunes & App Stores on
any of your devices, youll need to follow this
tutorial on each device to be certain you
arent overlooking an app thats on your
iPhone, say, but not your iPad.
Alan Stonebridge

HOW TO Check apps for updates or replacements

1 Check the list

In Settings > General > About, if theres
no arrow at the right of the Applications
2 Check for updates
Tap an apps row to go to its store
page, if its still there; you may see an
3 Ask the developer
If the apps delisted, check if an
upgrade is available as a new purchase:
row, none of your apps require immediate Update button if youve disabled auto- search for the developers name in the
action (though thats no guarantee they updates in Settings > iTunes & App Store. App Store. Failing that, ask directly
wont have other issues). If there is an If theres an update, download it and see through its website if there are plans
arrow at the top of the row, tap it. if iOS ags up its compatibilty. for an update or a replacement app.

12 |


APPLE APPS Get more from albums

Get more from albums

Organise your shots more effectively with the Photos apps albums
IT WILL TAKE In the days of analogue film images and video clips to help gather related
15 minutes cameras we were limited to files together automatically. An images
shooting on rolls of film that metadata can tell Photos about where and
YOU WILL LEARN produced a maximum of 36 when a shot was taken and what type of
How to create and photos at a time. Most people would only use shooting mode was used (such as Time-Lapse).
add pictures to an a handful of rolls of film each year to record If you use your iPads front-facing camera to
album, how to manage special events such as holidays, weddings and snap a shot, then Photos presumes that youre
albums, and share birthdays. The best images from these taking a self portrait. A self-portrait will
their contents occasional shoots would be mounted in photo automatically be stored in a Selfies album in
albums, repositories of precious family Photos, so you can find all your best poses
YOULL NEED memories that would be dusted off and viewed in an instant. If you have set your iPad and
iOS 9.3.5 or later, a few times each year by a handful of friends iPhone to upload to the iCloud Photo Library
Photos and family. (in Settings > iCloud) then youll also find
In these digital days, were never without Photos albums that store Panoramas,
a camera, courtesy of our iPad and iPhones Time-lapse and Bursts automatically.
Camera app. As well as shooting birthdays,
holidays and weddings were likely to Custom albums
document ordinary daily activities as a series Automatic albums are a springboard to finding
Photos uses of clips and stills. Unlike our analogue specific types of files fast, though youll find it
ancestors, we have thousands of digital more useful to create themed albums from
the metadata photographs and video clips to manage and scratch. Well show you how to create albums,
stored in our share. Fortunately, our iPads Photos app has add photos to them and even merge multiple
all the tools we need to take control of our albums together to simplify your collection,
digital images ever-growing collection of digital assets. if you find yourself with too many on the go.
and video clips Photos uses the analogue album model to Youll also learn how to share album-based
organise our digitally sourced shots and clips. content with friends and family so that your
to gather Analogue albums had to be filled manually, but precious pictures will find their audience.
related les Photos uses the metadata stored in our digital George Cairns

HOW TO Create a custom album

1Label custom album

In Photos, tap the Albums icon to view
albums that gather photos automatically
2Add photos
Youll be taken to Moments, where
you can browse your pictures by date.
3View custom album
Youll now have a custom album full
of photos in the Albums section. Tap on
using metadata. To create a custom Scroll to a particular Moment and tap on its icon to view its contents. Tap on a
album manually, tap the + icon at the top the photos that you want to add to your thumbnail to view it full size and swipe
left. Enter a name in the New Album text album. Drag your finger to add multiple through the contents of the album to
field. Tap Save. shots quickly. Tap Done. enjoy them.

14 |
Get more from albums APPLE APPS

HOW TO Organise albums

1Delete an album
As with physical albums you can
re-arrange your digital albums, which is
2Re-arrange albums
While the X is still present, tap and
drag an album to re-order the list of
3Merge Albums
In an album, tap Select, then Select
All. Tap Add To. In the Add to Album
handy if the Albums pane is cluttered. albums to suit your preference. Press page, tap the album you want to merge
Tap the Edit button. Tap on the X by an Done when youre happy and the X will with. The selected photos will be added
album to delete it. The contents of the disappear. The re-arranged albums will to it. With all the photos placed into the
album will still be accessible in Moments. be locked into their new positions. second album, you can delete the first.

HOW TO Share album content

1Share a slideshow
Turn your iPad into a digital picture
frame by viewing an albums contents as
2Share to web
In an album, tap to select shots that
you want to share online. Tap the Share
3Add extra share options
As well as sharing selected shots
via Mail or Messenger, you can tap the
thumbnails. Tap Slideshow. Tap Options. icon at the top left. Tick more of the More button. If you have suitable apps
Choose a Theme such as Origami (which albums content if necessary. Tap an icon installed such as Skype, then you can
adds picture-in-picture and Ken Burns such as Facebook to share the selected toggle these on so that they will appear
effects). Hit Play to view it. shots to a gallery. Click Post. as a sharing destination.

Share via iCloud

Export an album to select family and friends
Go to Settings > iCloud. Tap Photos. Scroll down to iCloud Photo Sharing and turn
it on. Go back to Photos and select the thumbnails that you want to share. Press
the Share icon, then tap iCloud Photo Sharing. Photos will prepare upload-able
versions of the shots to be shared. In the iCloud window, type in a comment and
tap Shared Album. Tap + New Shared Album and label it. Tap Next. Type in the
email of the recipients of your shared album, and tap Next. Now hit Post. The
album will appear in the Shared section of you and your friends Photos app.

| 15
APPLE APPS Format Mail messages

Format messages in Mail

Make your emails and email replies easier to read with Mails formatting
IT WILL TAKE Apple is famous for stripping Settings and make it bold or italic. That will
5 minutes things back to the bare force Mail to send every message as an
essentials, and thats HTML-formatted one.
YOU WILL LEARN something its clearly done in
How to format the iOS Mail app: where other email apps are Say what you want to see
messages and replies packed with all kinds of features, Mail is There are other changes you can make too. If
almost Zen-like in its simplicity. That means you go into Settings > Mail > Preview you can
YOULL NEED you dont get much in the way of formatting adjust how much Mail shows as a preview of
An active email options: unlike the desktop mail app in macOS, each message in the current folder, and in
account on your iPad you cant mess around with different fonts or Settings > Mail > Flag Style you can change the
colours, and you cant turn ordinary messages colour and style of the flags you apply to
into eye-popping extravaganzas. messages. Settings > Mail also enables you to
There are some options you can use to disable the loading of remote images if you
make text stand out, though. You can apply want to protect your privacy remote images
formatting to make a word or block of text are often used to track whether people have
appear bold, italic or underlined, and you can received messages or just to reduce your
adjust the levels of quoted text or make data usage.
normal text look like quoted text by adjusting One of the most dramatic changes you can
the quote level. In this tutorial well show you make in Mail is to turn off Organize By Thread,
how to do both. which once again youll find in Settings. When
Where other On Macs you can specify whether to send its on, it organises conversations by keeping
email apps are messages in plain text or as formatted text, related messages together, and if Complete
but iOS doesnt give you that option: instead, it Threads is enabled, by showing all messages in
jam-packed sends in plain text unless it spots formatting in a conversation no matter which Mailbox
with features, your message. If it does, the message is then theyve been filed in; when its off it shows
sent as a formatted message using the HTML your messages in chronological order from
Mail is Zen-like standard. If you want to send formatted the current folder only.
in its simplicity messages all the time, create a signature in Gary Marshall

HOW TO Format text in Mail

1Select your text

Press and hold the word you want to
highlight, and drag the blue dots at either
2Pick an option
BIU means Bold, Italic, Underline. Tap
the appropriate option and youll see the
3Change quote levels
Mail colours messages you reply to
and adds a small indent, to indicate
end if you want to expand the selection. results immediately on your highlighted theyre a quote. To increase or decrease
When you let go you should see the text; tap the same option to undo. You the quote level and make a section more
toolbar above. Tap BIU to get to the can tap on one, two or all three options or less indented, select it and tap Quote
formatting options. if youre feeling fancy. Level > Increase or Decrease.

16 |
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APP STORE APPS Start a diary

Start keeping a diary

With Moleskine Journal, its simple to start recording your life
IT WILL TAKE If youve ever used a Moleskine list. Creativity mode is for shorter, prettier
30 minutes notebook, youll have an idea of text and allows for larger, fancier typefaces.
what to expect from Moleskine Alternatively, you can draw or write
YOU WILL LEARN Journal. Created to be a digital on-screen using your finger or a stylus.
How to use Moleskine version of the real-world notebooks, Just choose your instrument (pencil, pen,
Journals different sketchbooks and planners, Moleskine Journal highlighter or brush) and start drawing.
modes to add content allows you to write and draw on your iPad in a Theres also a scissors tool that acts like the
and sync with Evernote virtual Moleskine. lasso selection tool in Photoshop, allowing you
You can also import photos and sync notes to draw around something on page and cut or
YOULL NEED with Evernote or back them up to Dropbox. copy it to elsewhere.
iPad, Moleskine If you choose to type rather than write You can swap between Productivity and
Journal by hand, Moleskine Journal supports the full Creativity modes whenever you like on a page,
range of iOS fonts, with the ability to resize and can set the paper style (plain, lined,
them on the page. If you would rather work squared, weekly planner or storyboard) from
by hand, you can use either your finger or a the Tools palette.
stylus, including the Apple Pencil. You can One of the real-world Moleskine
choose from paintbrush, pencil, pen or notebooks best-loved features is the pocket
highlighter and the colour picker means you tucked inside the back cover, and thats also
You can have full control over the colours in your here in the digital version, allowing you to
writing or drawing. store snippets of text and images.
choose to type There are two modes for writing. Perhaps the best news of all is that if
or write in by Productivity mode allows you to type on the youre one of the many people who have
iPads on-screen keyboard which includes bought a Moleskine and never written in it for
hand, using controls for choosing a font, setting the size fear of ruining it by making a mistake, the
your nger or of the text, and styling it as bold, italics, digital journal has multiple levels of undo. So
underline, strikethrough or highlighted. You if you write or draw something you dont like,
a stylus such can also set the colour of the text here, as well just tap the back arrow in the toolbar.
as Apple Pencil as indent it or choose a bulleted or numbered Kenny Hemphill

HOW TO Import photos

1A clean page
Open the journal in which you want to
import a photo and tap the arrow at the
2Take or choose
In the Tools palette, tap Camera if
you want to take a new picture at that
3Select your pic
Navigate to the photo you want to
import and then tap it. It will appear on
right of the screen to move to a new moment, or tap Import Image to import the page. You can now use two fingers to
page. Tap the Tools palette at the top of one. Once youve authorised access to resize it by pinching in or out, and rotate
the screen, next to the colour picker to your photo library, youll see a list of it. Use one finger to drag it into position
see its menu. albums appear in the menu. on the page.

18 |
Start a diary APP STORE APPS

HOW TO Sync with Evernote

1Sign into Evernote

Tap the Tools palette and then tap
Settings. Slide the switch next to
2Authorise Evernote
On the next window, choose how
long you want to authorise Moleskine to
3Export to Evernote
Youll see a list of your Evernote
notebooks in the Tools window. Navigate
Evernote Login to the right and, when authorise your Evernote account for and to the notebook you want to export and
the window pops up, type your Evernote tap Authorize. Now go back to the Tools tap it. Tap Left page, Right page, or
login details into the username and tab and tap Export. Tap Evernote to Both pages to tell Moleskine Journal
password boxes. Tap Sign In. export the notebook. what to export.

HOW TO Use the inner pocket

1Add an image
Tap the top right of the screen to open
the pocket. To add an image from your
2Add text
To add creativity text to the text
section, or an image from the main
3Pull from the pocket
To place an item from the pocket
onto a notebook page, tap and hold it,
photo library to the pocket, tap the notebook, tap the text or image and then drag it onto the page. Re-size it and
picture icon at the bottom of the screen. choose Pocket from the menu. To delete drag it into position, then double tap it to
To add one from the camera, tap the an item from the pocket, tap the pencil set it in place. To move it again, tap it,
camera icon. icon, tap the item and tap the bin icon. tap Lift, and drag it.

Expanding your options

Add more notebook types with In-App Purchases
Moleskine Journal has three options for in-app purchases. They cost 2.99 each
and are designed to replicate the Passion Journals the company produces for
its real-life notebooks. The three digital versions currently available are a wine
journal, a recipe journal, and an interactive travellers journal. Each has specially-
designed pages for its subject the wine journal has sections for different types
of wine and space for you to record the names of wines and your notes on them.
When you buy one, its added to the notebooks view in Moleskine Journal.

| 19
APP STORE APPS Create animated GIFS

Create easy animated GIFs

Make simple animations that catch the eye with Folioscope
IT WILL TAKE Folioscope puts the fun back into our step-by-step guide opposite is proof
15 minutes animation. Feature-packed, positive of that and while theres support for
high-end apps are all well and 3D Touch on iPhone and Apple Pencil on iPad,
YOU WILL LEARN good for hobbyists and Folioscope works just as well with your finger.
How to use professionals, but who wants to spend a week Once youve mastered the basics, dig a
Folioscopes frame-by- trying to get to grips with a series of over- little deeper and go for something more
frame drawing tools complicated tools just to produce some fun exotic, separating elements over two layers
animations? Those who just want to sit down and animating them independently of each
YOULL NEED other. Finished results can be exported to any
Folioscope (free, app via animated GIF or video file too, so
ad-supported), You dont need any artistic theyre easy to share with friends, or Disney.
iOS 8 or later Nick Peers
skills our guide here is
proof positive of that!
and have a bit of fun either solo or with a
friend or younger family member should
check out this fun app.

Animation without the hassle

Folioscope makes creating small cartoons
as simple as possible and you can create
striking animations with just a handful of
frames. You dont need any artistic skills

1 3
Clipboard 1 Settings
Tap the Tap here
selection tool to to enable
select, copy and transparent
paste an object layers, 3D Touch
between layers support and
and frames. 2 visual aids (such
as grids and
onion skinning).

2 Layer tools
Undo/redo Tap here to
You can use choose which
these buttons to layer to work
selectively undo with, plus switch
and redo recent background and
changes to your 3 4 foreground
animation. layers.

20 |
Create animated GIFs APP STORE APPS

HOW TO Produce your rst animation

1Create first frame

Launch Folioscope and tap the +
button. Start by drawing the first frame
2Draw second frame
Once drawn, tap the + button
beneath the picture to create a new blank
3Finish basic animation
Tap + again to draw your next frame,
and so on and so forth until you have at
of your animation on the white canvas frame. Youll see an outline of your least four frames done (the more the
you can pinch to zoom in and out. Start previous frame use this to trace your better). Use the slider at the bottom to
with a simple shape, like that shown in next frame, making subtle changes to move back and forth between frames to
our screenshot. provide some animation. watch a preview.

4Make changes
You can edit individual frames by
tapping them at the bottom of the
5Copy object
Another way to animate is to copy
and paste. For example: select frame one,
6Duplicate and paste
Tap the close button, then tap to
create a new frame. Youll see the paste
screen. From here, tap the dot button on then tap the pen icon and select the button appear tap this to paste your
the right to change pen size, the circle to square select tool. Tap and drag around object into the new frame, then drag it
change colour. Tap the pen icon to access the object you wish to duplicate, then tap into position. Repeat for as many frames
an eraser tool. the copy button. as you want.

7Add background layer

Spice up your animations by creating
a background (animated or static) tap
8Play animation
Tap the play button on the left to
run through your animation in a loop. The
9Save and share
Tap the X button to close your
animation tap Untitled to give it a
the layer button in the bottom right to default speed is 3x, but tap this to alter name, then tap the Share button. You can
switch to the back layer, draw your the speed from 1x up to 6x. Tap on the share it with other Folioscope users or
background, then copy and paste it to animation to stop playback and return create an animated GIF to share via
other frames. to the edit screen. Facebook or another app.

| 21
GEAR The latest accessories

ur iPad

Apple iPad 5th Gen

+++++ 339

his iPad is the most exciting boring update to a

T product weve ever seen. Its slightly thicker and
a little heavier than the iPad Air 2 it replaces, but
comes with the same excellently detailed 2048x1536
display, a faster processor and bigger battery life, so its a
good trade-off. The screen is brighter too, though that
didnt make a huge difference. Crucially, it also starts
about 100 cheaper than its predecessor. Even the
upgrade to 128GB doesnt break the bank now. Its a
shame there are no camera or speaker improvements,
but this is truly fantastic iPad for the money.


his is the first security camera weve seen that

T supports HomeKit, including Siri support and
control from iOSs Home app (though you need
an Apple TV or iPad to act as a hub for remote access).
The Omna camera itself is fairly straightforward, with
1920x1080 resolution that provides very good image
quality, and a 180-degree wide-angle lens. The Omna also
includes an infrared night-vision mode, and a motion
sensor. It can stream live video to your iOS devices at any
time, but theres no option for online storage, so to store
your videos youll need to insert a microSD card. Its
expensive, but works well, and HomeKit is handy.

22 |
The latest accessories GEAR

Powerbeats3 W
+++++ 138

hese are dedicated fitness headphones from

T Beats and they come comple
W1 chip, which makes them sup
ete with Apples
per easy to sync
and use on iOS devices. The hook design n stops the
headphones falling off your head, but me eans that the seal
in the ear isnt always total; the hook pressing against the
outside of ones ear can prize the buds out slightly, so
noise isolation isnt perfect. Bass response is tight rather
than booming, but can still overwhelm on n occasion. Its
perfect for a workout, less so when you wantw a more
laid-back, relaxed listen. Battery life is great too. They
do a lot right, but for the money, we expe ected more.

Google Wi
+++++ From 129

outers and range extenders are over the

R future is Wi-Fi mesh networks. Each Google Wifi
unit a tiny, unassuming cylinder with a simple
white LED band in its centre is capable of the same
functionality, so any of them can function as the router,
spreading its connection to the others, forming one huge
network, eliminating dead spots. Its super-simple to set
up the app scans the QR code on any new Wifi points
you want to add to the network and you can monitor
usage from the app. Its also cheaper to get into than
competitors such as Netgears Orbi system.

Mass Fidelity Core

+++++ 479

his boxy speaker offers a Bluetooth connection

T as well as optical audio in. Theres no AirPlay,
but you do get awkward multi-room support.
You need to press a button on the Core to enable it to
broadcast to your connected device, then select
multiroom as the input on any other Cores you want
music to play through. Its a nice-sounding speaker, too
tracks have definition and clarity, and the stereo
separation is impressive. At louder volumes, the sound is
rich and full, and doesnt disappoint. But while the Cores
sonic ability is good, its lack of AirPlay or the ability to
retain multiroom pairing holds it back.

| 23
Future Publishing Limited
Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, BA1 1UA, UK
Phone +44 (0)1225 442244 Fax +44 (0)1225 732275
All email addresses take the form

EDITOR Matthew Bolton
ART EDITOR Mat Gartside
CONTRIBUTORS Gareth Beavis, George Cairns, Dan Grabham, Kenny Hemphill,
Cliff Joseph, Gary Marshall, Nick Peers, Alan Stonebridge
IMAGES Apple, Future Photo Studio, iStock

CHIEF EXECUTIVE Zillah Byng-Thorne

MARKETING MANAGER Kristianne Stanton



All contents copyright 2017 Future Publishing Limited or published under licence. going to press. Future cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such
All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored, transmitted information. You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to
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