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Structured Analysis and Design - Diagram Report

ACOMLIST – Health Accommodation Lists for Volunteer Placement..........................................................2
CHRS - Country Health Resources Survey......................................................................................................3
COS - Close of Service Evaluation..................................................................................................................5
EXPERT - Medical Scannable History Expert System....................................................................................7
HLTHREC - Health Record Management System...........................................................................................8
MEDINS - Medical Insurance..........................................................................................................................9
MEDPAY - Case Management System..........................................................................................................11
MR - Medical Records Release of Information and HIV Printing.................................................................13
PCMODATA - Peace Corps Medical Officers Data......................................................................................14
POSTSERV - Retired Workers Compensation Records................................................................................15
PSCMS - Post-Service Case Management System........................................................................................16
SCRN_SYS - Pre-Service System..................................................................................................................18
SENTINEL - Sentinel Event Database...........................................................................................................20
ACOMLIST – Health Accommodation Lists for Volunteer
Overview: This application tracks the medical conditions that each country can accommodate.
Users can enter a medical condition in order to receive a list of accommodating countries or enter
a country in order to receive a list of medical conditions that that country accommodates.
Owner: VS/MS/QI (Quality Improvement)

4.1. 4.1 ACCOMLIST

(SV-04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Thu Oct 05, 2006

4.1.1. 4.1.2 List Rationales

Maintain Produce
Accomodation Reports

ACCOMODATION_LIST Accomodation Grid accomodation list rpt

SECURITY_LIST Preview List Changes Rpt

Accomodation DB -Access \\pcfs\Agency Folders\VS\Medical Services\VS OMS



Medical Eyes Only Acom List Country Resource Survey

Non Med Accom List

4.1.4 4.1.3
Print Medical Generate Views

Platform: MS Access
ACOMLIST - Maintain Accommodation Data
Description: Allows user to accommodations to the accommodation list.

ACOMLIST - Produce Reports

Description: Allows user to generate multiple reports. Some use the database and others pull
a report from the medical shared folder. The following reports are currently available:
1. List of Rationales
2. Accommodation list
3. Enter List Changes
4. List Changes Report
5. Accommodation Grid

ACOMLIST - Generate Views

Description: Allows user to generate various views of the data including the following:
1. Accommodation List
2. Accommodation List by Country
3. Link to Country Resource Survey

ACOMLIST - Print Medical Data

Description: Allows medical staff to print an accommodation list report for selected
accommodations which will be displayed on the top of the report. Also allows non
medical staff to print accommodation list report without specific accommodations listed at
the top of the report.
CHRS - Country Health Resources Survey
Overview: The Country Health Resources Survey is a data repository for information on health
resources available to each post. Data includes consultants, facilities, health programs, and
medical office information.
Owner: VS/MS
Platform: ColdFusion (Extranet BizApp)

2. 4.2 CHRS (SV-04

Data Flow)
System Architect
Fri Feb 23, 2007

Section1_Office Section9_Facilities
Section1_Supplies 4.2.1 CHRS - Section8_Facilities
Section4_Hazard Update Survey Section8_Contacts
Section4_Other Section7_Hosp_Info
Section5_Health_Train Section7_Contacts

Section5_Screen_Other Section6_Ratings
Section5_IMM_Other Section6_Consult



Access Tables Reference CODES_PC_COUNTRIES
Code Table
CHRS - Update Survey
Description: The Country Health Resources Survey is an instrument for the collection of
information about the health care resources available in each of the 77 active Peace
Corps countries. It provides OMS staff and PCMOs with information about country-
specific endemic health problems, common conditions among Volunteers, and availability
and quality of local health care providers, resources, and facilities. It is used to improve
the process of accommodating pre-existing conditions and to permit better responses to
Applicant inquiries. This survey is available to PCMOs online and in Word format.
PCMOs who are unable to access this resource should contact OMS.

CHRS - Maintain User Access Tables

Description: The CHRS Admin will manually maintain the CHRS user data.

CHRS - Maintain Reference Code Table Data

Description: Allows CHRS Admin to maintain data for various code tables used by CHRS.

CHRS - Update Survey

Description: The Country Health Resources Survey is an instrument for the collection of
information about the health care resources available in each of the 77 active Peace
Corps countries. It provides OMS staff and PCMOs with information about country-
specific endemic health problems, common conditions among Volunteers, and availability
and quality of local health care providers, resources, and facilities. It is used to improve
the process of accommodating pre-existing conditions and to permit better responses to
Applicant inquiries. This survey is available to PCMOs online and in Word format.
PCMOs who are unable to access this resource should contact OMS.

CHRS - Maintain User Access Tables

Description: The CHRS Admin will manually maintain the CHRS user data.

CHRS - Maintain Reference Code Table Data

Description: Allows CHRS Admin to maintain data for various code tables used by CHRS.
COS - Close of Service Evaluation
Overview: This application is used to record the findings of the health record review that is
performed for each volunteer whenever they close service (COS).
Owner: VS/MS/REC (Medical Records)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)
8.1. 8.1 COS (SV-04
Data Flow)
System Architect
Tue Jan 16, 2007

8.1.1 COS - 8.1.2 COS- 8.1.3 COS - 8.1.4 COS -

Print Volunteer Add COS Data Update Status Update Action
Review Form Entry Review Code Code

cos_review_ref cos_review


COS Reviewed By Data COS Review Date

Staff Data

8.1.5 COS - 8.1.6 COS -

Produce Work Produce COS Vol COS Data
Statistics Tracking Report

COS - Print Volunteer Review Form

Description: An oracle report that prints the review elements for the volunteer that is currently
displayed on the form.

COS- Add COS Data Entry Review

Description: Add a review for each of the various COS review elements are located in 3
separate tab pages on the COS Review data entry screen (general, COS, mid-service).

COS - Update Status Code

Description: Status codes are the core elements in the COS Review process. For every COS
Review element there are multiple status codes and each status code is also associated
with a corresponding action code. The user has the ability to add status codes, change
status code descriptions, change the action code, and deactivate a status code; however
a new COS Review element cannot be added.
COS - Update Action Code
Description: Action Codes are used to identify follow-up activities for every status code. The
user has the ability to add new action codes, modify action code descriptions, and
deactivate an action code. Action codes cannot be deleted.

COS - Produce Work Statistics Report

Description: An oracle report that lists all reviews performed by staff member for the given
time period.

COS - Produce COS Tracking Report

Description: An oracle report that lists all volunteers who have COS'd during the given date
range with the corresponding date of their COS review. Provides a COS summary report
at the end.
EXPERT - Medical Scannable History Expert System
Overview: The Medical Scannable History Expert System is used to process data collected
from the Health Status Review (HSR) form that is submitted by all Peace Corps applicants. The
Expert System will analyze the applicants' responses to each of the questions on the HSR form in
order to determine the initial medical status of the applicant and which medical letters should be
sent to the applicant.
Owner: VS/MS/PRE-SERVICE (Pre-Service)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

1. 3.1 EXPERT (SV-

04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Thu Mar 22, 2007



3.1.1 EXPERT 3.1.2 EXPERT 3.1.3 EXPERT 3.1.4 EXPERT

PCV_METSDBMS - - Print HSR - Produce - Query HSR
Transfer/Merge Nomination RPCV_PROFILE

Upload Medical_Histories HX Data HX_DOC_INSERTS health_status_review Nom Report Data


HX_UPLOAD_V2 Health_Status_Review
- Load HSR medical_histories_pending

Scanned HSR File

b:\oms_load_hsr\scanned_datafiles\ B:\OMS_Load_
Description: A batch process loads scanned paper HSR files of various versions. The batch
name is "LoadHSRData.Bat".

EXPERT - Transfer/Merge
Description: Processes data collected from the Health Status Review Form (HSR) submitted
by applicants. It analyzes the responses to questions and establishes the initial medical
status of applicant.


Description: Print the Health Status Review.

EXPERT - Produce Nomination Report

Description: Allows user to run the Nomination report.


Description: Allows user to query the HSR.
HLTHREC - Health Record Management System
Overview: This application is used by the Office of Medical Services, Medical Records Units, to
process electronic requests for a volunteer's health record and provides the ability to request
health records from the Federal Records Center or Post.
Owner: VS/MS/REC (Medical Records)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

9.4. 9.4 HLTHREC

(SV-04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Wed Oct 04, 2006


PCV_METSDBMS Volunteer Data

9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4

Produce Request View Health Produce Health
Requested Medical Record history Record
Records Report Record Transfer Delivery Report




HLTHREC - Produce Requested Records Report

Description: Allows user to produce report of requested health records. Health record
requests screen displayed in with all the records and its locations. The report contains
the following information: Current Location, COS Yr, Vol Name, SSN, Date Requested,
and Requesting Location.

HLTHREC - Request Medical Record Transfer

Description: Request one record to be transferred from Overseas and one from FRC (Medical
Records). The application presents the message "External health record transfers are
only needed for records that are overseas or at federal records center". External transfer
request screen displayed with requested date, from location and staff name details along
with print and done details.

HLTHREC - View Health Record history

Description: The screen is populated with health record location history and other respective

HLTHREC - Produce Health Record Delivery Report

Description: Allows user to produce report on the delivery of health records. A report
parameter screen displayed prompting for start and end date with time. The report
displays the Volunteer Name, SSN, Date Request, and Charge out Date, Charge out by
Name for the entered date range.
MEDINS - Medical Insurance
Overview: This application is used to generate eligibility data files, which are then transmitted
to Peace Corps' medical claims processing contractor and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
(RPCV) health insurance provider. These files are necessary to establish an applicant or
volunteer's eligibility to have insurance cover the payment of all his/her medical bills. The files
also ensure that all Returned Peace Corps Volunteers have access to the benefits of post service
health insurance.
Owner: MS/VS/HIS (Health Information Systems)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

9.5. 9.5 MEDINS

(SV-04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Thu Oct 05, 2006

9.5.1 MEDINS- 9.5.3 MEDINS -
Process Query Volunteer's
PCV Data MED_INSURANCE Insurance Eligibility
Eligibility File

PCV Eligibility Data

PCVDBMS Pcfs\batch_app\OMS_Insurance_ MEDDBMS




9.5.2 MEDINS 9.5.4 MEDINS 9.5.5 Process
- Process corps_care_eligible - Query Corps OIG WCP Data
RPCV Care Transfer
Insurance Transmissions

RPCV Insurance Data

MEDINS- Process Insurance Eligibility File
Description: Each volunteer record that is extracted for eligibility and sent to the contractor.
Every weekday morning at 2:00 a.m., a scheduled task called Run_OMS INSURANCE is
executed on the IRM shared PC located on the 3rd floor. This eligibility file is created by
the execution of the script called MED_INSURANCE.sql.

MEDINS - Process RPCV Insurance

Description: Every Friday afternoon at 12:15 p.m., a scheduled task called Run_Clements is
executed on the IRM shared PC located on the 3rd floor. 2. This eligibility file is created
by the execution of two sql scripts: \\Pcfs\batch_app\
PCVInsureFileTransfer\rpcv_ins_part1 and
\\Pcfs\batch_app\ RPCVInsureFileTransfer\rpcv_ins_part2.

MEDINS - Query Volunteer's Insurance Eligibility Transmissions

Description: Allows user to view Volunteer Insurance Eligibility Transmission for a trans_nbr.

MEDINS - Query Corps Care Transmissions

Description: Allows user to view Corps Care Transmission data for a trans_nbr. Basic
volunteer data is displayed.

Process OIG WCP Data Transfer

Description: Allows user to enter year and district to transfer WCP data. A datasource file
called c:\workfiles\oigdataxx (where xx is the district) is created.
MEDPAY - Case Management System
Overview: The Case Management System is used to track Medevac and other types of
medical cases that may occur during a volunteer's service. This system will also track medical
appointments and diagnoses, and it will issue Authorizations for payment (PC 127c).
Owner: VS/MS/INS (In-Service)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

3. 7.3 MEDPAY (SV-

04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Thu Mar 22, 2007

7.3.1 7.3.2 MEDPAY - 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5

Transfer Case Health Download Stat Authorize Maintain Panel
Insurance Data Travel Providers
Certificate Allowance



CASE M edevac Report Data

CHRON_NOTES Seven Corners
7.3.6 M EDPAY 7.3.7 7.3.8 7.3.9 MEDPAY
- Maintain ICD_PRELIM_EXTERNAL MEDPAY - M EDPAY - - Transfer FTP7Corners.txt
Medevac Case Produce Letters Produce Medevac Claim
MEDPAY to Contractor

Volunteer Data
PCV Data
Vol Data
pcv_volunteer pcv_case_mgm t_status


7.3.1 MEDPAY - Transfer Case

Description: Used to transfer case from one Medevac nurse to another.
7.3.2 MEDPAY - Generate Group Health Insurance Certificate
Description: To generate a certificate, press the yellow GENERATE CERTIFICATE button.
This will initiate a print-merge process. This means that the form will be suspended and
a word document will be opened. Once the document has been opened, go to the FILE
menu and select PRINTMERGE.

7.3.3 MEDPAY - Download Stat Data

Description: Allows EPI user to download statistical data. Download stat data screen
displayed prompting the user for from and to dates along with cancel and ok

7.3.4 MEDPAY - Authorize Travel Allowance

Description: Allows Medevac nurse to open Travel allowance / authorization screen. If there
are more than one MEDAVAC cases a message box is displayed "Multiple MEDAVAC
cases exist for this PCV/T. A per diem is generated from a case.

7.3.5 MEDPAY - Maintain Panel Providers

Description: Allows user to keep panel provider list updated in reference table.

7.3.6 MEDPAY - Maintain Medevac Case

Description: This process will allow the querying of existing Medevac cases or the creation or
update of existing ones. The Case Management System is used to track Medevac and
other types of medical cases that may occur during a volunteer's service. Will track
medical appointments and diagnoses, and it will issue Authorizations for payment (PC

7.3.7 MEDPAY - Produce Letters

Description: Multiple letters may be produced including the following:
1. Medical Separation Letter
2. Hotel Letter
3. Authorization Letter
4. Referral Letter

7.3.8 MEDPAY - Produce MEDPAY Reports

Description: The following reports may be produced from MEDPAY:
1. MEDVACs by Country report
2. No. of cases per nurse report
3. Chron Notes of current cases report
4. Chron Notes of current cases - HOR report
5. Chron Notes of current cases - HOR report
7. Volunteers by case status / nature of case report
8. Average number of days for MEDEVAC Cases report
9. Number of cases by nature of case report
10. Number of cases by region, country and nature report
11. Number of cases by nature of cases and country report
12. Disposition counts by country and nature of case report
13. MEDEVACs Disposition counts w / accompanied and hospital report
14. Case Status Count for completed cases report
15. Medevac'd trainees by country and arrival year report
16. Medevac'd trainees by country and arrival year report
7.3.9 MEDPAY - Transfer Medevac Claim to Contractor
Description: A batch job is run monthly (Run_OMS_Medevac_Insurance) to extract data on
Volunteers that have been Medevac. This data is encrypted and then transmitted via
FTP to the medical claims processing contractor, Seven Corners.
MR - Medical Records Release of Information and HIV Printing
Overview: This application is to store, track, and print the HIV results that were obtained from
the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for volunteers once they have closed service. This
system is also used to track requests made to release volunteers' medical information to anyone
(including volunteers who request a copy of their own medical file).
Owner: VS/MS/REC (Medical Records)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

8.5. 8.5 MR (SV-04

Data Flow)
System Architect
Wed Oct 04, 2006

SSN PCVDBMS volunteer data

8.5.1 MR - 8.5.2 MR - 8.5.3 MR - 8.5.4 MR -

Release HIV Produce Produce MR Print Individual
Information HIPPA Forms Request Count HIV Results
by Country Report

HIV_RESULTS Individual HIV Results


8.5.1 MR - Release HIV Information
Description: Release of HIV information tracking system screen allows entry of MR request.
WORD application is opened with the data from your database.

8.5.2 MR - Produce HIPPA Forms by Country

Description: Allows user to print HIPAA Forms by country. The report contains the following
for each country: Nbr Cases missing HIPPA, Nbr Cases with HIPPA, and the total active
Volunteers. The details may be selected by country and include the following: Vol
Name, SSN, EOD Date, Status, and Sig Date.

8.5.3 MR - Produce MR Request Count Report

Description: Allows user to open Medical Request count report and report parameter screen
displayed which prompts them to enter start and end dates.

8.5.4 MR - Print Individual HIV Results

Description: Allows user to print an individuals (RPCV) HIV results. The user enters SSN and
results are retrieved; the following data is displayed: SSN, Name, EOD Date, COS Date,
Country, Location, specimen nbr, collection date, report date, print date, and HIV Results
(positive or negative).
PCMODATA - Peace Corps Medical Officers Data
Overview: This application contains information regarding medical officers, including their
credentials, licenses, and technical abilities.
Owner: VS/MS/QI (Quality Improvement)
Platform: MS Access


System Architect
Fri Feb 23, 2007 14:34

Service History PCMODATA - PCMODATA - PCMO's Left in Last Year by Region
Browse PCMO PCMOLicenses Africa PCMOs Produce
Program Table Data PCMO PCMO'S Left in Last Year
PCMODegrees Pass Query Summary

PCMOS PCMOCertificates


Credential Report Data Passport Report Data

PCMOS (by name)

PCMOs hired this Fiscal Year
PCMODATA - PCMOs Employed > 2 FY
PCMOs (Most Dates)
Produce PCMOs (by country and region)
PCMOs License Expiration Reports from
PCMOs Birthdays Menu
Description: Allows user to view Peace Corps Medical Officer data for evaluations.

PCMODATA - Produce PCMO Summary Reports

Description: Allows staff to run summary reports.

PCMODATA - Produce Reports from Menu

Description: This reports menu allows the following reports to be generated:
1. Passport Report
2. Credential Report
3. PCMO's Employed 2 > FY
4. PCMOs (by name)
5. PCMO's (by country and region)
6. PCMO's hired this Fiscal Year
7. PCMO's (MOST Dates)
8. PCMO License Expiration
9. PCMO Birthdays
POSTSERV - Retired Workers Compensation Records
Overview: This application tracks the location of the medical files of Peace Corps volunteers
who have filed Workers Compensation claims.
Owner: VS/MS/QI (Quality Improvement)
Platform: MS Access

8.7. 8.4 POSTSERV

(SV-04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Tue Oct 10, 2006

8.4.1 8.4.2
Track File Maintain
Location Project List

Workers Comp File Location Data Projects

WORKCOMP Database - Access

8.4.1 POSTSERV - Track File Location
Description: This function allows user to browse or update data related to the location of a
workers compensation file by project number. The user may view the SSN, name (last,
first, mi), case file number, COS date, and box number of an RPCV.

8.4.2 POSTSERV - Maintain Project List

Description: Allows user to maintain list of projects that contains retirement date, destruction
date, location, and accession date for a project.
PSCMS - Post-Service Case Management System
Overview: The Post-Service Case Management is used to track medical or dental cases for
recently returned RPCVs (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who are less than 180 days from
completion or separation of service). This system tracks and generates Authorizations of payment
(PC 127c), which, in turn, allows payment of the RPCVs' medical bills. PSCMS also allows users
to create case consults with Doctors, Dentists, or Post-Service Managers and to electronically
request Health Records from the Medical Records division. This application is also used to store
and track Worker's Compensation Program (WCP) claims made by RPCVs.
Owner: VS/MS/PST (Post-Service)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

6. 8.6 PSCMS (SV-

04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Wed Apr 04, 2007


8.6.1 PSCMS -
Create New 8.6.2 PSCMS - 8.6.3 PSCMS - 8.6.4 PSCMS - consult_enclosure DIAGNOSIS 8.6.5 PSCMS - DECISION_REASON_REF
Case Update Chron Request Health Request a Update Consult
Note Record Consult for the Data




Closed Case Data case data chron_notes VOUCHER VOUCHER_DIAGNOSIS

8.6.6 PSCMS - 8.6.7 PSCMS - 8.6.8 PSCMS - 8.6.9 PSCMS -

Close Case Produce Case Print Case Produce
Statistics Notes Voucher
8.6.1 PSCMS - Create New Case
Description: Allows nurse to create a new case.
The case review date should be 2 working days from the creation date (excluding holidays).

8.6.2 PSCMS - Update Chron Note

Description: Allows nurse to update chronological notes for case.

8.6.3 PSCMS - Request Health Record

Description: Nurse uses to request medical records.

8.6.4 PSCMS - Request a Consult for the Case

Description: Nurse enters request for consult.

8.6.5 PSCMS - Update Consult Data

Description: Perform the consult, complete, and print it (physician or dental consultant)

8.6.6 PSCMS - Close Case

Description: Allows nurse to close case and print notes.

8.6.7 PSCMS - Produce Case Statistics Report

Description: Allows nurses to run a cases statistics report.

8.6.8 PSCMS - Print Case Notes

Description: Allows nurse to print case notes.

8.6.9 PSCMS - Produce Voucher

Description: Select case for the Open Case List, read the consult response, create and print a
voucher. The voucher expiration date should be 180 days after the COS date. (Nurse)
SCRN_SYS - Pre-Service System
Overview: This application is used to record and track medical information for individuals who
apply to be Peace Corps volunteers. The initial medical data is obtained from the responses on
the Health Status Review (HSR) form which is then used to generate the appropriate letters to the
applicant. All programs and documents that once existed under the old SCREEN system are
now part of this system.
Owner: VS/MS/PRE-SERVICE (Pre-Service)
Platform: Oracle Client-Server/Wintel (PCApps)

3.3. 3.3 SCRN_SYS

(SV-04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Wed Oct 04, 2006


PCV_ACTION_CODE_HISTORY pcv_dental_status
3.3.1 SCRN_ 3.3.2 SCRN_ 3.3.3 SCRN_ PCV_TRAINING
SYS - Process SYS - Search SYS - Produce pcv_volunteer
Pre-Service Volunteer Pre-Service
Medical Data Information pcv_metsdbms Medical PCV_PROJECT




3.3.4 SCRN_
Diagnosis_Reference SYS - Process Health_Record_Locations
Tasks 3.3.5 SCRN_
SYS - Produce
Nurse Letters


SCRN_SYS - Process Pre-Service Medical Data
Description: Allows entry of all clinical, chronological notes, problem list, accommodations for
an applicant. The form is comprised of several pages (main, clinical, notes, address,
problem list, nurse letters, history, holds, dental, letter and reports).

SCRN_SYS - Search Volunteer Information

Description: Quick search tool for volunteer name/SSN and address.

SCRN_SYS - Produce Pre-Service Medical Reports

Description: This menu contains a list of statistical management reports designated during the
design phase of the pre-service medical system.

SCRN_SYS - Process Administrative Tasks

Description: Leads to valid list for diagnosis maintenance, medication maintenance, and valid
reviewers, staging nurses, and locations

SCRN_SYS - Produce Nurse Letters

Description: This Form allows the ad-hoc creation of nurse letters to an applicant. Examples
are referrals, field consults, Medevac orientation, etc...
SENTINEL - Sentinel Event Database
Overview: This application tracks Peace Corps volunteers' medical cases that have resulted in
adverse health outcomes. In so doing, the application facilitates possible improvements in future
medical cases are handled.
Owner: VS/MS/QI (Quality Improvement)
Platform: MS Access

8.8. 8.7 SENTINEL

(SV-04 Data Flow)
System Architect
Tue Oct 10, 2006

Part I: Sentinel Event Report Codes Recommeded and Feedback

Part II: SE Assessment & Review 8.7.1 Code Reviewer Name
Part III: Sentinel Event Review SENTINEL -
View/Add Case Sent Event Case Numbers
Part IV: SE Issues
TG Section

Sentinel Events

Part IV: Sentinel Event Follow Up

Actions Taken

Sentinel Database - Access

Sentinel Event Summary Report Data SE Summary Report Data

Case Report Part 1 Data 8.7.2

All Cases Report Data
Case Report Part 2 Data Produce
8.7.1 SENTINEL - View/Add Case
Description: Allows user to view or add a case file (Sentinel Event).

8.7.2 SENTINEL - Produce Reports

Description: This functionality allows the user to generate multiple reports including the
1. SE Summary Report
2. All Cases Report
3. CME SE Summary Report
4. Case Report Part 1
5. Case Report Part 2

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