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Mercury Thermometer

Defination :

Mercury thermometers are among the most widely used . Easily available , cheap, and accurate
measurement . In accordance with the design of this thermometer glass tube , the position of the
tip of mercury as a bookmark in rank will be in a fixed position but we shook it firmly .
This thermometer consists of a sealed glass tube containing liquid mercury .On the edge of the
tube visible lines that show temperature scale. When the temperature rises, the mercury in the
narrow tube will rise. The point at which the mercury The stop riding showed how body
temperature of the user at the time.

Fungtion :

Thermometer is used to measure the child's body temperature fever

Steps to use a thermometer :

* Measuring the temperature by mouth ( oral ) :
- If the child has just eaten or drank , wait about 20-30 minutes . Thermometer Oral
- Make sure there is no food in his mouth .
- Place the tip of the thermometer under the tongue for three minutes .
- Ask the child to his lips around the thermometer .
- Always tell the child not to bite or talk when there is a thermometer in the mouth .
- Also ask the child to relax and breathe through your nose normal .
- Then take the thermometer and read the mercury water position .
* Measuring rectal temperature ( rectal ) :
- Make sure the position of the mercury in the thermometer under normal circumstances .
- Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with a water -soluble jelly
- Lay your baby on your lap or on a flat place .
- Insert the tip of the thermometer into the rectum as far as 1-2 cm or until the end of the metal -
coated thermometer go all into the anus . However, if you feel there is something holding , do
not enter any farther than 1 cm . Try to keep your child does not interfere with the movement of
the measurement .
- Reassure the child by talking to him while you hold the thermometer .
- After 3 minutes , remove the thermometer and see a number that indicates the temperature .

*Measuring temperature through axillary:

- Termoter must touch the skin so baby clothes must be removed.
- Shake your mercury thermometer so that the water drops down to reach its normal position.
- Pangku kepitkan baby and thermometer in his armpit/axilla
- Keep your arms baby thermometer stuck into his body so strong for 3-5 minutes.
- Take a thermometer and look at the figures shows her body temperature.

Definition :
This in itself has meaning sphygmomanometer instrument for measuring blood pressure.
There are several types of devices for measuring blood pressure, among others:
a. tensimeter mercury
b. tensimeter needle
c. digital tensimeter

Fungtion :

Step :

How to use tensimeter and measuring blood pressure are as follows :

1 . open tensimeter
2 . slide the needle in the direction that the mercury rising on
3 . touch pulse is in the median area cubitti
4 . pairs of cufflinks (adjust the size of the person who will measure his blood pressure , but
usually using a cuff size adult / adult )
5 . cuff lies about 3 cm on pulse on the area median cubitti
6 . pairs of cuff to fit ( not too tight and not too loose )
7 . before we measure blood pressure by auscultation , then we should do systolic palpatoar first
,to prevent any gap auscultation , systolic palpatoar way to do is :
a. put 3 fingers on the pulse of what the median cubitti , feel sound of tapping
b . pump until no palpable pulse , while observing how the numbers are not palpable pulse
c . after that , remove the pump , put it down
d . the number shown at the time of the pulse was not palpable systolic palpatoir , the point is to
limit the extent to which we are pumping pasa when we perform measurements with auskultas
8 . after being found palpatoir systolic number , then we are doing the measurement by using
9 . plug the stethoscope on the pulse in the median area cubitti , after that , until the number of
systolic pump palpatoir , then add the numbers 20-30
10 . lower the pump , observe the sound of a stethoscope as he watched the numbers
11 . beats are heard for the first time is the systolic , whereas the latter beats before sound
completely - completely missing is the sound of diastolic
12 . after that , trim back in order to be used again in the future can be directly used

Interpretation of measuring results --- blood pressure ---

Normal blood pressure is 120-140 for systolic
low blood pressure < 120 high blood pressure > 140

Suctioning (suctioning mucus) is a suction action that aims to maintain the
airway, thus enabling adequate gas exchange process by removing the secret
of the airway, the client is not able to release it themselves.

Indikation Suction :
1. Patients who can not shut his vocal cords
2. Patients coma
3. Patients who are cannt cough because to paralysis of respiratory muscles
4. Infants or children under 2 years
5. Patients who mucuss very much and thick, when he himself was difficult to remove

1. Patients with stridor
2. Patients with a deficiency of cerebro spinal fluid
3. pulmonary edema
4. Post pneumonectomy, a new ophagotomy

The tools used suction:

1. Pertebel suction or wall-mounted with hose coupling
2. Sterile catheter 12-16 Fr
3. Sterile water or normal saline
4. Sterile gloves
5. Water soluble lubricant
6. Bath towels or blankets that protect the client or the client clothing
7. Face masks and sterile gauze
8. anatomical tweezers
9. Desenfektan liquid to wash the catheter sterile
10. Spatel
Step To Use :

1. Prepare client bedside equipment

2. Wash hands and wear gloves
3. Adjust the position of the client ( note the general state of the client )
4. Put a towel on the pillow or under the chin client
5. Select the type of pressure
6. Connect pour sterile water / normal saline in a sterile container
7. Connect sterile suction catheter into the vacum regulator
8. Measure the distance between the ear and the tip of the nose clients
9. Moisten tip of the catheter with sterile solution
10. Exploitation , insert one side of the mouth to the client and navigate to the oropharynx
with slowly
11. Stoppers " port " with the thumb -sucking . With the rotation of the catheter slowly when
pulled , should not be more than 15 seconds .
12. Rinse the catheter with sterile solution . When clients do not experience respiratory
disteress , rest 20-30 seconds , before re-entering the catheter .
13. When required suction , re step 9 -11
14. When the client is able to ask for a breath in between exploitation and effective cough
15. Suction secret on the mouth or under the tongue after oropharyngeal suction .
16. Suction catheters simultaneously with less waste disposal hanscoon
17. wash hands

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