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Attttrraaccttiinngg Yoouurr IIddeeaall LLiiffee PPaarrttnneerr
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 1


Dont we all want love? Isnt the bottom line of everything the desire to love
and be loved? When you want love and cant seem to find it theres always a
little hole in your heart. This book can help you find out why youre not
attracting the love you want and deserve and how to Tap in 2 Love thats out
there looking for YOU.

By utilizing the processes in this workbook you will be Tapping affirmations into
your body and out into the universe. That is the heart of this Tap in 2 Love
process. If you participate at 100%, doing all the recommend steps and if you are
really committed to finding your life partner, then this process will work for you.
If you skip a step, or do this as a chore rather than a positive course of action, its
not likely that youll get the results you want. To my knowledge, no one has ever
done this process completely and been unsuccessful at attracting love.

Please do read the steps and processes in this booklet in three or more sessions,
rather than all at once. You are more likely get additional insights by leaving it for
awhile and come back to it another day from a different perspective.

As a former matchmaker, Ive been using these processes and techniques for over
25 years. But its only been in the last five years or so that Ive introduced the art
and heart of tapping into it. Hundreds of people just like you have completed
these processes and it has helped them create miracles! As I always say to my
clients You already dont have what you want, so you have nothing to lose and
only love to gain.

Good Luck and Good Tapping,

Lindsay Kenny Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 2


Process One - Doing an Autopsy three of your most significant love


What worked
What didnt work
What did they have in common
Tapping away limiting beliefs and fears

Process Two Defining Your Ideal Life Partner

Five Essential Elements for your Life Partner

Deal Breakers: Unacceptable characteristics for your life partner

The Partner Wish List

The Partner Deal-Breaker List
Tapping Into Attracting Your Ideal Partner

Process Three Defining Your Ideal Relationship

Five Essential Elements for your ideal relationship

Relationship Deal Breakers: Unacceptable Elements of Your Ideal Relationship

The Relationship Wish List

The Wish List Deal Breakers
Tapping for Your Ideal Relationship Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 3


Every failed relationship takes a little chunk out of our

heart and spirit. Will I ever find someone else? becomes a
sad song. So before you move forward again seeking love,
its best to look back to see what worked and what didnt
work in past relationship.

If there is something youre doing or attracting thats

causing you repeated pain, wouldnt you want to know
what it is? This first exercise, the Relationships Autopsy
could save you a lot of future heartbreak.


that many). If not, do it for the significant relationships or marriages youve had during
your adult life after the age of 18.

By autopsy, I mean dissect what happened in the relationship from an accountability point of
view. For each relationship, take a few paragraphs to describe what happened, what worked,
what went wrong, the role you played (accomplice, victim, enabler, controller, doormat, etc.?)

What worked well in the relationship?

What didnt work?
What were the elements that were similar to your last or next relationship?
What traits or characteristics did this person have that prevented your relationship
from continuing?
What did you like best about him/her?
How did you contribute to the demise of the relationship?
What, if anything, could you have done differently to save it?
Would you have wanted to save it?
In retrospect are you glad it ended?

What pattern, if any, do you see in your relationships? Was there a common theme causing
them to end? One element thats common to all of your relationships - friendships, parent, Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 4

child, sibling, lover, etc. is YOU. So, if the same pattern emerges over and over, e.g., the men in
your life are usually dominant or abusive or alcoholic or athletic or handsome, or weak or hot-
tempered, etc. youre obviously drawn to that type of man. If this type/dynamic isnt working
for you, then this autopsy process will help you change that pattern. Hopefully, youre doing
this workshop because whatever youve been doing in the past isnt working.

Finding the pathology of your past relationships is a major step toward

avoiding the same mistakes in the future.


If youve ever dated anyone, been hurt by anyone, disappointed by someone, betrayed by
anyone, then youre likely to have formed some believes about men or womenor both. Its
natural and often beneficial to protect ourselves from past failures by forming beliefs based on
our experiences. However, one bad apple doesnt spoil the entire bunch.

Its too easy to assume that if you get hurt by a particular type of person that ALL people like
that will hurt you. For instance, Stacy was attracted to younger men, but after three failed
relationships with guys a few years younger than her she started forming opinions; Young
guys are too immature. Younger men dont want to commit. Men under 30 cant be trusted and
theyre undependable. Really? All of them?

Imagine if someone said to you Women of your height cant be trusted. Women your age only
want one thing. All brunettes are gold diggers. Doesnt that sound ridiculous? It is. However,
when an adverse event is repeated our subconscious picks up signals about it and learns to
survive by avoiding the situation again. Animals do this all the time. My cats run like crazy when
they see the nail clippers coming out. They did that after the first time I clipped their nails. Even
though it didnt hurt them, they didnt like it.

Thank goodness humans are a bit more discerning. We dont always run away when we see a
potential mate coming toward us. However, we do learn to be guarded by things that hurt us.
Its a protection mechanism and thank God for that. However, it can needlessly keep us from
finding the very thing we might want the most: Love.

A few years ago a good friend of my Anita had her heart broken by David. He happened to be
Jewish so she made the deduction that Jewish men cant be trusted, based on her one
experience with one. The next guy that came along, Josh, was rebuffed by Anita, but he didnt
let that discourage him. I remember he used to play Billy Joels famous song I am an innocent
man to her under her window. She finally got it and let him into her life. They now have 2
adorable little boys who wouldnt be here if Anita had held on to her belief about Jewish me. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 5

So step # one is to write down your limiting beliefs (or fears) about your past or future
relationships or encounters . Even if it feels true and not just a belief, write it down.

Here are some common ones:

Men cant be trusted
Men only want one things
Women dont like sensitive men
Women are unpredictable
Women only want men who are successful
Men only like younger women
Women only like younger men
Men always cheat on their wives
Men are afraid to commit
Women expect men to protect them
Women dont like bald men
Men dont like women without big breasts.
Men dont like big women
Women expect men to give up their friends when they get married.
Marriages are hard
Mixed marriages never work
Im afraid of being hurt again
Im afraid of being rejected
Im afraid of being alone
Im afraid Ill find someone I really like who doesnt like me

Tap away all limiting beliefs and fears about finding your ideal partner. Its much easier than
you can imagine. Here are the steps for our Belief Busting Technique:

1. Write down all of your beliefs and fears about attracting a man or woman. Even if you
know they are facts, write them down. Even if you dont think they are hindering you, write
them down. If you dont think you have any, finish this sentence: I havent found my ideal
partner because. Whatever reasons you write down, regardless of your belief in their
validity, those are your limiting beliefs about love. Then add this one to your list: I just
havent met the right one yet. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 6

2. Circle them and give them a measurement of the strength or pull they have on you. This
is a different measurement from the intensity about anger or frustration or other emotions.
What youre measuring with beliefs and fears is the strength or pull they have on you. Or,
how strong or true are they to you?

3. Perform a Reversal Neutralization to eliminate any subconscious resistance to letting go

of your beliefs. Reversals are the way your subconscious keeps you safe. They keep you
from getting hurt and keep you from failure or rejection. Beliefs and fears also give you an
excuse for not having your life partner. Look at them as limiting beliefs of the
subconscious. There will always be a part of you that doesnt want to let go of the beliefs.
To the subconscious mind, they serve a purpose.

While you may consciously want to be in love, your subconscious wants to keep you safe. Your
subconscious resistance to change (the Reversal) is your internal protector and saboteur. And
isnt it doing a pretty good job? If Reversals are a new concept for you, please watch my free
video about Reversal Neutralization (especially the SBS Reversal) at

Performing the Reversal Neutralization, a very simple tapping process, is important to do

before attempting to reach any goal. Heres a simple protocol: (Find a Tapping Chart, below*)

Tap on the KC point while saying, Even though these fears and beliefs keep me from finding
my ideal mate, theres a part of me that doesnt want to let go of them. And I accept myself
anyway. Or choose one or more of these phrases listed below. Tap on your phrase(s) at least
two times. You can make them more applicable to your beliefs or fears. Just make sure you
vocalize that theres a part of you that does not want to let go of your beliefs about finding a
life partner.

Other Examples:

Even though

theres a part of me that doesnt want to get over these fears, because they protect me, I still
accept myself.

I want to find my soul mate, theres a part of me that doesnt want to let go of these beliefs.
After all, they keep me from getting hurt or being rejected, but I love and respect myself (or I
want to love and respect myself.)

these fears and beliefs keep me from finding love; I dont want to release them. They do give
me excuses for being alone. And I love myself anyway. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 7

Alternatively, use the catch-all phrase: Even though a part of me really wants to hang on to my
beliefs and fears, for whatever reason, conscious or not, I want to completely love and accept

Remember, having a Reversal is not a character flaw. Its simply your subconscious resisting
what you might consciously want. You may not even be aware of an impediment, nor do you
need to know what it is. However, you can explore it, if you wish, by asking yourself, What is
the downside of me letting go of my beliefs and fears about finding love? This will usually
produce things to tap on in the Reversal, but again, isnt necessary.

Doing this neutralizes the subconscious resistance to letting go of your fears and beliefs (your
protectors) and allows tapping to work more quickly and effectively.

Remember this:

Performing Reversal Neutralization doesnt fix the problem.

It simply eliminates the impediment to fixing the problem.
Once youve cleared the Reversal, usually by just doing the above process, you then tap on the
Meridian Points* using reminder phrases and alternating with desire phrases such as:

These beliefs and fears that hold me back;

I want to release them.
The fears and beliefs that keep me safe;
I want to let go of them.
All of the obstacles that keep me from finding true love;
I allow myself to neutralize them.
Do several rounds of these phrases until the beliefs and fears are neutralized.

NOTE: If youre one of those people who dont think you have any limiting beliefs, do this
exercise: Get out a pen and paper (instead of doing it on your computer.) And finish this
sentence honestly, The real reasons I havent found my true love yet is because. List all
of the possibilities you can think of. Then see the key at the bottom of this article. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 8

Essential Elements, Deal Breakers and Wish Lists

IN A LIFE PARTNER. (Read this entire section before starting your list.)

Here is a sample list of common choices: (Please understand there

are potentially dozens more). List whats absolutely indispensable
to you. Examples:

1. Sense of humor
2. Intelligent
3. Kindhearted
4. Sensitive to my feelings and others
5. Has integrity

Other suggestions: sensitivity, compassionate, caring, loving, loyal,

attractive, playful, anima- loving, even disposition, loyal,
dependable, honest, sweet, fun, adventurous, financial stable, etc.

Its important that you know exactly what matters to you most in a life mate. Most people
dont go to the grocery store without at least a mental list of what they need. We buy cars,
houses or even clothes with, at least, some idea of the elements we want or need in them. Yet
most people choose their life partner based on superficial qualities (appearance, chemistry or
on common interests).

Its highly unlikely youll find your ideal life companion unless you know what youre looking
for. And I dont mean the color of their hair or eyes. Nor do I mean a huge wish list containing
the elements of the perfect man or woman. He or she doesnt exist. The attitude of Ill know
him/her when I meet him/her isnt a valid criterion. Its too easy to get distracted or unduly
influenced by someones appearance, power or charisma.

Limit your Essential Elements, to 5, for now.

Not 6, not 4, but FIVE. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 9

Later, youll have the opportunity to expand the list. If you have difficulty with 5, be sure to play
each character trait off the others. For instance, if you think its important that your mate is
taller than you then play it against each of the other characteristics you choose. Is being taller
more critical in a life mate than honesty, sensitivity, intelligence etc.? If so, then eliminate the
characteristic that is less important. This does not mean you cant find someone who is both tall
and intelligent, but for the purpose of this process, find the 5 MOST important characteristics.

If youre a 6 tall woman and having a man taller than you is really, truly essential to your
happiness, then include it in your list, if you must. Just know that it limits the number of
contenders considerably, since most people in the world (over 95%) are less than 6 tall. And a
good percentage of those over 6 may be of your same sex. Over half of the remainders are
married or otherwise unavailable. A huge percent live in other states or countries, or dont have
the other more important characteristics on your list.

Heres a true example of the above height issue (which could

just as well be one of eye- or hair- color, or other physical traits).
A friend of mine recently sought my help with finding her life
partner. When she told me her previous likes and dislikes, a tall
man was definitely a must for her.

After working on her Essentials and Deal Breaker lists, however,

the height issue got dropped down to the wish list. As a result,
within a few weeks of completing this process, she met a
wonderful man who is very intelligent, kind, loving, cute, sweet
and sensitive, has a great sense of humor and is very successful.

Hes about an inch shorter than she is, so she would have previously not even given him a
chance. Thank God, she says, that she opened her heart and mind to this wonderful man.

Its important, then, that when you do meet or start dating a new person, you do not add
something to your Essentials list or Deal Breaker list UNLESS youre willing to replace it with an
item already on the list. If, after dating someone, you decide that its important that he or she
wants to have four kids, then you need to bump something else off your Essentials list down to
the wish list.

Its OK to make changes and learn from your experiences, but you cant add more to the list.
The reasoning is this: There are an infinite number of characteristics we could all come up with
in an ideal mate. However, reality suggests that few of us are perfect. Everyone has pluses and
minuses, and to recognize that will go a long way toward helping you find a person to love
rather than a person whos perfect. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 10


Make sure these arent just the opposites of the previous process. So,
if having a college education is one of your items on the Essentials list,
then dont put less than a college education on the Deal Breaker list.
Heres an example of a Deal Breaker list:

A smoker or substance abuser, including drugs or alcohol

Someone who doesnt take care of their personal appearance or hygiene
Someone who doesnt like children or animals
A person who is selfish or self-centered
Someone whos loud and/or obnoxious

Notice that a couple of elements include one or more similar items, like smoking, drinking and
drugs. Thats OK, as long as the characteristics are in the same realm. Its not acceptable to say,
A smoker who lives more than 50 miles from my home town. Those two items are unrelated.

As before, when you have more than 5 elements that you

feel are unacceptable, compare each one to the others
until you come up with the five characteristics that are
MOST unacceptable to you. And try this litmus test (using
the above Essential Elements and Deal Breakers as an
example). Lets say you meet a person who is very good
looking (NOT on the Essentials list), very wealthy (ditto)
and is really fun to be with and has friends in high places.

Yet, he/she is a smoker, has to have his/her 3 martinis a

day, is not all that bright, and is allergic to animals. Based on the elements in the above you
should absolutely not continue going out with this person.

If what youre really looking for is contained in the list above, then you will never be truly happy
with the wealthy, good looking, booze guzzling, dog kicker. Yet most of us fall into this trap
sooner or later and think Whats the harm in just going out for fun? Heres the answer; it's
just too easy to fall for someone whos adorable and fun to be with. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 11

When you and/or the other person are emotionally involved, it is so much harder to end than a
casual acquaintance. You rationalize and say But we really love each other. Ho Ha! Given the
above criteria, the love wouldnt last long and itd be a disaster to live with that person.

Years ago, I used to have some rules for myself about dating that were something like this:
Non-smoker, not married, non-drinker, not more
than 10 years older than I am and emotionally
available. Well, lo and behold, I fell hard for a
gorgeous, very wealthy, worldly, party animal that
happened to be married and was having an affair
with another woman when we met!

He also smoked and was 12 years older. He was so

irresistible; however, that I put away all my rules and
fell head over heels for him (this was long ago, well
before I defined this process! Still, thats no excuse. I
should have known better.) What was I thinking!!!?

We had a torrid, two-year roller-coaster ride of a relationship that had its wonderful moments,
but almost killed me emotionally and spiritually. When it ended, and thank God it did, I was
utterly devastated and literally, physically sick. I knew going into it that it was high risk, not-
good-for-me and potentially disastrous. Yet, I was seduced into it anyway. I didnt do anything
wrong (other than my poor judgment about him and ignoring my own rules. Oh and messing
around with someone who was still married!) He was just being who he was and who I knew
him to be. There was no deception. I just chose the wrong guy for me. Not only did I waste two
years of my life, it damaged my self-esteem, health and trust in myself and men.

Please, no letters or emails about this. I KNOW what I did wrong, and while it was almost 40
years ago and I was very young, it was incredibly stupid. The point is, I had my list but chose
to ignore it because this guy was hot. Well Duh!! My dad used to tell me, You have to stand
for something, or youll fall for anything. I didnt quite understand that when I was 14, but I
sure do now. I learned a ton of lessons with that relationship and matured a lot as well. I
probably wouldnt be doing what Im doing now if it werent for that cad I fell for.

Just remember this:

You have to know what you want, and what you wont
accept in order to attract your ideal life partner. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 12

Ok, now back to the process. Youll like this next part


This is where you get to ask for whatever you

want; George Clooney looks, Donald-Trump
Money (or hair) or whatever!

List 10 characteristics that you would like for your Life

Partner to have, but that are not essential.

For instance, if youre a woman, you might list things

like: hes a good dresser, is taller than I am, likes to
dance, plays the piano, loves my kid, is a good cook,
and can do my hair (ha!) Put 10 things on this wish list
and keep them in the back of your mind.

You dont get to eliminate someone who is otherwise

good for you if they dont have some or all of the
elements on your wish list. Its just a guideline. Go ahead, have at it.

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________ Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 13

The I-dont-think-so List: List 10 characteristics that you do not want in your
life partner (but not quite deal-breakers.)

Habits or preferences you hope he/she doesnt have. For example: he doesnt like to wear
womens underwear, he doesnt live more than 50 miles away, or she doesnt have awful taste
in clothing. Or: she doesnt spend two hours getting dressed every day, she doesnt withhold
her affection as a weapon against me, he doesnt keep me waiting for hours when we have to
be somewhere on time. Get the idea? Use your past experiences to guide you on these two
lists. Again, limit them to 10 each and play contenders against other items on the list.

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________

Thoughts and comments:

____________________________________________________________________________ Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 14

Tapping Into Your Ideal Partner
Now for the fun part:

Using the Essential List and the Deal Breaker List (which
should now be a 10-point positive attribute list), tap on
attracting this ideal person in your life. Consider the Wish
Lists as bonuses only.

First start with a Reversal, on the KC point.

Even though I dont want to attract this person into my

life, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I dont want to attract this person because Im afraid of getting hurt; maybe Im
afraid he/she wont like me (enter any of your remaining negative beliefs or fears here.) Maybe
I dont deserve love.

Even though for whatever reason I dont want to attract my ideal partnerI completely love
and accept myself.

After doing the Reversal Neutralization, shake your hands as if shaking off water off of your
fingertips. Take a deep breath. Have a drink of water.

Next, construct an ideal statement about this person youre attracting and how youll feel
when he/she is in your life. Remember to phrase it in the first person, present tense such as:

I am attracting a loving, kind, intelligent man into my life, now.

I am really loving this interesting, sweet, honest woman. I feel whole and
I love how I feel when Im with my caring, sensitive partner.
Im happy and content being loved by this kind-hearted, sweet, intelligent,
person in my life. I feel fulfilled, secure and complete.

Incorrect affirmations would look like this:

I dont want to be with someone who smokes.

I will find my ideal partner by Christmas to get my family off my back about
Im not going to screw up this relationship.
Im going to be less stressed about this now.
Im hoping to find someone before its too late. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 15

Tap on these affirmations daily.

Use as many of his/her characteristics as you want in the statement, as well as your motivation
for having this person in your life. It is the feelings about how youll feel that provide the pulling
power behind the statement. Feeling as if this statement is already true is what will put you in
rapport with what is needed to attract and accept him or her into your life.

Tap on any resistance that comes up for you (I wont have any privacy or time for
myself, etc.)
Tap on any remaining fears, concerns or doubts (dad wont like him, what if
he/she doesnt like my family.)
Make sure youre clean on what you want and why.
Once youre clear and your statement (UTS) feels right, tap on it every day until
he/she shows up in your life.
Stay focused only on the positive aspects and how youll feel when this person is
in your life.
Avoid negative thinking. Divert negative thoughts into positive ones immediately. Im
patient with this process. Ive waited a lifetime for this person and I can wait as long as
it takes, knowing my soul mate is on the way to finding me. I would rather wait for my
ideal mate, than settle for the wrong person who happens to be available now.
It shouldnt take long, however, if youre clear on what you want, have cleared your
obstacles and stay positive and in alignment with your goals. So shave your legs (ladies
only, please) wear clean underwear, and keep that breath freshener handy.

Once you are tapping daily and keeping to the positive, you may consider items from your Wish
List. You can have these desirable, but not essential, characteristics or habits in the back of your
mind as you seek someone. However, remember that the rules are that you cant eliminate
someone just because they are not in alignment with your Wish List attributes.

Now take a break, but make sure you complete Part 3 on Relationships within two weeks! Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 16

Process Three
Defining the ideal relationship
Essential Elements, Deal Breakers and Wish Lists


If you have not had five, do it for the significant relationships or marriages youve had
during your adult life after the age of 18.

The relationship is the third entity when two people

come together, not you or him/her as individuals. The
relationship is more important than either you or your
partner. For instance, if you dont care for baseball, but
your partner wants you to take her to a game, then take
one for the team and go with her. Or if your husband
wants to buy season tickets to the symphony (and you
can afford it,) then go with him to the symphony.

Its not going to kill you and you might enjoy a new
activity or give up one that your partner hates. In fact it
will be great for the relationship. If all decisions were made for the good of the relationship, our
divorce rate would be far less than it is now (over 50%.)

List Five Essential characteristics in the ideal relationship. As an example, here are
some common elements in a healthy relationship:
1. Total honesty and trust
2. Loving, affectionate, and warm
3. We are each others best friends
4. A spirit of playfulness and adventure
5. Supporting each others needs

This is the most important part of the process of drawing your mate to you. Its here where you
design the type of relationship you want to create. Most people focus on the person they want
to be with, not the relationship they will be creating. (The same way others focus on the
wedding, not the marriage.) I know a man whos a wonderful individual; bright, attractive,
wealthy, funny, etc. But hes terrible at relationships. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 17

In his 70s now, hes still single because hes stubborn and selfish and refuses to see the other
persons point of view or make decisions for the good of this third entity. Its all about him, with
the justification of, Well thats just how I am and Im not going to change. His choices have
earned him a lonely, sad, life.

List Five Deal Breakers in the relationship. Remember these are not to be the opposites
of the previous essentials. For example:
1. Insufficient time together in the relationship
2. Lack of open communication
3. No sense of purpose or direction in the relationship
4. Lack of compatible goals and values
5. Infidelity (including emotional affairs or sexual conversations on the Internet)

You have to know what you want, and what you absolutely
wont accept to get where you want to be in a relationship.

Make 2 wish lists of up to 10 items each for the relationship.

The Wish List: List 10 positive elements that you would like in your ideal relationship (not the
person) These should be non essential but are desirable (such as sharing common interests,
has a good relationship with their children or ex-spouse, etc.)

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________ Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 18

The I-Dont-Think-So List: List 10 characteristics that you do not want in your ideal
relationship (not the person) This would include things such as not having sex often enough,
not enough fun or adventure, the relationship is a low priority, you have to tolerate his/her best
friend who is a jerk, etc.

1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________

Tapping Into Your Ideal Relationship

Write down 5 or more affirmations for finding the ideal relationship. Be sure to include the
elements you used in the Essential List and the Deal Breaker List. Also, remember an
affirmation must be in the first person, positive and present tense. Here are a few examples:

I am attracting a loving, open, honest relationship

I love how I feel in my communicative, interesting, relationship
I am open to all people, circumstances and possibilities that support attracting my
ideal relationship

Write down 5 positive statements about how you will FEEL when youre in this new
relationship with your ideal partner, such as:

I really feel great about this relationship and the life were building together.
I feel validated, supported and vital.
I am confident and comfortable in this relationship.

Tap on these affirmations daily. Better yet use them as part of your Ultimate Truth
Statement on relationships. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 19 Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 20
Tapping Tips and What Happens Next?
Here are some tips to maximize the effectiveness your tapping:

Tap on these affirmations three times a day, first thing in the morning, mid-day, and
last thing before you go to sleep. Every day! Dont miss a day. It only takes 2-3
Keep the affirmations or your Ultimate Truth Statement posted on cards or sheets of
paper in your bathroom or kitchen so you can see them often and keep them in your
Continue tapping daily until your find your soul mate.
See yourself and feel yourself with this other person.
Believe it will happen.
Choose to make this fun and easy.

Optional things you can do:

Put yourself out there He or she is unlikely to find you if you stay in your house all
Do some interesting things that you like or want to learn how to do.
Be more aware of who and whats around you.
Smile at people. I mean a genuine big smile.
Say, Thank you! more often.
Sign up for a dating service or online like just to practice your new
skills in identifying your ideal mate and relationship. Make it fun, not serious. Thats
how I actually found my husbandby doing research for my Match Making Agency in
Phoenix. The experiment was a disaster, but out of it came my adorable soul mate,
Jack. So it was worth kissing all those frogs, just to find my prince.
Fix a friend or an ex up with someone you think he or she would be good with. I used
to recycle all of my old boyfriends, to my girlfriends. Many are still married to each
other after 30 years. I even fixed up my ex-husband with his second wife. Ironically,
one of my exs introduced me to a lady who introduced me to another lady who put
me in touch with the matchmaker who introduced me to my husband.
Practice random acts of kindness. It feels good, and thats what you want to feel to
be in the right place to accept the love of your life.
Tap on at least five your good qualities every day, i.e. I am a fun loving, trustworthy
man. Or I am a bright, congenial woman.
Tap on at least five changes you would like to make in yourself, i.e.:
1. I am optimistic about life and love.
2. I love how I feel about myself in my new clothes and with my new hairstyle
3. Its fun being carefree and easy-going.
4. I think only positive thoughts about myself and others.
5. Im committed to having my life work. Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 21

Hopefully youve had fun doing these processes. And, hopefully, youve learned a lot about
yourself and whats really important to you. If you believe it and feel it, then you are in the
right place and that Ideal Person and Ideal Relationship will be attracted to you.

Good luck and Good Tapping,

Lindsay Tap In 2 Love eBook 2012 by Lindsay Kenny, pg. 22

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