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Act XV of 1919
[The Calwtta High Court (Jurisdictional Limits) Act,
[17rh, Sepreniler. 1913.J
An Act to declare otld prescribe llte Iir~ritsof llie ordirlary orig-
irlal civil jurisdicriorr of ~ l r eHigh Court of hrdicarrrre at Fort William
it] Ber~gal.
WHEREAS clausc 11 of lhc Lellers Parenl Tor the High Court of
JudicaLure at Fort William in Bcngal, datcd the 28th Decembcr, 1865,
provides that h e said High Court shall have and cxercise ordinary
original civil jurisdiction within such local lirnils as may from lime to
time bc dcclared and prescribed by any law madc by competent leg-
islalivc authority for India;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient so lo declarc and prescribe thc
local limits of the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of the said High
It is hereby cnacred as rollows :-
I. This Acr may bc callcd thc Calcuira High Coun (Jurisdicrion- shon .

al Limiis) Act, 1919. ritlc.

2. Thc ordinary original civil jurisdjction of the High Courl of Limilsof
Judicature at Fort Willjam in Bcngal shall be excerciscd wilhin he - or din^
origind civil
limik sct out in lhc schedulc :
Providcd h a t norhing in this Act shall affect any suit or orher
lcgal proceeding pending in any Court at rhc dale of Ihc.commcncc-
ment or this Act.
(See seclion 2.)
1. The limits within which the ordinary original civil jurisdic-
lion of !he High Courl shall be exercised are as follows :-
hbrtl~.-A line commencing on the weslern side of thc river
Hooghly at a point wherc h e smight line joining reference pillar No.
I (in a compound on the river sidc of the Ghusri Corton Mill, Howrah)
and rcfcrcnce pillar No. Il (near thc south-rvcslern end of Chilpur Toll
Bridge) meets [he weslcrn watcr-line of thc river Hooghly, and thence
along the said line ro h e poinr where it mcels the caqrern water-line
of [he river Hooghly near the soulh bank of h e opcning 01 Circular
Canal; thcnce along the warer-line of Ihe south bank of Circular Canai
passing under [he Chilpur Toll Bridgc, the Chiipur or B a g h b a z ~Bridge
lo boundary pillar A on rhc eastern side of thc southern pile of
Barrackporc Bridge.
Easr.--A Iinc commencing from lhc said boundary pillar A
following lhc cmtcrn cdge of thc bridge to a point ncar [he south-
castern corncr of the immediate approach to the bridge marked

' k c l s ~ m PARR.-For
n Ihc Stolcmcnl o f Objccrs and Rmons. see thc Gazctre
oflndia. PI. V. pagc 74. and ror Proceedings in Council, .tee. ibid, 1919, PI.VI. pagcs 876
and 877 and pagcs 1101 md 1102.

640 The Colcuna High Court (~urisdicrionaiLimits)

Act, 1919.
[Act XV
(The Schedule.)
by referenccpillarILI,which is on the boundary; rhence by a slaright Iine
lo boundary pillar B an h e south-easlern comer of h e junction of
Comwallis Streel and Galif Slreet (now markcd with a Public Works
Department stone); thence along the eastern side and the eastern side of
the castern pavemen1 of Cornwallis Sheer in a scrics of regular links
joining marked by posts 1-3 to boundary pillar C a1 the north corner of
rhe junction Sharnbazar Streel with Comwallis Street; thence by a
straight line 10 boundary pillar D on Ulc solid south comer of thc said
junction; hence in approximately straight line along [hc solid easicm
side of Uppcr Circular Road marked by posls 4-9; lhcnce eastward
following the comer round lo boundary pillar E on he north comer of
thejunction of theunnamed road (which runs into Jadu Nath MitraLanc)
with Upper circular Road; and rhence by a straigh~linc to boundary
pillar F at the solid south comer of the junction of Jadu Nath Mitra Lanc
with Upper Circular Road; thence by pus& 10-13to boundary pillar G
on the solid south comer of the junction of Ultadingi Road with Upper
Circular Road; hence along h e solid south side of Ultadingi Road in a
series of continuous and approximately straight lines joining poinls
marked by posr 14-16 lo boundary pillar H a l h c solid western comer
of Ihc junction of Ulkdingi Road and Gauribere Lane; ihencc by the I
solid western side of Gauribere Lane marked by posts 17-21 ; thcnce by
a straigh~line crossing the'road diagonally lo boundary pillar Lon h e
solid south-castern comer of the junction of Gouribere Lanc and I
UItadingi JuncrionLane; thence along the solid eastern side of Ultadingi !
Junction Lanc marked by posls 22-24 lo boundary pillar I on the solid
western corner ofthejunction ofultadingi Junuon Lane with Halsibagan
Road; thence by a'siraight Iine lo post 25 a1 h e solid western comer of
the said junction; thence dong h e soIid north side of Halsibagan Road
marked by post 26 to boundary pillar K on the nonh side of Halsibagan
Road direcrly opposite h e solid eastern side of Upper Circular Road
soulh of il; thence by a slraight line to post 27 at h e solid souh comer
of h e junction of Halsibagan Road w i h Upper Circular Road; lhcnce
by the solid eastern side of Upper CircularRaod rrkked by posts 28-34
ta post 35; Lhcnce turning easi lo boundary pillar L on the north side of
Maniktola Road; thence by a straight line to post 36 at the south comer
of Lhejunclion of ManiktolaRoad wilh Upper Circular Road a1 Ihc n o d -
western comer of the garden of Kali PdaBarik; hence along h e castern
side ofthe lane on theeastern side of theraiscdplatform road and marked
by posls 3749 to boundary pillar M at Ihc solid nonh corner of the
junction of Gas Stree~andUpper Circular Road; hence by a scraight line
lo boundary pillar N at h e solid soulh comer of the said junction; lhence
keeping again lo the =\ern side of the lane on the eastern side of he
. raised platform road along a line marked by posrs 50-61 excluding the

recently made Ladies' Park to boundary pillar 0 near ~ h north

c pillar of the
n o d entrance lo N o h Shtion, Scaldah; thence linc lo boundary pillar a1

The Calcrltta High Court (Jurisdictiom l Lir,li!s) 441

of 1919.1
(The Schedule.)
Lhc soulh corner of that entrance; hence by Lhc comparatively starighl
lincs from pillar to pillar connccting boundary pillars P, Q, R, S and T
adjaccnl to the pillars forming thc comers of the various approaches to
S d d a h Shtion; hcnce along thc solid eastern side of Lower Circular
Road marked by posb 62-64 to pillar 65; thencc lurning west to
boundary pillar U at thc north-western corner of Lhe outpatients'
departinent of lhc ' Campbell Hospital; thence by a straight line markcd
by posts 6668 lo boundary pillar V on h e comer of the platform to thc
right of the north enlrance to thc Calcutta Corporalion Central Stores;
thence by post 69 lurning east to post 70; thencc by posts 71-76,
boundary piIlars W and X at thc solid comers o t the southcrn junction
of Police Hospilal Road with Lowcr Circular Road; thencc by posts 77-
80 to boundary pillars Y and Z on h e solid comers of thc junction of
Beniapukur Lane with Lower Circular Road, by posts 8 1-86 lo boundary
pillars A, and.B, , at rhc solid comers of the junction OF Nonapukur or
Bijli Road and Lower Circular Road, posts 87,88 to boundary pjllar C, ,
near h e souh-weslern corner of h e Circular Road burial ground; thence
by a straight line to boundary pillar Dl , on Ihc orher side of h e tramway
lines; thence post 89 carward to post 90; Ihcncc to boundary pillars, El
and F, at the solid corners of the junction of Karaya Bazar Road and
Lower Circular Road, posl91, 92 to boundary pillar GI, opposite 10
Theatre Road, psrs 93,94 to boundary pillar H, ,a few feet south of the
point dircclly opposite, the junclion of Auckland Place and t o w e r
Circulu Road.m d following h e curvc of he road by posts 95 and96 lo
refcrcncc pillar IV (which is on the boundary) on the easrern side of the
junction of Beck Bagan Lane with Lower Circular Road.
Sotrtl~-Aline comencing from h e said refcrcncc pillar IV in a
srraight line to boundary pillar I,, on the the western comer of the junc-
lion af Beck Bagan Lanc with Lower Circular Road; Lhence along the
solid south side of h w c r CircularRoad lo boundary pillar J, , and K,at
the solid comers of rhe junction of Ballyganj Circular Road and Lower
Circular Road; hence by the solid soulh side of Lower Circular Road
markcd by posu 97,98, boundary pillars, L, ,M,at thc solid comers of
rhe junction of Lansdowne Road wilh Lower Circular Road, post 99
southward to posl 100 wcsrward to posl101, northward ro post 102 and
wcsrward to posl 103, boundary pillars N, and 0,at thc solid comes of
[he junccion of Woodburn Road wilh h w e r Circular Road, posts 104,
105, boundary pilIars P, and Q, at the solid comcr of(hc junction of Lee
Road with Lower Circular Road; hence by the straight line links but
brokcn boundary linc fomcd by posts 106-113 to boundary pillar R, on the
south easlern comer of lhc junction of Chowringhee wilh Lower Circular
Road; lhcnce by an obliquc straight linc lo boundary pillar S on the
south-wcs~emcomcrof thc saidjunction (ncara stone marked F.W. B.-26);
'Now known IX Nilrntm S- M c d i d Collcgc.

642 Linrirs)
Tile Calaitta Higli C ~ u r(Jrrrisdictiot~al
Acr, 1919.
[Act XV

(The Sclred~tle.)
Lhcnce by a linc represenling thc prcscnl limits of thc holdings on [he
south or Circular Road and marked by pos~s1 14-1 16, b o u n d q pillars
T,,and U, at the solid corners of lhe junclion of Haris ChandraMukherji
Road and Lowcr Circular Road, posts 1 17- 121; thence ro boundary pillar
V,, near the nonh comer or lhc junction of Bhowanipore Road and
Lower Circular Road; thcnce following the curve of ~ h comer
c and thc
eastern side of Bhowanipore Road and ihcsutplus lands atlachcd thcrelo
by a serics oisiraight line links joining poinls marked by posls 122-124,
boundary pillars W,, and X , , at the Junclion of Shamhhunath Pandit
Suecr and Bhowanipore Road, posti 125-128 turning eastward to
boundary pillar Y, on h c north sidc of Sonkaripara Road, posts 129, 130
to boundary pillars Z, and A, across the enrrancc of Kemapati Road into I
Bhowaniporc Road; thcnce by pos& 131, 132 to boundary pillar B, on
thc north-easlern side of Aliporc Bridge; thcnce along a straight iine
joining thc said boundary pillar B, with subsidiary rcfcrcnce pillar Wl
on the south-eas~cmside of rhc saib bridgc to a poinl wherc thal straighr
line mccts [he warcr-line of TolIy's Nala; ~henccalong the water-line of
Tolly's Nala to (he nos-castern corner of the Disiricl Magistrads
compound near which is boundary pillar C, ; thence along rhc ircgualr
northern boundary of Lhc Magistrate's compound marked by posh 133-
141 10boundary pillar D,at h c south comer of Lhc cntrance lo Lhc Civil
Surgeon's housc from Thackcray Road; thence southward along h e I
weslcm boundary of the Magiskate's compound by posls 142-145 and
dong he sourtltern boundary of that compound markcd by posts 147,
148 t o boundary pillar E?on the bank of Tolly's Nala; lhence continuing
the suaight line Frompost 148 lo boundary pillar E, till it meels h e warcr-
line of Tolly's Nala; thcnce along the water-line of Tolly's Nala lo apoint
in i~dirccl line with the nonh side of (he masonry drain running outside
the Jail Gardcn near which js boundary pillar F, ;rhcncc along north sidc
OF hc said drain in a straight linc across Molce fieel to posl 149 against
the boundary of the compound of the Magisuatc's Courl; hence
nonhward along thar boundary to posr 150 and wcstward lo posl15 1 and
northward again along the boundary of the Army Clothing Agency 10
post 1 52; thencc wcstward on I hesouth sidc of thelane to boundarypillar
G, a1 ~ h north-wcacrn
c corner of the Police Hospital compound; lhence
atbng the wall of he Alipore Cenrral Jail facing Rclvcdere Road and
marked by piIIars 153-1 57 lo the nonhwcstem comer of the junction or
Belvedcrc Road and Jail Lane follawirlg the corncr castward 10 post 158
and conlinujng along Ihc south side of Jail Lane to post 159; hence
by a straighl line to boundary pillar H, at the acule comer of rhc
juncllon of Rcformalory Street with Jail Lane; Lhcnce Lo boundary
piIlar I, on the north-wcstcm side of Alipore Bridgc; thence to
bound& pillar J, on the norlh-eastern sidc 01 the said bridge;

The Cnlcrrrra High Coirrt (Jrdrisdictional Linrits) 643

Act, 1919.

lhcncc by the solid south-westem and western sidc of B howaniporc

Road marked by posls 160-167; thence following the wcstern corner of
thc junction of Bhownipore Road and Lower Circular Road [o boundary
pillar EL,;(hence along h e solid soulh side of Lower Circular Road
following the swcep of thc railings and markcd by posts 168-172 ro
boundary pillar L, on Lowcr Circular Road and c u t of its junction wirh
BeIvcdcrc ~oad;-thencefollowing Ihe nalural bends of ~ h ccomer
markcd by posts 173 and 174 to boundary pillar M, on the eastcrn side
o i Bclvcdcre Road; thence along he casicrn side'of Belvcdcrc Road
now indicalcd by wooden railings and marked by post 175 to boundary
pillar N, on thc norlh-easlern sidc o l Zcerut ~ r i d ~(hcncc
c; along the
railings bf the footpah on heeastern sidcofrhe bridge to boundary pillar
0,near ils south-bastcrn end; thence along a bent line following h e
s h p e of h e bridge and marked by posts 176, 177 to post 178 on [he
eastern side of lhc sourh extremity of he immediate approach lo rhe
bridge; thence by a slraigh~line to boundary pillar P, on the wcsrern side
of the said cxtrcmity; thcncc turning north along thc railings of the
footpath on rhc western sidc of thc bridge, till it meals thc water-linc
undernealh rhc bridge; thencc along h e waler-linc or h e soulh or
Aliporc bank of Tolly's Nala mending northwards under Hastings
Bridgc, ro a poinl where a straighl line joining rcicrcncc pillar V (near
thc sourh-western end of Hastings Bridge), to refcrcncc pillar VI (on thc
Howrahsidcol~heriverin the line with thc northern wall of the 'Bcngal-
Nagpur Rail way Goods Yard) meets Lhc watcr-line of lhe south bank of
the hcnd of [he Hoogly River, near thc weslern side of the opening of
Toll y's Nala: rhcnce continuing thc said suaight line till [hat said srraighl
line mce!s h c waler-line of the Howrah side of the river Hooghly.
West.-A line commencing from h e point last dcfincd along he
water-line of !he Howrih side of the River Aooghly to h e western
extremity of thc norlhcrn boundary.
2. (a) When thc cxprcssion "water-line" is used in this schedule all
pucca ghats and other objccls permanently aliachcd ro lhc bank and in
contact w i h rhc watcr shall be deemed to apperrain to the area to which
rhc land on [hat bank appertains, and rhc water in contact wilh such
objccts shall bc dccmcdrb apperlain lo the other sidc of (he boundary.
In rhc placcs in thc Schedulc where h e boundary is thus described h e
boundary linc shall bc thc moving edge of the water, whercvcr it may
bc a[ any rimc. In the casc of bridges, however, the supporling pile in
conlact with the bank onIy shalt bc dccmcd to bc perrnanenlly altachcd
lo the bank and the boundary line across lhc bridge to be imrnedialcl y
above the warer-line so described.
( 6 ) The expression "solid side" or "solid corncr" means the line or
spa' marked out by solid objccts, such as a pucca wall or thc face of a
house, h e wayside lands and pavernenk thus being all includcd in h e
adjaccnt road, strccl or lane.
' Now Souh h ~ c m

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