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Appendix A

Diagram of IDMT Relay

Type C D G 11


.5 -2 AMPS SO ~ MTOITta1J
--------------------------------------PLUG SETTIWG MULTIPLIER-------------------------------
1 1.3 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 12 14 t6 If
1---Ail I1 t-- 1 !' ' ' >4cj'.'i;1

.5 .7 5 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 AMPS


* Identical time/current characteristics

on all taps.
* Self-powered, no necessity fo r
separate auxiliary supply.
* High torque, ensuring consistent
timing even under adverse
* Very low overshoot.
* Simple construction, easily
* Comprehensive ra n g e o f high-set
unit ratings.
* Dustproof drawout case and
tropicalised finish.


Selective phase and earthfault

protection, in time graded systems for
A.C. machines, transformers, feeders

General D e s c r ip tio n

Anon-directional heavily damped

induction disc relay which has an
adjustable inverse time/current
characteristic with a definite minimum
time. The relay has a high torque
movement combined with low burden
and low overshoot. The relay disc is so
shaped that as it rotates the driving
torque increases and offsets the MULTIPLES Of PLUG SETTING CURRENT
changing restraining torque of the
control spring. This feature combined
withthe high torque of the relay ensures
good contact pressure even at currents
near pick-up. Damping of the disc
movement is by a removable high Fig. 1
retentivity permanent magnet.
The unique method of winding the
operating coil,ensures that the time/
current characteristics are identical on
each of the seven current laps. Selection
of the required current setting is by
means of a plug setting bridge which
hasa single insulated plug. The maximum TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC
I a~w
current tap is automatically connected i^&rs^sssusus::::
3 SEC.
when the plug is withdrawn from the
bridge, allowing the setting to be
changed under load without risk of
open circuiting the current transformers.

The IDMT relay has an auxiliary unit

which is powered by a secondary
winding on the electromagnet through
a rectifier and as such a separate
auxiliary supply is not required. The disc
unit operates and closes its contacts, the
auxiliary element connected across the
secondary winding on the
electromagnet operates, one normally
open contact of the auxiliary element
o reinforces the disc contact. Two other
contacts of the auxiliary element are
brought outto the terminals of the relay
(Refer Fig. 4).

The relay operating time can be

adjusted by movement of the disc
backstop which is controlled by rotating
a knurled moulded disc at the base of
the graduated time multiplier scale. !222jg**S;*a5;j;;i;;5jifj5Miii5*55535S55j5*5ij55;i
A high-set instantaneous overcurrent/ SSSMSSKSSSSKSKSSSvU'MfSSn^fSSMSSSa^SMmS:.:*!
U M O M t t iia iiiiiiiiiN iiiiiiiiiiiiiit a a a n iM ia , . . ! , , , ; ,
iss iiaiK iB SB a iiiiiiiiiiiiinii!f i 0 i B i i i i i i i i f i i i ,;
earthfault unit, Type C A G 17 can be fitted
inthe same case to provide instantantous
protection under maximum short circuit
conditions and to improve
discrimination on time graded
protective systems. For full details of the
high-set instantaneous units refer to
relevant publications.

Type CDG 21 relay is a single pole Type

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CDG11 relay with a high-set
instantaneous unit. Type C D G 31 is a MULTIPLES OF PLUG SETTING CURRENT
triple pole version of the Type C D G 11
with three overcurrent units or two
overcurrent units and one earthfault unit
inthe centre. Type C D G 61 relay is a
triple pole version of Type C D G 21
Technical D a ta

Current Ratings:
1Aor 5A

I DMT Settings:
50-200% in seven equal steps of 2 5 %
20-80% in seven equal steps of 10%
10-40% in seven equal steps of 5 %
Other setting ranges available on

Starting current:
103-105% of current setting.

Closing current:
Not more than 130% of current setting.

Instantaneous Highset Settings:

E/F 1 0 0 -8 0 0 %
O/C 2 5 0 -2 0 0 0 % ' '

Time Settings

Operating time: C D G 11 D raw n out from the case

0-3 seconds or 1 at 10 times
0-1.3 seconds J current setting
Time/current characteristics given in
Resetting time:
4seconds for 1.3
with time
seconds relay > multiplier
9 seconds for 3
at 1.0
seconds relay

Overshoot time on removal of
20 times setting current.
Less than 0.065 second for
1.3 seconds relay
Less than 0.04 second for 3 seconds

Thermal Rating:
Maximum continuous current rating for
60C rise in coil temperature.

Operating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
coil tap

Timescurrent 4.5 3.7 3.2 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.2


Withstand 2 0 times m axim um setting

current for 3 seconds.
Appendix B
Status of Different Research Paper
Certificates of Publication
tus o f D ifferent Research papers

1. Rule Base Design for Antecedent Fuzzy Variable for IDMT Relay and its Neural Network
Training - Published in AMSE Journal France ( Modeling A - 2004, Vol. 77, No. 5,
pp 1-16).
2. Approximating the Rule Based Fuzzy Consequent Variable of IDMT Relay using Artificial
Neural Network - Published in AMSE Journal France (Advances B - 2004, Vol. 47, No. 6 ,
pp 1-16).
3. Design of Fuzzy comparator Based Differential Relay for Power Equipment Protection and its
Neural Defuzzification - Published in AMSE Journal France (Modeling A - 2004, Vol. 77,
No. 6 , pp 23-42).
4. Fuzzy Relaying of Small Station / Substation - Published in AMSE Journal France
(Modeling A - 2004, Vol. 77, No. 5, pp 73,).
5. Design and Simulation of Fuzzy Based System for Reasoning the Performance of IDMT Relay
using Neuro - Genetic algorithm - Accepted for Publication in AMSE Journal France.
6. Design of Knowledge Base and Sensitivity Evaluation of Fuzzy Relay Sensor for Power System
Protection - Accepted for Publication in Proceeding of International congress on Modeling
and Simulation ( MS2005) held on 27-29 April 2005.
7. Paper No, 1-5 has also been accepted for publication in international conference MS2004
held on 5 - 7 June 2004 at LYON, France.
8. Development of Fuzzy Relay Sensor for Power System Protection using its characteristic
function Accepted by CCST Journal, Bilaspur, C.G.
9. Paper No. 4 has also been published in national conference held on January 2004, organized
by Institution of Engineers ,Chhattisgarh center.
10. Fuzzy Reasoning Based Seismic Design o f Reinforcement Concrete structure wall - Submitted

to AMSE Journal France.

Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation
Techniques in Enterprises

16, Av. Grange Blanche Prof. Ch Berger-Vachon

69160 Tassin La Demi-Lune, France General Secretary
Phone : 33 4 78 34 36 04
Fax : 33 4 78 34 54 17
Website : ,


k ;n > a
Dear Author, .

I am glad to inform you that your paper, NQ 1 S'" g j

Title {le '> k A i

Authors _ * L ' f f i 0

has been accepted for publication in the AMSE journals after the peer review process.

It will appear in a coming issue and you will receive two free reprints.

Thank you for submitting the paper to the AMSE journals.

Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation
Techniques in Enterprises

16, Av. Grange Blanche Prof. Ch Berger-Vachon

69160 Tassin La Demi-Lune, France General Secretary
Phone : 33 4 78 34 36 04
Fax : 33 4 78 34 54 17
Website :



k .'r o
Dear Author,

I am glad to inform you that your paper, NQ O 4- & C2A)

Title *{ <*- /* //;/

n je l P o^ r
A u th o rs ^

& 'h , , {LL<x,&(rr4L.

has been accepted for publication in the AMSE journals after the peer review process.

It will appear in a coming issue and you will receive two free reprints.

Thank you for submitting the paper to the AMSE journals.

Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation
Techniques in Enterprises

16, Av. Grange Blanche Prof. Ch Berger-Vachon

69160 Tassin La Demi-Lune, France General Secretary
Phone : 33 4 78 34 36 04
Fax: 33 4 78 34 54 17
Website :

Yl P- fl'+ r tjL '

Dear Author, ^ ~ tb -4 -
I am glad to inform you that your paper, N d> \ i 3 3 CJ A )

. Title

n * jt ^.e*- vJor-k . ^LMJ )

Authors . . a Jf
O ^rcjL: i^ -b (**h , H U A t/n..

has been accepted for publication in the AMSE journals after the peer review process.

It will appear in a coining issue and you will receive two free reprints.

Thank you for submitting the paper to the AMSE journals.

Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation
Techniques in Enterprises

16, Av. Grange Blanche Prof. Ch Berger-Vachon

69160 Tassin La Demi-Lune, France General Secretary
Phone : 33 4 78 34 36 04
Fax: 33 4 78 34 54 17
Website :

Lyon, */*</ T ,


Dear Author, ^ .

I am glad to inform you that your paper, N O% 23 C X )

Title JL -A ^ fa

C T P T ) * 1 * . < * . * .r& f i* .* e

brcs<*>- , ^ , d U L ^ .i- r ^ .

has been accepted for publication in the AMSE journals after the peer review process.

It will appear in a coming issue and you will receive two free reprints.

Thank you for submitting the paper to the AMSE journals.

Association for the Advancement of Modelling and
Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (Lyon - France)
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Morelia - Mexico.
Doctorado en Economia y Empresa
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Espana)-UMSNH. Tel. y Fax. 2 99 20 66

Farukh Qureshi
Hari S. Hota

Dear Professor,

We are glad to inform you that your paper entitled " Design of knowledge base and sensitivity evaluation of relay
sensor for power system protection" has been accepted for the the IN T E R N A T IO N A L C O N G R E S S O N
MODELLING A ND S IM U L A T IO N (M S '2 0 0 5 ). to be held on April 27-29, 2 0 0 5 in M orelia M6xico

We remember you that a t least one author m ust be registered at the congress before March 1th. for the
publication of the paper. T h e final version of the paper must arrive also before March 15 th. in order to be
published in the congress proceedings. T h e paper form at must abide by the rules described in the congress

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Federico G onzalez Santoyo

Scientific Committee
AMSE (MS"2005)
University Claude Bernard - Lyon I LNSS Departement SDV

5-7 july 2004
50, avenue Tony Gamier
Universite Lyon I
F-69366 LYON cedex 7
Phone : +
F a x : +
ms2004@univ-lyon1 fr

Lyon, February 23, 2004

Dear Colleague,

This is to inform you about the decision of the program committee of MS'2004-France,
concerning your submission :

Paper number(s) : 12 (a + b + c + d + e)

Title (s) : 12a : Approximating the Rule Based Fuzzy Consequent

12b : Design and Simulation of Fuzzy based System for Reasoning the Performance of
IDMT Relay using Neuro - Genetic Algorithm.
12c : Design of Fuzzy Comparator based Differential Relay for Power equipment
Protection and its Neural Defuzzification.
12d : Rule Based design of Antecedent Fuzzy Variable for IDMT Relay and Its Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) Training.
12c : Fuzzy Relaying of Small Station/Substation using Local Area Network.

First author : M. S. HOTA (India)

Decision : ACCEPTED

One delegate cannot present more than three papers.

The deadline for the reception of the final paper, camera ready, is May 1, 2004.
Papers of the delegates who have paid the registration fees at this date (May 1) will be
included in the first volume of the proceedings. A complementary volume will be edited
after the conference, if necessary.
Indications for the construction of the paper are indicated on the conference website
fw w w .m ; please, follow them.

Don't forget to fill up the registration form (on line). PLEASE, INDICATE WHO WILL

Congratulation and looking forward to seeing you in Lyon.


Christian Michel Manuela

Associate Chairman Administrative
Local Chairman
Chhattisgarh State Centre
GOVT. E N G IN E E R IN G C O L L E G E CAM PUS, RAIPU R (C.G.) - 492010

Chairman Hon. Secretary

Dr. R a je s h P a th a k , F .I.E . Er. A lo k Shukla, M.I.E.
2254200 (O) 2254157 (R) 2412161 (O) 2442337 (R)

Ref. No.^ffr^.c./.9.3//3S
To, Date

Dear Sir / fited am ,

Sub.: Your Paper for All India Seminar on Role of Information

Technology in the Development of Engineering, Technology
and In d u strie s on 24-25 Jan. 2004.

W e h a v e re c e iv e d y o u r P a p e r entitled
!1. u/ vw? which is due for
P re se n tatio n on 24th Jan. 2004 in the Technical S e ssio n .

Your R egistration Fee has been received / Rot-recQived

P le a s e find e n clo se d the Money Receipt for the sam e and if not sent please
send the R e g istra tio n F e e by Draft at an early date and oblige.

Kindly see that Paper is Presented in Person.

Your C o -o p e ra tio n in solicited. _______

Y o u rs sincerely

(Alok Shukla)
O rganizing Secretary

Enel; : A s a b o v e
Appendix c
Published Information of Research Papers
From AMSE Website
Link information of AMSE to IEEE
a [sf
ContentsAdvances A - 2004
VoL 41 D* 1

Solution o f two-dimensional enter equations by using first order roe M w cm

unstructured grids. Ismail Hakki Sezal; M. Halfik Aksel (Turkey)......................... 1

Monotone iterative theoretical techniques for second order mixed type

functional differential equations. Longtu Li; Peixuan W ang (China)...................23

Similarity substitution and similarity reasoning.

He Bin .(China)....................................................................................................... 35

Some sharp inequalities for quasi-subordinate functions and mean-univalent functions.

Yang Guowei; Wang Xianmei; Tu Xuyan.(China)............................................... 51

On integer programming problems with linear fractional functions under randomness

Omar M. Saad; Karima M.A. Rabo; Yehia M.A. Azeem. (Qatar-Egypt)..............61

VoL 41 n 2

A survey o f the structure theory o f trace class for an arbitrary H*-algebra

E.A. Ibijola; S.O. Imoiii.(Nigeria)......................................................................... 1

Structure theorems for semi-simple annihilator algebras.

E.A.Ibijola; S.O. lmoni.(Nigeria)........................................................................ 19

A study o f totally F-bounded fuzzy metric space

G.Rajendran; A. Tamilarasi. (India).................................................................... 31

Solution o f the transformation nonlinear matrix equation for treating two-time

scale systems using Taylor's series expansion. Mihra M. Salama. (Egypt). .41

On the solution o f multiobjective integer linear stochastic programming problems.

Hilmi f. Kittani; Omar M. Saad. (Qatar)................................................................53
CMAC-based variable structure control of pneumatic muscle actuators.
Gang Yang; Baoren Li. (China)............................ ..................................................................j3

Identification of human face images using combined principal component analysis with
artificial neural networks.
Mamdouh A. Al-Saidah; Ahmad Sharied; Ahmed Aljaber. (Jordan)................................. 25

A model based approach for robust text- independent speaker verification in adverse
Todor Ganchev; Ilyas Potamitis; Nikos Fakotakis; George Kokkinakis. (Greece)................. 47
A variable frame length variable bit rate predictive coder for speech communication.
Tessamma Thomas; C.S. Sridhar. (India)............................................................................... 67

Shape description of general 3D object using tactile sensing information.

Venturia Chiroiu; Ligia Munteanu; Cornel Mihail Nicolescu. (Romania-Sweden).............. 81 |

Vol. 47 n 4

Noise reduction in HR filters using optimal error feedback FIR.

M. Djebbouri; D. Djebbouri. (Algeria)...................................................................................... 1

Improved verification speed for digital signature using discrete algorithm variant.
Hamza A. Ali. (Jordan)........................................................................................................ 17

Control of thermal process using neural networks.

N. Pappa; J. Shanmugam. (India).........................................................................................29

Design of fuzzy logic sensor for control of failure rate of power system elements
under transient condition and approximation by neural networks.
M.F. Qureshi; J.K. Gabel; C.S. Khandey;.R.S. Parihar; R.S. Mahajan. (India).....................43

Fuel restricted real power optimisation using real coded genetic algorithm
for utility system N. Kumarappam; M.R. Mohan............................................................. 63

A MSK performance testing/ measuring tool sitwa.

Antoni Izworski; Slawomir Skowronski; Josef B. Lewoc. (Poland)...................................77

Advances B - 2004

Vol. 47 n 5

Toward a general neural network model for insuline /glucose in diabetics.

Raed Abu Zitar; Abdulkareem El-Jabali.(Jordan)..................................................................... 1

Image compression coding based on fractal and neural network.

Yang Guowei; Lu Xinghua; Tu Xuyan. (China)..................................................................... 15
Adaptive noise filter algorithm base on entropy measure.
Abdoul Ella Hassanian; Hala S. Own. (Egypt)......................................................................27

Real-time estimation of telephone channel distortion and additive noise using TMS320C25
microprocessor. M.A.Al-Taee; A.S. Abdul-Ahad. (Jordan).............................................. 39

An efficient hybrid algorithm for finding nearest neighbors in multiple dimensions.

Mohd Belal A1 Daoud. ( Jordan)..................................................................................... 59

Abrupt fault diagnosis of sensors based on wavelet and neural networks

Wenjun Li; Yuanchun Li; Hongkun Zhang. (China).............................................................71

Vol 47 n 6

Approximating the rule based fuzzy consequent variable of inverse definite minimum time
(IDMT) relay using artificial neural network.
F Qureshi; A. Saxena; H.S. Hota; N. Chhalottra. (India)...........................................................1

Generation of stair-step patterns from line source

A. Sudhakar; G.S.N. Raju; K.R. Gottumukkala. (Malaysia-India).......................................17

Quadraphonic sound in TV realized through modified fast ADM.

K. Balasubramanian. (Turkey)................................................................ .............................. 27

State fusion estimation covariance of measurement fusion.

Jin xue-bo (China)................................................................................................................ 43

Artificial neuronal network model for predicting the impact of changing water
structures locations on the hydraulic performance of branched open channel system
Mostafa A.M. Abdeen. (Egypt)..........................................................................................53

An agent oriented method for analysis and desing of GMS hand off function
A.Araoud; S.E. Labhalla. (Morocco)................................................................................... 69

Impulsive control for the stabilization of Hopfield neural networks

Yinping Zhang; Jitao Sun. (China)......................................................................................... 81

Advances C - 2004

Vol. 59 n 1

Impulsive control for stabilization and synchronization of Lu systems

Jitao Sun; Yinping Zhang (China).....................................................................................

Role of connectedness configuration at neuron network behaviour. The compartmental

approach. Valery M.Eskov; Sergei V. Kulaev (Russia)..................................................

Robustness evaluation case study: system media.

Antoni Izworski; Jozef B. Lewoc; Slawomir Skowronski. (Poland)................................
r->A hPfleld neural network method solution to economic dispatch problem
Farid Benhamida. (Algeria)...................................................... 39

Indoor mobile robot development tool.

A. Louchene; N.E. Bouguechal. (Algeria)......................................................................... 49

Robust fault-tolerant control for delayed systems with nonlinear uncertain parameters.
J.T. Sun; Y.P. Zhang. (China)......................................................................................... ...

Hoo Fusion filter for discrete-time multisensor system.

Lin Yue-song; Xue An-ke; Qian Ji-xin. (China)............................................................... 75

Vol. 59 n 2

Robust adaptive controller design for nonlinear uncertain systems.

Weiping Bi (China).......................................................................................................... ..

Impulsive control for stabilization and synchronization of the Rossler systems.

Yinping Zhang; Jitao Sun. (China).................................................................................... 9

Non-sensitive to rotor and stator resistances system control of three phase induction
machine applied to a electro-mechanical system. Haitem Abu-Rub; Jarosiaw Guzinski;
Wasel Ghanem; Mohammad Karaeen. (Palestine-Poland)...............................................19

On the design of suboptimal output feedback controllers.

I. A. El-Shahat(Egypt).....................................................................................................31

Analysis of certain nonlinear systems using sign criterion

K. R. Chandran; S. N. Sivanandam. (India).................................................................... 41

Robust guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain nonlinear neutral time
delay system. Y.P. Chen; Q.L. Zhang; T.Q.Xu. (China)..................................................59

Modelling Analysis and stabilization of linear systems using symbolic algebra.

K.J. Poornaselvan; R.Prassana; N. Devarajan; S.N. Sivanandam. (India)..........................75

Advances C- 2004

Vol. 59 n 3

Effects of voltage dependant loads and composite loads on the steady state voltage
stability of load flow solutions for radial distribution systems
Rintu Khanna; Ajay Kumar. (India).................................................................................... 1

Staged VSC for a class of nonlinear systems with application to flight control.
Hu Jianbo; Joachin Alvarez; Zhu J.Jim (China-Mexico-USA)............................................29

Optimum megawalt frequency control of two-area reheat hydro-thermal system

using hooke-jeeve s algorithm. G. Panda; A.M. Panda.(India)........................................ 43
Adaptive pole placement decoupling control of UPFC using recursive least mean
square and neural networks estimators S.Zebirate; A. Chaker. (Algeria).............................53

A simple scheme for checking aperiodic stability of linear time.invariant discrete

systems using fuller's criterion
S.N.Sivanandam; R. Venkatesan; J.Suganthi (India)............................................................. 75

Vol. 59 n 4

Block-pulse functions methods for Nash equilibrium strategies of time-varying linear-

quadratic game and its application in mixed H2/H00 control problem
Chengke Zhang. (China)........................................................................................................ 1

An algebraic procedure for stabilizing linear time invariant discrete systems.

S.N.Sivanandam; K. Porkumaran (India)............................................................................19

Multi-step predictive control basedon state predictive observer for discrete- time systems
with time delay Gong-You Tang; Xiao-Bo Jia; Ye Tao; Peng-Fei Lu .(China).................. 31

Wiener model based non-linear PID controller for Thermal Process

N. Pappa; J. Shanmugam. (India)....................................................................................... 41

Passive control for linear singular systems.

Xinzhuang Dong; Qingling Zhang (China)......................................................................... 53

Impulsive control of a modified Lorenz system.

Yinping Zhang; Jitao Sun (China)..................................................................................... 69

Advances D - 2004

Vol. 9 n 1

A 256-bit recursive pair parity encoder for encryption.

J K.Mandal; S. Dutta.(India)................................................................................................ 1

Multi-purpose control security system.

Sami I. Serhan (Jordan).................................................................................................15

New mapping technique for cache memory.

Sami I. Serhan; Sherenaz W. A1 Haj Baddar.(Jordan).......................................................27

A new approach of evaluation network performance based on routing algorithms

estimation. N. Z. Adham, A. A. El-Hady, N. Naim(Iraq).................................................41

A note on linear transformation for improving the ratio method of estimation in

sample surveys. G.N. Singh.(India)..................................................................................55

Vol. 9 n 2
Blind detection of modulation type in the digital cellular system EDGE.
Iyad Dayoub; Jean-Michel Rouvaen (France)..................... ..................................................1

Proposal, simulation and field programmable gate array implementation of a new pseudo
random sequence generator. K. Gunavathi; Y.Amar Babu. (India).................................... 11

Meteo bayes: allowing for effective plan recognition in a weather dialogue system.
M. Maragoudakis; A. Thanopoulos; N. Fakotakis. (Greece)...............................................23

Performance analysis of a proposed computer network.

S.A. Nsayef; W.A. Mahmoud. (Iraq)................................................................................41

Advances D - 2004

Vol. 9 n 3

Message routing problem with traffic based scheduling in networks.

S.K. Peer, Dinesh K. Sharma, K. Rivindranath, M.M. Naidu (India-USA).................. 1

Stability of a stage structured prey-predator model.

Tapan Kumar Kar. (India)............................................................................................. 15

A multi-criteria distributed unicast routing algorithm.

R. Beghdad. (Algeria)................................................................................................... 27

An efficient parallel algorithm for LCHP problem on a tree.

Michael Arock; R. Ponalagusamy; E. Kannan.(India)...................................................39

A design of E-guardian system.

Wenxuan Ding (USA)................................................................................................... 51

Vol. 9 n 4

Rule based computation and deduction approach to verify reactive systems.

M.L. Rebaiaia; J.M.Jaam; A.M. Hasnah (Algeria-Qatar)........................................................ 1

Detection of coded signals buried in non-gaussian noise using higher order statistics.
A.Rivenq-Menhaj; J.M. Rouvaen; I. Dayoub; F. Elbahhar (France)..................................19

Mathematical model of the transmission dynamics of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.

S.C. Inyama (Nigeria)......................................................................................................31

A. minimum-cost maximum-flows QoS routing protocol for multicast communication

networks. Rachid Beghdad (Algeria)..............................................................................41

Modelling daily rainfall depth in Nigeria-variation of model parameters.

O.D Jimoh. (Nigeria).......................................................................................................

Modelling A - 2004
Vol. 77 n 1

Power system simulation using MATLAB environment.

Farid Benhamida ( Algeria)........................................................................................\

Four-legged balancing converter for a utility distribution system.

A.Chaghi; A. Gettafi (Algeria)............................................................................... 17

Application of messy genetic algorithm in the design of FIR filters.

Raed Abu Zitar; Anwar A1 Shrouf ( Jordan -Saudi Arabia)......................................29

Strain rate history effects of polycrystalline copper at large strains: experiments

and modelling. M. Zenasni; O. Oussouaddi; M. El Mammouti; Bouami.(Morocco)... 49

Temperature effects on the performance of second order active filters based on

operational amplifiers. A.M. Swidan; S. M. El- Ghanam; H.A. Ashry;
F.A.S. Soliman W. Abdel-Basit.(Egypt)................................................................... 61

Gamma-and electron-irradiation effects on second order active filters. A.M. Swidan;

S.M. El- Ghanam; H.A. Ashry; F.A.S. Soliman. W. Abdel-Basit. Egypt)..................... 73

Vol. 77 n 2

Audible alarm protection against engine breakdown in automobile vehicles.

F. O. Usito; A. F. Izilein (Nigeria).............................................................................1

Investigation of electrical load density and demand factor applicable to

medical hospitals in Nigeria. F. O. Usito; C. Ideia. (Nigeria)...................................15

Investigation of some local refractory materials for applications in foundry

industries in Nigeria . M.S. Abifarin. (Nigeria)........................................................ 25

Flashover due to contamination across HV insulator..............................................33

A technique of designing an application system with fault tolerance

Goutam Kumar Saha (India)....................................................................................43

Electromagnetic wave pockets due to sky and ground medium waves interference
at day time. A.M. Swidan; S.M. EI-Ghanam, F.M. Kabbary.(Egypt)......................61

Temperature and radiation effects on the characteristics of N-Channel JFETs.

S.M. El- Ghanam. (Egypt) 73

variation diminishing (TVD) method. Yalim M.S.; Aksel M.H. (Turkey)

Reduction of the electric field intensity under the H. V. transmission lines.
A.Bendaoud; M.Rahli.(Algeria).....................................................................

Effect of transformation temperatures on the electrical resistivity and structural

properties of Sn - 1 wt % Pb alloy using electron diffraction technique.
B.A..Khalifa; M.R. Nagy; R.Afify. (Egypt)....................................... ......................... 37

An efficient ADC for and UTRA-TDD system

Aleksandar Stojcevski; Jugdutt Sing; Aladin Zayegh. (Australia).................................51

Design and analysis of DSP based PEBB for STATCOM to enrich power quality
S. Suresh Kumar; V. Subbiah; A. Kandaswamy (India)..............................................69

Vol. 77 n 4

Modelling and PSPICE simulation of transmission line systems in VLSI circuit.

Mouloud Satar; Hassan Belahrach; Mohamed Karim; Jean Farre (Morocco-France).... 1

Analysis of slot radiator in standard and non standard rectangular waveguides.

G.S.N. Raju; K. Chandra Bhushana Roo; K.R. Gottumukkala(India)............................ 21

Convolution coding in optical fibbers communication systems.

Sheelan K. Tawfiq; Sarkaut N. Abdullah; I. Hajim; Mahmood A. Wasfi.(Iraq)..............37

A hybrid charge method for effective computation of electrostatic field problems

K. Palaniswamy; K. Udayakumar.(India).....................................................................59

Physical properties of melt spun bismuth-lead based fusible alloys

Abu Bakr El Bediwi ( Egypt) ........................................................................................ 75

Modelling A - 2004

Vol. 77 n 5

Reliability investigation of power system considering RLC parametersin fuzzy logic space.
M.F. Qureshi; J. K. Gabel ;C .S .Khandey ; R. S. Parihar; R. S. Mahajan;
G.P.Chhalotra. (India)....................................................................................................... 1

Correlation between simulation, theoretical analysis, and experimental techniques

of butterworth and chebyshev second order active filters characteristics.
A.M.Swidam; S.M.El-Ghanam; H.A.Ashry; F.A.S. Soliman; W.Abdel-Basit (Egypt).....17

Optimal power flow using power world.

F.Z. Gherbi; m. Rahli; S. Hadjeri. (Algeria).................................................................... 33

Compound global and local two-level adaptive branch predictor.

Ashraf Armoush; Sami I. Serhan. (Jordan).................................................................... 49
Fuzzy relaying of small station/substation using local area network (LAN)
' Qureshi M.F.; Amit Saxena, Hari S. Hota; Neena Chhalottra. (India).............................. 61

* Rute based design of antecedent fuzzy variable for inverse definite minimum
time (IDMT) relayand its neural network training.
Farukh Qureshi; Amit Saxena; Hari S. Hota; Neena Chhalottra. (India)........................... 73

Vol. 77 n 6

Modelling and simulation of PMBLDC motor drive system covering steady state
operation and optimised controller design. S. Ushakumari; R. Sankaran (India)................1

Design of fuzzy comparator based differential relay for power equipment protection
* and its neural defuzzification.
Qureshi M.F.; Saxena Amit; Hota H. S.; Chhalottra Neena.(India)................................. 23

Analysis of displaced slot coupled H-plane tee junction.

U.S.S.N. Srinivasa Baba; G.S.N. Raju; K.R. Gottumukkala (India)................................ 43

A simulation study with the spectrum analysis technique for diagnosis of insulation
breakdown in transformers during dielectric testing.
Abhinandan De; Nirmalendu Chatterjee. (India)..............................................................61

Evaluation of the even P 1-2 layer startor winding lifespan using accelerated tests
V.F. Tomachevitch; R. Abdessemed. (Algeria)............................................................75

Modelling A - 2004

Vol. 77 n 7

Reliability investigation of interconnected power plants using fuzzy relation matrix

transform. Qureshi, M. F.; Barti, I. C. ;Gabel, J.K.; Chhalotra, G.P.; Mahajan, R.S.;
Parishar, R. S. (India).........................................................................................................1

Numerical simulation of streamers formation in air

A. Settaouti; L. Settaouti. (Algeria).................................................................................19

Genetic algorithm approach to optimal power flow

R. Khanna; Y. Pal Verma; A. Gupta. (India)...................................................................33

Analysis of essential index on electric energy quality in the case of non symmetrical
voltage. C. Fetha. (Algeria)........................................................................................... 45

Application of artificial networks in thermal modelling of induction motors

P. Chattopadhyay. (India)............................................................................................59

Operation of bidirectional switches (DIAC) and silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) in

gamma-radiation environment. A. M. Swidan;
S.M. El-Ghanam; F.A.S. Soliman. (Egypt)......................................................................73
Vol. 77 n 8

Computer-aided design of tunnel diode multivibrator systems

Sanaa A. Kamh. (Egypt)...................................................... 1

Mathematical formulation of microwave heating for a small rod-shaped sample. Dielectric

study of moistened sands. A. El-Idrissi; J.M. Moreau; J.W. Ellison. (Morocco-France).... 25

Analysis of the asynchronous operating mode of by speed small permanent magnet

synchronous motors. ..D.J. Chambega. (Tanzania)............................................................ 35

Behavioral analyses of the gamma-ray effects on operational amplifier characteristics

A.M. Swidan; S.M. El-Ghanam; H.A. Ashry; F.A.S. Solimam.(Egypt)............................. 47

Development of a digital electronic transformer turn ratio J.M.E. Vicente; A. J.J. Rezek
C.A. Mohallem Guimaraes; A. Tadeu Almeida. (Brasil)..........................................65

Design and implementation of the constituent components for a high-speed by-power

data acquisition system. H.P.Le; A.Zayegh; J. Singh. (Australia)....................................75

Modelling B - 2004

Vol. 73 n 1

Simulation of three-dimensional inviscid flow inside rocket engine nozzles.

Boga9han Alpan; M. Haluk Aksel. (Turkey)......................................................................1

Magnetogasdynamic cylindrical shock waves in a non-ideal gas with radiation heat-flux.

J.P.Vishwakarma; Satees N. Pandey. (India)................................................................23

Free convection flow and mass transfer of an elastico-viscous fluid past an infinite
vertical porous plate in a rotating porous medium. (India)............................................ 37

International microclimate: optimal design in the use of solar energy to enhance

ventilation in buildings. A.A. Adedeji; O.A. Lasode.(Nigeria).......................................53

Determination of clay brick wall thickness for comfortable room temperature in

Bida town. F.O. Akinbode ; O.J. Okegbile. (Nigeria)..................................................67

Stochastic characteristics of new ceramic tool mechanical properties and fracture.

Huang Chuanzhen; Liu Hanlian; Wang Suilian; Sun Jing; Zou Bin; Ai Xing. (China)..........T

Vol. 73 n 2

Sliding mode control for the triple inverted pendulum. Jianbo Hu (China)

Automatic generation control of two-area reheat thermal system using genetic algorithm.
G.Panda; A. M. Panda; Arun K. Panda. (India)............................................................... 17
2D FEM modelling of the linear induction MHD pump taking into account the movement
of the fluid. F. Z. Kadid; R. Abdessemed; S. Drid. (Algeria)..........................................61

Dynamic response study of multi-area reheat thermal power system with AGC via
decomposition technique. G.Panda; A.M. Panda; N. K. Pati. (India)............................ 69

Constitutive equations in plasticity and damage mechanics

E. A. Ibijola; F. Mattew-Ojelabi. (Nigeria)...................................................................81

Modelling B - 2004

Vol. 73 n 5

Theoretical design model for vapour compression refrigeration systems.

M.A. Akintude.(Nigeria)................................................................................................. 1

Laminar flow of elastico-viscous liquids through porous parallel stretching plates of

different permeability. S.S. Das; G.C. Das; J.P. Pandey(India)........................................ 15

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