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Rhyan Delatorre

EDU 214
26 June 2017
Midterm Exam
Application Web Address Age/Grade Describe how the application is used in the
lesson plan
Word Processing 4th The purpose of this lesson plan is to focus on
53 editing a sentence through the use of copy,
paste, and delete. The extended lesson also
goes over fonts.
Word Processing 6th This lesson teaches students how about
7867 margins and line spacing.
Spreadsheet 5th This lesson focuses on the basics of Excel,
tech/techlp/techlp004.shtml including what a cell and row are. It also goes
over imputing information with a fun class
activity. The second part of the activity could
be done either as a separate lesson or if
students are understanding things, as one
lesson as the plans suggest.
Spreadsheet Advanced 5th This assignment is a through overview of
mentary.html Excel. It engages students in everything from
vocab to formulas in an exciting way.
Presentation Software 3rd-5th This lesson asks students to create a
mentary.html PowerPoint on cyber bullying and through the
lesson students are asked to use transitions,
background colors, animations, pictures, and
Presentation Software 1st This activity introduces younger students to
PowerPoint. Students are asked to change
write a sentence, add an image, and save the

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