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Chapter 6 : Triangles

Exercise 1

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks

A: All circles are ________ (Similar, Congruent)

Solution: All circles are similar.

B: All squares are ________ (Congruent, similar)

Solution: All squares are similar.

C: All _________ triangles are similar. (Isosceles, equilateral)

Solution: All equilateral triangles are similar.

D: Two polygons having the same number of sides are similar, if

(i) Their corresponding angles are _______ and

(ii) Their corresponding sides are __________. (Proportional, equal)

Solution: Two polygons having the same number of sides are similar, if (i) their corresponding angles are equal and (ii) their
corresponding sides areproportional

Question 2:

Give examples for the following, two of each.

A: Similar figures

B: Non-similar figures


A: Two ten dollar notes and two ten cent coins.

B: One 5 cent coin and 10 cent coin and one 5 dollar note and ten dollar note.

Question 3:

Find out whether the quadrilaterals that are given below are similar.

Since, the corresponding angles of both the figures are not equal, the figures given are not similar.

Exercise 2

Question 1:

From the given figures , we get that ST QR. Find TR in (i) and PS in (ii).


In the triangle, PQR, ST QR (given)

Therefore, PS/SQ = PT/TR [Using the basic Proportionality theorem]

=> 1.5/3 = 1/ TR

=> TR = 3/1.5

TR = 3 x 10/15 = 2cm

Hence, TR = 2cm

(ii) In triangle PQR, ST QR (given)

Therefore, PS/ SQ = PT / TR [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

= > PS/7.2 = 1.8/5.4

= > PS = 1.8 x 7.2/5.4 = 18/10 x 72/10 x 10/54 = 24/10

= > PS = 2.4

Hence, PS = 2.4 cm
Question 2:

A and B are two points on the sides of XY and XZ respectively of a XYZ triangle. State whether AB YZ for the
following given cases:

1: XA = 3.9 cm, AY = 3 cm XB = 3.6 cm and BZ= 2.4 cm

2: XA = 4 cm, YA = 4.5 cm, XB = 8 cm and ZB = 9 cm

3: XY = 1.28 cm, XZ = 2.56 cm, XA = 0.18 cm and XB = 0.63 cm


In triangle XYZ, A and B are the two points on sides XY and XZ respectively.

1: XA = 3.9 cm and AY = 3 cm (given)

XB = 3.6 cm, BZ = 2.4 cm (Given)

Therefore, XA/AY = 3.9/3 = 39/30 = 13/10 = 1.3 [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

And, XB/BZ = 3.6/2.4 = 36/24 = 3/2 = 1.5


Hence, AB is not parallel to YZ.

2: XA = 4cm, YA = 4.5 cm, XB = 8cm, ZB= 9cm

Therefore, XA/YA = 4/4.5 = 40/45 = 8/9 [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

And, XB/ZB = 8/9


Hence, AB is parallel to YZ

3: XZ = 1.28 cm, XZ = 2.56 cm, XA= 0.18 cm, XB= 0.36 cm (Given)

Here, AY = XY XA = 1.28-0.18 = 1.10 cm

And, BZ = XZ XB = 2.56 0.36 = 2.20 cm

So, XA/AY = 0.18/1.10 = 18/110 = 9/55 (1)

And, XA/BZ = 0.36/2.20 = 36/220 = 9/55 (2)

Therefore, XA/AY = XB/BZ

Hence, AB is parallel to XY.

Question 3:

From the given figure, we see that AB RQ and AC RS, prove that PB/BQ = PC/PS


From the given figure, we get AB RQ

By using the basic proportionality theorem, we get,

PB/BQ = PA/ PR (1)

Similarly, AC RS

Therefore, PC/PS = PA/PR (2)

From (1) and (2) we get,


Question 4:

From the figure we get, ST PR and SU PT. Prove that QU/UT = QT/TR

In triangle PQR, ST PR (Given)

Therefore, QS/SP= QT/TR (1) [Using the proportionality Theorem]

In triangle PQR, SU PT (Given)

Therefore, QS/SP = QU/UT (2) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

From equation (1) and (2) we get,


Question 5:

From the following figure we get, XZ AC and XZ AD, show that YZ CD.


In triangle BCA, XY AC (Given)

Therefore, BX/XA = BY/YC (1) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

In triangle BCA, XY AC (Given)

Therefore, BX/XA = BZ/ZD (2) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

From the equation (1) and (2) we get,


In triangle BCA, YZ CD [By converse of the basic proportionality theorem]

Question 6:

From the figure, three points X, Y and Z are points on AB, AC and AD respectively such that XY BC and XZ
BD. Show that YZ CD

In triangle ABC, XY BC (Given)

Therefore, AX/XB = AY/YC (1) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

In triangle ABC, XZ BD (Given)

Therefore, AX/XB = AZ/ ZD (2) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

From the equations (1) and (2), we get


In triangle ACD, YZ CD [By the converse of basic proportionality theorem]

Question 7:

Using the basic proportionality theorem, prove that a line drawn through the midpoints of one side of a triangle
is parallel to the other side that bisects the third side.


From the given diagram we get,

The triangle PQR in which S is the midpoint of P and Q such that PS=SQ

A line parallel to QR intersects PR at T such that ST QR

To prove: T is the midpoint of PR

Proof: S is the midpoint of PQ

Therefore, PS=SQ

=>PS/QS = 1 (1)

In triangle PQR, ST QR,

Therefore, PS/SQ = PT / TR [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

=>1 = PT/ TR [from equation (1)]

Therefore, PT = TR

Hence, T is the midpoint of PR

Question 8:

Prove that the line joining the midpoints of any two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side by using the
converse of basic proportionality theorem.



From the triangle PQR in which ST are the midpoints of PQ and PR respectively such that PS = SQ and PT= TR

To prove: ST QR

Proof: S is the midpoint of PQ (Given)

Therefore, PS = SQ

=>PS/QS = 1 (1)

Also, T is the midpoint of PR (Given)

Therefore, PT= TR

=>PT/TR = 1 [from equation (1)]

From equation (1) and (2) we get,


Hence, ST QR [By the converse of the basic proportionality theorem]

Question 9:

PQRS is a trapezium in which PQ SR and its diagonals intersect each other at a point A. show that PA/QA =



PQRS is a trapezium in which PQ RS in which the diagonals PR and QS intersect each other at A.

To prove: PA/QA = RA/ SA

Construction: Through A, draw TA SR PQ

Proof: In triangle PSR, we have

AT SR (By construction)

Therefore, PT/TS = PA/RA (1) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

In triangle PQS, we have

AT PQ (by construction)

Therefore, ST/TP = SA/QA (2) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

From the equations (1) and (2) we get,


=>PA / QA = RA/SA

Question 10:

The diagonals of a quadrilateral PQRS intersect each other at the point A such that PA/QA = RA/SA. Show that PQRS is a



Quadrilateral PQRS in which diagonals PR and QS intersect each other at A such that PA/ QA = RA/SA

To prove: PQRS is a trapezium

Construction: Through A, draw line TA, where TA PQ, which meets PS at T

Proof: In triangle SPQ, we have


Therefore, ST/TP = SA/AQ (1) [Using the basic proportionality theorem]

Also, PA/QA = RA/SA (Given)

=>PA/ RA = QA/ SA

=> RA/PA = QA/SA

=> SA/AQ = RA/PA (2)

From the equations (1) and (2) we get,

ST / TP = RA/ PA

Therefore, By using converse of Basic proportionality theorem,

TA SR also TA PQ


Hence, quadrilateral PQRS is a trapezium with PQ RS

Exercise 3

Question 1:

Which of the following triangle pairs are similar? State the similarity criterion you used to determine the
similarity of the triangles.

(i)For ABC and PQR:

A=P = 60o (Given)

B =Q = 80o(Given)

C =R = 40o(given)

ABC ~ PQR (AAA similarity criteria)

(ii)For JKL and ZXC


JKL~ ZXC (SSS similarity criterion)

(iii) For JKL and ZXC:

JK = 2.7, KL = 2, LJ = 3, ZX = 5, XC = 4, CZ = 6
KL/ZX = 2/4 = 1/2
JL/ZC = 3/6 = 1/2
JK/XC= 2.7/5 = 27/50
Thus, JKL and ZXC are not similar.

(iv) For JKL and ZXC

JK = 2.5, KL = 3, J = 80, XC = 6, ZC = 5, C = 80
Here, JK/ZC = 2.5/5 = 1/2
And, KL/XC = 3/6 = 1/2
Thus, JKL and ZXC are not similar.

(v) For JKL, we have

J + K + L = 180 (sum of angles of a triangle)
70 + 80 + L = 180
L = 180 70 80
L = 30
In ZXC, we have
Z + X + C = 180 (Sum of angles of )
Z + 80 + 30 = 180
Z = 180 80 -30
Z = 70
In JKL and ZXC, we have
J = Z = 70
K = X = 80
L = C = 30
Thus, JKL ~ ZXC (AAA similarity criterion)

Question 2:

In the figure below, JKL ZXL, KJL=70O and ZLX = 70O. FindJLK, JKL AND LZX


JLX is a straight line.

Thus, JLK + KLX = 180
JLK = 180 125
= 55

JKL+ KJL + JLK = 180
(Sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180.)
JKL + 70 + 55 = 180
JKL = 55
Given that LJK ~ LXZ.

LZX = LKJ (Corresponding angles are equal in similar triangles)

LZX = 55
LZX= LKJ (Corresponding angles are equal in similar triangles)

LZX= 55

Question 3:

Diagonals JX and KZ of a trapezium JKZX with JK || ZX intersect each other at the point L. With the help of
similarity criterion for two triangles, prove that JL/LX = KL/KZ.


In ZLX and JLK,

XZL = JKL (Alternate interior angles as JK || XZ)
ZXL = KJL (Alternate interior angles as JK || XZ)
ZLX = KLJ (Vertically opposite angles)
ZLX ~ KLJ (AAA similarity criterion)

ZL/KL = LX/LJ (Corresponding sides are proportional)


Question 4:

In the given figure, LX/LZ = LJ/KX and 1 = 2. Prove that KXZ ~ JLX.


KL = KX (i)
Given, LX /LZ = LJ/KX
Using (i), we get
LX/LZ = LJ/LK ..(ii)

In KLZ and JLX,

LX/LZ = LJ/LK (using(ii))
L = L
KZX ~ JLX [SAS similarity criterion]

Question 5:

In the given figure, K and L are points on sides JZ and JX of ZXJ such that Z = JLK. Prove that JZX ~


In JZX and JKL,

JLK = XZK (Given)
J = J (Common angle)
JZX ~ JLK (By AA similarity criterion)

Question 6:
In the figure given, if JZL JXK, prove that JKL ~ JZX.


Given, that JZL JXK.

JZ = JX [By cpct] (i)
Also, JK = JL [By cpct] (ii)
In JKL and JZX,

JK/JZ = JL/JX [Dividing equation (ii) by (i)]

J = J [Common angle]
JKL ~ JZX [By SAS similarity criterion]

Question 7:

In the figure given below, lines ZK and JX of JZC intersect each other at the point L. Prove that:

(i) ZXL ~ JKL

(ii) ZCK ~ JCX
(iii) ZXL ~ ZKC
(iv) LKJ ~ CXJ


(i) In ZXL and JKL,

ZXL = JKL (Each 90)
ZLX = JLK (Vertically opposite angles)
Thus, by using AA similarity criterion,

(ii) In ZCK and JCX,

ZKC = JXC (Each 90)

ZCK = JCX (Common)

Hence, by using AA similarity criterion,
(iii) In ZXL and ZKC,
ZXL = ZKC (Each 90)

LZX = KZC (Common)

Hence, by using AA similarity criterion,
(iv) In LKJ and CXJ,
LKJ = CXJ (Each 90)
LJK = CJX (Common angle)
Hence, by using AA similarity criterion,

Question 8:

In the given figure X is a point on the side JZ of a parallelogram JKCZ and KX intersect ZC at L. Prove that


In JKX and CLX,

J = C (Opposite angles of a parallelogram)
JXK = CKL (Alternate interior angles as JX || KC)
JKX ~ CLX (By AA similarity criterion)

Question 9:
In the given figure, JKC and AMP are two right triangles, right angled at B and M respectively, show that:

i) JZC ~ JKX

(ii) CJ/XJ = ZC/KX


(i) In JZC and JKX, we have

J= J (common angle)

JZC = JKX = 90 (each 90)

JZC ~ JKX (By AA similarity criterion)

(ii) Since, ABC ~ AMP (By AA similarity criterion)

If two triangles are similar then the corresponding sides are equal,

Hence, CJ/XJ = ZC/KX

Question 10:

In the given figure CD and KH are the bisectors of ZCX and JKL respectively, such that D and H lie on
sides ZX and JL of ZXC and JKL respectively. If ZXC ~ JKL. Prove that:

(i) CD/KH = ZC/JK

(ii) CXD ~ KLH
(iii) DZC ~ HKJ

(i) Given that ZXC ~ JKL
Z = J, X = L, and ZCX = JKL
ZCD = JGH (Angle bisector)
And, DCX = HKL (Angle bisector)
In DZC and JKH,
Z = J (Proved above)
DCZ = JKH (Proved above)
DZC ~ JKH (By AA similarity criterion)


(ii) In XCD and HKL,

XCD = HK; (Proved above)
X = L (Proved above)
XCD ~ HKL (By AA similarity criterion)

(iii) In ZCD and HJK

DCZ = JKH (Proved above)
Z = J (Proved above)
ZCD ~ HJK (By AA similarity criterion)

Question 11:

In the following figure, K is a point on side CL of an isosceles triangle JCL, where JL= JC. If JZ LC and
KF CJ. Show that JLZ ~ FCK.


It is given that JLC is an isosceles triangle.

In JLZ and FKC,
JDL = CFK (Each 90)
LJZ = FKC (Proved above)
JLZ ~ FCK (By using AA similarity criterion)

Question 12:

In the given figure sides ZX and XC and median ZV of a triangle ZXC are proportional to sides HJ and JL and
median HK of PQR, respectively. Prove that ZCX ~ HJL.


It is given that:

ZCX and HJL, ZX, CX and median ZV of ZCX are proportional to sides HJ, JL and median HK of HJL

Or, ZX/HJ = CX/JL= ZV/

To Prove: ZCX ~ HJL

Proof: ZX/HJ = CX/JL = ZV/HK

ZX/HJ = CX/JL = ZV/HK (V is the mid-point of CX and K is the midpoint of JL)

ZXV ~ HJK [SSS similarity criterion]

ZXV = HJK [Corresponding angles of two similar triangles are equal]


In ABC and PQR

ZX/HJ = CX/JL .(i)

CXZ = HJL.. (ii)

Hence, from equation (i) and (ii), we get

CXZ ~ HJL [By SAS similarity criterion]

Question 13:
J is a point on the side CK of a triangle CJK such that JLC = KJC. Prove that CJ2 = CK.LC


In CJL and JKC,

CLJ = CJK (Given)
JCL = KCJ (Common angle)
CJL ~ JKC (By AA similarity criterion)
We know that corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion.


CJ2 = CK.LC.

Question 14:

In the given figure, sides ZX and ZC and median ZV of a triangle CXZ are proportional to sides JK and JH and
median JL of another triangle JKH, respectively. Show that CXZ~ JKH


It is given that:

Two triangles CXZ and JKH in which ZV and JL are medians such that ZX/JK = CZ/JH = ZV/JL

To Prove: ZXC ~ JKH

Construction: Produce ZV to F such that ZV = VF. Connect CF. Similarly produce JL to N so that JL = LN, also connect

In ZXV and VCF, we have

ZV = VF [By Construction]

XV = VC [ AP is the median]

And, ZVX = CVF [Vertically opp. angles]

ZXV CVF [By SAS criterion of congruence]

ZX = CF [CPCT] .. (i)

Also, in JKL and LNH, we have

JL = LN [By Construction]

KL = LH [ PM is the median]

and, JLK = NLH [Vertically opposite angles]

JKL = LHN [By SAS criterion of congruence]

JK = HN [CPCT] . (ii)

Now, ZX/JK = ZC/JH = ZV/JL

CF/HN = ZC/JH = ZV/JL [From (i) and (ii)]


CF/HN = ZC/JH = ZF/JN [ 2AD = AE and 2PM = PN]

ZCF ~ JHN [By SSS similarity criterion]

Therefore, 2 = 4

Similarly, 1 = 3

1 + 2 = 3 + 4

Z = J (iii)

Now, In ZXC and JKH, we have

ZX/JK = ZC/JH (Given)

Z = J [From (iii)]

ZXC ~ JKH [By SAS similarity criterion]

Question 15:

A vertical pole of a length 6 m casts a shadow 4m long on the ground and at the same time, a tower casts a
shadow 28 m long. Find the height of the tower.


Length of the vertical pole = 6m (Given)

Shadow of the pole = 4 m (Given)

Let Height of tower = h m

Length of shadow of the tower = 28 m (Given)

In ZXC and JKL,

C = K (angular elevation of sum)

X = L = 90

ZXC ~ JKL (By AA similarity criterion)

ZX/JL = XC/KL (when two triangles are similar corresponding sides are proportional)

6/h = 4/28

h = 628/4


h = 42 m

Therefore, the height of the tower is 42 m.

Question 16:

In the given figure if ZV and JM are medians of triangles ZXC and JKL, respectively. Where ZXC ~ JKL
prove that ZX/JK = ZV/JM.

It is given that: ZXC ~ JKL

We know that, the corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion

. ZX/JK = ZC/JL = KC/KL (i)

Also, Z= J, X = K, C = L (ii)
As ZV and JM are medians, their opposite sides will be divided by them

. XV = XC/2 and KM = KL/2 (iii)

From equations (i) and (iii), we have
ZX/JK = XV/KM (iv)
In ZXV and JKM,
X = K [Using equation (ii)]
ZX/JK = XV/KM [Using equation (iv)]
ZXV ~ JKM (By SAS similarity criterion)


Exercise 4

Question 1:

Let PQR ~ STU and their areas be, 64cm2 and 121cm2 respectively. If TU = 15.4, then find QR.



The area of a triangle PQR = 64 cm2

The area of a triangle STU = 121 cm2

TU = 15.4 cm


Therefore, area of triangle PQR/ Area of triangle STU = PQ2 / ST2

= PR2 / SU2 = QR2 / TU2 (1)

[If the two triangles are similar then the ratio of their areas are said to be equal to the square of the ratio of their
corresponding sides]

Therefore, 64 / 121 = QR2 / TU2

=> (8/11)2 = (QR/15.4)2

=> 8/11 = QR / 15.4

=> QR = 8 x 15.4 / 11

=> QR = 8 x 1.4

QR = 11.2 cm

Question 2:

Diagonals of a trapezium PQRS with PR SR intersect each other at the point A. If PQ = 2RS, then find the
ratio of the areas of the triangles PAQ and RAS.


PQRS is a trapezium having PQ SR. The diagonals PR and QS intersect each other at a point A.

In PAQ and RAS, we have

1 = 2(Alternate angles) 3 = 4 (Alternate angles)

5 = 6 (V erticallyopposite angle)
Therefore, PAQ ~ RAS [By AAA similarity criterion]

Now, Area of (PAQ) / Area of (RAS)

= PQ2 / RS2 [If two triangles are similar then the ratio of their areas are equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding

= (2RS)2 / RS2 [Therefore, PQ=RS]

Therefore, Area of ( PAQ)/ Area of (RAS)

= 4RS2/ RS = 4/1

Hence, the required ratio of the area of PAQ and RAS = 4:1
Question 3:

From the given figure, PQR and SQR are two triangles on the same base QR. If PS intersects QR at A, show
that the area of triangle PQR / Area of triangle SQR = PA. SA



PQR and SQR are the triangles in which have the same base QR. PS intersects QR at A.

To prove: Area of triangle PQR/ Area of triangle SQR = PA/ SA

Construction: Let us draw two perpendiculars PY and SX on line QR.


We know that the area of a triangle = x base x Height

areaP QR 2 QRP Y
Therefore, areaSQR = 1

In PYA and SXA,

P Y A = SXA(Each equals to 90) P AY = SAX(V erticallyopposite angles)

P Y A SXA(ByAAsimilaritycriterion PSXY ) PA
= SA

=> area of triangle PQR/ area of triangle SQR

=> PA/SA

Question 4:
If the areas of two triangles are similar and equal then, prove that they are congruent.



MNO and XYZ are similar and equal in area.

To prove that: MNO XYZ

Proof: Since, MNO ~ XYZ

Therefore, Area of ( MNO) / Area of ( XYZ) = NO2/ YZ2

=> NO2 / YZ2 = 1 [Since the area of triangle MNO = area of triangle XYZ]

=> NO2 / YZ2

=> NO / YZ

Similarly, we can prove that

MN = XY and MO = XZ

Thus, MNO XYZ [ By SSS criterion of congruence]

Question 5:

X , Y and Z are respectively the mid-points of sides PQ, QR and RP of PQR. Find the ratio of the areas of
XYZ and PQR.


X, Y and Z are the mid-points of sides PQ, QR and RA respectively from the PQR.

To Find: area(XYZ) and area(PQR)

Solution: In PQR, we have

Z is the midpoint of PQ (Given)
Y is the midpoint of PR (Given)
So, by the mid-point theorem, we have
ZY || RQ and ZY = RQ
ZY || RQ and ZY || QX [QX = QR]
QXYZ is parallelogram [Opposite sides of parallelogram are equal and parallel]
Similarly, in ZQX and XYZ, we have
ZQ = XY (Opposite sides of parallelogram QXYZ)
ZX = ZX (Common)
QX = ZY (Opposite sides of parallelogram QXYZ)
Similarly, we can prove that
If triangles are congruent, then they are equal in area.
So, area( FBD) = area( DEF) (i)
area( AFE) = area( DEF) (ii)
and, area( EDC) = area( DEF) (iii)
Now, area( ABC) = area( FBD) + area( DEF) + area( AFE) + area( EDC) (iv)
area( ABC) = area( DEF) + area( DEF) + area( DEF) + area( DEF)
area( DEF) = 1/4area( ABC) [From (i), (ii) and (iii)]
area( DEF)/area( ABC) = 1/4
Hence, area( DEF):area( ABC) = 1:4

Question 6:

Prove that the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding


PA and XB are the medians of triangles PQR and XYZ respectively and PQR ~ XYZ

To prove: Area ( PQR)/ Area ( XYZ) = PA2 / XB2

Proof: PQR ~ XYZ (Given)

Therefore, Area ( PQR) / area ( XYZ ) = ( PQ2 / XY2) (1)

And, PQ / XY = QR / YZ = RP / ZX (2)
XY = 1 = ZX
2 YZ
In PQA and XYB, we have

Therefore, Q = Y (Since P QR XY Z)
PQ / XY = QA / YB [Prove in (1)]

Therefore, PQR ~ XYZ [By SAS similarity criterion]

=> PQ/XY = PA/ XB (3)

Therefore, PQA ~ XYB

The areas of two similar triangles are proportional to the squares of the corresponding sides.

Therefore, Area of triangle PQR / Area of triangle XYZ = PQ2 / XY2 = PA2/ XB2

Question 7:

Prove that the area of an equilateral triangle described on one side of a square is equal to half the area of the
equilateral triangle described on one of its diagonals.


PQRS is a square whose one diagonal is PR. PXR and QYR are two equilateral triangles described on the diagonals
PR and side QR of the square PQRS.

To prove:

Area of QYR = Area of PXR


PXR and QYR are both equilateral triangles (Given)

Therefore, PXQ ~ QYR [AAA similarity criterion]

Therefore, Area of PXR / Area of QYR = PR2 / QR2

2QR 2QR 2
( QR ) 2 = QR 2
= 2[Since, Diagonal = 2side = 2 QR]
=> Area ( PXR) = 2 x area ( QYR)

=> area ( QYR) = area (PXR)

Question 8:

Tick the correct solutions and explain.

PQR and QST are two equilateral triangles such that S is the midpoint of QR. The ratio of the areas of triangles
PQR and QST is:

(i) 2 : 1

(ii) 1 : 2

(iii) 4 : 1

(iv) 1 : 4

PQR and QST are two equilateral triangle. S is the midpoint of QR.

Therefore, QS = SR = QR

Let each side of triangle be 2a


Therefore, area ( PQR ) / area ( QST) = PQ2 / QS2 = (2a)2 / (a)2 = 4a2 / a2 = 4/1 = 4:1

Hence, The correct option is (iii)

Question 9:

Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4 : 9. Areas of these triangles are in the ratio

(i) 2 : 3

(ii) 4: 9

(iii) 81 : 16

(iv) 16 : 81


PQR and XYZ are two similarity triangles PQR ~ XYZ (Given)

And, PQ / XY = PR / XZ = QR / YZ = 4/9 (Given)

Therefore, Area of PQR / Area of XYZ = PQ2 / XY 2 [the ratio of the areas of these triangles will be equal to the
squares of the ratio of the corresponding sides]

Therefore, Area of PQR / Area of XYZ = (4/9)2 = 16/81

=> 16:81

Hence, the correct option is (iv)

Exercise 5

Question 1:

Sides of the triangles are as follows:

1. i) 7 cm, 25 cm, 24 cm
2. ii) 3 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm

iii) 50 cm, 100 cm, 80 cm

1. iv) 5 cm, 12 cm, 13 cm

Determine which of them are right-angled triangles. Write the length of its hypotenuse.


1. i) Sides of the triangle given are 7 cm, 25 cm and 24 cm.

Squaring the length of these sides we get 49 cm, 625 cm and 576 cm.

However, 49 + 576 = 625

(7)2 + (24)2 = (25)2

It satisfies the Pythagoras theorem. Hence, it is a right-angled triangle.

Length of Hypotenuse = 25 cm.

1. ii) Sides of the triangle given are 3 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm.

Squaring the length of these sides we get 9 cm, 36 cm and 64 cm.

However, 9 + 36 64

(7)2 + (24)2 (25)2

It does not satisfy the Pythagoras theorem. Hence, it is not a right-angled triangle.

iii) Sides of the triangle given are 50 cm, 100 cm and 80 cm.

Squaring the length of these sides we get 2500 cm, 10000 cm and 6400 cm.

However, 2500 + 6400 10000

(50)2 + (80)2 (100)2

It does not the Pythagoras theorem. Hence, it is not a right-angled triangle.

1. iv) Sides of the triangle given are 5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm.

Squaring the length of these sides we get 25 cm, 144 cm and 169 cm.

However, 25 + 144 = 169

(5)2 + (12)2 = (13)2

It satisfies the Pythagoras theorem. Hence, it is a right-angled triangle.

Length of Hypotenuse = 13 cm.

Question 2:

ABC is a right-angled triangle at point A. P is a point on BC such that AP BC. Prove that AP2 = BP x PC.


Given: ABC is a right-angled triangle at point A. P is appointed on BC such that AP BC.

To prove: AP2 = BP x PC


In ABC, we have

AB2 = AP2 + BP2 [By Pythagoras theorem]

Or, AP2 = AB2 BP2 .. (i)

In APC, we have

AC2 = AP2 + PC2 [By Pythagoras theorem]

Or, AP2 = AC2 PC2 .. (ii)

Adding (i) and (ii), we get

2AP2 = (AB2 BP2) (AC2 PC2)

= BC2 BP2 PC2 [ BC2 = AB2 + AC2]

= (BP + PC)2 BP2 PC2

= 2BP x PC

AP2 = BP x PC

Question 3:

In the given figure, PQM is a right-angled triangle at P. Also PR QM.

Show that

i) PQ2 = QR x QM

ii) PR2 = QR x MR


i) In PMQ and RPQ, we have

MPQ = PRQ = 90o

PQM = RQP (Common angle)

PMQ ~ RPQ [AA similarity criterion]


PQ2 = QR x QM

ii) Let RPQ = x

RQP = 180o 90o x

RQP = 90o x

Similarly, in RPM

RPM = 90o RQP

= 90o x

RMP = 180o 90o (90o x)

RMP = x

In RQP and RPM, we have



PRQ = MRP = 90o

RQP ~ RPM [By AAA similarity criterion]


PR2 = QR x MR

Question 4:

PQR is an isosceles right-angled triangle at point R. Prove that PQ2 = 2PR2.


Given: PQR is an isosceles triangle right angled at R.

In PRQ, R = 90o

PR = QR (Given)

PQ2 = PR2 +QR2 [By Pythagoras theorem]

= PR2 + PR2 [Since, PR = QR]

PQ2 = 2PR2

Question 5:

PQR is an isosceles triangle with PR = QR. Given that PQ2 = 2PR2. Prove that PQR is a right-angled triangle.


Given that PQR is an isosceles triangle having PR = QR and PQ2 = 2PR2


PR = QR (Given)

PQ2 = 2PR2 (Given)

= PR2 + PR2

= PR2 + QR2 [Since, PR = QR]

Hence, by Pythagoras theorem PQR is a right-angle triangle.

Question 6:

PQR is an equilateral triangle of side 2a. Find each of its altitudes.

Given: PQR is an equilateral triangle of side 2a.

Draw PS QR

In PSQ and PSR, we have

PQ = PR [Given]

PS = PS [Given]

PSQ = PSR = 90o

Therefore, PSQ PSR by RHS congruence.

In right-angled PSQ,

(PQ)2 = (PS)2 + (QD)2

(2a)2 = (PS)2 + a2

(PS)2 = 4a2 a2

(PS)2 = 3a2

PS = 3a

Question 7:

Sum of the squares of the sides of a rhombus is equal to the sum of the squares of its diagonals. Prove it.

Given: PQRS is a rhombus whose diagonals are PR and QS. They intersect at O.

To prove: PQ2 + QR2 + RS2+ PS2 = PR2 + QS2

Since the diagonals of as rhombus bisect each other ar tight angles.

Therefore, PO = RO and QO = SO


POQ = 90o

PQ2 = PO2 + QO2 . (i) [By Pythagoras]


PS2 = PO2 + SO2 . (ii)

RS2 = SO2 + RO2 . (iii)

QR2 = RO2 + QO2 . (iv)

Adding equation (i) + (ii) + (iii) + (iv) we get,

PQ2 + PS2 + RS2 + QR2 = 2(PO2 + QO2+ RO2 + SO2)

= 4PO2 + 4QO2 [Since, PO = RO and QO = SO]

= (2PO)2 + (2QO2) = PR2 + QS2

Question 8:

In the given figure, O is a point in the interior of a triangle PQR.

OS QR, OT PR and OU PQ. Show that

i) OP2 + OQ2 + OR2 OS2 OT2 OU2 = PU2 + QS2 + RT2

ii) PU2 + QS2 + RT2 = PT2 + RS2 + QU2


Join OP, OQ and OR

i) Applying Pythagoras theorem in POU, we have

OP2 = OU2 + PU2

Similarly, in QOS

OQ2 = OS2 + QS2

Similarly, in ROT

OR2 = OT2 + TR2

Adding these equations,

OP2 + OQ2 + OR2 = OU2 + PU2 + OS2 + QS2 + OT2 + RT2

OP2 + OQ2 + OR2 OS2 OT2 OU2 = PU2 + QS2 + RT2.

ii) PU2 + QS2 + RT2 = (OP2 OT2) + (OR2 OS2) + (OQ2 OU2)

PU2 + QS2 + RT2 = PT2 + RS2 + QU2.

Question 9:
A ladder of 10 m length reaches a window of 8m above the ground. Find the distance of the foot of the ladder from the base
of the wall.


Let QP be the wall and PR be the ladder,

Therefore, by Pythagoras theorem, we have

PR2 = PQ2 + QR2

102 = 82 + QR2

QR2 = 100 -64

QR2 = 36

QR = 6 m

Therefore, the distance of the foot of the ladder from the base of the wall is 6 m.

Question 10:

An airplane leaves an airport and flies due north at a speed of 1,000 km/hr. At the same time, another airplane leaves the
same airport and flies due west at a speed of 1,200 km/hr. How far apart will be the two planes after one and half hours?

Speed of the first aeroplane = 1000 km/he

Distance covered by first aeroplane due north in one and half hours

(OA) = 1000 x 3/2 km = 1500 km

Sped of the second aeroplane = 1200 km/hr

Distance covered by second aeroplane due west in one and half hours

(OB) = 1200 x 3/2 km = 1800 km

In right angle POQ, we have

PQ2 = PO2 + OQ2

PQ2 = (1500)2 + (1800)2

PQ = 2250000 + 3240000

= 5490000

= 300 61 km

Hence, the distance between two aeroplanes will be 300 61 km.

Question 11:

Two planes of heights 6 m and 11m respectively stand on a plane ground. If the distance between the feet of the poles is 12
m, find the distance between their tops.

Let PQ and RS be the poles of height 6 m and 11 m respectively.

Therefore RO = 11 6 = 5 m

From the figure, it can be observed that PO = 12 m

Applying Pythagoras theorem for POR, we get

PO2 = OR2 + PR2

(12m)2 + (5m)2 = (AC)2

AC2 = (144+25) m = 169 m

AC = 13 m

Therefore, the distance between their tops is 13 m.

Question 12:

S and T are points on the sides RP and RQ respectively of a triangle PQR right angled at R. Prove that PT2 + QS2 = PQ2 +


Applying Pythagoras theorem in PRT, we get

PR2 + RT2 = PT2 . (i)

Applying Pythagoras theorem in QRS, we get

QR2 + RS2 = QS2 . (ii)

Adding (i) + (ii), we get

PR2 + RT2 + QR2 + RS2 = PT2 + QS2 . (iii)

Applying Pythagoras theorem in RST, we get

ST2 = RS2 + RT2

Applying Pythagoras theorem in PQR, we get

PQ2 = PR2 + RQ2

Putting these values in equation (iii), we get

ST2 + PQ2 = PT2 + QS2.

Question 13:

The perpendicular from P on side QR of a PQR intersects QR at S such that SQ = 3RS. Prove that 2PQ2 = 2PR2 + QR2.


Given that in PQR, we have

PS QR and SQ = 3RS

In right-angled triangles PSQ and PSR, we have

PQ2 = PS2 + QS2 . (i)

PR2 = PS2 + SR2 . (ii) [By Pythagoras theorem]

(ii) (i), we get

PQ2 PR2 = QS2 SR2

= 9SR2 SR2 [Since, SQ = 3SR]

= 8(QR/4)2 [Since, QR = SQ + RS = 3RS +RS = 4RS]

Therefore, PQ2 PR2 = QR2/2

2(PQ2 PR2) = QR2

Therefore, 2PQ2 = 2PR2 + QR2.

Question 14:

In an equilateral triangle PQR, S is a point on side QR such that QS = 1/3 QR. Prove that 9PS2 = 7PQ2.


Let the side of the equilateral triangle be a, and PT be the altitude of PQR.

QT = TR = QR/2 = a/2
And, PT = 2
Given that, QS = 1/3 QR

QS = a/3

ST = QT QS = a/2 a/3 = a/6

Applying Pythagoras theorem in PST, we get

PS2 = PT2 + ST2

a 3 2 a 2
PS2 = ( 2 ) + (6)
3a 2 a2
= 4 + ( 36 )
28a 2
= 36
= 9 AB2

9AD2 = 7AB2
Question 15:

In an equilateral triangle, prove that three times the square of one side is equal to four times the square of its altitudes.


Let the side of the equilateral triangle be a, and PO be the altitude of PQR.

QO = OR = QR/2 = a/2

Applying Pythagoras theorem in PQO, we get

PQ2 = PO2 + QO2

a2 3a 2
a 2 = AE 2 + ( a2 ) 2 AE 2 = a 2 4 AE 2 = 4
4AE2 = 3a2

4 x (Square of altitude) = 3 x (Square of one side)

Question 16:

Choose the correct solution and justify:

In PQR, PQ = 63 cm, PR = 12 cm and QR = 6 cm.

The angle Q is:

i) 120o

ii) 60o

iii) 90o

iv) 45o

Given that, PQ = 63 cm, PR = 12 cm and QR = 6 cm

We can observe that

PQ2 = 108

PR2 = 144

And, BC2 = 36

PQ2 + BC2 = PR2

The given triangle, PQR is satisfying Pythagoras theorem.

Therefore, the triangle is a right-angled triangle at B.

B = 90o

Hence, the correct option is (iii)

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