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Bulletin bibliographique des tudes sur les littratures et le film populaires n 92



juin 2017

Marginalia est publi 4 fois par an par

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Bobis, Merlinda
GNRALITS Resistance in the Rubble: Post-San Zenn
Santo Domingo from Ramn Lugo Lovatns
Escombros: Huracn del 1930 to Carlos
Rappel : la rubrique intitule Gn-
Federico Prezs La ciudad herida
ralits prsente des ouvrages dans Fumagalli, Maria Cristina
lesquels on mlange les genres, les
Cycles and Cyclones: Structural and Cultural
inclassables, les tudes sur le roman et le Displacement in Gisle Pineaus Macadam
film daventures, lhumour et le comique, Dreams
la culture populaire en gnral, ainsi que
Sherratt-Bado, Dawn Miranda
certaines curiosits ditoriales... Catastrophic History, Cyclonic Wreckage and
Repair in William Gilberts The Hurricane and
Diana McCaulays Huracan
Hurricane Story (With Special Reference to the
ARCHER, Jodie * Matthew JOCKERS, The Poetry of Olive Senior)
Bestseller Code: Anatomy of the Collett, Anne
Blockbuster Novel, New York, St. Martin's
Press, 2016, 242 pages. FLETCHER, Lisa (ed.), Popular Fiction and
Ask most people about massive success in the Spatiality: Reading Genre Settings, New
world of fiction, and youll typically hear that York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xix, 220
its a game of hazy crystal balls. The sales pages.
figures of E. L. James or Dan Brown seem to be Introduction: Space, Place, and Popular Fiction
freakishrandom occurrences in an Fletcher, Lisa
unknowable market. But what if there were an Cave Genres/Genre Caves: Reading the
algorithm that could reveal a secret DNA of Subterranean Thriller :Crane, Ralph (et al.)
bestsellers, regardless of their genre? What if it Unstable Places and Generic Spaces: Thrillers
knew, just from analyzing the words alone, not Set in Antarctica: Leane, Elizabeth
just why genre writers like John Grisham and Chronotopic Reading of Crime Fiction: Montral
Danielle Steel belong on the lists, but also that in La Trace de lEscargotBrosseau, Marc (et al.)
authors such as Junot Diaz, Jodi Picoult, and Romance in the Backblocks in New Zealand
Donna Tartt had telltale signs of success all Popular Fiction, 19301950: Mary Scotts
over their pages ? Barbara Stories : Stafford, Jane
The Inside Story: Jennifer Crusie and the
COLLETT, Anne, Russell McDOUGALL, Sue Architecture of Love
THOMAS (eds.), Tracking the Literature of Gleason, William
Tropical Weather: Typhoons, Hurricanes, Ghost-Al Erosion: Beaches and the
and Cyclones, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, Supernatural in Two Stories by M.R. James
2017, xi, 300 pages. Armitt, Lucie
Tropical Cyclones in Mauritian Literature Pagan Places: Contemporary Paganism, British
Ravi, Srilata Fantasy Fiction, and the Case of Ryhope Wood
Pacific Revolt: The Typhoon, Japan and Wilkins, Kim
American Imperialism in Melvilles Moby Dick Tolkiens Geopolitical Fantasy: Spatial Narrative
Morrell, Sascha in The Lord of the Rings
Tropical Modernism in Joseph Conrads Sea Tally, Robert T.
Tales: Schmidt, Arnold Anthony Commuting to Another World: Spaces of
Through the Eye of Surplus Accumulation: Transport and Transport Maps in Urban Fantasy
Joseph Conrads The Nigger of the Narcissus Pike, David
and Typhoon Mapping Monstrosity: Metaphorical Geogra-
Mishra, Sudesh phies in China Mivilles Bas-Lag Trilogy
Flood, Storm and Typhoon in Tanizaki Saunders, Robert A.
Junichirs The Makioka Sisters Air Force One: Popular (Non)fiction in Flight
Morton, Leith Schaberg, Christopher
Cyclones, Indigenous and Invasive, in Northern States of Nostalgia in the Genre of the Future:
Australia Panem, Globalization, and Utopia in The
McDougall, Russell Hunger Games Trilogy
Salba Istorya/Salba Buhay: Save Story/Save Smith, Eric D. (et al.)
Life: Collaborative Storying in the Wake of

HUCKVALE, David, A Dark and Stormy Katja Rebmann (University of Warwick, UK)
Oeuvre: Crime, Magic and Power in the Liminal Thresholds
Novels of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Jefferson 10. Textual Borders in Cormac McCarthy's
(NC), McFarland, 2016, 264 pages. Novels: The Poetics of Paragraph Breaks in The
Edward Bulwer-Lyttonwho coined the terms Road
the great unwashed and the pen is mightier Beatrice Trotignon (Universit Paris Diderot,
than the swordis best remembered for Sorbonne Paris Cit, Larca, France)
persuading Dickens to change the ending 11. Flnerie, Vagrancy and Voluntary Exile in
of Great Expectations; but Lord Lytton was a Cormac McCarthy's Suttree
prolific and influential novelist in his own right, Lou Jillett (University of Western Sydney,
inspiring Edgar Allan Poe, H. Rider Haggard and Australia)
Madame Blavatsky, among others. His 12. Suttree, Flaubert, Joyce
radicalism was applauded by William Godwin, Anthony Uhlmann (University of Western
the father of both Mary Shelley and the Sydney, Australia)
anarchist movement, and his ideas about Interdisciplinary Approaches
power foreshadowed those of Friedrich 13. Western Scourge: Myth, Language and Law
Nietzsche. in Blood Meridian and Deadwood
Paul Sheehan (Macquarie University, Australia)
JILLET, Louise (ed.), Cormac McCarthty's 14. McCarthy's Time Image
Borders and Landscapes, New York, David Otto Fitzgerald (University of Sydney,
Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, xvi, 245 pages. Australia)
Preface: Lou Jillett (University of Western 15. What's Wrong With What's Wrong With The
Sydney, Australia) Counselor
Frontier Violence Peter Josyph (Independent Scholar and Painter,
1. Doomed Enterprises at Caborca: The Henry USA)
Crabb Expedition of 1857 and McCarthy's
Unquiet American Boys KELLETER, Frank (ed.), Media of Serial
Dianne Luce (Midlands Technical College, USA) Narrative, Columbus, The Ohio State
2. Creatureliness and Justice in Cormac University Press, 2017, 306 pages.
McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses CHAPTER 1 Five Ways of Looking at Popular
Lucy Neave (Australian National University, Seriality
3. Terra Damnata: The Anticosmic Mysticism of CHAPTER 2 Antebellum Popular Serialities
Blood Meridian and the Transatlantic Birth of American
Petra Mundik (University of Western Australia, Comics
Australia) CHAPTER 3 Serial Politics in Antebellum
Comparative Literature and Landscape America: On the Cultural Work of the City-
4. Knowledge Was Never a Matter of Mystery Genre
Geography: Patrick White and Cormac CHAPTER 4 Serial Entertainment / Serial
McCarthy Pleasure: The Yellow Kid
Jan Nordby Gretlund (University of Southern PART II CINEMA
Denmark, Denmark) CHAPTER 5 Inevitability of Chance: Time in
5. McCarthy, W.G. Sebald and A.N. Whitehead: the Sound Serial
Metaphysical Prose CHAPTER 6 Spectral Seriality: The Sights
Tom Lee (University of Technology, Sydney, and Sounds of Count Dracula
Australia) CHAPTER 7 Hollywood Remaking as Second-
6. Cormac McCarthy and Tim Winton: Working Order Serialization
From the Ecosystem Up CHAPTER 8 New Millenial Remakes
Joel Found (University of Southampton, UK) PART III TELEVISION
Bioregionalism and Nomadism in McCarthy's CHAPTER 9 The Ends of Serial Criticism
Western Literature CHAPTER 10 Sensing the Opaque
7. The Blood of a Nomad: Environmental CHAPTER 11 The Inevitable, the Surprise,
Stylistics and All the Pretty Horses and Serial Television
Dave Gugin (University of Guam, Guam) PART IV TRANSMEDIA AND DIGITALITY
8. Baroque Meridians: Between Myth and CHAPTER 12 All Over the Map: Building
Actuality on the American Frontier (and Rebuilding) Oz
Kate Montague (University of New South CHAPTER 13 Popular Seriality in Everyday
Wales, Australia) Practice: Perry Rhodan and Tatort
9. Cormac McCarthy's Topologies of Violence

, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xiii, 270 mystiques (Ungern-Sternberg, Raousset-
pages.CHAPTER 14 Digital Seriality: On the Boulbon, Mishima) Bertrand Westphal,
Serial Aesthetics and Practice of Digital Games William Walker ou le destin manifeste du
flibustier Till R. Kuhnle, Le Hoppla
KING, Daniel Robert, Cormac McCarthy's apocalyptique de Jenny-des-Corsaires
Literary Evolution, Knoxville, The University quelques rves de libert Alfred Strasser,
of Tennessee Press, 2016, vii, 232 pages. Strtebeker, flibustier de lpoque de la Hanse
In Cormac McCarthy's Literary Evolution, dans le roman Die Vitalienbrder de Willi Bredel
Daniel Robert King traces McCarthy's journey Benot Santini, La piraterie dans Ruta de
from cult figure to literary icon. Drawing sangre (1935) de Salvador Reyes (Chili) :
extensively on McCarthy's papers and those of ralit historique et fiction narrative Julie
Albert Erskine, his editor and devoted advocate Roy, Les hritiers de Libertalia : lenfant pirate
at Random House, as well as the latest in dans la littrature pour la jeunesse Julie
McCarthy scholarship, King investigates the Michot, La grande lessive (!) de Jean-Pierre
changes that McCarthy's work as a novelist, his Mocky et son drle de pirate Maria Fortin
writing methods, and the reception of his et Carl Vetters, Quand les pirates sen prennent
novels, both inside and outside the publishing aux transports urbains : On a vol un tram
industry, have undergone over the course of (1954) de Luis Buuel Matthieu Freyheit,
his career. Taking several of McCarthy's major Pirates : de la chaise la toile. Les nouvelles
novels as case studies, King explores the possibilits de laventure sur locan.
lengthy process of their composition through 2.0 II. AVENTURIERS ET EXPLORATEURS
multiple drafts and revisions, the signal Peter Andr Bloch, Vom Abenteuer der
contributions of the author's agents and Selbstfindung. Hermann Hesses Weg zu sich
publishers, and McCarthy's growing confidence selbst in Auseinandersetzung mit Nietzsche
as a writer who is strongly attentive to tone Stphanie Bulth, Lombre du pirate. Esprit
and repeated metaphors and images. marchand et conversion dans Le Conte de
Floire et Blanchefleur Danielle Buschinger,
KUHNLE, Till & Jacqueline BEL (dir.), Pirates, Les chevaliers teutoniques, aventuriers de Dieu
aventuriers, explorateurs, Aachen, Shaker ? Jean-Christophe Delmeule, Lon lAfricain
Verlag, collection "Les Cahiers du Littoral", (Amin Maalouf) ou les mtamorphoses dun
2016, 432 pages. aventurier Aline Le Berre, Karl Moor, justicier
Till R. Kuhnle et Jacqueline Bel, Avant-propos ou aventurier dans Les Brigands de Schiller
I. PIRATES, CORSAIRES ET FLIBUSTIERS Sylvianne Melin, Piraterie et neutralit en
Matthieu Marchal, Le bon oysel se fait de luy Suisse Jean-Louis Podvin, Prtres et dvots
meismes : aventures et brigandage dIsis et Sarapis, des aventuriers
maritimes dans lHistoire des Seigneurs de ultramarins peu ordinaires
Gavre Bernard Drobenko, La piraterie saisie
par le droit Patrick Villiers, Flottes pirates et LEMMO, David, Tarzan, Jungle King of
flottes corsaires au temps du Roi-Soleil, essai Popular Culture, Jefferson (NC), McFerland,
de comparaison entre les navires pirates des 2017, 228 pages.
Antilles (Franois lOlonnais, Morgan Saint- From his first appearance in 1912, Tarzan
Domingue et La Jamaque) et les navires became a multimedia franchise whose cultural
corsaires de Dunkerque vers 1650- 1678 influence extended well beyond mere
Florent Gabaude, Les pirates dans la entertainment. The original 20th century
publicistique et la littrature allemande des superhero, the Lord of the Apes was the
XVIe et XVIIe sicles Ramiro Oviedo, Les inspiration behind such early archetypes as The
aventures dun texte. Du journal du bord la Shadow and Doc Savage, themselves the basis
fiction en passant par le texte tabli Joseph for heroes like Batman and Superman.
Jeanfils, Le capitaine Nemo et Robur le Long before Comic-Cons and Trekkies, the first
Conqurant : pirates ou philanthropes ? Deux Tarzan fan club was formed in America in
personnages ambigus de lunivers de Jules 1916, pioneering the fandom movement that
Verne Martine Crpin, Saccard, pirate de la pervades modern pop culture.
finance Michel Arouimi, Le Mouvement de This book examines Tarzan in his various
Rimbaud dans la bouteille de Poe Franois media representationshunter, warrior, secret
Berquin, Dictionnaire interlope (Tristan agent, fighter of communists and Nazisand in
Corbire) Xavier Escudero, Le pote de la his numerous story arcs, including crossover
mer Jos del Ro Sinz (1884-1964) : une voix adventures featuring historical characters like
potique aventurire Marc Rolland, Pirate et Arthur Conan Doyle and Nikola Tesla.
pote : DAnnunzio et Fiume, et les flibustiers

LUCAS, Nicole, "Le Ptite cho de la mode" : Shores of History, Islands of Ireland:
un sicle de presse fminine, Spzet, Coop Chronotopes of the Sea in the Contemporary
Breizh, 2016, 133 pages. Irish Novel
L'histoire du Petit Echo de la Mode s'inscrit Wondrich, Roberta Gefter
dans un sicle capital pour comprendre l'essor Women at Sea: Locating and Escaping Gender
des mdias fminins. Au cours de l'aventure de on the Cornish Coast in Daphne du Mauriers
ce journal gnraliste, Chtelaudren la The Loving Spirit and Frenchmans Creek
Bretonne et Paris, capitale de l'lgance, se Goodman, Gemma
ctoient sur fond de valeurs morales afin de Travelling Across Worlds and Texts in A. S.
remplir - selon son fondateur - une "mission Byatts Sea Narratives
ducatrice" auprs des femmes. La mode, la Franchi, Barbara
vie de la femme bourgeoise, les rites de Unveiling the Anthropo(s)cene: Burning Seas,
l'existence individuelle et collective, la Cinema of Mourning and the Globalisation of
publicit... toutes ces arcanes sont autant de Apocalypse
codes livrs au lectorat de cette poque Chowdhury, Sayandeb
rvolue qui continue cependant d'clairer la The Tolerant Coast
ntre par ses ruptures et continuits. Land, Isaac

MAE, Michiko, Elisabeth SCHERER, Katharina MISSLER, Heike, The Popular Cultural
HLSMANN (dir.), Japanische Populrkultur Politics of Chick Lit: Popular Fiction,
und Gender: Ein Studienbuch, Wiesbaden, Postfeminism and Representation, London,
Springer Verlag, 2016, vi, 308 pages. & New York, Routledge, 2017, viii, 221 pages.
Seit den 1990er Jahren erlebt die japanische Chick lit is the marketing label attributed to a
Populrkultur einen weltweiten Boom und prgt surge of books published in the wake of Helen
das Bewusstsein und Verhalten, die Fielding's Bridget Jones's Diary (1996) and
Kommunikation und das Alltagsleben vieler Candace Bushnell's Sex and the City (1997).
junger Menschen. Sie ffnet Rume, in denen Branded by their pink or pastel-coloured book
neue Geschlechterkonstellationen erprobt und covers, chick-lit novels have been a highly
mit neuen Lebensformen experimentiert successful and ubiquitous product of women's
werden kann. Inwiefern dieses Experimentieren popular culture since the late 1990s. This study
mit Geschlechterrollen und der subversive traces the evolution of chick lit not only as a
Umgang mit Genderkonstellationen genre of popular fiction, but as a cultural
charakteristisch sind fr Manga, Anime, TV- phenomenon. It complicates the genealogy of
Serien, Cosplay, Tischrollenspiele oder the texts by situating them firmly in the
Fanfiction, zeigen die Beitrge in diesem Band. context of age-old debates about female
literary creation, and by highlighting the
MATHIESON, Charlotte (ed.), Sea Narratives: dynamics of the popular-fiction market.
Cultural Responses to the Sea, 1600- Offering a convincing dissection of the formula
Present, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016, which lies at the heart of chick lit, as well as in-
xiii, 270 pages. depth analyses of a number of chick-lit titles
Introduction: The Literature, History and ranging from classic to more recent and edgier
Culture of the Sea, 1600Present texts, this book yields new insights into a
Mathieson, Charlotte relatively young field of academic study.
A Need to Narrate? Early Modern French
Accounts of Atlantic Crossings POORE, Benjamin (ed.), Neo-Victorian
Harrigan, Michael Villains: Adaptations and Tansformations
A Sea of Stories: Maritime Imagery and in Popular Culture, Amsterdam, Brill/Rodopi,
Imagination in Napoleonic Narratives of War 2017, 347 pages.
Captivity List of Figures
Duch, Elodie The Villain-Effect: Distance and Ubiquity in
Through Dustless Tracks for African Rights: Neo-Victorian Popular Culture
Narrative Currents and Political Imaginaries of Benjamin Poore
Solomon Plaatjes 1914 Sea Voyage Part 1: Theatrical Transformations
Remmington, Janet 1 A Perfect Demon: Michael Eatons Charlie
From Icy Backwater to Nuclear Waste Ground: Peace: His Amazing Life & Astounding Legend
The Russian Arctic Ocean in the Twentieth Richard J. Hand
Century 2 Miss Representation: The Femme Fatale and
Stolberg, Eva-Maria the Villainy of Performance in Neo-Victorian

Christina Parker-Flynn characterized by intense urbanization,
3 Melodramatic Villainy (Just) after the widespread class struggle and mobility, and a
Victorians boom in mass culture. This book offers a close
Guy Barefoot look at one manifestation of that mass culture:
4 Imperial Heroes and Native Villains weekly collections of short, often pocket-sized
Robert Dean books sold in urban kiosks at low prices. These
5 Sonorous Psychopaths: Neo-Victorian series published a wide range of literature in a
Ventriloquists on Screen variety of genres and formats, but their role as
Gillian Piggott disseminators of erotic and anarchist fiction led
Part 2: Transitional and Liminal Figures them to be censored by the Franco
6 Kissing the Medium: The Spiritualist-Witch as dictatorship.
Countercultural Heroine in the Thirty-Nine
Steps (1959) A NOTER; Le numro 2 de LE PARDAILLAN
Marion Gibson [Revue de littratures populaires et
7 Jack the Representation: The Ripper in cultures mdiatiques) est paru...
Mark Jones php/catalogue-le-pardaillan/
8 On the Origin of a Supervillain: The Neo- Sommaire
Victorian Reinvention of Mister Sinister Editorial : Ldito dont vous tes le hros
David Bullen Les Cahiers Zvaco
9 Framing Our Fearful Symmetry: Substance Luce Roudier Le romancier en joueur
Dualism, Reincarnation and the Villainy of the dchecs : fous, dames et rois chez Michel
Disembodied Soul Zvaco
Emma V. Miller Dossier : Le Jeu
Part 3: Neo-Victorian Sex and Sexsation Margaux Coquelle-Rohm Jeu avec les
10 The Postfeminist Tart: Neo-Victorian Villainy formes, jeu des formes : les tridents dans
and Sex Work in Ripper Street Octogone et C de Jacques Roubaud
Sarah Artt Laurent Bozard Cluedo it yourself. Un polar
11 I raise the devil in you, not any potion. My dont le lecteur est le hros
touch: The Strange Case of Heterosexuality in Florian Coppier Jeux de morphologie
Neo-Victorian Versions of Jekyll and Hyde narrative
Helen Davies Marine Deregnoncourt Hunger Games, un
12 A Wilde Scoundrel: Villainy and Lad Culture jeu au sens propre comme au sens figur
in the Filmic Afterlives of Dorian Gray La Thibaut Twice upon a time :
Claire OCallaghan anthologie des voyages dans le temps
Part 4: Literary Villains Reimagined Luce Roudier Un jeu sans adulte : lenqute
13 Svengali: The Evolution of Ethnic Evil dans Le Club des Cinq
through Adaptation Roland Carre Jeux denfants marginaux
Rob Welch dans le cinma italien des annes 1990 et 2000
14 From the wicked man to the bastard boy Bounthavy Suvilay Entre diffrence et
of seven: The Evolution of John Jaspers rptition : les adaptations de Dragon Ball en
Villainy in Adaptations of The Mystery of Edwin jeux vido
Drood Ninon Chavoz Pokemon Go ou le jeu du
Jonathan Buckmaster passage : collections et corrections dun
15 Im always angry: Super-Hydes and the dresseur
Appropriation of Edward Hyde in Superhero Guillaume Grandjean Peut-on rcrire un
Films jeu vido ? Essai de game design compar :
Emma A. Harris The Legend of Zelda et The Binding of Isaac
16 Revisionist Vampires: Transcoding, Esteban Giner Inciter la rflexivit par les
Intertextuality, and Neo-Victorianism in the mcaniques ludiques : une analyse compare
Film Adaptations of Bram Stokers Dracula de The Witness, Undertale et The Beginners
Frances Pheasant-Kelly and Natalie Russell Guide
Les Oublis
ZAMOSTNY, Jeffrey & Susan LARON (eds.), Aurlien Dollard Du tric-trac au puzzle
Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: interprtatif fragmentaire : jeu toutes les
Modernity and Mass Culture, Bristol (UK) & ranges des gradins chez Cratinos
Chicago, Intellect, 2017, xx, 493 pages.
The so-called Silver Age of Spain ran from
1898 to the rise of Franco in 1939 and was

plus cultes que la plupart des films sortis la
CINMA & TLVISION mme poque des studios hollywoodiens.
Comment une petite chane du cble, ne en
1972 dans l'indiffrence gnrale, est-elle
BODE, Lisa, Making Believe: Screen devenue un empire ? Qui sont les crateurs et
Performance and Special Effects in quelles sont leurs mthodes ?
Popular Cinema, New Brunswick, Rutgers
University Press, 2017, 218 pages. CERMAK, Iri, The Cinema of Hockey: Four
In the past twenty years, we have seen the rise Decades of the Game on Screen, Jefferson
of digital effects cinema in which the human (NC), McFarland, 2017, x, 333 pages.
performer is entangled with animation, collaged Hockeys sizable cinematic repertoire explores
with other performers, or inserted into perilous different views of the sport, including the role
or fantastic situations and scenery. Making of aggression, the business of sports, race and
Believe sheds new light on these developments gender, and the role of women in the game.
by historicizing screen performance within the This critical study focuses on hockey themes in
context of visual and special effects cinema and more than 50 films and television movies from
technological change in Hollywood filmmaking, the U.S. and Canada spanning several decades.
through the silent, early sound, and current Depictions of historical games are discussed,
digital eras. including the 1980 Miracle on Ice and the
1972 Summit Series.
BAILEY, Peter J. (ed.), Stanley Kubrick,
Ipswich (Mass.), Salem Press, Grey House DANG, Sarah-Mai, Gossip, Women, Film and
Publishing, 2016, xiv, 277 pages. Chick Flicks, London & New York, Palgrave,
2017, viii, 75 pages.
BLANCHOT, Louis, Les Vies de Tom Cruise, This book addresses the relationship between
Nantes, Capricci, (Actualit critique), 2016, 111 gossip, women, and film with regards to the
pages. genre of chick flicks. Presenting two case
studies on the films Easy A (Will Gluck
BORDAGE, Tinam, Les Dossiers sadique- 2010) and Emma (Douglas McGrath 1996),
master: dissection du cinma undeground Dang demonstrates that hearsay plays a
extrme, Rosire-en-Haye, Camion noir, defining role in the staging of these films and
2017, 537 pages. thus in the film experience.
Rtrospectives et dissections sont les mthodes
appliques pour explorer tous les horizons DEPRETTO, Laure, The Newsroom de Sorkin,
possibles et imaginables d'un certain cinma ou Don Quichotte journaliste, Tours,
extrme, allant du gore allemand aux films Presses Universitaires Franois Rabelais,
undergrounds new-yorkais des annes 80, au (Serial), 2016, 240 pages.
Bis d'exploitation crasseux et immoral, aux Dernire srie cre par Aaron Sorkin, The
OFNI exprimentaux les plus dments, jusqu' Newsroom (HBO, 2012-2014) est le troisime
l'intgration de la pornographie dans le cinma volet, aprs Sports Night et Studio 60, dune
dviant. Nous analyserons les lments trilogie consacre la tlvision. Au croisement
majeurs de cet art si fascinant, les cinastes de plusieurs traditions, la comdie du
bafous, censurs, relgus dans leur remariage et le newspaper film hollywoodiens
microcosme, ceux qui ont os. Nous dun ct, le drame professionnel et la srie
aborderons le mythe du snuff movie, en coulisses de lautre, cette ode au
explorerons les oeuvres trop ambiges pour journalisme adopte la forme de lutopie et
tre voques ailleurs, les inabordables, les assume des choix formels rtro, consacrant
inaccessibles, celles dont personne ne veut ainsi un certain classicisme tlvisuel.
parler et qui, ce jour, demeurent encore
inconnues pour d'obscures raisons. DUBOIS, Rgis, Drive-In & Grindhouse
Cinema - 1950s - 1960s, Paris, ditions
CADIEUX, Axel, Jean-Vic CHAPUS & Mathieu IMHO, 2017, 223 pages.
ROSTAC, La Saga HBO: dans les coulisses Durant les annes 1950 et 1960, la production
de la chane qui a rvolutionn la TV, indpendante amricaine va se lancer avec
Nantes, Capricci, 2017, 207 pages. fivre et passion dans la cration de films que
Les Soprano, Game of Thrones, True Detective, les bonnes moeurs du pays rprouvent. Des
The Wire, Oz, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, films dpeignant une jeunesse sauvage. Des
Six Feet Under, Rome, True Blood, Sex and the microproductions aux explosions gore
City... Autant de sries novatrices devenues surralistes. Des rcits dont les seuls atouts-

sont, les poitrines dnudes de leurs actrices. during which Chaplins popularity and creativity
Les drive-in du pays et les grindhouses se reached new heights. Only one copy of the
mettent carburer la violence, au rock'n'roll, complete series is known to exist, and its
au sexe et l'horreur. Dcouvrez 101 perles recent rediscovery marks a significant find for
oublies ou classiques du domaine ! Chaplin fans.

DYER, Jay, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults, HAVEN, Lisa Stein, Charlie Chaplin's Little
and Symbols in Film, Waterville (OR), Trine Tramp in America, 1947-77, New York,
Day, 2016, 370 pages. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xiv, 300 pages.
Like no other book before it, this work delves
into the deep, dark and mysterious undertones HISCHAK, Thomas S., Musicals in Film: A
hidden in Tinsel towns biggest films. Esoteric Guide to the Genre, Santa Barbara (Cal.),
Hollywood is a game-changer in an arena of Greenwood - ABC-Clio, 2017, xxvi, 449 pages.
tabloid-populated titles. After years of scholarly
research, Jay Dyer has compiled his most read HISCHAK, Thomas S., 1939 - Hollywood's
essays, combining philosophy, comparative Greatest Year, Lanham (MD), Rowman &
religion, symbolism and geopolitics and their Littlefield, 2017, 430 pages.
connections to film. What do Babes in Arms, Beau Geste, Gunga
Din, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Only
ESQUENAZI, Jean-Pierre, L'Analyse des Angels Have Wings, and Young Mr. Lincoln all
sries tlvises, Paris, Classiques Garnier, have in common? They are all classic films
(Revue crans no 4), 2016, 279 pages. released in the same year, but none of them
received Academy Award nominations for best
ESQUENAZI, Jean-Pierre, lments pour picture. Why? In that same year, Hollywood
l'analyse des sries, Paris, L'Harmattan, produced Dark Victory, Goodbye Mr. Chips, Mr.
(Champs visuels), 2017, 200 pages. Smith Goes to Washington, and Ninotchka, as
Les textes rassembls explorent notamment well as two of the most beloved films of all
deux questions. La premire concerne la srie time, Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of
comme tout , comme objet singulier : Oz. In 1939 Hollywood created an
comment parler de l'unit d'un objet aussi unprecedented number of great films, a year
morcel, comment le saisir comme une oeuvre that has yet to be surpassed in cinematic
acheve ? La seconde touche une ventuelle achievement.
spcificit des sries : peuvent-elles se
prvaloir d'une qualit narrative et esthtique KONSTANTIN, Jahn, Hipster, Gangster,
distincte d'autres objets narratifs, romans, Femmes fatales: eine cineastische
films, bandes dessines ? De nombreux Kulturgeschichte des Jazz, Mnchen, Verlag
exemples sont proposs : Six Feet Under, text + kritik, 2016, 304 pages.
Breaking Bad, 24 heures chrono, Battlestar
Galactia, Law and Order, et bien d'autres sont LAX, Eric, Start to Finish: Woody Allen and
examines. the Art of Moviemaking, New York, Albert
Knopf, 2017, 368 pages.
GOODWINS, Fred (ed. by David James),
Charlie Chaplin's Red Letter Days: At Work LOMBARD, Philippe, Le Paris de Michel
with a Comic Genius, Lanham (MD), Rowman Audiard: toute une poque, Paris,
& Littlefield, 2017, 338 pages. Notes by Dan Parigramme, 2017, 125 pages.
Kamin. Un producteur ne tarde pas lui demander un
By the end of 1914, Charlie Chaplin had premier scnario, Mission Tanger en 1949...
become the most popular actor in films, and qui sera suivi de nombreux autres. Entre 125,
reporters were clamoring for interviews with rue Montmartre, Les Barbouzes, Les Tontons
the comedy sensation. But no reporter had flingueurs... comme scnariste et/ou
more access than Fred Goodwins. A British dialoguiste, Audiard truffera ses uvres de
actor who joined Chaplins stock company in dcors familiers et de rfrences au Paris de sa
early 1915, Goodwins began writing short jeunesse. Celui des concierges assises sur le
accounts of life at the studio and submitted pas de leur porte, des pistards tournant sans
them to publications. In February 1916 the relche au Vl d'Hiv', des Halles en
British magazine Red Letter published the first effervescence... et de la rplique gouailleuse
of what became a series of more than thirty- qu'un titi ne manquera de faire glisser sur le
five of Goodwinss articles. Written in breezy zinc... " Toute une poque !" disait Blier dans
prose, the articles cover a two-year period Les Tontons.

LOMBARD, Philippe, Touche pas au grisbi, on American attitudes / Stephen Joyce. Part 3
salope ! : argot, mchantes saillies et mots Allegories of the "War on Terror" : "Daddy, I'm
d'esprit du cinma franais, Malakoff, scared. can we go home?" Fear and allegory in
Dunod, 2017, 222 pages. Frank Darabont's The Mist (200&) / Terence
McSweeney -- The terrible, horrible desire to
MAYER, Geoff, Encyclopedia of American know: post-9/11 horror remakes, reboots,
Film Serials, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, sequels and prequels / James Kendrick -- Post-
308 pages. 9/11 power and responsibility in the Marvel
From their heyday in the 1910s to their cinematic universe / Christine Muller --
lingering demise in the 1950s, American film Nowhere left to zone in Children of Men (2006)
serials delivered excitement in weekly / Sean Redmond - Traumatise, repeat, finish:
installments for millions of moviegoers, despite military science fiction (long) after 9/11 and
minuscule budgets, nearly impossible shooting Doug Liman's Edge of Tomorrow (2014) /
schedules and the disdain of critics. Early Steffen Hantke. Selected filmography -- Notes
heroines like Pearl White, Helen Holmes and on the contributors -- Index.
Ruth Roland broke gender barriers and ruled
the screen. Through both world wars, such MORRIS, Nigel (ed.), A Companion to
serials as Spy Smasher and Batman were Steven Spielberg, Chichester (UK), John
vehicles for propaganda. Smash hits like Flash Wiley & Sons, 2017, xx, 511 pages.
Gordon and The Lone Ranger demonstrated the
enduring mass appeal of the genre. Providing NEIBAUR, james L., The Essential Jack
insight into early 20th century American Nicholson, Lanham (MD), Rowmand and
culture, this book analyzes four decades of Littlefield, 2017, xvii, 193 pages.
productions from Path, Universal, Mascot and
Columbia, and all 66 Republic serials. O'BRIEN, Harvey, Adventure Movies.
Cinema of the Quest, New York, WallFlower
McSWEENEY, Terence (ed.), American Press [Columbia University Press], (Short
Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11, Edinburgh, Cuts), 2017, 144 pages.
Edinburgh University Press, 2017, 341 pages. This volume examines the cinema of
Foreword / Alison Landsberg. adventure, distinct from action and action-
Introduction: American cinema in adventure. It argues that the adventurer is
the shadow of 9/11 / Terence McSweeney. Part separate from the action hero and that the
1 Dramatisations of the "War on Terror" : The cinema of adventurefrom tales of gods and
mythic shape of American Sniper (2015) / John monsters defied by mythic heroes to stories of
Shelton Lawrence and Robert Jewett -- crusaders conquering far-flung territories, from
Responding to realities or telling the same old true-life accounts of survival or death at the
story? Mixing real-world and mythic resonances extreme reaches of human endurance to
in The Kingdom (207) and Zero Dark Thirty science-fiction stories of journeys beyond
(2012) / Geoff King -- Acts of redemption and human conceptionrepresents a life-affirming
"the falling man" photograph in post-9/11 confrontation with our collective mortality and
US cinema / Guy Westwell -- "You be very spiritual immortality. Adventure heroes do not
mindful of how you act:" post-9/11 culture and fear death like action heroes. They embrace
Arab American subjectivities in Joseph and transcend death with a conviction
Castelo's The War Within (2005) and Hesham grounded in a faith that extends behind and
Issawi's AmericanEast (2008) / Paul Petrovic -- before them into eternity. They achieve
Refracting fundamentalism in Mira Nair's The immortality by telling and retelling their tales
Reluctant Fundamentalist (2012) / Ana Cristina across media forms in spite of social and
Mendes and Karen Bennett. Part 2 Influences technological change.
of the "War on Terror" : "Not now that
strength:" embodiment and globalisation in PARCIACK, Ronie, Popular Hindi Cinema:
post-9/11 James Bond / Vincent M. Gaine -- Aesthetic. Formations of the Seen and
Training the body politic: networked Unseen, New York & London, Routledge, 2016,
masculinity and the "War on Terror" in xii, 196 pages.
Hollywood film / Adam Knee -- "Gettin' dirty:" The popular Hindi film industry is the largest in
Tarantino's vengeful justice, the marked viewer India and the most conspicuous film industry in
and post-9/11 America / Andrew Schopp -- the non-Western world. This book analyses the
Stop the clocks: Lincoln and post- pivotal visual and narrative conventions
9/11 cinema / Ian Scott -- Foreshadows of the employed in popular Hindi films through the
fall: questioning 9/11's impact

combined prism of film studies and classical 93), multidimensionaler Tongestaltungen,
Indian philosophy and ritualism. asymmetrisch-zirkulrer Narrationen
(Rendition), sinnstiftender
PEDRONO, Yves, Jacques Tati et les Trente Krperinszenierungen (The Hurt Locker),
Glorieuses, Paris, ditions Kim, 2016, 182 performativer Rahmungen (Redacted),
pages. genrelogischer Gruppierungen (In the Valley of
Elah) sowie geschichtspolitischer Affizierungen
RADNER, Hilary, The New Woman's Film: (Zero Dark Thirty).
Femme-Centric Movies for Smart Chicks,
New York, Routledge, 2017, xii, 211 pages. RTZEL, Anja, Trash-TV, Stuttgart, Reclam,
Topics addressed include: The Bridges of 2017, 100 pages.
Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995); the
feature-length films of Nicole Holofcener, 1996- SCULTHORPE, Derek, Brian Donlevy, The
2013; the film roles of Tilda Swinton; Rachel Good Bad Guy: A Bio-Filmography,
Getting Married (Jonathan Demme, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, vii, 210
2008); Blue Jasmine (Woody Allen, pages.
2013); Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach,
2012), Belle (Amma Asante, 2013), Fifty SELLERS, Robert, Peter O'Toole: The
Shades of Grey (Sam Taylor-Johnson, 2015) Definitive Biography, New York, Thomas
and Jane Campions Top of the Lake (Sundance Dunne Books, xv, 416 pages.
Channel, 2013-).
SERISIER, Pierre, L'Empire de la
RICHARDS, Jeffrey, China and the Chinese Mlancolie: l'univers des sries scandi-
in Popular Film: From Fu Manchu to naves, Paris, Vendmiaire, (Univers des
Charlie Chan, London, I. B. Tauris, 2017, 246 sries), 2017, 187 pages.
pages. Les tribulations d'une femme Premier ministre
There's a folk memory of China in which (Borgen), des meurtres morbides dans des
numberless yellow hordes pour out of the paysages dsols (The Killing), l'omniprsence
'mysterious East' to overwhelm the vulnerable de la brume et de la neige (Lillyhammer), des
West, accompanied by a stereotype of the enquteurs traumatiss (Wallander), en perte
Chinese as cruel, cunning and depraved. de repres (The Bridge) Au cours des
Hollywood films played their part in dernires annes, les sries scandinaves se
perpetuating these myths and stereotypes that sont imposes comme un phnomne majeur.
constituted 'The Yellow Peril'. Jeffrey Richards Admires en GrandeBretagne, salues en
examines in detail how and why they did it. He France, copies aux tats-Unis, elles mlent la
shows how the negative image was embodied spcificit des socits nordiques la
in recurrent cinematic depictions of opium familiarit de thmes universels (libert,
dens, tong wars, sadistic dragon ladies and intgration, fminisme) et incarnent une
corrupt warlords and how, in the 1930s and tlvision haut de gamme. Si leur succs a
1940s, a countervailing positive image involved bnfici de la vague du polar nordique, elles
the heroic peasants of The Good sont aussi nourries d'influences plus
Earth and Dragon Seed fighting against profondes: anciennes sagas vikings, thtre du
Japanese invasion in wartime tributes to the XIXe sicle, rcits gothiques et film noir
West's ally, Nationalist China. The cinema's amricain. Un dcryptage indit qui donne les
split level response is also traced through the cls du phnomne.
images of the ultimate Oriental villain, the
sinister Dr. Fu Manchu and the timeless STERBA, Wendy, J.J. Abrams vs Joss
Chinese hero, the intelligent and benevolent Whedon: Duel for Media Master of the
detective Charlie Chan. Universe, Lanham (MD), Rowman & Littlefield,
2017, 304 pages.
RICHTER-HANSEN, Tullio, Friktionen des
Terrors. sthetik und Politik des US-Kinos TALLY, Margaret, The Rise of the Anti-
nach 9/11, Marburg, Schren Verlag, 2017, Heroine in TV's Third Golden Age,
276 pages. Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars
Exemplarische Analysen erfassen etwa Publishing, 2016, 125 pages.
Prozesse retroaktiver Umdeutungen (The Looking at the cable channels Showtime and
Siege), filmisch-historischer Parallelisie- HBO, as well as Netflix and ABC Television, this
rungseffekte (Black Hawk Down), volume examines a range of recent television
fragmentarischer berreprsentationen (United women and shows, including Homeland, ,

Weeds, Scandal, How to Get Away With quotidien travers diffrents genres et
Murder, Veep, Girls, and Orange is the New littratures nationales, et aux enjeux
Black as well as a host of other nighttime contemporains investis par la littrature de la
programs to demonstrate just how dominant terreur et du complot. Ils analysent une belle
the anti-heroine has become on US television. slection dauteurs, allant de Paul Fval Jean-
Jacques Pelletier, en passant par Jules Vernes,
VOIGT, Anna, Inszenierte Formen von Ian Fleming, George Orwell, Martn Kohan,
Mnnlichkeit in TV-Serien: Frsorglichkeit Pedro Mairal, Andr Benchetrit, Thomas
und die Stabilitt mnnlicher Herrschaft in Kryzaniac et Doris Lessing. Les oeuvres
Six Feet Under, Wiesbaden, Springer Verlag, tudies, loin dallger lesprit de celui qui en
2017, 310 pages. fait lexprience, attisent en effet ses pires
craintes, voire les fonde symboliquement,
WEINER, Matthew, Mad Men, Kln, Taschen, donnent vie et forme des angoisses qui, sans
2016, 2 volumes, 839 et 204 pages. ces multiples narrations, nauraient jamais
acquis une puissance aussi dltre.
WELLS-LASSAGNE, Shannon, Television and Si cette nouvelle livraison dtudes littraires
Serial Adaptation, New York, & London, nous montre lespionnage, les complots et les
Routledge, 2017, 228 pages. secrets dtat comme un puissant moteur de
From remakes and reboots to transmedia cration littraire, elle nous fait aussi dcouvrir
storytelling, loose adaptations or adaptations un imaginaire de la terreur qui ne libre pas,
which last but a single episode, the recycling of mais opprime.
pre-existing narrative is a practice that is just Des proto-origines lge dor
as common in television as in film, and this Nicolas Gauthier : Ternir lhrosme :
text seeks to rectify that oversight, examining modernit(s) du complot et de lespionnage
series from M*A*S*H to Game of fvaliens
Thrones, Pride and Prejudice to Castle. Maxime Prvost : Linstitution du terrorisme
plantaire, de Jules Verne Ian Fleming : Face
ZOLLER SEITZ, Matt, The Oliver Stone au drapeau lu la lumire de Thunderball
Experience, New York, Abrams, 2016, 479 Matthieu Letourneux
pages. [Entretiens]. Eurospy. Une culture pop europenne au :
lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale
La terreur au quotidien
Tayeb Ainseba : Lespionnage totalitaire
ROMANS ET FILMS intrafamilial dans 1984 de George Orwell 65
Martn Lombardo : Terreur tatique et espace
POLICIERS priv : la maison familiale, le lieu de travail et
les dplacements interdits dans Sciences
morales et LIntemprie
Marie-Hlne Voyer
Hallucinations, paranoa, fantasme de
destruction : le sujet en proie aux machinations
du rel dans Le Ventre dAndr Benchetrit et Le
Pyromane de Thomas Kryzaniac
Enjeux contemporains
Franois-Emmanul Boucher : La justification
paradoxale du terrorisme dans limaginaire
romanesque : le cas de Doris Lessing
Sylvain David et Sophie Marcotte : Le complot
LITTRATURE mdiatique : rseaux sociaux et manipulations
collectives chez Jean-Jacques Pelletier

BOUCHER, Franois-Emmanuel, Sylvain DAVID BURANASEDA. Nadine (dir.), Das Syndikat :

& Maxime PRVOST, Espionnage, complots, Tat-Zeuge. Das Syndikats Dossier 2016,
secrets d'tat, dossier paru dans tudes Messkirch, Gmeiner Verlag, 2017, 280.
littraires, vol. 46, no 3, automne 2015. Un collectif (articles, entrevues, bibliographies,
Les articles composant ce dossier sintressent etc) publi par l'association professionelle des
aux fondations de limaginaire de la terreur, crivains de polars allemands. Avec une
des proto-origines du roman despionnage bibliographie des tudes sur le genre par
son ge dor, aux effets de la terreur au Thomas Przybilka, pp. 239 - 255.

and settings, and the imperial elements that
EVANS, Curtis, Murder in the Closet: Essays made Sherlock Holmes seem dynamically
on Queer Clues in Crime Fiction before contemporary.
Stonewall, Jefferson (NC), McFarland &
Company, 2017, vii, 295 pages. KOCH, Corinna, Sabine SCHMITZ & Sabine
SCHMITZ (eds.), Dialogische Kriminalysen:
GREGORIOU. Christiana, Crime Fiction Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft
Migration: Crossing Languages, Cultures aktuelle Reprsentationsformen des
and Media, London & New York, Bloomsbury franzsischen Krimis, Frankfurt am Main, et
Academic, 2017, 208 pages. al., Peter Lang, 2017, 307 pages.
Crime narratives form a large and central part
of the modern cultural landscape. This book KOCK, Leon de, Losing the Plot: Crime,
explores the cognitive stylistic processing of Reality and Fiction in Postapartheid
prose and audiovisual fictional crime 'texts'. It Writing, Johannesburg, Wits University Press,
also examines instances where such narratives 2016, ix, 277 pages.
find themselves, through popular demand, INTRODUCTION
'migrating' - meaning that they cross 1 From the Subject of Evil to the Evil Subject:
languages, media formats and/or cultures.In Cultural Difference in Postapartheid South
doing so, Crime Fiction Migration proposes a African Crime Fiction
move from a monomodal to a multimodal 2 Freedom on a Frontier? The Double Bind of
approach to the study of crime fiction. (White) Postapartheid South African Literature
Examining original crime fiction works 3 The Transitional Calm Before the
alongside their translations, adaptations and Postapartheid Storm
remakings proves instrumental in 4 Biopsies on the Body of the New South
understanding how various semiotic modes Africa
interact with one another. The book analyses 5 Referred Pain, Wound Culture and Pathology
works such as We Need to Talk About in Postapartheid South African Writing
Kevin, The Killing trilogy and the reimaginings 6 Fictions Retort
of plays such as Shear Madness and films such
as Funny Games. LEE, Susanna, Hard-Boiled Crime Fiction &
The Decline of Moral Authority, Colombus,
KARGL, Elisabeth & Aurlie LE NE (dir.), Le The Ohio State University, 2016,ix, 232 pages.
Roman policier dans l'espace germano- Lee traces the history of the hard-boiled
phone/Der Kriminalroman im deutschs- detective through the twentieth century and on
prachigen Raum, dans GERMANICA, no 58, both sides of the Atlantic (France and the
Villeneuve d'Ascq, Presses de l'Universit de United States), tying the idea of morality to the
Lille 3, 2016, 265 pages. character model in nuanced, multifaceted
Sommaire dtaill : ways. When the heroic model devolves, the very conceptual validity of individual moral
authority can seem to devolve as well. Hard-
KNIGHT, Stephen, Towards Sherlock Boiled Crime Fiction and the Decline of Moral
Holmes: A Thematic History of Crime Authoritycharts the evolution of that character
Fiction in the 19th Century World, Jefferson model of the hard-boiled hero, the mid-century
(NC), McFarland, 2016, v, 229 pages. deterioration of his exemplarity, and twenty-
first-century endeavors to resuscitate the
Crime fiction--a product of the burgeoning accountable hero. The history of hard-boiled
metropolis of the 19th century--features crime fiction tells nothing less than the story of
specialists who identify criminals to protect an individual autonomy and accountability in
anxious citizenry. Before detectives came to modern Western culture.
play the central role, the protagonists tended
to be lawyers or other professionals. Major MUNOZ, VARGAS, Jaime, Fuegos cruzados:
English writers like Gaskell, Dickens and Collins ensayos sobre narrativa policiaca de
contributed to the genre--Fergus Hume's The fronteras, Mexico, Universidad Autonoma de
Mystery of a Hansom Cab was a best-seller in Baja California, 2016, 254 pages.
1887--and American and French authors
created new forms. This book explores NILSSON, Louise, DAMROSCH, David & Theo
thematic aspects of 19th century crime fiction's D'HAEN (eds.), Crime Fiction as World
complex history, including various social and Literature, New York, Bloomsbury Academics,
gender roles between different time periods 2017, 312 pages.

While crime fiction is one of the most Universitaires de la Mditerrane, 2017, 94
widespread of all literary genres, this is the pages.
first book to treat it in its full global is the first Le roman policier, ft-il crit par Balzac ou par
book to treat crime fiction in its full global and Dostoevski, a mauvaise rputation. Il passe
plurilingual dimensions, taking the genre pour relch dans son criture, et superficiel
seriously as a participant in the international dans sa rflexion. Cependant, en se rfrant
sphere of world literature. In a wide-ranging Po, Borges en a fait lloge. Cest quil tenait
panorama of the genre, twenty critics discuss les personnages pour des pions sur un
crime fiction from Bulgaria, China, Israel, chiquier, et le crime tait une priptie sans
Mexico, Scandinavia, Kenya, Catalonia, and pass.Puis vint Hammett. Le roman policier (et
Tibet, among other locales. noir) eut le souci dvoquer la socit
ingalitaire et violente. Ds quil y eut des
PENZLER, Otto (ed.), The Big Book of Jack victimes ce jeu, la question se posa : le mal
the Ripper, New York, Vintage, 2016, xv, 848 est-il inn ? Alors, de purement intellectuel et
pages. dcharn quil tait lorigine, le roman noir
More than a century later, the man from hell est devenu mtaphysique. Il met en scne des
continues to live on in the imaginations of lments de notre mmoire, personnelle,
readers everywhereand in some of the most sociale, ancestrale. Il dcrit un combat dgaux
spectacularly unnerving stories, both fiction symboliques, lAgneau et le Tigre, comme les
and nonfiction, ever written. The Big Book of faisait dj saffronter William Blake.
Jack the Ripper immerses you in the utterly
chilling world of Red Jacks London, where his SAUERBERG, Lars Ole, Legal Thriller from
unprecedented evil still lurks. Gardner to Grisham: See You in Court,
Including: London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xv, 199
Legendary stories by Marie Belloc Lowndes, pages.
Robert Bloch, and Ellery Queen As well as providing a survey of the legal
Captivating essays from George Bernard Shaw, thriller, this book takes a genderfocused
Stephen Hunter, and Peter Underwood approach to analyzing recently published titles
Riveting new stories by contemporary masters within the field. It also argues for the
Jeffrey Deaver, Loren D. Estleman, Lyndsay fascination of the legal thriller both in the way
Faye, and many more its narrative pattern parallels that of an actual
Astonishing theories from the worlds foremost court trial, and by the way it reflects,
Ripperologists frequently quite critically, the concerns of
From the Ripper Vault : contemporary society.
Demonic letters from Jack himself
Gruesome postmortem exams documenting all
the bits and pieces of the cases
Harrowing witness statements taken on those
hellish nights
Breaking newspaper accounts of the East End BECKER, Silver & Sven HANUSCHEK (eds.),
hysteria Eric Kstner und die Moderne, Marburg,
Tectum Verlag, 2016, 263 pages.
PICKERING-IAZZI, Robin, The Mafia in
Italian Lives and Literature. Life BRAWN, David, Les petites cellules grises:
Sentences and their Geographies, Toronto, les meilleures citations de Poirot, Paris, le
University of Toronto Press, 2015, ix, 271 Livre de poche, 2016, 158 pages.
Using an array of cultural documents from BOUHIER, ric, Le Dictionnaire amoureux
1990 to the present, including diaries, de San Antonio, Paris, Plon, 2017, 720 pages.
testimonies, fiction, online video postings, and
anti-mafia social networks, Robin Pickering- CANATE OCHOA, Jesus (dir.), Eduardo
Iazzi examines the myths, values, codes of Mendoza y la ciudad de los prodigios,
behaviour, and relationships produced by the Alacala de Haneres, Universidad de Alcala,
Italian mafia through a wide cross-disciplinary 2017, 186 pages.
CURRAN, John, Agatha Christie's Complete
ROUDAULT, Jean, Le Tigre de William Blake Secret Notebooks: Stories and Secrets of
- Principes et ingrdients du roman Murder in the Making, London, Harper Collins
policier noir, Montpellier, Presses Publishers, 2016, xx, 764 pages.

Holmes et du docteur Watson jusqu nous.
GAITLEY, Patricia M., Robicheaux's Roots: Venu dun Londres de gaz et de bruine ,
Culture and Tradition in James Lee Burke's Sherlock Holmes est bien, selon Borges, une
Dave Robicheaux Novels, Bton Rouge, de ces bonnes manies qui nous restent .
Louisiana State University, 2016, ix, 153
pages. MICHELINA, Jos Antonio, (A)cercando a
Leonardo Padura, Santa Clara, Cuba, Capiro,
GALLI, Thierry GAUTHIER et Dominique 2015, 103 pages.
JEANNEROT (dir.), Rcits d'enfance [Frd-
ric Dard], dans Les Cahiers Frdric Dard, NESLON, Paul & Kevin AVERY - with Jeff Wong
2017, ditions Universitaires de Dijon, 241 - (eds.), Its All One Case: the Illustrated
pages. Ross Macdonald Archives, Seattle,
Fantagraphics, 2016, 304 pages.[Interviews
GUERDOUX, Lionel & Philippe AUROUSSEAU and Pictures]. Introduction by Jerome Charyn.
(dir.), Berceau d'une oeuvre Dard: Frdric Commemorating last years centenary of the
Dard crivain et journaliste, Montigny-le- innovative and influential authors birth, in a
Bretonnaux, ditions de l'Oncle Archibald, handsome, oversized format, Its All One
2016, 244 pages. Case provides an open door to Macdonald at
his most unguarded. Featuring in full color the
GURY, Christian & Alexandra FABBRI, covers of the various editions of Macdonalds
Simenon et la justice, Amiens, Encrage, more than two dozen books, facsimile
(Bibliothque Simenon, 2), 2017, 208 pages. reproductions of pages from his manuscripts,
Prface de Michel Lemoine. Prface Pascale magazine spreads, and many never before
Robert-Diard. seen photos of Macdonald and his friends (such
as Kurt Vonnegut), including those by
HATEM, Nicole, Eric Rohmer, Graham celebrated photojournalist Jill Krementz. Its All
Greene et le pari de Pascal, Paris, ditions One Case is an intellectual delight and a visual
du Cygne, (Pense), 2016, 174 pages. feast, a fitting tribute to Macdonalds
distinguished career.
LEMANT, Aurlien, Pourquoi je lis Villa
Vortex de Maurice Dantec: messe rouge, NILAND, Richard (ed.), The Secret Agent
Lyon, Le Feu sacr, 2016, 80 pages. (Joseph Conrad): authoritative Text,
Backgrounds and Contexts Criticism, New
MACHINAL, Hlne, Gilles MENEGALDO & Jean- York, W.W.W. Norton & Company, 2017, viii,
Pierre NAUGRETTE (dir.), Sherlock Holmes, 389 pages.
un nouveau limier pour le XXIe sicle: du
Strand Magazine au Sherlock de la BBC, PARENTE, Audrey, Once a Pulp Man: The
Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, Secret Life of Judson P. Philips as Hugh
2016, 325 pages. Pentecost, Sunrise (FL), Bold Venture, 2016,
Louvrage sinscrit dans la ligne du renouveau 283 pages.
rcent des tudes sur Conan Doyle et surtout
sur les rinterprtations du mythe de SANTOLINI, Arnaud & Charles TIJUS, L'Art du
Sherlock Holmes, domaine vrai dire jamais roman criminel: une analyse de la pense
totalement dlaiss par la critique mais d'Agatha Christie, Paris, Mare & Martin,
particulirement travaill depuis les succs des 2016, 622 pages.
adaptations et pastiches rcents tant dans le
domaine littraire et cinmatographique que
tlvisuel. La particularit de ce recueil est de
placer cette tude dans le champ diachronique,
sur le long terme, et donc de revenir aux
sources du mythe pour mieux analyser les BOULEGUE, Franck & David BUSHMAN, Twin
variations apportes par les adaptations Peaks: Unwrapping the Plastic, Bristol (UK),
rcentes. Chicago, Intellect, 2017, x, 182 pages.
Des premires adaptations pour lcran muet Through Boulgues eyes, we see for the first
jusquaux sries tlvises actuelles, entre time the world of Twin Peaks as a coherent
rcritures et pastiches qui passent par le whole, one that draws on a wide range of
cinma, la BD et la littrature, ce livre traque cultural source material, including surrealism,
les formes esthtiques et les supports divers transcendental meditation, Jungian psycho-
qui ont port limage protiforme de Sherlock analysis, mythology, fairy tales, and much,

much more. The work of a scholar who is also a Luke (1967), Midnight Express (1978), Escape
fan, the book should appeal to any from Alcatraz (1979), The Shawshank
hardcore Twin Peaks viewer. Redemption(1994), and Starred Up (2013).

DOETSCH, Hermann & Andreas MAHLER (eds.), KILLING, Uwe, Peter Falk oder die Kunst
Gangsterwelten: Faszination und Funktion Columbo zu sein, Hamburg, Osburg Verlag,
des Gangsters im franzsischen Nach- 2016, 350 pages.
kriegskino, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2017,
275 pages. MARTIN, Rebecca (ed.), Bonnie & Clyde,
Ipswich (Mass.), Salem Press, 2016, x, 259
FANG, Karen, Arresting Cinema: Surveil- pages.
lance in Hong Kong Film, Stanford (CA),
Stanford University Press, 2017, xiii, 226 MONNET-CANTAGREL, Hlne, Les Experts,
pages. au nom de la science, Neuilly, Atlande, (A
When Ridley Scott envisioned Blade Runner's suivre...), 2017, 180 pages.
set as "Hong Kong on a bad day," he nodded to
the city's overcrowding as well as its PERGOLARI, Andrea, La polizia s'incazza:
widespread use of surveillance. But while Scott [dizionari del giallo italiano]: spie,
brought Hong Kong and surveillance into the assassini et sbirri del cinema italiano,
global film repertoire, the city's own cinema Roma, Ultra, 2016, vol. 1, 412 pages.
has remained outside of the global surveillance
discussion. In Arresting Cinema, Karen Fang PLATH, James (ed.), Casablanca, Ipswich
delivers a unifying account of Hong Kong (Mass.), Salem Press, 2016, xii, 280 pages.
cinema that draws upon its renowned crime
films and other unique genres to demonstrate UMLAND, Rebecca, Outlaw Heroes as
Hong Kong's view of surveillance. Liminal Figures of Film and Television,
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2016, vii, 285
FRH, Judith, Tatort als Fernsehgeschi- pages.
chte: Histografien und Archografien The modern outlaw hero of film and television
seines Mediums, Mnchen, edition text + is rooted in the knight errant, whose violent
kritik, 2017, 425 pages. exploits are tempered by his solitude and
devotion to a higher ideal. In Hollywood
GAUTEUR, Claude, Henri-George Clouzot: classics such as Casablanca (1942)
l'oeuvre fantme, La Madeleine, Lettmotif, and Shane (1953), and in early series like The
2017, 108 pages. Lone Ranger (19491957) and Have GunWill
L'oeuvre d'Henri-Georges Clouzot, de Travel (19571963), the outlaw hero reconciles
L'Assassin habite au 21 (1942) La Prisonnire for audiences the conflicting impulses of
(1968), est connue et reconnue. Mais qu'en individual freedom versus serving a larger
est-il de son oeuvre fantme, des scnarios cause. Urban westerns like the Dirty
originaux qu'il a crits mais non tourns, l'un Harry and Death Wish franchises, as well as
notamment avec Jean-Paul Sartre, des iconic action figures like Rambo and Batman,
adaptations, telle que Chambre obscure d'aprs testify to his enduring popularity. This book
Vladimir Nabokov, de L'Enfer arrt aprs examines the liminal heros origins in medieval
quelques jours de tournage, ou encore des romance, his survival in the mythology of the
remakes qu'elle a suscits ? Hollywood western and his incarnations in the
urban western and modern action film.
ISENBERG, Noah William, We'll always Have
Casablanca: The Life, The Legend and
Afterlife of Hollywood,s Most Beloved
Movie, New York, W. W. Norton, 2017, xvi, MINI-DOSSIER
KEHRWALD, Kevin J., Prison Movies: CUNNINGHAM, Douglas A. (ed.), Alfred
Cinema behind Bars, London & New York, Hitchcock, Ipswich (Mass.), Salem Press,
Wallflower Press, (Short Cuts), 2017, vii, 121 2017, xxxiv, 306 pages.
Films examined include The Big GILET, Bertrand, Quizz Hitchcock: le matre
House (1930), I Want to Live! (1958), The du suspense en 110 questions, Saumur,
Defiant Ones (1958), Cool Hand Banquises & Comtes, 2017, 101 pages.

Its neither a history of grand plans nor a
GOTTLIEB, Sidney, Hitchcock par Hitchcock literary exploration of the utopian impulse, but
[vol.1, Ferme les yeux et vois !], Paris, rather something different, hybrid,
Marest diteur, 2016-2017, 364 pages idiosyncratic. Its a magpies book, full of
characters and incidents and ideas drawn from
GOTTLIEB, Sidney, Hitchcock par Hitchcock cities real and imagined around the globe and
[Vol.2, Quoi est qui ?], Paris, Marest diteur, throughout history. Thomas Mores allegorical
2017, 358 pages. island shares space with Soviet mega-planning;
Marco Polo links up with James Joyces
GREVEN, David, Intimate Violence: meticulously imagined Dublin; the medieval
Hitchcock, Sex, and Queer Theory, Oxford & land of Cockaigne meets the hopeful future of
New York, Oxford university Press, 2017, x, Star Trek.
280 pages.
ASHCROFT, Bill, Utopianism in Postcolonial
PADILLA, Mark William, Classical Myth in Literatures, New York & London, Routledge,
Four Films of Alfred Hitchcock, New York, 2017, xii, 225 pages.
Lexington Books, 336 pages. Postcolonial Studies is more often found
looking back at the past, but in this brand new
RAWLE, Steven & K. L. DONNELLY, Partners book, Bill Ashcroft looks to the future and the
in Suspense: Critical Essays on Bernard irrepressible demands of utopia. The concept of
Herrmann and Alfred Hitchcock, utopia whether playful satire or a serious
Manchester, Manchester University Press, proposal for an ideal community is examined
2017, xii, 223 pages. in relation to the postcolonial and the
communities with which it engages. Studying a
WITTLINGER, Ellen, Saturdays with very broad range of literature, poetry and art,
Hitchcock, Watertown (MA), Charlesbridge, with chapters focussing on specific regions
2017, 272 pages. Africa, India, Chicano, Caribbean and Pacific
this book is written in a clear and engaging
prose which make it accessible to

CRITS SUR undergraduates as well as academics.

ASHLEY, Mike, Science Fiction Rebels: The

LIMAGINAIRE Story of the Science Fiction Magazines
from 1981 to 1990, Liverpool, Liverpool
University Press, 2017, 473 pages.
This volume charts a significant revolution
throughout science fiction, much of which was
driven by the alternative press, and by new
editors at the leading magazines. The period
saw the emergence of the cyberpunk
movement, and the drive for, what David
Hartwell called, 'The Hard SF Renaissance',
which was driven from within Britain. Ashley
plots the rise of many new authors in both
SCIENCE-FICTION strands: William Gibson, John Shirley, Bruce
Sterling, John Kessel, Pat Cadigan, Rudy
FANTASTIQUE & FANTASY Rucker in cyberpunk, and Stephen Baxter,
Alistair Reynolds, Peter Hamilton, Neal Asher,
Robert Reed, in hard sf. He also shows how the
alternative magazines looked to support each
other through alliances, which allowed them to
LITTRATURE share and develop ideas as science-fiction

ANDERSON, Darran, Imaginary Cities: A ASTIC Guy (dir.), Images et Mots de

Tour of Dream Cities, Nightmare Cities ans l'horreur 1 - Outrance et Ravissement, Aix-
Everywhere in Between, Chicago, University en-Provence, Rouge Profond, (Dcors), 2017,
of Chicago Press, 2017, 570 pages. 144 pages
Au gnrique de cette pouvanthologie une

distribution cinq toiles : Tomas Alfredson, This book argues that the fantasy fiction rooted
Clive Barker, Juan Antonio Bayona, Robert in J. R. R. Tolkiens concept of Farie, as
Bloch, Ole Bornedal, Ray Bradbury, Stan represented by the fantasy works of the
Brakhage, Poppy Z. Brite, John Carpenter, Inklings and of U. K. Le Guin, has certain
Nacho Cerd, David Cronenberg, Wes Craven, psychotherapeutic properties. Faries generic
Jonathan Demme, Alain Dormieux, Dennis ethos seems to draw on moral imagination
Etchison, Lucio Fulci, Bertrand Gervais, Thomas and on logos (meaning and word), which
Harris, William Fryer Harvey, Tobe Hooper, informs its secondary worlds and encourages a
Hubert Haddad, Stephen King, Stanley Kubrick, search for an unconditional sense of life,
Mervyn LeRoy, David Lynch, Richard Matheson, against the postmodern neo-nihilistic aporia.
Robert Mulligan, Pierre Peyrolle, Anne Rice,
Bernard Rose, Narciso Ibaez Serrador, Andres CLAEYS, Gregory & Lymant T. SARGENT (eds.),
Serrano, Joss Whedon, mile Zola. The Utopia Reader (2nd edition), New York,
New York University Press, 2017, 576 pages.
ASTIC, Guy (dir.), Images et mots de Utopianism is defined as the various ways of
l'horreur 2 : territoires de l'effroi, Aix-en- imagining, creating, or analyzing the ways and
Provence, Rouge Profond, (Dcors), 2017, 144 means of creating an ideal or alternative
pages. society. Prominent writers and scholars across
Au gnrique de cette pouvanthologie une history have long explored how or why to
distribution cinq toiles : Clive Barker, Arnold envision different ways of life. The Utopia
Bcklin, Danny Boyle, John Carpenter, Chris Reader compiles primary texts from a variety
Carter, Mark Z Danielewski, Bret Easton Ellis, of authors and movements in the history of
Terence Fisher, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, Lucio theorizing utopias. The volume includes texts
Fulci, Hideshi Hino, Tobe Hooper, Kiyoshi from classical Greek literature, the Old
Kurosawa, John Landis, David Lynch, Arthur Testament, and Platos Republic, to Sir Thomas
Machen, Neil Marshall, Richard Matheson, Mores Utopia, to George Orwells Nineteen
Takashi Miike, Nobuo Nakagawa, Hideo Nakata, Eighty-Four and beyond. By balancing well-
Mark Robson, Gary Sherman, Takashi Shimizu, known and obscure examples, the text
Dan Simmons, Sono Sion, Christopher Smith, provides a comprehensive and definitive
Bram Stoker, Jacques Tourneur, Billy Wilder, collection of the various ways Utopias have
Edgar Wright. been conceived throughout history and how
Utopian ideals have served as criticisms of
BARRY, Peter Brian, The Fiction of Evil, existing sociocultural conditions.
London & New York, Routledge, 2017, xviii, This new edition includes many historically
190 pages. well-known works, little known but influential
Peter Brian Barry examines a wide range of texts, and contemporary writings, providing an
works from renowned authors, including works even more expansive coverage of the varieties
of literature by Kazuo Ishiguro, Mark Twain, of approaches and responses to the concept of
Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, and Oscar utopia in the past, present, and even the
Wilde alongside classic works of philosophy by future.
Nietzsche and Aristotle. By considering great
texts from literature and philosophy, Barry CLAEYS, Gregory, Dystopia: a Natural
examines whether evil is merely a fiction. History, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
2017, x, 556 pages.
BOLANO, Robert, El espiritu dela ciencia- Dystopia: A Natural History is the first
ficcion, Santiago de Chile, Alfaguara, 2016, monograph devoted to the concept of dystopia.
223 pages + 24 planches. Taking the term to encompass both a literary
tradition of satirical works, mostly on
CARDIN, Matt (ed.), Horror Literature totalitarianism, as well as real despotisms and
through History: An Encyclopedia of the societies in a state of disastrous collapse, this
Stories that Speak to Our Deepest Fears, volume redefines the central concepts and the
Santa Barbara (CA), Greenwood Press, 20017, chronology of the genre and offers a paradigm-
2 volumes. shifting understanding of the subject.

CHOLEWA-PURGAL, Anna, Therapy Through CLARK, Leisa A, Amanda FIRESTONE & Mary F.
Farie: Therapeutic Properties of Fantasy PHARR (eds.), The Last Midnight: Essays on
Literature by the Inklings and by Ursula K. Apocalyptic Narratives in Millenia Media,
Le Guin, New York, et al., Peter Lang, 2017, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 263 pages.
381 pages.

Preface: Amanda Firestone V. Being Human in a -Techno-Universe
Introduction (Mary F. Pharr, Leisa A. Clark and More Man Than Machine: The Construction of
Amanda Firestone) Body
Prelude--We Dont Want to Miss a Thing: and Identity in Battlestar Galactica and
Millennial Terminator: The
Technologies of Participation and Intimacy Sarah Connor Chronicles (Leisa A. Clark)
(Andrew McAlister) Techno-Apocalypse: Technology, Religion and
I: Culture, Values and Anxiety Ideology
The South Will Rise Again: Contagion, War and in Bryan Singers H+ (Eddie Brennan)
Reconstruction in The Walking Dead, Seasons Technoscience as Alien Invasion in XCOM:
One Through Five (Angela Tenga) Enemy Within (Bjarke Liboriussen)
The Recuperation of Wounded Hegemonic Running for My Life: Convergence Culture,
Masculinity Transmedia
on Doomsday Preppers (Tiffany A. Christian) Storytelling and Community Building in the
The Last -Non-Judgment: Postmodern Smartphone Application Zombies, Run!
Apocalypse (Amanda Firestone)
in Battlestar Galactica (Stephen Joyce) Appendix: Apocalyptic Criticism, Films,
The Emergence of the Lost Apocalypse from 28 Television Series
Days Later to Snowpiercer (Mark McCarthy) and Video Games (Leisa A. Clark, Mary F. Pharr
II. Globalization, Corporate Power and Class and Amanda Firestone)
Going Viral in a World Gone Global: How DAVIES, Ann, Contemporary Spanish
Contagion Reinvents the Outbreak Narrative Gothic, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press,
(Dahlia Schweitzer) 2016, 196 pages.
The Second Coming of Left Behind and the
Deglobalization DAVISON, Carol M. & Monica GERMANA (eds.),
of Christian Apocalypse (Tim Bryant) Scottish Gothic: an Edinburgh Companion,
Corporate Abuse and Social Inequality in Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2017,
RoboCop and Fido vi, 248 pages.
(Bill Clemente) 1. Borderlands of Identity and the Aesthetics of
We Go Forward: An Inquiry into The Hunger Disjuncture: An Introduction to Scottish Gothic,
Games Carol Margaret Davison and Monica German
and Other -Class-Based Dystopias in Millennial 2. The Celtic Century and the Genesis of
Cinema Scottish Gothic, Nick Groom
(Lennart Soberon) 3. The Politics and Poetics of the Scottish
III. Memory and Identity Gothic from Ossian to Otranto and Beyond,
Determined About Determinism: Genetic Carol Margaret Davison
Manipulation, Memory and Identity in Shaping 4. Robert Burns and the Scottish Bawdy Politic,
the Postapocalyptic Self in Dark Angel and Hamish Mathison
Divergent (Max Despain) 5. Scottish Gothic Drama, Barbara A. E. Bell
The Apocalyptic Mental Time Travel Film: 6. Gothic Scottish Poetry, Alan Riach
Erasing Disaster in Edge of Tomorrow and -X- 7. Calvinist and Covenanter Gothic, Alison
Men: Days of Future Past (Ryan Lizardi) Milbank
In the Flesh: The Politics of Apocalyptic 8. Gothic Scott, Fiona Robertson
Memory (Frances Auld) 9. Gothic Hogg, Scott Brewster
In Search of a New Paradise and the 10. The Singular Wrought Out into the Strange
Construction of Hell and Mystical: Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine
in The 100 (Ceren Mert and Amanda Firestone) and the Transformation of Terror
IV. Simulation, Psychology and Inevitability Robert Morrison
The Apocalypse Will Not Take Place: 11. Gothic Stevenson, Roderick Watson
Megamonster Films 12. J. M. Barries Gothic: Ghosts, Fairy Tales,
(Cloverfield, Pacific Rim, Godzilla) in the and Lost Children, Sarah Dunnigan
Postmodern Age (Sharon Diane King) 13. The nouveau frisson: Muriel Sparks
Psychological Significance Within Gothic Fiction, Gerard Carruthers
Postapocalyptic Film: Two Unique Approaches 14. Scottish Gothic and the Moving Image: A
to Adaptation (Patrick L. Smith) Tale of Two Traditions, Duncan Petrie
"To Err Is Human": The Human Species and the 15. New Frankensteins
Inevitable or, the Body Politic, Timothy C. Baker
Apocalypse in The Worlds End (Mary F. Pharr) 16. Queer Scottish Gothic, Kate Turner

17. Authorship, Ghost-filled Islands, and the 5. Bram Stoker: The Realization of the Irish
Haunting Feminine: Contemporary Scottish Vampire 120
Female Gothic, Monica German. 6. The Irish Vampire: National, Literary,
Personal and
DICKENS, Peter & James ORMOND (eds.), The Global Identity 170
Palgrave Handbook of Society, Culture and
Outer Space, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, GARCIN, Jean-Claude, Les Mille et une nuits
2016, 256 pages. et l'histoire, Paris, Non lieu, 2016, 203 pages.

EDREI. Shawn & Danielle GUREVITCH (eds.), GLADWIN, Derek, Contentious Terrains:
Science Fiction Beyond Borders, Newcastle Boglands, Ireland, Postcolonial Gothic,
upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cork, Cork University Press, 2016, xii, 300
2016, xi, 182 pages. pages.
This volume features papers presented at the Drawing on a range of Irish writers, including
2014 and 2015 Science Fiction Symposia, held Bram Stoker, Frank O Connor, Sean O Faolain,
at Tel-Aviv University. These essays, submitted Daniel Corkery, Seamus Heaney, Marina Carr,
by an eclectic mix of scholars from different Deirdre Kinahan, Patrick McCabe, and Tim
disciplines, institutes and walks of life, Robinson, Contentious Terrains ultimately
demonstrate the diversity and adaptability of argues that the destabilising and haunting
science fiction as a tool for asking and capacities of the bog provide a space to explore
answering impossible questions. historically fraught colonial tensions and social
struggles through the Gothic form.
FISHER, Mark, The Weird and the Eerie,
London, Watkins Media/Repeater Books, GRUBICA, Irena & Zdenek BERAN (eds.), The
20017, 134 pages. Fantastic of the Fin de Sicle, Newcastle
The Weird and the Eerie are closely related but upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,
distinct modes, each possessing its own distinct 2016, 289 pages.
properties. Both have often been associated This volume explores various facets of the
with Horror, yet this emphasis overlooks the relationship between the fantastic and the fin
aching fascination that such texts can de sicle. The essays included here examine
exercise. The Weird and the Eerie both how the fin de sicle reflects the fantastic and
fundamentally concern the outside and the its relation to the genesis of aesthetic ideas, to
unknown, which are not intrinsically horrifying, the concepts of terror and horror, the sublime,
even if they are always unsettling. and evil, to Gothic and sensation fiction, to the
These two modes will be analysed with Aesthetic Movement and Decadence. They also
reference to the work of authors such as H. P. raise the question regarding the ways in which
Lovecraft, H. G. Wells, M.R. James, Christopher fantastic literature reflects the dynamic and all-
Priest, Joan Lindsay, Nigel Kneale, Daphne Du too-often controversial development of the
Maurier, Alan Garner and Margaret Atwood, concept of the fantastic.
and films by Stanley Kubrick, Jonathan Glazer
and Christoper Nolan. GREEN, Paul, Encyclopedia of Weird War
Stories: Supernatural and Science Fiction
Elements in Novels, Pulps, Comics, Film,
GALLAGHER, Sharon M., The Irish Vampire: Television, Games and Others, Jefferson
from Folklore to the Imaginations of (NC), McFarland, 2017, 277 pages.
Charles Robert Maturin, Joseph Sheridan Fictional war narratives often employ haunted
Le Fanu and Bram Stoker, Jefferson (NC), battlefields, super-soldiers, time travel, the
McFarland, 2017, 217 pages. undead and other imaginative elements of
Preface 1 science fiction and fantasy. This encyclopedia
1. "The facts of vampirism are as old as the catalogs appearances of the strange and the
world": supernatural found in the war stories of film,
The Etymology, Folklore and History of the television, novels, short stories, pulp fiction,
Vampire 7 comic books and video and role-playing games.
2. Gothic and Irish Literature: "The uncreated Categories explore themes of mythology,
conscience of my race" 28 science fiction, alternative history, superheroes
3. Charles Robert Maturin: Stirring the and Weird War.
Imagination of an Irish Vampire 45
4. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu: Refining the Irish
Vampire 87

HELGASON, Jn Karl, Echoes of the Vegetable Discourses in the 1950s US Science
Valhalla: The Afterlife of Eddas and Sagas. Fiction Film
London, Reaktion Books, 2017, 240 pages. Knee, Adam
Sartre and the Roots of Plant Horror
HENDRIX, Grady, Paperbacks from Hell. Laist, Randy
The Twisted History of the 70s and the 80s What Do Plants Want?
Horror Fiction, Philadelphia (PA), Quirk Farnell, Gary
Books, 2017, 256 pages. Monstrous Relationalities: The Horrors of Queer
Horror author and vintage paperback book Eroticism and Thingness in Alan Moore and
collector Grady Hendrix offers killer Stephen Bissettes Swamp Thing
commentary and witty insight on these trashy McDonald, Robin Alex (et al.)
thrillers that tried so hard to be the next Just a Piece of Wood: Jan vankmajers
Exorcist or Rosemary s Baby. It s an Otesnek and the EcoGothic
affectionate, nostalgic, and unflinching tour Parker, Elizabeth
through the horror fiction boom of the An Inscrutable Malice: The Silencing of
seventies and eighties, complete with story Humanity in The Ruins and The Happening
summaries and artist and author profiles. Plus Williams, Jericho
recommendations for which of these forgotten The Sense of the Monster Plant
treasures are well worth your reading time and Hall, Matthew
which should stay buried.
KHAPAEVA, Dina, The Celebration of Death
HORTA, Paulo Lemoas, Marvellous Thieves: in Contemporary Culture, Ann Arbor,
Secret Authors of the Arabian Nights, University of Michigan Press, 2017, 264 pages.
Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, The Celebration of Death in Contemporary
2017, 300 pages. Culture investigates the emergence and
meaning of the cult of death. Over the last
KEETLEY, Dawn & Angela TENGA, Plant three decades, Halloween has grown to rival
Horror : Approaches to the Monstrous Christmas in its popularity. Dark tourism has
Vegetal in Fiction and Film, London & New emerged as a rapidly expanding industry.
York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xxiv, 278 Corpse chic and skull style have entered
pages. mainstream fashion, while elements of gothic,
Introduction: Six Theses on Plant Horror; or, horror, torture porn, and slasher movies have
Why Are Plants Horrifying? streamed into more conventional genres.
Keetley, Dawn Monsters have become pop culture heroes:
The Pre-cosmic Squiggle: Tendril Excesses in vampires, zombies, and serial killers now
Early Modern Art and Science Fiction Cinema appeal broadly to audiences of all ages. This
Scherer, Agnes book breaks new ground by viewing these
Seeds of Horror: Sacrifice and Supremacy in phenomena as aspects of a single movement
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Wicker and documenting its development in
Man, and Children of the Corn contemporary Western culture.
Tenga, Angela This book links the mounting demand for
The Mandrakes Lethal Cry: Homuncular Plants images of violent death with dramatic changes
in J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter and the in death-related social rituals. It offers a
Chamber of Secrets conceptual framework that connects
Chez, Keridiana W. observations of fictional worldsincluding The
Green Hells: Monstrous Vegetations in Twilight Saga, The Vampire Diaries, and the
Twentieth-Century Representations of Harry Potter serieswith real-world
Amazonia sociocultural practices, analyzing the aesthetic,
Jaramillo, Camilo intellectual, and historical underpinnings of the
What We Think About When We Think About cult of death.
Triffids: The Monstrous Vegetal in Post-war
British Science Fiction KCHLER, Ulrike, Siija MAEHL & Graeme
Matthews, Graham J. STOUT (eds.), Alien Imaginations; Science
The Revenge of the Lawn: The Awful Agency of Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism, New
Uncontained Plant Life in Ward Moores Greener York & London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017,
Than You Think and Thomas Dischs The 249 pages.
Genocides 1. Preface : Dame Gillian Beer, University of
Anderson, Jill E. Cambridge (UK)
2. Introduction : Ulrike Kchler, Freie

Universitt Berlin (Germany), Silja Maehl, fiction / Veronica Hollinger -- Race and black
Brown University (US) and Graeme Stout, humor: from a planetary perspective /
University of Minnesota (US) Takayuki Tatsumi -- India and Indians in SF by
3. Alien Art: Encounters with Otherworldly Indians and others / Uppinder Mehan --
Places and Inter-medial Spaces "Perpetual war": Korean American speculative
Ulrike Kchler, Freie Universitt Berlin fiction, militarized technogeometries, and Yoon
(Germany) Ha Lee's "wine" / Stephen Hong Sohn -- Fear of
4. Space: The Final (Queer) Frontier. The a yellow planet. Yellow perils: M. P. Shiel, race,
Sexual Other in Eleanor Arnason's Ring of and the Far East menace / Amy J. Ransom --
Swords Emilie McCabe, University of Toronto Fictions of science, American Orientalism, and
(Canada) the alien/Asian of Percival Lowell / Timothy J.
5. Alienated Labor: William Gibson's Girls Yamamura -- Techno-orientalism and the end
Jen Caruso, Minneapolis College of Art and of history in Gary Shteyngart's super sad true
Design (US) love story / Stephanie Li -- "Race as
6. Assimilating Aliens: Imagining National technology" and the Asian body in The Bohr
Identity in Oskar Panizza's Operated Jew and maker and Salt fish girl / Malisa Kurtz --
Salomo Friedlnder's Operated Goy Engineering the techno-orient: the
Joela Jacobs, University of Chicago (US) hyperrealization of post-racial politics in Cloud
7. Canned Foreign. Transnational Estrangement atlas / Haerin Shin -- Beyond techno-
in Yoko Tawada orientalism: virtual worlds and identity tourism
Silja Maehl, Brown University (US) in Japanese cyberpunk / Baryon Tensor
8. Migrants and the Dystopian State Posadas -- Many paths, one journey: Cixin Liu's
Matthew Goodwin, University of Massachusetts three body problem novels / Bradford Lyau --
Amherst (US) Crossing the threshold of b-mor: instrumental
9. Alienation, Hybridity, and Liminality in Ray commodification and the model minority in
Bradbury and Archie Weller Chang-rae Lee's On such a full sea / Jeshua
Clia Guimares Helene, Universidade Enriquez -- Dis-orienting planets. Bending
Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brazil) culture:'s protests against
10. The Interplanetary Logic of Late media whitewashing / Robin Anne Reid -- The
Capitalism: Global Warming, Forced Migration Mako Mori Fan Club / Cait Coker -- India,
and Cyborg Futures in Philip K. Dick's The geopolitics, and future wars / Suparno
Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Banerjee -- Entanglement and dis-
Andrew Opitz, Hawaii Pacific University (US) entanglement in Vandana Singh's short fiction /
11. Control and Flow: Winterbottom's Migratory Graham J. Murphy -- Intersubjectivity and
Cinema cultural exchange in Kij Johnson's novels of
Graeme Stout, University of Minnesota (US) Japan / Joan Gordon.
12. Human Subjects / Alien Objects? Abjection
and the Constructions of Race and Racism in LEDUC, Guyonne (dir.), Ingalits femmes-
District 9 hommes et utopies, Paris, L'Harmattan.
Andrew Butler, Canterbury Christ Church 2017, 266 pages. Avant-propos de Franck
University (UK) Lessay.
13. Was of the Worlds L'utopie est peut-tre bien le lieu idal d'une
John Mowitt, Leeds University (UK) reprsentation des relations hommes-femmes
14. Meeting the Other: Cyborgs, Aliens & telles qu'elles pourraient tre. Par l, l'utopie
Beyond remplit quelques-unes de ses fonctions
Bianca Westermann, Ruhr Universitt Bochum essentielles : critique, compensatoire ou
(Germany) incitative. Elle dvoile son rapport
15. This is I, Hamlet the Dane! Hamlet's problmatique l'histoire et au rel. Les
Migration and Integration in the Dramatic utopistes peuvent parfois prconiser un
Theater as Cyberspace bouleversement des rles sociaux de l'homme
Gerrit Roessler, University of Virginia (US) et de la femme, et esquisser une complte
galit de statut entre l'un et l'autre. Mais un
LAVENDER, Isiah (ed.), Dis-Orienting fminisme authentique doit-il renoncer au
Planets : Racial Representations of Asia in double postulat qui le fonde, savoir la dualit
Science Fiction, Jackson, University Press of des sexes et l'galit des genres ?
Mississippi, 2017, 256 pages.Introduction:
coloring outside science fiction's lines / Isiah LEMIRE. Laurent, Monstres et mons-
Lavender III -- First encounters. "Great Wall truosit, Paris, Perrin, 2017, 216 pages.
planet": estrangements of Chinese science [la couverture du bouquin est monstrueuse !]

La crature de Frankenstein, " Elephant Man ", Personae." Literary Wonderlands is a
Jack l'ventreur ou les terroristes suscitent fascinating read for lovers of literature,
effroi et fascination. fantasy, and science fiction.
Qu'ils viennent de territoires inconnus ou
s'inscrivent dans notre quotidien, ces monstres MORANA, Mabel, El Monstruo como
peuplent notre imaginaire, construisent nos maquina de guerra, Madrid, Iberoamericana
mythes et nourrissent nos peurs. Dans cet & Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2017, 482
ouvrage, Laurent Lemire s'intresse cette pages.
anormalit, mais nous rvle aussi que la
monstruosit ne se cantonne pas ces NAHIN, Paul J., Time Machine Tales: The
cratures difformes et parfois inhumaines. Elle Science Fiction Adventures and
fait bel et bien partie de notre ralit. Philosophical Puzzles of Time Travel,
Partant des mythes et des lgendes, l'auteur Springer, 2017, 383 pages.
analyse les monstres de tous types, y compris This book contains a broad overview of time
les plus anodins, les plus inattendus et travel in science fiction, along with a detailed
interroge le rapport qu'ils entretiennent avec examination of the philosophical implications of
l'Homme, mettant ainsi en lumire la part time travel. The emphasis of this book is now
sombre ou bizarre de l'humanit. Le monstre on the philosophical and on science fiction,
montre toujours quelque chose. Reste savoir rather than on physics, as in the author's
quoi.. earlier books on the subject.

MEMBRE, Franois, Voyage en Science POLAK, Iva, Futuristic Worlds in Australian

Fiction, Montrouge, ditions de Varly, 2017, Aboriginal Fiction, New York, et al., Peter
168 pages. Lang, (World Science Fiction Studies), 2017,
Aujourd'hui, la science-fiction est partout. 274 pages.
Pourtant, combien de personnes peuvent dire This is the first study that brings together the
ce qu'elle est? Les histoires de fuses et de theory of the fantastic with the vibrant corpus
Martiens ne sont pas toute la S.F ! La science- of Australian Aboriginal fiction on futurities.
fiction, ce n'est pas que la Guerre des toiles. Selected works by Ellen van Neerven, Sam
Littrature d'ides, elle parle avant tout de Watson, Archie Weller, Eric Willmot and Alexis
l'homme et de ses problmes. L'espace et le Wright are analysed as fictional prose texts
temps lui offrent un angle neuf pour observer that construct alternative future worlds. They
celui-ci et dire, non pas ce qui sera, mais ce qui offer a distinctive contribution to the relatively
pourrait tre. Mine de renseignement, ce livre new field of non-mainstream science fiction
parcourt cer univers en long, en large et en that has entered the critical domain of late,
travers. Des origines aux voyages dans le often under the title of postcolonial science
temps ou dans l'espace, des robots aux aliens fiction.
en passant par la fin du monde, en treize
chapvrages fait le point sur ce qui s'avre la PIELAK, Chase, Living with Zombies:
littrature vivante d'aujourd'hui. Society in Apocalypse in Film, Literature
and Other Media, Jefferson (NC), McFarland,
MILLER, Laura & Lev GROSSMAN, Literary 2017, vii, 199 pages.
Wonderlands: A Journey through the Depictions of the zombie apocalypse continue
Greatest Fictional Worlds ever Created, to reshape our concept of the walking dead
New York, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, (and of ourselves). The undead mirror cultural
2016, 319 pages. fearsgovernmental control, lawlessness, even
Literary Wonderlands is a thoroughly interpersonal relationshipsexposing our
researched, wonderfully written, and beautifully weaknesses and demanding a response (or
produced book that spans four thousand years safeguard), even as we imagine ever more
of creative endeavor. From Spenser's The Fairie horrifying versions of post-apocalyptic life. This
Queene to Wells's The Time Machine to critical study traces a shift in narrative focus in
Murakami's 1Q84 it explores the timeless and portrayals of the zombie apocalypse, as the
captivating features of fiction's imagined worlds living move from surviving hypothetical
including the relevance of the writer's own life destruction toward reintegration and learning
to the creation of the story, influential to live with the undead.
contemporary events and philosophies, and the
meaning that can be extracted from the details
of the work. Each piece includes a detailed
overview of the plot and a "Dramatis

RADIA, Pavlina, Ecstatic Consumption: The SHIPPEY, Tom, Hard Reading: Learning
Spectacle of Global Dystopia in Contem- from Science Fiction, Liverpool, Liverpool
porary American Literature, Newcastle upon University Press, 2016, 334 pages.
Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, vi, The fifteen essays collected in Hard Reading
256 pages. argue, first, that science fiction has its own
internal rhetoric, relying on devices such as
REICHWALD, Anika, Das Phantasma der neologism, dialogism, semantic shifts, the use
Assimilation: Interpretationen des of unreliable narrators. It is a high-
"Jdischen" in der deutsche Phantastik information genre which does not follow the
1890-1930, Gttingen, V & R Press, 2017, Flaubertian ideal of le mot juste, the right
374 pages. word, preferring le mot imprvisible, the
unpredictable word. Both ideals shun the
RIEDER, John, Science Fiction and the Mass facilior lectio, the easy reading, but for
Cultural Genre System, Middletown (Conn.), different reasons and with different effects.
Wesleyan University Press, 2017, 216 pages.
ST-GERMAIN, Philippe, La Greffe de tte:
RENNER, Karen J., Evil Children in the entre science et fiction, Montral, Liber,
Popular Imagination, New York, Palgrave 2017, 177 pages.
Macmillan, 2016, vii, 213 pages. Plusieurs fictions romans, films, jeux vido
Focusing on narratives with supernatural en ont illustr les aspects. Cest dans ce
components, Karen J. Renner argues that the labyrinthe que saventure cet essai. Tout en
recent proliferation of stories about evil dcrivant le projet dune greffe de tte
children demonstrates not a declining faith in humaine, il en rappelle la prhistoire
the innocence of childhood but a desire to littraire et scientifique et en approfondit les
preserve its purity. From novels to music enjeux thiques et philosophiques. Il se dploie
videos, photography to video games, the evil ainsi entre la science et la fiction, suivant en
child haunts a range of texts and comes in a cela le docteur Canavero lui-mme qui,
variety of forms, including changelings, ferals, certains gards, ressemble au savant fou dun
and monstrous newborns. In this book, Renner trange feuilleton.
illustrates how each subtype offers a different
explanation for the problem of the evil child TARR, Clayton Carlyle, Gothic Stories Within
and adapts to changing historical Stories: Frame Narratives and Realism in
circumstances and ideologies. the Genre: 1790-1900, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2017, 208 pages.
SARGENT, Lyman Tower, Utopian Literature Frame narrativesstories within storiesare
in English: An Annotated Bibliography featured in nearly every canonical Gothic novel.
from 1516 to the Present, State College Sometimes dismissed as a shopworn
(PA), Penn State Libraries Open Publishing, convention of the genre, frame narratives in
2016 et al. [constamment mise jour ] fact function as a dynamic basis for imaginative variation and are vital to evaluating the diverse
Gothic tradition. The juxtaposition between the
SANDERS, Elizabeth M., Genres of Doubt: everyday frame world of the story and the
Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Victorian disturbing embedded narrative allows the
Crisis of Faith, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, monstrous to escape textual confines, forcing
2017, 165 pages. the reader to experience the reassurance of the
Nineteenth-century Britain gave birth to the ordinary alongside the horror of the uncanny.
fantasy novel and the science fiction novel
two of todays most popular genres. The novel, TERRONES, Emmanuelle, Rcits mythiques -
a literary form that was developed as a vehicle rcits modernes. La mythologie antique
for realism, when infused with unreal elements dans le roman contemporain de langue
offered a space to ponder questions about the allemande, Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, et al.,
supernatural, the difference between belief and Peter Lang, 2016, 574 pages.
knowledge, and humanitys place in the world. Quatre textes (Der blaue Kammerherr de Wolf
The author explores how questions of meaning, von Niebelschtz, Amanda de Irmtraud
identity and faith inspired the speculative Morgner, Lesthtique de la rsistance de Peter
fiction of todays novels, films, television shows Weiss et Medusa de Stefan Schtz) ont pouss
and comics. la rflexion jusqu penser le renouveau dun
genre, lpope, alliant ainsi de faon plus
consquente et plus audacieuse que les autres

romans une rflexion sur le fond et sur la Steampunk is more than a fandom, a literary
forme. genre, or an aesthetic. It is a research
methodology turning history inside out to
TRUDEL, Jean-Louis, Petit guide de la search for alternatives to the progressive
science-fiction au Qubec, Lvis, Alire, technological boosterism sold to us by Silicon
(Essais, 11), 2017, 174 pages. [parution le 10 Valley. This book turns to steampunk's quirky
aot 2017] temporalities to embrace diverse genealogies
En sept chapitres abondamment illustrs, Jean- of the digital humanities and to unite their
Louis Trudel retrace le chemin parcouru par la methodologies with nineteenth-century
science-fiction au Qubec depuis sa naissance literature and media archaeology. The result is
au XIXe sicle. De Jules Verne en passant par nineteenth-century digital humanities, a
les anticipations politiques du dbut du retrofuturist approach in which readings of
XXesicle, de son mergence difficile dans le steampunk novels like William Gibson and
Qubec en profonde mutation des annes Bruce Sterling's The Difference Engine and Ken
cinquante sa renaissance dans les annes Liu's The Grace of Kings collide with
soixante-dix, lhistoire que nous raconte Trudel nineteenth-century technological histories like
dans une langue simple et concise est Charles Babbage's use of the difference engine
parseme dauteurs inspirs et duvres to enhance worker productivity and Isabella
marquantes. Et, bien sr, il est aussi question Bird's spirit photography of alternate history
dans ce Petit Guide de la mise en place des China.
structures institutionnelles qui, au fil des
annes, ont soutenu le genre et lui ont permis WISKER, Gina, Contemporary Women's
de connatre le foisonnement de ce dbut de Gothic Fiction: Carnival, Hauntings and
nouveau millnaire. Vampire Kisses, London & New York,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, viii, 269 pages.
VARUGHESE, Carrie, Genre Fiction of New The study presents new Gothic work and new
India: Post-Millenial Receptions of "Weird nuances, critiques of dangerous complacency
Narratives", London, New York, Routledge, and radical questionings of what is safe and
2017, 168 pages. conformist in works as diverse
as Twilight (Stephenie Meyer) and A Girl Walks
WEYEMBERGH, Maurice, Imaginer l'avenir Home Alone (Ana Lily Amirpur), as well as by
contre l'absolutisme de la ralit, Paris, Anne Rice and Poppy Brite. It also introduces
Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, (Pour demain), and critically explores postcolonial, vampire
2017, 228 pages. and neohistorical Gothic and womens ghost
Faut-il tout prix persvrer dans son tre, et stories.
tendre s augmenter , comme les
transhumanistes le prnent? Est-il possible et YANG, Sharon & Kathleen HEALEY (eds.),
dsirable de prolonger et dacclrer lvolution Gothic Landscapes : Changing Eras,
en crant des intelligences artificielles et, la Changing Cultures, Changing Anxieties,
limite, des superintelligences? Comment penser New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 315
les dangers et les consquences de ce qui est pages.
sans prcdent et pourrait mettre un terme au Introduction: Haunted Landscapes and Fearful
rgne des hommes en dclenchant la SpacesExpanding Views on the Geography of
singularit technologique? Comment faire face the Gothic
aux risques de la deuxime modernit et aux Yang, Sharon Rose (et al.)
possibles extinctions? Le cyberespace mne-t-il Dark Shadows in the Promised Land:
une nouvelle forme de sacr tendant Landscapes of Terror and the Visual Arts in
remplacer le sacr traditionnel, la fascination Charles Brockden Browns Edgar Huntly
exerce par la ralit virtuelle et les attentes Healey, Kathleen
lies aux avatars ne sont-elles que le fruit Haunting Landscapes in Female Gothic
dune gnose technologique? Lauteur interroge Thriller Films: From Alfred Hitchcock to Orson
la fois la philosophie, la littrature et les Welles
ouvrages techniques. Biesen, Sheri Chinen
Beauty Sleeping in the Lap of Horror:
WHITSON, Roger, Steampunk and Landscape Aesthetics and Gothic Pleasures,
Nineteenth-Century Digital Humanities: from The Castle of Otranto to Video Games
Literary Retrofuturism, Media Archeo- Davenport, Alice
logies, Alternate Histories, London & New What the Green Grass Hides: Denial and
York, Routledge, 2017, 229 pages. Deception in Suburban Detroit

Vayo, Amber B. Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise of Astro-Blackness,
Go Steady, Undine!: The Horror of Ambition Carringtons Speculative Blackness, and
in Edith Whartons The Custom of the Country Hamptons Reinventing Yesterdays Slave with
Drizou, Myrto Tomorrows Robot
The Convent as Coven: Gothic Implications of
Women-Centered Illness and Healing
Narratives in Toni Morrisons Paradise
Waller-Peterson, Belinda M.
Haunting Memories: Gothic and Memoir vol. 44, no 2, july 2017
Moore, Erica
The Indian Gothic ARTICLES
St. Bernards: Terrors of the Light in the Gothic Edited by Sara Martn and Fernando ngel
Hospital Moreno
Rieger, Christy Sara Martn. Introduction. Spanish SF: A
Nature Selects the Horla: How the Concept of Phantom Genre (Full text)
Natural Selection Influences Guy de Fernando ngel Moreno and Cristina Prez. An
Maupassants Horror Tale Overview of Spanish Science Fiction
Yang, Sharon Rose Symposium on Spanish SF
Ruins of Empire: Refashioning the Gothic in J. Mikel Peregrina and Jimena Escudero Prez.
G. Ballards Empire of the Sun (1984) Domingo Santos: Bringing on the Golden
Watson, Alex Decade
Gothic Landscapes in Mary Buttss Ashe of Francisco J. Lpez Arias. The Spanish Civil War
Rings : Foy, Roslyn Reso. in Spanish Alternate History: Jess Torbados
En el da de hoy
Isabel Cla. Dark Mothers and Lovelorn
Heroines: Avatars of the Feminine in Elia
vol. 44, no 1, march 2017 Dale J. Pratt. The Jewels of Indras Net:
Sublime Cosmologies and Juan Miguel Aguilera
ARTICLES Mariano Martn Rodrguez. Alternate History in
Thomas Strychacz. The Political Economy of Spain: Eduardo Vaquerizos Tinieblas Series in
Potato Farming in Andy Weirs The Martian Its Literary Context
Stephanie Peebles Tavera. Utopia, Inc.: A Teresa Lpez-Pellisa. Alucinadas: Women
Manifesto for the Cyborg Corporation Writers of Spanish Science Fiction
Ian Campbell. False Gods and Libertarians: Irene Sanz. Human and Nonhuman
Artificial Intelligence and Community in Amad Intersections in Rosa Monteros Bruna Husky
`Abd al-Salm al-Baqqlis The Blue Flood and Novels
Heinleins The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Sara Martn and Fernando ngel Moreno. A
Robert Yeates. Urban Decay and Sexual Bibliography and Filmography of Spanish SF
Outlaws in the Blade Runner Universe REVIEW-ESSAYS
Sara Martn. The Antipatriarchal Male Monster Terry Harpold. Roman Scientifique and its
as Limited (Anti) Hero in Richard K. Morgans Discontents: Stablefords The Plurality of
Black Man/Thirteen Imaginary Worlds: The Evolution of French
Stephen Dougherty. Radio, the Genome, and Roman Scientifique
Greg Bears Biological Fiction Jeff Hicks. The Return of the End of the World:
Chris Pak. Then Came Pantropy: Grotesque Voigts/Vollers Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-
Bodies, Multispecies Flourishing, and Human- Apocalypse, Cojocarus Violence and Dystopia, ,
Animal Relationships in Joan Slonczewskis A Mazureks A Sense of Apocalypse, and Hickss
Door into Ocean The Post-Apocalyptic Novel in the Twenty-First
Derek K. Thiess. Bodies That Remember: Century.
Historical Revision and Embodied Age in Joan
Slonczewskis Children Star and Brain Plague
Robert Crossley. A History That Repeats Itself:
Stablefords New Atlantis: A Narrative History
of Scientific Romance
Isiah Lavender III. Further Deliberations on
Black SF Criticism: Anderson/Jones

CAMPRA, Rosalba, Los que nacimos en Tln:
A PROPOS DES AUTEURS Borges o los juegos del humor y del azar,
Madrid, Del Centro Editores, 2016, 204 pages.

A signaler: la revue en ligne Fantasy Arts CHANCE, Jane, Tolkien, Self and Other:
and Studies: This "Queer Creature", New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, xxxii, 290 pages.
Le premier numro est est intitul "Par-del CORD, Florian, J. G. Ballard's Politics: Late
Tolkien" et le deuxime "Villes et merveilles" Capitalism, Power, and the Pataphysics of
Resistance, Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter,
A signaler: la revue en ligne ReS Futurae, 2017, 264 pages.
no 8, dcembre 2016, sous la direction de Marc
Atallah: "Les utopies de Michel Houellebecq" et DELANY, Samuel R., In Search of Silence:
le numro 9, sous la directio de Gwennal The Journals of Samuel R. Delany, vol. 1:
Gaffric: "La science-fiction en Asie de l'Est". 1957-1969, Middletown (Conn.), Wesleyan University Press, 2017, 660 pages.

DYER, Justin Buckley & Micah J. WATSON, C.

BAKAY, Gnl, William Goodwin, Mary S. Lewis on Politics and the Natural Law,
Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley and their New York, Cambridge University Press, 2016,
Offspring, Victor Frankenstein, Lewiston, ix, 160 pages.
The Edwin Mellen Press, 2016, v, 154 pages.
FRIEDMAN, Lester D. & Alison B. KAVEY,
BAUMANN, Barbara, Dino Buzzati: Monstrous Progeny: A History of
Untersuchung zur Thematik in seinem Frankenstein narratives, New Brunswick,
Erzhlwerk, Heidelberg, Winter Verlag, 1980, Rutgers University Press, 2016, xi, 236 pages.
298 pages.
GARCIA LOPEZ, Jorge, Borges: la visita del
BEER, Gillian, Alice in Space: The Sideways dios, Valencia, Tirant Humanidades, 2016, 486
Victorian World of Lewis Carroll, Chicago, pages.
The University of Chicago Press, 2016, 296
pages. GENCARELLI, Angela, Literarische Realitt-
sprfung des Phantastischen: Teilchen-
BERGERON, Patrick (dir.), Aldous Huxley, in physik und Poetik in Irmtraud Morgners
Otrante, no 40, Paris, ditions Kim, 2017.180 Prosa, Freiburg, et al., Rombach Verlag, 2017,
pages. 233 pages.

BOOKER, Keith (ed.), Isaac Asimov, Ipswich GIROUD, Vincent & Michael KAYE, The Real
(MA), Salem Press, 2017, xii, 262 pages. Tales of Hoffmann: Origin, History, and
Restoration of an Operatic Masterpiece,
BRADBURY, Ray, Le Zen dans l'art de Lanham (MD), Rowman and Littlefield, 2017,
l'criture: essais sur la crativit, Paris, la 584 pages.
Canope, 2016, 206 pages.
GUILLAUD, Lauric, Lovecraft, une approche
BRAY, Suzanne (ed.), Dimensions of Made- gnalogique de l'horreur au sacr, Paris,
leine Lengle: New Critical Approaches, les ditions de l'Oeil du Sphinx, (Le bulletin de
Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 199 pages. l'Universit de Miskatonic), 2017, 137 pages.

BROWNING, John Edgar (ed.), Dracula: KINCAID, Paul, Iain Banks, Urbana,
Critical Reviews and Reactions, Edinburgh, University of Illinois Press, (Modern Masters of
Edinburgh University Press, 2017, 256 pages. Science Fiction), 2017, 200 pages

BURTON, James, The Philosophy of Science LATIFI, Kaltrina, "Mit Glck" :E.T. A.
Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations Hoffmanns Poetik, Frankfurt am Main &
of Philip K. Dick, New York, Bloomsbury Basel, Stroemfeld, 2017, 509 pages.
Academic, 2017, 248 pages.
LUPOFF, Richard A., Where Memory Hides:

A Writer's Life, Sunrise (FL.), Bold Venture, of the Supernatural: Problems of
2016, 387 pages. Representation in the Work of Daniel
Defoe, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2017, 204
MANTRANT, Sophie, Arthur Machen et l'art pages.
du hiroglyphe, Cadillon, Le Visage Vert,
2016, 220 pages. SEGALOFF, Nat, A Lit Fuse: The Provocative
Life of Harlan Ellison, Framingham (MA),
MARCEL, Patrick, Cthulhu !, Montlimar, Les NESFA Press, 2017, 450 pages.
Moutons lectriques, 2017, 242 pages.
SODERHOLM, James, Hideous Progeny:
MAYNADIER, Boris, Lovecraft: sous le signe Bicentenary Essays on Mary Wollstone-
du chat, Aiglepierre, La Clef d'argent, craft Godwin's Frankenstein, Canterbury,
(collection Khthon), 2017, 58 pages. Langton Press, 2016, xiv, 160 pages.

MUALEM, Shlomy, Mazes and Amazements: SOULI, Rmy (dir.), Andr Dhtel, Grabels,
Borges and Western Philosophy, New York, Amiti Franois Fabi ditions, 2016, 151
et al., Peter Lang, 2017, 272 pages. pages.

MURPHY, Patrick, Medieval Studies and The STARR, Michael, Wells Meets Deleuze: The
Ghost Stories of M. R. James, State College Scientific Romances, Jefferson (NC),
(PA), Penn State University Press, 2017, 240 McFarland, 2017, 159 pages.[H.G. Wells]
STAVANS, Ilan, Borges, the Jew, Albany,
OSSOLA, Carlo, Italo Calvino: l'invisibile e State University of New York Press, 2016, xii,
il suo dove, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2016, 120 144 pages.
VINCENT, Jrme (dir.), Lovecraft: au coeur
PAGE, Michael R., Saving the World du cauchemar, Chambry, Actusf, 2017, 458
Through Science Fiction: James Gunn, pages.
Writer, Teacher and Scholar, Jefferson (NC),
McFarland, 2017, 277 pages. A signaler:
Le numro 87, de Bifrost, est consacr Jean
PELOSATO, Alain, Pierre DAGON, Robert Ray. Le numro est coordonn par Arnaud
Neville, Fandom 2: 2003-2016. Lovecraft Huftier, Franois Agelier et Xavier Maumjean.
est toujours parmi nous, Givors, sfm
ditions, 2017, 130 pages. Un site web officiel consacr Jacques Spitz:
RICKS, Thomas E., Churchill & Orwell: The
Fight for Freedom, London & New York, Sophie Geoffroy vous invite dcouvrir le web
Penguin Press, 2017, 399 pages. documentaire sur Vernon Lee, fruit de longues
annes de passion et de travail avec des
RIORDAN, Rick, From Percy Jackson : Camp spcialistes, la famille et les connaissances de
Half-Blood Confidential: Your Real Guide Vernon Lee.
to the Demigod Training, New York,
Disney/Hyperion, 2017, 163 pages. documentaire-exclusif/

ROBINSON, Frank M., Not so Good a Gay

Man: A Memoir, New York, Tor Books, 2017,
320 pages.

ROGER, Sarah, Borges and Kafka: Sons and

Writers, New York, Oxford University Press,
2017, xiv, 180 pages.

ROUSSELIER, Christophe, Graham Master-

ton, le faiseur d'histoire, Paris, L'Harmattan,
2017, 388 pages.

SCHOENENBERGER, Petra, Transformations

twenty-first century / Johnny Walker --
CINMA & TLVISION Bavaesque: the making of Mario Bava as
Italian horror auteur / Peter Hutchings -- The
ALEKSANDROWICZ, Pawel, The Cinema- Argento Syndrome: aesthetics of horror /
tography of Roger Corman: exploitation Marcia Landy -- Scrap metal, stains, clogged
filmmaker or auteur ?, Newcastle upon Tyne, drains: Argento's refuse and its refusals / Karl
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, vi, 208 Schoonover -- The giallo/slasher landscape:
pages. Ecologia del delitto, Friday the 13th and
subtractive spectatorship / Adam Lowenstein --
ARP, Robert (ed.), The X-Files and Kings of terror, geniuses of crime: giallo
Philosophy: The Truth is in Here, Chicago, cinema and fumetti neri / Leon Hunt -- Political
Open Court, (Popular Culture and Philosophy, memory in the Italian hinterland: locating the
no 108), 2017, 288 pages. "rural giallo" / Austin Fisher -- The horror of
progressive rock: Goblin and horror
ARYA, Rina & Nicolas CHARE (eds.), Abject soundtracks / Craig Hatch -- "The only
Visions: Powers of Horror in Art and Visual monsters here are the filmmakers:" animal
Culture, Manchester, Manchester University cruelty and death in Italian cannibal films /
Press, 2016, 202 pages. Mark Bernard -- Italian horror cinema and
Introduction: Approaching abjection - Rina Italian film journals of the 1970s / Paolo Noto -
Arya and Nicholas Chare - Index.
1. Art, abjection and bare life - John Lechte
2. A lesbian, feminist and Canadian BENAM, Stphane, Les Extratrrestres au
perspective: queering abjection - Jayne Wark cinma, La Madeleine, Editions Lettmotif,
3. Manet's Abject Surrealism - Nicholas Chare 2017, 236 pages. Prface d'Alain Schlockoff.
4. Juan Davila's abject after-image - Rex Butler Ds la naissance du cinmatographe,
and A. D. S. Donaldson lextraterrestre simpose comme un sujet
5. Animals, art, abjection - Barbara Creed and dinspiration propice la dcouverte de
Jeanette Hoorn cratures tranges et lexploration de
6. The fragmented body as an index of contres exotiques lointaines. Lorsque Georges
abjection - Rina Arya Mlis ralise en 1902 Le Voyage dans la Lune,
7. Skin, body, self: the question of the abject mettant en scne les Slnites, des aliens
in the work of Francis Bacon - Ernst van loufoques, il rencontre un succs immdiat.
Alphen Sans le savoir, le cinaste magicien vient de
8. Abjection, melancholia and ambiguity in the simproviser prcurseur dun genre qui, cent
works of Catherine Bell - Estelle Barrett quinze ans plus tard, tonne et merveille
9. Corpus Delicti - Kerstin Mey toujours.
10. Art is on the way: from the abject opening
of underworld to the shitty ending of oblivion - BENSHOF, Harry M., A Companion to the
Calvin Thomas Horror Film, Chichester (West Sussex), Wiley
11. Base materials: performing the abject Blackwell, 2017, xix, 588 pages.
object - Daniel Watt Contient: Approaches and contexts. Cognitive
and philosophical approaches to horror / by
BARDET, Antoine, Stphane FAUCOURT & Aaron Smuts -- Horror and psychoanalysis: an
Jrme WYBON, La Guerre des toiles : la introductory primer / by Chris Dumas --
saga Star Wars vue de France, Paris, Huginn Gender and sexuality haunts the horror film /
& Muninn, 2015, 213 pages. by Daniel Humphrey -- The horror film as social
allegory (and how it comes undone) / by
BASCHIARA, Stefano & Russ HUNTER (eds.), Christopher Sharrett -- Avenging the body:
Italian Horror Cinema, Edinburgh, Edinburgh disability in the horror film / by Travis Sutton --
University Press, 2016, xi, 228 pages. Horror reception/audiences / by Matt Hills --
Introduction / Stefano Baschiera and Russ A's, b's, quickies, orphans, and nasties: horror
Hunter -- Preferisco l'inferno: early Italian films in the context of distribution and
horror cinema / Russ Hunter -- Domestic films exhibition / by Kevin Heffernan -- Horror and
made for export: modes of production of the the censors / by Julian Petley -- The form of
1960s Italian horror film / Francesco Di Chiara horror. Carl Dreyer's corpse: horror film
-- The 1980s Italian horror cinema of imitation: atmosphere and narrative by Robert Spadoni --
the good, the ugly and the sequel / Stefano Horror sound design / by William Whittington --
Baschiera -- Knowing the unknown beyond: Mellifluous terror: the discourse of music and
"Italianate" and "Italian" horror cinema in the horror films / by Joe Tompkins -- A history of

the (western) horror film. Horror before "the COLLECTIF, Critica dei morti viventi. Zombi
horror film" / by Harry Benshoff -- Classical e cinema, videogiochi, fumetti, filosofia,
Hollywood horror / by John Edgar Browning-- Catania, Villaggio Maori Edizioni, 2017, 112
Horror in the 1940s / by Mark Jancovich -- pages.
Science fiction and horror in the 1950s / by
Steffen Hantke -- The gothic revival (1957- COTTER, Robert Michael "Bobb", Vampira and
1974) / by Rick Worland -- International horror her Daughters: Women Horror Movie
in the 1970s / by Peter Hutchings -- Slasher Hosts from the 1950s into the Internet
films and gore in the 1980s / by James Era, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, vii, 164
Kendrick -- Millennial fears: abject horror in a pages. Prface de Penny Dreadful.
transnational context / by Adam Charles Hart - From Vampira to Elvira, Mistress of the Dark,
- Torture porn: 21st century horror / by Isabel female horror movie hosts have long been a
C. Pinedo -- Selected international horror staple of late-night television. Broadcast on
cinemas. Spanish horror cinema / by Ian Olney local stations and cable access channels,
-- Italian horror and the mezzogiorno giallo / characters such as Moona Lisa, Stella, Crematia
by Xavier Mendik -- Recent trends in Japanese Mortem and Tarantula Ghoul brought an
horror cinema / by Jay Mcroy -- South Korean entertaining blend of macabre camp and after-
horror cinema / by Daniel Martin -- Sisterhood prime-time sexuality to American living rooms
of terror: the monstrous feminine of Southeast in the 1950s through 1990s.
Asian horror cinema / by Andrew Hock Soon Ng
-- Selected archetypes, hybrids, and DARKE, Chris, La Jete, London, (Palgrave)
crossovers. Vampires and transnational horror BFI, (BFI Film Classics), 2016, 94 pages.
/ by Dale Hudson -- Trash horror and the cult Chris Marker's La Jete is 28 minutes long and
of the bad film / by I.Q. Hunter-- "Moody almost entirely made up of black-and-white still
three": revisiting Ken Russell's The devils / by images. Since its release in 1964, this
Joan Hawkins -- Horror's otherness and legendary French film which Marker described
ethnographic surrealism: the case of The shout as a 'photo-novel' has haunted generations of
/ by Adam Llowenstein -- The documentary viewers and inspired writers, artists and film-
impulse and reel/real horror / by Caroline Joan makers. Its spiralling time-travel narrative has
S. Picart. also influenced many other films, including
the Terminator series and Terry Gilliam's
BERNSTEIN, Abbie, The DNA of Orphan Hollywood 'remake' Twelve Monkeys (1995).
Black, London, Titan Books, 2017, 208 pages.
Get under the skin of clone club. This DURAFOUR, Jean-Michel, L'trange crature
comprehensive guide to Orphan Black has an du lac Noir, de Jack Arnold: aubades pour
access-all-areas pass to the most innovative une zoologie des images, Aix-en-Provence,
drama on TV. Includes interviews with the Rouge Profond, (Dbords), 2017, 199 pages.
shows creators and cast, exclusive behind-the- Cet essai sur Ltrange Crature du lac noir
scenes photos, production and visual effects (1954) de Jack Arnold prend la suite dun
secrets, plus everything you need to know premier volume sur LHomme invisible (1933)
about the Dyad Institute, the Proletheans and de James Whale, paru dans la mme collection.
Neolutionists, Projects Leda and Castor, and Il en prolonge les rflexions sur les figures
more. filmiques dans une approche la jonction de la
gomtrie non euclidienne et dune certaine
BOILEAU, Paola, Nicolas BOUKRIEF, Franois ontologie des objets (Timothy Morton, Michel
COGNARD, et al., Le cinma de Starfix: Serres, Franois Dagognet), la fois
souvenir du futur, Paris, Hors Collection, mathmatique et imaginaire, et formule dans
2016, 318 pages. Avant-propos de William le cadre de lanalyse dune nouvelle entit
Friedkin. Prface de Mathieu Kassowitz. mmorable du cinma fantastique hollywoodien
[Histoire du priodique Starfix] : un homme-poisson se prsentant comme une
concrtion fascinante dintensit visuelle et
BOULGE, Franck, Twin Peaks: Unwrapping dnigme zoologique.
the Plastic, Bristoal (UK) & Chicago, Intellect,
2017, x, 128 pages. FINN, Kavita Mudan, Game of Thrones,
Bristol (UK), & Chicago, Intellect, (Fan
BRODIE, Ian, Middle-Earth New Zealand - Phenomena), 2017, 267 pages.
Middle-Earth Landscapes: Locations in The
Lord of the Rings and the Hobitt Film
Trilogies, London, HarperCollins, 2016.

FLISFEDER, Matthew, Postmodern Theory Race, Space and the (De)Construction of
and Blade Runner, New York, Bloomsbury Neocolonial 9 Difference in Firefly/Serenity 169
Academic, 2017, 175 pages. (Brent M. -Smith-Casanueva)
Mexicans in Space? Joss Whedons Firefly,
GIROD, Patrice, Star Wars: les annes Reavers and the Man They Call Jayne 184
Lucasfilm Magazine", 1995-2009, Paris, (Daoine S. Bachran)
Hors Collection, 2016, 239 pages. Zoe Washburne: Navigating the Verse as a
Military Woman of Color 200
GREENE, Richard & Rachel ROBINSON GREENE (Mayan Jarnagin)
(eds.), Orphan Black and Philosophy: Programming Slavery: Race, Technology and
Grand Theft DNA, Chicago, Open Court, the Quest for Freedom in Dollhouse 215
(Popular Culture and Philosophy), 2016, 288 (Brandeise -Monk-Payton)
pages. "Memory itself guarantees nothing": Dollhouse,
HIDALGO, Pablo, Star Wars: Rogue One: le and "the jews" 233
guide visuel ultime, Vanves, Hachette (Samira Nadkarni)
Heroes, 2016, 192 pages. Part IV. Its a Play on Perspective: Long Views
and Deep Focus on Race in the Whedonverses
IATROPOULOS, Ellen & Lowery A. WOODALL On Soldiers and Sages: Problematizing the
(eds.), Joss Whedon and Race: Critical Roles of Black Men
Essays, Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 340 in the Whedonverses 253
pages. (Candra K. Gill)
Preface and Acknowledgments 1 The Godmothers of Them All: -Female-
Introduction. The Individual, the Institutional Centered Blaxploitation Films and the Heroines
and the Unintentional: Exploring the of Joss Whedon 268
Whedonverses Through Critical Race Theory 10 (Masani McGee)
Mary Ellen Iatropoulos and Lowery A. Woodall Someones Asian in Dr. Horrible: Humor,
III Reflexivity and the Absolution of Whiteness 283
Part I. The Caucasian Persuasion Here in the (Helene -Frohard-Dourlent)
Race and Ethnicity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer JOSLIN, Lyndon W., Count Dracula Goes to
"The black chick always gets it first": Black the Movies: Stoker's Novel Adapted,
Slayers in Sunnydale 37 Jefferson (NC), McFarland, 2017, 286 pages
(Lynne Edwards) [3e edition]
"I have no speech, no name": The Denial of In its third edition, this study focuses on 18
Female Agency Through Speech in Buffy the adaptations of Dracula from 1922 to 2012,
Vampire Slayer 51 comparing them to the novel and to each
(Rachel McMurray) other.
A Dodgy English Accent: The Rituals of a
Contested Space of Englishness in "Helpless" KNPPLER, Christian, The Monster Always
72 Returns: American Horror Films and their
(Joel Hawkes) Remakes, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2017,
Shes White and They Are History: Buffy the 262 pages.
Vampire Slayers Racialization of the Past and The monsters of the horror genre never remain
Present 91 dead - they invariably return in new and
(Nelly Strehlau) terrifying shapes for another installment. In
"Let it simmer": Tonal Shifts in "Pangs" 108 this study Christian Knppler explores the
(Rhonda V. Wilcox) phenomenon of horror film remakes. He argues
Part II. From Buffy to Angel: Racial that even though these derivative films
Representation Across Sunnydale and L.A. typically earn little praise from critics, their
Representations of the Roma in Buffy and constant refiguration of monsters and horror
Angel 127 scenarios serves to access and update
(Katia McClain) otherwise obscure cultural fears. With an in-
An Inevitable Tragedy: The Troubled Life of depth examination of six sample sequences of
Charles Gunn as an Allegory for General Strain films and remakes, this book aims to shed new
Theory 150 light on a much maligned and often neglected ,
(Rejena Saulsberry) type of film and promises fresh insights to
Part III. Firefly/Serenity and Dollhouse: Race scholars and aficionados alike.
and Ethnicity at the Margins of the Verses

LEGRAND, Dominique, Les Territoirs Hollywood firmament as the leading producer
interdits de Tobe Hooper, Levallois-Perret, of horror films, a status it enjoyed for more
Playlist Society, 2017, 133 pages. than twenty years.
Massacre la Trononneuse (1974) est From the world premiere of Dracula to the
considr comme une vritable matrice de l' 1956 release of The Creature Walks among Us,
horreur moderne, une oeuvre culte qui a d' Universal excelled at scaring viewers of all
ailleurs clips la filmographie de son auteur. agesand even elicited a few chuckles along
Pourtant, Tobe Hooper est loin d' tre le the way by pitting their iconic creatures against
ralisateur d' un seul film. Avec le recul, Le the comedic pair of Abbott and Costello. The
Crocodile de la Mort, Massacres dans le Train Monster Movies of Universal Studios captures
Fantme ou Lifeforce apparaissent aujourd hui the thrills of these films, making this book a
comme passionnants. Entre Poltergeist (1982), treat for fans of the golden age of horror
produit par Steven Spielberg dans le confort cinema.
hollywoodien, et Mortuary (2005), son retour
en grce dans les salles, le cinaste aura connu NIEPOLD, Hannes, Die phantastische Serie:
les affres de la Srie B et du march de la Unschlssigkeit, Bedeutungswahn und
vido, sans jamais se dpartir de sa vision offene Enden: Verfahren des Erzhlens in
particulirement cynique de la socit. Serien wie Twin Peaks, Lost und Like a
Velvet Glove Cast in Iron, Bielefeld,
LOMBARD, Philippe, Le Petit livre de Star transcript Verlag, 2016, 198 pages.
Wars, Paris, First, 2017, 16 pages.
OLSON, Danel (ed.), Guillermo del Toro's
LUCCIARDI, Antoine, The Walking Dead The Devil Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth:
dcrypt: les secrets de la saga, Paris, City Studies in the Horror Film, Lakewood (COL),
document, 2017, 285 pages. Centipede Press, 2016, 415 pages. Preface par
Ivana Baquero. Introduction par Guillermo del
LUND, Kristin, et al., Star Wars: les lieux Toro.
emblmatiques, Vanves, Hachette Heroes,
2016, 187 pages. PARKIN, Lance, The Impossible has
Happened: The Life and Work of Gene
MARIE, Arnaud, Benot CHRISTEL & Pierre Roddenberry, Creator of Star Trek, London,
MAGNE, The Walking Dead: guide de survie Aurum Press, 2017, 400 pages.
conceptuel, Aix-en-Provence, Rouge Profond,
(Dbords), 2016, 149 pages. PELOSATO, Alain, The Strain: avec le trait
The Walking Dead : un succs plantaire sur les apparitions des vampires au
avecdes records daudience aux tats-Unis. Les cinma et la tl, Givors, Sfm ditions,
zombies envahissent le petit cran, cela 2016, 295 pages.
pourrait prter sourire. Pourtant, nous
sommes loin dun banal divertissement. Cette POWER, Aidan, Delia GONZALEZ DE REUFELS,
srie fascine parce quelle traite de notre plus et al. (eds.), Reality Unbound: New
grande hantise, en s'inscrivant au point prcis Departures in Science Fiction Cinema,
o commence et finit le temps des hommes : le Berlin, Bertz + Fischer, 2017, 188 pages.
moment post-apocalyptique.
POWER, Dermot, Les Architectes de
NATHAN, Ian, Au coeur de la magie, le l'illusion: Les Animaux fantastiques: art
making-of Les Animaux fantastiques, book, London, Paris, Harper Collins, 2016, 264
London & Paris, HarperCollins, 2016, 143 pages. Avant-propos de Stuart Craig.
REVAULT D'ALLONES, Judith, Holy Motors de
NEIBAURD, James L., The Monster Movies Leos Carax: les visages sans yeux, Crisne,
of Universal Studios, Lanham (MD), Rowman Yellow Now, (Ct films), 2016, 94 pages.
& Littlefield Publishers, 2017, 288 pages.
In 1931 Universal Studios REVENSON, Jody, Hros extraordinaires et
released Dracula starring Bela Lugosi. This box lieux fantastiques, Paris, Gallimard Jeunesse,
office success was followed by a string of films (La Magie du cinma, vol. 1), 2016, 101 pages.
featuring macabre characters and chilling
atmospherics, including Frankenstein, The RICE, Julian, Kubrick's Story, Spielberg's
Mummy, and The Invisible Man. With each new Film: A. I. Artificial Intelligence, Lanham
film, Universal established its place in the (MD), Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, 308 pages.

In 1963 Stanley Kubrick declared, Dr. photos et affiches rares, dont certaines
Strangelove came from my desire to do publies pour la premire fois, George Romero
something about the nuclear nightmare. Thirty : rvolutions, zombies et chevalerie promet de
years later, he was preparing to film another devenir la bible de tous les amateurs du
story about the human impulse for self- cinaste et un incontournable pour tous les
destruction. Unfortunately, the director passed adeptes du cinma fantastique et indpendant !
away in 1999, before his project could be fully
realized. However, fellow visionary Steven SHIPKA, Danny & Ralph BELIVEAU (eds.),
Spielberg took on the venture, and A.I. International Horror Film Directors: Global
Artificial Intelligence debuted in theaters two Fear, Bristol (UK), Chicago, Intellect, 2017,
years after Kubricks death. While Kubricks 251 pages.
concept shares similarities with the finished
film, there are significant differences between SOLOMON, Charles, Tale as Old as Time:
his screenplay and Spielberg's production. The Art and Making of Beauty and the
Beast: Inside stories from the animated
SALISBURY, Mark, La Valise des cratures: classic to the new live-action film, Los
explorez la magie du fil Les Animaux Angeles, Disney Editions, 2017, 223 pages.
fantastiques, New York, & Paris,
HarperCollins, 2016, 158 pages. TELLOUCK, Julien & Mathias LAVOREL,
Comprendre Game of Thrones: quand on
SALVAGNINI, Rudy, Il cinema dell'eccesso. n'est pas fan mais que tous nos amis le
Horror, erotismo, azione e molto altro film sont, et qu'on se sent exclu, Paris, 404
dei maestri dell'exploitation, 2, CRAC ditions, 2017, 79 pages.
edizioni, 2016, 331 pages.
TRIBE, Steve, Doctor Who: A Brief History
SERVITJE, Lorenzo & Sherryl VINET, The of Time Lords, New York, HarperDesign,
Walking Med: Zombies and the Medical 2017, 160 pages.
Image, University Park, Pennsylvania : The
Pennsylvania State University Press, VERVISCH, Gilles, Star Wars, la philo
2016, 228 pages. contre-attaque: la saga dcrypte, Paris, Le
Don't point that gun at my mum : geriatric zombies / Passeur diteur, (Le Passeur poche), 2016, 282
Gerry Canavan -- Viral virulence, postmodern pages.
zombies, and the American healthcare enterprise in
the antibiotic age / Kari Nixon -- "The cure has killed WARD, Simon, Alien TM, la guerre selon
us all" : dramatizing medical ethics through zombie Cameron, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2016, 144
and period fiction tropes in the new deadwardians / pages.
Tully Barnett and Ben Kooyman -- The walking med :
zombies, comics, and medical education / Michael
WHITLACH, Terryl & Bob CARRAU, Star Wars:
Green, Daniel George, and Darryl Wilkinson -- Zombie
le bestiaire: guide de la faune galactique,
toxins : abjection and cancer's chemicals / Juliet
Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2015, 175 pages.
McMullin -- Administering the crisis : zombies and
public health in the 28 days later comic series /
Sherryl Vint -- Blurred lines and human objects : the WINDHAM, Ryder et al., , Generations Star
zombie art of George Pfau / Sarah Juliet Lauro -- Wars: la chronique illustre de 40 ans
Open up a few zombie brains : objectivity, medical d'aventures, Paris, Hors Collection, 2016, 367
visuality, and brain imaging in the zombie autopsies / pages.
Lorenzo Servitje -- The anorexic as zombie witness :
illness and recovery in Katie Green's Lighter than my ZAHED, Ramin, Le Monde des sorciers de J.
shadow / Dan Smith. K. Rowling: la magie du cinma, Paris,
Gallimard Jeunesse, 2017, 104 pages.
SEVEON, Julien, George A. Romero:
rvolutions, zombies & compagnie, Paris,
Popcorn, (Popcorn cinema), 2017, 630 pages.
Pour la premire fois, un livre propose de faire
le tour de l'oeuvre de Romero, en revenant sur
la production et le tournage de ses films ainsi
que de leur rception. Il propose enfin des
analyses critiques ainsi que des entretiens
indits du cinaste et de plusieurs de ses
collaborateurs. Illustr par des centaines de

television shows, and films, as well as how
cultural narratives of gender have been
BANDES negotiated through female superheroes by
creators, consumers, and parent companies

DESSINES over the last several decades.

COSWILL, Alan, Alex IRVINE, et al., The DC

Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide
BERNIERE, Vincent, Les 100 plus belles to the Characters of the DC Universe, New
planches de la bande dessine, Paris, York, DK Publishing, 2016, 368 pages.
Beaux- Arts ditions, 2016, 214 pages.
Une slection de cent planches des bandes CREMINS, Brian, Captain Marvel and the
dessines les plus significatives, de Tintin Art of Nostalgia, Jackson, University Press of
Corto Maltese en passant par Blake et Mortimer Missippi, 2016, xiv, 203 pages
avec une analyse de leurs caractristiques et Billy Batson discovers a secret in a forgotten
de leur esthtique. L'auteur explique les enjeux subway tunnel. There the young man meets a
de la disposition des cases, les outils utiliss, wizard who offers a precious gift: a magic word
les diffrentes squences. that will transform the newsboy into a hero.
When Billy says, Shazam!, he becomes
BECQUELIN, Hlne, et al., Hro(ne)s: la Captain Marvel, the Worlds Mightiest Mortal,
reprsentation fminine en bande one of the most popular comic book characters
dessine, Lyon, Lyon BD Festival, 2016, 83 of the 1940s. This book tells the story of that
pages. hero and the writers and artists who created
his magical adventures.
CHANEY, Michael A., Reading Lessons in
Seeing: Mirrors, Masks and Mazes in the DEAN, Michael (ed.), The Comics Journal
Autobiographical Graphic Novel, Jackson, Library, vol. 10, part 2 of 2, Seattle (WA),
University Press of Mississippi, 2016, ix, 216 Fantagraphics, 2016, 280 pages.
DELISLE, Philippe, Bande dessine franco-
CHUTE, Hillary L., Disaster Drawn: Visual belge et imaginaire colonial: des annes
Witness, Comics, and Documentary Form, 1930 aux annes 1980, Paris, ditions
Cambridge (MA), The Belknap Press of Harvard Karthala, (Esprit BD), 2016, 196 pages.
University Press, 2016, 359 pages. Ne outre-Quivrain dans le sillage d'Herg, la
In hard-hitting accounts of Auschwitz, Bosnia, bande dessine dite "franco-belge", qui s'est
Palestine, and Hiroshimas Ground Zero, comics impose par le biais des hebdomadaires Spirou
display a stunning capacity to bear witness to et tintin, a largement fait cho aux prjugs
trauma. Investigating how hand-drawn comics coloniaux. Le cas de Tintin au Congo, publi en
has come of age as a serious medium for 1930, est assez bien connu. Cet ouvrage
engaging history, Disaster Drawn explores the analysera la production franco-belge de
ways graphic narratives by diverse artists, manire plus gnrale, pour faire notamment
including Jacques Callot, Francisco Goya, Keiji ressortir des convergences. On notera que
Nakazawa, Art Spiegelman, and Joe Sacco, certaines figures reviennent rgulirement d'un
document the disasters of war. pisode l'autre, depuis les annes 1930
jusqu' la fin des annes 1950 : hros
COCCA, Carolyn, Superwomen: Gender, europens dominant la nature tropicale,
Power, and Representation, London & New missionnaires "civilisateurs", porteurs noirs
York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, x, 263 craintifs, pillards "maures" arpentant le dsert,
pages. ou encore cannibales comiques...
Specifically, the book explores the production,
representations, and receptions of prominent ECKARD, Sandra (ed.), Comic Connections:
transmedia female superheroes from their Analyzing Hero and Identity, Lanham (MD),
creation to the present: Wonder Woman; Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, 136 pages.
Batgirl and Oracle; Ms. Marvel and Captain Superman made 'real': teaching the hero cycle
Marvel; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Star Wars' with Kingdom Come / Carissa Pokorny-Golden
Padm Amidala, Leia Organa, Jaina Solo, and and Karen Sahaydak -- The man with
Rey; and X-Men's Jean Grey, Storm, Kitty identities: utilizing Daredevil as an artifact for
Pryde, Rogue, and Mystique. It analyzes their literary analysis / Alex Romagnoli -- Who is the
changing portrayals in comics, novels, greatest superhero? using comics to explore

the concept of heroism / Gian S. Pagnucci -- In this book, Martin Lund challenges
Truth, justice, and the American way: exploring contemporary claims about the original
American identity throughout history in Supermans supposed Jewishness and offers a
Superman narratives / J. Eric Hasty -- Who we critical re-reading of the earliest Superman
are vs. who we wish to be: examining heroism comics. Engaging in critical dialogue with
through comics and canonical literature / Eric extant writing on the subject, Lund argues that
Federspiel and Luke Rodesiler -- Visualizing the much of recent popular and scholarly writing on
hero complex: using Batman Year One for Superman as a Jewish character is a product of
visual and character analysis / Michael Cook the ethnic revival, rather than critical
and Jeffrey S.J. Kirchoff -- Teaching the body investigations of the past, and as such does not
of the nation: Captain America and masculinity stand up to historical scrutiny. In place of these
/ Lee Easton. readings, this book offers a new understanding
of the Superman created by Jerry Siegel and
JEFFERY, Scott, The Posthuman Body in Joe Shuster in the mid-1930s, presenting him
Superhero Comics: Human, Superhuman, as an authentically Jewish American character
Tanshuman, Post/Human, New York, in his own time, for good and ill.
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, viii, 264 pages.
This book examines the concepts of Post/Humanism MADRID, Mike, The Supergirls: Fashion,
and Transhumanism as depicted in superhero comics. Feminism, Fantasy, and The History of
Recent decades have seen mainstream audiences Comic Book Heroines, Ashland (OR),
embrace the comic book Superhuman. Meanwhile Extermination Angel Press, 2016, vii, 331
there has been increasing concern surrounding pages. [dition rvise et augmente]
human enhancement technologies, with the techno-
scientific movement of Transhumanism arguing that it MANNING, Matthew K., Deadpool: Drawing
is time humans took active control of their evolution.
the Merc with a Mouth: Three Decades of
Amazing Marvel Comic Art, San Rafael (CA),
LABARRE, Nicolas, Heayvy Metal: l'autre
Insight Editions, 2016, 183 pages.
Mtal Hurlant, Bordeaux, Presses Univer-
Originally created by Rob Liefeld and Fabian
sitaires de Bordeaux, (SF Incognita), 2017, 238
Nicieza as a minor villain for a spin-off X-Men
comic, Deadpool has since gone on to become
En 1977, aux tats-Unis, lditeur de la revue
a cult phenomenon, headlining several ongoing
satirique The National Lampoon quelque part
comic book series and causing irreverent
entre Actuel et Hara-Kiri lance Heavy Metal,
mayhem throughout the Marvel Comics
une dition amricaine de la mythique revue
universe. For the first time, Deadpool: Drawing
franaise de science-fiction Mtal Hurlant. Trs
the Merc with a Mouth tells the full story of the
proches initialement, ces deux revues vont
character's creation and evolution through
diverger la fois sur le plan des contenus et de
interviews with the artists and writers who
la fortune commerciale. Mtal Hurlant disparat
made him what he is today, including Fabian
en 1987, malgr quelques soubresauts depuis,
Nicieza, Mark Waid, Joe Kelly, and Reilly
tandis que Heavy Metal continue de paratre
Brown. Filled with stunning art that showcases
ce jour. Chacune des deux revues a
Deadpool's off-the-wall comics career, from his
profondment marqu son pays et cet ouvrage
origins in the pages of The New Mutants to his
sefforce den trouver les raisons. Au-del des
outlandish adventures with the Deadpool Corps
tmoignages, des histoires orales et crites
and his team-ups with Marvel Comics A-listers
existantes (en particulier Mtal hurlant, la
such as Spider-Man and Wolverine, this book is
machine rver en 2005), lambition de cet
a visually striking journey into Wade Wilson's
essai est de revenir sur la nature des changes
bizarre world. Featuring an exclusive cover by
transatlantiques qui ont permis la cration de
legendary Deadpool artist Reilly Brown and a
Heavy Metal et dcrire lhistoire de cette
selection of art that's more mouthwatering
revue. Il cherche aussi expliquer limpact qua
than a bucket of chimichangas, Deadpol:
eu le magazine aux tats-Unis en transposant
Drawing the Merc with a Mouth is an essential
dun bloc des styles et des normes venus de la
addition to the collections of comic book fans
bande-dessine francophone.
LUND, Martin, Re-constructing the Man of
NICHOLSON, Hope, The Spectacular
Steel: Superman, 1938-1941: Jewish
Sisterhood of Superwomen: Awesome
American History and the Invention of the
Female Characters from the Comic Book
Jewish Comics Connection, New York,
History, Philadelphia (PA), Quirk Books, 2017,
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, vii, 215 pages.
240 pages.

This spectacular sisterhood includes costumed SPURGEON, Tom & Michael DEAN (eds.), We
crimebusters like Miss Fury, super-spies like Told You So: Comics as Art, Seattle (WA),
Tiffany Sinn, sci-fi pioneers like Gale Allen, and Fantagraphics Books, 2016, 696 pages.
even kid troublemakers like Little Lulu. With
vintage art, publication details, a decade-by- TILLEUIL, Jean-Louis, Maaheen AHMED &
decade survey of industry trends and womens Stphanie DELNESTE (dir.), Le Statu culturel
roles in comics, and spotlights on iconic de la bande dessine. Ambiguts et
favorites like Wonder Woman and Ms. volutions/The Cultural Standing of
Marvel, The Spectacular Sisterhood of Comics. Ambiguities and Changes, Louvain-
Superwomen proves that not only do strong la-Neuve, Academia/L'Harmattan, (Texte-
female protagonists belong in comics, theyve Image), 2017, 277 pages.
always been there. En ce temps de crise des lgitimits culturelles,
il est pour le moins pertinent de faire le point
PASAMONIK Didier & Jol KOTEK (dir.), Shoah sur les statuts des productions qui en sont
et bande dessine: l'image au service de la lobjet. Et ce, quelle que soit leur position au
mmoire, Paris, Denol/Mmorial de la Shoah, sein du march concern, jusquil y a peu
(Denol Graphic), 2017, 168 pages. dominante ou, inversement, domine. Se
focaliser sur la bande dessine parmi ces
RASEMONT, Dany, Julius Corentin productions savre particulirement de
Acquefacques, par del la bande et le circonstance, pour peu que lon tienne compte
dessin, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 114 pages. de la critique qui lui est faite. En effet, le dbat
[Prcision apporte par Jean-Louis TILLEUL: sur le statut culturel de la bande dessine
" s'agit l d"une 2e dition augmente - la intresse depuis longtemps et intresse
premire date de 1999 -, que l'diteur est toujours les discours critiques tant
Academia-L'Harmattan et que la collection est francophones quanglophones. Les
"Texte-Image"] contributions rassembles dans cet ouvrage,
qui procdent de lun ou lautre de ces
ROBERT, Pascal, De l'incommunication au discours, se proposent daborder la question de
miroir de la bande dessine, Clermont- la lgitimit en privilgiant lun des points de
Ferrand, Presses universitaires Blaise Pascal, vue partir desquels il est possible dy
(Communications, Cultures & Lien Social), avril rpondre : loeuvre, lauteur, le public, lcole,
2017, 144 pages. Prface de Dominique lhistoire, lart. La prsente publication
Wolton. constitue le premier des deux volumes
consacrs aux diverses formes que
SEELEY, Scott, Tout l'art des Maitres de lengagement peut prendre dans le champ de la
l'univers, Paris, Huginn & Muninn, 2015, 327 bande dessine.
pages. Prface d'Alan Oppenheimer, lgendes
de Tim et Steve Seeley. YOUNG, Paul, Frank Miller's Daredevil and
the End of Heroism, New Brunswick (NJ),
SMITH, Matthew J. & Randy DUNCAN (eds.), Rutgers University Press, 2016, (Comics
The Secret Origins of Comics Studies, New Culture), xii, 276 pages.
York, Routledge, 2017, 328 pages. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, writer-artist
In The Secret Origins of Comics Studies, Frank Miller turned Daredevil from a tepid-
todays leading comics scholars turn back a selling comic into an industry-wide success
page to reveal the founding figures dedicated story, doubling its sales within three years.
to understanding comics art. Edited by comics Lawyer by day and costumed vigilante by
scholars Matthew J. Smith and Randy Duncan, night, the character of Daredevil was the
this collection provides an in-depth study of the perfect vehicle for the explorations of heroic
individuals and institutions that have created ideals and violence that would come to define
and shaped the field of Comics Studies over the Millers work.
past 75 years. From Coulton Waugh to
Wolfgang Fuchs, these influential historians,
educators, and theorists produced the Les tudes sur les dessins anims seront
foundational work and built the institutions that publies dans le prochain numro.
inspired the recent surge in scholarly work in
this dynamic, interdisciplinary field.

FRANKEL, Glenn, High Noon : The
WESTERNS Hollywood Blacklist and the Making of an
American Classic, New York & London,
LITTRATURE - CINMA - TV - BD Bloomsbury, 2017, 379 pages.
In this book, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Glenn Frankel tells the story of the making of a
AZIZA, Claude & Jean-Marc TIXIER, great American Western, exploring how Carl
Dictionnaire du western, Paris, Vendmiaire, Foreman's concept of High Noon evolved from
2017, 465 pages. 2 ed. revue et corrige. idea to first draft to final script, taking on
allegorical weight. Both the classic film and its
BOURTON, William, Le Western, conscience turbulent political times emerge newly
du nouveau monde, Paris, Honor Champion illuminated.
diteur, 2016, 200 pages.
Les peuples sans histoire sont des peuples sans FRANKLIN, Wayne, James Fenimore Cooper
avenir. Au dbut du XXe sicle, alors que les The Later Years, New Haven, Yale University
tats-Unis prenaient conscience de leur Press, 2017, xviii, 805 pages.
puissance, le western cinmatographique
magnifia les termes de leur naissance. Cette HANLEY, Peter J., Behind-the-Scenes of
mytho-histoire imprgnera durablement Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the
linconscient collectif amricain. Mais s'il ne se Ugly, Il Buono Publishing, 2016, 420 pages.
fut agi que d'une affaire intrieure, ou dun This long awaited book by Peter J. Hanley is an
folklore, comment expliquer l'extraordinaire extensive volume of information with over
succs que connurent ces histoires de cow- 40,000 words, interviews with input from cast
boys et d'Indiens aux quatre coins du monde ? and crew.
En vrit, sous son apparente simplicit, le
western charrie une vision de Soi, des Autres MANCINI, Matteo & Jan VABENICKY,
et du Monde en perptuelle ngociation. Ethos, Spaghetti Western, 3, Ass. Culturale Il
pathos, logos : rien moins que les problmes Foglio, Piombino, 2016, 600 pages.
ultimes et universels de la philosophie. Le volume 1 de cette srie est paru en 2012 et
compte 212 pages. Le volume 2 est paru en
BROUGHTON, Lee (ed.), Critical Pers- 2014.
pectives on the Western: from A Fistful of
Dollars to Django Unchained, Lanham ROUQUETTE, Estelle & Sam STOURDZ (dir.),
(MD), Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, xvi, 230 Westerns camarguais, catalogue publi par
pages. Actes Sud (Arles) et Muse de la Camargue,
In Critical Perspectives on the Western: From A Rencontres d'Arles, 2016, 156 pages.
Fistful of Dollars to Django Unchained, Lee
Broughton has compiled a wide-ranging
collection of essays that look at various forms
of the genre, on both the large and small
screen. Contributors to this volume consider
themes and subgenres, celebrities and authors,
recent idiosyncratic engagements with the
genre, and the international Western. These
essays also explore issues of race and gender
in the various films discussed as well as within
the film genre as a whole.
Among the films and television programs
discussed in this volume are The Assassination
of Jesse James by the Coward, Robert Ford;
Django Kill; Justified; and Red
Harvest. Featuring a diverse selection of
chapters that represent current thinking on the
Western. Critical Perspectives on the
Western will appeal to fans of the genre, film
students, and scholars alike.


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