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Robert H. Bryant


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Doctor of Education

Regent University

February 2017

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Robert H. Bryant

This dissertation has been approved for the degree of Doctor of Education by:

Jason D. Baker, Ph.D., Committee Chair

Vice-President for Teaching and Learning, School of Education

Glenn Koonce, Ph.D., Committee Member

Associate Professor, School of Education

Glenn Brown, Ph.D., Committee Member

Associate Professor, School of Education

Don Finn, Ph.D.

Dean, School of Education

April, 2017


Over the past 10 years, massive open online courses (MOOCs) have gone through

significant changes in terms of expectations and use. During this transition, much

research has been conducted regarding student retention. What has resulted from these

studies is a paradigm shift of identifying the participation dynamics as significantly

different from any other form of learning modality, including that of distance learning.

This has moved research toward the use of MOOCs to harvest big data for the purpose of

testing various theories regarding learning, instruction, and curriculum design. Little

research has been conducted that would identify variables that could predict a likelihood

of success in a MOOC learning environment, particularly using data science. This

research used predictive analytics, particularly a two-class decision random forest

algorithm, to identify variables that could predict the performance of participants who

enrolled in MOOC courses at Regent University. Based on the machine learning analysis,

predictive power increased in strength the more activities that were performed by the

user. Predictors were also identified of performance variables on quizzes.

Keywords: MOOC, machine learning, predictive analytics, big data, student



This dissertation is dedicated primarily to my wife, Ruby. Without her continued

sacrifice, support, and encouragement, I would not have been able to complete the

journey. I consider this her accomplishment as much as my own. Second, I also dedicate

this to my family who sacrificed much time away from their father or grandfather. I

dedicate this with hopes that they will fully realize that seasons come and go, those who

obstruct may pile up like corn-wood, self-doubt may breathe its icy chill to the bone, the

last pedal may fall from a flowering youth, but their loftiest aspirations can be achieved

through Christ who strengthens them (Philippians 4:13, English Standard Version).


I have been blessed to have much support and encouragement from many special

people during my journey toward an Ed.D. To them and others too many to count, I offer

this acknowledgement.

I want to thank Dr. Jason Baker, without whose tutelage and expertise this could

not have been done. Mentorship is a rare and extraordinary commodity. From when I first

realized his depth and devotion to Christ and the Reformed faith, love for classical

learning, a fellow seminarian, gifts in teaching and learning, scholarship in technology,

and all things geeky, he was imprinted on my mind as the one I most admired and wanted

to emulate. Thank you, Dr. Baker.

I extend my gratitude to my committee members, Dr. Glenn Koonce and Dr.

Glenn Brown. Even though data science was a new journey for all of us, you challenged

me to clarify my thoughts and verbiage to make it understandable to myself and others.

Thank you both for your time, efforts, and encouragement.

I want to thank the faculty at Regent University. The integration of Christian

worldview with the rigors of each discipline have prepared me in ways that I could only

have dreamed when I started the program.

A special acknowledgement goes to Dr. George Siemens, Director of the

Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab at the University of Texas

at Arlington, for taking the time to answer many of the critical questions I had regarding

the latest research in the study of MOOCs. Thank you to Dr. Andrew Ng, co-founder of

Coursera and Adjunct Professor at Stanford University, along with Dr. Daphne Koller,

co-founder and now co-chair of Coursera, in responding to a query on access to MOOC



A special thank you to Dr. Dan Brown, Dean of the University College and PACE

Center at Texas State University, for the interview on using analytics for college

retention. A thank you goes to Dr. Sinda Vanderpool, Associate Vice-Provost for

Academic Enrollment Management at Baylor University, for answering questions

regarding their use of analytics in enrollment management. A thank you is extended to

Dr. Scott Hamm, Assistant Professor of Education and Director of Online Education at

Hardin-Simmons University, for allowing me to do internship and practice some of the

theories that are found in this study.

Further gratitude is extended to my friends and colleagues who gave their time

and talents to afford me the time and space I needed at critical junctures. A special thank

you goes to Dr. John Garrison. Had he not come to serve as the Academy president and

convinced me of the importance of advanced degrees, I would not have likely started the


Thank you to Mr. Jimmie Scott, president of San Marcos Academy, for

encouragement and support. Thank you to Mr. Jeff Baergen for his friendship and

willingness to do whatever was necessary to help me finish. Thanks also to Dr. Brian

Guenther and Mrs. Cindy Brooks for the encouragement and added duties they assumed

to allow me time to write. A special acknowledgement to my brilliant nephew, William

Baker, who was invaluable in the preprocessing of the data.

Above all, thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ for whom and

through whom everything exists for the many benefices afforded by His providence that

allowed me to complete this work (Hebrews 2:10, English Standard Version).










Need for the Study 8
Significance of the Study 10
Statement of the Problem 13
Research Questions . 14
Null Hypotheses ...14
Assumptions 15
Delimitations and Limitations . 15
Delimitations ... 15
Limitations .. 16
Organization of the Study 16
Definition of Terms . 18


Clarifying Critical Terms 21
Use of MOOC Language ... 21
Toward a Scientific Use of MOOC Language ... 29
Reframing the MOOC Nomenclature . 31
Clarifying Big Data. 32
Clarifying Predictive Analytics ... 40
Clarifying Student Success . 44
Theoretical Framework ... 44
Development of MOOC Research .. 44
Current Findings . 49
Conclusion .. 52
Summary . 53

Setting . 54
Population, Sampling Procedures ... 57
Instrumentation, Apparatus, and/or Materials 57
Instrumentation ... 57

Apparatus/Materials 58
Procedures .. 58
Threats to Validity .. 64
Internal Threats to Validity . 64
External Threats to Validity 64

Overview of Luxvera MOOCs ... 65
Demographics in the Who is Jesus? Course 69
Preprocessing the Data 70
Construction of the Two-Class Random Forest Model .. 78
Classifying Predictors of Completion Rates ... 82
Classifying Predictors Relative to a Benchmark Score .. 89
Conclusions . 95

The Future of MOOCs 97
Areas of Consideration for Future Marketing and Development .. 100
Adding Value to the Luxvera System ... 101
Adding Value to the Courses 104
Adding Benefit to the Student ... 106
Design Improvements Based Upon MOOC Research .. 109
Limitations and Improvements to the Study . 111
Further Research Opportunities .... 112
Conclusion 113


Table 1. Conversion for Preprocessing the Data in the Course ...... 59
Table 2. Course Enrollments in Luxvera .... 66
Table 3. Features Selected for the Course ... 71
Table 4. User Groups in the Course .... 73
Table 5. Predictive Values for Completion in the Course .. 84
Table 6. Variables Scaled Down by Correlation Values in the Course .. 88
Table 7. Predictive Values Relative to Benchmark Score in the Course .... 91

Figure 1. String conversion in the course .. 76
Figure 2. Missing data in the course . 79
Figure 3. Outliers in the course .. 80
Figure 4. Evaluation with three high features in the course ... 85
Figure 5. Participation rates by activity in the course . 89
Figure 6. Evaluation of video watching as predictor in the course .. 92

ACE American Council on Education
ACSI Association of Christian Schools International
AUC area under the curve
Azure ML Azure Machine Learning Studio
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CEU continuing education unit
CSV comma-separated value
cMOOC connective massive open online course
DOCC distributed open collaborative course
DV dependent variable
FICO Fair Isaac Corporation
FN False Negative
FP False Positive
IPI Information Processing Index
IV independent variable
GTS Great Talk Series
hMOOC hybrid massive open online course
LOOC little open online course
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MMOG massively multiplayer online game
MMORPG Massively multiplayer online role playing game
MOOC massive open online course
OE open education
OER open educational resources
PA predictive analytics
ROC receiver operating characteristic
SMOTE synthetic minority oversampling technique
SOOC small open online course
SPOC small private online course
TN True Negative
TP True Positive
xMOOC extended massive open online course


Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are no longer perceived as the demise of

traditional higher education. Neither have they risen to the fever pitch that utopian

innovators aspired. None of the prognostications of alarmists have come to fruition. They

have not replaced faculty (Holmgren, 2013). They have not destroyed the economic

underpinnings of higher education. They have not knocked academia from its perch

(Waldrop, 2013). At the same time, MOOCs have not fulfilled the promise of high

quality education that is equivalent in value to a college degree and free to the masses.

Neither have they empowered disenfranchised people groups, nor created a worldwide

middle class.

Even though the hype on both sides has largely passed, it has become clear that in

spite of their early development and disruption to the status quo MOOCs have been

sustained as an important part of the academic landscape (Christensen & Weise, 2014).

Since about mid-2013, the hype surrounding MOOCs has diminished. Some have taken

the posture that MOOCs are little more than a comfortable pair of slippers. For example,

Kolowich (2015) said, The conventional wisdom now is that free online courses offer a

promising recruiting tool and an interesting (but not essential) research tool for colleges

that can afford the upkeep (para. 8). On the other hand, those in the adaptive learning

movement have affirmed, We can now do the kind of rapid evolution in education that is

common at companies like Google, which A/B test their ad positions and user interface

elements for effectiveness (Booker, 2013).

Higher education institutions are having to grapple with their existence, whether

they value them as a means of delivering quality education or not. Many have largely

passed through Gartners season of inflated expectations as well as the trough of

disillusionment and are well along the plateau of productivity (Fenn & Linden, 2005).

Even some ardent critics begrudgingly acknowledge that MOOCs are here to stay in

some form (Zemsky, 2014). As reflected in the Kamenetz (2010) article, We can howl

in protest, but the question is no longer whether computer-based, intelligent agents can

prompt learning of some material at least as well as instructor-focused courses (p. 91).

Instead, he resigned himself to the following: The question is whether the computer-

based version can become even more effective than traditional models, and the

implications for higher education are sobering (p. 91).

Increasingly, universities are embedding postures toward MOOCs in their

strategic plans (Davis et al., 2014). College administrators are affirming that those who

neglect them will not escape the widespread influence (Nanfito, 2013, Ch. 9, para. 10).

Arthur Kirk, the president of Saint Leo University that has 3,000 online courses, affirmed

their importance when he asserted that MOOCs are one of a number of things that are

going to transform the entire [online] space (S. Kolowich, 2012).

As White, Leon, and White (2015) noted, many have presumed MOOCs to be a

threat in various ways. The researchers conducted a deep dive into the higher education

publications to determine the prominent areas of concern. They combined content

analysis of MOOC literature with grounded theory to determine resonating themes. They

discovered that despite the educators reluctance, the foregone conclusion among higher

education professionals is that MOOCs will be sustainable into the foreseeable future.

What is yet to be determined is the practical concerns of how to leverage the

phenomenon into its proper role alongside existing higher education programs.

The current configuration of MOOCs, however, may change from its current

stand-alone posture. Bonk, Lee, Reeves, and Reynolds (2015) concluded, Higher

education can blend MOOCs into their educational ecosystem without major disruptions

and expand its ability to serve growing and diverse student needs for alternative modes of

instruction (p. 35).

Even though the evolution of MOOC research flowed along the banks of

resistance from various stakeholders as the latest iteration of an over 30-year-old

prognostication of the inevitable dismantling of higher education (W. K. S. Wang, 1981).

Nevertheless, MOOCs are indeed changing the online education landscape. Major

companies are circumventing college degrees and training employees through their own

MOOC-designed programs (Meister, 2013). Some are attributing credibility to portfolio

creation of certain credible badges to award technical certifications. The largest and most

reputable organization to attribute college credit for life experience, the American

Council on Education (ACE), now includes the successful completion of some prescribed

MOOCs in their determination (Masterson, 2013). The ACE membership includes almost

2,000 colleges and universities and about 600 organizations and institutions that use their

recommendations to award credit for college courses. The organization has already

recommended five Coursera courses for college credit (Coursera, 2013).

Some colleges are embracing competency-based education to provide college

credit for successfully testing based upon MOOC prep classes, much like the College

Level Examination Program system (Sturgis, Rath, Weisstein, & Patrick, 2010). All the

while, MOOCs are morphing into variant strands to meet the needs of the market.

Researchers and theorists have scrambled to keep up with the ever-expanding


nomenclature. Various types of MOOC instruction and delivery models as connective

(cMOOCs), extended MOOCs (xMOOCs), little open online courses (LOOCs),

distributed open collaborative courses (DOCCs), and small private online courses

(SPOCs) now dot the MOOC landscape.

It can be safely asserted that MOOCs have survived an onslaught of critics who

were intent on their elimination. Early studies and reports complained of the MOOCs

surface treatment of subject matter. Some complained that they were too expensive to

produce, somewhere in the neighborhood of $500,000 per course (Nanfito, 2013). As

such, precious resources were being routed to their development that could have been

used to improve more proven pedagogical methods. Cynics sat passively by while

asserting that this is just another technology fad that will fall of its own weight at some


To aggravate the situation, economic and political pressures have pushed

university administrators to seriously look at MOOCs as a way to make higher education

more affordable and provide a way for students to complete their undergraduate degrees

in 4 years (Bonk et al., 2015). Among other cost-saving measures, Bonk et al. (2015)

noted that MOOC-integrated universities would save by eliminating the need for each

university to employ similar content instructors (p. 16). This, of course, plays into the

fear that faculty will lose jobs to be replaced by MOOC course designers.

Even from those sectors of higher education that normally herald all forms of

innovation, criticisms were being levied against MOOCs. Those deeply invested in the

open educational resources (OER) movement claimed that the likes of Coursera and

Udacity, the two largest early platforms for offering MOOCs, had betrayed and in effect

redefined the use of the term open (Bonk et al., 2015). For example, David Wiley, Chief

Academic Officer and Co-founder of Lumen Learning, objected to the way some MOOC

providers have interpreted the idea of open. To Wiley, true openness requires open

licenses and not just open enrollment. To be truly open, Wiley contended that the content

must be able to be retained, revised, remixed, reused, and redistributed without

hindrance by the user (Bonk et al., 2015, p. 9). Wiley noted, MOOCs have started to

fall back toward earth under the pull of registration requirements, start dates and end

dates, fees charged for credentials, and draconian terms of use (Bonk et al., 2015, pp. 6-

7). By limiting enrollees to those who can pay, slapping on certifications and

endorsements, issuing restrictive licenses for use upon the users, the big MOOC

providers have in essence moved over from an open architecture to one that is closed. To

him, they have now migrated to distance education courses as opposed to true MOOCs.

To bolster the attacks on MOOCs from many sides and at the center of this

firestorm of criticism was the pitifully low, less than 10%, retention rate that was

consistently being identified. At the time, theorists on both sides of the debate equated

retention with a participants completion of all of the assignments in the MOOC course

and earning a certificate of completion at the end (Jordan, 2014, p. 136). This caused

grave consternation as to the value of MOOCs altogether, when college retention rates

were a mean of 74.3% (Habley, Valiga, McClanahan, & Burkum, 2010) and completion

rates of MOOCs were averaging about 4% (Stein, 2013). The fact that so few participants

completed the course to earn the certificate gave much fodder to critics. The credibility of

the most ardent supporters for MOOCs was being compromised by the mounting data

that continued to pile up.


Anxious MOOCs advocates conducted research to try to discover the cause and

remedy for this factor. The early research was characterized by descriptive statistics,

surveys, and a click-through method used by a new field of data science called learning

analytics. Little quantitative research was done, as the field was still nascent to most

researchers (Raffaghelli, Cucchiara, & Persico, 2015). At the same time, a fundamental

error was being made by conflating completion rates with retention. As George Siemens,

Director of the Learning Innovation and Networked Knowledge Research Lab at the

University of Texas at Arlington, framed it, We must measure it [completion rates] in

terms of investment costs (personal communication, January 19, 2016). He argued that

the high stakes damage of dropping a traditional course is catastrophic, compared to

someone who has no consequence whatsoever. Dr. Siemens opined that the fallacy occurs

when we are assessing the outputs, but are assuming that the input variables are the

same, but theyre not. The input variable for a MOOC is that you click a button

(personal communication, January 19, 2016).

Per the early research, retention should not be equated with completion rates. The

difference as detailed by many practitioners was that MOOCs have no prerequisites,

fees, formal accreditation, or predefined required level of participation

(Liyanagunawardena, Adams, & Williams, 2013). As a result, the motivation and

expectation factors are vastly different between retention and completion rates (Nanfito,

2013). Nanfito (2013) cited research regarding demographics of MOOC users that more

accurately categorizes the participants into No-Shows, Observers, Drop-Ins, Passive

Participants, and Active Participants (pp. 442-443). This has a definite effect on

determining completion rates. Although 180,000 is the largest recorded MOOC ever, the

typical enrollment is about 50,000, with a 90% dropout rate. Nanfito chronicled that most

who are enrolled do not participate beyond watching a video or two and abandoning the

course around the second week.

This led to a major paradigm shift when the retention research of MOOCs was no

longer equated with forms of traditional education. MOOCs were hereafter largely

studied as its own medium of instructional delivery. Continuing the evolution of MOOC

research, studies continued to provide terms, definitions, descriptions, and qualifications

for various forms of MOOC development. Because of the nascence in the field, this has

continued to be a part of the research literature.

The relative newness of the MOOC phenomenon has also led research to

primarily focus on qualifying terms, descriptive statistics, and utilitarian uses of the

medium. Although the term MOOC has become a part of the nomenclature of education

technology, there remains some ambiguity even at that rudimentary level. For example,

there are no precise benchmarks for enrollment scale to determine what is massive versus

what is not. How many students does it have to enroll to become a MOOC? Must the

enrollment be concurrent or aggregate? Even the reputed progenitor of the nomenclature,

Siemens (2013) readily admitted that years later he is unable to adequately define the

acronym (Siemens, 2013, para. 1).

Since MOOCs have morphed into varied designs, researchers and theorists are

scrambling to categorize, define, and delineate the one from the other. Even at the time of

the writing of this dissertation, emerging models are evolving as new technology fuses

new delivery systems to push the technological envelope. This further complicates the

issues of generalizability of results from one quantitative research project to the next,

much less to that of the population as a whole.

Need for the Study

The simple notion of reframing the argument, however, did not resolve the issue

of why in the MOOC environment low completion rates continued to plague them, much

less begin to constitute what qualifies as a successful completion. As Kizilcec, Piech, and

Schneider (2013) noted, the focus on completion rates results in a monolithic view of

disengagement that does not allow MOOC designers to target interventions or develop

adaptive course features for particular subpopulations of learners (p. 1). This is because

the focus is on completing as opposed to learning.

This is a good example of how quantitative research is being conducted within a

changing ethos. Some researchers are identifying lines of demarcation between cMOOCs

and xMOOCs (Daniel, 2012). Others are engaged in identifying kinds of motivation

exhibited in completing a MOOC (Williams, Paunesku, Haley, & Sohl-Dickstein, 2013).

Still others are qualifying what constitutes a completion rate altogether (Khalil & Ebner,

2014). Others are determining what terminologies describe those who drop out at what

point of a course (Sinha, Jermann, Li, & Dillenbourg, 2014). Almost simultaneously,

others are quantifying what behaviors lead to completion (Clow, 2013).

The need to determine student success in MOOCs is becoming critical because of

the increasing value being created by universities and industry. S. Kolowich (2012)

attested that more universities are looking to MOOCs for college credits, for a fee. The

University of Maryland University College is awarding college credit for successful

completion of certain MOOCs, and that the University of Massachusetts online is also

looking to award credit for MOOC learning. This is in tandem with Colorado State

University who became the first school to offer brick-and-mortar credits for MOOC

course completion (Nanfito, 2013, Ch. 1, Sec. 1, para. 2). With the Babson Group

Survey attesting that 70 percent of public and for-profit colleges now offer online

coursework, Nanfito (2013) advised, MOOCs must be discussed, planned for, and

implemented as an additive component in a broader online learning environment that

provides flexibility and choice to students trying to navigate a higher education system in

transition (Ch. 3, para. 4).

Consider also the online standard of Mozillas Open Badges, where more than

14,000 organizations and educational institutions are now using them to authenticate

education and lifelong learning as well as professional development (Stoltzfus, 2014).

The next iteration of their use is translating badges as certifications for competency-based

learning into college credits, to which the director of the New America Foundation,

Kevin Casey, contended, MOOCs will ultimately (inevitably) be considered for credit

(Nanfito, 2013, Ch. 6, Sec. 3, para. 3). Already a California bill sought to award college

credit for students taking faculty-approved MOOC courses online (Levin, 2013).

Add to this the increasing pressure upon higher education, as major institutions

are using MOOCs for extending reach and access, building and maintaining brand,

improving economics: reducing costs or increasing revenues, improving educational

outcomes, innovation in teaching and learning, and research on teaching and learning

(Blackmon, 2016, p. 88). It then becomes obvious that colleges and universities should

acquire a certain perspective on what constitutes student success by participating in a


Further, this increasing value for MOOCs is not limited to universities. Dr. Karen

Head, Director of Communications at the Georgia Institute of Technology, noted, As

corporate recruiters and managers, as well as legislators, clamor for graduates with

specialized, or even compartmentalized, skills, proponents have lauded MOOCs as

particularly well suited to provide such training (Bonk et al., 2015, p. 17). There is a

growing threat to colleges and universities of major corporations using MOOCs to train

and certify their own technicians, circumventing the requirement for a college degree

altogether (Haggard, 2013). Fundamental to that success is optimizing those features in

MOOC course design that will predict student success.

Significance of the Study

Two other fields of study have evolved rapidly that are playing a major role in the

study of MOOCs. One is the proliferation and use of massive databases to harvest

unprecedented amounts of data, like Hadoop and MapReduce. Although somewhat more

mature than the MOOCs themselves, big data, as it is now called, allows for researchers

and course designers to engage with massive amounts of data, create interventions, and

conduct experiments all in real time. O'Reilly and Veeramachaneni (2014) asserted,

MOOC big data is a gold mine for analytics (p. 30). The researchers attested, We can

now build a reliable predictor for which students will exit the course before completion

(p. 30).

Needless to say, predictive analytics (PA) is transforming many industries. In

education, Finlay (2015) attested, This ability to pick out new data items that are

predictive of something, that an expert might not have considered important before, is

one of the big strengths of predictive analytics (Ch. 5, para. 24). The literature provides

many such examples. For example, PA has grown in its ability to provide actionable

intelligence for military logistics, crime prevention, and financial risk analysis (Mayer-

Schonberger & Cukier, 2013, Ch. 10, para 1-3). Many companies like Amazon,

Facebook, and major retail chains attribute PA for online suggestive sales techniques.

Major retail stores and shipping companies like Wal-Mart, Federal Express, and United

Parcel Service attribute PA to vastly improved logistics in shipping products.

Most prominently in the literature is an account that occurred in 2009 where a

new flu virus named H1N1 promised to release a pandemic worldwide. In the United

States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) frantically tried to get

ahead of its spread but to no avail. By the time patients reported to doctors, who in turn

reported to the CDC, a week or two had lapsed. As a result, the disease was spreading

much faster than health officials could track it.

A few weeks before the H1N1 virus made headlines, engineers at Google published

an article in the scientific journal Nature. In it, Ginzberg et al. (2009, as cited in Mayer-

Schonberger & Cukier, 2013) claimed that Google could predict the spread of winter flu

in the United States down to the specific state and area. CDC officials contacted Google

to see if they could help. Since Google receives about three billion search queries per day

and saves them all, it had plenty of data with which to work. As such, the Google

engineers gathered 50 million of the most common search terms and compared them to

the seasonal flu data between 2003 and 2008. In total, they processed 450 million

different mathematical models in order to identify the best 45 search terms related to the

flu (Mayer-Schonberger & Cukier, 2013, Ch. 1, para. 5). Then, the analytics went to

work and began to identify the spread of H1N1 within hours of transmission. Thus, the

partnership between Google and the CDC was able to stop the spread of the deadly virus.

Now, take the power of analytics with big data and move it to education. Many

are familiar with the story of Sal Khan, founder of Khan Academy. By using PA and

massive amounts of data, analysts can identify weak areas in the curriculum and

accurately predict performance improvements with different designsall in real time.

Because of this new capacity, data science and particularly analytics have enjoyed

unprecedented and rapid development. Various algorithms have been developed and

tested to provide results that boast up to the 97% predictive accuracy (Siegel, 2013, Ch.

2, Sec. 10, Subsection 5, para. 4). This has moved many MOOC course designers, like

Stanfords Andrew Ng, into using these to make design improvements that improve

completion rates in real time (Mayer-Schonberger & Cukier, 2014, Ch. 1, para. 8).

Current technologies related to machine learning are being utilized to analyze

online curricula. This has lent itself to a new field of course design called adaptive

learning. In the adaptive learning design, the course reshapes itself to best address the

performance level of the learner. As in other fields of inquiry, this too is being addressed

through the use of MOOCs. It is yet to be determined whether this will evolve into a

separate type of MOOC or can be embedded in other forms of MOOC development. This

tendency to morphing into subcategories is also characteristic of the complexity of

MOOC research.

What this has created in terms of education research is to place MOOCs at the

forefront in importance as a research tool, as [traditional] universities would have to

change quite dramatically in order to benefit from big data (Mayer-Schonberger &

Cukier, 2014, Ch. 3, para 29). This is why research universities are clamoring to develop

and gain access to data and analytics of MOOC courses. Not only does this promise new

understanding related to MOOC course design, but the potential of testing other forms of

online learning, as well as teaching and learning theories altogether.

As MOOCs have become recognized as an important research tool, researchers

have leveraged the massive datasets and analytics to understand learner behaviors in

relation to design. Just as many other aspects of the evolving research, however, much of

the results remains descriptive as opposed to quantified (Raffaghelli et al., 2015).

With the advent of big data and PA, vistas of opportunities are available to

measure entire populations of users rather than being limited to sample sizes (Mayer-

Schonberger & Cukier, 2014). At the same time, the research provides cautions related to

the generalizability to diverse populations when using only analytic models.

Consequently, it is important that researchers who identify performance behaviors in

MOOCs begin to statistically quantify those results for the generalizability of their


Statement of the Problem

As such, the problem that is being addressed by this study is to identify those

learning behaviors that are performed by those who successfully complete MOOC

courses that can predict the successful traits of other students, which may lead to student

performance and design improvements of MOOC courses. At the same time, it is

important to precisely frame the problem when working with PA. As Finlay (2015)

noted, Identifying the right problem is critical. One limitation of predictive analytics is

that it is very specific (Ch. 8, para. 19). Davenport and Kim (2013) noted, By the end

of it [the PA process] youll need to have created a clear statement of the problem, with

concrete definitions of the key items or variables you want to study (p. 42).

Although there are studies that use analytics to address the well-publicized

problem with a low completion rate, the state of MOOC research necessitates studies that

quantify learning outcomes other than just completion rates. As Raffaghelli et al. (2015)

noted regarding the study of MOOCs, data analysis does not devote much attention to

learning outcomes (p. 503). It is these outcomes that I hope to address.

With the high stakes of validations by organizations, certifications by major

corporations, and awarding of college credits by a growing number of universities, the

need for quantifying performance has never been greater. As such, this dissertation is

designed to address this growing need by quantifying successful performance in MOOCs.

Research Questions

The research question the dissertation attempts to answer is: What performance

variables will predict a successful completion of a MOOC course? Corollary analysis

addresses such items as, How do high-performing students behave differently in a

MOOC environment? and Is there a stronger correlation between certain behaviors and

predicted learning outcomes in a MOOC course? Independent variables (IVs) related to

reading articles and video watching are analyzed to determine whether they are predictors

of student success. Student success, as the dependent variable (DV), is determined by

scoring an 80 average or higher on quizzes in a MOOC.

Null Hypotheses

The null hypothesis for the study is that there are no variables that predict a

successful completion of a MOOC course. Ancillary to this, there is no difference

between students who successfully perform on a MOOC quiz and those who do not.

There is no correlation that is stronger between certain behaviors and the predicted

learning outcomes in a MOOC course.


Several assumptions are made in the study. It is assumed that the database

information is accurate. Because of the volume and granularity of the data, it is assumed

that all of the relevant variables that play a part in the results have been accounted for or

are compensated by the sheer size of the population and/or design of the study. To test

the veracity of the assumptions and validity of the data, I use the standard practices of

data science. One such problem that too many assumptions can create fallacious results is

called overlearning or overfitting (Siegel, 2013). The first set, or training data, undergoes

the two-class decision forest algorithm, which is designed to minimize overfitting. Then,

a separate set of data, or test data, are analyzed to compare results.

Delimitations and Limitations


There are several delimitations contained in the study. Because the focus of the

study was to identify predictive variables related to student success, it was decided not to

include variables that seem tangential to the performance outcomes on the quizzes or

identified. For example, behaviors recorded in the activity log that are procedural or

tertiary to that primary dynamic of content delivery and learning were purged from the


Because over half of all registrants in the six available Luxvera MOOC courses

occurred in a single course, it was decided that its data would adequately reflect the

performance data of the other courses as well. This course alone provides adequate

granularity to conduct an analytic-based study. As such, this study focuses on the course,

Who is Jesus?

Since the video viewing and reading of articles were the primary teaching and

learning activities, those two measures along with their correlated time spans from the

time of enrollment are the only ones considered. Because the data were limited to either

entrance or completion time-stamped activities, it was decided to not use them to analyze

the learning behaviors themselves. As such, some of the broader issues of how much time

was dedicated to reading articles, reading behaviors, and video watching were not

considered in the study.


One of the limitations of the study has to do with the current development of

MOOC studies. The field as a whole is referred to as nascent by a number of the

researchers and provides ample evidence that it is just now beginning to make the

transition into the second phase mentioned by Ebben and Murphy (2014).

In addition, the lions share of studies focus on attrition, conceptualizing and

defining the phenomena, and issues of design for the purposes of marketing. The research

has only recently begun to focus more on quantitative pedagogical and learning research.

Although I was able to acquire age and gender information, the lack of additional

demographic information is another limitation. This is true of most MOOC studies that

are currently produced, because the design is intended to be an open architecture,

attracting as many people as possible with the least amount of restrictions.

Organization of the Study

The study applies PA to the Luxvera database at Regent University (Regent). The

database consists of primarily six active MOOC classesthree courses in Christian


Ministries, one course in Business and Economics, and two courses in the Humanities.

The Luxvera courses have been active for differing lengths of time, basically from 1 to 4


The courses are primarily designed as xMOOCs, meaning they are primarily

directed by instructors to students who are recipients of content. Furthermore, the value

of studying these xMOOCs is that There has not yet been extensive published research

on xMOOCs, partly because they are so new, and partly because of their proprietary

nature (Clow, 2013, p. 1).

Meanwhile, the Luxvera courses have varied features, making them a rich

reservoir to analyze student success relative to these comparative features. For instance,

the length of videos varies widely. Some courses contain guest lectures with quiz

components following the videos. Some videos have creative animations. Some are long

oratory with blank backgrounds. Others have interview formats. All have reading

components of varying lengths and sophistication.

Once the data were acquired, a process of cleansing occurred. Cleansing the data

entails removing or correcting corrupt, incomplete, inaccurate, or irrelevant records. Once

the data were clean, they were uploaded into Microsoft Azure Studio, which was then

used to conduct the analytics study. A two-class decision forest was used to identify the

predictive variables that led to student success.

Through this process, students were identified who completed the course and/or

were successful in the course by scoring an 80 average or better on course quizzes.

Performance variables that were common to those students were identified, and the

analytic algorithms were applied to them.


Definition of Terms

Big data. Big data contain the following properties: (a) it contains datasets where

the volume allows it to extrapolate reliable results by analytic formulas that would

require prescribed research methods and statistical formulas using smaller datasets to get

a comparable result, (b) the volume of datasets contains variables beyond the horizon of

inquiry that may contribute toward the results, and (c) it contains complex storage and

retrieval architecture.

Connectivist MOOC (cMOOC). The design of this is based on the learning theory

of connectivism coined by Downes and Siemens (Downes, 2005; Siemens, 2005). The

pedagogical model is innovative, the knowledge is distributed, and partly self-generated,

and the coherence of the course and the progression is constructed by the learner

(Pomerol, Epelboin, & Thoury, 2015, p. 12).

Data mining. This is often used as a synonym for predictive analytics. It is a

commonly used metaphor for depicting digging around through data in one fashion or

another, it is often used more broadly as well (Siegel, 2013, Intro., Sec. 6, para. 6).

Data scientist. A data scientist is an expert not only at analyzing data, but at

getting it in shape to analyze (Davenport & Kim, 2013, p. 73).

Feature engineering, This is the process of transforming raw data into features

that better represent the underlying problem to the machine learning algorithm, resulting

in improved model accuracy on unseen data (Barga, Fontama, & Tok, 2015, p. 67).

Massive open online courses (MOOCs). These are courses designed for large

numbers of participants, that can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they have

an internet connection, are open to everyone without entry qualifications, and offer a

full/complete course experience online for free ("Definition of massive open online

courses (MOOCs)," 2015).

Node. Although the term is used in various ways, depending on the discipline, in

data science, nodes are connection points in a data structure that contain specific records,

values, or placeholder information. According to Abdous, He, and Yen (2012),

Researchers can organize nodes into hierarchiesmoving from more general topics (the

parent node) to more specific topics (child nodes)in order to support their particular

research needs (p. 82). The primary node upon which all other nodes are dependent is

called the root node.

Predictive analytics (PA). Predictive analytics is a process used in data science to

predict future behavior or events based upon big data. To differentiate it from other forms

of analytics, it has the following aspects: (a) it uses various forms of statistical regression

to predict the likelihood of future events or behaviors, and (b) it identifies associations

among the variables and then predicts the likelihood of a phenomenon (Davenport &

Kim, 2013).

Predictive model. A mechanism that predicts a behavior of an individual.It

takes characteristics (variables) of the individual as input, and provides a predictive score

as output. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the individual will exhibit the

predicted behavior (Siegel, 2013, Ch. 4, Sec. 6, para. 1).

Preprocessing. A data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into

an understandable format for further processing by analytic algorithms.

Small open online courses (SOOCs). This is a newer term for a particular kind of

MOOC design. In a SOOC, all students wishing to take the course are obliged to take a

test beforehand to determine their level (Pomerol et al., 2015, p. 18).

Small private open courses (SPOCs). A SPOC is a MOOC designed for a class

of students who are registered at a university in the conventional manner (Pomerol et al.,

2015, p. 16).

Extended MOOC (xMOOC). According to Stephen Downes, the x stands for

eXtension to conventional teaching (Pomerol et al., 2015, p. 11). These tend to

employ a knowledge transmission model, through video recordings of classroom lectures

or custom produced mini-lectures.Online participants learn autonomously without

(necessarily) much focus on creating social interaction (Hayes, 2015, p. 8).



To provide clarity regarding MOOC research, one must forge through the morass

of oblique terminology that is endemic to the field. Once that occurs, the research is

better positioned to derive the meanings and results of prior research that can be

extrapolated to the study at hand. After a scientific theory has been applied to the terms,

the evolution of the research literature is studied to ascertain the current state of the


Clarifying Critical Terms

Use of MOOC Language

When one is trying to perform scientific research on a burgeoning field of inquiry

like MOOCs, testability of language plays an important role. This is not a purely

philosophical or abstract exercise. It goes to the heart of the value for this study. For

example, if a MOOC is not equivalent in some aspects to an online or brick-and-mortar

course, the applicability of the results will be limited to those taking MOOCs. This is also

true of the variant MOOCscMOOCs, xMOOCs, etc. If those aspects that differentiate

one form of MOOC from another are ill-defined, further research will suffer.

To delineate between MOOC terms is as daunting a task as that of quantifying

their results. One of the most telling examples of this occurred in the interview with

George Siemens, Executive Director of the Learning Innovation and Networked

Knowledge Research Lab at the University of Texas at Arlingtonand the one who

reputedly coined the term MOOC. When asked, When does a MOOC become a non-

MOOC?, Dr. Siemens attested that a course ceases to be a MOOC when it does not have

a large number of learners, although he could not define what constituted large. He also

qualified that the course had to be primarily online. It had to be open to anyone who had

an Internet connection. And, it had to have a course structure. At the same time, he could

not identify precise demarcations when drilling down each of those aspects; instead, he

claimed, The definition of a word equates to how we use it (personal communication,

January 19, 2016).

Further, he acknowledged the changing nature of MOOC terminology and that

faculty have a vested interest in branding and developing a name identity (personal

communication, January 19, 2016). He then disclosed the economic drivers that are at

play in the MOOC terms as well. According to him, a recognized term is a useful

citation, and increases credit to you, like writing a book. Those who are successful, he

acknowledged would gain prominence. The inner workings of identifying terms, he

described as a power struggle within faculties to name innovations.

Dr. Osvaldo Rodriguez (2012) was among the first to separate the kinds of

MOOC structures by learning theory. The two most prominent are xMOOCs and

cMOOCs. The xMOOCs are based upon cognitivebehavior learning theory and are

designed in a professor-centered, lecture-style format. Downes (2013c) claimed that the x

does not stand for an eXtended MOOC, but that it stands for an eXtension of something

else. The xMOOC is designed as information transmission modalities. They contain high-

quality content delivery and automation as it pertains to a vast majority of the student


On the other hand, the cMOOC predates the xMOOC as an outgrowth of the

connectivist work of Siemens and Downes (Haber, 2013). It is designed with high value

for learner autonomy, use of a diversity of tools, interactivity, and openness in terms of

access (Bates, 2014). Kop, Fournier, and Mak (2011) identified four types of activities

that are part of a cMOOC: aggregation, relation, creation, and sharing. Whereas, Downes

(2013a) narrowed the essential components down to autonomy, openness, diversity, and

interactivity. By aggregation, Kop et al. (2011)meant that the cMOOC provides a lot of

content resources to the participants. The relation component attributes the generous use

of the socialization technology. There is more orientation toward participants who

generate new ideas rather than regurgitate those from the sage on the stage.

In addition, there is a morass of other possible terms related to MOOCs.

Subcategories have evolved within the MOOC architecture. There are SPOCs, LOOCs,

SOOCs, hybrid open online courses (HOOCs), DOCCs, and the list goes on. This view of

the use of the technical language seems to be rather widespread, resulting in imprecise

terms and missing demarcations. For the purposes of this study, the entire superstructure

of major applicable terms needs to be etymologically reviewed. The obfuscating

influences of financial gain, power, and prestige warrant such a review.

Upon further study of how other MOOC researchers use language, there seems to

be an inescapable connection between MOOC terminology, the evolving dynamics cited

by Siemens, and contemporary perspectives on language use. Some MOOC theorists

reference knowledge directly from postmodern authors. For example, Kop and Fournier

gave evidence of direct knowledge of the writings of Foucault (Bonk et al., 2015, p. 305).

George Siemens noted Wittgenstein in his grappling with the opaque nature of definitions

in the MOOC-o-sphere (personal communication, January 19, 2016). MOOC educators

and researchers like deWaard et al. (2011) cited Derridas ideas of cultural context as a

limiting factor to understanding a concept.


Those MOOC researchers who do not provide direct citations to postmodern ideas

seem to demonstrate a use of language that comes out of that ethos in academia. For

example, Karen Head, Director of the Communication Center at the Georgia Institute of

Technology, noted the pains she and her colleagues went through to scrub the images and

language from cultural biases to be understood by the masses. Additionally, she equated

attributions of Western culture as a new form of colonialism (Bonk et al., 2015, p. 13).

Her attempts to scrub her MOOC course from any cultural context is clearly reflective of

Jacques Derridas (1997) idea of deconstruction, even though she did not reference him

in the narrative.

Others are not as socially adept as Head in the use of anti-Western victimary

narratives, which are a prominent theme in postmodern literature. At the same time, just

as Dr. Siemens pointed out, many MOOC authors and researchers reflect Heideggers

(1971) and the latter Wittgensteins (1968) postulates of language equating to use,

although they did not directly reference the postmodern philosophers.

It is not only the being-as-use philosophy that permeates the terminology and is

creating a muddled view of MOOC terms, but the language games that it spawns

(Wittgenstein, 1968, p. 5). Dr. John Warwick Montgomery (2012) referenced this as a

problem by noting the four basic themes of postmodernism from D. E. Polkinghorne: (1)

foundationlessness, (2) fragmentariness, (3) constructivism, and (4) neo-pragmatism (p.


Observing the term MOOC in the aggregate, several associations can be readily

made with Polkinghornes themes. Attempting to classify it as would a biologist, the

researcher is struck with its lack of attribution to its roots. As such, from what foundation

does the MOOC derive its unique aspects? What is its genus?

Like the other terms in this study, so also the term MOOC has varied etymologies

as to its origin. The casual etymologist may resort to the Oxford English Dictionary and

claim that perhaps it is derived from either of the acronyms MMOG (massively

multiplayer online game) or MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing

game), two online game constructs developed in the early 1990s ("Oxford Dictionaries,"

2016). Most often in the literature, Alexander and David Cormier coined the term in

reference to the Downes and Siemens course, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge;

yet the authors provided no association between them (de Freitas, Morgan, & Gibson,

2015; Downes & Siemens, 2008).

Depending on the study, some researchers attribute MOOCs to have originated

from essential components of other innovations, some of which go as far back as the

early 1960s (Nanfito, 2013). This occurs in rather sketchy association, like

Adamopoulos (2013) attribution that Fuller (1962) proposed industrial scale

educational technology (p. 2). In this case, there is an opaque reference to massive scale.

Perhaps the genus comes from other essential aspects of a MOOC. For example,

perhaps from the fact that a MOOC must be delivered online or that they require large

database capacities to implement. So, does the origination of the term MOOC start with

the creation of databases, distributed file systems, Map-Reduce mapping programs, or the

invention of the Internet?

Liyanagunawardena et al. (2013) attributed the beginning of the MOOC story to

aspects seen around 2001, with the production of OpenCourseWare online from the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Through this online platform, the


university attempted to provide permanent online content that allowed open use,

modification, and redistribution. Soon to follow MITs lead, Britains Open University

launched the OpenLearn Project, followed by Carnegie Mellon University with its Open

Learning Initiative.

Although these had features of what would later be termed as MOOCs, there were

some important differences. Although they satisfied the online content criteria, the

massiveness and self-contained coursework was not a part of these particular launches.

As Liyanagunawardena et al. (2013) noted, these were usually produced in order to be a

specific part of a larger educational experience within a specific educational framework

(p. 203).

Some argue that MOOCs are simply the natural evolution of the open education

(OE) movement. Bonk et al. (2015) said, The history of the development of OER and

OES [open educational services] indicates that MOOC technologies and MOOC-style

pedagogy are more than a fad, but less than a revolution (p. 38). At the same time,

MOOCs have fundamentally changed the definition of openness from its roots. For the

OE purist, openness indicates open for redistribution, modification, and reuse. OE

advocates tend to reject the notion that MOOC platforms are open, because they only

provide open access and nothing more (Bonk et al., 2015).

The issues at hand are tantamount to asking when does a chair attain its chair-

ness. Wooden legs without a seat fall short of chair-ness; a seat without a back is a stool

not a chair. What are the essential components of the MOOC, and at what point does the

product lose its MOOC-ness?

Yet, identifying the origin of MOOC aspects is in itself an inadequate treatment of


the etymology of the term, much less the current state of research in this particular field

as a whole. The literature affirms that the root etymology of the word occurred at a time

when all four components were implemented, regardless of the start date of the


By virtue of the newness of the field of study, the language is adapting to

changing expectations, needs, and interests. For instance, it was not until 2008 that the

first known MOOC was offered at the University of Manitoba in Canada

(Liyanagunawardena et al., 2013). In less than a decade, large MOOC platforms like

Stanford Universitys Coursera, edX from MIT, Udacity, P2P University, and the Open

Universitys Futurelearn, among others, dotted the landscape and enrolled many hundreds

of thousands of participants.

Not only has the relative newness of MOOC studies impacted the language used,

but the sudden popularity and success has generated euphoric expectations that have

further complicated the language. From the time that 160,000 students enrolled in

Sebastian Thruns course on an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and he started

Udacity, to Daphne Kollers and Andrew Ngs start-up of Coursera and beyond, a

utopian idea has surrounded the notion of MOOCs. During the 2011-2012 time frame,

literature was rife with accounts of MOOCs revolutionizing higher education as we know

it (Pappano, 2012). Dr. Siemens noted that the MOOC phenomenon reached its hype

popularization in the Fall of 2011 (Bonk et al., 2015, p. xiii). Promises of free and open

access to top-notch education from the worlds most prestigious universities were

commonplace (Nanfito, 2013).

Because of this, it can be easily understood that the ongoing tendency to


disassociate the terminology of MOOCs from its higher education roots was an effort to

depressurize threats to the early institutions upon which they relied. Ebben and Murphy

(2014) stressed, While leveraging the mystique of top-tier universities, MOOCs exist

well outside of the space and cultures of these hallowed halls (p. 342). The researchers

also noted the shift away from terms like professor, which according to them is rarely

used. Instead, the terms instructor or facilitator have become most frequently used.

Obviously, these are not equivalent terms. They also noted that the term student is rarely

used. Instead, the term participant is most often evoked.

It is reasonable to assume that the new language is the byproduct of postmodern

culture, the newness in MOOC studies, as well as the disinformation projected from the

unrealized hype of the early development (Young, 2013). This is hardly the background

for an easily obtained and objective scientific inquiry into an instructional modality.

Simultaneously, the literature equally affirms that researchers and practitioners

are attempting to identify precise categories and terms. Obviously, if a MOOC instructor

is the same as a college professor, then there are a host of expectations that accompany

that arrangement. Yet, are the differences substantial? Are they differences in degree or

in kind? Can it be readily acknowledged that the MOOC instructor is not doing

equivalent work as the professor on campus? How about equating a MOOC instructor

with that of an online college professor? If MOOC instructors are equally qualified,

tenured in a prestigious university, and providing the same pedagogy in a MOOC

environment, do they continue to be instructors, or are they serving as college professors?

Besides recognizing the obvious allusions to Nietzsches (2004) will to power

playing out in faculty lounges as detailed by Siemens, it is not enough to simply lament

that a presumed postmodern magisterium obfuscates MOOC terminology in some

quarters. But to firmly ensconce education technology as a science and in light of

recognizing the effect an ethos may have on perceptions, there should be extra caution

about creating artificial constructs or cavalier associations between aspects that should be

precisely defined and separated. A cogent argument for identifying clear categories and

causal relationships, much like the genus and specie in biology, needs to be constructed.

Toward a Scientific Use of MOOC Language

To do this, J. W. Montgomery (2005) provided a step toward refuting the

postmodern presuppositions to language in a substantial work based upon Wittgensteins

(2010) earlier work that attempts to achieve a mathematical precision in the use of

language. Specifically, with earned doctorates in theology, history, and law, Montgomery

(2012) argued the case for the use of evidence where truth claims are imprisoned by

culture. He asserted that all scholars serve as a scientist in the sense that he or she uses

logic, collects facts, sets forth explanatory constructs to explain the facts, tests the

constructs against the facts, and accepts those explanations which best accord with the

totality of the factual situation (p. 66).

Montgomery (2005) differed from post-Kantian philosophers, however, in that he

asserted that all claims, including purely formal ones, are testable. Montgomery refuted

Lessings ditch, the assertion that historical knowledge can never provide us with the

necessary truths of reason, by affirming that all such claims are delving into the realm of

probabilities and not absolutes (Montgomery, 2005, p. 67).

For Montgomery (2005), the testability is not limited to empirical data found in

test tubes. He did this by acknowledging that knowledge never rises above probabilities,

which is true of all factual knowledge, including present experience (Montgomery,

2005, p. 67). The testability is equated to legal evidence that is provided in a court of law.

He defined this as evidence having any tendency to make the existence of any fact that

is of consequence to the determination of the action more probable or less probable than

it would be without the evidence (p. 69).

It comprises artifacts that can provide empirical evidence. It also comprises sworn

testimony. The substance of the truth claim is based upon the weight of the evidence, not

in the amount of evidence. That gravitas is determined by an ordinem claritatis (order of

clarity) and verankern (groundedness). Regarding the order of clarity, the weight

descends from the most observable without obfuscation to the least. In terms of

groundedness, it descends from the most factually consistent to the least.

A second step toward moving the discussion regarding MOOCs in the direction of

the hard sciences is the work of Herman Dooyeweerd (1984). Dooyeweerd traversed the

noumenalphenomenal divide of Kant by recognizing the essence of things in relation to

their aspects. For Dooyeweerd, aspects are ways in which things can be meaningful. Like

Montgomery, no aspect is absolute. Every entity contains multiple aspects.

By doing this, MOOC etymologists will avoid the neo-pragmatism and

fragmentation errors of the postmodernists concept of being as use. Entities are more

than what they do, as they may contain spatial, quantitative, organic, analytic, formative,

or aesthetic aspects. These aspects may or may not contain certain functions. In addition,

these properties contain certain weights of factuality that are testable by empirical data

and weight of evidence. To move the study of MOOCs toward more objectively precise

terms, which will yield a more credible study, Montgomery (2005) and Dooyeweerd

(1984) would ask, Are there evidentiary and aspectual differences sufficient to warrant

the change in terminology?

Reframing the MOOC Nomenclature

One of the first attempts to construct an official definition of MOOCs that could

provide aspectual and evidentiary elements occurred in March 2014 from the HOME

project, a European-based MOOC platform. In April 2014, the Elearning,

Communication, and Open-Data partners elaborated and improved on it. Then in

November of that same year, OpenupEd partners, a European MOOC higher education

provider, published a commonly agreed-upon definition. This, then, was tested by a large

survey, which solidified the definition in February 2015. The value of the proposed

definition was not only that it went through the rigors of testability but included the

aspects that should accompany MOOCs. The proposed definition follows:

MOOCs are courses designed for large numbers of participants, that can be

accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they have an internet connection, are

open to everyone without entry qualifications, and offer a full/complete course

experience online for free. ("Definition of massive open online courses

(MOOCs)," 2015)

Likewise, some qualifiers are needed to further ensure precision of the definition.

To determine if something meets the criterion for being massive, it must be scalable and

enroll participants above what would be constituted a normal campus class size.

Regarding the feature of it being scalable, it means that the amount of resources

dedicated to the effective implementation of the course do not significantly correspond to

the increase in enrollment. This, of course, ensures that the MOOC warrants a separate

category to that of a brick-and-mortar classroom or online course where addition of

students requires added resources to implement. The second component is somewhat

more tenuous. By asserting that the enrollment exceeds the normal class size, Downes

(2013b) attempted to quantify it by recommending the Dunbar number of 150

participants. This would be precise, assuming that the MOOC was designed to maximize

the number of participants that could be maintained with whom the presenter could


The 150-participant threshold is arbitrary when applied to xMOOCs that rely on

teacher assistants or peer-to-peer assessments. It would be more precise to assert that a

massive number of students is that number of participants that exceeds the capacity of the

teacher to instruct students. This would differentiate the term massive as it pertains to

MOOCs from both the number of students on campus as well as through distance

education, and yet avoids the arbitrary 150-participant threshold.

Clarifying Big Data

There are the same obvious difficulties as it pertains to identifying big data. At

what point does it go from small data to big data? Is it in volume alone or, as Davenport

(2014) contended, does it also include the kind of data being used? If big data has to

include variations of data like pictures, videos, audio files, text, and other media, at what

point does it become big data? Is it with 10%, 40%, or 60%, or what is the breakpoint

that it has moved from small data to big data?

This same precision needs to be brought to bear on the language related to what is

commonly termed as big data. The reason this is important is that tests applied to data

may change as the qualities and quantities of the dataset change. It is theoretically

possible that the use of decision trees, algorithms, and analytics may be the best tests of a

certain size and kind of data, whereas traditional statistics may be best for another.

When one tries to arrive at a definition for big data that meets the aspectual and

evidentiary criteria, it is met with the same flux that is found with the term MOOCs.

Waller and Fawcett (2013) wrote, There is a lack of agreement regarding the meanings

of these terms, and because there is a dearth of articles on how these terms apply to the

logistics (p. 78). What are the lines of demarcation that separate one size and kind of

data from another? Or, are all data to be treated equally, regardless of size or kind?

The likely ground zero for the current use of the term came from John Mashey,

who was the chief scientist at Silicon Graphics in about the 1990 time frame (Lohr,

2013). Since Mashey framed the term to reference the huge data files accumulated by

Usenix, the term has been vulgarized to mean many different things.

The etymological trail is convoluted and requires careful scrutiny, as one sashays

between populist generics with only tertiary reference to a separate field of study to

serious research that uses the term within a range of meanings. Like the etymology of

MOOCs, however, Gil Press (2013) claimed the origin much earlier, 1941 to be precise,

where the first attempts to quantify the growth rate of a volume of data occurred by the

Oxford English Dictionary. He further noted that as early as 1944, Wesleyan University

published an article claiming that libraries double in size every 16 years. Press (2013)

discovered a 1961 article that approximated the doubling of scientific journals every 15


Press (2013) next noted that in 1967 there was an article that referred to the

information explosion and called for a fully automatic and rapid three-part compressor

of information (Press, 2013, para. 4). He documented and summarized many primary

documents that address the concerns of stockpiling data from 1971 to 2011 as evidence of

an ever-growing concern and call for new hardware and processing capabilities to

manage data. Of particular note is a September 1990 article by Peter J. Denning (as cited

in Press, 2013); this is one of the first published records to predict that the volume of data

will overwhelm the human capacity for comprehension. As cited in Press (2013), the

origin of the term big data occurred in an October 1997 report by Michael Cox and David

Ellsworth. Cox and Ellsworth referred to big data in relation to the volume of data being

accumulated and processed.

In the Press (2013) article, the primary documentation seems to indicate that by

the turn of the century, the term big data is a part of the parlance of data scientists and

other technology insiders. However, the exact size of what constitutes big data increases

as the technology improves. For example, Press referenced an August 1999 article by

Bryson, Kenwright, Cox, Ellsworth, and Haimes (1999). In it, the researchers

acknowledged big data was a term that in previous times was considered in megabytes,

whereas at the time of the article they were scaling Big Data at 300 gigabyte (Bryson

et al., 1999, as cited in Press, 2013, para. 17). Since that time, data gathering has grown

by powers of 10, from terabytes to petabytes, and then exabytes to zettabytes.

Beyond the mere acquisition of binary data found in databases, Press (2013)

referred to an October 2000 article by Lyman and Varian as the first comprehensive

study to quantifythe total amount of new and original information (para. 18). Upon

reviewing the original report, Lyman and Varian attempted to answer the question, If we

wanted to store everything, how much storage would it take? They determined that the

world produces between 1 and 2 exabytes of unique information per year (Abstract).

According to Lyman and Varian, this is about 250 megabytes per individual. What is

more significant is that the data they analyzed included four forms of mediapaper, film,

optical (CDs and DVDs), and magnetic.

Three years later, Lyman and Varian (2004) conducted more research on the

subject and found that data accumulation had grown 30% a year between 1999 and

2002, indicating almost double the amount discovered in the prior report (Executive

Summary, Sect. 2). In a later study, Short, Bohn, and Baru (2011) noted that in 2008 the

worlds computers processed 9.57 zettabytes of information. What is also of note is that

while Lyman and Varian (2000) noted a large cache of data by individuals, what they

called democratization of data, no such issue was noted in subsequent reports. This

may be reflective of the globalization of data as well.

What this means in terms of defining the term for the purposes of this study is that

there are no lines of demarcation that divide small, medium, and large amounts of data. In

the Press (2013) article that traces the etymology for the term, links can be made to

references of size projections all the way back to the 1940s. However, the most stable

definition as to what constitutes big data was a February 2001 report by Doug Laney

qualifying the term as containing unique volume, velocity, and variety. According to

Press, A decade later, the 3Vs have become the generally-accepted three defining

dimensions of big data (para. 20). This definition has not remained the standard bearer;

however, as Davenport (2014) noted, some current research has added other components

to the 3Vsveracity and value (Davenport, 2014, p. 164).

Because of the exponential growth of the volume of accumulated data, where


stored information grows four times faster than the world economy while processing nine

times faster, any attempt to differentiate data according to size or speed would be difficult

(Mayer-Schonberger & Cukier, 2013). In fact, Mayer-Schonberger and Cukier (2013)

acknowledged, There is no rigorous definition of big data (p. 101).

Initially, data scientists referred to it only in respect to the volume of information.

However, the amount of data is now so large that it no longer fits into the memory that

computers use for processing. As such, engineers needed to invent new tools and

processes to just retrieve and use the data. Davenport (2014) noted,

In effect, big data is not just a large volume of unstructured data, but also the

technologies that make processing and analyzing it possible. Specific big data

technologies analyze textual, video, and audio content. When big data is fast

moving, technologies like machine learning allow for the rapid creation of

statistical models that fit, optimize, and predict the data. (Davenport, 2014, Ch. 5,

para. 1)

Thomas Davenport (2014), noted scholar on data science, unearthed a number of

problems that are at play when it comes to the term big data. First, as has been noted, the

term big is relative, what is big today will not be so tomorrow. Second, the volume of

data is but one aspect of what is distinctive about the new forms of data. Furthermore, it

is not the most important characteristic in terms of use. A third objection, which

reinforces the malleable nature of terms in the education technology sector, is that some

people use the term big data to mean any use of analytics, or in extreme cases even

reporting and conventional business intelligence (p. 166). As such, Davenport predicted

that the term big data is going to have a relatively short life span.

Instead, Davenport (2014) advocated that researchers, businesses, and data

scientists reframe the terminology in terms of what are the intentions related to the data.

For example, financial analysts may analyze video data at their automatic teller machines

to better understand customer behaviors. A health care professional may decide to

combine electronic medical records with genome data to create personalized treatment

plans. In each case, the analysts would be engaged in what has been termed big data

research, but it would be more precise as to what kind of data they were using and for

what purpose.

Although Davenports (2014) use of the term resorts to the being-as-use model, in

another sense, it is being more precise. Another redeeming quality of his perspective is

the evidentiary element of consistent definitions and standards across the data we use for

analysis (Appendix, Sec. 1, num. 4). To better define the term big data, Mayer-

Schonberger and Cukier (2013) framed it in terms of the results; big data are things one

can do at a large scale that cannot be done at a smaller one, to extract new insights or

create new forms of value, in ways that change markets, organizations, the relationship

between citizens and governments, and more (p. 108).

Although the idea of changing markets and organizations seems to fall within the

pale of neo-pragmatism, it does encapsulate more of an aspectual element to the term big

data than that produced by Davenport (2014). Further filling the aspectual components,

Moses and Chan (2014) viewed the term as more of a catchall that covers the many new

tools that can quickly process larger volumes of data coming from diverse sources with

different data structures (p. 650). It is a term that deliberately moves with technological

advances over time (p. 650). This was apparently the original intent of Mashey around

1990. He apparently intended to coin a phrase that would encapsulate all of the rapid

changes occurring in data science (Lohr, 2013).

On the other hand, Boyd and Crawfords (2012) attempt to define big data is far

less utilitarian. They defined big data as a phenomenon that rests on the interplay of

(1) Technology: maximizing computation power and algorithmic accuracy to

gather, analyze, link, and compare large data sets. (2) Analysis: drawing on large

data sets to identify patterns in order to make economic, social, technical, and

legal claims. (3) Mythology: the widespread belief that large data sets offer a

higher form of intelligence and knowledge that can generate insights that were

previously impossible, with the aura of truth, objectivity, and accuracy. (Boyd &

Crawford, 2012, p. 663)

As trained and practicing lawyers, Moses and Chans (2014) critique of the

aforementioned definition is important for considering evidentiary support to the

definition. They particularly hone in on the notion of mythology as it relates to describing

big data. They accentuated the notion that careful and accurate processes in data mining

are still occurring in a social context. As such, the results from analytics are still

perceived by people with biases. The same skepticism that lawyers have about doctrinal

rules that necessarily predict outcomes should also be applied to big data, because they

too are driven by rules.

Additional problems with the Boyd and Crawford (2012) definition remain. They

did not qualify the term large in the first aspect of the definition. Once again, it is left to

ambiguity. The problem with the second aspect of the definition is with large still being

ill-defined, the use for drawing on datasets may include those items listed, or some other,

and can also be said to be a function of a single database on an individuals home laptop.

As a result, the inadequate precision in the definition precludes it from differentiating

from other data storage and processing.

For Davenport and Kim (2013), data that are easily retrieved, usually contained

within a single database, captured in rows and columns, quantitative, and in relatively

small volumes of a terabyte or two are considered small data. For them, big data

constitute unstructured data in large volumes.sometimes in the multipetabyte range

(p. 6).

Realizing the term big data is probably a placeholder for other terms that will be

more precise, to synthesize the perspectives of noted authorities, and to move the

conversation forward in a manner that attempts to arrive at a more scientific, testable

result by applying aspectual and evidentiary concepts to the definition, the following

provides an operational definition for the purposes of this study.

Primarily, the idea is to capture those aspects that differentiate its capabilities

above and beyond datasets of a lesser volume. To differentiate aspects between big and

small data, the study proposes that big data be understood as to contain the following


1. It contains datasets where the volume allows it to extrapolate reliable results

by analytic formulas that would require prescribed research methods and

statistical formulas using smaller datasets to get a comparable result.

2. The volume of datasets contains variables beyond the horizon of inquiry that

may contribute toward the results.

3. It contains complex storage and retrieval architecture as to process


information beyond the velocity of a single platform database software.

To further clarify the second aspect, Mayer-Schonberger and Cukier (2013)

contrasted the traditional sampling method with data analytics: Using all the data lets us

see details we never could when we were limited to smaller quantities. Big data gives us

an especially clear view of the granular: subcategories and submarkets that samples cant

assess (Section 3, para. 2). Whereas, with the smaller datasets, the researcher can

prescribe and control all of what he or she perceives to be relevant, big data move beyond

the controls of the researcher to provide a granularity of information that may provide

unforeseen results at the time of the analysis.

Clarifying Predictive Analytics

PA carries similar baggage of rapid change and popularity as that of the terms

MOOC and big data. It too has become a buzz word and thus suffered a certain

ambiguity. Therefore, the same process is afforded the notion of PA, as the same

obfuscating dynamics are at play. In order to derive a definition that clearly serves the

purpose of this study, insights from the etymology are sparing.

The dawn of PA is somewhat murky, depending on what innovations the historian

attributes to contributing toward that ultimate design. A few attribute it as far back as

1689, by Edward Lloyd of the famed Lloyds of London; crude data-gathering and

statistical algorithms were used to determine risk assessments and construct actuarial

tables (Wood, 2013). Some refer all the way back to the dawn of the computer age in the

late 1930s, particularly as to the use in decoding German messages, Kerrison Predictor

automating anti-aircraft targeting, and the Manhattan Project (Holsapple, Lee-Post, &

Pakath, 2014). Some ascribe the beginning to more commercial enterprises in the 1950s

and 1960sthe Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer that forecasts weather,

first university degree program in Operations Research at Case Institute of Technology,

the use of analytics to solve the shortest path problem in air travel and logistics, Fair

Isaac Corporation (FICO) applying predictive modeling to credit risk decisions, or the

Statistical Analysis System Institute research project funding by the Department of

Agriculture ("The analytics big bang: Predictive analytics reaches critical mass as big

data and new technologies collide," 2015).

In terms of classification, PA is one of the analytical approaches used in data

science. In the schema for related terms, PA is one form of a broader heading of

analytics. Bichsel (2012) surveyed some research organizations and conducted seven

focus groups consisting of both information technology and institutional research

professionals, one purpose being to define analytics. They were to respond to the

definition, Analytics is the use of data, statistical analysis, and explanatory and

predictive models to gain insights and act on complex issues (p. 6). Interestingly, the

majority of the respondents agreed with this working definition.

According to Davenport (2014), Analytics can be classified as descriptive,

predictive, or prescriptive according to their methods and purpose (p. 3). Add to these

other types of analytics visual (Keim et al., 2008), learning (Picciano, 2012), posterior

(Charles, 2000), and a growing list of other such terms, and one can readily see a growing

ambiguity and conflation in how the terms are used. Van Barneveld, Arnold, and

Campbell (2012) clarified some of the ambiguity: The term [analytics] may reflect

specific topics of interest (health analytics, safety analytics, geospatial analytics)the

intent of the activity (descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, prescriptive


analytics)even the object of analysis (Twitter analytics, Facebook analytics, Google

analytics) (p. 2).

In trying to carefully trace an etymology that may clarify the use of the terms,

researchers meet the same difficulty as was found in other tech terms. For example,

claiming the first to be as old as the first actuaries in insurance or underwriting in banking

could hardly be essentially the same as todays PA. Although some have tried, todays

PA could hardly be traced to the 1940s when the U.S. government began predicting the

outcome of nuclear chain reactions and other computer simulations. Again, whereas these

do include the use of building-size supercomputers to process enormous amounts of data

for the age, the modern PA processes more information on a single laptop, much less

when combined with big data.

By the early 1970s through the 1990s, analytics were clearly gaining definition

and identity. One of the best known occurred in 1973, where a PA model known as the

Black-Scholes was created to predict optimal stock prices. Less well-known occurred

earlier, where some attribute the first use of PA to John Elder who also used it to

anticipate stock values (Siegel, 2013, pp. 1-3). About 1995, FICO started using analytics

to fight credit card fraud. That same year, Amazon and eBay raced to personalize the

online buying experience using analytics. A few years later, Google applied algorithms to

searches in order to maximize results and relevance ("The analytics big bang: Predictive

analytics reaches critical mass as big data and new technologies collide," 2015). Those

who chronicled these events adopted the term PA to refer to the algorithms applied to

large datasets that predicted future behavior or events based upon that prior information.

For example, one such definition is by noted analytics expert, Eric Siegel (2013),

who says that PA are a technology that learns from experience (data) to predict the

future behavior of individuals in order to drive better decisions (Intro., Sec. 5, para. 2).

A similar one by Davenport and Kim (2013) defined PA as using data from the past to

predict the future. They first identify the associations among the variables and then

predict the likelihood of a phenomenon (p. 3). Van Barneveld et al. (2012) defined it as

a process thatacts as a connector between the data collected, intelligent action that can

be taken as a result of the analysis, and, ultimately, informed decision making (p. 6).

Waller and Fawcett (2013) ascribed PA as a subset to data science, which they defined as

the application of quantitative and qualitative methods to solve relevant problems and

predict outcomes (p. 78).

The problem with the Waller and Fawcett (2013) definition is that although data

science can use some traditional research methods and statistical formulas, it is conducted

in a different manner than that of traditional sampling and research design. Constructing

an etymology of the term brings one to the same components repeatedly. Simply put, the

literature refers to it as using historical data to predict future behaviors and events.

Rightly did Cooper (2012) object to the notion of Van Barneveld et al. (2012) that

the defining aspect of simple analytics is data-driven decision making. But to correct this

mischaracterization, he replicated the truncation of Waller and Fawcett (2013) by

proposing the definition, Analytics is the process of developing actionable insights

through problem definition and the application of statistical models and analysis against

existing and/or simulated future data (Cooper, 2012, p. 2).

In addition, only the Siegel (2013) definition accounts for the recent advent of

machine learning in creating an automaticity relative to PA. Most of the other definitions

inadvertently retain the being-as-use philosophy. For example, Picciano (2014) wrote,

Essentially it is the science of examining data to draw conclusions and, when used in

decision making, to present paths or courses of action (p. 38). In understanding the use

of analytics, Davenport, Harris, and Morison (2010) noted that it is important to

combine the science of quantitative analysis with the art of sound reasoning (Intro.,

Sec. 9, para. 1).

Once again, to synthesize the literature and define PA with its aspectual and

evidentiary components, the following is the working definition of this study: PA is a

process used in data science to predict future behavior or events based upon big data. To

differentiate it from other forms of analytics, it has the following aspects: (a) it uses

various forms of statistical regression to predict the likelihood of future events or

behaviors, (b) it identifies associations among the variables and then predicts the

likelihood of a phenomenon (Davenport & Kim, 2013).

Clarifying Student Success

Another significant term that needs to be clarified for the purposes of this study is

what constitutes student success. Of all terms clarified in this study, this one seems to be

the most subjective and difficult to quantify. Some MOOCs are designed on the outset to

clarify success as completing the assignments and earning a certificate. Others nix the

certification and focus on completion. Calvert (2014) noted that Open University as well

as other external agencies in the United Kingdom define student success in relation to

the students study/qualification aim (p. 161). Those of the cMOOCs design are more

concerned with social connections of knowledge, so interaction would be a success

metric. Since the focus of this study is a course designed in xMOOC fashion, it was

decided to use participation in respect to activity logs that are correlated to passing

quizzes with a benchmark score of 80.

Theoretical Framework

Development of MOOC Research

Raffaghelli et al. (2015) conducted a meta-analysis of 60 peer-reviewed journal

articles pertaining to MOOCs research. Not only did the study critique the methodology

but provided a framework for the progression of MOOC research development based

upon the research of others. This provides researchers a framework by which to gauge the

progress being made in the MOOC research field.

There were several items of note in the Raffaghelli et al. (2015) research that

indicate a need to be able to predict student success in MOOCs. First is the comparatively

few studies dedicated to this. Only 16 of the 60 articles were oriented toward the learning

processes in MOOCs. Even then, almost all focused on survey data, descriptions, and

concept generations. Raffaghelli et al. constructed six categories used in the research

design. By far, the most common design found in the journals was that of the theoretical

conceptual. It was used double to that of quantitative, qualitative, or design-based. The

researchers ascribed the term theoreticalconceptual to the studies because they either

propose conceptual schemes or models created by the authors or discuss theoretical

aspects and frameworks for analysis (p. 496).

Raffaghelli et al. (2015) identified 11 categories for data collection methods of

which conceptualization of dimension was the most often used. It is here that the research

teams contention that a review of research methodology needs more thorough study

becomes most obvious. Of those 22 journal studies that fell into the conceptualization of

dimension category, all simply described characteristics of MOOCs, usually aiming to

support a thesis or substantiate a claim of the authors (Raffaghelli et al., 2015, p. 498).

In the remaining 48 journals studied, Raffaghelli et al. (2015) noted, Little use

was observed of other, more specic and systematic methods aligned with the qualitative

paradigm (interviews, virtual ethnography) or the quantitative tradition (quasi or

controlled experiment) (p. 498). Similarly, Raffaghelli et al. identified nine categories of

data analyses used in these journals. Of those, the most commonly used method was that

of description of dimensions, with descriptive statistics being second.

Raffaghelli et al. (2015) acknowledged that the research designs of the peer-

reviewed studies they analyzed were subject to different scientic backgrounds and

skills of the researchers involved in research nature of educational problems (p. 489). Of

note, their study inadvertently chronicled the changes in the research of MOOCs

correspondingly to the increasing use of data science over time. With the advent of big

data and analytics, more research in the field was being conducted by using these tools in

the more recent years.

One of the more cogent insights derived by Raffaghelli et al. (2015) was the entire

research field as it relates to MOOCs should undergo a methodological tuning (p. 490).

This tuning, they asserted, should result in producing awareness and agreement between

different researchers regarding the epistemological and ontological conceptions upon

which the methodological choices are based (p. 490). Thus, this is a clear indicator of

the need I attempt to address in this study to provide clear concept framing and definition,

as the terminology remains in somewhat flux.

Later in the study, Raffaghelli et al. (2015) critiqued even those conducting

quantitative research, that they were primarily descriptive statistics that did not follow up

with the likes of correlation, factor analysis[or] inferential statistics (p. 499). As

such, the research team viewed them more as exploratory, rather than experimental (p.

499). Beyond this, they alleged this to be a common practice, understandably due to the

nascence of the field in general. They theorized this may be due to the fact that

researchers in the field of MOOCs are making an effort to define the main constructs

needed to drive empirical research (p. 502). All of those studied tended to describe

cases or generate frameworks to conceptualise the problem (Raffaghelli et al., 2015, p.

499). They evinced this claim by noting that only two out of the 60 studies analysed

implemented randomised experiments (p. 499).

This is powerful affirmation of the need to conduct quantitative research in the

field of MOOC development. Raffaghelli et al. (2015) noted that the studies that used

analytics identify clicks on specific resources and records of interactions, etc. As reported

by them, these techniques are used in early works as well as in the more recent cases of

scholarly literature on MOOCs (p. 499). They made the caveat, however, that in these

studies the connections between the constructs discussed were loose, and the data were

not elaborated further than descriptive statistics (p. 499). They noted, Few papers adopt

LA [learning analytics] in more advanced ways to show learning patterns or generate

predictive models (p. 499). Of those studied by Raffaghelli et al., only four papers

propose mathematical models to explain relationships between the variables involved

and to predict future learning behaviours on these bases (p. 499).

Raffaghelli et al. (2015) then built their case that research of MOOCs is still in the

early life cycle of educational research by pulling from the framework built by Stephen

Gorard (Gorard & Cook, 2007). Gorard and Cook (2007) identified seven phases where

education research tends to evolve. Raffaghelli et al. compared the dates published with

that evolution and found a sufficient pattern in the writings to determine that MOOC

research is in its early stages devoted to characterizing the object of study,

conceptualizing the phenomena and identifying more clearly and systematically the main

research problems. (p. 500)

In the Raffaghelli et al. (2015) study, a number of areas are in dire need of

research as it pertains to MOOCs; among them are those that foster positive learning

outcomes. More importantly, however, these researchers advocated for a close alignment

between the definition of the pedagogical problem, development of a prototype solution

and tailoring of the mathematical and statistical procedures to extract and suitably

represent significant data (p. 502). The framing of this need captures the intent of the

research at hand.

To trace the genus and specie of MOOCs, Ebben and Murphy (2014) broke down

the scholarship relative to MOOCs into two distinct phases. In the first phase, they

asserted that the focus was on the rise of connectivist cMOOCs, engagement, and

creativity. In the second phase, the focus shifted to xMOOCs, further development of

MOOC pedagogy, growth of learning analytics and assessment, and the emergence of a

critical discourse about MOOCs.

In their second phase of the evolution of MOOC research, Ebben and Murphy

(2014) noted that the scholarly literature aims in different directions. Among the insights,

they shared the need for development of learning analytics based on student

characteristics and behaviors that are recursively applied in MOOCs (p. 342). What

Raffaghelli et al. (2015) and Ebben and Murphy showed by this, in terms of the

theoretical underpinnings of this research, is that the field as a whole is still very much in

the formative stages of development because of the nascence of MOOC studies

altogether. That said, it is also clear that a need exists to do much quantitative research

with substantial statistical validation, focused on learning outcomes among a few other


Current Findings

A summary of current research related to MOOCs will discover a growing trend

toward learning analytics, using them to improve teaching and learning through big data

and PA. Several studies are precursors and foundational to the current study. Calvert

(2014) used a predictive model to predict student success in distance learning classes.

The researcher identified numerous milestones spanning several years. These milestones

covered not just academic success but retention The milestones included specific

modules of study at specific time periods to give data of a sufficient level of granularity

to support a predictive analytics modelling approach (p. 161).

Although Calvert (2014) was able to acquire more demographic information than

is found in the typical MOOC, there were also many more extrinsic motivators that

would influence completion; the value of this study as a precursor, however, is that the

research established that a relatively small set of routinely collected data that is

associated with student success at various points could be identified (p. 172). Second, it

established that by using PA a person can predict the probabilities that students who pass

the milestones can be used to determine total numbers expected to pass the milestones

(p. 173). Last, the importance of specific variables in generating the predicted

probabilities varies with the milestones (p. 173).

A second study was conducted by Smith, Lange, and Huston (2012) of Rio Salado

College. Again, this study was designed for online courses rather than specifically for

MOOCs. A difference lies in that the college provides enrollment every Monday, is

asynchronous, provides the coursework in 8-week intensives, and was facilitated entirely

online. This makes the working environment a little more MOOC-like, although they

have all the extrinsic motivators of a traditional online course that would be absent in the

MOOC. Another factor that makes it foundational to the current study is they chose to

define a successful outcome as a final letter grade of C or higher (p. 52).

Smith et al. (2012) determined a number of early point-in-time predictors for

predicting student success. Like many of the completion rate studies of MOOCs, Smith et

al. used the activity tracking methods to determine the predictive variables. They

compiled the top 10 performances of successful students. The researchers used a random

sampling cross-validation method to test the accuracy of the predictive models. Pearson r

correlations were used to quantify the correlation between the course outcomes and

activity logs. In addition, a well-designed chart clearly showed results comparing

predicted performance differences between successful and unsuccessful students. Further,

the results of the Smith et al. was applicable to this study in that, This study

demonstrated the strong correlation that exists between LMS [learning management

systems] activity markers and course outcome (p. 60).

Until recently, studies directly related to MOOCs, as mentioned by Raffaghelli et

al. (2015), have mainly been focused on completion rates and attrition issues. These were

characterized more around descriptive statistics, surveys, and raw numbers of results.

During this second phase of research, more quantitative studies on teaching and

learning are evolving (Ebben & Murphy, 2014). A recent centerpiece MOOC research is

that of Jiang, Warschauer, Williams, ODowd, and Schenke (2014). Although it is

focused once again on MOOC completion, it quantifies the kind of certificate participants

receive or whether they receive one at all during performance metrics identified during

the first week. This is a useful study because Evans, Baker, and Dee (2016) already

confirmed a significant attrition rate after the first week in MOOCs. Jiang, Warschauer, et

al. (2014)found that participation in peer assessments during that first week yielded the

odds of getting a higher certification at seven times greater than normal. This was

confirmed by Balakrishnan (2013), who used a combination of students assignment

performance and social interaction during Week 1 within the MOOCs to predict their

final performance in the course.

Jiang et al. (2014) affirmed that participants who are well connected in forums are

more likely to receive distinction than normal certificates. The team used predictive

modeling with logistic regression along with a tenfold cross-validation that confirmed a

92.6% accuracy in the predictions (between certificates earned). For predicting normal

certificates over no certification at all, their model showed 79.6% accuracy. Items for

continued experimentation that is recommended by the authors were research into the

relationship between quality of online courses and student engagement and performance

is recommended (p. 275). Again, this affirms the need for ongoing research in MOOCs

to be able to identify and predict those performance behaviors that lead to success.

Sinha, Jermann, et al. (2014) constructed a weighted hierarchy of video-watching

behaviors that they termed an Information Processing Index (IPI). Each behavior was

weighted according to the strength of the behavior related to engagement. They used

learning analytics and machine learning to determine the outcomes. Particularly, they

used Millers (2011) survival analysis to determine the level of sensitivity of the

clickstream action vectors, IPI, and student dropout rates. They reported that a student

was 37% less likely to drop the MOOC, if in their video viewing profile, they have one

standard deviation greater IPI than the average. If a students rewatching behavior

changed from low to high, they were 33% less likely to drop out. In addition, if they

started watching more proportion of the video lectures, they were 37% likely to drop out

of the MOOC.


In conclusion, the research project adopts practices that were successful in prior

research. It adopts a variation of the Calvert (2014) study of collecting a set of data that is

associated with student success at varying points of performance. Like Calvert, these

performances were set up as milestones.

The Smith et al. (2012) study was instrumental in that although they were true

distance education courses, they nonetheless shared practical similarities with MOOCs in

several important ways. They too used PA to forecast a successful outcome if students

met certain benchmarks that could be tracked through activity logs. Also, it was shown

that research is appropriate to set a number that is based upon common practice and

institutional interest as to what defines success. In their case, they used a letter grade, C

or higher, whereas I used a score of 80 on a quiz grade.

The Jiang et al. (2014) study was instrumental in providing a backdrop of the

drop-in performance that occurs after the first week, which was confirmed by

Balakrishnan (2013). How this contributed to the current work is that there was analytic

work to determine if the predictive variables held true after the first week.

Sinha, Jermann, et al. (2014) contributed to the notion of various behaviors

related to video viewing. Since the Luxvera MOOCs are strongly designed as xMOOCs,

it was essential to drill down to these metrics. Whereas Sinha, Jermann, et al. reported

that students performed better if they have one standard deviation than average, I

disaggregated video watching as a possible variable that would lead to student success as

determined by the benchmark.


In summary, it has been amply demonstrated that there is a significant need to

conduct quantitative research regarding MOOCs. It has further been demonstrated that

due to the nascence of this field of inquiry, critical terms remain malleable. This can have

an obfuscating effect on the research. Further, the terms need evidentiary and aspectual

treatment to provide the accuracy and gravitas needed to conduct research.

The research has recently begun a transition from primarily focusing on

descriptive statistics, surveys, and utility to more objective and quantitative research

using big data and PA. Particularly, the fields of learning and adaptive analytics are

finding a boon of research opportunities.

Laced throughout the research is the recurring theme of needing to quantify

learner outcomes. Pieces of prior research have provided a framework for the current

work. As such, this research is an extension of the current status of MOOC research and

satisfies a critical need to quantify learner outcomes.



Much of the current research adopts the framework of the Calvert (2014) study at

Open University. Although, his setting was in college credit-bearing distance education

coursework, Calvert determined a successful outcome by the grade average as determined

by the university, as well as a list of benchmark completions to predict student success.

Other researchers set comparable benchmarks as to what constitutes a satisfactory

performance (Smith et al., 2012). For example, Simpson (2006) defined success as

passing an exam as determined by the college. In concert with these and other studies,

this study uses an 80% average or higher on the first attempt of the quiz grades in the

MOOC course as the benchmark for having successfully understood the content of the



The current study applies PA to the Luxvera database at Regent. This database

provides adequate granularity to conduct an analytic-based study. As Finlay (2015)

noted, Very few predictive models need more than a few dozen data items to be able to

generate very good predictions indeed (Ch. 5, para. 28). Currently, Luxvera offers

online video presentations entitled the Great Talk Series (GTS) on 22 topics. These are

not designed with all of the components of a college-simulated course of instruction. In

the system, there are six actual MOOC courses that cover a range of content areas. Three

are courses in Christian Ministries, one in Business and Economics, and two in the

Humanities. These Luxvera courses have been active for differing lengths of time,

basically from 1 to 4 years. One of the first offerings is the focus of this study, as it has

enrolled over half of the total participants.


The Luxvera courses in the study are primarily designed with xMOOC features,

meaning the content is primarily directed by instructors through digital media to students

who are recipients of the content. Furthermore, the value of studying these xMOOC-

styled courses is shown by Clow (2013): There has not yet been extensive published

research on xMOOCs, partly because they are so new, and partly because of their

proprietary nature (Clow, 2013).

The datasets include participant behavior regarding videos, articles, discussion

threads, activities, quizzes, and many variations to the structure that allow the student to

alter the order, pace, or trajectory of their learning. However, in most of these features

only beginning or completion time stamps are archived. The clearest exception is the

numeric grades ascribed to the quizzes.

Should future design allow for more robust data gathering, the panoply of

Luxvera courses have varied design features, making them a rich reservoir to analyze

student success relative to these comparative features. For instance, the length of videos

varies widely. Some videos contain guest lectures with quiz components following the

videos, some videos have creative animations, some are long oratory with blank

backgrounds, one is a single graphic with only audio for the duration, and others have

interview formats. The video recordings in the six courses vary from 53.5 minutes in the

Asia: Yesterday and Today course to that of 130.8 minutes in Why Did Jesus Live?

All courses have reading components of varying lengths and sophistication. The

database does not capture reading performance behaviors that may contribute toward

student success through activity logs. From course to course, the reading assignments

were more varied than the videos. The smallest amount of reading in the course What Did

Jesus Teach? contained 6,292 words, while the largest, Exploring the Ancient Word,

contained 33,094 words. In addition to the variance, some courses were designed with

supplemental readings to occur outside the MOOC environment. Consequently, with no

corresponding assessment on whether a participant completed the reading or not, how

long it took them to read, or whether they felt they understood the material or not, there

were limited opportunities to drill into the reading behaviors themselves to see if certain

aspects contributed toward overall student success.

Other features are loosely related to the learning objectives. One such feature,

which is consistent in all six courses, is that of a course introduction. It is a narrative that

is designed to be read by each participant at the beginning of the course. A second feature

consists of introductory readings in each unit. This serves as an anticipatory set and thus

warrants inclusion among possible predictive variables. Again, each introduction varies

in length. Because the design is such that a participant can skip this section altogether and

proceed to other parts of the course, this should also be included as possibly predictive of

performance success.

A third feature is that of the discussion thread. D. Yang, Sinha, Adamson, and

Ros (2013) revealed that those who engaged in earlier discussion threads were less

likely to drop out (p. 3). The researchers also noted other patterns regarding

socialization in the study.

Although the research is clear that socialization as usually provided by an

appropriate use of the discussion thread leads to higher completion rates, some of the

Luxvera courses did not refer them at all, some used them for writing assignments but

provided no feedback from instructors, others like the course in this study simply

encouraged the students to use them to self-monitor their own growth. The database

provided did not have records of performance in the discussion thread. Regardless, the

data were only tertiary to any learning performance in the Luxvera MOOCs. So, it was

determined to not include it in this study.

Population, Sampling Procedures

Like almost all other MOOCs, the Luxvera MOOCs do not gather much

demographic information. There is one population without reference to any subgroups.

As such, there is little demographic data to disaggregate. However, according to a recent

survey from Duke University, it may be safe to assume that they are primarily

nontraditional student populations, meaning not college students in their early 20s

(Bolkan, 2015).

The study consists of the entire population of those who have taken the course

entitled Who is Jesus? and/or perhaps other of the six Luxvera courses. The training and

testing data were implemented at a 70/30, respectively. These datasets were configured

randomly by the analytic software.

Instrumentation, Apparatus, and/or Materials


This study attempts to discover predictive variables of successful participants in

MOOCs by analyzing activity data in the Luxvera MOOCs. To perform this, a two-class

decision forest was conducted. To understand the framework of analytics, basic

knowledge of decision trees needs to be understood.

When running some form of decision tree analytic, the algorithms consist of

hierarchical structure that works by splitting the dataset iteratively based on certain

statistical criteria (Barga et al., 2015, p. 17). The intersection of these splits is called a

node. The term node takes on many definitions, depending on the context and field of

study. In data science, a node is a connection point at which the data intersect and/or

branch off. Nodes act as the centers through which data are routed. They may contain a

value or condition by which the data are processed.

The primary starting point for data processing is called the root node,

intermediary connections that converge or branch off data are called interior nodes, and

the final points of a decision tree are called leaf nodes. In the data structure, there are

parent and child (or sub) nodes. The parent node is that connection that transmits the

information, the child node is that which receives it.


The materials of the study consisted of a MySQL database of six Luxvera MOOC

courses. Since about half of the enrollment occurred in a single course, that course was

selected as the sole source for this study. The data were converted into comma-separated

value (CSV) files using Microsoft Excel 2016. To manipulate the data into the most

useful format, the R programming language software was utilized. To analyze the data,

Microsoft Azure analytics was used.


This is a quantitative study using standard data science protocols and a two-class

decision forest to identify those performance variables that lead to student success in the

performance of MOOCs. In a machine learning algorithm, such as random forests[the

research] does not depend on statistical assumptions, but instead they learn from the

data (Strickland, 2015, p. 12).


As noted earlier, some aspects of this study are comparable to the Calvert (2014)

study. Fundamentally, Calvert asserted, The predictive models are built up by

identifying variables associated with student success.The variables are used as

explanatory variables within logistic regression to generate probabilities of success at in

module milestonesprobabilities that a student passes the module (pp. 162-163).

Some of the variables identified in Calvert (2014) as well as Smith et al. (2012)

were includeddays between logged in to the course [time between enrollment and

activities], viewing the course syllabus [viewing the introduction], opening a lesson,

completing a quiz, reading assignments, and the like. The encoding system was aligned

with the nodes, which has become a fairly common practice in the study of performance

data in MOOCs (Sinha, Jermann, et al., 2014). Similar to the Sinha, Jermann, et al.

(2014) study, categories were analyzed by students clicks. This in turn was followed by

interpretive data.

Upon acquiring access to the Luxvera SQL database, a 70/30 training to test data

model was implemented (Kloft, Stiehler, Zheng, & Pinkwart, 2014). The metrics were

setup for each of the variables to be measured (see Table 1).

Table 1

Conversion for Preprocessing the Data in the Course

Feature Metadata Conversion Description

uid Integer Categorical User identification numbers.

registration Time Categorical The date/time registered.

stamp numerical Converted by paste special/add +
0, then R program conversion.

enrollment Time Categorical The date/time enrolled.

stamp numerical Converted by paste special/add +

Feature Metadata Conversion Description

0, then R program conversion.

status Nominal Categorical Identifies the participant as either

binary 1, 2 Active or having Completed
the course (1, 2 respectively)

comp_dt Time Categorical The date completed. Converted

stamp numerical by paste special/add + 0, then R
program conversion.

birth_yr Date/ Categorical The birth year of the user.

Time ordinal Converted by paste special/add +
0, then R program conversion.

gender Nominal Categorical Identifies the participant as either

binary 1, 2 Female or Male (1, 2

n_records* Integer Noncategorical Sum of all quiz attempts by each

numerical user.

n_retests* Integer Noncategorical Sum of each users quiz retakes.


n_passed* Integer Noncategorical How many quiz attempts each

numerical user passed with a score of 80 or

n_passed_first-time* Integer Noncategorical How many quizzes the user

numerical passed with a score of 80 or
above on the first try.

average* Integer Noncategorical Average score of all quizzes

numerical taken by each user.

first_score* Integer Noncategorical First score attempted by the user.

first_dt* Date- Categorical Date/time first score completed.
Time numerical Converted by paste special/add +
0, then R program conversion.

last_score* Integer Noncategorical Last score attempted by the user.

last_dt* Date Categorical Date/time last score completed.
Time numerical Converted by paste special/add +

Feature Metadata Conversion Description

0, then R program conversion.

n_first_vs_last* Integer Noncategorical Difference in scores between the

numerical first and last quiz.

min_score* Integer Noncategorical Lowest score.


max_score* Integer Noncategorical Highest score.


activity_id_0128 Integer Categorical Identification number of each

numerical activity completed from 1 to 28.

activity_comp_01 Time Categorical Date and time of each activity

28 stamp numerical completed from 1 to 28.
*Feature engineered.

As George Siemens noted, Overfitting and research design are prominent in any

data analysis work (personal communication, January 19, 2016). Therefore, it was

decided to use the two-class decision forest method.

The root nodes that determined whether a participant would be considered

successful in accomplishing the course were rather straightforward or not. First was

regarding whether the student completed the course or not. Second, the study follows the

Breslow et al. (2013) study, which operationalized achievement to use the course grade

(p. 31). In concert with Breslow et al., participants were required to achieve an 80% or

better overall average of first attempts in the courses quizzes.

However, other areas were not as apparent. Xu and Yang (2016) affirmed that

watching the videos provides a much stronger learning result. Since the videos are a

significant part of the instruction of an xMOOC design, I included video watching as a

separate IV. To determine whether video watching behavior predicted successful

completion, the two-class decision forest algorithm was used. Upon succeeding runs of

the algorithm, features were added to ensure that all of the variables that may contribute

toward the predictive outcome were identified.

Because there was no satisfactory method to accurately measure the supplemental

readings for time or cognition, it was decided to rely on the quiz grades to be the metric

for reading activities. Again, the two-class decision forest provides information as to the

strength of prediction by the activity of reading activities in correlation to a successful

first attempt at a quiz.

The design of the course allows for multiple attempts to make a good grade on the

quizzes. There are no time-lapse restrictions. So, a participant can perform multiple

attempts back-to-back to achieve a good grade. So as to provide some quality controls, it

was decided that a node was feature engineered that would determine whether the

participant made more than one attempt at a quiz. If there is more than one attempt, only

the first attempt would be selected to ensure that it is a more accurate reflection of what

was learned from the content, rather than just multiple guesswork.

Three other nodes indicate the consistency of participation with the course.

Tracking the path to success of the individual student by including the date and time

stamps of each may also provide predictive results. As Calvert (2014) noted, The most

exible, transparent and sustainable approach to forecasting was to build a model based

on individual student journeys (p. 161). These nodes help map out the path that the

successful student takes. As such, these were included in the list of variables considered

to be predictive.

At the same time, it is well documented that not all participants in MOOCs intend

to complete the entire course or earn a certificate (Evans & Baker, 2016). My focus is to

identify those participants who performed successfully in the MOOCs, identify those

performance variables that accompany them, and recommend a design that can be used

by MOOC practitioners to anticipate successful completion and performance.

The first node related to participation was to determine if there was a lag time

between when the participant started the course and date/time he or she exited. Because

the enrollment is designed to be entirely open, a participant could theoretically be gone

an hour or a month from the course.

The second node related to participation may measure whether the participant

jumped to a unit or not. It is possible for a participant to jump over some units and skip

viewing them altogether. Although it may be interesting to note the number of times this

occurs, the base measure is to determine whether the course was followed as designed. If

the participant skipped over units, discovering that pattern is sufficient for my purposes.

This too may be an interaction among the participation measures that would affect their

predictive strength when compared to a successful first attempt at a quiz.

For the purposes of this study, success is defined by scoring 80% or better

average on the quizzes in the MOOC course. The intent of the study is to identify those

variables that predict student success when participating in a MOOC course. Part of the

determination of a successful grade is related to the successful completion of various

course activities. Completion is defined as participating in all modules of the study by

reaching the defined benchmark. Participating is determined by the evidence from the

activity log that the student has watched the video, read the materials, and taken the

accompanying quizzes corresponding to the prescribed metrics.


Threats to Validity

Internal Threats to Validity

By using analytics and big data, selection and sampling errors are averted by

having the software randomly place the data appropriately. However, there are several

possible internal threats to validity in this study. The most obvious is that of mortality.

MOOCs have a well-established track record of high attrition (Evans & Baker, 2016). It

is also true that the performance data from the first week of participants enrollment is

significantly different than the rest of the weeks of their performance (Jiang, Warschauer,

et al., 2014). However, research shows that these effects are ameliorated by using

analytics and big data. The quantity of participants and variables in a MOOC offset the

bias. Differential selection is another possible internal threat in this study. By using the

two-step clustering component, the risk should be minimized. A third threat to internal

validity lies in the tendency for analytics to overfit the data. However, by using a random

forest regression tree, that algorithm is designed to address that issue.

External Threats to Validity

There is a threat to the ability to generalize the outcomes of this study that is

incumbent upon all MOOC designs that lack demographic information. There is the very

real possibility that confounding factors that are not identified in the general population

may confound the results of the study. For example, participants of low socioeconomic

status may have different predictive variables that result in success. This may be true of

many other demographic cross-sections.



As mentioned, the study of MOOCs has primarily been based upon qualitative

studies involving items like course satisfaction surveys. The most recent breech into

quantitative studies has focused on performance patterns as reflected in point-and-click

data and the like (Raffaghelli et al., 2015). Mostly, this has focused on completion rates

in response to the primary objection by MOOC naysayers.

It has only occurred recently that researchers have employed PA to quantify

aspects of MOOCs. To move this research forward, this study provides a two-fold benefit

to researchers. First, it affords a window for practitioners to observe a path of creating a

working model. By chronologically marking the path, citing research that justifies

various decisions in creating the model, and referencing experts in the field who have

used this method, it is intended to serve as a reference point for those who seek to use

data science in their future MOOC research.

Second, this study intends to identify certain variables as predictors that likely

increase the potential for success in a MOOC environment. Because of the variables

available from the Luxvera MOOC database, watching videos and reading articles are

highlighted as the two of most prominent interest.

Overview of Luxvera MOOCs

Upon observing the raw data from the database, one is struck by the volume. In

addition, the records were segmented by a relational database into multiple tables, and

thus not readily organized to conduct analysis from a spreadsheet. A few missteps in

calculations adds many hours and several days of work to prepare the data into a useful

form. The study of data analytics requires a fundamental paradigm shift in how data are

handled. Trying to replicate simple procedures used by traditional research methods with

random samples in a big data environment costs many hours and days of additional work.

For example, the raw data from which this study was extrapolated included

17,024 users who registered to participate in one of Luxveras online offerings. Although

6,141 enrolled in a separate video-watching series (i.e., GTS), 10,883 enrolled into one or

more of the six MOOC courses (see Table 2). The disparity between total participants

and those enrolled in a MOOC course is accounted for by the fact that some participants

enrolled into several courses and GTS videos.

Table 2

Course Enrollments in Luxvera

Course ID Code Course name Enrollment

1 GT1 The Right to Die 530
5 GT2 Presidential Power 433
6 GT3 American Exceptionalism 344
7 GT4 Character & Leadership 569
8 GT5 A Life Well Lived 452
12 GT6 Christianity & War 254
13 GT7 Educating Persons 223
14 GT8 The Future Family 261
15 GT9 Father and Son 224
16 GT10 The Power of Film 209
17 GT11 Why Intelligent Design? 341
18 GT12 Darwin's Doubt 323
19 GT13 Intelligent Design - Q&A 180
20 GT14 As The Days of Noah 332
21 GT15 Sexual Identity 208
22 GT16 Can Government Be Limited? 140
23 H001 Abortion, the Constitution, and State Law 2*
24 GT17 The Juvenilization of Christianity 203
25 GT18 Navigating Sexual Identity 179
27 GT19 Servant Leadership 269
30 GT20 Eliminating Poverty 169

Course ID Code Course name Enrollment

31 GT21 A Conversation with Mike Huckabee 98
32 GT22 Advancing the Kingdom 200
Total 6,141
2 J001 Who is Jesus? 6,521
3 J002 What did Jesus teach? 1,022
4 J003 Why did Jesus live? 2,507
26 H001 Exploring the Ancient World 495
28 H002 A History of Christianity in China 123
29 B001 Introduction to Franchising 215
Total 10,883
*In draft form.

Because over half of all Luxvera MOOC users enrolled into a single course

entitled (i.e., Who is Jesus?), it was determined that the data contained adequate

granularity to utilize PA to determine which variables would most strongly contribute

toward a successful performance outcome.

Although this seems like a duplication of a couple of prior studies, it is different

in several aspects. Other studies utilized PA to record the efficacy of certain behaviors of

video watching and analyzed aggregate performance, demographic and grade benchmark

correlations (Sinha, Jermann, et al., 2014; Smith, Lange, & Huston, 2012; Calvert, 2014).

Differences lie in that although the research problems being addressed are similar, two of

those studies occurred in traditional online credit-bearing courses. Although Sinha, Li,

Jermann, and Dillenbourg (2014) addressed MOOCs, they too focused on attrition related

to video-watching and discussion-thread behaviors. This study investigates what

variables may constitute predictors of successful performance related to a benchmark

score on the quizzes in an exclusively MOOC environment. As noted, successful

completion was determined by a benchmark qualifier of 80% on the quizzes.


The database records consisted of MySQL tables that were converted into seven

large spreadsheets that covered the time span from January 22, 2014 to January 4, 2016.

Prior to receipt, the records were scrubbed of any personal identifiers to produce an

anonymized dataset for analysis. One spreadsheet contained 12,597 registered users

attributed with a unique identification number, status as to whether they activated one of

the courses or GTS, registration time stamp, birth year, and gender. All time stamps for

all spreadsheets recorded each time the participant initiated or completed the activity but

not both.

Another spreadsheet contained 653 separate activities, each with unique activity

identifiers as well as a title and type of each activity. This spreadsheet contained 316

articles, 216 videos, and 121 quizzes. A similar activity spreadsheet provided a unit

identification, name, and whether the activity remained active or not. Still another

spreadsheet was correlated to students and provided 67,722 noted activity performances

by the users, each with an associated user and activity identification number, along with

the date and time stamp that the participant closed or left the activity. Another

spreadsheet disaggregated the data by units and logged user interactions with a

corresponding time stamp.

There was also a spreadsheet that contained course identification numbers, codes,

titles, syllabi identification numbers, statuses of whether published or in development,

and descriptions of all 23 GTS lectures and six MOOC courses. One spreadsheet

contained 17,026 participation records with course numbers and corresponding user

identifiers. Each contained time stamps for enrollment into the courses, status as to

whether they have completed the courses or not, as well as the dates and times

completing the courses. Finally, a spreadsheet with quiz activity data was provided. Each

quiz identifier corresponded to a user identifier. Date and time stamps for completion

were provided along with the score for each quiz.

Demographic data were harvested from both the GTS and MOOCs, as the

database was designed to require logins with these features in both. The median age of

those who submitted demographic data in the entire database was 54 years old (Mdn =

54). The largest population of 408 users was 52 years old. The oldest participant was 102

years old. There were 5,925 from ages 53 to 72. There were 4,380 enrollees from ages 33

to 52. Below 32 were 1,382 enrollees, with the youngest being 12 years old. The

population of those who declared gender was 8,219 females and 4,249 males.

Demographics in the Who is Jesus? Course

In the Who Is Jesus? course database, the oldest participant was 102 years old.

The approximate age quartile breakdown of participants was 100 from ages 79 to 102.

There were 2,346 from ages 59 to 78. There were 3,131 enrollees from ages 36 to 58.

Below 36 were 943 enrollees, with the youngest being 12 years old. Of those who

declared, there were 4,384 females and 2,219 males.

Of the 8,420 students who enrolled into the course, 6,521 were considered active.

Of those deemed active, 1,337 enrolled into the course, but failed to perform either

quizzes or activities. This amounts to a drop in active users or what data scientists call

churn of 3,236 users.

By claiming the remaining 5,184 users to be currently enrolled would yield a

phenomenal retention rate of 61.6%. In the field of MOOC studies, this would be unheard

of in that they have usually maintained about 10% or less retention rates (Hone & El

Said, 2016). If the 356 users who completed the course are considered those who are

retained, and all those who enrolled but failed to complete the course are considered

churn, the data show a retention rate of 4.2%. Since the acquired data ended in 2014, did

not account for current activity, and there is no indication of a metric whereby users

clearly exit or drop the course, it is inconclusive as to whether that is the case.

Preprocessing the Data

Prior to implementing the analytic tools, the first step in the analytic process is

what data scientists call preprocessing the data (Barga et al., 2015, p. 28). Particularly,

this involves preparing the data to be used by the analytic software. In this particular

case, it required merging the separate massive spreadsheets into a single file that was to

be uploaded and read by the analytic software.

Trade material indicates that 75 to 80% of time investment in utilizing PA occurs

in preprocessing the data (Barga et al., 2015, p. 12). In this study, a comparable amount

of time was used to identify and merge data into a single CSV file to serve as the datasets

upon which Azure Machine Learning Studio (Azure ML) would derive its data.

The first step to preprocessing was to purge the data unrelated to performance in

the course in the respective spreadsheets. For example, many of the features had

identification numbers that were assigned by the Luxvera SQL database that were simply

to identify locations in the database. Those types of items were the first purging that


Because the Luxvera SQL database provided the data in columns. One of the

initial missteps occurred in the attempt to perform an Excel copy-and-paste special

transform routine. After more than 6 hours of mindless iterations, it became evident that

these kinds of feats were better served by transforming the data using a programming

language. This is demonstrative of the paradigm shift required to work with large

datasets. Ultimately, the six spreadsheets were aggregated into a single CSV file to where

the users records were in rows and the demographics, categories, and performance items

of each user, called features in data science, were in columns (see Table 3).

Table 3

Features Selected for Course

Feature title Location Course name

uid A User identification numbers
registration B The date/time that the user registered into Luxvera
enrollment C The date/time that the user enrolled for the course
status D Designation as to whether the user completed the course
or remained active without completion
comp_dt E The date that a user completed the course
birth_yr F The birth year of the user
gender G The gender of the user
n_records* H Sum of all attempts at quizzes by each user
n_retests* I The sum of attempts each user retook a quiz
n_passed* J How many quiz attempts each user passed with a score of
eighty or above
n_passed_first K How many quizzes the user passed with a score of eighty
-time* or above on the first try
average* L Average score of all quizzes taken by each user
first_score* M First score attempted by the user
first_dt* N Date and time the first score was completed
last_score* O Last score attempted by the user
last_dt* P Date and time the last score was completed
n_first_vs_last Q
Difference in scores between the first and last quiz
min_score* R Lowest score by the user
max_score* S Highest score by the user
activity_id_01 T-BV Identification number of each activity completed from 1
28 to 28
activity_comp U-BW
Date and time of each activity completed from 1 to 28
*Feature engineered columns.

One of the early steps in conducting preprocessing is for researchers to

sufficiently familiarize themselves with the data as to ensure that the most reliable data

are utilized in the study. As a result, the data were categorized into several representative

groups similar to Nanfitos (2013) categorization of participants into No-Shows,

Observers, Drop-Ins, Passive Participants, and Active Participants (pp. 442-443). Xu

and Yang (2016) classified participants by their motivation. In conjunction with their

self-reported motivation, grade predictions were made. They theorized that the precision

of these predictions, however, occurs only as the motivation classifications become more

sophisticated and accurate, not limited to aspirations to earn a certificate. At the same

time, they recognized factors of changing motivation throughout performance in the

course, like that of course satisfaction, which also needs to acquire metrics.

As mentioned previously, the ability to predict successful performance on the part

of users is predicated upon certain benchmarks or scores. To identify various kinds of

users, I referred those who registered for Luxvera and enrolled into the MOOC course,

but neither performed any activities nor attempted any of the quizzes as visitors. A

second group, viewers, performed activities but did not take any of the quizzes. A third

group, participants, took quizzes and activities, but did not complete the course. Another

group, completers, were those who performed activities, took the quizzes, and completed

the course (see Table 4).

The visitor group contained 1,362 users (n = 1,362). All but one claimed gender.

The gender demographic for the group was 932 females and 429 males. The median age

for the group was 52 years old. The mode was 57 years old, with 50 users reporting that

age. The oldest was 87 years old and youngest was 12.

Table 4

User Groups in the Course

Age Age Age Age Age

Name Number Male Female
youngest oldest median mean mode
Visitors 1,362 429 932 12 87 52 50.9 57
Viewers 3,138 1,013 2,123 13 102 54 52.3 59
Participation 3,024 4,384 2,219 12 92 54 53.2 52
Completers 356 124 232 17 87 55 54.4 54

For the participation group who completed some quizzes and performed some

activities, the median age was 54 years old. This was the largest group of enrolled users

(n = 3,024). The mean age was 52 years old. The oldest participant was 92 years old; the

youngest was 12. Of those who declared, there were 4,384 females and 2,219 males.

Based on the data, it is clear that only 4.2% of those who enrolled into the course

completed it from January 22, 2014 to January 4, 2016. Of those who completed, 232

were female with an average age of 55 years old (M = 55, Mdn = 54). There were 124

males whose average age was 53.5 years old (M = 53.5, Mdn = 64). The database for this

group showed 356 users who completed the entire course by completing 6,924 quiz

attempts and 9,127 performance activities. Three were marked as completed in the data

but did not take any quizzes and no activities. Therefore, it was concluded that these were

anomalous and tertiary to the study and were purged from the dataset.

Although the longest span between registration and enrollment into the course

was almost 2 years, 1,322 of the visitors group typically registered 6 seconds prior to

enrolling into the course (Mdn = 0:06). One of the anomalies of the program was that the

design allowed for a user to enroll into a course prior to registration with Luxvera. This

led to about 40 visitors enrolled into the course prior to registering with Luxvera.

The viewers group consisted of 3,138 users (n = 3,138). The median age of this

population was 53 years old. Of those who self-identified, the gender make-up was 2,123

females to 1,013 males. Although the largest span from the time a visitor enrolled into the

course until completing the last activity was over 441 days, the time lapse soon thereafter,

measured in days, was a mean of 2.82 days, mode was .001 day, and median was .004

day (M = 2.82, Mode = .001, Mdn = .004). At the same time, the standard deviation

indicated a wide dispersal of time lapses performed by the users (SD = 21.31).

These primarily engaged in watching video lectures. There were 1,753 who

watched the Course Introduction video, 874 watched the video introduction to Unit 1, 22

watched the Unit 2 Introduction video, 11 watched the introduction to Unit 3, two

watched the Unit 4 Introduction video, and three watched the video on Jesus, Son of

David. The same person, only one, read articles on Jesus the Promised Healer, Jesus the

Foretold King, and the article on Unit 4 Introduction. Five read the brief Course

Conclusion article.

Of the participant group, 3,382 typically enrolled in the course soon after

registering with Luxvera (Mdn = 0.07). The data also show that six users enrolled into the

course, took quizzes, failed to perform any activities, and never registered with Luxvera

at all.

Another early step in the preprocessing process was to conduct feature

engineering to better identify the performance outcomes relative to the quizzes. Twelve

columns were feature engineered. As mentioned in the definition of terms, feature

engineering is the process of transforming raw data into features that better represent the

underlying problem to the machine learning algorithm, resulting in improved model

accuracy on unseen data (Barga et al., 2015, p. 67). Feature engineering is at times

essential in data science. In this instance, the raw quiz data showed a series of scores

related to individual participants and nothing more. As a result, it was important to

provide aspects of the testing data that would not have been readily available in the raw


For example, it was important to differentiate between the first attempt at a quiz

as well as retesting because one of the DVs was to determine a score of 80 or better on

the first time taking an exam. It was also important to provide that analytic software with

how many exams each participant took, how many retakes, the lowest grade, the highest

grade, and other such items that would not be readily available in the raw data. These

were used to identify significant characteristics of quiz performance that may yield

predictive results.

As such, I calculated the number of quizzes completed by each user, identified the

number of quizzes retaken, minimum quiz score of quizzes taken, maximum number of

quizzes taken, number of quizzes who met the 80% benchmark, score of the first attempt,

score of the last attempt, and average quiz score per individual. These were then

associated with the appropriate user.

One of the first obstacles to preprocessing the data to comport with Azure ML

occurred with the custom formatted dates and times provided by the Luxvera database

(mm/dd/yy hh:mm). To include these as IVs that may have an impact on successful

student completion, they had to be changed into numeric values. After uploading the data

into Azure ML, it was discovered that this Excel formatting was being formatted as an

Optical Feature. Several attempts were made to change the formatting to other date

configurations that could be converted by Azure ML into numeric values, but it continued

to read it as string or text (see Figure 1).

Despite using the Edit Metadata module in the analytic software to reformat the

cells as numbers, the program continued to read the cells as text files. The first attempt to

convert the cells for Azure ML to read them as numbers was to convert them by adding a

paste special add routine with the number 0 to all date/time formats in Excel prior to

converting it to a CSV file and uploading it into Azure ML. The analytics continued to

read them as text files.

Figure 1. String conversion in the course.

Upon reviewing the massive datafile in R, it was discovered that row 3,235, user

5,159 had an enrollment time stamp but never registered in Luxvera. As such, it skewed

all of the data in that line. After spending almost an entire day trying to solve the

problem, this again was a paradigm shift in preprocessing big data. Rather than assuming

that the analytics software has faulty design features, it is better to use R or Python

programming language to detect anomalies when dealing with hundreds of thousands of

variables. By detecting the single faulty line and removing it from the dataset, the

date/time stamps were converted appropriately.

As was customary to the development of the early MOOCs, demographic data in

Luxvera were also optional in the course design. As a result, a small number of users did

not self-identify either by birth year or gender. To address the issue, the missing data

were replaced in birth year by the median year. As it was decided that the missing data in

the category of gender would not adversely affect the results in light of the substantial

amount of gender data provided, they were ascribed zeros.

Another hurdle to correctly transfer the data from the Excel CSV file to a dataset

that is recognized correctly by Azure was to account for time lapses in the various

quizzes and activities. Associating time sequences with its impact on the IV is often

problematic, as noted by Q. Yang and Wu (2006), Many time series used for predictions

are contaminated by noise, making it difficult to do accurate short-term and long-term

predictions (p. 599).

The only data provided from the MySQL database were the same aforementioned

custom date/time stamps. This posed an additional problem besides converting them into

numeric values that the analytics software could process. The dilemma was how to

standardize the date/time stamps so the data associated with one another sufficiently to

perform data analysis. For example, if user_12 performed quiz_255 on 2/01/14 at 13:22,

what does that have to do with user_17 performing quiz_255 on 12/16/13 at 06:37?

Because I converted these custom date/time stamps to time lapsed from the

date/time of enrollment, this allowed the Azure ML to be able to make the association.

Consequently, both users could be ascribed 4.88 depending the time lapse between the

date/time of enrollment to the time the activity was engaged.


The metric used to determine the time lapse was in number of days from the time

of enrollment. This allowed the longest lapse to be performed by user_id 3253 in 577.790

days from the time of enrollment to watching the first video in the Who is Jesus? course

to user_id 90, who started it within .008 of the same day he or she enrolled.

Construction of the Two-Class Decision Forest Model

After the features were identified and feature engineering conducted, the finished

CSV file served as the foundation upon which each aspect of the model was constructed.

At this point in the process, the literature confirms that most data contain elements that

are incomplete, noisy, or inconsistent. Incomplete data contain missing data or lack the

proper values configuration. Noisy data contains extraneous, erroneous, or outlier data.

Inconsistent data contain discrepancies that must be identified by the researcher.

One of the prerequisites to building the model required another review of the data

to ensure accuracy in Azure ML. By doing so, several things became evident. Some of

the features in the preprocessed file contained different values than in the original file

created on Microsoft Excel.

Once the correct data have been uploaded into Azure ML, there are several other

items that need to be addressed, particularly missing data, outliers in the data, and data

transformation (Barga et al., 2015, p. 11). Upon adding a module that performed

descriptive statistics to the data, what Azure calls Summary Data, missing data were

identified (see Figure 2).


Figure 2. Missing data in the course.

Although it is standard practice in data science to drop a variable that is missing

40% of data, all features that were deemed ancillary to the study had already been deleted

prior to uploading the preprocessed dataset. To retain the data with missing data, two

Clean Missing Data modules were added to the model. The first module was used for all

string and categorical data, which replaced the missing values with a custom substitution

value of 0. The second missing values module was used for all numeric data, to where the

missing values were replaced with the median score of each feature because of the

tendency toward skewness (Han, Pei, & Kamber, 2011). Also in Figure 2, it can be

readily seen that the feature uid has a large collection of variables in mode. This is

because several of these features had not yet been converted into categories. This was

later performed using Azure MLs module entitled Edit Metadata.

Upon further review of the dataset, visualizing the boxplot showed many of the

features with outliers (see Figure 3). As Barga et al. (2015) noted, Outliers can skew the

results of your experiments, leading to suboptimal results (p. 57). To address this issue,

Azure ML provides a module entitled Clip Values. To ensure these variables did not

skew the outcome, the Clip Data module was used to address the issue.

Here again was a paradigm-shift experience. Because much of the algorithms

work behind the scene, such that the researcher cannot see what exact math formulas are

being implemented, there is no easy way to see whether other features are needed to gain

the precise results or not. It is here that good data science takes on an artistic aspect rather

than a pure science aspect.

Figure 3. Outliers in the course.

As one studies the data science literature related to selection of mean, median, or

zero to replace missing data, several criteria govern. It depends on the skewness of the

data, why the data are missing in the first place, and what it is you are studying. In the

end, data analysts rely on experience and training to make decisions that are to a degree


In dealing with outliers, the choices from the literature seem even more opaque.

Barga et al. (2015) said to either drop the outlier or transform the variable into a log

function. However, the Apply Math Operation module that allows for the Log10

algorithm they suggested reduces the input and output to a single variable and does not fit

well in a design with many features being tested at once. Besides the logistics difficulty,

other data scientists attribute some evidence of outliers to noise, by which you

compensate in differing methods (Sunithaa, Rajua, & Srinivas, 2013). Still others

advocate allowing a limited number of outliers depending on the size of the data and

robustness of the algorithm. Since it is common for the literature to affirm random forest

algorithms as robust in relation to outliers, it was decided to allow for the Clip Values

module to minimize the number of outliers present in some of the columns.

One of the more daunting tasks can be transforming the data such that the

metadata is correctly ascribed to each bit of data. For those newer to the field, the terms

data transformation and feature engineering may be confused. As noted before, feature

engineering adds variables, in data science called features, which enables the analytic

software to identify aspects of the dataset not available in the raw data. Data

transformation does not add variables to the dataset. Instead, data transformation makes

sure that each dataset contains the correct attributions known as metadata.

The term metadata is used to describe the attributes of the actual data itself. For

example, the number one can be read as a string (text), category, or numeric. In the

current study, most of the metadata transferred from the CSV file into Azure ML without

change. However, some of the metadata changed when being added to the model.

Therefore, it was essential to correct the metadata so that the analytic software could read

the values of the data correctly.

When there are a variety of metrics as are found in this dataset, converting them

into a normalized form is a best practice in data science (Guyon & Elisseeff, 2003).

Barga et al. (2015) wrote, By transforming the values so that they are on a common

scale, yet maintain their general distribution and ratios, you can generally get better

results when modeling (p. 59). Azure MLs Normalize Data module offers several

options to normalize the data. Of the options available, it was decided to convert to z


To ensure that the model did not overfit the data, a commonly used practice of

splitting the data between 70% training data and 30% testing data was implemented.

Overfitting is where the model is drawing too fine of conclusions from the data that we

have (Hartshorn, 2016, pp. Ch. 7, para. 3). When a model overfits the data, it tends to

create false positives. Standard data science practice is to split the data so that the training

set of data is cross-checked with a separate set of testing data to ensure they are accurate.

Classifying Predictors of Completion Rates

To determine student success in the MOOC, the research first led to quantifying

the completion rate of users and try to discover if certain variables or combination of

variables may increase the likelihood of completion. A problem in managing big data was

that the number of users who completed were extremely disproportionate to those who

did not (n = 356, n = 4,828). As such, to be able to find any features that would lend itself

to improved percentages of completions would be dwarfed by the sheer amount of

conflicting data. This is what is termed as the two-class problem.

To address this problem, the synthetic minority oversampling technique

(SMOTE) module provided algorithmic adjustments to the data. Barga et al. (2015)

explained the process that the module deals with class imbalance by a combination of

oversampling and undersampling. The majority class is undersampled by randomly


removing samples from the population until the minority class becomes more

proportional to the majority class. It then oversamples the minority class, not by

replicating data instances but by constructing new minority class data instance via an

algorithm (p. 60).

Because this study attempts to classify variables that may lead to binary results,

two-class decision forest was used. This algorithm capitalizes on the latest research of

ensemble modeling. An ensemble model uses varied sets of classifiers and panels of

algorithms instead of a single one to solve classification problems. There are two

available configurations in Azure MLs two-class decision forest modulebagging and

boosting. Whereas the boosting algorithm improves performance by making misclassified

examples in the training set more important during training, the bagging algorithm uses

different subsets of the data to train each model. As great care was taken in the early

preprocessing phase to ensure all classification would be correct, using different subsets

was deemed as more effective in this experiment.

The first area of investigation was to determine if there was a significant

correlation to those who scored at the accepted rate on the first quiz and those who

completed the course, particularly if by optimizing the data to yield a completion result

there was any measurable difference in those who scored. The difficulty in big data is the

obvious volume of possible variables and combinations of variables that may yield the

greatest impact on the DV. To accomplish this, Azure ML provides an important module

called Feature Selection. As Barga et al. (2015) noted, feature selection is the process of

finding the right variables to use in the predictive model (p. 159).

To determine student success in the MOOCs, the first area of investigation was

relative to completion. Because many of the histograms in the features exhibited

excessive skewing and kurtosis, and no evidence was provided to assume the distribution

was parametric, there was a decision to use Spearmans rho in the Feature Selection

module. This resulted in a succession of correlative values in order that would it be used

for scoring (see Table 5).

Table 5

Predictive Values for Completion in the Course

Feature Strength Feature Strength

activity_id_25 0.754021 comp_14 0.608009
activity_id_26 0.74905 comp_13 0.589944
activity_id_23 0.746657 activity_id_12 0.585106
activity_id_24 0.74481 comp_12 0.564306
comp_25 0.741792 activity_id_11 0.547126
comp_26 0.737565 comp_11 0.533382
activity_id_22 0.734529 activity_id_10 0.518883
comp_23 0.732712 activity_id_09 0.500869
activity_id_21 0.732175 comp_10 0.495716
comp_24 0.731177 activity_id_08 0.474323
activity_id_27 0.73087 comp_09 0.455438
activity_id_20 0.719592 activity_id_07 0.430553
comp_22 0.71941 comp_07 0.422854
comp_27 0.717646 activity_id_06 0.397064
comp_21 0.716524 comp_06 0.383593
activity_id_19 0.711209 comp_08 0.354896
comp_20 0.705296 activity_id_05 0.348148
comp_19 0.697123 comp_05 0.346841
activity_id_18 0.692806 activity_id_04 0.306686
comp_18 0.675818 comp_04 0.299681
activity_id_17 0.673521 comp_03 0.242076
comp_17 0.655478 activity_id_03 0.216812
activity_id_16 0.649324 comp_28 0.196774
activity_id_15 0.640327 activity_id_28 0.196737
comp_16 0.627944 comp_02 0.162936
activity_id_14 0.624473 activity_id_02 0.128908
comp_15 0.617264 comp_01 0.04121
activity_id_13 0.609876 activity_id_01 0.021401

The data also showed that there were no correlations to completion from

registration, enrollment, completed, birth_yr, average, first_dt, last_dt, and max_score

features. As such, they were removed from scoring for completion.

To see what features would likely improve the completion rate, the two-class

decision forest was applied to the top three strongest features that were identified by the

Feature Selector. The strongest correlations were activity_id_25 (rs = 0.754),

activity_id_26 (rs = 0.749), and activity_id_23 (rs = 0.747). The Evaluation module

confirmed .954 area under the curve (AUC), with an accuracy score of .965, precision

scored at .827, and recall scored at .903 (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Evaluation with three high features in the course.

Usually, accuracy is the metric you look to first to determine the predictive

validity. However, in cases where the test data are unbalanced, this is not usually as

effective a classifier (Barga et al., 2015). With such a drastic disparity between those who

were enrolled in the course and those who completed (n = 4,828, n = 356), it was

necessary to consider other metrics as well.

As such, the literature enjoins the researcher to look at other metrics as well, the

receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, the AUC, and the relationships associated

with the confusion matrix. This includes True Positives (TP), False Positives (FP), False

Negatives (FN), True Negatives (TN), as well as the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1

scores. In data science, scores in the high seventies and low eighties are often acceptable

for predictive value.

The terms recall and precision in data science have an inverse relationship and

unique definitions. Precision is the fraction of retrieved elements that are relevant. Recall

is the fraction of relevant elements that are retrieved. Accuracy is simply a ratio of

correctly predicted observations.

In the case of the FP in the Evaluation report, the model incorrectly predicted that

39 elements would lead to successful completion of the course when in fact they did not.

This is the equivalent of a Type I error. The FN indicates the model incorrectly predicted

20 elements that would not lead to successful completion in the course when in fact they

did. The FN category in the Evaluation report corresponds to Type II error in standard

research practices.

Although in quantitative research the traditional goal is to not have more than .05

chance of a Type I or Type II errors, in data science these numbers are mitigated by the

sheer volume of variables tested and amount and kind of tests being replicated

(Lieberman & Cunningham, 2009). Furthermore, the amount of flexibility ascribed to

false classifications depends on the items tested and effect on populations at large.

Conversely, in the current study the model correctly predicted 186 elements that

led to successful completion of the course. This is the TP classification. In the TN

category, the model correctly predicted 1,417 elements that would not result in successful

completion of the course.

Where the raw data provide clear evidence of the two-class problem, it is prudent

to reflect on all metrics before making an informed judgement regarding predictive

validity. Because the aforementioned metrics are significantly above the .70 to .80

baseline, the predictive value is likely reliable. At the same time, it is understood in the

context of the research question and impact on those likely to be affected by the study.

For example, if the study was to determine the use of a highly toxic and lethal therapy to

treat cancer, allowing for even 39 FP or recall in the low 90s would likely be


In this instance, the results of the model showed that even by leveraging the top

three features, there were 225 elements, which were 14% of the total predictions being

made by the model. This was precisely the same with the top 10 features. However, in

this top three the model reported 225 elements, 186 were TP and 39 FP. In addition, the

algorithm predicted 1,430 negative elements, of which 1,417 were TN and 20 FN. The

accuracy score was .965, precision .827, recall .903, F1 score .863, and AUC .954.

The next inquiry was to determine if there was a discernable point in the users

progression of activities and quizzes whereby completion became significantly more

likely. In other words, if users completed the fifth activity, they were more likely to

complete the course. To answer this query, activities were incrementally scaled down in

order of correlation value while retaining the 10 activities (see Table 6).

The Elements column refers to the models predictions of user activities

performed that would likely result in a completed course. The reason the number

increased as the scale reduces by five activities each time is because there were more

activities performed as fewer users dropped out.

Table 6

Variables Scaled Down by Correlation Values in the Course

Scale TP, FP, TN, FN Accuracy Precision Recall F1 AUC
elements %
Top 225 14 186, 39, 1417, 20 .965 .827 .903 .863 .959
>5 235 14 190, 46, 1410, 16 .963 .805 .922 .860 .959
> 10 246 15 194, 53, 1403, 12 .960 .785 .937 .854 .960
> 15 263 16 196, 67, 1389, 10 .954 .745 .951 .836 .955
> 20 294 18 198, 96, 1360, 8 .937 .673 .961 .792 .950
> 25 313 19 199, 114, 1342, 7 .927 .636 .966 .767 .945
> 30 345 21 194, 151, 1305, 12 .902 .562 .942 .704 .933

This relationship of the Elements, TP, FP, and precision columns can be readily

seen in the 30-reduced scale Evaluation report. The precision score speaks of the TP

(correct) and FP (incorrect) predictions made of those who would likely complete the

course. In this Evaluation record, it shows 194 TP, or correct predictions, and 151 FP.

That is why the precision score of .562 should be perceived as little more than guessing

by a human.

It should be noted that 5,152 users watched the first video activity. This dropped

to 4,207 for the second activity, 3,113 dropped at the third, and so forth (see Figure 5).

This is similar to Nanfitos (2013) assertion that most enrolled in MOOCs do not

participate beyond watching a video or two and abandoning the course around the second

week. In this study, there is a severe drop in participation until the fourth activity. At that

juncture, there has been a loss of 2,912 participants or roughly 57% of those who started

performing the activities.

A secondary drop occurs at the eighth activity, whereby the course loses 45.7% of

the remaining participants. By the ninth activity, the churn occurs at a much slower

decline. It should also be noted that although the Feature Selection module confirmed

what common sense would theorize, that those users who completed the latter activities

in the course would be the more likely to complete it, counterintuitively the number of

retests, n_retests (rs = .370) was a stronger correlation to completion than other quiz

factors (n_pass_first_time rs = .282, n_passed rs = .281, n_records rs = .279).







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Figure 5. Participation rates by activity in the course.

As one distills the results of the scaling procedure and attempts to report it in a

manner that makes sense to the most people, the following concepts are evident. The

model confirms that the more activities the user completes increases the likelihood they

will complete the class. The closer the user performs activities to the completion tends to

carry greater strength of correlation to completing the course. The closer that activities

are to completion, the more predictive precision and accuracy is provided by the model.

Classifying Predictors Relative to a Benchmark Score

Much of the model was retained to determine what variables may be significant

relative to the benchmark score of 80. One of the adjustments to the model, however, was

relative to retaining the SMOTE module, as the number of users who completed quizzes

was 3,382. The users who did not take a quiz were 1,802 users. It was not

disproportionate as was the completion rates (n = 356, n = 4,828). Consequently, it was

determined that the two-class problem does not apply to this instance; thus, the SMOTE

module was removed from the model.

Another anomaly in the design of the Luxvera courses is the ability to retake

quizzes immediately, one after another, as soon as they are completed. In effect, users

could take them repeatedly until they could guess the correct answers. The corresponding

time stamps made it difficult to determine if that was the case or not. Upon review of the

data, there seemed to be only a few instances where that may or may not have been the

case. Because this was inconclusive, they were allowed to remain in the dataset.

However, to better determine whether the actual videos and articles had a positive effect

on learning, it was determined to use only the first account of each students quiz

performance to serve as the benchmark.

To determine again which of the variables may contribute toward the benchmark

score, the Feature Selection was run (see Table 7). For reporting purposes, it was

determined to separate out those activities that were watching videos from reading

articles. It was also determined to identify which videos showed the strongest correlation

to the passing first-time scores. Finally, any attributes relative to the quizzes were

considered important.

Table 7

Predictive Values Relative to Benchmark Score in the Course

Feature Strength Feature Strength

activity_id_07 0.256055 activity_id_16 0.183418
activity_id_05 0.255626 activity_id_17 0.17778
activity_id_03 0.239095 activity_id_18 0.175531
activity_id_08 0.239095 activity_id_19 0.167831
activity_id_09 0.233668 activity_id_20 0.162745
activity_id_02 0.231563 activity_id_22 0.154063
activity_id_10 0.228379 activity_id_23 0.149289
activity_id_04 0.222433 activity_id_24 0.148014
activity_id_12 0.203749 activity_id_26 0.144471
activity_id_13 0.194379 activity_id_28 0.048321
activity_id_14 0.192893 activity_id_01 0.04039
activity_id_15 0.187079
activity_id_06 0.262751 activity_id_25 0.144863
activity_id_11 0.213302 activity_id_27 0.142563
activity_id_21 0.157684
Activity completed (converted date/time)
comp_06 0.250157 comp_08 0.170621
comp_05 0.249742 comp_19 0.164837
comp_07 0.242493 comp_20 0.164721
comp_10 0.22794 comp_21 0.162727
comp_04 0.227736 comp_22 0.157656
comp_11 0.21527 comp_23 0.154059
comp_12 0.212731 comp_24 0.149085
comp_02 0.203154 comp_26 0.147928
comp_13 0.202097 comp_25 0.145788
comp_14 0.194267 comp_27 0.144282
comp_15 0.192799 comp_28 0.050792
comp_16 0.187013 comp_01 0.048239
comp_17 0.175557 comp_03 0.028414
comp_18 0.170729
Quiz performance features
n_passed 0.418539 last_score 0.025129
n_records 0.183281 first_dt 0
n_retests 0.144751 last_dt 0
status1 0.142392 n_first_vs_last 0
min_score 0.122812 max_score 0
first_score 0.029027 average 0.005578
Demographics and general information
status1 (comp course) 0.122812 registration 0.005637

Feature Strength Feature Strength

enrollment 0.012487 gender 0.005578
birth_yr 0.009439

To determine whether watching the videos had much predictive value toward

scoring an 80 on the first attempt or not, the model predicted 1,555 elements that would

contribute toward the benchmark, which was 100% of the total predictions. At the 0.5

threshold, the model predicted 1,424 TP, 131 FP, 0 TN, and 0 FN. Since this was not a

two-class problem, the accuracy score usually carries more weight. But as can be seen in

the other metrics, there is more that must be understood. The accuracy score was .916,

precision was .916, recall was 1.00, and F1 score was .956. All measures seem to verify

highly predictive validity. On the other hand, the ROC was only marginally separated

from the zero base, and AUC was .700 (see Figure 6). None of these metrics were

changed through incremental adjustments to the threshold.

Figure 6. Evaluation of video watching as predictor in the course.

It may be concluded from the model that the dataset for the Luxvera course did

not conclusively classify video watching as a predictive element for reaching the 80

benchmark. Although there were some indicators toward that end, it would likely require

some more sophisticated modelling or redesign of the video/quiz correlations to know


Relative to the predictive impact that reading articles may have, the model

ultimately produced the same outcome as that of video watching. An unusual outcome

was produced by the model in that it did not predict any negatives (i.e., that the elements

would not score an 80). At the 0.5 threshold, it predicted 1,424 TP and 131 FP. The

accuracy score was again .916, precision was .916, recall was 1.00, and F1 score was

.956. However, the ROC curve remained midway to the zero base, and the AUC was

.608. This was not changed, even with incremental adjustments to the threshold. As such,

the conclusion is the same for article reading as that of watching videos.

This once again shows how when understanding the results of a two-class

decision forest, the researcher needs to look beyond one metric. Although precision and

accuracy were high, and recall was perfect, ROC was very low, and AUC was below an

acceptable level. Although the accuracy metric is the first indicator of validation of the

scoring, the literature indicates that ROC and AUC are given greater weight.

Relative to the predictive impact that the time span may have on whether it may

improve the benchmark scores, the model ultimately produced the same outcome as that

of prior two categories of features. The model did not predict any negatives. At the 0.5

threshold, it predicted 1,424 TP and 131 FP. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score

all remained the same as the others. The curvature of ROC was midway between the

optimum and zero, and AUC was .703. Neither was this changed, even with incremental

adjustments to the threshold. Since all metrics were virtually identical except for AUC,

there is likely little difference between the three in score validity. As such, the conclusion

is the same for watching videos and reading articles. Based upon the results of this

model, the ability to predict a successful score on a benchmark exam based upon the time

lapse of when it was taken is spurious.

In analyzing the quiz performances that were largely feature engineered at the

start of the preprocessing stage, there are some similarities and some differences to the

other three categories of features. Like the others, the model did not predict any

negatives. At the 0.5 threshold, it predicted 1,424 TP and 131 FP. The accuracy score was

.916, precision was .916, recall was 1.00, and F1 score was .956. Where this begins to

differentiate from the others is that the curvature of ROC was substantially closer to the

optimum scores, and AUC was .800. Incremental adjustments to the threshold did not

change the scores. Because of the configuration of ROC and AUC meeting the .800

threshold, there is a probability relative to how students take the quizzes that has a

predictive effect on whether they meet the 80 benchmark or not.

The final section covers the basic demographic and general information. Again,

the model did not predict any negatives. At the 0.5 threshold, it predicted 1,424 TP and

131 FP. The accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score were as the others. Where this is a

difference from all the other categories of features was that the curvature of ROC almost

aligned with the zero baseline. AUC was .534, which is basically what score a person

would achieve by randomly guessing. Incremental adjustments to the threshold did not

change the scores. As a result of these scores, there is little to no probability that these

categories of features have predictive validity for a student performing at an 80



To answer the initial research question (What performance variables will predict a

successful completion of a MOOC course?), the results of the PA model showed several

probable variables that would qualify. The first simply verified what would be common

sense to most people. It demonstrated that the longer users continue to engage in assigned

activities, the stronger the correlation between the activity and finishing the course.

Coupled with that, however, there were two areas that showed clear changes in

trajectory as to whether students would be retained in the course or not. By the fourth

activity, 57% of those who started performing activities had dropped out. Then, by the

ninth activity, the MOOC course lost 45.7% of those who had remained. Based upon the

4.2% completion rate overall, more study needs to be conducted.

Moving from completion to quiz performance at the benchmark 80, there was

something in the quiz variables that suggested a probability the dynamics of quiz taking

lent themselves to predicting the benchmark success. It should be further explored as to

what combination or behaviors resulted in a significant ROC curve and moderately high


The ability to answer the corollary question (How do high-performing students

behave differently in a MOOC environment?) was limited. There was no way to track

behaviors, as that was not captured in the database. The time-span associations were

related to when they either started or completed an activity, but not both. There were no

click streams that revealed behaviors within the activity. For example, there were no data

regarding video rewinds, fast-forwards, pauses, and the like. The same is true for reading

the articles.

Regarding the other corollary question (Is there a stronger correlation between

certain behaviors and predicted learning outcomes in a MOOC course?), the answer was

mixed. Some of the activities (videos or articles) did show a stronger correlation than

others. However, because of the limited data captured, the reasons for those correlations

remain open for further research.



As a result of this study, a number of items should be addressed to round out the

Luxvera MOOCs place in the constellation of MOOC studies. The first area that will be

considered is the future of MOOCs. The second area is future marketing and

development. The third area is exploring design features that need to be considered for

future improvements for the Luxvera MOOCs. The fourth area identifies those areas that

could be improved in the study itself. Finally, the last topic speaks to the various areas of

research that could be explored.

The Future of MOOCs

Although prognostications are always subject to the whims of lifes vicissitudes,

just like in PA one can extrapolate a reasonable macroeconomic trajectory based upon

past events. Notable trends have been evident by studying the history of the field. These

yield reasonable conclusions without undue speculation.

Researchers and futurists have already begun predictions of MOOC evolution by

identifying these trends. Some have calculated the outside forces that are likely to impact

their development. For example, Koxvold (2014) noted cheaper and better hardware that

is more user friendly, expanding platforms, market demand for more animation,

visualization, market demand moving away from talking heads and lectures, interactivity,

personalization, and more powerful assessment tools. The aggregate effect of these

inexpensive and user friendly products are enabling the general public to produce high-

quality MOOCs at little to no cost. As a result, basic economic theory affirms that the

ubiquity of information will necessarily drive down the value of the content aspect of

these courses.

Some of the prognostications are couched in advisement for reframing the current

MOOC designs. One provocative article by Mintz (2014) enjoined MOOC developers to

integrate successful features from other online services if they are going to remain viable

in the marketplace. Mintz noted the typical lack of meaningful interaction on MOOC

discussion threads that should be reconstructed along the lines of the more successful

newspaper forums. To make the cohorts more meaningful, he advocated making

connections along the lines of dating sites or listservs. He advocated developing personal

profiles like LinkedIn, course offerings like Netflix, broad applications of analytics for

multiple aspects like at-risk identifiers, and credentialing. Depending how all of these

features are incorporated into future MOOC development, the author speculated will

determine their future viability.

Clearing the field of speculation and conjecture, it is reasonable to infer that there

will be continued efforts to monetize MOOCs. The increasing availability of content

from an array of credible and free online sources will devalue the content aspects of

MOOCs. What then comes to prominence is the perceived prestige of the source, design

features not found from other content providers, and how broadly the credential is

recognized by institutions upon successfully completing the course.

Monetization will likely become more mainstream in the United States and yet

complex at the same time. On the one hand, monetized design patterns have already

evolved. It is fairly common to offer courses for free and then charge a nominal fee for a

certificate. On the other hand, Udemy and their followers have already ventured from this

mold and have begun charging fees up front for specialized training courses.

The complexity lies in the market forces surrounding education and global

economies at large. Since MOOCs and online education have a universal reach, markets

are impacted by forces outside the native country. Recently, George Siemens spoke to the

president of the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) based in Switzerland

(personal communication, January 19, 2016). The president had no interest in monetizing

their MOOC courses. The government was about to infuse $1.3 billion into EPFLs

operational budget. According to Siemens, the EPFL president said,

Right now, because the EPFL is setting up English-speaking schools throughout

Africa in French-speaking universities, this generation of students are looking at

the Harvards, MITs, and Stanfords because that is what they know, but the next

generation will be looking to the EPFL.

There are several Western universities whose higher education courses are already

fully funded by the government. For instance, Germany also does not charge tuition to its

citizens. A number of these countries perceive higher education as a public good,

whereas Canada, Australia, Britain, and the United States primarily see higher education

as a personal good; thus, funding is to varying degrees a private concern.

Consider the impact of the Chinese economic juggernaut of 1.4 billion people

who in the last 2 years have been training 13 million K-12 teachers to use education

technology through MOOCs (Y. Wang, 2015). For-profit companies in China are using

MOOCs to train tens of thousands of entrepreneurs. Currently, estimates are that Chinas

MOOC industry is about $20 billion (Y. Wang, 2015). The Chinese government sees

MOOCs as leveling the playing field for a greater portion of their population.

Depending on the level of sophistication and accessibility to these global MOOC

markets, the U.S. MOOC providers will likely need to adjust their market strategies

accordingly. However, finding ways to monetize the courses at this point is essential to

the sustainability of most MOOC providers.

Overlapping the monetization issue, however, is that of credentialing. It is

reasonable to assume that credentialing will not only continue with MOOC designs but

will become a prominent part of MOOC strategies. A team from the University of

Pennsylvania surveyed 35,000 people on why they use MOOCs (Alcorn, Christensen, &

Emanuel, 2014). Of the respondents, 44% sought for help to do their jobs better, 17%

sought skills that might help them land new jobs, and 13% wanted knowledge toward a

degree. The unmistakable conclusion from this survey is that credentials that are

recognized by companies and universities would address the primary demand of current

users and certainly justify the monetization.

A third path that does not require much speculation is that MOOCs will likely

continue to segment into specialized modalities. As mentioned in other parts of this

study, they have already morphed into various kinds of learning experiences. It is only

reasonable that those will continue to do so with the continued discoveries in technology.

Areas of Consideration for Marketing and Development

As noted previously, to improve the Luxvera courses to where they are a viable

revenue stream for Regent is going to take some start-up resources and added costs to the

budget. What must be sorted out first, however, is whether the program offers value

beyond that of the prestige.

Regardless of whether it is determined the value of MOOCs is recognized or not,

however, the university is placed in a competitive environment where other universities

are using MOOCs for extending reach and access, building and maintaining brand,

improving economics: reducing costs or increasing revenues, improving educational

outcomes, innovation in teaching and learning, and research on teaching and learning

(Blackmon, 2016, p. 88). By the nature of these facts, this will have a deleterious effect

on the universitys bottom line, if they do not wisely find a niche for responding to the

MOOC phenomenon.

Adding Value to the Luxvera System

As Davis et al. (2014) noted, many colleges and universities are including MOOC

development in their strategic plans. What seems to need clarification is the role that

Luxvera has in the panoply of Regents offerings. Even a casual observer will note that

little has been done to make Luxvera an integral part of the universitys plans for the

future. As noted previously, Bonk et al. (2015) concluded, Higher education can blend

MOOCs into their educational ecosystem without major disruptions and expand its ability

to serve growing and diverse student needs for alternative modes of instruction (p. 35).

However, this cannot be done without embedding the program into the universitys

overall strategic plan.

Before additions to the value of the program can seriously be considered, the first

consideration is a cost analysis for rebooting the Luxvera program. It is clear from the

lack of development of the program that there are inadequate incentives for faculty or

department participation. Since many smaller universities maintain tight budgets, these

added incentives for developing MOOC courses do not necessarily have to be financial,

although that is usually the cleanest way to get through the bureaucracy. Working with

faculty leadership, a consideration like adding MOOC course development to the

requirements for publishing to be considered for advancement may be one such initiative.

Yet, mere faculty incentives are insufficient for developing online courses much

less MOOCs, as evidenced by Oblinger and Hawkins (2006). They argued, Developing

and delivering effective online courses requires pedagogy and technology expertise

possessed by few faculty (p. 14). If this is true of online courses, it is far more the case

when it comes to the high production value expected in a MOOC course.

The process would call for some added personnel with certain expertise in the

field. Pomerol et al. (2015) particularly called for involvement from existing teaching

staff, an instructional designer, videographer, graphic designer, webmaster, integrator,

student-test subjects, and project manager. For some teams, dual roles can be fulfilled by

a single person. But this speaks to the idea that MOOC design work is not simply a

teaching professor and cameraman. Assuming that adequate preparation has been done

and the instructional materials are ready for presentation, the process takes at least 12

weeks to move from start to launch (Pomerol et al., 2015).

Another cost consideration is the use of alternative MOOC platforms to gain

greater exposure. If Kernohan (2013) is correct, that platforms are not available for 99%

of global institutions to use, simply because an institution must be invited to participate

(p. 1, Sec. 4, para. 1), there are a host of institutions that would jump at the chance to

share a MOOC platform for the right arrangement. As such, Luxvera could target other

institutions that would bring added value and make the Regent MOOC courses simply

part of a constellation of course offerings.

At the same time, many other institutions would be hesitant to invest in a platform

that is wholly owned by another university. Some form of divestiture would likely have

to transpire as well. To accomplish this, there would be some cost to adjusting the

platform design, securing additional infrastructure costs, legal fees for organizational

realignments, contracts, and other incidentals.

The other strategy to increase exposure to the Luxvera MOOCs is to negotiate

with an existing platform that already has a large base of users to include these courses in

their offerings. This too has issues in that only Coursera of the major MOOC providers

has a limited offering of religious studies. So, this has a potential of segregating a

mission-critical aspect of the university.

Another such strategy would be to mimic Carnegie Mellon Universitys model of

allowing professors to use the MOOC coursework in the context of their credit-bearing

class. Since there is pressure from accrediting agencies to complete undergraduate

degrees in 4 years, there may be a variation of this to where students will complete a

portion of their courses through MOOC-truncated versions of credit-bearing classes and

complete the remaining learning objectives through traditional online courses.

As per the Udacity and San Jose State University model, Luxvera could require

more skin in the game by paying $150 per credit compared to the standard per-credit

fees in the California state university system of $450 to $750 (Nanfito, 2014, p. 562).

This may comport with the press for the entire U.S. higher education sector to reduce

their costs (Bogaty & Nelson, 2013).

Some strategies require little cost to the institution. For example, the Luxvera

courses are not currently registered with Class Central. From January 21 to January 27,

the number of MOOCs listed on Class Central grew at a rate of greater than 15 courses

per day and a user growth rate greater than 2,000% (Cook, 2016). If not Class Central,

then Luxvera can look to several other metasearch companies that trade in MOOC

courses. Because there is no direct path from enrolling into a Luxvera course to enrolling

into Regent, there is no synchronous effects on social media. Although Regent has a

presence, Luxvera is nowhere to be found.

Another consideration to monetize the courses is to acquire third-party

commercial sponsorships. This was done by inserting MOOCs into solving problems in

unexpected ways (Hyatt, 2012). There are evangelical businessmen who own Fortune

500 companies. With the right configuration, they may prefer to outsource their employee

training materials to MOOC structures. The cost savings to personnel alone would be

worth the venture. With the right on-ramp configuration, the Regent School of Business

& Leadership could add some credit of the less technical courses to make a faster-track

graduation plan more attractive than other universities.

Adding Value to the Courses

To take advantage of some of these ideas will require some major improvements

to the Luxvera courses themselves. Even some of the larger platforms have moved from

individual and standalones and lecture series to that of mastering programs like that of

Open Universitys Future Learn. Some practitioners have provided evidence that

programmatic design increases overall participation of individual courses.

There are many professional workplaces that require recognition of training but

not necessarily a college degree. One such example is that many studies have noted that

those who consume MOOCs have already earned a degree, many of whom are teachers.

Many states require a certain number of continuing education unit (CEU) hours to renew

the teacher certification or licensure. Yet, there are currently no MOOCs designed

specifically to fulfil that purpose.


Because of the amount of resources needed to make Luxvera a player in the

MOOC-o-sphere, it should seriously consider strategic partnerships with other

institutions as well. Some of those 99% who have been excluded from the major

platforms, like Coursera, have designed fantastic MOOC courses but have struggled to

get the exposure needed to make them viable. There is no law that says that a MOOC

program of courses cannot be a combined effort between several universities, each of

which receive comparable benefit. In fact, Cook (2016) said the third wave of MOOC

development will consist of hybrid MOOCs (hMOOCs) that are parlayed into some

credits or recognitions. The extent to which the hybrids will morph is yet to be fully


Studies have shown that if the university is without name recognition, MOOC

users tend to enroll in courses based upon subject matter. There does not seem to be a

focus for the selection of courses that were added to the current Luxvera course listing. It

seems to have been populated by willing participants, rather than recruited specialists

who bring expertise to a high-value market. Thus, a concerted effort needs to be made by

Luxvera leadership to identify problems in the marketplace that could be resolved by

specific courses and configurations, to begin the process of creating those courses and

placing them on the platform.

A unique aspect of the Luxvera platform is that of the GTS. This is a product

differentiation that is likely to be on the cutting edge of MOOC development. However, it

too seems to suffer from a lack of market relevance and focus. It also is disjointed from

both Regent and the MOOCs. By the way it is presented, it poses a dilution of what the

MOOC courses offer.


At the same time, as Luxvera positions itself to perhaps support Christian schools

and companies, it provides vistas of opportunities. Teachers are always looking for

quality single-subject material to present to their students. Human resource officers are

looking for specialized topics to require individual employees to undergo. Nurses look

for single-topic procedures to bolster their competence in the workplace. They are not

interested in completing an entire program of courses to acquire a CEU but rather

interested in consumption, assessment, and verification of single topics.

At the same time, Luxvera need not rely solely on its own limited resources.

There are growing numbers of orphaned and abandoned MOOC courses and

presentations. Many are moved over to OER areas like MERLOT. Others are hidden

away in college databases. This has lent itself to a treasure trove of quality online

materials that are lying dormant in various locations, often hidden in the midst of low-

quality or dated videos. These could be reclaimed and/or refurbished to add quality and

volume to the offerings provided in GTS. There would be a way to reconfigure the GTS

to where individuals, professionals, and companies could go straight to the topic needed,

receive an assessment to verify competence of the material, and receive certifications for


Adding Benefit to the Student

There needs to be some value added for the students themselves in order to

increase the marketability of the Luxvera MOOCs. To some degree, there needs to be

some form of validation of competencies. At least it should provide what Nanfito (2013)

advised, MOOCs must be discussed, planned for, and implemented as an additive

component in a broader online learning environment that provides flexibility and choice

to students trying to navigate a higher education system in transition (Ch. 3, para. 4).

A major underserved profession is that of Christian school teachers and

administrators. Eleven percent of the nations children are educated in Christian schools.

Although some denominations and parochial systems require state licensure, regional

accrediting bodies such as the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools do not. In

those instances, teachers are required to have a bachelors degree that includes at least 24

college credit hours in the subject they are teaching. Thus, many Christian schools have

qualified teachers doing great work with students, but they do not have state certification.

To address the certification needs of those already in the field, are immanently

qualified to teach the subject, yet cannot or will not go back to school to take many more

college hours to earn a certification on the typical salary offered by the schools, there is

only one recognized organization in the entire United Statesthe Association of

Christian Schools International (ACSI). Even ACSI requires CEU credits every 5 years to

maintain an ACSI teaching or administrator certification.

This situation is tailor made for Luxvera MOOC courses. Properly redesigned,

this program has the capacity to increase the number of students enrolled into Regents

School of Education, if parlaying the benefits of CEU credits that can then count toward

some of the less technical courses in the university.

To build upon this prospect, Luxvera could take a page from Udacity and do some

matchmaking for employment. This may particularly be of benefit to the Career

Placement services at Regent, who would have additional access to the data of needs and


Universities are grappling with securing their place in the accreditation landscape.

de Freitas et al. (2015) said, The threat of corporate institutions replacing accreditation

powers of higher education is arguably a greater danger (p. 457). They identified the

four most looming issues in the MOOC-o-sphere, of which credentialing, badges, and

accreditation are three.

As a growing number of corporations are leveraging the power of technology to

develop their own credentialing capabilities, MOOCs are a way by which the universities

can level the playing field. Colleges and universities are using numerous scenarios that

add value to the MOOC by conferring credits. Some are recognizing credits that have

been attributed by reputable organizations like ACE who have added MOOC certificates

to life experience as credit worthy (Masterson, 2013). Others, like Antioch University,

contract with Coursera to license MOOCs developed by Courseras university partners;

Antioch then offers these MOOCs for credit as part of a bachelor degree program. Or,

perhaps follow the lead of The University of Maryland University College and the

University of Massachusetts to find ways to award credit for MOOC learning online. All

of these are in tandem with Colorado State University who became the first school to

offer brick-and-mortar credits for MOOC course completion in the United States

(Nanfito, 2013, Ch. 1, Sec. 1, para. 2).

Cathy Sandeen (2013) noted that UK Universities attributes four evolving means

of ascribing credits to the successful completion of MOOCsrecognition of prior

learning, articulation and credit recognition, content licensing, and reciprocal

arrangements (p. 35). Recognition of prior learning is occurring through established

companies like ACE, the National Credit Review and Recommendation Service, and The

Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, where the former has been servicing

military personnel for converting prior learning into college credits for many years. The

first university worldwide to acknowledge MOOCs for college credit was The University

of Helsinki in Finland in 2012 ("Studies in massive open online courses provided by

other universities," 2013). In January 2013, Georgia State University announced it would

consider granting credit for MOOCs just as it does transcript credits (Jaschik, 2013).

However, the largest trend in credit recognition is content licensing (Sandeen,

2013). Here, universities make agreements to license MOOC content for inclusion into

campus-based courses that are eligible for credit. Mostly, universities are importers of

these data, which are in turn used as content for flipped classrooms. Sandeen (2013)

noted both San Jose State University and Antioch University as early models for doing

this (p. 36). But a growing number of universities are developing consortia agreements

that are brokered by third-party providers, such as 2U and Academic Partnerships.

Design Improvements Based on MOOC Research

One of the standard issues that resurfaces in varied MOOC research is that of the

lack of motivation or intention that is left undisclosed. Some MOOC developers are

beginning to include a survey that identifies what users expect from participating in the

course. This would help to determine course satisfaction and better frame the predictive


Along with this would be better metrics to acquire more than demographics.

Rather than having demographic data gathering as a precursor to the course, follow the

innovation of Udacity and San Jose State University who are building data gathering

directly into the delivery of the MOOCs (Nanfito, 2014).

To continue quantifying student success, a pretest should be included at the start


of the courses. It would need to be carefully designed to not scare off those with test

anxiety or those who are using the course exclusively for personal enrichment. The

pretest should be correlated with a posttest toward the end of the course that identifies the

amount of new learning that actually occurred.

Since this study noted that retesting had a higher correlation with completing the

course than some of the other features, it should be kept in the design. However, because

students can do rapid retests over and over until they guess the right answers, even

without going through the material, this feature should be adjusted to ensure test


In the current design, the discussion threads are superfluous to the courses and

basically unproductive. In concert with Jiang, Warschauer, et al. (2014), the discussion

threads need to be redesigned to create more peer-to-peer interaction and feedback. Jiang

et al. found, The number of peer assessments taken in week 1 is a strong predictor for

achieving Distinction [certificate] (p. 274). In their study, every unit increase in the

number of peer assessments increased the odds of earning the Distinction certification

over seven times. Particularly, a focus needs to be made on the first week of participation

in the course. As several other previously cited studies have shown, this is critical to

improving completion rates.

Overarching to many of these issues are the apparent lack of accepted standards

and practices for creating production value in the MOOCs. Looking at the Luxvera

courses as a whole, some of the videos are much longer than others, some have interview

formats interjected for no apparent reason, one uses animation poorly, and one has a

picture with audio for the entire video lecture. Many have visual aspects that will appear

dated in a few years.

Having accepted standards and practices, however, is of no value without a

quality control person who is conversant in MOOC design and is delegated the requisite

authority to implement the changes needed. This, of course, affects the cost of the

program. It naturally plays into the next topic of discussion.

Limitations and Improvements to the Study

One of the limitations in conducting this study was the kind of data being

harvested by the database. Because the only features archived were those that could

separate the variables by videos, articles, and corresponding time stamps, the ability to

investigate the specific behaviors that lend themselves toward successful completion of

the course was limited.

Conversely and in concert with the Raffaghelli et al. (2015) findings, the database

should be redesigned to harvest and archive the data that are designed to extract and

suitably represent significant data (p. 502). There needs to be careful thought into what

the MOOC courses are intended to accomplish and then ensure that the architecture of the

database is acquiring the necessary data to serve the higher interests of the university.

There was an unforeseen pattern that emerged in the second phase of the study

once the DV was changed to that of scoring a benchmark 80 on the quizzes the first time

taken. The model predicted zero negative (TN or FN) outcomes. There was nothing in the

literature or support material that addressed it as a design flaw or model construction

error. As such, another improvement would be to do further research on the design to see

if there are varied results when able to attain negatives.


Further Research Opportunities

Research opportunities easily flow out of this study. One such opportunity would

be to use other analytic software to explore the same research problem with even larger

datasets to analyze the results. Since such a large percentage of the participants dropped

out at some point from completing the course, a churn-designed model that focuses on

dropouts of MOOCs would be valuable. A study could further explore why retests,

n_retests (rs = .370) had a stronger correlation to completion than other quiz factors

(n_pass_first_time rs = .282, n_passed rs = .281, n_records rs = .279). There needs to be

further study on performance differences between videos, articles, and quiz results as it

pertains to predicting student success in MOOCs.

Quantitative studies using data science need to be utilized by a growing number

of researchers in the field of MOOCs. It is tailor made for this environment because of

the massive data being analyzed. There is a likelihood that critical learning behaviors that

have yet to be considered will be discovered, similar to what it has done in other


Most importantly, practitioners need to implement those areas identified in this

study that are likely to produce greater success for the students taking the Luxvera

courses. For example, conducting more research and development on the attrition

breakpoints, associating those breakpoints with traditional college distance education

coursework, and developing pilot programs that will implement courses with redesigned

features that account for these results.



It is evident that the MOOC phenomenon will be a viable part of the higher

education ecosystem for the foreseeable future. MOOC course offerings continue to

rapidly change as new technologies and discoveries yield advancements in the field. This

study identified a performance variable that forecasts the likelihood of a student

successfully completing a MOOC. Practitioners should carefully note the early

assessment behaviors of participants to determine the likelihood of successful

completion. MOOC designers should use the findings of this study to pay special

attention to assessment features in the design work. Because a higher correlation was

evident in retesting, opportunities for participants to retake tests should be strongly

considered. MOOC researchers should be encouraged to use PA to continue quantitative

research, particularly to identify assessment behaviors that yield strong correlations to

completion and benchmark scores.



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