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American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 278283


Rainfall Forecasts, Weather, and Wages over the Agricultural

Production Cycle
By Mark R. Rosenzweig and Christopher Udry*

In Rosenzweig and Udry (2013) we showed general-equilibrium model of the agricultural

that investments by Indian farmers in the labor market which is attentive to the sequen-
JulyAugust planting stage were significantly tial nature of agricultural production. In the first
affected by the long-range kharif-season mon- period prior to the full realization of rainfall,
soon rainfall forecast issued by the Indian farmers choose agricultural inputs based on a
Meteorological Department (IMD) in late June. forecast of subsequent rainfall, while landless
We also found that the profitability of those households decide whether to remain in the
investments was highly sensitive to the realiza- village or to out-migrate. We thus focus on the
tion of rainfall over the season, so that the fore- exante migration decision, in contrast to the
casts enhanced average profits but contributed to prior literature that has examined ex post labor
profit volatility. In this article we examine the supply (Kochar 1999) and ex post migration
effects of the forecast and rainfall on planting- responses to rainfall shocks (Morten 2013).
and harvest-stage agricultural wage rates. Prior In the second period of the model, the rainfall
research on the effects of rainfall on agricultural shock is realized, and farmers profit-maximize,
wage rates (e.g., Jayachandran 2006; Kaur 2012) hiring the labor that has remained in the village
have examined the effects of rainfall on seasonal given their sunk planting-stage investments.
average wages without attention to the timing The model indicates that a positive rainfall fore-
of investment and labor-supply/migration deci- cast has an ambiguous effect on planting-stage
sions within the season. This neglect is poten- wages, depending on the strengths of investment
tially important, as wages in the planting stage and migration responses, but can have a negative
are relatively unaffected by rainfall but may be effect on harvest-stage wages if realized rainfall
affected by rainfall forecasts, and the effects of is low.
rainfall realizations on harvest-stage wage rates Based on the model, we estimate the effects
may be affected by whether or not the rainfall of the IMD forecast on planting-stage migra-
forecast predicted good or bad weather for the tion decisions using household panel data and
season. the effects of the forecast and rainfall realiza-
To analyze the interactions between rainfall tions on planting- and harvest-stage wages
forecasts and weather realizations on wages using Indian district-level data on activity- and
over the crop cycle we first construct a simple month-specific wages and district-level monthly
rainfall data covering the period 20052010. In
putting these data together, we uncover some

Discussants: Jishnu Das, The World Bank; Seema of the pitfalls of using existing district-level
Jayachandran, Northwestern University; Tavneet Suri,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
wage and rainfall data. The estimates indicate
*Rosenzweig: Department of Economics, Yale Univer that a forecast of above-average rainfall leads
sity, 27 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511 (e-mail: to reduced village out-migration, especially by; Udry: Department of men, and to a small but statistically significant
Economics, Yale University, 27 Hillhouse Avenue, New overall decline in planting-stage wages. The
Haven, CT 06511 (e-mail:

Go to to visit positive forecast, as indicated by the model,
the article page for additional materials and author disclo- also exacerbates the negative impact of adverse
sure statement(s). weather on harvest-stage wages. Thus, rainfall

forecasts appear to improve the allocation of If state s is realized in period 1 after a forecast
labor across space when they are correct but also of F in period zero, we have separability in the
increase interannual wage volatility as a result of choice of x1which can be summarized by
being imperfect. We also show that the National
Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA), (4)
x1(x0, s,w1s
(F)) argmax

introduced in a limited set of districts in 2007
and then in all districts by 2010, helps moderate w1s
this volatility.
The concavity of hs() implies that x1(x0, s,w1s )
I. Rural Labor Markets with Forecasting is decreasing in w1s. x1(x0, g,w)>x1(x0, b,w)
because the marginal product of harvest labor
In this section we provide a simple model of is higher in good weather. Complementarity
rural labor markets when informative forecasts between planting- and harvest-stage labor implies
of seasonal weather are available. Consider a set x1(x 0h,s,w)>x1(x 0l,s,w),x 0h>x 0l,s{g,b}.
of identical farmers. Farm output is hs(x0,x1), We have a mass 1 of identical farmers demanding
where x0 is the quantity of planting-stage labor, labor, so the aggregate demand for harvest-stage
x1 is the quantity of harvest-stage labor, and labor in the village is simply x1(x0, s,w1s (F)).
s{g,b} is the weather realization. Planting- Turning to the planting stage, Rosenzweig
stage labor is chosen before s is realized; and Udry (2013) show that x0(G,w0,w1g,w1b )
harvest-stage labor after. We abstract from other >x0(B,w0,w1g,w1b ). x0 is strictly declining in
inputs (and suppress the land input, since it is each of the three wages. Farmers are identical,
identical across farmers). Assume that hb(x0,x1) so aggregate planting-stage labor demand is
h (x ,x ) hg(x0 ,x1) simply x0(F,w0,w1g,w1b ).
<hg(x0,x1) and _
b 0 1 xt

Labor is supplied by a mass 1 of landless
t{0,1}. In addition, we assume that plant- laborers. After the forecast, the landless choose
ing- and harvest-stage labor are complements to migrate out of the village or not (m{0,1}).
and that this complementarity increases in good If they choose to migrate, they earn the wage
2hg(x0 ,x1 ) 2hb(x0 ,x1)
weather_ x0 x1
x0 x1

>0. A fore- at the place to which they migrate in both the
planting and the harvest stage; if they choose not
cast F{G,B} is released before x0 is chosen. to migrate they supply 1 unit of labor to the vil-
Farmers have access to savings/credit markets, lage labor market. Landless choose m and a to
but we assume that there is no insurance avail- maximize (1) subject to
able. After the forecast is made, farmers choose
labor inputs (x0,x1g,x1b) and saving/borrowing
(a) to maximize (5)
c0=Y+mwm +(1m)w0(F)a

(1) u(c0)+pr(b|F)u(c1b
) (6) =mwm +(1m)w1s
c1s (F)+ra,

where w mis the net wage from migration, which
is known and the same in period 0 and any state
Conditional on the forecast, the farmers budget of period 1. The landless have a distribution of
constraints are net wages from migration _
given by H(wm).
There is a critical w m =(F,
w,w ,w )
_ 0 1g 1b
such that all landless with wm wm migrate and
w0(F)x0a all others do not (in parallel to the cultivators,
we are assuming that all landless have_the same
Y, so we suppress the dependence of w m on Y).
(F)x1+ra, is increasing in each of the wages. If in equi-
librium >w1b
w1g then (G,w0,w1g,w1b )>
where we have made the possible dependence of (B,w0,w1g,w1b
), because of the higher prob-
wages on the forecast explicit. Both output and ability of good weather occurring conditional
consumption are valued at price 1. on a forecast of good weather. Labor supply

in the planting stage and in the good and bad response of district-level planting-stage wages
states_of the harvest stage is identical and equal to the forecast. Third, we ask if the effect of
to H(wm ). rainfall shocks on district-level harvest-stage
The equilibrium set of wages w(F) wages varies according to the forecast. In par-
={w0(F),w1g (F),w1b
(F)} satisfies ticular, is the negative effect of a bad rainfall
shock particularly severe after a forecast of a
(7) H((F,w(F))=x0(F,w(F)) good monsoon? Finally, we look at the effect of
NREGA on planting- and harvest-stage wages.
H((F,w(F))=x1(x0, g,w1g
H((F,w(F))=x1(x0, b,w1b
Analyzing stage-specific responses to fore-
Equilibrium harvest-stage wages are always casts and rainfall realizations requires data that
higher in good than bad weather: for F{G,B}, provide information by either agricultural pro-
w1g(F)>w1b (F). The complementarity be- duction stages or by month. In Rosenzweig and
tween planting and harvest stage (which is Udry (2013) we used the International Crop
stronger in better weather) ensures that w1g(G) Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
(G)>w1g (B)w1b
(B). Village Level Survey Data (ICRISAT VLS),
The effect of the forecast on planting- and which provides high frequency information on
harvest-stage wages can be ambiguous because agricultural inputs by date and operation for six
of the potential migration response to a good villages over the period 20052011. These data
versus bad forecast. The reservation migration also provide information on the out-migration of
wage increases with a forecast of good weather, household members included in the survey. For
because the local harvest-stage wage is higher in the purposes here of studying ex ante out-migra-
good weather. Suppose that there is a small migra- tion, we focus on out-migration between July 1
tion response to this change in the reservation and August 15after the Indian Meteorological
wage: H((B,w(B)))H((G,w(B))). Then, Department (IMD) June forecast but prior to
because x0(G,w)>x0(B,w) and x1(x0,s,w1s
) the full realization of rainfall. Unfortunately, the
is increasing in x0, equilibrium wages are higher surveyors did not adhere to the monthly survey
with a forecast of good weather. But the reverse design in 2007 and 2008, so we have five years
can be true if the migration response to the fore- of migration information for the six villages.
cast is sufficiently strong. Out-migration in the early months of the kharif
The public works opportunities provided (June-October) season is nontrivial for prime-
by NREGA are modeled as a wage floor. The age males. As seen in the top panel of Table 1,
most interesting case is when equilibrium wages almost 16percent of males age 1539 migrated
have the following pattern in the absence of in JulyAugust. Female exante migration is
NREGA: w1g (F)>w0(F)>w1b
(F). Now one-third that of male migration. The sample
suppose NREGA introduces a wage floor(_ w) . we use for the analysis of migration includes
Our model implies that the effect of increasing all household members who participated in the
w depends on when this floor binds. If it binds labor market during the kharif season. Because
only in the harvest stage if the rainfall is poor, of the different migration rates of men and
then, since out-migration declines as _ wincreases women, we also analyze the determinants of
and planting-stage labor demand declines with migration separately by gender.
harvest-stage wages, both the planting-stage For the empirical analysis of agricultural
wage and the harvest-stage wage if there is good wage rates we also need wage rates by opera-
rainfall decline as NREGA comes into effect. In tional stage. The Directorate of Economics
contrast, if _ w is greater than the planting-stage and Statistics within the Indian Ministry of
wage, then the planting-stage wage increases Agriculture provides district-level daily agri-
with NREGA. cultural wages by month, activity, and gender.
In our empirical work, we examine four facets Three activities are relevant to our analysis
of this model. First, we examine the migration sower and plowman for the planting stage
response during the planting stage to the IMD and reaper and harvester for the harvest stage.
forecast. Second, we quantify the equilibrium Our criteria for choosing wages was to select

Table 1Descriptive Statistics, by Dataset the CPI for agricultural workers, using 2005 as
the base year.
Variable Mean SD
The standard rainfall dataset for monthly
ICRISAT VLS India, 20052011 Indian district-level rainfall is the Terrestrial Air
Planting-stage migration rate, males 0.157 0.364 Temperature and Precipitation compiled by Cort
1539 J. Wilmott and Kenji Matsuura, which covers the
Planting-stage migration rate, females 0.0467 0.211 period 19502010. While rainfall is provided for
1539 a 0.5-by-0.5-degree grid of points across India,
Age 33.3 18.8 which can be matched to the centroid of each of
Schooling (years) 5.37 4.46 over 600 Indian districts, the source of the rain-
Forecast 96.5 2.36 fall information comes from only 81 weather
stations maintained by the National Center for
District male agricultural daily wages, 20052010 Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The district-
Planting-stage wage (2005 Rs.) 71.6 32.2 level rainfall data are, thus, spatially interpo-
Harvest-stage wage (2005 Rs.) 73.0 29.4 lated. This interpolation introduces noise. To
Rainfall shock (relative to 60-year mean) 1.04 0.293 minimize the effects of measurement error, we
Bad rainfall shock (below mean) 0.347 0.477 initially selected districts that were within 100
Distance from nearest NCAR weather 82.1 59.7 miles of the NCAR weather stations (65 dis-
station (miles) tricts). However, because of the problem of
Forecast 95.1 4.12 missing wage information, to increase the num-
National Rural Employment Guarantee 0.615 0.487 ber of districts we added additional districts.
Act (NREGA) in place The final datasets for analysis consisted of 106
districts and 387 observations for planting-stage
wages and 95 districts and 337 observations for
harvest-stage wages.
male wages for sowers and plowmen in the Using the rainfall data, we constructed for
months of June and July and male harvesters each district and year the ratio of actual rainfall
for September and October for the years 2005 in the JulySeptember period over its 60-year
2010. Unfortunately, many of the districts had historic mean. We classify a bad rainfall shock
missing information for these month and activ- as one in which this measure is below one. We
ity classifications. To maximize sample size, we also appended to each observation the June area-
constructed June/July planting-stage wages by and year-specific IMD forecast and created a
first selecting plowmen wages in those months, dummy variable for each district/year indicat-
then if this category was missing selecting the ing whether or not NREGA had been imple-
wage rates of sowers and then if this category mented in the district.
was missing for the relevant months we used the The bottom panel of Table 1 provides descrip-
wages for other agricultural labor. The major- tive statistics for these data. As can be seen, the
ity of wages for the planting stage were for average distance of an NCAR weather station
plowmen. For the September/October harvest to a district is over 82 miles. As a consequence,
period, we selected harvester/reaper wages as a in our wage specifications we examine whether
priority and then the wages for other agricultural the estimated rainfall shock effect on harvest
operations in those months if wages were miss- wages is attenuated by weather station distance.
ing for that activity.1 All wages are deflated by A key point of our analysis is that the determi-
nants of planting- and harvest-stage wages are
not the same. In our datasets, while the average
Jayachrandran (2006) and Kauer (2012) used the
district-level male agricultural wage series assembled by
levels of the harvest- and planting-stage wages
Robert E. Evenson and James W. McKinsey, Jr. from the
same monthly wage data we use, available in the World
Bank India Agricultural and Climate data. This series does full agricultural season, this wage series will be less sensi-
not distinguish wages by stage of operation, providing only tive to weather realizations than will a wage series focusing
one average wage observation per year that weights the on the harvest stage. In our analyses of planting-stage and
months of June and August more heavily and also selects harvest-stage wage rates we included dummy variables indi-
plowman as a priority activity. Because June operations and cating activity type for the relevant months. These were not
plowing in particular cannot be affected by rainfall over the statistically significant.

1.1 Table 2Village Fixed-Effects Estimates of the

Determinants of Planting-Stage Out-Migration
(ICRISAT VLS India: 20052011)
1.04 Variable All workers Males Females
1.02 Forecast 0.00293 0.00485 0.000332
1 (2.69) (2.68) (0.33)
0.98 Age 0.000853 0.00141 0.000195
0.96 (1.32) (1.32) (0.32)
0.94 Age2 0.0000194 0.0000314 0.0000683
(2.38) (2.28) (0.91)
Schooling 0.00711 0.0118 0.00184
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (10.0) (10.9) (2.47)
Male 0.0557
Figure 1. Ratio of Harvest- to Planting-Stage Wages (9.58)
20052009, by Year
Observations 6,501 3,507 2,994

Note: Absolute values of t-ratios in parentheses.

are similar, they display distinctly different vari-
ability across years. This is indicated in Figure
1, which plots the ratio of harvest to planting-
Table 3Village Fixed-Effects Estimates of the
stage wages by year for the districts and years Determinants of Male Daily Wages, by Stage of
in which both stage-specific wages are available. Operation (agricultural wages of India, 20052010)

III.Results log log

planting-stage harvest-stage
Variable wage wage
Table 2 reports village fixed-effect estimates
of the effect of the IMD long-range forecast Rainfall shock 0.192 0.056
on planting-season migration in the ICRISAT (3.09) (0.73)
VLS survey. In column one, the point estimate Rainfall shock distance 0.00196 0.00152
implies that a onestandard deviation increase in to weather station (miles) (2.56) (1.72)
forecasted rain leads to a 0.7 percentage point Forecast 0.00622 0.000898
reduction in migration, from a base level of 9 (2.71) (0.30)
percent of the population.2 Columns 2 and 3 Forecast bad rainfall 0.00109
shock (2.09)
provide estimates by gender. The responsive-
ness of migration to the forecast is stronger for NREGA in place 0.096 0.0623
(4.50) (1.76)
men than for women. A onestandard deviation
NREGA bad rainfall 0.0929
increase in forecasted rain leads to a decline of shock (1.78)
1.1 percentage points in male seasonal migra-
tion (from a base of 16 percent). Female sea- Observations 387 337
sonal migration is insensitive to forecasted rain.
Note: Absolute values of t-ratios in parentheses.
Female seasonal migration is also not associated
with age, and female migration declines with
education, in contrast to the pattern observed for
men. agricultural wages using the district-level
In Table 3 we examine the relationships data. The district fixed effect estimates indi-
between the IMD forecast and realized rain- cate that there is a small, but precisely deter-
fall for equilibrium planting- and harvest-stage mined, decline in the planting-stage wage with
increases in forecasted rainfall. A onestandard
deviation increase in forecasted rainfall leads to
The effect of forecasted rain on migration is robust to a 2 percent decline in the planting-stage wage.
controls for realized rainfall over the entire monsoon, or for This is consistent with the migration response to
realized rain in June and July (not shown). forecasted rain that we observe in Table 2.

The planting-stage wage also increases for stage-specific agricultural labor depend on
with rainfall shocks. A onestandard deviation forecasts of seasonal rainfall. As a consequence,
increase in rainfall above the long-term average equilibrium stage-specific wages for agricul-
increases planting-stage wages by 5.6 percent. tural labor are sensitive to these forecasts. The
However, this relationship declines in the dis- response of harvest-stage wages to forecasted
tance between the district centroid and the near- rainfall, however, varies depending upon real-
est NCAR weather station. The point estimates ized rainfall for the season. The availability
indicate that there is no correlation between the of rainfall forecasts creates a new risk for the
rainfall shock and planting-stage wages for a landless, even if they have rainfall insurance.3
district 100 miles from the nearest station. The A forecast of good rainfall (which reduces out-
estimates also indicate that the implementation migration of labor from the village) followed
of the National Rural Employment Guarantee by a realization of adverse weather generates
Act increased planting-stage wages by about 9.6 a sharper drop in the harvest-stage wage than
percent. Thus the NREGA wage is sufficiently would be realized were no forecast available.
high that it binds in the planting stage. Hence, even if perfect (basis-risk free) weather
The model suggests that harvest-stage wages index insurance existed, there would still be
are differentially sensitive to the IMD forecast, a missing market for forecast insurance. Our
depending upon realized rainfall. This is shown results indicate that NREGA, in part, fills this
in column 2 of Table 3. On average, harvest-stage function by raising harvest-stage wages, particu-
wages move little with the IMD forecast, which larly in bad weather states.
is consistent with the migration response to the
forecast seen in Table 2. However, increases in REFERENCES
forecasted rainfall lead to declines in the harvest-
stage wage if a bad rainfall shock is realized. Jayachandran, Seema. 2006. Selling Labor
This effect occurs both because the forecast of Low: Wage Responses to Productivity Shocks
more rainfall increases labor supply by reducing in Developing Countries. Journal of Political
seasonal migration away from the village, and Economy 114 (3): 53875.
because the bad rainfall shock reduces harvest- Kaur, Supreet. 2012. Nominal Wage Rigidity in
stage labor demand by cultivators. Village Labor Markets. Unpublished.
As we observed with planting-stage wages, Kochar, Anjini. 1999. Smoothing Consump-
the estimated relationship between rainfall tion by Smoothing Income: Hours-of-Work
shocks and harvest-stage wages declines with Responses to Idiosyncratic Agricultural
the distance between the district and the near- Shocks in Rural India. Review of Economics
est NCAR rainfall station. Implementation of and Statistics 81 (1): 5061.
NREGA is also associated with increases in Mobarak, Ahmed Musfiq, and Mark Rosenzweig.
harvest-stage wages, particularly in years with 2013. Risk, Insurance and Wages in Gen-
bad rainfall shocks, as expected. eral Equilibrium. Yale University Economic
Growth Center Discussion Paper 1035.
IV.Conclusion Morten, Melanie. 2013. Temporary Migra-
tion and Endogenous Risk Sharing in Village
Informative rainfall forecasts permit welfare- India. Unpublished.
improving anticipatory migration. This com- Rosenzweig, Mark, and Christopher R. Udry.
plements the finding of Rosenzweig and Udry 2013. Forecasting Profitability. National
(2013) that forecasts improve average profits Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper
of cultivators. The supply of and the demand 19334.

Mobarak and Rosenzweig (2013) examine the effects
on agricultural wages of rainfall insurance purchased by cul-
tivators and/or the landless.
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