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Revista Cientfica

ISSN: 0798-2259
Universidad del Zulia

Jerez, Alejandro; Chihuailaf, Ricardo; Nella Gai, Maria; Noro, Mirela; Wittwer, Fernando
Development and validation of an HPLC method to determine lasalocid in raw milk samples from dairy
Revista Cientfica, vol. XXIII, nm. 6, noviembre-diciembre, 2013, pp. 537-542
Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela

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_______________________________________________________Revista Cientfica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXIII, N 6, 537 - 542, 2013


Desarrollo y validacin de un mtodo por HPLC para determinar Lasalocida
en muestras de leche cruda de vacas lecheras

Alejandro Jerez 1*, Ricardo Chihuailaf 2, Maria Nella Gai 3, Mirela Noro 4 y Fernando Wittwer 4
de Farmacia, Universidad Austral de Chile. 2Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Catlica de Temuco.
3Departamento de Ciencias y Tecnologa Farmacutica, Universidad de Chile. 4Instituto de Ciencias Clnicas Veterinarias,

Universidad Austral de Chile. *

ABSTRACT va de calibracin fue lineal de 0,5 a 3,0 g/mL. La precisin in-

tra (7,2%) e inter (7,0%) da (d) y la exactitud (84%) estuvieron
The ionophore lasalocid has been approved for use as a rumi- dentro de los lmites propuestos por la Food and Drug Admi-
nant feed additive in many countries. This paper describes a nistration en la Gua de Validacin de Mtodos Bioanalticos.
simple and rapid method for the determination of lasalocid in La estabilidad de la lasalocida fue establecida en tres ciclos de
cow milk using high performance liquid chromatography with congelamiento-descongelamiento y la estabilidad a largo pla-
ultraviolet detection. The method is specific for the analysis of zo, la temperatura fue de -30C, se desarroll durante 79 d. La
lasalocid in raw milk following a liquid-liquid extraction and was sensibilidad y sencillez del mtodo lo hacen adecuado para el
validated for the drug in bovine raw milk. The standard curve anlisis de residuos de lasalocida en muestras de leche cruda
was linear from 0.5 to 3.0 g/mL Intra (7.2%) and inter (7.0%) bovina.
day (d) precision and accuracy (84%) of the method were
Palabras clave: Ionforos, cromatografa, leche cruda, bioa-
within the limits proposed by Food and Drug Administration in
the Bioanalytical Method Validation Guidance. The stability of
lasalocid was established during three freeze-thaw cycles and
long-term stability at -30C for 79 d. The sensitivity and simplic- INTRODUCTION
ity of the method make it suitable for control of lasalocid resi- Ionophores are polyether compounds used in veterinary
dues in raw milk of dairy animals. applications as cocciodiostats in poultry and livestock and as
growth promoters in ruminants to increase food conversion effi-
Key words: Ionophores, chromatography, raw milk, bioanalytical. ciency [15].
Lasalocid belongs to a group of compounds called car-
boxylic ionophores with a molecular structure characterized by
a polyether composition (FIG. 1). Ionophores are complex high
molecular weight molecules, produced by various Streptomy-
El ionforo lasalocida ha sido aprobado para su uso en ru-
ces species (Streptomyces lasaliensis in the lasalocid case)
miantes en varios pases. Este artculo describe un mtodo
[17]. The molecule of lasalocid have a free carboxylic and an
simple y rpido para la determinacin de lasalocida en leche
aromatic groups. Carboxylic ionophores move ions across lipid
de vaca utilizando cromatografa lquida de alta eficiencia con
by layers binding the ions from one side of the cell membrane,
deteccin ultravioleta. El mtodo es especfico para el anlisis
moving the resulting complex across the layer, and releasing
de lasalocida en leche cruda bovina, con una extraccin lqui-
the ions on the other side of the cell membrane [14]. Conse-
do-lquido y fue validado para este frmaco en la leche. La cur-
quently, the gradients of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and Na+ are dimin-
ished, causing death cell [1, 27]. Lasalocid is a divalent iono-
Recibido: 21 / 01 / 2013 . Aceptado: 20 / 09 / 2013. phore compound [1, 25]. It transports bivalent ions such as

Development and Validation of an HPLC Method to Determine Lasalocid in Raw Milk Samples from Dairy Cows / Jerez, A. et al. _________


Chemicals and Reagents

All chemicals used were purchased from Merck (Darm-
stadt, Germany), and included methanol and dichloromethane
FIGURE 1. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF LASALOCID. (HPLC grade), sodium chloride (analytical grade) and tri-
fluoroacetic acid (reagent grade). Water was generated by an
Ca2+ and Mg2+ [1, 18], and monovalent ions as K+ [1, 2]. The ELGA purification system (HPLC grade) and nitrogen gas was
ionophore compounds are active against Gram-positive organ- supplied by AGA Chile (Santiago, Chile). Lasalocid sodium salt
isms and mycoplasmas [1]. The cell wall of most Gram- (95.1%) was supplied by Alpharma Chile. All the solutions
negative bacteria does not permit the passage of hydrophobic were filtered before HPLC injection using PTFE filters, 0.45 m
molecules with molecular weights above 600 g mol1 not being from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
susceptible to the action of ionophores [1, 27].
Ionophores were used in veterinary medicine until 16 Chromatographic conditions
years after their discovery due to their high toxicity. Toxicity High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was
studies have shown that the primary target organs of iono- performed using a Shimadzu Prominence HPLC system (Shi-
phore are cardiac and skeletal muscles as well as peripheral madzu, Tokyo, Japan) consisting of a LC-10AT pump, and
nerves. Many cases of severe poisoning in poultry, horses SCL-10A system controller, an degasser DGU-20A5, an SIL-
(Equus caballus) and other animals have been reported, how- 20A auto injector, and a SPD-M20A detector. Chromatographic
ever, fewer numbers of reports affecting cattle (Bos taurus) data were acquired and analyzed using LC-Solution Chroma-
have been described [11, 14]. The increasing administration of tography Data System (Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan).
these agents in veterinary medicine may represent a potential
Working wavelength in the detector was set at 315 nm.
hazard to humans, as residues of these drugs may be present
Separation was carried out on a C18 column, (250 x 4.6 mm, 5
in tissues or fluids used for human consumption.
m), Kromasil, (Sweden), using methanol: water: trifluoroacetic
Lasalocid has been used extensively in the beef industry acid 0.45% 90:10:3 v/v as an isocratic mobile phase, at a flow
and, in some countries, in lactating dairy cattle [15]. According rate of 1.2 mL/min, at 25C. The mobile phase was filtered
to the European Union (EU) [8] and the Food and Drug Admin- through a nylon membrane filter (0.45 m pore size) and ultra-
istration (FDA) [14] regulations, lasalocid is not authorized for sonically degassed prior to use. Total time for analyse was 14
use in lactating dairy cows. min. One hundred L of standard solutions and analytical sam-
ples were injected to the LC system in order to increase sensi-
Various methods have been described in order to de-
tivity. The peak area for response was measured.
termine the presence of ionophores used in veterinary medi-
cine. Analytical techniques such as high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection [3, 5, Standard stock and working solutions
6, 20, 21, 26], fluorescence detection [9, 16] and mass spec- All stock and working solutions of sodium lasalocid were di-
trometric detection [7, 12, 13, 22-24] have been used for this luted in methanol and prepared under low light intensity. A pri-
purpose. For this methods, sample preparation includes mary stock solution (0.5 mg/mL) and secondary working stock
precolumn or postcolumn derivatization and solid phase ex- solutions of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 g/mL were prepared.
traction. The quantification limits (LOQ) in HPLC-based
methods are mainly higher than 1 mg/kg, with some excep- Preparation of calibration standards and quality control
tions for lasalocid and narasin (LOQ of 0.5 mg/kg) [19]. Liq- (QC) samples
uid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has been Calibration standards were prepared for each run by add-
also used to determine polyether ionophores in different ma- ing the individual working stock solutions to 1 mL of pooled blank
trices. The use of a mass spectrometer detector minimizes bovine raw milk, and vortex-mixed for 30 seconds. Quality control
sample preparation and increases the sensitivity of the samples were prepared on the first day of validation using stock
method [19]. However, the equipment necessary is expen- solutions at 0.5, 1.5 and 3.0 g/mL. All stock and working solu-
sive compared with other detectors used for chromatogra- tions were stored at 4C and used to obtain the standard curve
phy. It would be of interest to develop a simple and efficient on the day (d) of analysis. Quality control (QC) samples were ali-
method to determine lasalocid in raw milk to maintain control quoted and stored until analysis under low light intensity.
milk quality produced for human consumption. The objective
of this work was to develop and validate a screening HPLC
Milk sample preparation
with UV detection method of lasalocid in bovine raw milk
samples according to Bioanalytical Method Validation Guid- Fresh raw bulk milk was collected directly from the milk
ance set by the FDA [10]. tank at the experimental dairy farm of the Universidad Austral de

______________________________________________________________Revista Cientfica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXIII, N 6, 537 - 542, 2013

Chile. Dairy herd was based on 62 lactating Holstein Frisian ane at three concentrations of the drug: 0.5, 1.5 and 3.0
cows fed with a controlled ration based in pasture, grass silage g/mL. Recovery was assessed comparing post-extracted raw
and free of additives concentrate (Iansagro, Chile). Milk sam- milk samples with unextracted samples (in the reconstituting
ple were kept in glass containers at 4C and used within 48 solvent) at the same concentrations. Post-extracted samples
hours. One mL of a representative well-mixed full milk sample were prepared by the addition of adequate volume of working
was added to a 15 mL centrifuge tube along with 6 mL of metha- solutions into 1 mL of raw milk and processed as described in
nol and sonicated in an Ney 104 H ultrasonic bath (Ney Ultrason- section Milk sample preparation. Recovery of lasalocid was
ics, Bloomfield, EUA), for 30 seconds. Additionally, samples were determined by comparing each peak area of extracted QC
blend for 30 seconds and let at room temperature ( 20C) for standards with the peak area of unextracted standard solutions
10-15 min. Finally, samples were centrifuged at 600 g for 10 min containing the corresponding concentration of lasalocid dis-
until a pellet was produced. solved in a methanol:water (90:10) medium. Recoveries were
performed in triplicate.
Lasalocid was extracted by a liquid-liquid procedure. Su-
pernatants were decanted into a 250 mL separator flask. Then, Stability of lasalocid in milk was tested using QC stan-
six mL of NaCl solution (10% w/v) were added. The lasalocid dards for three freeze-thaw cycle and long term stability. In
contained in the aqueous methanol supernatant was extracted each freeze-thaw cycle, the quality control samples were fro-
with 12 mL of dichloromethane (DCM). The lower phase zen at -30C for 24 h and thawed at room temperature (
(DCM) was collected and dried under a nitrogen stream. 20C). Long-term stability was evaluated by storing the quality
control samples at -30C during 79 d. The results were com-
Validation method pared with freshly prepared QC samples.
The method was validated to meet the acceptance crite-
ria of industrial guidance for the bioanalytical method validation RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
in the matrix raw milk for this case [10]. The following validation
parameters were assessed: selectivity, linearity, sensitivity, The present study describes a specific, isocratic, and re-
precision, accuracy, recovery, and stability. liable as well as low-cost HPLC-UV method for the determina-
tion of lasalocid in milk samples. The free acid or the salt form
The selectivity of the method was assessed by the ab-
of lasalocid adopt a cyclic structure [26] where the carbonyl
sence of any interference in the elution times of lasalocid.
group is directed inward and participates in ion metal chelation.
Pooled milk samples were analysed after being pre-treated as
In contrast with other ionophores, lasalocid cannot be derivat-
described above.
ized because of steric hindrance. Fortunately, lasalocid detec-
Linearity was quantified using the peak area of the ana- tion is possible in a non derivatized form by UV absorption of
lyte. Peak areas were plotted associated with the analyte con- the benzenic group at 315 nm [6]. An internal standard (I.S.)
centration of six calibration standards ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 was not used because other polyether ionophores must be de-
g/mL including the LLOQ (Lower limit of quantification). The rivatized for HPLC analysis with UV detection. Calibration stan-
standard curve were in the form y = a + bx. Concentrations of dards were run daily to maintain a control of the procedure.
lasalocid were 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 g/mL, respectively.
Detection of a drug in biological media is a complex pro-
The calibration curve used to determine the concentration of
cedure, mainly associated to matrix characteristic, because of
lasalocid in experimental samples was set at a correlation co-
this, different extractions using solvents were employed to effec-
efficient (r) of 0.995 or better.
tively separate drug components from endogenous interfer-
The limit of detection (LOD) was defined as the lowest de- ences. The ultimate sensitivity and selectivity of the method may
tectable concentration with a signal:noise ratio of three The be limited to the clean-up procedures. To avoid losses associ-
lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was defined at least five ated to the clean-up procedure and to increase the recovery of
times as the analyte response compared to the blank response. the analyte the number of clean up steps in a sample prepara-
At this point, the precision was set on 20% and the accuracy on tion should be kept to a minimum [26]. In this way, sample
the 80-120% range. preparation was based in the solubility of lasalocid in solvents
like methanol and dichloromethane [9]. The latter showed no
Accuracy and precision were determined by analysis of
satisfactory results due to the adsorption of lasalocid to the poly-
quality control standards of lasalocid (0.5, 1.5 and 3.0 g/mL)
propylene container. The best extraction results were obtained
with six replicates in the same day and one on each of three
with methanol/NaCl (10% w/v)/DCM (6:6:12). The liquid-liquid
different days, respectively. Accuracy should be within 75-
extraction was time-consuming but the chromatographic require-
115% and precision, expressed as coefficient of variation (CV)
ments and inexpensive procedure for sample preparation made
should less than 15%.
this method widely suitable for routine monitoring.
The recovery of lasalocid from milk was determined fol- The chromatographic parameters (retention time, peak
lowing liquid-liquid extraction with methanol and dichlorometh- shape and peak resolution) were tested under several experi-

Development and Validation of an HPLC Method to Determine Lasalocid in Raw Milk Samples from Dairy Cows / Jerez, A. et al. _________

mental conditions. A series of mobile phases with different pro- Data for the parameters used to validate the method
portions of organic solvents and pH values were evaluated. A were according to those described by FDA guideline for bio-
pure sample of lasalocid and standard solutions prepared in analytical methods and well within the set limits.
methanol were suitable for chromatographic conditions. Lasa-
The linearity of the matrix-assisted calibration curve was
locid was separated from the milk components on a C18 chro-
tested using a least-square method, accordingly the determina-
matographic column. The peak of lasalocid was well resolved
tion of lasalocid in the matrix was linear in the range of 0.5
under the conditions described and showed good shape with
3.0 g/mL, with a correlation coefficient of 0,996.
adequate asymmetry factor. Moreover, the mobile phase al-
lowed the compromise between resolution and analysis time. Accuracy was higher than 77.6% (mean of 84.5%) and
An advantage of this method was the application of an isocratic precision for the three concentrations of analyte were in the 4.8
mobile phase with a simpler compared to the complex compo- to 13.3% range (TABLE I).
sitions of mobile phase and/or gradient elution used in other
LOD and LLOQ values were 0.03 and 0.5 g/mL, re-
HPLC methods [4]. The retention time of lasalocid was 11.33
spectively. The recovery rate was larger to 80% in six repeti-
0.2 min (FIG. 2) under the chromatographic conditions em-
tions. On the other hand, samples with lasalocid in cow milk
ployed here. Chromatograms showed a clear and excellent
proved to be stable during 79 d stored at -30C and through
separation between lasalocid and endogenous interferences
three freeze and thaw cycles.
from milk, with absence of interfering peaks at the retention
time of the lasalocid.


______________________________________________________________Revista Cientfica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXIII, N 6, 537 - 542, 2013


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Mean SD(g/mL) % %
1 0.4799 0.0033 8.0 96.3
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3 0.4043 0.0177 4.8 80.9
1 1.4200 0.0861 6.4 94.7
1.5 g/mL 2 1.2416 0.0513 8.1 82.8
3 1.1668 0.0969 4.3 77.8
1 2.5744 0.1698 7.2 85.8
3.0 g/mL 2 2.3269 0.1275 5.5 77.6
3 2.3759 0.3149 13.3 79.2
(a) Expressed as coefficient of variation percentage. (B) Calculated as (mean determined concentration/nominal concentration) x 100%. (N = 6).

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