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(Regulations 2013)



Part A
1. Define Data structure.
2. List the operations performed in the Linear Data Structure.
3. What is abstract datatype?
4. Define Array.
5. Write the limitations of Array.
6. What are the ways to represent the two dimensional Array in memory.
7. Calculate the address of the element a[2][4] of an array a[3][5] in row major order.
8. What are structures in c?
9. Define Stack.
10. What are the operations allowed in stack?
11. List the notations used to represent the arithmetic expression?
12. Write the rules for converting an Infix notation to Postfix form.
13. Write any four applications of stack.
14. Define queue.
15. Mention some applications of queue.
16. What is priority queue?
17. Define circular queue.
18. Write the conditions of circular queue.
19. Define Linked list.
20. What is a node?
21. What are the advantages of linked list?
22. What are pitfall (drawbacks) encountered in single linked lists?
23. What are the applications of linked list?
24. What are the different types of linked list?
25. Difference between Array, Stack and Queue.
26. What is dynamic memory allocation.
27. Difference between Array and Linked list.
28. Advantages of circular linked lists.
29. Advantages of Doubly Linked Lists over Single Linked lists.
30. Write the algorithm to count the number of nodes in a single linked list.
31. List out the differences between Linked Stack and Linked Queue.
32. How do you Identify the first and last node in the doubly circular linked list.
33. Give the prefix and postfix form of the following given expression.
(i) (A-B*C-D)/(E+F)
(ii) ((A+B)*C-(D-E)^(F+G))
(iii) A+B*(C-D)/(P-R)
34. How address of a element is calculated in a two dimensional Array.
35. How to represent polynomial expressions into an array?
Part B

1. Explain in detail about Arrays?

2. Discuss in detail about structures in c.
3. What is a Stack? Explain its operations with example.
4. Write the algorithm for converting infix expression to postfix expression.
5. What is a Queue? Explain its operations with example.
6. Explain any two applications of stack.
7. Write an algorithm to perform the following operation on a singly linked list.
(i) Insert new node at the beginning of list.
(ii) Insert new node at Middle.
(iii) Delete a node in the middle and last.
(iv) Count the number of nodes.
8. Write an algorithm to perform the following operation on a doubly linked list.
(v) Insert new node at the beginning of list.
(vi) Insert new node at Middle.
(vii) Delete a node in the middle and last.
(viii) Count the number of nodes.
9. Explain the Linear linked Implementation of Stack and Queue.
10. Explain the Insertion and Deletion algorithm for Circular linked List.
11. Explain the operations of Priority Queue.
12. Write the algorithm to merge any two Linked list.
13. Write an algorithm that takes the first node in a linked list, Reverse it and return the first
node in the resulting linked list without recursion and with recursion.
14. Implement a circular Queue in C using arrange to perform insertion and deletion
15. Convert the following Infix Expression to postfix using stack.
16. Explain Polynomial addition operation using array.

Part - A
1. What is the purpose of non linear data structures?
2. What is binary tree?
3. What is mean by siblings?
4. What are ancestors and descendants?
5. What is strictly binary tree (or) full binary tree?
6. What do you mean by complete binary tree?
7. Define almost complete binary tree?
8. What are the different representations of nodes in a tree?
9. Give various implementations of binary tree?
10. What are the advantages of binary tree linked representation over array representation?
11. What do you mean by External nodes and Internal nodes?
12. What is an expression tree?
13. Draw the link
ked represenntation of thee following binary tree?

14. Write
W down th he algorithmm for In ordeer traversal of
o binary treee?
15. What
W is Preorrder traversaal?
16. Write
W the Reccursive algorrithm of Posst order traveersal?
17. Create
C a binarry tree for thhe followingg Expressionn:
18. What
W do you mean by Thhreaded binary tree?
19. What
W is the useu of Threadded binary trree?
20. What
W is binarry search treee?
21. What
W is the Heterogeneou
H us binary treee?
22. List
L the appliications areaas of Huffmaan Algorithm ms?
23. List
L the applications of biinary tree?
24. Explain
E the concept of Exxpression Trrees?
25. Draw
D the binaary tree for the
t Expression?

RT - B

1. Explain
E the various
v representations of binary treee in detail wiith suitable examples?

2. W
Write the recuursive tree trree traversall algorithm for
f Inorder,P Preorder and post order
trraversals. Ap
pply all the 3 traversal too the followiing binary treee.

3. Explain
E in deetails about binary
b tree opperations.

4. H
How can a binary tree be representedd using an arrray? Write thhe array reprresentation for
thhe following
g tree.
5. Explain
E in deetail about Non-Recursivve Inorder binary tree traaversal.

6. Explain
E in deetail about Non-Recursivve Preorder binary tree trraversal.

7. Explain
E in deetail about Non-Recursivve Postorder binary tree traversal.

8. EExplain Huffm fman Algoritthm with an example.

9. Explain
E Expression treee. How to convert exppression treees into binnary trees. Give
10. What
W is binarry search tree? Explain the insertionn and deletionn operationss of binary seearch
trree with algoorithm.
11. Explain
E left child
c right sibbling data sttructures for general treees.
12. Define
D Binarry Tree. Expplain the inssertion, delettion and seaarching operrations of Binary
trree with algoorithms.


Part -A

1. Define
D AVL L tree or Whaat is Balanceed binary treee?
2. Name
N the rotations and their
t meaninng in AVL trree?
3. What
W is B treee?
4. What
W is mean nt by Sortingg?
5. What
W are thee two main classification
c ns of sorting??
6. What
W is meaant by externnal sorting?
7. What
W is meaant by internaal sorting?
8. What
W is meaant by Bubblle sort?
9. What
W is the purpose
p of Quick
Q sort?
10. What
W is the advantage
a off Quick sort??
11. What
W is the best
b case tim me complexitty of Quick sort?
12. What
W is the main
m idea beehind Selectiion sort?
13. What
W is the average
a efficciency of Heeap sort?
14. What
W is the main
m idea beehind Insertiion sort?
15. What
W is the best
b case andd worst casee time compllexity of Bubbble sort andd Insertion soort?
16. When can we use Insertion sort?
17. What is the basic idea of Shell sort?
18. What is the space complexity of Radix sort?
19. What is searching?
20. What are the different kinds of search techniques?
21. What is linear search?
22. What is the efficiency of binary search tree search operation?
23. What are the advantages of using Binary search?
24. What do you mean by Hashing?
25. What is Hash table?
26. What are Hash functions?
27. List some techniques that are used to implement Hash functions.
28. What do you mean by collisions?
29. List out the types of Collision resolution techniques.
30. What do mean by Open addressing in hashing?
31. What is linear probing technique in Collision resolution technique?
32. List the limitations of Separate Chaining.
33. What is multiple hashing?
34. What is rehashing?

Part - B

1.Explain the different collision resolution strategies for hashing. State the advantages and
disadvantages of each techniques.
2.Discuss the efficiency for the following.
(i) Binary Search Tree operational.
(ii) Quick Sort Algorithm.
3. Explain Quick Sort Algorithm in detail.
4. Sort the following numbers using Quick sort procedure and Discuss the time complexity
and space complexity of this Algorithm.
42, 12, -8, 98, 67, 83, 08, 104, 07
5. Sort the following numbers using radix sort.
77, 12, 8, 39, 27, 21, 44, 18, 6, 427, 117, 237, 5671 and 600
6. Discuss about any two collision avoiding techniques.
7. Briefly explain the various Hashing techniques.
8. Given input (371, 323, 173, 199, 344, 679, 989) and hash function h(x)=x mod 10, Show
the resulting.
(i) Separate Chaining.
(ii) Closed hashing using linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing
h2(x)=7 - (x mod 7).
9. Write the intermediate steps of exchange sort of the following:
5, 2, 12, 13, 4, 9, 15, 25, 3
10. What is meant by collision resolution in Hashing?. Explain in detail any one strategy for
dealing with it.
11. Explain Heap sort with example.
12. Define AVL Tree. Explain various rotations of AVL Trees maintaining balance factor
while insertion and deletion takes palce.
13. Explain about insertion and deletion operations in B-Trees.

1. Define graph with example.
2. What is directed and undirected graph.
3. What is cycle and circuit of a graph?
4. What is degree of a graph?
5. Define simple graph.
6. What is null graph?
7. What is Regular graph?
8. Define Completed graph.
9. What are the representations of graph?
10. Define Adjacency matrix.
11. Define Adjacency list.
12. What is path matrix?
13. Define graph traversal.
14. What is Depth first search?
15. What is Breadth first search?
16. List the applications of graph.
17. What is topological sort?
18. What is shortest path algorithm?
19. Define Dijkstras algorithm.
20. Define Spanning Tree.
21. Define Minimum Spanning Tree.
22. What is PRIMs Algorithms?
23. What is Kruskals Algorithms?
24. What is biconnected graph?
25. List the properties of biconnected graph.
26. What is Euler Path?
27. What is Euler Circuit?

1. Explain the path and adjacency multi-list representations of a graph with example.
2. Explain the DFS with suitable example and also write the DFS algorithm.
3. Explain the BFS with suitable example and also write the BFS algorithm.
4. Explain the dijkstras algorithm with suitable example.
5. Explain the minimum cost spanning tree. Write its application and also write the
algorithm for finding minimal spanning trees.
6. Explain the Prims algorithm with suitable example.
7. Explain the Kruskals algorithm with suitable example.
8. What is biconnectivity and euler circuit. Explain with example.
9. Explain Topological sorting with example.
10. Explain the Floyd Warshall algorithm.

1. What is an algorithm?
2. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?
3. What is Time Complexity?
4. What is Space Complexity?
5. Define Divide and Conquer Technology.
6. Define Greedy method.
7. Define Dynamic Programming.
8. Define Back Tracking.
9. Define Branch and Bound.
10. What are asymptotic notations?
11. What is Theta notation?
12. What is Big Oh notation?
13. What is Big Omega notation?
14. What are the applications of divide and conquer?
15. What is Merge sort?
16. What is binary search?
17. Define feasible solution and optimal solution.
18. What are the applications of Greedy method?
19. Define Knapsack problem.
20. Define Transitive closure.
21. Differentiate Divide and conquer and Dynamic programming.
22. What are the applications of Backtracking?
23. What are the search strategies for branch and bound method?
24. Differentiate Backtracking and Branch and bound.
25. What are the application areas of Branch and Bound?

1. Explain the various asymptotic notation used for calculating time and space complexities.
2. Explain the Merge sort application using Divide and conquer technique.
3. Explain the Binary Search application using Divide and conquer technique.
4. Explain the Knapsack Problem using Greedy method with algorithm.
5. Explain Warshalls algorithm for finding transitive closure using Dynamic programming.
6. What is sum of subset problem? Explain sum of subset problem with algorithm using
7. Explain the Traveling sales man problem using Branch and Bound method.

*****ALL THE BEST*****

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