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Using the Gift that God Gave Us

[Greetings]. Let me quote to every one of you the very lines that made my
mind think deep, pondered through its meaning and touched my heart with realization
as I perused over and over it. Your talent is Gods gift to you. What you do with
it is your gift back to God. (Buscalgia, n.d.).

Have you ever met a person who just seemed to be gifted in a certain area? Maybe
you've studied under a person with a gift for teaching, or you've listened to
someone with a gift for music. Someone who stands in a group with a gift for
leading. Or even as little as someone who is very kind that without a doubt you
find that as a gift. Gifted means a person's ability is exceptional. It means that
person has a special skill that many of us do not possess. Yet no matter how gifted
an individual may be in a particular area, rarely, if ever, will one individual be
exceptional in every area of life. No matter how good the architect may be, he
still must depend on other people to fix his car or manage hes bank accounts.

And Rick Warren (2014) said that if you think your gifts are simply for you to make
a lot of money, retire, and die, youve missed the point of your life. God gave you
gifts to benefit others, not yourself. And God gave other people talents that
benefit you. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others,
faithfully administering Gods grace in its various forms. (1 Peter 4:10, NIV).
This simply means that every gift is significant to each and every one of us. The
question is, how do you use yours?

There are two ways how God want us to use this gifts. First, God wants us to bless
others using this gifts (The Stewardship Team, 2016). Like what I stated earlier,
this talent is for others. God doesnt give us anything just for our own benefit.
After all, we were blessed to be a blessing. If youre gifted in teaching,
enlighten others with truthful knowledge or teach little children some stories and
values. If youre gifted in music, sing in in choirs, play in the church or impart
your talent to others. If youre gifted in sports, help your teammates practice,
encourage sportsmanship or inspire beginners. If youre gifted in leading, lead
others to edify themselves, build bonds to be better. If youre gifted in managing,
extend your talent to others needs, exemplify honesty, or help them help their
selves. If youre gifted in drawing or planning, why not use them to inspire other
with art or share essential concepts and design. If youre gifted with kindness,
helping others out in simple acts, inspiring to do the same and making the world a
better place through kind deeds. No matter what gift you possess, use them to bless
others for this delights the Lord and leading us to the greatest way.

God wants us to build His kingdom for His glory, through these gifts (The
Stewardship Team, 2016). God made us all different. Thats great, because together,
all of us make up the kingdom. And it is mention in the bible that the each of us
is unique, but together we make the body complete. And Christ is the head of the
body, so everything we do points back to Him. For her directs it all! Use your
unique role to glorify Him! Teach his teachings and share the good news. Sing for
Him. Make Christ shine in every game you play. Lead people to Him. Manage in a God-
honoring manner. Design churches for His people, one of the reason why I studied
architecture. Be kind in a way that they see Christ in you. Use these talents to
reach other people, proclaim His kingdom and give Him all the credits.

By blessing others and building His kingdom for His glory through these
talents is the very gift we give back to God. Jesus gives us two commandments: to
love the Lord and to love others as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40, NIV).
Jesus gives us two commandments: to love the Lord and to love others as we love
ourselves (Matthew 22:3740, NIV). And when we steward our talents to honor Him and
to bless others, were doing just that.

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