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Student: Howard Morgan Asher

Teacher: Karen Klassen

Course: CSIS-1030-504-Su17

Preparing for a Computing Major

We live in a world full of opportunities, where one must only work hard and doors will

open to the one who is seeking. Many people have dreams and passions. The people that reach

out and grab the opportunities to achieve their dreams are those that can be considered successful

and true to their desires. To become a successful Computer Scientist, one must develop a

structural mind and have a passion for logic, organization, problem fixing, technology, and

continue the path to a specific, in-depth and fundamental learning process to help them achieve

their desires and fulfill their projects.

One of the main perceptions about a major in computing is that math is its backbone,

which is very true but it also can be deceiving. Shriram Krishnamurthi, a Professor of Computer

Science in Brown University described the understanding of a mathematical thinking mind in a

different way. He said People use phrases like "mathematical sophistication" or "mathematical

thinking", which further compounds confusion Let me therefore give it a different name:

structuralism. Every part of computer science, may it be programming, database managing, or

network administration work with logical dependencies and relationships that work together to

meet an end goal. There are problems that can be fixed if a good organization is kept and a set of

structures are met. There are problems that can be avoided if one has a structural mindset when

working on a computing task. Developing a structural mindset is the main basis for any intended

career in the ever-evolving world of computing and technology.

The world of computing is wide and full of new technology. One must be self-taught to

keep up with all the new trends. As a person immerses in the world of computing and learns the

many branches and fields it contains. One may begin to get a sense of the areas that catch the

most interest. To prepare for the real world, a person must have a focus in a specific field of

computing. As education increases one can learn the many functions that systems and

applications can have in the business world, or how to administer a database, maybe one is

interested in working and maintaining a network. Focus on a specific field with an end goal,

thinking about the things one wants to accomplish to seek the necessary tools to accomplish such


The world today requires people to develop a set of skills necessary to enter the

corporative world. It is a world full of competition, and ambition. Many people have a goal in

mind since they are children, they have been pursuing their dreams since young and have gone

far in their development. Other on the other hand have been a little bit slower in their academic

growth, maybe it wasnt until they were in college when the decided to focus on computing. No

matter what your background is, in computing a person must continue their education. As

described in an article How to Become a Computer Programmer, Since the technology industry

is constantly evolving, its essential that workers in this field stay abreast of the latest

innovations. There are thousands of new information coming up every day and unless a person

is ready to continue their in-depth education, a career in computing is not the best fit. A

motivation for learning is a necessary requirement for any student intending to pursue a career in

the computing world.

According to the Higher Education Researcher, Maggie ONeil, there are some

fundamental principles a person can start learning before entering into the world of computing.
According to her research based on some experts on the field in her article, Preparing for a

Computer Science Degree. The most important and basic skill a person seeking a computing

degree can have is the skill of Programming. While describing why the reason programming is

so important she stated, Its already clear that programing and coding are the basis for so many

new and progressive ideas, which begs the question: Are you ready to shape the future?.

Programming languages are the common languages that new technology is using to operate and

one must learn to understand the core basics to fulfill ones role as a Computer Scientists. Some

examples are, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap.

The path to computing can be certainly intimidating. The preparations for this degree can

seem endless and overwhelming. People can discourage you with negative comments about the

difficulty of this field, but one thing is clear. The path that will take you to computing is straight

and clear, preparation is the key. One must seek a process to develop a structural mind-set, pick a

specific path that will allow you to use your skills, continue learning everyday even after

finishing a major as technology advances without end, and learn the basics of programming, the

language of computers. Any person with the right attitude can prepare for a career in this

evolving field of computing and technology. The opportunity is out there, one must only reach

out and grab it with a firm grip, with passion and determination that will lead to success.

Quora (2015) Should I pursue computer science if Im bad at math. Retrieved from:

Learn How to Become (2017) How to Become a Computer Programmer: Computer

Programming Degrees & Careers. Retrieved from:

Computer Science Online (2017) Preparing for a Computer Science Degree. Retrieved from:

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