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i) According to the passage given above, why did Bacon preferred to call his Scientific method as new
machine for the mind?
As Bacon states the mind cant function on its own to make a correct decision. Usually man sees the
world in his own image. The mind derives information from inner quality of the mind or may be from
individuals interaction with the others and also from philosophical dogmas prevailing. And what Bacon
has done by introducing the Scientific method discovery is that he has completely removed the
constraints that are controlling decision making process. In it he has introduced a method that is
completely mechanical and does not leave any freedom to a persons mind to make a decision. It would
lead the mind on the correct path perpetually from the very first and attaining our end as it were by
mechanical aid. According to him it is as a machine. That is the reason Bacon preferred to call this
method as new machine for the mind.

ii) What aspects of the human condition act as the important constraints in the process of gaining human
knowledge according to the above passage ?
both good and evil ideas that are prevailing. Also he directs to a whole new constrain which should
generate power. Power and utility are in fact ought to be organized by the King.

iii) According to the relevant session in your course material for on Francis Bacons method of science,
explain briefly the analogy given by Bacon to identify his method by comparing the methods of the
craftsmen and the scholars of his era.
from 17th to 19th century, two views stand out prominently to answer the question of What is the
method of Science . The first method of science was called the method of induction. The second view
was called Hypothesism. Francis Bacon was the leading figure in inductivism, while Galileao was the
leading figure in Hypothesism. Inductivism is rooted towards Empiricism, According to which sense
experience is primary in gaining knowledge and only those ideas which are traceable to sense experience
are legitimate. Hypothesism is rooted in the school of philosophy called Rationalism. It assumes that
most of the human knowledge cannot be traced to and there fore it is independent

iv) Explain briefly the approach of Bacon towards nature in extracting its secrets according to the passage
given above.
Baconian science is a search for power over nature, not over man. But Bacon also states man as part of
the nature. His approach towards nature is as the enemy to torture and dissect to get the knowledge to
gain power over nature. Nature also means other nations too.

v) According to the passage given above, give a brief description of Bacons views on the relation between
knowledge and power.
According to Bacon knowledge is power over nature for the benefit of mankind. Bacon asserted the
knowledge in the pursuit of power ought to be organized by the King. Bacon recognizes as knowledge
the should generate power.

i) What was the critique of David Hume regarding the principle of induction ?
The principle of induction states the fact that knowledge is obtained through empirical methods. Hume
questioned how can the unobserved knowledge be acquired ? . The inductive leap from unobserved
territory to unobserved territory stood unjustified and irrational according to hume. He did not accept
the method of hypothesis. Hume stated that since we have no alternative to the principle of induction,
our belief in induction is irrational.

ii) Explain briefly why Hume rejected the argument of uniformity in nature put forward by intuitivists to
justify induction against Humes critique.
It can be explained with an example. The path of Uranus did not agree well with the predications of
Newtons theory of gravitation. Later on when observed the cause was that existence of another planet
called Neptune was until then unknown to the scientists. And furthermore a deviation in path of
Neptune was found out and the reason was found out as planet plutos existence. But later when a
deviation of the path of planet mercury was found out the reason was not the same. The cause was a
planet that was never born and was christened before birth.

iii) Explain briefly the link between induction and cause -effect reduction by considering the procedure
adopted by medical scientists in determining the cause for a particular fever (eg : malaria )

iv) What was Humes response to the problem of induction ?

hume had no definite answer to the problem. But he accepted that it is human nature to draw
generalizations from observed phenomena to unobserved phenomena and also to link cause and effect
relations from similar causes and similar effects.

Logical positivists Karl popper
Observations Pure and theory independent Observations are not pure as
they are theory dependent
from previous theories
Theories of Science Based on scientific theories Based on scientific theories
systematic verifiability systematic falsifiability
Method of science Checks whether the Checks whether the
prediction is true by empirical prediction is false by
test if so the hypothesis is empirical test, if so the
true hypothesis is false

By adding Ad-hoc modifications the theories become unfalsifiable according to popper. He states that a
theory which is unfalsifiable is also unscientific. Popper states no amount of positive results of scientific
testing can prove our theories. Scientific theory however well supported by evidence remains
permanently tentative.

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