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The acoustics and acoustic behavior of the California spiny

lobster (Panulirus interruptus)

S. N. Patek,a L. E. Shipp, and E. R. Staaterman
Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3140
Received 15 October 2008; revised 9 February 2009; accepted 18 February 2009
Numerous animals produce sounds during interactions with potential predators, yet little is known
about the acoustics of these sounds, especially in marine environments. California spiny lobsters
Panulirus interruptus produce pulsatile rasps when interacting with potential predators. They
generate sound using frictional structures located at the base of each antenna. This study probes
three issuesthe effect of body size on signal features, behavioral modification of sound features,
and the influence of the ambient environment on the signal. Body size and file length were positively
correlated, and larger animals produced lower pulse rate rasps. Ambient noise levels 149.3 dB re
1 Pa acoustically obscured many rasps 150.4 2.0 dB re 1 Pa at distances from 0.9 1.4 m.
Significantly higher numbers of pulses, pulse rate, and rasp duration were produced in rasps
generated with two antennae compared to rasps produced with only one antenna. Strong periodic
resonances were measured in tank-recorded rasps, whereas field-recorded rasps had little frequency
structure. Spiny lobster rasps exhibit flexibility in acoustic signal features, but their propagation is
constrained, perhaps beneficially, by the noisy marine environment. Examining the connections
between behavior, environment, and acoustics is critical for understanding this fundamental type of
animal communication. 2009 Acoustical Society of America. DOI: 10.1121/1.3097760
PACS numbers: 43.80.Ka WWA Pages: 34343443

I. INTRODUCTION reviewed in Chivers et al., 1996. In either case, the propa-

gation of antipredator signals through the environment
Surprisingly few studies have examined the acoustics of
given the ambient background noise and the effects of the
antipredator sounds in the marine environment even though
physical structure of the habitatis an important factor in
these sounds have been observed across a wide range of taxa
in an array of marine habitats. For example, when interacting how the signal functions.
with intruders or potential predators, nephropid lobsters vi- Antipredator signal features are relevant to their function
brate antennal muscles Mendelson, 1969; Henninger and and performance in deterring predators. Most antipredator
Watson, 2005, ocypodid and pagurid crabs stridulate signals, whether acoustic, chemical, or visual, capitalize on
Guinot-Dumortier and Dumortier, 1960; Field et al., 1987, being noxious or generally startling to either deter the preda-
astacid crayfish squeak with their abdomen Sandeman and tor or trigger a predators memory that the prey item is not
Wilkens, 1982, mantis shrimp rumble using muscles at- palatable Edmunds, 1974; Ruxton et al., 2004. Further-
tached to their carapace Patek and Caldwell, 2006, and fish more, it is generally advantageous for the prey to appear as
produce a myriad of sounds using mechanisms from muscle threatening as possible by exaggerating size e.g., eye spots.
contractions to stridulatory jaws Fish and Mowbray, 1970. Although these general principles of antipredator signal de-
Antipredator sounds have been shown experimentally to de- sign are widely accepted, the features of acoustic antipreda-
ter predators Alexander, 1958; Masters, 1979; Lewis and tor signals are rarely characterized.
Cane, 1990; Sargent, 1990 and function through a variety of Most spiny lobster species Palinuridae, including the
mechanisms, including the effects of startle, warning or California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus, generate an-
predator memory enhancement Gittleman and Harvey, tipredator sounds called rasps Parker, 1878; 1883; Lind-
1980; Gamberale and Tullberg, 1996; Speed, 2000; Sherratt berg, 1955; Moulton, 1957; George and Main, 1967; Meyer-
and Beatty, 2003; Ruxton et al., 2004; Caro, 2005. Rochow and Penrose, 1974; Smale, 1974; Meyer-Rochow
There are two key factors when examining antipredator and Penrose, 1976; Mulligan and Fischer, 1977; Patek, 2001;
sounds: signal propagation through the environment and the Patek, 2002; Patek and Oakley, 2003; Latha et al., 2005;
effect of, or information contained in, the signal features. In Patek et al., 2006. Documented for over a thousand years
terms of signal propagation, the emission of sound has the
Athenaeus, 300, these sounds are produced when spiny
potential to attract other predators to the scene; this may
lobsters are handled by potential predators. The rasps func-
make the situation for the prey item even more dangerous or,
tion to deter predators; spiny lobsters that have been silenced
alternatively, it may increase conflict between the predators
i.e., the sound-generating apparatus has been disabled are
and thereby increase the odds that the prey item escapes
attacked more frequently and with greater success than spiny
lobsters with intact sound-producing structures Bouwma
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: and Herrnkind, 2004; Bouwma, 2006; Bouwma and Hernn- kind, 2007.

3434 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 5, May 2009 0001-4966/2009/1255/3434/10/$25.00 2009 Acoustical Society of America
sound production, the acoustics of these sounds have been
examined exclusively in laboratory settings and, thus, the
amplitude and frequency structure of these sounds in nature
are not currently known. Furthermore, little is known about
the influence of using paired structures on the signal features
and the scaling of signal features with body size in adult
lobsters Meyer-Rochow and Penrose, 1976; Patek and Oak-
ley, 2003. Examination of the sounds in the laboratory and
field offers important insights into the use of these signals by
spiny lobsters and, more generally, the role and function of
antipredator sounds in the marine environment. In this study,
as in all previous analyses of spiny lobster antipredator
sounds, we measure the rasps generated during handling,
simulating the lobsters experience once a predator has suc-
cessfully caught the prey and is attempting to process it; this
FIG. 1. The sound-producing anatomy of a California spiny lobster Panu- leaves open the possibility that a different suite of acoustic
lirus interruptus. A plectrum is found at the base of each antenna and rubs signals are used during predator approach or for signaling to
over a file beneath each eye. Sound is produced when the plectrum slides distant predators, although no such sounds have been docu-
posteriorly arrow over the file. Adapted from Summers, 2001.
mented to date in spiny lobsters.
Thus, the goals of this study were to examine the acous-
The stick-slip frictional mechanism of spiny lobster tics and acoustic behavior of the California spiny lobster
sound production is unusual in the biological world, and the Panulirus interruptus from the following three perspec-
paired structures potentially yield flexibility in signal fea- tives: 1 Body size and signal features: Which acoustic pa-
tures. Analogous to bowed-stringed instruments, spiny lob- rameters are correlated with body size? Do spiny lobsters
sters produce pulses of sound through stick-slip frictional vary rasp duration by increasing number of pulses or de-
interactions between the plectrum and file surfaces such that creasing pulse rate? 2 Plectrum activation and rasp varia-
the plectrum sticks and slips due to friction as it is pulled tion: Are single, sequential and concurrent plectrum activa-
posteriorly over the file; a pulse of sound is produced during tion patterns correlated with specific rasp features, such as
each slip Patek, 2001, 2002; Patek and Baio, 2007. The greater rasp duration, higher pulse rate or greater number of
plectrums are located at the base of each antenna and pulses, and particular behaviors, such as tail flipping or leg
traverse the oblong files located on each side of the antennu- movements? 3 Rasps and their acoustic environment: How
lar plate Fig. 1. Each rasp sound is produced when the does the acoustic environment influence rasp signal features,
plectrum is pulled posteriorly and generates a series of sound specifically when comparing recordings made in a tank ver-
pulses as it sticks and slips over the surface of the file Fig. sus in the field?
2. Because there is a pair of plectrum/file units, sounds can
be produced by rubbing only one plectrum over the file, both II. METHODS
plectrums in series, or both plectrums concurrently. This
A. Animal collection and care
flexibility in the deployment of the sound-producing struc-
tures potentially offers spiny lobsters additional variation in California spiny lobsters, Panulirus interruptus Crusta-
the range of signal features. cea, Decapoda, Palinuridae, were collected at the University
While the above studies have addressed the functional of Southern California, Wrigley Institute for Environmental
morphology, evolutionary history, and behavioral context of Studies WIES, Santa Catalina Island, CA, in baited lobster

FIG. 2. Color online Spiny lobsters typically produce

a series of rasps A each consisting of a series of
pulses B. In a rasp produced by a single plectrum the
first rasp in panel A, seven pulses are visible B. The
second rasp in A was generated with two plectrums ac-
tivated concurrently C, beginning with the first plec-
trum producing a series of pulses labeled a and the
second plectrum generating the overlapping series of
pulses labeled b. Series a and series b are distinguish-
able by differences in both amplitude and temporal

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 5, May 2009 Patek et al.: Spiny lobster acoustics 3435
traps or by hand CA Department of Fish and Game Permit mented three modes of plectrum activation: 1 single plec-
No. SC-5751. One small lobster was borrowed from the trum in which only one plectrum was used to generate one
WIES touch tank. Lobsters that were brought back to the rasp, 2 sequential plectrums in which the same plectrum
laboratory were maintained in cylindrical holding tanks was used repeatedly or two plectrums were used in sequence
1.5 m diameter, 0.8 m height with a continuous supply of to generate multiple rasps, and 3 concurrent plectrums in
sea water 14 16 C. They were fed bait fish daily. which two plectrums concurrently generated one or more
Experiments were conducted during three different field rasps see Fig. 2 and further explanation in Sec. III. We
seasons, and the lobsters were captured shortly before each limited this dataset to individuals that produced at least three
set of experiments. In the first field season 2005, we con- rasps each of single plectrum and dual plectrum activation.
ducted the temporal acoustic analysis experiments in which We analyzed the relationships among these acoustic
we recorded 24 individuals 2 males and 22 females; variables and between these variables and body size. Least-
44 102 mm carapace length; 14 15 C water temperature. squares linear regressions were used to examine the correla-
In the second field season 2006, we conducted audio-video tion between carapace length and mean values for acoustic
experiments of acoustic behavior and comparisons of rasp features across individuals. A general linear model analysis
acoustics in tank versus field conditions. In these experi- of covariance ANCOVA was applied to examine the ef-
ments, we recorded 20 individuals 6 males and 14 females; fects of plectrum activation on the temporal acoustic fea-
50 113 mm carapace length; 8 18 mm file length; tures, as well as the effects of individual, and individual by
14 15 C water temperature. In the third field season plectrum usage on the resulting correlations. Similarly, an
2008, we recorded 13 more individuals 12 females, 1 ANCOVA was used when examining the correlation between
male; 65 93 mm carapace length; 19.8 C water tempera- pulse number and rasp duration within and across individu-
ture in the field and measured pressure levels of the rasps als. Statistics were performed with JMP v. 5.0.1 software.
and ambient field environment. The specific sample sizes
used in each experiment are detailed below.
C. Comparison of acoustic frequencies in tank
versus field conditions
B. Temporal acoustic analyses
The acoustic frequencies of P. interruptus rasps were
We tested for the presence of correlations between body compared between field and tank recordings. Each individual
size and temporal components of the rasp, including rasp lobster was recorded in the field and then recorded in the
duration s, number of pulses total number of pulses per tank so that the spectral characteristics could be compared
rasp, and average pulse rate pulses s1: number of pulses both within and among individual lobsters.
per rasp divided by rasp duration Fig. 2. A hydrophone Field recordings were taken in 7.3 m water 14 C with
1 Hz 170 kHz, TC4013, Reson, Slangerup, Denmark was the lobsters hand-held at 42 cm depth. The distance of the
connected to a band-pass filter high-pass: 10 Hz, low-pass: hydrophone from the anterior end of the focal lobster was
15 kHz; 1 Hz 1 MHz VP2000 voltage preamplifier, Reson, held at a constant 31 cm in the field and ranged from
Slangerup, Denmark and a digital audio recorder 48 kHz 31 66 cm in the tank. The tank recordings were performed
sample rate, maximum 20 kHz frequency response in a cylindrical, fiberglass tank 1.5 m diameter, 0.8 m
0.5 dB, PMD670, Marantz, NJ. Individuals were hand- height at 15 C. Calibrated recordings were taken with a
held at variable depths in a fiberglass tank 1.5 m diameter, hydrophone 0.1 Hz 10 kHz 1.5 dB, sensitivity:
0.8 m height with the hydrophone suspended approximately 206.1 dB 0.25 dB re 1 V / Pa, Type 8104 hydrophone,
60 cm from the anterior end of the lobster. Brel and Kjaer, Nrum, Denmark and amplifier set at
Rasp waveforms were measured using acoustic software high-pass filter 2 Hz and low-pass filter 10 kHz;
RAVEN 1.2.1, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, NY. We 0.2 Hz 200 kHz, Type 2635 charge amplifier, Brel and
defined rasps as consisting of at least two pulses that oc- Kjaer, Nrum, Denmark which were connected to a digital
curred within 45 ms of each other. Sometimes, a single pulse data acquisition system 50 kHz sample rate, NIDAQ 6062E
of sound was produced in isolation; these pulses were not PCMCIA data acquisition card, National Instruments, TX;
included in the analyses. Pulse duration was not measured, custom data acquisition software, MATLAB, The Mathworks,
because previous studies have shown that tank reverberations Natick, MA. Using a custom MATLAB program, the data
obscure the ending time of each pulse Patek and Baio, were converted to .wav files by scaling the voltage ampli-
2007. When the rasps were difficult to resolve against ex- tude by a factor of 0.1 and running a 20 Hz high-pass But-
cessive background noise, they were omitted from the analy- terworth filter.
ses. The dominant frequencies the two frequencies with
In many recordings, the sounds generated by the two greatest acoustic power were identified for each rasp and
plectrums were distinguishable from each other, either tem- compared to ambient background noise in each recording
porally or through amplitude differences. We split the dataset RAVEN v. 1.2.1 and 1.3, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology,
into rasp waveforms unambiguously produced by one plec- Ithaca, NY. Temporal measurements were calculated from
trum only and compared them to rasp waveforms clearly the acoustic waveforms; frequency analyses were measured
showing activity from two plectrums Fig. 2; when this dis- from power spectra using a discrete Fourier transform set-
tinction was not clear, the rasps were not included in this tings: Hanning window, 2000 sample window size, 3 dB fil-
particular analysis. Using these distinct patterns, we docu- ter bandwidth at 36 Hz resolution.

3436 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 5, May 2009 Patek et al.: Spiny lobster acoustics
We examined correlations between acoustic features and TABLE I. Temporal features of rasps. Sample size was 19 individuals with
521 rasps recorded per individual. The minimum number of pulses in a
body size using least-squares linear regressions. We per-
rasp sequence was set at two pulses; single pulses were not included in the
formed a t-test to examine whether recording conditions sig- analysis. A one-way analysis of variance tested for differences across indi-
nificantly affected the dominant frequencies. Statistics were viduals. ** indicates p 0.0001.
performed using JMP software v. 7.0, SAS Institute, Inc.,
NC. Minimum
maximum Mean std. dev. F-ratio

D. Rasps in the field environment Pulse rate **7.9982

24192 71 20
pulses s1
The pressure levels of the rasps and background noise Rasp duration
15303 108 35 **6.4656
were measured in the field. Lobsters were held by hand in ms
7.3 m water at 45 cm depth with the hydrophone positioned Number of
219 73 **8.5686
at 97 cm depth. Thus, the effective diagonal distances be- pulses
tween the lobster and hydrophone were 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, and
1.5 m. The equipment and settings were the same as in Sec.
II C. Absolute average power dB was calculated by con- number of rasps divided by the 10 s bin during which they
verting RAVEN softwares dimensionless units to pascals us- occurred and the proportion of rasps produced by a single
ing the calibration provided by the hydrophone and amplifier plectrum or both plectrums including both sequential and
manufacturer and the conversion factors provided by RAVEN concurrent movement out of the total number of rasps pro-
software version 1.4, Hanning window, 2000 sample win- duced during the 10 second time period.
dow size, 3 dB filter bandwidth at 36 Hz resolution. These We tested whether the behavioral units tail flip and an-
calibration methods are explained in the RAVEN software sup- tennal movement were correlated with the rate of rasp pro-
port documents and are also available upon request from the duction and the number of rasps produced using both plec-
authors. The average power dB was calculated relative to trums concurrently. These data were not normally distributed
1 Pa the standard for aquatic measurements and also cal- Shapiro-Wilks Goodness-of-Fit test; p 0.0001, therefore
culated relative to the baseline noise level measured in each the nonparametric KruskalWallis test was used in place of a
recording. t-test JMP 5.0.1, SAS Institute, Inc., NC.
Results are presented as mean one standard deviation.
E. Audio-video analyses of acoustic behavior
In order to test whether rasp features and plectrum acti-
vation were correlated with specific behaviors, we used syn- A. Acoustic features and body size correlations
chronous audio and video to record spiny lobsters producing The temporal rasp features varied substantially both
rasps. Each individual was held approximately 36 cm deep, within and across individuals Table I. File length Fig. 1
1.5 m from the camera, and recorded until it produced 510 was positively correlated with carapace length Fig. 3 N
rasps 20 15 000 Hz; HTI-94-SSQ hydrophone, High Tech, = 18; R2 = 0.6178, F = 25.8664, p = 0.0001. Carapace length
Inc., Gulfport, MS; Sony DCR-VX2100 Handycam video was negatively correlated with mean pulse rate, but not cor-
camera, Tokyo, Japan; Amphibico VLAL0010 underwater related with mean rasp duration or mean number of pulses
housing, Montreal, Canada. Rasps were elicited by holding per rasp Fig. 3; Table II. Rasp duration was positively cor-
and gently squeezing or tickling the lobster. related with number of pulses Fig. 4 df = 18; whole model:
We identified behavioral units typically associated with R2 = 0.6998, F = 24.7785, p 0.0001; number of pulses: F
escape or arousal in lobsters Atema and Cobb, 1980. The = 181.4677, p 0.0001; individuals: F = 12.5963,
two most consistent and identifiable behaviors were leg p 0.0001. Because pulse rate was calculated using values
movements and tail flips. Tail flips are an escape response in from rasp duration and pulse number, it was not statistically
which the tail is rapidly tucked under the body causing the valid to examine the relationships among the three variables.
animal to rapidly jet backwards. Leg movements were noted The rasps produced with two plectrums concurrently had a
if they were vigorous and continuous as distinguished from significantly greater number of pulses than rasps produced
the slow or small movements associated with resting behav- by one plectrum alone or two plectrums sequentially; rasp
ior. duration and pulse rate were also greater in rasps produced
Sound production and behavioral units were counted and with two plectrums Table II.
binned over 10 s intervals. The onset of each 10 s bin oc- Dominant frequencies were not correlated with body
curred when the spiny lobster first started to produce rasps. size in the tank nor in the field Fig. 3 least-squares linear
Sound production and behavior were measured for 10 s in all regression, p 0.4 in all tests. Body size was not correlated
individuals with the exception of one individual for which with average power when pooled across all recording dis-
only 6 s were recorded. We tested whether including this tances Fig. 3 R2 = 0.302, df = 12, F = 4.76, p = 0.05.
individual affected the results by running the analyses with
and without it. We logged the time at which each behavioral
B. Acoustic frequencies in the tank and the field
unit and sound occurred and noted the identity of the plec-
trums right plectrum, left plectrum, or both producing the The frequency characteristics and background noise lev-
sound. We then calculated the rate of rasp production the els of the rasp recordings were different in the field and the

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 5, May 2009 Patek et al.: Spiny lobster acoustics 3437
FIG. 3. The relationships between file
length A, temporal signal features
BD, spectrographic features
EF, and body size. Each data
point represents the mean value for an
individual lobster.

tank Table III. The rasps from the field recordings typically C. Rasps in the field acoustic environment
had one distinct narrow peak below 500 Hz and another
The average power of the rasps was 150.4 2.0 dB re
broader peak around 1.5 2 kHz Fig. 5. Tank recordings
1 Pa N = 13 lobsters; 281 rasps. The average background
lacked this predictable structure and exhibited a pattern of
evenly spaced narrow peaks Fig. 5. The dominant frequen- noise level was 149.3 3.3 dB re 1 Pa N = 36 recordings
cies in the tank and field were significantly different and the rasps exceeded the background noise level by an
t-ratio= 7.569, p 0.0001, but the second most powerful average 1.6 dB range: 7.5 to 9.5 dB Table IV; Figs. 6
frequency was not significantly different t-ratio= 1.212, p and 7. 31% of the rasps had power less than the average
= 0.24. ambient noise with the majority of the negative decibel ref-

TABLE II. The correlation between temporal rasp features, body size, and plectrum activation. Least-squares
linear regressions were used to analyze the relationship between pulse rate, rasp duration, number of pulses, and
carapace length. A general linear model ANCOVA was used to analyze the correlation between the use of one
or both plectrums to generate sound and the temporal features of the rasp. This second analysis was restricted
to individuals producing at least three rasps each of single plectrum and double plectrum activation, resulting in
a dataset of five individuals. * indicates p 0.05; ** indicates p 0.001.

N = 19 Plectrum activation
individuals df = 1 , 4

Pulse rate *R2 = 0.2170 Whole model **R2 = 0.6501, F = 10.9405

F = 4.7110 plectrum activation *F = 4.1794
Individual **F = 18.6654
plectrum activation individual F = 0.2576

Rasp R2 = 0.0517 Whole model **R2 = 0.5289, F = 6.6105

duration F = 1.0308 plectrum activation **F = 13.5364
Individual **F = 9.4418
plectrum activation individual
F = 1.1452

Number R2 = 0.03826 Whole model **R2 = 5826, F = 8.2215

of pulses F = 0.6763 plectrum activation **F = 45.2203
Individual *F = 4.4095
plectrum activation individual F = 0. 1.9512

3438 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 5, May 2009 Patek et al.: Spiny lobster acoustics
TABLE III. Comparison of frequencies in the field versus tank recordings
and background noise versus rasps. Data are in the following format: mean
frequency s.d.; tank: N = 13 individuals 322 rasps per individual; field:
N = 11 individuals 534 rasps per individual.

Tank Field

Background Background
noise Rasp noise Rasp

126 322 1794 338 366 706 633 374
frequency Hz
Second dominant
n.a. 1796 303 n.a. 1590 483
frequency Hz

FIG. 4. The number of pulses scales positively and significantly with rasp
duration. Each data point represents the mean value for an individual. The acoustics of the California spiny lobsters rasp were
tied to the ambient environment, the individual behavior of
the lobsters, and, to a lesser extent, the size of the lobsters.
erenced to background noise rasps occurring at greater re-
As we discuss below, the interconnections between the rasp
cording distances Fig. 7. However, when the proportion of
characteristics and the environment may be central to the
rasps below zero dB re background noise was calculated
rasps function as an antipredator signal.
within each individual and then pooled across individuals for
each distance, this pattern was less evident and was non-
significant least-squares linear regression: R2 = 0.5532, df A. Body size and signal features
= 1 , 12, F = 1.905, p = 0.09. Although the size of the sound-producing apparatus was
tightly correlated with the body size of these animals, the
acoustic features were less so Fig. 3. Pulse rate was corre-
lated with body size, such that larger animals produced rasps
D. Audio-video analyses of acoustic behavior
with a slower pulse rate Fig. 3d. However, dominant fre-
Two datasets were analyzed, one including all data and quency and power were not strongly associated with body
one excluding a short video sequence. The results were con- size Figs. 3e and 3f. Given that the rasps are broadband
sistent whether or not the short video clip was included in the signals with little tonal definition, it is perhaps unsurprising
dataset; thus, the statistical results presented here include all that a significant correlation between body size and dominant
available data. The number of rasps produced by both plec- frequency was not observed. Future studies should examine a
trums concurrently Fig. 2c was positively correlated with broader range of body sizes and examine the effect of moti-
tail-flip behavior Table V. Regardless of whether rasps vation on signal features. For example, the stick-slip mecha-
were produced with a single plectrum or both, the rate of nism of sound production may permit greater power output
sound production increased significantly when an individu- when individuals pull the plectrum more tightly against the
als legs were moving Table V. file thereby generating a higher normal force and louder

FIG. 5. Recordings of the same lobster producing a

rasp in two different environments. In the field, the
pulse structure of the rasp is evident A and the sound
shows little resonant structure B power spectrum set-
tings as described in Sec. II. In a tank, the reverbera-
tions obscure the pulse structure C and a series of
harmonics are apparent D. The grayed spectra in B
and D indicate the signature of the ambient back-
ground noise. This particular lobster was positioned
53 cm from the hydrophone in the tank and 30 cm from
the hydrophone in the field, which may also have
caused spectral differences Akamatsu et al., 2002.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 5, May 2009 Patek et al.: Spiny lobster acoustics 3439
TABLE IV. Average power of rasps at varying distances in the field. Power
is reported as dB re 1 Pa and dB re background noise standard deviation.
Samples sizes are number of individuals N followed by number of rasps
recorded per individual.

0.9 m 1.1 m 1.3 m 1.5 m

N = 8 318 N = 11 322 N = 9 122 N = 5 19

dB re 1 Pa 150.2 1.4 150.2 2.1 149.2 1.6 149.2 1.7

dB re background 1.8 1.6 1.3 2.2 0.45 2.1 1.0 2.4

sound Patek and Baio, 2007. The fact that the lobsters were
hand-held in this study may have elicited different signaling
behavior than in freely-moving individuals although their FIG. 7. The proportion of rasps with power levels above the background
rapid escape responses preclude measuring calibrated power noise black bars and below background noise level white bars at four
levels at known distances in freely-moving individuals. distances from the hydrophone. The width of the horizontal bars represents
Also, repeated stimulation of the same individuals may have the relative number of rasps recorded 0.9 m: 65 rasps; 1.1 m: 118 rasps;
1.3 m: 65 rasps; 1.5 m: 29 rasps. The overall mean is indicated to the right.
yielded habituation, again influencing signal feature patterns
over the time-course of these experiments. This might ex-
plain the unexpected variation in power levels across the four with the length of the file while rasp duration was negatively
field recording distances Table IV. correlated with file length Patek and Oakley, 2003. At early
Scaling of sound with body size has been examined pre- developmental stages, correlations between dominant fre-
viously in several spiny lobster species and across the family quencies and size were not found Meyer-Rochow and Pen-
as a whole Meyer-Rochow and Penrose, 1974; 1976; Patek, rose, 1974; however, across juvenile and adult Panulirus
2002; Patek and Oakley, 2003; Patek and Baio, 2007. longipes, a positive correlation between body size and rasp
Across the palinurid family, and within Panulirus argus, duration was found, and, similar to the results of this study,
pulse rate and number of pulses were positively correlated there was a negative correlation between size and pulse rate
Meyer-Rochow and Penrose, 1976.

B. Plectrum activation and rasp variation

While the lack of body size and signal feature correla-
tion in spiny lobsters might be explained by the studys lim-
ited body size range, another key factor is the behavioral use
of the dual sound-producing apparatuses. For example, when
examining temporal features of rasps, a larger number of
pulses yielded a longer duration rasp Fig. 4. While this was
not explained by body size variation, it may instead be at-
tributed to the lobsters use the pair of plectrums rather than
a single plectrum to generate sounds.
Behavior, particularly the use of one or both plectrums
had strong influences on the temporal features of the rasp.
When two plectrums were used concurrently, the number of
pulses, rasp duration, and pulse rate were greater although
these results may be confounded by individual differences;
Table II. Furthermore, concurrent activation of both plec-
trums was correlated with the attempt to escape by tail-
flipping and the overall activity of the animal. Thus, the be-

TABLE V. Correlation between plectrum activation and behavioral units

tail flip and leg movement. A nonparametric, two-sample KruskalWallis
test was used to test whether these behaviors were associated with rasp rate
and plectrum use. Sample size was 20 individuals each sampled once. *
p 0.05.

Number of rasps when both

FIG. 6. A rasp produced by a lobster in the field at 1.1 m from the hydro- Overall rate of rasp plectrums were concurrently
phone. The rasp is highlighted and is shown as a waveform upper and production active
spectrogram lower; RAVEN PRO software v. 1.4, Hanning window, 512
sample window size, 3 dB filter bandwidth at 140 Hz resolution. The Tail flip Z = 0.6622; p = 0.51 Z = 2.3437; p = 0.019*
bracket indicates the energy extending below 1 kHz from the rasp, whereas Leg movement Z = 2.2955; p = 0.022* Z = 1.7812; p = 0.075
the ambient background noise is less powerful in this frequency range.

3440 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 125, No. 5, May 2009 Patek et al.: Spiny lobster acoustics
havioral motivation of the animal may more directly nal paper, documented power levels of 50 143 dB Latha
influence signal characteristics than the body size even et al., 2005; however, the reference level and distance from
though body size corresponds closely with the size of the the recording device were not specified, so it is difficult to
sound-producing apparatus. draw comparisons with the present data. The damselfish
The relevance of behavior to signal features has been Abudefduf abdominalis generates courtship calls at
suggested previously in spiny lobsters Patek and Oakley, 105 119 dB re 1 Pa at 0.5 1 m Maruska et al., 2007.
2003 and demonstrated in other systems with multiple Toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus acoustic power scales
signal-generating devices. For example, the searobin Pri- with body size, with pressure levels ranging from approxi-
onotus carolinus has a pair of sonic muscles which it can mately 108 140 dB re 1 Pa Vasconcelos and Ladich,
contract simultaneously to generate greater amplitude or se- 2008. Opsanus tau toadfish produce boatwhistle calls of an
quentially to produce a higher fundamental frequency Con- average 126 dB re 1 Pa at 1 m Barimo and Fine, 1998.
naughton, 2004. The California mantis shrimp Hemisquilla Thus, the spiny lobsters rasp is loud, but so is the back-
californiensis may also use its paired sonic muscles to vary ground noise Figs. 6 and 7. A primary consequence of the
signal features Patek and Caldwell, 2006. loud background noise is that the rasps are obscured by the
The behavioral manipulation of the signal features may ambient background noise even though they attenuate mini-
be important for tailoring an acoustic response to particular mally over the distances in which a predator encounter might
predators. For example, multiple studies have shown that occur. Given that the rasps are similar in power to the ambi-
vertebrates produce signal features specific to the predator ent background noise, the probability that they will be ob-
e.g., Templeton et al., 2005. Thus, it will be important in scured is quite highapproximately 31% of the rasps re-
future studies to present a range of predators to spiny lobsters corded had a negative decibel level relative to the
and assess whether they respond differently depending on the background noise Fig. 7. This confers an advantage in the
relative size, risk, and hearing capabilities of that particular context of the antipredator functionthe sounds are both
predator. loud and local, and perhaps less likely to attract additional
nearby predators to the scene.
The frequency structure of the background noise relative
C. Rasps and their acoustic environment to the rasp may also be important for propagation Fig. 6. A
Consistent with previous studies Parvulescu, 1967; quiet window is present below 1 kHz, a region in which the
Meyer-Rochow and Penrose, 1976; Akamatsu et al., 2002, rasps power output is relatively high. It is possible that spiny
there were significant effects of the tank and field on the lobsters make use of such a window similar to gobies
frequency characteristics of the sound Fig. 5; Table III. The shown to communicate in the quiet low-frequency region in
tank recordings yielded average dominant frequencies of a noisy stream environment Lugli et al., 2003; Lugli and
1794 Hz, whereas in the field, the dominant frequencies av- Fine, 2007. Like the gobies, it is also possible that anti-
eraged 633 Hz. The second most powerful frequency was predator communication is occurring in the near-field, thus
similar in both settings1796 Hz in the tank and 1590 Hz in measurements of particle velocity at close-ranges would
the fieldsuggesting that the tank resonated the higher fre- yield a more accurate portrait of the rasps acoustic land-
quencies in the rasp or damped the lower dominant fre- scape. While many of the spiny lobsters fish predators can
quency. These substantial differences in frequencies and tem- detect pressure waves, most marine organisms are also sen-
poral structure between the tank and field strongly suggest sitive to particle vibrations in the near-field. Characterizing
that tank-based aquatic recordings should be interpreted with the near-field of these local antipredator sounds is necessary
caution and are not useful for comparisons and characteriza- both to understand the propagation of these signals and to
tions of frequency-spectra. determine the relevant signal features to attacking predators.
The high intensity collapse of cavitation bubbles domi- Various lobster species have been shown to detect vibra-
nated the acoustic landscape around Santa Catalina Island, tions in the near-field and at low frequencies less than
the site of this study. The majority of these sounds in other, 200 Hz, yet the presence of pressure-sensitive hearing struc-
similar environments have been attributed to snapping tures in crustaceans remains contentious Cohen, 1955; Of-
shrimp Johnson et al., 1947; Au and Banks, 1998; Versluis futt, 1970; Tazaki and Ohnishi, 1974; Goodall et al., 1990;
et al., 2000, although it is likely that cavitation sounds are Budelmann, 1992; Popper et al., 2001; Lovell et al., 2005;
being produced by other organisms as well Colson et al., Lovell et al., 2006. Previous research suggested that the
1998; Patek et al., 2004; Patek and Caldwell, 2005; Simon rasps could function in the near-field to warn neighboring
et al., 2005. Consistent with our measurements of field conspecifics Lindberg, 1955; Meyer-Rochow et al., 1982
background noise averaging 149.3 dB re 1 Pa, snapping via an alarm signal. However, given that palinurid larvae
shrimp Synalpheus paraneomeris generate signals at cycle for many months before settling Phillips et al., 2006,
183 189 dB re 1 Pa at 1 m from a hydrophone in a tank it is unlikely that they are genetically related and thus the
Au and Banks, 1998. fundamental assumption that alarm calls aid close relatives
The average power level of the rasps, 150 dB re 1 Pa, Caro, 2005 would not be met.
is quite loud compared to measurements of marine acoustic In conclusion, there is a web of interconnections be-
signals from similar sized organisms excluding the sound of tween the basic mechanism of sound production, the behav-
cavitation. A study of two spiny lobster species, Panulirus ioral deployment, and the ambient environment in which
homarus and Palinustus waguensis misspelled in the origi- these sounds are produced; each component is essential to

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