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Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletin

10 August, 2017, Bulletin 09

T h e Microcystis c yanoba c te r
iabloom c ontinue s in th e we ste r n ba sin along -and of f sh or
e th e Oh io and Mic h igan coa st f rom Ma um e e Ba
nor th past S tonyPoint a nd e ast towar d s Mid d le S iste rI sla
nd .Obse r ve d wind s th is we e k (8/ 7-10)r e d uc
e d m ix ing,inc rea singsur face
conc e ntr ations f
rom e ar lie r
.Scum s h ave be e n r e por te d .Me asur e d tox in c onc e ntra tions are be lowth e r ec r
ea tiona l th re sh old s
th r oug h out m ost ofth e bloom e x te nt,but c onc e ntr ations c an e x c e e d th e th r
e sh old wh e re th e bloom is m ost d e nse ( wh ic h would look
g reen f rom aboa t).

Forec ast wind s (5-12kn)tod a

yth rough Satur da y( 8/10-12)m a
ypr om ote m ix ing
,re d uc ingsur face c once ntr
ations ofMicrocystis.
Wind s
will prom ote e aste r
anspor t ofMicrocystis tod ayth r
ough Sund a
y( 8/10- 13)towa rd s th e Ontar io Coast.

Ple a
se c hec k Oh io EPAs site on h armf ul a lg
albloom s f orsa f e tyinforma tion.h ttp:/
/e pa.oh io.
habalg ae.aspx .Kee p y
ourpe ts a nd
your se lfout ofth e wa te rin area s wh e re scum is f or m ing .T h e pe r
siste nt cyanobac te riabloom ofPlanktothrix continue s in Sand usk yBa
and e x te nd s into L
ake Er ie .NOAA s GL ER Lpr ovid e s ad d itiona l HABd a ta:h ttps://www. gle r
gov/re s/
HABs_and _Hy pox ia.

L alim e
The images below are "GeoPDF". To see the longitude and latitude under your cursor, select "Tools > Analyze > Geospatial Location Tool".

Ly p p s B e a c h


Por t C linton Cleveland


Figur e 1.Cyanoba c te ria

lI nd e x from m od if
ie d Cope rnicus S e ntine l 3d a
tacolle cte d 08Aug
t 11:
e yind ic
ate s c
loud s or
m issingd ata
.Th e e stim ate d th re sh old f
y a nobacte r
iad e te ction is 20,
000ce lls/mL .

Figure 2.Cy anoba cte r

nd e x f
rom m od if
ie d Cope r
us S
e ntine l Wind spe e d a nd d ir
ec tion f
rom Ma rble h e a
d ,OH.Bloom s m ix th r
3d atac olle c
te d 08Aug ust,2017a t 11:
26. th e wa
te rc olum n a t wind spe e d s g
rea te rth an 15k nots (
or7.7m / s).

For more information and to subscribe to this bulletin, go to:

Ly p p s B e a c h


Por t C linton Cleveland


Figure 3. Nowcast position of bloom for 10 August, 2017 using GLFS modelled currents to move the bloom from the 08 August, 2017 image.

Ly p p s B e a c h


Por t C linton Cleveland


Figure 4. Forecast position of bloom for 13 August, 2017 using GLFS modelled currents to move the bloom from the 08 August, 2017 image.
For more information and to subscribe, please visit
the NOAA HAB Forecast page:
Averaged forecasted currents from Great
Lakes Forecasting System over the next
72 hours.

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