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8, JULY 1979

(2) Very strong acid solutions digested the organic portion centration (as though no hydrolysis had occurred (9)).
of the silver mercaptide and result in an apparent increase
in solubility.
(3) An unsuccessful attempt to utilize dilute solutions of (1) Borgstrum, P.; Reid, E. E. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 1929, 1 , 186.
(2) Kunkei. R. K.; Buckley, J. E.; Gorin. G. Anal. Chem. 1959, 37, 1098.
nitric acid to remove adsorbed silver ion from the precipitate (3) Wronski, M. Talanta, 1965, 72, 593.
resulted in no appreciable solubility losses, indicating a (4) Cecil, 13.;McPhee, J. R. Biochem. J . 1955, 59, 234.
(5) Gruen, L. C.; Harrap. B. S. Anal. Biochem. 1971, 42, 377.
negligible effect of hydrogen ion concentration on solubility. (6) Sluyterman, L. A. Biochem. Siophys. Acta 1957, 25, 402.
(4) The general expression for the p H dependence of the (7) Gupta, H. K. L.; Boltz, D. F. Microchem. J . 1971, 76, 571.
solubility ( S )of salts of weak acids of dissociation constants (8) Tseng, P. K. C.; Gutknecht, W. F. Anal. Chem. 1975, 4 7 , 2316.
(9) Butler, J. N. "Ionic Equilibrium, A Mathetmatical Approach"; Addison-
(K,) is given by: Wesley: Reading, Mass., 1964.

S2 = Ksp(1 + [H+]/K,)
RECEIVED for review September 18, 1978. Accepted March
Butler notes that when [H+]/K, is small compared to unity 30, 1979. This work was supported by Grant No. CHE76-
(Le,,for solutions of little acidity or for insoluble salts of strong 07378 and Grant GP-37493X from the National Science
acids), the solubility is independent of hydrogen ion con- Foundation.

Alternative Graphical Methods for the Spectrophotometric

Analysis of Mixtures
Kenneth A. Connors' and Chukwuenweniwe J. Eboka
School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

One method permits data to be taken at multiple wavelengths Thus a plot of A,/ t A vs. tg/ tA, all quantities evaluated at the
to generate linear plots, from which the concentrations can same wavelength, is made with data points taken a t as many
be determined; this method is applicable to mixtures of two wavelengths as desired. The concentration cg is obtained from
or three components. The second method is a graphical the slope, and cA can be evaluated by extrapolation to CB/EA
technique for the solution of simultaneous equations. For = 0; alternatively, the sum cA +
cg is determined by inter-
3component mixtures, the graphical solution Is carried out on polation a t the point where t B / t A = 1. Another way to treat
a triangular composition plot; for 4-component mixtures, a the data is to replot as At/tB vs. t * / t ~ ;then CA is found from
3-dimensional construction is used. Results from these the slope. Yet another means is to extrapolate the line (for
Equation 2) to A , l t ~= 0; the intercept Q / C A = -cA/cB.
methods on many mixtures are compared with the conven-
For a 3-component mixture Equation 3 can be written
tional simultaneous equations method.
At = ~AcA + EBCB + ECCC (3)
Define total concentration ct = cA + CB + CC, and fractional
compositions fA = CA/Ct, fg = cg/ct, fc = cC/c,; then Equation
Consider this analogy between reaction kinetics and ab-
3 becomes
sorption spectroscopy: in kinetics the data display is es-
sentially a plot of concentration against time; in spectroscopy,
absorbance is plotted against wavelength. The formal sim- (4)
ilarity between the time and wavelength axes suggested that
some recently described graphical techniques for the kinetic Note that At/ct can be interpreted as an apparent molar
analysis of mixtures ( I , 2) might be usefully applied to absorptivity for the mixture; Le., let A,/ct = tapp. Then upon
spectrophotometric mixture analysis. rearrangement,
Graphical Analysis Using Data at Many Wavelengths.
Throughout this paper we assume adherence to Beer's law and
additivity of absorbances; let the cell path length be 1.0 cm.
+ +
where we have used the identity f A f B fc = 1. A plot of
the left-hand side against ( t B - t C ) / ( t A - tc), over a range of
Then for the 2-component mixture of A and B, we can write
wavelengths, yields the fractions.
At = EACA + EBCB (1) For Equation 5 to be useful, the total concentration is
where A, is the absorbance of the mixture, and tl and ci are needed. This is usually accessible through the following
the molar absorptivity and molar concentration of species i, analysis. Suppose two of the components (say A and B)
the absorbance and absorptivities referring to a common exhibit a t least two iso-absorptive points, when the spectra
wavelength. T o analyze the mixture spectrophotometrically, are compared on a molar basis. Thus, at wavelengths where
t A = E B , Equation 3 can be written as
tA and tB must be different functions of wavelength. Then,
from Equation 1,
-= CA +-
EA EA and a plot of At/tA vs. tC/tA, using data only a t the iso-ab-

0003-2700/79/0351-1262$01.OO/O D 1979 American Chemical Society


sorptive points of A and B, yields the concentration et as the fractional composition of the mixture is read directly from
value of At/tA when cc/cA = 1. The condition for this de- the graph.
termination, namely the presence of at least two iso-absorptive The assumption of additivity of absorbances is equivalent
points for two of the three components, seems to be widely to the use of linear tie-lines and linear interpolation. In the
met. graphical solution as described (the "full-range" solution),
[We incidentally observe, reversing the analogy, that calibrating measurements are made on pure A, B, C, and the
three-component mixtures can be analyzed kinetically, if a nature of the entire plane is defined by its properties at the
common product is generated, by casting the concentrations apices. If the mixtures should behave nonideally (nonad-
in fractional form, as done above. Then a linear plot can be ditively), empirical compensation can be made by using for
obtained, obviating the need for the extrapolation used earlier calibrating measurements three solutions whose compositions
(])I. define a triangle smaller than the entire compositional plane,
Graphical Solutions of Simultaneous Equations. In this smaller area including the sample mixture. Such
the conventional spectrophotometric analysis of an n-com- "mid-range'' and "local" solutions have been used for kinetic
ponent mixture, measurements are made a t n wavelengths, analyses ( 2 ) . A virtue of this graphical technique is that it
and a set of n simultaneous equations is solved for the n reveals a t a glance appropriate compositions of calibration
concentrations, after prior determination of n2 absorptivities standards (after a trial analysis with a full-range solution to
(coefficients) on samples of the individual components. This give an approximate sample composition).
technique is analogous t o the "method of proportional The 3-component problem requires for its graphical solution
equations" used in the kinetic analysis of mixtures ( 3 , 4 ) ,in measurements a t two wavelengths, knowledge of the total
which measurements are made a t n times. For 3-component concentration, and representation on a triangular 2-dimen-
mixtures a rapid graphical solution has been described (2); sional plot. Extension to the 4-component problem requires
this kinetic technique is now applied to spectrophotometric three wavelengths and graphical solution in three dimensions.
analysis, and is extended to 4-component mixtures. The appropriate figure is a regular tetrahedron, each apex
The 3-component problem is conventionally formulated as representing a pure component, the edges the six possible
in Equations 7-9, where e,, is the molar absorptivity of species binary mixtures, the faces the four ternary mixtures, and
i a t wavelength j and A, is the absorbance of the mixture at points inside the tetrahedron the 4-component mixtures.
wavelength j Linear interpolation is used as before to define all points on
edges corresponding to the value for A l / c t for wavelength 1.
These points, connected, define a plane. Similar treatment
A2 = +
~ A ~ c A ~BZCB +~C~CC (8) a t wavelength 2 defines another plane. The intersection of
these planes determines a line. The plane defined by the
= tA$A + BBCB + tC3CC (9)
measurements at the third wavelength will intersect this line
Dividing by total concentration ct gives the completely de- a t a point representing the sample composition.
termined set of equations. The technique is a simple, rapid means for solving a set of
four simultaneous equations. It requires the total concen-
tration ct, which does not appear to be generally accessible:
hence an independent measure of ct must be available. For
the kinetic application ( 2 ) ,when a common product is gen-
= f A + f B -k f C
erated, ct can be easily obtained.
where by introducing the additional piece of information ct These graphical solutions are generalizations of routinely
it is possible to eliminate measurements a t the third wave- used methods for analyses of one or two components based
length. I t is Equations 10-12 that can be solved graphically. on calibration curves, the sample concentration being located
The total concentration is determined by means of Equation as a point on a line (or rather, taking experimental uncertainty
6, as described earlier. into account, as a line segment). In the 3-component case,
The fractional composition of any solution of A, B, C can the sample composition corresponds to an area element,
be represented by a point on a triangular composition diagram. whereas for the 4-component system, it is a volume element.
The apices of the equilateral triangle represent pure A, B, or
C; the edges represent all possible binary mixtures of AB, AC. EXPERIMENTAL
or BC; and ternary mixtures of ABC are specified by points Materials. Acetylsalicylic acid (Merck)was recrystallized from
in the body of the diagram. The fractional composition of acetone; mp 135-136 "C, lit. 135 "C ( 5 ) . Salicylic acid (Portz)
any component is given by the linear fractional distance of was recrystallized from water; mp 159-160 "C, lit. 159.5-160.5
the point from the edge opposite the apex corresponding to "C (6). Tetracaine hydrochloride (Pfaltz and Bauer) was re-
that component. crystallized from water; mp 147-148 "C, lit. 147 "C (7). Benzocaine
The six tl, values (Equations 10, 11) are evaluated on so- (Aldrich) was recrystallized from aqueous ethanol; mp 89-90 O C ,
lutions of pure A, B, C a t wavelengths l and 2, and these lit. 89-90 "C (8). Sulfathiazole and sulfanilamide (Merck) were
recrystallized from alcohol; mp 202-203 "C and 164-165 "C,
numbers are entered on the triangular diagram at the ap- respectively, lit. 202-202.5 "C (9) and 163-164 O C (10). p -
propriate apices. The quantities Al/c, and A2/ct are evaluated Hydroxybenzoic acid (Eastman) was recrystallized from water;
for the mixture. mp 213-214 "C, lit. 214-215 "C (11). 2,4-Dihydroxypyridineand
Consider the data at wavelength 1. The quantity Al/ct (an 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylicacid (Aldrich) were recrystallized from
apparent absorptivity) must have a magnitude falling between aqueous ethanol; mp 263-264 "C and 190 "C, respectively, lit.
the members of two of the three pairs (CAI, tgJ, (CAI, tc1), (tgl, 26&265 "C (12)and 190 "C (13). trans-Cinnamic acid (Eastman)
tC1),for a 3-component mixture. By linear interpolation, points was recrystallized from aqueous ethanol; mp 133-134 "C, lit.
on these two sides of the triangle are located corresponding 134.5-135 "C (24).
to Al/ct, and these points are joined by a straight line. Points Other chemicals were used without further purification.
Standard buffers were prepared according to Bower and Bates
on this "tie-line'' represent all solutions having this value of ( 1 5 , 16).
Al/ct a t wavelength 1. Apparatus. Spectrophotometric measurements were made
In a similar way a second tie-line is constructed for data with a Cary 14 recording spectrophotometer fitted with a
a t wavelength 2. The point of intersection of the two tie-lines thermostated cell compartment. pH was measured with an Orion
is the only point that can satisfy Equations 10-12, and the Model 801 pH meter.

Table I. Spectral Data for Analysis of a Mixture of

Sulfathiazole and Sulfanilamide"
h,nm EST/cSN i o 5A t I c s N
240 1.22 4.18
245 1.10 4.15
250 0.99 3.90
255 0.94 3.77 IO~A,
260 0.87 3.75
26 5 0.77 3.61
270 0.84 3.71
275 1.40 4.41
280 2.60 5.97
285 4.12 7.93 t
290 5.59 9.19
29 5 6.98 11.73 ' 0 2 4 6 8 1
300 8.34 13.51 "T'%N
305 9.31 14.47
Figure 1. Plot of Equation 13 for a sulfathiazole (ST)-sulfanilamide (SN)
@ 1.30 X l O - ' M sulfathiazole and 2.62 X h'I sulfa- mixture. Data from Table I

Procedures. Sample mixtures were prepared from stock

solutions of the individual components. For mixtures of ben-
zocaine and tetracaine hydrochloride, and of sulfathiazole and 4-
sulfanilamide, 95% ethanol was the solvent. For mixtures of
benzoic, salicylic, and p-hydroxybenzoic acids; and of benzoic,
salicylic, p-hydroxybenzoic, and m-hydroxybenzoic acids, the
solvent was 0.02 M NaOH. For mixtures of salicylic and ace-
tylsalicylic acids, chloroform was the solvent. For mixtures of 3-
2,3-dihydroxypyridine, 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, and 2,6-
pyridinedicarboxylic acid; of 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,5-dichloro-
phenol, and 2,6-dichlorophenol; and of 2,4-dihydroxypyridine,
2,3-dihydroxypyridine, 2,3-pyridinedicarboxylicacid, and 2,6-
pyridinedicarboxylic acid, water-alcohol (1:l) was the solvent.
In determining acid dissociation constants, buffer solutions were
prepared with HC1, NaOH, and sodium acetate. The total solute r
0 08 12
concentration was held constant within a study; for benzoic acid
this concentration was 7.5 X M, for trans-cinnamic acid it %'EST
was 4.5 X M. Acid dissociation constants were determined Flgure 2. Plot of Equation 14 for a sulfathiazole-sulfanilamide mixture.
at 25 "C. Data from Table I

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION summarizes these results. Plots were made according to both
Graphical Analysis Using Data at Many Wavelengths. forms of the equation for all mixtures, and each component
Analyses based on Equation 2 can be exemplified by mea- was determined from both a slope and an intercept reading.
surements on mixtures of sulfathiazole (ST) and sulfanilamide The mean absolute errors (difference between "taken" and
(SN). Table I lists data required to make the plot. Figure "found" concentrations) were essentially the same for the two
1 is graphed according to Equation 13. procedures. The mean error for a particular component
appeared to be independent of concentration. Of course the
relative error is thus highly concentration dependent, and the
percent recovery and confidence limit data in Table I1 are
T h e plot of the same data in terms of Equation 14 is shown based on the specified concentration ranges, though the
in Figure 2. absolute errors given include some lower concentrations. The
results in Table 11 are not based on replicate determinations
of a mixture, but rather on determinations of many mixtures.
The spectrophotometric data for all of these mixtures were
The plots are linear; an interesting feature is that successive also treated by the conventional technique, namely using
points on the line need not refer to successive wavelength simultaneous equations set up at two wavelengths. The mean
readings. percent recoveries were comparable with those in Table 11;
Mixtures of benzocaine and tetracaine and of aspirin and in 5 of the 6 cases, however, the confidence limits were wider
salicylic acid also were analyzed in this way. Table I1 with the conventional technique than with the new graphical

Table 11. Analytical Results on Two-Component Mixtures by Equation 2

wavelength 10' conc/M recovery 95% confidence
component range, nm range taken mean error %a limits, % b
sulfathiazole 240 to 305 0.5-2.6 0.02 99.3 i0.8
sulfanilamide 0.6-2.6 0.05 100.9 1.7
tetracaine 265 t o 325 1.0-1.7 0.02 99.3 0.9
benzocaine 1.6-2.6 0.06 100.8 3.3
salicylic acid 260 t o 295 1.7-6.4 0.11 100.7 1.3
aspirin 3.7-3.8 0.06 97.8 1.2
Based on 7 t o 1 3 separate mixtures. Based on Student's t distribution.

Table 111. Data for Triangular Graphical Analysis of a

Three-Component Mixturea
A, nm 2b 25 26 E app
ro4r, 294 2313 1285 378 1203
281 2046 2830 2340 249 5
a Concentrations: 24, 3.38 X 10. M;25, 7.07 X 10.
M ; 26, 5.40 X 10. M .
I 1
0 04 08 12
c23P/E26P ~.

Figure 3. Plot of Equation 15 to obtain total concentration of a 3- Table IV. Analytical Results for
component mixture of 26P, 23P, and 23D (see text),total concentration Three-Component Mixtures
9.63 x 10-5 M Percent Recovery i95% Confidence Limits
by b y linear bY
triangular plottingsimultaneous
plottingb (Eq. 5 ) b equations
C ( 2 wave- ( multiple ( 3 wave-
nenta lengths) wavelengths) lengths)
26Pc 100.3 2 4.6 102.0 i 3.6 98.6 z 5.8
231 23Pc 100.8 i 2.2 98.2 i 2.8 97.4 i 4.2
23DC 100.3 i 2.5 100.9 r 2.3 102.5 i 3.4
24d 98.9 i 2.7 96.7 2 4.0 99.8 ? 2.7
I / I 25d 98.7 c 3.2 98.0 c 2.4 97.0 i 5.3
Y o 2 4 6 8 lb 26d 100.6 t 3.1 102.0 r 4.0 102.6 i 5.2
26P- 23D a See text for abbreviations. Requires also a determi-
23P- 23D nation of total concentration. Based on 10 mixtures.
d Based o n 8 mixtures.
Figure 4. Plot of Equation 16 for a mixture of 26P (3.24 X M),
23P (4.21 X M), and 23D (2.17 X M)

method. This is a reasonable result, because the graphical

approach uses more data. Whether the improvement is
deemed an advantage is a function of the particular analysis,
that is, the nature of the spectra and the use to be made of
the results.
Some 3-component mixtures were analyzed with Equations
5 and 6. For mixtures of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylicacid (26P),
2,3-pyridinedicarboxylicacid (23P),and 2,3-dihydroxypyridine
(23D), Equation 6 was written in the form

and applied a t the 26P, 23D, iso-absorptive points a t 234,

378 1 A/ 1203
Figure 5. Graphical analysis of a 3-component mixture. Data from
247.8, and 278.3 nm. This plot is shown in Figure 3. From
Table 111. The underlined data refer to 281 nm
such plots the total concentration was determined with a
recovery of 100.1 f 0.8% (10 mixtures).
Equation 16) are common to all the samples. Only the values
Equation 5 was then written as Equation 16.
of A , and tappchange with the sample.
<app - t23D t26P - t23D Graphical Solution of Simultaneous Equations. The
= f23P + ~- f26P (16) triangular composition diagram was applied to the analysis
23P - t23D 23P - t23D
of mixtures of 2,4-dichlorophenol (24), 2,5-dichlorophenol (25),
A plot according to this equation is shown in Figure 4. For and 2,6-dichlorophenol (26). Table I11 gives the data for one
9 mixtures (minimum individual concentration 1.1x lo- M), of these mixtures. Figure 5 shows how the data are plotted.
these results were obtained: for 26P, 102.0 f 3.6%; for 23P, In this figure, compound 24 is designated A, 25 is B, and 26
98.2 f 2.8% ; for 23D, 100.9 f 2.3%. The wavelength range is C. The construction of the sample tie-lines by linear in-
used in the plots was 260 to 285 nm. terpolation between the apex values will be obvious from the
Mixtures of 2,4-dichlorophenol, 2,5-dichlorophenol, and figure. In practice commerically available triangular graph
2,6-dichlorophenol were treated in the same way. Total paper is used; the grid markings are not shown in Figure 5.
concentrations were found using the iso-absorptive points at The technique was also applied to mixtures of 26P, 26D,
286.3, 289.0, and 291.5 nm for the 2,4 and 2,5 compounds; for and 23D (see abbreviations given in preceding section). The
8 mixtures the results were 99.7 0.5%. The individual * analytical results by the triangular plotting method, by the
concentrations were found from plots of Equation 5, the results linear plotting method, and by conventional simultaneous
being, for 2,4-dichlorophenol, 96.7 f 4.0%: for 2,5-di- equations are gathered in Table IV. These results suggest
chlorophenol, 98.0 2.4%; for 2,6-dichlorophenol, 102.0 i that there is no clearcut choice among the three approaches.
4.0%. The wavelength range used in the plots was 270 to 294 I t seems possible that if the spectra of the three compounds
nm. are very similar, the linear plotting method, which makes use
The construction of these plots can be time-consuming, but of all the available data, may yield the most reliable analyses,
if many mixtures of the same components must be analyzed, whereas if the spectra are markedly different either the
the time per analysis becomes very reasonable, because the triangular plot or conventional simultaneous equations may
molar absorptivity functions (e.g., the abscissa function in be preferable. Much experience with many kinds of sample

Table V . D a t a for T e t r a h e d r a l S o l u t i o n o f
F o u r - C o m p o n e n t Mixture (Figure 6 ) a

*, nm 23P f26P cz3D END capp

285 1133 2292 5877 4029 3873

260 2303 3753 1203 2762 2540
230 6178 5614 3751 2222 3948
a In F i g u r e 6, A = 23P, B = 26P, C = 23D, D = 24D.
T h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s are: A, 0.80 x 10.' M ; 8,3.76 X
10-5M ; c, 3.54 x 10-5M ; D, 3.83 x 10-5 M.

2,4-dihydroxypyridine (24D). The data for this analysis are

given in Table V. For the purpose of demonstrating the utility
of this graphical solution technique, the total concentration
of the mixture was taken as a known quantity.
Nine mixtures of 26P, 23P, 23D, and 24D were analyzed,
the minimum fractional composition of any single component
being 0.07. The mean error, over 36 components and without
regard to sign, was 0.02 in the fractional composition. Nine
mixtures of benzoic, salicylic, rn-hydroxybenzoic, and p -
hydroxybenzoic acids were analyzed, using measurements at
225,235, and 245 nm. The mean fractional error was 0.02 over
the 36 individual results.
Determination of Acid Dissociation Constants. The
dissociation constant K, of a weak acid HA can be determined
spectrophotometrically if the spectra of the conjugate acid and
base forms are different. This is usually accomplished by
C measurements a t a single wavelength, since only the ratio of
concentrations need be known, as shown in Equation 17,

where K,' is the apparent dissociation constant. K,' can be
corrected to the thermodynamic constant K,by applying the
Debye-Huckel equat,ion to estimate the ionic activity coef-
If the spectra of HA and A- are not greatly different, it may
prove advantageous to use Equation 2 to determine cHAand
cA- on the basis of measurements a t many wavelengths. T o
demonstrate the applicability of this technique some acid
dissociation constants have been measured.
Benzoic acid was studied a t pH 3.58 and pH 4.46, at 25 "C.
The wavelength range was 220 to 246 nm. The resulting pK,
c (4 determinations) was 4.17 i 0.04 (literature (17)4.19). The
(C pK, of trans-cinnamic acid (4 determinations, 215 to 305 nm)
Figure 6. Construction of solution for a 4-component mixture; data was found to be 4.49 f 0.03 (literature (17) 4.44).
from Table V (drawings of 3dimensional regular tetrahedron). (a) Plane
constructed for 285 nm by linear interpolation between apices; the edges LITERATURE CITED
of the plane are drawn in heavy lines, representing a string stretched (1) K. A. Connors, Anal. Chem., 48, 87 (1978).
between these points. (b) The 285-nm plane is drawn in light lines; (2) K. A. Connors, Anal. Chem., 49, 1650 (1977).
the 260-nm plane is shown in heavy lines. The intersection of the two (3) R. G. Garmon and C. N. Reilley, Anal. Chem., 34, 600 (1982).
planes is marked by laying a wire (arrow) across the intersections of (4) H. B. Mark, Jr., and G. A. Rechnitz, Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry",
Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1968.
the strings. (c) Here the 285 and 260 nm planes are drawn lightly, as (5) T. Higuchi and J. L. Lach, J . A m . Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed., 43, 527
is the wire marking their intersection. The 230-nm plane is shown in (1954).
heavy lines, and a second wire (arrow) defines the line of intersection (6) T. Higuchi and R. Kuramoto, J . Am. Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed., 42, 398
between the 230- and 285-nm planes. The point where the two wires (1954).
intersect (circle) gives the fractional composition of the sample mixture, (7) H. Doser. Arch. Pharm., 281, 251 (1943).
(8) R. Adams and F. L. Cohen, Org. Syn., 8, 66 (1928).
which is calculated by measuring the fractional distance of this point (9) W. A. Lott and F. H. Bergeim. J . Am. Chem. Soc., 61, 359 (1939).
from each of the sides (10) L. F. Fieser, "Experiments in Organic Chemistry", 3rd ed.,Heath and Co..
Boston, Mass., 1955, p 147.
mixtures will be required to establish these points. (11) I. A. Pearl. J . Ora. Chem., 12. 85 (1947).
G. Errera, Ber., 51, 1687 (1898).
Turning to 4-component mixtures, we require a 3-di- E. Sucharda. Ber.. 58, 1727 (1925).
mensional representation. A regular tetrahedron framework M. L. Bender, G. R. Schonbaum, and B. Zerner, J . Am. Chem. SoC.,
was constructed of wood strips, each side being about 50 cm 84. 2540 (1962).
V. E. Bower and R. G. Bates, J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand., 55, 197 (1955).
long and marked off in 100 units to aid in interpolation. The V. E. Bower and R . G. Bates, Anal. Chem.. 28, 1322 (1956).
sample points, located by interpolation, were marked with G. Kwtijm, W. Vogel. and K. Andussow, "DissociationConstants of Organic
Acids in Aqueous Solution", Butterworths, London, 1961.
pins, and these were connected with string to define the planes.
Details of the construction are given by Figure 6, which shows
the solution of a 4-component mixture of 26P, 23P, 23D, and RECEIVEDfor review March 9,1979. Accepted April 30,1979.

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