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[Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 6, 6373, July 2001]

Review Article

Cost-Benefit Analysis Methods For Assessing Air Pollution Control

Programs in Urban Environments A Review
A. Scott VOORHEES1, Ryoji SAKAI1, Shunichi ARAKI1,2, Hajime SATO1, and Akiko OTSU1
Department of Public Health and Occupational Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo

The most common method of evaluating beneficial impacts of environmental policies is cost-benefit
analysis (CBA). In the present review, CBA methods for air pollution impacts are reviewed. Three types of
air pollution effects are identified, including health, productivity, and amenity. Market valuation, stated
preference methods, and revealed preference methods are identified for valuing benefits. Three types of
costs are described, including private sector costs, societal costs, and governmental regulatory costs. A
benefits valuation approach based on Freemans principals is described. A costs valuation approach based
on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Dixon et al. principals is described. Limitations associated
with estimates of benefits and costs are summarized. Input assumptions and results are compared for
several existing air pollution control analyses. The importance of CBA in environmental policy studies is
discussed. Our conceptual approaches should be useful in analyses of urban air pollution impacts and air
pollution prevention policies.

Key words: cost-benefit analysis, urban air pollution, environmental policy, benefit valuation, cost estimation

Introduction Research into economic valuation techniques for use in envi-

ronmental policy decision-making is occurring in North America
Modern cost-benefit analysis (CBA) has been used for the and in Europe. African, Latin American and Southeast Asian
last quarter century to estimate social costs and benefits, either countries are also interested in this field due to the desires of
possible or real, of certain societal choices. It is often applied as a development banks and national governments to incorporate envi-
decision making tool for development projects and is also useful ronmental concerns into policy and project appraisals11). When
in evaluating policies1). However, the use of CBA as a tool for governments require pollution control, massive expenditures by
estimating environmental costs and benefits is relatively new and the public and private sectors may result. Estimates of the eco-
still evolving24). Present interest in this field can be attributed to nomic value of environmental clean up can help answer the ques-
the 1987 report Our Common Future5) that outlined the concept tion of whether diverting resources from the production of other
of Sustainable Development, and a reorganization at the World goods and services makes a society better off 4). The most common
Bank in the early 1990s that established the Global Environment method of evaluating environmental impacts where benefits can
Facility. In the United States, Presidential Executive Orders now be valued is CBA2). The use of CBA provides an account of the
require all major federal regulations to pass a cost-benefit test real costs and benefits of environmental policies by quantifying
before they can be implemented. Section 812 of the U.S. Clean their environmental effects1). There have been historical develop-
Air Act Amendments of 1990 stipulates that the U.S. Environmen- ments and disputes over the quantification of benefits and costs,
tal Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) should consider the costs, ben- namely, what items to include and how to calculate their impor-
efits and other effects associated with compliance with each stan- tance in the overall valuation. Though CBA based results are not
dard issued for [each section of the Act]6). Several studies have regarded as arbitrary, decisions made by analysts regarding input
been done to assess costs or benefits of federal pollution control parameters and assumptions can have a significant bearing on
policies and programs710). results.
In the present review, we (1) reviewed the history of CBA for
air pollution control programs, (2) identified benefits valuation
Received Aug. 3 2000/accepted Feb. 20 2001 techniques, (3) categorized costs of air pollution control, (4) de-
Reprint requests: A. Scott VOORHEES scribed conceptual approaches for estimating benefits and costs,
Visiting Fellow, The University of Tokyo, 5109 Lansdowne Drive, Durham, (5) compared CBA assumptions and results for several existing
NC 27712 U.S.A.
TEL: +1(919)541-5348 (work), +1(919)382-8477 (home), FAX: +1(919) 541-5509
analyses of air pollution control in urban areas, and (6) summa-
E-mail: rized the importance of CBA in environmental policy studies.
Present address: National Institute of Industrial Health, Kawasaki

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

History mates based on engineering data for the years 1975 and 1981
19907), and Portneys summary of U.S. air pollution policy bene-
The methodological properties of costs and benefits analyses fits and costs for the year 1981 compiled from other researchers9).
include time (i.e., prospective or retrospective), pollutant (i.e., Additional studies include the European Commission s calcula-
single or multiple), type of pollution controls (i.e., single or mul- tions of health effect externalities associated with air pollution
tiple), and scale (i.e., urban, regional, or national). A chronology from energy production in western Europe during the early
of urban- and regional-scale air pollution benefits and costs ana- 1990s23), U.S. EPAs retrospective CBA of air pollution policies
lyses is presented in Table 1. Such analyses include Loehman et instituted under the U.S. Clean Air Act for the period 1970
al.s CBA for electric power plants controls in Tampa, Florida12), 199010), Burtraw et al.s study of the impacts of pollution controls
Chestnut et al.s air pollution benefits analysis for lead, particulate on acid rain sources in the U.S. for the time period 1995203024),
matter, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone and and the Committee on Japans Experience in the Battle against Air
carbon monoxide in Santa Clara, California13), Chestnut and Pollutions analysis of the costs of controlling air pollution in
Rowes particulate matter and ozone benefits analysis for Denver, Japan for the time period 1966199525). These studies have been
Colorado14), and Krupnick and Portneys prospective CBA for made either in response to existing environmental crises in antici-
ozone pollution controls in Los Angeles, California15). Additional pation of the need for pollution control policies, or to evaluate past
studies include Ostros estimates of health impacts due to lead, major environmental policies in these areas.
particulate matter, NO2, SO2, and ozone in Jakarta, Indonesia16),
Dixon et al.s follow up analysis of health impacts and medical Benefits valuation techniques for air pollution effects
expenses from particulate matter exposure in Jakarta3), the U.S.
EPAs analyses of the prospective costs of alternative pollution Three principal environmental benefits valuation techniques
control strategies for particulate matter in Philadelphia, Pennsyl- identified in the literature are summarized in Table 3: (1) Mar-
vania and El Paso, Texas17,18), Shin et al.s estimates of the pro- ket Valuation of Physical Effects, also known as Techniques in
ductivity impact of particulate matter, carbon monoxide and lead Which Market Prices are Used to Value Impacts, (2) Stated
pollution levels in Bangkok, Thailand and other Asian cities19), Preference Methods, also known as Contingent Valuation Meth-
Austin et al.s and Krupnick et al.s prospective analyses of nitro- ods, and (3) Revealed Preference Methods, also known as
gen oxides (NOX) control costs in the Chesapeake Bay airshed20,21) Techniques in Which Surrogate Market Prices are Used. Ob-
and our retrospective CBA of NO2 in Tokyo22). jective benefits valuation techniques, which use market prices to
A chronology of national-scale air pollution control analyses value environmental effects, are based on physical relationships
is presented in Table 2. National analyses include Freemans CBA that formally describe cause and effect relationships and provide
of U.S. air and water pollution control policies for the year 19788), objective measures of damage resulting from environmental
Hazilla and Kopps comparison of their estimates of social costs change. Objective approaches assume that rational individuals
from air and water pollution control policies to U.S. EPAs esti- were willing to pay an amount less than or equal to the costs

Table 1 Chronology of urban- and regional-scale air pollution control analyses

Principal Investigator Year(s) of Analysis Study Area(s) Pollutant(s)a Type of Analysis

Loehman et al. (1979) late 1970s Tampa SO2, PM prospective costs and benefits of air
pollution controls on electric utilities
Chestnut et al. (1987) uncertain Santa Clara lead, PM, NO2, SO2, O3, prospective benefits of air pollution
CO control
Chestnut and Rowe (1987) uncertain Denver PM, O3 prospective benefits of air pollution
Krupnick and Portney (1991) 1990s Los Angeles O3 prospective costs and benefits of air
pollution control
Ostro (1994) 1990s Jakarta lead, PM, NO2, SO2, O3 prospective health impacts of air
pollution control
Dixon et al. (1994) 1990s Jakarta PM prospective benefits of air pollution
U.S. EPA (1995) 2007 Philadelphia PM prospective costs of air pollution
U.S. EPA (1995) 2007 El Paso PM prospective costs of air pollution
Shin et al. (1997) 1985 Bangkok, Beijing, Bombay, PM, CO, lead productivity impact of existing air
Delhi, Hong Kong, Jakarta, pollution levels
Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai,
Austin et al. (1997) late 1990s Chesapeake Bay airshed NOX prospective costs of air pollution
Krupnick et al. (1998) 2005 Chesapeake Bay airshed NOX prospective costs and benefits of air
pollution control
Voorhees et al. (2000) 1994 Tokyo NO2 retrospective costs and benefits of air
pollution control
SO2=sulfur dioxide, NOX=nitrogen oxides, PM=particulate matter, NO2=nitrogen dioxide, O3=ozone, CO=carbon monoxide.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

Table 2 Chronology of national-scale air pollution control analyses

Principal Investigator Year(s) of Analysis Study Area Pollutantsa Type of Analysis

Freeman (1982) 1978 United States SOX, NOX, PM, lead, O3, retrospective costs and benefits of air pollu-
CO tion control policies
Hazilla and Kopp (1990) 1975, 19811990 United States SOX, NOX, PM, lead, O3, retrospective costs of air pollution control
CO policies compared with engineering costs
Portney (1990) 1981 United States SOX, NOX, PM, lead, O3, retrospective benefits estimates and costs
CO estimates compiled from other researchers
for air pollution control policies
European Commission (1996) early 1990s Western Europe SO2, NOX, PM health effect externalities from existing
levels of air pollution due to electricity
generation from fossil fuel combustion,
nuclear fission and renewable energy sources
U.S. EPA (1997) 19701990 United States SO2, NO2, PM, lead, O3, retrospective costs and benefits of air pollu-
CO tion control
Burtraw et al. (1997) 19952030 United States SO2, NOX prospective costs and benefits of air pollution
controls on electric utilities
Japanese Committee (1997) 19661995 Japan SOX retrospective costs of pollution control;
impact of pollution control timing on
economic efficiency
SOX=sulfur oxides, NOX=nitrogen oxides, PM=particulate matter, O3=ozone, CO=carbon monoxide, SO2=sulfur dioxide, NO2=nitrogen dioxide.

Table 3 Summary of benefit valuation techniques for valuing environmental effectsa

Environmental Valuation Methods Used in Each

Principal Technique Description of Method
Techniques Technique Category
Market Valuation of uses market prices to assign dose-response function measures physical impacts of control on environment (e.g., air
Physical Effects value to the physical effects pollution on materials damage, crop damage or human health)
of environmental change used to value productivity, health
damage function uses dose-reponse data to estimate economic cost of environ-
mental control (values physical effects using market prices of
the units of output) used to value productivity, health
production function environmental input (e.g., air quality) is related to output (e.g.,
farm crop yields increase or decrease) used to value productivity
human capital/cost of estimates cost of ill health on worker output due to environ-
illness mental change (human capital)
estimates medical cost of bad health due to environmental
change (cost of illness) used to value productivity, health
replacement cost estimates cost of damage using costs which injured parties incur
in alleviating a harm used to value productivity, health
Stated Preference Methods surveys people and directly contingent valuation method asks people directly how much value they assign to a change in
asks them their preferences environmental quality (willingness to pay for improvement or to
prevent deterioration; willingness to accept compensation) used
to value health, amenity, existence values
Revealed Preference observes peoples actual travel cost method examines time and cost incurred in visiting and enjoying a
Methods economic market choices and natural site as a surrogate for its value used to value amenity
indirectly draws inferences
about their preferences
avertive behavior/defensive uses data on what people spend to protect themselves against
expenditure actual or potential environmental decline used to value produc-
tivity, health
hedonic pricing method assumes the price of land (i.e., real estate) reflects the quality of
the environment in which it is located used to value amenity
Table based on descriptions in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development1) and Dixon et al.3).

incurred as a result of the effect. Subjective benefit valuation would be inaccurate to rely on market prices charged by com-
methods, which use surrogate market prices, are based on as- panies for their products when calculating costs, because those
sessments of possible damage expressed or revealed in real or market prices may not reflect the true cost of producing those
hypothetical market behavior3). products. Where the government provides subsidies or tax exemp-
Using market prices as a means of valuing environmental tions, or if there are price and quantity controls, the market price
effects assumes that market prices accurately reflect the value understates the true cost by an amount called the shadow price11).
that individuals in society place on those effects, and that all in- Using surrogate market prices as a valuation tool assumes
dividuals behave uniformly in their consumption decisions. If the that market prices do not or could not accurately reflect the value
government provides financial assistance to regulated industries, it that individuals place on environmental effects, and assumes that

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

all individuals do not behave uniformly in their consumption de- control equipment, it may charge a higher price for its outputs of
cisions. Surrogate market prices are identified by assessing stated goods and services when it has to pay for pollution control, or it
or revealed market behavior. Stated market behavior relies on con- may lay off employees when it uses some of its resources to pay
structing hypothetical markets for various options to reduce envi- for pollution control. For the private sector as a whole, envi-
ronmental damage, and then uses surveys to ask people directly to ronmental regulations will result over time in macroeconomic im-
express how much they would be willing to pay for an improve- pacts due to shifts in economic activity between industries, includ-
ment in environmental quality or what they would be willing to ing changes in distributions of labor, capital, and other production
accept for a loss of environmental quality. Revealed market be- factors within the economy, and changes in the distribution of
havior relies on observation of peoples actual market behavior goods and services10). Society also incurs opportunity costs, de-
and then makes indirect inferences about their preferences1,3). fined as the forgone income from other uses of a resource which
cannot be realized because the resource was used to comply with
Categorizing costs of air pollution control environmental regulations3). The costs for national and local regu-
latory agencies consist of the portion of governmental agency
As outlined in Table 4, costs associated with implementing budgets devoted to implementing and overseeing environmental
environmental policies are divided into three economic sectors, programs, including personnel, contracts, and financial assistance
including private sector costs, societal costs, and governmental to regulated businesses.
regulatory costs3,26). The costs incurred by the private sector in-
clude direct and indirect costs. There are two types of direct Conceptual framework of cost-benefit analysis in urban air
costs, capital costs and operating costs. Capital costs include
expenditures for facilities and equipment, as well as changes in Estimating benefits and costs of air pollution control for
production processes that reduce or eliminate pollution generation. urban areas can be divided into three components. First, the im-
Capital costs are amortized over time, because such costs are pacts of air pollution are estimated, then the benefits are estimated,
incurred in a short period of time, but provide pollution control and the costs are calculated. There are two types of analyses used
benefits over a longer time frame. Amortized capital costs repre- to evaluate the temporal relationship between pollution and its
sent the real resource costs of tying-up funds in the purchase and impacts, prospective (ex ante) and retrospective (ex post).
installation of capital equipment or other fixed assets required by There are two scenarios used in ex ante analyses, no-control and
environmental regulation. Operating costs consist of all costs and control. In no-control ex ante analyses, the impacts of air pollu-
expenses for the operation and maintenance of pollution control tion are based on real air pollution levels, the benefits consist of
processes, including spending for materials, equipment leasing, the expenditures for pollution control equipment that industry is
parts and supplies, direct labor, fuel and power, services provided not paying, and the costs consist of the value of actual medical
by private contractors, and research and development. In multi expenses that society is paying while exposed to pollution. On the
year analyses, annual costs include the operating costs for the year other hand, in control ex ante analyses, the impacts of air pollution
in question plus one year s amortized capital costs26). are based on hypothetical future clean air, the benefits consist of
In addition to direct costs, the private sector incurs indirect the value of potential medical expenses that society would not
costs (also known as second order effects or opportunity pay in the future if it were not exposed to pollution, and the costs
costs) from pollution control requirements. Indirect costs exist consist of the potential expenditures for pollution control equip-
for regulated industries and also for the private sector as a whole. ment that industry would pay in the future. In ex post analyses, the
In the case of regulated industries, a factory may decrease its over- impacts are based on hypothetical air pollution that was prevented
all production if it diverts capital to purchase and operate pollution by air pollution control policies in the past, the benefits consist of

Table 4 Costs of air pollution controla

Economic Sector Type Categories of Costs Specific Cost Items

Private Industry Direct-Capital Expeditures for facilities and equipment

Changes in production processes
Direct-Operating Operation and maintenance of control equipment/processes Materials
Equipment leasing
Parts and supplies
Direct labor
Fuel and power
Contractor services
Research and development
Indirect-Regulated Industries Decreased production
Increased product prices
Employee layoffs
Indirect-Other Industries Changes in distribution of labor, capital, other production factors
Society Indirect Forgone income
Government Direct Personnel
Financial assistance
Derived from U.S. EPA10,26) and Dixon et al.3).

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

the value of those potential medical expenses that society did not example, air provides oxygen so humans and other animals can
pay because it was not exposed to pollution, and the costs consist survive, crops can grow, and industry can operate. It also provides
of the actual expenditures for pollution control equipment that a sink for by-products of the economy, including a place for in-
industry paid. dustry to discharge waste, a place for humans to exhale, and
Both ex ante and ex post analyses can be thought of as com- vegetation to release oxygen. Freeman described three functional
parative in nature. Prior to the implementation of a regulation, it relationships that allow for a thorough analysis of benefits. He
may be informative to policy makers to compare the benefits of referred to these relationships as some measure of environmental
no-control (i.e., avoided equipment expenditures by industry), or resource quality [related] to the human interventions that affect
with the costs of no-control (i.e., medical care expenditures by it, the human uses of the environment or resource and their de-
citizens). Both before and after the implementation of a regulation, pendence on [the quality of the resource], and the economic
it can be illustrative to calculate the benefits of control (i.e., value of the uses of the environment4). As applied specifically to
avoided medical care expenditures by citizens) and compare them air pollution, these relationships can be expressed in the form of
with the costs of control (i.e., equipment expenditures by indus- three questions: (1) How are levels of air pollution affected by
try). The distinction between ex ante and ex post analyses is humans? (2) What are the effects of air pollution? (3) What is the
temporal in nature. Depending on the timing of the analysis, costs economic value of the effects of air pollution?22).
of no-control can be considered to be synonymous with benefits The first question relates air quality to those human actions
of control, and benefits of no-control can be considered to be that affect it. When the government imposes environmental re-
synonymous with costs of control. strictions on sources of pollution, industries respond by altering
Ostro proposed a four step process for estimating pollution their operations to comply with the new requirements. The effect
impacts in an ex ante analysis of Jakarta, Indonesia: (1) estimate on air quality of a change from not regulating air pollution to regu-
the dose-response function, (2) multiply the slope of the dose- lating air pollution depends on the private sector response. Not all
response function by the exposed population, (3) estimate the regulated industries may accept legal requirements equally, but
change in air quality, and (4) calculate the economic value of the clearly, as the degree of compliance with an environmental policy
predicted health effects16). Ostros process was chosen by Dixon et rises, air quality improves. In other words, the quality of air is
al. as a case study for how benefits analysis should be conducted affected by environmental regulations, pollutant emissions, and
for air pollution impacts, and they carried the analysis further by control of those emissions.
estimating the dollar value of reducing air pollution3). Winpenny The second question concerns the effects of air pollution.
included similar steps for calculating environmental effects: (1) Based on Freemans classification of environmental effects, three
determine emissions, (2) estimate air concentration, (3) establish separate systems use air: human systems, ecosystems, and non-
dose-response functions, (4) define the population at risk2). living systems4). The level of activity involving air is dependent
The U.S. EPA applied a seven step approach in its ex post on the quality of that air after the inputs of labor (e.g., the efforts
CBA study of the Clean Air Act. Step 1 was the estimation of people make to protect themselves from dirty air), capital (e.g.,
direct costs and Step 2 was the modeling of macroeconomic im- money spent to clean up air that is not pure enough, money spent
pacts. Steps 3 through 6 were the benefits estimation steps. Step to relocate away from a polluted area) and other resources, such as
3 was the modeling of air pollutant emissions. Step 4 was the time (e.g., time spent traveling to a location to exercise or work
modeling of air quality, the identification of ambient monitoring where the air is cleaner).
data, and the estimation of no-control concentrations of air pollu- The people, plants, animals or nonliving things that are po-
tion. Step 5 was the use of control and no-control air quality data tentially affected are considered to be the susceptible populations,
in combination with dose-response functions to estimate health or subjects at risk, and the effects on those subjects can be divided
and environmental effects. Step 6 was the estimation of the eco- into three categories: health, productivity and amenity1). For ex-
nomic value of a change in the incidence of adverse effects. Step 7 ample, in human systems, the effect of air pollution on a citizens
was the aggregation of results and uncertainty characterization10). health is considered to be a health effect. The effect on a workers
In either case, the core components are the same, which empha- work output is considered to be a productivity effect. The effect
sizes the relatively straight forward nature of the CBA process. By on noise or odor levels on a persons mental or physical well-being
application of these steps, the following four sections describe is considered to be an amenity effect. The third question concerns
procedures for identifying critical benefit and cost components the economic value of the effects of pollution in a society that
and outline some of their limitations. result from using the air resource. Value is expressed in monetary
terms based on what the society considers those effects to be
Framework for benefits valuation worth.
According to Paul Portney of Resources for the Future, A.
Myrick Freemans 1979 text The Benefits of Environmental Im- Limitations of estimating benefits
provement: Theory and Practice was considered the definitive The effects of air pollution that are most amenable to market
reference on environmental benefit estimation for many years, and valuation include human health effects and productivity effects
became the de facto standard for use in applied cost-benefit ana- (e.g., work output, crop yield, fishing yield, damage to industrial
lyses of environmental regulatory actions4). Freemans model of equipment and soiling). Amenity effects, including visibility, odor
environmental and resource valuation in his updated text The and noise, are the most amenable to surrogate market valuation
Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values: Theory and using either contingent valuation or hedonic pricing. Ecosystem
Methods serves as the basis for a conceptual benefits valuation health, however, typically does not have market value, nor can it
approach. His model is based on the premise that the environment be readily valued with surrogate market prices since peoples
is a resource which provides services that can be valued. For behavior is difficult to link to any preference for a healthy natural

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

ecosystem over an unhealthy one. Materials damage can be as- motor vehicles whose deadline for using control methods has al-
signed a market-based value using a combination of dose-response ready passed. (7) Capital and operating costs of pollution control
function followed by a damage function, but often is unquantified technologies defines the costs of purchasing, installing, operating
due to the absence of dose-response functions. Likewise, natural and maintaining each type of control equipment. (8) Direct pol-
ecological impacts which may occur cannot be valued without lution control costs for sources/motor vehicles in the study area
relevant dose-response functions. Avertive behavior (e.g., reloca- defines the direct costs for sources in the study area. (9) Indirect
tion by asthmatics to avoid breathing polluted air) and defensive costs for sources/motor vehicles and the macroeconomy defines
expenditures (e.g., purchase of air purification machines for clean indirect costs for sources, motor vehicles and the macroecon-
indoor air) are also difficult to isolate and quantify given the data omy. (10) Societal opportunity costs defines the ripple effects of
that are typically available for an urban area. Both require surveys regulations on society. (11) National and local government costs
that demand the use of resources and time beyond the scope of defines the costs incurred by governmental regulatory agencies.
most analyses.
Economic externalities consist of those benefits of a resource Limitations of estimating costs
which are not sold as market products, but which have inherent Reliance on engineering costs has been criticized because
value3). Benefits estimates should attempt to value the importance capital and operating expenses alone do not account for dynamic
of air to natural ecosystems and its importance to the productivity and general equilibrium impacts of regulation. Rather, costs
of industries, farms and forests. However, it is often not possible should be measured by the amount of money required to compen-
to quantify those benefits due to a lack of a sufficient database sate individuals for unfavorable effects associated with regulatory
of ecosystem health and ecosystem/nonliving system productivity policies and which leave those individuals no worse off after the
effects to develop dose-response functions. policy than they were before the policy was implemented7,9,15).
In our previous Tokyo study, we assumed that changes in Due to the absence of data, our previous study in Tokyo was
emissions of NOX resulted in the same level of change in air con- not successful in estimating the indirect costs incurred by regu-
centrations of NO2. This assumption was also used by the U.S. lated industries. The EPA noted that indirect (i.e., second-order)
Environmental Protection Agency in its national ex post analysis. benefits were excluded from its benefits calculation, and the re-
The U.S. agency noted that changes in air quality were treated sulting CBA included a comparison of only direct costs and direct
as proportional to estimated changes in emissions because, for benefits. This decision was supported by EPAs external review
NOX, changes in ambient concentrations in a particular area are panel of scientists and economists10). Our previous study was also
strongly related to changes in emissions in that area10). Sensitivity unable to calculate the indirect macroeconomic costs resulting
analysis performed in our previous study indicated that the use of from regulations. A computer simulation model would have been
different assumptions for NOX emissions would have affected our needed to derive these impacts. In discussing macroeconomic
benefits calculations and our costs calculations more than any costs in its national-scale CBA, the EPA has noted that macro-
other input variables. Regarding benefits, if we had applied an economic modeling provides information on macroeconomic
alternative assumption of NOX emissions from motor vehicles, costs but not on macroeconomic benefits, and concluded that
which would then impact our estimates of NO2 concentrations, estimated second-order macroeconomic effects were small rela-
the benefits estimate would have been reduced by 35%. Like- tive to the size of the U.S. economy10).
wise, our cost estimates could have increased dramatically by
420% or decreased by 16% if the upper and lower bounds of our Comparison of CBA assumptions and results
ranges of emission volumes emitted by factories and other station-
ary sources were assumed respectively, rather than the midpoint22). In calculating the benefits and costs as described in the
framework above, the choice of assumptions and inputs can sub-
Framework for costs valuation stantially affect the resulting benefits and costs valuations. Data of
The U.S. EPAs control cost document Environmental In- importance include health effects and duration, medical costs and
vestments: The Cost of A Clean Environment26) was the basis for wages, and in particular pollutant emission volumes and air con-
U.S. EPAs ex post CBA of national air pollution programs for centrations. Sufficient attention should be given to these assump-
the United States10). Dixon et al.s costs procedures in Economic tions when reading, comparing, or applying CBA across pollutant,
Analysis of Environmental Impacts are used by the Asian Devel- location, and time. Different pollutants produce differing impacts
opment Bank and the World Bank for analysis of environmental with varying degrees of severity depending on exposure concen-
impacts3). Based on the U.S. EPA and Dixon et al. references, tration and duration. Benefits and costs reflect local (domestic)
eleven data items are identified as important to estimate costs. (1) prices, and any cross-cultural comparison should address possible
Environmental regulations defines the stringency of control. (2) biases. Time discounting may be necessary, as in the case of com-
Extent of coverage by regulations defines the types and percent- paring options for future policy changes when the time horizons
ages of pollution sources that are ultimately required by the regu- for both the imposition of the costs and the enjoyment of the bene-
lations to adopt pollution controls. (3) Degree of compliance with fits are measured in years. The use of discounting techniques in-
regulations defines the number of sources that are complying cluding net present value, internal rate of return, or benefit-cost
with the regulations. (4) Types and numbers of sources/motor ve- ratio is critical to the proper incorporation of the trade-off be-
hicles in the study area defines how many sources and motor tween present and future consumption, known as time prefer-
vehicles there are in the study area. (5) Air pollution control tech- ence3).
nologies defines the types of technologies used to control air pol-
lution. (6) Percentages/numbers of sources/motor vehicles with Duration of illness, medical costs and lost wage costs
controls installed identifies the type and number of sources and Herein, we compared the assumptions and results of various

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

air pollution-related CBA from the literature. As shown in Table 5, tion of illness, which can vary widely depending on the severity of
Dixon et al. assumed 2 weeks per episode, irrespective of pol- the health effect being evaluated, we suggest including a scenario
lutant, for duration of lower respiratory illness in children, based in a sensitivity analysis which assumes a reasonable duration dif-
on cost of illness3) and we assigned 2 to 3 days duration per in- ferent from the default value.
cidence for phlegm in adults and lower respiratory illness in
children based on cost of illness22). Dixon et al. assumed $210 per Per-person work loss days
case for lower respiratory illness in children using cost of ill- As shown in Table 5, we estimated the hypothetical number
ness3) and we assigned a mean value of $210 in medical costs per of work loss days (WLDs) per person in 1994 for workers as 4.7
incidence based on cost of illness22). Medical expenses in Tokyo and for working mothers as 0.6122). Work Loss Days are defined
would tend to be higher than expenses in most other world mega- as the excess number of days that illness or injury prevent an
cities due to the relatively high cost of living. We assumed $320 to individual from working. We were unable to identify any other
$480 per incidence in lost wages in adults using human capital analyses that estimated WLDs for NO2 exposure. However, Shin
valuation22). Using human capital valuation, Dixon et al. assumed et al. estimated total annual WLDs in several Asian cities due to
either $116 or $232 in lost wages by parents for lower respiratory existing particulate levels and we calculated their per-person
illness in children based on the assumption of two Restricted Ac- equivalents to range from 1.1 WLDs in Kuala Lumpur to 4.5 in
tivity Days (RAD) per parent for care per episode, valued at $58 Bangkok. Shin et al. also estimated the number of Restricted
for each RAD3). We assumed $200 to $310 in lost wages for paren- Activity Days (RADs) in one year, which is defined as WLDs
tal care per episode of lower respiratory illness in children using plus days where activity was restricted but the person works any-
human capital valuation22). Kenkels values27), which were based way19). We derived per-person equivalents, including 8.7 days
on pre-1994 citations in the literature, were lower for disease dura- (Bangkok), 7.3 days (Beijing), and 4.4 days (Shanghai). Kenkel,
tion, medical cost, and lost wages. Dixon et al., Ostro, and Shin et al. all cited U.S. cohorts for health
In our previous study, our duration of illness and medical effects data.
costs were based on mean values from actual outpatient cases for As noted above, in our previous study we relied on the aver-
treatment of pollution-related health impacts in Tokyo over a one age duration of illness value cited for cases of pollution-related
month period in 1995 (n=15,239)28). Likewise, our wage rates illness in Tokyo. We applied actual demographics data on the
were specific to Tokyo. Using site-specific information on illness number of workers and data from a survey of working women in
duration, medical expense, and wages is preferable when avail- Tokyo to calculate work loss days. Even though per-person work
able. Dixon et al.3) indicated that [e]conomic costs for changes loss days can be compared across analyses to validate the reason-
in morbidity are, of course, very country-specific. We recom- ableness of a given studys results, each analysis is obviously
mend the use of region-specific data where available; otherwise, unique to some extent. Pollutant type, concentration and dose-
generic values can be used, such as those cited by Kenkel27), response functions, and thus the calculated per-person work loss
acknowledging that medical costs and wages have risen in the days, will vary depending on the region being analyzed. Nonethe-
intervening years since Kenkels work was published. For dura- less, given the similar results which we predicted compared to

Table 5 Comparison of cost-benefit analysis of nitrogen dioxide control and air pollution control benefits in various cities

Principal Investi- Pollutanta Target Illness Study City Avoided Inci- Duration of Medical Costs Lost Wages - Lost Wages - Work Loss
gator (year) dence of Illness Illness Per Incidence Workers Per Mothers Per Days Per
Per Capita mean (LL, UL)b Incidence Incidence Capita
mean (LL, UL)b mean (LL, UL)b mean (LL, UL)b mean (LL, UL)b

Ostro et al. (1994)d NO2 respiratory Jakarta 0.20 (0.12,

symptoms 0.28)
TSP respiratory Jakarta 5.2 (2.6, 7.9)
TSP asthma Jakarta 0.078 (0.039,
Dixon et al. (1994)e TSP respiratory Jakarta 3.4
TSP asthma Jakarta 0.052
TSP LRIc Jakarta 0.012 2 weeks $210 $116 or $232
Kenkel (1994)f not specified all respiratory 4.1 days $87 $56
Shin et al. (1997)g TSP Kuala Lumpur 1.1
TSP Beijing 3.7
TSP Bangkok (0.81, 4.5)
carbon fatigue & Bangkok 0.40 (0.024, 0.060)
monoxide headaches
Voorhees et al. NO2 phlegm Tokyo 2.6 (2.4, 2.7) 23 days $210 ($170, ($320, $480) ($200, $310) 4.7 (4.4, 5.0)
(2000)h $240)
LRIc 0.33 (0.30, 0.35) 0.61 (0.56, 0.66)
a b c d
NO2=nitrogen dioxide, TSP=total suspended particulates LL=lower limit, UL=upper limit LRI=lower respiratory illness Ostro16) e
Dixon et al.3)
Kenkel27) g Shin et al.19) h Voorhees et al.22).

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

Shin et al., it would be reasonable to assume a 2 or 3 day loss of response functions3), we calculated per-person rates of 3.4 fewer
work per case of illness due to uncontrolled air pollution, if site- cases of respiratory symptoms, 0.052 fewer asthma attacks, and
specific data on work loss days are not available. 0.012 fewer cases of lower respiratory illness. Using Shin et al.s
estimates of illness due to exposure to current levels of carbon
Per-person illness incidence monoxide in Bangkok based on dose-response functions19), we
Our estimated numbers of avoided health cases in Tokyo calculated a per-person rate of 0.40 cases of excess fatigue and
were derived by multiplying the slope of the dose-response func- headaches.
tion times exposed population times exposure concentration. The In our previous study we applied actual demographics data
resulting numbers of avoided cases of phlegm in adults and lower on the number of adults and children and site-specific air concen-
respiratory illness in children (30 million and 3.8 million re- trations data. Even though per-person illness incidence can be
spectively), were then divided by the 1994 population of 11.6 compared across analyses, each analysis is obviously unique to
million. As shown in Table 5, our per person estimates of avoided some extent. Pollutant type, concentration and dose-response
phlegm in adults in 1994 was 2.6 and for lower respiratory ill- functions, and thus the per-person illness incidence, will vary de-
ness in children was 0.3322). There is a dearth of research into the pending on the region being analyzed. Given the relatively high
incidence of NO2-related illness on urban populations. Ostro was illness incidence which we calculated, caution should be exercised
the only researcher we identified who has estimated the number of in the estimation of uncontrolled pollution levels, which has a
cases of phlegm due to NO2 exposure within a specified urban direct impact on the estimation of adverse health impacts. If
population. Applying the same Schwartz and Zeger29) dose- uncontrolled pollution levels reflect current actual conditions,
response function for phlegm in adults as we did, he estimated clearly the potential for over-estimation is less than if uncontrol-
the impact of reducing NOX levels in Jakarta from their estimated led pollution must be estimated in a location where pollution has
annual average values of 50350 mg/m3 (0.0250.175 ppm) based already been reduced.
on dispersion modeling of emissions, to a proposed Indonesian
standard of 100 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm). His concentration isopleth Control cost-effectiveness of NOX
mapping showed most of Jakarta with annual average concentra- As shown in Table 6, the cost effectiveness of NOX control
tions of 100 mg/m3 (0.05 ppm) or less and two small areas with in our Tokyo study, expressed as dollars per ton of NOX emis-
concentrations between 300 and 350 mg/m3 (0.150.175 ppm), and sions controlled was approximately $1,400/ton for motor vehi-
his estimates of avoided incidence of phlegm in adults were 1.77 cles, $21,000/ton for all NOX sources, and $91,000/ton for sta-
million16). Assuming a population of 9 million, we converted this tionary sources22). This compares to $5,600/ton from motor ve-
to a per-person incidence of 0.20. hicles in Virginia20), $26,000/ton from all NOX sources in the
The principal reason why the results in our study were higher Chesapeake Bay Airshed21) and $4,500/ton from all non-utility sta-
was because of a much broader area of hypothetical high NO2 tionary sources in the Chesapeake Bay Airshed21). The high value
concentrations in Tokyo. Although our highest estimate of no- that we calculated for stationary sources might have been lower if
control NO2 concentration (0.15 ppm) was predicted at only one the NOX control equipment also controlled other pollutants, thus
site, all but three of our 87 ward and city monitoring sites through- allowing the control costs to be apportioned among the controlled
out Tokyo were calculated to have no-pollution-control annual pollutants. However, the types of controls used for NOX do not
average concentrations above 0.05 ppm and 31 of those sites were typically reduce other pollutants, especially for combustion proc-
estimated to have concentrations at or above 0.1 ppm. Our per- esses30).
person incidence rates were based on ward and city specific popu- In our previous study, we applied actual site-specific NOX
lation and concentration data, unlike Jakartas rates which were control costs data in Tokyo. Even though control cost-effective-
based on city-wide data and thus diluted by population in low pol- ness can be compared across analyses, each analysis is unique to
lution parts of the city. If more geographically specific values were some extent. Cost of control, fuel use and size of factories, and
provided within various parts of Jakarta, we would have estimated thus cost-effectiveness, will vary depending on the region being
higher per-person incidence in the inner city high concentration analyzed. However, our extensive use of site-specific cost data
zones. A second possible explanation for our higher incidence and the similarity with other researchers in our cost-effectiveness
results was our use of an average NO2 monitored concentration in values for motor vehicles and all NOX sources combined, suggests
Tokyo cities (n=29) for eight of the cities, out of 27 cities in total, that our control cost values are not too dissimilar from other
which had no monitoring data. studies, and may have utility in future analyses of other urban
Ostro estimated the impact of reducing TSP levels in Jakarta locations if site-specific data are not available.
from their estimated annual average values of 50350 mg/m3 based
on dispersion modeling of emissions, to a California standard of Ratio of benefits to costs of NOX
55 mg/m3. His concentration isopleth mapping showed most of As shown in Table 6, in our Tokyo study of NO2 exposure,
Jakarta with annual average concentrations of 100 mg/m3 or less, our best estimate of benefits exceeded the costs by a ratio of
with one area with concentrations between 300 and 350 mg/m3, approximately 6 to 122). In Krupnick et al.s study of NOX control
and three areas with concentrations between 200 and 300 mg/m3. from all NOX sources in the Chesapeake Bay airshed to avoid
His estimates of avoided incidence of respiratory symptoms in ozone effects plus protection of the aquatic ecosystem21), the
adults were 47 million and 705,000 cases of asthma attacks16). benefits-to-costs ratio ranged from 0.07:1 to 0.8:1. The health
Assuming a population of 9 million, we converted this to a per- effects which they valued using willingness to pay were due to
person incidence of 5.2 for respiratory symptoms in adults and ozone exposure. This is a reflection of differing political decisions
0.078 for asthma attacks. Using Dixon et al.s estimates of avoided between control of NOX to reduce ozone levels in the United
illness due to exposure to particulates in Jakarta based on dose- States and the control of NOX to reduce ambient NO2 in Japan.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

Table 6 Comparison of cost and benefit-cost ratios for NO2 control in various urban areas

Principal Investigator Pollutanta Study Area Sources Controlled Cost Effectiveness of Benefit-Cost Ratio
(year) Pollution Control mean (LL, UL)b
($1,000/ton of NOX
mean (LL, UL)b

U.S. EPA (1995) NOX Philadelphia all NOX sources 5.4

U.S. EPA (1995) NOX El Paso all NOX sources 5.6
Austin et al. (1997) NOX Northern Virginiac motor vehicles 2.7
Virginiad motor vehicles 5.6
Krupnick et al. (1998) NOX West Virginiae all NOX sources (0.24, 1.5) (0.07:1, 0.8:1)
Chesapeake Bay airshedf stationary NOX sources (2.1, 4.5)
Chesapeake Bay airshedf all NOX sources (17, 26)
Voorhees et al. (2000) NOX Tokyo motor vehicles 1.4 (1.3, 1.5) 6:1 (0.3:1, 44:1)
all NOX sources 21 (19, 23)
stationary NOX sources 91 (84, 98)
NOX=nitrogen oxides, SO2=sulfur dioxide.
LL=lower limit, UL=upper limit.
Includes the cities of Arlington, Alexandria, Reston, McLean and others.
Includes the cities of Northern Virginia plus Richmond, Norfolk, Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Roanoke and others.
Includes the cities of Charleston, Wheeling, Huntington, Parkersburg, and others.
Includes the major cities of the United States east coast, including Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Richmond and Atlanta, plus mid-
western cities such as Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Cleveland.

Krupnick et al. did not value lost productivity as a benefit, which valuable tool to evaluate environmental policy options. In the next
may explain why their benefits/costs ratio was an order of magni- section we summarize some important features of this analytical
tude below ours. In Burtraw et al.s study of NOX and SO2 control procedure.
from electric utilities to avoid premature mortality, improve mor-
bidity and visibility, a benefit-cost ratio of approximately 7:1 was Importance of CBA in environmental policy studies
reported. They included dose-response functions for particulates,
SO2, NO2 and nitrates. They included eye irritation and phlegm In conducting CBA studies, we need a set of reliable data, as
for NO224). They estimated premature mortality due to particulate well as a number of assumptions which can be scientifically jus-
exposure, impacts on visibility and recreational fishing, plus esti- tifiable. If reliable data and justifiable assumptions are used, com-
mates of morbidity from several pollutants, which would explain pleting a CBA can perform several valuable functions in evaluat-
a relatively high benefits estimate. However, it appears that lost ing environmental policies. A necessary first step is identifying
productivity was not valued, nor did they value health impacts in the severity of existing health impacts in polluted areas. Such in-
children, which would lead to an underestimate of benefits. Fi- formation can be a powerful means of convincing policy makers
nally, their study was focused on power plants alone, rather than that some effort should be taken to clean up the air or water. Ostro
the complete universe of NOX emission sources assessed in our predicted significant reductions in mortality and morbidity if
Tokyo study. This would either lead to a higher or a lower ratio of Jakartas particulate matter, lead and NO2 concentrations were
benefits to costs than a complete NOX source inventory assess- lowered to World Health Organization standards16). Shin et al. esti-
ment. Thus, this large disparity across past studies can be attrib- mated hundreds of deaths, millions of work loss days and re-
uted, at least partly, to the assumptions and methodologies used by stricted activities days in Asian cities that could be avoided if
the respective researchers. existing levels of particulate matter were reduced to United States
The choice of assumptions used in CBA can impact the out- air quality standards19). In our previous study we reached the con-
come significantly. In our previous Tokyo study, for example, ap- clusion that past NO2 air pollution control policies in Tokyo were
plying an alternate assumption of uncontrolled pollutant emissions economically very effective, with a benefit-cost (B/C) ratio of 6 to
decreased our benefits estimate by 35%. Assuming a shorter dura- 1. This is one important use of CBA, namely to ascertain if past
tion of absenteeism from work by employees decreased our bene- environmental policies were economically worthwhile. Freeman
fits by 30%. Including different types of health effects increased reached the same conclusion in his nationwide analysis, while at
our benefits by 200%22). Applying site-specific input data should the same time pointing out that stationary source pollution con-
be a primary goal of CBA where feasible. This is important espe- trols showed a higher B/C ratio than controls on mobile sources8).
cially for data that vary widely across cultures, such as medical A second important use of CBA is to evaluate future controls to
costs and wages. If such data are lacking for the study area, a stan- provide information to policy makers in order to inform their deci-
dard of living adjustment factor should be applied, or the potential sions. Krupnick and Portney found that the costs of future controls
bias should be quantified in a sensitivity analysis. Dose-response to reduce ozone concentrations would exceed the benefits15).
functions are rarely available for non-United States cohorts. The Burtraw et al. estimated that the future benefits of reduced mortal-
use of U.S. health effects data in a developing country context ity and morbidity, and improved visibility, would exceed the
may introduce significant bias due to major differences in factors costs24).
such as baseline health status, access to health care, and occu- More sophisticated applications of CBA allow for preferen-
pational exposure3). Given these caveats, CBA is nonetheless a tial decisions regarding control allocation and identification of

Cost-Benefit Analysis Applied to Urban Air Pollution

externalities. Austin et al. completed a cross-media analysis of ence in a CBA of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Much attention
air and water pollution controls and made recommendations for should be paid in reading and applying CBA studies, since the
cost-effective allocation of controls along geographic lines or choice of assumptions and inputs can affect the results, especially
according to preferences for air versus water quality improve- for emissions volumes, air concentrations, health effects and dura-
ment20). Krupnick et al. reviewed existing controls of NOX in the tion, medical costs, and wages. If assumptions are fully described
Chesapeake Bay airshed and reached the conclusion that the costs and the bounds of variables are quantified in sensitivity analyses,
of reducing emissions could be lowered by reallocating emission CBA can be a powerful tool for assessing both past and future
reductions based on type of source and also on geographic lo- policy choices and preferentially allocating pollution controls or
cation21). Finally, the European Commission assessed the marginal identifying externalities.
environmental costs of energy production and identified key ex-
ternality issues to be addressed in future policy23). Acknowledgments

Closing remarks The authors thank Mr. Steve Hitte, Mr. Bob Kellam and
Mr. Tom Curran at the U.S. EPA. The authors also thank Mr. Sang
Numerous urban area and national scale studies have ana- Hwoi Park of the Department of Public Health and Occupational
lyzed costs and benefits of air pollution and pollution control. Medicine at the University of Tokyo, Mr. Hisamitsu Baba of the
Conducting a thorough CBA requires an estimate of impacts on Bureau of Environmental Protection in the Tokyo Metropolitan
health, productivity, and amenities. With this information, it is Government (TMG), Director Tsuneo Nagaoka, M.D., of TMG
then possible to estimate the benefits and costs of either polluted Health Department, Deputy Chairman Takeshi Hasegawa, Ph.D.,
air without pollution control, or clean air with pollution controls. of Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Pro-
Most analyses are prospective and provide estimates of what the tection, Chief Naoto Aoki, M.D., of Tokyo Metropolitan Research
benefits and costs would be if future regulatory actions were Laboratory of Public Health, Mr. Kiwamu Nagoshi, Ms. Fusako
taken. Very few analyses are retrospective and provide estimates Nishikawa, Mr. Manabu Kubota, Mr. Katsunori Hirokane, and
of the benefits and costs of regulatory actions in the past. Herein, Mr. Hirotaka Tachikawa of the Japan Environment Agency, and
we described the historical background of CBA, summarized ex- Seiichi Nakamura, M.D., of Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital
isting benefits and costs methodologies, and proposed a concep- for providing data and comments.
tual approach for CBA in an urban setting, based on our experi-

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