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The populist obstruction of reality: analysis and


Hartmut Behr

To cite this article: Hartmut Behr (2017): The populist obstruction of reality: analysis and
response, Global Affairs, DOI: 10.1080/23340460.2017.1302309

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The populist obstruction of reality: analysis and response

Hartmut Behr
International Politics, School of Geography, Politics, Sociology, Newcastle University, 4042 Great North Road,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK

Outline of an analysis (5) the distortion and obstruction of our

perception of reality through propa-
It is time to wake up and to add to moral
gandistic simplifications and purpo-
disgust and democratic rejection the rec-
seful misleading alternative
ognition that the contemporary right-
wing populist threat to democracy is
serious and its strategists are determined
and resolute in transforming current Among these five characteristics of
societies and their constitutional, legal, totalitarian movements with continuous
institutional and intellectual arrange- relevance analysed by Hannah Arendt in
ments. They call themselves a movement, her book The Origins of Totalitarianism
anti-establishment and anti-political, and (1951) the last one on the distortion
indeed evince, in line with totalitarian and obstruction of our perception of
movements in the twentieth century, reality through propagandistic simplifica-
certain important characteristics: tions shall be looked at here a little closer.
We are familiar with plenty of evidence of
such distortion and obstruction through
(1) demonstrating disrespect for the the creation of alternative facts, the
current (in our case democratic) career of conspiracy hypotheses among
political system while prioritizing populists, or fake news, all encapsulated
the movement over the political in the language of the so-called post-
system; factual.
(2) claiming the authentic representation It is, of course, a philosophically
of some genuine will that would complex and difficile question what
provide a higher form of legitimacy reality is; I do not want to delve too
while delegitimizing different politi- deeply here into this question, but quite
cal views, thus being genuinely anti- straightforwardly suggest Arendts
pluralistic; notion of factual truth (Tatsachenwahr-
(3) an ideological claim of the possession heiten) that helps us to immediately
of higher wisdom and subsequently understand that we are facing the
the claim to truth and ubiquitous attempt to manipulate our perceptions:
righteousness; If, just one example, Kellyanne Conway,
(4) the call to action parallel to a rude one main figure of Trumps inner propa-
devaluation of deliberation and ganda circle, speaks of the Bowling
reflection; and finally Green massacre to justify Trumps

CONTACT Hartmut Behr

2017 European International Studies Association

anti-immigration order which, however, begins, paired up with language games

indeed never happened, while addressing and new terminologies (such as alterna-
our ignorance of what ostensibly she tive facts), so politically very well
knows by the non-coverage of this depicted by George Orwell in 1984 and
event by the mainstream media, we portrayed by Charlie Chaplin in The
have just one illustration of a strategic Great Dictator, with the aim to accom-
attempt to distort and obstruct (our per- plish exegetic authority over reality.
ception) of reality. This adds to a long list This raises of course the question of
of likewise propagandistic strategies to what an appropriate perception of reality
manipulate reality during Trumps elec- and factual truth is. This question is
tion campaign and the first two weeks likewise worthy of extended philosophical
of his reign. Another example is Boris discussions and we receive very different
Johnsons use of the manipulative answers from, philosophically speaking,
number of 350 million in his Brexit realist, idealist or rationalist perspectives;
campaign. Arendt became familiar with to cut these discussions short, however, I
such strategic distortions and manipula- want to refer here, too, to Arendts
tions of reality from studying Joseph notion of plurality in her The Human
Goebbels propaganda machinery and Condition (1958) in combination with
subsequently calls this, too, the refusal her observation of a totalitarian refusal
of reality (which is strategic; and prob- of reality. According to Arendt, reality is
ably psychopathic, too), typical for totali- genuinely pluralistic and we have to
tarian movements. The coup dtat of the open ourselves up to this plurality. And
current system and the erection of a new perceiving reality as pluralistic must
one necessitates the obstruction of manifest in the language which we use
societys perception and the manipu- to describe our experiences of this
lation of factual truths according to the reality, does solidify in her notion of
movements interpretation of politics power through deliberation, and dis-
and history. In this context, the denial tinguishes humanity as social together-
of factual truth and the re-interpretation ness (in contrast to loneliness and
of reality la Conway or Johnson based isolation).
upon its distortion is comparable to a We do not yet have enough evidence to
factoid or half-truth in contrast to an assess populist politics in relation to the
outright lie (this does not mean that out- exercise of power (apart from indices
right lies would not happen and not be about Trumps dismissal of the division
used, too) that are more difficult to of power and his proclivity of authoritar-
devalue than a clear lie as such devalua- ian reign) and concerning social coher-
tion necessitates some form of delibera- ence, but we do have strong and
tion and opens up interpretation that constant examples of Trumps (and
are shut-down, however, immediately by Marine Le Pen and Geert de Wilders use
propagandists or allow for the introduc- the same language in their campaigns)
tion of further distortions (Trumps anti-pluralistic and distortingly simplify-
White House Press Secretary Sean ing rhetoric. A linguistic analysis of his
Spicer is an example at hand for what speeches reveals the overwhelming fre-
is called gaslighting in US English quency of some and mostly of two-sylla-
after a 1938 stage play and 1944 bles words as well as of a specific
movie). A spiral of deliberate confusion sentence construction that mainly uses

short sentences and puts the emphasis of political existence and political reality
the utterance always at the end of the sen- through a genealogy of political symboli-
tence (therefore often sacrificing gramma- zations of human experiences. At the
tically correct language); also many same time, one has to explore the
statements are not worded as complete grammar of the deformation (i.e. here
sentences, but are collapsed into incoher- the grammar of populist politics) as
ent chunks and snapshots of ideas that empirical evidence for such deformations
haunt each other. According to the as well as directions and political strat-
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Test, Trumps egies for restoration. What results from
language corresponds to 4th grade. This this?
language is by no means capable of repre- The result from this is a twofold prac-
senting the experience of social and politi- tical-political consequence. First, any poli-
cal pluralities and the complexities that tics that attempts to, or actually does,
come with it (even if he liked); and thus violate the human condition, that is, that
is per se structurally closed-off, truncated pursues and implements political strat-
from, and, in Arendts word, refusing egies that harm plurality and the balance
reality. mentioned above are to be resisted. Voe-
To connect the arguments so far with gelin calls the turning away from
the political analysis of totalitarianism deformed politics apostrophe and a
and ideologies of Voegelin (and his 1938 disease of the mind. And second, politics
Political Religions is seminal here), we that apperceives and is aware of the
can term the experience of realities as par- human condition aims at allowing and
ticipation in various areas of human exist- supporting the expression and symboliza-
ence. The importance lies on experiences tion of diversity and plurality. The thus
of realities in the plural, being open to concluding norm for democratic politics
all of them, keeping them in balance, is the creation of openness and of spaces
and qualifying them against one another where such expressions and symboliza-
in our political judgment. This openness tions can flourish. We can call these
towards plurality as human condition (a spaces ideal-typically democratic or
commitment that Voegelin shares with republican spaces, or just spaces of
Arendt) is what Voegelin calls appercep- humanity.
tion. Thus, apperception results from the So far we have an outline of an intellec-
experience and awareness of the human tual analysis of contemporary populist
condition as genuinely plural and contin- dark ghosts haunting democracy. Such
gent upon historical and socio-political an analysis entails, as alluded, mainly the
contexts. The analytical surplus through elaboration of obstructions of our percep-
Voegelin is the awareness that there are tion of reality as well as a related analysis
political times when perceptions of of populist strategies to fabricate and
reality have become distorted and, more- spin-doctor a new, different (perception
over, openness towards reality, thus of) reality. The latter very importantly
apperception, must be restored in order comprises an analysis of populist
to rescue democratic politics from ideo- language. Some evidence and theoretical
logical deformation. Such restoration is discussion could be provided here; the
called by Voegelin the recapturing of remainder of this paper shall now be
reality that works mainly via a reconstruc- devoted to the practical question of how
tion of the fundamental categories of to respond to the threat of populism.

Political responses and their respective validities. Given the

wide range of academic subjects and all
The main focus of restoration is to resist
the diverse skills that young people are
populist distortion and deformation and
educated in, the mentioned ability to dis-
to create at the same time democratic
tinguish knowledge claims and their val-
spaces for the expression of pluralism
idities is in one way or another core to
and diversity (next to resistance in terms
each discipline as they all teach epistem-
of constitutional, legal, and institutional
ology and methods (indeed of very differ-
fights within the constraints and possibili-
ent kinds and occasionally very diverse,
ties of democratic political systems). This
depending on the discipline and even
vital focus entails the restoration of politi-
within disciplines, yet they all have in
cal judgment that enables the form of
common questions of knowledge pro-
resistance mentioned above in the first
duction and means to scrutinize knowl-
place. The practical question thus comes
edge claims). Ideally speaking then,
down to how restore and create demo-
someone educated in critical thinking (I
cratic political judgment that seems to
here do not allude to a specific social
have gone lost in so many Western
science version of critique, but to the
nations, otherwise the electoral successes
general habitus of being sceptical and
of Trump and the Brexiteers and the
questioning; and this is not limited to the
looming significant results of populist
humanities or social sciences, but includes
movements in approaching 2017 elections
the hard sciences and economics, too)
in Germany, France, and the Netherlands
should be well equipped to, first, recognize,
would not be possible. The main avenue
and second, resist the manipulative strat-
for restoring political judgment is, so the
egies of populist indeed of all kinds of
argument that will be sketched out
propagandists; and to consequently dis-
below, education.
close and debunk every attempt to manip-
The idea of the university as an insti-
ulate and to then discredit everyone who
tution for the education of a democratic
attempts to manipulate; and, to be more
citizenry has been very prolific in
concrete, to consequently turn ones back
Germany after the experience of the col-
to the likes of Trump, Johnson, de
lapse of the Weimar Republic and National
Wilders, le Pen, etc., and unvarnishedly
Socialism. Amongst writers, educators,
unmask their language, policies, and state-
and philosophers who emphasized this
ments as totalitarian attempts to distort
idea was most prominent Karl Jaspers
our and mine, and your, and her, and
who declared the university not only as a
their perception of, and relation to,
shelter and hotbed for the education of a
reality and finally to our fellow human
democratic citizenry established with the
beings. This, we should not allow!
skill of respective political judgement, but
This turning the back and discredit-
even as a condition of democracy per se.
ing their politics and political personality
And the reason for this is quite clear: at
has nothing to do with free speech or
university, but harking back to high
their democratic right of deliberation,
school, young generations learn the
but is precisely a counter-strategy to
ability to critically judge things of political
restore and uphold such democratic
importance, most importantly, among
rights by exercising them (as someone
subject-specific knowledge, the distinction
has a right to speak, ok very well; but I
of different modes of knowledge claims
have no duty to listen because the

speaker has a responsibility, too, namely Margaret Thatcher, introduced corporate

to uphold and defend exactly those practices through bidding cultures, per-
rights that allow him or her to publicly formance data collection and niche mar-
speak); and is finally a question beyond keting of schools, and subsequent
political nine days wonders, but an issue developments announced self-governing
of the intellectual and moral fabric of a schools outside local authority control
society, of everyone of us, and of the sus- which could be formed in alliance with
tenance of humanity. charities, faith groups, businesses and
The crucial question is whether, or not, other non-educational actors. The sub-
the contemporary school and university sequent Conservative government of
systems in Western societies are up to John Major passed an Education Act in
the task of democratic citizen education 1992, mandating the inspection of
and fit for this mission? Involved are schools by teams from the Office for Stan-
here of course questions of social mobi- dards in Education, Childrens Services
lity, access to education and tuition fee and Skills (Ofsted). The results of both
systems, research assessments and evalu- these periodic inspections and public
ations, and of curricula design. This is a examinations are used to rank schools
huge political agenda and research pro- against each other in league tables, and
gramme that, needless to say, cannot be to extend or terminate the contracts of
adequately addressed in this paper. There- staff. Indeed, a schools survival is
fore, the following considerations are dependent on doing well in auditing
necessarily limited in their scope and con- results, which come to be seen as determi-
centrate on curriculum questions in nants of the effectiveness, worth and value
English education institutions. of a school. UK schools are thus con-
There are many voices on school and sidered examples par excellence of a neo-
higher education, including education liberal audit culture in which schools are
scholars, but also teachers and academics under pressure to constantly produce evi-
working in education institutions, who dence of their efficiency and effectivity.
stress the neo-liberal transformation of Some observers argue that the English
curricula and the thereby reduction or schooling system is now constructed and
even removal of humanities and citizen- constituted through these data and the
ship studies. Neo-liberalism shifted gov- data infrastructures that manage them.
ernance away from the state towards a As hitting key metrics is thus a top pri-
system emphasizing privatization, compe- ority for a school, it has an enormous
tition, performance management through influence on how decisions about timeta-
audit cultures, and the cultivation of sub- bling are made and curricula are drafted.
jects who are expected to cope in the high This logic and the obsession with per-
pressure and risky cultures it produces. formance measurement and league tables
Schools and universities are supposed does not stop at university doors, but
and have increasingly been expected to actually continues into and seizes the
prepare children and young adults to Higher Education system, too.
succeed in such cultures by developing There is plenty of critical analysis of the
curricula that focus primarily on trans- UKs Research Excellence Framework
ferable skills. (REF) that puts scholarship under
The 1988 Education Reform Act, con- similar pressures of assessed research
cluded under then Prime Minister output and performance. Critics

emphasize REFs anti-innovative, main- outcomes of teaching and learning are

streaming and matrix-driven character determined in the section Aspects of
as well as immense running costs for uni- Quality, Paragraph 31, as mainly consist-
versities to conduct it that lead to acceler- ing in the acquisition of (quotation)
ated and thus eventually depth-lacking knowledge, skills, and experience necess-
research activities plus psychological con- ary to compete for a graduate-level job
sequences especially for younger aca- and successfully securing graduate-level
demics. Another, a novel government employment. No mention of democracy,
instrument to intervene into Higher Edu- citizenship, moral values or critical think-
cation and to fast-track the neoliberal ing let alone the language which is centred
shaping of UK universities is the Teach- on the idea of competiveness (rather than,
ing Excellence Framework (TEF; Depart- for example, on solidarity or humanity).
ment of Business, Innovation, and Skills). Accordingly are curricula contents
The overall design of the TEF is customer structured, and I reflect in the following
and skill oriented with Employment Des- on some experiences from teaching Poli-
tination and Potential highly skilled tics at an English university. The typical
jobs metric as the highest Student Out- curriculum is organized in 12 teaching
comes and Learning Gain criteria. The weeks in which week 1 is usually used
core metrics by which the accomplish- for an Introduction and week 12 for a
ments of those criteria is measured are Conclusion or revision for the assessment;
the evaluation of three sets of questions thus 10 content-specific weeks remain
from the so-called National Student while there is usually one different sub-
Survey (about teaching quality, assess- topic under the umbrella of the general
ment and feedback and academic course theme each week. The time and
support) as well as the continuation or space for debate and for the thoughtful
non-continuation of studies. Not only elaboration of questions and ways of
that everyone involved in the National how to engage them is thus genuinely
Student Survey became familiar with, very restricted (in addition to the con-
and insightful of, its shortages and deficits straints that are due to a Master degree
(and thus it is utterly questionable in how of 1 year or a PhD programme of 3
far it can serve as a fair and appropriate years only). This restrictive time-content
matrix, assuming that the quality of teach- ratio is supported by so-called text books
ing and education can be measured, and and their stunning sale rates in the UK
instantly measured, at all: very often the that usually edit and reboil a topic in
appreciation of learning and teaching text-inserted boxes with summaries and
comes much later in life than when key questions to remember about this
being an active student or pupil); but the very topic. (These boxes are often the
role, expectations, and experiences of uni- only readings some students do,
versity teachers and students become however, not because they are genuinely
economically narrowed down to the func- lazy, but because they are said and
tion of providers and customers as if told to be customers and are
the university and learning would be a embedded in a neo-liberal educational
big market place. (The language of custo- culture of the consumption of knowl-
mer and providers is actually used edge; and what does a customer need to
widely in different versions of the men- know: how something is priced, but not
tioned document.) And the positive why; thus, such text boxes are epitomes

of transferable skills). As Michael totalitarian populist politics through con-

Sandel sharply and aptly observed, we stitutional, legal, and institutional fights
do not only have neo-liberalism, but are and these are very important as they
(made) neo-liberal (subjects). keep the democratic principles of rule of
Of course, there are exceptions, but the law and checks and balances alive and
narrative above is intended to describe the fundamentally belong to forms of demo-
usual practice as well as some indications cratic resistance. The restoration of politi-
of the neo-liberal seizure of Higher Edu- cal judgment and apperception and the
cation that could not be more dissimilar thus recapturing of deformations (and
to an education culture (Bildungskul- here one may assume that populist
tur) that allows for time and space for manipulation find some conditions for
critical, profound deliberation (of differ- their success already in place, thus utilize
ent perspectives on a topic, their knowl- preceding deformations of democratic
edge claims, and their evidence and politics as their fertile ground), however,
validity) and that therefore realizes the might take some time. And if the argu-
idea of the university as shelter and ment made about education is correct,
hotbed for citizenry education and the then it might even take generations and
development of democratic political judg- depends very much upon the reversing
ment. To come back to the considerations of the worst consequences of neo-liberal-
of the university as a condition for each ism a Samson task. It seems therefore
democratic society and their mission to that we have to live with and resist popu-
teach critical knowledge, the current UK lism and its totalitarian politics for quite
education system does not fulfil this con- some time until we have back a citizenry
dition and mission and has moved a long that is accomplished with political judg-
way away from being able to assume this ment and solidarity for their fellow
role (unless, and here lies a unique and human beings through these being/
maybe the only chance, staff and head of having become prime education objec-
departments/head of schools are creative tives; and who prioritizes the democratic
in carving out spaces that can operate common good over their own, individual
detached from neo-liberal rationalities advantages. The latter is difficult and
such as extra-curricular activities). These one may have some understanding for
brief sketches about the UK education (at least some of) the voters for Trump
system may have revealed some generaliz- et al. as there are undeniably structural
able patterns and trends, at least when problems in our modern societies with
looking into the US. (Looking into Scan- elites, corruption, global economies that
dinavia and Continental Europe is prob- leave behind many, the employment
ably delivering different narratives as market, hypostatized moral claims, etc.;
well as very different aspects of social however, likewise undeniably, the very
mobility, access to education and tuition wrong consequences are drawn as if
fee systems, research assessments and Trump, de Wilders, le Pen, etc., could
evaluations. UK and US developments solve these problems. It thus remains to
can then serve at least as alerts.) be feared that large parts of their electo-
What remains to be done? rate are and will be let down twice: by
Answers to this question, according to the real issues of mentioned problems
the analyses above, do not tune optimistic. and by their leaders that cannot fix
There will be short-term successes against these problems through nationalism,

protectionism, and unleashed economic Notes on contributor

deregulation and their violent phantasma- Hartmut Behr is professor of international
goria, in addition to the specific problem politics at Newcastle University. His research
of their attempts to manipulate our specializes in political theory, sociology of
minds. It remains to be hoped that a knowledge of IR, politics of difference, politi-
democratically and critically educated cal violence and critical European Studies.
Most recent publications include A History
citizenry would come to realize this and
of International Political Theory (2010) and
comprehensively discredit populist Politics of Difference: Epistemologies of Peace
leaders. (2014) as well as book chapters and articles
on the themes mentioned that appeared
amongst others in the European Journal of
International Relations, Review of Inter-
Disclosure statement
national Studies, International Political
No potential conflict of interest was reported Economy, Zeitschrift fuer Internationale
by the author. Beziehungen.

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