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Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information Warehouse

Version 2.0


Staging BAPIs of the

SAP Business Information
Warehouse 2.0

SAP Portals Europe GmbH

Neurottstr. 16
D-69190 Walldorf
Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information Warehouse

History Copyright 2000 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

No part of this documentation may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the
express permission of SAP AG.

The information in this document is subject to change without

notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
SAP AG in the future.

Version 2.0 GA Status 31.01.2000

1 Introduction............................................5

2 New Staging Engine Business Objects.......7

Activate 8
Activate 9
Reference structures............................................................11
RequestInfoSourceData 11
GetParameterDefinition 12
GetHelpValues 12
Key attributes.......................................................................13
Reference structures............................................................13
Create 13
Change 13
ActivateMultiple 13
Key attributes.......................................................................14
Reference structures............................................................14

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Create 14
Change 14
Activate 14
GetList 15
GetDetail 15
Key attributes.......................................................................16
Reference structures............................................................16
Create 16
Change 16
GetList 16
GetDetail 17
Key attributes.......................................................................18
GetStatus 18
Key attributes.......................................................................19
Reference structures............................................................19
Create 19
CreateFromReference 19
Change 20
GetList 20
GetDetail 20
Schedule 20
CancelSchedule 21
ABAP Dictionary Structures.....................................22

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Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information Warehouse


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Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information Warehouse

1 Introduction

This document describes the Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information
Warehouse, which are new in the 2.0 release of this product.

The BAPIs described in this document include new methods for updating and
retrieving meta data for InfoObjects, InfoCubes and InfoObjectCatalogs as well as
the definition of InfoPackages from a 3 rd Party tool. By using these BAPIs,
customers and providers of 3rd Party tools can connect their meta data repositories
and their extraction engines to the SAP Business Information Warehouse.

Prerequisites for the use of the Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information
Warehouse are:

Knowledge of the concept of the Staging Engine of the SAP Business

Information Warehouse. Developers should be particularly au fait with the
terms InfoSource and InfoObject, transfer and communication structure, as
well as the transfer rules. Over and above that, the developers should have

Knowledge in the use of BAPIs in general and in the selected development

environment (VisualBasic, Java, ).

However, it is not necessary to have knowledge in the creation of IDocs or generally

in the use of ALE.

Currently theres no C++ library available for the Staging BAPIs. In order to use
the BAPIs you can either call the corresponding RFC function modules defined
below or use the general BAPI OCX control.

You can generate a template for calling the function modules by executing the
following commands in the SAP Business Information Warehouse system:

1. Select Tools ABAP Workbench Function Builder from the menu

2. Enter the name of the desired function module


3. Select menu item Utilities -> RFC interface -> Generate

Please note, that for the function modules BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_REQUEST,

BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_GETPARDEF and the new function module

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Staging BAPIs of the SAP Business Information Warehouse

BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_GET_HELPVALUES you will have to generate the server
sample code instead of the client sample code.

In order to get certified by SAP, a 3rd party tool has to support at least the data
extraction scenario and the read only version of the basic designer scenario. A
recertification for the new meta data BAPIs is possible.

For further information especially about the certification process for the 2.0
BAPIs - please contact your CSP manager.

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2 New Staging Engine Business

The following Business Objects or some of their methods are new in Release 2.0 of
the SAP Business Information Warehouse:
The Business Object InfoSourceMasterXfer (BUS6104) has a new method

The Business Object InfoSourceTransXfer (BUS6106) has a new method

The Business Object DataProvider (BUS6107) is replaced in 2.0 by the
Business Interface RemoteInfoSourceProvider (IF6107). Furthermore it has a
new method GetHelpValues.

The Business Object InfoObject (BUS6108) has new methods for creating,
changing and activating.

The new Business Object InfoCube (BUS6112) encapsulates the properties of
an InfoCube and has methods for creating, changing and activating.

The new Business Object InfoObjectCatalog (BUS6113) encapsulates the
properties of on InfoObjectCatalog and has methods for creating and

The new Business Object InfoSourceRequest (BUS6114) encapsulates the
properties and methods of a data request from the BW to an external system.

The new Business Object InfoPackage (BUS6109) encapsulates the properties
and methods of an InfoPackage and has methods for creating, changing and

The Business Object InfoSourceMasterXfer encapsulates the attributes and methods

of an InfoSource for master data, that are specific for the InfoSources on a source

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Methods InfoSourceTransXfer Methods


Activate Activate
system. The new method makes it possible to activate the transfer structure for
attributes and texts.

The Activate method gives the possibility to activate the transfer structure for
attributes and texts. This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
InfoSource InfoSource name
SourceSystem Source system name
LoadMethod Load method (T for TRFC, I for IDoc)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter

The Business Object InfoSourceTransXfer encapsulates the attributes and methods

of an InfoSource for transaction data, that are specific for the InfoSource on a
source system. The new method makes it possible to activate the transfer structure
and the communication structure.

The Activate method gives the possibility to activate the transfer structure and the
communication structure. This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
InfoSource InfoSource name
SourceSystem Source system name
LoadMethod Load method (T for TRFC, I for IDoc)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter

The Business Object DataProvider encapsulates a data request from SAP Business
Information Warehouse to a source system. The implementation of this Business
Object always takes place in the source system, either via a 3 rd Party provider or in
one of the customers own developments. Therefore it is replaced in release 2.0 by
the new Business Interface RemoteInfoSourceProvider.

This Business Interface provides the same methods as the 1.2B Business Object: a
method for the transmission of data requests to the source system as well as a
method to query names and descriptions of application-defined additional
parameters. Additionally it has a new method to retrieve help values from the
source system for the selection fields in the scheduler.

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Templates for the implementation of the three methods of this Business Interface
are available in the SAP Business Information Warehouse. We are dealing here with
the function modules BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_REQUEST (for the method
RequestInfoSourceData), BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_GETPARDEF (for the method
GetParameterDefinition) and BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_GET_HELPVALUES (for the
method GetHelpValues). Simple RFC Server programs, that can be used as a basis
for the implementation of these BAPIs in the source system, can be generated based
on these function modules.

The typical scenario for this interface is the following:

B u s in e s s I n f o r m a t io n W a r e h o u s e S o u rc e S y s te m

RFC Server

R e m o te In fo S o u r c e P r o v id e r .G e tP a r a m e te r D e fin itio n

R e m o te In fo S o u r c e P r o v id e r .G e tH e lp v a lu e s
M e ta d a ta

Extraction Engine
R e m o te In fo S o u rc e P ro v id e r.R e q u e s tIn fo S o u rc e D a ta

In fo S o u r c e T r a n s X fe r .G e tD e ta il
M e ta d a ta
Staging BAPI

D a ta
In fo S o u rc e T ra n s X fe r .S e n d D a ta

D a ta

When defining a data request in the SAP Business Information Warehouse the
scheduler requests a list of parameters needed to start the extraction process in the
source system by calling the GetParameterDefinition method of the
RequestInfoSourceProvider business interface. Popular examples for these
parameters are the user name and the password needed to log on to the source data
base system.

If the user wants to see help values from the source system for the selection fields
the scheduler calls the GetHelpValues method of the business interface and shows
the results of this call as a popup so that the user can choose one of the values as a
selection criteria.

Then the scheduler sends a data request by calling the RequestInfoSourceData

method of the RemoteInfoSourceProvider business interface. Parts of the request
are the values of the requested parameters, selection criteria and request details
such as a unique request ID, the name of the corresponding InfoSource, etc.

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Reference structures Methods GetHelpValues

RequestInfoSourceData GetParameterDefinition
The reference structures in the ABAP Dictionary for this Business Object are:
BAPI6107DR data request details
BAPI6107DA data selection details
BAPI6107LA text selection details
BAPI6107HI hierarchy selection details
BAPI6107PA request parameters
BAPI6107PD parameter definition

The RequestInfoSourceData method sends a data request to the source system. An

important attribute of this data request is the data request id that is absolutely
necessary for the processing of the data in the SAP Business Information
Warehouse. This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
RequestID Unique ID of the data request
InfoSource InfoSource name
SourceSystem Source system name
Type Type of the requested data
Date Request date
Time Request time
UserName Name of user making request
UpdateMode Delta, Full, Initial
Hierarchy Selection based on a hierarchy request (only necessary for hierarchy
requests, structure BAPI6107HI)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter. For available standard error
messages please refer to the online documentation.
SelData Selection criteria for transaction data and master data attributes
(only for requests for transaction or master data, structure
SelLanguages Selection criteria for texts for master data (Language)
(only for requests for texts, structure BAPI6107LA)
Parameters Values of the application-based parameters (only where necessary,
structure BAPI6107PA)
The GetParameterDefinition method retrieves a table of parameters needed by the
source system with parameter names, descriptions, data type, maximum length and
the information as to which of the parameters are mandatory. This method is
implemented in function module BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_GETPARDEF.
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter. For available standard error messages
please refer to the online documentation.
ParameterDefinition Definition of the application-based parameters (structure

The GetHelpValues method retrieves a table of help values for fields of the
InfoSource that are marked in the metadata information as selectable. These fields

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InfoObject Key attributes Reference structures


are displayed in the BW scheduler under the tap strip Select data. The method is
called when the user pushes in the selection field the F4 button. This method is
implemented in function module BAPI_ISOURCE_DP_GET_HELPVALUES.
Import parameters
FieldNm Name of the selection field
Langu Language for which the help values should be delivered
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter. For available standard error messages
please refer to the online documentation.
PreviousSelList List of the already selected values for other fields (structure
HelpValuesList List of possible values for the selection field (structure BAPI6107HV)
The Business Object InfoObject encapsulates the logical properties of an
InfoObject. The new methods include the creation, change and activation of
InfoObject Unique name of the InfoObject

Details InfoObject details as described by structures

BAPI6108, BAPI6108AN, BAPI6108AT,

The new reference structures in the ABAP Dictionary for this Business Object is:
BAPI6108IO List of InfoObjects

The Create method gives the possibility to create a new InfoObject. This method is
implemented in function module BAPI_IOBJ_CREATE.
Import parameters
Details Properties of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108)
Compounds Compound InfoObjects of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108CM)
Attributes Attributes of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108AT)
NavigationAttributes Navigationattributes of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108AN)
Export parameters
InfoObject ID of the InfoObject
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The Change method changes the actual metadata definition of an InfoObject. This
method is implemented in function module BAPI_IOBJ_CHANGE.
Import parameters
InfoObject ID of the InfoObject
Details Properties of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108)
Compounds Compound InfoObjects of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108CM)
Attributes Attributes of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108AT)
NavigationAttributes Navigationattributes of the InfoObject (structure BAPI6108AN)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)

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ActivateMultiple Reference
Key structures

InfoCube Create

Because one InfoObject can be dependent on one or more others it is sometimes

necessary to activate several InfoObjects simultaneously. The ActivateMultiple
method provides this functionality. This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
InfoObjects IDs of the InfoObject to be activated (structure BAPI6108IO)
Export parameters
InfoObjectsError List of InfoObjects that couldnt be activated
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)

The Business Object InfoCube encapsulates the logical properties of an InfoCube.

The central objects upon which reports and analyses in BW are based, are called
InfoCubes. An InfoCube describes (from a reporting point of view) a self-contained
dataset, for example, of a business-orientated area. From a reporting point of view,
a query always refers to an InfoCube. Technically an InfoCube is a collection of
relational tables, which is put together according to the star schema: A large fact
table in the center and several of the surrounding dimension tables. The methods of
this Business Object include the creation, change and activation of InfoCubes.

InfoCube Unique name of the InfoCube

Details InfoCube details as described by structures

BAPI6112, BAPI6112IO, BAPI6112DI,

The new reference structures in ABAP Dictionary for this Business Object are:
BAPI6112 Details of an InfoCube
BAPI6112IO InfoObjects of an InfoCube
BAPI6112DI Dimensions of an InfoCube
BAPI6112DIO InfoObjects of the Dimensions of an InfoCube
BAPI6112L List of InfoCubes
BAPI6112SL Selection criterias for InfoCubes

The Create method gives the possibility to create a new InfoCube. This method is
implemented in function module BAPI_CUBE_CREATE.

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Import parameters GetList

Details Properties of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112)
InfoObjects InfoObjects of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112IO)
Dimensions Change Activate
Dimensions of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112DI) GetDetail
DimensionInfoObjects InfoObjects of the Dimensions (structure BAPI6112DIO)
Export parameters
InfoCube ID of the InfoCube
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The Change method changes the actual metadata definition of an InfoCube. This
method is implemented in function module BAPI_CUBE_CHANGE.
Import parameters
InfoCube ID of the InfoCube
Details Properties of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112)
InfoObjects InfoObjects of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112IO)
Dimensions Dimensions of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112DI)
DimensionInfoObjects InfoObjects of the Dimensions (structure BAPI6112DIO)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The Activate method activates an InfoCube. Only consistent InfoCubes can be
activated. This is checked and if errors occur these are returned in the parameter
RETURN (as a table of messages). This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
InfoCube ID of the InfoCube
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)

The GetList method delivers InfoCubes according to the selection criteria (with
describing texts). This method is implemented in function module
BAPI_CUBE_GETLIST. The list of the InfoCubes is sorted by InfoCube names.
Import parameters
Objvers Version of the InfoCubes to be selected (A, M, D, %)
Cubetype Type of the InfoCubes to be selected (B, R, %)
SelInfoCube Selection criteria for the name of the InfoCube (structure
SelTextLong Selection criteria for the long text description of the InfoCube
(structure BAPI6100SL)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter
InfoCubeList Table of the InfoCubes (according to selection conditions) with long
text descriptions (structure BAPI6112L)
The GetDetail method delivers detailed information on the InfoCube. This method
is implemented in function module BAPI_CUBE_GETDETAIL.
Import parameters
InfoCube ID of the InfoCube
Objvers Version of the InfoCube (A, M, D)
Export parameters
Details Properties of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112)
InfoObjects InfoObjects of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112IO)
Dimensions Dimensions of the InfoCube (structure BAPI6112DI)
DimensionInfoObjects InfoObjects of the Dimensions (structure BAPI6112DIO)
Return Standard BAPI return parameter

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InfoObjectCatalog Key attributes Reference structures



The Business Object InfoObjectCatalog encapsulates the logical properties of an
InfoObjectCatalog. An InfoObjectCatalog is a grouping of InfoObjects according to
application-specific viewpoints. This enables easier handling of what can be a very
large number of InfoObjects in a given context. The methods of this Business
Object include the creation and change of an InfoObjectCatalog.

InfoObjCat Unique name of the InfoObjectCatalog

Details InfoObjectCatalog details as described by the

structure BAPI6113

The new reference structures in ABAP Dictionary for this Business Object are:
BAPI6113 Details of an InfoObjectCatalog
BAPI6113IO InfoObjects of an InfoObjectCatalog
BAPI6113L List of InfoObjectCatalogs
BAPI6113SL Selection criterias for InfoObjectCatalogs

The Create method gives the possibility to create a new InfoObjectCatalog. This
method is implemented in function module BAPI_IOBC_CREATE.
Import parameters
Details Properties of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6113)
InfoObjects InfoObjects of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6113IO)
Export parameters
InfoObjCat ID of the InfoObjectCatalog
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The Change method changes the actual definition of an InfoObjectCatalog. This
method is implemented in function module BAPI_IOBC_CHANGE.
Import parameters
InfoObjCat ID of the InfoObjectCatalog
Details Properties of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6113)
InfoObjects InfoObjects of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6113IO)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The GetList method delivers InfoObjectCatalogs according to the selection criteria
(with describing texts). This method is implemented in function module

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Import parameters Reference

Key structures
Objvers Version of the InfoObjectCatalogs to be selected (A, D, %)
IobjTp Type of the InfoObjectCatalogs to be selected (CHA, KYF, %)
SelInfoObjCat GetDetail InfoPackage
Selection criteria for the name of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure GetStatus
SelTextLong Selection criteria for the long text description of the
InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6100SL)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter
InfoObjCatList Table of the InfoObjectCatalogs (according to selection conditions)
with long text descriptions (structure BAPI6113L)
The GetDetail method delivers detailed information on the InfoObjectCatalog. This
method is implemented in function module BAPI_IOBC_GETDETAIL.
Import parameters
InfoObjCat ID of the InfoObjectCatalog
Objvers Version of the InfoObjectCatalog (A, D)
Export parameters
Details Properties of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6113)
InfoObjects InfoObjects of the InfoObjectCatalog (structure BAPI6113IO)
Return Standard BAPI return parameter
The Business Object InfoSourceRequest represents a data request for a specific BW
InfoSource. An instance is implicitly created when scheduling an InfoPackage. The
only method of this Business Object is at the moment GetStatus.

RequestID Unique ID of the request

The GetStatus method determines the actual status of an InfoSourceRequest. This

method is implemented in function module BAPI_ISREQUEST_GETSTATUS.
Import parameters
RequestID ID of the request
Export parameters
TechStatus Technical status of the request (G, Y, R)
TechInfo Information to the technical status (plain text)
QualStatus Manual set status of the request (G, Y, R, initial)
QualInfo Information to the manual set status (plain text)
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The Business Object InfoPackage encapsulates the logical properties of an
InfoPackage. An InfoPackage is the entry point for the loading process of a specific
InfoSource to a specific source system. The methods of this Business Object include
the creation and change of an InfoPackage and the start of a load process.

InfoPackage Unique name of the InfoPackage

Details InfoPackage details as described by the structure


The new reference structures in ABAP Dictionary for this Business Object are:
BAPI6109 Details of an InfoPackage
BAPI6109BTCH Scheduling parameters
BAPI6109DEST Destination of the data
BAPI6109DSSL Selection criterias for DataSource

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Methods Change


BAPI6109FILE Parameters for loading from flat file
BAPI6109HIE Parameters for loading of hierarchies
BAPI6109IC InfoCubes to be updated
BAPI6109L List of InfoPackages
BAPI6109SEL Selection parameters
BAPI6109TCP Third Party parameters

The Create method gives the possibility to create a new InfoPackage. This method
is implemented in function module BAPI_IPAK_CREATE.
Import parameters
Details Properties of the InfoPackage (structure BAPI6109)
SchedulingParams Scheduling parameters (structure BAPI6109BTCH)
Destinations Destination of the data (structure BAPI6109DEST)
FileParams Parameters for loading from flat file (structure BAPI6109FILE)
HieParams Parameters for loading hierarchies (structure BAPI6109HIE)
Selections Selection parameters (structure BAPI6109SEL)
InfoCubes InfoCubes to be updated (structure BAPI6109IC)
ThirdPartyParams Third Party parameters (structure BAPI6109TCP)
Export parameters
InfoPackage ID of the InfoPackage
Return Standard BAPI return parameter
The CreateFromReference method gives the possibility to create a new
InfoPackage on basis of an already existing one. This method is implemented in
function module BAPI_IPAK_CREATE_FROM_REF.
Import parameters
InfoPackageRef ID of the referenced InfoPackage
Text Description of the InfoPackage
Export parameters
InfoPackage ID of the created InfoPackage
Return Standard BAPI return parameter

The Change method changes the actual definition of an InfoPackage. This method
is implemented in function module BAPI_IPAK_CHANGE.
Import parameters
InfoPackage ID of the InfoPackage
Details Properties of the InfoPackage (structure BAPI6109)
SchedulingParams Scheduling parameters (structure BAPI6109BTCH)
Destinations Destination of the data (structure BAPI6109DEST)
FileParams Parameters for loading from flat file (structure BAPI6109FILE)
HieParams Parameters for loading hierarchies (structure BAPI6109HIE)
Selections Selection parameters (structure BAPI6109SEL)
InfoCubes InfoCubes to be updated (structure BAPI6109IC)
ThirdPartyParams Third Party parameters (structure BAPI6109TCP)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter

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GetList ABAP Dictionary

GetDetail CancelSchedule
The GetList method delivers a list of InfoPackages according to the selection
criteria (with describing texts). This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
JobStatus Status of the scheduled job
SelInfoSource Selection criteria for the InfoSources (structure BAPI6102SL)
SelDataSource Selection criteria for the DataSources (structure BAPI6109DSSL)
SelSourceSystem Selection criteria for the SourceSystems (structure BAPI6101SL)
SelTextLong Selection criteria for the long text description of the InfoPackages
(structure BAPI6100SL)
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter
InfoPackageList Table of the InfoPackages (according to selection conditions) with
long text descriptions (structure BAPI6109L)
The GetDetail method delivers detailed information for an InfoPackage. This
method is implemented in function module BAPI_IPAK_GETDETAIL.
Import parameters
InfoPackage ID of the InfoPackage
Export parameters
Details Properties of the InfoPackage (structure BAPI6109)
SchedulingParams Scheduling parameters (structure BAPI6109BTCH)
Destinations Destination of the data (structure BAPI6109DEST)
FileParams Parameters for loading from flat file (structure BAPI6109FILE)
HieParams Parameters for loading hierarchies (structure BAPI6109HIE)
Selections Selection parameters (structure BAPI6109SEL)
InfoCubes InfoCubes to be updated (structure BAPI6109IC)
ThirdPartyParams Third Party parameters (structure BAPI6109TCP)
Return Standard BAPI return parameter
The Schedule method gives the possibility to schedule an InfoPackage with the
previously defined parameters. This method is implemented in function module
Import parameters
InfoPackage ID of the InfoPackage
Export parameters
RequestID ID of the generated request
Return Standard BAPI return parameter (here as a table)
The CancelSchedule method gives the possibility to abort an already scheduled
loading process that is not yet started. This method is implemented in function
Import parameters
InfoPackage ID of the InfoPackage
Export parameters
Return Standard BAPI return parameter

This section contains a technical description of the ABAP Dictionary structures and
their components used for the new business objects and their methods. For more
details on single data fields, especially with respect to possible values, we refer to
the ABAP dictionary on your SAP Business Information Warehouse system.

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The dictionary structure BAPI6107DR is used for data request details.

Field name Type Length Description
REQUEST CHAR 30 Request number
INFOSOURCE CHAR 30 Name of the InfoSource
SOURCESYSTEM CHAR 10 Name of the source system
REQUESTTYPE CHAR 1 Type of requested data
REQUESTUSER CHAR 12 User name of the requesting user
UPDATEMODE CHAR 2 Requested update mode
REQUESTSTATUS CHAR 1 Status of the request
REQUESTINFO CHAR 120 Plain text to the request status

The dictionary structure BAPI6108IO represents a list of InfoObjects.

Field name Type Length Description
INFOOBJECT CHAR 30 Name of the InfoObject
The dictionary structure BAPI6109 represents the details of an InfoPackage.
Field name Type Length Description
INFOPACKAGE CHAR 30 ID of the InfoPackage
INFOSOURCE CHAR 30 Name of the InfoSource
INFOSOURCETYPE CHAR 1 Type of the InfoSource 'I' for Transaction
Data, 'O' for others
LOGSYS CHAR 10 Name of the Source System
DATASOURCE CHAR 30 Name of the DataSource
DATASOURCETYPE CHAR 1 Type of the DataSource; 'D' for Transaction
Data, 'M' for Master Data, 'T' for Texts and
'H' for Hierarchies
UPMODE_READ Read only Mode of data upload
'F' for Full upload, 'D' for Delta upload, 'R'
for Repeat upload, 'C' for Initialisation of
the Delta upload.
HIERACT CHAR 1 Automatic activation of hierarchy
CHAVL_CHECK CHAR 1 Check for consistency
UPDATEMASTERDATA CHAR 1 '3' means Update only when all Masterdata
exists, '1' means update always which means
TEXT CHAR 60 Description of the InfoPackage
LOAD_STATUS CHAR 1 Scheduling status; 'R' for running, 'S' for
scheduled, 'F' for finished, 'A' for abend,
'P' for planned, all others are only short-time
status which should switch to one of the
mentioned status. If not you have a problem
with the R/3 Basis, Database or the
configuration of you batch-processing or no
authority to plan/schedule/start a batch job.

The dictionary structure BAPI6109BTCH represents the scheduling parameters of

an InfoPackage.
Field name Type Length Description
STARTDTTYP CHAR 1 Type of start date
SDLSTRTDT DATS 8 Scheduled execution date

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Scheduled execution time BAPI6109HIE
EVENTID CHAR 32 Event-ID to start the package
EVENTPARM CHAR 64 Event-Parameter to start the package
PERIODIC CHAR 1 'X' for periodic job
CANCELPERIOD CHAR 10 Cancel the periodic job after 'XXX' runs
'0' or initial means no cancelation
EVENT_ID_OK CHAR 32 Event which will be raised by the package
after the load was OK (green light)
EVENT_PM_OK CHAR 64 Parameter of the Event after the load was
OK (green light)
EVENT_ID_ER CHAR 32 Event which will be raised by the package
after the load was not OK (red light)
EVENT_PM_ER CHAR 64 Parameter of the Event after the load was
not OK (red light)
FUNCTION_CALL CHAR 1 'X' means start the function module
after the load is finished (red or green)
EXIT_CALL CHAR 1 'X' means start the Business-Add-In after the
load is finished (red or green)

In the dictionary structure BAPI6109DEST it is possible to specify the destination

of the data.
Field name Type Length Description
ONLYENTRANCE CHAR 1 Only to PSA or ALE entrance
ONLYCUBETAB CHAR 1 Only to InfoCube or table
PARALLEL CHAR 1 Processing in parallel (datapackage will be
processed in 2 parallel processes; One
process writes to the PSA, the other to the
cube for each datapackage of the request).
CUBEAFTERODS CHAR 1 To Cubes after PSA is completed and green
(for all datapackages of the request)

In the dictionary structure BAPI6109FILE it is possible to specify the parameters

for a load from a flat file.
Field name Type Length Description
LOCATION CHAR 1 Location of the file (client workstation or
application server
'0' means data from the appl.server
'1' means data from the client workstation
FILENAME CHAR 128 Name of the file
FILETYPE CHAR 1 Type of the file (ASCII, CSV)
'1' means Ascii-File
'2' means Excel-CSV-Typ
FILESEP RAW 1 Separator for CSV files
ESC RAW 1 Escape sign
CHAR1000 CHAR 1 Thousand separator
DECICHAR CHAR 1 Character for decimal point
CURRCONV CHAR 1 Currency conversion from external to
internal format

In the dictionary structure BAPI6109HIE it is possible to specify the hierarchy to be

Field name Type Length Description
HIENM CHAR 30 Name of the hierarchy
HIEVERS CHAR 3 Version of the hierarchy
HIEDATETO DATS 8 Valid until

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Valid from BAPI6112
HIECLASS CHAR 4 Hierarchy class
NEW_HIENAME_ON CHAR 1 New hierarchy name wanted?
NEW_HIENM CHAR 30 New name of the hierarchy BAPI6109TCP

In the dictionary structure BAPI6109IC it is possible to specify the InfoCubes that

should be updated during the load process.
Field name Type Length Description
INFOCUBE CHAR 30 Name of the InfoCube
LOADCUBE CHAR 1 InfoCube should be updated
DELETEALLBEFORE CHAR 1 Delete the whole cube content before
loading data to the cube

In the dictionary structure BAPI6109SEL it is possible to specify selection

parameters for the load process.
Field name Type Length Description
FIELDNAME CHAR 30 Field name
IOBJNM CHAR 30 InfoObject name
SIGN CHAR 1 Selection operator (see ranges tables)
(only 'I' useful)
OPT CHAR 2 Selection operator (see ranges tables)
(only 'EQ' or 'BT' useful)
LOW CHAR 45 Lower bound
HIGH CHAR 45 Upper bound
The dictionary structure BAPI6109TCP represents the parameters needed for the
access to the 3rd party system.
Field name Type Length Description
RFCFIELDNM CHAR 30 Name of the field to be filled
RFCVALUE CHAR 128 Value of the field
RFCUSER CHAR 32 User to logon to the 3rd party system
PASSWORD CHAR 8 Password to logon to the 3rd party system

The dictionary structure BAPI6112 represents the details of an InfoCube.

Field name Type Length Description
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Objectversion
TEXTLONG CHAR 60 Long text
OBJSTAT CHAR 3 Objectstatus
CONTREL CHAR 6 Content release
CONTTIMESTMP DEC 15 Content timestamp
ACTIVFL CHAR 1 Active and modified version identical
BWAPPL CHAR 10 BW application (namespace)
NCUMTIM CHAR 30 Ref. time char. for non cumulatives
CUBETYPE CHAR 1 InfoCube type
BASICCUBE CHAR 30 Basic InfoCube for the aggregate
SLOGSYS CHAR 10 Source system
PARTTIM CHAR 30 Partitioning time characteristic
PARTVL_FROM CHAR 10 Lower limit (partitioning value)
PARTVL_TO CHAR 10 Upper limit (partitioning value)
PARTMAXCNT INT4 10 Maximum number of partitions
DIMESIZCAT CHAR 2 BW: Size category for dimension tables

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BAPI6112IOCHAR 5 BW: Data class for dimension tables BAPI6112DIO
CUBESIZCAT CHAR 2 BW: Size category for InfoCube (fact)
CUBEDATCLS CHAR 5 BW: Data class for InfoCube (fact)tables
BWSTATISTICS CHAR 1 Flag for BW statistics
BWSTATWHM CHAR 1 Flag for BW WHM statistics
AUTOQUALOKFL CHAR 1 Flag: Technical ok implies ok quality of the
AUTOROLLUPFL CHAR 1 Flag: Automatically roll up after the quality
AUTOCOMPRFL CHAR 1 Flag: Automatically compress after the roll-
CLEAR_INDEX CHAR 1 Internal use
DELTA_INDEX CHAR 1 Internal use
REBUILD_STAT CHAR 1 Internal use
DELTA_STAT CHAR 1 Internal use
PERCENTAGE NUMC 3 Internal use
NULLCOMP CHAR 1 Zero elimination in the summarization
READMODE CHAR 1 Read mode (read everything)
TSTPNM CHAR 12 Last changed by
TIMESTMP DEC 15 UTC time stamp in short form
The dictionary structure BAPI6112IO represents the list of InfoObjects of an
Field name Type Length Description
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Object version
POSIT NUMC 4 Position of the field in the structure / table
INFOOBJECT CHAR 30 Name of the InfoObject
IOBJTP CHAR 3 Type of an InfoObject
ATRNAVFL CHAR 1 The InfoObject is a navigation attribute
The dictionary structure BAPI6112DI represents the dimensions of an InfoCube.
Field name Type Length Description
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Object version
DIMENSION CHAR 30 Dimensionname
TEXTLONG CHAR 60 Long description
IOBJTP CHAR 3 Type of an InfoObject
LINITFL CHAR 1 Flag: Line item dimension

The dictionary structure BAPI6112DIO represents the InfoObjects of a dimension of

an InfoCube.
Field name Type Length Description
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Object version
DIMENSION CHAR 30 Dimensionname
POSIT NUMC 4 Position of the field in the structure / table
INFOOBJECT CHAR 30 Name of the InfoObject
ATRNAVFL CHAR 1 The InfoObject is a navigation attribute
The dictionary structure BAPI6112L is used to provide a list of InfoCubes.
Field name Type Length Description
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Object version
TEXTLONG CHAR 60 Long description
OBJSTAT CHAR 3 Objectstatus

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ACTIVFL BAPI6112SLCHAR 1 Active and modified version identical

CUBETYPE CHAR 1 InfoCube type
The dictionary structure BAPI6112SL is used for the specification of selection
criteria for InfoCubes.
Field name Type Length Description
SIGN CHAR 1 Selection operator (see ranges tables)
OPTION CHAR 2 Selection operator (see ranges tables)
INFOCUBELOW CHAR 30 InfoCube (lower bound)
INFOCUBEHIGH CHAR 30 InfoCube (upper bound)
The dictionary structure BAPI6113 represents the details of an InfoObjectCatalog.
Field name Type Length Description
INFOOBJCAT CHAR 30 InfoObjectCatalog
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Objectversion
TEXTLONG CHAR 60 Long description
OBJSTAT CHAR 3 Objectstatus
CONTREL CHAR 6 Content release
CONTTIMESTMP DEC 15 Content timestamp
BWAPPL CHAR 10 BW application (namespace)
IOBJTP CHAR 3 Type of an InfoObject
TSTPNM CHAR 12 Last changed by
TIMESTMP DEC 15 UTC time stamp in short form
The dictionary structure BAPI6113IO represents the list of InfoObjects of an
Field name Type Length Description
INFOOBJCAT CHAR 30 InfoObjectCatalog
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Object version
INFOOBJECT CHAR 30 Name of the InfoObject
The dictionary structure BAPI6113L is used to provide a list of InfoObjectCatalogs.
Field name Type Length Description
OBJVERS CHAR 1 Object version
TEXTLONG CHAR 60 Long description
OBJSTAT CHAR 3 Object status
IOBJTP CHAR 3 Type of an InfoObject
The dictionary structure BAPI6113SL is used for the specification of selection
criteria for InfoObjectCatalogs.
Field name Type Length Description
SIGN CHAR 1 Selection operator (see ranges tables)
OPTION CHAR 2 Selection operator (see ranges tables)
INFOOBJCATLOW CHAR 30 InfoObjectCatalog (lower bound)
INFOOBJCATHIGH CHAR 30 InfoObjectCatalog (upper bound)

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