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Republic of the Philippines


Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus II
Batangas City

College of Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts &Computing Sciences

Electronics Engineering, Instrumentation & Control Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering


ECE 415
Midterm Examinations
General Directions: Provide what is asked. Write your answers on the separate sheet provided.

1. ____________ any physical quantity that varies with time, space or any other independent variable
or variables. It is a function of one or more independent variables.
2. ____________ a physical device that performs an operation on a signal. It is characterized by the
type of operation that it performs on the signal. If the operation is linear, the system is called linear.
If the operation is nonlinear, the system is said to be nonlinear.
3. ____________ is functions of a continuous variable, such as time of space, and usually takes on
values in a continuous range. This signal may be processed directly by appropriate analog systems
(such as filters or frequency analyzers) or frequency multipliers for changing their characteristics or
extracting information.
4. ____________ is a physical signal that is a representation of a sequence of discrete values (a
quantified discrete-time signal), for example of an arbitrary bit stream, or of a digitized (sampled
and analog-to-digital converted) analog signal.
5. ____________ = continuous-time + continuous amplitude
6. ____________ = discrete-time + discrete amplitude

Advantage of Digital over Analog Signal Processing

7. __________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________________
11. __________________________________________________________________________
12. ____________is generally defined as any physical device or apparatus that performs operation on
an analog signal and produces a response or output also in analog form.
13. ____________ signals are generated by multiple sources or multiple sensors. Such signals can be
represented in vector form.
14. ____________ are defined for every value of time and they take on values in the continuous
interval (a, b), where a can be - and b can be (e.g. Speech waveform).
15. ____________ are defined only at certain specific values of time. It can be represented
mathematically by a sequence of real or complex numbers.
16. ____________ takes on all possible values on a finite or infinite range.
17. ____________ takes on values from a finite set of possible values.
18. ____________ a discrete time signal having a set of discrete values.
19. ____________ is a mathematical description for the signal itself.
20. ____________ is any signal that can be uniquely described by an explicit mathematical expression,
a table of data, or a well-defined rule. Past, present and future values of the signal are known
precisely without any uncertainty.
21. ____________ aresignals that either cannot be described to any reasonable degree of accuracy by
explicit mathematical formulas (e.g. speech signal).
22. ____________ are sets of periodic complex exponentials with fundamental frequencies that are
multiples of a single positive frequency.
23. ____________conversion of a continuous-time signal into discrete-time signal by taking samples
of the continuous-time signal at discrete-time instant.
24. ____________ conversion of a discrete-time continuous-valued signal into a discrete-time, discrete-
valued (digital) signal.
25. ____________ each discrete value xq (n) is represented by a b-bit binary sequence.

Problem 1: Consider the analog signal

() = 3 cos 100

26. Determine the minimum sampling rate required to avoid aliasing.

27. Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate Fs = 200 Hz. What is the discrete-time signal obtained
after sampling?
28. Suppose that the signal is sampled at the rate Fs = 75 Hz. What is the discrete-time signal obtained
after sampling?
29. What is the frequency 0 <F< Fs /2 of a sinusoid that yields samples identical to those obtained in
part (c)?
30. ____________ is the Nyquist rate.
31. ____________ error introduced in representing the continuous-valued signal by a finite set of
discrete value levels.
32. ____________ the values allowed in digital signal
33. ____________ distance between two successive quantization level
34. ____________ denoted as (). It is a signal that is zero everywhere, except at n=0 where its value
is unity.
35. ____________ denoted by (). For each sample, it has amplitude of 1 for all values of n greater
than or equal to zero.
36. ____________ denoted as ()

() = {
0 < 0

37. ____________ a sequence of the form

() =

38. ____________is the area under the waveform.
39. ifE is finite then () is called ____________ .

Problem 2: Generate and plot each of the following sequences over the indicated interval.

40. () = 2( + 2) ( 4), 5 5.
41. () = [() ( 10)] + 100.3(10) [( 10) ( 20)], 0 20.
42. () = {. . . , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, . . . }; 10 9.
43. ____________ is a device or algorithm that operates on discrete-time signal, input or excitation, to
produce another discrete-time signal, output or response of the system.

Problem 3: Determine the response of the following systems to the input signal

|| , 3 3
() = {
0 ,

44. y(n) = x(n)

45. y(n) = x(n-1)
46. y(n) = x(n+1)

Problem 4: The accumulator below is excited by the sequence x(n) =nu(n).

() () = () + ( 1) + ( 2)

Determine its output under the condition:

47. It is initially relaxed[i.e., y(-1) =0]

48. Initially, y(-1)=1

49. Adder performs the addition of signal sequences to form another sequence y(n)
Symbol: ____________
50. Constant multiplier simply represents applying a scale factor of the input x(n)
Symbol: ____________
51. Signal multiplier multiplies two signal to form another sequence, y(n)
Symbol: ____________
52. Unit delay element simply delays the signal passing through it by one sample
Symbol: ____________
53. Unit advance element moves the input ahead by one sample in to the field
Symbol: ____________
54. ____________ if systems output at any instant n depends at most on the input sample at the same
time, but not on past or future samples of the input.
55. ____________ if systems input-output charcteristics do no change with time.

Identify if time invariant or not, Linear or not, causal or not, stable or not,

56. y(n) = Ax(n)

57. y(n) = nx(n)
58. y(n) = () + 2 ( 2)
59. y(n) = x(-n)
60. y(n) = x(n+1)

61. ____________ system is one that satisfies the supersposition principle which requires that the
response of the system to weighted sum of signals be equal to the corresponding weighted sum of
the responses of the system to each of the individual input signals.
62. ____________ if the output of the system at any time depends only on present and past inputs,
but does not depend on future inputs.

Properties of Convolution and the Interconnection of LTI systems

63. ____________ () () = () ()
64. ____________[() 1 ()] 2 () = () [1 () 2 ()]

65. ____________ () [1 () + 2 ()] = [() 1 ()] + [() 2 ()]

Problem 5: Given the following two sequences

() = [3, 11, 7, 0 , 1, 4, 2], 3 3;

() = [2, 3, 0, 5, 2, 1], 1 4

66. determine the convolution () = () ().

Nature of the DTFS

67. ____________

68. ____________

69. ____________

70. ____________

71. ____________

72. ____________
73. Problem 6: Determine the Fourier Series coefficients and power density spectrum of the
periodic signal shown below:

74. Problem 7: Find the DTFT of

() = {

75. Problem 8: Determine the discrete-time Fourier transform of () = (0.5) ().

Problem 9: Determine the z-transforms of the following finite-duration signals.

76. 1 () = {1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 1}
77. 2 () = {1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 1}
78. 3 () = {0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 1}
79. 4 () = ()
80. Problem 10: Determine the z-transform of the signal

, 0
() = () = {
0, <0

81. Problem 11: Determine the z-transform of the signal

0, 0
() = ( 1) = {
, 1

82. Problem 12: Determine the z-transform of the signal

() = () + ( 1)

83. Problem 13: Determine the z-transform and ROC of the signal x(n)=[3(2n) 4(3n)]u(n)

84. Problem 14: Determine the z transform of the signal () = 2 ( 3 )()
85. Problem 15: Determine the z transform of the signal () = ()
86. Problem 16: Determine the z-transform of the signal () = ()
87. Problem 17 Compute the convolution of () of the signals

1 () = {1 2 1}

2 () = 1 0 5 0

88. Problem 18: Determine the pole-zero plot for the signal

() = (), >0

89. Problem 19: Determine the z transform and the signal that corresponds to the pole-zero plot of,

90. Problem 20: Determine the inverse z-transform of () = log(1 + 1 )|| > ||
91. Problem 21: Determine the inverse z-transform of () = 11.15 1 + 0.5 2 if
(a) ROC: || > 1
(b) ROC: || < 0.5
(c) ROC: 0.5 < || < 1

92. Problem 22: Determine the system function and the unit sample response of the system described
by the difference equation
() = ( 1) + 2()
93. Problem 23: Determine a closed-form expression for the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence.
94. Problem 24:Determine the step response of the causal system described by the difference equation

() = ( 1) + ()

Engr. Anton Louise de Ocampo Engr. Divina Gracia Ronquillo

Instructor ECE,MEXE,ICE Program Chair

Approved by:

Dr. Elisa D. Gutierrez



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