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iTabletop Community Wiki 1

Summary for the Overly Eager GM ....................................................................................................... 5

Create your game.............................................................................................................................. 5
Create your tokens ............................................................................................................................ 6
Launch your game and set up your webcam and microphone ........................................................ 6
Set up your maps and tokens............................................................................................................ 7
Invite the players in........................................................................................................................... 8
Summary for the Overly Eager Player ................................................................................................... 8
Creating a Game or World .................................................................................................................... 9
Creating a Token ................................................................................................................................. 11
General ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Sharing ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Test.................................................................................................................................................. 13
Using Tokens ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Placing tokens ................................................................................................................................. 14
Manipulating tokens ....................................................................................................................... 14
Manipulating Tokens........................................................................................................................... 15
Token Dice Cups .................................................................................................................................. 17
Using the Dice Roller ........................................................................................................................... 17
Creating Dice Cups .............................................................................................................................. 18
Left Panel ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Middle Panel ................................................................................................................................... 19
Right Panel ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Using the Fog of War .......................................................................................................................... 20
Known Issues................................................................................................................................... 21
Using a Grid ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Known Issues................................................................................................................................... 22
Using PDF Documents ......................................................................................................................... 22
Using PDF documents added to a game or world .......................................................................... 22
Using PDF documents attached to a token..................................................................................... 22
Assigning Media to Tokens ................................................................................................................. 23
Adding media files to your game .................................................................................................... 23
iTabletop Community Wiki 2

Images ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Sounds ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Videos.............................................................................................................................................. 24
PDFs................................................................................................................................................. 24
Updating the settings for a media file assigned to your game ....................................................... 24
Removing media files from your game ........................................................................................... 25
Known Issues................................................................................................................................... 25
What is a good size for tokens? .......................................................................................................... 25
Using the Game Design screen ........................................................................................................... 25
First button - default: My Games .................................................................................................... 26
Second button - default: Games & Worlds ..................................................................................... 26
Third button - default: All Game Systems ....................................................................................... 26
Reset button ................................................................................................................................... 26
Tag List ............................................................................................................................................ 27
Result Games .................................................................................................................................. 27
Show................................................................................................................................................ 27
Game Preview ................................................................................................................................. 27
Launch!............................................................................................................................................ 27
New! ................................................................................................................................................ 27
Edit .................................................................................................................................................. 28
Duplicate ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Delete .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Theme ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Using the Laboratory screen ............................................................................................................... 28
First button - default: My Tokens ................................................................................................... 29
Second button - default: All Token Types ....................................................................................... 29
Third button - default: All Genders ................................................................................................. 29
Reset button ................................................................................................................................... 29
Theme ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Tag List ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Result Tokens .................................................................................................................................. 30
iTabletop Community Wiki 3

Search.............................................................................................................................................. 30
Assign Tokens to Games ................................................................................................................. 30
Using the Library screen ..................................................................................................................... 31
The Library ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Assign Media from Game Design .................................................................................................... 31
Assign Media from the Laboratory (Token Design) ........................................................................ 31
Assign Media using the Theme Buttons.......................................................................................... 32
The Library Functions ...................................................................................................................... 32
First button - default: My Files........................................................................................................ 32
Second button - default: All Files .................................................................................................... 32
Third button - default: All Game Systems ....................................................................................... 32
Reset button ................................................................................................................................... 32
Tag List ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Result Files ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Show................................................................................................................................................ 33
The Edit/Preview Panel ................................................................................................................... 33
Upload ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Remove ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Theme ............................................................................................................................................. 34
Name ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Media Type ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Rule System ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Search Tags ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Configure Sharing............................................................................................................................ 35
Save Changes .................................................................................................................................. 35
Assigning Media to Games and Worlds .............................................................................................. 36
Adding media files to your game .................................................................................................... 36
Images ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Sounds ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Videos.............................................................................................................................................. 37
PDFs................................................................................................................................................. 37
iTabletop Community Wiki 4

Updating the settings for a media file assigned to your game ....................................................... 38
Removing media files from your game ........................................................................................... 38
Known Issues................................................................................................................................... 38
Create template tokens for your game............................................................................................... 38
Create a GM token for your game ...................................................................................................... 39
Add an About screen to your game .................................................................................................... 39
Adding a PDF that can only be viewed by the GM .............................................................................. 39
Tag your media with the name of your game..................................................................................... 39
Put all your handouts on one token ................................................................................................... 40
Adding sound to token state changes................................................................................................. 40
Note ................................................................................................................................................ 40
iTabletop Community Wiki 5

Summary for the Overly Eager GM

It's assumed that you've registered with the iTabletop website and bought a GM's license. If you
haven't also purchased sufficient floating licenses, check that all your players have their own

Create your game

Create a Group for your games in the iTabletop website. You can skip this step and assign
players directly to your games, but it's generally quicker - and more sociable - to set up a Group.

Launch iTabletop from the big button on the iTabletop Home Page.

Create a Game by clicking on Go > Game/World Design, then New!

Give your game a Name and add at least one Search Tag. This is the minimum you need; for
more details see Using the Game Design screen.

Click on Assign Rooms, Maps, Sounds, Videos and PDFs.

Click on Upload, and add any media files you need for your game, such as map and token
images, sounds and PDF character sheets. When they've loaded give each file some useful search
tags and set the properties appropriately. Click on the Save Changes button just below the
Configure Sharing panel to store the details you've set against the assets.

You don't need to set anything in the Configure Sharing panel in order to set up and play your
own game. That's there so that you can help build the community later by sharing non-copyright
media with everyone else.

You're still in the Game Design area here, so select each file you're going to use in turn and add
it the the game using the panel at the bottom of the screen. Note that:

Every game needs a Splash Image and a Main Lobby.

Images used as Rooms are stretched horizontally to fill the screen, while those used as
Maps can be zoomed, moved and can use grids and the Fog of War.
PDFs assigned to the game here can be viewed and copied by the players, so please do
not include any copyright material.

For more details see Assigning Media to Games and Worlds. When you've finished click on the
Save Changes button in the bottom right hand corner to return to the Game Design properties
iTabletop Community Wiki 6

Click on Save & Test! to return to the main Game Design screen. You should now see an entry
for your game, and the preview should show a splash image. (If you didn't set a splash image it
will a default one provided by UOM.)

Create your tokens

If you need tokens in your game, either to use as miniatures or to act as images for handouts,
click on Go > Laboratory.

Create a new token by clicking on the green words Create New Token! above the middle panel
(Result Tokens). Give your token a Name and some search tags. This is the minimum you need.
For more details see Creating a Token. Click on Save and your new token will appear in the
Result list. (If it doesn't, press the Reset button to remove any filters.)

Now click on the words Assign Media at the bottom edge of the token. This will open up an
asset management screen similar to the one you used when setting up the game. You may have
already loaded the images you want to use for your tokens, but if not upload them now.

Select the image you want for your token in the Result Files list then click on the option
Primary in the left hand section of the bottom panel. Click Assign and the image will be set as
the Main_Token state. Click on Save Changes in the bottom right corner to return to the

The last step is to add your tokens to your game. Click on the button marked Assign Tokens to
Games at the top of the third panel in the Laboratory. Select your game from the list that drops
down, then select each of your tokens in turn and click the Add {Token Name} words at the
bottom of the screen.

Launch your game and set up your webcam and microphone

Now you're ready to launch your game.

Click on Go > Find Games/Worlds and select the Games option. Flick through the Navigator
until you find your game, then double-click on the splash image. (An alternative way to launch
your game is Go > Game Design, select your game and then click Launch!)

The game will open and you will find yourself in the Main Lobby.

The video Self Viewer window should be visible. If not click View > Self Viewer.

Set up your webcam and audio by clicking on Allow in the video Self Viewer. Click the third
icon on the right of the Self Viewer and check the Remember box to preserve your settings for
next time. The green webcam and mic icons allow you to pick the correct hardware, if necessary.
Click the red webcam and mic icons to start sending video and audio.
iTabletop Community Wiki 7

Set up your maps and tokens

You navigate between rooms by pressing the central button in the top toolbar that initially says
Main Lobby. This will drop down a list of all the rooms and maps in your game. The icons are
overlaid with a padlock if the room/map is only visible to the GM, or by a small face icon if
visible only to selected people. By default, all Rooms will be open to everyone and all Maps will
be locked.

You can change the visibility by navigating to that room or map and selecting View > Room
Permissions. For Players, the drop-down list will only include those rooms to which they have

If you've loaded any sounds you can set the volume and frequency of appearance by choosing
View > Room SoundCanvas while in the relevant room or map. Note that music set to play in
the Main Lobby will continue in every other room or map where you don't either set a different
track to play or set the Music volume to zero.

Play with the icons that appear on the left for maps to set the Fog of War and any required grid.
Click on View > Place Tokens to put any tokens on the map.

Click on any token to select it, then on the little arrow in the top right to open up its action menu.
This is where you can access any additional media you loaded onto the token, but also note the
Dice Cups, Character Journal and Token Control.

The Dice Cups window allows you to set up a list of dice macros for this particular token. It's
currently better to use token Dice Cups than the main roller (accessed from View > Dice Roller)
since you can save a list of cups against a token.

The Character Journal is a place to record chapters of specific information for the token. You can
use this, for example, to hold a character sheet or a history. If you left the token with its default
properties the journal will be common to all instances of the token that you place. If you changed
the type of the token to Character Template when you were setting it up then each new instance
of the token would have its own journal.

There is also an option to hand control of any token over to one of the players. You can use this
to set up pregenerated characters with attached PDF sheets and dice cups, if you don't want your
players to create their own tokens.

Any PDF documents that you assigned to the game are available for you and your players from
View > PDF documents. Any PDF documents that you assigned to tokens are available from
the relevant token action menu, and only for the owner of that token.
iTabletop Community Wiki 8

Invite the players in

When you're ready for your game to start click Go > Game Design, then select your game and
click Edit. Put a checkmark against your Group in Groups Invited. This will make your game
show up in the Game Finder for anyone in your Group to join.

Open the chat text area by clicking Go > Message Log. This is useful for communicating while
your players sort out their audio settings, and is where the dice rolls appear.

Now relaunch your game from the Game Finder or Game Design screen and settle down with
your favourite brew for some fun!

Summary for the Overly Eager Player

Register with the iTabletop website.

Join your GM's Group on the website, if advised to do so by your GM (this may be required for
access to the game).

Launch iTabletop from the big button on the iTabletop Home Page.

If the game uses tokens you may need to create a player token (check with your GM). See
the Quick Guide to Creating a Token, or Creating a Token for the full details. Don't forget to
Add the token to the game. When you've finished click on Go > Find Games/Worlds to get
back to the Game Finder.

Alternatively, your GM may have prepared a token for you and control will be passed to you
when you join the game.

Click on the Games option.

Flick through the Navigator until you find your GM's game.

Double-click on the splash image for the game.

The game will open and you will find yourself in the Main Lobby.

The video Self Viewer window should be visible. If not click View > Self Viewer.

Set up your webcam and audio by clicking on Allow in the video Self Viewer. Click the third
icon on the right of the Self Viewer and check the Remember box to preserve your settings for
next time. The green webcam and mic icons allow you to pick the correct hardware, if necessary.
Click the red webcam and mic icons to start sending video and audio.
iTabletop Community Wiki 9

Open the chat text area by clicking View > Message Log. This is useful for communicating
while everyone sorts out their audio settings, and is where the dice rolls appear.

You can switch to any other rooms or maps that the GM has made available by clicking on the
middle button on the top toolbar, the one that initially says Main Lobby. The GM may make
other rooms and maps available to you during the game.

Creating a Game or World

For the difference between games and worlds, see What's the difference between a World and a

To create a new game or world click on Go > Game/World Design to open the Game Design

If you want to know more about this screen see Using the Game Design screen.

If you're eager to get started simply click on the New! button on the Game Preview toolbar in the
upper right.

When you click on New! you are taken deeper into Game Design, and shown a page where you
can set the properties for the game you are creating. This is also labelled Game Design, but for
the purpose of this wiki I'll call it the Game Properties screen.

The minimum you need to enter here is a Name for your game or world, and at least one Search
Tag to help you find it later. A good choice for a search tag would be the genre for your game,
such as "fantasy", or the purpose of your world, such as "chillout", "board game" or "place".

The other properties are as follows:

Type: Select between a Game or a World.

Game: If your game or world relates to a specific system, set it here. This will help you narrow
your game selection down, but is of particular use if you plan to share your game with the
community later on.

At the moment the only other effect that this setting has is to make a field appear for certain
game systems that allows you to specify the "level" or "points" for the game. The exact label and
number of fields varies according to the game system.

Server Region: This is how you specify whether your live audio/video chat streams are going
through servers in the United States (east coast) or in the European Union (Ireland.) If most
of your players are in the US, choose US. If most of your players are in the EU, choose EU. A
third choice, servers in the Asia Pacific region, is likely to come on stream in due course.
iTabletop Community Wiki 10

Note: Regardless of what you choose for the streaming Server Region above, your game
materials (images, sounds, PDFs, videos, etc.) are always cached in a large city near you, no
matter what region of the world you are in. This is because we use Amazon CloudFront - and it
means your games load faster.

Guests See People In: By default the people joining your game will see the other people
regardless of where in the game they are. If you set this to "Their Room", then people will only
see each other if they are in the same room in your game. This is appropriate for worlds that
represent specific places, and games where you want the immersive feel of disparate characters
at specific locations. Everyone can always communicate via the chat text however, and this
setting can be changed by the host during a session from within the game (using View > Game

Video Quality: Choose a lower quality to improve performance. This is set to medium by
default. Experiment to see what works best for your group.

Game Status: This is the subject of discussion on the forum. At present this button locks
everyone, including the games creator, out of the game. The game will disappear from the
players Game Finder screen, but will still appear in the creator's Finder and Design list.
However, if the creator tries to access the game a message will pop up saying that the game is
closed. The forum discussion proposes that the creator should always be allowed into the game
regardless of whether it is closed, particularly as some actions such as setting Fog of War need to
be taken in the game before the players are allowed in.

For now, set the status to Open, and control access to the game using the Invite features, covered

Description: Enter a short passage of text here describing your game or world. This is displayed
in the Game Finder.

(There's a bug at the moment where the descriptive text from the previous game you were editing
appears in the new game. I'm sure that will be fixed soon, but for now just delete that and enter
your own description.)

Assign Media: This button takes you to an asset management screen where you add the content
to your game. See Assigning Media to Games and Worlds.

Configure Sharing, Invite Groups and Invite People

If you share the game with other Groups then the members of those Groups will be able to make
a copy for themselves, but they won't be able to enter your game.

If you invite other Groups to your game then the members won't have access to make a copy but
will be able to get in and play. This is what you want when running a role-playing adventure, as
iTabletop Community Wiki 11

if you share the game your players could open it up and view all your secrets... not that they
would of course...

You can also invite specific people, giving them particular rights, e.g. as a GM.

For further details see What's the difference between sharing and inviting?.

When you are happy with the changes you have made be sure to click on Save & Test!

If you click Cancel all your changes will be lost.

Creating a Token

To create a new token click on Go > Laboratory to open the Laboratory screen.

If you want to know more about this screen see Using the Laboratory screen.

If you're eager to get started simply click on the green Create New Token! link at the top right
of the Result Tokens panel. If you're in a real hurry, see the Quick Guide to Creating a Token.

The token editing window pops up. This is divided into three sections, General, Sharing and
Test, and has Save and Cancel buttons on the right.


Click on the General bar to open the General panel if it's not already open.

This is where you set the metadata that will help you find the token later.

The minimum you need to enter is a Name and one of Race, Class, Profession or Search Tags
to help you find the token later.

Type determines the way instances of this token behave when placed on a map. "Named" tokens
represent unique individuals or items while "Template" tokens represent people, creatures or
items that you'd typically place in quantity without naming each one. For more details see
Understanding Token Types.

Game lets you pick the game system for your token. If your system isn't in the list you can leave
this unspecified for now, but you can raise a feature request to have the system added in due

This field has two effects: it helps you find the tokens by game system later on, and for certain
game systems it adds an additional field which allows you to specify the "level" or "points" for
iTabletop Community Wiki 12

the token. The exact label is dependent on the system chosen, and also varies in some case based
on whether the token is for a character or a creature.

Race lets you label the token with a particular race. Whatever you enter here gets included in the
Tag list. So, if you set the Race of a token to Orc, for example, you don't need to also add 'orc' as
a separate tag.

Class lets you label the token with a particular character class. Whatever you enter here gets
included in the Tag list. So, if you set the Class of a token to Cleric, for example, you don't need
to also add 'cleric' as a separate tag.

Gender lets you choose the gender for the token. You can leave this as "Not Applicable" if

Profession lets you label the token with a particular profession. Whatever you enter here gets
included in the Tag list. So, if you set the Profession of a token to Archaeologist, for example,
you don't need to also add 'archaeologist' as a separate tag.

Search Tags are useful to help you find suitable tokens later. It makes sense to tag each token
you create with the name of the game where you're going to use them. Also add any other
keywords which best describe the token. Separate tags with a comma or semi colon. All tags get
forced to lower case.


Click on the Sharing bar to open the Sharing panel if it's not already open.

This is where you can share your tokens with the community. You can choose to put a
checkmark against Everyone, or against one or more of the Groups you have joined on the
iTabletop website.

Sharing tokens is to be encouraged as it develops a great resource for the community, but please
be careful not to share copyrighted material. In particular please check that you have not attached
any copyrighted PDFs as these could currently be copied and saved by any user who opens them.

Note, you do not need to share tokens with anyone to include them in your game. You only need
to configure sharing if you want to add your creations to the community resource.

Exception: at the moment you cannot give players control over tokens from within a game. This
is likely to be fixed in an update soon, but for now the GM will have to share any token which is
to be controlled by a player in a game. The player will then have to create a copy and add it to
the game. See How can the GM give the players control of tokens?
iTabletop Community Wiki 13


Click on the Test bar to open the Test panel if it's not already open.

This panel has a preview area which acts like a map surface in a game. Your token will appear in
the middle of this area and can be moved around.

Note, if this area appears blank it's probably because you've not yet set an image for your
token. Click in the middle and you should see the green token frame appear. If you still don't get
the frame the Test panel could be closed. Click on the Test bar again (so that the little arrow on
the right points up).

When you click on the token a green frame appears around it, and you have access to all the
functions available from a token during a game, including the Dice Cup list where you can
add dice roll macros. For full details see Manipulating Tokens.

Click on Save to save any changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Once you've saved a new token it appears in the Result Tokens list, which is sorted in
alphabetical order by name.

There are four links along the bottom of each token which perform the following functions:

Edit & Test takes you back into the editing window where you can set the properties covered

Assign Media takes you to an asset management screen where you can attach images, sounds,
videos and PDF documents to your token. The minimum you will want to do is to add a Primary
image. For more details see Assigning Media to Tokens.

Duplicate allows you to take a copy of a token. This makes it easy to set up multiple tokens with
similar properties. The first token you produce for your rule system might take a bit of time, but
if you then Duplicate that one you can inherit all the game tags, status overlays, dice cups, etc.

You can also Duplicate tokens shared with the community by other people, giving you a copy
that you can adapt for your own game.

Delete lets you remove the token from your Token list. Note that the token will also be deleted
from all the games where you included it.
iTabletop Community Wiki 14

Using Tokens

Placing tokens

Only users with GM rights can place tokens on a map or a room, but the GM can place both his
own tokens and those added to the game by the players.

Click on View > Place Tokens to see a list of the tokens that have been added to the game in the
Laboratory (see Creating a Token). The owner of the token is shown in the top right corner of
each one. A placed token can be controlled by both its owner and the GM.

Click on the Add button in the bottom right corner of a token to place it on the map. You can
also set a number to place multiple tokens of the same kind.

If the token was created with the Named Character type then all instances of the token that you
place refer to the same character. The Character Journal is shared across all instances. If the
token was created with the Character Template type then each instance is unique, and you'll
notice that a number is added to the end of the name of each token that is placed. The next
number is chosen each time you place a new token: e.g. Orc 1, Orc 2, Orc 3, etc.

At the moment there isn't a way to reset that number sequence.

When you place multiple tokens of the Character Template type together they form a 'mob', and
can be selected by clicking the M button in the corner of the token frame that pops up when you
click on any one of them.

The tokens are sized according to their dimensions and the zoom level of the map.

At the moment you have to size each one individually, except for mobs which can be changed
together when the M button is pressed.

It's possible that an upgrade soon will size tokens automatically to the grid.

Manipulating tokens

When you hover the mouse over a token a tool tip appears with its name, including any
increment number. If the token is currently displaying an image that isn't the Primary one, then
the tooltip will include the name of the image being shown. This can be useful when the images
relate to various states such as prone or flying, or to altered token strengths, for example.

Tokens can be moved around just by dragging with the mouse as long as the Hand
button on the left of the screen area is active. Click the Lasso button (the dotted square) to select
multiple tokens. You can also select multiple tokens by Shift-Clicking or by using the M button.
iTabletop Community Wiki 15

At present only the delete key works on a multiple selection. It's hoped that more functions are
made available soon, such as being able to move or resize all the tokens in a selection at once.

Click on a token to reveal its properties frame. The red cross in the top right corner closes the
frame again.

The properties frame gives you access to many actions that you can perform on the token. You
can change its size and rotation, give it a base color, link its rotation to its facing, change the
image used and apply status overlays, trigger sounds and open PDFs, open a character journal,
set and trigger dice macros, pass control of the token to another player, and more. For full details
see Manipulating Tokens.

Manipulating Tokens

When you click on a token, whether it's on a map, in a room, or in the Test area for the token in
the Laboratory, the properties frame is displayed. This allows you to perform a number of
actions. The red cross in the top right corner closes the frame again.

The slider on the right adjusts the token size.

The slider at the bottom rotates the token.

The slider on the left adjusts the image depth. By default all tokens have this at 100%. If you
drag the slider down the token will drop lower in the image, appearing behind any other tokens
in the same area with a higher depth value. However, at the moment if you click on any token
this gets reset to 100%, bringing that token back to the front. This may not always be
appropriate, particularly where you want to arrange tokens on top of a larger background token.

The R button resets the token size, rotation and depth to its original settings.

The M button selects all tokens of the same mob - i.e. those with the Character Template type
that were placed together. Some functions can then be applied to the whole mob at once.

The right arrow in the top right corner opens the action menu for the token, and lets you access
the following functions:

Reset Visuals returns the token to the primary image that it had when it was placed, and removes
all state overlays.

Token Images lets you select between the Primary and other images that were added to the
token in the Laboratory.
iTabletop Community Wiki 16

Status Overlays lets you apply one or more of the status overlays that were added to the token in
the Laboratory. There's also an option to Clear All which removes all the added overlays at

Stop All Sounds is your panic button to kill all sounds currently being generated by that token.

Sound Effects and Looped Sound Effects let you trigger any of the sound effects that were
added to the token in the Laboratory.

Other options will appear depending on which assets have been loaded to the token. Need to
explore and add them here.

Lock Movement freezes the token in place on the map or room.

Set Base Color lets you choose a color for the base of the token. Click on the cross to close the
color selector. You'll only see the colored base if the grid is active. You can't reset the base to be
transparent, but if this is an issue, delete and place the token again.

Set Base Size lets you choose the number of grid cells that the base of the token will cover (up to
4x4). This only has an effect on a square grid. The token will be centred in the new base.

Delete removes the token from the map or room.

Note, the delete action doesn't work with multiple selections, but you can delete multiple tokens
at once using the delete key.

Set Token Center allows you to move the token image off the centre of the base, which can be
useful for images that aren't portraits. When you select this a green square appears over the base
with the image in the middle. Click on the new centre for the image.

Note, this doesn't seem to be working correctly at present. More testing required.

Set Token Front Down Angle lets you link the rotation of the token to the facing indicator on
the grid cell. After selecting Set Token Front Down Angle click on the edge of the token image
that faces front. Then, when you set UseToken Facing in the Grid Tool, the token will rotate
automatically to face the side of the cell which has the facing indicator.

Character Journal opens up a notebook for the token, where you can create separate chapters to
handle any notes you may want to take. Tokens created as Named Characters share a common
journal across all their instances. Tokens created as Character Templates have a separate journal
for each instance (which is lost if you delete that instance of the token). You can use character
journals to track stats for the token, or even as full-blown character sheets. Both the GM and the
owner of the token can access its journal, so you could even use one as a sneaky way of passing
private notes!
iTabletop Community Wiki 17

Dice Cups opens up a list of dice cups specific to that token. Dice cups are dice macros which
will roll a certain number of dice, together with selected modifiers, and display the result in the
chat window against the name of the token. You can create a list of cups here for the common
dice rolls required for that token. For more details see Token Dice Cups.

Token Control opens a list of users, and allows you to specify which players are allowed to
manipulate the token.

Token Dice Cups

When you choose the Dice Cups option from the action menu on a token frame a window pops
up where you can create a list of single, complex dice rolls known in iTabletop as Dice Cups.

Click on the green label Create New Dice Cup in the top right corner to open the Dice Cup
editing window to build and add your cup. For more details see Creating Dice Cups.

Each Dice Cup appears in the list with its name and four options:

Edit takes you back into the editing window, where you can make changes to the cup.

Remove deletes the cup.

Practice allows you to roll the dice and send the results to the Message Log. Practice rolls are
only seen by you. They're good for testing the Dice Cup and making private GM-only rolls.
Practice rolls are displayed with a grey border.

Roll allows you to roll the dice and send the results to the Message Log for all to see. These rolls
are sent with a purple border unless a target has been set, in which case successes have a green
border and failures have a red one.

At the moment you can't rearrange the order of the dice cups. Various feature requests have
been raised.

Using the Dice Roller

iTabletop has a main Dice Roller where you can set up a single complex dice roll, test it, roll
it, and send the results to the Message Log. Each complex dice roll is known as a Dice Cup.

At the moment the main Dice Roller doesn't allow you to save lists of Dice Cups (you can do this
for tokens - see Manipulating Tokens).

To open the Dice Roller click View > Dice Roller.

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Setting up a Dice Cup in the roller is the same as for tokens. For the details see Creating Dice

In the main roller you get some additional functionality.

Histogram gives you a report on the randomisation of the particular die chosen.

Shake Cup does a practice roll after skipping a few numbers from the random sequence.

Practice and Roll work the same way as for token Dice Cups, sending a hidden or visible roll to
the Message Log respectively.

For more details on viewing the results of dice rolls, see Using the Message Log.

Creating Dice Cups

A single, complex dice roll in iTabletop is known as a Dice Cup. The main Dice Roller acts as a
single Dice Cup, while tokens have a pop-up window where you can create a list of Dice Cups.
In either case the process of creating a Dice Cup is the same.

The Dice Cup editing window is divided into three panels. To create a Dice Cup you set up
overall targets and modifiers, then add individual sets of dice to the cup (with their own
modifiers). If working from a token you can then save the Dice Cup.

Left Panel

This is where you give the cup a name, such as Strength or Shortsword, which will be displayed
in the Message Log when the Dice Cup is rolled.

This is also where you set options that apply to the whole dice roll.

Cup Type can be set to sum the total of the dice rolled, or count the number of successes.

Cup Modifier sets the modifying amount that should be applied to the whole dice roll. Use the
+/- button to toggle the modifier between positive and negative figures.

Cup Target sets the conditions for Success. Dice Rolls that are a Success are indicated with a
green border in the Message Log.

If you set a cup target then any failure is indicated with a red border in the Message Log and
labelled as a Failure. If you leave the cup target blank then dice rolls have a purple border and no
iTabletop Community Wiki 19

If the Cup Type is set to "Sum Dice" then the Cup Target applies to the sum of the
individual rolls plus any modifiers.
If the Cup Type is set to "Successes" then the Cup Target applies to the number of
individual dice that achieve their target.

Crit Success sets the conditions for a Critical Success. Dice Rolls that are a Critical Success are
also indicated with a green border in the Message Log, but labelled as Critical Success.

Crit Failure sets the conditions for a Critical Failure. Dice Rolls that are a Critical Failure are
indicated with a red border in the Message Log, and labelled as Critical Failure.

Middle Panel

This is where you pick individual sets of dice of the same type and add them to the cup.

First select one of the die types, from the row of die icons. The choose the number of that die to
roll from the drop-down list below the selected die icon. You can roll up to a 100 of that die in
each set.

You can then apply the following settings to that set of dice:

Modifier sets the modifying amount that should be applied to each die in the set. Use the +/-
button to toggle the modifier between positive and negative figures.

Example: if you rolled a 1 and 4 on 2d6, with this Modifier set to +2 the individual die results
would be 3 and 6.

Mod Desc allows you to type in a description for the modifier applied to this set of dice. This
appears in the Dice Cup display for that set of dice, but at the moment doesn't appear to have any
other function.

Explode lets you set a condition under which the dice would get rolled again.

Example: in Savage Worlds dice explode when they roll their highest value. You'd create an
exploding d4 by setting this as one d4 with an Explode value of >=4.

Success only appears if the Cup Type is set to "Successes", and lets you set a target for each
individual die roll.

Add New is used to add the set of dice you've just created to the Dice Cup. When you press this
you'll see a bar describing that set of dice appear in the right hand panel.

Clear Cup deletes all the sets of dice from the cup and clears all the target conditions, modifiers,
descriptions and the name.
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Update appears if you select a previously added set of dice from the right hand panel, and allows
you to make changes to an existing set of dice.

Right Panel

This lists the sets of dice that you have added to the Dice Cup. Click on any of them to copy their
properties back into the middle panel so that you can make changes.

Click the little red Del button to delete any set of dice from the cup.

Practice allows you to roll the dice and send the results to the Message Log. Practice rolls are
only seen by you. They're good for testing the Dice Cup and making private GM-only rolls.
Practice rolls are displayed with a grey border.

Save Cup (tokens only) saves the Dice Cup to the token Dice Cup list and closes the window.

Using the Fog of War

Anyone with GM rights to a game can set the Fog or War (FOW). GMs will see areas of the map
that are covered by the FOW through a red transparent overlay. Players will only see areas of the
map that are not covered by the FOW.

The FOW can only be applied to images loaded as Maps in the Game Design. Rooms cannot
have a FOW.

When a GM is viewing a map the Generate FOW and Delete FOW buttons will be visible on
the left. These have little clouds and are marked + and - respectively.

When you click on the Generate FOW button a FOW mask is applied across the whole of the
map image, and four more buttons appear on the left which allow you to manipulate the FOW.

The new buttons allow you to add and remove square and elliptical areas of the FOW. The red
buttons erase areas (also marked with a -), the green buttons add the FOW back (also marked
with a +).

A feature request has been raised suggesting tools to edit more complex shapes in the FOW,
such as polygons where you mark out the area to be added or deleted by clicking on a set of
points on the map.

When you make a change to the FOW a further button appears. This has a green up arrow over a
cloud. When you press this the changes you have made get saved and sent to the players.

Until you press the button with the green up arrow your changes are not saved and if you
exit iTabletop they will be lost.
iTabletop Community Wiki 21

Until you press the button with the green up arrow the players will not see any changes you
have made to the FOW.

The button disappears when all changes have been saved and sent.

Known Issues

Moving your mouse off the map area, or over another window, while adding or deleting areas of
the FOW makes you lose the selection.

Using a Grid

Any user with GM rights to a game can set a grid. Grids can only be applied to images assigned
as Maps in the game design. (Rooms cannot have a grid.)

If you are a GM, you can click on the Grid button on the left hand side of the screen when you
are viewing a map. The Grid Tool pops up. The red cross in the top right corner of the Grid Tool
closes it.

The slider on the right zooms the sample grid cell in and out so that you can fit the grid to your
map. You can also move the tool around to place the grid precisely. It can also help if you zoom
the map in to a larger size while setting the grid.

The Q button allows you to enter a single value for a precise size for the grid cells, in pixels.

Press the T button to test your grid. A sample grid will appear on the map marked in green. If it
doesn't look right you can repeatedly adjust the size and position and press T until you've got it
the way you want it.

When you're happy with your test grid press the Ok button. The grid tool will disappear and a
dark grey grid will be set on the map.

Open the Grid Tool again and click on the right arrow key in the top left to carry out some
further actions.

Delete Grid removes the grid.

Grid Type lets you switch between a square and a hex grid. Note that the change is only made
when you click Ok to apply the grid.

Show Grid Lines toggles between visible and invisible grid lines. When grid lines are hidden
tokens can still snap to the grid. This can be useful when applying a grid to a map that is already
marked in squares or hexagons.
iTabletop Community Wiki 22

Snap to Grid toggles whether or not tokens should be forced into the gird positions. Note that
you can edit the tokens themselves to apply an offset to the grid position if that is necessary.

Use Facing toggles whether or not a green bar is applied to one side of the grid cell to indicate
facing. If Facing is active, when you click on a token a set of red dots will appear around the
token image. When you click on one of these dots the facing indicator will appear against that
side of the cell.

Known Issues

Closing the Grid Tool with the red cross applies any changes to the grid. It should simply cancel.

Using PDF Documents

Using PDF documents added to a game or world

Any PDF documents assigned to a game or world from the Game Design screen are available for
everyone to view, copy and save.

You can view the list by clicking on View > PDF Documents.

Warning: you will get an error message asking if you're sure you want to leave the current
screen. Click Cancel or you will close iTabletop. For more details see Why does my game close
when I open a pdf?

Click on a PDF in the document list to open it in a separate browser window using your default
PDF reader. Note that documents open outside the iTabletop browser window and are only seen
by the user that opened them.

See Assigning Media to Games and Worlds for details on how to add PDF documents to your
games and worlds.

Using PDF documents attached to a token

PDF documents attached to tokens can be opened from the action menu on the token frame. For
details see Manipulating Tokens. Since only the owner of the token can access this menu this is a
way to restrict sight of the PDF to a specific person.

Token PDFs also open outside the iTabletop window in a browser window using your default
PDF reader.

See Assigning Media to Tokens for details on how to add PDF documents to your tokens.
iTabletop Community Wiki 23

Assigning Media to Tokens

When you click on the Assign Media link on a token in the Laboratory token list you are taken
to an asset management screen. This includes the functions of the Library for uploading and
maintaining media files. For more details see Using the Library screen.

Once you have uploaded your content, and edited and saved its properties, you assign the media
files to your token using the panel at the bottom of the screen. This is divided into sections for
States, Overlays, Sounds, Videos and PDFs.

Adding media files to your game

First select a media file in the Result Files list. The asset will appear in the preview window,
unless it is still being transferred to the server in which case you will see a message. Don't worry
if this message appears, you can still work with the file itself, it's just the preview image that's
not yet available.

Depending on the media file chosen you will get a particular set of options in the left hand
section of the bottom panel. In each case click on the option you want, edit the name if
required, and then press the Assign button.

When you've finished, click on the Save Changes in the bottom right corner to save your work,
or Cancel to exit and lose all changes.


You can choose to assign an image as a State or as an Overlay.

The Primary and Portrait images are special types of State image.

An image used as a State will be used as the underlying image for the token. An image used as
an Overlay will be drawn on top of the current State image. Images that you intend to use as
Overlays should be saved as PNG files with a transparent background, so that each one can be
layered onto the underlying image. Overlays are typically used for token status indicators, e.g.
Wounds, Prone, Stunned.

Overlay images are resized automatically to fit the dimensions of the underlying State image.
This is really useful but means that you couldn't create an Overlay with a label that was designed
to appear underneath a token without including a transparent border around the images you are
using for your token States.

The Primary image is the default and is also used as the preview picture for the token in the
Laboratory and Place Tokens window. If you are creating tokens quickly you would just set the
iTabletop Community Wiki 24

Primary image. When you select a file, click on Primary and then Assign it creates an entry in
the States panel called Main_Token.

The Portrait image is typically used for a larger picture of a character. When you select a
file, click on Portrait and then Assign it creates an entry in the States panel called

When you select a file and click on either State Image or State Overlay you can edit the name
then click Assign to create an entry in the relevant panel. Note that checkboxes appear against
the State Overlay entries, which you can use to test the overlays on the image in the Preview

See also What is a good size for tokens?


You can choose to assign a sound as Music, Looped Music, Sound FX or Looped Sound FX or
Walk Sound. These settings determine how the sound is presented in the action menu for the
token. See Manipulating Tokens for more details.

If you give a sound effect the same name as one of the token state images, it will play whenever
you switch to that state image.


There is only one option, General Video, which is selected by default. Just edit the name if
required and click Assign.


You can choose to assign a PDF as a General PDF, a Character Sheet, a Book, an Adventure or a
Primary Sheet. These settings determine how the PDF is presented in the action menu for the
token. See Manipulating Tokens for more details.

All PDFs assigned to tokens are only available to the owner of that token during the game.

Consider copyright very carefully before assigning a PDF to a token and then passing control
to your players or sharing it with the community.

Updating the settings for a media file assigned to your game

Once you've assigned an asset you can change the option chosen (e.g. to turn a State image into
an Overlay) or update the name by clicking on the asset in the bottom panel, making the required
changes to the options or name, and then clicking on the Update button.
iTabletop Community Wiki 25

Removing media files from your game

If you want to remove an existing asset from your game, click on it in the bottom panel and then
press the Unassign button. This only takes the media file out of your game, it doesn't delete it
from the Library.

Known Issues

You can't currently change the order of the media files that you assign. This has been raised as a
feature request.

If you select a PDF file the viewer can obscure pop up messages, and also doesn't disappear if
you move away from the asset management screen. In the case of pop-up messages you can
usually get hold of the edge and drag them into view. To get rid of a persistent PDF preview you
need to get back into asset management and select a file that isn't a PDF.

What is a good size for tokens?

Using larger image dimensions for tokens will give you a sharper image as you zoom the token
out, and allow you to zoom down to a smaller size, but increases the amount of memory
iTabletop must use to track them and the time it takes to transfer the tokens from the server to the
game. Obviously the overhead here also depends on how many tokens you are using in your

Generally, a good size for tokens is 100x100 pixels, with 200x200 being a good bet if you need
high quality at extreme zoom levels.

It's good practice to use a consistent size across all your tokens for a game, which makes resizing
more intuitive.

You can create tokens in any good paint program, such as or Photoshop, but an
excellent, free, dedicated tool is TokenTool which allows you to capture a token from an image
using a selected template. You can add your own template in the size you want, if none of the
standard ones are suitable.

Using the Game Design screen

The Game Design screen is where you can create new games, review all the games and worlds to
which you have access, and launch, edit and delete the ones that you have created.

Various search functions are available to help you narrow down the list.
iTabletop Community Wiki 26

The Game Design screen has a row of four buttons at the top below the main toolbar. Three of
these drop down lists of options to filter the list of games, while the fourth is a reset button to
return these to their default settings.

First button - default: My Games

You will have access to a number of games and worlds through iTabletop. First, there are the
ones that you create yourself, including copies that you make of other people's games. You can
filter the list to see only these games by selecting "My Games" (the default).

Second, there are games that have been shared with the community by other iTabletop users.
You will see these games including any that you have shared with all other users if you select
"Games Shared with Everyone".

If you select "All available games" you will see both your own private games and those shared
with everyone.

These first three options are highlighted in green as they represent the global view of the games
and worlds available. You will also see a set of options that matches the Groups you have joined
on the iTabletop website. Since it is possible to share games with just the members of a group,
rather than the whole community, these menu options allow you to filter the list by Group.

When taken with the Show option button and Tags, covered below, this first button allows you to
narrow down the game selection to a precise subset of all the games and worlds. For example,
you may want to see exactly which games you personally have shared with the members of a
particular Group.

Second button - default: Games & Worlds

This simply allows you to filter between Games and Worlds. (See What's the difference between
a World and a Game?.)

Third button - default: All Game Systems

When you create a game or world you have the option to flag it as belonging to a particular game
system, such as D&D 4e. If you are searching all available games for ones that are built using
your chosen rule system then you can use this to filter the list down.

Reset button

Click this to return the game selection to the defaults, also removing all selected Tags and
returning the Show option to All Games.

The screen is then divided into a series of panels.

iTabletop Community Wiki 27

Tag List

When you create and edit a game you can add Search Tags. The tags attached to all the games
currently visible are shown in the left hand panel. Click on any tag to add it to the Selected Tags
list to narrow your game selection down further. Click on any tag in the Selected Tags box to
stop filtering by that tag.

This will allow you to quickly narrow the game/world selection down to things like "fantasy",
"post-apocalypse" or "chillout".

Result Games

This panel displays the filtered list of the games and worlds available to you. The games are

Green - You are the creator of this game.

White - You did not create these games, but another user has shared them with Everyone
or with a Group that you have joined. You can take a copy of these games. (You are then
counted as being the creator of the copy.)


The set of option buttons below the Result list of games gives you further control over the
selection. It changes depending on the setting of the first filter button, but basically gives you the
options you need to filter the list by the creator of the games. So if you have the first button set to
'My Games', for example, you can choose to filter the list further to show all your own games, or
those that you have shared, or those that you have not shared (i.e. your private games).

Game Preview

The splash image of the selected game is shown in the main preview panel, with a list of its key
properties on the left.


Launches the selected game. This does the same thing as launching a game from the original
Find Games/Worlds screen.

Make sure you have a game selected before you click Launch! as otherwise the behaviour is
currently a little unpredictable!


Creates a new game. See Creating a Game or World.

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(There's a bug at the moment where the descriptive text from the previous game you were editing
appears in the new game. I'm sure that will be fixed soon, but in the meantime just delete that
and enter your own description.)


Allows you to edit an existing game or world. The functions available are the same as when you
create a new game, so for more details see Creating a Game or World.


Makes a copy of the selected game or world. This could be one of your own or a game shared
with Everyone, or a Group that you have joined, by someone else. If you make a copy of
someone else's game you can then edit, launch and run it, but you do not necessarily have
ownership of all the assets in it. You might also make a copy of one of your own games as a
backup, as a starting point for a new game, or as an original copy for short games that you run
with different groups.


Deletes the selected game. If you try to delete someone else's game you will get an error


This takes you to an asset management screen which allows you to set an image as the
background wallpaper for the Game Design screen. See Assigning Wallpaper to Themes.

Using the Laboratory screen

The Laboratory screen is where you can create new tokens, review all the tokens to which you
have access - including those created by others, and edit, test and delete the ones that you have

Various search functions are available to help you narrow down the list.

The Laboratory screen has a row of six buttons at the top below the main toolbar. Four of these
drop down lists of options to filter the list of tokens. The fifth is a reset button to return these to
their default settings. The final button lets you apply a background image to the Laboratory.
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First button - default: My Tokens

You will have access to a number of tokens through iTabletop. First, there are the ones that you
create yourself, including copies that you make of other people's tokens. You can filter the list to
see only these tokens by selecting "My Tokens" (the default).

Second, there are tokens that have been shared with the community by other iTabletop users.
You will see these tokens including any that you have shared with all other users if you select
"Tokens Shared with Everyone".

If you select "All Available Tokens" you will see both your own private tokens and those shared
with everyone.

These first three options are highlighted in green as they represent the global view of the tokens
available. You will also see a set of options that matches the Groups you have joined on the
iTabletop website. Since it is possible to share tokens with just the members of a Group, rather
than the whole community, these menu options allow you to filter the list by Group.

When taken with the Show option button and Tags, covered below, this first button allows you to
narrow down the token selection to a precise subset of all tokens. For example, you may want to
see exactly which tokens you personally have shared with the members of a particular Group.

Second button - default: All Token Types

This button lets you filter the available tokens by Token Type. "Named" tokens represent unique
individuals or items while "Template" tokens represent people, creatures or items that you'd
typically place in quantity without naming each one. For more details see Understanding Token

Third button - default: All Genders

This allows you to filter by gender.

Reset button

Click this to return the token selection to the defaults, also removing all selected Tags, clearing
the Search box, and returning the option buttons at the bottom of the screen to All Tokens.


This takes you to an asset management screen which allows you to set an image as the
background wallpaper for the Laboratory screen. See Assigning Wallpaper to Themes.

The screen is then divided into a series of panels.

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Tag List

When you create and edit a token you can add Search Tags. The tags attached to all the tokens
currently visible are shown in the left hand panel. Click on any tag to add it to the Selected Tags
list to narrow your token selection down further. Click on any tag in the Selected Tags box to
stop filtering by that tag.

This will allow you to quickly narrow the token selection down to things like "horror", "inn-
keeper" or "orc".

Result Tokens

This panel displays the filtered list of the tokens available to you. The owner of the token is
displayed in the top right of each token bar.

There is a green button (easy to miss!) called Create New Token! at the top right of the Result
Tokens panel. You can also Edit &Test, Assign Media, Duplicate and Delete tokens from the
buttons on each token bar.

For full details on creating and editing tokens see Creating a Token.

Owner option buttons

The set of option buttons below the Result list of games gives you further control over the
selection. It changes depending on the setting of the first filter button, but basically gives you the
options you need to filter the list by the creator of the tokens. So if you have the first button set to
'All Available Tokens', for example, you can choose to filter the list further to show all your own
tokens, those that other people have shared, or just those that you have shared.


A search box is provided below the owner option buttons to let you search on the token name for
precise selection.

Assign Tokens to Games

This panel has a drop down list at the top that allows you to pick one of the games or worlds that
you have access to. This will include both the games that you have created and those shared with
Groups that you have joined. The default is "None Selected".

Pick the game or world where you want to use the tokens, then select each token in turn and click
on the button Add {Token Name} that appears in green at the bottom of the panel. If the token is
already assigned to the game this button will read Remove {Token Name}.
iTabletop Community Wiki 31

Note that you can only assign your own tokens to games. If you find a token shared by someone
else that you want to use you should duplicate it first. This prevents you losing the token from
your game if the original owner later deletes it.

For details on how to duplicate a token see Creating a Token.

Using the Library screen

You can upload your media content (images, sounds, videos and pdfs) into iTabletop using asset
management tools reached from four different places.

The Library

This is a standalone asset management screen reached by clicking Go > Library from anywhere
except one of the other asset management screens.

Use the Library when you have a folder of content that you want to load, but you aren't planning
to assign the media to games or tokens immediately.

In practice, you will find that you rarely visit the Library as it is quicker and more intuitive to
load content as required while designing your games and tokens.

Assign Media from Game Design

When you click the button labelled "Assign Rooms, Maps, Sounds, Video & PDFs" in the Game
Design properties screen you are taken to an asset management screen that includes the Library
functions, but also has a panel at the bottom where you can assign media to the rooms, maps,
sounds, videos and pdfs used for your game or world.

The library functions are covered below. See Assigning Media to Games and Worlds for more
detail on using the game media assignment panel.

Assign Media from the Laboratory (Token Design)

When you click the green link labelled "Assign Media" on a token in the Laboratory you are
taken to an asset management screen that includes the Library functions, but also has a panel at
the bottom where you can assign media to the states, overlays, sounds, videos and pdfs used for
your token.

The library functions are covered below. See Assigning Media to Tokens for more detail on
using the token media assignment panel.
iTabletop Community Wiki 32

Assign Media using the Theme Buttons

There are Theme buttons available in the Game Design and Laboratory screens, and from the
Library screen itself, which allow you to set the wallpaper behind those screens. However, the
library functions reached from these buttons can be used to upload any media files.

The library functions are covered below. See Assigning Wallpaper to Themes for more detail on
using the theme assignment panel.

The Library Functions

There is a row of four buttons at the top, just below the main toolbar. Three of these drop down
lists of options to filter the list of media files, while the fourth is a reset button to return these to
their default settings.

First button - default: My Files

The first button filters by ownership.

You have access files to files that you have uploaded and to files shared with the community by
other iTabletop users. Files can be shared with Everyone or with the members of specific Groups
on the iTabletop website. You can use this button to filter the file list for your own files, all files,
or for those shared with a particular Group.

Second button - default: All Files

The second button filters by file type.

Third button - default: All Game Systems

The third button filters by game system. For example, you could use this to find all files that
relate specifically to D&D 4e.

Since most image, sound and video files could be used with multiple systems, it's suggested that
you only set this for files that can only be used with a particular system, such as character sheets.

Reset button

Click this to return the file selection to the defaults, also removing all selected Tags and
returning the Show option to All My Files.

The screen is then divided into a series of panels.

iTabletop Community Wiki 33

Tag List

When you upload a file you can add Search Tags. The tags attached to all the files currently
visible are shown in the left hand panel. Click on any tag to add it to the Selected Tags list to
narrow your file selection down further. Click on any tag in the Selected Tags box to stop
filtering by that tag.

This will allow you to quickly narrow the file selection down to things like "combat", "sunset" or

Result Files

This panel displays the filtered list of the files available to you. The entries are color-coded:

Green - You uploaded this file and are considered to be its owner.
Green Italic - You uploaded this file and are considered to be its owner, and you have
also shared the file with one or more Groups, or with Everyone.
White - You did not upload these files, but another user has shared them with Everyone
or with a Group that you have joined. You can take a copy of these files. (You are then
counted as being the owner of the copy.)


The set of option buttons below the Result list of files gives you further control over the
selection. It changes depending on the setting of the first filter button, but basically gives you the
options you need to filter the list by the owner of the files. So if you have the first button set to
'My Files', for example, you can choose to filter the list further to show all your own files, or
those that you have shared, or those that you have not shared (i.e. your private files).

There is also a Search box, which allows you to filter the list by any text found in the file name.
It's sometimes quicker to find files this way than by scrolling the tag list to find the correct tag.

The Edit/Preview Panel

When you select a file it appears in the preview panel on the right of the screen. Images will be
displayed, PDFs will appear in an embedded PDF viewer, and sounds and videos will load into a
media player.

There are three buttons in the top right of this panel.


Click this to load new media files from your local machine. You can select and load multiple
files at once. A blue progress bar will be displayed while the files are loading, and it's best to
iTabletop Community Wiki 34

wait until the upload is complete. This may take some time if you are loading large files,
particularly long sounds and video clips, and have a slow upstream connection.

When the files have been loaded they will appear at the top of the Result Files list, and you'll be
given a message reminding you to apply some Search Tags. This is a very good idea as it will
help you find this group of files later.


This deletes the selected file from your file list. Note that if the file is currently being used in a
game or on a token a copy will be retained on the iTabletop server. The file is only fully deleted
from the server when all games or tokens that use the file have been deleted. (However, once
you've deleted it from your file list you can't 'get it back' off a token.)


An asset management panel appears at the bottom of the screen which allows you to set an image
as the background wallpaper for the Library. See Assigning Wallpaper to Themes.


The original filename of your file is used as the asset name by default, however iTabletop creates
a unique internal name to track every file when it is uploaded. You can therefore change the
name of your asset to be anything you like, and it doesn't matter if two files in iTabletop end up
with the same displayed asset name - although it's obviously easier if you can avoid this.

You'll actually find yourself giving different names to your files when you attach them to a game
or token, as you'll tend to want the name displayed in the game to vary depending on
circumstance. For example you might want a full, detailed name of a map file in your file list,
but in the game you may want to call it Overland Map. Consequently, it's often quicker to leave
the asset names with their original filenames, and only change them when absolutely necessary.

Media Type

The options here will vary according to the type of asset you upload. Pick the type that most
closely corresponds to the use you are going to make of a file. For example, if an image is a map,
set it to Maps. The Media Type filter is the most useful tool when you are narrowing down all
the available files as it gets straight to what you want, e.g. a map or a sound effect, and so it's
very important to set this properly for each file.

Rule System

Most media files will not be specific to a particular game, such as D&D 4e, so you can usually
ignore this button. However, files such as rules, character sheets and combat pads should be
marked with their game system.
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Search Tags

The tags you apply to a file are used to catalogue your files. It makes sense to add a tag with the
name of the game or world you're creating, to help you find this group later, but also to add other
keywords as tags, so that at a later date you can select all 'space opera' images or 'weather'
sounds, for example.

You separate your tags with a comma or a semi colon, and all tags are forced to lower case.

Note that new tags do not appear immediately in the tag list. At the moment you need to refresh
the list, e.g. by pressing Reset, to see them.

Configure Sharing

Use this section to share your files with other users in the iTabletop community. You are still
marked as the owner of a shared file, but other users can use it in their own games and worlds,
and can make a copy of it if they wish to edit it.

You can choose to share the selected file with Everyone or just the members of one or more of
the Groups to which you belong.

Note, please do not share copyrighted material with anyone else. See Is it legal to upload
copyrighted material to iTabletop?.

Save Changes

The Save Changes button below the Sharing panel saves any unsaved changes to all media file
properties. You don't need to press this after changing each file, but obviously it's sensible to
press it regularly if you're working with lots of assets. Note that because of the way the iTabletop
interface works it is possible to switch away from the Library screens without getting a warning
of unsaved changes (they'll still be there when you switch back but not if you close iTabletop),
so get in the habit of saving when you're done.

Note that when you are in one of the asset management screens reached from Game Design, the
Laboratory or Themes there is another button also called Save Changes in the bottom right
corner of the screen, which relates to the asset assignment. Don't get these two buttons confused!

If you entered the asset management screens from Game Design, the Laboratory or a Theme
button there will also be an asset assigment panel at the bottom of the screen. As noted above, for
detail on these see Assigning Media to Games and Worlds, Assigning Media to Tokens or
Assigning Wallpaper to Themes.
iTabletop Community Wiki 36

Assigning Media to Games and Worlds

When you click on the button labelled "Assign Rooms, Maps, Sounds, Videos and PDFs" in
Game Design you are taken to an asset management screen. This includes the functions of the
Library for uploading and maintaining media files. For more details see Using the Library

Once you have uploaded your content, and edited and saved its properties, you assign the media
files to your game or world using the panel at the bottom of the screen. This is divided into
sections for Rooms, Maps, Sounds, Videos and PDFs.

Adding media files to your game

First select a media file in the Result Files list. The asset will appear in the preview window,
unless it is still being transferred to the server in which case you will see a message. Don't worry
if this message appears, you can still work with the file itself, it's just the preview image that's
not yet available.

Depending on the media file chosen you will get a particular set of options in the left hand
section of the bottom panel. In each case click on the option you want, edit the name if
required, and then press the Assign button.


You can choose to assign an image as a Room, a Map, the Splash Image or the Lobby.

An image used as a Room will be available as a screen in your game or world. The image will be
stretched to fit the screen. You will be able to place tokens, but the map features such as grid and
Fog of War will not be available.

Use Rooms as places to gather your visitors, as presentation pages for a particular theme, and for
cut screens in games, such as taverns, panoramas and campsites. If you come up with a nifty new
use for a Room, you could add it to the wiki as a Tip.

Note: images are currently stretched horizontally to fit the screen. If your image doesn't match
the general dimensions of the players' browser windows the top and bottom of the image could
be cropped. It's generally best, therefore, to use images with a landscape orientation for Rooms,
including the Main Lobby.

See What's the best size of image for the Splash Image, Main Lobby, Rooms and Maps?

An image used as a Map will be available as a screen in your game or world. The map will be
displayed at its normal size, and can then be zoomed and moved around. You will be able to
place tokens, and the map features such as grid and Fog of War will be available.
iTabletop Community Wiki 37

Note, there is a bug at the moment for some Mac/Safari users which is preventing the map being
moved, although it can still be zoomed.

The Splash Image is a small picture used in the Game Finder and Game Design screen to
advertise your game. The best size is 240x180 pixels.

The Main Lobby is the default Room for your game or world. Every game or world must have a
Main Lobby; it's the first room that gets shown.

Note that when selecting the asset for the Main Lobby the option button is labelled just "Lobby".

Since every game or world must have a Splash Image and a Main Lobby, default Univeral
Online Magic images are assigned when you first save the changes, if these are currently
unasssigned. Note that if you clicked the "Save and Test" button in Game Design when you first
created the game this will have been the case and the default images will be assigned when you
first enter the asset management screens.

If you already have media files assigned to the Splash Image or Main Lobby you will need to
Unassign these first before you can replace them with new ones.


You can choose to assign a sound as Music, Looped Music, Sound FX or Looped Sound FX.
These settings determine how the sound is presented in the Sound control panel for the maps and
rooms when you are in your game.


There is only one option, General Video, which is selected by default. Just edit the name if
required and click Assign.


You can choose to assign a PDF as a General PDF, a Character Sheet, a Book, or and Adventure.
However, the particular option chosen doesn't currently have an effect here, when assigned to a
game. (It is relevant when assigning media to tokens.)

All PDFs assigned to games or worlds only appear in the PDF list displayed when you choose
View > PDF Documents from within your game. These are visible to both the host and the

If you want to upload a PDF that only you as host can see, assign it to a token instead of the
iTabletop Community Wiki 38

Consider copyright very carefully before assigning a PDF to a game. You are making it
available to your players. Hopefully the devs will be able to add restrictions to the PDF display
to prevent copying by the players.

Updating the settings for a media file assigned to your game

Once you've assigned an asset you can change the option chosen (e.g. to turn a Map into a
Room) or update the name by clicking on the asset in the bottom panel, making the required
changes to the options or name, and then clicking on the "Update" button.

Removing media files from your game

If you want to remove an existing asset from your game, click on it in the bottom panel and then
press the "Unassign" button. This only takes the media file out of your game, it doesn't delete it
from the Library.

Known Issues

You can't currently change the order of the media files that you assign. This has been raised as a
feature request.

You can't delete a map or room if you are currently in that map or room in the game in progress.
The asset management screens behave as if the map or room has been deleted as you save and
exit, but it does not actually get removed. This has been raised as a bug.

You can't delete a map if it has a Fog of War applied. The asset management screens behave as if
the map or room has been deleted as you save and exit, but it does not actually get removed. This
has been raised as a bug.

Any changes you make to the design of a game or world do not take effect until the game or
world is re-launched. Note that this applies to all players. If the GM makes a change to the game,
everyone needs to pop back to the Game Finder and launch the game again. This has been raised
as a bug.

Create template tokens for your game

If you set up each token in turn you'll need to enter all the dice cups, status overlays and other
media that would be common to all tokens. You'll also need to set the game type every time,
along with any common tags.

Instead, start by creating a basic token that has all the standard dice cups for your game, and add
any status overlays, sound effects, and other common assets.

Then instead of adding a new token, duplicate the template token.

iTabletop Community Wiki 39

We suggest you add the 'template' tag to help you find these later.

If you set up a template for a particular game, such as D&D or Exalted, it would be good to share
it with everyone - as long as you've not attached any copyrighted media, of course.

Create a GM token for your game

It's useful to create a token called GM for your particular game rules. This would have the most
common dice cups (which would roll in the chat window against "GM"), together with any
sound effects you may want to use.

You could add lookup tables as pdfs, enter them in the token journal, or load them as token
images. Note that if you use images it provides a quick way of showing a particular table to the
players when necessary.

Add an About screen to your game

People like to browse games and worlds on iTabletop Pandoren. You can add a few lines of text
description in the game design, which gets displayed in the Game Finder, but it also makes sense
to put some longer 'blurb' in the game itself.

One way is to write out your game description in a word processor document then save this as an
image. Upload it as a Map (so that your users can resize it as required for their own screen) and
call the room "About".

You could also save the blurb image to a token and leave that in your Main Lobby if appropriate.

Adding a PDF that can only be viewed by the GM

The pdfs posted to the game are viewable by all players. Use that for character sheets, shared
campaign background, rules, etc.

If you want to have a pdf viewable only by the GM, assign it to a token - e.g. one called "GM"
which also has your standard dice rolls, sound effects, etc. However, unless you're intending
sharing the game so that others can run it you may as well just launch the adventure pdf outside
iTT, or run the game from a print out.

Tag your media with the name of your game

It's a good idea to tag all the media files you load for a particular game with the name of the
game. This will help you find them quickly when setting up your game or tokens.
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OK, OK, if the name of your game is something like "Forty Thousand Lost Souls Clutching at
the Heart of Darkness, While the Golgothoid Horde Tear Down the Walls of Aphelion"... use an
abbreviation. You Dark Heresy players.. sheesh.

Put all your handouts on one token

In iTabletop you can use tokens for the images that you want to show to players during a game.

However, rather than setting up separate tokens for each handout consider having a single
"Handouts" token for the game, with all the images loaded. You can then switch handout images
quickly by selecting a new token image, without having to go through the Place Tokens process
each time. This also saves space in the token list and keeps things neater.

If ever you do need to show two handouts at once, then you can place a second copy.

Adding sound to token state changes

Adding sounds to your tokens state changes can be a fun way to spice up a game. After hearing
about it in one of the tutorial videos, I decided to give it a try. Just follow these steps.

1. Once you create a token, head over to the "Assign Media" portion of the token.

2. Upload the token image, the token image for the state change, and the sound for the state

3. Click on the state change image name in result files. At the bottom of the page under "Use
image as", delete the file extension off of the file name. For example, orlinrage.png becomes
orlinrage. Also make sure that it's selected as a state image. Click save changes.

4. Click on the sound name in result files. At the bottom of the page under "Use sound as", select
sound effect. Rename the sound to the exact name of the state change image you would like it to
correspond to. I changed scream.mp3 to orlinrage. Click save changes.

Now when you test the character states in the editing portion of the character token, the sound
should play when you change the states.


This only works with state images; it doesn't currently work with state overlays.

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