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Observation Sheet - Managing the classroom environment

Graduate Standards - A|TSL

Professional Practiee:
1. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
2. Planning for Effective Management

luuchi*l ntyh-f tl
Was your lesson plan
t .louol _Yerr t0cltttl
effective for managing the chs\es -rs tvtutc,h ecrs i> t" trytd nq
{han so y leur q yae-rq I .
P lq n n.r/ aoh v' I h e< i;ere a,i-t"uc,1u/e?/
e.g. How did the students
react to your lesson overall
and to your planned '+N"*, +lL *exl boof qno/ sh-u/d4{5 prtac<l
activities? wh"t'l wqs e,<ftr*4d o{ {/-ro-r-*r.
Did anything unexpected
l:! o *l",rt 7 unex /rr71r'" o/

Did you provide a variety of I q -l+"n ro , +"r/ to I e,+ +te slvcbo(s 10

P:;W^&;7. J'o'nT throuyh Trabbas
Were you satisfied with your
timing, particularly for the
end of the lesson?

Did you feel you were able

to change things if needed?

Were you aware of

classroom procedures and
school disciplinary policy?
How much did you know
about your students?

How did your mentor

teacher maintain a safe
learning environment?

V/hat strategies did your

observe your mentor teacher
using to maintain this?

Maintaining a Positive Attitude in the Classroom


Murdoch University
How did you demonstrate
nol h-r'ecr t s{"/o'o15 /t {t"*"'(l-t ,,
to ] ol;ofp-auh
the students that you S*- oil4), i uuq> yo lt le i^ 7 /<n*rr7
them,andenjoyedtearnins? lha'n und I lhanke/ fLL
*he- lessort,' i $b'/ h vse- q- ,oirsi s4,
expression,senseof *o'lu o\ lgtce- crnu{ I e*"tDrutec/ 67a5,a.f}
humour, introduction to An4 +ve+hO "t j a5 Qy1 tyn,lgrtlart f pcerl I s {
students and topic.
)<r, i"i"c1 \ lhon tz,;1 31u/*/t-' /br*ic,,1!ofr"n
whichaspectsoryour I +hi" i-' o'u'ua -
// t 00/;k oto/
teaching sgte do you reel re5pe$lri ' t /i/ I {f 1o^ c armr c/t:rs:
helped you maintain ciass c,b h r/on-, r,"th'n 7 ot h itzQvl, i futer/
attention? {*, vl4Lo vt,ttc/d it rfluuh l^"ht_t fhhoa
e s variety oractivities, iJr;Z' ;::#n fl:{
" qL i*,
;ff: :l :'.".:1ffi['.'A i, t ii t'.'1"t i "u,[r*ftr",*,,f frr+ 44**,"
ctasslevet +/; '/

Did the students know what

was expected of them?

Were you able to redirect

energies of attention seeking
students? Did the students
have enough
to do?


Murdoch University
Dealing with Minor Misbehaviour

Were you aware of what was

Vr4 ve,,Ll1 J,ol I
haue +e
happening in all parts of the n4t'5/ be\ruv i@.r|, thox- tpt4b oo, (- hr,lu+
classroom? Did you know " pe+t
in t\.1 /eqr lO c l,oft9 thrl rare-[4 0s*
what each student was
{.o pitw. I +r;erl lo (httcovrttqi ir,,*,'*o

Did you take any action
11.,e- 5at4< sWtl*n woulrl, Q,t( asle-<n
when you observed poor Jv , irq olas5, 0)hea {h it h ap 1q*,4'
behaviour? \Ifhy? Vlhy not? I ,^rdt'i t"-tt '/o his ,1rz t< t-tLii l<- I
L;| i it i" t ir,,'*,,,- and he *orkf,
l^at I

eit hirn
# wl,t-t I?,iff
ho/ Q
Did you use non-verbal
cues? e.g. Contact, pause, f,ou--r"r41 lorroru/ flz s'i'rh-',* on'r/
gesture, movement toward vorba( an/ oyru cen4qc.i +e Kn-f
studenUs concerned.
h;'n. u f



Murdoch University

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