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How to make them: :v or :V or (:\/) = pacman

:) = smiley :|] = robot

:( = frown :D = really happy
:'( = frown with tear/cry >_< = annoyed
^_^ = "Kiki" >:( = angry
<(") = penguin >:o = excited
(^^^)= shark 8) = nerdy glasses guy
-_- = bored smiley B-| = cool shades
:p = rude ;) = wink
O.o = confused :3 = Anime cute smile
:/ = DUH! :42: = white 42 on red ground
:* = kissy face = Heart,Copy and paste that heart
<3 = heart shape for a heart emoticon!
3:)= happy devil <3 = It also works,but as the same as
:putnam: = Chris Putnam (no capital!) the last one
(Y) = thumbs up

O:-) = Angel

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