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Cumpurers & Srrucrurcv Vol. 63. No. 3, pp.

385-395, 1997
!I 1997 Elsevier Saence Ltd
Pergamon Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
PII: SO0457949(96)00373-2 m45-7949197 Sl7.00 + 0.00


M. T. Manzarit and M. A. Nour
CMEIl Department. The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052, U.S.A.

(Received I February 1996)

Abstract-The bounding surface plasticity has become one of the most widely used frameworks of
plasticity for modeling constitutive behavior of metals and soils, especially in cyclic loading. Due to special
ingredients of the bounding surface plasticity, application of new integration techniques, generally devised
for classical plasticity models, requires certain modifications. This paper describes the details of such
modifications which are derived directly from the main equations underlying the bounding surface
concept. Specifically the equation of flow rule is modified and a differential equation is derived to represent
the evolution of a key factor, i.e. the ratio between the image stress and the current stress quantities. An
implicit integration method is then used to integrate the full set of rate equations. Numerical simulations
demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed integration procedure in an application to a
simple bounc!ing surface version of the modified Cam clay model. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights

lNTRODUCTlON efficiency in modeling cyclic behavior. The theory

which was originally developed for metals [2, 31 has
During the last few decades, there has been a
been extended to simulate the stress-strain behavior
continuous and increasing interest in developing
of soils and concrete [4-lo]. The major ingredient of
mathematical models to simulate the stress-strain
the bounding surface plasticity is the notion of a
behavior of materials. This surge of interest is mainly
surface enclosing all possible states in the stress space.
due to improved knowledge of constitutive behavior
The distance between the stress state and its image on
of engineering materials and because of recent
the bounding surface is used to evaluate the plastic
advances in computational techniques and comput-
modulus [ 111.
ing facilities available for solving boundary value
One of the simplest and most widely used versions
problems. Among many boundary value problems
of bounding surface models is the radial mapping
facing engineers, those involved dynamic loading
models [12] which have been used to develop
require a proper understanding of cyclic behavior of
constitutive models for cohesive [4, 7-91 and non-co-
material and an efficient mathematical tool to
hesive soils [5,6, 12, 131. Many of radial mapping
represent such behavior.
models developed for soils have demonstrated great
In recent years, recognition of the destructive
potential in simulating the behavior of soils in
nature of earthquakes on constructed facilities has led
boundary value problems involving cyclic loading.
to extensive research efforts in testing materials in
However, a routine application of these models in
cyclic regime. The knowledge of cyclic behavior of
solving practical problems of structural and geotech-
engineering materials, such as structural steel,
nical engineering is contingent to development and
concrete, and soils is significantly improved due to
implementation of robust and accurate integration
these efforts. On the other hand, the need for
techniques. New integration techniques, recently
modeling cyclic behavior of materials has led to the
proposed in the context of classical plasticity [ 14-161,
development of three major theories in cyclic
cannot be directly applied to bounding surface
plasticity: nonlinear kinematic hardening, multi-
models, because of internal structure of the
surface plasticity [l] and bounding surface plas-
formulation of bounding surface plasticity. The
ticity [2, 31. Numerous models have been developed
objective of this paper is to develop proper
within each framework and have been applied with
modifications which renders bounding surface plas-
variable degree of success in modeling the constitu-
ticity models in a form suitable for application of
tive behavior of metals, concrete, and soils. Among
implicit integration techniques. The proposed
the current theories, bounding surface plasticity has
method is presented through development of
received much attention due to its simplicity and
integration techniques for a simple bounding surface
version of the modified Cam clay model.
Throughout the paper, tensor quantities are
t Author to receive correspondence. denoted by bold-faced characters in direct notation.
386 M. T. Manzari and M. A. NOW

The following conventions will be used in direct The elastic response of the material is characterized
notation: by the generalized Hookes law, i.e.

a . b = a,,blk tiil = E&, = E&t, - iE) (10)

a : b = trace(a b) = a,b,, where E is the tensor of elastic moduli, expressed as

aQb = a,,bk,
&I = @a,+ G(cXd,r+ Si&) (11)
where the summation convention is implied over
repeated indices. A superposed dot denotes the rate,
and the symbol ) ) implies the 2-norm of a tensor, i.e. in which K and G are, respectively, bulk and shear
modulus. Equation (10) can be written in a form
]a( = [a : a]*. relating the components of the elastic rate of
deformation to the components of stress increment,
The following invariants of the Cauchy (effective) namely
stress tensor, u, and rate of deformation tensor, c, are
used in the formulation of the model: i; = C,&, (12)

p = goi/ where

tv = E;, (2)
CSkl= & - & &Sk, + & (&6,, + &6,,). (13)
( >
Deviatoric parts of stress and strain tensors are
defined as
The elastic shear and bulk moduli are, in general,
functions of the current state of effective stresses and
s, = ug -ph. II (3) other parameters characterizing the current state of
the material such as void ratio. Therefore, the
eii = tii - &,.S, (4) response expressed by eqns (10) or (12) is of
hypo-elastic nature, unless the dependence on stress
where 6, denotes the identity tensor of rank 2, i.e. the
is such as to guarantee the existence of a potential, i.e.
Kronecker delta. Subsequently the following invari-
of hyper-elasticity type. Specific forms of the function
ants are introduced:
representing the elastic moduli may vary among
different models.
J = [f(s : s)y = [ftr(s)y (5) The plastic part of the rate of deformation tensor
is defined as
q=,,hJ (6)
t; = (li)R, (14)

where /i is the plastic multiplier indicating the

magnitude of the plastic strain rate and R is a
t, = [f(e : e)] (8) symmetric second-order tensor denoting the direction
of plastic strain rate in the stress space. The plastic
where r] is the shear stress ratio. Note that effective multiplier, A is sometimes called the loading index or
stresses are taken to be positive in compression. the plastic loading function. The symbol () stands for
the Macauley bracket, i.e. (A) = /i if A > 0 and
BASIC EQUATIONS (LI) = 0 if /i < 0. The loading index, /i, is expressed
by the following equation:
Assuming a small transformation (deformation
and rotation) during a generic increment of loading,
we use the additive decomposition of strain increment (15)
into an elastic and a plastic part. In the absence of
rate-dependent behavior, the strain rates can where KP is the actual plastic modulus associated with
equivalently be used instead of strain increments, i.e. bii and & is a plastic modulus on the bounding
surface associated with bti [8]. The bii is a suitably
4 = i; + i$ (9) defined image of the current stress point (in the stress
space) on the bounding surface such that the normal
where iU, ii, is denote the strain rate tensor, its elastic to the bounding surface at this image stress point has
and plastic parts, respectively. the same direction as the normal to the loading
Integration of bounding surface plasticity models 381

surface (a homologous counterpart of the bounding efficiency of the analysis [ 171. Use of the consistent
surface passing through the current stress state) at the tangent operator which offers a Jacobian consistent
current stress point. Most bounding surface models with the global solution strategy has been proved to
use a radial mapping rule [7, 8, 1I] as defined by the alleviate this problem [ 15-171.
following relation [ 111: The consistent tangent operator and new inte-
gration techniques [ 14, 181 have been successfully
& .= B(a!j - /Q) + /&j (16) applied to classical plasticity models [15-l 7, 19, 201.
An implicit integration method and derivation of
where /? > 1 and pLilis a back stress which defines the the consistent tangent operator for a simple
projection center o:r center of homology between the bounding surface model is discussed in the following
loading surface and the bounding surface. sections.
The tensor L in eqn (15) indicates the loading
direction. Combining eqns (lo), (14) and (15), we can

(17) For the sake of simplicity, a simple bounding

surface version of the modified Cam clay is chosen to
describe the method. Details of the model are given
where in the following subsections.

.$ = LOEuk,Rk,. (18) Elastic strains

Now by substituting eqns (14) and (17) in eqn (lo), Decomposing the volumetric and deviatoric parts
we find the general stress-strain relationship as: of the strain tensor, we find (eqns 10 and 11):

& = D&n, (19) @= K(i:) = K(i,, - ig) (24)

Sii= 2G(C;) = 2G(P,, - P;). (25)

D&-=+E4t)@(E~L) (20)
B As mentioned before, shear and bulk modulus are
functions of the current state of effective stresses and
is the so-called continuum Jacobian operator. B in some index parameters identifying the current state of
the above equation is defined as: the sand such as void ratio. In accordance with
critical state models, the following relationships are
B = Kp + Bo (21) used:

and h(/i) is the Heavside step function defined as zero

when A = 0. The inverse counterpart of eqn (19) can (26)
be found by substituting (15) in (9). Thus

tii = (D-)&, (22)

where D- is expressed as

v in the above equations is the current specific

(23) volume. For simplicity, v will be fixed at its value at
the beginning of the increment. Its change can be
calculated as: d/v = -i,, . Note that eqn (26) implies
The continuum Jacobian operator defines the
the use of a constant Poissons ratio, p.
relationship between the rate of stress and strain
tensors. It gives the exact Jacobian for such
relationships, if the load step remains infinitesimal. Bounding surface
For a finite load step, however, the continuum The bounding surface is defined as
Jacobian is not uniquely defined and should be
approximately estimated based on the values of
F(d, po) = 3&j - ;M*fq& - p) = 0 (28)
external (stress quantities) and internal variables of
the model at a specific incident during the load step.
Such a crude estimation has been found to deteriorate where 5 is the image deviatoric stress tensor, pa
the convergence rate of a global solution strategy denotes the size of the bounding surface (Fig. 1) and
used in a finite elernent analysis and to reduce the M is a material parameter.
388 M. T. Manzari and M. A. Nour

Loading surface Hardening law

The loading surface is of the same shape as the An isotropic hardening law is used to characterize
bounding surface (Fig. 1). The formal expression of the evolution of the bounding surface with the change
the loading surface is given as of void ratio [21,22]:

F(a, PI) = s,s, - ;M2,0(p,-P) = 0 (29)

where sYis the current deviatoric stress tensor and pl

denotes the size of the loading surface (Fig. 1). Plastic modulus
In accordance with the original concept of the
FIow rule
bounding surface plasticity [2, 31 a distance (distance
Equation (14) describes the general form of the between the current stress state and its image on
flow rule. Specific forms could be used to define the bounding surface) dependent function is utilized to
R tensor. Here an associated flow rule is used with R characterize the plastic modulus. Dafalias [ 111gener-
and L coinciding. The normality condition requires: alized his original proposition for uniaxial loading [2]
and suggested the following form for the plastic
L.=R.=~=?E+!!Fg. (30)
0 au, as, ap v
Decomposing R to deviatoric R and spherical parts & = & + h(dtidq) (35)
G(d$)m - d,,]n,>
RI, we have
where Kp and &. are, respectively, the plastic modulus
R = R + RI (31) for the yield surface and the bounding surface, di,
represents the vector connecting the current stress
where 1 is the identity tensor of rank 2. Similarly for point to its conjugate on the bounding surface, (d,,),.
L, is the initial d, when a new loading starts, n, is the unit
vector normal to the loading surface at the current
aF stress point and h is a scalar function depending on
L, = Y$-&= L; + L&. (32)
the length of the do. In the present model, the 3-D
term in eqn (35) is ignored for simplicity. The &. can
Considering eqn (28) for the bounding surface, we be obtained by imposing the consistency condition on
have: the bounding surface which gives:

L; = 2Q; L = ;M2(j - p,,). (33) 8M4v

KP = 9tn _ Kj PO@- h)D. (36)

The function h is considered to be of the following


where /l is the ratio between pO and pl and Ho is a

k-4 model constant.

Mapping rule
In the current model, the projection center is
assumed to coincide with the origin of the stress
space. Therefore pc = 0 in eqn (16), i.e.

(5, = ficrij. (38)


The integration scheme for the model follows the

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic view of bounding and loading surfaces method proposed in Ref. [14] and is an extension of
in q:p space; (b) typical normal compression and critical the integration procedure used for the modified Cam
state lines in commession olane. clay in Ref. [ 171.It involves an elastic predictor phase
Integration of bounding surface plasticity models 389

and a plastic corrector phase. At the beginning of

each load increment, an approximate updated
stress/strain is talc-ulated by assuming a fully elastic
response. The estimated state is then corrected to n+ p. = p. exp [&+Af:] (43e)
satisfy the discretized forms of the rate equations of
plasticity. The details of the method are described in
this section.

Elastic predictor Here we note that calculations of plastic strains

involves the use of the image states instead of the
Assuming a fully elastic response at the beginning
current states. The consistency condition also applies
of each time step, we have
to the bounding surface which involves the image
states. Therefore it is necessary to use the mapping
, =: n + Ae@ = n+ 1A,-(O,= 0 (39)
rl rule (38), i.e.

Note that the left superscript denotes the current time .+p=n+Ipn+p
Thus, we can write eqns (24) and (25) as +I-So = n+ n+ Is
B I1 (Mb)

where + j? = n+ par + p,. The parameter /I can be


( >
;n+A,, (40) calculated by substituting
(44) in eqn (430. This gives
+ p and n+ $ from eqns

n + f$) =: *s, + 2 n + G(O) + Ae,
(41) +B =
3 PO
+ sijn + J, + Q/f2 n+ y

As it can be seen from eqn (45), + p itself depends
on the current state of stresses, i.e. + p and n+ sii and
cannot be estimated before these quantities are
2 n + 'G(O) = g: n + IgO'
K determined. This means that + fi should be treated
as an independent unknown. This increases the
number of unknowns to ! 5 (5 As,, Ap, 5 AeVr AC,., A,
po, b), while eqn (43) offers 14 equations. One
,,p[exp[:+ AE.) - 11 additional equation is necessary to complete the set
of eqn (43). Such an equation can be obtained by
=- (42)
K n+ AC,, considering the essential assumption of the bounding
surface plasticity, defined in eqn (15). Details of the
Plastic corrector derivation of this equation is given in the following
Using the updated states, we can estimate the
plastic strains and correct the estimated updated D$erential equation goveming /I
states in the elastic predictor phase. This is achieved
A differential equation for p is derived by
by simultaneous satisfaction of the flow rule,
substituting eqns (32) and (33) in eqn (15). Equation
hardening law, and consistency condition, as implied
(15) is written as:
by the following equations:

n+ p = p exp z ( + Aa _ +Ac;)
1 W-4 Note that:

+I& = n+/ip,fZ(+/j _ ;+lpo) (43b) L& = (L,; + LG,)(Si, + ps~) = L& + 3L$ Wa)

and similarly:
2G +AQ -+A@
+I$ = s, + -N)
KJ +AE, -n+A$)
L&j = L& + 3Lj. (474

Using eqn (38), we have:

exp :: (~+Ac~ -~+Ac:)
[ 11 - 1 (43c)
&j=&, p=&L (48)
390 M. T. Manzari and M. A. Nom

Substituting (48) in (47b), we have: (58)

L,,A, = L;(ps, + Bs,) + 3L(PP + BP). (49)

2fis,& + ;M2(2flp - po)6p - ;M2pSpo
Substituting eqns (33), (49) and (47a) in eqn (46), we
+ (s,si/ + :Mzpy/!l = 0 (59)

1 1

( i
28 B - $ [Sk + {M2pPI + 2/I&.&s, + $Pp2] &PO
PO B fl_ 2 w. (60)
( ->P

-$Pp,,@~ + flp) + 2;P M*po$ = 0. (50) Introducing the following notations

From eqn (29) we have: z, = pov/(l - Ic)

z, = siis, + 2/3M2p2
s,s,, + $M2p2 = $Mpo p (51)
z2 = 2/3M2p
or in the differential form
z3 = 2/3MV$p - PO)
s,Sij + fM2plj = f $ (dopp + p&p - pi,,@). (52)
zq = 213M=A

Substituting eqn (52) in (50), we find 1 1

z5=po B p-5
B i i
B-5 =f. (53)
and combining eqns (54) (55) (58) and (60) we find:

Equation (53) complete the set of eqn (43) which I

should be solved simultaneously to obtain the 6tP = - (z&l + 2BzJp) (61)
updated states at the end of each time increment.
Details of the algorithm for implicit integration of the
present model is given in Appendix A. Derivation of
the consistent tangent operator which can be used in
finite element calculations is given in the next section.

Consistent tangent operator where

The consistent tangent operator is defined as:
Z6= 1 + zz,(l - 2p/z5)
-- aAp

[ aAc -1

In order to evaluate the consistent tangent operator,

Combining eqns (56H58) and (60) and using eqns
(61) and (62) yields that following expression for 6~.

we write eqns (43) and (53) in differential form, i.e. as, = 2G{6e, - 4/3zz~As,K/(z,z~z~)~e

Sp = K(& - 6(P). (54) - [2ZZ,As~(llzMz5z6)

ckp=;M2{(2flp - po)sA + 2/?Abp + pA@ - ASpo} +,]~A}/(l + 4GgA). (63)

Using eqns (61), (62), eqns (58) and (60) yield the
6s, = 2G(6eii - 6et) (56) following expressions for 6p. and S/I.

6et= WA&, + /3su6A + AS&~) (57) spa = 42BKalz7ck + z,/z,dA]/z6 (W

Integration of bounding surface plasticity models 391


A = z,K/z, - 16GKzz~A~*s~s,,/(~~z~z,)/

l N=5
-- N&l (1 + 4GBA) - 222224~K/(2~2,)(1 - z,/(zzzJ
- N=320
B = 4GB/(l + 4GfiA)
PM'@ C = 4GPsij[2& - 2zz,As,( l/z,)/(z5zJ]/( 1

+ 4GaA) + z:K/(zsz,)

+ zmt1 - z,/(2*z5)1(1/27)/26.

Using eqns (62), (63) and (66), we finally find all the
350 components of the consistent tangent operator:

250 aapia& = K[ i - Z3/Z6(A/c)]/Z7

0 N=5
aI50 -- N=a aspladek, = - K[Z,/Z@k,/c)]/Z,
100 ...... N&,
- N=320
50 ass,/a66 = 2G{ -2zz,nK(2~s,)/(z~z,z,)
32000 OCR=8
0 OS 0.1 0.15 0.1
- [Qzz&)( l/z,)/(z55)
(b) + 2Bs,l(A/C)}/(l + 4GpA)

a&,/%ekl = 2G{S.& f skd&?ZZ3~( 1/Z7)/(Z5Z6)

- VIWC)J/(l+ 4GPA).

For the modified Cam clay model (B = 1 and

zs = a~), the aforementioned equation reduces to
those obtained in Ref. [18], i.e.
l Nd
-- N=20
...... N&, A = z, K/z, - 2zzzzqK/(zhz,)
- N--320

0 O.OS 0.1
B = 4G/(l + 4GA)
0.15 0.2
C = 8Gsiisii/( 1 + 4GA) + z:K/(zgz,)

Fig. 2. Numerical simulations of undrained compression + Zz*Z,[1/Z,)]/z6

tests for two different OCRs using different numbers of
strain increments (IV).

8s = &JO/ZS= z[2~:Kz.,/z& '",

+ z,/zdA]/(z~z~). (65)
100 - - Actual
...... ,mye
50- \
0 I I I I
Substituting eqns (62)-(65) in eqn (59), we find: 0 100 200300400500600
P (kPa)

__ A& + Bsubeij

(66) Fig. 3. Computed paths of the actual and image stress states
c in undrained compression tests for two different OCRs.
392 M. T. Manzari and M. A. Nour

(a) aap/adc = K[I - z,~z6(~~~)yz,

a&j& = -4Gs,(A/C)/(l + 4GA)

;i 200
2 I.50 ass,/aih,= 26((&,6!,
- 2~,~~,)(B/c)}/(i
+ 4GA).
Validation studies
0 In order to demonstrate the accuracy and
0 SO IO0 I50 200 2.x) 300 efficiency of the proposed implicit integration
P Wo) scheme, a number of simulations are reported in this
section. These numerical simulations correspond to
triaxial undrained monotonic and cyclic tests on
(b) heavily and lightly over consolidated clays (with
OCR = 4, 8).
The following parameters were used in all
2so K = 0.034
;i 200
g 150
1 = 0.17
G/K = 0.46155
I I I 1
0 0.05 0. I 0.1s 0.2
El M= 1.1

vg = 2.12.

Figures 2 and 3 show the results of numerical

simulations of undrained monotonic compression
tests on a clay with OCR = 4 and OCR = 8. The
soil parameter H was set to 20 and number of
strain increments to reach a 20% axial strain was
varied from 5 to 320. Figures 2(a-c), respectively,
show the effective stress path, the variation of
deviatoric stress, q vs axial strain and the variation
of stress ratio, q, vs axial strain. The simulations
I I I I using small and large strain increments, practically
0 0.05 0.1 0.1s 0.2 coincide. This clearly shows the efficiency of the
El integration scheme.
The pronounced peaks of stress ratio curves are
due to high OCR values. Figure 3 shows the path of
(d) the actual and image stress states in q:p space. This
figure is especially interesting in the way it shows the
CMM; convergence of the current and image states at final
critical stress ratio.
In order to demonstrate the performance of the
bounding surface model, keeping a constant strain
increment (IV = 320), the soil parameter H was varied
from 5 to 10,000. As shown in Fig. 4, the larger
H, the smaller would be the difference between the
I I i I I
bounding surface model and the modified Cam
0 so IO0 IS0 200 250 300
clay. A large value of H practically simulates the
p (kPa) response of the modified Cam clay model. Figure 4
clearly shows the efficiency of the bounding surface
Fig. 4. Effect of the variation of the parameter H on the model to alleviate the unrealistic response of the
response of the bounding surface model. modified Cam clay which produces a large peak in
Integration of bounding surface plasticity models 393

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394 M. T. Manzati and M. A. Now


Algorithm for implicit integration for the bounding surface

mod$ed Cam clay model

(1) Initialize:

I+ A@ = 0, I+ Aef = 0, n + p = p,,, +/I = 0,

fi = PO/(3+ s,, + s,,j2M/p + p),

kp = polp(2fi- po/p)/(po/p(2~- po/p)

+ 4If#qp - 1)).

(2) Elastic prediction and yield conditions

+Is,, = s+ 2G/Kp(n+Ae,/+Ac)

x {exp(vo/h- +AC) - l}

If + AC-PO use + Is,, = s,, + 2G/Rpvo/~ + Ae,,

+ a = 8, I+ kp = kp.

If only elastic strain then go to (7) final stresses (converged


Plastic corrector using a local (fiill) Newton scheme:

, 8, +kp}.

(3) Calculate the residuals vector R

+ p - p exp(v&c( + At - + At))
(I+A@ _ 0,667 + ,jM2(2 + /j + lp _ + lpO)

+s,, - s,, - 2G/Kp(+Ae - +Ae;)/(+Ac -

+Ae&){exp(ve/Q+A~ - Act) - I}
If ( + AC - + Ae;)+O use + Is,, - s,, - ZG/Kpvo/

+ PO- POexp(vo/(l - K) + A.?)

+l n+l +s,_0.66~M*+Ip(+Ipo_n+~n+p)
B Sll

b + 1 kp +p$po/(~ - +kp -b +po/po)

+ kp _ + pui+lp(2 + fi _ + IpOl+lp)/{n+ lpo/

+p(2+~-+Ipol+p)+4H+/q+~- I)}

If IRI less than tolerance then go to (7) final stresses

(converged solution).

(4) Calculate the consistent iangent moduli T = aR/BU:

Integration of bounding surface plasticity models 395

where (5) Solve for TSU = -R:

hi,= I if(i:=j)
0 otherwise
S+A, P+Ip,S+kp}.
+K = WI/K exp(v&(+Ac - I+Ae&))
(6) Updated the solution vector U
+G = (G/K)a(exp(v&(+A6 -+AeJ)) - I}/
(+lAC---+IAeP)I ~+lp=+Ip+6+lp, +IAL=+&~+~+I&

If (+A6 - + Act l-*0 use n+ G = (G/K)@v~/K +S,,=+s,+6n+s,,, +Ae; =+Aeg + b+Ae;

aR,/a+ A@= -pov~/(l - K)exp(v,/(A - K) + A@) +I/f=+In+s+I,l
+po= +po + P+po,
aR,p +PO=
+/$=+fi+S+Ip, .+lkp=+kp+6+kp,
(?y_k _j$@ O)(/j+k I ,)+fi+,k cl 0/n 0
(B - + kp - j? + poipi#
Go to step (3)
aR,jan +lkp =
Final stresses (converged solution):
n _+!k _n +I @no n n+l On ,,)+n ilk n+l Ox D
(/3- + kp - B + polpo) p = P, A@= n+&P

aR,jan+lp= -~x:~-~+~po~+~p~2~+~~-~+~po~+~p~y)~x q = +Isy , Ae$= n+ Ae$

aR,/8+po = -(X;?-+~ol+p(2+~B -+pol+p)Z)/X
PO= PO, nn = +A
aR,/p+lg = _(2~+pol+p-+pol+p(2+~-+po/
/3=+/?, kp=+kp
+p)(:! + PO/+p + SH+/.I - 4H))/X

~~~+lp,~+p(~+~-+poi+lp) where
+4H+/?(+p - 1)
kp = 2
y= -~i~+po~+p2+~+p,2/+lpl P

~=2+bi+P-2+pol+lp2. t = cr.

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