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Montane Foragers

Montane Foragers
Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic

By Mark S. Aldenderfer

University of Iowa Press 'fJ Iowa City

University of Iowa Press, Iowa City 52242
Copyright 1998 by the University of Iowa Press
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Aldenderfer, Mark S.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the south-central Andean archaic/by Mark S.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-87745-621-6
1. Asana Site (Peru). 2. Indians of South America-Peru-Asana River
Valley-Antiquities. 3. Indians of South America-Peru-Asana River
Valley-Food. 4. Indians of South America-Peru-Asana River Valley-
Anthropometry. 5. Hunting and gathering societies-Peru-Asana River
Valley. 6. Mountain ecology-Peru-Asana River Valley. 7. Excavations
(Archaeology)-Peru-Asana River Valley. 8. Asana River Valley (Peru)-
Antiquities. I. Title.
F3429.1.A78A45 1998
985'.2-dc21 97-40225

98 99 00 01 02 C 5 4 3 2 1
To the Apus,
who are forever mindful-

In a gesture ofreciprocity, with gratitude for their inspiration,

their revealing themselves through the gift ofAsana,
and their teaching me to replace what I take from the earth.

Preface IX 6

The Discovery and Initial Permanent

Acknowledgments Xl11 Settlement of the Highlands 136

1 7

High-Mountain Environments Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline:

as a Human Habitat 1 Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P. 175

2 8
The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin Rapid Transformation:
as a Human Habitat 26 Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P. 228

3 9

The Archaic Period Archaeology of the Asana and Models of Montane Foraging 276
Western Flanks of the South-Central Andes 51
References Cited 309
Field and Analytical Methods 76 Index 325

The Geological Setting of Asana 116

Throughout the twentieth century, the archaeology of for- ogy performed in the mountainous regions of the world,
aging peoples has undergone a profound transformation, for there have been a number of outstanding studies of
moving from an antiquarian fascination with "primitive" foraging peoples in these environments, especially in the
peoples and their material culture to a broadly based, eco- Andes. But it remains the case that for much of the disci-
logically grounded science more concerned with processes pline, the archaeology of high-elevation foragers has been
of cultural change, adaptation, and evolution. While the seen more as a curiosity, the chronicle of an adaptation to
wellsprings of this transformation are many and complex, an extreme, even marginal environment thought to be of
one of the principal means by which we in the discipline little importance to the development of more complex
have forged this new understanding has been through the societies. Thus while potentially important from a strictly
continuous geographical expansion of the scope of our historical perspective, the archaeology of high-elevation
studies. Since the 195Os, archaeologists all over the world foraging peoples has been of secondary importance when
have worked in a multitude of environments and habitats, viewed as a potential source of theoretical knowledge about
including the tundras and ice of Alaska and Siberia, the foraging peoples.
humid, sodden tropical forests of South America and In some ways, it is true that high mountains are ex-
Southeast Asia, the deserts ofMrica and Australia, and the treme, even marginal environments. At elevations above
temperate regions of North America and Europe. From 2,500 m, humans not acclimatized to the altitude begin to
these far-flung studies, and through the comparison of experience a number ofphysiological defects, ranging from
empirical data recovered from a number of theoretical shortness of breath, headache, and nausea to, in very ex-
perspectives, not only have we dramatically increased our treme instances, death due to pulmonary edema. Even
fundamental knowledge of the details of the evolution of people native to the highlands can experience a chronic
our species in these diverse environments but of greater disease loosely labeled as "mountain sickness," which can
importance we have begun to define the salient features of seriously impair their health and can be cured only by de-
environment and ecology that structure how foragers make scent to the lowlands. The environment itselfpresents sig-
a living as well as the range and diversity of human and nificant extremes. Topography is rugged, and elevational
cultural responses to the structural features of environment. changes, which can be abrupt and dramatic, can place ef-
During this expansion, however, one major habitat- fective and serious constraints on the range of mobility of
the high-elevation, mountainous region-has been gen- human groups as well as add serious hazards to movement
erally neglected and therefore unfortunately has contrib- in general. In some mountainous regions, seasonal changes
uted relatively little to our broadened understanding of in temperature and weather are so severe as to prevent
the ecological foundations of a foraging lifeway. This is humans from living in them year-round. These changes
not to say that there has not been high-quality archaeol- may also significantly limit the availability and quantity of
x J>reyrace

plants and animals that can be used by humans. In short, foraging peoples. While this is common practice in ar-
there are good reasons to consider mountains as extreme chaeological research, the lack of direct analogies is some-
habitats. But when compared to other extreme habitats, times frustrating. For instance, if we are interested in how
such as deserts, mountainous regions somehow seem less high-elevation peoples adapt to cold stress, we can search
severe, and further, many deserts, especially those in south- for analogies from high-latitude or temperate foraging
ern Mrica and western Australia, have provided some of groups. We are not so fortunate if we wish to investigate
the best insights into foraging lifeways. Therefore, it does to what degree cultural adaptations to cold stress are also
not seem that extremeness is a satisfactory explanation for related to practices designed to cope with chronic hypoxia
the failure of mountainous regions to contribute to our and what that does to work capacity, which in turn can be
understanding of foraging life-styles in the past. It is also tied to questions of the scale of mobility.
belied by the massive interest developed during the 1970s Yet another reason that high-elevation regions have
and 1980s in agricultural and pastorallifeways in the Andes, been neglected is the place they hold in Western thought.
Himalayas, and Alps, in part sponsored by the UNESCO Since classical antiquity, mountains have been places of
"Man and the Biosphere" program. mystery and wonder, the seat of the gods and places of
Another, more plausible, explanation is simply that at power. The perception of their remoteness has persisted
times ofethnographic contact, truly high-elevation regions even into the modern era of mountain-focused recreation
of the world were not populated by foraging peoples. and transportation. Mountains are equated with wilder-
Hunter-gatherers disappeared fronl the high Andes almost ness, and they possess a conceptual, if not physical, dis-
3,000 years ago and probably earlier, and while data from tance from modern society. So it is no surprise that to many
the Himalayas are scanty, there are no known historical archaeologists, mountains have been frequently consid-
documents that describe foraging peoples. The situation ered to be marginal habitats or, as Benedict (1992) has put
in Europe is similar, for foragers have been replaced by it, "culturally peripheral" to core areas of historical and
pastoralists and agriculturalists for at least 3,000 years. cultural development. In many ways, this has been a self-
North America provides something of an exception, but fulfilling prophecy. The perception of mountain habitats
even here, there are relatively few important ethnogra- as peripheral has limited the amount of archaeological work
phies of Native Americans who practiced a fully foraging done within them, and the generally thin literature on
life-style in the highest mountainous regions of the conti- mountain foragers which results from this situation is fre-
nent. While it is well known that such groups as the Ute, quently cited as support for this position.
Cheyenne, and Arapaho used the highlands of the Colo- It should be no surprise, then, to learn that the goal of
rado Front Range, for example, Benedict (1992) has ar- this book is to make an effort to dispel these notions of
gued that the introduction of the horse and intensive con- marginality and extremeness and to develop an argument
tact with white society, among other things, had dramati- about the importance of understanding mountain forager
cally changed the use of high mountains by the beginning adaptations to further our general knowledge of the cul-
of the nineteenth century. tural ecology of foraging peoples. Consequently, this book
This lack of ethnography has been both a curse and a has three parts. The first is concerned with the descrip-
blessing. Although we have been saved from the so-called tion of high-elevation environments as a human habitat,
tyranny of the ethnographic record, we have also been especially from the perspective of mobile foraging peoples.
prevented from obtaining useful insights into how the pe- Modern studies of the human biology of high-elevation
culiar dynamics of high-mountain environments could peoples figure prominently in this part, as do general re-
have structured foraging lifeways. One reaction to this has views of the basic ecological features of high-mountain
been to ignore the effects of high altitude when studying environments. Selected archaeological and ethnographic
these peoples and treating them essentially like lowlanders. case studies are reviewed, and salient features of the adap-
The mountain environment, however, has a number of tations of highlands peoples are summarized. A general
severe and difficult challenges that must be overcome for model of high-elevation land use is also developed, using
successful adaptation to it. Another reaction to the prob- these sources in addition to models derived from modern
lem has been to build models of high-elevation foraging evolutionary ecology.
life-styles upon general ecological principles, in-depth The second part of the book is devoted to the presen-
studies of human physiological response to high elevation, tation of a detailed archaeological case study of a high-
and selected analogies taken from the study of modern elevation foraging adaptation. The geographical setting is
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic Xl

the high-sierra and puna rim habitats of the south-central three major themes: the discovery, initial occupation, and
Andes of southern Peru. This area is a part of the western permanent habitation of the highlands (ca. 11,000-8700
cordillera of the Andes and ranges in elevation from ap- B.P.); a period of growth, relative stability, and decline
proximately 3,000 to over 4,800 m above mean sea level. (8700-5000 B.P.); and a period of very rapid transforma-
The time frame is the Archaic (or Preceramic) Period, tion of social and subsistence practices (5000-4000 B.P.).
which in the south-central Andes ranges from 10,000 to In the final part of the book, the data from Asana will
4000 B.P. The focus of the book is the archaeological re- be compared against model predictions. While this is the
search conducted at the site ofAsana, the first major strati- book's shortest section, I make a serious effort to examine
fied, open-air site discovered in the highlands of the south- the strengths and weaknesses of the model and to offer
central Andes. Following a discussion of analytical and suggestions for future theoretical and empirical research
excavation methods as well as the historical context for on montane foragers.
research, the findings from Asana have been organized into

I shall say at the outset of these acknowledgments that I late Victor Barua, who in 1983 was the general manager at
am certain to have forgotten someone of importance to Cuajone. In the early 1980s, Victor was able to convince
the development of this project. Among other things, this SPCC management that their support of archaeology
unhappy realization has taught me to be far more careful would benefit not only SPCC but also Peru's cultural pat-
in my notes and records of more current projects. I hope, rimony. At his urging, Chuck Preble, president of SPCC,
though, that the number of those not mentioned will be developed a wide-ranging program of support for archaeo-
small and that they will understand and forgive my in- logical research in the Osmore drainage. This support,
creasingly distracted mental state. which continues today, has led not only to major advances
Foremost, I must thank Mike Moseley, now of the in our understanding of the prehistory of the region but
University of Florida, for giving me my first opportunity also more tangibly, with the enthusiasm and persistence
to work in Peru. Mike was at the Field Museum when I of Maria Antonieta Olazaval de Preble, to the establish-
arrived at Northwestern in 1983, and he was actively seek- ment of Museo Contisuyo, a first-rate museum located in
ing archaeologists to work under the research umbrella of Moquegua. The infrastructural and financial support of
Programa Contisuyo. I was actively seeking a new field SPCC has been of enormous importance to our work, and
area, having had enough of the Eastern Woodlands. We I am sincerely grateful for it.
talked, the research opportunities sounded very promis- Funding for this project has come from a number of
ing, and I made my first trip to Peru in the summer of sources, including the University Research Grants Pro-
1984. That summer was my formal introduction to Andean gram at Northwestern University (1985-1988), the H.
archaeology, and I am grateful to Bob Feldman, then of John Heinz III Charitable Trust (1987), the National Sci-
the Field Museum, for showing me the local ropes, intro- ence Foundation (BNS-8822261 and DBS-9245913), and
ducing me to the important people in Moquegua, and giv- the University of California through the award of a Re-
ing me a good overview of what I was getting myself into. gents Junior Faculty Fellowship (1991).
Much of what we have accomplished at Asana would Over the years, many people at Cuajone have helped us
not have been possible, or would have been far more ex- in one way or another. Phil Dunstan, Don Podobnik,
pensive and much more difficult, had it not been for the Eberhard Rother, and Carlos Ruiz Huidobro all served as
active support of the Southern Peru Copper Corporation general managers, and their aid was crucial at different
(SPCC). The company operates two mines-Cuajone and phases ofthe project. Tom Martinez may have been among
Toquepala-and a smelter at 110. In no small part, the suc- the most important. Tom authorized the repairs of our
cess of my research, as well as that of a surprisingly large vehicles, rescued us when stranded in the middle of no-
number ofboth Peruvian and North American professional where, and kept our motley crew of trucks running as best
archaeologists, has been due to the untiring efforts of the he could given their age and our abuse of them. On a more
xiv Acknowledgments

informal basis, Roberto Olazabal helped with our vehicles Martinez became "mamacita" to all of our children at one
as well and beyond that has been our good friend over the time or other, and we'll all remember the warmth of the
years. Jorge Tovar of the Geology Department of SPCC Thanksgiving dinners we had in her home.
gave us access to maps, aerial photos, and climate data col- A number of people, most notably the late Father
lected by SPCC, and his geological expertise proved deci- Francis Falhman and Alfredo Olazaval, graciously shared
sive in our initial attempts to interpret the complex strati- with us their knowledge of the prehistory of Moquegua.
graphic and depositional history of Asana. Jorge Lozano Padre Pancho, as he was known to all, showed us his col-
also helped with geological consulting. The late Stuart lections of archaeological materials and led us to local in-
Jones and the late Dan Torpy helped us with equipment formants who had information about sites in the region.
requests (front-end loaders, D-9 Caterpillars, and the He became a good friend and baptized two of our chil-
trucks to move them); their expertise in moving large vol- dren at the church in Moquegua. His counsel and good
umes of dirt helped us to carefully and quickly remove the humor are missed by all who knew him. Alfredo Olazaval
overburden that had buried-and thus preserved-Asana. was among the first to welcome us to the archaeology of
Without them, we would still be digging today. Hernan the Moqueguan highlands. Alfredo knew the archaeology
Boloarte helped us with computers, software, and data of Toquepala Cave well and discussed it with us. He also
processing problems, and Alan Cook repeatedly repaired showed us collections of points he had made from other
our electronic balances. German Moron and Guillermo highland sites, and these proved immensely useful to us as
Manrique, as heads of Public Relations, helped us deal with we began our initial surveys.
the corporate bureaucracy and guided us through often Many students worked with us over the years in both
sensitive local political issues. Manuel Balmaceda, as di- the field and lab. While each of them was important to us
rector of the Cuajone Hospital, authorized the use of the at one time or another, I want to emphasize my debt of
hospital facilities for all our medical needs, large and small. gratitude to Larry Kuznar, who came to Asana in 1987 as
One of our most prized resources was the American a graduate student and excavated the original test unit,
School at Cuajone. The principals, teachers, and staff have TV 1. Although we discussed the placement of the unit, it
been unfailingly helpful through the years. The principal, was really Larry's choice, and as it turned out, it was a
Ron Bromert, authorized the use of various rooms in the great one. The unit reflected the entire sequence of occu-
school for our artifact processing lab and made the school pation of the site and thus provided us with a set of expec-
equipment available to us. The teachers, including Kay tations against which further excavations could be com-
Bromert, Dick Hale, Alfredo Laguna, Mike Todd, among pared. It is serendipitous that in a book about "optimality"
others, gave us useful advice and timely help. Perhaps more that the first excavation was so optimally located! From
important, they educated our children at different stages this early excavation at Asana, Larry moved on to his dis-
of their academic lives and made them feel at home while sertation, which was focused on the origins of herding
far from their homes, and for this we will be long grateful. economies as reflected at Asana. Larry compiled much of
School staff, especially Maria Gamez de Dance, helped us the environmental data pertinent to the analysis of this
process forms, field phone calls, and locate scarce resources. problem, and I have benefited from long conversations
We are also grateful to the many friends we made while with Larry on these and other matters about archaeology,
living and working in Cuajone. Betty de Olazabal is per- anthropology, and science. I am very grateful to have had
haps the dearest of these. Almost from the start, Betty the chance to work with him, and lowe him much. His
adopted us as friends. We used her house as a base, ate wife, Christine, very patiently worked with us and con-
many meals there, and found it to be a refuge when we tributed to the project as well. Jane Sliva, Val Davis, the
needed advice on how to negotiate new and surprising late Luke Ellison (who has his own shrine atop Cerro Baul),
problems. Betty joined us in the lab and became a very Liz Dinsmore, Emily Snodgrass, Kelly Miller, Mary and
competent lithic analyst. Without her important help, I Gladys Barreto, Jackson Lounsberry, and Sharon Spanogle
would have spent many more (many more!) late nights worked at Asana in the early years. Jane has drawn the
and long weekends sorting stone myself. Betty became the excellent artifact illustrations used in chapters 4, 6, 7, and
madrina of my youngest son through this friendship and 8. Beth Kolb, Phyllisa Eisentraut, Alice Berrgreen, Karen
has continued to work in the lab with us. Other volunteers Rasmussen, Rosa Arestegui de Gamez, and Gloria Salinas
who helped in both the field and lab include our friends worked for us in the final years of the project.
Esther Myrvold, Laurie Cook, and Mike Bromert. Vivian There are two people who will likely never read this
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic xv

book but who both made much of it possible. Albino Pilco Jochim, Mike Moseley, Jim Brown, John Rick, Chip
Quispe began working for me at Asana in 1987 as a field Stanish, Jean Hudson, and Lautaro Nunez. As before, the
assistant. He was born in the highlands of the Titicaca mistakes are mine, and I'm sure I should have heeded some
basin and received the limited education available to the of the advice I have received from these friends.
children of campesino families during the 1970s. Through Holly Carver of the University of Iowa Press deserves
the years, Albino learned the craft of field archaeology and credit for her willingness to take this book on, as well as
has risen to be my right hand in my subsequent field her patience for its very long gestation period. I hope she
projects as well as my good friend. Because of his range of will feel that she has been rewarded when it finally ap-
skills, some of my students have taken to calling him the pears. John Kantner and Dirk Brandts have also made sig-
"MacGyver of the Andes." He once realigned the front nal contributions to the production of the book, assisting
end of a truck using nothing more than a pair of vice grips in the computer scanning of the graphics.
and a rock. I am deeply grateful to Albino for all he has Finally, I must now acknowledge the person who has
given me. His wife, Virginia Incacona, has also become really made all of this possible-my wife, Karen Doehner
one of our best friends. She has cooked for many crews, Aldenderfer. It's hard to know where to begin. She has
helped raise our children, and has been a constant source been my constant field and lab companion from the be-
of help and support. ginning of my Andean research. She has organized evelY
I am also very grateful for the assistance and guidance one of the labs and has been responsible for processing
ofvarious colleagues at different stages of the project. Luis every scrap of material from Asana. Not only that, she has
Watanabe served as codirector of Programa Contisuyo for done the faunal identifications that form much of the sub-
many years. He was instrumental in helping us obtain per- stance of the book. She has even pitched in to do lithic
mits and more than once guided us through the pitfalls of analysis when I flagged. She has drawn all of the line art in
Peruvian archaeological politics. April Sievert did much this book and is responsible for wrestling with the text
of the microwear analysis for the project, especially that corrections and the design and layout of the text in this
concerned with the scrapers and the diagnosis of their use. camera-ready form. She has been by my side through all
She also did a number of important experiments on alpaca of the triumphs and disappointments life has brought us
and llama hides in various states of treatment, and these during the life of the Asana project, and we have shared it
were instrumental in helping me think out the process of all-good and bad. This book is as much hers as it is mine,
how lowlanders become highlanders. Any errors of inter- and I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for her
pretation, however, are mine alone. Deborah Pearsall ex- advice, hard work, and love.
amined our flotation samples, which were disappointing
to us. This is no fault of hers, however, and I thank her for Santa Barbara
her perseverance. Colleagues who read parts of this book May 1997
and provided me with valuable insights include Mike
High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

nition of mountains, "regardless of absolute altitude, [as]

Defining High-Altitude, High-Mountain,
and Montane Environments all areas of sufficient local relief to reflect significant eco-
logical differences." Other geographers, however, argue
It is important to define carefully what is meant by a "high- that 300 m or less of local relief is too little. According to
altitude" environment. Terms such as "high altitude," "high some authorities, a figure of 700 m of local relief, com-
mountain," "alpine," "highland," and "upland" are fre- bined with the other criteria noted previously, especially
quently used interchangeably. For the human biologist, those based on ecological differences, appears to be emerg-
high-altitude environments are defined as those featuring ing as a consensus (Gerrard 1990: 4).
human habitation at elevations above 2,500 m, since it is Many authors distinguish "high" mountains from "low"
above this level that most humans begin to experience the or "middle" (intermediate) mountains. The usage appar-
effects of hypoxia (Baker 1978: 317). Permanent inhabit- ently stems from the German Hochgebirge, a term applied
ants above this altitude exhibit a number of physiological originally to the Alps and used more generally to describe
adaptations and acclimatizations that distinguish them mountains with elevations greater than 1,500 m and local
from newcomers. The effects ofhigh elevation on humans relief greater than 1,000 m, and Mittelgebirge, used to de-
are considerable and affect all aspects of human biology, scribe lower, less dissected mountains such as the Hartz
from reproduction to work capacity. From a landscape and Carpathian Mountains (Gerrard 1990: 4; Troll 1972).
perspective, however, this definition includes environments The term Mittelgebirge also seems to be used to describe
with two quite different landforms: mountainous terrain hilly terrain below high-mountain peaks but above valley
and plateaus, such as the high puna of the Andes or the floors (Allen 1986). High-mountain landscapes are often
Tibetan Plateau in the Himalayas. called "alpine" as well, which refers to "the cold and windy
Geographers and geologists have quite naturally focused zone above continuous forest with rocky ridges and scat-
their interest in high-altitude environments primarily upon tered tundra" (Love 1970; Price 1981: 4). More specifi-
the physical features of the landscape. Price (1981: 2-5) cally, "alpine" environments are defined as those that lie
identifies four criteria commonly used to define moun- above the Pleistocene snow line, are beyond the timber-
tainous terrain: local relief, steepness of slope, amount of line, and exhibit cryonival processes, such as extensive frost
land in slope, and elevation. Using these, he offers a work- heaving and solifluction (Gerrard 1990: 5). Because many
ing definition ofmountainous terrain based upon the pres- of these alpine environments are above the limits of per-
ence of an elevated landform with more than 300 m of manent human habitation in many parts ofthe world, some,
local relief with much of its surface in steep slopes and such as Ives (1985: 425), have argued that it is better to
with elevation-related changes in plant communities and drop the term "high" from a description of mountainous
climate. Messerli (1983: 84) goes further, proposing a defi- terrain and instead move toward a looser definition that
2 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

includes "regions characterized by steep slopes regardless

High-Mountain Ecology
of altitude or high absolute elevation (above 2,000 m) re-
gardless of slope angle." The definition of an alpine envi- With a workable definition of high-mountain environ-
ronment is furthermore strongly dependent on latitude: ments, the structure of high-mountain ecology can now
in northern latitudes, alpine environments are found at be explored. Historically, the study ofhigh-mountain ecol-
lower absolute elevations, such as at 700 m in Alaska, ogy has been dominated by the definition of vertically
whereas near the equator, they are found at elevations well stratified life zones (see, for example, Troll 1968). That is,
above 4,000 m. To the physical geographer, the Alaskan community ecological structure is often characterized by
mountains qualify as alpine but do not qualify as a high- "vegetation zones" or "types" that change along an eleva-
altitude environment as defined by human biologists. The tion gradient (Smith and Young 1987: 150). While the
terms are not interchangeable; thus "high-altitude" and concept of life zones has greatly facilitated global-scale
"alpine" environments may describe radically different comparisons of high-mountain ecologies, it has been of
physiographic, climatological, and ecological settings. relatively little value when used at finer scales, such as
Yet another term used by students ofmountains is "mon- within major valley systems or even regions. Brush (1977:
tane," which focuses upon the ways in which high moun- 6), for example, has shown that Tosi's (1960) classification
tains, middle mountains, and importantly, the valley sys- of life zones in the Peruvian Andes, developed at a scale of
tems that lie below them are articulated within a system of 1: 1,000,000, simply does not adequately capture the true
land use (Allen 1986: 191). Montane environments are environmental heterogeneity in areas of steep topography,
usually contrasted with "highland/plateaus/uplands" such where change in community structure can be extremely
as the high puna. Here, the primary criteria used to define abrupt. This is especially the case when attempting to un-
a montane environment appear to be relief and verticality, derstand how humans use high-mountain landscapes (see
with highland environments said to be characterized by also Aldenderfer 1989b: 103). Thus while high mountains
very little local relief, although they may well have high do exhibit a vertical banding of community structure, it is
absolute elevations. Billings (1979: 97), from a perspec- often more valuable to modify the general approach of the
tive rooted in ecology, also emphasizes the necessity to concept of life zones with more detailed analyses of patch
consider adjacent lower (and higher) elevations in any defi- structure and degree of environmental heterogeneity.
nition of montane environments. This use of the term Latitude also influences community ecological struc-
"highland" contrasts with the folk definition of the term, ture in mountain systems by causing variation in the
which generally denotes any mountainous or high area amount of precipitation, length of day, mean annual tem-
above adjacent valleys or plains. As I will show, while an- perature, and amount ofsolar radiation received. This vari-
thropologists have not used the term they have been the ability has led many authors to distinguish temperate high-
most faithful to the concept ofmontane environments with mountain systems, which occur in mid-to-high latitudes
their consistent emphasis on systems ofhigh-elevation land (e.g., the Alps), from tropical high mountains, which oc-
use that integrate lowlands and highlands-although see cur in and near the equatorial belt (e.g., the Andes).
Orlove and Guillet's (1985) definition of a "montane pro- High-mountain ecology is determined by a complex in-
duction strategy." teraction of climate, elevation, and topography, and from
Despite Ives's concerns, it is valuable to continue the a human perspective, it can be characterized primarily by
use of the term "high" mountains whenever it is appropri- five major features (Billings 1979: 119-120; Mani 1990:
ate and especially when human use of the environment is 4-7; Thomas 1979: 146-149; Winterhalder and Thomas
to be considered. To remain consistent with Price and 1978: 79-81): environmental heterogeneity, extremeness,
Messerli, I propose that montane, high-mountain envi- low predictability, low primary productivity, and high in-
ronments are those that exhibit sufficient local relief to stability and fragility.
show elevation-related changes in ecological structure over
Environmental Heterogeneity
relatively short distances, have an absolute elevation greater
than 2,500 m, and are part of a human adaptive system for Despite the gross pattern ofvertical banding of ecological
a significant portion of the year. communities, most high-mountain regions are character-
ized by significant spatial and temporal variability in the
size, distribution, longevity, and productivity of resource
patches. Spatial variability is determined by a host of fac-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 3

tors, including aspect (i.e., a shaded or sunlit location); tation, create significant hazards in high-mountain systems,
degree of slope, which affects soil genesis and buildup and and heavy seasonal snows are characteristic of mountains
water runoff or retention; wind direction and exposure; in temperate and high-latitude regions. Such snows im-
and, of course, elevation, which directly affects tempera- pede or even prevent mobility and make many mountain
ture. Although Billings (1979: 105) suggests that there is regions uninhabitable during the winter months. The ef-
some orderliness in the spatial distribution of patches in a fects of extreme snowfall are somewhat less significant in
high-mountain landscape, it nevertheless remains the case tropical mountains, but in the Andes, for instance, heavy
that within major ecological communities, local proper- snowfalls in the austral winter (nominally the dry season)
ties very strongly influence the size and composition of an can reach up to a meter in depth. Although the snowfalls
individual patch. can melt relatively quickly, they can cover the forage re-
Although temporal variability in patches is affected by quired by the wild and domestic camelids of the region
an equally diverse set of stresses, perhaps of more impor- and can dramatically increase mortality rates for both adult
tance is not so much the range of stresses but their period- and juvenile animals.
icity of occurrence. Temperature in tropical high-moun- Hypoxia, the diminished availability of oxygen due to
tain environments shows relatively little seasonal variation reduced barometric pressure at high altitude, is a charac-
but considerable diurnal variation. In the Andes, for ex- teristic extreme ofhigh-mountain systems. Hypoxia, again
ample, this means that killing frosts are possible in any in combination with other structural features of high-
season of the year. Precipitation, however, tends to be sea- mountain systems, has a clear effect on plants, particularly
sonal in nature, and in many tropical high-mountain sys- as it affects their morphology and metabolic processes (Bill-
tems, there are extensive periods of drought (Winterhalder ings 1979: 106-114), which in turn affects primary pro-
and Thomas 1978). Precipitation is also irregular, and while ductivity. Humans are profoundly affected by hypoxia.
it is strongly influenced by prevailing climatic factors, lo- Although our species has apparently developed a number
cal variability is such that precipitation can fall in a variety of physiological responses to hypoxia, it nevertheless re-
of forms, including snow, hail, and rain. Ip. combination, mains the ecological extreme least amenable to cultural
these factors can promote the development of a heteroge- intervention. The implications of hypoxia and tempera-
neous, patchy, or mosaic environment with high species ture extremes will be explored at length later.
and habitat diversity.
Low Predictability
Predictability is concerned with the degree to which the
High-mountain systems tend to exhibit significant and periodicity of some phenomenon can be measured. Pre-
extreme variability in environmental or climatic param- dictability has three components-predictability, con-
eters. Extremeness, when combined with other factors, has stancy, and contingency-that must be considered in any
a significant influence on the way in which organisms, in- analysis because they create distinct behavioral responses
cluding humans, adapt. Temperature and hypoxia are the in the organisms that must adapt to their effects. Predict-
most influential environmental extremes in high moun- ability per se is "the measure of variation among succes-
tains. Not only are temperatures in high mountains low, sive periods in the pattern of a periodic phenomenon"
but constant winds of high velocity can very significantly (Colwell 1974: 1152). When variation in this pattern is
lower the ambient air temperature (Ward, Milledge, and high, predictability is low. Constancy is the ability to pre-
West 1989: 329). Although most high-mountain plant and dict a phenomenon based on its tendency to exist in a
animal species have made a number of successful physi- particular state all of the time (extremely arid environ-
ological adaptations to extreme cold, these adaptations have ments tend to have high constancy and thus high predict-
led to a generally low primary productivity. Humans, of ability), while contingency is the ability to predict a phe-
course, have little natural biological protection from ex- nomenon based on its existence in a particular state at a
treme cold and have consequently developed a wide range particular time, such as in a highly seasonal environment
of cultural responses to these extremes. Despite the suc- (Kuznar 1989: 171). Mathematically, predictability is the
cess of these responses, they have significant energy and sum of constancy and contingency and varies from 0 (no
material costs that must be taken into account when con- predictability) to 1 (perfect predictability) (Colwell 1974).
sidering the place of humans in high-mountain systems. While an environment as a whole is not properly described
Extremely cold temperatures, combined with precipi- as predictable or unpredictable, it is nevertheless possible
4 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

to measure some of the most important determinative pe- indeed susceptible to significant instability. Steep slopes
riodic phenomena in that environment, such as the peri- and rugged topography are perhaps the most important
odicity of rainfall. causal forces that promote instability, and they do this by
High-nlountain systems, especially those in the trop- inhibiting soil buildup. Wind erosion and low primary
ics, tend to have low predictability in rainfall periodicity, productivity exacerbate soil erosion. Steep topography is
the onset of the wet season, the form precipitation may also prone to catastrophic landslides and similar natural
take, and the occurrence of severe frosts (Thomas 1979: hazards that are often triggered by seismic events or ex-
147-148). In general, the low value of predictability is ceptionally heavy rainfall. These forces can destroy exist-
based upon both low constancy and contingency. For ex- ing patches as well as create new patches in distinct topo-
ample, in the high sierra of the Osmore basin in far south- graphic settings, thus contributing to the spatial hetero-
ern Peru at an elevation of 3,650 m, rainfall amount pre- geneity of high-mountain systems.
dictability over a 25-year span in this century is calcu-
lated to be 0.434, with constancy at 0.174 and contin-
Human Biology at High Altitude
gency at 0.260 (Aldenderfer 1989b: 112). While the south-
central Andes is often described as a seasonal environ- As Little (1981: 149) puts it, "Human habitation and ex-
ment, with the rainy season beginning in the austral win- ploitation of the Andes [have] had [their] costs." While
ter (December-April), both constancy and contingency this can be said of any environment humans have occu-
suggest that the season's timing and intensity are highly pied, high mountains are characterized by a combination
uncertain on a year-to-year basis. of severe stressors, the two most significant being hypoxia
Low predictability tends to exacerbate the adaptive and cold stress. Moreover, there is a strong covariant ef-
problems organisms face in patchy environments, espe- fect between them, making their mutual interaction on
cially if there is significant spatial and temporal variability human physiological responses more severe than either
in their productivity. While low rainfall amount predict- alone (Little 1981: 150). These stressors affect virtually all
ability is not a direct measure of patch productivity, it can facets of human biology, the most important being repro-
be used as a proxy measure of potential annual variation in duction, growth, health status, morbidity, mortality, nu-
resource availability. tritional status, and work effort.
Humans have developed both physiological and cul-
Low Primary Productivity tural responses to counteract the effects of these stressors.
Although there have been very few controlled quantita- The degree to which physiological responses are based on
tive studies of primary productivity in high-mountain eco- natural selection-the creation of a genetically adapted
logical systems, the research suggests that most such sys- high-elevation population-or on acclimatization-the
tems are characterized by low to very low primary pro- gradual adjustment of a physiological response to the ef-
ductivity. As Billings (1979: 112-114) notes, only extreme fects of the stressor-remains poorly documented despite
deserts (including those at the poles) have lower levels of years of work (Little 1981: 160). Nevertheless, it remains
productivity. The causes of this low productivity are var- the case that permanent habitation of high-elevation en-
ied and include low annual temperature and temperature vironments has led to a number of significant physiologi-
extremes (frosts), consequently limited growing seasons, cal responses in humans, including changes in the oxygen
and periodic, often unpredictable, episodes of drought. transport system, its maintenance, and its ability to dis-
Furthermore, the productivity that does exist is spatially tribute blood adequately to the tissues (Little 1981: 154;
dispersed, and much of it is below ground level, thus un- Moore and Regensteiner 1983: 286-287; Williams 1994:
available to grazing herbivores (Thomas 1979: 148). . S9-S 10); changes in both the quality and quantity of pe-
ripheral blood flow while at the same time a high core
High Instability and Fragility temperature is maintained (Little and Hanna 1978); pos-
Geographers and geologists, as well as anthropologists, sibly reduced fertility (Baker 1978: 339-342; Clegg 1978;
have become increasingly concerned with what is perceived but see Goldstein, Tsarong, and Beall 1983 for a contrary
as the fragility of high-mountain ecosystems. Although the view); higher postnatal mortality due primarily to the ef-
degree to which high-mountain systems are said to be natu- fects of hypoxia and cold on the incidence and prognosis
rally unstable or fragile continues to be debated, a con- of respiratory disease (McCullough, Reeves, and Liljergren
sensus is beginning to emerge that many such systems are 1977); possibly some change in metabolism and digestion
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 5

(Picon-Reategui 1978: 237-238); and persistently elevated of oxygen, of which 5 ml are actually delivered to the tis-
basal metabolic rates due to the combined effects of hy- sues. At 2,500 m, the oxygen content decreases to 17.5
poxia and cold (Little and Hanna 1978: 279-281; Hanna, mlll00 ml, a drop of approximately 10%, but the amount
Little, and Austin 1989: 144). of oxygen delivered is only 4 mlll00 ml, a decrease of20%
In thinking of how foragers use a landscape, a consid- (Little 1981: 150).
eration of these stressors and their influence on human Hypoxia has both direct and indirect effects on the fol-
biology is necessary because they have had a significant lowing aspects of human biology: health status, reproduc-
effect on the range of human cultural adaptations and his- tion and growth, nutritional status, and work capacity.
torical features of cultural evolution and change at high
altitude. Constraints on fertility or exceptionally high neo- Health Status The effects of hypoxia on health status
natal mortality rates, for example, may well have led to can be divided into two categories: short-term and long-
lower growth rates of highland populations, especially in term responses, also referred to as acute hypoxia and
the generations immediately following their establishment chronic hypoxia, respectively (Frisancho 1979: 104). Short-
by lowlanders. With higher basal metabolic rates, it ap- term responses are those that temporary residents or so-
pears that high-elevation peoples need, on average, more journers experience after arrival at high altitude and which
calories than comparable low-elevation peoples. This may may last for hours, days, or weeks, while long-term re-
in turn have had important effects on cultural strategies sponses are those that affect permanent, indigenous high-
when dealing with problems relating to environmental altitude dwellers or lowlanders who resided at high alti-
packing, diet choice under restricted mobility, and both tudes for much of their lives.
short- and long-term changes in resource availability. Almost all lowlanders who arrive at altitudes greater
Mobility strategies themselves may have been substantially than 2,500 m suffer to varying degrees what is known in
affected due to demands imposed by basic caloric require- the Andean world as soroche (Houston 1992). Among the
ments as well as the greater work effort required to traverse symptoms are headache, nausea, fatigue, hyperventilation,
rugged mountain topography (Picon-Reategui 1978: 232- mental disorientation, and dizziness. While these symp-
233). While it is important not to be overly deterministic toms generally fade within 24 to 48 hours, they may be
in attributing these changes in human biology as responses prolonged, sometimes lasting months, during physical ex-
to high altitude, it nevertheless remains clear that a failure ertion. In more severe cases, only descent to lower eleva-
to understand how humans are affected by high altitude tions alleviates the symptoms. Other temporary effects
limits our understanding ofhow humans eventually moved include changes in visual acuity and light sensitivity
into and permanently resided at high altitude. (Frisancho 1979: 107). Field studies have demonstrated
that responses to light stimuli are slow and inconsistent
Hypoxia when compared to responses at sea level. Vision usually
Hypoxia is the most severe environmental stressor that returns to normal levels of function after two days of ex-
affects humans at elevations over 2,500 m and is not modi- posure to high altitude. Memory and learning are likewise
fied or ameliorated by cultural intervention. While the affected by hypoxia. Short-term memory and the ability
quantity and proportion of oxygen in the earth's atmo- to learn new procedures are diminished at elevations be-
sphere remain constant at all elevations, the availability of yond 3,600 m (Kramer, Coyne, and Strayer 1993). Motor
oxygen depends on barometric pressure (Frisancho 1979: function is affected, especially at altitudes above 4,500 m
102-104). Barometric pressure decreases with increasing (Frisancho 1979: 109). This includes muscle weakness,
altitude, with the result that there are fewer molecules, rapid fatiguing of muscles, and the impairment of neuro-
including oxygen, per unit volume of air. This stresses the muscular control.
body's oxygen transport system. At sea level, for example, There are also age, sex, and fitness differences in these
arterial blood is 97% saturated with oxygen; at just over short-term responses. The very young, especially neonates,
3,000 m, arterial blood is only 90% saturated, and from and the very old are more impaired by hypoxia than are
4,000 to 5,000 m, oxygen saturation decreases almost by adolescents and adults. Also, less-fit individuals suffer the
30% when compared to sea level (Frisancho 1979: 103). effects of high altitude more intensely, and they acclimate
The amount of oxygen actually delivered to the tissues to high altitude more slowly than do individuals physi-
declines even more precipitously. At sea level, with 97% cally fit (Frisancho 1979: 173). Finally, females tend to re-
oxygen saturation, each 100 ml of blood can carry 19.5 ml sist the effects of acute hypoxia better than males do. While
6 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

most of these physiological responses to hypoxia are over- hallucinations. If untreated by descent to low elevation, it
come through an acclimatization process that lasts for too can lead to death. Fortunately, it is extremely rare.
months, it is important to remember that lowlanders never In terms of altitude-aggravated disease, hypoxia has the
achieve the same physiological capacity as native highland- tendency to increase the gravity and severity of any pul-
ers. Further, with descent and residence at low elevations, monary and most respiratory diseases (Baker 1978: 329).
most of the high-elevation acclimatization is lost and must Mortality due to respiratory illness is very high, ranging
be regained upon a return to high altitude. from 28% to 47% of all childhood deaths and up to 60%
The long-term effects of chronic hypoxia can be placed of deaths caused at all ages (Little 1981: 159).
into two categories: altitude-induced diseases and altitude-
aggravated diseases (Baker 1978: 328-330). The latter cat- Reproduction and Growth There is controversy over the
egory also includes complications induced by high alti- degree to which high altitude affects reproduction and
tude. Chronic mountain sickness is perhaps the best known growth, and there is considerable debate whether it af-
of the altitude-induced diseases. First described in Andean fects fecundity (ability to conceive), fertility (ability to pro-
highlanders by the Peruvian physician Carlos Monge (and duce live offspring), or mortality (survival after birth), es-
thus named Monge's disease), chronic mountain sickness pecially in the first year of life. The study of this problem
is a disease that affects long-time residents of the high- is complicated by modern social and cultural practices,
lands (WInslow and Monge 1987). The disease has an adult including improved health care, population structure (all
onset and can be characterized by severe headaches, indigenous highland groups studied to date can be char-
chronic dizziness, memory loss, fatigue, insomnia, exces- acterized as peasants), and kinship rules, making it ex-
sive polycythemia (excessive red blood cell production), tremely difficult to parse the effects of hypoxia from these
and dramatically increased work load on the heart (Moore other factors (Haas 1980; Goldstein, Tsarong, and Beall
and Regensteiner 1983: 298-299; Winslow and Monge 1983; Leonard et al. 1990). While I cannot hope to re-
1987). These symptoms do not ameliorate or fade through solve these issues (since in fact relatively few new data
time and instead frequently worsen. The later stages of have been accumulated since the mid-1980s), there is suf-
the disease are characterized by cardiovascular involve- ficient empirical warrant to develop a case that hypoxia
ment, including peripheral edema, and greater risk of fa- has a negative, although as yet poorly measured, effect on
tal stroke or heart attack due to the long-term effects of human reproduction.
increased work load on the heart. Descent to low altitude There is no convincing evidence that suggests that hy-
is the only successful cure. Although the causes of chronic poxia seriously inhibits gametogenesis in either males or
mountain sickness remain obscure and the disease is rela- females (Clegg 1978: 70-73). While sperm counts and tes-
tively rare, it appears to represent the collapse of altitude tosterone levels decrease in recent arrivals to high alti-
acclimatization (Baker 1978: 329). tude, they return to normal within two weeks. The effects
The second principal altitude-induced disease is high- of high altitude on fertility are equally unclear. Hypoxia is
altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE). It is rare and affects known to be a teratogenic agent (Clegg 1978: 103; Moore
both highlanders and lowlanders. Its symptoms, which and Regensteiner 1983: 291). Rates of congenital malfor-
develop after 36 to 72 hours at high altitude, include hy- mations, especially of the cardiovascular system, at eleva-
perventilation, rapid heart rate, cyanosis, and accumula- tions above 4,000 m in the Andes are extremely high-in
tion of fluid in the lungs (Moore and Regensteiner 1983: one reported case, the rate was 15 times higher than in
297; Houston 1992: 62). The disease can be fatal and can lowland populations (Clegg 1978: 103). This has led to
only be treated by descent to low elevation or administra- speculation that rates for spontaneous abortion, especially
tion of oxygen. To provoke its onset, however, a rapid as- in the very early weeks (initial two to four weeks) of preg-
cent to high elevation must take place. As Moore and nancy should be relatively high in hypoxic environments,
Regensteiner (1983: 297) put it, it "was rare before the but to date, no convincing empirical data have been accu-
advent of automobiles or aircraft, but not necessarily non- mulated to support this. While recall data obtained from
existent." In fact, Houston (1992: 58) relates an early Chi- highland Andean women who migrated to lower eleva-
nese description (fifth century A.D.) ofa death due to HAPE tions show a tendency for a larger birth interval as well as
of a traveler on the Silk Road. A similar disease, high-alti- lower completed fertility at high altitude, both of which
tude cerebral edema, is considered even more serious and are consistent with lower overall fertility (Ableson, Baker,
is characterized by mental confusion, drunken walking, and and Baker 1974; Baker 1978: 326), the causal role of hy-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 7

poxia in these findings has yet to be established with any hypoxia affects digestion, the availability of micronutri-
certainty, as Goldstein, Tsarong, and Beall (1983: 39-47) ents, and diet composition, and the literature is confusing
have rightly argued. (Butterfield 1990). Although specifics continue to be de-
It does appear, however, that high elevation complicates bated, it seems probable that due to the combined effects
pregnancy, possibly by exposing inefficiencies in the ma- of hypoxia and cold stress, permanent residents at high
ternal oxygen transfer system (Moore and Regensteiner elevation do not receive the full caloric benefits of the food
1983: 292), which leads in turn to retarded intrauterine they consume. From a strictly dietary perspective, an op-
growth rates, high frequencies of eclampsia, and low in- timal high-elevation diet is one high (70-85%) in carbo-
fant birth weight (McCullough, Reeves, and Liljergen hydrates and low in both fats and proteins (10-15 % each).
1977; Haas 1980; Moore 1990). Since it is well known that There are very good physiological reasons for such a diet.
growth-retarded infants generally have a decreased chance Consolazio et al. (1968) have shown that the consumption
of survival at any altitude (Haas, Balcazar, and Caulfield of a high-carbohydrate diet at an elevation of 4,300 m sig-
1987; Unger et al. 1988; but see Beall 1981 ), it is clear that nificantly enhanced endurance for heavy work, although
hypoxia contributes to higher rates of infant mortality, es- there was no corresponding improvement in maximal oxy-
pecially since it aggravates respiratory disease. Anecdotal gen uptake (V02 max), and Hansen, Hartley, and Hogan
evidence of the Spanish occupation of the Andean high- (1972) demonstrate that a diet high in carbohydrates sig-
lands speaks clearly to this: Cobo writes that during the nificantly increased the quantity of arterial oxygen. Fur-
early years of colonization, children born to Spanish par- ther, diets high in carbohydrates would appear to be adap-
ents died either at birth or shortly thereafter, and further, tive at high altitude since carbohydrates use less oxygen
there was a common saying that "children who have In- than either proteins or fats during metabolization, and
dian blood have a better chance of survival in cold lands further, high-carbohydrate consumption helps to avoid
than those who do not have this mixture" (Cobo 1653 blood alkalosis, a common bodily response to hyperventi-
[1979]: 18). Here, "high" can probably be substituted for lation. In sum, it appears that at high altitude, carbohy-
"cold." Clearly, permanent residents at high elevation have drates are used more efficiently by the body than are fats
sufficient reproductive capacity to maintain existing levels and possibly proteins. Hypoxia, at least up to 5,000 m, has
of population. In this sense, then, hypoxia has only a mi- been shown to have no effect on the absorption of protein
nor effect on reproduction. However, where it is likely to (Kayser et al. 1992).
have been a far more critical factor is in the initial coloni- The situation regarding fats is far more problematic.
zation of the Andean highlands, a topic I will return to Anecdotal evidence suggests that taste for fat, especially
discuss in chapter 6. for newcomers to high elevation, is blunted. The moun-
taineering literature is filled with stories of low tolerance
Nutritional Status On average, high-elevation peoples for the taste of fat, difficulty consuming fatty food, and an
need more calories than do their low-elevation counter- overall dislike of fat from any source (Frisancho 1979: 109;
parts (Picon-Reategui 1978: 234). The causal factors for Ward, Milledge, and West 1989: 290). Since weight loss is
this requirement are illustrated in figure 1.1. Hypoxia leads a common occurrence on these expeditions, research has
to hyperventilation, which leads to greater respiratory heat been directed at determining if fat malabsorption contrib-
loss. Persistent cold stress also contributes to heat loss utes to it. In contrast, there is no evidence that indigenous
because more blood is sent to the extremities and the skin highland peoples suffer these complaints, and fat, while
in general. Greater heat loss demands an increase in basal comprising a relatively small percentage of the Andean
metabolic rate so as to maintain both deep core tempera- highlander's diet, is nevertheless perceived as desirable.
ture and other bodily functions. Taken together, these fac- From a physiological perspective, there are good reasons
tors demand that individuals increase caloric intake to avoid to keep fat to a minimum in the high-elevation diet. The
caloric imbalance (Little 1981: 159). Picon-Reategui (1978: use of fat as an energy source at high elevation depresses
234) estimates that highlanders required 11.5% more calo- the quantity of arterial oxygen, unlike the effects of carbo-
ries than lowlanders did in order to maintain caloric bal- hydrates. Further, it appears that fat malabsorption inter-
ance. The situation is exacerbated by the generally higher feres with the absorption of sugars and amino acids (Ward,
caloric costs ofactivity performance at high altitude (Pic6n- Milledge, and West 1989: 290). Fat-balance studies con-
Reategui 1978: 232-233). ducted on indigenous Andean peoples living above 4,000
There is some controversy over the degree to which m show that the average absorption of fat is only 56% of
8 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat


--- --- ---

--- ---
(Respiratory) INCREASED

(Surface) NEEDS


Fig. 1.1. The postulated interaction of stressors in high-elevation environments (after Little 1981: fig 7).

that available in the diet, whereas at sea level, fat absorp- highlanders are afflicted by essential fatty acid deficien-
tion approaches 95% (Pic6n-Reategui 1978: 235, 238). cies. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are long-chain polyun-
Although Little (1981: 158) suggests that these figures in- saturated fats that contribute to adequate health (Crawford
dicate that dietary fat may actually be deleterious to the 1985; Bourre et al. 1992). The two most important EFAs
highlander, it is unclear whether this inability to metabo- are linoleic and a-linolenic acids, which are actually pre-
lize fat is adaptive at high altitude or best considered a cursors of true EFAs (arachidonic and docosahexaenoic
problem (Pic6n-Reategui 1978: 238). However, more re- acids, respectively). The precursors are provided by plant
cent studies have not confirmed the fat malabsorption hy- foods and are concentrated in animal tissues, especially
pothesis. Butterfield (1990: 90-91), in a review of the lit- the brain, liver, and to some extent, in other fatty tissues
erature, concludes that while the data are contradictory (Crawford 1985: 63-64). Through the consumption of
regarding fat malabsorption, it does seem that as altitude either plants or animal parts that concentrate these pre-
increases, the body appears to have greater difficulty in cursors, humans convert them into EFAs; true EFAs can-
absorbing and utilizing ingested fats. The key factor is al- not be synthesized by the human body. EFA precursors
titude: at relatively low elevations (ca. 3,000 m), there is are present in human milk, and nursing is the only man-
little or no fat malabsorption, but at very high elevations ner in which the infant receives these necessary micronu-
(ca. 6,000 m), the body's ability to absorb fats can be re- trients (Institute of Medicine Subcommittee on Lactation
duced by as much as 48%. Like the situation surrounding 1991: 123-124). The quantity of EFAs in human milk is
fertility, then, while high altitudes seem to have some nega- directly influenced by the quality and caloric sufficiency
tive effect on the absorption of fat, the severity of this prob- of the mother's diet.
lem is currently unknown. EFAs are essential to a number of aspects of human
If the body does have problems in utilizing dietary fats, health. They have been shown to be critical to nonnal brain
this may lead to a series of significant health issues, in- development in humans, and animal studies have deter-
cluding possible essential fatty acid deficiencies, especially mined that EFA deficiencies are implicated in long-tenn
in infants. If in fact fat absorption is impaired at high alti- learning difficulties (Bourre et al. 1992: 225-227). EFA
tude, then there is a significant probability that Andean requirements are very high in human neonates. Severe
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 9

deficiencies can lead to EFA syndrome, which is charac- native lowlanders in their own environments, and in fact
terized by reduced growth rates, impaired reproduction, their aerobic capacity is generally within 90% to 95% of
kidney and liver pathologies, and heightened susceptibil- the aerobic capacity expected of lowlanders at sea level.
ity to disease. EFA syndrome is most severe in children, Whether the difference between lowland migrants and
but adults can also be affected. It is especially severe if a high-elevation natives is permanent is the subject of in-
high-protein diet is used to offset caloric shortfalls (Speth tense debate and research. Frisancho and Greksa (1989)
and Spielmann 1983: 15). have demonstrated that for lowland migrants to high el-
I am aware ofno studies that have definitively concluded evation, aerobic capacity to perform useful work is deter-
that high-elevation peoples in general or Andean high- mined primarily by age. Adults who migrate to high el-
landers in particular suffer from EFA deficiencies in the evation, despite becoming acclimatized to high altitude,
modern era. However, if the argument that the ability to never approach aerobic capacities of high-elevation na-
utilize dietary fat is affected by increasing elevation, then tives. Their acclimatization is best described as partial, and
it is reasonable to postulate that EFA deficiencies may in it is based upon increased heart rate and cardiac output,
fact be present. It is probable that these deficiencies were resulting in increased blood flow, the production of more
more severe in the distant past since modern Andean hemoglobin (a high polycythemic response), which per-
peoples show a desire for fatty foods typical of their low- mits the blood to carry more oxygen, and increased pul-
land counterparts, and therefore, while they may be able monary ventilation, which results in limited pulmonary
to use a smaller proportion of fats present in their diet, diffusing capacity. In contrast, lowland children who mi-
they make no effort to avoid these foods, thus leading to grate to high elevation demonstrate a different acclimati-
an even greater fat deficit in the diet. I will explore the zation: their lungs have more capillaries and more alveo-
implications of this argument further in chapter 6. lar area, resulting in a high pulmonary diffusing capacity
and a moderate polycythemic response. These children
Work Capacity Hypoxia will limit work capacity due to have complete functional adaptation to high elevation and
a reduced availability of oxygen in inspired air, especially have aerobic capacities that are essentially equal to those
for lowlanders attempting to perform strenuous physical of lowlanders (Frisancho and Greksa 1989: 213-217).
activity at elevations beyond 2,500 m. With increasing al- These data demonstrate that functional adaptation to high
titude, the ability of unacclimated newcomers to perform elevation, at least as regards work capacity, is a develop-
work diminishes rapidly. Indigenous Andean peoples, how- mental response and is likely to be only partially mediated
ever, show substantially greater work capacity at high alti- by genetic factors (but see Hochachka et al. 1991: 1729).
tude than do lowlanders, and it appears that a number of While the developmental hypothesis continues to have
developmental, acclimatizational, and genetic factors have significant empirical support (Greksa 1991: 135), it is still
combined to improve their aerobic capacity (Frisancho and unclear exactly at what age lowland migrants to the high-
Greksa 1989; Hochachka et al. 1991). lands must arrive so that they achieve a high level of aero-
The most consistent measure of work capacity and ef- bic capacity. Greksa, Spielvolgel, and Paredes-Fernandez
ficiency is VOz max, which is the absolute amount of oxy- (1985) have shown that it is possible to attain nearly full
gen that can be utilized by working muscle (Little 1981: functional adaptation even if migration takes place in the
156). A multitude of studies have demonstrated that unac- early teen years. If these findings are correct, children born
climatized sea level dwellers, regardless of their ethnicity, of sea level migrants could achieve full functional adapta-
exhibit a 9% to 24% reduction in their aerobic capacity tion as long as they spend most of their developmental
(Frisancho and Greksa 1989: table 10.1). In fact, as ex- years at high altitude. However, in the age range fom 9 to
pressed in the proportion of sea level capacity, lowlanders 13 years, VOz max is lower in both lowland migrants to
loose 11 % of their aerobic capacity for every 1,000 m of the highlands and highland natives than in lowlanders. An
ascent at elevations beyond 1,500 m. Physical condition adolescence spent at high elevation, then, appears to be
apparently has little effect on this, and in fact, well-condi- necessary for this aspect offull aerobic capacity to be made
tioned lowlanders tend to lose more aerobic capacity than manifest in any lowland migrant. Obviously, children born
do more sedentary people, although they tolerate this loss at high elevation, as long as they do not leave it for signifi-
more effectively. In contrast, tests of VOz max of indig- cant periods of time or during the adolescent years, will
enous Andean peoples have demonstrated that they main- meet these requirements. However, these studies also de-
tain the same level of work capacity at high altitude as do termined that while young lowland migrants to high alti-
10 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

tude can reach nearly full functional adaptation, there is usually in constant use and thus hard to protect from frost-
considerably more variability in the level of functional bite. In response to rapid cooling, the body pumps more
adaptation achieved when compared to native highland- blood into them to increase or maintain their tempera-
ers (Greksa 1991: 132). Further, while it was demonstrated ture. This is done at increasing expense to the mainte-
that this variability is in part related to length of exposure nance of core temperature. If sufficiently threatened, core
to hypoxia, this variable explained only 18-41 % of the temperature is maintained at the expense of the extremi-
variance in work performance. Greksa concludes that this ties, leading to tissue damage, such as wind burn and frost-
means that factors other than length of residence at high bite. Chronic, long-term exposure to cold is also a serious
altitude affect this process. While not directly assessed by problem, especially for the young, who have a greater sur-
Greksa, his data also suggest that residence at high alti- face area relative to body size when compared to adults
tude should ideally be continuous to reduce variability and and thus lose heat more rapidly, and the less active (Little
to achieve a high level of functional adaptation. Other as- and Hochner 1973; Little 1981: 157). Chronic exposure
pects of the development of aerobic capacity, however, to cold demands that the body be adequately protected by
appear to have different onsets. Lung volume and pulmo- clothing, be supplied with more useful energy, or more
nary diffusing capacity are apparently enhanced at a very effectively utilize energy stored in body fat to maintain
early age. Children born at high altitude obviously have core temperature.
some advantage over migrant children in terms of their Although cultural responses, such as adequate clothing
long-term ability to achieve full functional adaptation. One and shelter, the use of fire, early retiring, and sleeping many
thing seems clear, and Greksa (1991: 136) states it well: individuals in a single bed, are probably most effective
"The period of life from conception through early child- against cold stress (Little and Hanna 1978: 290; Picon-
hood may be a highly stressful one for highlanders." Reategui 1978: 232), there are a number of important bio-
Another issue to be considered is the degree to which logical responses as well. Persistently high resting basal
native highlanders have greater aerobic capacity at sea metabolic rates (BMR) of permanent residents of high el-
level, and if so, how long this enhanced capacity lasts. evations are closely related to cold stress, although it re-
Existent data suggest th~t any enhancement is short-lived mains unclear whether they are a response to hypoxia
and is likely to be counterbalanced by problems faced by (Little and Hanna 1978: 280), low barometric pressure
highland migrants to the lowlands, which include high (Picon-Reategui 1978: 230), or more likely, a combina-
frequencies of respiratory disease and possible anemia. tion of these two factors. A higher BMR also pennits high-
According to Little (1981: 157), "These variations in bio- land dwellers to maintain higher core temperatures as well
logical adaptability to sea level and high altitude may con- (Little 1981: 157). Permanent residents of high elevations
strain movement of adults from place to place." This tends also show greater heat flow to the extremities while simul-
to suggest that movement between highlands and low- taneously maintaining adequate deep-body temperatures
lands, while feasible and certainly practiced in the past, (Little and Hanna 1978: 266-279).
had its biological costs which may have made such mobil-
ity less than desirable.
Mobility in High Mountains
Cold Stress If any environment was designed to be a naturallabora-
Cold is a seasonal and diurnal feature of high mountains, tory in which the oft-cited principle of least effort as the
whether they be tropical or temperate in latitude. Its ef- fundamental criterion of human adaptation could be
fects can be exacerbated by strong and persistent winds tested, it is high mountains. With their rugged, uneven
(the so-called wind chill factor). In order for humans to topography and steep slopes, combined with the energy
maintain cognitive function, they must be able to main- costs and constraints of hypoxia, they present a very seri-
tain core (or deep body) temperature at 37.5 0.5 C
0 0
0us challenge to humans moving through them on foot.
(Little and Hochner 1973). During exposure to persistent Despite this, however, there has been surprisingly little
cold, the body is faced with a dilemma: extremities are formal attention directed to this problem by geographers
exposed to significantly more cold stress due to their or anthropologists.
greater surface area relative to the trunk, their lack of or-
gan mass, and their location far away from the warm core.
They therefore lose heat rapidly. Furthermore, they are
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 11

work at a 60% level to perform the same tasks. The latter

Estimating Mobility Costs
persons will require more frequent intervals of rest and
Geographers and others interested in the movement of will not be able to work for extended periods until they
individuals or goods across space have developed a num- become acclimatized on a long-term basis (Baker 1976:
ber of important models of movement and methods to es- 308; Ward, Milledge, and West 1989: 357). Indigenous or
timate the costs of movement. The best-known models lifelong residents at high altitude have work capacities simi-
include the Von Thunen model of agricultural land use, lar to lowland residents in their own environments, so there
Christaller's central place model, and Hagerstrand's model is no additional energy cost due solely to hypoxia for the
of the spread of innovations. While they have provided acclimatized individual.
significant insight into real-world processes, each of them Because it has proved difficult to measure energy ex-
is based upon a necessary but unrealistic assumption: that penditure and work effort empirically in the field or in
movement costs are equivalent in all directions, or isotropy. "realistic" work settings (see Hanna, Little, and Austin
Movement on grades or slopes, either up or down, in- 1989: 136), time is a more useful, and certainly more ac-
creases the friction of movement and thus its cost. For cessible, measure of the costs of moving through high-
humans, the costs of movement can be measured either mountain terrain. Various estimates of distance per time
by estimating the effort (or energy costs) or the time it unit have been developed or estimated. Cole and King
takes to get from one location to another. It should be (1968: 394) suggest that for flat terrain without obstacles,
obvious that these are not necessarily the same. Although humans can walk horizontally at a pace of 4-5 feet/sec-
there may be some population differences that have yet to ond, or 2.7-3.4 miles/hour (4.4-5.5 kmIhour). Haggett
be fully understood, from a strictly biological perspective (1972: 253) states that "walking speeds on city sidewalks
the energy costs of the average unencumbered person indicate the average adult pedestrian walks at 5.5 kmlhour."
walking on a flat, smooth surface are estimated at 30% to He further notes that there are age and sex-related varia-
40% of maximal oxygen uptake, a moderate level of exer- tions. He also estimates that 10% slopes decrease speeds
tion that can be maintained for hours. However, if the by just over 20% (thus ca. 4.3 kmIhour), while 20% slopes
normal mechanics ofsuch walking, such as the typical arm halve speed (2.75 Ian/hour). While these estimates are
swing, shortening of the stride, or increase in the distance useful, none of them have measures of variance.
the foot must be raised, are disrupted, energy costs as Ethnographic accounts of travel times in non-Western
measured by maximal oxygen uptake can increase signifi- societies are in general agreement with these estimates.
cantly, with attendant decreases in performance and dis- !Kung San women carrying approximately 10-15 kgs of
tance traveled. Surfaces that typically increase energy ex- mongongo nuts reach travel speeds of 4-5 kmIhour mov-
penditure are loose rock or gravel, stony terrain, and sand. ing from the nut groves back to the base camp on a trail in
Other factors, such as walking into strong headwinds, car- relatively flat terrain (Lee 1979: 193). Men carrying 20-
rying heavy loads, and hypothermia, can also increase en- 30 kgs of meat walking in similar terrain reach somewhat
ergy expenditure. Energy costs may also be increased an lower speeds, ranging 3-4 kmlhour with frequent rests (Lee
additional 30% when wearing heavy protective clothing 1979: 223,226). While he does not provide a quantitative
or carrying loads of 20 to 25 kgs. Thus under normal cir- estimate of travel speed, Silberbauer (1981: 200) reports
cumstances (that is, doing useful work) in many high- that by day's end, heavily laden women tired from a day's
mountain settings, individuals can easily find themselves foraging generally returned to camp at a very slow pace,
in situations in which they are forced to perform at up to probably no more than 3 Ian/hour, which is very close to
70% of their maximal oxygen uptake, an extremely stress- Haggett's (1972: 253) estimation of a child-carrying woman
fullevel of work that leads quickly to exhaustion (Ward, (2.6 Ian/hour).
Milledge, and West 1989: 357-359). Imhof (1968: 220-223) presents a graphical model of
Hypoxia, of course, exacerbates this situation. Fatigue movement in sloping or otherwise difficult terrain. The
levels are obviously reached more rapidly by unacclima- conditions of the model are individuals walking alone or
tized individuals than by lifelong or indigenous residents in small groups on smooth paths, without stops, and un-
of high altitude. For example, it has been estimated that burdened. On level terrain, the model predicts a 5 Ian/
acclimatized individuals can perform strenuous levels of hour rate of travel. Travel time increases with increasing
activity performance at approximately 40% of their maxi- slope and decreases with decreasing slope. It is possible
mum capacity, whereas unacclimatized individuals must to exceed the 5 km/hour rate of travel while going
12 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

downslope. Off-path velocities on good terrain are said (1968: 220-221) gives a few examples of how this is done.
to diminish to approximately 3 lan/hour (Imhof 1968: Taking the "average" slope of some distance traveled will
222). The model in this form, while it has heuristic value, in most cases underestimate the true travel time of a trip,
has little practical application. and it should be clear that in many cases, especially when
Fortunately, geographer Waldo Tobler (n.d.) has taken there is very steep terrain being negotiated, "average" slope
this graphical representation and created an empirical has no meaning. Into how many segments the distance
mathematical model called the "hiking function." As Tobler must be divided depends on the difficulty of the terrain
describes it, for walking on footpaths in mountainous or and the quality ofthe data that describe elevational changes.
hilly terrain, the hiking function is defined as WV = 6 exp How well does the hiking function predict actual travel
[-3.5 * abs (s + 0.05)] where sis dh/dx. This is equal to the times in mountainous terrain? In general, it compares rea-
slope measured in like units. WV (the velocity) is expressed sonably well to Haggett's estimates of moving upslope
in kmlhour. Figure 1.2 is Tobler's (n.d.) graphical presen- (table 1.1). The main difference appears to be in the esti-
tation of the shape range of the function expressed in de- mate of flat terrain walking. A more comprehensive test of
grees of slope. The function reaches a maximum of 6 kmI the model is based upon a number of walking trips made
hour on terrain with negative slopes between 5 and 7 de- in 1990 and 1991 in the high-sierra and puna rim region
grees. Beyond that, the model predicts that the walking of the Rio Osmore drainage by members of Proyecto
velocity will decrease quickly, an observation in accord with
the mechanics of downhill movement in steep terrain
where major muscle groups in the legs are being used as
brakes (Ward, Milledge, and West 1989: 358). Off-path Table 1.1. Comparison of Haggett's and Tobler's
Estimates of Walking Velocity on Sloping Terrain
travel times can be estimated by multiplying any walking
velocity by 0.6 (Tobler n.d.).
The function can be applied to any walking situation in Level Terrain 10 % Slope 20% Slope
which the slope can be defined as a change in elevation
(dh) over a change in distance traveled (dx) and is used Haggett 5.5 kmlhr 4.30 km/hr 2.75 kmJhr
appropriately when it is possible to break the different seg- Tobler 5.0 kmlhr 3.55 kmlhr 2.50 kmlhr
ments of the trip into positive or negative slopes. Imhof


'"E 5.0

-0" 4.0
(J) 3.0
c: 2.0
c 1.0
-70 -50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70
Slope in Degrees
Fig. 1.2. Tobler's (n.d.) graphical portrayal of the walking function.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 13

Arcaico. For each of these trips, travel times were mea- involved frequent stops. The duration of the breaks was
sured, including the length of stops, and elevations for dif- usually measured, however.
ferent trip segments were determined with an altimeter. The results ofapplying the model to two different routes
Although a few trips were made with unacclimatized indi- involving several separate trips in each are presented in
viduals, most were made with indigenous Aymara speak- tables 1.2 and 1.3. The first route is relatively short and
ers and North Americans who were well acclimatized to involves travel between two houses in the modern puna
working at high altitude. Although every trip was made rim community of Azana above the archaeological site of
on a well-used trail, each was also made with cargo and Asana. Elevation ranges from 4,340 to 4,650 m. Informants

Table 1.2. Travel Times Estimates Computed by the Walking Function

RM to JM house

Horizontal Distance3 Vertical Distance Walking Velocity Estimated Travel Time

1. RM house to cliff base 0.57 -10 5.36 .11

2. Cliff base to 1.40 -18 5.27 .27

vertical path

3. Path base to 0.64 +348 0.75 .85

crest of ridge

4. Crest to JM house 2.60 -120 5.92 .44

Estimated travel time 1.67 hours

True travel times 1.75,1.80, 1.82 hours (each with stops of 0.25 hour)

Estimated travel time 1.92 hours

with one stop

JM to RM house

1. JM house to crest 2.60 +120 4.29 .61

2. Crest of ridge 0.64 -348 1.07 .60

to path base

3. Vertical path 1.40 +18 4.82 .29

to cliff base

4. Cliff base 0.57 +10 4.74 .12

to RM house

Estimated travel time 1.62 hours (1.19)b

True travel times 1.33, 1.35,1.39,1.50 (each with stops of 0.25 hour)

Estimated travel time 1.87 hours (1.44)

with one stop

aHorizontal distance measured in kilometers; vertical distance in meters; walking velocity in kmlhr; estimated travel
times in hours with no stops.
bFigures in parentheses represent true travel times when informants "skied" downslope.
14 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

had estimated their typical lightly burdened or unburdened 0.17 hour. If this factor is taken into consideration, the
travel times at 1.5 to 2.0 hours and claimed that travel estimated travel time with and without stops is very con-
times in either direction were essentially the same, although sistent with informant estimates. Not surprisingly, the in-
one informant suggested the return trip would be shorter, formant who offered the 1.3-hour estimate makes the trip
around 1.3 hours. The path between the two houses is five or six times a week.
clear and compacted, although one part of the ascent from The second example involves a much longer trip from
the south to the north involves some steep walking in loose the Quellaveco mining camp to a house in' the puna rim
sand. The model predicts a 1.67-hour travel time, with no community ofAzana (table 1.3). While there are some parts
stops; if one stop is added, travel time is increased to 1.92 of the ascent that mount steep slopes, they are short and
hours. These predictions appear to be very consistent with are difficult to integrate into the model. Therefore, the
actual travel times. change in vertical distance in this example has been aver-
In contrast, the model predicts a 1.62 hour return trip, aged at 690 m. In this case, the model underestimates the
or 1.87 hours if a single stop is added. Actual travel times, amount of time required to make the ascent even when a
however, are somewhat less. The model predicts that the number of stops are added to the final predicted travel
steep descent from the ridge crest to the valley floor will time. What appears to have slowed the ascent, however, is
take 0.60 hour. However, once the rocks from the escarp- that each individual was carrying loads of 10-25 kgs. In
ment are cleared, the remainder of the slope is loose sand this circumstance, the model appears to underestimate the
that could be literally "skied" down with little danger. I true travel time by approximately 20%. If the walking ve-
saw individuals carrying 10-15 kgs ski this slope on foot locity is thus modified by multiplying it by 0.80, the esti-
(or sitting down) in less than ten minutes, or approximately mated travel time is computed at 4.84 hours, and with two

Table 1.3. Travel Time Calculation, Quellaveco Camp to Azana

Horizontal Distance a Vertical Distance Walking Velocity Estimated Travel Time

Quellaveco camp 16.95 +690 4.37 3.88

to RM house

Estimated travel time 3.88 hours

Estimated travel time 4.38 hours (0.50 hour total stops)

with two stops

True travel times

Informant estimates 5 hours (with unspecified number of stops)
Actual travel times 5.5,5.25,5.36 hours (includes stops of 0.50-0.75 hour)

RM house to 16.95 -690 5.81 2.92

Quellaveco camp

Estimated travel time 2.92 hours

Estimated travel time 3.41 hours (.50 hour total stops)

with two stops

True travel times

Informant estimates 4-4.5 hours
Actual travel times 4.05,4.15,4.19 hours (includes stops of 0.50-0.75 hour)

aHorizontal distance measured in kilometers; vertical distance in meters; walking velocity in kmIhr; estimated
travel times in hours.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 15

0.25 -hour stops, it is 5.34 hours, right in the middle of the of increasingly steep slope are obviously more costly to
range of empirically observed travel times. The estimated traverse than others, the model is potentially misleading
walking velocity when modified is 3.5 km/hr, close to Lee's by suggesting these areas are equally desirable.
estimates of the heavily burdened !Kung San walking on The walking function can be used to create a cost sur-
near-level terrain. The model also underestimates the de- face similar in intent to Limp's but based instead on travel
scent, but if the 0.80 correction for weight is applied, pre- times. Contours in this model do not represent costs per
dicted travel times become consistent with observed times. se but isochrons, or distances traveled in a given time (fig.
The walking function, then, appears to be a reasonably 1.3). Paths penetrate areas, thus reducing the costs of travel
good estimator of travel times in mountainous terrain and and transport to some extent. Travel times can also be
can be made even more accurate by the modification for modified by estimates ofcarrying burdens under the modi-
carrying heavy weights. Although the model cannot be fications to the model described previously. In summary,
applied in an uncritical fashion, it does appear to offer a the walking function, with reasonable changes based on
more empirically based estimate of travel costs than po- empirical observations, is a good estimator of travel times
tential competitors. For example, Limp (1990) presents a in high-mountain environments.
series of cost surfaces for a hilly region in Arkansas. Using
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) approaches, he
Adaptive Strategies in High Mountains
computed the cost surface based upon an arbitrary for-
mula which states that the cost of traversing such terrain Given a general overview of high-mountain ecology, hu-
increases as the square of the slope (Limp 1990: 240). In man biology, and mobility, it is now possible to discuss
this manner, a cost surface can be draped over the regional how this set of constraints and opportunities may have
topography. While the model is potentially useful, it has conditioned the ways in which foraging peoples may have
no clear empirical justification for why the square of the used high-mountain environments in the past. To that end,
slope is a reasonable estimate of cost. Further, while areas I shall develop a general model of high-mountain land use



Travel Time I
o 6 12
1 I 1

Fig. 1.3. Isochron map of the Rio Asana valley from Asana.
16 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

specifically for foraging peoples. As noted, the ethno- 1985 for a review of the concept as applied in the Andean
graphic record is oflittle assistance in this effort since foot- world), is characterized as the attempt by highland peoples
mobile foragers had long been replaced in most high- either to control or gain access to land or resources pro-
mountain systems well before anthropologists arrived, al- duced by lowlanders through colonies, trade, marriage,
though some insights into middle-mountain land use can and direct utilization; and the montane production strat-
be gleaned from ethnographic accounts of the Shoshone egy, a new concept, which attempts to look carefully at
and other Great Basin groups (Steward 1938), the Nez factors ofproduction and distribution and the way in which
Perce (Marshall 1977), the Flathead (Turney-High 1937), they articulate with basic features of mountain ecology.
the Arapaho and Ute (Benedict 1992), and a number of While these models are of great interest, they are of
foraging groups from northern California such as the limited value for understanding foraging peoples. Obvi-
Achumawi (Olmstead and Stewart 1978), Maidu (Ridell ously, they are specific to groups already possessing do-
1978), and the Monache (Spier 1978). mesticated plants or animals or both, and while the mod-
Another potential source of information for modeling els are directed at demonstrating how these groups cope
adaptive strategies in high-mountain environments is the with environmental risk and fragility and low primary pro-
substantial amount of research by anthropologists inter- ductivity, problems common .to foragers as well, agricul-
ested in the Wtlys in which agro-pastoral peoples use such ture and pastoralism are based upon a different set of con-
environments in the modern era. Historically, this research straints than is foraging. One important insight obtained
has focused upon the European Alps (Cole 1972; Cole and from these models is that specialized economies-those
Wolf 1974, as well as a whole host of European studies focused upon resource exploitation within a single envi-
about Alpine agriculture and pastoralism throughout the ronmental zone-tend to be highly vulnerable to the va-
twentieth century), but over the past two decades the scope garies ofhigh-mountain ecology and are likely to be prone
of these studies has expanded dramatically, resulting in the to higher levels of risk, insufficient caloric levels for people
publication of the ethnographies of a variety of ethnic residing at high altitudes, and lower per capita returns with
groups in the Alps, Andes, Himalayas, and other major sustained population growth (Guillet 1983: 210-212).
mountain systems of the world (see, for example, Netting A more profitable source of models and concepts
1981; Brush 1977; Goldstein 1981). Responding to charges broadly applicable to foraging peoples is that generally
of "ecological particularism," that is, a tendency to focus labeled as optimization theory. Derived from a variety of
on the presumed "unique" features of the group investi- sources, including microeconomics and evolutionary ecol-
gated at the expense of broader organizing principles ogy, optimization models have found a broad, if contro-
(Rhoades and Thompson 1975: 536), many of these schol- versial, applicability to anthropological and archaeologi-
ars have developed theoretical or broadly comparative cal problems (Bettinger 1991: 83-130). Fundamentally,
approaches to the adaptive strategies of mountain peoples these models are based upon the assumption that humans
that have focused upon the similarities, rather than differ- make decisions about subsistence practice in a rational
ences, in the land-use systems of these peoples. Rhoades manner under a variety of constraints. In their most basic
and Thompson (1975: 547-549), for example, have pro- form, these models assume that humans are rate maximiz-
posed a model of generalized versus specialized mountain ers and therefore rank resources in terms of costs per unit
procurement systems. The former system is characterized return. More sophisticated models have shown, at least in
by a single group that exploits a series of vertically strati- principle, that rate-maximizing decisions are often simul-
fied ecozones through agro-pastoral transhumance, while taneously risk minimizing or avoiding (Winterhalder 1986,
the latter system combines specialized agriculture and 1990), and Kuznar (1992: 5-6) has shown that rate maxi-
elaborate trade relationships with surrounding populations mization, risk minimization, and various types ofsatisficing
in both highlands and lowlands as an adaptive strategy. strategies can be subsumed under general utility theory, a
Guillet (1983) and Orlove and Guillet (1985) have devel- merhod commonly used in economics to get consumers
oped a general model focused upon their definition of a to rank often subjective preferences.
series of montane subsistence types: AlpwirtschaJt, which In archaeology, optimization models are used prima-
is similar to Rhoades and Thompson's generalized strat- rily as heuristics since subjective preferences about subsis-
egy; verticality, developed first by scholars working in the tence choices under constraint as well as precise calcula-
Andes such as John Murra and although composed of a tions of caloric inputs and outputs are essentially impos-
number of different types and dimensions (see Salomon sible to obtain. The models can be used as baselines to
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 17

understanding behavior and despite their limitations in more of a problem with the use and theoretical assump-
terms of specific quantitative predictions, nevertheless of- tions that lie behind the models and not with the models
fer considerable insight into the kinds of choices foraging themselves. In fact, if optimization models are combined
peoples made in the past. The following sections explore with the concept of utility, the adaptationist trap can be
the ways in which the fundamental features of high-moun- avoided altogether. The behaviorist approach to under-
tain ecology can be integrated with optimization models standing subsistence behavior is based upon the method-
to produce testable models of foraging land use. ological individual, who is presumed to be the locus of
decision making and ultimately selection. It further pre-
Adaptationist Versus Behaviorist Perspectives sumes that individuals will make optimal decisions in terms
Over the past twenty years, there has been a distinct change of some subsistence choice. If combined with neo-Dar-
in the way in which anthropologists and archaeologists have winian cultural transmission theory, such as that devel-
defined and attempted to explain variability in settlement oped by Boyd and Richerson (1985) and described at length
and subsistence systems. While the emphasis on cultural by Bettinger (1991), it is possible to create models in which
ecology has remained strong, there has been a shift away individuals can in fact make "bad" or maladaptive choices
from so-called adaptationist arguments toward what can (Aldenderfer 1993b). Finally, behaviorist approaches fo-
be labeled behavioralist perspectives on the use of the en- cus upon the short term and assume that while there is a
vironment. Adaptationist arguments emphasize the follow- necessary element of anticipation to human action, most
ing themes. The locus of adaptation is the group, or as decisions about subsistence choices are made to satisfy rela-
Bettinger (1991: 53) puts it, these arguments are based tively immediate goals (Mithen 1990).
upon a "methodological collectivism." While it is acknowl-
Definitions and Basic Concepts
edged that individuals make decisions, the operational unit
in which "adaptation" is observed is the group. Further, Terms and concepts to be defined include risk, uncertainty,
this perspective assumes that decisions are made to main- maximization, minimization, optimization, and utility. Risk
tain or return to an equilibrium between the structural has a multiplicity of meanings depending on the source of
features of the subsistence system and the environment in borrowing for the concept, but generally two slightly dif-
which it operates. Finally, adaptationist arguments, espe- fering variants can be found in the anthropological litera-
cially in archaeology, tend to focus on the long term. ture: risk as unpredictable variation, implying that poten-
Although the adaptationist perspective has been of great tial outcomes of a decision characterized by high variance
value to archaeological research, it has a number of seri- are riskier than others, and risk as the probability of loss
0us flaws. In an adaptationist argument, almost anything or a failure to achieve a specific outcome, such as returns
can be made to be adaptive; in effect, adaptive systems have from foraging or hunting. Used in this fashion, risk is rela-
no history, and typically, post-hoc accommodative argu- tively simple to define, although Kuznar (1992) argues that
ments can be made for virtually any set of human behav- since risk has two subjective components, which include
iors (Gould and Lewontin 1979). Because of the method- the identification of hazards or loss and the estimation of
ological collectivism of the approach, there are problems the probability that these hazards will affect an outcome
with identifying which group is the actual locus of selec- by a decision maker, a simple correspondence of an "envi-
tion and adaptation. While a variant ofoptimization mod- ronmental" risk and a human response cannot be isomor-
eling can be used to discuss optimal group size of foraging phically mapped. While this may be true, it is neverthe-
peoples given a particular resource configuration, the same less reasonable to assume that given an identified risk, an
approach cannot address the degree to which each of these optimal response to that risk under constraint can be iden-
groups is more "adaptive" in any meaningful sense. In ad- tified. However, his main point-that there are a variety
dition, there is a consistent theme of neofunctionalism in of possible risks and that we must be very careful about
every adaptationist argument (Bettinger 1991: 57-59). what kind of risk is assumed in a model-is valid. Uncer-
Bettinger (1991: 223) has argued that much of evolu- tainty, while plagued with a plethora of meanings, is prob-
tionary ecology, the source of many of the optimization ably best considered as decision making with incomplete
models in archaeology, assumes that the concept of opti- information. Of course, uncertainty is a matter of degree,
mization and Darwinian fitness are essentially equivalent, although different optimization models assume perfect
and therefore optimization models are fundamentally knowledge on the part of the forager, an obviously faulty
adaptationist in tone. While this may be the case, this is assumption in most empirical settings (Jochim 1983: 159).
18 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

Maximization generally refers to maximizing energy is often found when foragers attempt to cope with signifi-
returns in terms of energy expenditure. The currency here cant unpredictability in environmental parameters and
is energy, usually operationalized by estimates of energy high-risk loads (i.e., when confronted with a large num-
costs, requirements, and expenditures in kilocalories. Thus ber of hazards or many decisions about resource procure-
a forager is a rate maximizer if subsistence decisions are ment and mobility that have high potential variance in
consistently made to maximize the amount of energy ob- outcomes). Risk aversion is generally equated with risk
tained by those decisions. Minimization refers to either minimization. Risk seeking may occur in situations of ex-
minimization of effort and cost, time, or risk. Least-effort treme food shortages or in situations in which individuals
principles have been used to construct a number of im- are either extremely poor or at the edge of a border of a
portant foraging models, but recently the issue ofrisk mini- social status (Kuznar 1992: 11).
mization-that is, decisions made to avoid or ameliorate Finally, thresholds must be considered. As Smith and
some risky situation-has become more important as a Boyd (1990: 172) describe it, a threshold in terms of food
focus of research. Optimization usually refers to decisions is a certain minimum that is required, such as a survival
that optimize the value of some objective function, for in- minimum or a desired regularity of caloric intake on a daily
stance, the amount of energy returned (Kuznar 1990: 66). basis. In some cases, an actor may in fact be risk seeking
In this sense, one can optimize a rate of return (maximiza- until the threshold value is achieved and depending on
tion) or the amount of time spent in a task (minimization). utility preferences, may then become either risk neutral
In some cases it is also useful to discuss an optimal diet or risk sensitive. Obviously, thresholds are likely to be com-
froln a nutrient, not caloric, perspective. mon in situations of low predictability or productivity.
Utility is defined by economists as that which gives sat-
Behavioral Responses to High-Mountain Ecology
isfaction in the sense that individuals are able to state their
preferences about their needs and desires and are in effect High-mountain environments are generally characterized
able to rank their preferences. In fact, general utility theory by heterogeneity, extremeness, low productivity, low pre-
offers the anthropologist a solution to the claim that opti- dictability, and relatively high instability and fragility.
mal foraging theory and its variants are flawed because These ecological features are best seen as a set of con-
they ignore so-called cultural values (see Bettinger 1991: straints within which human populations must operate. In
105-106 for a discussion of this problem). Utility theory one sense, they are a set of "problems" that foraging
allows individuals to compare apples and oranges or any peoples must "solve," and a considerable body of cultural
other set of preferences (Kuznar 1990: 59-65). While of ecological research over the past 30 years shows the vari-
limited value in archaeology since it is impossible to de- ety of ways in which such problems have been solved by
termine directly the preferences of the dead, the concept ethnographically known foragers. I am here concerned
of utility nevertheless remains important because if used with broad predictions about the nature and structure of
as analogy, it can be used to create a baseline of expecta- settlement and subsistence systems, the relative degree of
tions against which actual behavior can be compared. residential mobility, the cyclical pattern or seasonality of
Risk and utility are combined to develop these baseline residential moves, the dispersal and aggregation of the
models when the concepts of outcomes and payoffs are coresidential group, and the structure of trade, exchange,
considered (Smith and Boyd 1990: 168-173; Stephens and or avoidance relationships with nearby groups of foraging
Krebs 1986: 128-150). Outcomes are "the measurable re- peoples occupying other habitats. More detailed predic-
sults of a given action or decision," while payoffs "refer to tions about diet choice and resource ranking depend upon
the value of outcomes as determined by an actor's prefer- specific resource constellations and will be considered later.
ence ranking" (Smith and Boyd 1990: 169). The prefer- The degree and seasonality of residential mobility are
ence ranking, ofcourse, is the utility ofthat decision. Given directly affected by extremeness, particularly that associ-
a situation involving risk (variation in the outcome of a ated with dramatic seasonality. In temperate mountains,
decision), the relationship between payoff and outcome high-elevation regions are not habitable due to extremely
can be described in three ways: risk neutral, risk adverse, cold temperatures and the hazards ofheavy snowfall, which
and risk seeking. Risk neutrality means simply that risk can prevent any degree of mobility for much of the win-
does not affect a decision regarding payoffs and outcomes. ter. Typically, foraging peoples use high mountains exten-
Nonlinear relationships between outcomes and payoffs are sively during a relatively short period of time, roughly from
said to be either risk adverse or risk seeking. Risk aversion late spring until early fall, either on a residential or logis-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 19

tical basis. For example, the Nez Perce of the Bitterroot caloric returns are spread across a larger social entity.
Mountains of Idaho used these middle mountains (eleva- Risk and hazard in high-mountain environments are
tions ca. 300-2,500 m) with a combination of logistical vertically stratified, meaning that while there may be a se-
and residential mobility, occupying a low-elevation base rious shortfall of calories or some other resource problem
camp during the winter months and moving residential experienced by populations in one environmental zone,
bases further up into the mountains during the early spring the same situation is unlikely to be faced simultaneously
through late summer. The highest elevations (ca. 2,000- by groups in other zones. In effect, this is a situation of
2,500 m) were exploited logistically during the late sum- both between-environment and within-environment het-
mer months, when berries and other plants ripened and erogeneity. The stratification of risk is one of the major
game animals were the most desirable in terms of their fat constraints on the subsistence systems of modern high-
content and hide quality (Marshall 1977). A similar pat- elevation agro-pastoralists, and it is obvious that the ways
tern of combined residential and logistical mobility can in which groups attempt to control or gain access to pro-
be seen in many northern California foraging peoples and duction in other environmental zones are attempts to mini-
in the prehorse Ute and Arapaho, who moved into the mize the effects of risk. Smith and Boyd (1990) have de-
Colorado Front Range during the short summer season veloped a model of the conditions under which foraging
from low-elevation winter base camps situated in the foot- peoples will develop intergroup exchange systems, become
hills further to the east (Benedict 1992). territorial, rely upon storage, or permit entry into territo-
Counteracting this general trend toward logistical mo- ries that is particularly relevant to montane foragers.
bility are low productivity, low predictability, instability, Smith and Boyd assume that sharing is primarily a risk-
and fragility. In general, low productivity tends to pro- reduction adaptation and that it is unlikely to have origi-
mote relatively frequent residential mobility, since re- nated as a group-level adaptive response. To bolster these
sources in any single location may not be ofsufficient quan- assumptions, they use the classic prisoner's dilemma model
tity to permit a group to utilize them for a significant length to demonstrate that it is never in the best interests of an
of time. This problem is exacerbated by low predictability individual to share, thus placing the model firmly in the
and instability, which would make it difficult to determine behaviorist camp (Smith and Boyd 1990: 179). They pos-
whether any set of known resource patches were in fact tulate that conditions conducive to the development of
capable of being utilized at a given time. In effect, low sharing between local groups include the degree of risk
predictability and instability increase the probability of experience and risk preferences of each actor and the tem-
failing to achieve a sufficient level of caloric returns. For- poral correlation in resource income between actors. Given
agers tend to decrease the amount of mobility through increasing asynchronicity in these two features between
information sharing, which helps to identify patches that two local groups, sharing would be desirable as long as the
are producing, and through group dispersal, which keeps transportation costs of moving the shared or traded re-
the size of the group likely to exploit them to a minimum. sources are not excessive (Smith and Boyd 1990). In high-
It should also be clear that high-mountain environments mountain systems and their adjacent lowlands, it is obvi-
are risky in terms of hazards as well as failures to reach ous that this kind of asynchronicity is a major structural
threshold values of caloric needs. There are a number of feature of the environment.
behavioral responses to risk. Storage and intergroup shar- There are alternatives to exchange for risk reduction,
ing are among the most important of these. Storage is a including local storage and the movement of people
technological innovation designed to avoid caloric short- through either dispersion or residential mobility into dif-
falls or even out variance in caloric returns, thereby ame- ferent areas. The degree to which either of these basic
liorating subsistence risk. Storage is particularly impor- strategies is employed as an alternative to exchange de-
tant in highly seasonal environments in which resources pends on the availability of storable products, the costs of
are essentially unavailable during certain seasons or are their production, the availability of other areas in which
difficult to obtain due to hazard or environmental con- to move, and the costs of these residential moves as com-
straint, but it is clear that storage has considerable value as pared to the other alternatives. However, it is clear that
a risk-avoidance or risk-reduction device. Likewise, the one of the costs of movement is whether surrounding
development ofintergroup exchange relationships has been groups will deny or permit access to their territories. As
viewed as a means of risk sharing or buffering, in which Smith and Boyd (1990) note, reciprocal access to territory
the effects of high variance in outcomes or shortfalls in seems to run contrary to the predictions of the prisoner's
20 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

dilemma model, and they spend some effort developing a vironments due to the generally low productivity of the
set of conditions under which either mutual territoriality environments and the relative paucity ofstorable resources,
or mutual access to territory will develop. aside from meat, in many areas. Movement costs associ-
They argue that mutual territoriality between local ated with either the transport of storable resources to a
groups is beneficial to both groups when payoffs are al- base camp or the movement of the coresidential group to
ways monotonic (i.e., having more of a resource is always the locus of the storable resource must also be factored
better than having less, which is an essentially risk-neutral into the overall costs of storage.
strategy), the costs of territorial defense are less than those Spielmann (1986) has developed a similar model de-
associated with mutual access, and the probability that one's signed to explain different forms of exchange and recipro-
neighbor's area experiences a resource failure is not too cal territorial access between egalitarian societies. She de-
high. In contrast, mutual access is beneficial under a dif- fines two distinct strategies-buffering and mutualism.
ferent set of conditions, including a risk-adverse strategy Buffering is a subsistence strategy that seeks to ameliorate
with no territorial defense costs, a risk-neutral strategy with subsistence risk through either food exchange or recipro-
some territorial defense costs, and reduced competition, cal access to territory and generally occurs in environmen-
thus lowered costs, when mutual access is permitted (Smith tal settings in which resource availability, predictability,
and Boyd 1990: 187). and abundance are stochastic. Whether exchange or dis-
Each of these strategies-exchange, mutual access, and persal as a means to counteract subsistence risk is employed
storage-is potentially stable, and which (or which com- depends upon the abundance of the resources and the
bination) emerges or is employed as a risk-reduction strat- amount of prior investment made by the donor popula-
egy depends primarily upon the costs and benefits of each tion. Under conditions of abundance and no investment,
as well as an individual's (or group's) preferences as to risk. reciprocal access is more probable, whereas in conditions
Again, while detailed predictions about actual strategies of scarcity and some prior investment, exchange and shar-
employed are dependent upon the kinds of resources ing are more probable. In contrast, mutualism tends to
present in an environment, it is nevertheless possible to occur under conditions of reliable and abundant resource
assess the degree to which high-mountain environments availability, but dispersal and exchange continue to be sub-
are likely to witness any particular strategy. Conditions sistence strategy options. Dispersal occurs when resources
which increase territorial defense costs are those typically are predictable and abundant and when no prior invest-
observed in high-mountain environments and include high ment in their harvest has been made, whereas exchange
uncertainty or low predictability in both spatial and tem- occurs when resources are reliable and abundant and when
poral terms, in addition to environmental heterogeneity some prior investment has been made in terms of harvest-
(Dyson-Huson and Smith 1978). In general, territorial ing or processing.
exclusion is unlikely to appear frequently in high-moun- Spielmann's model predicts that in high-mountain en-
tain systems. Conditions that work against either mutual vironments, buffering strategies would be the most likely
access or exchange are high transportation or mobility to appear since these environments are characterized by
costs. That is, the greater the distance an exchanged com- low productivity (therefore low surplus production) and
modity must be moved or that a group must move across high unpredictability. Whether dispersal, mutual access,
increases the costs ofexchange or mutual access, and move- or exchange is employed, however, will depend upon the
ment and transport costs in high-mountain environments relative costs of mobility and transport. In general, the
are typically high. Another factor to be considered regard- expectations of this model are congruent with those pre-
ing mutual access is the costs of obtaining information dicted in the Smith and Boyd model.
about resource availability and location in a different ter-
Constraints on Mobility and Behavioral Responses
ritory. Given any significant degree of asynchronicity or
heterogeneity between adjacent environmental zones, it High-mountain environments have very significant costs
appears that the costs of obtaining information would be for foot-mobile peoples. Using least-cost principles as a
relatively high, since it is possible that the "owners" of the guide, humans should respond to these constraints in a
adjacent territory may not be spatially proximate. This number of ways.
aspect of high mountains would also tend to increase the 1. Levels of residential mobility should be relatively low,
costs of group dispersion. Finally, local storage would ap- but just how low, of course, depends on the abundance
pear to be difficult to achieve in many high-mountain en- and predictability of major resources as well as their spa-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 21

tial distribution. Since transportation costs in high-moun- rain difficulties and shifting constellations of resource avail-
tain regions are substantial, foragers will remain at their ability and density.
residential bases as long as the costs of daily foraging do 6. The optimal siting of long-term residential bases
not exceed their returns, all other factors remaining equal should correlate with a reduced foraging radius. The for-
(Kelly 1992: 47). A low frequency of residential mobility aging radius is the area surrounding the site which is ex-
would be of greatest significance to older individuals as ploited on a daily basis for subsistence requirements,
well as to women responsible for carrying children. Low firewood, and other resources, and the distance covered is
residential mobility would help to decrease daily caloric assumed to be equivalent to a day's round-trip from the
requirements, which are already substantial at high alti- residential base to the location of the resources. A 10-Ian
tude given the combination ofhypoxia and cold stress, and foraging radius is frequently assumed (Thomas 1983a), but
this decrease would help to minimize energy expended in this radius will vary depending on camp placement, re-
subsistence-related activities. source requirements, and, especially in high mountains,
2. Distances involved in residential moves when they travel costs. The individuals benefiting from this minimi-
are made will be relatively short, and again, actual dis- zation of the foraging radius are females, who are typi-
tances covered will be dictated by resource combinations cally burdened by children and who frequently have higher
at the destination and the availability of suitable locations energy requirements due to pregnancy and lactation. Keep-
for short-term camping en route. This tendency for short ing travel costs as low as possible under these circumstances
residential moves could create more archaeological sites increases the size of the load that each person can return
on the landscape but would be counteracted by the rela- to the residential base and again decreases the total amount
tive paucity of suitable camp sites in high-mountain envi- ofcalories required by these individuals, thus keeping both
ronments. If repeatedly reoccupied, short-term residen- individual and group energy requirements and associated
tial camps could come to resemble residential camps oc- costs as low as possible.
cupied for longer periods of time. 7. Caching should be important because it can help to
3. There should be increased emphasis on logistical mo- minimize transport costs by allowing hunting parties to
bility, especially hunting parties composed of males. The temporarily store animal kills and bulk resources. The
scale of logistical mobility will be determined not so much degree to which this can be realized depends on the type
by travel costs per se but instead in terms of resource den- of resource and the seasonality of the kill.
sities and the costs of transport of acquired resources back 8. Resource procurement should be "embedded" in the
to residential camps. subsistence round, meaning that relatively few special, lo-
4. Like the situation for residential camps, the distances gistical trips for lithics or other resources should be made.
between logistical moves should be relatively short. This 9. There should be a high degree of field processing of
is again contingent on the availability of suitable camping animal kills and lithic resources. This means that faunal
locations. Given that logistical parties are composed of assemblages at kill and butchery sites will be dominated
presumably fit males, distances between logistical camps by discarded low-utility parts, whereas at residential bases,
may not be as constrained by energy expenditure as are faunal assemblages should typically contain a majority of
the distances of residential moves. high- or moderate-utility parts. The initial shaping of
5. Both long-term residential bases and logistical camps bifaces should take place at quarries or outcrops. There
will be sited "optimally" on the landscape, meaning that should be relatively few cores or larger roughouts at resi-
they will be placed in locations at which travel times to the dential bases, and the reduction by-products present at
most important resource patches are minimized. While these locations should be dominated by the final stages of
this principle is often characterized in terms of ecotones, lithic reduction.
it is clear instead that patch size and associated resource 10. From an adaptationist perspective, the desire to re-
density should be discussed. The approach taken here is duce high mobility costs may lead to the development of a
similar to that suggested by Jochim (1976) and to his use transport capacity if the costs of building and maintaining
of a simple gravity model to predict site location and re- residential bases at a number of alternative locations are
source utilization. The difference betweenJochim's model also prohibitive. Binford (1991a) has argued that in many
and that proposed here is my explicit consideration oftravel high-latitude environments in which substantial and pro-
times in irregular terrain. The degree to which sites can tective housing is necessary for survival during the extreme
be placed optimally on the landscape is constrained by ter- winter months, the development of technologies such as
22 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

sled and dog transport may have appeared relatively early Chronic caloric shortfalls necessarily lead to increased cold
in prehistoric times. stress and hypothermia even with suitable clothing, and
11. Again from an adaptationist perspective, the devel- these problems are exacerbated when individuals attempt
opment of balanced reciprocity in which food resources to perform work under these circumstances, which can
are exchanged between different groups living in distinct quickly degenerate into a classic negative feedback state.
ecological zones can also be expected as a means of reduc- The maintenance of a sufficient daily intake of calories,
ing the frequency of residential moves. This implies that then, permits individuals to accomplish their daily activity
exchange under a buffering strategy is a likely response to round with a minimal threat of fatigue or exhaustion.
both subsistence risk and high mobility costs. Within the constraint of meeting minimum daily ca-
loric requirements and maintaining an adequate flow of
Behavioral Responses to Constraints on Human Biology calories, high-mountain peoples will seek to minimize their
From a behaviorist, short-term perspective, the most sig- work effort. While this is consistent with the desire to
nificant constraint on human biology offered by high- minimize mobility costs, it also extends into patterns of
mountain environments is cold, which is exacerbated by work effort and techniques. For instance, Kuznar (1995)
chronic hypoxia. Humans resident at high altitude must has shown that modern goat pastoralists in the Rio Asana
therefore possess effective cultural adaptations to reduce valley attempt to limit the range of their daily moves in
the effects of cold stress. These include at a minimum the terms of both vertical and horizontal distances. During
use of fire, the construction of effective clothing and shel- the austral winter of 1991, the daily distance of moves by
ter, and other cultural responses to cold stress, such as the pastoralists up and down the valley ranged from 2 to 4 Ian,
pattern of retiring at dusk commonly observed in modern while the daily distance traveled up and down mountain
Andean populations, the placement of activity areas and slopes ranged from 200 to 400 m. Furthermore, these
habitations in sheltered areas that also receive sufficient pastoralists moved their seasonal residential camps when
sunlight, and a general minimization of exposure to cold these daily distances were exceeded, resulting in a series
and wind whenever possible. These responses are of even of small residential camps scattered up and down the val-
greater importance in temperate mountains, in which tem- ley and spaced from 2 to 4 Ian apart.
perature and exposure extremes are greater than those in
tropical mountains. Models ofMontane Foraging
Fire, clothing, and shelter reduce the shivering response Three assumptions form the basis of the general model of
in humans, which is a normal response to incipient hypo- montane foraging. First, given the constraints of the high-
thermia (Ward, Milledge, and West 1989: 358-359). Hy- mountain environment, montane foragers will tend to be
pothermia is a major problem at high altitude and in ex- risk adverse in most of their subsistence decisions. This
treme cases can lead to frostbite and death. In a milder assumption is based upon a corollary assumption: forag-
form it increases heat loss, which in turn places greater ers will seek to minimize their risks of energetic shortfalls.
demands on the body to produce more heat. While the Using the terminology developed in this book, montane
body can respond for a short time to these demands, the foragers will seek to maximize utility with respect to risk.
shivering response is an ineffective heat engine, and in the They will make decisions to select resource payoffs that
long run hypothermia places greater caloric demands on will supply them with sufficient calories to meet their daily
the individual. Obviously, cultural adaptations significantly subsistence requirements and to keep them sufficiently
ameliorate problems associated with hypothermia. stocked to maintain regular caloric intake. Second, since
The maintenance of a steady intake of calories is also sufficient caloric intake is perhaps the greatest subsistence
important. High-mountain environments place greater problem, it can also be assumed that montane foragers will
caloric demands on individuals, and any significant varia- demonstrate a threshold function with regard to obtain-
tion in intake can lead to a new set of problems, the most ing resources and may actually be risk seeking until this
important being increased levels of fatigue and potential threshold value is obtained. This may then lead to some
exhaustion. Fatigue results from attempting to do either "nonrational" behaviors that may violate aspects of the
too much work for a given level of fitness in an individual model. They may also be risk seeking under circumstances
or attempting to perform strenuous activities without suf- of extreme caloric shortfalls due to persistent environmen-
ficient energy reserves, and it is extremely dangerous at tal failures. Finally, we can expect a minimization of effort
high elevations (Ward, Milledge, and West 1989: 359-360). in terms of work loads but substantially constrained by
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 23

the first two assumptions. That is, montane foragers will For example, given two different species with similar han-
seek to minimize mobility cost strategies as long as they dling times, the forager will be unselective (i.e., will choose
are able to meet their caloric requirements under these either of the two species close to the central place when
strategies. If they cannot, they will incur higher mobility encountered). However, given different energy ratios (i.e.,
costs than would be expected. different handling times, assuming Species 1 has a smaller
The model utilized in this analysis is a variant of the handling time), a forager will select Species 1 close to the
classic central place foraging model developed by Orians central place, will be unselective (i.e., will choose either
and Pearson (1979) and described at length by Stephens when encountered) at intermediate distances, and will se-
and Krebs (1986: 53-60) and Bettinger (1991: 93-97). A lect Species 2 when patches are far away. Figure 1.4 shows
central place foraging based model of montane foraging this graphically. Another way to state this is that for very
appears particularly well suited to high-mountain environ- long travel times, handling time is essentially insignificant,
ments given its emphasis on travel costs and constraints and the forager should always seek the largest prey avail-
on foraging efficiency. While the data available from the able given sufficient transport capacity (or caching abil-
archaeological record do not permit the development of a ity). It is important to emphasize that when discussing size,
quantitative model, using the model in a qualitative sense, what is really important is not necessarily actual physical
predictions can be made about three issues: diet breadth size but the energy return expected for the package en-
and selectivity, mobility, and exchange. countered, processed, and transported back to the central
place. Thought of in this way, it is clear that packages so
Diet Breadth and Selectivity Unlike many of the better described could include plant as well as animal species.
known models of optimal foraging, central place foraging Finally, the model provides some basis for predicting
models contain a spatial dimension that makes them very which species in which patches should be exploited (fig.
useful in the analysis of diet breadth and selectivity, since 1.5; see also Bettinger 1991: 97). Given three patches with
they place an emphasis upon travel times and costs. The different travel times to each, figure 1.5 shows the condi-
central place foraging model, based upon rate-maximiz- tions under which a species of a given size should be taken.
ing principles, assumes that the forager in question leaves Species 1 should be taken only from patch II. Further-
from a fixed location, travels to a distant resource patch, more, if a prey species is encountered before reaching the
obtains prey, and then returns it to the fixed location (the patch, whether it is taken at that exact moment depends
central place). The basic model also assumes the forager
will obtain a single prey item and is thus called the single-
prey loader model.
Fundamentally, the central place foraging model pre-
dicts diet selectivity and resource ranking as a function of
travel time, handling costs, and package (energy) size. As
Bettinger (1991: 96) points out, in the simple diet breadth
model, resource ranking is based upon the ratio of energy
obtained and handling (processing) costs, whereas in the
central place foraging model, ranking is based upon the
ratio of energy and travel and handling times. The funda-
mental observation of the central place foraging model is
that size selectivity increases with distance-i.e., given
roughly equivalent handling times, it is always more profit-
able for the forager further from the central place to choose
larger prey sizes. Further, a rate-maximizing forager should
be unselective with respect to prey selected below a criti- TRAVEL FORAG I NG --+

cal travel time, again with the proviso that handling times
between possible prey types are essentially equivalent
(Stephens and Krebs 1986: 59). Fig. 1.4. The relationship between travel time and prey
An implication of this model is that resource rankings size under a central place foraging model (after Bettinger
and selectivity are variable and obviously distance related. 1991: fig. 4.6).
24 High-Mountain Environments as a Human Habitat

resource shortfalls or their desire for fatty foods. How-

ever, since Winterhalder and others have demonstrated,
at least from a theoretical perspective, that rate-maximiz-
III ing foragers (such as those represented in the central place
foraging model) make decisions much like risk minimiz-
ers, a formal concern with payoff variability may not al-
ways be necessary.
While the central place foraging model can be applied
in any environmental setting, its value to foraging within
high-mountain environments is obvious since it makes
predictions about species likely to be exploited based at
least in part on travel times. To utilize this model requires
a list of the species likely to be exploited, the relative ener-
Fig. 1.5. The effects of travel time on patch choice (after getic value of the package obtained from each species, the
Bettinger 1991: fig. 4.7). patches in which they reside, some estimate of handling
time (for plants, collection times, and for animals, butch-
ery time), and the estimated travel times to each patch.

on whether the encountered prey species exceeds the ra- Mobility Based upon the assumption of the minimiza-
tio of its size to the travel time from the central place rela- tion of work effort as well as the resource characteristics
tive to rates of energetic intake expected for traveling and of high-mountain environments, I expect montane forag-
foraging within patch II. ers to practice a modified logistical mobility strategy. In
Transportation costs of the encountered and processed temperate mountain environments, high-elevation land use
prey also figure importantly in central place foraging mod- will be limited to the late spring through early fall months
els. Here, the chief prediction is that increasing average since temperature and climate are too extreme for perma-
distance from the central place should be matched by in- nent habitation. Foragers will move to lower elevation base
creased package (or load) size (Stephens and Krebs 1986: camps during the winter. High-elevation land use during
60). The obvious constraint on this is that foragers cannot the late spring through early fall will be characterized by
return a package physically larger than they are capable of some residential mobility as foraging groups move into
carrying. In human terms, this means that at great dis- the highlands to exploit newly available resources. The
tances from the central place, foragers should practice a degree of residential mobility will depend on specific re-
"gourmet" utility strategy regarding animals (i.e., harvest- source configurations, while the size of the foraging group
ing only high-utility parts). This strategy insures that pack- and whether it disperses into smaller units depend on re-
age size and resultant energy return can be maximized source density, abundance, and distribution.
while simultaneously keeping the physical size of the pack- The Nez Perce, while a middle-mountain group, are
age as small as possible. This prediction is consistent with instructive here. They dispersed from low-elevation base
that made earlier regarding the minimization of work ef- camps and moved into three different short-term residen-
fort in animal butchery. tial bases situated at ever-higher elevations: a late spring,
One of the limitations of this model, as with all of the summer, and late summer camp. In effect, these groups
relatively simple optimization models of diet breadth and followed the vertical, seasonal ripening ofmajor plant spe-
choice, is that it does not consider the effects ofvariability cies and the animals that exploited them. Logistical par-
in payoffs or some other resource shortfall. For this rea- ties of males would move out from these short-term resi-
son, there is the additional assumption that foragers in high dential bases to hunt large game like mule deer and elk.
mountains do in fact have a threshold level of caloric re- Women would collect berries, whitebark pine nuts, and
turns. While this assumption cannot easily be integrated other plant species within the foraging radius (Marshall
into the central place foraging model in a formal manner, 1977; Munger 1992). These dispersed residential groups
some of the potential violations of the model's predictions would only enter the highest elevations in the late sum-
may well be due to this assumption and possible risk seek- mer or very early fall when animal species were beginning
ing by foragers when confronted with potentially serious to attain prime condition in terms of fat content and coat
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 25

quality. Residence at these high-elevation camps was rela- tual access to territory is the most likely strategy as long as
tively short, generally ranging from two to eight days movement costs are relatively low. As population sizes and
(Marshall 1977). densities increase, exchange becomes more likely even
The pattern of mobility will be somewhat different in though productivity may remain relatively low. This can
tropical mountain environments in which the seasonal be attributed to the increased costs of residential mobility
pulse is considerably less dramatic and the highest eleva- of larger groups and the decreased benefits to recipient
tions are often habitable year-round. Under these circum- groups as larger groups utilize their territories. Higher
stances, the number ofresidential moves will be determined social costs are also likely due to increased conflict or avoid-
more by resource densities and increases in work effort ance ofit (Brown 1985). Ethnographically recognized sys-
than by significant changes in resource availability due to tems such as verticality or Alpwirtschaft emerge under these
seasonal change alone. conditions and are characterized by the formal exchange
of subsistence resources based upon balanced reciprocity.
Exchange Some risk amelioration or buffering strategy The intensification of resource production to support this
is necessary in every high-mountain environment utilized pattern of exchange is also probable. In many ways, stor-
by foraging peoples. Which of these is developed depends age provides a superior means of decreasing residential
on a number of factors, including resource abundance and mobility and minimizing work effort if the costs of pro-
availability, the spatial distribution of resources, and costs duction are relatively low and there are sufficient quanti-
of resource procurement and processing. Under condi- ties of storable species.
tions of low population density and low productivity, mu-
The South-Central Andes and the
Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

It is a commonplace to describe the south-central Andes

as a vertical environment, one in which very different eco-
logical formations are juxtaposed in a minimum of geo-
graphical space. In many of the valley systems of the west-
ern flanks of the Andes in this region, the straight line
distance from the warm, arid Pacific littoral to the cold,
hypoxic high puna at an elevation of 4,500 m is less than
100 km and frequently no more than 125 to 150 km using
traditional trails along the river valleys and major tribu-
tary streams. "While this vertical zonation has profoundly
affected the course of human history in this region, it is
important to remember that this extreme ecological vari-
ability is dominated by two major ecological "types": arid
lands and high mountains. Moreover, in the south-central
Andes, these two ecological types can also be described as
extremes. The Atacama Desert, which extends into south-
ern Peru, has been described as one of the driest deserts in
the world, while the Andes are well known for their mas-
siveness, ruggedness, and extreme height (Gomez and
Little 1981: 115-116). It is the interaction of the climatic
and geomorphologic features of these two ecologies that
has largely created the structure of the human occupation
of the region and channeled its changes through time.

Regional Ecology and Environmental Zonation CIRCUMPUNENA /

The south-central Andes are found in Peru, Bolivia, Chile,

and Argentina and can be divided into five major subre-
gions: the valles occidentales, the Titicaca basin, the alti- o


plano meridional, the circumpuneiia, and the val/una (fig. 2.1).

This discussion is concerned with only two of these sub- Fig. 2.1. Major regions of the south-central Andes.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 27

regions: the valles occidentales and the Titicaca basin. and into the south-central Andean highlands. The ITCZ
Despite differences created by topography and climate, returns to the north from May through July.
both of these subregions can be characterized by three Although rainfall is a seasonal phenomenon, it is nev-
primary features: ecological zones that vary with changes ertheless highly variable in quantity from year to year.
in altitude, creating a vertical banding of habitats from Droughts, sometimes lasting from three to five years, are
low elevation to high; pervasive aridity leading to low pri- common in the highlands, and there is significant irregu-
mary plant productivity and the clustering of resources larity in the monthly distribution of rainfall as well, espe-
around sources of permanent water; and high variance and cially in the critical transitional months of September
unpredictability in the availability of resources in most through November (Winterhalder and Thomas 1978: 13).
environmental zones (Aldenderfer 1989a: 120). Kuznar (1990: 89-90) reports that the coefficient of varia-
Climate and ecology in the south-central Andes are tion (CV) of the mean annual precipitation at a number of
strongly affected by the geological massiveness and high locations in the sierra of the Osmore basin ranges from a
altitude of the Andes, the interplay between latitude and minimum of 50 to over 90. Both of these are extreme and
altitude, the presence of the Humboldt current, and glo- indicate that precipitation periodicity even in this seasonal
bal positioning factors of the major air masses of the South- environment is highly variable.
ern Hemisphere and their seasonal variation in location Temperature variation in the valles occidentales and
(Gomez and Little 1981: 123-124; Winterhalder and Tho- Titicaca basin is a complex phenomenon and is not strictly
mas 1978: 12). The Andes, running along the western correlated with increasing altitude. Temperature gradients
margin of the South American continent, split the major (also known as the lapse rate) are very steep in the south-
air masses that dominate this portion of the Southern central Andes. During the austral winter, for every 1,000
Hemisphere. As a consequence, there is a marked asym- m in rise, the lapse rate is 10.5 C, while during the austral
metry of rainfall frequency and quantity moving from west summer, the lapse rate increases to 12.5 C for every 1,000
to east across the continent, with extreme aridity in the m in rise (Little and Hanna 1978). However, since the re-
valles occidentales but substantial rainfall along the east- gion lies within tropical latitudes, there are not substan-
ern slopes of the Andes. In effect, the Andean cordillera tial seasonal differences in temperature, especially in the
blocks all but the most powerful storms from moving east highlands. Mean daily maximum temperature is nearly
to west across the puna into the valles occidentales. Those constant year-round on the puna, while mean daily mini-
fronts that cross the cordilleras quickly increase their ca- mum temperature varies slightly more, being warmer in
pacity to hold moisture as they move into the valles the austral summer and cooler in the austral winter
occidentales due to increasing ground temperature and (Winterhalder and Thomas 1978: 20). Diurnal tempera-
barometric pressure, thus creating a situation in which ture differences are far more extreme. During the dry sea-
rainfall becomes increasingly improbable (Winterhalder son (the austral winter), for example, the average daily tem-
and Thomas 1978: 9). The aridity ofthe valles occidentales perature range in the wet puna is 15 C, increasing up to
is then exacerbated by the presence of the Humboldt cur- 20 C in the dry puna (Gomez and Little 1981: 134-135).
rent, which has the effect of further cooling the already Winterhalder and Thomas (1978: 21) indicate that at
cool-dry Pacific high pressure air mass as it moves east- Chuquibamaba (3,910 m) on the wet puna, diurnal tem-
ward. Temperatures are stabilized, moisture is decreased, perature variation as measured over the years 1931-1972
and the possibili ty of rainfall is essentially eliminated exceeded 20 C. The aridity of the environment tends to
(Gomez and Little 1981: 124). exacerbate the degree of these differences.
Rainfall periodicity is seasonal and is dominated by the One result of diurnal temperature variation, especially
interaction ofthe north-south movement of the intertropi- during the austral winter, is a high frequency of night frosts
cal convergence zone (ITCZ), a low-pressure trough lo- in the highlands (Winterhalder and Thomas 1978: 21-22).
cated near the equator; high- and low-pressure cells in both In the dry puna, for example, frost occurs almost nightly
the Atlantic and Pacific; and the westerly trade winds during the austral winter (Gomez and Little 1981: 135).
(Gomez and Little 1981: 123). During the months of These frosts can be especially damaging in the transitional
November through March (the austral summer), the months important to plant growth just prior to the begin-
ITCZ, trade winds, and major pressure cells shift to the ning of the wet austral summer, reducing forage produc-
south, bringing moisture-laden air from the equatorial tivity (Kuznar 1990: 80).
region into the center of the South American continent A number of researchers, beginning with the botanist
28 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Weberbauer (1945), have described the ecological struc- 2,500-3,400 m in elevation) and the upper high sierra
ture of the valles occidentales and the Titicaca basin (3,400-3,800 m). Likewise, most authors recognize three
through the use of the concept of vertical zonation of different types of puna: wet, dry, and suni, with differences
lifezones, which is based upon observed variability in tem- between them based primarily upon the amount of rain-
perature, rainfall seasonality, abundance, and frequency, fall received during the austral summer.
and the interaction of these factors with altitude and lati- The two most attractive zones in terms of primary pro-
tude (Brush 1982; Cabrera 1968; DOllfus 1981; Gomez ductivity are the fertile coast and the puna, particularly
and Little 1981; Tosi 1960; Troll 1968; Winterhalder and the wet puna and the suni, while the least attractive are the
Thomas 1978). Because of the steep and rapid rise in el- low transverse valleys and the sierra. However, each has
evation and attendant changes in temperature gradients, significant limitations. The fertile coast, for example, is a
rainfall quantity and frequency, partial pressure of oxy- highly water-limited environment. While marine produc-
gen, and degree of insolation, there are rapid and signifi- tivity is very high, the value of this potential resource base
cant changes in the structure of plant communities, re- is tempered by the overall lack of potable water. The spa-
source availability, and overall primary productivity. While tial distribution of water availability-water is found only
there are a number of systems and terms used to describe at a small number of springs and at river mouths-prob-
these juxtaposed zones, most authors agree that there are ably served as a limiting factor on mobility and resource
four basic environmental zones in the valles occidentales utilization. Similarly, while overall predictability is high
and Titicaca basin subregions: the fertile coast and littoral, and seasonality of resource availability is low when com-
low transverse valleys and basins, high transverse valleys pared to the other zones, this predictability is based on
and basins (the sierra), and puna (fig. 2.2). The sierra can the high constancy of the environment. That is, the con-
be divided into two parts, the lower high sierra (roughly stant lack of rainfall on the fertile coast is highly predict-
able (Kuznar 1990: 92).
In contrast, the puna is a comparatively water-rich en-
vironment. Water availability has strongly linear features,
and there are many more permanent point sources of wa-
ter such as lakes, bofedales (places on the landscape where
groundwater seeps to the surface), and ponds. Further-
more, rainfall frequency and abundance are far greater than
on the littoral. Primary productivity, then, is comparable
to the marine environment. However, the puna is a strongly
seasonal environment, especially in terms of rainfall fre-
quency and amount, and this creates a seasonal pattern of
plant resource abundance and availability. However, year-
to-year variability and irregularity in occurrence are high,
Pacific Ocean and thus overall predictability is low. These factors, com-
bined with high probabilities of frost and extremely low
nighttime temperatures, particularly in the austral winter,
D Coastal Duert
make the puna a significantly more uncertain environment
than the fertile coast.
Low Sierra
The low transverse valleys are similar to the littoral in
I?ZI HiQh Sierra terms of their predictability, but their productivity is very
Salt low. The major problem with the low transverse valley
Dry environments is that except for the immediate river bot-
Wet Puna
toms, there are almost no other sources of water present
,*" Lomas in them. Springs are exceptionally rare, and none of the
C?D Solares tributary streams carry water, even at the height of the
highland rainy season. From the perspective of foraging
Fig. 2.2. Major environmental zones in the south-central peoples, the low transverse valleys are considered an ex-
Andes. tremely limited environment.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 29

The sierra is a transitional environment between the changes that are in great part altitudinally influenced, it is
aridity of lower elevations and the temperature extremes possible to divide the high sierra into two zones of differ-
of the puna. While it has the lowest overall predictability ent ecological potential: the lower high sierra (ca. 2,500-
of the major environmental zones, rainfall abundance, and 3,400 m) and the upper high sierra (3,400-3,800 m). Pre-
therefore overall productivity, is substantially greater than cipitation differences are key: the lower high sierra aver-
in the low transverse valleys. The tributary streams in the ages just over 40 mm/year (as measured at Coscori, 2,860
highlands are permanent, although they may cease to flow m), while in the upper high sierra, average precipitation is
during extended droughts. Springs and seeps are abun- just over 252 mm/year (as measured at Quellaveco, 3,550
dant, and small bofedales, important resource patches for m; see Kuznar 1990: table 3). While neither amount is
both animals and humans, are found at elevations above substantial, the difference it represents locally can be sig-
3,200 m. While frost and low temperatures are common nificant; the precipitation supports considerably different
in the austral winter, they are not as prolonged nor as se- community ecologies. In general, the lower high sierra cor-
vere as on the puna. Despite its low predictability, then, responds to Weberbauer's (1945) Level 2 botanical zone
the sierra has considerable potential for foraging peoples. and ONERN's (1976) Low Mountain Matorral Desert,
while the upper high sierra is very similar to Weberbauer's
High-Sierra and Puna Rim Environments Level 3 zonation and ONERN's Mountain Matorral
of the Osmore Basin: The Rio Asana Desert and Mountain Steppe.
Areas above 3,800 m in elevation in the Rio Asana drain-
Definitions age are described as puna. While these areas do indeed
share a number of ecological characteristics with what is
The Osmore, or Moquegua, drainage is one of the major commonly called the puna, such as similar vegetation com-
river valleys of the valles occidentales in the south-central munities, animal species, and certain climatic features,
Andes (fig. 2.3). Above the modern city of Moquegua, the there are important differences as well. 1 will refer to the
river is composed of four major streams, one of which is upper reaches of the Asana drainage as the puna rim to
the Rio Tumilaca/Coscori/Asana. This branch ofthe river, distinguish this region from the puna proper, much as
like all in the Andes, is locally named, and the two sections Kuznar has done for the high sierra. That is, the puna rim
most relevant to this study are the Rio Coscori (ca. 2,200- is defined here as that set of puna vegetation communities
3,400 m in elevation) and the Rio Asana (ca. 3,400 m to its found in an elevational range of ca. 4,000 to 4,600 m and
primary source at over 4,800 m). The Asana (I will use this interdigitated in the narrow valleys and gorges of the head-
name throughout the remainder of the text) has its origins waters of the major streams and their tributary quebradas
in the runoff of seasonal precipitation from the pampas of along the western cordillera of the Andean chain.
the margin of the high puna in this region, including the To demonstrate the differences between the puna rim
Pampa Tinajones and the Apacheta Limani, in addition to and the puna, I will compare two areas nominally called
the snowmelt from the nearby peaks of the western cor- puna in regional-scale classifications: Tacalaya and Pasto
dillera of the Andes. Grande (table 2.1). Tacalaya is on the puna rim at an el-
The Rio Asana has two major tributary streams, the evation of 4,450 m, while Pasto Grande is on the puna at
Capillune and the Charaque. These streams have a gener- 4,515 m and is approximately 35 Ian north of Tacalaya.
ally low discharge, and both may become dry during se- While mean maximum annual temperatures are essentially
vere drought. Below 3,500 m, there are a large number of identical, mean annual minimum temperatures on the puna
permanently dry quebradas that drain runofffrom seasonal are much colder. Rainfall is greater at Pasto Grande, and
precipitation, while above this elevation, the largest while mean annual rainfall has a moderately high correla-
quebradas, such as the Altarani, Millune, Quisuta, and tion between the two locations (Pearson's r = 0.72, p <
Panturane, have water year-round since they are fed ei- 0.05), both mean and median values of mean annual rain-
ther by runoff or snowmelt. None of these tributaries are fall are quite distinct, and the two rainfall distributions
particularly large; they average 1.5 m in width and range just barely overlap at the 95% confidence interval. While
from 20 to 50 em in depth. neither value is very large, predictability at Pasto Grande
The Rio Asana courses through two regional-scale en- is greater than that at Tacalaya. Given lower rainfall
vironmental zones: the high sierra and puna. As Kuznar amounts and lower predictability, it appears that produc-
(1990) points out, based on precipitation and temperature tivity is lower at Tacalaya than at Pasto Grande.
30 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

\ -0
::Y ~' ,000

0 10

20 30

Fig. 2.3. The Osmore drainage.

Table 2.1. Tacalaya and Pasta Grande Compared There are also clear differences in the size and distri-
bution of the major resource patch-the bofedal between
the puna rim and the puna. On the puna rim, bofedal size
Tacalaya Pasta Grande and orientation are significantly constrained by topogra-
phy and are channeled by the narrow, deep valleys that
interdigitate with the high rides and peaks of the cordil-
Mean temperature
lera (fig. 2.4). Bofedales are also patchy in their distribu-
tion, and relatively small, ranging in size from 0.1 to 10
Mean annual rainfall 481.9 mm 551.4 mm ha. In contrast, bofedales on the puna are large and con-
s.d. 140.7 s.d. 152.1 tinuous and frequently are hundreds of hectares in size,
Periodicity 0.438 0.522 although smaller ones can be found scattered throughout
the puna. The puna rim, then, appears to have consider-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 31

Fig. 2.4. The puna rim in the Rio Asana valley in the vicinity of the comunidad of Asana.

able constraints in terms of productivity, predictability, and High-Sierra Plant Communities In the Rio Asana drain-
resource potential when compared with the puna. age, the lower high sierra (2,500-3,400 m) is dominated
by four plant communities. Aside from the small stream-
Vegetation and Plant Communities
side community that contains small evergreen shrubs and
For purposes of this discussion, I have divided the Rio widely scattered mol/e trees (Schinus mol/e), the other three
Asana valley into two major environmental zones consis- communities are dominated by a perennial shrub, Franse-
tent with those described previously: the high sierra and ria meyeniana, and include a number of other grasses and
the puna rim. Much of this section is based upon Kuznar herbs, the most important being Chenopodium petiolare, a
(1990, 1995: 35-44), who conducted an extensive botani- close relative of the domesticated Andean grain quinoa
cal survey in 1989 and did follow-up work in 1991. In ad- (Chenopodium quinoa). These communities differ prima-
dition to defining plant communities, he also calculated rily in plant density and therefore productivity. Kuznar
the net primary productivity of each community and de- (1993: table 1) has estimated that one of these communi-
termined the productivity of palatable forage plants for ties (Franseria meyeniana dry aspect) has very high densi-
the guanaco, taruca, and vicuna. I shall return to these data ties of Chenopodium petiolare (70 kg seeds/ha), making it
in a later section on animal productivity. Major plant spe- very productive. However, plant densities in each of these
cies are summarized in table 2.2, and community summa- communities are highly dependent upon rainfall. There-
ries are presented in table 2.3. Figure 2.5 shows the spatial fore, provided that seasonal rains were sufficient, the lower
distribution of these communities. high sierra represents a potentially productive zone of use
during and immediately after the rainy season.
32 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Table 2.2. Plants Collected between 3,000 and 4,600 m in the Asana Valley, Department of Moquegua, Peru

Scientific Names (Local Names) Range Scientific Names (Local Names) Range

Anacardiaceae Cruciferae
Schinus molle (Molle) < 3,200 m Sisymbrium macrophagus 2,500-3,800 m
Sisymbrium myriophyllum 2,500-3,800 m
Sarcostemma andinum 3,500 m Ephedrae
Ephedra americanum (Pingo pingo) 3,200-3,750 m
Ephedra sp. (Pingo pingo) 3,200-3,500 m
Armatocereus sp. (Suja) 3,200-3,700 m
Espostoa lanata (Pichaka) 3,000-3,500 m Geraniacaea
Lobivia corbula (Machu) 3,000-3,500 m Balhisia meyeniana (Bichinchuya) 3,400-3,700 m
Opuntia atacamesis (Pulya pulya) 3,400-4,600 m
Opuntia dimorpha (Clavo) 3,000-3,500 m
Calamagrostis amoena (Paja, T'isfia) 3,400-3,800 m
Opuntia pantlandii (Waqto) 3,000-3,500 m
C. brevifolia (Pasto raice) 3,000-4,600 m
Opuntia sp. 1 (Engrampo) 3,000-3,500 m
Calamagrostis crysantha 4,200-4,600 m
Opuntia lagopus 3,000-3,500 m
Calamagrostis curvula 4,200-4,600 m
Opuntia sp. 4 3,000-3,500 m
Calamagrostis rigescens (Chilliwa) 3,700-4,600 m
Cactaceae (K'unira) 3,000-3,500 m
Phragmites communis (Cortadera) 2,500-3,800 m
Caryaphyllaceae Stipa hrachyphylla (Paja, Sicuya) 3,400-3,800 m
Spergularia fasiculata 3,500-4,000 m Stipa ichu (Paja, hicchu) 3,800-4,600 m
Graminea (T'auka) 3,500 m
Graminea (Waylla) 4,400 m
Chenopodium petiolare (Quinuay) 3,000-3,800 m
Graminea (lru) 4,400-4,600 m
Chenopodium sp. (Quinua Chiba) 3,000-3,800 m
Graminea (Llantin) 4,200 m
Baccharis holiviensis (Tala) 3,400-3,800 m
Distichia muscoides (T'ifia) 3,750-4,600 m
Baccharis dracunifolia (Tola) 3,000-3,800 m
Oxychloe andinum (Kuli) 3,750-4,600 m
Baccharis latifolia (Chilca) < 3,800 m
Baccharis macrophylla (Duranita) 3,400-4,400 m Labiatae
Baccharis odorata (T'asa) 3,400-3,500 m Marrubium vulgare 2,;00-3,800 m
Bidens andicola (Chidido) 3,400-3,600 m
Chersodoma iodopappa 3,600-4,400 m
Adesmia arborea (Kanli'yaILlarito) 3,400-4,600 m
Chuquiraga spinosa rotundifolia (Qu~swara) 3,600-4,000 m
Adesmia sp. 3,800-4,600 m
Diplostephium meyenii Wedd. 3,400-3,800 m
Cassia arequipensis (Abil'ya) 3,000-3,400 m
Franseria meyeniana (Rumadillo) 2,500-3,400 m
Cassia sp. (Sankalaya) 4,400 m
Hypocheris sp. 3,600-4,600 m
Lupinus paniclatus (Kuela) 3,500-4,600 m
Mutisia acuminata (Ch'inchelcoma) 3,000-3,900 m
Psorlea puhescens (Bilyea) < 3,200 m
Mutisia sp. 4,400 m
Parastrephia lepidophyllum (Tala) 3,600-4,600 m Loasaceae
Parastrephia macrophylla (Tala) 4,000-4,600 m Cajophora cirsiifolia 3,600-4,200 m
Senecio adenophylloides 3,400-3,500 m
Senecio sp. 3,400-3,500 m
Tarasa rhamerii (Llegosa blanca) 2,500-3,600 m
Stevia macbridii (Llegosa) 2,500-3,500 m
Sphaeralcea arida 2,500-3,600 m
Tagetes multiflora (Chidido) 3,000-3,800 m
Oancaroma) 4,200-4,400 m Nyctaginaceae
(Cacawara) 4,600 m Mirabilis intercedens (Pega pega) 3,500 m
(Mamaripa) 4,400 m
(Llantin) 4,200-4,400 m
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 33

Scientific Names (Local Names) Range ha). Two different communities-tola Cherodesma and tola
pampa-are important from 3,600 to 3,800 m. The former
is rather sparse, but since it is barren, annual grasses and
herbs grow thickly and rapidly given sufficient rain. Tola
Cantua candelilla (Cachicana) 2,500-3,500 m
pampa is dominated by bunch grasses and tola (Parastrephia
Gilia glutinosa (Rumadito) 2,500-4,000 m
Gilia sp. (Rumadito)
lepidophyllum). This community is known to have a high
2,500-4,000 m
productivity, but because its dominant plant is not pre-
Rosaceae ferred forage for any species, it has little resource poten-
Polylepis besseri (Quenuo) 3,800-4,200 m tial for humans. Another important community is the tolar,
Tetraglochin strictum 3,800 m
which is primarily dominated by tola and bunch grasses,
Scrophulariaceae most commonly Stipa ichu. While extensive (35% of up-
Caleeolaria australis (Zapatilla) 3,400-4,000 m per high-sierra land) and characterized by high produc-
Caleeolaria inamoena (Zapatilla) 3,400-3,800 m tivity, the palatability of its major species is low. Another
Caleeolaria sparsifolia (Zapatilla) 3,400-3,500 m important community is that based upon the queiiua
Solanaceae (Polylepis bessert), the only major tree species found in the
Dunalia brachycantha (LIar' 0) 3,200-3,500 m high sierra. This community comes in two variants: an
Fabiana weberbaurii (Tola) 3,200-3,500 m open forest found on hillslopes ranging in elevation from
Lycopersicum peruvianum 2,500-3,200 m 3,800 to 4,000 m and a closed forest found along the stream
Solanum nitidum (Yanawarmi) 3,750 m course. Together, these account for about 4% of the total
Solanaceae 3,500-3,800 m area of the high sierra. These communities are the natural
Umbeliferae habitat of the taruca, but they can also be used by the gua-
Azorella compacta (Yareta) 3,800-4,600 m naco. Finally, very small bofedales (Distichia moor) are
found scattered throughout the high sierra. Although small
in area, they have very high productivity, especially for
Urtica ftabellata (Ortega) 3,500-4,000 m
guanacos and vicuna.
Verbena juniperina 3,200-3,800 m Puna Rim Plant Communities Two types of landforms
Verbena seriphiodes (Li'la) 3,000-3,500 m
predominate in the puna rim (4,000-4,600 m): dry lands
Unidentified (pampa) and wet lands (bofedal). The vegetation of the
(Llanch'u) 3,750-4,600 m puna rim is less varied than that of the high sierra and
(Chingu) 3,750-4,600 m consists primarily of two plant communities: pampa (35 %)
(Ocururu) 3,800 m and puna desert (37%). The pampa is similar to the high-
(Laqho) 3,750-4,600 m sierra pampa although it contains less palatable bunch
(Llayt'a) 3,750-4,600 m
grasses. The puna desert is typical ofthe dry puna ofsouth-
(Pura pura) 4,400-4,600 m
ern Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile, and it is a barren
and unproductive region generally avoided by the Aymara
pastoralists of the region.
Thirty-two species were found in the puna rim survey.
The upper high sierra (3,400-3,800 m) is the most com- The dry lands are dominated primarily by bunch grasses
plex zone ecologically, and 14 plant communities have been (Calamagrostis amonea, C. brevifolia, Stipa ichu, S.
defined. However, there are a few communities that domi- brachyphylla) and shrubs (Parastrephia lepidophylum, P. lu-
nate the landscape both areally and economically. From cida, Baccharis macrophylla, Chersodoma iodopappa). All of
3,400 to 3,600 m, two communities are dominant-Fabiana these shrubs are composites. Only one type of cactus is
weberbauerii regular and dry aspect and Balbisia-Verbena- found at these altitudes, the edible Opuntia atacamensis. Two
Diplostephium. Taken together, these communities com- woody plants exist, the cushion plant Azorella compacta
prise about 42 % of the land area of the upper high sierra. (yareta) and Polylepis besseri. Wet lands are dominated by
Both are good sources of high-quality forage, and of all mats of Distichia muscoides (t' ina) and Oxychloe andinum
the upper high-sierra communities, only Balbisia has sig- (khult). Upon these mats grow a number of grasses, in-
nificant densities of Chenopodium petiolare (ca. 17 kg seeds/ cluding Calamagrostis crysantha and C. rigescens.
34 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Table 2.3. Plant Communities in the Asana Valley

Zone Plant Community Primary Plants

Lower High Sierra AA: Franseria meyeniana Franseria meyeniana

2,500-3,200 m Regular Diplostephium meyenii
Armatocereus sp.
AA': Franseria meyeniana Franseria meyeniana
Dry aspect Chenopodium petiolare
Diplostephium meyenii
Armatocereus sp.
Annual herbs
S: Franseria Franseria meyeniana
2,500-3,000 m Annual grasses
Upper High Sierra A: Baccharis odorata Baccharis odorata
3,400-3,800 m 3,400-3,500 m Diplostephium meyenii
Calceolaria sp.
Opuntia sp.
B1: Quellaveco Bofedal Distichia muscoides
3,800 m Calamagrostis rigescens
Bunch grasses
B2: Lestanque Bofedal Distichia muscoides
3,700 m Calamagrostis rigescens
Baccharis latifolia
Stevia macbridii
c: Fabiana weberbauerii Fabiana weberbauerii
Regular and dry aspect Diplostephium meyenii
mixed community Verbena juniperina
3,400-3,700 m Baccharis dracunifolia
Baccharis boliviensis
Fabiana densa cacti
D: Baccharis latifolial Balbisia meyeniana
Stevia macridii Waste area Diplostephium meyenii
3,400-3,600 m Verbena juniperina
J: TolalCherosodomal Parastrephia lepidophyllum
Adesmia Chersodoma iodopappa
3,600-3,800 m Verbena juniperina
K: Barren ground Spergularia fasiculata
3,500 m Gilia sp.
N: Streamside bofedal Distichia
above 3,700 m
0: Talus wasteland Baccharis latifolia
3,500-3,800 m Baccharis dracunifolia
Stevia macbridii
Adesmia arborea
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 35

Zone Plant Community Primary Plants

Upper High Sierra/ M: Tola/Jchu grass Stipa ichu

Puna above 3,800 m Calamagrostis spp.
Q: Open Queiiuo forest Queiiuo
above 4,000 m Kan'liya
Adesmia sp.
Q: Closed Queiiual forest Queiiual
3,800-4,200 m Polylepis besseri
Puna PP: Puna Pampa Stipa ichu
3,800-5,000 m Calamagrostis amoena
Parastrephia lepidophyllum
Parastrephia lucida
Baccharis macrophylla
Lupinus panidatus
B3: Puna Bofedal Distichia muscoides
Oxychloe andinum
Calamagrostis crysantha
Calamagrostis curvula
Calamagrostis regescens
Y: Yaretal Azorella compacta
4,000-4,600 m Parastrephia lepidophyllum
PD: Puna desert Baccharis macrophylla
4,000-5,000 m Adesmia sp.
TS: Tolar seco Parastrephia lepidophyllum
4,000-4,600 m Tolar seco

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c::::J ,
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Fig. 2.5. Vegetation communities in the Rio Asana valley from ca. 3,200 to 4,800 m.
36 The South-Central Andes and the Osrnore Basin as a Human Habitat

Although bofedales comprise only 2.5 % of puna lands, naco/8 ha and 1/19.2 ha (Franklin 1975: 194-195). Male
they are important sources of forage for herbivores and groups consist of immature males socially and spatially
are the most critical resource for puna rim pastoralists and separate from the family groups, and while the male group
for the vicuna. These are highly productive wetlands, and apparently has no defended territory, it can generally be
vicuna cannot thrive without them. found in a single area or zone. Solo, nonterritorial males
circulate around and between these different groups.
Behavioral Ecology ofthe Major Herbivores Franklin (1975: 195-196) reports that of the 326 guana-
The three most important wild herbivores in the Rio Asana cos observed at Guanacon in the central Peruvian Andes,
valley throughout most of prehistory include the guanaco 74% were in family groups while 23 % were either in male
(Lama guanicoe), taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis), and vicuna groups or were solitary animals.
(Vieugna vieugna, but also Lama vieugna). While small mam- Group size and density are highly variable, and family
mals such as the vizcacha (Lagidium viscacia) are common groups are regulated more by the fluidity of social struc-
today, they apparently were not important to subsistence ture and the aggressiveness of the territorial male. As
economies in the past-at least in the Rio Asana valley- Franklin (1982: 483) observes, while group territory size
and therefore they will not be discussed in this section. declines with higher densities of preferred forage, mean
group size apparently is not directly predictable from for-
Guanacos Of the South American camelids, the gua- age quantity alone. Kuznar (1990: 126) suggests that the
naco has by far the greatest behavioral flexibility in terms maintenance of family territories tends to keep average
of range, diet, and social behavior (Franklin 1982). Gua- group size significantly below carrying capacity predicted
nacos have an elevational range from sea level to approxi- by forage density.
mately 4,200 m and, depending upon resource availability Guanacos are no longer found in the Rio Asana valley,
and abundance, are either migratory on a seasonal basis or but it is clear that they could have inhabited most of the
fully territorial. How far they migrate, however, is not clear, valley, including the lower and upper high sierra and puna
although Franklin (1982: 481) notes that they may move rim up to elevations of approximately 4,000 m. In the mod-
up and down within valley systems or laterally between ern era, bofedal vegetation dominates the valley above this
valley systems. Unfortunately, there are no studies that have elevation, and the density of preferred forage for these
identified migratory ranges or the severity of the condi- animals is substantially reduced when compared to the
tions required for migration, and it is unknown if guana- upper high sierra.
cos can move through an extreme altitudinal range with-
out biological costs, although given their long residence Taruca As a cryptic species, taruca prefer highly dis-
in the Andean highlands, these costs are likely to be mini- sected environments generally near forested habitats such
mal. Guanacos can both graze and browse, which is the as groves of queiiua (Polylepsis spp.), the only large tree that
basis of their ecological flexibility. They are known to eat grows in the high elevations of the south-central Andes
grasses, forbs, and shrubs, are able to digest forage more (Winterhalder and Thomas 1978: 40-41). While these
effectively than most domesticated animals, including the trees have been observed at elevations up to 4,600 m, they
domesticated camelids, and can inhabit extremely arid en- are generally confined to elevations below 4,200 m, where
vironments (Franklin 1982: 482). they form thickets ofvarying size and density. The taruca's
Guanacos typically have a number of social groups, the diet is poorly understood, but apparently these animals
two most important being the family group, which includes avoid larger bunch grasses and prefer to eat smaller plants
a single adult male, females, and their offspring younger close to the ground (Kuznar 1990: 135; Roe and Rees 1976:
than 15 months, and the male group (Franklin 1982: 482). 725), although reports from Chile and Argentina indicate
When possible, the male of the family group defends a that their diet is relatively broad and includes both graze
feeding territory year-round, although females without and browse (CONAF 1987: 9; Mengoni 1986: 68). Given
young may leave the group during the austral summer. these characteristics, they do not appear to compete di-
Franklin (1975: 168) notes that guanacos in the high si- rectly with guanacos for forage.
erra of the Peruvian Andes maintain family territories. Taruca are territorial and inhabit home ranges that vary
Guanaco family territories in Tierra del Fuego averaged between 0.25 and 2.0 km 2 They are found in three differ-
29.5 ha, varying with forage quality (Franklin 1982: 482), ent types of groups: a male/female group and their off-
and average densities of guanacos ranged between 1 gua- spring, with an average size of9.5 individuals; a male group
Montane F01'"agers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 37

ranging in size from 1 to 5 animals, with an average size of Two other family groups have also been defined: the
1.8 animals; and a female group, with an average size of marginal territory group and the mobile family group
4.2 animals. In regional population composition, each (Franklin 1982: 479). Both of these groups are slightly
group contributes 53%, 22%, and 25%, respectively, to smaller than the permanent group since they occupy less
the total. Densities of taruca can vary considerably, rang- productive territories. Because of this, they are obligated
ing from a low of 0.3/km2 at Pampas Galeras, 1.2/km2 at to move more frequently for forage and water. Conse-
La Raya, and 0.7-0.95/km 2 in the Rio Asana drainage quently, these groups are slightly less predictable in terms
(Kuznar 1990: 136). of their location than are permanent family groups.
Taruca are still in existence in the Rio Asana valley, al- Unlike that for the guanaco, territory size, group com-
though they have declined in number substantially since position, and population density for the three vicuna fam-
the early 1960s. They are found today exclusively in the ily groups are highly correlated with forage density. Ac-
quenual forest and are hunted by the valley's inhabitants. cording to Franklin (1982: 480), this is apparently due to
Over the six years of the project, no member of any field the territorial male's ability to defend and maintain the
crew ever saw a single taruca. boundaries of the territory. This means that these groups
are very predictable in terms of size, composition, and lo-
Vicuna The vicuna is the best understood of the wild cation. Koford (1957), in his study of the vicuna popula-
Andean camelids in terms of its diet and behavioral ecol- tion of Huaylarco, notes that of the 250 vicuna that made
ogy. Unlike guanacos, vicuna are strictly grazers, and their up the local population, 175 were in family bands (62.5%),
preferred forage is the vegetation that is typically found at with the remainder (75; 37.5%) in male groups.
puna rim and puna bofedales. Moreover, as Franklin (1982: Male groups are composed ofnonterritorial males, with
477) notes, the animal is an obligate drinker, meaning that group size ranging from 2 to over 100 animals (Franklin
it must drink water once or twice a day during the dry 1982: 479). These animals live in poorer habitat types and
season (see also Vila and Roig 1992). Because of these lim- move long distances between feeding areas to avoid con-
its, vicuna have relatively little behavioral flexibility and flict with territorial males. When compared to the family
are found at elevations of 4,200 to 4,800 m. Because of groups, male groups are larger, have the greatest mobility
their diet, they are essentially tied to bofedales large enough and range, have the greatest variability in group size, and
to maintain group size, although they are able to eat bunch are the most unpredictable in terms of location.
grasses when necessary. Vicuna still live in the Rio Asana valley and are found
According to Franklin (1982: 477), "vicuna social orga- near the large bofedal in the upper reaches ofthe Quebrada
nization is based upon a year-round system of resource Huaillane (fig 2.6). This is a relatively small bofedal, but it
defense polygyny with permanent feeding and sleeping is composed of preferred forage for these animals. The
territories." Like guanacos, vicuna have two basic social eastern end of the bofedal reaches an elevation of 4,500
groups: family groups and male groups. Permanent fam- m, while the western end drops to 4,100 m. Group size is
ily groups consist of a single male and associated females eight, and although there has been no formal study of its
and their offspring. These groups occupy the best areas of composition, it appears to correspond to a permanent fam-
pasture within the bofedales. Average family group com- ily group. When humans approached too closely, a single
positions have been reported as 1 male, 4.4 females, and vicuna, probably the male, came out to challenge while
1.84 young at Huaylarco (Koford 1957: 164) and 1 male, the other group members fled in the opposite direction.
3.2 females, and 1.9 yearlings at Pampas Galeras (Franklin Although the bofedal is unoccupied by humans, its lower
1982: 478). The territory sizes of vicuna family groups reaches are used by people who drive their cows here from
average 12.8 ha at Huaylarco (Koford 1957: 170) and 20 well down valley and who leave them here for weeks at a
ha at Pampas Galeras (Franklin 1982: 479). Data from time to graze upon the bofedal forage. The vicuna graze
Parque Lauca, Chile, suggest that bofedales of 1.01 to 2.67 with the cows but apparently sleep beyond the eastern lim-
ha can support a single adult vicuna (CONAF 1983: 23- its of the bofedal about 1 to 2 km away. Despite this, their
28). Group size remains constant year-round and changes location is relatively predictable.
only when juvenile males are expelled from the group or a
new female is acquired by the dominant male. A family
group is essentially sedentary since its feeding and sleep-
ing territories are generally very close.
38 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Fig. 2.6. The bofedal in the Quebrada Huaillane, ca. 4,300 m in the puna rim environment.

High-Sierra, Puna Rim, primarily on north-facing slopes in a restricted number of

and High-Mountain Ecology community types or in new patches created by camelid
dung-influenced behaviors (Kuznar 1993; see also Franklin
It is now possible to evaluate how the Rio Asana valley 1982: 481), is nevertheless extremely patchy due to the
reflects the broad outlines of high-mountain ecology pre- plant's small size and uncertain productivity. It is the pre-
sented in chapter 1. Consequently, this section reviews each ferred forage of every major herbivore in the valley, and
of the pertinent characteristics of that ecology: environ- this tends to exacerbate the "unpredictability" of the plant
mental heterogeneity, extremeness, low predictability, low both spatially and quantitatively.
productivity, fragility and instability, and mobility con- Animal resources are equally patchy. Using Kuznar's
straints. Since the entire valley lies above 2,500 m in el- (1993) plant communities and those that have stocking
evation, no evaluation of human biology is necessary. rates below 2.0 (fig. 2.7), it is possible to chart the spatial
location of those areas within the valley most likely to be
Environmental Heterogeneity
attractive to the valley's herbivores (fig. 2.5). While this
It is clear that the Rio Asana valley is a patchy environ- does not guarantee that animals will actually be found in
ment as measured in a number of ways. The distribution each patch, it does dramatically show that potentially pro-
of Chenopodium spp. in the valley, while generally predict- ductive resource patches are widely scattered throughout
able in that the greatest densities of the plant are found the valley and its associated drainages.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 39


,,~..'. Botedal

~ EKorp"""nt

Fig. 2.7. Patch distribution in the Rio Asana valley.

If wind speed and associated wind chill are considered,
Because the south-central Andes are tropical mountains, these temperature minimums can be extreme. Average
they are not affected by extremely cold temperatures as annual wind speed in the region-as measured at the puna
are temperate latitude high-mountain systems such as the location of Suches, approximately 30 km northwest of
Alps or Himalayas; they are therefore never uninhabitable Tacalaya-is ca. 9 kmIhour, and gusts typically exceed 20
during any season of the year. Temperatures remain rela- kmIhour. Using the average wind speed, the wind chill for
tively low throughout the year, however, and exacerbate each of the temperatures in table 2.5 can be calculated
heat loss, thus placing greater caloric demands on resi- (Ward, Milledge, and West 1989: 329, table 18.1). While
dents. In addition, there are certain times of the year in few of these temperatures are dangerous in the sense that
which temperatures reach potentially dangerous extremes there is a risk of the flesh freezing, again they show that
(table 2.4). Average annual minimum temperatures are gen- late night and early morning are periods of extreme ther-
erally low but not dangerous in both the upper high sierra mal stress. Three of the wind chill temperatures-the ex-
and puna rim and are moderate in the lower high sierra. If treme minimums of July, January, and March-are very
mean extreme minimum temperatures are carefully exam- close to the temperatures at which unprotected flesh freezes
ined, this picture changes. In July at Quellaveco, the mean within one minute. A slight increase in wind speed above
extreme minimum temperature is -2.40 C, while at Tacalaya the average, especially with powerful gusts more than 20
it is -9.8 0 C with ranges down to -20 0 C. By any standard, kmIhr, would send these temperatures over this boundary
these temperatures, which primarily occur late at night or and would increase the probability of significant tissue
in the early morning hours before sunrise, are very cold. damage of unprotected skin. Given these results, it is clear
The situation at Tacalaya improves only slightly during that the puna rim is the most extreme environment of the
January and March, months nominally associated with the Rio Asana valley, followed by the upper high sierra and
austral summer. Temperature extremes, however, remain the lower high sierra.
essentially the same.
40 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Table 2.4. Temperature Extremes at Toquepala, Quellaveco, and Tacalayaa

Toquepala Quellaveco Tacalaya

Annual mean minimum temperature 3.7 2.4 -4.7

(-2.0) (-4.0) (-9.0)
Mean extreme minimum temperature, July -1.5 -2.4 (-9.8)
(-3) (-4)
Range (1-5) (1.0- -5.5) (-7--26)
Mean extreme minimum temperature, January 2.5 0.2 -7.3
Range (0.6-5.8) (2.5- -3.0) (-2.0-15.6)
Mean extreme minimum temperature, March 2.6 1.1 -5.8

Range (-4.2-4.5) (-2.8-3.0) (-2--21)

aAlI temperatures in degrees Centigrade. Figures in parentheses are absolute minimums.

Table 2.5. Rainfall Amount and Predictability in the Rio Asana Valley

Predictability, Percent
Constancy, ofMonths
Location Amounta Contingency cvb < 1 s.d.

Toquepala 87.9 0.546 62.9 15

(lower high sierra) 0.310

Quellaveco 252.3 0.434 51.8 28

(upper high sierra) 0.174

Tacalaya 481.5 0.438 42.8 18

(puna rim)

Titijones 382.4 0.544 24.9 21


bCoefficient of variation where CV = 100 (s.d.lmean x).
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 41

trends, with rainfall periodicity being relatively predict-

Predictability able but with rainfall amount somewhat variable.
Records maintained by the Southern Peru Copper Cor- There is no direct trend in these data based simply on
poration allow us to assess the degree to which rainfall altitude alone. At a regional scale, while rainfall does in-
periodicity and amount are predictable in the Rio Asana crease with altitude, significant local variability can readily
valley (table 2.5). Unfortunately, what data exist do not be observed. Titijones receives less rainfall than does a simi-
allow us to evaluate the predictability of killing frosts or lar location on the puna or one on the puna rim as well,
other environmental parameters of interest. Rainfall tim- but the amount of precipitation is more predictable at
ing and amount, however, are good proxy measures of Titijones than at either of the latter two areas. These data
annual variation in the start of the growing season, the tend to reinforce the degree of "patchiness" characteristic
degree to which its onset can be reliably predicted, and of this high-mountain system.
the degree to which it can be maintained by sufficient rain-
fall. Three measures of predictability are employed:
Colwell's (1974) predictability coefficient, the coefficient Given the discussion of the vegetation communities and
of variability, and the percent of months over the period the behavioral ecology of the herbivores of the region, it
measured with rainfall amounts more than one standard is now possible to discuss general levels of plant and ani-
deviation lower than the mean. mal productivity of the species of greatest dietary impor-
As can be seen (table 2.5), while no location in the val- tance to humans in the Rio Asana valley.
ley has high predictability, the upper high sierra has the
lowest predictability of all, followed closely by the puna Productivity of Chenopodium spp. Wild chenopods grow
rim. The puna and lower high sierra are generally similar naturally in the high-sierra environment of the Rio Asana
but for different reasons. Toquepala has a relatively higher valley, especially at elevations between 2,800 and 3,400 m
predictability because of a moderate value of constancy, in what I have described as the lower high sierra. There is
since most of the time there is no precipitation. In con- increasing biological and taxonomic data accumulating to
trast, Titijones has a higher value for contingency, in this suggest that the high-sierra valleys of the western flanks
case based on the generally seasonal distribution of rain- of the Andes possessed the ancestral form to the domesti-
fall in the region (i.e., rain has some tendency of falling in cated chenopod quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) (Wilson
the austral summer). Quellaveco has both low constancy 1988). Therefore, it is probable that a form of chenopod
and contingency, meaning that it is extremely difficult to in the valley may have been an important food resource
predict when it will rain. throughout prehistory.
These trends in predictability are generally reinforced Two different forms of chenopods grow naturally in the
by the values of the coefficient of variability. Once again, Rio Asana valley: Chenopodium petiolare (quinuay) and an
while each value is high, the highest is found at Toquepala unidentified species locally named quinua chibo, or goat
in the lower high sierra, followed by Quellaveco in the quinoa (Kuznar 1993: 259-260). Modern goat pastoralists
upper high sierra. Tacalaya and Pasto Grande have slightly cultivate small patches of quinuay on the middens near their
smaller values, while Titijones has the lowest. There are residential structures (Kuznar 1990). Although these che-
some interesting differences when the percentage of nopods are found scattered throughout the valley in small,
months with extremely low rainfall are considered. While discontinuous patches distributed in part by a mutualistic
the upper high sierra has the most months falling below relationship with goats, they are concentrated in two plant
one standard deviation, the next highest are Titijones and communities in the high sierra: the Franseria meyeniana-
Tacalaya, respectively. Toquepala and Pasto Grande have dry community of the lower high sierra and the Balbisia
the fewest months that fall below one standard deviation. community of the upper high sierra. Kuznar (1993: table
The meaning of these measures is clear: in the upper 1) has estimated that these communities have natural stands
high sierra, both rainfall periodicity and amount are un- of chenopods totaling 70,000 and 1,600 plantslha, respec-
predictable. The puna rim is similar, although rainfall tively. Other communities have densities too low to calcu-
amount appears to be slightly more predictable. In the late. In a series of harvesting experiments, he has further
lower high sierra, while rainfall periodicity is relatively calculated that individual plants of either species produce
predictable, the amount of that rainfall appears to be highly 0.79-1.39 g/plant, averaging 1.0 g/plant, the figure used
variable. The puna shows something of a mixture of these in further calculations (L. Kuznar, personal communica-
42 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

tion, 1992). Based on these figures, it is possible to com- which is an estimate of the number of hectares of land one
pute the total number of kilograms of seed weight in these animal needs for foraging and is expressed as the number
communities (table 2.6). This calculation assumes average of hectares per animal per year (Williamson and Payne
values of seed weight and "normal" climatic conditions 1978). A small number indicates a higher ranking plant
for the high sierra. The result is a very large amount of community. Since animals have distinct forage preferences,
seed productivity of these chenopods. these preferences must be taken into account when calcu-
Another factor that may have served to increase the lating stocking rates.
amount of chenopods in the valley is the previously men- Kuznar (1990) calculated the amount of available pro-
tioned mutualism between goats and these species. Kuznar ductivity for each plant species in the communities of the
(1993) has noted that chenopod densities are extremely Rio Asana valley in order to estimate the amount offorage
high in and around the corrals of modern goat pastoralists available and palatable to the region's three major herbi-
in the Rio Asana valley. Not only do goats transport seeds vores. He did this by adding up the amount of browse or
in their coats, they also defecate large numbers of seeds in graze produced by each species as yearly net aboveground
their corrals since chenopods are their preferred forage. annual production (NAAP). He then multiplied NAAP by
This process produces very high densities: at 15 pastoral the proportion that species could potentially represent in
camps in the valley totaling 952 m 2, the total seed produc- an animal's diet, and the scale productivity for all species
tion is 467 kg. Koford (1957: 160) and Franklin (1975) added up to give the amount of available forage in that
have observed similar vegetation growth, but of different plant community for each animal. The palatability of each
species, in natural dung piles for both vicufia and guana- plant for each species, as well as its contribution to the
cos. While the number of such mutualistically generated diet, was based on his review of the literature for the gua-
patches would depend on the number of territories and naco (Guerra and Murua 1984; Simmonetti and Fuentes
would probably be individually smaller and of lower den- 1985; Cammas 1986; Franklin 1975), taruca (Roe and Rees
sity than the modern patches, these patches would never- 1976; CONAF 1987), and vicufia (Koford 1957; Guerrero
theless have the advantage of being predictable in their 1986; CONAF 1983).
location given the territorial habits of these species. Once Kuznar determined the amount of forage avail-
able per hectare for each animal species, the next step was
Animal Productivity The density and size of any ani- to calculate the stocking rate of the community. This was
mal population are dependent upon the natural produc- done by estimating the amount of forage required by each
tivity of the animals' habitat and behavioral ecology in animal as calculated over some time interval (usually the
terms of dietary preferences and territorial maintenance. amount required on a daily basis) and by dividing the
Natural productivity can be expressed in a number ofways, amount of forage available by this figure. Wild animals
and the one to be used in this study is the stocking rate, were assumed to be year-round residents in their particu-

Table 2.6. Chenopodium Productivity and Distribution in the Rio Asana Valley

Plants/ Total Area Mean and Range

Community ha ofCommunity ofProductivity

Franseria 70,000 707 ha 70 kg seeds/ha; 55-94 kg/ha

Balbisia 1,667 480 ha 17 kg seeds/ha; 13-22 kg/ha
Mean and range of total productivity, 49,400 kg; 38,885-67,165 kg
Franseria community
Mean and range of total productivity, 8,160 kg; 6,240-10,560 kg
Balbisia community
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 43

lar environmental zone (see Franklin 1975, 1982; Guerrero DM is dry matter. The amount of forage available to each
1986; Merkt 1987; Roe and Rees 1976; Kuznar 1990). animal, its relationship to primary productivity, and the
Given these assumptions, the stocking rates per animal stocking rates for each species, along with a community
for the guanaco, taruca, and vicuna are, respectively, 730 summary, are described in table 2.7.
kg DMiyear, 456 kg DMiyear, and 502 kg DMiyear, where As can be seen in this table, the environmental zone

Table 2.7. Stocking Rates for Wild Herbivores

Zone Community Area a NAApb Guanaco Taruca Vicuna

LHS AA 707.6 302.3 21.7 14.9

AA' 707.6 744.1 1.0 1.5

S 707.6 435.9 1.7 1.2
UHS A 48.6 690.2 10.4 7.2
B1 0.0 2,379.0 1.2 0.8
B2 1.8 1,015.0 4.2 2.0
C 199.8 766.7 14.4 9.9
C-dry 64.8 420.3 5.6 3.8
D 27.0 245.9 53.8 37.0
G 480.6 202.8 7.6 5.2

J 171.0 167.2 21.9 15.1

J-dry 87.3 77.0 11.8 8.1
M 639.0 1,372.0 1.4 101.1
N 5.4 455.0 9.2 14.8
DIN 18.0 350.0 31.5 25.9
0 14.4 200.9 25.7 17.7
Q 40.0 1,761.0 1.4 0.9
Puna Q 1,007.0 1,761.0 1.4 0.9
pp 5,542.0 1,007.0 1.9 100.3 12.3
B3 393.6 2,705.0 1.6 1.2 0.2
CQ 330.6 3,095.0 3.1 2.1 61.2
Y 645.5 196.3 55.8 38.4 304.1
PD 5,825.0 164.1 51.8 35.6 45.6
TS 1,653.0 2,909.0 1.3 0.9 1.1

aTotal area in hectares of the community type within zone.

bNet annual aboveground productivity; see Kuznar (1990) for details of calculation.
44 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

with the largest amount of area with high stocking rates efficient dentition that allows them to more quickly eat
for the three species is the puna, followed by the upper the plants that grow in this community. Thus while the
high sierra and lower high sierra. This is consistent with taruca and guanaco find these plants palatable, they can-
expectations since the puna, despite being the coldest of not compete effectively with the vicuna for this preferred
the environmental zones, is also the wettest. Rainfall abun- forage. Further, the vicuna's preferred habitat lies within
dance and predictability decline with elevation. There is the quenual forest, which provides them with both cover
variation within these zones, however. Of the three, the and shelter. These two factors essentially eliminate the
lower high sierra has the largest proportion of area with taruca from consideration as a species of major importance
high stocking rates, followed by the upper high sierra and on the puna and puna rim. A similar case can be made for
puna. This suggests that the latter two zones are in fact the guanaco, although in this instance the criterion for
patchier in the distribution ofplant communities with high niche selection appears to be the altitudinal range of the
stocking rates. Further, if the focus is solely upon produc- animal. Most of the high stocking rate land-the puna
tivity, the puna, with its very large amount of area of high pampa and tola seca-for the guanaco in the Rio Asana
stocking rate communities, should have been the obvious valley lies at elevations above 4,300 m and generally ranges
focus of utilization for the region's foragers. from 4,400 to 4,700 m. This is beyond the known niche of
Although the quantity of resources places an absolute the guanaco as observed in other regions. Therefore, while
limit on the population density of any species, this mea- palatable plants exist within the puna and puna rim for the
sure may not be the best for wild animals because of terri- guanaco, it is highly improbable that it used these envi-
toriality, mating patterns, and other dietary considerations ronments in the past.
that influence the distribution ofwild animals on the land- Given these constraints on habitat and niche use, the
scape. Wild populations often establish themselves well following figures are realistic estimates of wild animal
below the carrying capacity of their environments (here abundance in Andean environments: 1 guanaco/8-20 ha
measured as the inverse of the stocking rate). Therefore, of high-sierra land, 1 vicuna/2 ha bofedal or 1 vicuna/6.5-
stocking rates cited for wild herbivores may not be the 10 ha bofedal and environs, and 1 taruca/30-100 ha of
best estimators of actual wild herbivore abundance. All of upper high-sierra land and queiiual. Using estimates of
the wild herbivores considered in this study-guanacos, high-sierra and puna area based on the community veg-
taruca, and vicuna-have a social structure based on fam- etation surveys completed by Kuznar (1990), it is possible
ily groups that defend territories. The stocking rates for to compute total numbers of animals present in each envi-
vicuna cited in table 2.7 of 0.2 ha/vicuna for the puna rim ronmental zone (table 2.8). The puna bofedal has higher
bofedal community (B3) and in CONAF (1983: 40) of 0.28 per hectare animal productivity than any habitat in the
ha bofedal/vicuna suggest that an average family band of high sierra, and, given the behavioral characteristics of
six to seven individuals would require a territory of 1.5 to vicuna, their presence in and around the bofedal resource
1.75 ha, less than 10% ofthe actual territory sizes observed. patch is very predictable. In contrast, although both the
This is reflected in Franklin's (1982: 480) statement that guanaco and taruca are territorial animals, their overall
"although habitat resources probably dictate group size numbers are relatively low per hectare of animal produc-
within the feeding territories, they to not regulate it; the tivity. Consequently, their territories and home ranges
territorial male does." Therefore, considerations beyond would necessarily be larger than those of the vicuna, and
the gross amount of forage influence the size of vicuna their spatial predictability would be lower.
territories. Clearly, while the puna could in theory sup-
port large numbers of vicuna, it cannot do so due to their Animal Territories and Locations Because the guanaco is
behavior. Also, since they are obligate drinkers, they are now extinct in the Rio Asana valley and the taruca and
tethered to water. In estimating the economic potential of vicuna have recently been pushed into marginal habitats
the puna and puna rim, the productive potentials of the by overhunting and competition with domesticated herd
abundant dry lands can be ignored since the only limiting animals, it is not possible to observe their territories in the
resource is the bofedal. For the vicuna, this would decrease field. However, it is possible to estimate the general sizes
the total area available by almost 81 %, thus limiting them and locations of their territories based on the known be-
to ca. 400 ha of high-quality bofedal (B3 community). havioral ecology of these animals.
Yet another consideration is niche selection. The vicuna In narrow valleys such as those typical of the western
specialize on bofedal lands and have developed a highly flanks of the Andes, sedentary guanaco family groups have
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 45

Table 2.8. Estimates of Animal Productivity, territories linearly distributed along the valleys (Franklin
Rio Asana Valley 1982). Animals use the flanks of the slopes for sleeping
areas and to search for food and move to the valley bot-
toms for both forage and water. Territories tend to be ad-
Total Area of Environmental Zones jacent along the length of the valley and are tightly packed.
Lower high sierra 2,125 ha Vicuna have a similar territorial organization, although
they focus on bofedales. At night, both of these animals
Upper high sierra 1,800 ha
move onto the slopes surrounding the bofedal or water
Puna rim queiiual 1,007 ha source. Before sunrise, the animals begin to move toward
Puna bofedal and environs 400-600 ha the bofedal, grazing. They begin to return to the slopes in
the early afternoon. All of this activity takes place within
Total Number of Animals Present their territories (Vila and Roig 1992: 294; Franklin 1982).
Lower high sierra 0.05-0.13 animal/ha Like the guanaco's territories, the taruca's territories are
packed linearly within valleys. Taruca have similar territo-
Guanaco a 106-266
rial characteristics. They tend to remain hidden during
Modal territories b 13-33 the day in the queiiual and forage within it.
Upper high sierra 0.06-0.16 animal/ha The concept of territory is useful because it can be used
as a proxy measure of a resource patch. That is, since each
GuanacoC 140-350
of these species is highly territorial, the location of the
Modal territories b 17-43 territory is predictable, although the exact location of the
Taruca d
animals within it may not be known. Given their habits, it
is virtually certain that the animals will be somewhere
Modal territories e 6-19 within that territory. This knowledge can be used to de-
Puna rim 0.5-0.65 animallha termine the number of modal territories within each of
the environmental zones. A modal territory is simply the
Vicuna f 200-390
area required by an average family group for each species.
Modal territories g 21-41 To calculate the number of modal territories, one needs to
know the proportion of animals in the entire population
residing within family groups as well as the average family
aEstimate based upon 1 animal to 8-20 ha of high-sierra land.
group size. Using estimates of74% of guanacos, 62.5% of
bEstimate based on average family size of 6, with ca. 74% of
population in family group. vicuna, and 100% of taruca living in family groups, and
CEstimate based upon 1 animal to 8-20 ha high-sierra land and average family sizes of 6, 6, and 5 animals, respectively, it
puna rim queiiual. is possible to estimate the proportion of the population
dEstimate based upon 1 animal to 30-100 ha high-sierra land and living in family groups and thus the number of modal ter-
puna rim queiiual. ritories within each environmental zone (table 2.8).
eEstimate based upon average family size of 5, with 100% in some
While it is important not to reify these numbers, they
social group.
fEstimate based upon 1 animal to 2 ha bofedal or 6.5 animals to 10 do provide some interesting comparisons. If it is assumed
ha bofedallands and environs. that each modal territory is a patch, it is clear that the
gEstimate based upon average family size of 6, with 62.5 % of environmental zone with the most patches, on average and
population in family group. in average years, is the upper high sierra, followed by the
puna and puna rim and the lower high sierra. That the
puna has fewer patches makes sense since the bofedal is
able to support larger numbers of animals. Likewise, the
lower high sierra has few patches simply because the plant
communities are the least productive in the entire valley
system. The larger number of patches in the upper high
sierra is obviously determined by the presence of two
noncompeting species inhabiting the same zone.
46 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Elevation and Terrain Difficulty Although I have defined

Fragility and Instability
operationally altitude variation in the high sierra as rang-
While there is no direct measure of fragility and instabil- ing from 2,500 to 3,800 m and in the puna rim from 3,800
ity of high-mountain ecology, it is clear that from a geo- to 4,800 m, it is important to provide a sense of just where
logical perspective, the entire Rio Asana valley is highly these altitudinal boundaries exist spatially within the val-
unstable. The stratigraphy at Asana shows the effects of at ley system. On the valley floor, the 2,500-m contour is
least four major landslides, and visual inspection of the found just upstream (to the east) of the modern village of
slopes on both sides of the valley shows large numbers of Coscori. The lowest known Archaic Period site in the high
pockets from which various landslides have occurred in sierra-Coscori (a rockshelter)-lies just above the valley
the past (see chapter 5). These slopes are composed of the floor at an elevation of 2,860 m. However, the mouth of
Huaylillas Formation, which is especially prone to collapse the Rio Asana valley, that is, where the valley widens to
due to the combination of water infiltration and the high over 1 Ian, is found 7.5 Ian downstream (west) of this loca-
level of seismicity of the Andean chain. Talus modifica- tion. Here, the elevation of the valley floor is just over
tions from these slides are common in the valley, and their 2,000 m. The 4,600-m contour is found just to the east of
primary effect has been the destruction of the natural com- the tiny village of Azana, and relatively "flat" land on the
munityvegetation and the subsequent colonization ofthese valley floor continues to approximately 4,700 m in eleva-
bare areas with new communities. In the valley, Kuznar's tion. The distance between these two elevations as mea-
(1990) communities 0 and K are typical of these barren sured by a route along the valley floor is ca. 30 Ian; if the
ground or talus communities. Community 0 is of some valley opening and the last of the flat land in the puna rim
interest because while it is relatively small, it is one of the are included, the distance increases to just under 40 Ian.
more productive small patches in the valley, producing The average grade, then, of the valley floor is 7%.
large quantities of forage preferred by the guanaco. The valley itself is typical of the western flanks of the
Another indicator of fragility is the very high rates of Andes: long, relatively narrow, with valley floor width vary-
slopewash and colluviation found in the valley. Ground ing between 250 to 800 m and steep surrounding slopes.
cover is patchy in almost every plant community, and heavy The width of the valley is greatest in an elevation range
rains erode slopes routinely during the austral summer. from about 3,400 to 3,700 m. In fact, the valley floor be-
These heavy rainfall events also modify stream courses gins to widen appreciably only 200 m downstream (west)
substantially. Torrential rains in the 1989 rainy season of Asana and remains relatively wide until the Rio Asana
moved massive boulders measuring over 2 m in maximum turns sharply to the northeast. Local relief (measured from
dimension over 2 km downstream from the stream bot- valley floor to the crest of the surrounding peaks or
toms and obviously completely destroyed all vegetation ridgelines) ranges from 300 to 500 m, and the slopes rise
growing on the valley floor. While the vegetation grew very quickly, often having grades that exceed 20%. In gen-
back relatively quickly, it took at least two years for it to eral, the least difference in relief between valley floor and
reach preflood levels. The amount of forage would have peaks is found in the puna rim, and relief gradually in-
been significantly reduced along the valley floor. Aside from creases downstream.
the obvious effects of the landslide on the site itself, it is Since the valley floor is narrow, there is relatively little
important to remember that the ecology of the valley has flat land on it. Most of the flat land is found in the portion
been dynamic throughout the past. of the valley from 3,400 to 3,700 m, although there are
some very small patches of flat land below this range. The
Mobility Constraints
land within this "flat" section of the valley is composed for
Although many of the most important features of move- the most part of a series of remnant terraces of the Rio
ment within the Rio Asana valley have been discussed pre- Asana (Aldenderfer 1989c: 135-136). While the land it-
viously, there are additional issues about movement that self may be relatively flat, the terrain, both on the valley
must be considered: elevation and terrain difficulty within bottoms as well as the surrounding slopes, is littered with
the valley and the costs, as measured by the hiking func- colluvial rock. Much of this rock is very loose and difficult
tion, of within-valley and between-valley movement. to walk upon. Elsewhere, rocks of varying sizes, from
cobble to boulder, are embedded in the ground, creating
an irregular surface. These features make off-trail walking
difficult and time-consuming.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 47

Intravalley Movement Within-valley movement has two pected, paths are used to penetrate areas, but once this has
components: point-to-point movement between different been accomplished, travel (or foraging or hunting) costs
sites in the valley and off-path activity performance in increase dramatically moving either up or down slope.
search of resources. Table 2.9 provides an overview of
point-to-point movement within the valley as computed Intervalley Movement Intervalley movement in the vi-
from Asana. Round-trip travel time to the furthest known cinity of the Rio Asana valley is generally point-to-point
site within the valley with an Archaic Period component movement; the trip begins and ends at specific locations
is just over 9 hours, while round-trip travel time to the and almost always follows well-known and well-used paths.
furthest known site down valley is just over 6 hours. I have The three valley systems nearest the Rio Asana valley in-
included the distance to the 2,000-m contour since, while clude the Rio Capillune and Rio Charaque drainages, both
there is no known site from that area, it is the place in of which are small tributary streams to the Rio Asana, and
which the Rio Asana enters the lower sierra valleys and the Rio Torata, one of the major tributary streams of the
thus exits the high sierra. To traverse the entire valley from Osmore itself. Distances and travel times to these valleys
the 2,000-m contour to Quelcatani would take just under from Asana are presented in table 2.10. While in two of
10 hours with unburdened, on-path travel. There is a sym- the valleys-the Rios Torata and Capillune-the destina-
metry of round-trip travel times for the major sites up and tions are points on the valley floor at the same elevation as
down valley from Asana. While site location is conditioned Asana, the destination in the Rio Charaque is Block 3 of
by numerous factors-proximity to water, resources, and surface densities found in this valley during surface survey
suitability as shelter-the distances between known site in 1985. In the case of the Rios Charaque and Capillune,
locations up and down valley are striking. two different routes are described: a "direct" route that
Off-path activity performance has considerably higher follows existing paths insofar as they are available and then
movement costs. While the exact amount of time varies in uses the refraction principle to move around major con-
terms of the resources exploited, such as hunting versus tours and up and down quebradas as directly as possible,
gathering, it is clear that off-path movement in the valley and a "refracted" route that follows the existing path net-
is a major time and caloric expense for its inhabitants. One work to the specified location. The route to the Rio Torata
way to look at relative costs is to "drape" cost surfaces across is a direct route that follows existing paths for approxi-
the valley from sites; figure 1.4 shows such a cost surface mately 60% of the distance between the two valleys.
as measured with the walking function from Asana. As ex- Obviously, the Rio Charaque is relatively close in travel

Table 2.9. Travel Times to Major Sites within the Rio Asana Valley


2,OOO-m Cueva 4 Suiface

contour Coscori Complex Densities Charaque Quellaveco El Panteon Quelcatani

Distance 3 25.60 16.38 7.81 5.00-6.00 7.00 6.29 15.10 23.10

From b 4.20 3.09 2.74 1.20-1.40 1.45 1.50 3.64 5.44

To 5.97 3.74 2.03 .88-1.02 1.19 1.08 2.56 3.94

Round trip 10.17 6.43 3.34 2.08-2.42 2.64 2.58 6.20 9.38

aDistance measured in kilometers.

b"From" refers to travel time to the site from Asana; "to" is from that location to Asana. All times in hours, unburdened,
and on path travel.
48 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Table 2.10. Distances and Travel Times to the Major similarities suggest that something approaching a 2-hour
Nearby Valley Systems one-way travel time may be significant for understanding
the distribution of sites around Asana.

Travel Time a
Paleoenvironments in the South-Central Andes

Few topics in south-central Andean prehistory have cre-

Valley System Distance Unburdened Burdened
ated as much controversy or have been as problematic as
the attempt to reconstruct paleoenvironments and climate
Rio Charaque over the past 15,000 years. Until the 1970s, the primary
obstacle in this reconstruction was a lack of field studies.
"Refracted" route 7.63 Ian 1.59 hr 1.99 hr
A number of important studies were initiated in the 1980s
"Direct" route 7.00 Ian 1.45 hr 1.81 hr by investigators in various disciplines, and while some as-
Rio Capillune pects of prehistoric environments are now better known,
Lynch (1990: 199-200) has pointed out that most of these
"Refracted" route 24.80 km 4.94 hr 6.18 hr studies have had the salutary effect of better defining and
"Direct" route 8.39 Ian 2.39 hr 2.98 hr identifying areas of significant disagreement. Among the
most important of these still-to-be-resolved problems are:
Rio Torata 22.50 Ian 6.58 hr 8.23 hr
the timing of deglaciation and its effects on both the high
puna and sierra valleys of the western flanks of the Andes;
aTravel times computed with walking function of individual trip variation in the movement of storm tracks and variability
segments; burdened travel computed by dividing unburdened in regional-scale climate, including the advent ofEI Nino
travel by 0.8. phenomenon and its effects in the south-central Andean
highlands (Lynch 1990: 199); the degree and extent of
postglacial climatic variability (Santoro et al. 1991); and
the effects of volcanism on the human utilization of the
time and can be reached even when burdened in less than high-elevation environments in the region.
2 hours. The Rio Capillune, in contrast, is more distant, Archaeologists working in the south-central Andes, es-
with an Asana-like point on the valley floor more than 2 pecially those with an interest in human cultural adapta-
hours distant and close to 3 hours distant with burdens. tions in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene, have
The Rio Torata, a valley comparable to the Rio Asana in tended to adopt what can be called a "European" model of
terms of resource density and abundance, lies from 6.5 to glacial advance and retreat (see, for example, Nunez 1989:
8 hours distant. None of these travel time estimates in- fig. 4). Not surprisingly, since both the North American
clude routine rest stops. Using the number and length of and European glacial epochs are so well understood, there
stops made by the modern inhabitants of this region, travel has been a conscious attempt to use European terms and
time to the Torata valley approaches 10 hours. From what even dates, frequently without clear-cut empirical support,
is known of modern foraging peoples, it seems clear that to describe and label the major glacial events that occurred
the Torata valley lies beyond a typical "day's travel" for in South America. While it is clear that glaciation during
most known foot-mobile foraging peoples. However, both the Pleistocene was a global phenomenon, there are nev-
the Charaque and the Capillune are relatively close, and ertheless serious problems in attempting to make correla-
while only the Charaque was surveyed intensively (the tions between glacial events, especially those that took place
entire Capillune has been reconnoitered three times by in different hemispheres. Indeed, Lynch (1990: 207-208)
survey crews; while small rockshelters have been found in has labeled such attempts as "speculative" and has further
the upper Capillune, no shelters or surface finds are found noted that these attempts have inspired little confidence
in elevations from 3,000 to 3,800 m), only the Charaque, in their validity.
the closest valley in terms of travel time, has surface den- In great part, much of the difficulty in establishing a
sities like those found above Asana at a distance from 5 to consensus about the interpretations of paleoclimates in the
6 Ian and roughly comparable travel times to the Charaque south-central Andes is related to the combined effects of
(ca. 1.2 to 1.4 hours, respectively). While tentative, these the rugged mountain mass of the Andean cordillera, the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 49

interrelationship between latitude and altitude, and a clear at Sajima at the start of its pollen record, and there the
decreasing trend in rainfall amount and periodicity from period 7500 to 6000 B.P. was characterized by cold and
east to west and from northwest to southeast. Given these dry conditions. While the degree of aridity remains in
aspects of the modern climate, it is no surprise that differ- question, it is possible that Sajima was significantly drier,
ent point locations reporting paleoclimatological informa- especially closer to 6000 B.P., than in modern times. The
tion produce often contradictory results. Therefore, while records at both Laguna Seca and Sajima suggest that the
a local source for paleoclimatological data within the Rio climate was moister than in the previous period, although
Asana valley would be the best solution to this problem, again cold temperatures persisted. There is a growing con-
such a source, aside from the stratigraphy of the site itself sensus that modern climatic conditions were established
and what can be read from it, is not available. The in a time frame from 3500 to 3000 B.P.
paleoclimatic reconstruction that follows, therefore, draws Data from Barro Negro and El Aguilar on the high puna
on these disparate regional resources as well as on the site ofnorthwestern Argentina provide additional insights into
itself and is the best possible integration of them. what the Early Holocene climate might have been like
Data from the central Andes (Birkeland, Rodbell, and (Fernandez et a1. 1991). The period from 12,000 to 10,000/
Short 1989; Lynch 1990; Wright 1983, 1984) and from 9000 B.P. appears to have been cold and humid. Following
the Salar de Atacama (Lynch 1986) suggest that the gla- these dates, it appears that temperatures gradually in-
cial epoch ended between 14,000 and 11,000 B.P., with the creased but not substantially, a pattern very similar to that
actual date of deglaciation affected substantially by alti- found in the valleys of the western flanks of the Andes at
tude and latitude. The most probable date of deglaciation the same time. Of more interest, however, is the apparent
in the central Andes is ca. 12,000 B.P., with some possibil- establishment of an austral summer rainfall pattern, char-
ity of minor glacial advances between 11,500 and 11,000 acteristic of the modern era, by ca. 10,000 B.P. and possi-
B.P. In the Atacama region, dates for deglaciation as moni- bly slightly earlier (Fernandez et a1. 1991: 268). Another
tored by paleolake levels range from 12,500 to 11,000 B.P. important insight gained from this locality is the discov-
(Grosjean and Nunez 1994: 275). These dates correlate ery that during the Early Holocene, typical puna vegeta-
well with the Tauca Phase of lake development on the tion communities now found at ca. 4,100 m and above
Bolivian altiplano, which ranges from ca. 13,000 to 10,500 were 200 to 300 m lower. This implies that all other major
B.P. (Wirrmann and Oliveira Almeida 1987) and which it- vegetation communities in the puna rim and high sierra
self has been correlated with massive deglaciation in the would have been similarly displaced downward. Grosjean
Bolivian cordillera (Gouze et a1. 1986). Depending on lo- and Nunez (1994) have argued for a similar pattern in the
cation, then, a nonperiglacial ecology was established in Atacama altiplano for the period 11,000 to 8500 B.P.
the south-central Andes between 11,000 and 10,000 B.P., The antiquity of El Nino events is an important con-
with the earlier date being the most probable. sideration in understanding the paleoclimates in the high-
Laguna Seca, ca. 175 Ian south-southeast of Asana lands of the south-central Andes. The devastating effect
(Baied 1991; Baied and Wheeler 1993) and Sajima, ca. 200 of modern El Nino events in these areas is becoming in-
Ian southeast of Asana (Ybert and Miranda 1984) are the creasingly clear. On the littoral, fish and shellfish popula-
locations nearest Asana that can provide high-quality tions are disrupted, and there appears to be a higher prob-
paleoenvironmental data. The former lies at an elevation ability of extended drought in the highlands during severe
of 4,500 m at the base of Mount Parinacota on the dry events. If El Nino events existed in the past, they would
puna in northern Chile, while the latter is found at an el- have been especially severe during times of relative aridity
evation of 4,610 m on the dry puna in western Bolivia. At by making predictability of rainfall periodicity even more
Laguna Seca, the Early Holocene (ca. 11,000-8000 B.P.) difficult. Rollins, Richardson, and Sandweiss (1986) and
climate was characterized by conditions moister and wet- Sandweiss (1986) have determined that the origin of El
ter than in the modern era. It must be stressed, however, Nino can be traced to ca. 5000 B.P., approximately at the
that the climate would have been somewhat warmer than start of the ameliorating climate of the Late Holocene. A
in the terminal Pleistocene glacial and periglacial times slightly earlier origin would have increased environmen-
(Lynch 1990). From 8000 to 7000 B.P., there was a period tal risk in an already risky climate. If it indeed started ear-
of continuing cold temperatures but a decrease in rainfall. lier, this would be consistent with the extreme aridity noted
From 7000 to 6000 B.P., this drying trend persisted, and at Asana and in the northern Chilean puna rim sites from
temperatures remained cold. This trend is also observed ca. 6000 to 5000 B.P.
50 The South-Central Andes and the Osmore Basin as a Human Habitat

Given these data, what would the paleoclimate have persisted after 8000 B.P., it is likely that some time after
been like in the Rio Asana valley from ca. 11,000 to 3500 7000 B.P. the climate in the valley began to become more
B.P.? From 11,000 to 10,000 B.P., puna vegetation com- arid. Regardless of the timing of this trend, it would have
munities were probably found at lower elevations, possi- increased the importance of bofedales for both animals
bly between 3,800 and 4,000 m. The puna rim in the val- and humans. These patches would have acted as resource
ley would have likely been very cold and sparsely vegetated. pulls, in that animals, especially the vicuna and taruca,
Below the puna grasslands in the upper high sierra, queiiual would have been limited in their mobility. While this may
forests would have been lowered to an elevation range of have improved the predictability of these species, it may
3,600 to 3,800 m, roughly 200 m lower than in the mod- well have reduced their density, because it is clear that their
ern era. This would have had the effect of bringing taruca population densities are constrained in great part by com-
habitat significantly closer to Asana. It is likely that the petition for mates, keeping absolute numbers well below
Asana bofedal formed during this period, possibly around carrying capacity. Guanacos would have become more
10,500 B.P. Obviously, the lower and upper high sierra mobile up and down the valley as forage became scarcer
would have been an open niche gradually becoming highly due to lower rainfall. Lower rainfall would have had the
favorable for human exploitation. same effect on other plant resource patches utilized by
From 10,000 to 8000 B.P., gradual warming with con- humans, making them smaller and less predictable in their
tinued humid conditions permitted puna vegetation com- persistence and abundance. While the exact timing of this
munities to migrate rapidly into the puna rim environ- process of desiccation is unknown, stratigraphic and ar-
ment of the valley, and it is probable that the bofedales chaeological evidence from Asana suggest it occurred af-
seen on the valley floor of the puna rim as well as the higher ter 6000 B.P. and persisted until approximately 5000 B.P.
quebradas of the valley began to form at this time. Just Climatic amelioration began at approximately 5000 B.P.,
how rapid this process was, is unclear. The vicuna first with greater rainfall and probably slightly cooler tempera-
migrated into the puna rim at this time. Queiiual forests tures than in the immediately preceding period. While
moved higher in elevation, probably to their modern range bofedales continued as important resource pulls, regional
at 3,800 to 4,000 m, taking with them the highest density productivity most likely increased with the return of other
patches for the taruca. Wet conditions would have fos- resource patches in all areas of the valley, especially in the
tered the growth of resource patches in both the upper lower and upper high sierra. However, at no time does
and lower high sierra, and it is likely that rainfall predict- rainfall amount or temperature approach the conditions
ability may have been greater during this period, implying seen from 10,000 to 8000 B.P. Resource density would have
that these patches would have been more predictable in increased, its periodicity probably would have been more
their productivity and abundance. Guanaco populations predictable, and the environment would have become gen-
may have been larger due to greater amounts of forage erally more productive. Smaller resource patches prob-
produced by more consistent rainfall and therefore these ably reappeared but would have been subject to periodic
groups may have been more sedentary and thus their lo- desiccation due to prolonged drought, much as they are
cation more predictable. Conditions in the Rio Asana val- today, especially if Nino-generated droughts in the high-
ley would have been very favorable for foraging peoples. lands began at this time.
Although it is still unclear how long such conditions
The Archaic Period Archaeology of the
Western Flanks of the South-Central Andes

"While the south-central Andes as a whole, especially the drainages (Dauelsberg 1983; Santoro and Nufiez 1987;
littoral, has been a focus of Archaic Period research for Nufiez and Santoro 1988; Santoro 1989).
almost 100 years beginning with the pioneering efforts of Although these efforts have provided archaeologists
Uhle (1917, 1919), it has only been within the past 30 years with a general chronological outline and a rough sense of
that significant research has been initiated in the higher the dynamics of cultural change, the archaeology of the
elevations of the western flanks of the Andes in the region highlands has remained in an exploratory stage despite the
(Aldenderfer 1989a: 126-129). For the most part, research important advances in our substantive knowledge. After a
has focused upon the fertile coast and nearby low inter- decade of intensive work, no more than 20 sites have had
mediate valleys, primarily in northern Chile in the Azapa comprehensive descriptions published, and this situation
basin (Allison et al. 1984; Bird 1943, 1946; Bittmann 1982; has hindered the development of periodizations and mod-
Bittmann and Munizaga 1984; Dauelsberg 1974, 1982; els of land use and models of changing land use through
Mufioz 1982, 1993; Mufioz and Chacama 1982; Mufioz, time. Compared to the fertile coast or further to the north
Arriaza, and Auferheide 1993), and the mouth of the in the Central Andes in either the highlands or the lit-
Camarones (Schiappacasse and Niemeyer 1984). Although toral, this is a relatively small data base upon which to build
a tradition of high-elevation studies has existed in the chronologies and models of adaptation through time.
Atacama region since the late 1960s and early 1970s (see,
for example, Nufiez 1975; Nunez, Zlatar, and Nunez 1974),
Archaic Period Chronology
relatively little high-elevation research has been conducted
elsewhere in the region. The Archaic Period in the western flanks of the south-
It has become increasingly clear that it is impossible to central Andes is commonly divided into three chronologi-
understand coastal developments without also consider- cal subdivisions: Early (11,000-8000 B.P.), Middle {8000-
ing the nature of high-elevation land use (Nufiez 1983), 6000 B.P.), and Late (6000-4000 B.P.). Despite broad agree-
and in response, Chilean, Peruvian, and North American ment on the major divisions of the Archaic, no single phas-
archaeologists have recently initiated a number of impor- ing scheme has gained widespread acceptance. As I have
tant archaeological and paleoclimatological projects in the noted elsewhere, there have been at least four different
Andean highlands, including Proyecto Arcaico in the high- phasings of the region published since 1980 (Aldenderfer
lands of the Osmore basin in southern Peru (Aldenderfer 1989a: 130), with each of them emphasizing different re-
1989b, 1989c; Kuznar 1989, 1990), various projects in the constructions of chronology and settlement pattern. Two
Lauca Biosphere Reserve in the highlands of extreme recent phasings, however, are broadly compatible (fig. 3.1).
northern Chile (Santoro et al. 1991), and a number of site- Santoro and Nunez (1987), Nunez and Santoro (1988)
oriented projects in various portions ofthe Lluta and Azapa and Santoro (1989) have published a series of papers in
52 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

PERIOD SANTORO ALDENDERFER testing at Coscori (2,860 m in the lower high sierra) and
1989 1994 Cueva 4 (3,250 m in the high sierra), surface collections
3000 above Asana in an elevation range from 3,500 to 3,800 m,
Late Archaic
and excavations at El Panteon (4,250 m), an open-air site
4000 - Asana VII on the puna rim approximately 15 km above Asana on the
H akenasa Rio Asana, and Cueva San Agustin (4,450 m), a small shel-
Qhuna ter 17 km above Asana (Aldenderfer 1990a). Seven phase
Asana V I
5000 - designations have been made based upon changes in do-
Pisi Mara
A sana V mestic architecture and composites of activity performance
at sites. Changes in subsistence activity and settlement
Asano r Muruq1uto
Asana IV
pattern are also used to create phase boundaries. In gen-
eral, these phases show significant overlap with those pro-
7000 - posed by Nunez and Santoro, but because they are based
upon a wider range of sites as well as more extensive exca-
vations, they are also more detailed. For instance, I have
8000 J ilona
Early Patapatane Asana III proposed three distinct Middle Archaic phases based upon
clear changes in activity performance at Asana and modi-
9000 - Khituna fications in settlement pattern. Likewise, the Late Archaic
Asona II
Tuina ? is composed of two very different phases: Asana VIlQhuna,
in which seed grinding is important and residential mo-
10,000 - Purumo
Asono I bility is markedly reduced, and Asana VIIIAwati, in which
a pastoral economy has replaced a foraging life-style. This
11,000 - phasing will be used throughout the remainder ofthis book.

Fig. 3.1. Current Archaic Period phasings in the south-

central Andes.
Models of High-Sierra and Puna Rim Land Use

Because of the small size of the data base, as well as the

research orientations prevalent in the region (Aldenderfer
1989a: 117-118), models of Archaic Period land use re-
which they describe a proposed phasing for the dry and main at a descriptive level. Further, most models that have
salt puna of northern Chile. For the dry puna, they pro- been constructed suffer from one or more shortcomings:
pose two Early Archaic phases, none for the Middle Ar- 1. Reconstruction of resource utilization patterns has
chaic, and a single phase for the Late Archaic. They bor- been based upon nonsystematic, essentially opportunistic
row the Tuina Phase from the better-known salt puna se- data collection. No systematic survey of all major envi-
quence but admit that diagnostic Tuina materials have yet ronmental zones has been attempted despite the recogni-
to be found on the dry puna. Three sites, Las Cuevas (ca. tion that data from these areas, particularly the highlands,
4,000 m), Patapatane (2,600 m) and Hakenasa (4,000 m), are of crucial importance in reconstructing regional-scale
form the basis for these phase definitions, which are pri- patterns of resource utilization and their change through
marily made on the basis of artifact type and morphology time (Dauelsberg 1983: 17; Santoro and Chacama 1982: 25;
as well as inferred settlement patterns said to be charac- Schiappacasse and Niemeyer 1984: 176).
teristic of each. In the earliest of this series of phasings, 2. Due to the lack of systematic archaeological survey
Santoro and Nunez created no Middle Archaic phase be- in ecological zones above 2,500 m, reconstructions of
cause of the paucity of assemblages dating to this period at settlement dynamics in these higher altitudes are based
Las Cuevas, Patapatane, and Hakenasa. "While in a later upon very scant archaeological data. With the exception
revision of their phasing they propose a Middle Archaic of the work performed by Proyecto Arcaico in the Os-
Asana phase, they make no effort to define its content. more basin, the few high-elevation excavations undertaken
I have proposed a phasing based on the extensive exca- to date have focused on cave and rockshelter sites. "While
vations at Asana, a high-sierra site in the Osmore basin of such sites are important because they tend to be well strati-
southern Peru, and supplemented by data obtained through fied and thus provide insight into chronology, they offer
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 53

only one perspective on resource utilization due to special scale of transhumance that was initiated as early as 9000
aspects of preservation and the use of space. Furthermore, B.P. based on excavations at Toquepala Caves (ca. 2,800 m)
those excavations that have been done have been small in the Locumba drainage, the results of testing at Caru
scale, ranging from 1 to 6 m 2 (Nunez and Santoro 1987: (2,500 m), a rockshelter in the Caplina drainage, and op-
table 2). While potentially useful for chronology build- portunistic surface collections from widely scattered sites
ing, they are too small, even within rockshelters, to exam- on the Arequipa and Moquegua littoral. Although not ex-
ine adequately variability in activity performance and the plicitly stated, residential bases would be located on the
use of space, key indicators used to define the place of sites. littoral and the high puna. Toquepala, in the lower high
3. Existing models have yet to use consistently a set of sierra, would have been occupied by foragers for brief pe-
material correlates that link the objects found in the ar- riods at the end of the austral summer, most probably in
chaeological record to the human beings that created them. March and April as foragers moved to the coast to take
The results of middle-range research on foraging societ- advantage of littoral resources, and again in October or
ies have not been integrated into these models. While terms November at the start of the austral summer as they re-
such as "residential camp," "territorially based hunters and turned to their high-puna base camps. Thus sites in the
gatherers," and "semi-transhumant hunters" have been sierra and puna rim would be either temporary camps oc-
used, for example, there has been no attempt to define the cupied by all members of the foraging band or coresidential
archaeological correlates of these terms. group or possibly task-specific sites. The major weakness
Three major models of high-elevation land use have with this model is that it simply lacks the detail of empiri-
been proposed: Ravines (1967, 1972); Santoro and Nunez cal evidence necessary to falsify it. At the time of its devel-
(1987), Nunez and Santoro (1988), and Santoro (1989); opment, no high-puna sites had been excavated or even
and Aldenderfer (1989b). While these models have sig- surface collected, nor had littoral sites been examined in
nificant differences, each focuses upon the definition of the detail necessary to test the model. Moreover, the model
the range and seasonal variability of regional-scale mobil- had no clearly specified time frame and thus could not
ity as the crucial feature of the model. In much of the accommodate the possibility ofchanges in settlement pat-
Andean world, the term "seasonal transhumance" has been tern and mobility through time. In fairness to Ravines and
adopted to describe the structure of residential mobility. the model, it is probably best seen as a hypothesis, one
The first archaeologist to use the term "transhumance" in that has been essentially rejected by more recent studies,
the study of Andean foragers was Thomas Lynch, who although there are some aspects of the model that are valid,
applied it to his studies in the central Andes (Lynch 1967, at least as far as the Osmore basin is concerned.
1971, 1973). In the central and south-central Andes, the Models of limited transhumance between adjacent eco-
seasonal complementarity of the major ecological zones is logical zones on the whole have been more explicit in their
considered important. During the austral winter when the expectations about the seasonal structure of land use and
highland valleys are dry, for example, large bofedales on have been sensitive to questions about both the causes and
the puna remain attractive loci for resource procurement, directionality of changes in these systems through time.
and the garua of the littoral often causes the lomas to bloom. Santoro and Nunez (1987), Nunez and Santoro (1988),
Since its introduction, "transhumance" has been applied and Santoro (1989) have developed one of the more so-
to other portions of the Andes, most prominently in the phisticated models yet presented. In this model, what I
western valleys of the south-central Andes, where two vari- call the high sierra is described as a low-elevation portion
ants of the transhumance model have been developed: of the puna. Although the puna rim is not explicitly dis-
those that postulate coastal resource utilization during the cussed, it lies partially within their precordillera zone (3,000-
austral winter (May-September) and high-elevation zone 4,000 m) and their puna alta (4,000-5,000 m).
resource use during the austral summer (October-April) In the Early Archaic, they note that Las Cuevas and
(Dauelsberg 1974, 1982; Ravines 1967, 1972), and those Hakenasa, located near bofedales, could have been occu-
that propose a more limited transhumance between adja- pied at any time during the year. They argue, however,
cent altitudinal or ecological zones (Aldenderfer 1989b; that it is most probable that these sites were occupied dur-
Munoz and Chacama 1982; Nunez 1983; Santoro and ing the austral winter (Nunez and Santoro 1988: 34),
Nunez 1987; Nunez and Santoro 1988; Santoro 1989; whereas Patapatane, Tojo-Tojones, and other sites below
Santoro and Chacama 1982). 4,000 m were probably utilized during the austral sum-
Ravines (1967, 1972) postulates a littoral-high puna mer. They base this argument in part on the assumption
54 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

that elevations higher than 4,000 m would have been "in- tified a series of small, temporary camps in the valley bot-
hospitable" during the austral winter, especially during the toms. They see little or no evidence for plant use, and the
early Holocene, and further buttress this claim with eth- economy was apparently focused upon specialized hunt-
nographic analogies of modern Aymara pastoralists living ing of large mammals and continued, but diminished, uti-
near Cariquima in northern Chile who move to sites on lization of small mammals. They suggest that by the end
the high puna at elevations above 4,000 m during the aus- of the Archaic, at approximately 3500 B.P., camelids had
tral summer and descend to an elevation range of 3,700- been domesticated on the high puna, but to date, the data
4,000 ill during the austral winter. \Vhile the bulk of the that support this claim, at least from the dry puna ofnorth-
available evidence suggests that the scale of mobility was ern Chile, have yet to be discovered. It appears this claim
restricted to the lower high sierra and lower reaches of is based upon the discovery of possibly domesticated
the puna, the presence of small quantities of marine shell camelids in Late Archaic Puripica Phase sites (ca. 5000-
at Patapatane and a shark's tooth at Las Cuevas suggests 4000 B.P.), such as Tuhin and Puripica, in the salt puna
to them the possibility of a littoral-puna scale of mobility, region of northern Chile (Nunez and Santoro 1988).
possibly like that characteristic of the salt puna further to The major limitation of this model is that like Ravines's
the south (Santoro and Nunez 1987). The economy dur- hypothesis, too little empirical data exist to determine the
ing the Early Archaic was focused upon hunting large and degree to which it is valid. Moreover, while the model is
small mammals. Evidence for plant gathering is scant. highly plausible, scant attention has been paid to the de-
The highlands were apparently abandoned during the velopment of the archaeological correlates ofthe presumed
Middle Archaic. Although a few of the sites, most notably patterns of land use that characterize each of the major
Hakenasa and Patapatane, have some traces of occupation, time periods. For example, during the Late Archaic, a new
the remains are sparse when compared to the Early Ar- settlement type, the temporary camp, appears. Puxuma 1,
chaic levels of these sites. Santoro et a1. (1991) note that a small rockshelter dating to approximately 4100 B.P., is
residential bases during the Middle Archaic were prob- one of these sites. The materials recovered from the site
ably moved to the littoral, or possibly the low intermedi- include small quantities of bone, a few broken bifacial
ate valleys, and argue that the increased number of sites pieces, a few morphological tools such as projectile points,
discovered along the northern Chilean littoral is due to and pigments presumably used to paint figures of camelids
the movement of these highlanders to the coast. \Vhile on the shelter's walls. In the words of the authors, "Los
the causes of this "abandonment" are obscure, they sug- escasos restos de este pequeno alero representarfan un
gest that the effects of extreme aridity due to the onset of campamento temporal, para el aprovecharniento de recursos
the Climatic Optimum may have had a major role as did, localizados de caza, con grupos conectados probablemente
at least locally near the sources of the Lluta and Azapa con algun campamento-base en el piso alto puna" (Nunez
drainages, volcanism (Santoro et a1. 1991). and Santoro 1988: 44).
The highlands were reoccupied during the Late Archaic The concept of "temporary camp" in this discussion is
Hakenasa Phase, and Nunez and Santoro (1988) hypoth- based upon the low diversity and small quantities of mate-
esize a more intensive utilization of ecological niches in rials recovered from the site. \Vhile the interpretation is
bottoms of the high valleys, the precordillera, and the high not manifestly incorrect, it remains undemonstrated. For
puna during this period. They postulate climatic condi- instance, it is possible that Puxuma 1 is a logistical camp, a
tions similar to those in the region today and argue that field station, a hunting blind, or possibly an overnight,
with the exception of periods of drought, there was no briefly occupied camp. Without a more complete specifi-
significant ecological determinant of or "pressure" on cation of the archaeological correlates ofsettlement types,
settlement location aside from the availability of resources. the model remains untestable. Despite this problem, the
Settlement pattern consisted of a series of semipermanent model remains one of the best available hypotheses of high-
camps located in each of the major ecological zones. Mo- land land use throughout the Archaic.
bility was apparently restricted, however, to these three In 1989 I published a hypothetical model of high-si-
zones. \Vhile coastal resources have been found at a few erra and high-puna settlement patterns in the Osmore-
of these highland sites, the authors argue that in the Late Rio Chila basins based upon data available at the end of
Archaic, their presence represents contact with, rather than the 1987 field season of Proyecto Arcaico (Aldenderfer
the nlovement of people to, the littoral (Santoro 1989: 55). 1989b). The organizational framework of this model was
In addition to these residential bases, they have also iden- the search for the Archaic Period equivalents ofvertical or
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 55

zonal complementarity, and there was explicit consider- season and the duration of occupation were unknown, but
ation of each of the major ecological zones in the region it is probable that Asana was occupied during the austral
(Aldenderfer 1989a, 1989c). Further, the model sought to summer, at the end ofwhich these groups returned to their
demonstrate that the forms of complementarity in the re- residential bases on the high puna.
gion changed through time, from an emphasis in the Early By the Late Archaic, regional-scale population growth
Archaic on high residential mobility as a means of coping resulted in the in-filling of the major ecological zones of
with periodic resource shortfalls and high environmental the region, and residential mobility as a solution to re-
unpredictability to balanced reciprocity involving signifi- source shortfall had been severely curtailed. In the high
cantly reduced residential mobility, the avoidance of re- sierra, for example, Asana had become a residential base
source shortfall through the exchange of subsistence re- occupied for a significant part of the year, while logistical
sources, and by the end of the Late Archaic, the probable camps, such as Cueva 4, Cueva Quellaveco, and Coscori,
use of domesticated camelids in the high-sierra-puna rim were now occupied. A number of surface sites that prob-
environments. Perhaps the most important innovation of ably functioned as locations during the Late Archaic are
the model, at least for the south-central Andes, was an found throughout much of the upper and lower high si-
explicit concern with defining the archaeological corre- erra. Niche width had increased, with plant resources such
lates of major settlement types expected in the high sierra, as Chenopodium spp., which grows wild in the high-sierra
particularly logistical camps and locations (Aldenderfer valleys, being intensively utilized. Hunting remained im-
1989b: 134-135; Thomas 1983a: 73-87). The model also portant, but the quantity of deer had decreased substan-
attempted to accommodate data obtained through system- tially. The increased number of "tokens" found at Late
atic surface collection of selected areas in both the high Archaic Asana suggests that some form of balanced reci-
sierra and high puna and excavation through the use of procity had been initiated as a means of dealing with re-
sophisticated methods of spatial analysis, most notably duced settlement mobility in these risky and unpredict-
kriging (Aldenderfer 1989b: 144-157). able environments (Aldenderfer 1989a: 149-150).
This model postulated the existence of two different Not surprisingly, there are broad similarities between
but contemporaneous cultural traditions or populations the Nunez and Santoro model and my model despite dif-
at the beginning of the Early Archaic: coastal foragers with ferences in phasing and timing. Both the axis and scale of
relatively low residential mobility and more mobile high- residential mobility in the Early Archaic are perceived as
altitude hunters who exploited puna grasslands from Oc- essentially the same, as is the scenario of more increased
tober through April and slightly lower elevational zones niche width and intensive utilization of new resources in
in the high sierra from May through September (Aldender- the Late Archaic. \Vhere the models diverge substantially
fer 1989b: 133). Like that ofNunez and Santoro, this model is in their characterization of the Middle Archaic utiliza-
recognized the importance ofbofedales as a major resource tion of the highlands and the degree of residential mobil-
pull. During the Early Archaic, regional population den- ity in the Late Archaic.
sity was low, and in the highlands, residential bases were Despite the conceptual and methodological advances
probably located on the high puna. The high sierra lay of my model, its major weakness, like those of both Ra-
within the logistical radius of these high-puna foragers, vines and Nunez and Santoro, is that there were insuffi-
and foragers probably descended no further than the lower cient data available to test its improved corpus of implica-
high sierra. The economy was focused upon the hunting tions. It depended substantially on evidence from ecologi-
of camelids, both vicuna and guanacos, as well as deer. cal zones other than the high sierra but which at the time
Small mammals and plant resources were used infrequently. was nonexistent. Another problem was that at the time,
In the Middle Archaic, while residential bases persisted the Early Archaic occupation at Asana was known only
on the high puna, new residential bases, such as Asana, from a 8-m2 area, and as subsequent'excavation has dem-
were also established. Thus while the scale and orienta- onstrated, this particular area was not remotely represen-
tion of mobility remained the same, it appears that the tative of activity performance at the site during this pe-
frequency of residential mobility decreased. At Asana, riod. Finally, there was not sufficient chronological con-
small, circular houses with prepared clay floors were trol at the rockshelter sites tested, such as Cueva 4, Tala,
present, and the artifact assemblage included evidence of and Cueva Quellaveco.
both male and female activities, suggesting that the entire Each of these models, to varying degrees, also suffers
coresidential group, or "band," occupied the site. Both the the same shortcomings. None of the them has a compre-
56 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

hensive or convincing discussion of the process of occu-

History of High-Sierra-Puna Rim Research
pation, often referred to as the "andinization" of the
in the Osmore Basin
Andean highlands (Nunez and Santoro 1988: 20). It is
highly probable that the constraints created by high-el- Archaic Period research in the Osmore basin was initiated
evation environments affected the pace and content of after the discovery of Toquepala Cave, one of the most
highland adaptations, the timing of permanent settlement, important Archaic Period sites in the region (fig. 3.2). Al-
and the rate of population growth in the region. Another though the cave, located at approximately 2,800 m in the
problem is the failure to initiate studies in all of the major high sierra of the nearby Rio Locumba, was well known
environmental zones of the western flanks' valleys. In to locals, it gained nationwide fame after Southern Peru
northern Chile, for example, virtually no work has been Copper Corporation began operations at Toquepala and
done in the low intermediate valleys, high sierra, puna rim, agreed to help preserve the site and its spectacular rupestral
and high puna, while in the Osmore basin, no work has art. The site was first tested in 1963 by Jorge C. Muelle,
been done in the low intermediate valleys. This means that then director of the Museo Nacional de Antropologia y
the structure of interaction, be it mobility or some form Arqueologia. A set of radiocarbon samples was recovered
of reciprocity, cannot be examined in full detail. Finally, from the basal strata of the site and was published by
except for my model, there has been little consideration Rogger Ravines, who completed the excavation of the site
of the causal forces that may have structured cultural in 1965. In a series of publications, Ravines developed a
change in the region. That is, most models have remained chronology of its occupation, assessed the stylistic prop-
only descriptive and have tended to take on a teleological erties of the bifacial artifacts recovered, and attempted to
perspective. Nunez (1983: 172), for example, has charac- place the site into a broader, regional perspective (Ravines
terized the Archaic Period cultures of northern Chile as 1967, 1972). As a part of this effort, Ravines apparently
"transitional" or "experimental" societies that eventually conducted a brief reconnaissance along the Rio Asana ap-
adopted various forms of sedentary life. The implication proximately 5 km to the north of the site and collected
of this argument is clear: the dynamic of cultural change materials from the surface of a site he labeled Quellaveco.
in the region is reduced to directed evolutionary change Although it is difficult to accurately fix the exact locations
or a kind of stimulus-response scenario in which the Ar- he collected, it is probable that he investigated a series of
chaic societies of the region respond to innovations or river terraces ranging in elevation from 3,500 to 3,600 m.
population movements from beyond the south-central Archaic Period research in the region lay dormant un-
Andes (Aldenderfer 1989a: 118). til 1982, when Programa Contisuyo was organized. Charles
Although the environment presents considerable chal- Stanish, then of the University of Chicago, discovered,
lenges to a foraging adaptation, it is clear that a number of mapped, and systematically surface collected parts of
different settlement systems are possible adaptive responses Titijones, an open-air site at 4,450 m near the source of
to a combination of high-elevation stresses and pervasive the Rio Torata, one of the major tributary streams of the
aridity. Lacking a definitive set of limiting factors that nec- Osmore. In 1983 Paul Goldstein, also of the University of
essarily structure these settlement systems, models of the Chicago, and Luis Watanabe, then of the Museo N acional
dynamics ofcultural change in the region must focus upon de las Ciencias de la Salud, discovered the rockshelter of
other relevant criteria, such as what a risk-adverse forag- Coscori, found at an elevation of approximately 3,000 m
ing adaptation would resemble, how the dynamic of mo- on the south slopes above the Rio Asana. They made a
bility and reciprocity would have been affected by such a grab sample of potentially diagnostic materials found on
perspective, and how resource intensification and domes- the surface and also excavated a small test unit to ascertain
tication can be factored into this emerging scenario. These the stratigraphic sequence and depth of deposit. While
issues, and the ways in which they are reflected in recon- the results of the test were inconclusive, fragments of bi-
structions of cultural history in the Osmore basin, are ex- facially worked tools confirmed an Archaic Period utiliza-
plored in chapters 6 through 9. tion of the shelter. This supposition was strengthened by
the discovery of rupestral art similar in form and style to
that found at Toquepala (Watanabe 1990).
In 1984 I initiated Proyecto Arcaico, a multiyear project
designed at the outset to address the following issues: de-
velop an Archaic Period chronology in all major environ-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 57

0 Yoro
I Corizol
00 2 Kilometro 4

3 Villa del Mar
4 Shell Ring
5 Pompa del Polo Middens
6 Toquepola
7 Coscor i
8 Tala
9 Cueva 4
N 10 Asana
II Quell aveco
12 EI Panteon
13 Cueva Son Agustin
14 Tit i jones
15 Tomuco
16 Quelcatoni
0 20 40 60

Fig. 3.2. Major Archaic Period sites in the Osmore drainage and surrounding streams.

mental zones ofthe Osmore drainage through stratigraphic along the littoral around 110, the majority of field effort
excavation; reconstruct Archaic Period settlement and sub- was directed at two sites: Titijones and Coscori. At
sistence patterns; and build and evaluate testable models Titijones, the site was remapped, and an intensive surface
of human land use throughout the Archaic Period that collection of all visible cultural material was made. Two 1
include consideration of the scale of land use and degree x 1 m test units were excavated to assess the nature of the
of residential mobility, changes in the scale of land use archaeological deposit. A similar system was implemented
that may be associated with the sedentarization process, at Coscori; the site was tested with a single 1 x 1 m unit,
and the degree to which these changes are related to the and the surface ofthe site, including its talus, was collected.
intensive use and possible domestication of plant and ani- The 1985 field season ofProyecto Arcaico was devoted
mal species. The 1984 field season was devoted primarily to a regional-scale survey of the Rio Asana from Tumilaca
to a littoral-to-puna evaluation of the nature of the Ar- Molina to Cueva Quellaveco and a minor tributary of the
chaic Period data base. Although some work was conducted Asana, Rio Charaque, from the village of Tala to a point
58 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

near its origin on the puna rim (fig. 3.3; Aldenderfer were identified and recorded. Testing was conducted at El
1989b). A linear distance of approximately 20 km was sur- Panteon, one of the components, and at Cueva San
veyed using both "siteless" and opportunistic survey meth- Agustin, one of the shelters.
odologies, and 4.8 km 2 of valley floors and slopes were
Survey Procedures
investigated. Twenty-seven distinct components made up
of 119 densities were defined as a result of this survey (Al- Intensive surface survey and collection procedures were
denderfer 1989b: 146-147, 154). In addition to six small employed in five areas of the high sierra and puna rim:
rockshelters, Asana was also discovered. Additional sur- portions of the Rio Asana at elevations ofca. 3,200 to 4,500
vey and testing at selected rockshelters and Asana began m along the stream bottoms and lower slopes of the val-
in 1986. From 1987 to 1990, the bulk of the fieldwork of ley; portions of the Rio Charaque at elevations of 3,600 to
Proyecto Arcaico focused upon excavations at Asana (see 3,900 m; portions of the Rio Coscori (west of the Rios
chapter 4). The 1991 season focused upon survey and test- Asana-Charaque confluence) at elevations of2,900 to 3,200
ing in the puna rim environment. "Siteless" survey was m along the valley bottoms and lower slopes; the lower
conducted in the upper reaches of the Rio Asana drainage, slopes and bottoms of the Quebrada Huaillane between
including the Quebrada Panturane, and an additional 10.2 4,000 and 4,300 m in elevation and the bottoms and lower
km 2 of terrain were examined. Three new rockshelters, slopes of the Quebrada Panturane from its confluence with
three large components (open-air sites), and 15 densities the Rio Asana (ca. 4,260 m) to a point ca. 4,500 m in el-

{I ~;. ........ .....

'000 ---'~--~

Fig. 3.3. Areas surveyed in the Rio Asana drainage during the 1985 field season.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 59

evation; and various small drainages and dry quebradas facts beyond the high density locus continued until the
tributary to the Rio Asana. A partial walkover of the Rio transect was finished. The crew chief was responsible for
Capillune was also made, but no formal survey of that inspecting the boundaries of the high-density locus and
stream was undertaken at this time. In total, ca. 15 km2 of for making a determination of its general size and extent.
terrain across a distance of ca. 45 linear km (Tumilaca to Upon completion of all transects within the block, a
Cerro Coraz6n) were surveyed. transit station was established, and the location of all flags
Two types of survey procedure were employed: oppor- was shot relative to this station with a Brunton compass.
tunistic survey of remnant terraces, point bars, rock out- Distances to each artifact find were paced by crew mem-
crops and suspected shelter locations, and "siteless" sur- bers whose pace was known. Each artifact find was labeled
vey (Dunnell and Dancey 1983). Opportunistic survey was separately with the block number and sequence number
conducted on both the bottoms and lower slopes of the for that block. Grid systems were established for each high-
Rio Coscori and the Rio Asana as well as at areas high up density locus within the block, and artifacts were collected
on the valley sides thought to have potential for caves and from within these grids. Each grid node was shot into the
shelters. Along both streams, the valley walls become very base map for the block. The size of each grid square was
narrow, and there is little terrace formation and generally 25 m 2 Block and sequence numbers were assigned to these
poorly developed bottom formation. In general, the bot- grids; all artifacts found within a single grid received the
toms have suffered extensive erosion through time at pe- same sequence number. After all grids had been collected,
riodic intervals. Terrace remnants not destroyed by geo- the margins of the high-density locus were walked in I-m
logical processes were identified on aerial photos, and these transects to insure that all artifacts were in fact collected.
areas were intensively surface surveyed and collected. The number of I-m transects varied depending on site
"Siteless" survey was used to investigate areas not heavily size and orientation, but no more than five were walked
disturbed by erosion and stream activity. Portions of the around the boundaries of each locus.
Rios Asana and Charaque were divided into "blocks" of The procedures used in this implementation of"siteless"
varying sizes based upon natural topographic variation of survey reflect a compromise between the fine-scale map-
the landscape. Certain areas were excluded from survey: ping of every artifact encountered and constraints on field
areas with slope greater than 25% as measured on topo- time and labor. The methods do permit a fairly objective
graphic maps; areas more than 100 m from the confluence means of reconstructing the events that took place within
of quebradas with the major stream courses; areas on each block that left behind material residues and allow for
stream or channel bottoms that consisted primarily ofsands considerable interblock comparability.
or sands and gravels, such as point bars; and areas identi- In addition to the intensive survey of bottoms and ter-
fied in the field or through the use of aerial photography races of the streams, an effort was made to locate
that had been covered with heavy soil erosion or were ta- rockshelters and quarry sites. During walkover or surface
lus slopes. Blocks were surveyed by means of parallel inspection, all slopes surrounding the valley bottoms were
transects along the long axis of the block; transects were scanned, often with binoculars. Aerial photos of the re-
generally no more than 5 m apart, and one crew member gion were inspected for obvious shelters. Overhangs, out-
was assigned to each transect. Crew members walked each crops, and suspected shelter locations were then visited.
transect in a zig-zag fashion and placed a wire flag beside Quarry sites were searched for during survey operations
each artifact or suspected artifact or architectural feature. on the valley terraces and bottoms; geologists of Southern
No collection was permitted until the entire block had been Peru Copper Corporation were consulted about locations
examined. The flagging procedure was modified when high likely to be the sources of major outcrops, and these were
densities of artifacts were encountered. Here, high den- examined in the field. Areas not systematically surveyed
sity is interpreted as more than five artifacts per 1 m of for sites, such as high saddles well above the valley floors
linear distance in any direction surrounding an artifact find. or saddles and ridgelines, were investigated when suspected
In practice, once an area of high artifact density was en- rockshelter locations were visited. Nodules of suspected
countered or suspected, the surveyor informed the crew raw material were also tested in the stream channels, but
chief and then placed a flag at the point at which the den- such testing was not conducted on a systematic basis. It is
sity seemed to change. The area ofhigh density was walked difficult to estimate the amount of terrain covered in
through, and a flag was placed at the boundary if it was searching for these quarry sites; in addition to the 10.2
found within the block. The flagging of individual arti- km 2 investigated during intensive survey, another 2-3 km2
60 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

scattered throughout the drainage were also surveyed. The estimate the values of a spatially distributed variable. Un-
search for quarries, then, cannot be considered exhaustive like simpler interpolation methods like distance-weighted
or complete at this time. averaging, however, kriging also estimates the error asso-
Survey in the puna rim portion of the Rio Asana valley ciated with the estimation. It is thus able to generate more
from ca. 4,000 to 4,500 m was more traditional, in that accurate estimates of variables. Therefore, it can create
while the system was identical to that conducted in the boundaries more effectively and accurately than other spa-
sierra, the "siteless" survey methodology was not used. In- tial interpolation methods, such as trend surface analysis,
stead, survey procedures were designed to define sites by which only provides a sense of the directionality of the
identifying areas of high artifact concentrations and col- distribution of a spatially distributed variable.
lecting them in a series of transects separated by 3-m in- Kriging is based on the concept of regionalized vari-
tervals. Repeated walkover of the puna rim environment ables and is also known as regionalized variable theory. A
suggests that artifact densities were in general much lower regionalized variable is any numerical function with a spa-
than in the puna rim, and it appears that data recovery in tial distribution which varies from one place to another
the puna rim is comparable to that further downstream. with continuity, but the variation cannot be described with
any simple function (Davis 1986). Regionalized variables
Defining Components and Densities with Data from Suiface have the following characteristics: localization, anistrophy,
Assemblages There is a significant problem in the use and continuity. Localization simply means that a variable
of "siteless" survey data, and that is simply how to analyze is associated with a sample of specific size and shape. In
the data. In part, this survey strategy is employed to move archaeology, typical units are points at which lithics are
beyond the simplistic notion of "site" so commonly used taken from the ground surface or excavation units ofvary-
by many archaeologists toward a more behavioral defini- ing depth and shape. In the former, the regionalized vari-
tion of the activities performed in these concentrations of able is the density of artifacts at or around the point, and
material. To accomplish this, however, two problems must in the latter it is the density of artifacts per unit volume.
be solved: one is methodological and is concerned with Anistrophy means that a variable may change in value due
pattern recognition in the broadest sense, and the other is to direction. Continuity, also described as average spatial
substantive and is concerned with how to interpret the continuity, implies that the variable has a continuous spa-
patterns obtained through analysis. tial distribution. While there may be higher or lower den-
"How to aggregate the data" is a way to restate the sities, and for individual points the value of the variable is
methodological problem. "Siteless" survey in one sense zero, it nevertheless remains a useful operational assump-
allows the data to "speak for themselves" in that bound- tion that at some level of aggregation, the variable is con-
aries of "sites" are not imposed in the field but are instead tinuously distributed.
created through the analytic process. Methods that can be Another significant aspect of kriging is the concept of
used range from visual inspection of scatterplots to pat- drift. As noted by Zubrow and Harbaugh (1978: 114), drift
tern recognition techniques such as nearest neighbor analy- is best seen as the "broad smooth changes (in value) over
sis to various spatial interpolation methods, and all ofthese the field of the regional variable." Drift is similar to the
have been used by archaeologists at a number of different more familiar concept of "trend," or directionality, from
spatial scales. While simpler statistics are generally pref- trend-surface analysis. Unlike trend-surface analysis,
erable to more complex ones (Whallon 1987), there are though, kriging not only estimates the trend but also de-
times when more complex methods are appropriate. What fines local variation in the distribution of the regionalized
is required are methods that will search for pattern but variable. This ability to dissect or decompose local varia-
will not impose an inappropriate structure upon the data. tion from regional trend is what makes kriging such a pow-
In this analysis, I have combined a visual inspection of the erful analytical tool. Readers with some mathematical back-
artifact scatterplots with a spatial interpolation method- ground will notice that kriging is similar to time series
kriging-to define the components and densities within analysis moved into a spatial context (Ripley 1981: 29) and
each survey block. that it is analogous to forms of Fourier analysis.
Kriging is commonly used in geography and geology Universal kriging is the most useful type of analysis for
and has had some archaeological application (Zubrow and the archaeologist with "siteless" survey data. Whereas some
Harbaugh 1978; Ripley 1981; Schieppati 1983). Kriging, methods ofkriging require data collection based on a regu-
like many spatial interpolation methods, is designed to lar grid, universal kriging permits the use of irregularly
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 61

spaced data points. This also increases the computational makes no assumptions about which behavioral process is
difficulty of the technique. The mathematics of kriging responsible for the creation of that density.
are complex, and while a detailed explanation of them is Natural processes such as erosion, deflation, sheet wash,
beyond the scope of this book, the reader is referred to an trampling, and more can also destroy or compromise the
excellent introduction and demonstration ofthe techniques integrity of behaviorally created concentrations of mate-
by Schieppati (1983) and Davis (1986). rial. The most significant disturbance factor in this region
The kriging software used is from the SURFACE III is likely to be wind erosion or deflation, which could cre-
spatial analysis package for Macintosh computers (Kansas ate palimpsests. Other erosional factors were observed, but
Geological Survey 1992). Universal kriging is one of the none of these had a significant impact on the distribution
options, and all important parameters used to krige are of materials within the blocks. Most of the blocks are rela-
included. Z values of sampled points consist of count data tively level, and although individual pieces have moved
of various artifact types. The surface is estimated through somewhat, it is unlikely that large concentrations have done
a search procedure of the 10 nearest points to the sampled so. Most pieces, while patinated through either desert var-
point using the octant search method to estimate the dis- nish or wind scouring, show few or no signs of edge round-
tribution of the regionalized variable. To avoid edge ef- ing or tumbling and thus have not been moved signifi-
fects, additional points with artifact counts of zero (since cantly by water or heavy sheet erosion.
nothing was found at them) were added to the data set for
each block. These points were placed on a regular grid Interpreting Densities Three lines of evidence can be
pattern. The program was allowed to select the original used to develop behavioral interpretations of raw material
contour interval; this interval was "played" with to develop densities: the spatial relationships of densities, content, and
the clearest representation of pattern possible. This pro- relative density. I begin with an assumed single act of lithic
cess is further described in a later section of this chapter. reduction and further assume that a "Mask Site model" is
generally applicable to the amount and pattern of the use
Components and Densities The term "component" has of space by an individual (Binford 1978; see also Thomas
a traditional meaning in archaeology, and it generally re- 1983b: 431-432; Carr 1991). Among other features, the
fers to a discrete, observable "occupation" of a site. Com- model includes now-familiar concepts such as drop and
ponents may be defined stratigraphically through excava- toss zones situated around hearths. Drop zones contain
tion or spatially if differences in artifact distributions can primary refuse that immediately enters into the archaeo-
be recognized. Sites may thus be "single component" or logical record the production or use process. The refuse
"multicomponent." In surface contexts, components are tends to be scattered around or near where an individual
often identified through the presence of culturally or chro- or individuals sit. Although it is difficult to ascertain a valid
nologically diagnostic artifacts. In this book, I use the term measure of the amount of space within a drop zone for an
"component" to refer solely to areas of relatively high ar- individual, a roughly 3-m2 zone seems reasonable. Toss
tifact density when compared to areas of low density. zones normally contain larger artifacts and represent "pre-
Densities are similar to components in that they are ventive" site cleaning and should be found beyond the con-
areas of relatively high artifact density, but here I make an centrated drop zones.
effort to define them within an explicit behavioral con- If a density reflects a single act of reduction, it should
text. I have chosen to define densities based on reduction then have a limited spatial extent, and it should contain
by-products of chipped stone raw material types and other high proportions of relatively smaller reduction by-prod-
artifact types. Once a density is defined, its contents can ucts. If more than one raw material type is worked during
be examined and inferences made as to the process that the same behavioral "instant," they should be spatially
created it. I can postulate three behavioral processes that coterminous. If densities show lesser degrees of overlap,
could create concentrations of reduction by-products: the this probably reflects a palimpsest effect and is probably
act of reduction itself leading to the creation of primary due to reoccupation and reutilization of the same space
refuse; the cleaning of a surface and the dumping of mate- later in time or the effects of wind erosion. In contrast,
rials together, thus creating secondary refuse; and the pal- toss zones should contain larger reduction by-products and
impsest effect, which would represent repeated episodes be more spatially dispersed.
of either or both of these processes at the same place. Note Two aspects of density content are important: the kinds
that the initial definition of densities by raw material type of reduction by-products present and the range of tool
62 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

and tool fragments present. Stages of reduction can be Table 3.1. Expectations of Assemblage Content
distinguished by the types and quantities of reduction by- for Logistical Camps, Locations, and Hunting Blinds
products. In a previous approach to this problem, I used a Using Lithic Data
coarse-grained method of debris classification (Aldender-
fer 1989b: 147-148). Since that time, however, I have re-
analyzed the lithic debris using the flake aggregate analy- Logistical camps Low assemblage diversity but some
sis approach so the survey data would be compatible with materials indicative of "domestic" or
food preparation activities, some gear
the materials excavated from Asana. The methods de-
scribed in chapter 4 were used to classify debris and to
Late stage reduction by-products
characterize roughly the stage of reduction reflected at
present if bifaces are transported on
densities once they were defined through kriging. Bifacial site; low densities probable
tools recovered during survey were classified using a modi- Wider range of reduction by-products
fied version ofThomas's (1983b) system. For the purposes present if bifaces are not transported;
of this analysis-because tool use could not be objectively early through late present; densities
determined due to the effects of wind erosion and solar moderate
radiation on exposed tool surfaces-emphasis was placed Biface tips/midsections if present should
on identifying the stage ofbifacial reduction (early, middle, be middle/late stage and will be
late, and small-tool manufacture as defined later) and the production failures
kind of tool (bifacial or unifacial) or fragment represented Biface bases if present should be late
stage/finished, implying retooling
(whole, tip, base, midsection, end). Two types of tools have
been defined: projectile point and scraper (see chapter 4). Locations
Since the materials recovered from densities are exclu- Biface tip/midsections present
sively chipped (and some ground) stone lithic materials, a Biface bases in low frequencies
set of criteria must be developed that will allow us to dis- Reduction by-products in low densities
tinguish-using solely lithics-Iogistical camps, locations, Late stage/retouch flakes
and hunting blinds. These expectations are summarized
Raw material Depending on staging, variety of
in table 3.1. It is obvious that these site types are difficult
procurement reduction by-products present;
to distinguish solely on the basis of lithics, and this situa- more cortical material; density
tion is worsened by the palimpsest effect. Therefore, some variable depending on intensity and
discussion of these issues is warranted. \Vhole finished staging
points might be present while being replaced during gear
Others Very low assemblage diversity
maintenance. Broken finished point fragments may be
Very low density of reduction by-
present because they were broken during production (in
which case reduction by-products of that process should Reduction by-products varied depending
be present), or they may have been discarded during point on task; minimal tool production
replacement. Depending on what was brought into the
site, then (anticipatory planning), reduction by-products Hunting blinds Low assemblage diversity in terms of
morphological tools or activities
mayor may not be present. Some consideration should be
given as well to exactly what finished point fragments are
Gear maintenance
present. Experiments by Lavallee (1985) and Flenniken Minor retooling
(1985) have shown that in general, hafted projectile points Late stage reduction by-products
break in use longitudinally or laterally above the deepest predominate since reduction is
point of the haft. Thus tips are lost in the field, while dis- devoted to maintenance rather than
tal portions are retained in the haft. Presumably, these hafts production
are returned to the site for retooling, and these pieces Varied densities of reduction by-
would find their way into the archaeological record unless products
recycled and used to make a different tool form. If either
tips or midsections are present, it is more likely that they
reflect mistakes in gear maintenance or biface production.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 63

The relative density of artifacts found within densities can material types that had counts greater than 25 pieces per
also be used to interpret behavior. Depending on content block were used in the analysis. Those types with smaller
and overlap, high-density densities probably reflect in- counts were visually inspected to determine if concentra-
stances of reduction (and thus may have been formed by tions could be observed. Density maps for each type have
either in situ production or secondary redeposition), while been created for each block, and maps for Block 1 are pre-
those oflow density are most probably toss zones or former sented in figure 3.5a-e. Each of these maps has been plot-
high-density loci affected by natural blurring processes. ted at the same scale and with the same contour interval to
These procedures and definitions can be applied to a insure comparability. The global pattern of all raw mate-
single block to show the power of this approach and the rial distributions within Block 1 is shown in figure 3.6.
results obtained. For this example, I have chosen Block 1, This map is best interpreted as the total density of arti-
which is situated on the third terrace of the north side of facts within the block and serves as the basis for the defini-
the Rio Asana (fig. 3.4). The first stage of the procedure is tion of four "hot spots," or components, following the
to define components and densities. The data used in the definitions used earlier.
analysis are simply all reduction by-products of a single Each of the components can be decomposed to reveal
raw material type collected at each sampled point (all raw densities. Component 1 has significant contributions of
material types are defined in chapter 4). Only those raw Type 4 (cryptocrystalline chert), Type 7 (lower high-si-

Fig. 3.4. General vicinity of Block 1 on the north side of the Rio Asana. The block is near the center of the photograph.
64 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

125.00 Type 4 a erra volcanic andesite), Type 9 (aplite), Type 11 (brown

volcanic andesite), and Type 21 (coarse gray rhyolite). In

contrast, Component 4 is composed of only Types 9 and
0 11 (fig. 3.7). The superimposed contours are those that
indicate the areas of highest artifact density from each of
the raw material density maps.
0 125.00 250.00 The distribution of tools and tool fragments can also
be superimposed across the global/local density maps (fig.
Ty pe 7 b 3.7). Diagnostic tools and tool fragments are relatively rare
in this block. Tool fragments, end pieces (usually small
0 fragments that could be either proximal or distal but which
62.50 \@) c::J cannot be identified with certainty), proximal pieces, dis-
tal pieces, and midsections are found in decreasing fre-
quency. Although some tools and tool fragments are found
0 125.00 250.00
directly within the high-density contours of individual raw
material types, such as within Component 4, most tool
Type 9 c fragments are found along the margins of the areas of
higher reduction by-product density.
() It is also interesting to examine the relationship between
the distribution of tools and tool fragments and the densi-
ties defined by reduction by-products. In Component 4
(within the high density area), there are two whole ovoid
0 bifaces of Type 9 material and one of Type 11; over 95%
0 125.00 250.00
of the associated reduction by-products are of either Type
Type II d 9 or 11 (table 3.2). In general, though, there seems to be
little relationship with reduction debris and tools or tool
fragments. Finally, it is possible to estimate the relative
62.50 (<e:::=::
@ density of reduction by-product density for the distribu-

0 125.00
l? 250.00
tion of each raw material type. This has been done by es-
timating the area of the points of highest density for each
raw material concentration. As can be seen in table 3.2,
density values vary considerably.
Type 21 e How can these distributions be explained? Let me be-
gin with the simple and move to the complex. Compo-
nent 4 appears to be a single episode of biface manufac-

~ @ ture or reduction involving two raw material types-Types
9 and 11. Their distributions are tightly coterminous and
occupy a space of ca. 10 m 2 Given this tight overlap, it is
0 unlikely that this is a palimpsest occupation. Two differ-
0 125.00 250.00 ent reduction processes are indicated in this density. Type
9 raw material is represented by a very high proportion of
Fig. 3.5. Contour maps of density definitions by raw material
early stage reduction debris, much of it larger than 2 cm
type; interval = 5, with initial contour beginning at 2.
(table 3.2). The two whole bifaces of Type 9 material are
large and have been classified as early stage rough percus-
sion blanks. In contrast, Type 11 reduction by-products
are mostly middle-to-Iater stage, and within the density is
a Type 11 unfinished, fine percussion blank which exhib-
its lateral snap. No pressure flakes are present. No other
bifaces or broken tools are found within the density, but
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 65




0--+-----,------,.-----......------...----.. . .- ----.----.. . .- --......

o 125.00 250.00

Fig. 3.6. Global pattern of densities within Block 1; interval = 5, with initial contour beginning at 2.



1Ir,- P/~P/M/E"2

2E P

Types 4,7, 11,21 E


0 125.00 250.00

Fig. 3.7. Raw material type and artifact distributions across the densities of Block 1.
66 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

Table 3.2. Lithic Reduction By-products from Densities in Block 1

Secondary a Tertiary
Component Density <2 >2 <2 >2 By-products Density/m 2

Type 4 2.15 .81 1.72 15 .92

Type 7 .68 2.45 0 1.43

Type 9 3.06 .64 2.94 17 .92

Type 11 (1) .62 0 1.00

Type 11 (2) .68 2.65 0 2.25

Type 21 0.30 1.65 .60 2.15 13 2.20

2 Type 4 .61 2.59 0 .37

Type 9 1.50 2.30 .81 1.35 64 .20

Type 11 .98 1.98 0 1.80

3 Type 7 .64 2.27 0 .15

Type 21 .67 2.41 0 .27

4 Type 9 1.26 1.43 .95 63 11.40

Type 11 .57 0 16.70

aFigures in columns of primary/secondary and tertiary reduction by-products in the weight/count ratio for each raw
material type and class of by-product. Ratios close to 0 suggest late stage reduction; larger values suggest earlier stages.

two end pieces of Types 34 and 98 are found within 10 m Component 2 is again similar in structure to both Com-
of the density. In summary, Component 4 appears to rep- ponents 3 and 4. Density values are very low, and sizes are
resent a single behavioral "instant" of reduction of two roughly equivalent. The component is composed of three
different raw material types with two different goals: rough densities of Types 4,9, and 11. The reductions of Type 4
percussion work ofType 9 and midstage percussion ofType and Type 11 raw materials are almost identical in that there
11, which apparently ended in a production mistake and are no early stage reduction by-products. Neither has any
the discard of the unfinished Type 11 percussion blank. bifaces of any type within its boundaries, but the Type 4
Component 3 is similar in structure to Component 4. density contains three finished Type 4 proximal point frag-
Two different raw material types are present-Types 7 and ments. It seems clear that the Type 4 reduction was di-
21-and all of the reduction by-products present suggest rected at tool maintenance or replacement of these tips.
mid-to-Iate reduction stages. No bifaces or tools are found The Type 4 density is relatively large when compared to
within the densities, although two Type 21 unfinished other densities. The Type 9 reduction sequence, however,
proximal fragments are located within 10 m of the Type is similar to that seen in Component 4, in which the pro-
21 density. This pattern may represent production fail- cessing of rough percussion bifaces was observed. The
ures of Type 21 fine percussion bifaces. density is relatively low, and no bifaces or tool fragments
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 67

have been found within the density. These densities ap- percussion blanks) and the replacement and retooling of
pear to be palimpsests; they are not strictly coterminous. broken points. No strong evidence of gear replacement
Component 1 exhibits the greatest complexity. There has been discovered.
are six overlapping densities, which strongly suggests that How does site content match up against the expecta-
there is a palimpsest occupation of this component. Three tions presented in table 3.1? Since the expectations are
of the densities-Types 7, 11(1), and 11(2)-are structur- themselves overlapping, it is no surprise that the Block 1
ally very similar. They are all small and are characterized data exhibit no clear, consistent pattern. In general, these
by moderately high densities, and reduction by-products densities resemble hunting blinds and locations devoted
contained within them are generally small. Although there to opportunistic early stage biface reduction more than
are no bifaces or tool or point fragments within these small they do logistical camps. Of the 13 densities in the block,
densities, they are surrounded by a large number of end, 5 (or ca. 38 %) are devoted to early stage reduction, while
midsection, and proximal pieces ofpoints and bifaces. Most the others are characterized by later stage reduction and
of these tool fragments are found well outside the area of retooling. None of these densities have tool forms other
highest artifact density, and their distribution strongly re- than projectile points, and further, none have ground stone
sembles the expectations for a toss zone. Of the 28 point or other tool types indicative of a broader range of activity
and biface fragments found within this suspected toss zone, performance. This interpretation of these sites as hunting
43% are made of raw materials not represented as densi- blinds is generally consistent with their location in both
ties by reduction by-products within this component. This, the Rio Asana and Rio Charaque valleys.
together with the presence and content of the toss zone,
suggests that retooling was a significant activity at these Activities and Distribution ofDensities Generally speak-
densities. Three of the other densities-Types 4, 9, and ing' the densities discovered in the survey blocks show a
21-are similar to one another, and they appear to repre- remarkable homogeneity (table 3.3). Most are broadly simi-
sent early-to-mid stage reduction of percussion bifaces. lar to those found in Block 1 but vary somewhat in size,
Ofthe six diagnostic projectile points found in the block, relative density, and raw materials worked. The primary
only one, a Late Archaic stemmed point, was found within activity performed at almost every density is the middle-
the boundaries of any density. This point is in the Type 4 to-late stage reduction ofbifaces made of local raw mate-
density of Component 1. Two other Late Archaic points rials. Some finer work is found, but it is relatively rare.
of the same style are located in the toss zone of this com- Two densities, both in Block 32, contained scraping tools
ponent as well. The other points are scattered throughout and possible utilized flakes. One of these had a large, hand-
the block, and none of them are associated with either held scraping tool with steep edge retouch, while the other
components or densities. Half ofall ofthe diagnostic points contained two small hafted scrapers made of local raw
are broken, and most are distal fragments. The concen- materials. Since these tools have been wind scoured and
tration of Late Archaic points surrounding Component 1 modified by desert varnish, it is impossible to determine
supports the inference that at least one of the densities- their function objectively. Lithic reduction at these two
probably the Type 4 density-dates to the Late Archaic densities, however, is similar to that found at the others in
Period. None of the other components or densities can be Block 32: rough percussion bifaces and reduction by-prod-
dated through this associational manner. ucts are found at both, and there is no evidence at either
Thus in Block 1 there are 13 densities in four compo- to suggest the pressure flaking or finishing of finer bifaces.
nents, some of which are single behavioral "instants" of No diagnostic artifacts are found either within the densi-
reduction while others are clearly palimpsests. None of ties or their associated toss zones. The presence of these
the densities appear to have been created through the sec- scrapers can be explained by a number of processes: pos-
ondary disposal of refuse, but some blurring of bound- sible activity differentiation (site occupation to process
aries, especially in the larger Type 4 densities in Compo- wood or some resistant material) or, more likely, longer
nents 1 and 2, may be due to site clearing through palimp- duration of site utilization which led to the discard of the
sest reoccupation of the same spatial location or through tool. If the latter interpretation is accurate, this suggests
wind erosion. The activities represented in these compo- that wood processing probably occurred at other densities
nents and densities are remarkably homogeneous and pri- and that the duration of occupation at them was shorter
marily involve the reduction of different raw material types or that retooling was not necessary. In any case, the pres-
to make various types of bifaces (mostly rough and fine ence of these scrapers is consistent with the low-intensity
68 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

Table 3.3. Components and Densities in the Rio Asana them. All other diagnostic points are found as stray finds
and Charaque Valleys or in the toss zones of palimpsest densities at distances too
great to assign confidently to any single density.
Some of the densities, particularly those in Blocks 1,
Block Components Densities Terrace 32, and 33, are found near and between large boulders in
large fields on the terraces ofthe Rio Asana. Most are found
on the eastern sides of the boulders. Since wind direction
is generally from the west-southwest, it seems reasonable
4 13 T3 to conclude that the boulders were being used as shelters.
2 trace Other densities and components, however, are found in
the open. Most are found on slight elevations on the ter-
3 trace
races, however, which provide an improved view and
6 trace slightly better drainage than do the surrounding locations.
The components that have the largest number of palimp-
sest densities are on the highest of these rises, indicating
13 6 15 T3 that these locations were preferred and repeatedly reoc-
15 12 T3 cupied. Approximately 60% of the densities are found on
the third terrace and 40% on the second. In fact, only one
16 11 T3
density is found on the first terrace, and it appears to post-
17 trace date the Archaic based on the tool blanks and raw materi-
21/23 17 T2 als used. All of the Early and Middle Archaic densities are
on the third terrace, while the Late Archaic densities are
25 trace evenly distributed between the second and third terraces.
30 5 T2 The densities found in Block 1 of the Charaque drain-
age exhibit a slightly different pattern than those found
31 2 4 T2
along the Asana (fig. 3.3). These are found at the highest
32 2 8 T3 elevation of any of the densities (ca. 4,000 m) and have a
33 4 16 T2 spectacular view of the rim of the surrounding puna and
of the bottoms of the Charaque as it flows to the west.
This is an ideal location to watch for game. Density con-
2 3 n/a tent is very light, and the activities performed are similar
to those found along the bottoms of the Asana. These den-
2 2 7 n/a
sities, however, were lightly and sporadically used. The
3 4 n/a densities found in Blocks 2 and 3 of the Charaque are simi-
Puna rim lar to the Asana densities in terms of relative size and den-
sity of cultural materials. However, none of the Charaque
2 3 15 n/a
densities can be dated.
The picture that emerges from the analysis of the sur-
face data is one of continuous but low-intensity use of
slightly elevated rises on the second and third terraces of
the Asana as logistical camps. The densities showing the
gear maintenance that would be expected at a logistical most intensive palimpsest reoccupation are located near a
camp or field camp. major confluence of the Asana just below a large concen-
Few of the densities can be securely dated. None have tration of bofedales to the east (Blocks 1, 32, 33) or near
Early Archaic point styles directly within their boundaries, large quebradas that descend to the Asana from the north
but three components have points of this date in their toss (Blocks 13, 15, 16,21/23; see fig. 3.3). The nature of ac-
zones. One density has a single-shouldered Middle Ar- tivity performance at these densities does not change
chaic point, and eight densities have Late Archaic points through time, nor is there any trend toward densities in-
either within their boundaries or immediately adjacent to creasing in size or relative artifact density through time. If
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 69

the number of densities that can be assigned to a chrono- talus slopes of these shelters since each of them had a sub-
logical period is any indication of the intensity of use of stantial cap of animal dung that covered the naturally de-
the sierra, there are more palimpsests dating to the Late rived soils within them. Talus transects were oriented par-
Archaic than to the other major chronological periods. The allel to the long axis of the shelter and extended 10 m be-
large number of Early Archaic points suggests that the si- yond each end of the shelter. The interval between
erra was hunted but that open-air hunting blinds or logis- transects was 3 m. All artifacts within a single transect were
tical camps were not common or were not part ofthe hunt- bagged together and assigned a single collection number.
ing technology of Early Archaic peoples. Testing at these sites followed a vertical strategy, and
priority was given to the establishment of a stratigraphic
Testing at Rockshelters and Open-Air Sites column that was carefully excavated and profiled. Since
Work was conducted at nine rockshelters and one large there were no surface indicators to assist in unit place-
open-air site in the Rio Asana valley (table 3.4; fig. 3.2). ment, the units were uniformly located approximately
Each of the nine shelters was surface collected, and six of midway between the back wall of the shelter and the edge
them were tested. Only one of the open-air sites in the of the talus slope. Testing began with a single 1 x 1 m unit
valley aside from Asana was tested. excavated in arbitrary 5-em levels. All soil was screened
Although this project evolved over eight years, I de- through 1/16-inch hardware cloth, and feature prove-
cided from the start to make all collection and testing pro- niences were kept segregated from general proveniences.
cedures as compatible as possible, so that data recovered Horizontal provenience was maintained through the ex-
from these sites would be as comparable as possible. Each cavation of 50-em blocks within the 1 x 1 m unit (see chap-
rockshelter was mapped and systematically collected. For ter 4). Flotation, radiocarbon, and other samples were col-
the most part, this meant that collection focused on the lected as encountered. Additional excavation units were

Table 3.4. Rockshelters and Open-Air Site Collected or Tested


Site Elevation In Out Total Art Area Tested

Coscori 2,760 m 45 22 67 yes 2

Apacheta Chica 3,300 m 28 22 50 no not tested

Cueva 4 3,400 m 61 96 157 no

Tala 1 3,250 m 5 5 yes

Tala 2 3,250 m 9 9 no

Quellaveco 3,800 m 333 333 yes 7

Cueva San Agustin 4,430 m 35 35 no 6

Jarsitiya 4,410 m 120 120 no not tested

Pampa Corazon 4,530 m 20 20 no not tested

Open-Air Site

El Panteon 4,250 m ca. 0.2 ha no 9

70 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

added at a number of sites to explore features or better Pampa Coraz6n, San Agustin). Except for Quellaveco,
define stratigraphy and occupational sequence. Finally, a which is ca. 20 m above the valley floor, these shelters are
decapage style of excavation strategy was employed at EI found from 50 to more than 150 m above the river or
Panteon due to a unique combination of factors that al- stream bottoms. Today, most are connected to modem trail
lowed us to excavate a relatively large block while simulta- systems that link them with villages or other sites both
neously maintaining precise vertical control essential to up- and downstream, and each one of them is used for
the establishment ofchronology. Artifact analyses were also some activity, such as overnight trail stops, lookouts used
consistent with the procedures employed at Asana. In a on a daily basis for monitoring goat or camelid herds, or
few instances, such as at Coscori, Cueva 4, Tala, and residential bases of pastoralists using a portion of the val-
Quellaveco, the lithic and faunal assemblages were reex- ley on a seasonal basis.
amined to insure compatible results with the subsequent Coscori is a moderately sized rockshelter located on
work conducted at Asana. the south side of the Rio Asana valley ca. 17 km west (down-
stream) from Asana at an elevation of 2,760 m (fig. 3.8).
Rockshelters Rockshelters in the Rio Asana valley are The site is composed of three very large boulders that have
found primarily on the south side of the river eroding from rolled together to form two distinct overhangs. The over-
a conglomerate ridge (Cueva 4, Tala 1 and 2) or beneath hang used as the habitation locus faces to the north and
very large boulders that have rolled from the crumbling west, while the other, smaller overhang faces to the east
ridgetops above (Coscori, Apacheta Chica). Further up- and contains a small amount of rupestral art. The east-
stream approaching the puna rim, shelters are found in facing overhang has been filled over the years with collu-
eroded features of sheer rock faces (Quellaveco,Jarsitiya, vial rocks, gravels, and sands that have washed downslope

Fig. 3.8. Coscori.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 71

from above. Based on surface examination and testing, it ter composed of large volcanic boulders that have fallen
appears that only the west-facing overhang was used as a together to produce a small sheltered area that faces north.
residence in the past. Unlike many of the shelters in the While there was some cultural material on the talus, it
valley, Coscori has a relatively large, flat terrace to the west was not tested, and since none of the material was diag-
before the very steep talus slope that drops to the river nostic, the use of Apacheta Chica cannot be determined.
bottom is encountered. Cueva 4 is one of the larger rockshelters in the high sierra
Eight distinct stratigraphic levels were defined in TV (fig. 3.10). It sits almost 100 m above the bottoms of the
1. At its deepest point, the archaeological deposit was ca. Asana, and the shelter has a northerly exposure. The sur-
60 cm in depth, and bedrock was encountered at 35 cm rounding slopes are very steep, and deep but narrow
below the surface at the western end of the unit. At least quebradas are found in the vicinity of the site. Cueva 4 is
four major occupations can be observed in the profiles of one of five smaller shelters that are presently eroding out
TU 1. None of these occupations had ceramic materials
present, and the basal level of the site-Level 8, which
was the initial occupation of the site-has been dated to
7610 130 B.P. (Beta-18922; Aldenderfer 1989b: 128).
Typical Middle and Late Archaic projectile point fragments
were also recovered from the surface and talus of the site,
but no diagnostic materials were encountered in any of
the excavated levels. It is probable that the other three
occupations date to the Late Archaic. Virtually all of the
chipped stone lithic materials from the Middle Archaic
layers of the site are of high-sierra origin (95%), with the
remainder of the assemblage from the lower high sierra
(4.3%) and puna (0.7%). Assemblage diversity is low, and
the only morphological tools recovered from the site are
broken Stage IIIlII percussion bifaces. Both of the identi-
fiable projectile points recovered from the site are broken
and are made of high-sierra raw materials. Likewise, no
ground stone tools were recovered, and there is no evi-
dence of structural remains or special facilities. The fau-
nal assemblage is highly fragmented, and there are virtu-
ally no identifiable skeletal elements. Most of the bone is
unburned. Based on the small size of the site and low as-
semblage diversity, I have interpreted the site as a small
logistical camp (Aldenderfer 1986).
Two motifs dominate the rupestral art at Coscori-the
anthropomorphic line-up and drawings of individual
camelids (Watanabe 1990). In style and execution, the
drawings are very similar to those found at Toquepala,
which appear to date to the Archaic. The line-up is a row
of human figures with spread arms and legs. None of the
figures can be seen to carry any items, and there are no
clear indications as to their sex. They are of similar size
within each line-up. At Coscori there are three such line-
ups composed of four, six, and seven individuals (fig. 3.9).
Apacheta Chica, Cueva 4, and Tala 1 and 2 are a series QUELCATANI
of rockshelters found within 10 Ian of Asana. They range
in elevation from 3,200 to 3,400 m and are found well Fig. 3.9. The line-up motif of rupestral art recovered from
above the valley floor. Apacheta Chica is a very small shel- Coscori, Tala, Huacanane, and Quelcatani.
72 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

Fig. 3.10. Cueva 4.

of conglomerate bedrock in this portion of the valley. The dripline and the back wall of the shelter. If Thomas's
other shelters all have southerly exposures, and none ap- (l983b) exogene model of shelter/cave use is valid in an
pear to have a significant archaeological deposit. Neither Andean context, one would expect to find small to moder-
do they have artifact accumulations on the talus slopes ate amounts of small lithic and bone debris that would
immediately below them. have been near or within drop zones associated with cook-
Cueva 4 has an interior, sheltered space of ca. 61 m2 ing hearths located closer to the dripline of the shelter.
and a flat, almost level terrace 96 m 2 in size. The average Although none of the strata at Cueva 4 have been
height of the rockshelter today is 1.7 m. The surface of chronometrically dated, a Qhuna PhaselLate Archaic point
both the interior and the terrace is covered with a cap of blade was found in Level 9 (Lot 351-10,80-85 em below
animal dung (mostly goat and sheep) to a depth of 15-20 surface). This level is the first cultural stratum found after
cm. The depth of the archaeological deposit not includ- an extensive rockfall that probably covered most of the
ing this dung cap is ca. 1.0-1.1 m. Site stratigraphy is not shelter floor. Another diagnostic blade of this point style
complex and is composed of a series of layers of dusty, was found on the talus slope.
aeolian soils, rockfall, gravels, and silty, organically stained Tala 1 and 2 are only two of a series of very small
soils of increasing humidity near the bottom of the de- rockshelters found in the conglomerate ridge on the south
posit, which terminates at bedrock. side of the Rio Asana. These two small shelters face to the
Cueva 4 was tested with a single 1 x 1 m unit placed north and west, while even smaller shelters face to the east
within the dripline and roughly halfway between the and west. Tala 1 and 2 are found at the confluence of the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 73

Fig. 3.11. Quellaveco.

Rios Asana and Charaque, and both have an excellent view 3,800 m, is the most intriguing and most disappointing
of the river bottoms. Despite their small size, both Tala 1 (fig. 3.11). As can be seen in table 3.4, the site is immense.
and 2 had significant archaeological deposits that unfor- While it has almost no terrace, the interior is almost five
tunately had no diagnostic cultural materials, neither ce- times as large as the next largest shelter, Cueva 4. At its
ramics nor lithics. After the upper layers of recent camelid highest, the roof of the cave is 10m. The rockshelter has a
dung were removed, the deposit at Tala 1 reached a depth northern exposure, and today the westernmost portion of
of 35 cm, while that of Tala 2 reached 75 cm. The only the site is used as a seasonal residential base by a family of
material recovered from either of these two sites was lithic goat pastoralists. The cave is found directly above the larg-
debris indicative of the early-to-mid stages of reduction est bofedal in the high-sierra environment. Given the size
of raw materials exclusively of high-sierra origin. of the site, I had very high expectations of its likely place
Despite its small size, Tala 1 has a rich corpus of within the Archaic settlement and subsistence systems of
rupestral art similar in content and style to that found at the Rio Asana valley; however, surface indications of an
both Toquepala and Coscori. It is composed of single Archaic occupation were meager. The site was tested with
camelids, single anthropomorphs or line-ups of no more a combination of trenches and test units, and these dem-
than two individuals, and blotches of color that have ei- onstrated clearly that my expectations were not to be met.
ther been erased or faded through the passage of time. The first impediment was the extremely thick layer of
Therefore, it is probable that the site is of Archaic date. camelid and goat dung, which reached depths of up to 1.5
Of all of the high-sierra rockshelters, Quellaveco, at m. The dung was extremely compact, and excavation was
74 The Archaic Period Archaeology ofthe Western Flanks ofthe South-Central Andes

very difficult, not to mention unpleasant. Further, the informants say that the shelter was used in the recent past
depth of the archaeological deposit below the dung was as a not-so-convenient herd monitoring station. Their
incommensurate with the grandeur of the cave itself. A reluctance to use the shelter stems from the steep ascent
test unit ca. 4 m from the cave's back wall reached bedrock and its southern exposure, which keeps it out of the sun
in less than 20 cm. This test, as did others, revealed that for all but a few hours in the morning. It is, however, shel-
bedrock throughout the cave rose sharply to the back of tered from most of the prevailing winds in the valley. The
the cave and to its eastern extension and that no actual site lies 20.7 km above Asana.
earlier occupation of the site was present. This meant that The site was tested in 1991 with a 4-m2 test unit that
in terms of actually used space, the site may well have been was expanded to a 6-m 2 unit as a larger part of the site's
only a third to a quarter as large as the estimate based on talus slope was exposed. The site was dug in natural strati-
observed floor area today. graphic units, and 28 cultural levels were identified. A car-
Yet another problem was the use of the cave by its pas- bon sample recovered from a hearth in the basal layer of
toral inhabitants. As Kuznar (1995: 77-79) discusses, the site has provided a date of3460 160 B.P. (Beta-52329).
Quellaveco today is known as Cueva Chivo (Goat Cave). No diagnostic cultural materials were recovered from any
The people who use the cave have built a stone hut, kitchen, of the basal levels, but fiber-tempered ceramics were found
and ramada complex in the western and southern extremes in the levels immediately superior to the basal levels. Lithic
of the cave over the area I believe is likely to have been the raw materials presumably dating to the Awati Phase/Late
place at which the natural soils of the cave were deepest. Archaic were overwhelmingly of puna rim and puna ori-
Testing nearby indicated that bedrock sloped to the west; gin, with low frequencies of high-sierra materials.
however, I was not about to ask the family to leave so we
could continue our work. Therefore, I made do with a Open-air Sites No systematic attempt was made to test
single test unit of 1 x 2 m located within 4 m of the mod- the very large number of components discovered during
ern habitation. The archaeological deposit below the ac- the survey phase of this project. However, at least 15 of
cumulated dung was approximately 50 em in depth and the largest and densest had shovel and auger probes placed
unfortunately did not contain diagnostic cultural materi- within them to evaluate their stratigraphic integrity. In
als. Features, mostly small fire hearths, were encountered every instance, while cultural material was discovered, the
in a number of levels, but none of them contained suffi- deposits proved to be very shallow, none reaching a depth
cient carbon for dating. Lithic material recovered from of greater than 5 cm. It is quite probable that the compo-
the unit was mostly early-to-middle stage reduction by- nents have been severely damaged by wind erosion, and
products, and the majority of it was from high-sierra consequently I decided that an extensive program of test-
sources. A very small amount, less than 5%, was of puna ing at these sites would not produce significant new data.
and puna rim origin. Two sites, however, Asana and EI PanteGn, proved to
There are a few examples of rupestral art scattered along be worth the effort of additional excavation. The discov-
the back wall of the cave, well away from the zone ofhabi- ery of Asana has been chronicled earlier, and what was
tation. There are a few figures painted in black depicting found there comprises the bulk of this book. El PanteGn
mounted figures and a number of single camelids, some of was first discovered in 1990 in a bank profile that had been
them measuring over 15 em in maximum dimension. The exposed by the cutting action of the Quebrada Panturane,
camelids are quite distinct in both execution and size from and it was excavated in 1991. The site is found at 4,260 m
those seen at Coscori and Tala but are similar to a number at the confluence of the Rio Asana and the Quebrada
of examples of large, single camelids from Toquepala. Panturane in the modern comunidad of Azana. It rests on
While the mounted figures are obviously recent, it is prob- the eastern side of a small knoll, which serves to shelter it
able that the camelids were drawn in Archaic times. from the prevailing winds from the west, and it is immedi-
Cueva San Agustin, found at an elevation of 4,430 ill, ately adjacent to and above a small bofedal that currently
lies on the northern side of the Rio Asana in the escarp- supports a small herd of llamas ofa single family (fig. 3.12).
ment that forms part of the valley wall. The shelter sits The site is 16.95 km above Asana.
more than 50 m above the valley floor, and the path to it is The 1991 excavations at EI PanteGn exposed a single,
very steep, consisting of a series of switchbacks that even- contiguous excavation block of 9 m 2 The site was dug in
tually reach the summit of the ridge. The shelter is rela- natural stratigraphic layers using methods and recording
tively small, with only 35m2 of covered floor area. Local procedures identical to those employed at Asana and other
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 75

Fig. 3.12. El Panteon.

sites in the valley. Middle and Late Archaic projectile points that will be discussed at greater length later. Levels XIX
were found on the surface of the site, although extensive through XXVI have no ceramics in them and thus appear
excavations revealed no buried Middle Archaic Period to fall into an as yet undefined period or phase between
component. Twenty-six cultural levels were discovered, and Awati PhaselLate Archaic times and what is generally la-
a carbon sample from a hearth in the basal layer of the site beled the Formative Period in this region. Level XVIII of
(Level XXVI) produced a radiocarbon date of 3320 80 the site has a fiber-tempered ceramic that is similar to ce-
B.P. (Beta-523 30/CAMS- 3209). This date just barely over- ramics dated to 3660 60 B.P. recovered from Quelcatani,
laps at two standard deviations with the radiocarbon date a rockshelter in the Rio Chila drainage approximately 85
from Level II Asana of3640 80 B.P. (Beta-23 364), a point km northeast of 1 Pante6n (Aldenderfer 1991 b).
Field and Analytical Methods

This chapter describes the excavation procedures and the the site's place in a regional settlement and subsistence
two primary analytical strategies employed in the analysis system. Both the 1986 testing and the examination of the
of the cultural materials discovered at Asana: artifact and original bank profile ofAsana demonstrated that there was
distributional analyses. Although botanical materials, as at least 2 m ofintact archaeological deposit, and ifthe land-
well as very small quantities of minerals, were recovered slide debris was included, the depth of the deposit in some
from some levels of the site, they did not appear with suf- portions of the site exceeded 5 m. Another complicating
ficient abundance to warrant extensive discussion of the factor was the observation that many of the site's natural
analytical procedures used to examine them and will in- soil strata, as revealed by the 1986 test excavation, were
stead be discussed when individual levels or phases are dis- very thin, in some cases no more than 2 cm in thickness,
cussed. The strategies described herein are both comple- and moreover, there were at least 75 discrete natural strata.
mentary and hierarchical; artifact feature analyses are di- While not all of these strata contained cultural material,
rected primarily at the reconstruction of activities per- the large number that did meant that a comprehensive ex-
formed, while the distributional analysis is concerned with cavation strategy to expose a large, contiguous, horizontal
a reconstruction of site structure and the ways in which area would prove both time-consuming and expensive. In
the activities performed at the site were distributed in space. part, it was possible to avoid some of these problems by
I do not assume, however, that these activities and their the removal of the landslide debris in a large block, using
locations in space are reflections of "frozen" behavior. In- bulldozers and backhoes provided by Southern Peru Cop-
stead, I recognize that artifact and distributional analyses per Corporation. The first effort, in 1987, cleared an area
can be used to determine the essential contemporaneity of approximately 150 m 2, and a second clearing in 1989
of cultural features and site furniture, identify palimpsest opened an additional 350 m 2 Using the stratigraphy of
reoccupations and postdepositional disturbances, and more the 1986 test as a guide, the overburden was removed to
generally, reveal site formation processes. within 15-20 cm of the top of the first cultural stratum in
the site. Further excavation at the site, including the re-
moval of the remnants of the landslide debris, was accom-
Excavation Strategy and History at Asana
plished using hand tools.
Asana presents a classic example of deep-site archaeology From the outset, the goals of the excavation strategy at
and its problems. It has become increasingly apparent that Asana were to open large, contiguous blocks in the decapage
horizontal excavations of relatively large site areas are nec- style of excavation and whenever possible to excavate in
essary in order to understand the full range of activity per- natural or cultural strata so as to avoid problems of strati-
formance and social arrangements at the open-air sites of graphic mixing; to provide a reasonably fine grain of con-
mobile foragers (Gamble 1991) and on that basis to define trol of the horizontal provenience of artifacts within cul-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 77

tural or natural strata while keeping the costs of record- rockshelters and cave sites and has an Andean precedent
ing, labeling, and mapping to a minimum so that large in the excavation of the rockshelter of Telarmachay in
areas of the site could be opened; and to sample off-site Junin. One of its major limitations, however, is that unless
locations around the boundaries of the site as defined baulks are left, it is not possible to maintain stratigraphic
through the excavation blocks. profiles in the central portion of the excavation block.
In decapage, the goal of excavation is to open large, con- At Asana, a modified form of decapage was used in that
tiguous blocks of site area simultaneously. It is generally excavation proceeded in three major blocks: West, Cen-
successful when the stratigraphy of the site is clear and tral, and East (figs. 4.1, 4.2). The West Block was expanded
when the strata themselves can be easily followed across from the original TV 1 and was excavated in each of the
the site. In this method, soil layers are shaved or skimmed field seasons starting in 1987, while the Central Block was
from the surface until the top of the preceding layer is excavated only in 1987. The East Block was begun in 1989
reached. Although potentially time-consuming, this and was completed in the 1990 field season. The Central
method is very useful for the discovery and definition of Block consisted of a total of 8 m 2, whereas the other two
palimpsest reoccupations of stratigraphically defined lev- varied in size depending on the year excavated and the
els. Palimpsests are frequently unobservable in the strati- level in question. Excavation within each of these blocks
graphic column and are usually identified by subtle changes proceeded independently of the others. For the West
in soil texture, color, and content. This excavation style Block, the stratigraphy of TV 1 was used as a guide to
has proved to be especially successful in the excavation of excavation, whereas in both the Central and East Blocks

Extent of Cleared Area


t---11--+--+---+-----+-_+_ --r---t-----t--+---+---+-----+---+--+-------I E AS T B L 0 CK

t--r----l--+---+-+--+--+--+-_+_-+--- -+ - I
--11~--+---+ _. u +-._-- . . .--+--h
I --------- ---


F DTest
E v------~ ________ o
I ,
o -

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Fig. 4.1. The excavation block at Asana showing the location of two of the blocks and the off-site testing locations.
78 Field and Analytical Methods

Fig. 4.2. The excavation block at Asana, 1989 field season.

no single guide was used. At the end of the 1990 season, a

series of trenches was cut through the site to connect the a b
blocks and to establish basic relationships between the
stratigraphies of the three blocks.
Horizontal control at the site was maintained through
the establishment of a grid across the area in which the
overburden had been cleared (fig. 4.1). Capital letters in
the grid ran east-west, while Arabic numerals ran north-
south. The origin of the grid was arbitrarily placed 20 m
east of the southeast corner ofTU 1 and 5 m south of its
southern wall. The basic unit of provenience was the 1 x 1
m square defined by the letter-number combination. Each G29d- f I
of the 1 x 1 m units was further divided into four 50 x 50
cm squares labeled a-d (fig. 4.3), and these were the pri-

G29c- f I

mary units ofexcavation within each level. Thus at a mini- ef2b

mum, each 1 x 1 m unit had four distinct provenience des-
ignations but could have more depending on the number
of features found within its boundaries. Features were al- G
ways mapped and excavated separately from the general 29
proveniences within the 50 x 50 cm squares (see fig. 4.3). oI
The maximum number of proveniences within each 50 x
50 cm square, then, depended on the number of discrete
features observed within it. The use of this system of hori- Fig. 4.3. Schematic view of provenience system for
zontal provenience control was seen as a solution to the excavation at Asana.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 79

second excavation goal. The system represents a compro- number of instances to the definition of additional pal-
mise between aggregating data at an excessively large scale impsest layers within them. These palimpsests within pal-
(the 1 x 1 m grid or even larger ones) and the significant impsests were labeled with Arabic numerals beginning with
expense of point proveniencing all artifacts discovered 1. Thus XVIa-l denotes the first palimpsest layer in XVIa,
across large excavation areas. which itself denotes the first palimpsest excavated within
Vertical control was achieved through the use of a da- CL XVI of the West Block.
tum system in all years except 1986, in which the ground All deposits, with the exception of obvious landslide,
surface at the southeast corner of TU 1 was used as the intrusive, or colluvially derived soils, were screened
reference point. A permanent datum point was established through 1/16-inch hardware cloth. This is consistent with
atop a large boulder along the extreme southern bound- all excavations conducted by Proyecto Arcaico at other sites
ary of the site in what is TV C28. All depths of levels, unit during all years of excavation. The standard use of this
corners, and features at the site were taken using a the- size of mesh greatly facilitates making comparisons of ar-
odolite and stadia rod. The elevation at the datum point tifact sizes across sites.
was fixed arbitrarily at 100 m, and consequently, all mea- Features, here defined as nonmovable facilities and their
surements are expressed in meters below datum. This sys- artifact associations, were excavated, screened, labeled, and
tem provides a universal referent for establishing correla- analyzed separately from general proveniences. Features
tions of levels in different blocks. within each level were given distinct feature numbers, and
Level designations were made in two ways. Cultural these were reconciled following the mapping of the sur-
levels (i.e., those containing some evidence of human ac- face, creating a sequence of feature numbers per cultural
tivity) were labeled with the prefix CL and enumerated level ranging from 1 to N. Exactly what defines a feature
with Roman numerals beginning with CL I, which was at is a matter ofexperience. Some features, like hearths, house
the top of the archaeological deposit. Each recognized floors, and pits, are easy to distinguish in the field. Others,
natural soil stratum in the stratigraphic column was also however, like ash dumps or lenses that may vary only
given an additional prefix, NL, which indicates natural slightly in texture and color from the surrounding matrix,
level. Arabic numerals were assigned to each of these lev- are more problematical. Field supervisors in charge of
els, beginning with 1 at the top of the deposit. The desig- mapping and provenience control were instructed to be
nation of level number was again made within excavation liberal in creating feature designations and furthermore
blocks. Thus cultural levels (CLs) in the West Block had were asked to label these features while in the field. Upon
no additional prefix (e.g., CL XVI), those in the Central analysis, these decisions were reviewed and corrected or
Block used the letter C (e.g., CL CXI), and the East Block modified when necessary.
used the letter P (for provisional; e.g., CL PXVIII). Gen- Various samples were recovered from both feature and
erally, the CL is dropped when discussing levels in this nonfeature contexts. Radiocarbon samples were taken
book. Natural levels (NLs) also used this system; the NL, when warranted. Effort was routinely made to select
however, is not dropped so as to avoid confusion in differ- samples from secure archaeological contexts in which the
entiating between numbering systems. conditions of disturbance and modification were reason-
Palimpsests proved to be very common at Asana. Pal- ably well understood. In general, this meant a bias in favor
impsests, of course, are surfaces or "occupations" that are of selecting samples from those features that did not pen-
not readily visible in the stratigraphic column. Although etrate through a number of distinct cultural strata and were
it is possible, indeed, preferable, to define palimpsests us- not disturbed by other features. This general rule was sus-
ing microstratigraphic methods, at Asana they were rec- pended when it was clear that there was no overlap in fea-
ognized through excavation itself by subtle changes in soil ture location between levels and thus relatively little like-
texture, hardness, and feature content. "When recognized, lihood of contamination. Insofar as was possible, samples
palimpsests were designated with lowercase letters. Thus were recovered from "point" sources, that is, discrete, rela-
IXa denotes the first palimpsest layer discovered in the IX tively small locations, such as the contents of hearths, posts
stratum of the West Block. In some cases, especially for burned in situ, or chunks of carbon found in middens.
CLs IX, XVI, and XVII, a number of distinct palimpsest Occasionally, when suitable point sources did not exist,
layers were recognized. "Whenever possible, the vertical samples were taken from the screening of larger prove-
boundaries of these layers were drawn on the wall profiles nience units. This frequently occurred with midden de-
and were used to guide further excavation. This led in a posits. In no case, however, was a radiocarbon sample ever
80 Field and Analytical Methods

taken from a provenience greater than the screened con- materials were discovered. In 1990 a 2 x 2 m unit was
tents of a 2 x 2 m square area. Carbonized wood was pre- opened on the south bank of the Rio Asana in an area with
ferred over other sorts of materials, although soils rich in apparently organically stained soils. The north wall of the
small particles ofcarbon were sometimes taken when point exposed bank profile was used as a guide to excavation,
sources were not available or were not suitable. All samples and this unit was excavated in natural stratigraphic levels
submitted for radiocarbon assay were of carbonized wood. until sterile alluvial sands, gravels, and cobbles were en-
Soil and flotation samples were recovered from a num- countered. Once again, no cultural materials were found,
ber of contexts. Soil samples were taken from soils of un- showing that occupation at Asana did not extend to this
known or unexpected type and from each of the natural portion of the basin. No off-site testing was conducted to
soil levels defined for each excavation block. Many of these the north and east of the site. Approximately 5 m north of
samples were submitted to chemical and particle-size analy- the East Block, the depth of the landslide deposit is al-
sis to determine their pH, composition, and source of ori- most 15 m. The removal of even a small amount of this
gin. Flotation samples were taken from feature contexts, overburden would have been prohibitively expensive. Ap-
such as hearths, middens, and ash lenses, when deemed proximately 7 m east of the eastern edge of the East Block,
appropriate. Although an effort was made to take a stan- the landslide cut through the existing soil levels down to
dard size of sample from each feature, significant variabil- the level of the alluvial sands, cobbles, and gravels of the
ity in feature size and constraints on processing time and bed of the Rio Asana, effectively destroying any archaeo-
storage facilities made it difficult to achieve this goal. Rela- logical deposit that once might have existed there. Surviv-
tively small, discrete features, such as hearths and ash ing bank profiles further to the east were cleaned and care-
lenses, are the most comparable in terms of sample size fully examined, but no additional archaeological deposit
and sampling procedure. A minimum of 1 I of soil was was discovered (see chapter 5). Given the success of these
collected from each such feature. The feature was exca- tests, it is reasonable to conclude that the boundaries of
vated by appropriate provenience, and the sample was col- the remaining portion of the site, with the exception of its
lected in proportion to the amount of deposit within the northern limits, have been successfully defined.
provenience as estimated in the field. The maximum
amount of soil removed from any discrete, small feature Goals and Methods of Artifact Analysis
was 2 1. The proportion of the feature thus sampled ranged
from almost 100% to less than 20%. Middens, both sheet Three major artifact classes were recovered from the ex-
and deep, were sampled more opportunistically. Again de- cavations at Asana: chipped stone lithics, ground stone
pending on their estimated size, a minimum of 2 I and a tools, and faunal remains. Although materials such as min-
maximum of 8 I of soil were removed from these more erals, shell, soils, and other types of stone (such as fire-
extensive features. This process led to the recovery ofpro- cracked rock) were also recovered, no special analytical
portionately smaller samples, ranging from 20% to 5% of procedures were employed to examine them at this time
the deposit in question. These larger features were not beyond basic identification.
systematically sampled. House floors, unless they had dis-
Chipped Stone Lithics
crete features on them, and general proveniences without
features were not sampled at all. The goals and analytical strategies employed to study the
Off-site testing was conducted in the 1987, 1989, and chipped stone lithics from Asana are presented in table
1990 field seasons in three separate locations (fig. 4.1). In 4.1 and are described in detail in the following sections.
1987 a 1 x 1 m test unit was placed beyond the southern
boundary of the West Block in All in the boulder field. Raw Material Types The identification of the zone of
The goal of the test was to determine whether cultural origin of raw materials is crucial for determining the scale
deposits extended further to the south. The test, dug in and range of mobility of a group of foragers or the exist-
arbitrary 10-cm levels, demonstrated that the cultural de- ence and areal extent of trade and exchange relationships
posit did not extend this far south. The goal of the second between different groups of foragers. Distinguishing be-
off-site testing program in 1989 was to ascertain the east- tween these alternatives is difficult and depends on the
ern boundary of the site. Two 1 x 1 m test units were exca- complex interaction of a number of factors, such as the
vated to the east of the West Block at 110 and N10. Both place of a site in its regional settlement system, planning
were dug in arbitrary 10-cm levels, and again no cultural depth as inferred through the staging of production and
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 81

Table 4.1. Goals and Methods of Analysis Table 4.2. Lithic Raw Materials and Their Zones of Origin
of Chipped Stone Lithics

High sierra
Identification of raw material types Variable white/gray cherts
Identification of zone of origin (Types 4 and 42)
Location of and distance to specific quarry locations or Trachyite
zone of origin (Type 5)
Definition of reduction strategies
(Type 9)
"Staging" of production of both bifacial and unifacial tools
Purple-brown volcanic andesites
Assessment of retooling strategies and planning depth
(Types 11 and 40)
Identification of variability in reduction strategies of
Two varieties of highly siliceous volcanic andesites
different raw material types
(Types 16 and 17)
Microwear analysis Four relatively rare varieties of coarser volcanic andesites
Identification of activities performed (Types 12, 13, 14, and 15)

Refitting Lower high sierra

Assessment of the contemporaneity of horizontally Five varieties of red/pink volcanic andesites
distributed artifacts or reduction by-products (Types 7, 31, 32, 33, and 34)
Assessment of degree of vertical displacement of cultural
Puna rim
materials within cultural levels
Two types of coarse red volcanic andesites
Typological studies of bifacial and unifacial tools (Types 18 and 19)
Chronological markers Basaltic andesite
Identification of exchange or mobility through (Type 1)
identification of exotic or nonlocal styles Three varieties of fine-grained, highly siliceous quartzes
In combination with microwear analysis, assessment of tool (Types 2, 3, and 27)
design and tool function and the relative complexity of the Two varieties of siliceous cherts
tool assemblage (Types 23 and 25)
Three varieties of gray/blue chert
retooling, the availability of desirable local raw materials (Types 20, 26, and 27)
that could be used as functional substitutes, the degree to Brown "chalk" flint
which finished chipped stone tools may have served as (Type 24)
markers ofsocial relationships, and whether lithic procure- Brown chert
ment was embedded within subsistence procurement strat- (Type 41)
egies, among other things. Green cryptocrystalline quartz
In the Osmore basin, raw material types are vertically (Type 28)
stratified by elevation, and we have had good success in
(Type 7a)
identifying the zone of origin of almost all of the lithic
materials found at Asana and surrounding sites, and in some Coast
instances we have also discovered quarries or point sources Translucent to opaque chalcedony
of the material. Thirty-five different raw materials have (Types 10 and 29)
been identified (table 4.2) and can be placed into five envi-
ronmental zones: the high sierra, lower high sierra, puna
rim, puna, and coast. A very small number of materials some overlap ofsome types, particularly the volcanic andes-
could not be identified as to their zone of origin. Small ites of the high sierra. However, since all of these raw
amounts of obsidian were recovered, and while they have material types are confined to distinct elevational zones,
not been sourced, they are either from the cordillera of the problem of cross-zone misidentification is minimized.
Arequipa or Puno. These material types can be easily dis- Although only a small number of quarries were discov-
tinguished by eye, although it is clear there is probably ered during survey operations in the valley (Aldenderfer
82 Field and Analytical Methods

1989b: 139-140), it is nevertheless possible to derive the have been exposed by a combination of erosion and defla-
minimum linear distance from Asana to the zone of origin tion. From a geological perspective, it is probable that simi-
of these materials (table 4.3). It is important to remember lar outcrops of these andesites are found in the Rio Asana
that these are linear distances and that they probably un- drainage in a similar elevation range.
derestilnate actual travel distances and times. Puna rim raw material types range from 10 to 25 km
Almost all high-sierra materials are readily found within above Asana. Types 18 and 19 appear in outcrop form in a
8 km ofAsana. Type 4 materials are found primarily along cliff face ca. 10 km above the site directly above the river
the valley floor and appear as nodules and cobbles exposed bottom, while Type 1 is found beyond the cordillera that
by stream action and erosion. In contrast, the volcanic defines the puna rim. Type 1 is also found well into the
andesites, rhyolites, and trachyites are found primarily on puna itself. It typically appears as a nodule found eroding
high saddles and the slopes above the valley floors. These, from the ground surface or exposed through erosion. The
too, are found in cobble form but are exposed primarily other puna rim types are found no closer than 25 km above
by sheet wash and wind deflation. Although some Type 11 Asana, but in contrast to Type 1, they do not appear to be
materials are concentrated in quarries, many of them can commonly found on the puna itself.
be found scattered across the slopes. Importantly, the ma- Puna raw materials are far more distant from Asana.
jority of higher quality high-sierra raw material types, in- Types 20 and 26 are commonly found around the margins
cluding Types 4,9, 11, 16, and 17, are generally available of Lago Lorisccota and its drainages, which eventually flow
downstream from (below) Asana. Only coarse volcanic into Lake Titicaca, and it is likely that these materials are
andesites can be found upstream. no closer than 50 km to Asana, although specific quarries
All lower high-sierra types are found at a minimum of or point sources have yet to be identified. Likewise, Types
25 km downstream. The only known quarry site is located 7a and 24 are distant puna types and are found at a mini-
on the slopes of Cerro Mejia, ca. 45 km southwest ofAsana mum of 60-80 km away from the site.
on the southern side of the Rio Torata drainage and in an The coastal chalcedonies are found in a number of lo-
elevation range from 2,300 to 2,500 m. Like the other cations at a minimum of 90 km downstream from Asana
volcanic andesites, these types appear in nodule form and but still along the lower reaches of the Rio Osmore. The

Table 4.3. Minimum Distance from Asana to Zone of Origin

of Lithic Raw Material Types

High sierra
16 km downstream: one quarry of Type 16
8 kIn downstream: two quarries of Type 11
4 km upstream: one quarry of Type 14
all other materials available within 5 km upstream or 15-20 km downstream

Lower high sierra

25 km downstream: major quarry of Types 7,31,32,33, and 34
Puna rirn
10 km upstream: one quarry/outcrop of Types 18 and 19
20 kIn upstream: zone of availability of Type 1
25 kIn upstream: zone of availability of Types 2,23,25,27, and 33

ca. 50 km upstream: zone of availability of Types 20, 26, and 27
60-80 km upstream: zone of availability of Type 24

90 km downstream: zone of availability of Types 10 and 29
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 83

nearest known quarry or outcrop location is found ca. 30 Table 4.4. Modal Quality of Known Raw Material Types
km east of the coastal town ofIlo on the slopes well above in the Osmore Drainage
the valley bottoms. Similar raw materials can be found in
nodule form down to the edge of the modern littoral in
such drainages as the Quebrada Carizal. High sierra
Higher modal quality: Types 4, 9, 11, 16, 17
Each of these raw material types can be ranked as to its
Lower modal quality: Types 5, 12, 13, 14, 15,40
quality, which is here defined on the basis of the coarse-
ness or fineness of its grain size, the size and frequency of Lower high sierra
mineral inclusions, the existence of obvious fracture planes, Higher modal quality: all types
and its general "knappability" as determined through ex- Puna rim
perimentation. In the analysis of tools and reduction by- Higher modal quality: Types 2, 3,23,25,27
products, three states of the quality variable were defined: Lower modal quality: Types 1, 18, 19
good, average, and coarse. Although such judgments are
subjective, error and variability have been minimized be-
Higher modal quality: all types with exception of Type 1
cause only three individuals were responsible for the analy-
sis of the lithics from Asana and the other sites described Coast
in this volume. While each raw material type varies across Higher modal quality: all types
a continuum of quality, some material types have a higher
modal quality than do others (table 4.4), which can be
operationally defined as those raw material types that have
at least 60% of their examples classified as either good or sible to distinguish different technological trajectories-
average across all assemblages. Coastal, puna, and lower including different stages of biface reduction and small-
high-sierra raw materials in general are of much higher tool production, different types of reduction, such as free-
quality than most high-sierra or puna rim materials. hand percussion and bipolar core production, and differ-
ent stages of these reduction strategies-on the basis of
Reduction Strategies Recently, detailed analyses of re- the weight and size distribution of reduction debris and
duction strategies have become commonplace in the study the number of cortical by-products across these size and
of assemblages of lithic materials from foraging societies, weight grades (Stahle and Dunn 1982; Ahler 1989).
and a number of competing methodologies have been de- Ahler (1989: 98-101) outlines the methodological steps
veloped over the past 20 years. Among other things, the of this process. First, the collections (segregated by pro-
analysis ofreduction strategies via the examination of both venience unit) are sorted by separating tools and core frag-
tools and reduction by-products can provide insight into ments from all other forms of reduction debris. Next, the
regional or temporal variability in the staging ofstone tool reduction debris is size-sorted, either by passing the de-
production (Bamforth 1991), technological organization bris through a series of nested screens of fixed dimension
(Binford 1982; Nelson 1990), and frequency of retooling (especially for large samples) or by determining the maxi-
as related to situation tool use and anticipatory planning mum dimension by a template for smaller samples. The
(Keeley 1982, 1991; Kimball 1989). The analysis of re- latter strategy was used in the analysis of the collections
duction by-products in turn can be directed at reconstruct- from Asana. The definition of size grades is extremely
ing patterns of settlement mobility and regional land use important; Ahler (1989: table 4) shows two different size
and the definition of site types. grades based upon differences in sieve cloth or hardware
The methodology employed in the analysis of reduc- cloth dimensions. In both cases, however, there is a maxi-
tion by-products in this study is a variant of the flake ag- mum of five size grades. Table 4.5 shows the relationships
gregate approach (FAA) developed by Ahler (1989) and between Ahler's size grades and those used in the analysis
his associates. FAA was designed to study large quantities for this project. Although the size grades used herein are
of reduction by-products rapidly and objectively and is slightly larger than Ahler's, there is significant overlap. I
based upon the analysis ofvariability in the size-grade dis- do not, however, have an equivalent to Ahler's Grade 5,
tribution of all categories of debris, not simply individual but fortunately this category is seldom used in the analysis
flakes (Ahler 1989: 112). Theoretical studies based on ex- of archaeological assemblages.
tensive experimentation have demonstrated that it is pos- Finally, after size grading, three variables are computed
84 Field and Analytical Methods

Table 4.5. Comparison of Size Grades solved by the routine application ofa formula. Unless oth-
Used in Flake Aggregate Analysis erwise noted, lithic data will be first aggregated by level,
and only raw materials with counts greater than fifty will
be examined through the FAA approach. Ifsignificant, dis-
Dimensions ofAhler's Dimensions Used in crete concentrations of lithic materials are recognized
Grade System a This Project within levels, they will be examined separately since they
may represent separate behavioral or depositional events.
Archaeologists have long been concerned with the de-
~ 18-< 35.9 ~ 20-< 40
velopment of objective measures of the stage of biface
2 > 8.01-< 18 ~ 10-< 20 manufacture. Historically, biface manufacture has been
3 > 3.59- < 8.01 ~ 5-< 10 categorized into a tripartite system: blank-preform-prod-
uct (see Thomas 1983b: 212 for a discussion of this his-
4 > 1.67- < 3.59 <5
tory). It has become increasingly apparent, however, that
5 < 1.67 not used this system does not adequately capture the potential com-
plexity of biface manufacture and use, in part because it
assumes that the analyst is capable of determining the in-
aAll measurements in millimeters. tent of manufacture. Thus a "preform" is an unfinished
tool and necessarily reflects an intermediate stage of pro-
duction. Kelly (1988), however, has argued that under con-
for the collections from each grade: total debris weight, ditions of high residential mobility, it is perhaps more ap-
total debris counts, and total count ofcortical debris. Given propriate to consider an "unfinished" biface as a highly
these variables, a number of different analytical paths can flexible object that can be transformed into a tool, used as
be pursued. In this study, the primary path involves plot- a tool, or used as a source of raw material to make other
ting the percentage of Grade 4 cortical flakes against the tool forms. It therefore becomes necessary to develop more
Grade 4 to Grades 1-3 count ratio (Abler 1989: 111-112). sophisticated descriptions of bifaces and to connect these
Using Abler's experimental data, these ratios can be used descriptions to other relevant categories of data, such as
to reconstruct the stage of biface reduction present, the the kinds of reduction by-products found on site.
existence of early stages of the reductive process, and A system of biface "stage" classification that has gained
whether small-tool production was a part of the activity increasing attention is one developed by Callahan (1979)
repertoire of a given provenience. that was first used to describe the process of making Paleo-
One potential limitation of this approach is the lack of Indian projectile points. Since then, it has been used in a
detailed experimental data on the reduction of different number of settings, such as at Gatecliff Shelter (Thomas
chert types common in the Osmore basin. While Abler 1983b: 212-221). This system has been modified for use
(1989: 112-113) notes that adequate experimental results at Asana, and its characteristics are presented in table 4.6.
of the reduction of a variety of lithic raw materials are nec-
essary for the examination of archaeological samples, he Microwear Analysis Microwear analysis of the chipped
nevertheless suggests that the published data of his accu- stone lithics provides the archaeologist with an indepen-
mulated experiments can be used as a reasonable guide to dent, objective means of determining tool function. Al-
the interpretation of these samples. though microwear studies of stone tool assemblages of
Another consideration is the nature of the aggregates foraging peoples have become commonplace in Europe
(or samples) to be studied. The issue here is analogous to and in North America, there are published reports of mi-
that raised by Grayson (1984) in his critique of faunal stud- crowear studies from only two South American Archaic
ies. The uncritical aggregation of proveniences contain- or Preceramic sites: Telarmachay (Vaughn 1985) and Los
ing faunal materials can significantly influence the calcu- Toldos (Mansur-Franchomme 1984).
lation of standard indices such as minimum number of The basic datum obtained from microwear analysis is
individuals (MNI), minimum number of elements (MNE), the activity performed, which is a composite judgment of
and number of identified specimens (NISP) and should tool use based upon the location and distribution of
similarly affect these lithic indices. Unfortunately, this is a microtraces on a tool, the kinds of microtraces present,
problem of archaeological interpretation and cannot be the inferred kinematics of tool use (tool motions), and the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 85

Table 4.6. Descriptive Attributes for Biface Classification the standards of high-power microwear analysis currently
practiced in North America and Europe (Aldenderfer,
Kimball, and Sievert 1989; Kimball 1989; Plisson 1985).
Stage I roughouts The three principal stages of analysis in the laboratory are
Irregular, deep flake scars initial scanning of the piece, cleaning, and identification
Low width/thickness ratios of microtraces and registration. Initial scanning involves a
Ovate/generally asymmetrical form visual inspection of each piece with a lOx loupe and in
Stage II rough percussion blanks some cases a binocular microscope with magnifications up
Moderate variability in flake scar size, depth, and orientation to SOx. The goal is to identify any residues adhering to the
Low to moderate width/thickness ratios surface of the tool and to obtain a general assessment of
Minor asymmetry its condition and modification, especially patination or
Stage III fine percussion blanks postdepositional abrasion or damage.
Low to moderate variabilty in flake scar size, depth, and Tools were then cleaned in a two-step procedure: each
orientation was washed in a detergent solution in an ultrasonic clean-
Moderate width/thickness ratios ing tank to remove grease and dirt and then placed in a
Straight margins, generally symmetric warm bath of 10% hydrochloric acid for five minutes to
Stage IV pressure flaked bifaces remove some mineral residues and concretions. If organic
Low variability in flake scar size, depth, and orientation residues were identified or suspected, tools were only rinsed
Straight margins, symmetrical form with distilled water and not placed in the acid bath.
High to moderate width/thickness ratios Artifacts were analyzed using an Olympus BH or Nikon
Stage V finished products
incident light metallurgical microscope at magnifications
Similar to Stage IV but now in "final" form ranging from SOx to 400x. Artifacts were generally scanned
at lower magnifications, and when suspected microtraces
were discovered, higher magnifications, usually ranging
from 200x to 400x, were employed to interpret the
mode of prehension (Aldenderfer 1990b; van Gijn 1991). microtrace. Registration consisted oflocating all suspected
Statements about such judgments typically take the form microtraces in a quadrant system for both dorsal and ven-
of "a hafted tool used to saw wood" or a "hand-held tool tral surfaces and, when appropriate, edges. Microtrace
used to scrape dry hide." Only under unusual circumstances characteristics were then coded onto forms and drawings
is it possible to infer the functional context of tool use; of their locations made (Sievert 1991). While the identifi-
that is, the actual purpose of tool use: "a hafted drill used to cation and interpretation of polishes have been empha-
make shell beads." The ability to make such a statement sized in this study and are based mainly on the published
depends not only upon the quality of empirical data de- microtrace descriptions of Keeley (1980), Kimball (1989),
rived from microwear analyses but also upon the context Plisson (1985), van Gijn (1991), and Vaughan (1985),
of discovery, such as associated artifacts and waste or resi- among others, as well as on two extensive collections of
due from artifact manufacture that is consistent with the experimental tools, one of limestone cherts (Aldenderfer,
microtraces observed on the stone tools, and analogies Kimball, and Sievert 1989) and one a variety of lithic raw
derived from ethnography or experimentation that seek materials commonly found in the Osmore basin, all other
either to build a case for a production or use trajectory or microtraces such as edge damage and rounding and stria-
to eliminate alternative trajectories. Regardless of these tions were routinely recorded as well.
limitations, however, data obtained from microwear stud- A total of 335 tools and reduction by-products was
ies are invaluable for the development of activity perfor- sampled for this analysis (table 4.7). An initial sample of
mance profiles. When the data are used with a full aware- 220 tools was examined by Sievert (1991), and the ratio-
ness of the broader context of these tools and other lines nale behind the sampling was to select morphological tools
ofevidence, it may be possible to distinguish between gear- across the entire occupation span at Asana. Since there are
ing-up and maintenance tasks, the construction of on-site more shaped tools in the earlier (ca. 10,000-8000 B.P.) levels
facilities, the degree of curation of different tool designs, of the site, the sample is heavily biased toward these lev-
and estimates of tool use-life (Keeley 1991: 259-260). els. Subsequently, three additional samples of morphologi-
The procedures used in this analysis are consistent with cal tools were selected from Asana VIlQhuna Phase levels
86 Field and Analytical Methods

Table 4.7. Characteristics of the Chipped Stone Tool deemed to be suitable for microwear studies from a tech-
Assemblage Selected for Microwear Analysis nical perspective. Plisson (1985) and Plisson and Mauger
(1988) have shown that microtraces, especially polishes,
can be altered by extremely basic (pH> 12.0) depositional
Phase Total Tools Examined environments or destroyed by extremely acidic (pH < 4.0)
soils. Abrasive processes, such as trampling, soil movement,
or aeolian processes, and the development of different kinds
Puruma/Asana I
of patinas (van Gijn 1991) can obscure or alter microtraces
as well. All soils at Asana ranged in pH from 6.5 to 8.5,
KhitufialAsana II and it is thus unlikely that the polishes present on these
Levels PXX-PXXIX; XXVII-XXIX 118 (56%) tools have been chemically altered. Tools found to be
] ilafialAsana III heavily abraded or patinated (a small minority of the as-
Levels PVII-PXIX; XXIV-XXVI 43 (61 %) semblage) were excluded from the sampling process.
Muruq'uta/Asana IV
Levels PI-PVI; XIV-XXIII 77 (36%) Refitting Like microwear analyses, refitting is becom-
ing increasingly common in the analysis of stone tool as-
Pisi Mara/ Asana V semblages. Although refitting is most commonly seen as a
Levels X-XIII Ob
method of assessing the vertical integrity of archaeologi-
Qhuna Phase/Asana VI cal deposits (see, for example, Villa 1982), refits across
Levels V-IXc 23 (56%) horizontal exposures have the potential of identifying
Awati/Asana VII subtle aspects of refuse disposal behavior (Carr 1991),
Levels I-IV 4 (25%) movement of individuals between hearths, and the "min-
ing" or recycling of discarded tools or other reduction
products (Cahen and Keeley 1980). The spatial scale at
apercentage values indicate the proportion of the assemblage of all which refitting has been most successful is relatively small,
recognized morphological tools examined. and hearth-centered refitting programs have demonstrated
bOnly four tools were recovered from the levels of this phase.
archaeologically the importance they have been observed
to have by ethnographers and ethnoarchaeologists as fo-
cal points for social interaction and maintenance and gear-
ing-up activities, among others (Gamble 1991: 16-17).
(CLs V-IX; N = 21), Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase levels From a technical perspective, refitting has the greatest
(CLs XVIIa-XVIIc; N = 21), and Asana IIlJilafia Phase opportunity to produce useful information when reduc-
levels (CLs PXXIV-PXXV; N = 16). To determine the tion strategies are well structured, such as in blade-core
degree to which reduction by-products were also used at production, or when the technological process of tool pro-
the site, fifty-seven "usable" flakes were selected for analy- duction produces unambiguous reduction by-products,
sis. Usability is here subjectively defined as a relatively large such as the spalls created by making burins. Unfortunately,
flake, usually greater than 2 cm in maximum dimension, most of the assemblages at Asana are not suitable for ex-
that had a straight, thin edge (possibly used to cut or tensive refitting analyses. There are virtually no cores, core
whittle), a projection that could have been used to grave, fragments, or large biface fragments in any level at Asana,
bore, or pierce, or a notch of steep edge that could have and the vast majority of the debitage is less than 2 cm in
been used to scrape or plane. The primary criterion, how- maximum dimension. Furthermore, there are no truly dis-
ever, is size, and it must be stressed that this sampling is tinctive tool production strategies that leave behind char-
pragmatic, not systematic, and therefore is biased toward acteristic debitage. Test programs for refitting in two lev-
these larger reduction by-products. Despite these limita- els-PXIX and XVIIb-proved disappointing, with only
tions, this is one of the largest sample of tools from a South two refits in the former and one in the latter securely made.
American Archaic Period site studied to date, as well as Likewise, refitting programs between levels also produced
the first from the south-central Andes. few refits. This appears to support the contention that the
In general, most of the tools discovered from excava- levels of the site as defined through excavation are verti-
tion contexts at Asana and other sites in the region were cally homogeneous, although the problematic nature of
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 87

the Asana debitage makes this conclusion far from cer- larly scrapers. VVhile this typology lacks a quantitative foun-
tain. Useful data from refitting, then, are limited and are dation, it nevertheless captures most of the formal varia-
discussed later when appropriate. tion in these tools (fig. 4.4, table 4.8). Perhaps of more
importance, however, is the demonstration that tool mor-
Typological Studies Although studies ofthe formal varia- phology is no consistent guide to actual tool use. VVhile
tion of projectile point and tool morphology have been the majority of the scrapers in the six scraper types she
largely surpassed by microwear and more behaviorally defined were used to scrape and process hides, each cat-
oriented lithic analyses, they nevertheless can be used to egory shows internal variability in the material worked and
develop chronologies and examine questions of long-dis- in some cases tool motion itself (fig. 4.5). Likewise, a num-
tance exchange or mobility. Aside from the analyses of ber of artifacts found at Asana that would be labeled as
Ravines (1967, 1972), however, there have been almost no projectile points in traditional typological schema turn out
typological studies of the formal variation of projectile to have microtraces consistent with their use to cut grassy
point and tool morphology in the south-central Andes. In plants (i.e., classic silica gloss or polish). VVhile the pres-
part this sterns from the limited scale of work performed ence of silica gloss does not mean that these tools could
in the region and the tendency to borrow typological not have been also used as projectile points, it does mean
schema from the central Andean region, where compre- that morphology cannot unambiguously inform us of the
hensive typologies have been developed (Lavallee 1985; activity performed. VVhat this demonstrates is that tool
Rick 1980). VVhile such borrowing is not objectionable morphology cannot be used to "read" tool function of
per se, its widespread practice in the region has retarded unstudied examples, and therefore only data obtained from
the development of region-specific typologies that could microwear analysis will be used to construct activity pro-
help to better integrate surface finds into a chronological files that involve tool function in the following discussion.
framework. Publications by Santoro (1989) and Santoro
and Nunez (1987) have improved this situation, but their Raw Material Diversity and Sample Size While it may
studies remain primarily illustrative and not analytical. be intuitively obvious, it is now well known that there is a
In 1985 I developed an analytical framework to describe "sample size effect" when considering the nature of as-
the morphological variation of formal tools and projectile semblage structure and diversity (Thomas 1989). Simply
points from the Osmore basin (Aldenderfer 1986). The put, the larger a sample of artifacts, the greater the prob-
goal of this analysis was to develop a secure chronological ability that a larger number of artifact classes are present
foundation of finished biface or projectile point style that in the assemblage. This interpretation of diversity equates
could be used to date the surface components discovered it with richness (the number of artifact classes), but there
during the 1985 field season ofProyecto Arcaico. I subse- are a number of other aspects to the concept of diversity
quently revised this framework on the basis of Santoro including evenness (the relative proportions of each arti-
and Nunez's (1987) paper (Aldenderfer 1989b: 140-144). fact class within an assemblage) and heterogeneity (mea-
For this volume, while I have made minor changes in the sures of assemblage diversity based upon a combined con-
1989 framework, I have been able to more firmly ground sideration of richness and evenness). Kintigh (1984) and
formal or stylistic variation in biface morphology in re- Leonard and Jones (1989), among many others, have ex-
gional stratigraphic sequences from a number of sites, in- plored the varied meanings of diversity, its different com-
cluding Asana, Las Cuevas, Hakenasa, and Patapatane, and ponents, and its interpretation in a number of archaeo-
to make tentative correlations of these morphologies with logical contexts. Fundamentally, however, the question
others known in the central Andean region. The total num- frequently asked ofa diversity analysis is whether the num-
ber ofbifaces found at Asana that can be easily assigned to ber of artifact types present within a particular set of as-
a chronological period is surprisingly small, however, and semblages is predictable by sample size alone or whether
the implication of this finding as well as the connections other factors contribute to the number of types present.
that can be made with other Andean regions will be ex- Despite the intuitive plausibility of the concept, there
plored in subsequent chapters that deal directly with the are a number of complications that make the interpreta-
levels and materials found within them. tion ofdiversity ofarchaeological assemblages often prob-
Sievert (1991), as a part of the first microwear analysis lematic. Dunnell (1989) has argued that the question fre-
of the tools from Asana, also made a preliminary study of quently asked of diversity analysis is often not appropri-
the formal variation in unifacial and ad hoc tools, particu- ate, and further, any answer to the question may be mis-
88 Field and Analytical Methods





Fig. 4.4. The major scraper types at Asana. a: Type 1; b: Type 2; c: Type 3;
d: Type 4; e: Type 5; f: Type 6.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 89

Table 4.8. Definition of Scraper Types

Type 1 Thumbnail Generally small, mean maximum dimension 2.1 cm; round to ovate in form; usually made on a thin tertiary
flake; base of flake used as working edge; most show evidence of hafting. Some marginal thinning. Ventral
surface sometimes concave.

Type 2 Shovel Variable in size, thickness, and weight. Range in maximum dimension from 2.3 to 4.2 cm; made on a variety
of platforms, ranging from thick tertiary flakes through chunky reduction by-products. Base of flake is
working edge and expands in a semicircle. All were likely to be hafted, and a defining characterisic is the
tapering hafting element which shows marginal retouch and thinning. Ventral surface is generally flat to
slightly concave.

Type 3 Circular Usually round and plano-convex in cross section. Mean diameter is 3.45 cm, with range from 2.7 to 4 cm.
Made on a variety of platforms, ranging from thick, chunky flakes to chunky reduction debris. Show marginal
shaping and retouch along working edge as well as tool margins. Some were hafted, but many are unclear.

Type 4 Ovoid Large, lanceolate unifaces with retouched margins. Range in size from 5.5 to 7 cm in maximum dimension.
Generally thin and made on lanceolate flakes. Working edge tends to be more acute than in other forms.

Type 5 End Parallel sided with one end with steep retouch. Range from 3.5 to 4.7 cm in maximum dimension. Plano-
convex in cross section and working edge angle very steep. Made on a variety of platforms. Some were
hafted, but many are unclear.

Type 6 Rectangular Relatively large, straight margins; both sides were used as the working edge. Retouch for both tool
resharpening and shaping. Range from 4 to 7 cm in maximum dimension. Made on a number of platforms
and exhibit some variability in the steepness of the working edge. Some were hafted, but many were unclear.

leading since there is very frequently little thought given duration and seasonality of occupation also affect assem-
to providing a sound anthropological context for the in- blage composition. Furthermore, how many types are nec-
terpretation of the results of the analysis. There are both essary for there to be a residential camp? Instead of arti-
theoretical and methodological aspects to this problem, fact types, perhaps it would be better to base a diversity
and while these are obviously intertwined, I will discuss analysis upon the number of activities present, as some
them separately. Methodological problems are abundant: investigators have argued, but how precisely does one ob-
incomplete samples generated by different field and exca- tain a useful and valid assessment of the number and range
vation methods, different typological schemes that can lead of activities performed when many activities, if not most,
to the artificial inflation or deflation of the number of ar- have not left residues in the archaeological record? As
tifact classes present in an assemblage, and other, more Dunnell (1989: 145) argues, unless there is some theoreti-
subtle biases in technique and classification. It is often cal assurance that the categories used in a diversity analy-
impossible to overcome many ofthese problems, especially sis are in fact measuring a phenomenon of interest, the
when dealing with collections or classifications made by results of the analysis will be misleading at best and incor-
different investigators. rect at worst. Dunnell's argument can be placed into a
In many ways, however, theoretical problems are at broader context of quantitative thinking in archaeology,
present the most difficult to overcome. Dunnell (1989) namely the search for "congruence" between theory, re-
claims that archaeologists in general have failed to pro- search question, method, sample, and data (see also Al-
vide a coherent anthropological context for the interpre- denderfer 1987; Read 1987).
tation of diversity. Just what does it mean when there are What Dunnell (1989) is trying to get us to think about
more artifacts in one assemblage than in another? One is that given our incomplete theoretical knowledge about
interpretation has suggested that more artifact classes are appropriate ways in which to interpret the concept of di-
present in residential bases than in logistical camps. While versity, our use of diversity analyses should be limited to
there is some validity to this argument, it is clear that the unambiguous empirical questions in which the population,
90 Field and Analytical Methods

while a number smaller than predicted by sample size sug-

gests that mobility or exchange is limited in scope. A more
Type 6
Rectangular restrictive approach to this problem is to focus upon only
those material types that have counts greater than 50 re-
duction by-products, which will identify those assemblages
Type 5 that have greater or fewer numbers ofintensely used types.
E ndscraper The analysis of these relationships is straightforward.
For each assemblage, here aggregated by cultural level, I
w computed Pearson's r between the number of raw mate-
a. Type 4
r rial types with counts greater than 50 and the log of the
f- sample size for the assemblage (the total number of re-
er: duction by-products present). This value was logged so as
a. Ty pe 3 to reduce the effect of substantial variation in sample size
Circular across the assemblages, 95% confidence intervals were
u computed, and each assemblage was plotted around the
regression line. In this case, the independent variable (x)
Type 2 was logged sample size, while the dependent variable (y)
was the number oftypes or the number of types with counts
greater than 50. The results of these analyses are presented
Type I
in figure 4.6. The correlation between the logged sample
Thumbnail size and the number of types is moderate, suggesting that
other factors may have some significant influence on the

a 100



~ Fresh Hide

[=:J Dry Hide >4


Fig. 4.5. Uses of scrapers by type at Asana.

sample, or universe being described and analyzed is well
understood. Using this dictum as a guide, I do not pro- .4
pose to perform an exhaustive series of diversity analyses
on the lithic assemblages at Asana. I do, however, propose o-l----.... --r-"-------.--------!
2 3 4
to examine an important question in greater detail: are
Log of Sample Size
there greater or fewer raw material types than would be
expected in the lithic assemblages from Asana given sample Correlotion of Sample Size and
size alone? As I have argued earlier, the zone of raw mate- Number of Row Material Types

rial origin provides some basis for interpreting the rela- Number of all types r=0.743 r2 = 0.552
tive utilization of these environmental zones by foraging Number of types
with counts> 50 r=0.810 r2 = 0.656
peopJes either through direct mobility or exchange. A to-
tal number of types greater than expected by sample size Fig. 4.6. Correlation of sample size and number of raw
suggests wide-ranging mobility or exchange relationships, material types at Asana.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 91

relationship between sample size and number of types Table 4.9. Major Categories of Functional Attributes
present. Regarding the number of types present, PXXIX Used in Ground Stone Classification
has more material types than expected, while Levels II and
XIX have fewer. All others have numbers of types consis-
tent with sample size. The causes of these relationships Material type
will be explored in subsequent chapters. Volcanic/colluvial
Ground Stone Tools Nonlocal

The goal of the ground stone tool analysis was to describe Type of utilization
these artifacts from a functional, and not strictly typologi- Use-related burnishing or polish
cal, perspective. This is consistent with the approach em- Crushing/battering/striking
phasized in this study-to build activity profiles for each Grinding
of the major phases. Determining ground stone tool func-
tion, however, is often problematic and is frequently based
Complex motions
upon shifting combinations of morphological, as well as Passive use
functionally derived, criteria, such as use-related abrasive Bases for crushing/striking
wear, polishing, and battering. Five major function-related Bases for grinding
attributes have been developed: material type, type of uti- Kitchen rocks
lization, evidence of material worked, evidence of inten- Palettes
tional shaping, and intensity of use (table 4.9). Pebbles

Evidence of material worked

Material Type Although it is possible to classify ground Bone fragments or splinters
stone tools into specific rock types, it is more useful to Resins or organic residues
consider their source of origin: colluvial, riverine, or Ochre/pigments
nonlocal. Colluvial rocks are generally of volcanic origin Hide
and are found littering the slopes ofthe region's hills. Most
Evidence of intentional shaping
of these rocks are coarsely textured and relatively hard.
Ad hoc/unmodified
They vary considerably in quality, size, and shape, rang- Modification, including pecking, grinding, polishing, etc.
ing in size from pebbles to massive boulders and in shape
from ovoids to irregular, multifaceted forms. Riverine Intensity of use
rocks, of course, are found in the region's quebradas and Light to intensive
streams, most notably the Rio Asana. These rocks tend to
be smoothed through water action and are extremely hard
and fine-grained. Although there are a number of glacially
deposited boulders in the vicinity of the site, the majority dence of polish are ovate, elongate, or rectangular-shaped
ofriverine rocks are large cobbles, generally ovoid in form. hand tools with pronounced edge rounding and polish de-
"While both rock types are local and abundant, there is velopment on that edge. In cross section, they are gener-
some preference for colluvial rocks for certain kinds of ally bi-convex but are also frequently rectangular in form
activity types and contexts. (fig. 4.7b). "While none of these tools have residues indica-
tive of function, it is probable they were used to smooth
Type of Utilization The functional category type ofuti- and burnish hides.
lization is based primarily upon an assessment of tool Crushing or pounding is recognized by the presence of
morphology, type identification and location ofuse-related impact fractures, faceting, flake scars, and a "crushing" of
wear, morphology of the used face or surface, and the size the surface of the artifact. This wear tends to be found in
of the artifact. Three categories of "active" uses are rec- relatively small, discrete locations, areas, or "patches" on
ognized: burnishing or polishing, crushing or pounding, the tool, although in some cases it is difficult to distin-
and grinding. Polishing is recognized by the presence of a guish crushing wear related to use from the intentional
reflective, well-developed sheen on the artifact's surface shaping of the surface by pecking or grinding. At Asana,
(fig. 4.7a). Most of the tools from Asana that exhibit evi- pounding tools are typically spherical to ovate in form (fig.
92 Field and Analytical Methods

Fig. 4.7. Tools with polish used to burnish or smooth.
a: M29d-7, XXI, Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase, ca. 7200 B.P.; Fig. 4.8. Stone pounders or hammerstones. a: Q37a-l0,
note the well-developed polish on the edge of the tool. PXXVl, Asana IIJKhituna Phase, ca. 8800 B.P.j b: Q37d-9,
b: K29d-2, XII, Asana V/Pisi Mara Phase, ca. 5200 B.P., PXXIV; Asana IIJKhituna Phase, ca. 8700 B.P., tool used to
wedge-shaped tool with polish on both faces. pound or crush ochre.

4.8a, b), have an average weight of 510 g, and range in (Binford 1983: 133), or simply as "plates" or "tables" to
weight from 200 to 1,000 g. In maximum dimension, they keep materials off the ground. Unfortunately, many pas-
average 9.8 cm and range from 7 to 14 cm. sively used tools are unmodified, and thus many may go
Grinding wear includes the typical smoothing and unrecognized. Context may in some circumstances be a
flattening of a large surface area on the face of a tool. This useful guide to the identification of passive tools.
is usually considered to be push-pull wear, although rota- Some easily recognized passive tools are platforms (of-
tion, rocking, or more complex motions may also be indi- ten called anvils) used to crush or strike some other sub-
cated in some situations. Grinding, of course, tends to be stance (fig. 4.10) or used as a grinding base (the classic
associated with tools labeled as manos, or hand stones. At batan, or metatej fig. 4.11). While some of these tools were
Asana, hand stones are ovate (fig. 4.9a) to circular (fig. 4.9b) not intentionally shaped (fig. 4.12), most were shaped by
in form. Their average weight is 469 g, with a range from flaking, grinding, or pecking. Kitchen rocks, originally
60 to 1,300 g. In maximum dimension, they average 9.6 defined by Binford (1983: 179) as table rocks, are gener-
cm and range from 5 to 13 cm. ally large, relatively flat stones placed near a cooking hearth
Passive tool uses are varied, and it is important to dis- or other activity area (fig. 4.13). Containers or foodstuffs
tinguish the potential range of passive tool uses as well as are placed directly upon them instead of on the floor sur-
the significant problems ofsuccessful identification ofthese face. At Asana, kitchen rocks were defined primarily
tools. In many foraging societies, for instance, unmodi- through their location since only a small minority of them
fied rocks are often used to weight the skin walls of tents showed any modification. Palettes, while similar in size
or anchor the brush surrounding windbreaks (Yellen 1977), and shape to kitchen rocks, differ in their use: they have
to hold the skins securely while processing or drying them evidence of ochre or other pigments on their surfaces and
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 93


Fig. 4.9. Manos or hand stones. a: S36c-ll, PXXX, Asana

I1Puruma Phase, ca. 9500 B.P.; b: K21d-3, VIII, Asana VII
Qhuna Phase, ca. 4500 B.P.

Fig. 4.10. Large anvil and associated pounding tool,
Central Block, PXXXI, Asana I1Puruma Phase, 9580 B.P.
94 Field and Analytical Methods

eM eM
Fig. 4.11. Batan, H24d-9, VIII, Asana VI/Qhuna Phase, Fig. 4.12. Small, unmodifed batan, W41c-9, PXVII, Asana
ca. 4500 B.P. IIII]ilafia Phase, ca. 8200 B.P.

Fig. 4.13. Kitchen rock in situ within a domestic structure, pxxrv, Asana IIIIKhitufia Phase,
ca. 8700 B.P. Note the cached or discarded hand stone near the bottom left-center of the photograph.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 95

in some cases show signs of being used as ad hoc grinding at Guitarrero Cave may have been sling projectiles, it is
supports. MacNeish et al. (1980: 294-295) illustrate simi- more probable that they served as bola stones since they
lar artifacts they call "paint palettes." are comparatively large and heavy, with an average weight
A final, more problematic category of passive tools is of 65 g, far heavier than the median weight of the pebbles
labeled simply as "pebbles." As shown elsewhere, the natu- from Asana. Rick (1980: 177) notes that a few small spheri-
ral matrix ofthe site is composed oflayers of colluvial grav- cal pebbles were recovered from Pachamachay but declines
els and sands and some alluvial sands, silts, and clays. Aside to propose a function, while MacNeish et al. (1980: 292,
from the basal layers of the site associated with its initial 295) describe similar artifacts they label as "pebble ham-
occupation, there are no deposits of alluvially derived grav- mers." In some instances, such as near houses on the
els, pebbles, or coarse sands associated with any utiliza- PXXIV surface, a number of these pebbles were cached,
tion of the site. Most of these smooth, water-worn stones suggesting that they were in fact valuable artifacts.
were probably introduced to the site through human A cached set of pebbles from CL IIIb, however, ap-
agency. Pebbles show very little or no intentional modifi- pears to have a different function. Ten small pebbles were
cation, such as pecking or grinding, or use-related dam- found cached just outside the kitchen area of a domestic
age, such as impact fractures or scars, facets from use as a residence in this level. Although of three different types-
striking or pounding tool, polish from use as a smoothing flattened ovoids, spheres, and irregulars-each was less
or burnishing tool, or pyroclastic damage from heating, than 1 cm in maximum dimension, and all but two weighed
boiling, or burning. less than 1 g, with the other two weighing 1.5 and 2.65 g.
These pebbles can be cross-classified by shape, size, and The excavator, an elderly Aymara from the southern high-
weight (table 4.10; fig. 4.14). The majority range in size lands in Puno, immediately exclaimed that he had discov-
from 1 to 4 em in maximum dimension, and most are ered a set of "counting stones." Other highlanders con-
spherical or ovoid in form. It is probable, but unverifiable, firmed this identification and explained that stones such
that all but the triangular pebbles were used as sling pro- as these are still used today by pastoralists attempting to
jectiles. Median weights are relatively similar, and the dis- keep track of the number of animals in their possession. I
tribution ofweight values is reasonably homogeneous (fig. independently confirmed this assertion by asking two dis-
4.15). The median weight for triangular pebbles, however, tinct groups of pastoralists-one in the puna rim commu-
is much lower than the others, suggesting a different func- nity ofAzana and the other on the puna near Quelcatani-
tion. Slings are used today by highland peoples, and their if they could identify the use of these stones. In both in-
frequent illustration on ceramic vessels and other formats stances, elder males said that they recalled using stones
from a variety of time periods and locations suggests they like this to count their animals.
have a long antiquity in the Andean world. There are few
descriptions of sling projectiles, however, in the archaeo- Evidence ofMaterial Worked Ground stone tools gener-
logical record of the Archaic. Although Lynch (1980: 223) ally do not form diagnostic polishes as do chipped stone
suggests that a few of the similarly shaped pebbles found lithics; nonetheless there are several profitable routes to

Table 4.10. Pebble Size by Shape, All Phases

Flat Flat
Size Ovoid Spherical Triangular Sphere Ovoid Irregular

<1 em 11.40 36.40 9.10 14.30

>1 em-<4 em 82.10 63.60 100.00 100.00 90.90 76.20

>4 em 7.50 9.50

Mean weight 14.08 9.54 3.91 14.62 11.29 11.41

96 Field and Analytical Methods


Fig. 4.14. Major pebble types defined.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 97




TI T2 13 T4 T5

Fig. 4.15. Boxplots showing medians and distribution of

values of pebble weights.

the independent identification of tool function that go

beyond the use of morphological criteria. While only a
limited range of functions can be so identified, some suc-
cess in this effort will help to expand the range of empiri-
cally verified activities at the site. Two distinct approaches eM
were used: the identification of organic and nonorganic
residues trapped in the microtopography of tool surfaces Fig. 4.16. Hand stone used to grind resin identified as
and the identification of hide-working hand stones. burned sap from Azorella compacta. The dark patches on the
To discover microscopic fragments or traces of residues surface of the tool are thick patches of resin. D30a-5, XIX,
trapped in the microscars of the surface of the tool, each Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase, ca. 7000 B.P.
ground stone tool was examined under a binocular micro-
scope at magnifications of up to 80x. While no attempt
was made to chemically identify residues so discovered, it mon, generally forming in the direction of work. In con-
is probable that the visual identifications made are accu- trast, hide-working stones show very little true abrasive
rate. In many cases residues were visible to the naked eye. wear and instead exhibit adhesive wear, which tends to
Three residues were observed: bone fragments, resins, and polish individual grains on the working surface of the tool,
ochre or other pigments. Bone fragments, which at a mi- making them smooth, shiny, and distinct (Adams 1988:
croscopic scale appear as white columnar fragments, were 313-314). This "polish" tends to flow between grains as
found only on tools identified through their morphology well. Although additional experimental work is clearly re-
as pounding or crushing tools. A number ofgrinding tools quired, it appears that coarser stones are more appropri-
(fig. 4.16) were probably used to process a black resin ex- ate for hide working, and the limited ethnographic data
tracted from the burned stems ofyareta (Azorella compacta). suggest that hide-working stones are used in a rotational
This activity was verified experimentally. Finally, ochre or motion to apply the braining solution used to tan or cure
other red and orange pigments were commonly encoun- hides (fig. 4.17). When compared to chipped stone tools,
tered. While most pigments were found on grinding tools, ground stone hide-working tools are apparently less effi-
a few were found on pounding or crushing tools. cient in cleaning or defleshing hides (Adams 1988: 313).
While hide-processing ground stone tools are known The differential patterns of wear, however, appear to be
from the ethnographic record, there have been few at- robust, and they were applied to the ground stone tool
tempts to identify them in archaeological contexts. One assemblage from Asana.
of the best efforts has been by Adams (1988), who made a Although most of the hand stones found at Asana were
comparative study of hand grinding stones used for pro- used for grinding, significant numbers of them were used
cessing corn (generally referred to as manos) and those to process hides, resins, and ochre (fig. 4.18). Moreover,
used to process hides. The surfaces of manos show con- there appears to be chronological variability in empirically
siderable crushing, shearing, truncation, and abrasive wear verified tool functions. From 10,500 to 6000 B.P., the rela-
of individual grains on the working surface (Adams 1988: tive frequency of hide-working ground stone tools ranged
307-308). The surface is flattened, and striations are com- from 24% to 40% of hand stone tool uses. From 6000 to
98 Field and Analytical Methods



Pisi Mara





eM o 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 4.17. Hand stone used to process hides. The surface

of the tool is very coarse, but the individual grains are
smoothed and polished. D30d, XNa, Asana IV/Muruq'uta
II Hide

Phase, ca. 6000 B.P. EB Och re


4000 B.P., however, hide-working stones disappear from Gr inding

the assemblage, suggesting that in the later phases of the

occupation, hide processing at Asana was not part of the
activity profile. The disappearance of these tools is paral- Fig. 4.18. Mano use through time at Asana.
leled by the disappearance of chipped stone tools used to
process hides as well and will be discussed at greater length
in subsequent chapters.

Intentional Shaping and Intensity of Use Used in combi- The majority ofground stone tools found at Asana show
nation, intentional shaping and intensity of use are vari- little intentional shaping or production, and few show signs
ables that can provide insight into the degree to which of extensive, heavy utilization and wear (table 4.11). This
ground stone tools were either curated or used in an expe- is consistent with the plentiful supply of raw material used
dient fashion. Under circumstances of raw material abun- to make these tools in the vicinity of the site. The only
dance and correspondingly low procurement costs, and tool categories that are consistently modified with a com-
little or no time stress on activity performance, tools tend bination of techniques are batanes and large pounding or
to be used in an expedient fashion, meaning that the effort crushing hand stones. While raw material for batan pro-
used to make or repair a tool will be limited solely to that duction is plentiful at the site, these artifacts are generally
which is required to get the tool in a condition to serve its large and appear to be stored within house floors. They
function (Nelson 1990; Torrence 1989). We can also ex- are apparently not discarded because site reuse is antici-
pect expedient tools to be discarded well before the prac- pated. This pattern occurs in the early levels of the site, in
tical end of their use-lives. In contrast, curated tools show which the batanes are used primarily as pounding supports,
more elaborate or careful production and maintenance and as well as in the later levels of the site, in which they are
may frequently be used to exhaustion. Curated ground used as grinding supports. The large pounding stones that
stone tools, especially large, heavy artifacts such as batanes, are used with these early batanes are often found beside or
are often cached in anticipation of reuse. near them in an archaeological context (fig. 4.19).
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 99

Table 4.11. Intensity of Ground Stone Tool Use

by Type of Use, All Phases

Intensity Pounding Grinding Passive

Light 42.3 33.3 1.8

Moderate 30.8 39.8 18.6

Heavy 11.5 24.2 14.8

Indeterminate 15.4 2.7 64.8

Degree ofShaping

Minor 46.2 58.6 25.9

Moderate 26.9 29.0 37.0
Extensive 1.0 3.7
Indeterminate 26.9 11.4 11.1

Fig. 4.19. Batan and associated kitchen rocks in situ within a domestic structure, CL V,
Asana VIlQhuna Phase, ca. 4500 B.P. A large kitchen rock with two associated hand stones
can be seen along the left-center edge of the photograph.
100 Field and Analytical Methods

fragmentary, it is generally composed of small fragments

Faunal Remains
as well. For instance, 67% of the identifiable elements are
Faunal remains can be used to address a wide range of less than 2 cm in maximum dimension. In combination,
archaeological problems, but the most prominent field for these two factors seriously limit the range of analyses pos-
analysis is their use in subsistence studies (Lyman 1982). sible with the assemblage and especially affect the calcula-
A vast literature has blossomed over the past two decades, tion of the MNE as well as the resultant MNI or mini-
much of it concerned with the development of quantita- mum animal units present (MAU).
tive methods of faunal analysis appropriate to the research Further, these two factors have made it extremely diffi-
questions posed, the quality and characteristics of the fau- cult to distinguish different species. As most students of
nal sample under analysis, and the ways in which the fau- the Andean world know, it is very difficult to differentiate
nal remains have been aggregated either through excava- guanacos, vicuna, llamas, and alpaca on the basis of their
tion or subsequent laboratory processing (Grayson 1984). skeletal remains. The most reliable indicators appear to
be tooth characteristics and the robustness and size ofskel-
Structure ofthe Asana Faunal Assemblage In the case of etal elements (Wheeler 1982; \Vheeler and Reitz 1987).
the faunal materials from Asana, it is important to con- Neither of these criteria, however, is of great value with
sider first the characteristics of the sample. Looked at in an extremely fragmentary assemblage. The condition of
the aggregate across all phases, the assemblage is almost the assemblage also affects our ability to differentiate
wholly composed of unidentifiable fragments, cancellous camelids from taruca. \Vhile there are significant skeletal
fragments, and small shaft splinters (table 4.12). Slightly differences between these genera, the small size of many
more than 10% of the assemblage can be identified as to of the bones recovered from the site renders them of com-
element, and there does not appear to be any significant parably little value in efforts to distinguish these species.
chronological variation in this. Not only is the assemblage Many routine analyses, then, are not appropriately used
on the faunal assemblage from Asana.
Another potential problem is the degree of taphonomic
Table 4.12. Element Fragmentation and Size at Asana modification of the assemblage. Postdepositional distur-
bance factors are myriad, but one of the most significant is
density-mediated bone destruction. In an important se-
ries of publications, Lyman (1984,1985,1992,1994) has
100,711/112,322 87.9% demonstrated that certain skeletal elements are more prone
to postdepositional loss than others due to their differen-
Fragmentation by phase
tial density. That is, all things being equal, low bulk den-
Asana I1Puruma 93.8% sity bones, such as cervical vertebrae, atlas and axis, and
Asana IIJKhituna 91.8% rib midsections and distal ends, tend to "disappear" from
faunal assemblages more rapidly than do high bulk den-
Asana 1111]ilana 90.0%
sity bones, such as midsections of the humerus and radius,
Asana IV/Muruq'uta 94.3% most of the metatarsal and metacarpal, and the astragalus
(Lyman 1984: table 6). If density-mediated processes are
Asana VIPisi Mara
not taken into consideration, it is possible to make a vari-
Asana VIlQhuna 90.4% ety of errors in analysis, such as interpreting empirically
Asana VIIIAwati 84.2% observed reverse utility curves as being of human origin
when in fact it appears that bone loss is a more parsimoni-
Element size b
ous explanation. Further, Lyman (1992) has demonstrated
7,814/11,611 67.3% that for all species for which utility indices have been com-
puted, there is an inverse relationship between element
density and utility. That is, elements of greater utility are
3Total number of specimens (NSP) classified as unknown,
more likely to disappear from faunal assemblages due to
unidentifiable splinters, or unidentifiable cancellous fragments.
Total NSP.
density-mediated processes because of their low bulk den-
b'fotal number of identifiable elements (NISP) less than 2 cm in sity alone and not necessarily because of human transport
maximum dimension. Total NISP. decisions. As Lyman (1992: 20) points out, while the ex-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 101

istence of a reverse utility curve in a faunal assemblage is Table 4.13. Relationship of Bone Survivorship
not necessarily presumptive evidence for density-mediated and Bone Density at Asana
bone loss, it is often the most plausible explanation for the
shape of the curve.
Level N Element Classesa Rho Signijicance b
The magnitude of density-mediated bone loss varies in
the levels examined at Asana. I have used Lyman's (1984:
282-293) methodology for establishing the relationship II 4 -.26 .60 (ns)
between bone element survivorship and bulk density, us-
VIII 9 -.37 .60 (ns)
ing volume density measure (VD). Using the element clas-
sification developed for this project and the values ofVD XII 3 .82 .22
for specific scan sites (Lyman 1984: table 10), it is possible XIV 9 .03 .60 (ns)
to calculate Spearman's rho, a rank-order correlation co-
XVIlb 12 -.20 .51 (ns)
efficient, to determine the strength of the relationship of
bone element survivorship-here represented by the NISP XVIIc 12 -.39 .22
for each element observed-and the value ofVD for that XVIII 5 .33 .52 (ns)
element of the faunal assemblage for each level of the site. .30 .47 (ns)
Values of rho near + 1.0 suggest that bone density has a
strong influence on survivorship. As can be seen in table PXIV 15 -.13 .65 (ns)
4.13, only Level XII has a very strong positive relation- PXVII 10 -.27 .45 (ns)
ship, indicating that this assemblage has probably lost ele- PXX 6 .41 .36
ments to density-mediated processes, and therefore any
PXXIV 13 -.64 .48
subsequent analysis ofthe assemblage must be viewed with
caution. However, since the number of element classes is PXXIX 14 -.40 .16
small, the result is not statistically significant, thus tem- PXXX 7 .41 .36
pering this interpretation. There are three levels-PXX:,
PXXXII 3 .50 .66 (ns)
PXXX, and PXXXll-that have moderate positive values
of rho that are statistically significant. While the relation-
ship is not very strong, it does suggest that the analyses of aNumber of element classes are those for which Lyman (1984:
these three levels be carefully evaluated. The remaining table 10) has published bone density data. For most levels there
levels of the site show relationships that are not statisti- are more elements present.
cally significant, show no trend, or are negative, indicat- bValues listed are for .05 level of significance. Absolute value of
ing that density-mediated processes probably did not have rho must exceed table value for significance at this level.
a significant influence on the faunal assemblage structure.
Another taphonomic problem to be considered is the
degree to which the assemblage has been disturbed or that carnivore ravaging has not affected the composition
modified by carnivore ravaging. Ethnoarchaeology has of the assemblage significantly. This conclusion, however,
demonstrated that dogs and other carnivores routinely must be tempered by recalling that the size of individual
scavenge bones from archaeological sites (Hudson 1993), fragments is small, and therefore evidence for gnawing may
removing them from archaeological context and thus hav- not be well preserved.
ing a potentially negative effect on the interpretation of Since carnivores tend to take bones off site or often to
the faunal assemblage. Unlike density-mediated processes, site margins, it is useful to determine whether any skeletal
however, there are relatively few direct ways in which to elements appear to be underrepresented. Since density-
measure the effect ofcarnivore attrition on an assemblage, mediated attrition has not substantially affected the assem-
and as Hudson has pointed out, archaeologists are not yet blage, skeletal elements present are likely to reflect the
in a position to develop a reliable measure of precarnivore combined effects of human transport decisions, methods
skeletal element frequency. Tabulation of gnawing marks ofprocessing, human removal ofskeletal elements through
on bones is an obvious method; the more an assemblage is group mobility or exchange, and carnivore removal.
gnawed, the more it is likely to have been disturbed. Only Hudson (1993: 320), based upon her ethnoarchaeological
0.1 % of the bones at Asana have been gnawed, suggesting research with the Aka, suggests that carnivore-ravaged as-
102 Field and Analytical Methods

semblages are generally likely to demonstrate the follow- Table 4.14. Relative Frequencies ofNISP
ing characteristics based on an ordinal scale of measure- in Levels Examined a
ment: "preferential survival of heads, the loss of articular
ends of limb bones, and of carpals, tarsals, phalanges, and
the underrepresentation of vertebrae and ribs." As aggre- Mean, median, and standard deviations of relative frequency of
gated by level and measured by relative frequency ofNISP skull/head parts: .064, .07, .02
95% confidence interval: .076 < .064 < .052
for each element (i.e., NISP divided by the total NISP
from a specific provenience), it is possible to get some sense Mean, median, and standard deviations of relative frequency of
of the degree to which an assemblage may have been af- high loss parts: .360, .37, .09
fected by carnivores. Since there is no absolute standard 95% confidence interval: .41 < .36 < .31
against which the degree of ravaging can be determined Mean, median, and standard deviations of relative frequency of
because the original structure of the assemblage cannot articulating ends: .227, .22, .14
be known, it is necessary to develop other criteria that can 95% confidence interval: .30 < .23 < .15 h
perhaps serve as proxy measures.
One such measure is to compare the relative frequency
of each of Hudson's categories in each provenience against High Loss Articulating
Level Skull/Head c Parts d Ends e
the mean value of that category across all levels. The de-
gree to which any level deviates in a statistically signifi-
cant manner can be evaluated by computing 95% confi- II .09 .18 .06 (.264)
dence intervals for each category. In this instance, I am
looking for levels that satisfy the following conditions: a VIII .07 .36 .02 (.141)
high relative frequency of skull/head parts, low relative XIV .11 .44 .15 (.387)
frequencies of parts subject to greater probabilities of loss
XVIIb .07 .23 .05 (.223)
from carnivore ravaging, and low relative frequencies of
articulating ends of long bones. This is operationalized as XVIIc .07 .44 .02 (.141)
follows: carnivore-ravaged assemblages should have rela- XVIII .00 .51 .00 (.000)
tive frequencies greater than expected of skull/head parts
while simultaneously having lower than expected frequen-
XIX .07 .38 .00 (.000)
cies of "loss" parts and articulating ends. PXIV .05 .37 .11 (.331)
Means and standard deviations, as well as medians, were
PXVII .08 .32 .18 (.424)
calculated for each category and 95% confidence intervals
computed (table 4.14). The frequency distributions of PXX .09 .42 .05 (.223)
skull/head parts and high "loss" parts showed good cen- PXXIV .03 .37 .12 (.346)
tral tendency and did not require a transformation to re-
PXXIX .03 .47 .10 (.316)
move skewness. The means and medians of these distri-
butions are very similar. The distribution of articulating PXXX .08 .28 .03 (.173)
ends, however, was skewed to the left, and thus a square
root transformation was employed to make it more sym-
aTable excludes Levels XII and XXXII due to small sample sizes;
metrical. The table values used are the square roots of the
values in bold conform to expectations of carnivore damaged bone
original data values, and 95% confidence intervals were assemblages.
computed on the transformed variables. As can be seen in bValues of relative frequency are square root transformations of
table 4.14, most of the assemblages show some probable the original data values performed to remove skewness from the
effect of carnivore ravaging. Nine of the 13 levels have at distribution.
least one expectation for such an assemblage met, and 2 clncludes cranial parts, mandibles, and maxillae.
dHigh loss parts, as defined by Hudson (1993), include vertebrae,
levels-II and PXXX-have two of three met. These re-
ribs, carpals, tarsals, and phalanges.
sults suggest that the faunal assemblages of these two lev- elncludes the summed frequencies of the articulating ends of
els must be interpreted with some caution. radius, ulna, humerus, femur, and metapodials. The quantity in
In summary, taking into account both density-medi- parentheses is the square root of the summed relative frequency.
ated loss and the effects of carnivore ravaging, two faunal
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 103

assemblages-PXX and PXXX-may have suffered sig- NISP is not a good predictor of actual numbers of indi-
nificant postdepositional disturbance. These effects must viduals present with small sample sizes (Hudson 1993).
be carefully weighed when interpreting the two assem- While it is always preferable to calculate NISP within
blages' structure. These results also suggest that some form individual taxa, the characteristics of the assemblages found
of taphonomic process has affected in some fashion al- at Asana make that difficult in most instances. Conse-
most every assemblage subsequently discussed. Unfortu- quently, the three taxa aggregates used most extensively in
nately, the severity of these effects on other assemblages the faunal analyses described later will be the tripartite
cannot be easily measured. division of the large mammal aggregate-cervid, camelid,
and unknown. MNI for each taxon will be calculated when-
Quantitative Measures Employed and Methods ofAggregation ever possible using the formula developed by Grayson
Because ofthe fragmentation ofthe faunal assemblage from (1984), and MNI values will be compared to NISP to in-
Asana, the primary quantitative measure to be employed sure that the relative abundance of NISP values can be
is NISP per taxon or an aggregate oftaxa (table 4.15). NISP interpreted in a meaningful manner (Lyman 1982: 360).
has a number of problems as a quantitative measure of It should be stressed that calculated MNI values from Asana
faunal assemblages, the most difficult being the unknown are likely to be very poor indicators of actual MNI present
degree ofinterdependence ofthe counted skeletal elements in the assemblage, and it has been shown that MNI may
(Lyman 1982: 359; Grayson 1984). It may also overrepre- also underrepresent the actual. number of individuals
sent the number of large animals in a faunal assemblage present if the taxa under examination are of small size and
(Hudson 1993). However, NISP can be highly correlated due to the inherent limits of the way in which MNI actu-
with the actual number of individuals per taxon (Grayson ally counts bones (Hudson 1993).
1984: 49-67). In a study of ethnographically observed fau- The archaeological aggregates of the faunal analysis
nal assemblages of Aka foragers, Hudson (1993) was able must also be considered. As Grayson (1984) has observed,
to show that the correlation between NISP and the actual how one aggregates faunal samples determines in great
number ofindividuals present was greater than +0.95 prior part the values ofNISP or MNI that can be calculated and
to carnivore-ravaging and size-related losses. However, may even affect the ordinal scale ranking of the relative
abundance of skeletal elements present. It would be ideal
to be able to examine aggregates that reflect a single be-
havioral process, such as hone dumps derived from food
Table 4.15. Animal Taxa and Aggregation consumption, concentrations of faunal remains derived
in the Asana Faunal Assemblage from marrow cracking or bone grease processing, and
butchery, or even single "instants" or events in the past.
For instance, Thomas and Meyer (1983: 355) discuss the
Avian aggregate
degree to which concentrations found on the "living" sur-
Snnalinnannnnal taxa face of Horizon 2 at Gatecliff Shelter have an episodic or
Canid (Canidae indet.) accretional origin, and while they note that it is impos-
Rodents sible to verify the origin with certainty, they claim it is
Vizcacha (Lagidium viscacia) probable that the Horizon 2 materials were deposited in a
Mice (various)
single behavioral event. Based on their reading of stratig-
Snnall nnammal aggregate raphy, especially when compared to other depositional
Small mammal, unknown contexts at Gatecliff Shelter, their argument is reasonable.
Large nnamnnal taxa Unfortunately, situations like that at Horizon 2 at
Guanaco/llama (Lama guanicoelLama glama) Gatecliff Shelter are relatively rare at most archaeological
Vicuna/alpaca (Lama vicugnalLama pacos) sites, including Asana. While the site was excavated by "liv-
Taruca (Hippocamelus sp.) ing" floors, it is clear that most of these floors, with a num-
ber ofprominent exceptions such as the dumping ofa num-
Large nnamnnal aggregate
ber of disarticulated camelids below a rock overhang on
Camelid the PXXVI floor or the occupational surface of CL VIIb,
Large nnammal, unknown are palimpsest occupations and reoccupations, and the
"true" amount of time any level was occupied and the de-
104 Field and Analytical Methods

gree to which refuse generated during these invisible tion of the food utility index (FUI). As Metcalfe and Jones
reoccupations of the site has been mixed with other be- (1988: 490-494) point out, not only is the FUI highly cor-
havioral events cannot be estimated with any certainty. related with Binford's MGUI estimates for caribou skel-
Most living surfaces have been carefully cleaned and refuse etal part utility (Pearson's r = 0.99, P < 0.000 1), it is far
redeposited in a variety of middens and dumps, and there- simpler to calculate because it is based upon a series of
fore the concentrations of faunal remains found at Asana easily obtained measures, thus making the measure broadly
are best thought of as accretions. While not ideal, the ba- applicable to any large mammal species.
sic unit of aggregation used in this study is the level, which The utility of each skeletal element must be derived
in most instances is a reasonable compromise between empirically. Although there are broad similarities in the
specific behavioral events and sets ofredundant events that utility ofskeletal elements between animal species of com-
occurred over an unspecified time frame. This position is parable size, it is preferable to have utility estimates based
consistent with Lyman's (1982: 346) assertion that it is of- upon empirical analyses of the species under examination.
ten more useful to aggregate faunal assemblages by a more Fortunately, utility indices for the llama and guanaco have
behaviorally relevant unit, such as a house floor, midden, been calculated (Borrero 1990; Mengoni 1991; table 4.16).
or other feature. Obviously, the key issue that must be The use of the FUI is straightforward: given a set of
considered here is the degree to which activity performance processing and transportation costs, which are themselves
can be said to be redundant within these levels. This is dependent upon a myriad of factors, such as the number
discussed at length for each of the levels studied in detail. of animals killed, the sex of the prey, the distance to the
site, whether caching can be employed, and the amount of
Utility, Transport, and "Behavioral" Aggregation ofthe Asana meat and bones that can be transported, the skeletal ele-
Fauna It has become commonplace to study faunal re- ments with the highest FUI will be selected first for re-
mains in terms of their overall utility as food products and turn to the site, followed in order by the other skeletal
to relate this measure of economic uti~ity to transport de- elements. As Metcalfe and Jones (1988: 495) point out,
cisions made by prehistoric foragers. Much of this has been the best representation of the choices made by foragers as
stimulated by Binford's (1978) Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology, to which elements to return to the site is best described as
a landmark study that developed a multitude of method- a threshold function in which all skeletal elements above a
ological tools useful in the analysis of faunal remains of certain utility will be selected for return to the site and all
large mammals. Of the many measures he proposed, per- of the lower ranking elements will remain in place. Em-
haps the most valuable is the modified general utility in- pirically, however, they note that the patterns of bones
dex (MGUI), which is a measure of the relative economic taken from or remaining at kill sites appear to be probabi-
importance of skeletal elements based upon an ordering listic in form, meaning that the value of the FUI for any
ofthe proportions ofmeat, grease, marrow, and other prod- element is an imperfect, but still valuable, predictor con-
ucts associated with them (Binford 1978: 72-75; Thomas ditioned by these situational factors that cause the animal
and Meyer 1983: 367). The quantitative estimation of eco- to be butchered in parts or sections. Ethnographically,
nomic utility permits the archaeologist to develop and test animals are not evaluated strictly by individual skeletal el-
empirically models of transport decisions made by forag- ements and their associated value but as packets or sec-
ers by comparing the identified skeletal elements (usually tions of the body (Binford 1978: 60). For instance, lower
aggregated by MAD or percent of MAD) at an archaeo- limb elements, often described as "riders" (Metcalfe and
logical site to their economic utility. This can be done Jones 1988: 497) and characterized by low FUI values and
graphically, and it has been observed that the shape of the anatomical proximity to some higher ranked part, are nev-
distribution ofskeletal elements plotted against MGUI can ertheless often removed from a kill site not because they
be compared to a number of theoretically defined trans- are valuable per se but because the cost to remove them is
port strategies, including bulk, gourmet, unbiased, or re- too great at the moment, they facilitate transport, there is
verse utility (Binford 1978; Metcalfe andJones 1988: 496; no significant transport cost associated with leaving them
Thomas and Meyer 1983: 368). attached, or some other factor. To deal with this problem,
A number of useful modifications have been made to Metcalfe andJones (1988: 499) advocate a more intensive
Binford's MGUI, the most important being Metcalfe and investigation of the contexts of animal kills and subsequent
Jones's (1988) simplification of Binford's very complex for- butchery with an emphasis upon the time or energy costs
mula for calculating MGUI and the consequent introduc- associated with different combinations of situational fac-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 105

Table 4.16. Llama and Guanaco Utility Indices tors. One part of this analysis necessarily involves a deeper
knowledge about the parts or sections into which animals
are generally divided. In one sense, these are situational,
Skeletal Element Llama Guanaco behavioral aggregates of skeletal elements that can facili-
tate subsequent analysis.
Mengoni (1991) describes two distinct approaches to
Skull 14.8 10.0
the butchery ofllamas that result in slightly different pack-
Mandible ets produced (table 4.17). One approach simply involves
w/tongue 9.9 5.7 the butchery of the animal for the calculation of the MUII
w/out tongue 5.6 FUI for the llama, while the second is Miller's (1979)
Atlas/axis 8.6 8.8 ethnoarchaeological observation of the butchery of llamas
by Andean pastoralists. While neither of these two permit
the estimation of energy or time costs associated with the
Cervical 64.2 51.3
butchering process, they are valuable as guides to the po-
Thoracic 61.8 22.1
Lumbar/sacral 77.9 44.9 tential range of behavioral aggregates or packets and their
associated skeletal elements. It should be stressed that both
Ribs 100.0 100.0
Sternum 99.4 8.5
Table 4.17. Alternative Practices for Butchering Llamas
Scapula 41.7 38.4
Humerus 36.7
proximal 38.4 Mengoni (1991: table 1)
distal 23.8
Head (skull and mandible)
Femur 75.9 83.2
Chest (sternum)
Radius 23.0
Forequarters (scapula, humerus, radioulna, and carpals)
proximal 15.8
distal 7.8 Hindquarters (femur, tibia, tarsals, pelvises)
Ulna 23.0 Ribs
proximal 19.8
Neck (cervical vertebrae)
distal 7.8
Anterior column (thoracic vertebrae)
Tibia 43.0
proximal 57.2 Posterior column (lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx)
distal 21.3
Feet (metapodials and phalanges)
Pelvis 40.2 40.2
Miller (1979)
Metacarpals 6.5
Head (skull and mandible)
proximal 2.6
distal 2.4 Chest (sternum)
Metatarsals 11.5 Forequarters (2d-llth ribs, scapula, humerus, radioulna,
proximal 6.6 carpals)
distal 4.4
Hindquarters (innominates, femur, tibia, tarsals)
Carpals 11.8
Neck (cervical vertebrae, 1st rib, 1st thoracic vertebra)
Tarsals 21.9
Spinal column (two parts; 2d-ll th thoracic vertebrae; 12th
Phalanges 4.8 2.1 vertebra, 12th rib, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx)
Feet (metapodials and phalanges)
106 Field and Analytical Methods

of these examples are from sedentary contexts in which Table 4.18. Skeletal Element Partitions and
transport decisions are not directly relevant to the butch- Utility Estimates for the Guanaco and the Taruca
ery process. Interestingly, they are very similar to Binford's
(1978: 60) description of the way in which the Nunamiut
partition caribou. The major difference appears to be the Utility
way in which the ribs are treated. In the ethnographic case
observed by Miller, the 2d through 11 th ribs are treated as Partition and Element Guanaco Taruca a
a portion of the front quarters of the animal, while the
Nunamiut treat the ribs as a separate entity. The differen-
tial treatment of the ribs may be due to transport consid- Head/neck
erations as well as to overall size and weight differences Skull 10.0 12.9
between the llama and the caribou. Axis/atlas 8.8 18.7
The behavioral aggregate of the fauna employed in the Mandible 5.7 14.1
present analysis is a compromise between the detail of the
ethnographic case studies and the structure of the faunal Summed Utility 24.5 45.7
assemblage from Asana. Instead of the seven to nine parti-
tions presented in table 4.17, I will use only five: head, Cervical vertebrae 51.3 55.3
ribs, proximal and distal sections, and lumbar/sacral sec- Humerus 38.4 28.2
tion (fig. 4.20). Associated skeletal elements are presented Radius/ulna 7.8-19.3 14.1
in table 4.18 along with a rank ordering of the economic Metacarpals 2.6 4.7
utility of each partition calculated very simply by summing
Summed Utility 100.1-116.1 102.3
the FUl for each skeletal element in the partition using
Lyman's (1992: table 1) modification of Borrero's (1990) Trunk
calculation of guanaco utility. This aggregation, while Ribs 100.0 100.0
broadly similar to the ethnographic descriptions, is more Pelvis 41.5 81.3
Scapula 38.4 44.9
sensitive to the problems of the Asana faunal assemblage.
Thoracic vertebrae 22.1 46.5
As noted previously, it is probable that MNI values for
Sternum 8.5
each level aggregate have been underestimated due to ex-
treme fragmentation, and therefore NISP will be used as Summed Utility 209.2 272.7
the primary measure of skeletal element quantities. Un- Hindlimb
fortunately, reliable MNI estimates are necessary for the Femur 83.2 78.2
empirical derivation of butchery strategies, and NISP, since Tibia 21.3-52.2 20.8
it may overcount skeletal elements present, cannot be used Metatarsals 4.4-6.6 6.4
as a substitute. To obtain a reasonable description of pos-
Summed Utility 108.9-142.0 105.4
sible butchery strategies, NISP counts per partition will
be made for each level or provenience aggregation. While End
coarse grained, this procedure will nevertheless provide Lumbar vertebrae 44.8 38.9
an estimate of the relative contribution of each behavioral Summed Utility 44.8 38.9
partition for a given level or provenience unit. This pro-
cedure assumes that the bones from each behavioral parti-
tion are equally fragmented and that the potential quanti- aTaruca estimates based on Binford's (1978: table 1.5) estimates for
sheep meat utility. Sternum excluded from taruca trunk packet due
ties of fragments from each partition are roughly equal in
to differences in butchery practice when compared to guanaco
proportion. Given the few whole skeletal elements or ele- trunk packet.
ments greater than 5 cm in maximum dimension found in
the assemblage, these assumptions are reasonable.

Differences in Utility between Species Some differences

exist between llamas and guanacos in terms of the eco-
nomic utility of the same body parts (table 4.16). There is
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 107

There are no estimates of the economic utility of ei-

ther the taruca or the vicuna, and since both are endan-
gered species, it is unlikely that robust quantitative esti-
mates of their skeletal utility will be generated in the fu-
ture. I will therefore assume that the vicuna has a relative
skeletal utility equivalent to that of the guanaco. This is
probably acceptable, within limits, since these animals are
of the same genus. The greatest difference between these
species with regard to utility is that the vicuna is likely to
have lower meat weights per skeletal element or packet
A Head/Neck
when compared to the guanaco, and thus any differences
B Forelimb are in terms of amounts and weights of usable products
C Trunk rather than utility per see
o Hindlimb This is not the situation, however, when comparing the
E End
taruca to the guanaco. As Binford (1978: 23) has shown,
Fig. 4.20. Packets and skeletal elements of the behavioral while there is substantial agreement between the utility
aggregate used in this study. indices of the sheep and caribou, there are major and im-
portant differences between these species when the utility
of chest and thigh are compared. Sheep, with shorter,
smaller hindquarters, show a much lower meat utility for
a high correlation between the values of llama utility us- their femurs (78.24) than do caribou (100.0). In contrast,
ing the Metcalfe and Jones (1988) FUI formula and gua- since meat is more evenly distributed about the body, par-
naco utility using Binford's (1978) Mill and Lyman's (1992: ticularly considering the chest or trunk (represented by
table 1) modification of Borrero's (1990) original data to the ribs), the meat utility of the sheep (100.0) is higher
differentiate proximal radius, ulna, humerus, femur, and than that of the caribou (51.6). Given the differences not
metatarsals (Pearson's r, +0.914, p < 0.001; Spearman's rho, only in weight but in the scaling of body proportions be-
+0.882, P < 0.01). This calculation modifies the role of the tween the guanaco and the taruca, it seems more reason-
sternum in the calculation of both llama and guanaco util- able to use sheep utility indices as a rough guide to packet
ity. As Mengoni notes, since the sternum should be con- utility for the taruca (see table 4.18).
sidered as a special cut, it should be removed from the Moving beyond utility indices, yet another comparison
calculation owing to the very distinctive way in which this of these different species is to look at their average meat
skeletal part is cut up by Andean pastoralists (Mengoni weights. That is, given the evisceration of kills in the field
1991; Miller 1979). Following this advice, I have set gua- and minimal field butchery and disarticulation of these
naco sternum utility equal to that of the llama. Removing animals in the field, how much meat is returned to the
the sternum entirely does not change the correlation. residential base? An answer to the question is useful if in
The vertebral column of the guanaco in general has a fact whole animals of all species are returned; if not, an
somewhat lower utility than that of the llama, especially examination of the actual packets present makes better
the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (Mengoni 1991: fig. 1). analytical sense. Looking strictly at size, the guanaco has
This difference appears to be based upon the smaller quan- the largest amount of meat: assuming a dressing percent-
tities of meat associated with these bones on the guanaco age of 55% (that is, the weight of meat only, excluding
in relation to the weight of the vertebrae. Mengoni (1991) bones, internal organs, and skin), average meat weight for
speculates that while differences in body weight may not this species is 50-66 kg, assuming a weight range of 100-
be determinative, this difference can instead be attributed 129 kg/animal. Vicuna and taruca are roughly equivalent
to greater fat deposition or greater muscle mass in this and given similar assumptions have meat weights of 27.5-
area of the llama. Llamas are a domesticated species, and 30.25 kg and 24.75-27.5 kg, respectively. These values are
for at least the past 2,000 years in the Andean world they significantly smaller than those for the guanaco.
have been used primarily for transport. The greater muscle
mass of the llama is best explained by selection for larger
animals capable of carrying heavier loads.
108 Field and Analytical Methods

Beyond Butchery: Identifying Other Processing Techniques ing. Making bone grease is a time-consuming process that
Much has been made of the fragmentation of the faunal involves the crushing and pounding of stored bones, usu-
assemblage from Asana, but so far there has been little ally metapodials and articulating ends oflong bones. Other
consideration of the processes that fragmented the bones. bones, however, may also be used, and it appears there is a
Ground stone bone pounding and crushing tools have been strong situational component in bone selection. Since suf-
identified empirically in all periods of occupation at the ficient numbers of bones must be accumulated to make
site, and it is likely that most of the bones were fragmented the process worthwhile, environmental conditions must
during marrow extraction. There are a number of ques- be appropriate for storage. For the Nunamiut, bones are
tions, however, that must be addressed to define the tim- often accumulated over the winter for making grease in
ing of the processing events as well as the possibility that the spring, although Binford (1978: 159) also observes that
other types of processing technologies, such as the prepa- bones may be hoarded for shorter periods of time. As
ration of bone juice or grease, were practiced at the site. Binford (1978: 158) notes, the bone is pulverized into small
Binford (1978: 152-167) has shown that marrow pro- fragments, and in appearance the processed bone resembles
cessing and extraction and the preparation of bone juice bone meal (Binford 1978: 159). To make the grease, the
or bone grease are situational processes, dependent on the pulverized bone is immersed in boiling water to separate
season, availability of fresh meat, the quality and quantity the grease from the bone. Binford (1978: 159) observed a
of dried or frozen meat available, and the number of con- stone boiling technique, and the most distinctive residue
sumers present at the meal. While most of these factors of the process was the large number of discarded, broken,
are not directly observable in the archaeological record, it and hoarded stones used in the boiling process. The next
is possible, using faunal evidence, to determine the degree most distinctive residue was the discrete heap of discarded
to which marrow cracking is part of the immediate con- tiny bone fragments.
sumption of the meat off the bones or is a mass processing In contrast, bone juice making is a simpler process, in-
event. Enloe (1993) has developed a model useful in dif- volving the pounding, crushing, and boiling of bones and
ferentiating these processes and has argued that mass pro- the subsequent consumption of the grease-saturated wa-
cessing of bones for marrow may be indicated in a faunal ter. As Binford (1978: 164-165) has observed of the
assemblage by concentrations of skeletal elements with Nunamiut, bone juice processing occurs in two distinct
high marrow utility that show consistency in size and break- circumstances, both consistent with high or frequent resi-
age pattern. That is, the assumption is that there will be dential mobility: in residential camps when fresh meat is
standardization of the process of breaking the bones so available but there is a low probability of sufficient accu-
that each bone is struck in the same location resulting in mulation of articulator ends for the preparation of bone
relatively long fragments. In contrast, incidental breakage grease and in logistical camps, such as hunting camps, trail
of bones for marrow during immediate consumption stops, or butchering locations, when the juice is seen as a
should result in an assemblage characterized by skeletal casual addition to the meal. At residential bases, females
elements of high meat utility and highly variable breakage are responsible for making bone juice, whereas in logisti-
patterns with shorter, smaller bone fragments. Further, cal camps, males do the work.
mass-processing dumps should contain more metapodial Bone juice processing residues at residential bases in-
fragments relative to either upper limb or unidentified clude concentrations of pulverized or crushed bone, al-
splinters than middens created by immediate food con- though whole or recognizable bone fragments may be used
sumption. Enloe (1993), using three ethnographically as well. When making bone juice under these circum-
known assemblages from the Nunamiut, has confirmed stances, any bone fragments will do, and thus bone juice
the general expectations of the model, finding that bones dumps should be characterized by large quantities of small
broken in mass processing tend to be longer and show less fragments of a variety of bones and many unidentifiable
variation in length (as measured by the coefficient ofvaria- fragments. Of great interest is the large quantity of can-
tion) than do bones broken through food consumption. cellous fragments in these dumps (Binford 1978: table 4.8).
Bone juice and bone grease processing also leave dis- In contrast, bone juice dumps at Nunamiut logistical camps
tinctive residues in the archaeological record, but to date are dominated by rib fragments, obtained either as trail
no formal model of such processes has been developed. foods or fresh kills. Since processing is for the individual
Consequently, we must rely upon Binford's (1978: 152- only, the quantity of residue is likely to be much smaller.
167) observations ofNunamiut bone grease and juice mak- The residues expected for these processing techniques
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 109

and the way in which such residues can be implemented as Intrasite analysis has become increasingly important to
a model for the interpretation of the faunal remains from students of foraging societies over the past ten years, and
Asana are presented in table 4.19. To determine size varia- both ethnoarchaeological (Gamble and Boismier 1991;
tion, since exact measures of individual bone fragments Kroll and Price 1991) and computational (Whallon 1984;
were not taken due to the size of the assemblage, onlyor- Blankholm 1991) approaches have been emphasized. In-
dinal scale measures of bone size will be compared. It is creasingly, there is the recognition that the two are comple-
important to note that these residues must also be recog- mentary and that true progress in our ability to interpret
nized as discrete dumps and described in spatial terms. site structure will come when quantitative approaches are
That is, the spatial distribution of these residues must be combined with ethnoarcheologically derived models with
examined at sites, and the residues must not be viewed a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of
simply as a level- or provenience-wide aggregation of the method employed and the data identified as appropri-
materials. The problem of how these dumps are recog- ate for the solution of the problem at hand (Carr 1991).
nized spatially will be discussed later. The determinants of the organization of space at the
camps of foraging peoples are many, but the most impor-
Goals and Methods ofDistributional Analyses tant include: intensity of use, site population (including
Distributional analyses, also known as intrasite spatial the numbers of people present as well as their social rela-
analyses, are designed to identify patterning in the spatial tionships), the range of activity performance, anticipated
distribution of artifacts and site facilities in an effort to length of stay, seasonality of occupation, the characteris-
reconstruct site structure (Binford 1983: 172). Interpret- tics of the space itself, and the use of structures (Bartram,
ing site structure can help to identify the range ofsite func- Kroll, and Bunn 1991; Binford 1983; Hitchcock 1982: 338;
tions, the size and composition of the group resident at O'Connell, Hawkes, and Jones 1991). Each of these fac-
the site, and the length of occupation, all ofwhich are nec- tors creates a complex web of relationships that conditions
essary for the definition of the "place" of a site in its re- the location ofactivity performance, the locations ofrefuse
gional settlement and subsistence system (Binford 1982). disposal, the kinds of refuse deposits created, and the ways
in which interior space, ifpresent, is used. Postdepositional
factors, such as scuffing and trampling, carnivore ravag-
Table 4.19. Assemblage Characteristics of ing, and human scavenging for potentially useful materi-
Bone-Processing Practices als, frequently blur behaviorally generated patterns, al-
though at least under some circumstances these patterns
are robust and can be recaptured with the appropriate ana-
Marrow cracking/food consumption lytical strategies (Gregg, Kintigh, and Whallon 1991).
Assemblage characterized by large number of small fragments One principle useful in discussing the organization of
Pulverized or massively crushed bone not expected space is the degree to which activities are space consum-
All major bone categories presenta ing or space conserving. Binford (1983: 165-172) makes a
Mass marrow cracking similar distinction in his definition of extensive activity
Assemblages with large relative frequencies oflarge fragments areas. While phrased in spatial terms, it is clear that there
Higher relative frequencies ofmetapodial fragments compared is also a temporal component to the organization ofspace.
to splinters from other long bones or unidentified fragments Space-consuming activities are those that use more space
and tend to limit the potential range of activities that can
Bone grease
Concentrations of pulverized bone be performed within that space. Hide preparation, for ex-
Low assemblage frequencies of articulator ends ample, is a space-consuming activity. Not only does it re-
Feature associations characteristic of bone grease making quire large amounts ofspace, it also tends to exclude other
kinds of activities from taking place near it. Roasting
Bone juice (residential sites)
hearths and associated food preparation areas are also space
Assemblages characterized by a combination oflarge and small
consuming, in that these activities become spatially fixed
Large quantities of small cancellous bone and again tend to exclude other activities. In contrast,
space-conserving activities or uses of space tend to be spa-
tially limited and are frequently characterized by variety
aAssuming the return of whole animals to the site. in the range ofactivities performed in them. A classic space-
110 Field and Analytical Methods

conserving feature is the exterior hearth which is variously Table 4.20. Disposal Behaviors
used for cooking, food preparation, socializing, and heat-
ing and warming. In terms of their spatial field, space-con-
serving activities may thus be performed simultaneously Types
within the same "boundaries." Primary refuse
The space-consuming-space-conserving continuum can In situ refuse
Drop zones
vary across a spatial scale as well. Some space-consuming
activities may have a limited spatial scale, such as special- Secondary
purpose dumps ofspecific kinds ofrefuse. In this case, while Temporary, situational dumps
individual dumps are relatively small, they are used only Discrete, relatively small dumps
for a single purpose. At a larger spatial scale, the relative Mixed dumps or middens
degree of the packing of structures and their associated Contents
facilities within a camp can also be described with this con- Relative sizes of materials
tinuum. For instance, the camp layout of the !Kung San as Kinds of materials represented
described by Yellen (1977) and Gould and Yellen (1987)
would be space conserving, in that the distances between Proximity to structures
structures are relatively small. In contrast, camp layouts Nearlbetween
of the Alyawara and other Australian groups as defined by Found at site margins
O'Connell (1987) and Gargett and Hayden (1991) would Proximity to "spaces"
be space consuming, in that they are spatially dispersed.
It is important to stress that this continuum is designed
not to overclassify activities into discrete types but instead
to look at the dynamic relationship between different kinds
of activities and the possible ways in which they can struc- collected and disposed of away from the locus of activity
ture the organization of space. The assessment of the performance. A number of secondary refuse deposits are
changing locations and ranges of space-consuming versus situational, in that they are loci in which trash is accumu-
space-conserving activities can provide useful insights into lated over a short term and is then collected and disposed
definitions of the place of a site and how it varies or re- ofin larger, more permanent dumps. So-called door dumps
mains the same through time. are good examples of such secondary disposal, as is refuse
accumulated during food production that is swept or
Organizational Contexts ofIntrasite Spatial Analysis The pushed into piles and disposed ofat some convenient time.
three organizational contexts for the analysis of the use of Some secondary dumps can be described as discrete, mean-
space at Asana are disposal, the use of exterior space, and ing that they are relatively small in size and composed of
the use of interior space. In thinking about disposal be- refuse derived from a single type of activity performance.
havior, three analytical categories can be considered: types, They may also be spatially discrete, in that they may be
contents, and locations. Attributes that can be examined taken to site margins or other areas in which they will not
or measured for each are presented in table 4.20. Regard- be contaminated by other refuse disposal behaviors. The
ing types, archaeologists usually attempt to distinguish discrete dumps generated by bone grease or bone juice
primary from secondary deposits (Schiffer 1987). Primary making in Nunamiut society are good examples of this
refuse is said to be a direct reflection of activity perfor- sort of secondary deposit (Binford 1978: 152-167). Dan-
mance in that it is left in place and is not swept away, col- gerous, hazardous, or simply objectionable materials, such
lected, or redeposited. Trash or waste may be left in situ as reduction debris or broken large bones, may be col-
and thus may be of a variety of sizes and types depending lected and taken to special dumps to keep them out of the
upon the kind of activity performed, or it may be a part of way and to reduce their potential impact on other activity
what Binford (1983: 153) has called the drop zone, an area performance. In addition, there are large, generalized
around a hearth or within a structure in which small resi- refuse dumps, or middens, in which refuse from a variety
dues from eating, manufacturing, or some other activity of activities is accumulated over a longer period of time.
simply drop to the ground around the individual. There should be considerable mixing of artifact types as
Secondary refuse is trash or other waste that has been well as artifact sizes in middens.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 111

Finally, it is possible to discuss the location of different Table 4.21. Behavioral Correlations of Measures
refuse deposits and their spatial relationships to structures of Activity Performance
and "spaces" at archaeological sites. Refuse can frequently
be found between or spatially proximate to structures, or
it may instead be found on the site margins well away from Activity performance
domestic or residential activity. While the degree to which Space consuming
this refuse is a direct reflection of activity performance Hide preparation, especially early stages
Butchery of large mammals
close to the structure or space is an empirical question,
Roasting pits/hearths
Boismier (1991) has shown that using ethnographic data
Animal pens/corrals
from the Ingalik, it was possible to test a number ofpropo-
Storage facilities such as meat drying racks
sitions about midden contents, structure utilization, and
the sexual division of labor at an archaeological site of that Space conserving
culture. Further, the relationship between refuse disposal Gear maintenance or production
and seemingly unused spaces at sites may be of interest. Lithic reduction
Domestic food preparation
Use ofExterior Space The archaeological thought on Empty space
the use of exterior space not already used as refuse dis- At a large scale, possibly space-consuming activity
posal zones has been dominated by activity area and hearth- performance
Truly unused space
based activity and seating models (table 4.21). As many
authors have noted, early intrasite spatial analysis focused Hearth-based models
on the search for activity areas, which were originally per- Interhearth distances
ceived to be spaces or locations with direct indications of Hearth location vis-a.-vis structures
activity performed and were frequently defined on the basis Hearths and nature of drop zone residues
of the spatial autocorrelation or co-occurrence of specific Hearth type and contents
Constraints on secondary refuse disposal (i.e., toss zones)
artifact types thought to have been used in some activity
generated around hearths
(see, for example, MacNeish et al. 1980). More than two
decades ofethnoarchaeological research has demonstrated Structure and space packing
that while "activity areas" do in fact exist, they are difficult Spatially dispersed, contemporaneous structures
to locate and define in the archaeological record. Spatially concentrated, contemporaneous structures
The space-conserving-space-consuming continuum is
a useful way in which to think about activity performance
(table 4.21). It is important to stress, however, that activ-
ity areas per se can only be recognized through primary
refuse deposits, especially if cleaning or preventative main- tivity performance at a site is limited, and seemingly empty
tenance is commonly practiced. In this case, activity per- spaces may be the loci of space-consuming activities that
formance may be monitored by concentrations of small, leave few material residues behind. Further, they may not
size-sorted debris that has been pushed or ground into the be used as refuse dumps because they were in use at the
soil matrix (Gamble 1991: 18). Yet another circumstance time of occupation or are anticipated to be used in the
in which the spatial distribution ofresidues may inform us not-too-distant future. This "negative" information may
of activity performance is a "last use" of the site in which be of considerable value in thinking about the overall pat-
its occupants anticipate leaving shortly, and therefore nor- tern in the organization of space at a site. However, such
mal site maintenance and cleaning are suspended. It may spaces may also be truly empty or only situationally used,
also be valuable to examine the contents ofsecondary refuse and therefore they should be interpreted with caution.
deposits that are spatially proximate to suspected activity Hearth-based or hearth-centered models of the use of
areas or "empty" spaces much in the way Boismier (1991) exterior space have become increasingly important in the
examined the relationship between midden contents and analysis of hunter-gatherer camps (Gamble 1991: 10-13).
the spatial proximity to structures. Hearths are often durable while associated structures fre-
Empty spaces must also be considered. In some circum- quently are not, and ethnoarchaeological studies in a num-
stances, the physical space available for habitation and ac- ber ofcontexts have demonstrated the hearth's importance
112 Field and Analytical Methods

as an organizational focus in foraging societies. Among tures of foraging peoples. In part, this may stem from the
the issues to be considered in the analysis of hearths are biases of the ethnographic record of modern foraging
interhearth spacing, the location of hearths vis-a.-vis ac- peoples, most of whom live in tropical or arid environ-
tual or so-called latent structures (Gamble 1991: 11) or ments in which permanent structures are uncommon and
empty spaces, the extent and content of hearth-associated in which most activity performance takes place outside.
drop zones, hearth type and contents, and constraints on While there are certainly exceptions, such as Binford's
secondary refuse disposal (i.e., toss zones) generated by (1978) work with the Nunamiut, the low volume of re-
hearth-based activity models (table 4.21). Based on both search has limited the kinds and range of useful empirical
archaeological and ethnoarchaeological observation, a generalizations that can be considered. However, studies
number of regularities are beginning to emerge regarding of the use of interior space in more complex societies, such
hearth spacing. Sleeping hearths, for example, have an as the Highland Maya (Hayden and Cannon 1983), offer
average center-to-center distance of 2 m, whereas cook- some insight into how foragers use the interiors of their
ing hearths tend to average 3 m (Gamble 1991: 12). Drop structures, as do cross-cultural studies of social complex-
zones generated by hearth-related activities range in their ity and degree of differentiation in internal space.
radius from the center of the hearth from 2 to 6 m, with The two most important determinants of the use of
the smaller distances apparently constrained by the pres- interior space appear to be the anticipated length of occu-
ence of nearby structures, activity areas, or even other pation and the number of people using that space over
hearths, whereas the larger distances are generally more that term. Other factors that may influence aspects of the
consistent with unconstrained, open-air hearth use pro- organization of space are the degree to which activities
posed by Binford (1983: 153). While these figures must can be performed outside (i.e., is the climate too severe to
not be used uncritically, it is clear that they have great value work outdoors on a routine basis?) and the need for heat
in helping to interpret more responsibly the kinds of pat- and light. In general, if a long stay is anticipated at a site,
terning generated by simple quantitative techniques. the organization of internal space tends to become more
Finally, it is useful to determine the degree to which formal, in that discrete areas are set aside for certain kinds
structures and their associated activity areas are either spa- of activity performance. Kitchen areas inside structures,
tially dispersed or tightly packed. Gould and Yellen (1987) for example, may be used solely for food preparation and
have argued that predator pressures are the reasons for eating, whereas outdoors, hearths are the foci of a wide
the apparent difference in spacing between !Kung San range of activities. Within structures, then, interior cook-
camps, which are tightly packed, versus Australian aborigi- ing areas become space consuming. Space-conserving uses
nal camps, which are not. However, Gargett and Hayden of space include sleeping areas, which in addition to their
(1991) have argued that social arrangements, particularly obvious function can also be used for eating or snacking
the emphasis a foraging group places on the sharing of (Binford 1983: 163-165) as well as storage. Hayden and
resources among members of the coresident group, is a Cannon (1983) note that inside Highland Maya house-
more probable explanation. The !Kung San strongly em- holds, wall areas or areas beneath beds are used for tem-
phasize sharing, whereas many Australian groups do not. porary storage, or what they call provisional discard, mean-
This focus upon sharing has been confirmed in part by ing that broken but potentially useful materials are stored
Whitelaw (1991), who has shown in a cross-cultural sur- in these areas until they can be repaired, replaced, or dis-
vey of foraging societies that the greater the reliance upon carded in a different secondary refuse location at some later
sharing, the more closely spaced are contemporaneous resi- date. Other space-conserving activities are those that can
dential structures. Binford (1991 b) offers a contrary view be performed in the central, open space of a dwelling, pos-
that suggests that tent spacing is highly situational and sibly around a heating or lighting hearth. These activities
reflects the degree of economic independence between the are likely to produce easily disposed-ofwaste, and the tools
inhabitants of the site, which in turn is dependent upon as well as the raw materials used in activity performance
their degree of kinship and differences in age. Therefore can be quickly stored when different uses of the central
while causality of spacing cannot be directly read, struc- space are required or anticipated.
ture spacing is a potentially important variable in the study Given a more formal use of space and possibly a rela-
of the spatial organization of foraging camps. tively large number of people using the space, cleaning
Ethnoarchaeologists have given relatively little consid- and maintenance are very important. Floors are likely to
eration to the use of interior space in the residential struc- be swept or picked up frequently, and traces of activity
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 113

performance, aside from those in interior kitchen areas, missed entirely or be interpreted as wholly separate sites
are likely to be difficult to identify. Size-sorting, however, when they were in fact contemporaneous.
may prove of value inside structures as well and may pro- Although the excavation blocks at Asana are the largest
vide evidence for drop zones or activity performance. Situ- exposure of contiguous blocks at any South American Ar-
ational and temporary secondary refuse deposits, such as chaic Period site, they are nevertheless relatively small
door dumps, may also be common (Binford 1983: 165), when compared to the mean site sizes described in the
and in other instances unobjectionable refuse, such as wood preceding paragraphs. Block sizes range from a minimum
ash, may simply be pushed along the edge of a structure. of 64 m 2 to over 150 m 2 Although it was fortunate that
the original placement and subsequent expansion of the
Context ofIntrasite Spatial Analysis Although the exca- block appear to have been optimally placed for the recov-
vation strategy at Asana was designed to expose a large ery of the bulk of dwellings and structures that once ex-
contiguous block so that variation in the organization of isted at the site, there is a poor sample of site margin areas
space could be analyzed, it is important to stress the po- or simply empty space. Furthermore, as was explained ear-
tential weaknesses of the data, the two most important of lier, Asana is a good example of the problems seen in deep-
which are the limited size of the excavation block itself site archaeology. While no Koster South, the large num-
and the method by which the data were aggregated. ber of levels, combined with their productivity, has meant
One of the more daunting observations on the organi- that areal coverage had to be sacrificed for the recovery of
zation of space derived from recent ethnoarchaeological the lower levels of the site. Finally, portions of the site
studies of forager camp organization is that the absolute have been destroyed by landslides and erosion from the
size of residential bases is large. Fisher and Strickland's Rio Asana. Landslide deposits not only scoured some lev-
data (1991: 227-230; see especially tables 2 and 3) show els of the site, they have also buried site margin areas with
that residential base size as measured in square meters of up to 5 m of colluvium.
the !Kung San, Efe, and Australian aboriginal groups What all of this means for intrasite spatial analysis at
ranges from a minimum of ca. 42 m 2 for the Efe to a maxi- Asana is clear: data recovery strategies were biased toward
mum of over 150,000 m 2 for the Australian groups. Even structure recovery, and therefore it is probable that there
mean values are substantial, ranging from ca. 242 m 2 for is a very incomplete sample ofsite margin secondary refuse
the Efe, 358 m 2 for the !Kung San, and almost 40,000 m 2 deposits or activity areas. These limits must be kept firmly
for the Australian groups. Although not quantified, the in mind when level-to-Ievel comparisons are made.
camp sizes Binford (1983, 1991b) illustrates are even larger Although every attempt was made to identify palimp-
than some of the Australian examples. The !Kung San sest occupations within stratigraphic levels and to exca-
camps consist of dwellings simultaneously occupied. vate each level and palimpsest as a "living" floor, it is obvi-
Excavation areas for most archaeological sites of forag- ous that many, if not most, of the levels at Asana are
ing peoples are generally far smaller than the mean values accretional in nature and are not true "instants" ofbehav-
for even the Efe or !Kung San. Although not meant as a ioral time. For instance, many of the structures with pre-
systematic sampling of the archaeological literature on pared clay floors within even the finest palimpsest levels
excavation area, data presented by Gamble (1991: table 3) identified and excavated at the site were actually composed
are instructive. He shows that a number of European and of multiple building events, and in some cases more than
Middle Eastern sites ranged in size from 20 to 600 m 2 five discrete rebuildings were defined. In most cases, while
Similar data could be compiled for any set of Archaic Pe- there were no obvious aeolian or colluvial sediments sepa-
riod sites in North or South America. As Gamble notes, rating these relaid floors, thus suggesting the passage of
the largest of these excavation areas would cover only a some time between events, it was impossible to even esti-
single Nunamiut household. Although the largest blocks mate the amount of time that passed between re-Iaying
would cover the mean size of Efe and !Kung San camps, events. Therefore, these levels, to varying degrees, are
they would only cover a tiny fraction of even the smallest archaeologically and not behaviorally contemporaneous.
Australian camp (ca. 9,500 m 2). While most of the space The excavation strategy ofeach level represented a com-
at the Nunamiut and aboriginal sites is empty and thus promise between the competing demands for tight con-
would not register as an archaeological site in the strict trol of artifact provenience and the opening of a relatively
sense, it is probable that widely spaced structures and their large block given limited time and resources. This means
associated activity areas at these sites would either be that data have been aggregated into a 50-cm2 block, al-
114 Field and Analytical Methods

though features, house floors, and other special prove- at that location. The resulting map describes the surface
niences were in many instances excavated in smaller units using lines of equal elevation.
to keep their contents separate from general proveniences. Contouring is based upon the creation of a uniform
In one sense, then, it is assumed that the content of each grid of points through a process called spatial interpola-
provenience unit is found at its geographical center. This tion (Schieppati 1983: 2-3). In most archaeological set-
means that due to excavation strategy alone, there is likely tings, points are sampled irregularly across a surface. In-
to be some blurring in the distribution of artifact classes terpolation takes this set of irregularly spaced points and
and quantities. The severity of this blurring, presumed to creates a uniformly spaced set of grid nodes that cover the
be minimal, is nevertheless an empirical question to be entire mapped area. This interpolated grid is used as the
evaluated for each level. basis for the creation of the isopleth map. Gridding itself
Although it is important not to overestimate the effects is composed of two parts: defining an appropriate search
of palimpsest reoccupation and data aggregation on the algorithm and the selection of a weighting function. To
interpretation ofsite structure at Asana, it is clear that while create the regular grid through interpolation, it is neces-
each level is assumed to be a palimpsest, a parallel assump- sary to estimate the value of each node in the regular grid.
tion is that activity performance, ranging from refuse dis- The most common way in which this is done is to esti-
posal to animal butchery, within each of the palimpsest mate its value based on the values of the n nearest neigh-
layers was sufficiently redundant to treat their contents as boring points of the sampled data points. This is an un-
analytically contemporaneous. There is an unfortunate constrained search, in that the only criterion used is the
circularity to this argument, certainly, but there appears nearest neighbor distance. While this search algorithm
to be no easy way to avoid such an assumption and still works well when sampled data points are relatively uni-
proceed with an analysis. formly spaced, it performs poorly when sampled points
are clumped, exhibit some spatial trend (i.e., are found
Methods ofIntrasite Analysis Employed Given the defi- more on one side of a point than another), or linearly or-
nition of a range of expected spatial behaviors and a con- dered. In such instances, other search algorithms, such as
sideration of the depositional and excavated-related con- quadrant or octant searches, which force the algorithm to
straints on the data, I am now in a position to discuss the search around the sample data point in defined areas, can
methods and data to be examined for the intrasite analysis be employed. A weighting function determines the rela-
at Asana. Contouring was the primary analytical strategy tive "influence" of each sample point for the estimation of
employed to investigate patterning in the organization of the grid node, with more distant points having less influ-
the use of space at Asana. Contouring is an essentially de- ence on the estimation process. Furthermore, each of these
scriptive method of spatial analysis appropriate for the in- functions can be scaled, so that the furthest point sampled
vestigation of spatial patterning and distribution of one has zero, or no, influence on the estimation of the value of
class of data at a time or the similarity or difference in this the grid node. The family of weighting functions most
distribution of two different classes of data through ma- commonly used in contouring is generally known as in-
trix addition or subtraction. It can provide, for example, a verse distance weighting functions.
description ofthe relative density of different artifact classes The determination of the appropriate search algorithm
on a surface as individual distributions but has no formal and weighting function depends in great part on the dis-
(i.e., statistically based) means of comparing the degree to tribution of sampled points on the surface and their asso-
which these distributions are similar. Contouring, then, is ciated z values. In a series of tests of function performance
useful when using single artifact classes to test specific on a number of simulated data distributions, Schieppati
propositions about their spatial distribution. (1983: 41-48) has shown that using nearest neighbor
Contouring has had a long history of use in archaeo- searching, squared inverse distance weighting provided
logical research, but despite a common perception that it superior estimation of the mean and variance ofthese simu-
is simple, it is in fact a complex method with considerable lated distributions. Given that the distribution of sampled
power and flexibility. Contouring creates an isopleth map, data points in each of the levels at Asana is based upon a
which is formally defined as a graphical convention for uniform grid, both nearest neighbor searching and squared
describing changes in one variable, Z, as a function of two inverse distance weighting will be used in this analysis.
other variables, x and y, where x and y identify locations The data to be examined in this analysis have been ag-
within a coordinate system and Z is a measure of quantity gregated by excavation into grid units of uniform size (50
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 115

cm 2) or provenience units ofirregular size and shape, such Table 4.22. Methods, Data, and Goals of
as features, house floors, and other site facilities with a Intrasite Spatial Analysis at Asana
spatial distribution. There are no point data for artifacts
aside from the location of kitchen rocks, readily identifi-
able ground stone tools, or rare objects. To facilitate analy- Methods Goals
sis, I made an operational assumption that all objects found
within a given grid unit were found at its geographical
Density variation! Define primary and
center. "While this results in a distortion of the actualloca-
contouring secondary refuse
tions of objects which leads to coarser-grained contours
and the loss of some local detail, the effects of such an Data used
aggregation are likely to be minimal (Whallon 1984: 246). Lithics 0.5 cm) Define drop zones around hearths
Concerning contouring, the use of the nth nearest and inside structures
neighbor search algorithm is well justified by the distribu- Bone 2.0 cm)
tion of sampled data points and the way in which the data
Lithics (>4.0 cm) Deposits of "hazardous" materials
have been aggregated. In this instance, aggregation has
created a uniform grid because I assumed that the geo- Total counts Definition of broad concentrations,
graphical center of each provenience unit is the locus at i.e., major secondary refuse deposits
or middens
which all artifacts were discovered. However, since the data
have been artificially aggregated, the interpolation of a Burned bone Food preparation refuse; other
uniform grid is justified because it creates an optimal de- secondary refuse
scription of the distribution of an artifact class on a sur- "Point plotting" Caching behaviors near structures
face. An octant or quadrant search would be a poor choice individual class analysis or facilities
since both methods force searches in specific directions
Possible "last use" locations
and areas along the boundary of the excavation unit-in
effect, unsampled areas-cannot not be interpolated and
thus can. be n.either gridded nor contoured.
Finally, the relationship between the methods em-
ployed, the goals of the analysis, and the specific data cat- classes. Counts in this range tend to be too small to pro-
egories to be examined with each can be considered (table duce meaningful density estimates across a surface or ap-
4.22). In general, these combinations have been matched pear with such rarity that they contribute little to data point
as closely as possible to the expectations developed earlier similarity as computed by some similarity measure. "When
for the definition of different kinds of primary and sec- counts are low, therefore, artifact classes will be plotted
ondary refuse as well as drop zones and certain kinds of individually against the results obtained from other meth-
activity areas. Note that a second method, individual class ods. For some artifact classes, such as frequencies of lithic
analysis, has been added to the set of methods employed. debitage, counts across entire floors for many of the raw
In many instances, artifact class counts on many floors for material types are in many instances less than five. Although
certain artifact classes, such as chipped stone tools, are very these data will still be used in size-sorting analyses, they
low, often not exceeding a total of ten for the sum of all will not be used for contouring.
The Geological Setting of Asana

Asana is located on the north bank of the Rio Asana at an then, is relatively flat when compared to the rest of the
elevation of3,435 m (fig. 5.1). There are four major geo- high-sierra and puna rim segments of the valley. This
logical and geomorphological features that combine to "flatness," combined with other geological characteristics
define the unique setting of Asana in the Rio Asana valley: of the site environs, has made the location ofAsana unique
a relatively flat basin in which the site is located; consider- in the high-sierra zone.
able movement, but within limits, of the river in the basin;
the presence of permanent springs; and the instability of
the slopes and geological formations north of the site.
The site is located on the valley floor approximately
675 m east of the point at which the valley of the Rio Asana
narrows considerably and becomes a V-shaped valley typi-
cal of many of the major streams that drain the western
flanks of the south-central Andes. Below this point, the
width of the valley floor averages 50 m, while above it, the
valley floor widens considerably, averaging 150 m until
the valley narrows again 6.25 km upstream from (east of)
the site at an elevation of approximately 3,800 m.
Asana itself sits in a basin on the valley floor that mea-
sures approximately 125 m north-south by 375 m east-
west and covers an area of almost 4.7 ha (fig. 5.2). Unlike
the valley bottom east of the site, there are no significant
river terraces to be found in this basin. There is, however,
a large field of boulders derived from colluviation and gla-
cial outwash directly south of the site. Many of these boul-
ders are deeply buried in colluvial deposits, and in most
cases, very little of them is exposed today. Immediately to
the south of both the site and the boulder field, the Rio
Asana is a meandering stream with a relatively shallow Fig. 5.1. The location of Asana in the Rio Asana valley as
grade of 4%. Below the site in the V-shaped valley, the seen in an aerial photograph taken in 1946 by the Northern
stream grade averages 7.8%, while above the site it ranges Peru Mining Company. The triangle points to the exact
from 6% to 7.1 %. The valley floor in the site environs, location of the site.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 117

Fig. 5.2. The basin where Asana is found, looking east-southeast. The site is the cleared area.

With its shallow grade, the Rio Asana immediately to site datum. This area in the basin was chosen because it is
the south of the site has meandered extensively across the immediately downstream from a major bedrock outcrop
valley bottom and has changed course repeatedly. Mul- that would have prevented the river from moving to the
tiple channels are easily distinguished, and the valley bot- north until the river cleared the outcrop. The goal of this
tom surrounding the stream is composed of a jumble of testing program was to determine whether at any time in
redeposited alluvial sands, cobbles, and boulders derived the past the Rio Asana had changed its course significantly
from the formation of the stream in postglacial times. Most to the north and had penetrated more deeply into the
of the remodeling of the stream course takes place during northern talus slope. 1fso, this would imply that the basin
the austral summer (December-April), when stream dis- may have been significantly larger in the past, which in
charge rates are the highest. As measured from 1961 to turn would suggest that the site and other environmental
1981, stream discharge of the Rio Asana at the height of features of the basin may have been larger or situated dif-
the rainy season in February averaged 2.34 m 3/second, ferently as well. Detailed examination of the profiles of
while at the height of the dry season in August it averaged these cuts showed conclusively that at no time had the river
only 0.53 m 3/second (ONERN 1976). However, strong moved further to the north. For example, Profile 4 (fig.
rainfalls during the dry season in the puna rim environ- 5.4) is typical of colluvially derived deposits, being com-
ment can create powerful flash floods that can also scour posed primarily ofangular and subangular sands and grav-
the valley bottom. els with significant proportions of pebble- to cobble-sized
Geological testing on the valley floor has confirmed that gravels mixed within. Furthermore, detailed examination
the Rio Asana has been confined to the limits of the basin of the edge of the talus that has been cut by the meander-
throughout the Holocene (fig. 5.3). As part of a program ing river from Profile 4 to the eastern limits of the site
of geomorphological investigations in the basin, bulldozer also has shown that there are no alluvial or stream channel
cuts were made into the talus slope on the north side of deposits to be found. Thus while the river channel has
the Rio Asana at 127 m and 135 m north-northeast of the moved repeatedly, it has moved within well-defined lim-
118 The Geological Setting ofAsana

Fig. 5.3. The location of the geological testing stations in the basin surrounding Asana and the
inferred limits of the bofedal soils.

its, and it is probable that the basin as defined here has

been present since the formation of the stream course it-
self in Early Holocene times.
Two small springs are located on the south side of the
basin. These springs lie just above the valley floor and
bottoms, and today they support the existence of a very
small bofedal measuring approximately 0.01 ha. Bofedales, IOYR6/3
common in the high sierra and dry puna of the south-cen- IOYR7/2
tral Andes, create conditions suitable for the growth of a IOYR6/3 IOYR5
variety of mat plants, such as Distichia muscoides, a highly 8
palatable plant seemingly preferred by both alpacas and 9 IOYRS/3
llamas (WInterhalder and Thomas 1978). Depending on
elevation and degree of ecological degradation, less desir- 10
able bunch or tussock grass species such as Festuca spp. II IOYRS/3
and Calamagrostis spp. can become dominant. On both the 12
puna rim and high puna, bofedales can attain sizes of hun-
dreds of hectares, while in the high sierra they are typi-
cally small, ranging in size from 0.01 to 3 ha. 13 IOYR6/4
The two springs have supported the existence of a
bofedal throughout much of the Holocene. Soils defined
as part of a bofedal complex (interbedded silts, clays, and oI
sands with associated organic horizons) have been discov- METERS
ered in a number of locations in the basin: within the ar-
chaeological deposits of the site, at two locations on the Fig. 5.4. Profile of Geological Test 4.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 119

north bank of the river at distances of 39m and 40 m NNE strata in the archaeological deposit suggest that the bofedal
of the site datum, at 130 m E of the site datum on the was established in the basin shortly after 9800 B.P. and lasted
south side of the river, and at 120 m SSW of the site da- through most of the Holocene (see the following section).
tum, also on the south side of the river (Tovar 1987: fig. 2; Based upon soil profiles that contain bofedal-derived soils,
fig. 5.3). Profile 2 is typical of these sediments (fig. 5.5). a conservative estimate of the size of the bofedal found
Radiocarbon assays of the associated cultural material from within the basin is approximately 1.55 ha (fig. 5.3).
the bofedal sediments immediately atop the basal alluvial The slopes of the mountains surrounding Asana are both


IOYR7/2 ~~~~~~~~~.Ei'iO~~~~
lOY 5/3
_ _iii~




River Bottom
Fig. 5.5. Profile of Geological Test 2. All strata below the landslide
deposit are either silt, silty clay, or clay.
120 The Geological Setting ofAsana

steep and highly unstable. Two major formations domi- andered through the bofedal, changing its course fre-
nate the landscape: the Huaylillas Formation, composed quently when heavy rains enlarged its channel. The ar-
primarily of trachyites and found at the summits of the chaeological site of Asana formed on the northern margin
surrounding mountains, and the Quellaveco Formation, of this bofedal and could possibly have extended to por-
composed of rhyolites and found on the steep slopes them- tions of the bofedal itself, a pattern seen near the site of
selves (Tovar 1987; fig. 5.6). Both formations are charac- Quelcatani on the high puna (Kuznar 1989). Slope wash
terized by large numbers of fractures that permit the infil- ofcolluvial materials occurred frequently, and at least once
tration of water during the rainy season. This process of in the past, probably within the past 700 years, a major
infiltration tends to weaken the structural stability of the collapse of the slopes to the north buried the site and most
slopes and over time can lead to their sudden collapse. of the basin in which it rests beneath a minimum of 1 m of
This instability is exacerbated by frequent tremors and colluvial rubble (fig. 5.8a, b). This slide blocked the flow
earthquakes, which are common on the western flanks of of the Rio Asana, which was forced to cut a new channel.
the Andes. A number of collapsed areas can be seen in the In this latest slide, the channel cut through the archaeo-
Rio Asana valley, with one of the most significant being logical deposit, thus exposing the site (fig. 5.8c).
directly above the site itself (figs. 5.1, 5.7).
The local history of the site environs reflects the dy-
namics of the interaction of these geological and geomor-
phological features. The best reconstruction of the his-
tory of this location suggests that a small bofedal, roughly
1.5 ha in size, existed here throughout much of the Ho-
locene. The bofedal itself was supported by the two per-
manent springs on the south margin of the basin and rested
upon the alluvial sands and gravels of the early course of
the river following deglaciation. The river probably me-



KTl.Q KTi -Q

o-eo; eo'ol
0- Co lond,lide
a-AI Allu.,lol
KTi -0 OUlllo ..."o Formation
y"".hlol Huoyllliol Formation
~ Slction lint
Fig. 5.7. Source oflandslide debris at Asana. Materials of
the Huaylillas Formation are found along the ridgetop,
Fig. 5.6. Geological map of the Asana environs. while the Quellaveco Formation is found below.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 121

\'V Froe'ure
Q. Bo Boledol
QAI Alluvial
KTi-Q Quelloveeo FormOlion
Tms-hu Huoyl,lIos Formolion

R/o Asano
? KTi-Q

-3400 a

Q-Co Londsl ide

Q-Bo Boledol
Q-AI Alluvial
I<Ti-Q Quello.eeo Formolion
Tms-hu Huoylillas Forma',on


- 3400 b

Q-Co Landslide
Tms-hu Q-Ba Baledol
Q-AI Alluvial
- 3600
KTi-Q Quello.eeo Farmo'ion
Tms-hu Huoylillos Farmalion

- 3550

- 3500

KTi -Q
I<Ti -Q

- 3400 c

Fig. 5.8. a: profile of landslide dynamics at Asana prior to the major landslide that buried the site; b: profile of Rio Asana
valley after the landslide; c: profile of the Rio Asana valley after the river cut through the landslide deposits.
122 The Geological Setting ofAsana

Asana Stratigraphy and Chronology

As has been seen, the levels that compose the archaeologi-
cal deposit at Asana have been created by two major geo-
logical processes: alluviation from the Rio Asana and the
deposition of sediments of the bofedal and colluviation,
sometimes violent, from the slopes to the north of the site.
Human activity has likewise modified the natural sources
of deposit creation and development. The sequence of
natural and cultural events has created a deposit that ex-
ceeds 5 m at its maximum depth. Despite its relatively small
size, then, stratigraphy at Asana is complex.

Initial Observations ofSite Stratig;raphy

Asana was first discovered in 1985 during survey opera-
tions in the Rio Asana valley in a cutbank along the north
side of the river (fig. 5.9). It was distinguished by three
thick black layers of soil that contained carbonized wood,
lithic materials, and bone (figs. 5.10, 5.11). These obvi-
ously cultural layers ran along the bank profile for almost
30 m and varied in thickness from a few centimeters to
over 20 cm. In some places, the deepest cultural layer rested
upon boulders derived from glacial outwash deposits along
the margin of the Rio Asana. In general, the three layers
were separated by layers of sands of primarily colluvial Fig. 5.10. View of original stratigraphy of the site (1986).
origin, although in a few places clays and silts could be This is in the central part of the site where the landslide
observed as well. Above the upper cultural level, while deposits are deepest.

Fig. 5.9. Exposed cutbank of Asana when discovered in 1985, looking north.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 123

Fig. 5.11. View of original stratigraphy of the site looking downstream to the west
(1986). As can be seen, most of the latest levels of occupation have been destroyed
by the landslide.

colluvially derived sands persisted, the character of the contain cultural materials and features such as middens,
deposit changed radically. At least two massive landslide hearths, and even house floors. Another thick black layer
deposits could be observed in the profile, each composed of cultural soil was discovered superior to the upper cul-
ofcoarse and very coarse sands ofcolluvial origin surround- turallayer in the bank profile, indicating that there were
ing cobble-to-boulder-sized angular and subangular grav- probably four episodes of intensive occupation at the site.
els. These massive colluvial deposits extended most of the Perhaps most important, it became obvious from this test-
full length of the site as defined by the black cultural lay- ing that there were clear differences between the stratig-
ers, ranging from a depth of approximately 50 cm at the raphy of TV 1 and the bank profile, particularly that of
western boundary of the site to over 3 m in the central and the eastern section of the site. TV 1 had many more natu-
eastern portions of the site. The maximum depth of the ral soil layers, and further, many of them were created by
deposit, including all known cultural layers and the land- different formation processes, such as alluvial deposition,
slide deposits, was slightly over 5 m. than those observed in the bank profile, particularly in the
Taking all of this information together, my initial im- eastern part of the site.
pression of Asana was that it had three distinct occupa-
Stratigraphy ofthe West Block
tions, each of them well separated stratigraphically by rela-
tively thick layers of naturally derived soils. Since no obvi- For purposes of this discussion, the West Block can be
ous features or house floors were observed in the bank divided into two halves: the southern and the northern.
profile, one of my earliest assumptions was that despite The southern half is composed primarily of alluvial soils
the obvious problems associated with clearing the massive derived from the bofedalj the northern half, while it con-
landslide debris, the site would be comparatively easy to tains some alluvial soils, is composed mostly of colluvial
excavate since the black cultural layers were so distinctive. sands and landslide deposits.
These initial impressions were quickly discarded fol- Two profiles clearly show the distinctive character of
lowing the 1986 testing of the deposit, which revealed a the southern half of the West Block: the north wall of TV
far more complex stratigraphy. Many of the layers of col- G23-24 (fig. 5.12) and most of the south wall of the exca-
luvial sands observed in the bank profile were found to vation block from G 19-27 (fig. 5.13). G2 3-24 is composed
124 The Geological Setting ofAsana


0 O.
II 4760B.P.


XIII 6040B.P.

XVI 6550B.P.




v ~ 9820. .


Sterile Sand

Fig. 5.12. North wall profile, TV G23-24.

of 73 distinct soil levels, of which NLs 10-73 are illus- cal deposit, is 1.56 m. The boulder field that extends to
trated in the profile. NLs 1-9 were removed during site the south from the southern boundary of the West Block
clearance. This TV was excavated to the sterile sands as- can easily be seen in the profile.
sociated with the glacial outwash channel of the Rio Asana These strata can be aggregated into six distinct deposi-
(NL 73). Not including NLs 1-9, the depth of the deposit tional environments, here labeled complexes (table 5.1).
in this unit reaches 1.82 m. This profile contains and clearly Immediately above the basal layer of glacial outwash and
demonstrates the entire sequence of human occupation at alluvial sands there is a thick layer (Complex VI; NL 70-
the site (CLs I-XXXVI). 72, G23-24; CLs XXXI-XXXVI) of relatively homoge-
The units along the south wall of the West Block were neous, medium-to-fine sands of a primarily alluvial ori-
excavated to two different CLs: FG19-25 were excavated gin. There are, however, small quantities of colluvially
generally to the top of CL XVIIc (although the original derived sands (subangular to angular in form) that form
TV 1 was also excavated to the sterile sands below XXXVI), difficult-to-define pockets or very thin lenses that cannot
while FG26-29 were excavated to the top of CL XXII. be observed in the profile.
The number ofNLs in these profiles varies from 29 to 39 Complex V (NLs 43-69, G23-24; CLs XX-XXX) con-
depending on the number of intrusive layers of colluvium sists of a series of alternating clay and silt layers, all of
or minor quebrada channels that cut through the deposit. alluvial origin. Individually these layers are relatively thin,
The maximum depth of the excavated deposit along this generally no more than 2 cm in depth. In the profile they
profile, including the sterile NLs above the archaeologi- have an almost varvelike appearance. The clays are cultur-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 125


00 Rock

C2J Heor th

fLZl Midden

0...1------t--------,--------+------,....-------I ~
. XI

f:,: kl
Coorse Sond

Olive Silt

Voleon Ie Ash


JX"'::r -=-
J .~v~~~L IU(~ 11'fJA'
"'<.~.V'{ Y1JiP \l v~\~

~ -........

g " .L",


/ifVII )( I XVii

24 23 22 21 20 19

Fig. 5.13. South wall profile, West Block, TV G 19-2 7.

Table 5.1. Depositional Complexes at Asana

Complex I Colluvial sands with high proportions of fine gravels of colluvial origin
4400-4000/3500(?) B.p.

Complex II Fine sands with small proportions of angular colluvial gravels

4800-4400 B.P.

Complex III Alternating layers of white clays, silts, and fine sands
5200-4800 B.P.

Complex IV Sandy silts with small proportions of angular gravels

7000-5200 B.P.

Complex V White or gray clays and silts in thin, alternating levels

9000-7000 B.P.

Complex VI Alluvial sand, thick and homogeneous

1O,500(?)-9000 B.P.
126 The Geological Setting ofAsana

ally sterile, while the silts give evidence of human utiliza- The northern half of the West Block shows an increase
tion of the site. These layers are interpreted as evidence of in the number of strata derived from colluvial sources and
the seasonal rise and fall of the bofedal which was located a consequent decline of soils formed by alluvial processes.
to the south of the site. Landslide deposits are thicker in this portion of the block,
Complex IV (NLs 30-42, G23-24; CLs XI-XIX) con- and they have destroyed many of the upper strata of the
sists of a series of sandy silts with small proportions (>5- archaeological deposit (fig. 5.14; see Landslide Dynam-
10%) of angular and subangular colluvial sands and grav- ics). The northern half of the block was excavated to the
els. This appears to have been a composite depositional top of CL XVIlc. Consequently, there are no data from
environn1ent, one in which colluvial and alluvial materials this portion of the block on Complexes V and VI.
were mixed. Since the clays and silts characteristic of Com- Complex IV (CLs XI-XVIlc) in the north half of the
plex V have disappeared in these strata, it seems probable West Block is dominated by medium-to-fine colluvially
that the bofedal has begun to shrink and move away from derived sands interspersed with coarse sands and landslide
the main area of site utilization. Small quebrada channels deposits. There are no obvious alluvial deposits in this
are common in the levels of this complex. complex, suggesting that the bofedal did not extend this
Complex III (NLs 26-29, G23-24; CL X and its pal- far to the north at this time. Quebrada channels running
impsests) is a series of alternating layers of very fine clays, north-south are frequently encountered in this complex.
silts, and sandy silts. In some cases, however, the layers of These channels are found primarily on the west side of
fine sandy silts are of considerable thickness, approaching the block and tend to be relatively small, ranging in depth
15 to 20 em in depth (see fig. 5.13). The silts in some cases from 3 to 5 em and in width from 8 to 32 em. They are
are also separated by very thin layers ofwhite clays similar usually filled with granule-to-pebble-sized angular and sub-
in composition to the sterile white clays found in Com- angular gravels washed from the slopes above. Since these
plex V. The sediments of this complex are wholly of allu- channels are relatively broad compared to their depth, it
vial origin and are indicative of a depositional regime of is probable that they were created by normal rains and are
very slowly moving or even stagnant water. Aside from not indicative of high-energy, massively disruptive
the white clays, however, the materials composing the strata slopewash or landslides.
of this complex are distinct from those found in Complex Complex III (CL X and its palimpsests) is also present,
V, the other major alluvial environment, especially as re- but it is represented by only a few strata of silt and sandy
gards their thickness and the degree of interbedding of silt. For example, from M19 to M24, a single layer of ol-
the very thin layers of silt and sandy silt. ive-colored silt defines the complex. However, in the east
Complex II (NLs 19-25, G23-24; CLs V-IXc), in con- wall profile of LMN29, the olive silt as well as a number
trast, is a depositional environment that sees the reintro- of layers of naturally derived clays, silts, and sandy silts are
duction of colluvial sediments in greater proportions at also present (fig. 5.15).
the site. Most of the strata of this complex consist of fine- Complex II (CLs V-IX) is only partially present in the
to-medium colluvial sands with moderate proportions (25- northern half of the West Block. While patches of CLs II
30% by volume) of granule-to-pebble-sized angular and and III are found scattered across the surface, most of the
subangular colluvial gravels. The silts and clays have en- natural and cultural levels of this complex, as well as those
tirely disappeared. A series of claylike soils is also found in of Complex I, have been destroyed by a massive landslide.
this level (portions of CLs II-IV), and these soils have been The first generally intact cultural layer in this portion of
interpreted as camelid dung (see the discussion of CL 11- the block is CL VIII, with scattered patches of CLs VIla
IV soils in chapter 7). and VIlb also present. The effects of the landslides are
Finally, Complex I (NLs 1-18, G23-24; CLs I-IV) con- ameliorated as one moves further to the south.
sists of a series of strata composed wholly of medium-to-
Stratigraphy ofthe Central Block
coarse colluvial sands with high proportions (50-60% by
volume) of pebble-to-cobble-sized colluvial gravels. In many ways, the strata found in the Central Block are
Quebrada channels are commonly found in these strata. transitional between the West and East Blocks. Depend-
Most of the strata in the complex are culturally sterile (see ing on location, 51 distinct natural levels can be distin-
fig. 5.13), and the quantity of cobble-sized colluvial grav- guished in the profiles, and these contain at least 14 dif-
els, here interpreted as landslide deposits, increases toward ferent cultural levels, not including their palimpsests (fig.
the top levels of the deposit. 5.16). The maximum depth of this block is 1.72 m.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 127

r--- IIVTA' 1-'>. ~ .~
r='r 1r;N' II..
1-1" _
\\4::"\ \CC;;':~riX1RrKL
""( .
. ~. :.
..... : .'.
',!,', .~.

'" . .. " .



. .-/
I 'f:; ~IIIA .-/"
.,. .. 0/-'. .""" . ......
".... IXA
II IXC- ~.


x vA

- ,


-0 ~/
F G H 1 J K
21 21 21 21 21 21




lZ2J Midden

~ Coarse Sand

GEl Olive Silt

0 Volcanic Ash

~ Quebrada
I Iklfl Landsl ide
L M N o
21 21 21 21

Fig. 5.14. Profile of west wall of West Block, TV F-M 21.



0 xxv
29 29 29 XXVIII

00 Rock

~ Midden

~ Coorse Sond

l.~i Olive Silt

~ landsl ide

Fig. 5.15. Profile of east wall, LMN 29. This trench served to connect the West Block with the
Central Block and thus to the East Block.
128 The Geological Setting ofAsana






o 2 M.


Heorlh Londslide

Cloy Lens Olive Sill

Fig. 5.16. Profile of south wall, Central Block units.

As in the northern half of the West Block, all of Com- cant in this block suggests that the alluvial processes that
plex I soils and most of Complex II layers down to at least formed Complex V to the south only penetrated this far
CL VIII and in some cases CL IXc have been destroyed to the north infrequently.
by a landslide (fig. 5.16). Complex III, associated with the Complex VI (CL CXIv, south and west wall profiles) is
olive silts, sands, and clays, is intact, however, as are layers composed of medium-to-coarse-grained colluvial sands
associated with the upper half of Complex IV (CLs XI- (NLs 46-49) and a basal layer of medium-to-fine-grained
XIV). Below XIv, however, another major landslide has alluvial sands. This differs from the exclusively alluvially
destroyed most of the remaining layers of the Complex derived sands of Complex VI in the West Block.
IV equivalent in this block.
Unlike Complex V as defined in the southern half of Stratigraphy ofthe East Block
the West Block, Complex V in the Central Block (CLs In contrast to the other blocks, the stratigraphy of the East
CIX-CXIIIb, south and west wall profiles) is composed of Block is relatively simple. Like the Central Block and the
two different soil types: medium-to-fine colluvial sands and northern half of the West Block, this portion of the site
interbedded clays and silts. As can be seen in the south has suffered extensive damage from the major landslide
wall profile, the colluvial sands are the dominant soil type. that occurred in the past 500 years. All of Complex I and
The strata range in thickness from 4 to 30 em. Clays and all of Complex II but only a very small patch of CL IX
silts are found only in the west profile of this block. They have been destroyed in this block, and Complex III, while
are thin (only 3-4 em thick) and are not very extensive. present, is represented in small, discontinuous patches
They are identical in clay and silt content, however, to concentrated in the western and southern margins of the
those soils that define Complex V further to the south in block (figs. 5.17a, b, 5.18). Complexes IV-VI are intact,
the West Block. That these soils are relatively insignifi- although other landslides have destroyed several levels
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 129

- ~
IX ~

111 "
5345ep - ~
IV 6040B.P.
}\,.. Th),\ ~ JL\yq~-4
~'l /J n:li ~
~.JTJPt{)l ~ )\.

8000BP P ~

] A1r ~ il ~"" ~
~ ~r ~ r-~
... \,..j

~xll1 r-:
~ '<f
~ 'r'TU-U ~w
~~ \1>' \' If/(
8080 B.P. PXIII ~

8250 BP. jXVII/PXVI~~ pxv Pl PXIV

8330B.P ' / / / / / !"lIllI 'i///ij///////~pxv-: . u_ ~ PXVI
8620 B.P. pxvlf~ PXVIII
8720B.P. - pxx

8720e.p. PXXIII
/ / / / /PXXVII
PXXVIIi////Y -YXXIX """-
9580B.P. pxxx 7 pxxx

PXXXIII I r- -Q--\. ./
o 2 M.


Hearth Olive Sill

Midden Landslide

a C loy Basin Quebrada Conal

Fig. 5.17. a: profile of south wall ofTU 33-34, East Block; b: south wall ofTU 33-34.
130 The Geological Setting ofAsana

Fig. 5.18. Profile ofTU R-W 41.

within Complex Iv. There are 43 NLs in this block, and

the maximum depth of the excavated deposit is 1.32 m. Radiocarbon Chronology and Level Correlations
Complex III is here represented by very similar Thirty radiocarbon assays have been run on carbonized
interbedded silts, clays, and sands seen in the other exca- wood samples from Asana (table 5.2). Most samples were
vation blocks. There is no evidence of a cultural occupa- recovered from the West Block, reflecting the longer his-
tion in any of these strata, unlike the situation in the West tory of work in that part of the site. In general, most of the
Block, in which CL X and its palimpsests are present in chronometric dates follow their stratigraphic position (fig.
the silts and clays. There is some variability in the compo- 5.19). While there are some small reversals (for example,
sition of the complex as well. Near the southern edge of the series of dates in the V-IXc series and between XIX
the deposit, a number of distinct strata make up the com- and XXII), the reversals in question all overlap at the 95%
plex (especially the west wall profile ofRS41). As one moves confidence interval and therefore can be considered to be
to the north, however, the sands and clays disappear, and statistically indistinguishable. It is probable that these mi-
the complex is composed only of the olive silt layer seen nor reversals were created through excavation since many
throughout the site (fig. 5.17a). of the levels in question are very thin, and it is likely that
Complex IV soils (CLs XI-XIv, south wall profile, TU carbon from some of these layers was inadvertently mixed.
33-34; CLsPI-PVIIIa, west wall profile, R-W41) are com- Two levels and their associated dates, however, have
posed exclusively of poorly sorted, subangular colluvial serious reversals or other problems: CLs I and XVIIc. At
sands ranging in size from fine to coarse, with the major- the time ofsubmission, the sample associated with the 690
ity being medium. Another landslide has destroyed a num- B.P. date in CL I appeared to have been obtained from a
ber of strata within this complex. secure archaeological context. However, the date is far too
Complex V (CLs PX-PXXIX, south wall profile, TU late to be a part of the CL I occupation, and it is probable
33-34) is likewise composed primarily of poorly sorted, that the feature from which the carbon was recovered was
coarse-to-fine, subangular colluvial sands. There is no evi- contaminated by more recent carbon brought down by
dence of any clays or silts in this portion of the site, indi- the massive landslide that scoured this portion of the site.
cating that the bofedal at no time extended into the East The other two dates recovered from CL II (3640 and 4330
Block. Midden deposits are extensive in this complex. B.P.) do not overlap at the 95% confidence interval and
Complex VI soils (CLs PXXX-PXXXIII) are very simi- thus cannot be considered to be representative of the same
lar to those found in the same complex ofthe Central Block. occupation of the site. However, the 3640 B.P. date was
These can consist of either coarse-to-medium, poorly obtained near the top of CL II, while the 4330 B.P. date
sorted, subangular colluvial sands or coarse, rounded-to- was recovered near the bottom. Thus they are internally
subrounded sands of alluvial origin. The presence of consistent within the level.
rounded and waterworn boulders in these two levels helps The problem with CL XVIIc is more serious. Two dates
to confirm their alluvial origin and further suggests that from different test units were recovered, and they differ
these levels were very near the edge of the original chan- by almost 1,000 years (6850 and 7930 B.P.). Furthermore,
nel of the Rio Asana. dates from preceding levels, such as XIX, XXII, and XXIv,
while showing a single stratigraphic reversal, are never-
theless stratigraphically consistent. As with the case of the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 131

Table 5.2. Radiocarbon Assays from Asana a

Level Unit Date Lab Number

West Block
I D26d 690 50 Beta-43917
II (superior) TV1 3640 80 Beta-23364
II (inferior) K27b 4330 130 Beta-27415
IlIa H27c 4640 230 b Beta-27414
IV G27a 4340 70 Beta-43918
V G23b 4580 60 Beta-24631
VIII K21a 4610 60 Beta-24632
IXa K25b 4760 90 Beta-27413
IXb L27a 4570 60 Beta-35598
IXc J29c 4600 80 Beta-35597
XII E29a 5345 70 e Beta-35596/
XIVb 125b 6040 90 Beta-24634
XVIIa G24b 6550 110d Beta-24629
XVIlc 125a 6850 70 Beta-25049
L19a 7930 80 Beta-43923
XIX 125a 7100 70 e Beta-24633
XXII H29a 7070110 Beta-47056
XXIV TV1 7860110 Beta-23363
XXVIII G24b 8790 170 Beta-24630

Central Block
CX TU6a 8080 110 Beta-24627
CXIV TU6c 9580 130 Beta-24628

East Block
PX W51b 8000 280 a Beta-47058
PXVI Y35a 8250 80 Beta-43921
PXVIII V51a 8330 60 Beta-43919
PXIX P38b 8620 110 Beta-47057
PXX V51a 8780 90 Beta-43920
PXXI R43c 8720110 Beta-33303
PXXIII X36c 8720 120 Beta-43922
PXXIV T34a 8720110 Beta-35599
PXXXIII S38c 9820 150a Beta-40063

aAlI dates reported as RCYBP (uncalibrated radiocarbon years before A.D. 1950) with one standard deviation. All
samples were processed using Beta Analytic, Inc. protocols, including a half life of radiocarbon as 5,568 years. None
of the samples received special cleaning or processing unless otherwise noted.
bSmall 1 g C) samples that received quadruple normal counting time to reduce the standard deviation.
cSample processed using the AMS technique.
dBeta-24629 was originally reported as CL XVIIIa (Aldenderfer 1988: 1830). Subsequent checking of the sequence of
dates and laboratory records shows that the CL should be changed to XVIIa.
eSample number reported to laboratory as CL XVIII; review of record shows that this sample is actually in CL XIX.
132 The Geological Setting ofAsana





I I I , i I I I i I I I i I I r I I I I ii, I I! I. I I I I . I , r ! I, I I I I I I I i I I, I ! I t I. I
10,200 9800 9400 9000 8600 8200 7800 7400 7000 6600 6200 5800 5400 5000 4600 4200 3800 3400
10,000 9600 9200 8800 8400 8000 7600 1200 6800 6400 6000 5600 5200 4800 4400 4000 3600

Fig. 5.19. Radiocarbon dates from Asana. The dot represents the mean and the bar two standard deviations. The scale is in
uncalibrated radiocarbon years before present.

very late date in CL I, at the time of collection the crew PXXXIII. It should be stressed that these correlations are
supervisor believed that each sample was obtained from a exact since they connect both chronometrically as well as
secure stratigraphic context. A careful reexamination of stratigraphically (table 5.3). An examination of table 5.3
unit records and profiles provides a possible explanation and a comparison of the relevant profiles show that dur-
of the discrepancy. While there is no evidence of land- ing Complex V times, the East Block was the primary fo-
slides, rodent burrows, or other disturbance factors around cus of utilization.
CL XVIIc in the test unit from which the 6850 B.P. date Given the chronometric dating of the levels at Asana, it
was taken, there is a massive quebrada channel that cuts is now possible to define the temporal span of each of the
through the test unit from which the 7930 B.P. date was stratigraphic complexes (table 5.4). The earliest complexes
obtained. In some places in the unit, this quebrada chan- (V and VI) span approximately 3,500 years (10,500-7000
nel has cut through and below CL XVIIc, and it is pos- B.P.), while the remaining four complexes (I-IV) span 3,500
sible that this mixed older carbon into the putative XVIIc years (7000-3500 B.P.). These data suggest that the local
level. Since the 6850 B.P. date is in sequence with other environment of the site during its early occupation was
dates obtained from different levels in the West Block and relatively stable when compared to later occupations.
because of the possibility of contamination of the 7930 Moreover, these dates clearly demonstrate that the bofedal
B.P. date, the later date will be discarded in this analysis. came into existence around 9000 B.P. (with the appearance
Levels between the three blocks can be correlated us- of Complex V soils) and probably existed throughout the
ing these dates and the stratigraphy of a trench cut from remainder of the Holocene into modern times.
the West to the Central Block. While the three excavation
blocks are in fact contiguous, CLs can be correlated accu-
Landslide Dynamics
rately only through CL XIv. Below this, landslides have Landslides have been the major destructive force at Asana.
destroyed the remainder of Complexes IV and V, making While they have varied in intensity and extent, each of
direct stratigraphic correlations difficult. However, the them has destroyed significant parts of the site. Since they
stratigraphy of Trench 1 clearly demonstrates that some have had a major influence on the history of the site, it is
of the levels between the blocks can be convincingly cor- important to develop an understanding of just how many
related as being the same (fig. 5.15). Four basic correla- landslide events occurred in the past and the way in which
tions can be made: xxv, CX, and PX; XXVIII, CXII, and each of them affected the site.
PXXIV; XXXI, CXIV, and PXXX; and XXXVI and Before discussing the effects of the landslides, however,
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 133

Table 5.3. Level Correlations between Blocks at Asana

West Block Date a Central Block Date East Block Date

I 3640 B.P.
4330 B.P.
III 4640 B.P.
IV 4340 B.P.
V 4580 B.P.
IXa 4760 B.P. IXa/CII
IXb 4570 B.P. IXb/CIII
IXc 4600 B.P. IXc/CIV IXc
XII 5345 B.P.
XVIla 6550 B.P.
XVIIc 6850 B.P.
XIX 7100 B.P.
XXII 7070 B.P.
XXIV 7860 B.P.
XXV CX 8080 B.P. PX 8000 B.P.

aUncalibrated radiocarbon date before present.

134 The Geological Setting ofAsana

Table 5.4. Chronology of Stratigraphic Complexes West Block (fig. 5.14). This slide must have occurred after
at Asana 6500 B.P. but before 6000 B.P. according to its stratigraphic
position. It moved primarily north-south, narrowly miss-
ing the bulk of the deposit. Coarse and very coarse sands
Complex I 3500-4400 B.P. running down the profile to the south confirm the direc-
Complex II 4400-4800 B.P. tion of landslide movement.
The third landslide was the most destructive ofall. This
Complex III 4800-5200 B.P.
slide can be dated very precisely since dates have been
Complex IV 5200-7000 B.P. obtained from levels immediately preceding and follow-
Complex V 7000-9000 B.P.
ing it. CL V is dated to 4580 B.P., while VIII is dated to
4610 B.P. It is probable, then, that this slide occurred some-
Complex VI 9000-10,500 B.P. time around 4600 B.P. This slide also seems to have moved
across the site from northwest to southeast, but it appears
to have been far more powerful than the slide that oc-
curred around 6500 B.P. To the north and east of the level
it is necessary to define what is meant by a landslide. Com- that defines this slide, a number of natural and cultural
pared to slope wash, a common process in steep, arid en- levels were destroyed, primarily most of the Complex II
vironments with little ground cover, landslides are high- CLs down to the top ofVIII across most ofthe West Block
energy events that move large quantities ofsoil downslope. and deeper in the East Block, in some cases to the middle
With sufficient force, they are also able to move larger of Complex IV levels (fig. 5.17a). To the south of the edge
rocks and boulders. An operational definition of landslide- of the landslide soils in the West Block there is a thick
derived soils at Asana are those levels that contain at least layer of very coarse sand which covers the remainder of
35% by volume ofcobble-to-boulder-sized colluvial rocks the deposit and which also destroyed CL VI (fig. 5.14).
(rocks ranging 6.4-25.6 cm in size and greater than 25.6 The fourth and final landslide had no significant effect
cm in maximum dimension). Because they are high-en- on the archaeological deposit at Asana, but it is the slide
ergy events, landslides also destroy and replace, rather than that buried the site, blocked the Rio Asana, and forced it
cover, existing soil strata. Slope wash, on the other hand, to cut a channel through the archaeological deposit, an
tends to be composed of coarse and very coarse sands with event which helped to lead to the discovery of the site.
granule- and pebble-sized gravels present. While these Probably comparable in magnitude to the third slide, the
sands may scour a surface and thus modify it to some ex- fourth slide covered the entire site and crossed to the south
tent, they are not as destructive, and they generally simply side of the river (see fig. 5.8b). This slide probably oc-
bury existing soil strata. curred between A.D. 1200 and 1600. The volcanic ash level
Using this definition, there have been four major land- immediately above the final landslide deposit is probably
slides at Asana (fig. 5.14). The first occurred sometime that derived from the eruption of Huaynaputina, which
around 6500 B.P. This dating is based on the following occurred in February 1600 (but see Volcanic Sediments).
observations: CL XVI in the West Block is the first largely Carbon recovered from this landslide deposit but mistak-
intact level above the slide, and the earliest undamaged or enly associated with CL I has been dated to 690 B.P. If the
replaced level in the block is XXIII, dating sometime be- carbon is indeed in direct association with the landslide
tween 7100 and 7800 B.P. The earliest damaged and par- deposit, it thus fixes the earliest possible date of the slide.
tially replaced level in this block is XVIla, which dates to
Water Ponding in the Middle to Late Holocene
6550 B.P. The first slide appears to have moved across the
site from northwest to southeast but left a large area of The soils that comprise Complex III-silts, clays, fine
deposit intact in the northwest corner of the site. As can sands, and sandy silts-constitute one of the most curious
be seen in profile, the southern edge of this slide is well deposits at Asana. The first hypothesis of their origin was
defined and relatively abrupt, with no southward exten- that they represented a northward extension of the bofedal
sion of coarse colluvial sands. This helps to confirm the that has been present at the site since 9000 B.P. However, a
northwest-southeast directionality of the slide. more careful comparison of the soils in this complex with
The second major landslide had a very limited effect those of Complex V led to the conclusion that while the
on the site since it was confined to a small portion of the soils in Complex III have been created by water-related
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 135

processes, they are also significantly different than those aerial photos taken in 1945 shows that 15 of the 53 ponds
soils defined as part of the bofedal by the project's geo- found in one section of the bofedal are still present. Like
logical consultants, specifically the soils from Complex V the seasonal lakes, these ponds trap some aeolian soils and
and the bofedal soils seen to the east and south of the site. colluvial soils if located sufficiently close to steep slopes,
Perhaps the most obvious of the soils of Complex III is but they are composed primarily of alluvial soils, such as
that defined in many of the early profiles as olive silt. This clays, silts, fine sands, and silty sands.
soil, a true silt, ranges in color from Munsell color 10YR5/ The most parsimonious explanation of the olive silt and
3 to 2.5Y6/4. Because it is so distinctive in color and tex- its associated soils in Complex III is that they represent
ture across the site, it served as something of a horizon water ponding that began sometime after 5300 B.P. and
marker, and its presence was frequently used to fix the rela- persisted until approximately 4800 B.P. As noted previously,
tive position in the site of adifficult-to-identify level. Be- there are almost no colluvially derived soils present in the
cause of its distinctiveness, it is easy to map. The silt in- complex. Furthermore, what is known of the climate at
creases in depth moving from north to south and, com- this time suggests that rainfall would not have been of suf-
bined with its associated sands, attains a maximum depth ficient intensity to maintain a seasonal lake.
of almost 20 cm in TV M33. The depth of the deposit, as
Volcanic Sediments
defi-ned in the excavation block at its eastern and western
extremes, ranges only from 3 to 6 em. The deposit, then, A number of authors, most notably Santoro and Nunez
can be described as a relatively shallow basin increasing in (1987), have argued that volcanism, combined with increas-
depth toward the southern boundary of the site. ing environmental dessication, substantially modified hu-
Two alternative hypotheses involving distinct geomor- man utilization of the high sierra and dry puna from ap-
phological processes can be considered to explain the pres- proximately 8000 to 5000 B.P. While there is no question
ence of Complex III soils: the existence of a small, prob- that volcanism has been a major geological factor in the
ably seasonal lake, and the ponding of water, a common south-central Andes throughout the past, there remains
feature ofbofedal geomorphology. Seasonal lakes are com- considerable doubt that it had a substantial, region-wide
mon today in the south-central Andes, particularly on the effect on Middle and Late Holocene settlement systems.
dry puna. During the rainy season, water accumulates in There are no thick tephra layers to be found in the north-
shallow basins and frequently persists well into the dry ern Chilean sites upon which the volcanism hypothesis is
season. These lakes also accumulate thin layers of aeolian based, and likewise the Asana data flatly contradict it.
sediments and in some cases lenses of colluvial sands and There is a single stratum ofvolcanic sediment at Asana.
gravels if they are located near slopes steep enough to suf- This ash layer is found high in the profile (fig. 5.14) and
fer slope wash or erosion. Occasional dry season rains may was probably derived from the eruption of Huaynaputina.
also move colluvial soils into the dry beds of these lakes. No other ash lenses or tephra have been found at the site
When dry, the surface layer of soil hardens and in some or in its environs despite geological tests and an intensive
cases cracks, depending on the proportion of natural clays search of bank profiles.
and silts in the soil. The key factor in the formation of There are two other ash lenses known from the region,
seasonal lakes is sufficient rainfall. however. In 1983 a sediment core was taken from the bed
Water ponding is very common in bofedales. Ponds are of Lake Suches, a small lake on the dry puna at an eleva-
created by three processes: movement of the stream chan- tion of 4,500 m approximately 50 km northeast of Asana.
nel in the bofedal, rainfall, and the presence of the ground- While the core remains to be analyzed in detail, two ash
water of the bofedal itself. Streams in bofedales are gener- lenses were observed in it. The earliest of these lenses
ally active and change their course frequently, especially (Sample 16-ix-83-1D) at a depth of 6.94-7.04 ill in the
during the rainy season when heavy rainfall increases sur- core has been dated to 8940 200 B.P. (Beta-18929). The
face water volume and causes the streams to cut new chan- second lens (Sample 14-ix-83-1A) at a depth of 0.76-0.82
nels in the existing bofedal sediments. This movement m in the core has a date of 1660 100 B.P. (Beta-18928).
creates deep pockets ofstanding water that are maintained Neither of these lenses is thick, and neither can be seen in
through rainfall and the groundwater of the bofedal itself. the archaeological deposit at Asana. The site was occu-
These pockets, if located in deep basins, can be remark- pied during the first of these eruptions, but there is no
ably persistent. A comparison of the modern locations of indication that the eruption had any effect on activity per-
water ponding on the Asana bofedal and their locations in formance or the utilization of the site.
The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement of the Highlands

According to the best available evidence, Asana was first around 11,000 B.P. and persists until approximately 7000
utilized around 10,000 to 9800 B.P., and permanent habi- B.P. Further to the south in the Osmore basin is the Shell
tation of the highlands was achieved by approximately 9500 Ring Site, dated to 10,500 B.P. (Sandweiss et al. 1989), and
B.P. This chapter develops a model of the initial occupa- well to the south of the south-central Andes on the central
tion of the Andean highlands, reviews the data that sup- Chilean littoral is Quereo, dated to approximately 11,500
port these claims, and deals with the archaeological data B.P. (Nunez et al. 1994). Aside from the Shell Ring Site
of two phases: Asana I1Puruma (10,500-9500 B.P.) and and Quereo, little is known of the subsistence activities of
Asana IIIKhituna (9500-8700 B.P.). these early foraging peoples.
\Vhile Lynch (1983) once argued for an early penetra-
tion of the northern Andean highlands and then a south-
erly migration of foraging peoples at high elevations at
Although the first occupation of Asana postdates the ear- around 11,000 B.P., to date relatively little evidence has
liest dates of occupation of the South American continent accumulated to support this assertion. The earliest known
by at least 3,000 years, a brief review of the archaeological sites in what can be considered the highlands of South
data of the Terminal Pleistocene-Early Holocene from the America, ifthe problematic Paccaicasa (20,200-15,000 B.P.)
western coast of the continent is in order. and Ayacucho (15,000-13,000 B.P.) phases from Pikimachay
\Vhile there continues to be controversy regarding the in central Peru (MacNeish et al. 1980) are ignored, are
timing and process of the entry of humans into the South found on the Plateau de Bogota at an elevation ofca. 2,570
American continent, a broad consensus is beginning to m (Dillehay et al. 1992: 159-161). The earliest occupa-
emerge that entry was achieved via two primary routes: tion of these sites is said to range from 12,400 to 11,000
one along the western coast and a second along the Carib- B.P. These sites contain a unifacial industry and are quite
bean and Atlantic coasts (Dillehay et al. 1992). Unfortu- distinct from subsequent cultural developments in the re-
nately, due to a rise in sea level following deglaciation, any gion. Subsistence remains include modern species, such
sites that might have been immediately along the littoral as deer, guinea pig, rabbit, and various rodents.
have been inundated, and therefore what sites remain rep- Further to the south in central Peru is a series of im-
resent those well inland in any settlement system that might portant sites, including Guitarrero Cave (10,500 to 7500
have existed in the past. Richardson (1978) and Malpass B.P.) at ca. 2,800 m (Lynch 1980), Lauricocha (ca. 10,000
(1983) have described unifacial tool complexes from the B.P.; Cardich 1964) at 4,000 m, Pikimachay (post-l1,000
desert coast of northern Peru that date to approximately B.P.levels) at ca. 2,800 m, and a series of sites on the Junin
10,500 B.P., while Chauchat (1988) has identified the Paijan puna above 4,000 m, including Pachamachay (ca. 11,000
complex composed of bifacially worked tools that begins B.P.; Rick 1980), Telarmachay (ca. 11,000-10,000 B.P.;
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 137

Lavallee 1985), and Panalauca (ca. 10,000 B.P.; Bocek and land relationships in the Early Holocene. Although much
Rick 1984). For the most part, faunal remains at these sites more research is required at the site, an outline of early
are representative of fully modern species, and the artifact subsistence is available. The basal layer of Unit B at the
assemblage at each of the sites is characterized by bifacial site dates to 10,575 B.P. (Sandweiss et al. 1989). The site
point industries. Dillehay et al. (1992) suggest that these was apparently located ca. 5 Ian from the ancient coast-
data argue for a relatively late penetration of the Andean line, most probably near a spring now long disappeared.
highlands, especially at elevations over 2,500 m, ranging Subsistence remains found in the site's basal levels are al-
between 11,000 and 10,500 B.P. most exclusively ofmarine origin and include shellfish, fish,
Although each of these sites has produced important birds, and species of marine mammals. There are no large
data, it is nevertheless difficult to understand the process terrestrial mammals found in the assemblage, and no evi-
of highland penetration and utilization using only these dence for plant use has been discovered. Lithic materials
sites. While it is clear that sites such as Pachamachay and recovered from the basal levels of the site reflect a unifacial
Telarmachay, for example, may well have been loci oflong- chipped stone technology, but no ground stone materials
term utilization since at least 10,000 B.P., unfortunately were recovered. Aside from reduction by-products, no
there have been very few or no sites excavated from adja- shaped tools were recovered. The lithics are all of local
cent, lower elevations that could help to shed light on re- origin. Despite the site's interior location, there is no evi-
gional-scale settlement systems and the ways in which the dence of significant exploitation of terrestrial mammals or
lower and higher elevations were articulated at the begin- plant species at this early date, and given these data,
ning of the Early Holocene. Sandweiss et al. (1989: 74-83) suggest that the site can be
In the south-central Andes, however, there are three viewed as a very early expression of the well-known mari-
early sites on the littoral that help to shed light on the time adaptation or subsistence tradition seen on the west
process of movement into the highlands: Querero, the coast of the continent.
Shell Ring Site, and Acha-2. Although located well to the Acha-2, near the modern city ofArica in northern Chile,
south ofthe southern boundary of the south-central Andes, offers a slightly different perspective on the development
Querero nevertheless offers important insights into sub- of lowland-highland relationships in the early prehistory
sistence practice and the eventual "discovery" of the of the region (Mufioz, Arriaza, and Auferheide 1993). The
Andean highlands. The most secure evidence for the oc- site has been dated to 8900 B.P. and is found in the Azapa
cupation of the site dates to approximately 11,500 B.P., al- Valley, ca. 5 Ian from the Pacific coast. A set of small, cir-
though there are some earlier, more equivocal remains cular structures defined by a ring of stones has been found
present (Nufiez et al. 1994). This site, on a bluff overlook- at the site, some of which appear to have been occupied
ing the Pacific Ocean, contains evidence of both marine contemporaneously. Subsistence remains include both
and terrestrial fauna. Marine species include shellfish and marine and terrestrial species; no plant remains indicative
marine mammals (whale and sea lion), while terrestrial of human food utilization were recovered. The minor use
species are represented by extinct animals such as mast- of plant resources has been confirmed by isotope studies
odon, horse, and ancient camelid species as well as deer. of human bone dating to 9000 B.P.; diet was overwhelm-
Lithic technology is characterized by simple flake tools of ingly based on the consumption of marine protein
local origin, and some bone artifacts have also been recov- (Auferheide 1993: 65). Technology reflects the dual ma-
ered. Querero presents a picture of a mixed economy, one rine-terrestrial site economy and includes cactus spine
in which both marine and terrestrial resources figured fishhooks, bone residue probably associated with com-
prominently. There is a clear emphasis, however, on ter- pound fishhook production, and bifacially worked dual
restrial species, which is not unexpected given the unstable pointed or lanceolate projectile points made from lithic
structure of the shoreline at this early date and the appar- materials found ca. 40 Ian inland in the lower reaches of
ent abundance offamiliar species. No floral data have been the low transverse valleys of the region. No other signifi-
recovered from the site, and thus while direct evidence for cant morphological tools were recovered from the assem-
plant utilization is not available, none of the tools recov- blage. More exotic lithic materials, such as obsidian that
ered from the assemblage suggests that plant use was a can be obtained only from the far Andean highlands, have
significant component of the diet. also been recovered from the site in very small quantities.
The Shell Ring Site in the Osmore Basin provides, at Mufioz (1993) has argued that the spatial location of
least in a metaphorical sense, an anchor for lowland-high- the site, as well as the cultural materials recovered from it,
138 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

provides evidence for two interrelated aspects of settle- settlement pattern and assemblage content as proxy mea-
ment and regional-scale organization: residential mobil- sures of activity performance.
ity and subsistence focused upon utilization of the littoral
Environmental Contexts ofEarly Highland Life
and the lower reaches of the valley system and some form
of complementarity between these lowland groups and the What were the causal forces that led to the early occupa-
foragers occupying the sierra and puna. Indicators of tion of the Andean highlands? This is a difficult question
complementarity are said to include projectile point form, to answer, especially if it is believed that the highlands of
raw materials, and other highland materials, such as the the western flanks of the Andes were occupied by popula-
cactus spine used to make some types of fishhooks. Munoz tions originating on the western littoral. It is probable that
does not speculate on the form this complementarity might population density per se had little or nothing to do with
have taken-i.e., whether it was based upon reciprocal this process. Population levels in the region must have been
access to territory or was exchange based. very low. For example, in the Osmore basin on the lit-
The data from these three sites suggest that until ap- toral, the only known site with a substantial Early Archaic
proximately 10,500 to 10,000 B.P., foragers in the south- occupation is Shell Ring. While others may be discovered
central Andes had not penetrated the Andean highlands in the future, it is improbable that many sites dating to
significantly. Subsistence changed through time, moving this period exist. Thus the budding ofpopulations through
from an economy based upon hunting now-extinct ani- population growth seems unlikely as a driving force for
mals and a minor utilization of shellfish and other marine the initial movement of people into the highlands.
resources to a fully maritime adaptation at Shell Ring Some environmental factors appear to be relevant to
around 10,000 B.P. and at Acha-2 around 9000 B.P. At this the early occupation of the Andean highlands. Water was
later date there is some evidence of the use of the high- apparently a highly limited resource on the littoral and
lands, and as seen elsewhere, the data from northern Chile was found only at springs, seeps, or in the valley itselfalong
support the existence of early foraging peoples in the si- the lower reaches of the Rio Osmore (Sandweiss et al. 1989;
erra and puna rim around 9500 B.P. at sites such as Las Wise 1990). In fact, no trace of a spring has been found
Cuevas, Patapatane, and Hakenasa. Based on even these near the Shell Ring Site, and one is only presumed to have
scant data, it seems that 10,500 to 9500 B.P., and possibly existed. Aside from the river, then, water on the littoral
earlier, marks a period of increasingly intense utilization may have been very scarce, and its scarcity may have forced
of the south-central Andean highlands that culminated in populations to move relatively more frequently to new
the establishment of permanent residence at altitudes sources. This problem may have been exacerbated by the
greater than 2,500 m in the space of 500 to 1,000 years. establishment of the austral summer rainfall pattern, which
would have considerably diminished rainfall amounts and
A Model of the Discovery of the Highlands frequencies on the littoral.
While the number and locations of water sources may
The model presented in this section explores the environ- have been limited, new plant communities and animal spe-
mental and human biological contexts for the discovery cies apparently began a relatively rapid adaptive radiation
and eventual permanent occupation of the Andean high- into higher elevations. Unfortunately, very few studies of
lands. Consistent with the general model of high-eleva- this process have been made, but it is clear that the period
tion foraging developed in chapter 1, it recognizes that 11,000 to 10,000 B.P. was characterized by rapid ecologi-
human responses to these contexts are best viewed from a cal change and the movement of essentially modern spe-
short-term, behaviorist perspective. This means that given cies into new ecological niches. It is probable that taruca
the unique combination of features of highland ecology and guanacos moved further into the highlands as vegeta-
and effects on human biology, foragers would have sought tion communities did likewise, first colonizing water-rich
to minimize work effort while simultaneously insuring river bottoms and then later moving up the sides of the
sufficient caloric return for that work. Under some com- surrounding slopes. In human terms, this created an open
bination of circumstances, these two goals may have been niche composed of a number of familiar animal and plant
competing, and attempts to resolve them would have had species in combination with abundant and permanent wa-
different implications for different segments of the popu- ter on these river and stream courses. While it is not pos-
lation. It is possible to get some insight into how humans sible to compare the productivity of the littoral to that of
responded to these contexts by focusing primarily upon the newly productive valley systems in quantitative terms,
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 139

it is probable that the combination of abundant water and which would ameliorate acute hypoxia and keep caloric
growing animal and plant populations proved to be a strong costs as low as possible given subsistence requirements,
resource pull for foraging peoples and was likely causal to should also be expected.
an adaptive radiation of these groups further into the high-
lands over a span of approximately 500 to 1,000 years. Biological Contexts ofEarly Highland Life
The first foraging peoples to penetrate the Andean high- The biological costs of moving back and forth across the
lands would of course have had to deal with the two pri- 2,500 m elevational limit are substantial and include
mary stresses ofhigh-mountain environnlents, hypoxia and chronic exposure to acute hypoxia, increased respiratory
cold. Each individual would have experienced acute hy- problems for those individuals that move across this thresh-
poxia, which includes symptoms of soroche, headache, and old repeatedly, and high caloric and energy costs for those
nausea, as well as minor locomotor and sensory problems. individuals in the foraging party, a situation that would
While these symptoms would have ameliorated over vary- have been exacerbated by symptoms of acute hypoxia.
ing lengths of time, they would have led to a decreased Transportation costs of obtained resources would have
work capacity. Work that could have easily been performed been high since resources would have to be carried over
at lower elevations would have been more stressful, and it longer distances in rugged terrain. These costs run counter
is probable that less work would have been accomplished. to the predicted trend of minimization of work effort. Al-
All of this implies that subsistence activities would have though it is not possible to compute a break-even point
been directed at familiar species, such as those encoun- between effort and return, it is probable that costs began
tered previously at lower elevations. This is especially the to outweigh benefits when patches became more stable in
case for hunting, since prior knowledge of the behavioral the highlands, thus exerting a stronger resource pull. This
characteristics and habitat types of major game species may have led, then, to the movement of the entire
would help to minimize work effort. Prior knowledge of coresidential group into the highlands.
plant species would have been of less value since it is likely Given this movement, different segments of the popu-
these were widely spaced and patchy in their distribution. lation would have been affected for the first time. As noted,
Cold in the Early Holocene would have been a signifi- work capacity for all individuals would have decreased, and
cant stressor for foraging peoples. Although these peoples this in turn would have led to a diminished ability to achieve
would have been pre-adapted to cold due to their north required caloric levels, further leading to a higher risk of
Asian ancestry, they nevertheless would have required use- caloric shortfalls for the most active and pregnant and lac-
ful and substantial clothing and effective shelter for long- tating women. Any caloric shortfall for these women would
term habitation of the highlands. The most significant have had very serious effects on the survival probabilities
short-term problems would have been continuous cold of their fetuses or infants. As was seen in chapter 1, high-
stress and increased energy requirements. Ifsuch clothing elevation neonates are characterized by low birth weights,
had not been available, it is probable that the first forag- a factor in increased infant mortality, and it is generally
ing trips into the highlands would have been made during acknowledged that survival probabilities of offspring are
the austral summer when cold stresses would have been enhanced if maternal nutritional status is adequate (Haas
somewhat less severe. As the length of stay in the high- 1980). Reduced caloric intake for pregnant women would
lands increased, however, such clothing would have be- have diminished the survival probabilities of their fetuses.
come an obvious necessity. Although undernourished women produce milk of ad-
Given these environmental conditions, the very first equate quality, they produce less of it, making it difficult
utilization of the highlands above 2,500 m would prob- for their children to receive sufficient caloric intake, thus
ably have been logistically organized from base camps lo- exposing the children to higher probabilities of being ad-
cated below this elevation. It is further likely that the com- versely affected by gastrointestinal and respiratory disease
position of the group would have been exclusively males and slowing their growth rate (Institute of Medicine Sub-
and that the duration of occupation in the highlands would committee on Lactation 1991: 103, 179). In fact, it ap-
have been short-term. It should therefore be expected that pears there is a threshold effect in human lactation, in that
relatively little cultural material was discarded or aban- when caloric intake drops below ca. 1,500-1,800 kcal/day,
doned, and assemblage diversity and the range of related both the quantity and to some extent the quality of milk
activity performance should be significantly low. An activ- are adversely affected. The nutrients most directly affected
ity pattern that emphasized a minimization ofwork effort, by insufficient caloric intake are the fatty acids, particu-
140 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

larly the essential fatty acids, which, as was shown in chapter tion leading to full functional adaptation to high-eleva-
1, may be in short supply in the typical highland diet. Re- tion life in older children and adolescents. Likewise, adults
views of recent studies ofnutrition, lactation, and the com- would have also begun their acclimatization to high alti-
position of human milk have shown that low fat/high car- tude, and while acclimatization would not lead to full func-
bohydrate/high calorie diets are associated with a signifi- tional adaptation for them, it would nevertheless have al-
cant decline in essential fatty acid precursors, high fat/low lowed them to increase their work capacity over time, thus
carbohydrate/sufficient calorie diets show adequate levels helping them to reduce their personal energy costs. Per-
of essential fatty acid precursors, and low fat/restricted manent residence at high elevation would have also cre-
calorie diets show moderate to low levels of essential fatty ated new, longer term problems that would not have been
acid precursors (Institute of Medicine Subcommittee on immediately recognized, including higher infant mortal-
Lactation 1991: 123-124). The optimal high-elevation diet ity due to increased incidence of respiratory diseases, pos-
for the mother-a low fat/high carbohydrate diet-is likely sible exacerbation of essential fatty acid deficiencies, espe-
to be a poor diet for her child as long as it is nursing. Any cially in infants, which may have led to some developmen-
blunting of the desire for fat, as is common in newcomers tal problems for them as well as increased susceptibility to
to high elevation, would have worsened this situation even disease, and a depression of fertility. The only long-term
if fat were present in the diet. Clearly, lactating women solution to these problems is acclimatization to high alti-
were likely to have been at high risk of caloric shortfall, tude over time, but some cultural practices could have
and while this may not have been significant for their own helped ameliorate them to some extent. If in fact residen-
short-term health status, it could have had a very signifi- tial bases could have been optimally situated in relation-
cant impact on their children, who could have been ex- ship to resources, this would have led to an overall decline
posed to greater risks of essential fatty acid deficiencies. in the amount of effort required to obtain subsistence re-
To satisfy these higher caloric demands while simulta- , sources since the high-mountain environment was at this
neously maintaining the desirable goal ofminimization of time an open niche. There should have been little or no
work effort under conditions of diminished work capacity, human competition for resources since population sizes
these early highlanders had three options: return to lower and densities were very low. This implies further that resi-
elevations, move the entire coresidential group from low- dential mobility would have been an effective means of
lands to highlands and down again on a regular basis, or avoiding caloric shortfall. However, I also expect residen-
locate themselves near the best of these emergent high- tial mobility to, be relatively low, given sufficient resource
land resources patches. The first option is not a good long- density, so as to avoid the high costs of movement and
term solution, because while it limits the effects of higher transportation consistent with the desire to minimize ef-
energy costs to a relatively small group of people (the fort in high-mountain environments. A low frequency of
members of the foraging party), it does not relieve the residential mobility would have counteracted, at least to
problem of the limited transport capacity of this group. some extent, the possible depression of fertility initially
The second option has very high energy costs associated faced by the first permanent high-altitude residents since
with moving the entire group. This also would have the it is well known that fertility tends to increase with de-
most serious effects on the young, the old, and pregnant creasing mobility of foraging peoples.
and lactating women. Depending on local resource con-
Clothing and the Early Occupation ofthe Highlands
figurations, then, a better short-term response would have
been to discover high-quality resource patches, move the Until recently, clothing in the Andes has been made of
entire coresidential group to them, and use them system- spun camelid wool, although it has been replaced rapidly
atically. This would have the benefit of reducing, insofar by cotton and synthetic fibers. Before the invention ofwool
as that is possible, the large costs associated with group spinning, however, clothing would have been made of
mobility and the work effort to obtain those resources. camelid or deer hides. A crucial question is the degree of
This solution, which would begin the process of acclima- elaboration of hide clothing that can be deduced from the
tization, works as long as resource densities are sufficient archaeological evidence. Hayden (1990) has developed a
to reduce the frequency of residential mobility. model of hide clothing preparation for temperate and
Early permanent residence at high elevation would have tropical environments that has important implications for
had both positive and negative effects. One positive effect the argument developed herein.
is that it would have initiated the process of acclimatiza- Using ethnography as a basis, Hayden (1990) distin-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 141

guishes three basic styles of clothing: the basic cape model, important aspect of tool morphology under these circum-
the improved cape model, and luxury model garments. The stances is the utility of the working edge. Since hide prepa-
basic cape is simply a defleshed hide that has seen a mini- ration and treatment are limited, only two types of mi-
mum of additional processing. While such hides may be- crowear evidence of hide preparation are expected: the
come somewhat supple or malleable through use, they tend processing of wet or fresh hide and the softening of dried
to be stiff and hard, sometimes with the consistency of hides without remoistening. An excellent example of a
cardboard. Hayden (1990: fig. 3) uses the Ona of Tierra simple hide preparation tool kit with limited scraper mor-
del Fuego as a good example of a foraging group that lived phology is that of the Ona or Selk'nam (Hayden 1990: 93;
in an extreme environment that adopted the basic cape Massone 1989: 355). While a few obvious scraping tools
model, supplemented by conical hats and little else. The are present in the assemblage, the majority of tools used
improved cape model is similar to the basic cape but is to process the simple capes are expedient flake tools made
distinguished by additional treatment of the hide designed on a number of reduction by-products. Therefore, assem-
to make it more supple and to extend its use-life, includ- blages representative of processing simple capes or simi-
ing processing steps such as curing, smoking, dehairing, lar hide products should show limited tool diversity in
and scoring. While there are no new types of clothing terms of formal scraper types and should instead contain
made, the additional processing steps dramatically increase small quantities of variably shaped tools used to cut and
the amount of effort and time required to complete the scrape fresh and dried hides.
task of making clothing. The luxury model garment is a The improved cape model, depending on the type of
set of clothing composed of more complex and additional processing used to extend the use-life of the hide or to
individual garments and also involves obligatory tanning, improve its suppleness, has a numbr of different archaeo-
decoration, and elaboration. Hayden (1990: fig. 2) uses logical expectations. In this case, a wider range of mi-
Plains Indian clothing of the nineteenth century as an ex- crowear traces associated with hide processing should be
ample of this model. He argues that such clothing in tem- expected, including at least fresh and dry hide but also
perate or tropical environments is best seen as an indica- semidried hide and hide remoistened by soaking dried hide
tor of status or rank and would only be made for individu- in water or greasing hide with natural oils and similar sub-
als who could afford to payor reward specialists due to the stances. Depending on the number of hides processed, the
significant expense involved in making such garments. appearance of a small number of hafted, curated tools used
Hayden's model is similar to one developed much ear- repeatedly for defleshing or working the hide in different
lier by Hatt (1969), who created a cultural-historical/ ways might also be expected. In addition, specialized
diffusionist model ofArctic and sub-Arctic clothing styles. ground stone tools used to break down hide fibers may
Hatt describes two distinct clothing complexes: one based appear in the assemblage. Finally, there may be feature
upon the development of the poncho or cape, leggings traces of hide smoking or other curing processes. In gen-
breeches, and sandal boots and another focused upon the eral, however, the improved cape model does not neces-
development of the cloak and clothing derived from it (such sarily require that new or specialized tool morphologies
as shirts and jackets), breechcloths and various kinds of be invented to improve the utility of the hides used for
undergarments, and moccasins. Hatt is concerned with simple clothing, and thus assemblage diversity should be
describing clothing that is absolutely essential for human similar to that predicted by the simple cape model but with
survival in harsh climates. Hayden (1990) acknowledges a few crucial additions.
the necessity of clothing in such environments, although In contrast, the luxury garment model (or utilitarian
he does not discuss it at great length. garment model in extreme climates) predicts the appear-
Hayden's model has several important archaeological ance of specialized scraper morphologies and the repeated
implications that are useful in determining the complexity use of hafted, curated, resharpened scraping tools. A wide
of clothing. While cultural factors, skin characteristics, and variety of microwear traces should be observed in the as-
other factors must be considered, simple capes can be made semblage, although the degree to which any particular
with a minimum of effort, and from a design-theory per- scraper morphology will be isomorphic with a particular
spective, tools need not be complex or numerous. Using a wear trace is an empirical question that cannot be easily
number of ethnographies as a basis, Hayden shows that predicted. Since luxury garment production is expensive
simple, expedient tools are sufficient for processing a small in terms of raw material, labor, and tools used to process
number of hides on an annual basis and notes that the most the hides, relatively large numbers ofscraping tools should
142 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

be exhausted. Other processing tools should also be found of this process would have been contingent upon how
in the assemblage, and again feature traces of specialized quickly these new patches stabilized as well as the mix of
tanning, drying, or curing processes may be observed. As floral and faunal resources present in any locality. In this
Hayden (1990: 95-96) notes, assemblages devoted to luxury model, then, there is room for variability in the timing of
garment production should be similar in complexity to permanent highland occupation.
those of specialized craft producers, such as the Ethiopian As has been noted, the move to the highlands had mixed
hide workers observed by Gallagher (1977). effects. All adults would have begun to acclimatize to high
altitude, which would have lead to improved work capac-
A Summary ofa Model ofthe Discovery ofthe Highlands ity over the long run. Optimal siting of the residential base,
The discovery and use of the highlands on the western if possible, would also have improved the work situation
flank of the Andes were likely driven by short-term deci- by reducing effort in relation to return. This reduction in
sions designed to minimize effort while simultaneously work effort would have been apparent to all members of
insuring sufficient caloric returns for all members of the the group. The costs of the move, however, would have
coresidential group. The resource pull of the rapidly chang- been more subtle and difficult to recognize, and they would
ing highlands, especially as regards faunal resources, would have fallen hardest upon pregnant and lactating women
have permitted foragers to achieve these goals as newly and their young children. Hypoxia would have increased
emergent highland animal and plant communities became their caloric demands; if these women experienced any
more productive and stable. Land use by this foraging shortfall, it would have affected their fetuses through lower
group was probably a mix of residential and logistical mo- birth weights and thus diminished the fetuses' survival
bility as long as the elevation range exploited lay below ca. probabilities. Further, if nursing mothers experienced
2,500 m. While high, the costs of residential mobility were shortfalls, their children would have been at heightened
probably not greater than returns below this threshold. risk for essential fatty acid syndrome, respiratory and gas-
Above it, the effects of hypoxia and cold would have been trointestinal diseases, and developmental problems, thus
obvious, and it is probable that the earliest use of the high- contributing to higher rates of infant mortality. Until
lands above 2,500 m was made on a logistical basis, most women made a successful, long-term acclimatization to
likely by hunting parties of adult males. As long as there high elevation, the earliest permanent occupation of the
was some perceived return, the highlands would have seen highlands would have been characterized by very slow rates
continued use on this basis. However, it was not possible of population growth. Any increase in residential mobility
to increase or even maintain for a long period returns un- would have exacerbated this trend, while greater sedentism
der this system because of limitations in transport tech- would have acted to increase the growth rate.
nology and the inability of the members of the foraging Clothing would have been essential to this emerging
party to overcome the effects of hypoxia that limited their long-term adaptation to high elevation. While most ef-
work capacity. Since they were unlikely to have been resi- fective in combating cold, which would have been severe
dent at high elevation for any significant length of time, at this elevation, it served to help keep energy require-
they could not have benefited from the initiation of the ments lower through insulation. It would have indirectly
acclimatization process. helped to mitigate against the severity of respiratory dis-
The proximate cause for change in this pattern of land ease contracted by any individual. Therefore, we should
use was the stabilization of resource patches in the high- certainly see the appearance of complex tool kits useful in
lands. As more permanent and productive patches emerged making warm hide clothing at the onset ofpermanent habi-
on the landscape, their pull would have been sufficient to tation at high elevation.
draw the entire coresidential group to them. This does
not imply resource shortfall in lower elevations but in- Asana I1Puruma Phase
stead stresses that these changes would have permitted the
entire group to obtain sufficient caloric return while si- Included in the Asana VPuruma Phase are four levels from
multaneously reducing work effort on the part of the the East Block of the site (Levels PXXXIII-PXXX) and
group's most productive members-its hunters. Therefore, six levels from the West Block (XXXVI-XXXI). Specifi-
a short-term decision to reduce work effort while main- cally, data from Levels PXXXIII, PXXXII, and PXXX are
taining or possibly increasing caloric returns as these presented in detail; trends in phase-aggregated data and
patches became stable made good "sense." The rapidity known settlement patterns will also be discussed.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 143

cant hunting, there is no clear evidence of hunting blinds

Early Archaic Settlement Patterns (11,000-8000 B.P.)
or logistical camps dating to this period. Aside from the
Although a large number of projectile points dating to the logistical forays indicated by the presence of puna rim and
Early Archaic have been found in the Rio Asana valley puna lithic raw materials, most use of the valley was prob-
during survey operations (Aldenderfer 1989c: table 7), it ably performed within the foraging radius of Asana itself.
has proven extremely difficult to associate these points with This observation is consistent with the argument that Asana
other evidence indicative of the nature of Early Archaic was optimally situated to minimize work effort involved
usage of the high sierra, puna rim, and puna environments. in plant and animal procurement, one of the predictions
While a large number of densities and components were of the model of early highlands land use offered earlier.
identified during survey, none of these had Early Archaic
points either within or near their boundaries and are best
Level PXXXIII (9830 B.p.)
considered as stray finds lost during hunting or moving Level PXXXIII, dated to 9830 B.P., is the earliest occupied
throughout the valley (Aldenderfer 1989c: 155-157). Con- level at Asana. Cultural remains include chipped stone
sequently, it is not clear how many of the densities are lithics, faunal remains, and cultural features, including a
likely to date to this period. probable house floor with associated midden, hearths,
Despite this, other observations can be made. Each of postmolds, and ash dumps. The occupation rests upon clay,
the Early Archaic points encountered during survey was silt, and sandy silt soils, all of alluvial origin, that were
found on the T3 terrace of the Rio Asana, and none were once immediately adjacent to the edge of the early Rio
found closer than 4 km upstream from (east of) the site. Asana (figs. 6.1, 6.2). River cobbles form the southeastern
These areas would have been prime taruca hunting terri- margin of the site and protrude from the soil matrix. Col-
tory during Early Archaic times. None of these points were luvial rock is found along the northern margin of the ex-
found downstream from the site, and significantly, these cavation block. The open area available for utilization ap-
areas would have been less desirable as hunting territo- pears to be relatively small, especially when compared to
ries. Further, no Early Archaic materials were found in the area available in later phases of occupation.
the puna rim environment, which would have been a mar-
ginal zone for plants and animals at the start of this pe- Faunal and Lithic Data and Site Structure The faunal
riod. While the data are far from complete, Early Archaic remains are extremely meager in Level PXXXIII and con-
usage of the upper Rio Asana valley was focused primarily sist of a single, complete taruca tibia found just east of the
upon Asana, and while the valley was the scene of signifi- margins of the presumed structure. The articulating ends

Fig. 6.1. Level PXXXIII.

144 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

Silly Clay-IOYRS/2


o Fine Sand Sill
. ;;.~~.,&
~"I!.'::IJ4 '.

00 Rock

0 @ Pasl
G Q 1
Ash Slain
I &?i3
/ /
~- House Floor

35 36 Quebrada

0 I 2

Fig. 6.2. Plan view, Level PXXXIII.

of the bone are present, it shows no signs of animal gnaw- consists of the unmodified soil matrix with little or no evi-
ing or butchery, and it is unburned. However, since the dence of packing or intensive use. The size of the struc-
bone is extremely weathered, too much should not be read ture is 4.3 m2, and inside it are two large, deep hearths
into the apparent absence of these marks. Both chipped filled with burned soil, some white ash, and very small
stone lithics and ground stone tools are scant in this level. pieces ofcarbonized wood (fig. 6.3). A third hearth is found
Chipped stone materials include three different high-si- along or just outside the northern boundary of the struc-
erra raw materials and one lower high-sierra material (table ture. It is probable that these hearths were used for heat
6.1). Counts are very low and consequently little can be and light sources since even austral summer temperatures
said of reduction. Further, no morphological tools or would have been very cold at ca. 10,000 B.P. Two ash lenses,
ground stone tools were recovered from this level. one within the structure along its southern wall and an-
Fortunately, more information on site structure is avail- other outside the structure to the east are also present.
able for analysis. An apparent structure was found on this Both appear to have been pushed to their respective loca-
surface and is defined by a combination ofseven postIDolds tions as a result of inside cleaning activities. Shallow sheet
in a roughly circular or ovoid pattern (fig. 6.2). The floor midden consisting oforganically stained soil is found along
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 145

Table 6.1. Lithic Raw Materials, Asana I1Puruma Phase the north wall of the structure, near what may be its en-
trance given the positioning of the postmolds. If this in-
ference is correct, the placement of this midden is similar
Level to door dumps and toss middens observed in cold-weather
campsites of the Nunamiut (Binford 1983: fig. 122) and
SourcelType PXXX PXXXI PXXXII PXXXIII represents the least-effort disposal of trash from the door-
way. No bone or lithics were found in this midden.
There is little doubt that the earliest occupation ofAsana
Coast 3 2 was extremely brief. No exhausted tools were discarded at
the site, and the faunal remains present indicate that ex-
Lower high
sierra tensive butchery and food preparation were not part of
7 1 the activity performance profile. Unfortunately, since no
32 17 macrobotanical materials were preserved in the hearths or
33 4 2 midden, nothing can be said of the season of occupation.
34 1 At least from the perspective of lithic debris, there is no
evidence of the exploration or utilization of any environ-
High sierra
4 204 66 5 7 ment higher than the immediate vicinity of Asana. Taruca
5 2 4 3 2 would have been plentiful in the site environs since their
11 29 15 3 2 effective habitat would have been pushed down to an el-
14 12 2 evation range of 3,600 to 3,800 m. Spatial data, combined
17 37 18 2 with the limited artifact information, suggest that Level
21 19 14 PXXXIII at Asana was a short-term logistical camp.
40 1 1 2
42 9 1 Level PXXXII (ca. 9600 B.P)

Puna rim Level PXXXII is similar to Level PXXXIII, although it is

1 22 6 clear that there are significant changes in architecture and
2 12 site structure as well as some minor increase in artifact
3 1 density, primarily bone. The setting of the site is similar
18 30 72 as well, in that the main occupation appears to be situated
19 1 along the edge of the early course of the Rio Asana. There
23 2 is more sand in the soil matrix of this level, indicating that
25 1 some colluviation, as well as alluvial action, was respon-
20 74 109
27 1
41 10 10

Fig. 6.3. Hearth on Level PXXXIII surface.

146 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

sible for the formation of the natural soil matrix. A large Once again, no morphological tools or ground stone
quebrada channel in the northwestern corner of the level tools were recovered in this level, and there is very little
reinforces this interpretation. reduction debris present (N = 14,3.75 g, 61m 3). Most of
the lithic material is oflocal origin, but there are two small
Faunal and Lithic Data Only one individual could be (<1 cm maximum dimension) fragments ofcoastal raw ma-
identified in Level PXXXII, a large camelid. Despite higher terial. These by-products appear to be trimming flakes and
counts (N = 94), weights (63 g), and bone densities (421 were probably struck during either tool maintenance or
m\ there is no packet information available due to the the removal of flakes from bifaces of coastal material used
extreme fragmentation of the assemblage. Aside from a as sources of tool blanks as suggested by Kelly (1988).
single vertebra, the only recognizable fragments were pha- Whatever their use, tool maintenance was of minor im-
langes and metapodials. These low-utility parts suggest portance during this occupation, and within the excava-
that whole or nearly whole animals were returned to the tion block, there is no evidence of reduction directed spe-
site and then removed to other locations. Alternatively, cifically at small-tool production or biface shaping.
these parts could represent snacking of transported parts
from a different site. The most parsimonious explanation, Site Structure Once again, site structure data are the
however, is that they represent on-site consumption of most informative. The most obvious features are the cir-
animals killed in the highlands. The low proportion of cular patterns of postIDold alignments that apparently form
burned bones (4%) tends to reinforce this assumption. the remains of two structures (figs. 6.4, 6.5). These struc-



CJJ Rack
CD Hearth
N /~ Midden
C/3>1 Quebrada
I ~~ Ash Stain

P 0 2

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.4. Plan view, Level PXXXII.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 147

Fig. 6.5. Level PXXXII.

tures measure 4.9 m 2 and 5.1 m 2, respectively. The door- sent exterior cooking hearths. Hearth 1 is located directly
ways of each structure point to the east and are thus situ- across from the doorway of Structure 1 and would have
ated away from the predominant wind, which tends to blow been shielded from the wind by the large colluvial boul-
from the west. Other postmold patterns situated in vari- ders and by the structures themselves if in fact both had
ous areas near the structures may represent the remains of been erected simultaneously. Hearth 2 is somewhat fur-
racks or other facilities. Both structures have at least one ther from the doorway of Structure 2, but it is essentially
hearth within them but at different locations. One is found in the same sheltered area as Hearth 1. While it is not
in the center of Structure 1, while there are two hearths in certain that these hearths were in fact directly associated
Structure 2, one situated near the presumed doorway and with the two structures, their contents (burned soil, some
the other near the structure's western wall. There is also burned and crushed bone, and carbon fragments) suggest
an ash lens pushed up against the southern wall of Struc- that they may have been shallow cooking hearths.
ture 2. This dump, composed of compacted white ash, has While the structures on this surface are archaeologically
a very high density of bone and may represent the remains contemporaneous, it is difficult to determine if in fact the
of food consumption within the structure (fig. 6.6). A structures were simultaneously occupied. There was no
midden of organically stained soil can be found within the recognizable stratification within the level indicative of a
structure running to the north beyond the wall to some temporal difference in occupation. Further, there is no
extent. This midden has no lithic or bone debris present overlap between postmold patterns which might be ex-
within it. A small ash dump is located near the presumed pected if there was some difference in time between the
doorway; this may be a classic door dump representing occupations. However, it is possible that the complex or-
staged refuse disposal common in cold climates. ganization of features and facilities in Structure 2 is in-
Exterior to the structures are a number of features, in- dicative of a palimpsest occupation, in which Structure 2
cluding hearths, ash dumps, and a single, relatively small was occupied first, with Structure 1 occupied later. It is
sheet midden to the east of Structure 2. In general, trash therefore possible that some of the refuse and debris within
disposal areas are widely scattered on this surface, with Structure 2 is in fact derived from the refuse disposal ac-
the areas of highest refuse density found in ash dumps and tivities associated with the Structure 1 occupation. The
hearths. There is virtually no cultural material scattered most parsimonious explanation, however, is that the two
between the structures or in other areas of the exposed structures were occupied simultaneously.
level. Two hearths, Hearths 1 and 2 (fig. 6.4), may repre-
148 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

R 0 g~::ity

o 1g :::~th
N ~,/, Midden
~, Ash Stain
P o
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.6. Total bone density, Level PXXXII, interval = 5.

Interpretations The Level PXXXII occupation of Asana monality of usage. The structures are essentially the same
is consistent with an interpretation of a logistical camp size, each contains at least one hearth, and refuse disposal
occupied for a short period of time and monitored from a patterns are consistent with short-term occupations typi-
lower elevation residential base. Limited tool diversity cal of cold-weather climates.
supports this contention, as do the very low densities of The scale of land use as inferred through raw material
reduction by-products and bone. Very low frequencies of types suggests that the foragers who occupied Asana at
coastal raw materials are suggestive ofcoast-highlands mo- this time probably had not penetrated either the puna rim
bility, and this inference is further supported by the form or the high puna of the region. Indeed, while they may
and size of the residential architecture found in the level, have visited these areas, they left no visible trace of that
which is very similar to that found at sites such as Acha-2 occupation at Asana.
on the north Chilean littoral which is dated to ca. 9000
Level PXXX (9500 B.P)
B.P. (Munoz, Arriza, and Auferheide 1993).
There are important differences between site organi- While there are substantial similarities between the utili-
zation and structure when Levels PXXXIII and PXXXII zation of Level PX:XX and that of the preceding levels, it
are compared. The earlier level contains a single struc- is clear that a number of significant changes in both site
ture, whereas there are two in the later occupation. This and regional utilization occur during this occupation. The
implies that a larger foraging party occupied the site in densities of faunal and lithic remains increase substantially,
PXXXII times, although it remains likely that it was still a and moreover, there is clear evidence that the puna rim
logistical party probably composed of males. Admittedly, and puna were visited by foragers who used Asana as a
this inference is tenuous, but it is supported by the dearth combination logistical camp and staging camp for the ex-
of artifacts indicative of female-related activities, such as ploration of the higher elevations of the drainage.
hide processing or seed grinding. However, both the size
and organization of space of the structures suggest a com-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 149

Faunal Data Bone density as measured by counts of all site and may have been transported away from the site.
fragments recovered from the level is substantially greater The assemblage was highly fragmented, with just over 80%
than that in the preceding levels (N = 1,644). For example, of the fragments measuring 2 cm or less in maximum di-
there are 17 times more faunal remains in PXXX than in mension. Finally, more of the bone was burned (17.5%).
PXXXII. Bone weight (588 g) and bone density (734/m 3) Of the NISP identifiable as to age (N = 31; 1.9% of the
also increase. While the total amount of recovered mate- assemblage), 39% were elements from mature, adult ani-
rial remains small, especially when compared to levels later mals, while the remainder (61 %) were from immature in-
in time (table 6.2), it nevertheless represents a substantial dividuals. Again, while NISP cannot be used to predict
increase when compared to earlier occupations of the site. proportions of different species or age groups in an as-
For the first time it is possible to evaluate packet data semblage in a robust manner, the relatively large propor-
to determine the nature of faunal remains returned, con- tion of immature NISP suggests a pattern of relatively low
sumed, and possibly removed from the site. While mind- selectivity of prey that contradicts the hypothesis derived
ful of the limitations of these data, especially since it is from optimal foraging theory that in high-mountain en-
clear that this assemblage has suffered losses due to both vironments, larger packets would be preferred over small
density-mediated processes and carnivore ravaging (see packets given variability in travel times and costs.
chapter 4), there are some interesting patterns present.
Whole animals were returned to the site given the high Lithic Data Like bone densities, lithic densities have in-
number of tooth fragments, phalanges, and metapodials creased substantially when compared to previous levels, a
present in the assemblage. Most of the other identifiable trend initiated in PXXXI (table 6.1; N = 531, 237/m 3).
fragments are from the head and neck, with smaller pro- Although reduction by-products continue to be dominated
portions from the forequarters and trunk. In contrast, there by high-sierra raw materials (57.7% of the assemblage),
are relatively few fragments from the hindquarters and tail there are also substantial proportions of puna rim (35.1 %)
packets. The data suggest that the high-utility trunk and materials present, as well as a minor amount of puna ma-
forequarters were consumed on site along with the lower terials (2.8%), lower high-sierra materials (4.2%), and
utility head and neck packet. In contrast, it appears that coastal materials (0.2%). The reduction by-products of
the hindquarters and tail packets were not consumed on each of the material types with counts greater than 50 re-
flect small-tool maintenance as measured by the flake ag-
gregate approach (fig. 6.7; Ahler 1989: 112). No other type
Table 6.2. Faunal Data Summary, Level PXXX of reduction process is indicated.
Perhaps the most important change in the lithic assem-
blage is the appearance of discarded or lost morphological
Packet Data a tools, particularly scrapers. This trend was initiated in
Level PXXXI, in which four scraping tools (three Type 3,
one Type 5; see chapter 4) used to process hides were dis-
2 3 4 5
covered. Two of these tools were used to work wet hide,
11 3 5 while two others were general hide-scraping implements.
.52 .14 .24 .05 .05 In PXXX, a similar pattern obtains, but the quantity of
tools is somewhat larger, and there is greater tool diver-
N = 1,644 sity within the assemblage. Ten scraping tools were found,
including Types 1, 3, and 5, with most being Type 3 (fig.
6.8). In addition to the scraping tools, three small, unfin-
Phalanges = 7 ished bifacial tool fragments were also recovered. None
Metapodials = 15 of these fragments showed signs of use, and none could be
placed into a clear morphological category, but each can
Tooth fragments = 51 be classified as either a Stage II or Stage III bifacial arti-
fact. Two of these tools are made from local Type 11 vol-
canic andesite, while the third is a Type 34 red volcanic
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the andesite from the lower high sierra. Although their func-
assemblage. tions cannot be ascertained, their presence signals that
150 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

50 -r---------------------, some retooling and tool production using local raw mate-
rials have become a part of the activity profile at the site.
A Freehand Not only is the number of types ofscraping tools greater,
40 -
ABiface, Stage 2 but the range of activities performed with them is greater
..J as well. Both dry and wet or fresh hide processing can be
<l ABipolar
;:: 30-
distinguished as well as generic, nonspecific hide process-
o ing. Scraping and cutting motions are present, and the Type
.... 3 scraping tools are used exclusively for dry hide process-
t: 20
ing, whereas the other two types are used to process wet
.... or fresh hides. The microwear data suggest that a wider
ABiface, Stage 3-4 range ofhide-processing activities were practiced in PX:XX
10 Small Tool in comparison to previous levels.
Small Tool
A Product ian AMaintenance Much can be learned by comparing the tools recovered
A Biface, Stage 5 .25 .18 in Level PX:XX with materials from a roughly contempo-
o -+-----r---r----r-.~1:..:.1-_r_--____,,...:!.~4:....-___I
I I I I rary assemblage of tools found at the Shell Ring Site on
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
the Moquegua littoral. Sandweiss et al. (1989: 68-69) have
described the lithic assemblage recovered from the Shell
Fig. 6.7. Flake aggregate analysis, Level PXXX. Ring Site, and all levels, including the basal layers of the
site, contain only unifacial tools made on a variety of re-
duction by-products. There are no tools that resemble the
wide range of scraping tools found at Asana, although it is
clear based on design theory and ethnographic analogy
that many of the artifacts illustrated could easily have served
as hide-processing tools and are in fact very similar to the


Fig. 6.8. Scraping tools, Level PXXX.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 151

tools illustrated by Hayden (1990) in his discussion of the The use of exterior space is much more complex than
tool kit used by the Ona and Selk'nam to process guanaco in previous levels. There are a large number of exterior
hides to make basic capes. The absence ofspecialized scrap- hearths to the north and west of the domestic structures,
ing tools at the Shell Ring Site suggests that basic capes and a midden/ash deposit can be found just north of the
were probably used by the earliest inhabitants of the site if easternmost structure. These hearths are essentially the
the materials recovered from the excavations are repre- same and vary only slightly in depth and diameter. An ex-
sentative of the assemblage as a whole. amination of refuse disposal patterns of lithics and bone
Ground stone tools are rare in this level, and only three on this level suggests that these hearths served as foci of
were recovered. Of these, two were manos with indica- activity performance. These materials are scattered in a
tions that they were possibly used for hide burnishing, semicircular form around many of the hearths (figs. 6.11,
while the function of the third could not be determined. 6.12), and refuse in an "empty" area along the north-cen-
tral margin of the site appears to be a classic toss zone, in
Site Structure Two apparent structures are found on which larger bone and stone refuse was tossed. It is also
Level PXXX and are defined by postmold patterns. While possible that this portion of the site served as a zone for
neither is complete, they appear to be more ovoid in form secondary refuse disposal since concentrations of burned
when compared to structures found in earlier levels of this bone were found there as well (fig. 6.13). Small quantities
phase. The area enclosed by the westernmost structure is of small bone, burned bone, and lithic debris were found
estimated to be approximately 6.5 m 2, somewhat larger in the hearths of the westernmost structure. These appear
than the circular structures of Levels PXXXII and PXXXI. to be the result of floor sweeping and refuse disposal fol-
Both structures have large, shallow hearths within them lowing activity performance or eating within the house.
as well as small patches of ash near the hearths, probable A possible special activity area can be found near a hearth
indicators of hearth cleaning and reuse. Additional on the eastern margin of the level (fig. 6.11). Within a
postmolds may be the remains of drying racks or other single hearth, over 2,000 fragments of crushed and splin-
exterior features (figs. 6.9, 6.10). tered bone less than 2 cm in maximum dimension were

Fig. 6.9. Level PXXX.

152 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands


o o


@ Hear Ih
:Y// Midden
N G Ground Stone
Q ~ Quebrada
... , House Floor

I 'i~ Ash SIO in

p o,
Meter s

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.10. Plan view, Level PXXX.



@ Hearth
:Y// Midden
Q ~ Quebrada
... ,
House Floor
~~ Ash Stoin

p 0, ,1
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.11. Total bone density, Level PXXX, first contour = 5, interval = 20.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 153





Densil y
j 00
Hear th
::/// Midden
N G Ground Stone
a ~ Quebrada

,-/ House Floor
I il\l'.j; Ash SIO in

p 0 1
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.12. Total lithic density, Level PXXX, interval = 10.

/ - -e'l
I '.'e,e

-, ,

00 Rock
;; Hearth
N G Ground Stone

a ~ Quebrada
,-/ House Floor
I @'Jl Ash Stain

p 0 1

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.13. Total burned bone density, Level PXXX, interval = 5.

154 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

discovered. Also found within this hearth is a high con- the season of occupation, it is most probable that it was
centration oflithics ranging in size from 1 to 2 cm in maxi- occupied during the austral summer or the early austral
mum dimension but only a very small amount of lithic fall if in fact hide working was the primary reason for the
debris less than 1 cm in maximum dimension. This sug- occupation of the site.
gests that the hearth was probably not a focus of activity
Summary: Asana IIPuruma Phase Occupation
performance involving the reduction of lithics but instead
served as a secondary refuse deposit for these materials. The earliest occupation at Asana can be summarized by
The small bone fragments were probably processed near discussing three interrelated topics: the place of Asana in
this hearth and then left in place. The size range and large a regional-scale settlement system, the spatial scale of that
number of bone fragments are consistent with the making system, and the development of effective cultural adapta-
of bone grease as postulated earlier (see table 4.19). tions such as clothing to ameliorate the combined effects
of hypoxia and cold. Despite the absence of additional
Interpretations The occupation of Level PXXX appears settlements dating to this period, it seems clear that the
to mark a significant shift in the nature of the occupation earliest occupation of Asana during Levels PXXXIII and
at Asana. The presence of significant quantities of puna PXXXII is best characterized as a logistical camp, and in-
and puna rim raw materials suggests that the scale of land deed, these levels appear to represent the initial discovery
use \-vas somewhat greater than in previous occupations. of the highlands. Artifact density and assemblage diversity
As was noted earlier, puna raw materials are found at least in these earliest levels are extremely low, which is consis-
30 km away from the site at elevations above 4,400 m. It is tent with a logistical occupation of the site. While the sea-
likely that these materials were returned to the site during son of occupation of the site remains speculative, it is prob-
logistical forays to these high-elevation areas. At the same able that it was occupied during the austral summer when
time, there is a continued presence of coastal raw materi- temperature extremes and cold were not as severe as in
als, although in very small amounts. As in previous levels, other seasons. Domestic architecture and the use of space
these materials were probably brought on site by foragers at the site are not complex and are indicative of relatively
as a part of their tool kits. short-term utilization of the site.
Other significant changes at Asana during this occupa- In contrast, by Levels PXXXI and PXXX the place of
tion are greater assemblage diversity and a wider range of Asana appears to have changed from a logistical camp to a
activities performed. Tools made of other than local high- temporary residential base occupied by the entire
sierra raw materials were discarded on site, presumably coresidential group. Artifacts indicative of female activi-
following their exhaustion in activity performance, and ties, such as hide-processing tools, are now more com-
were replaced with similar artifacts made of high-sierra mon, and assemblage diversity as well as actual activities
raw materials. Tool maintenance continued to be impor- performed have increased substantially. The latter line of
tant, as reflected by the size range of reduction by-prod- evidence suggests that the length of occupation has in-
ucts. Each of these indicators supports the inference that creased as well when compared to that indicated in Levels
the length of occupation at the site increased at this time, PXXXIII and PXXXII. Domestic architecture in Level
allowing a wider range of materials to be discarded into PXXX is well constructed, and there is evidence for some
the archaeological record. activity performance within domestic structures. Large
This inference is further supported by evidence for a hearths, probably used to supply both heat and light, are
wider range of activities performed. While hide working present. The use of exterior space in Level PXXX is com-
continues to be the dominant activity performed, the range plex and includes activity performance around exterior
of scraper types present as well as the different conditions hearths and the disposal of secondary refuse in areas well
of the hide when processed suggest that more of the hide- away from the domestic structures.
working process was performed on site. Further, these data There are also important changes in the scale of re-
are consistent with the making of more complex clothing. gional settlement systems in the Asana I1Puruma Phase as
The presence of a more elaborate hide-working activity well. While there is a clear connection with the coast sig-
profile suggests that females, and by extension their chil- naled by the presence of coastal raw materials and the cir-
dren, were present on site. Thus the place of Asana has cular form of domestic architecture seen especially in Lev-
transformed from a logistical camp to a short-term resi- els PXXXII and PXXXI, by PXXX times it is clear that
dential camp. Although there are no direct indicators of these foragers penetrated the upper limits of the Rio Asana
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 155

drainage, including the puna rim and puna environments. Table 6.3. Asana I1Puruma Tool and
While sites reflecting this penetration have not been dis- Debitage Comparisons
covered, it is likely that these trips were logistical forays
monitored from Asana. Tool and Raw Material Type Comparisons
Another way in which to measure the structure and scale
of mobility in this phase is to assess the relationship be-
tween debitage frequencies and the raw materials from Raw Material by Zone
which tools have been made. Since raw material types are
vertically stratified in the Rio Asana valley, it is possible to Lower
determine the relationship between sources of lithic ma- High High Puna
terials and the loci of discard of finished and exhausted Sierra Sierra Rim
tools. Asymmetrical relationships between debitage fre-
quencies and finished tools may indicate that tools were
made in one zone but used, exhausted, and discarded in Biface 0 4 0
1.25 2.50 0.25
another. This suggests in turn that some form of mobility
-1.18 0.948 -0.50
is responsible for the difference between debitage and tool
quantities. Table 6.3 presents data from the Asana II Point 0 0 1
Puruma Phase. Looking first at the relationship between 0.312 0.625 0.0625
tool type and raw material, given the value of chi squared -0.559 -0.790 3.75
and the standardized residuals, there is no asymmetry be- Scraper 5 6 0
tween tool type and raw material type. This implies that 3.43 6.87 0.6875
no particular tool type was made in one area but discarded 0.842 -0.333 -0.829
in another. Looking at the relationship between tool ma-
Table contents
terial type and debitage material type, a somewhat differ- Count
ent pattern emerges. While percentage data are not ap- Expected values
propriately tested using the chi square statistic, it is clear Standardized residuals
that many more tools than expected are made of raw ma-
Chi squared = 18, 91, 4 df, not significant
terials from the lower high sierra than the frequency of
lower high-sierra debitage found at Asana would suggest.
This implies that many of these tools (mostly scrapers) Tool, Raw Material Type, and Debitage Comparisons
were made in the lower high sierra, transported to Asana,
and used to exhaustion. Roughly equivalent percentages
of high-sierra raw material debitage and high-sierra ma- Lower
terial tools suggest that some local retooling was under- High High Puna
Sierra Sierra Rim Puna
taken, a finding supported by the flake aggregate analysis.
Although puna and puna rim debitage was found at Asana,
fewer tools than expected were deposited at the site. This Tools 59% 6% 0%
suggests that while tools made of these materials may have
been made on site, they were taken away from it before Debitage 3% 50% 42% 4%
they were used or exhausted.
By PXXX times, there is clear evidence of the complex
apercentage values refer to proportion of tools and debitage made
processing ofanimal hides that reflects the making of more of raw materials from each zone.
substantial clothing or shelter. Three distinct types of
scrapers are found in PXXX, and at least three different
types of microwear traces-dry, fresh, and ochred fresh
hide-have been found on these tools. All but one of the
scraping tools in the assemblage show signs of hafting, and
each was resharpened numerous times before discard. All
show signs of intensive edge rounding as well. Ground
156 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

stone hide-burnishing tools are also present in the assem- Table 6.4. Faunal Data Summary, Level PXXIX
blage. These lines of evidence indicate that clothing more
complex than the basic cape model was being made on
site, and it is probable that more substantial clothing was Packet Data a
being processed. This significant investment in process-
ing time suggests that more time was being spent at high
2 3 4 5
elevation, and consequently more protection from the
chronic cold was required. 61 78 433 26 27

.10 .13 .69 .04 .04

Asana IIIKhitufta Phase N = 14,025
Included in the Asana IIIKhituiia Phase are ten levels from MNI=5
the East Block of the site (PXXIX-PXX) and four levels
Phalanges = 38
from the West Block (XXX-XXVII). Data from Levels
PXXIX and PXXIV will be presented in detail; trends in Metapodials = 71
phase-aggregated data also will be discussed. Tooth fragments = 277

Level PXXIX (ca. 9400 B.P.)

Level PXXIX is the first in the Asana II/Khituiia Phase, aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
which is defined by a clear change in domestic architec- packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the
ture and the end of residential mobility from the high-
lands to the coast as measured by the disappearance of
coastal raw materials in the lithic assemblage. Domestic
architecture no longer resembles that known from the Packet and bone element data show a number of inter-
coast, and it appears that with this phase, foraging peoples esting patterns. The large number of teeth, phalanges, and
now live permanently at elevations greater than 2,500 m. metapodials suggests that whole animals were returned to
the site (table 6.4) and were butchered on site. Elements
Faunal Data The amount offaunal materials recovered from the trunk packet dominate the NISP in this assem-
from Level PXXIX is over ten times greater than any level blage, followed distantly by the forequarters and head and
in Asana I1Puruma Phase times (table 6.4). While the quan- neck packets. In contrast, relatively low proportions of
tity ofmaterials recovered is greater, the assemblage is nev- hindquarters and tail packets were discovered. Since it is
ertheless highly fragmented, with almost 79% of it com- probable that whole animals were returned to the site, this
posed of fragments smaller than 4 cm in maximum dimen- pattern suggests that portions of the hindquarters were
sion. The total weight of the recovered bone is 6.9 kg, taken off site or processed for future consumption. In any
with a density of 11,310 1m 3 This is one of the larger case, smaller proportions of these packets made their way
numbers and highest densities of recovered faunal mate- into the archaeological record, at least in comparison to
rial of any level excavated at Asana. A smaller proportion the other packets.
of the assemblage has been burned (only 3.5%), but this Age data show a reversal when compared to previous
figure may be the result of the extreme fragmentation of levels. Again, while there are relatively few NISP identifi-
the assenlblage. One of the most important findings in able as to age (N = 230; 1.7% of the assemblage), just over
this level is the clear presence of taruca. Of the fragments 83 % can be assigned to fully mature adult animals, while
identifiable as to species (N = 238; 1.7% ofthe assemblage), 17% are immature. With the appropriate cautions, this
11 % are taruca, while the remainder are the camelid ag- suggests that larger animals and packet size were preferred
gregate. Again, while NISP proportions cannot be read as by the occupants of the residential structures in this level,
indicative of hunting preferences or their actual contribu- a finding in greater accord with the predictions of theory.
tion to the diet, the presence of substantial numbers of
taruca remains suggests that these animals were in fact Lithic Data Counts of lithic materials are relatively low
important in the diet. In contrast, there are no remains of in Level XXIX (N = 1,152) with a total weight of 746 g.
small or medium-sized mammals. The density of lithic materials by volume is 929/m 3 The
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 157

diversity of raw material types in the assemblage, how- Table 6.5. Lithic Data Summary, Level PXXIX
ever, is high, with 27 different types of material present.
Of these, 7 (Type 4 cryptocrystalline quartz, Type 11 vol-
canic andesite, Type 17 rhyolite, Type 18 red andesite, Type Tools (N = 20)
21 rhyolite, Type 25 chert, and Type 42 chert) are repre- Scrapers 12
sented by counts greater than 50, a figure larger than ex- Types 3
pected by the size of the sample. This assemblage is T1 4
strongly dominated by high-sierra zone raw materials T2 6
(83.5%), followed by puna rim materials (10.2%), lower T4 2
high-sierra materials (4.2%), and puna materials (1.7%). Stage III percussion bifaces 4
Only a single piece of obsidian, classified as a far nonlocal
material, was found in the assemblage. Reduction in the Edge tools 4
level reflects tool maintenance and resharpening (fig. 6.14). Microwear Summary
None of the earlier stages of reduction are represented in
Dry hide scraping 4
the assemblage.
The chipped stone tool assemblage continues to be Fresh hide scraping/defleshing 5
dominated by scraping tools, although more broken bifaces General hide working
and edge tools are found (table 6.5). Tool uses defined
Hide cutting
through microwear analysis focus upon hide processing,
with two types of polish present and three distinct mo-
tions (scraping, cutting, and a more complex "butchery"
motion). Each of the scraping tools shows fine unifacial
retouch, and each has been resharpened to varying de- able wood polish, again in locations consistent with haft-
grees. Those showing traces ofdry hide polish have heavily ing. The edge tools are ad hoc and made on reduction by-
rounded and beveled edges, a typical finding with dry hide products suitable for cutting. They have obviously been
scrapers. Each of the scrapers shows evidence that it was selected for use as edges. Little can be said of the broken
hafted. Most exhibit traces of a black residue in areas con- Stage III percussion blanks. Each is very small and frag-
sistent with hafting traces, and a few show patches of prob- mentary, and no function or intended finished morphol-
ogy can be discerned. No tool functions aside from hide
processing could be determined.
Seven ground stone tools were found on the PXXIX
50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
floor. These include three mano-shaped and -sized tools
that have been interpreted as hide-working tools because
A Freehand they exhibit polishes consistent with this activity, one mano
40 -
ASiface, Stage 2
that was used for a combination of push-pull grinding and
..J some battering, a large, ovoid stone ball extensively shaped
~ A Bi polar
;: 30-
by pecking with heavy damage at one end from use as a
battering and crushing tool, and two small batanes, both
...z of which show some traces of crushing and faceting on at
~ 20 -
least one surface. This wear was probably created through
use as an anvil. Neither batan showed any evidence of be-
A Bi face, Stage 3 - 4
ing used as a grinding platform.
10 -
Small Toot Smalt Toot
A Production AMaintenonce Site Structure Level PXXIX presents a very complex
17 41
ASiface, Stage 5 "".18'~1 ~5 set of features and distributions of material culture. The
o -+----r--I--~I--"T'"I----r"I-----,.I------~ single domestic structure present in the level marks a sig-
o 10 20 30 40 50 60
nificant change in form when compared to that of previ-
ous levels, and in part, this change helps to define the Asana
Fig. 6.14. Flake aggregate analysis, Level PXXIX. IIIKhitufia Phase (figs. 6.15, 6.16). Although the struc-
158 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

Fig. 6.15. Level PXXIX; the house floor can be seen in the right-center of the photograph.


. J)

~ !;.~:,:.~c~ ~ ;:.:;i Wr:.i i/;"';"'-o:;"/""'137t)77~~~~'7;01tTt":ti5i1f;;;;;';;"---""

R //

G Ground Stone
~ Quebrada
House Floor
Ash Stain
R oI I
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.16. Plan view, Level PXXIX.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 159

ture was not fully excavated, it is composed of a clearly a midden. One of the batanes is found just north of this
defined house floor made of a mixture of a very small hearth, and there is a very large concentration of crushed
amount of white clay and the natural sandy matrix of the and burned bone in a feature labeled as a shallow clay ba-
level. Unlike the Asana I1Puruma Phase structures, this sin (figs. 6.17, 6.20). This basin contains the ovoid stone
one is ovoid, not circular, in form, and only a few irregu- ball interpreted as a bone-crushing implement (fig. 6.21).
larly spaced postmolds can be found around the margin of Two other high concentrations of bones are found in two
the floor. Small rocks are also found along the edge of the other hearths to the north and west. The hearth just north
structure, and these may have been used to anchor hides of the clay basin contains the second batan as well as one
or a brush covering of the structure. A single hearth is of the manos used for both battering and some push-pull
found within the structure, and it contains some burned grinding. This hearth also contains most of the discarded
bone scrap as well as some lithic debitage less than 1 cm in hide preparation tools found in the level. What is inter-
maximum dimension (figs. 6.17, 6.18). The distribution esting about the bone concentrations in these hearths is
of these two materials within the structure suggests that that the majority of them are relatively large and greater
some lithic reduction as well as food consumption took than 2 cm in maximum dimension, which suggests that
place within it. The importance of reduction within the these bones were crushed not to make bone juice or grease
structure is reinforced by the distribution of all lithic ma- but probably to extract marrow. Since many were burned,
terials on the PXXIX surface (fig. 6.19). Clearly the hearth it is probable this extraction took place after they had been
served as a focus for tool maintenance and resharpening, cooked. This area, with its combination ofhearths, batanes,
and lithic materials surround the hearth in a classic oval or and crushing and pounding tools, appears to be a kitchen
semicircular pattern indicative of a drop zone. or domestic food preparation area.
The use of exterior space is complex. Immediately east In contrast, the complex of hearths in the northwest
of the structure is a large, irregular hearth surrounded by corner of the level appears to have served a different set of


0 Density

@ Hearth
R //

G Ground Stone
~ Ouebrada

':.- ) House Floor

~} Ash Stain
R 0 1
1 !
--, I
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.17. Total burned bone density, Level PXXIX, interval = 5.

160 The Discovery and Initial Pennanent Settlement ofthe Highlands


@ Hearth
R // Midden

Clay Basin
Kitchen RaZk

Q Ground Stone
r...-_) House Floor
~ Ash 5tain
R o! 1
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.18. Size 1 lithic density, Level PXXIX, interval = 5.


00 Rock
@ Hearth
R // Midden
Clay Basin
N KR Kitchen Rock

Q G Ground Stone
~ Quebrodo
) House Floor
~ Ash Stain
R 0 I
1 I
-, I
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.19. Total lithic density, Level PXXIX, interval = 10.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 161

R Midden

Cloy Basin
K i !chen Ra~
G Ground Stone
~ Quebrada
'...-_) House floor
~~ Ash Stain
R 0 I
! I

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.20. Total bone density, Level PXXIX, interval = 30.

functions. Instead of bone scrap, these hearths are sur-

rounded by lithic reduction by-products, including a sub-
stantial number less than 1 cm in maximum dimension,
again indicative of a drop zone (fig. 6.22). Slightly larger
lithic scrap has been discarded to the north and west of
these hearths in a toss zone pattern (fig. 6.19).
The hearth and feature complex along the southeast-
ern margin of the level is problematic (fig. 6.16). There
are very few artifacts of any kind to be found here, aside
from very small quantities of bone scrap and a few pieces
oflithics. None of these hearths have associated drop zones
indicative of tool maintenance or food consumption, and
there is no evidence of the use of the area as a secondary
refuse zone. In fact, there appears to be something of a
boundary between this area and the features to the north
and west (see especially figs. 6.19, 6.20). These hearths
are slightly deeper than most of the others in the level,
and they are filled with a combination of burned earth and
white ash. It is possible these hearths were used in some
aspect of hide processing, but given the absence of other Fig. 6.21. Clay basin feature on Level
feature associations or artifacts, it is impossible to confirm PXXIX. The stone pounding tool is
this hypothesis. It is useful to note, however, that these clearly visible, as are large bone
hearths lie upwind of the structure and its associated fragments embedded within the feature.
162 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

( ...._ ) House Floor

~'t~ Ash Stain
R 0 I 2
"l I
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Fig. 6.22. Size 1 lithic density, Level PXXIX, interval = 2.

kitchen zone; any smoke generated by these hearths would the assemblage imply that coast-to-sierra mobility was no
be blown to the east by the prevailing winds in the valley. longer practiced. There was continued utilization of the
lower high-sierra, puna rim, and puna environments, and
Interpretations Asana during the occupation of PXXIX faunal data continue to suggest that portions of animal
appears to be a temporary residential base occupied by the kills were either transported offsite or dried for long-term
entire coresidential group. Hide processing continues to storage and then possibly removed.
be the most important activity performed on site. It is prob-
able that the site was occupied during the austral summer
Level PXXIV (ca. 8700 B.P)
or fall to obtain hides of higher quality available during A total of 112 m 2 of this level has been opened, making it
these seasons. The length of occupation at the site is un- the largest contiguous horizontal exposure dating to the
known, but it was probably substantial given the number Asana IIlKhitufia Phase.
of tools discarded and the variety of steps of hide process-
ing implied by the microwear evidence. The use of exte- Faunal Data Although a larger area has been opened
rior space, which was well organized into areas with clearly in Level PXXIv, counts of faunal material are significantly
different functions, likewise signals a somewhat greater lower when compared to Level PXXIX (table 6.6). The
length of occupation at the site. Further, the microwear total weight of recovered bone is 2.1 kg, and the density of
data continue to support the hypothesis that relatively com- bone is I,652/m 3 Over 72% of the NISP in this level are
plex clothing was being made on site during this occupa- less than 2 cm in maximum dimension. MNI counts are
tion. Perhaps the most important finding is the apparent somewhat larger, however, and the total number of ele-
transformation of the relationship between high and low ments identifiable as to species is larger as well (N = liS j
elevation. Changes in the form of domestic architecture 3.1 % of the assemblage). Of these, 15.9% are taruca, while
as well as the absence of coastal chipped stone materials in the remainder belong to the camelid aggregate. The pro-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 163

Table 6.6. Faunal Data Summary, Level PXXIV the coast are found within it (puna rim, 14.2%; puna, 3%;
and lower high sierra, 3.2 %). The assemblage exhibits
considerable diversity in raw material types, with 27 dif-
Packet Data a ferent types present, but only 7 (Types 1, 4, 11, 17, 18, 21,
and 32) have counts greater than 50. Although frequen-
cies are low compared to other types of raw material in
2 3 4 5
the assemblage, there is a significant amount of obsidian
14 48 83 43 present (N = 11; 0.36% of the assemblage). While not the
.07 .25 .44 .23 .01 first appearance of this material (one piece was found in
PXXIX), it is the first level where more than five pieces
N = 3,701 were recovered. All of the obsidian was recovered as small
MNI=8 tertiary flakes, shatter, and chunks, suggesting that a bifa-
cial "core" was reduced on site.
Phalanges = 26
Reduction data of material types with counts greater
Metapodials = 38 than 50 reflect two distinct patterns of tool production
Tooth fragments = 100 and maintenance. For the first time the intensive, late-
stage bifacial reduction appears in the assemblage (fig.
6.23). Type 4 cryptocrystalline quartz (a high-sierra raw
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that material) has been used to make bifacial tools, presumably
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the projectile points. Type 1 andesite, a puna raw material,
also reflects bifacial reduction. This material was prob-
ably returned to Asana in Stage II or III bifacial form since
only a very small amount of andesite cortex was found on
portion of burned bone is significant, with 36.7% charred site. The remaining raw materials all continue to reflect
or otherwise burned. Again, no small or medium-sized tool maintenance, modification, or resharpening.
animal remains were found in the assemblage. The chipped stone tool assemblage and profile of ac-
Element and packet data suggest that whole animals tivities performed as revealed by microwear analysis show
were returned to the site, since relatively large propor- a number of important changes in content and structure.
tions of phalanges, metapodials, and tooth fragments were
recovered. Packet data are dominated again by the trunk
packet, but there are roughly equivalent proportions of
hind- and forequarters, suggesting that both portions of 50

the animal carcass were consumed on site (table 6.6). If

this is the case, it marks a departure from previous levels, Freehand
which show a distinct tendency for hindquarter parts to A Biface, Stage 2
be underrepresented in the assemblage and therefore taken ....J
<t A Bipolar
offsite or processed by drying for future consumption else- u
t- 30 -
where. While some of these animals still could have been o:
dried for future use, the PXXIV assemblage data suggest u

that fore- and hindquarters were treated in an equivalent Z

L&J 20 -
manner. Age data (N = 132; 3.6% of the assemblage) show a:
a continuation of the pattern initiated in PXXIX, with 86% a.
ABiface, Stage 3-4
of the identifiable NISP from adult animals. 10 - Small Tool Small Tool
AProduction Maintenance
Biface, Stage 5 .17
Lithic Data Counts of lithic material in Level PXXIX
.4., .11 .18 .21 .32
are moderately high (N = 3,033), while the total weight of o -f-----r--I----rl---,.-I----,-I---r--I-~
recovered lithics is 2.2 kg and density is 1,354/m3 The o 10 20 30 40 50 60
assemblage continues to be dominated by high-sierra raw
materials (79.2 %), but materials from all zones other than Fig. 6.23. Flake aggregate analysis, Level PXXrV.
164 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

While scraping tools continue to dominate the assemblage Projectile points first appear in Asana IIJKhitufia Phase
(table 6.7), there are significant numbers of Stage II and times in Level PXXVII. In these assemblages there are
III percussion bifaces, edge tools, and projectile points. relatively few points, and most of those found are broken
Six different scraper types are present, marking the first in some manner, typically by end shock with lateral snap,
occasion in which all types defined in the analysis are found or are whole but show clear signs of having been heavily
within a single level. Each of the scrapers was hafted, and resharpened and probably discarded due to perceived ex-
most were heavily resharpened and modified. Wear traces haustion. Whole points, however, are uncommon in any
on these tools are similarly diverse, and again, different of the assemblages of the Asana IIJKhitufia Phase levels,
types of traces attributable to hide working are dominant, and most can be related to known point styles in the south-
with four distinct types of traces present (table 6.7). Two central and central Andes (fig. 6.24). For the most part,
new uses of scraping tools, woodworking and bone work- the dates of these points are consistent with what is known
ing, are present in this assemblage. Edge tools and projec- from other regions, and all date from ca. 9000 to 7000 B.P.
tile points show traces of use consistent with their mor- For instance, figure 6.24a is roughly similar to Lavallee's
phologies, such as hide cutting, "general" hide working, (1985: 148, fig. 30b) type BI.1c point style, which is dated
butchery, and woodworking. from 9000 to 7000 B.P. at Telarmachay. Figure 6.24b is
similar to Santoro's (1989: 44, fig. 4.18) Early Archaic
Patapatane Phase biface. Figure 6.24c is similar to materi-
als recovered from Las Cuevas (Patapatane Phase) said to
Table 6.7. Lithic Data Summary, Level PXXIV date to the Early Archaic (Santoro 1989: 42, fig. 3.3) and
to Rick's (1980: 150-151) style 2A, also dated between 9000
and 7000 B.P. Figure 6.24d is similar to Rick's (1980: 150-
Tools (N = 26) 151, fig. 7.2) style 2D from Pachamachay and to Santoro's
(1989: 44, figs. 4.16, 4.17) Early Archaic Patapatane Phase
Scrapers 14
Types 6
bifaces from Patapatane. Figure 6.24e shows strong simi-
T1 3 larities to Rick's (1980: 150-151, fig. 7.2) type 2C. I should
T2 3 stress, however, that I am not making a case that these
T3 2 points are in fact representative of these styles but instead
T4 1 merely that the range of styles found at Asana is consis-
T5 4 tent with the range of materials known from Early Ar-
T6 1 chaic contexts elsewhere in the central and south-central
Stage IIIIII percussion bifaces 6 Andes. While dates from these contexts are generally con-
sistent with the dates from Asana, the examples from Asana
Edge tools 3
appear to fall within the early range ofthis time span, prob-
Projectile points 3 ably from 9000 to 8500 B.P. at the latest. After this date,
other styles appear in the assemblages.
Microwear Summary
An effort was made to determine the degree to which
Wet hide scraping 5 point fragments dating to the Asana IIJKhitufia Phase were
Dry hide scraping 2 in fact used or are better thought of as production fail-
ures. The most profitable approach to this problem is to
Semidry hide scraping
again use microwear analysis to determine if there are wear
Hide burnishing traces on the discarded fragments. Traces indicative of use
General hide working include linear projection traces on point tips and midsec-
tions which are created by impact and penetration into an
Woodworking/scraping 2 animal or other object (van Gijn 1991), impact fractures,
Bone scraping and wear associated with hafting, including diagnostic or
nondiagnostic polishes on flake scar ridges on the portion
of the tool presumed to be hafted and remains of residues
General purpose tools such as gums or mastics used to fix the tool in the haft.
Twelve projectile point fragments dating to this phase were
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 165

Fig. 6.24. Asana IIIKhitufia Phase projectile points. a: R36c-9-6178, PXXVII; b: S41a-l0-6061, PXXVII;
c: Q40a-6-6364, PXXVII; d: T36c-5-6292, PXXV; e: S41a-8-6159, PX:XV:

examined (table 6.8). Of these, eight show clear traces of shape (figs. 6.25, 6.26). Ovoid or rectangular forms vary
use or hafting, while four are most likely production fail- in length from 2.2 to 2.7 m and in width from 1.5 to 1.7
ures. These data suggest that retooling was in fact impor- m. The average amount ofarea covered by structures found
tant during Asana IIIKhituiia Phase times after ca. 9000 in the Asana IIIKhituiia Phase is 4 m 2, slightly smaller but
B.P., a finding consistent with the evidence from the analysis similar to the floor area of structures found in earlier lev-
of reduction processes and by-products. els and in Asana VPuruma Phase times. The range offloor
The ground stone tool assemblage exhibits consider- area covered in Level PXXIv, for example, as measured
able diversity in tool functions. Of the 18 tools in the as- on the three complete structures is 3.7 to 5.5 m2. Infre-
semblage, 8 served as manos or grinding stones, 3 were quently, the structures have a few small postrllolds that
used to process hides, 2 were pounding or battering tools, define their exteriors. These postrllolds are irregularly
3 were ovoids or balls that served most probably as sling spaced, and the edges of the floors are sometimes hard to
projectiles, and 2 were small batanes. Of the eight manos, define. Small colluvial or stream channel rocks are some-
two were used to grind ochre for use in hide processing, times found around the edges of the floors, and these prob-
tool hafting, or possibly paint manufacture. Tiny particles ably served to anchor impermanent wall materials. Floors
of ochre were found embedded in the microtopography of these structures are almost always a packed colluvial
of the surface of these tools. Functions of the other grind- sand frequently mixed with a small amount oflocally avail-
ing tools, as well as those of the pounding tools, could not able white clay (fig. 6.27).
be ascertained. None of the manos or batanes were heavily There are six archaeologically contemporaneous domes-
used, but wear traces were evident on all of them. It is tic structures on the PXXIV floor. All were found on the
clear that the batanes were used as grinding surfaces. Al- same surface, and while it is impossible to determine with
though both are made from river cobbles, they show evi- certainty whether these structures were occupied simulta-
dence of some minor shaping, primarily pecking around neously' none have overlapping floor or feature contents,
their margins. These are the first batanes devoted to grind- and further, none of the floors were covered with colluvial
ing functions found at Asana; however, batanes used solely sands that would suggest an interval between the construc-
as anvils for bone crushing were found in Asana VPuruma tion and occupation of the various structures on the sur-
Phase times, and grinding tools not devoted to hide pro- face. There is evidence that Structures 2-5 were rebuilt
cessing appeared in the assemblage in Level PXXIX. and relaid at various times in the past. This evidence con-
sists of sand-clay floors that could be distinguished during
Site Structure Site structure in Level PXXIV is com- the excavation process by a careful visual examination of
plex. In part, this is due to the larger area opened, which the microstratigraphy of the construction of the floors.
provided the opportunity to expose more domestic struc- On each of these floors, levels of sand-clay could be lifted
tures and their associated features. In this level, domestic from those immediately below them, suggesting a re-lay-
structures are fairly variable in their form, sometimes ap- ing of building material. Although individual levels can be
proximating circles and at other times roughly ovoid in distinguished, it is impossible to determine correlated se-
166 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

Table 6.8. Microwear Evidence on Biface Elements,

Asana !I!Khitufia Phase

PXXVI V3 8c-6-63 39
haft element with resin traces; spotty nondiagnostic polish

U3 9b-6-612 4
probable haft element; no resin but faint nondiagnostic polish on
high flake scar ridges on dorsal and ventral surfaces
PXXV T39b-5-63 75
probable haft element with possible resin traces
point tip with projection traces
indeterminate base
PXXIII 53 7b-7-6098
haft element with nondiagnostic polish on high flake scar ridges
on dorsal and ventral surfaces
point tip with linear projection traces
PXXII U39d-3-6007
point tip with clear projection traces

haft element with heavy abrasive wear perpendicular to flake scar
ridges interpreted as movement in haft
clear production failure with no wear traces or resins
PXXI Q3 7b-5 -6253
point midsection with no wear traces or resins
PXX V35a-2-6002
production failure of haft element with no wear traces or resins
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 167


S Posl Cloy Bosin

CD Rock G Ground Stone
R CD Heorlh ~ Quebrodo
~// Midden l:::~ House Floor
B Bolon (f.t~ Ash Stain
o, 3 6
P Met'ers

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 6.25. Plan view, Level PXXIV

Fig. 6.26. Level PXXIV The residential structures are clearly visible as white patches on the occupational surface.
Darker areas are accumulations of organically stained soil interpreted as middens.
168 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

Fig. 6.27. Detailed view of a residential structure on the Level PXXIV surface. Note the stained midden area
adjacent to the structure.

quences of construction events among these structures. lithics. In the case of Structure 5, it appears that some lithic
Despite these indicators of a palimpsest occupation, I will reduction took place within it and that the hearth indeed
proceed with the operational assumption that these struc- served as a dump for the reduction debris (fig. 6.25). A
tures were occupied simultaneously. It is possible, how- minor amount of reduction appears to have been per-
ever, that two of the structures may have been occupied formed as well within Structures 1 and 2.
either before or after the occupation of Structures 2-5. The use of exterior space is likewise complex. One of
The use of internal space in the domestic structures is the most significant developments on this floor is the ap-
variable. Of the three complete structures, two have inter- pearance of extensive middens, primarily in the central
nal hearths, while the third does not. However, there are portion of the excavation block (fig. 6.26). While middens
two hearths within 1.5 m of the latter structure. Of the have been found in virtually every level, this is the first
three incomplete structures, one has a hearth immediately level in which the middens were extensive in areal scope.
adjacent to the eastern side of the structure, which is well Moreover, the placement of middens has changed some-
sheltered from the prevailing winds within the valley. None what when compared to previous levels. Middens are now
of the internal hearths have quantities of burned bone or found between structures; the area between Structures 2-
small 2 cm in maximum dimension) bone fragments or 5 is covered with midden or ash deposits, some of them
scrap (figs. 6.28, 6.29, 6.30), and only the hearth in Struc- very large. In appearance, middens are composed ofdarkly
ture 5 has any lithic material within it. The paucity of bone stained organic soil, and carbon chunks and flecks are com-
in these interior hearths indicates they were apparently mon. In fact, Structures 2-5 are built on top of these ex-
used primarily for heat or light and were not cooking tensive middens, although as I argued previously, the re-
hearths or loci of secondary refuse disposal aside from construction of these floors suggests that the middens and
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 169


S Post Cloy Basin

CD Rock G Ground Stone
R CD Hearth ~ Quebrada
-j// Midden (~; House Floor
B Baton (~~ Ash Stain 0 Bone Density
oI 3
P Meiers
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 6.28. Size 1 bone density, Level PXXN, interval = 10.

S Post Cloy Basin

CD Rock G Ground Stone
R CD Hearth ~ Quebrada
-j// Midden (~; House Floor

B Bolon (~~,
Ash Slain o
Bone Densily

P Meters

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 6.29. Total burned bone density, Level PXXN, interval = 5.

170 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

w i~

S Post :=-0:- Cloy Basin

CD Rock G Ground Stone
R Hearth ~ Quebrada
~'.?/ Midden l~; House Floor

B Baton {~~~
Ash Stain o
Bone Density

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 6.30. Total bone density, Level PXXrv, interval = 20.

at least this particular block of structures can be seen as of high densities of lithics that do not contain bone waste
archaeologically contemporaneous. Despite the relatively (fig. 6.31). These areas include the matrix and midden area
homogeneous appearance of these middens, cultural ma- directly east of Structure 1, the area atop Structure 1, the
terials are distributed through them in a patchy or spotty midden area just east of Structure 2, the midden zone be-
manner. Most of the bone, including small bone, burned low Structure 5 and east of Structure 3, and the hearth
bone, and total bone, is generally found in the same loca- area within Structure 5. All structures have low densities
tions, although it is clear that certain portions of the of lithic waste within their boundaries. With the excep-
middens appear to be locations of repeated dumping or of tion of the midden area below Structure 1, there are rather
the dumping of a very large quantity of bone in a single low densities of the smallest lithics that are also
instant of time (figs. 6.28, 6.29, 6.30). These high-density coterminous with distributions of larger sizes of lithics.
bone dump areas include a part of the midden just west of These high-density loci oflithics are likely to be second-
Structure 1, the midden area just below Structure 1 and ary dumps of materials generated in other areas of the site.
above Structure 2, a dump between Structures 2 and 3, There are a number of areas that are probably outside
and a dump below Structure 5. Each of these dumps con- activity areas. To the north and west of Structure 1 is an
tains a mixture of burned bone and bone fragments ofvari- area situated behind a series oflarge colluvial boulders (fig.
ous sizes, and none of them appears to be a special deposit 6.26). One of the batanes is located here and is associated
such as a bone juice or grease dump. There is a high-den- with a small hearth and an ash dump. One of the manos
sity burned bone dump just above Structure 3 in a mixed and a broken batan were discarded nearby. A series of
area of ash and midden (fig. 6.29). This dump may repre- postmolds may have served as a frame for a wind screen or
sent an instance (or repeated instances) of cooking hearth some other feature association. This area is adjacent to
cleaning or the remains of a meal in which bones were the very dense midden just to the south, and it seems likely
cracked for marrow after cooking. that this area is best interpreted as a kitchen or food-pro-
While high densities oflithic reduction by-products are cessing area. A similar feature association is found just south
found in two midden areas also filled with bone debris (the of Structure 5. This area is situated in the midden, and
midden areas west and south of Structure 1 and the midden near the other batan are four manos, one of which was
area below Structure 5), there are a number of other areas used in ochre grinding (fig. 6.25). Also, one of the batter-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 171

S Post :-=-c- Cloy Basin

CD Rock G Ground Stone
R (]) Hearth ~ Quebrada
-:'-// Midden C; House Floor

B Baton (~}~
Ash Slain o
Lithic Density


27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Fig. 6.31. Total lithic density, Level PXXrv, interval = 5.

ing tools is found just east of the batan. Whether this fea- along its southern edge, Structure 2 has a lightly used mano
ture association is associated with Structure 5 is problem- on its north margin, Structure 3 has a kitchen rock along
atic, since it is possible that these features and artifacts its eastern margin, and Structure 5 has a multipurpose tool
may have been associated with a structure further to the as well as a butchery tool found along the interface of the
south that has been destroyed. None of the other struc- sand-clay floor and the surrounding matrix. While there
tures on these floors have similar features, although the is always the possibility of the blurring and mixing of ma-
hearth complex built around the colluvial rock on the east- terials deposited at different times, the clear association of
ern margin of Structure 4 may be an example of this activ- these tools and the edges of the floors suggests the inten-
ity area. A hide-burnishing tool and a battering ground tional caching of these tools. Floor edges are well-known
stone tool are found near this area, along with two hide- loci for situational discard (Hayden and Cannon 1983),
scraping tools. Each of these areas appears to be a food- and Binford (1983) has shown that tools and other objects
processing and general outdoor activity zone. Aside from in Nunamiut winter camps often end up in these edge ar-
these areas, no other areas appear to be the loci of activity eas through a combination of processes, including inten-
that left traces in the archaeological record. For the most tional caching and simple forgetfulness.
part, there is little true empty space on this floor; most of
the area is consumed with the structures themselves and Interpretations The activity profile and use of space in
their associated activity areas. It is possible that the midden Level PXXIV continue the trends that were first observed
areas between the structures were used for activity perfor- in PXXIX-the site serves as a temporary residential base
mance, but since these zones were also loci of secondary for the entire coresidential group, hide processing contin-
refuse disposal, this is impossible to ascertain. ues to be very important, and by implication given the full
Although the floors of the structures are for the most range of scraper types present, complex clothing contin-
part clean, there are some artifact associations that deserve ues to be made. The use of both interior and exterior space
discussion. While none of the floors have morphological is well organized, and the apparent caching ofchipped and
tools (chipped or ground stone) found directly on them, ground stone tools near the domestic structures implies
many of the structures have tools found along their mar- that there was the anticipation of return to the site after
gins or edges. Structure 1 has two ground stone tools found abandonment. The repair and re-Iaying of the sand-clay
172 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

floors also suggest that reoccupation of the site was surely It is clear that Asana served as a temporary residential
anticipated. While the season of occupation still remains base during this phase, continuing a trend begun in the
undemonstrated, the austral summer or fall is most prob- later levels of the Asana I1Puruma Phase. Both tool inven-
able given the importance of hides and hide working. The tories and activity profiles increase substantially in diver-
wider range of activities performed on site indicates that sity during this phase, and the nature of the activities per-
the length of occupation increased during PXXIV times formed, especially hide processing and food preparation
when compared to the start of the Asana IIIKhituiia Phase. within fixed kitchen areas, tends to suggest that the entire
There are a number of new trends that make their ap- coresidential group was present at the site. Densities of
pearance in this level or in those levels that postdate 9000 both lithic and bone wastes increase steadily throughout
B.P. A wider range of activities are now performed on site, the phase, indicating a longer term of occupation of the
including wood and bone working and the late-stage re- site as well. In PXXIX and PXXIv, the use of both inte-
duction ofbifacial tools, including projectile points. While rior and exterior space is well organized, a hallmark ofsites
hide-processing tools continue to dominate the chipped used as long-term residential bases as observed in the eth-
stone lithic assemblage, the appearance of tools used to nographic record of modern foraging peoples. Further-
process other materials, production failures, and larger more, the domestic structures in both levels are well con-
numbers of exhausted stone tools suggest that gear main- structed and defined. Their interiors are cleaned, and there
tenance and retooling have become more important by is evidence for the caching of curated artifacts along the
PXXIV times than at the beginning of the phase. margins of many of them, with both lines of evidence sup-
Yet another important change is the possibility that porting a hypothesis of anticipated return. Taken together,
Asana during PXXIV times was occupied by groups of dif- these data on site structure present a picture of an increas-
ferent sizes. Structures 1 and 6 may have been occupied as ing span of occupation at Asana throughout the phase.
individual structures, whereas the two pairs of structures The presence of individual, spatially separate structures
in the central portion of the excavation block may have on the PXXIV floor, however, suggests that there was some
been occupied contemporaneously. This finding suggests variability in the way in which Asana was used during the
that the place of Asana during PXXIV times varied sig- phase. In PXXIX times, there is no apparent variability in
nificantly, ranging from a temporary residential base of at the use of space at the site, and there is no clear evidence
least two related groups of individuals to a residential base for the palimpsest occupation of the level. The site was
or camp of a single group. Unfortunately, due to the blur- used as a residential base for an unspecified period of time.
ring induced by midden accumulation and secondary refuse While this pattern continues in PXXIv, the presence of at
deposition atop Structure 1, it is not possible to determine least two "outlier" structures with some differences in ar-
if the range of activities performed in that structure was tifact and feature associations argues for a number of
substantially different from those performed in the Struc- changes in place of the site during the period of time rep-
tures 2-5 complex. Close similarities in the use of space resented by PXXIv. These individual structures suggest
between these structures, particularly in the kitchen zones, two distinct patterns: one that generally reflects use as a
suggest that activity performance was likely to be similar. residential base but by a smaller group and another that
In contrast, while Structure 6 is similar in form to the Struc- reflects a much shorter term occupation by a similarly sized
tures 2-5 complex, there is no kitchen zone, no build-up group. Exactly what this set of changes in place means is
of midden, and no artifact associations that are indicative unclear. Binford (1982), for example, notes that frequent
of activity performance. The absence of these indicators changes in place of a particular location within a settle-
suggests that the utilization of Structure 6 was very brief, ment system are to be expected and are a reflection ofshift-
and if so, its utilization was qualitatively different from ing constellations of resource availability. Changes in the
that of either Structure 1 or the Structures 2-5 complex. resource structure are to be expected in high-mountain
environments, and thus changes in place are an expected
Summary: Asana II/Khituiia Phase Occupation response to this variability.
Once again, it is possible to summarize and characterize Although the frequency of residential mobility cannot
the nature ofAsana IIIKhituiia Phase settlement by refer- be estimated because knowledge of the settlement system
ence to three principal issues: the place of the site within is incomplete, it is possible to discuss the scale of mobility
its settlement system, the scale of mobility, and the struc- and to make a series of informed speculations about the
ture of the activity profile. structure of the settlement system. The Asana II/Khitufia
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 173

Phase appears to mark the beginning of permanent settle- sierra, puna rim, and puna, but no coastal material. It is
mentin elevations above 2,500 m. This hypothesis is based clear that there is no relationship between tool type and
upon the following observations: no residential bases are raw material, but there appears to be a significant interac-
known within the Rio Asana valley below 2,500 m, and tion between the amounts of certain raw material types
indeed, Asana is the only known residential base within and morphological tools found at Asana. As can be seen in
the valley known for this phase. Chipped stone lithic raw table 6.9, the proportion of tools made of lower high-si-
materials include types from the lower high sierra, high erra raw materials is substantially greater than the quan-

Table 6.9. Asana IIIKhitufia Phase Tool and Debitage Comparisons

Tool and Raw Material Type Comparisons

Raw Material by Zone

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna Total

Biface 0 7 0 1 8
1.47368 5.05263 0.84211 0.63158 8
-1.21395 0.86642 -0.91766 0.46357 0

Point 0 3 0 1 4
0.73684 2.52632 0.42105 0.31578 4
-0.85839 0.29802 -0.64889 1.21756 0

Scraper 7 14 4 1 26
4.78947 16.42110 2.73684 2.05263 26
1.01007 -0.59745 0.76354 -0.73472 0

Total 7 24 4 3 38
7 24 4 3 38
0 0 0 0 0

Table contents
Expected values
Standardized residuals
1 = 8.510 with 6 dE

Tool, Raw Material, and Debitage Comparisons

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna

Tools 19%3 61% 11 % 8%

Debitage 5% 76% 15% 2%

apercentage values refer to proportion of tools and debitage made of raw materials from each zone.
174 The Discovery and Initial Permanent Settlement ofthe Highlands

tity of lower high-sierra debitage, and a similar pattern is vironment in these tropical mountains, the basic determi-
found when looking at tools made of puna raw materials nants of the timing and frequency of residential mobility
and puna-sourced debitage. Some retooling apparently according to the model developed earlier would be increas-
took place at lower high-sierra and puna sites, and these ing travel times for the most important subsistence re-
tools were returned to Asana, where they were used to sources, which in turn would be determined by the vari-
exhaustion and discarded. Since there are no known resi- ability in their predictability, abundance, and availability.
dential bases in either of these two zones during this phase, Movement would occur, then, when resources were un-
it is probable that these tools were procured during logis- available or were deemed too difficult (i.e., too costly ei-
tical forays to these two environmental zones. The scale ther in time or actual energy costs) to procure. It is obvi-
of mobility, then, within the Rio Asana valley ranges from ous that valley-to-valley and zone-to-zone variability in
the lower high sierra (ca. 25-30 km below or downstream resource availability would promote the development of
from Asana) to the puna (ca. a minimum of 25-30 km settlement systems in which frequent changes of place in
above or upstream from Asana), a total linear distance locations would be common.
within the valley of 80 to 85 km. It is also clear that cultural adaptations to high eleva-
If there are no other residential bases within the valley tion are firmly in place by PXXIV times. The range of
and only logistical camps, which is the pattern suggested scraper types achieves its maximum in this level, and mi-
by settlement pattern survey, it is reasonable to ask where crowear analyses confirm that hide preparation continues
are the other residential bases since it is clear that Asana to be the dominant activity performed on site. Domestic
was at no time the scene of year-round habitation during structures are for the most part well constructed, another
this phase. If, as I suggest, such residential bases are not effective protection against the combined effects of cold
found at elevations below 2,500 m, the most likely loca- and hypoxia. Perhaps the best line of evidence, albeit indi-
tion for them is in nearby and parallel valley systems in rect, is the assemblage evidence for the increasing length
locations similar to that of Asana. The most likely candi- of time of which Asana was occupied during this phase, a
date for the location of this residential base is the Rio trend initiated in the Asana VPuruma Phase. A greater
Torata, ca. 22.5 km to the north. Using the walking model, range of activities performed, including wood and bone
the travel time to the nearest point in the valley at the working, bifacial reduction, and general tool maintenance,
elevation of Asana is 9.5 hours. This valley is very similar argues for an increased span of occupation at the site. If
to that of the Rio Asana and is comparable in resource correct, this implies that cultural adaptations were indeed
productivity and availability and area available on the val- successful to maintain these groups at high elevation and
ley floor suitable for habitation. Given roughly similar further that permanent residence at high elevation had
productivity and the essentially aseasonal pulse of the en- been achieved sometime around 9000 B.P.
Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline:
Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

This chapter deals with three phases in the prehistory of level of this phase that is reasonably intact and available
Asana: Asana III/]ilafia (8700-7800 B.P.), Asana IV/ for analysis. Unfortunately, no single layer dating from ca.
Muruq'uta (7800-6000 B.P.), and Asana V/Pisi Mara (6000- 8100 to 7800 B.P. was deemed suitable for detailed analy-
5000 B.P.). These phases span the end of the Early Archaic sis since each was either heavily eroded (in the case of the
(Asana III/]ilafia) and the entire Middle Archaic (Asana East Block) or had minimal contiguous exposures (less than
IV/Muruq'uta and Asana V/Pisi Mara). From 8700 to ca. 4 m 2 in the case of the West Block).
6500 B.P., Asana is characterized by three important social
Level PXVII (ca. 8300 B.P.)
processes: population growth as measured by numbers of
structures presumed to be simultaneously occupied; the The area exposed in Level PXVII is 148 m 2 , making it
relative stability of the place of the site in the settlement one of the largest contiguous areas opened at the site. The
system, with the site continuing as a residential base; and level for the most part is intact, although a number of small
the emergence of indicators of social complexity, prima- quebrada channels have cut into it in the northwestern
rily public or nonresidential architecture surrounded by corner (fig. 7.1). These have not disturbed any house floors
domestic architecture. After 6500 B.P. it appears that these or feature concentrations to any significant degree.
trends begin a relatively rapid decline. Changes in place
of the site occur with frequency, public structures are aban- Faunal Data Although a large number of faunal re-
doned and no longer constructed, the length of occupa- mains were recovered in Level PXVII, the great majority
tion ofthe site apparently shortens considerably, and finally, (86%) are less than 2 cm in maximum dimension, making
by the Asana V/Pisi Mara Phase, the occupation is charac- this one of the most fragmented assemblages found at the
terized by extremely brief, short-term uses of the site. The site (table 7.1). This observation is reflected in the rela-
archaeological indicators of these trends will be explored tively low weight of the faunal materials (728 g) and their
and placed into a broader regional context. low density (846 fragments/m 3). Less than 1% of these
fragments could be identified to species, and of those that
were identifiable, all were assigned to the camelid aggre-
Asana IIIIJilana Phase
gate. No evidence of deer was encountered. MNI counts
There are 13 levels in the Asana III/]ilafia Phase in the are also low, and no small or medium-sized mammals were
East Block of the site (PXIX-PVII) and three levels in the discovered. Because of the extreme fragmentation of the
West Block of the site (XXVI-XXIV). Two levels will be assemblage, the packet data are of little value since counts
examined in detail: PXVII (ca. 8300 B.P.) and PXIV (ca. for each identifiable packet element are very low (table
8100 B.P.). Levels PXIII-PVII in the East Block have been 7.1). Likewise, no useful information on animal size could
seriously disturbed by major landslides; PXIV is the final be extracted from the assemblage. The continued pres-
176 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.


v ..

Posl Kitchen Rock
()) Rock Ground Slone
(- -)

Clay Basin ~
House Floor
Ash Stain

P I 0 3

27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4B 49 50

Fig. 7.1. Plan view, Level PXVII.

ence of phalanges, metapodials, and tooth fragments sug-

Table 7.1. Faunal Data Summary, Level PXVII
gests that whole animals were returned to the site. Be-
yond these bare facts, little can be said of the behavioral
Packet Data" implications of the faunal assemblage. It is clear, however,
than marrow extraction, probably accomplished during
eating, was very important on site since the majority of
2 3 4 5 the bones have been splintered into small fragments.
8 12 9 4 o
Lithic Data Despite the relatively large area opened in
.24 .36 .27 .13 o Level PXVII, counts of lithic materials are surprisingly
N = 2,504 small (N = 679). Both total weight (414 g) and density (140
fragments/m 3) are correspondingly small. As in the pre-
ceding levels, assemblage raw materials are dominated by
Phalanges = 3 high-sierra types (79.9%), followed by puna rim (11.9%),
Metapodials = 12 lower high sierra (4.7%), and puna (3.4%). Twenty-two
different types of raw material are present, but of these
Tooth fragments = 66
only three (Type 4, Type 11, and Type 21, all high-sierra
materials) are found in quantities greater than 50 pieces.
"The horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
Data on reduction show that each of the three material
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the types with counts greater than 50 is characterized by re-
assemblage. duction devoted to tool maintenance, resharpening, or
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 177

retooling, with bifaces or other tools made either at other egory, a small number of points from other levels of the
sites or at on-site locations not sampled in these excava- Asana IIIIJilafia Phase can be related to stylistic traditions.
tions (fig. 7.2). This pattern of reduction is apparently typi- These points span the later portion of the Early Archaic
cal of most of the Early Archaic levels at Asana. and range in date from ca. 8600 to 7800 B.P. (fig. 7.3). Four
Chipped stone tools and the microwear evidence ob- of the points can be related to previously defined forms.
tained from them continue to support the hypothesis of a Figure 7.3a, found in Level PXIX and dated to ca. 8600
wide range of activities performed on site (table 7.2). Al- B.P., is similar to points found in the Patapatane Phase of
though the number of tools is somewhat smaller than in northern Chile, which dates to ca. 9500 B.P. (Santoro 1989:
previous levels, the microwear evidence shows that hide fig. 3.2); it is somewhat similar to northern Chilean points
preparation is still important, along with other mainte- from the Late Archaic Hakenasa Phase, which ranges from
nance activities, such as wood and bone scraping, and pro- ca. 6000 to 4000 B.P. (Santoro 1989: figs. 6.41, 6.42); it is
cessing activities, such as butchery. also similar to Rick's (1980: fig. 7.2d) Type Group 2D from
Projectile points and biface fragments continue to ap- Pachamachay, dated from 9000 to 7000 B.P. Figure 7.3b,
pear in the assemblage. While it is unlikely that reduction also found in PXIX, is similar to Rick's (1980: fig. 7.5c)
of these points or bifaces took place on site given the re- Type Group 3D. The points in figure 7.3d and e, recov-
duction data, it is likely that at least some of these tools ered from Levels PXII (ca. 8000 B.P.) and PX (ca. 7800
were modified and then discarded on site. That is, the B.P.), respectively, are very similar to Rick's (1980: figs. 7.4f,
points and bifaces were once in use and discarded during 7.5d) Types 3B and 3E, dated between 9000 and 7000 B.P.
retooling, or Stage II and III bifaces were brought to the The ground stone tool assemblage is also diverse. There
site and were reduced to final form. This finding is consis- are two manos, one ofwhich was used to grind ochre, three
tent with the generally small size of the debitage present hide-processing tools, one pounding stone, two stone balls
and the very small number of cortical flakes and reduction interpreted as sling projectiles, and two small batanes, both
by-products recovered in the level. with signs of intentional shaping. The PXVII assemblage
While both of the points found in this level are frag- is very similar to other Early Archaic ground stone tool
mentary and thus cannot be assigned to a typological cat- assemblages described previously, especially that ofPXXIv.

Table 7.2. Lithic Data Summary, Level PXVII

Tools (N = 19)
50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - ,
Scrapers 10
Types 4
A Freehand
40 - Stage 111I11 percussion blanks 6
A Bi face, Stage 2
(2 whole, 2 broken)
Cl ABipolar
30 -
Edge tools
Projectile points 2
I- (both broken)
l&I 20 -
Q: Microwear Summary (6 tools examined)

A B i face, Stage 3-4 Small Tool Hide

10 - Small Tool
Production Wood scraping
A B i face, Stage 5 21 II 4
o - f - - - - , - - , - - - - - - y l - - - - . - - I -- - - -
o 10 20 30 40 50 Butchery
Indeterminate 2
Fig. 7.2. Flake aggregate analysis, Level PXVII.
178 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.


Fig. 7.3. Asana IIIl]ilafia Phase projectile points. a: N41d-21PXIXj b: T42d/PXIXj c: R35a/PXVIIIj
d: X40a-lIPXIIj e: W51d/PX.

Site Structure As in previous levels, the use of space on The number of these reconstructions, however, is impos-
Level PXVII is extremely complex. Numerous residential sible to quantify. Very few postmolds are found surround-
structures are found on the surface, and since some of them ing these structures, although some have colluvial rocks
overlap, it is clear that we are dealing with a complex, pal- or river cobbles around their margins that were probably
impsest occupation of the site during these times. used to anchor brush or hide walls. In some cases, houses
Domestic architecture in this level is well constructed are placed between or beside large colluvial boulders, which
and easily defined. Structures contain floors composed of appear to have been used as props for other wall materials.
a clay-sand mixture, a construction technique first observed These structures are remarkably consistent in size despite
in level PXXIX. The floors have been made with varying some variation in their shapes (table 7.3).
quantities of a locally available white clay that has been The use of interior space of these structures differs from
mixed with the natural sand matrix of the level and then that observed in earlier levels. None of the structures on
puddled in roughly circular and ovoid forms. The floors these floors have interior hearths, although three struc-
themselves vary in thickness from 1 to 2 em, and a num- tures (1, 3, and 6) have ash lenses on their floors. The lenses
ber show clear signs of having been reconstructed or relaid. may have been very shallow surface hearths, but in any
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 179

Table 7.3. Strucmre Sizes, Levels PXVII and PXIV case, there are no features within these structures that re-
semble the heating and lighting hearths seen in the resi-
dential structures of Levels PXXIV and PXXIX. How-
Structure Sizes, PXVII ever, some retooling or tool maintenance may have taken
Structure 4 5.2 m 2 place within Structures 3, 4, 5, 9, and 10 judging from
scatters of small lithic debris found on their floors or im-
Structure 5 5.3 m 2
mediately adjacent to them (fig. 7.4). This debris may rep-
Structure 7 4.8 m 2 resent slightly larger waste accumulated within the struc-
ture during reduction and then pushed to the margins of
Structure 8 5.1 m 2
the structure during floor cleaning. Large lithic and bone
Structure 9 5.1 m 2 waste is also found on the floor of Structure 3 (figs. 7.5,
Structure 11 4.9 m 2 7.6), and it is likely this material, along with the small lithic
debris, represents secondary refuse disposal rather than in
Mean structure size 5.1 m 2
situ activity performance. No other traces of activity per-
Median structure size 5.1 m 2 formance were found in any of the structures.
Structure Sizes, PXIV The use of exterior space reflects a number of activi-
ties. There is at least one probable kitchen area adjacent
Structure 1 6.3 m 2 to Structure 6. Within this area are two batanes, a set of
Structure 3 5.3 m 2 hearths and their associated ash dumps and lenses, and
deeply stained midden soils (fig. 7.1). There are moderate
Structure 4 4.0m 2
quantities of small and large bones in this area (figs. 7.6,
Structure 5 7.4 m 2 7.7) but relatively few lithics. The distribution of bone
Mean structure size 5.8 m 2 waste is consistent with in situ bone preparation and mar-
row removal through bone crushing.
Median structure size 5.8 m 2
Another activity area is the complex of clay basins and
darkly stained midden soil located above Structure 3 and


v ..
u :\J-
.' I

Post Kitchen Rock
Cb Rock
Ground Stone
R Cf)

Cloy Basin ~
House Floor
Ash Stain
Quebrada Lithic
P I 0


, !
27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Fig. 7.4. Size 1 lithic density, Level PXVII, interval = 1.

180 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.p.


Post Kitchen Rock
Cl:l Rock Ground Stone
R @
(- -\
House Floor
Ash Stain
Q N Clay Basin ~ Quebrada 0 Lithic
Dens i ty

P I 0
Me ter s

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Fig. 7.5. Total lithic density, Level PXVII, interval = 5.

to the west of Structures 4, 5, and 6. When first encoun- organically stained soils. Each basin had a rock embedded
tered during excavation, it was presumed that these clay within it, with each rock showing signs of battering. The
features represented an eroded structure. However, fur- single ground stone tool used for pounding is located ad-
ther excavation revealed that each of the three basins was jacent to one of the basins. Three sets of postmolds sur-
constructed separately, and further, each had a shallow round the complex on three sides and may have supported
basin shape in cross section. Moreover, each had been hard- a screen that sheltered the users of the feature from the
ened by heat. The basins are surrounded by hearths, some prevailing valley winds. Other artifact associations include
ash lenses, and very darkly stained patches of midden or relatively small quantities of small bone and burned bone


Post Kitchen Rock
Cl:l Rock
Ground Stone

~ '//
Clay 8asin
House Floor
Ash Stain

P I 0 3


27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Fig. 7.6. Total bone density, Level PXVII, interval = 10.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 181



S Kitchen Rock
Ground Stone
R Hearth (_-_"',' House Floor
M idden 1.i;~ Ash Stain 0
Q Clay Basin ~ Quebrada Bone
o 3 6
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Fig. 7.7. Size 1 bone density, Level PXVII, interval = 10.

fragments directly atop and immediately surrounding the and crushing and possibly the making of bone juice or
basins (figs. 7.6, 7.7). Also, two very dense dumps of both grease. The basins were deliberately constructed, each with
large and small bone fragments are found just east of the its own embedded anvil. The basins were probably made
feature complex, along with slightly smaller dumps of to catch the bone splinters and fragments and to keep them
burned bones (figs. 7.7, 7.8). Relatively little reduction relatively clean by keeping them off of the surrounding
debris is found within or near the feature complex. soil matrix. The adjacent hearth was used to process the
Given this set of artifact and feature associations, it is bones or marrow, and the darkly stained midden soil is a
probable that this feature was devoted to bone processing likely by-product of making grease or juice. Although the


KR Kitchen Rack
00 (- -j
G Ground Stone
R ([) --' Hause Floor
~/// Midden {i~; Ash Stain
Q Clay Basin ~ Quebrada 0
0 3 6
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Fig. 7.8. Total burned bone density, Level PXVII, interval = 5.

182 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

bones are more fragmented than is predicted by the model able the site was occupied in the austral summer or fall in
of bone juice or grease processing proposed earlier, it nev- order to obtain high-quality hides.
ertheless appears that this processing was highly organized. The scale of the settlement system shows few changes
This is a classic example ofa space-consuming activity area. from that indicated in earlier levels. Although settlement
A number of secondary refuse deposits are found on data for the Early Archaic are scant, debitage of raw mate-
this floor, including burned bone dumps near Structure 3 rials from all major environmental zones other than the
and between Structures 9 and 10 and large amounts of coast indicates that mobility ranged from the lower high
small bone waste mixed with lithic debris around Struc- sierra to the puna. Looking more carefully at the relation-
tures 8, 9, and 10. Most of these materials are found within ship between tool form, debitage frequencies, and raw
discrete dumps and are not uniformly scattered across the material type, it is clear that many of the tools discarded at
surface of the site (figs. 7.5, 7.6, 7.7). These dumps are Asana were in fact made in different environmental zones
most likely reflections of cleanup ofkitchen areas and other (table 7.4). While there is no statistically significant rela-
activity areas associated with the occupation of a number tionship between tool form and raw material type, indi-
of different residential structures. There are two major cating that there was no apparent preference for any par-
areas of empty space: along the eastern margin of the site ticular raw material type to make a particular tool form,
and along the northern margin of the excavation block. there is a strong degree of asymmetry in the relationship
There is clear evidence for a palimpsest occupation on between the relative proportions of tools and debitage as
this level. There are a number of overlapping structures monitored by raw material type. More tools than expected
in the central portion of the site, including Structures 3-6 are manufactured of both lower high-sierra and puna raw
(fig. 7.1). Of these, Structure 4 is the earliest occupied, materials, many fewer tools than expected are made ofpuna
followed by either Structure 3 or 5, then Structure 6. All rim raw materials, and the quantity of tools made of high-
of the remaining structures are on the same "floor," al- sierra raw materials is roughly equivalent. These findings
though it should be clear that the remaining structures suggest that some tools of lower high-sierra and puna raw
can be considered to be only archaeologically contempo- materials were made elsewhere, brought on site, used, and
raneous, and it is probable that these are multiple occupa- then discarded. The small amounts of debitage of these
tional events on this level. raw material types are consistent with tool maintenance,
resharpening, and some retooling. In contrast, many fewer
Interpretations The place ofAsana in its settlement sys- tools than expected are made of puna rim raw materials,
tem during PXVII times was a temporary residential base suggesting that some puna rim raw material was obtained
with multiple occupations. Structures 1 and 2 probably during logistical forays, some reduction of it took place at
represent one occupation, while Structures 3-11 repre- the site, and any tools made were taken from the site and
sent other, more complex and overlapping occupations of used to exhaustion elsewhere.
the site. While it is not possible to determine whether more Activities performed on site show a full range of do-
than a single pair of structures was used during any indi- mestic tasks, including wood and bone scraping, food
vidual occupation of the site, the redundant patterning of preparation, and most important, hide processing, which
structure and facility location, the significant investment continues to dominate activity performance on site. Al-
in house and facility construction-such as the clay basin though only four different scraper types are found in
pounding areas and kitchen zones associated with Struc- PXVII, all six scraper types are present in most of the other
tures 4 and 9-the cleaned floors, and the placement of levels pertaining to the Asana IIII]ilafia Phase. This in turn
middens a distance away from residences are all charac- implies that hide clothing or shelter manufacture contin-
teristic indicators of residential bases as observed in the ues to structure the use of Asana during this phase. The
ethnoarchaeological record. Likewise, these indicators ar- diversity of artifacts and activities and the presence of ob-
gue that reoccupation of the site was anticipated by its in- vious kitchen zones and special activity areas devoted to
habitants. The diversity of artifact types present, as well as food preparation strongly suggest that individuals of both
the kinds ofactivities performed as indicated by microwear sexes occupied the site.
evidence, also supports the hypothesis of PXVII Asana as
a residential base. Evidence as to the season of occupation
continues to be scant, but since hides and hide processing
activities are of considerable importance, it is most prob-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 183

Table 7.4. Asana IIIIJilafia Phase Tool and Debitage Comparisons

Tool and Raw Material Type Comparisons

Raw Material by Zone

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna Total

Biface 3 12 2 4 21
2.69231 14 1.34615 2.96154 21
0.18752 -0.53452 0.56355 0.60344 0

Point 1 17 0 2 20
2.56410 13.33330 1.28205 2.82051 20
-0.97678 1.00416 -1.13228 -0.48856 0
Scraper 6 23 3 5 37
4.74359 24.66670 2.37179 5.21795 37
0.57687 -0.33557 0.40791 -0.09541 0
Total 10 52 5 11 78
10 52 5 11 78
0 0 0 0 0
Table contents
Expected values
Standardized residuals
Chi squared = 5.107, 6df, not significant

Tool, Raw Material, and Debitage Comparisons

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna

Tools 12.8%a 66.7% 6.4% 14.0%

Debitage 4.4% 57.9% 35.3% 2.4%

apercentage values refer to proportion of tools and debitage made of raw materials from each zone.
184 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.p.

has also made it possible to identify more effectively dif-

Level PXlV (ca. 8100 B.P.)
ferent animal species; 7.6% of the NISP (N = 126) could
Level PXIV is the last one in the East Block that is mostly be identified as to species, and of these, 42% are remains
intact and in which architecture and site organization pat- of taruca, while 58% have been assigned to the camelid
terns can be defined. Levels PI to PXIII have been se- aggregate. No small or medium-sized mammals were en-
verely disturbed by a number of landslides. The central countered in the assemblage. Regarding age/size data,
portion of the excavated area on PXIV has been destroyed 7.6% of the assemblage could be identified as to age; 17%
by a landslide which has cut through it, and there is also of the faunal assemblage was derived from immature or
some landslide damage on the western margin of the block small animals. Finally, 41 % of the fragments were burned.
(fig. 7.9). Quebrada channels have cut into the block from Packet and element data show a number of interesting
the northeast and have damaged one of the domestic struc- patterns. Given the size of the assemblage, the number of
tures on the surface. Portions of the level adjacent to the phalanges, 36, is especially large and is greater than ex-
margins of the landslide cut have also been eroded, and pected (fig. 7.10). This, plus expected frequencies of
some of the original surface has been lost to this process. metapodials and tooth fragments for the assemblage size,
Despite this, domestic structures and associated facilities suggests that whole animals have been returned to the site
are present on the surface of the excavation block which, for consumption and processing. The large number of
including the area disturbed by landslide, totals 152 m 2. phalanges is something of a puzzle, but it may be explained
by the relatively high proportion of the NISP from fore-
Faunal Data Bone counts are relatively low in Level and hindquarters, which in this case comprise 69% of the
PXIv, due probably to the disturbance the level has suf- NISP. These data suggest that elements from these pack-
fered (table 7.5). This disturbance has lowered the density ets were selectively consumed on site, while trunk, head,
of faunal remains (546/m 3), but the weight of the frag- and neck elements were either processed for future con-
ments (1.1 kg) is high in relation to the counts. This is one sumption or taken away from the site to be consumed else-
of the least fragmented assemblages at Asana, with only where. This pattern of packet utilization is different than
70% of it composed of fragments less than 2 cm in maxi- the others observed in the Early Archaic levels at Asana.
mum dimension. MNI counts are consequently somewhat In those levels, elements from the trunk and forequarters
higher than in many levels. This low fragmentation rate were apparently consumed on site, while hindquarters were

O,r /~\
Post G Ground Stone

z ,I
\ 00 Rock ~ Lands I i de
4 /
CD Hearth Quebrada
y ~/,0 Midden :f;~i~~~ Ash Stain


t I I I I
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Fig. 7.9. Plan view, Level PXIV

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 185

Table 7.5. Faunal Data Summary, Level PXIV routinely absent or underrepresented in the assemblage.
The summed utility of the fore- and hindquarters packets
is equivalent or slightly greater than the summed utility of
Packet Data a the trunk packet (summed fore- and hindquarters packets
208-258; summed trunk packet, 209; see table 4.18), so
that in terms of economic value as measured by the FUI,
2 3 4 5
these packets are roughly equivalent. However, in terms
15 48 22 34 o of assessing the transport costs of each packet, there are
.13 .40 .18 .29 o some interesting differences. Using Mengoni's (1991: table
3) measures of the relative weight for each anatomical part
N = 1,660 of the llama, it is possible to calculate a weight-to-FUI for
MNl=5 each packet. This is accomplished by summing the rela-
tive weight of each element of each packet and dividing
Phalanges =36
this figure into the aggregate FUI for that packet. A higher
Metapodials = 24 weight-to-FUI ratio implies that there is more economic
Tooth fragments =68 value for each additional unit ofweight. The summed trunk
packet has a higher weight-to-FUI ratio (5:2) than the
summed fore- and hindquarters weight-to-FUI ratio (4:4
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that to 5:5). From an optimality perspective, it is clearly better
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the to transport the trunk packet than the other two if in fact
large quantities of meat and bone are desired. This expec-
tation is consistent with the model of high-mountain mo-
bility developed earlier, which argues that transport deci-
sions are generally made to maximize return while simul-
taneously minimizing effort.

o/~ /~\ Post G Ground Stone

z I
r \
\ 00 Rock LE Londslide
4 I
@ Heorth Quebrado
y ///,(, Midden {~~~~ Ash Stoin


I 3
P Meters
"1 I I I I I I
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Fig. 7.10. Size 1 bone density, Level PXIv, interval = 10.

186 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

Lithic Data Counts of lithic material in Level PXIV are ing traces present on them, continues to support the hy-
extremely low (N = 92); both density (301m 3) and weight pothesis of clothing or shelter construction. This assem-
(only 34 g) are correspondingly small. These findings can- blage, at least in terms of the microwear evidence, is very
not be easily explained by invoking disturbance since fre- similar to the PXXX and PXXIX lithic assemblages and
quencies of faunal materials are relatively high despite this less similar to those of PXXIV and PXVII.
problem. The most parsimonious explanation is that lithic The diversity of the ground stone tool assemblage is
reduction was of almost no importance in the activity pro- likewise limited and includes five mano-type grinding
file of the site during the occupation of this level. Of the stones, one of which was used to process ochre, two hide-
materials present, those from the high sierra continue to processing tools, and five small stone balls probably used
dominate the assemblage (85%), followed by puna rim as projectiles for weapons. No batanes or pounding or
(11 %) and lower high-sierra (4%) materials. Puna raw crushing stones were recovered, although it is likely that
materials are absent from the assemblage. Only seven raw the latter use category may not have been easily recog-
material types are found, a figure that falls outside of the nized in the assemblage if in fact the use of pounding or
95% confidence interval for all assemblages (14-23 types crushing stones was situational and ad hoc.
per assemblage; mean number of types, 18.8). While it is
possible that this can be explained by noting that the sample Site Structure While there are a number of broad simi-
size is very small, this begs the question of why the lithic larities between Level PXIV and Level PXVII, there are
assemblage is so small in the first place. Again, the most significant differences as well (fig. 7.9). Domestic struc-
parsimonious explanation is that reduction was oflittle im- tures continue to be constructed of the puddled clay-sand
portance at Asana during the occupation of this level. Since mixture. They are essentially identical in form to those
no raw material type exceeded a count of 50 reduction by- found in PXVII (and to those in the Asana II/Khituiia
products, no flake aggregate analysis was performed. Phase), but they have a wider range of variability in size,
The Inicrowear analysis of the meager chipped stone and their mean and median sizes are larger than those
tool assemblage indicates that hide processing was the found in previous levels (table 7.3). Unlike the structures
dominant activity conducted on site (table 7.6). There is on either PXVII or Px::xIv, none of the structures on these
no evidence ofbiface manufacture, wood or bone process- floors show any sign of reconstruction or re-Iaying. The
ing, or other activities conducted with stone tools. The organization of internal space and facility placement are
number ofscraper types, as well as the kinds ofhide-work- similar in that there are no internal hearths used for light
or heat, although some of the structures have ash lenses
on their surfaces. The lenses may indicate the use ofsmall,
impermanent hearths within these structures on a situ-
Table 7.6. Lithic Data Summary, Level PXIV ational basis. A new feature type-complex postmold pat-
terns in a circular or ovoid form-appears in a number of
structures. The best preserved is in Structure 1 and is com-
Tools (N = 4)
posed of a circular alignment of postmolds in a corner or
Scrapers 4 projection of the prepared clay-sand floor. No artifacts are
Types 3 associated with any of these features, nor are there any
Stage 11/111 percussion blanks o obvious changes in soil color or texture within them.
Cruder examples of this postmold pattern are found in
Edge tools o Structures 3 and 5. Given the lack of associated artifacts,
Projectile points o the function of these features is unknown, although some
role in storage seems reasonable. There are few indicators
Microwear Summary (4 tools examined)
of activity performance within any structure (figs. 7.10,
Dry hide 7.11); no reduction or food consumption appears to have
Wet hide occurred within them.
The organization of space on the site shows the great-
Semidry hide
est differences between this level and PXVII. The most
Indeterminate obvious difference is that there is only one, relatively small,
midden complex on this floor. It is located in the extreme
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 187

AA /~\
, Post G Ground Stone

z \
00 Rock L2rl Landslide

@ Hearth ~ Quebrada
/;//- Midden :f~i.~~~ Ash Stain


c- O 3
P MeIers
~ I I I I I I
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Fig. 7.11. Size I lithic density, Level PXIV, interval = 5.

eastern margin of the excavation block (fig. 7.9). It con- Interpretations Level PXIV presents a number of inter-
tains bone waste, both burned and unburned, and it com- pretative challenges. Aspects of site organization and ac-
pares in density to the larger middens found on levels tivity profile continue to support an interpretation of the
PXVII and PXXN (fig. 7.12). The content of this midden, site's place as a residential base. These include domestic
with its mixture of different types of bone waste but pri- structures and their associated food preparation or kitchen
marily burned small and crushed fragments, is consistent zones, the special purpose features found within them, and
with model predictions of wastes generated by bone grease the activity profile itself, which includes complex hide
production. A dump of burned bone was found in a large preparation tasks presumably performed by females. If
ash dump adjacent to Structure 3. Aside from these Asana continued as a residential base during this occupa-
middens, there are no other concentrations of lithics or tion, however, the length of that utilization must have been
faunal materials on the PXIV floor. There are a number very brief. No significant lithic reduction ofchipped stone
of ash lenses scattered on the surface, with most located lithics occurred on site, there is little evidence of retool-
within 2 m of domestic structures. These are likely to have ing or tool maintenance, and the range of activities per-
been generated by hearth cleaning and reuse and thus rep- formed on site that left residues in the archaeological
resent secondary refuse deposits. record is limited to hide processing and preparation. In
Although artifact associations are lacking on this sur- this sense, this occupation is more similar to that ofPXXIX
face, it appears that the exterior hearth pattern holds on than it is to the primary occupation of Levels PXXN and
this level. Most of the structures have hearths located ei- PXVII, which were probably of greater duration.
ther adjacent to their leeward side or northern margin. The slight increase in the mean and median sizes of the
\Vhile these are likely to be kitchen or food-producing structures on this level does not appear to signal an im-
areas, they lack the feature associations, such as batanes or portant behavioral shift in the use of the site (table 7.3).
kitchen rocks, seen on other Early Archaic floors. Because \Vhile the largest structure has a covered floor area of 7.4
of the lack of artifact associations, there are no obvious m 2, there is no change in the organization ofinterior space,
uses of empty space, particularly that along the southeast- nor are there substantially new features present that sug-
ern margin of the site area. Some isolated postmolds are gest a change in the range of activities performed within
found in this area, but no function can be assigned to them. the structure. It is likely that the increase in size of this
188 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.p.

o/~ /~\
, Post G Ground Slone

z ,
00 Rock 'tZ Landslide
4 @ Hearth ~ Quebrada
/~<0~ Midden f.~:M~~ Ash Stain


I 3
P Meters
., I I I I I
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Fig. 7.12. Total burned bone density, Level PXI\T, interval = 5.

particular structure represents a slightly larger group re- 7.50

quiring shelter. Likewise, the smallest structure on the floor
with an area of 4 m2 is not significantly different from the o
other structures on the floor, with the exception of the 6.25
absence of the ovoid or circular feature.
It is possible to place this variation in a broader per-
spective using ethnoarchaeological data. Yellen (1977) and o
Bartram, Kroll, and Bunn (1991) have accumulated data 5.00
on the sizes of wet and dry season camps of the Kua San,
and Syrett (1993) has measured the floor area from the
published plan views. While some error is to be expected 3.75
from this latter procedure, the data are valuable in that
they provide a sense of the range of variation in structure
size. As can be seen in figure 7.13 and table 7.7, there is
substantial variation in the size of rainy season structures
as indicated by the range (6.3) and the presence of three
outliers that exceed the 90th percentile on the box charts.
These data suggest that there can be a substantial amount 1.25
of normal variation in structure size that is of no behav-
ioral import beyond either larger or fewer numbers of in-
dividuals present or other minor situational factors. o
The range of the settlement system as monitored by
relative frequencies ofchipped stone lithic materials shows Rainy Dry
no real difference from those systems defined in Levels
PXVII and PXXIv. Puna raw materials are not present, Fig. 7.13. Kua San structure size and variation.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 189

Table 7.7. Descriptive Statistics, Kua San Residential cal. A similar situation exists on PXIV in that while arti-
Structures a fact densities are low, the range of activities performed is
consistent with the interpretation of the site as a residen-
tial base. Variation in the duration of occupation was prob-
Summary statistics for rainy season structures b ably caused by variation in resource productivity typical
NumNumeric = 25 of high-mountain environments.
Mean = 2.5620 The scale of mobility as observed from the lithic mate-
Median = 2.2000
rials continues to support the hypothesis that peoples of
Standard deviation = 1.6023
this phase used the lower high sierra, high sierra, puna
Summary statistics for dry season structures rim, and puna in a pattern similar to that seen during the
NumNumeric = 26 latter portions of the Asana IIIKhitufia Phase. No other
Mean = 2.8115 residential base is known in the valley from this phase.
Median = 2.1000 The general picture of utilization of the valley and its re-
Standard deviation = 1.5800
sources during this phase is one of moderate residential
mobility of varying lengths of occupation. Resources are
aFrom Syrett (1993). used much as they were in previous phases.
bAll measurements are square meters of covered floor area.
Asana IVIMuruq'uta Phase

however, and this may mean that no logistical parties Eleven levels from the West Block (XXIII-XIV) and seven
moved out from Asana to the puna or that no reduction of levels (PVI-PI) from the East Block are included in the
these materials took place on site if in fact these parties Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase. Because the levels in the East
returned to and utilized the site. It is possible that the high Block have been heavily disturbed by landslides, however,
proportion of puna rim raw materials reflects a more in- the fragmentary data recovered from them will not be dis-
tense utilization ofthis environmental zone in place ofpuna cussed extensively, aside from a discussion of artifact types
utilization during the occupation of the site in PXIV times. and use. Instead, the focus now turns to the West Block,
which remains relatively undisturbed by these natural pro-
Summary: Asana III!]ilaiia Phase
cesses for most of the remainder of the occupation of the
Throughout the Asana IIII]ilafia Phase, Asana appears to site. Excavation blocks of the West Block for these levels
have been used as a residential base, although the data sug- range in size from 56 m 2 to 136 m 2 Although the 11 lev-
gest that the term of this occupation varied somewhat from els of the West Block show substantial similarity in terms
use to use of the site. The data that speak to the use of the of content (thus the basis for the definition of the phase),
site as a residential base are clear: substantial residential there are subtle differences in residential architecture and
structures, evidence that the entire coresidential group was in chipped stone raw material frequencies that suggest the
present, and structured use of space and refuse disposal. separation of the phase into "early" and "late" components.
Hide processing continues to be of major importance, and Thus Asana IV/Early Muruq'uta ranges from 7800 to 6500
the lithic assemblage is dominated by hide-working tools. B.P. (XXIII-XVIIa), and Late Muruq'uta ranges from 6500
The range of scraper types and hide-working microtraces to 6000 B.P. (XVI-XIV).
suggests that clothing manufacture remained important
Middle Archaic Settlement Patterns
throughout the phase.
The data that indicate that the length of the residential Based on the available data, there do not appear to be sig-
stay varied at Asana are not substantial. This inference is nificant changes in settlement patterns during most of the
based primarily on the linked evidence of artifact densi- Middle Archaic. The number of known Middle Archaic
ties and site structure. On the PXVII floor, there are likely sites in the Rio Asana valley, however, remains very small.
to have been at a minimum two distinct occupations: one A single density located 5.2 km upstream from Asana can
that left behind virtually no material and another that had be dated to this period on the basis of the discovery of a
a full range of materials present indicative of the use of the Middle Archaic projectile point located within its bound-
site as a residential base. The residential architecture be- aries, and four other stray finds of Middle Archaic projec-
tween these two putative occupations is essentially identi- tile points have been found in other locations in the valley,
190 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Arana from 8700 to 5000 B.p.

ranging from 5 km below Asana to the area just below 00

Cueva Quellaveco (Aldenderfer 1989c: 156). Two addi- M o
tional sites have also been discovered, both in different 0
environmental zones: Coscori in the lower high sierra and
El Panteon in the puna rim. The symmetry in location of

Coscori and El Panteon, both 15 to 16 km distant from
Asana and with roughly comparable travel times, as well
as their similar place, that of logistical camps, is impor-
tant. These two sites appear to define the limits of the
< ~~,
Middle Archaic settlement system in the valley. They likely ~o

served as staging bases for further trips into the puna and
lower extremes of the lower high sierra, and there is no
obvious data that suggest that either of the sites changed
their place in the presumed settlement system throughout
the Middle Archaic.

Level XIX (ca. 7100 B.P.)

The area exposed in Level XIX is 56 m 2 It is free of sig-
nificant natural disturbances, although its southeastern , .,. 4

corner has been destroyed by the changing course of the
Rio Asana sometime in the past 300 years after the block-
- _ .. Clay Basin
age of the river channel by a series of major landslides (fig. E
7.14). This will be a characteristic feature of all of the lev- [ } ) Rock G Slone
els of the West Block. @ Hearth KR Rock

Faunal Data Both counts and densities (l,428/m 3) of

faunal materials are relatively high in this level, but para-
doxically total weight (416 g) is very small, which can be
-, Meters
explained in part by the high frequency (86%) of bone 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

fragments less than 2 cm in maximum dimension (table

7.8). Although not quantified, the majority of these frag- Fig. 7.14. Plan view, Level XIX.
ments are very small and are less than 1 cm in size. As a
consequence, only 1% of the remains (N = 16) are identi-
fiable as to species and only 1.4% (N = 23) as to skeletal
element. NISP values for packet data, species identifica-
tion, and age/size data are unreliable since the frequencies
of identifiable skeletal elements are so small. Twenty-six
percent of the assemblage has been burned.
Despite the fragmentation of the assemblage, a few
observations on butchery and processing can be made.
Although the number of phalanges and metapodials falls
within expected values given sample size, the number of
tooth fragments is smaller than predicted. At least three
distinct hypotheses can be used to explain these findings:
there is a bias in the sample due to the placement of the
excavation block; all skeletal elements returned to the site
were fragmented for marrow processing; or there was a
greater incidence of field processing of animals, with head
elements and lower limbs left at the killibutchery locus.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 191

Table 7.8. Faunal Data Summary, Level XIX rials. The most parsimonious explanation for this is that
with increasing length of occupation, there is a tendency
to focus on the reduction of local or nearby, easily ob-
Packet Data a tained raw materials. One other level in the Early
Muruq'uta Phase-Level XVIIc-shows this trend.
The flake aggregate analysis of the three material types
2 3 4 5
with counts greater than 50 shows that each reflects tool
6 5 7 4 maintenance, small-tool production, and resharpening (fig.
N = 1,599 7.15) and not early stage on-site reduction of bifacial tool
forms. However, the shaping and modification of Stage II
MNI=O and III percussion bifaces made off site apparently took
Phalanges = 5 place at Asana during the occupation of this level.
The microwear evidence for the first time shows a nla-
Metapodials = 2
jor shift in the activity profile and in the kinds of tools
Tooth fragments = 20 present on site (table 7.9). For the first time, scraping tools
and hide-processing microtraces do not dominate the ac-
tivity profile. Instead, bifacial tools are found in signifi-
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the
cantly greater frequencies. In this level, 84% of the tools
assemblage. recovered are either bifaces or projectile points, a figure
almost identical to the proportion of these tools (86 % ) for
the Early Muruq'uta Phase as a whole. In contrast, scrap-
ing tools account for only 6.25% of the tools in this level
The first hypothesis is impossible to evaluate, but it seems and only 12.1 % of all tools in Early Muruq'uta Phase lev-
implausible as an explanation since the area excavated in- els. The proportion of scraping tools in this phase is sig-
cluded food preparation areas and associated secondary nificantly lower than the average proportion of scraping
refuse deposits. Likewise, the third hypothesis is difficult tools (61.6%) in the Asana I-III Phases. The reasons for
to evaluate since the packet data are so sparse. If there had this change will be examined in greater detail later. The
been marked asymmetries in the relative frequency of the number of identified microtraces is dominated by those
head/neck packet as compared to the trunk or forequar-
ters packets the second hypothesis would be more plau-
sible. Each example of the phalanges and metapodials re-
covered from the level was fragmentary, and none were 50

recovered whole or nearly complete. Further, the major-

ity of the phalanges and both of the metapodials were A Freehand
40 -
burned. While there may be some tendency toward greater
A B i face, Stage 2
field processing, it is more likely that whole animals were
returned to the site and all elements processed for mar- <l
- 30 -
row extraction. ~
Lithic Data The total amount of lithic material is mod- z
UJ 20 -
erately high (N = 1,408), and density is likewise high (1,257/ u
m 3). Total weight, however, is low (716 g). The assem- a..
ABiface, Stage 3-4 Small Tool
blage is dominated by high-sierra raw materials (78.5%), 10 - Small Tool

followed by puna rim (15.4%), lower high-sierra (4.7%), A Production

and puna (1.4%) raw materials. The number of raw mate- A B i face, Stage 5
: I~ I~
rial types present falls within predicted limits for sample 0 I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50
size, but the number of raw material types with counts
greater than 50 is much smaller than expected. As I show
later, these types are either high-sierra or puna rim mate- Fig. 7.15. Flake aggregate analysis, Level XIX.
192 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

Table 7.9. Lithic Data Summary, Level XIX roughly 7700 to 6400 B.P. A second point style is a finely
worked lanceolate biface (fig. 7.16a, b, e, g, h, i, k) which
in some instances has been modified to take on a some-
Tools (N = 32) what bipointed (doble punta) form (fig. 7.16j). No examples
Scrapers 2 of this point form have been found at high-elevation sites
Types 1 in northern Chile, but these points are very similar to Rick's
(1980: 153-156) Types 3Band 3F, which date from 9000
Stage IIIIII percussion blanks 11
to 5000 B.P., and Lavallee's (1985: 146) Type Bl1.a, which
(1 Stage II;
shows considerable diversity and has two peak periods of
10 Stage III)
high frequency, 9200-7200 B.P. and 6800-5700 B.P., al-
Edge tools 3 though the style can be found throughout the Preceramic
Projectile points 16 levels at Telarmachay. Bipointed forms have also been dis-
(6 complete; covered on the north Chilean littoral at the Middle Ar-
all either chaic site of Camarones-14 and have been dated from ca.
Stage IVIV) 7400 to 6600 B.P. (Schiappacasse and Niemeyer 1984: figs.
Microwear Summary (17 tools examined)
25, 26c). Rick (1980: fig. 7.6g, h) also illustrates a bipoint
style (Type Group 4C) which dates from ca. 7000 to 4000
Bone scraping B.P. Finally, there is an ovate form (fig. 7.16c, t) that unfor-
Hide scraping tunately has no clear referents.
In addition to these known projectile point styles, larger
Butchery traces
bifacial tools appear at Asana for the first time (fig. 7.17).
Indeterminate These bifaces tend to be larger than projectile points, and
Projection traces or haft element, but used 13 while some have linear projection traces indicating their
use as projectile or thrusting weapons (fig. 7.17a), others
are covered with classic silica gloss and have been inter-
preted as plant cutting knives (fig. 7.17b, c). While no
whole examples of these larger bifaces have been found in
associated with the use of bifaces, with all of these tools Level XIX, there are at least two haft elements of a larger
exhibiting linear projection traces or obvious hafting traces, bifacial form similar to the examples in figure 7.1 7.
including some examples of gum or mastic residues. Hide The ground stone tool assemblage shows considerable
processing is still present but is found on only a very small diversity and includes four mano-type grinding stones, one
minority of tools, along with butchery traces, bone scrap- small batan, a large stone ball used for pounding, and four
ing, and indeterminate, or generic, weak polish which in- hide-processing stones, indicating that some aspects ofhide
dicates that the artifact was used, although the material working are an important part of the activity profile even
worked cannot be determined. The large number of bifa- though chipped stone hide-processing tools are almost
cial tools, both finished bifaces as well as Stage II and III absent from the assemblage. Two of the mano-type grind-
percussion blanks, all used, is consistent with the reduc- ing stones exhibit some traces of ochre embedded in the
tion data, which indicate small-tool production, mainte- microtopography of their surfaces, while one has clear
nance, and resharpening. traces of a black resin. The ochre could have been used for
There is an interesting diversity ofprojectile point forms hide working, tool hafting, or as pigment for body or arti-
in this level and in the Early Muruq'uta Phase levels in fact decoration, while the resin was undoubtedly used to
general (figs. 7.16, 7.17). Points are for the most part rela- help haft stone tools since similar resins are found on many
tively small and lanceolate in form and can be placed into of the discarded haft elements in the level's chipped stone
two general morphological categories that can be related tool assemblage.
to point styles observed in the region. There is a single-
eared form (fig. 7.16d) that shows similarities to Patapatane Site Structure Level XIX is for the most part intact and
Phase points which date to ca. 8000 B.P. (Santoro 1989: relatively undisturbed. However, Structure 3 has been dis-
figs. 4.16, 4.17). The examples recovered from all levels at turbed by an intrusive midden which appears to have' been
Asana suggest that this point style's chronological range is cut into the floor from a subsequent occupation (fig. 7.14).
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 193


h k


Fig. 7.16. Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase projectle points. a: G27d-121XX; b: G27b-13IXIX; c: G26b-13/ XIX;
d: C29b-121XIX; e: K31d-4/ XX; f: H26c-4IXVIlb; g: LJOd-li XVI; h: M23c-5IXVIII; i: K27d-5/ XIX;
j: N22c-7IXVIIc; k:J3ld-4IXVIlb.
194 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.p.

b c d


Fig. 7.17. Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase large bifaces. a:J29a-3-2234, XIVb, projection traces; b: G29d-3-2185,
XVIIa, used to cut plants; c: J31 b-3-2217, XVIIb, used to cut plants; d: L3 3c-3-2224, XVIIb, not examined.

The cultural materials from this midden have not been in the Asana IIIJ]ilafia Phase architecture on Levels PXVII
included in this analysis, and the only materials described and PXIv, which suggests a similarity in the size of the
in the subsequent spatial analyses are those that have been group using the structures in each occupation of the site.
assigned with certainty to Level XIX. The eastern edge of The use of interior space in the three domestic struc-
Structure 4 has been destroyed by the changing course of tures is highly consistent. Each structure has a hearth some-
the river or possibly excavations conducted by subsequent where within its boundaries or immediately adjacent to
occupants of the site. one of the edges of the floor (fig. 7.14). Two structures
Domestic architecture on this level continues the fa- have kitchen rocks within them, and in both instances the
miliar circular or ovoid form constructed of puddled white rocks have been placed immediately adjacent to the inte-
clay (fig. 7.18). The architecture on this level, however, rior or edge hearths. Inspection of the distribution of
marks something of an innovation in that the floors are burned bone (fig. 7.19) and bone fragments less than 2 cm
now made solely of the locally available white clay and are in maximum dimension (fig. 7.20) shows that burned bone
not mixed to any significant degree with the sand matrix is concentrated in the hearth in Structure 2, and there are
upon which they have been placed. The floors of the struc- substantial concentrations of small bone fragments in and
tures on this level range in thickness from 1 to 2.5 cm, and adjacent to the hearths within Structures 1 and 3. There is
each floor shows some evidence of having been relaid or also a concentration of burned bone in the midden area
reconstructed at least once. Two of the three structures immediately east of Structure 3. The proximity of the
have one or two postmolds along the edge of the prepared kitchen rocks and concentrations of burned and small bone
clay surface, and each structure has a few colluvial rocks fragments to these hearths suggests the hearths are best
along its edge that were probably used to support the brush interpreted as food preparation areas. This pattern marks
or hide walls. The size of the structures ranges from 4.5 another change in the use of these domestic structures in
m 2 to 5.1 m 2 These values are very similar to those seen the Early Muruq'uta Phase. In previous phases, while there
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 195

Fig. 7.18. Typical residential structure found on Level XIX.

may have been hearths inside domestic residences, they the surface of the site; a dense deposit of burned and un-
were rarely devoted to food preparation. In this phase, burned bone is found in a midden just south of Structure
however, these areas are within the structures and spatially 4, while a very dense concentration of bone waste of all
isolated from other, similar features. Interior food prepa- sizes is found just west of this structure (figs. 7.19, 7.20,
ration areas may suggest that a different set of social fac- 7.23). Deposits of lithic materials are found along the
tors structured the use of space during this occupation. northern margin of the excavation block beyond the area
Lithic reduction apparently also took place within these labeled in the field as midden (figs. 7.21, 7.22), and a light
structures. Small concentrations of small reduction by- scatter of lithics can be found between most of the struc-
products are found within Structures 2 and 3, especially tures. This light scatter may represent incidental deposi-
near the hearths (fig. 7.21), and lithic debris of all sizes is tion of these materials or, more likely, the blurring of once-
found in each of the structures (fig. 7.22). Although small denser concentrations of lithics through repeated use of
lithic debris tends to indicate in situ activity performance, the surface over a number of occupations.
deposits of larger lithic materials may also reflect this in Unlike the floors of previous levels, there are essen-
situ reduction if these loci have not been cleared or swept tially no hearths found exterior to the domestic structures,
and if the debris is not too large. The majority of the larger and there are no discrete ash deposits scattered between
lithics in Structure 1 range in size from 1 to 2 cm in maxi- them. There is also no evidence for other sorts of use of
mum dimension, a finding generally consistent with in situ exterior space, such as hide-processing areas, drying racks,
activity performance. or other loci of activity performance. This lack ofevidence
The use of exterior space is relatively simple. Deeply suggests that the use ofspace on this surface is more highly
stained organic soils are found east of the structures, which structured and organized, a significant contrast when com-
suggests that organic trash was thrown between them. pared to other levels.
Other secondary refuse deposits are found scattered across Perhaps the most interesting feature on the Level XIX
196 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.p.

M o
o 0


M o
()[) Rock G

6IJ) Hearth KR Rock
~/ .tb
(--, Midden
Floor O
Ash Sto in

.... _J Oensi I)'
c 2I 3I
25 26 27 2B 29 30 31

Fig. 7.19. Total burned bone density, Level XIX, interval = 5.

_ u


()[) Rock G

6IJ) Hearth KR Rock
N ~/ Midden ~ Ash Stain

- I 0'--' House
l... _J floor O Bone
C 2 3
25 26 27 2B 29 30 31

Fig. 7.20. Size 1 bone density, Level XIX, interval = 10.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 197

M' o

--... _..

M o
00 Rock G
GEJ Heorth

KR Rock
N ~/ Midden ~ Ash Stain

- I 0'--' House
l.... _ I Floor O Lithic
2I 3,
, \)0
25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Fig. 7.21. Size 1 lithic density, Level XIX, interval = 5.

... -

00 RoCk G
GEJ Hearth KR Rock
~/ ~
t.... _J
Floor o
Ash Stain

I 9

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Fig. 7.22. Total lithic density, Level XIX, interval = 5.

198 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

00 postmolds within it. These may have been used as struc-

M o tural supports or possibly to erect an internal partition.
e.o Three large ash lenses are found on the structure, each of
which is found near the structure's western side. None of
these lenses have a depth that exceeds 0.5 cm. It is pos-
sible that these lenses are in fact large but very shallow
K surface hearths since they contain only a consolidated white
ash. The only other feature on this floor is three small
clay-lined basins embedded in the surface of the northern
half of the structure. In their simplest construction, the
basins are no more than shallow, round-based basins 3 to
4 cm in depth and 5 to 10 cm in diameter. The basins have
been scooped or dug into the floor, and the white clay has
... _. been poured and spread into them to create a smooth sur-
face. Each of the three basins on the Level XIX floor is of
simple construction, but as shown later, there are more
complex constructions of these basins on other floors of
4 similar structures in the Early Muruq'uta Phase. No arti-
facts or other features were found within these basins.
It is important to note that there are no domestic fea-
tures, such as food preparation areas, kitchen rocks, or
E batanes, found either within the structure or near its west-
()[) Rock ern margin. There are, however, a number of features spa-

GID Hearth KR Rock tially proximate to the structure. There is a large midden
composed almost exclusively of bone waste found just south
N 'i'/ Midden ~~ Ash 5to in
- ,--, House
t .... _J Floor
o Bone
Dens ity
of the structure, and there is a very dense midden also filled
with bone found just outside the presumed doorway of
I 0
the structure (figs. 7.19, 7.20, 7.23). The midden resembles
-, I
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a doorway toss zone frequently seen in the residential struc-
tures of foraging peoples, and the bone could represent
Fig. 7.23. Total bone density, Level XIX, interval = 10. the accumulated waste of floor cleanup following food
consumption within the structure. There are no concen-
trations of either lithics or bones within the structure, and
floor is Structure 4 (fig. 7.14). The structure's floor is made the contours that pass through it are very small and have
from the same prepared white clay used to construct floors been generated by single counts of bones or lithics that
in the domestic structures. The shape and size of this struc- are found in various places on the floor. Scanning the dis-
ture, however, are quite different than the others. Although tribution of the morphological tools shows that none are
the structure's eastern margin has been destroyed by the located on the floor itself, but two are found just outside
Rio Asana, a conservative reconstruction of the floor sim- the doorway off of the edge of the prepared clay floor.
ply connects the two margins of the structure in a single It is clear that this structure is not a typical domestic
line without architectural details. If this reconstruction is residence. It has none of the features, such as food prepa-
valid, the covered floor area of this structure is 13.1 m 2, a ration loci or other interior activity areas, associated with
figure 2.5 to 3 times larger than the floor areas of any do- some other activity, it is considerably larger than known
mestic structure on this level or any other floor in the Early domestic structures and has a very different shape, and
Muruq'uta Phase. The structure is a large ovoid with an there are special features-the small clay basins-found
indentation or notch along its western side. There is no on the floor that have not been found in any other struc-
evidence that any feature or floor extended into this notch, ture of this or any other phase. Saying that the structure is
which resembles a doorway. Although there are no not domestic does not assign a clear function to it, but it is
postmolds that surround the structure, there are five clear that it represents a communal or public structure of
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 199

some kind. Possible functions and analogs for this struc-

ture will be discussed at length later. Level XVIIc (ca. 6850 B.P.)
A total of 136 m 2 has been exposed in Level XVIIc. The
Interpretations The place ofAsana during the Level XIX relatively little natural disturbance in this level consists
occupation continues to be a residential base. Although mostly of a large patch of landslide disturbance along the
the block is relatively small, there is no evidence of differ- extreme northern edge of the excavation block (fig. 7.24).
ent kinds of residential or possibly logistical occupations There is a minor amount of quebrada cutting that has de-
of the surface as were seen on Levels PXVII and PXIV of stroyed some middens in the center of the block. As in
the Asana IIII]ilafia Phase. The evidence for the residen- other levels of this block, the moving river course has de-
tial occupation of the site is substantial and includes the stroyed a number of structures, such as Structure 13, and
consistent placement of facilities and the investment in midden areas along the eastern edge of the block. Cul-
the construction of the prepared clay floors, with multiple tural disturbance factors include a number of intrusive
reconstructions of each floor; the clear organization of the middens that have disturbed some of the prepared clay
use of space, in that facility placement is redundant; and floors of this level, particularly Structures 10, 11, and 12.
the diversity of the activity profile, which shows the con- Once again, intrusive cultural materials are not included
tinued presence of hide processing, bone working, the in the spatial or other analyses of this level.
grinding of ochre and resins, and tool resharpening, pro-
duction, and maintenance. The grinding and hide-pro- Faunal Data Counts of faunal remains in Level XVIIc
cessing tools signal the probable presence of females on are relatively high, as are the density (1822/m 3) of frag-
site during this occupation. ments as well as their total weight (1.4 kg). MNI counts
Despite this impressive continuity of the place of the are relatively high, but as in previous levels, there are no
site, there are a number of important changes observed in small mammals represented in the assemblage (table 7.10).
the Level XIX occupation of Asana that also signal new This assemblage is highly fragmented, with 86% of it less
and very important differences in the nature of activity than 2 cm in maximum dimension. A substantial propor-
performance and site organization. More activities, such tion of the assemblage is even smaller, with fragments less
as food preparation and tool maintenance and production, than 1 cm in size. This extreme fragmentation has made it
appear to have moved within the structures. In earlier lev-
els, food preparation was located exclusively exterior to
the domestic structure, although it may have been imme-
Table 7.10. Faunal Data Summary, Level XVIIc
diately adjacent to it. While a small amount of lithic re-
duction took place in some structures in these earlier oc-
cupations of the site, it does not resemble the intensity of Packet Data a
reduction that took place within these structures on the
Level XIX floor. Furthermore, there do not appear to be
any obvious exterior or outdoor activity areas on this floor, 2 3 4 5
again a significant change when compared to earlier lev- 13 6 22 25 o
els. These changes in the locus of activity performance
correlate with a new principle of site organization, the tight .20 .09 .33 .38 o
packing of domestic structures. Finally, a new structure N = 4,956
type, an apparent public, or communal, structure appears
for the very first time.
The organization and range of mobility remain essen- Phalanges = 26
tially the same as observed in Asana IIIlJilafia Phase times, Metapodials = 8
with a continuing emphasis on the utilization of the lower
high sierra, high sierra, puna rim, and puna. Although Tooth fragments = 144
neither the season nor length of occupation of Asana dur-
ing this occupation can be directly observed, it is probable aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
that the length was substantial, possibly as long as three to packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the
four months or even more. assemblage.
200 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.


00 Rock
CD Hearth
/ / Midden
G .. Cloy Basin

G Ground Stone
KR Ki Ichen Rock
~:ri Quebrada
Qj Landsl ide
_/ House Floor
~;l\;;; Ash Stain
0 2 4
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Fig. 7.24. Plan view, Level XYlIc.

difficult to identify the species present, and only 12 frag- Lithic Data Counts oflithic data are relatively small (N
ments could be placed in any species category with cer- = 669), and correspondingly both density (246/m 3) and
tainty. Deer are present, but the majority of the assem- weight (352 g) are very low. The assemblage continues to
blage can only be placed within the camelid aggregate. A be dominated by high-sierra raw materials (66.9%), fol-
somewhat larger proportion of the assemblage (1.8%; N = lowed by puna rim (20.6%), lower high-sierra (6.9%), and
88) could be placed into age/size categories. Of this group, puna (5.6%) raw materials. There are 25 different types of
67% are from immature animals, while 33% are from older, raw materials, but of these, only 3 have counts greater than
larger, and mature animals. A rather low proportion of 50 (Types 4, 11, and 18), a figure that falls below predicted
bones (8%) has been burned. values based on sample size. While the number of types is
Since the assemblage is so fragmented, the packet and slightly larger than predicted given the sample size, there
skeletal element data are of limited value (table 7.1 0). While are substantially fewer than predicted types with counts
there are roughly equivalent proportions of the head/neck, greater than 50. These numbers tend to suggest a focus
trunk, and hindquarters packets, the forequarters and tail on the use of certain types (two high-sierra types and a
packets are underrepresented. These figures suggest that puna rim type) at the expense of other local or nonlocal
forequarters were removed from the site or were dried or material types. A flake aggregate analysis of the three with
otherwise stored for future consumption. Whole animals counts greater than 50 shows that the reduction debris of
continue to be returned to the site as evidenced by the all three reflects small-tool production, maintenance, and
continued presence of teeth, phalanges, and metapodials. resharpening (fig. 7.25). These data are consistent with
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 201

Table 7.11. Lithic Data Summary, Level XVIlc

.. freehand
40 -
.. Biface, Stage 2
Tools (N = 15)

.. Bipolar Scrapers 2
30 - Types 1
U Stage JIIIII percussion bifaces 5
Z (all Stage III)
w 20 -
w Projectile points 5

.. Biface, Stage 3-4 Small Tool (all broken;

10 -
.. Maintenance all Stage IVIV)
Small Tool
.. Production
ell 18
Indeterminate 3
.. Biface, Stage 5 e
e4 Microwear Summary (6 tools examined)
0 I
0 10 20 30 40 50
SIZE 4: SIZE 1-3 RATIO Bone scraping
Wood whittling
Fig. 7.25. Flake aggregate analysis, Level XVIIc.
Hide scraping 2
(1 dry hide,
1 indeterminate

the presence of the Stage III percussion bifaces and pro- Linear projection traces 2
jectile points, which were either worked and shaped dur- Haft elements 8
ing the occupation of this level or were discarded during
retooling (table 7.11).
The microwear data obtained from the chipped stone
tool assemblage show significant diversity in the activities
performed. While hide-processing tools continue to be
found in the assemblage, there is only one type of scrap-
ing tool present, and scrapers make up only 13 % of the
assemblage. Butchery tools, bone- and woodworking tools,
and tools with linear projection traces are all present. As
in Level XIX, each of the bifacial tools is a projectile point,
haft element, or point tip, and all those examined have
signs of use, a finding consistent with the reduction data.
The ground stone tool assemblage includes two mano-
type grinding stones, three hide-working tools, two
batanes, and three ovate, pecked pounding tools. Another
feature on these floors is the numerous kitchen rocks, some
of which appear to have been used as anvils for the crush-
ing of bone. One of these in Structure 6 has been propped
up by a number of small colluvial rocks and shows signs of
crushing and pounding on its dorsal surface (figs. 7.24,
7.26). At least three structures have these rocks in situ on
their floors, and a number of other structures have flat
colluvial rocks on their floors that could have served as
kitchen rocks but for which no special construction fea- Fig. 7.26. Kitchen rock, Structure 6, Level XVIIc floor.
tures or traces of use could be observed. Note how it has been elevated using other, smaller rocks.
202 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P

Site Structure Level XVIIc is one of the most complex support walls made of hide or brush. Most of these floors
floors excavated at Asana. It is clearly a palimpsest, in that show clear signs of reconstruction aside from the obvious
there are a number of overlapping prepared clay floors palimpsest occupations described earlier. For instance,
found on the surface, particularly Structures 5, 7, 8, 9,10, Structure 6 has at least two distinct reconstructions within
and 11 (figs. 7.24, 7.27). Also, Structure 11 has been heavily this level, while Structure 8 has three if each of the over-
disturbed by an intrusive midden cut in at some time dur- lapping floors is seen as an attempt at reconstruction. Com-
ing the XVIIc occupation, and a similar disturbance has plete structures range in size from 3.9 m 2 to 5.5 m 2 of
destroyed the southwestern corner of Structure 12. Aside covered floor area, with a mean of 4.9 m 2 and a median of
from the destruction wrought by the course of the river, 4.7 m 2 (table 7.12). These figures are very close to the
the remaining structures and features on this surface are median structure size of Level PXVII (5.1 m2), somewhat
relatively undisturbed. smaller than those ofPXIV (5.8 m2), and roughly equiva-
The domestic architecture on this floor is very similar lent to those found on XIX.
to that in Level XIX and Jilana Phase structures. This There are similarities and differences when the use of
floor's structures are ovoid to circular in shape and are interior space on Level XVIIc is compared with such use
generally well constructed (fig. 7.28). The floors them- on XIX and other Early Muruq'uta Phase levels. Like the
selves are composed of the typical prepared white clay that residential structures on Level XIX, most of the intact
has been poured or puddled on the natural matrix of the structures have interior hearths, often surrounded by ash
level. Virtually none of the structures are surrounded by lenses, as well as rock features such as the kitchen rock
postrnolds, but many ofthem have a single post found near features described previously. In many cases, the kitchen
the center of the structure. These may have been used to rocks are directly adjacent to these hearths, such as in Struc-

Fig. 7.27. West Block showing multiple levels open; the deepest level is XYlIc.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 203

tures 4 and 6. Interior hearths tend to be located along the

eastern side of the structures. And like the structures of
XIX, there are concentrations of small bone found either
in or near the hearths or kitchen rock features on these
floors, particularly in Structures 1,3,4,5, and 6 (fig. 7.29).
Almost all of this bone is crushed and is consistent with
the use of these kitchen rocks as anvils upon which the
bone was smashed for consumption for marrow. The
kitchen areas have relatively little burned bone within
them, however (fig. 7.30). Unlike the XIX structures, there
is virtually no lithic reduction inside the XVIIc structures.
The smallest lithic debris is found between the structures
and not within them (fig. 7.31). The pattern does not look
like cleanup or the creation of secondary refuse deposits
but instead a minor amount of reduction around the struc-
tures since these small concentrations of lithics are gener-
ally not spatially coterminous with most concentrations
of bone on the surface. I see a continuation of the pattern
of food preparation taking place within structures, while
reduction appears to have moved to the exterior.
Middens dominate the use of exterior space, and many
of the domestic structures are surrounded by deeply
stained, organically derived soils. Much of this midden area
is relatively free of bone or lithic waste, which when exte-
rior to structures is generally found in clear concentra-
tions. The area along the southern edge of the excavation
Fig. 7.28. Structure 6, XVIIc, excavated in 1987. block in particular appeared to be a favored dumping zone.
Burned and unburned bone as well as lithics of all sizes
were thrown into the crevices of the large colluvial boul-
ders found here, and it seems clear that this area is a clas-
Table 7.12. Structure Sizes, Level XVIIc
sic secondary refuse dump that was used over a long pe-
riod of time since bone densities are so great (figs. 7.29,
Structure Sizes 7.30). Somewhat smaller discrete dumps of similar com-
position are found in other parts of the site, and these
Structure 2 3.7 m 2 dumping areas tend to be found on the margins of the
Structure 3 4.1 m 2 area occupied by the domestic structures. This pattern of
secondary refuse disposal is consistent with a longer term
Structure 4 5.5 m 2
utilization of the site in which the use of space, including
Structure 5 3.9 m 2 refuse disposal, is well organized and structured. Other
Structure 6 4.9m 2 exterior features include a series of hearths found between
structures as well as large ash dumps near them. Aside from
Structure 8 5.5111 2
some reduction found around the hearths in the western
Structure 11 5.1 m 2 and northern portions of the excavation block, most of
14.3 m 2
the hearths have no artifacts within or surrounding them,
Structure 12
suggesting that they may have been foci of activities that
Median structure size 4.9m 2 left no durable remains in the archaeological record. Ex-
Mean structure size 4.7 m 2 cept in one instance, most of the hearths are located very
(excluding Structure 12) close to the structures, implying that the hearths were used
by the occupants of the structures. In some cases, ash has
204 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P

0 Bone Density

00 Rock
CD Hearth

// Midden
G ._- Clay Basin

G Ground Stone
N KR Ki tchen Rock

~ Quebrada
Q) Lands! ide
House Floor
D -'
~~~ Ash Stain
0 2 4
I ! !
-, I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Fig. 7.29. Size 1 bone density, Level XVIlc, interval = 25.

0 Bone Density

00 Rock

CD Hearth

// Midden
.- Cloy Basin

G Ground Stone

N KR Ki tchen Rock
~ Quebrada
Q) Landslide
(~; House Floor
~l~ Ash Stain
0 2 4
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Fig. 7.30. Total burned bone density, Level XVIlc, interval = 25.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean A1"chaic 205

L '

o Lithic Density

00 Rock
@ Hearth

>'/ Midden
C loy BaSin

G Ground Stone

N KR KItchen Rock

~ Queb'odo
Q) Landsl ide

o House Floor

Ash Stoln

c o 2
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Fig. 7.31. Size 1 lithics, Level XVIIc, interval = 1.

been pushed to the sides of structures, such as is the case the floor. Away from this feature, the prepared clay floor
in Structures 3, 4, 6, and 13. This is probably related to is of a uniform rough consistency derived from weather-
floor cleaning and sweeping. There is little evidence for ing and exposure. Features like this are found only in simi-
other outdoor activities. A few postn1olds are found near lar structures on Levels XVIlb and XVIIa, and importantly,
Structures 3 and 9, but their function cannot be discerned. they are not found in any residential or domestic structure
The large communal or public structure continues to of any time period. The special aspects of these features,
be found on this level (figs. 7.24, 7.32). This structure is combined with their appearance within these presumed
14.3 m 2 in covered floor area and is ovoid in shape. While public structures, suggest that they have a specialized func-
similar in construction technique and size to the structure tion, one which will be explored later. Some of the clay
first observed on XIX, this structure has two very impor- basins on the structure's floor have been changed from
tant differences: there is a new hearth feature on the floor, smoothed, shallow ovoids scooped from the floor to square
and there are changes in the construction of the clay ba- or rectangular "boxes" with straight sides and more or less
sins. The hearth consists of a series of colluvial and river right-angled corners (fig. 7.34a). Ofthe five basins on this
rocks placed in a rough ovoid or circle on the floor along floor, two are of this almost formal construction (fig. 7.34b,
the eastern side of the structure (fig. 7.33). Some of these c). As on the Level XIX floor, none of the basins had any
rocks show evidence of pyroclastic damage like spalling or artifacts found within them, and very few artifacts were
cracking. While there is a very small amount of white ash found on the floor as a whole.
associated with these stones, there is no accumulation of
ash or carbon here, and neither is the prepared clay floor Interpretations There seems little question that the oc-
surrounding the feature burned or otherwise hardened. cupation of Level XVIIc continues as a residential base.
Instead, the floor directly under and adjacent to the rocks There is considerable diversity in both the chipped stone
is "melted," as if water had been poured on this portion of and ground stone tool assemblages, and a number of ac-
206 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

Fig. 7.32. Structure 12, the public structure on Level XVIIc. Note the special hearth
feature in the left-center of the photograph.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 207

Fig. 7.33. Hearth in Structure 12, the public architecture, on Level XVIIc.

Fig. 7.34. Straight-walled clay basin from the floor of Structure 12 public architecture, Level XVIIc. a: basin in
situ on the floor of the level; b: interior of the basin showing overall shape and depth; c: exterior of the basin.
208 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

tivities are present in the activity profile. Residential struc- culminated in the Climatic Optimum that began some-
tures are well constructed, and several show evidence of time after 6000 B.P. If this warming and drying trend is an
having been relaid or rebuilt a number of times during the accurate description of regional climate at this time, it is
occupation of this level. Further, this evidence is sugges- probable that resource density began to diminish during
tive of anticipated return to the site since considerable ef- this period. This would have made resource patches, like
fort is expended in floor construction and reconstruction. the bofedal at Asana, more attractive, although it is un-
The use of space is also consistent with an interpretation clear whether it could have fully supported the size of a
of a residential base. There is considerable redundancy in coresidential group indicated by the XVIlc occupation of
the use of interior space, with a number of structures pos- Asana for a considerable portion of the year. Another causal
sessing evidence of food preparation and lithic reduction factor that could have exacerbated this trend is the initia-
within their boundaries. Moreover, food preparation ac- tion of the process of regional packing through steady,
tivities are focused upon the use of facilities (kitchen rocks long-term population growth, a hypothesis I offered a
and pounding stones) generally found along the western number of years ago (Aldenderfer 1989a, 1989c). Popula-
margins of the prepared floors or well away from the cen- tion growth in the surrounding valley systems may have
ter of the structures. Likewise, the use of exterior space is made it more difficult for groups of foragers to move into
well organized. While there is little evidence of extensive these valleys as local resource availabilityworsened.1Vhile
exterior activity performance, there are few dumps of ei- plausible, this hypothesis is speculative since there are no
ther large lithic or bone waste found between most of the comparable data from these nearby valleys that indicate
residential structures. Instead, what dumps are found ap- that populations within them were indeed growing. We
pear to be those generated by the routine clearing of house are left, then, with archaeological indicators of a decreased
floors of the food preparation waste generated within or frequency of residential mobility but with little data avail-
beside them and the removal of ash from interior hearths able with which to determine exactly what caused this shift.
and its disposal along the margins of the floors. The ap- The activity profile at the site continues to be diverse.
pearance of the nonresidential, public structure signals a Wood- and bone-processing tools are present, as are a lim-
residential base as well as a potentially longer span of oc- ited number of hide-working tools. Although no examples
cupation of Level XVIlc. Special-purpose structures such were recovered from this assemblage, the presence of the
as these are rarely constructed at logistical camps, field large bifacial cutting tools with microtraces consistent with
stations, or short-term residential bases. Therefore, it is cutting plants appears to indicate a greater importance of
probable that the occupation span at Asana during this plant foods in the diet.
occupation is significantly longer than any seen prior to
Level XIV (ca. 6000 B.P.)
the Early Muruq'uta Phase.
The scale of land use is essentially the same as that seen A total of 112 m 2 has been opened on Level XIV (fig. 7.35).
in Level XIX and the Asana IIVJilafia Phase. Although l"'he level is essentially intact, although there are small
Asana appears to have been occupied longer, there is con- patches of landslide disturbance found in the northwest-
tinuing use of the lower high sierra, puna rim, and puna. ern corner ofthe block. These do not appear to have caused
If the term of occupation at Asana in fact has increased, any significant damage to the features and structures vis-
this suggests that the settlement system has become more ible in the block.
logistical in its character, further implying a decrease in
residential mobility and a change in regional-scale land Faunal Data Bone counts in Level XIV are very small,
use when compared with previous phases. While the struc- and consequently MNI counts, bone weight (181 g), and
ture of mobility has not changed since Asana IllKhitufia density (254 fragments/m 3) are also low (table 7.13). This
times, with probable movement into other valley systems assemblage is somewhat less fragmented than those from
when resources have become too costly to obtain, the fre- other levels, although 80% of the material is less than 2
quency of residential moves into these other valleys ap- cm in maximum dimension. Approximately 7% (N = 40)
pears to have diminished. of the assemblage can be identified to skeletal element,
What may have caused these changes is unclear. Envi- and a somewhat smaller proportion (3.3 %; N = 19) can be
ronmental change may have had some role. The climate placed into age/maturity categories. Of these elements,
around 7000 to 6500 B.P. was relatively warm, but there 53% are from immature animals, while 47% are from adult,
was an increasing trend toward further desiccation which mature individuals. Unfortunately, the number of elements
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 209

o I
'" I
. , 0'/
G '- .>

M f/!:


"" Q (J
0.. . -Q__ 0 / /
H ..~

' ...
' <::::'

,"-. b.. .
G ,f)
,'!!i G

Q::J Post
C3D Hear t h
G Ground Stone C_-) House Floor
~ Quebrada ~~~ Ash Stain
oI 3
1 I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Fig. 7.35. Plan view, Level XIv.

identifiable as to species is very small (1.1 %; N = 6), and metapodials, and tooth fragments suggests the return of
consequently little can be said of the proportion of differ- whole animals to the site.
ent species in the assemblage. However, five of the six el-
ements identifiable as to species are taruca, so it does ap- Lithic Data . Counts oflithic materials are likewise small
pear that deer are well represented in the assemblage. A in Level XIV (N = 47), with low total weight (335 g) and
relatively small proportion of the faunal remains (18%) density (155 fragments/m 3). Raw material types in the as-
has been burned. Although the numbers are small, the semblage are dominated by high-sierra materials (71.8%),
packet and skeletal element data show a number of inter- followed by puna rim (17%), puna (7.7%), and lower high-
esting patterns (table 7.13). The NISP in the trunk packet sierra (3.5%) materials. A fragment of obsidian and a single
dominates the assemblage, while the remaining packets- example of a far nonlocal material are also present. Al-
head/neck, and fore- and hindquarters-are found in though the number of types of raw material (N = 19) falls
roughly equal proportions. The presence of phalanges, within the 95% confidence interval predicted by sample
210 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

50 -po--------------------,
Table 7.13. Faunal Data Summary, Level XIV

40 -
Packet Data a A Biface, Stage 2
<[ ABipolar
1 2 3 4 5 ....- 30 -
4 3 28 4 1 ....
w 20 -
.10 .075 .70 .10 .025 u
N= 570 A B iface, Stage 3-4 Small Tool
10 - S rna II Too I
MNI= 1 Production
Phalanges = 4 A B i face, Stage 5 21

o ~---.,-I----~I----,I-----.I-----;
Metapodials = 3 o 10 20 30 40 50
Tooth fragments =5
Fig. 7.36. Flake aggregate analysis, Level XIv.
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the

size, the number of types with counts greater than 50 (N = present, as are four hand stones with traces of hide-pro-
2) falls well below these limits. As might be expected, these cessing wear. A single small batan is located near one of
two types (Types 4 and 21) are both high-sierra raw mate- the prepared clay floor structures along the eastern mar-
rials. The smaller number than expected, however, sug- gin of the excavation block (fig. 7.37). All of the ground
gests that lithic reduction was of relatively little impor- stone tools are found along the eastern margin of the ex-
tance in the activity profile during the occupation of this cavation block, either near or within the two prepared clay
level. This inference is indirectly confirmed through the floor structures or the midden area found to their south.
flake aggregate analysis of these two raw material types There are no ground stone tools found with the western,
(fig. 7.36). The reduction by-products of both raw mate- postmold-defined structures on this floor. The implica-
rial types are very consistent with minor retooling and tions of this pattern are explored later.
resharpening of tools or nearly finished bifacial blanks
brought on site from elsewhere. Site Structure Level XIV has clear evidence of a pal-
The chipped stone tool assemblage and microwear data impsest reoccupation as well as some important variabil-
show an assemblage of limited diversity in both tool forms ity in the construction technique of the residential struc-
and activities performed (table 7.14). Although scraping tures and the organization of used space. There are two
tools are present, there is only one type in the assemblage different styles ofresidential architecture on this floor: two
(Type 3). Further, this tool shows signs of multiple use, examples of the now-familiar prepared clay floors and a
having been used to process hides and scrape bone. One style defined by patterns of postmolds very similar to the
of the points (broken haft element) has linear projection sorts of structures found in the Early Archaic (fig. 7.35).
traces, a clear sign of use as a projectile. Two of the other The prepared clay floors are ovoid in shape, and their cov-
points examined have traces of use, but the contact mate- ered floor area is estimated to be 4.2 m 2 and 4.6 m 2, re-
rial could not be determined. No whole or broken Stage spectively. They are similar in construction to the floors
II or III percussion bifaces are found in the assemblage, a seen in the Early Muruq'uta Phase, but there is no evi-
finding consistent with the flake aggregate analysis. dence of reconstruction or re-Iaying of the Level XIV
The ground stone tool assemblage is likewise of very floors. Both of the floors have small colluvial and river
limited diversity. Three mano-type grinding stones are rocks surrounding their margins, and it is likely these were
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 211

Table 7.14. Lithic Data Summary, Level XIV used to support wall materials. A single postmold is found
at the edge of the most recent structure. Although neither
of these structures has an interior hearth, the most recent
Tools (N = 10) of the overlapping structures has two hearths near its south-
Scrapers 2 ern side. Aside from the colluvial rocks, the only other
Types 1 feature on the interior of either of these structures is a
small ash lens in the most recent structure.
Stage II/III percussion blanks o The second architectural style is defined by a set of
Edge tools o postmolds in a roughly circular or ovoid shape. Within
Projectile points 4 the boundaries of these presumed structures, there is no
(3 broken, trace of prepared clay or any other flooring material. In-
1 whole) stead, the natural soil matrix served as the floor. Although
posts appear to have been the primary means of support-
Indeterminate 4
ing wall materials, most of the structures have colluvial
Microwear Summary (4 tools examined) rocks between the posts which likely served as supports.
Hide processing/bone scraping From north to south in the excavation block, these struc-
tures have the following covered floor areas: 4.8 m 2, 4.8
Linear projection traces m 2, and 4.5 m 2 They are very similar in size to the pre-
Used, but indeterminate 2 pared clay floor structures on this floor and to those found
on Levels XIX and XVIIc (table 7.12). There are a num-

Fig. 7.37. Batan on surface near prepared clay floor structure on Level XIv. The batan is in the center of the
photograph; the floor extends to the top of the photograph.
212 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P

ber of posnnolds between the southernmost structures that there are very few remains within either of the two pre-
could indicate yet another house. If in fact the posts delin- pared clay floors. There is a small concentration of small
eate a structure, it was occupied before or after the use of reduction by-products in the northeastern corner of the
the other two structures, given its proximity to the two. most recent prepared clay floor structure, and this likely
While none of the structures have an interior hearth, each represents resharpening and retooling within the struc-
has an ash lens immediately adjacent to it or, in one case, a ture, albeit of a very low intensity.
lens within the structure. While labeled ash lenses, it is The use of exterior space is somewhat more complex
possible these are in fact very shallow surface hearths. but also of relatively low intensity, especially when com-
There is a single definite hearth located 1.2 m from the pared to the occupations seen in the Early Muruq'uta
center structure in the block. Phase. There is very little burned bone on this surface,
There is relatively little evidence for the use of interior and what exists is found either in very small concentra-
space on this surface. None of the small bone fragments tions or in a small dump northwest of the earlier prepared
and reduction by-products are distributed within any of clay floor structure (fig. 7.40). Other dumps of unburned
the postmold-style structures (figs. 7.38, 7.39). Likewise, bone are found in this area as well, and there is a very

o I
., I 0.>'/

N G '1 '-

(b Rock
Heorth 0
, -, Bone Density
D G Ground Stone'_'- House Floor
- f2J",95 Quebrodo .~.At~ Ash Sto;n

c I 0

l I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Fig. 7.38. Size 1 bone density, Level XIv, interval = 5.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 213

large dump found along the southern edge of the excava- facts associated with them, and it seems unlikely that the
tion block well away from the prepared clay floor struc- lenses represent hearth sweepings or cleanings since there
tures (fig. 7.41). The concentration of bone immediately are so few true hearths on the surface. A possible explana-
south and adjacent to the prepared clay floor structure is tion is that at least some of the lenses are in fact small,
probably a result of exterior food preparation, while the shallow surface hearths. Most of these small ash lenses are
concentration of bone on the surface of the earlier pre- near the postrnold-defined structures (fig. 7.35). If they
pared clay floor structure is most likely a result of casual, are in fact small hearths, their large number may be ex-
secondary refuse dumping after that structure had been plained in part by the likely palimpsest nature of the occu-
abandoned. The distribution of all lithic materials sug- pation on this surface or by an activity performed that left
gests a pattern oflow intensity, in situ lithic reduction with no permanent residues in the archaeological record.
no cleanup (fig. 7.42). Aside from these by-products, there
are no special dumps of any kind oflithics on this surface. Interpretations A number of significant changes can be
The distribution of the very large number of small ash seen in the occupation of Level XIV when compared to
lenses has no obvious explanation. Very few have any arti- Early Muruq'uta Phase levels. Perhaps the most impor-

o . I
I ./1

N G .: 'i .9-'

M f/f.:

~ 0
F '.'/:.::'


Q:::) Rock '"0
C[J) Hearth 0
, -, lithic Density
D G Ground Stone' _ ./ House Floor
- l2l'ff> Que bra do ~~~ Ash Stain

C I 0

1 I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Fig. 7.39. Size 1 lithic density, Level XIv, interval = 1.

214 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

o I
., 09.>0/

M ~

F t'l/:.:J

Cb Rock
C3D Heorth 0, -, Bone Density
D G Ground Stone ~ - -" House Floor
- !2J~ Quebrodo 1.A1~ Ash Stoin
c I 0
I 0

1 I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Fig. 7.40. Total burned bone density, Level XIv, interval = 5.

tant of these is the disappearance of the public architec- was a major change in the place of Asana during the Level
ture which was first seen in Level XIX. This is accompa- XIV occupation is inescapable.
nied by changes in the style of residential architecture as The change in domestic architecture suggests that there
well as the organization of space at the site. While it is are two distinct places in this palimpsest occupation of the
possible that the public, nonresidential structure has moved site. The prepared clay floors represent a simplified con-
elsewhere on the site, this is improbable. This further im- tinuation of patterns seen in both the Asana IIIIJilana and
plies a significant reduction in the occupation span of the the Early Muruq'uta Phases: the well-constructed floors
site, an inference supported by the limited set of chipped imply the anticipation of return, and while the quantity
stone and ground stone tools present and the range of ac- and range of artifact types and activities performed have
tivities performed with them. In addition, the quantity of decreased, the kinds of activities performed-some hide
cultural materials as measured by number, weight, and preparation, bone working, and unspecified grinding tasks
density is significantly smaller than seen in the Early using mano-type stones-are similar to those activities seen
Muruq'uta Phase levels. The conclusion, then, that there in other occupations described as residential bases. While
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 215

o . I
.i ./
G :'-+ .9'>
M !!:
~< !



E <:>
Q::) Rock o
c:IJ) Hearth 0 -,~
Bone Density
D G Ground Stone' - ./ House Floor
- ~ Quebrada ~Xt~ Ash Stain
c I 0

1 I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32

Fig. 7.41. Total bone density, Level XIv, interval = 5.

the prepared clay floors may represent a residential base, tant future. Likewise, the virtual absence ofartifacts around
there is no question that the length of occupation at the these structures suggests that their occupation was of an
site has decreased when compared to earlier levels. extremely short duration.
The postmold-defined structures, however, appear to Although the place of Asana may have varied during
represent a very different kind of use of the site. There are the Level XIV occupation of the site, the regional-scale
no ground stone or chipped stone tools found associated settlement pattern has not changed. Debitage of raw ma-
with these structures, and the amount of bone waste and terials from all major environmental zones other than the
reduction by-products associated with these structures is coast indicates that mobility ranged from the lower high
negligible. The structures themselves are poorly con- sierra to the puna. Looking more carefully at the relation-
structed when compared to the prepared clay floors, which ship between tool form, debitage frequencies, and raw
implies that return to the site to reuse these structures may material type, it is clear that many of the tools discarded at
not have been anticipated by the coresidential group or Asana were in fact made in different environmental zones
that any reoccupation was likely to have been in the dis- (table 7.15). There is no statistically significant relation-
216 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

0 I
., .g//

M ~
0 ~
~'. '~F

\ cP CJ
" . . . -<1>- _0" /
@ .o.~
", ...... b.. .

G l;
F t'l!::1 G


CO Rock o
C3) Hear t h , -, Lithic Density
D G Ground Slone ~ - " House Floor
- ilJ'2f Quebrada Ash Stain
C I 0

1 1
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Fig. 7.42. Total lithic density, Level XIv, interval = 5.

ship between tool form and raw material type, indicating assemblages aggregated by phase show a clear trend: the
that there was no apparent preference for any particular relative frequencies of scraping tools become smaller
raw material type to make a particular tool form. These through time. In the Asana IIPuruma and Asana IIIKhituiia
findings suggest that some tools of lower high-sierra and Phases, scrapers compose almost 70% of the assemblage,
puna raw materials were made elsewhere, brought on site, but by the Asana IIIIMuruq'uta Phase and beyond, the
used, and then discarded. The small amounts of debitage proportion ofscrapers drops below 20% and settles around
of these raw material types are consistent with tool main- 10% during the last two phases of occupation at the site.
tenance, resharpening, and some retooling. As the proportions of scrapers decline, those of projectile
points and bifaces increase and eventually dominate the
The Demise ofthe Scraping Tool
content of the assemblages (fig. 7.44).
One of the most interesting patterns seen in the material Looking at scraping tools, however, is only part of the
culture at Asana is the relative disappearance of the scrap- picture, for the uses of these tools must be considered as
ing tool through time. As can be seen in figure 7.43, the well since, as I demonstrated previously, there is no con-
proportions of scraping tools in the chipped stone tool sistent relationship between scraper function and morphol-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 217

Table 7.15. Late Muruq'uta Phase Tool and Debitage Comparisons

Tool and Raw Material Type Comparisons

Raw Material by Zone

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna Total

Biface 1 6 1 0 8
0.64000 5.12000 1.60000 0.64000 8
0.45000 0.38890 -0.47434 -0.80000 0
Edge 0 2 0 0 2
0.16000 1.28000 0.40000 0.16000 2
-0.40000 0.63640 -0.63246 -0.40000 0
Point 1 7 2 1 11
0.88000 7.04000 2.20000 0.88000 11
0.12792 -0.01508 -0.13484 0.12792 0
Scraper 0 1 2 1 4
0.32000 2.56000 0.80000 0.32000 4
-0.56569 -0.97500 1.34164 1.20208 0
Total 2 16 5 2 25
2 16 5 2 25
0 0 0 0 0
Table contents
Expected values
Standardized residuals
1 = 6.911 with 9 df
Chi squared = 6.911, 9 df, not significant

Tool, Raw Material, and Debitage Comparisons

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna

Tools 8%a 64% 20% 8%

Debitage 8.6% 67% 17.8% 6.6%

apercentage values refer to proportion of tools and debitage made of raw materials from
each zone.
218 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P


o Wood
1:::::::::1 Bone

Pis! Morc Pisi Mara _ H,de

Late Muruq'ufo

Early Muruq'uto
Late Muruq'ula
Early Muruq'ula
i!~~: /I

Jjlono Ji lana
Khituno K hi luna


o 20 40 60 80 o 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 7.43. Proportion of scraping tools by phase. Fig. 7.45. Scraping tool use through time.



Pisl Mora
-- .' 'J



Late Muruq'uto
V Lote MurUQ'uto

U Early Muruq'ufo
Early Muruq'uto

I/}I Jilo"o

, :::;;,
V A CJ Point Khituno

1L:::7l Blfoce
V /I
Purumo Purumo

o 20 40 BO 60 100 o 10 20

Fig. 7.44. Proportions of points and bifaces by phase. Fig. 7.46. Number of ground stone hide-processing tools
through time.

ogy (see fig. 4.5). That is, except for one scraper type, each However, the frequency of these tools decreases signifi-
scraping tool has at least five distinct uses. As can be seen cantly through time.
in figure 7.45, of the three major uses of scrapers, the fre- What can explain the disappearance of the scraping tool,
quency of their use as hide scrapers also decreases through particularly the hide-processing scraper, in the later phases
time, and after the Late Muruq'uta Phase, what few for- of the occupation at Asana? Two hypotheses can be of-
mal scraping tools remain in the assemblage are used to fered. The first is that the place of Asana in the regional-
process either wood or bone. Does this mean that hide scale settlement system changed significantly so that hide
processing is unimportant in the later phases of the occu- processing, while still occasionally practiced, was no longer
pation of the site? Apparently not, because except for the one of the primary activities performed on site. This hy-
Asana VIIIAwati Phase, there are ground stone tools in pothesis has very weak support. As we have seen, Asana
the assemblage that were used to process hides (fig. 7.46). moved from a short-term residential base in the Asana II
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 219

Puruma Phase to a longer-term residential base in Asana can occur in individuals not born in the highlands but who
IIlKhitufia Phase times at least through the end of the have lived most of their lives in them, it does not seem
Late Muruq'uta Phase, and while I have not presented the unreasonable to assume that a population-level response
data for the Asana VI/Qhuna Phase, the site remains a to these stressors could have developed over that time
residential base during that phase as well. Therefore, a frame. However, I must stress that biological and other
change in place per se is not a sufficient explanation for empirical indicators of this process, aside from the decline
the decline in scraping tools, although it is possible that in scraping tools, do not exist, and it is certainly possible
the length of the residential occupations of the site may that acclimatization could have been achieved well before
well have affected the rate of discard of scraping tools into some putative date in Early Muruq'uta times.
the archaeological record. This may be the explanation Another fascinating possibility for the demise of the hide
for the lack of scraping tools in the Asana V/Pisi Mara and scraper is the replacement of hide clothing with woolen
Asana VIIIAwati Phase occupations of the site. clothing. The transition to woolen clothing obviously was
A more parsimonious explanation may be that elabo- made at some point in the past, but the crucial question,
rate hide clothing is no longer important for life in the of course, is when. There has been a tendency to assume
highlands. The scraping tool assemblage in the later phases, that the appearance of woolen clothing was concurrent
beginning in Early Muruq'uta times, has become very with, or slightly after, the presumed date of camelid do-
simple with minimal diversity. Such assemblages are typi- mestication. If this is correct, and if for the sake of argu-
cal of the simplest hide-processing tasks and would thus ment it is assumed that the diffusion of both the process of
be consistent with the simple cape model of clothing pro- domestication and the making of clothing was not wide-
posed by Hayden (1990). If this explanation is correct, what spread (cf. Jensen and Kautz 1974), woolen clothing should
are the causes that suggest a shift in clothing? The first appear in the central Andes by ca. 6000 B.P. (Wheeler 1984),
obvious explanation is that temperatures do increase in the northern portion of the south-central Andes by ca.
through time. Although there are no precise measure- 4400 to 4000 B.P. (Aldenderfer 1989c; Kuznar 1990), and
ments, estimates of Asana I/Puruma Phase and Asana IV in the southern reaches of the south-central Andes after
Khitufia Phase temperatures are well below those of the 4000 B.P. (Hesse 1982). Even if a rapid diffusion is granted,
modern era, and clothing would have been required for using this logic, woolen clothing should not appear before
permanent habitation in the highlands during these phases. 6000 B.P. Yet in the south-central Andes, domesticated
Temperatures begin to increase significantly around 8000 camelids are not seen until about 2,000 years after the dis-
B.P. near the end of the Asana IIVJilafia Phase, but even appearance of the hide-processing scraping tool.
during the Climatic Optimum of ca. 6000 to 5000 B.P., Whatever the process, the Archaic Period evidence for
they never reach modern levels. Since clothing is still used wool processing in the Andean highlands is extremely lim-
by the modern indigenous inhabitants of the Andes, it ited. While there is very clear evidence for the twining of
seems unlikely that their ancestors abandoned their use. various plant fibers as early as 10,600 to 10,000 B.P. at
Another possibility for the simplification ofclothing and Guitarrero Cave in the Callej6n de Huaylas (Adovasio and
the consequent decrease in hide-processing tools begin- Maslowski 1980: 253-254) and at various sites in the high-
ning in Early Muruq'uta times is the biological acclimati- lands of Ayacucho ranging from ca. 8000 to 4000 B.P.
zation to environment of highland dwellers. While I have (MacNeish 1980), there is practically no good evidence of
postulated that the earliest migrants to the New World in wool processing. MacNeish (1980: 322) discovered small
general and South America in particular would have been bundles of cut camelid wool in a number of Chihua Phase
preadapted to cold due to their Asian genetic heritage, sites (ca. 6400-5300 B.P.) but suggests these had been de-
permanent habitation at high altitude would have also re- rived from the scraping of camelid hides since they had no
quired acclimatization to the combined effects ofcold stress evidence of further processing. He also describes bone
and hypoxia. Just how long this acclimatization process artifacts, such as weaving swords and a small bone comb
would have taken is far from clear. If permanent habita- (MacNeish and Nelken-Turner 1980: 318-319,320), and
tion in the south-central Andean highlands by 9500 B.P. is suggests these tools may in fact be part of a weaving tech-
assumed, the decline in scraping tools is initiated by ca. nology. The weaving swords are said to be Piki Phase (ca.
7800 B.P., a period of roughly 1,700 years. Since it is known 8000 to 6400 B.P.) diagnostic artifacts, while the bone comb
that some changes in human physiology as a response to was found in a Chihua Phase deposit. He also speculates
high altitude, such as increased maximal oxygen uptake, that the significant increase in certain types of bone tools
220 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

in Piki Phase times and the simultaneous decline in num- tacting the dry hide. Eight experiments were conducted,
bers of bone tools useful in processing hides may signal with each tool being used at least one hour. The tools were
the appearance of a weaving technology as early as 8000 then cleaned and examined using the techniques described
B.P. (MacNeish and Nelken-Turner 1980: 309). This date in chapter 4. The examination showed that wool process-
corresponds closely to the date at which hide-processing ing produced a deeply invasive but nondiagnostic generic
tools begin to disappear from the assemblages at Asana. weak polish on the edges of the experimental tools. In some
Unfortunately, it is not possible to discuss the evidence cases, polish extended over 100 microns into the body of
for scraping tools themselves since a comparable high- the tool and persisted along a significant portion of the
power microwear analysis was not performed on them. edge of the tool. Unfortunately, generic weak polish is just
The problem, ofcourse, is obtaining empirical evidence that-it can be produced by low intensity, short-term con-
that can be used to determine whether woolen clothing tact with a variety of materials. The key feature of wool
was being made. Since clothing itself is unlikely to survive polish is its invasive character, but it is important to note
in most high-elevation sites in the Andes, indirect indica- that the wear only appears after extensive use of the tool.
tors must serve. Note that the question is not one of herd- Archaeological specimens were selected using the fol-
ing or domestication per se but rather the use of fiber and lowing criteria: they had to fit comfortably in the hand, be
its accumulation in sufficient quantity to make useful, large enough for long-term use, and have usable edge
warm, and effective clothing. Therefore, traditional indi- angles of less than 30 degrees. Of the 38 tools examined,
cators ofdomestication, such as demographic shifts in bone half were from either the Asana IIIKhitufia and Asana 1111
frequencies or site structural and feature associations typi- Jilafia Phases and half were from the Early and Late
cally associated with herding, may not necessarily reflect Muruq'uta Phases. Very few of the tools showed any sign
fiber utilization, especially if meat is thought to be the pri- of use, although three tools from Early Muruq'uta levels
mary rationale for domestication. If features and faunal showed invasive generic weak polish. As noted earlier,
remains are of limited value, it is then necessary to rely however, these tools cannot be unequivocally assigned to
upon artifactual evidence, which would include raw wool, a wool-processing function, but their presence in the post-
wool processed into yarn through either twining or the 7800 B.P. assemblages is suggestive. It should be stressed
use of whorls, and weaving implements such as weaving as well that no presumptive wool-processing tools have
swords made of bone or wood, needles, or spindle whorls. been recovered from the Asana VIIIAwati Phase assem-
Yet another artifactual indicator would be stone tools with blages, a period when it is highly probable that camelids
distinctive traces of wear on them derived from cutting or had been domesticated at Asana. Given the equivocal data,
"shearing" camelid wool. Since no camelid wool or bone a hypothesis of early wool processing, while possible, can-
or wooden tools indicative of a weaving technology were not be demonstrated by the materials from Asana. The
found at Asana, microwear data are the only evidence avail- demise of the scraping tool, then, appears to have been
able to approach this problem. caused by a combination of ameliorating temperatures and
To that end, a detailed and exhaustive experimental and the biological acclimatization of highland inhabitants to
analytical program was developed to discover whether wool the combined stressors of cold and hypoxia. The wool-
cutting leaves distinctive microtraces on chipped stone processing hypothesis, however, remains tantalizing.
materials and to determine whether archaeological ex-
Early Public Structures
amples of this wear do in fact exist in the Asana assem-
blages. The logic of this approach assumes that while there Public or nondomestic structures are seen first in Early
may have been some wool cutting prior to the intensive Muruq'uta Phase times in Level XIX and are also found in
use of this material for clothing, there should be more tools Levels XVIII, XVIIc, XVIIb, and XVIIa. This spans a pe-
with wool-cutting traces in the post-7800 B.P. levels at riod from roughly 7100 to 6500 B.P. It is possible, but un-
Asana. A series of wool-cutting experiments were con- likely, that structures of this type existed in the earlier lev-
ducted in 1991. Using large, hand-held flakes of a very els of this phase (ca. 7800-7100 B.P., including XXIII-XX).
fine grained material, Type 7 red volcanic andesite, two Large-scale block excavations in the West Block through
individuals cut all the wool off of two large, gritty, dirty Level XXI failed to discover any such structures, although
alpaca hides that had been previously obtained to conduct it is possible that they could have been constructed in some
hide-processing experiments. The wool was carefully cut other portion of the site. Likewise, these structures are
from the hide, and every effort was made to avoid con- not seen in any level after XVIIa, until a new form of pub-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 221

lic or ceremonial structure appears in Level IXc-1 in Asana neously occupied structure is less than 1 m.
VIlQhuna Phase times, ca. 4800 B.P. There are clear differences between the public struc-
The structures in these five levels are essentially identi- tures and the contemporaneous domestic structures. The
cal, varying primarily in the number and construction of mean structure size for all Early Muruq'uta Phase domes-
the clay basins on the floors, their size, and the range of tic structures is 4.9 m 2, whereas the median structure size
facilities present within them (table 7.16). Unfortunately, for the presumed public structures is 14.1 m 2 Approxi-
the structures in Levels XVIIb and XVIIa have been heavily mately 50% of the domestic structures in the Early
disturbed by the excavation of features from upper levels Muruq'uta Phase have interior food preparation areas with
and from landslide damage, and therefore I will have rela- small batanes or kitchen rocks, and the majority of the
tively little to say about them. The construction technique remainder have hearths and food preparation areas within
in each case is the puddling of the locally available white 1 m of their floors. Likewise, many of the domestic struc-
clay, which has also been used in these levels for the con- tures have clear evidence of activity performance, such as
struction of residential architecture. Doorways are visible lithic reduction, within them. In contrast, none of the three
in each of the structures. The v-shaped doorways are nar- intact public structures have features similar to food prepa-
row and deeply cut into the structure. Although these struc- ration facilities within or near them, and there is no evi-
tures are incomplete and have been partially destroyed by dence of interior activity performance. The XVIlc struc-
the Rio Asana, enough of their shape and directionality of ture has a facility-the stone-lined hearth-that is not seen
the existing prepared clay floor exists to reconstruct them in or near any domestic structure in any phase of occupa-
as large ovoids that vary only slightly in size. Although all tion at Asana. It is obvious, therefore, that these struc-
of them have small clay basins on their floors, these vary tures have no real domestic functions. Calling these struc-
in both number and construction technique. While the tures "public" by default, while probably accurate, is not
structures in XIX and XVIII have ash lenses and postmolds, enough, and some effort must be made to assign a func-
the XVIIc structure does not and instead has a large stone- tion to them. Since it is unlikely that an unambiguous set
lined hearth complex. It is very possible that this feature of universally applicable criteria useful for the definition
type was present in the structures in the previous two lev- of public or ceremonial architecture in foraging societies
els but that it was destroyed by the river. Each of these will be developed (Aldenderfer 1991a), I must turn to the
public structures is found on the edge ofthe tightly packed use of analogy developed within a comparative and con-
residential core typical of Early Muruq'uta site organiza- textual framework (Wylie 1989). This approach has been
tion. In each case, the distance to the nearest contempora- anticipated by Flannery and his coworkers in their work

Table 7.16. Comparison of Public Structures, Levels XIX, XVIII, and XVIIc


Size 13.1 m 2 14.1 m 2 14.3 m 2

Number of 3 2 5
basins on floor

Interior facilities small ash lenses small ash lenses stone-lined hearth

5 postmolds 3 postmolds
Basin construction all shallow and all shallow and 2 rectangular,
basin shaped basin shaped straight-walled
3 shallow and
basin shaped
222 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

on the origins of public or civic buildings and the devel- tures have overlapping functions. The Wiyot, a northern
opment of ceremonialism and religion in the Valley of California group, had sweathouses that were used by men
Oaxaca (Drennan 1976, 1983; Flannery 1976; Flannery for sleeping, gambling, and men's activities but could also
and Marcus 1976). A careful reading of these works shows be used for general public ceremonies when required
that the term "public architecture" is not defined but in- (Elasser 1978: 158). In contrast, many other groups, such
stead is illustrated by ethnographic analogy and compari- as the Tolowa (Gould 1978: 131), Hupa (Wallace 1978:
son of presumed public structures with contemporaneous 166-167), and Karok (Bright 1978: 183), had sweathouses
domestic residences and specialized activity or processing used solely for sweating and men's activities. In addition,
areas. While careful definition is to be desired in any sci- adult men and boys beyond puberty would frequently sleep
entific exercise, precision must be tempered with utility. in these structures. The Tolowa used the sweathouse for
Public or nondomestic structures are well known from sweating, gambling, net and bow making, and other male-
many foraging societies, and they appear in a bewildering related activities (Gould 1978: 131). Women were pro-
variety of forms and locations. Even the briefest glance at hibited from entering the house for any reason. Although
the ethnographic literature demonstrates the remarkable there was some variability, such as the Shastan groups that
diversity of ceremonial or ritual structures found in forag- had family-owned sweathouses in which females would be
ing societies. Structures can be as simple as the open space permitted entry, the sweathouse in most California forag-
around a campfire, as in traditional Basarwa society (Lee ing groups was a focal point for males and their activities.
1979), or as complex as permanent feasting and ceremo- Males, while they may often have slept and spent consid-
nial halls, potlatching halls, and chief's residences among erable time in these houses, would generally return to their
the sedentary foragers on the Northwest Coast of North domestic dwellings to eat and conduct family business.
America, such as the Tlingit (de Laguna 1983) and Haida Sweathouses varied considerably in size and range of
(Blackman 1990: fig. 3). While some ceremonial structures internal features depending on the extent to which they
are built off site, such as the fandango of the Great Basin were used for sweating. Most such structures were similar
Shoshone (Steward 1938; Thomas 1983a: 83-87), the hain in size to domestic dwellings, although they had a much
of the Selk'nam (Chapman 1982), and the varied dance smaller range of features within them. For instance, if
grounds of many Australian aboriginal groups (Spenser sweating was accomplished only by very hot, direct fires,
and Gillen 1899; Warner 1937), others are surrounded by sweathouses would have one or two large hearths within
domestic structures or are in the center of clusters of resi- them, whereas those that relied upon steam would have
dences, such as among the Chumash, Gabrielino, Cupeiio, different features, such as piles of rock or sunken, steam-
and Luiseiio of California (Bean and Shipek 1978; Bean producing hearths. The key, however, is that these struc-
and Smith 1978; Blackburn 1974), various Algonkian- tures did not have typical domestic features within them,
speaking groups in the upper Great Lakes region such as such as cooking hearths, storage areas, and food prepara-
the Chippewa (Hickerson 1970), Ojibwa (Landes 1968), tion areas. This difference in facilities should be useful in
Salteaux (Steinbring 1981: fig. 10), and Menominee distinguishing domestic dwellings from sweathouses.
(Spindler 1978), and subarctic groups such as the Ingalik At the other end of the continuum of public structures
(Snow 1981: 604). Often, ceremonial structures are used of California foraging groups are assembly halls and cer-
as residences by lineage heads, such as on the Northwest emonial structures. While some of these may in fact have
Coast, while in other instances they are used only for ritual been used for sweating, such as with the Cahto (Myers
or ceremonial purposes, such as in southern California. 1978: 246), or for men's activities, such as with the Wtntu
California, because of the quality and quantity of eth- (LaPena 1978: 325), most were used for group integrative
nographies of its foraging peoples, is an excellent source ceremonies, such as with the Miwok (Levy 1978: 409), the
for the search for analogs of the public structures at Asana. Cahuilla (Bean 1978: 577-578), and the Chumash (Grant
Although this review is neither systematic nor exhaustive, 1978: 510), among others. These buildings were far larger
it nevertheless provides a sufficiently broad overview of than domestic dwellings; for example, the Eastern Miwok
California forager public structures that can be used to built a semisubterranean assembly hall that ranged from
define the function of the Early Muruq'uta Phase public 12 to 15 m in diameter, which is a minimum of 116 m 2 of
structures. There are three types of public structures of covered floor area. Structures of this size often had a single
California foraging peoples: dance or assembly halls, cer- large hearth in their centers.
emonial halls, and sweathouses. Frequently, these struc- Given this brief review, it is plausible to assert that the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 223

Early Muruq'uta public structures probably served as men's of botanical materials, the well-defined placement of resi-
houses and possibly as sweathouses, although the data for dential structures on site, the patterned disposal of trash,
the latter are lacking. It is improbable that they are assem- and the separation of activity performance on site all speak
bly or ceremonial structures given their relatively small to its use as a residential base. The activities performed
size. They have, however, almost three times the covered are typical of those seen at residential bases-tool mainte-
floor area of the median size of domestic dwellings in this nance, food preparation, and gear manufacture or replace-
phase, and they lack virtually every food preparation fea- ment-and it is probable that the entire coresidential group
ture or facility seen in the domestic structures. The small used the site. Finally, the scale of land use is similar to that
basins are not found in domestic structures, only in these seen in previous phases-lithic materials from the lower
public buildings. The rock hearth feature seen in Level high sierra to the far puna attest to the probable logistical
XVIIc is interesting because there is no other similar fea- use of these environmental zones by the inhabitants of
ture found on the site, and it contains heat-fractured or Asana. This inference is strengthened by the clear logisti-
spalled rock but without burned or charred soil or the cal use of two sites-Coscori in the lower high sierra and
buildup of ash within it. It is possible these rocks were EI Panteon in the puna rim-during this phase. In this
heated and water poured upon them for steam, thus pro- sense, the place ofAsana seems to have changed little when
ducing the fracturing and spalling. Whether or not actual compared to the two previous phases.
sweating was a part of activity performance within them, There are, however, significant and important changes
these structures are best interpreted as men's houses and in the way in which the site was used. Perhaps the most
not larger domestic structures or ceremonial buildings. important of these is the appearance of public architec-
If this interpretation is valid, a new question must be ture by ca. 7100 B.P. Based on ethnographic analogy from
considered: why do these structures appear when they do? mobile foraging societies, such architecture appears when
Their appearance can be correlated with a change in site the length of occupation increases substantially. In other
organization from the paired structure pattern to the tightly words, increased length of occupation at a site is a neces-
packed residential core. When the paired structure pat- sary, but not sufficient, condition for the construction of
tern returns in Late Muruq'uta times in Level XVI (and public architecture. While the precise function of this ar-
illustrated here by Level XIV), public structures such as chitecture is not well understood-it could have been used
these are no longer constructed. It is not the change in as a sweatlodge, men's house, or communal meeting site-
site organization per se that "causes" the construction of the identification of its function is somewhat less impor-
these structures but instead what the change in site orga- tant than the recognition that the architecture signals a
nization implies. Once again, a review of California forag- longer stay at the site when it is used. This inference is
ers is useful. Although the reconstruction of either scales supported by the data from site structure, which attest to
or frequencies of residential mobility is difficult, it never- the more formal, more organized use of space.
theless seems clear that structures like these, as well as as- Just why the length of occupation increases is not clear,
sembly and ceremonial halls, are built when groups have but it is probable that climate change is in some way im-
relatively low frequencies of residential mobility or have plicated. According to the best continent-wide climatic
long occupation spans at their residential bases. If this anal- reconstructions available, the climate began to deteriorate
ogy holds, it appears that Asana during Early Muruq'uta in South America sometime after 8000 B.P. The rapidity
Phase times was a residential base with a relatively long of that deterioration, as well as its severity, is hard to mea-
span of occupation each time it was used. sure since so few areas in the south-central Andean high-
lands have detailed paleoenvironmental reconstructions.
Summary: Asana IVll\1!uruq'uta Phase
If the climate did deteriorate, archaeological evidence
The Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase at Asana, and indeed the suggests that Asana, and by extension the Rio Asana val-
Rio Asana valley, shows a mixture of continuity and change. ley, remained attractive through much of this phase.
Continuity is expressed through the continued use of the Groups of foragers may have been attracted to the rela-
site as a residential base, the range of activities performed, tively high densities of resources in this area, and these
and the scale of land use. The organization of the use of densities appear to have been sufficient for them to in-
space is the strongest indicator that Asana continues to crease the length of stay on site. Alternatively, there may
see use as a seasonally occupied residential base. While we have been fewer alternatives for long-term habitation ow-
are no closer to knowing that season owing to the paucity ing to this climatic trend.
224 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.

After ca. 6500 B.P. there are major changes in the ways disappeared from the assemblage. The number of raw
residential structures are built (they become simpler to material types, both in terms of the total number of types
make), public architecture is no longer built, and the ac- (N = 11) as well as those with counts greater than 50 (N =
tivity profile shrinks. While the site continues to serve as a 2), falls within predicted limits. The two types with high
residential base, the length of occupation decreases sub- counts are Type 4 from the high sierra and Type 23, a
stantially when compared to earlier in the phase. This may puna rim material. A flake aggregate analysis of these two
well be a reflection of increasing climatic deterioration types reveals that the reduction debris of both is indicative
when even the environs of Asana became less attractive. of tool resharpening, retooling, or minor small-tool pro-
duction (fig. 7.48). No chipped stone tools were recov-
ered from the level. The ground stone tool assemblage
Asana VlPisi Mara Phase
contained four mano-type grinding stones, two hide-pro-
There are four cultural levels contained in the Asana VI cessing tools, and one small batan.
Pisi Mara Phase-XIII, XII, XI, and X. These levels are
found primarily within the West Block, although there are Site Structure The use of space on this surface is rela-
small fragments of Level X and related soils in the Central tively simple, especially when compared to that seen in
and Eastern Blocks. Levels XI-XIII are found primarily earlier phases of occupation at the site. This trend toward
in the colluvially derived soils of Complex Iv, while Level simplicity was begun in Late Muruq'uta times. Residen-
X is interbedded in the water-ponded soil horizons of tial architecture is inferred from the circular-to-oval
Complex III. Although 132 m 2 of these levels were ex- postrnold patterns. Unlike the structures seen in the Asana
posed, only 104 m 2 are described here because most of the IIlKhituiia, Asana IIII]ilaiia, and Early Muruq'uta Phases,
northernmost excavation rows (N and 0) have been dis- the structures ofthis phase do not have prepared clay floors.
turbed by landslides. Since aside from the domestic archi- The interiors of these structures have floors that are some-
tecture and inferred place ofAsana during this phase there what hard packed through use and in some instances have
are no facilities, principles of site organization, or artifacts slight organic staining, which helps to distinguish them
that can be said to be diagnostic of the Asana VIPisi Mara from the surrounding soil matrix. In some cases, rocks are
Phase, there are no data on settlement patterns beyond also found along the presumed edges of these structures
what has been excavated at Asana. Inferences as to the likely and were likely used as supports for wall coverings. The
structure of settlement during this phase are discussed two complete structures on the Level XII surface have
through the use of chipped stone raw materials. covered floor areas of 4.9 m 2 and 4.8 m 2 , and the median
structure size for all Asana VIPisi Mara Phase structures is
Level XlI (5345 B.P.)
4.8 m 2 On this surface, there is no evidence for overlap-
Aside from the northernmost row of excavation units, Level ping structures or a palimpsest reoccupation, although it
XII is essentially intact, although a large finger of land- is possible that some structural remains, indicated by
slide debris cuts into the level running northwest to south- postrnolds, are present along the northern edge of the ex-
east (fig. 7.47). This channel does not appear to have sig- cavation block. There is very little indication of activity
nificantly disturbed the features or artifact concentrations performance within the two complete structures. Only one
on this surface. Since only fifteen fragments of faunal ma- structure has a feature-an ash lens/possible surface
terial were recovered, there will be neither a discussion of hearth-within it, and distributional analyses of both lithic
them nor a distributional analysis of their location. reduction by-products and bone residue show that only
one structure has lithic material within it (fig. 7.49). It ap-
Lithic Data Counts of lithic material are very small in pears that these structures were used primarily for shelter
Level XII (N = 249), and correspondingly, weight (89 g) or sleeping or possibly activities that left no permanent
and density (120 fragments/m 3) are also low. As in most of residues in the archaeological record.
the preceding phases, the majority of the raw materials The use of exterior space is likewise straightforward.
are from the high sierra (90.8%), followed by the puna Numerous ash lenses are found scattered across this sur-
rim (6.8%), puna (2.0%), and the lower high sierra (0.4%). face. While larger, more irregular lenses are likely to be
The proportion of high-sierra materials in this assemblage dumps for hearth sweepings, other, particularly small, oval-
is much higher than that seen in the previous phases. In shaped lenses may in fact be small surface hearths. Only
contrast, material from the lower high sierra has almost one "true" excavated hearth is found on this surface, and
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 225



.! o

I o
0- - .... ....

B /..-
/ 4 - ,...... ,

I ~,
b \
/ !, 0"\ ,... \

H ~<:J
"/ . .- -_.---
. D 0\


/--.--.L-- ' .......,

\ "

<f?) Hearth
o ~ Quebrada
N ,-)
~- House Floor
;?:~l:i Ash Slain

I 0

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Fig. 7.47. Plan view, Level XII.

~O -r-----------------------.
it is located well away from any of the structures. The dis-
tribution of large, irregular ash lenses to the east of the
a Freehand
40 - hearth suggests these reflect cleaning and secondary dump-
a Biface, Stage 2
ing of hearth contents. No middens were found on this
~ 6Bipolor surface, suggesting relatively brief occupations of the site.
- 30
.... The distribution of chipped stone reduction by-products
u is limited to only one part of the site-in and near the
.... complete structure near the western boundary of the ex-
UJ 20
cavation block. This debris appears to be in situ or possi-
bly pushed to the edge of the structure itself.
aBiface, Stage 3-4 Small Tool
10 - Small Tool
a Production Interpretations The paucity of artifacts and facilities
a Biface, Stage 5 4 both simplifies and makes more difficult an assessment of
o -f-----Ir------r----"TI------"r-----f place of the Level XII occupation of Asana. The presence
o 10 20 30 40 ~o
of mano-type grinding stones and hide-burnishing tools
suggests the continued presence of females at the site. This
Fig. 7.48. Flake aggregate analysis, Level XII. pattern has not changed since the very earliest occupation
226 Growth, Emergent Complexity, and Decline: Asana from 8700 to 5000 B.P.



Lithic Density
E Post
Q::) Rock
@ Hearth
D r:5i:J Quebrada
N (.=) House Floor
.:'~:~~~ Ash Stoin
oI \I 3
c I Meters

-, I
17 \8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Fig. 7.49. Total lithic density, Level XII, interval = 5.

of the site in Asana I/Puruma Phase times. Asana, then, high-sierra raw materials are virtually absent from the as-
appears to remain a residential base, although what dis- semblage, whereas in previous levels and phases the pro-
tinguishes this residential use of the site from many others portion of these materials ranged from 3% to 10%. Like-
seen at Asana is that it appears to have been of extremely wise, tools made of lower high-sierra materials exhausted
brief duration. No tools were discarded into the archaeo- and discarded at Asana implied that in these earlier phases
logical record, no midden deposits were developed, and the lower high sierra was an important part of the regional-
there were almost no secondary deposits of bone or lithic scale settlement system. The absence of both tools and
materials on this surface. While there were large numbers raw materials suggests that the lower elevation portions of
of ash lenses, these may argue only for reoccupation and the valley have fallen out of the settlement system or were
not significant intensity ofactivity performance within any used very sporadically at most. The Level XII occupation
single use of the site. The picture presented by the data of the site falls within the period labeled hy Nunez and
suggests very brief, transitory uses of the site in which ac- Santoro (1988) the silencio arqueo16gico, the time in which
tivity performance was very limited and did not lead to they argue that the high sierra has been abandoned in fa-
the accumulation of residential middens and other kinds vor of the littoral. While the data from Asana do not sup-
of secondary refuse dumps. These findings in turn imply port a hypothesis of abandonment, they do support one
that Asana and its environs were less attractive to foraging that argues for a shift in settlement away from the use of
groups than they had been in previous phases. the lower and upper high sierra, at least within the Os-
Indeed, sources of chipped stone raw materials suggest more drainage. From an ecological perspective, the Level
a change in the nature ofland use during this phase. Lower XII occupation of Asana falls within the Climatic Opti-
Montane FOTageTs: Asana and the South-CentTal Andean ATchaic 227

mum, a period of increased temperature and intensified have probably made the high sierra, puna rim, and to some
aridity. These conditions would have certainly reduced extent the puna somewhat more risky, each of these envi-
useful biomass in an already low productivity environmen- ronments nevertheless would have had higher useful bio-
tal zone. Therefore, when viewed from this perspective, a mass and more water in it than any other environmental
shift from the use of the lower high sierra would seem to zone in the region. While the data do not support a major
make ecological sense. change in the axis of mobility and land use-i.e., one fo-
The obvious question to be asked, then, is to where did cused on puna rim or puna residential bases-they do sug-
settlement shift during this phase if Asana is no longer a gest that residential mobility may have increased substan-
long-term residential base? What seems clear from the tially in this period and that the Rio Asana valley was not a
limited data from Asana is that there is a focus on higher major focus for human occupation in this phase. A plau-
elevations. Both puna rim and puna raw materials con- sible hypothesis is that settlement was increasingly focused
tinue to be found at the site in proportions not substan- upon the best resource patches in these high-elevation
tially different from earlier phases. Although aridity would environments but in different surrounding valley systems.
Rapid Transformation:
Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

This chapter discusses the final two phases of occupation Asana VIlQhuna Phase (5000-4400 B.P.)
at Asana: the Asana VIlQhuna Phase (5000-4400 B.P.) and
the Asana VII/Awati Phase (4400-3600 B.P.). This time There are eight cultural layers included in the Asana VII
frame at Asana witnesses two remarkable transformations Qhuna Phase-IXc, IXb, IXa, VIII, VIIb, VIla, VI, and V.
in the use of the site, its place within a regional settlement Each of these layers shows signs of significant disturbance,
system, and subsistence strategies: in Asana VI/Qhuna although it worsens through time, with disturbance rela-
Phase times, residential mobility is confined to the high- tively minor in Levels IXc-VIII while increasing in sever-
sierra environment, plants are intensively utilized, and most ity from VIIb to V. In the earlier levels, disturbance is found
important, a series of ceremonial structures are built from in two areas: along the northern margin of the site and
roughly 4800 to 4400 B.P.; in Asana VIVAwati Phase times, along the river bank. In the later levels the disturbance is
ceremonial structures are abandoned, plants appear to drop far more dramatic. Most of Levels VIlb and VIla have
out of the subsistence mix, residential mobility once again been destroyed, while only small fragments of Level VI
connects the high sierra to the puna rim and puna, and remain after having been scoured by a major landslide.
most important, the inhabitants of the site appear to have Level V is similar to VIla and VIlb, with some portions
domesticated camelids, presumably the guanaco. What is remaining intact. While most of the Qhuna Phase levels
perhaps most interesting about these changes is that they are found in the West Block, small portions of these lev-
take place within a very short period of time: if it is as- els, particularly Levels IXc-VIII, are found and are con-
sumed that the earliest date for the construction of the tiguous in the Central and East Blocks. However, land-
ceremonial architecture is 4800 B.P., ever more complex slides have destroyed most of the levels above Asana IV/
structures are constructed until 4400 B.P., when they, as Muruq'uta Phase times.
well as the subsistence system that supported them, are
Asana VI/Qhuna Phase Settlement Patterns
abruptly replaced with a pastoral way of life. This repre-
sents a span of 400 years, a relatively short period of time In 1989 (Aldenderfer 1989c: 138) I postulated that the high
when one considers the magnitude of the changes that oc- sierra of the Rio Asana valley (which would now include
curred. In this chapter, the data that support these claims my new designation of the puna rim) was part of a logisti-
are described, and the observed trends are placed into a cally organized settlement system that had base camps on
broader regional perspective. the puna. As I pointed out earlier, while the data remain
sound, my original interpretation was simply wrong. I now
offer a more current and improved model of settlement
systems of the Asana VI/Qhuna Phase based on data re-
covered between 1988 and 1991.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 229

What I now call the Qhuna Phase is perhaps the best materials account for 32.3 % of the assemblage (N = 34),
understood settlement pattern simply because there are while the remainder (67.7 %) comes from the high sierra
more sites other than Asana known from this phase than (N = 71). Since no raw material type has a count greater
from any other. In addition to the substantial occupation than 50, a flake aggregate analysis cannot be performed;
of Asana, three rockshelters (Quellaveco, Cueva 4, and however, a simpler if less precise measure of the nature of
Tala) have Late Archaic materials associated with them, lithic reduction in this level of the site can be chosen. Us-
and eight of the densities found during survey in 1985 can ing the count/weight ratio, a picture of the degree to which
be assigned to the Late Archaic. the earlier or later stages of reduction were practiced can
be obtained. Count/weight ratios approaching 0 indicate
Rockshelters Each of the rockshelters-Quellaveco, the later stages of reduction (fine finishing ofbifaces, trim-
Cueva 4, and Tala-is located within the high sierra. None ming, or shaping; possibly some minor resharpening or
of these lie beyond 10 Ian from Asana, and their to-and- retooling), while ratios greater than 1 suggest earlier stages
from travel times are less than three hours in either direc- of reduction in which fewer, larger flakes are removed from
tion (table 8.1). While each of them was tested, only Cueva the source material. The three most numerous types in
4 had diagnostic Late Archaic/Qhuna Phase cultural ma- level 9 (Types 4, 7, and 17) have count/weight ratios of
terials in a secure archaeological context. The other two .086, .019, and .265, respectively (Aldenderfer 1989c: table
sites, while they had deposits likely to date to the Late 11). Each of these values is consistent with a tool mainte-
Archaic, had neither sufficient carbon nor diagnostics in nance/resharpening activity pattern. None of these reduc-
situ to warrant an extended discussion of them. Both, how- tion by-products are cortical fragments. The count/weight
ever, had fragments of typical Qhuna Phase points found ratio of Type 17 material is larger than the other two ma-
on their talus slopes. terial types due to the presence of five tertiary flakes greater
Cueva 4 is one of the larger rockshelters in the high than 2 cm in maximum dimension; this suggests that the
sierra. As noted in chapter 3, a Qhuna PhaselLate Archaic reduction of Type 17 material in Level 9 at Cueva 4 in-
point blade was found in Level 9 (Lot 351-10, 80-85 cm cluded the shaping of Stage III bifaces in addition to tool
BS). Consequently, I will describe the cultural materials sharpening and maintenance.
recovered from this level in some detail. Of the seven raw Faunal remains are relatively abundant for the small
material types present, five are from the high sierra (Types size of the excavation unit (table 8.2). Although the total
4, 11, 14, 17, and 21), while two are from the lower high weight of these remains is low (63.9 g), their density is
sierra (Types 7 and 32). There are no puna rim or puna very high (1,278 fragments/m 3). The majority of the fau-
raw materials in the assemblage. Lower high-sierra raw nal remains (87.5%) are less than 2 cm in maximum di-
mension, a figure comparable to most of the faunal as-
semblages from Asana. The remains can be placed into
three categories: the typical large mammal aggregate and
Table 8.1. Distances and Travel Times from Asana to Late two others almost never seen at Asana, the small mammal
Archaic Rockshelters and Densities in the Rio Asana Valley aggregate and rodents. Regarding the large mammal ag-
gregate, since identifiable skeletal elements are very scarce,
it is not possible to discuss packet data. However, the pres-
Shelter Distance Travel Time~
ence of tooth remains suggests that the head/neck packet
of an animal was consumed on site. Unfortunately, the
Quellaveco 6.29 km
vertebrae and long bone fragments cannot be assigned to
1.54 hours
a packet. The bones are splintered and broken, which in-
Cueva 4 7.81 km 2.74 hours dicates that marrow consumption was important, and it is
Tala 5.68 km 1.25 hours likely that most were cooked on site; 30% of the bones of
the large mammal aggregate were burned.
Densities 5-6km 1.16-
Less can be said about the small mammal and rodent
1.44 hours
aggregates. Small mammals, mostly vizcacha, are conspicu-
ous at Asana by their absence, and thus finding them in an
aAll travel times computed with the walking function; unburdened archaeological site elsewhere in the valley suggests a pos-
travel only. sible difference in activity performance or food procure-
230 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

Table 8.2. Faunal Data Summary, Level 9, Cueva 4

Skeletal Elements Present Number

Large Mammal Aggregate Long bone fragments 119

N = 181 Vertebrae 3
MNI= 1 Tooth fragments 10
Unidentified fragments 49

Small Mammal Aggregate Tibia 2

N= 7 Femur 2
MNI=2 Radius 1
Pelvis 2

Rodent Aggregate Scapula 2

N = 61 Vertebrae 7
MNI=5 Ribs 1
Maxilla 5
Mandible 6
Unidentified fragments 40

ment strategy when Cueva 4 is compared to Asana. None at Cueva 4 reflects a logistical use of the site. The distance
of the bones in either of these two aggregates are burned, from the stream bottoms, combined with the poor line-
and rodent bones are known to accumulate in the region's of-sight to the bottoms from this location, makes this site
caves and shelters since these are frequent nesting grounds an unlikely candidate for a hunting blind or station. Activ-
for raptors and owls that live in this area. It is probable, ity performance is simple and is primarily devoted to the
then, that the rodents are natural additions to the cultural rough and fine percussion and pressure flaking of Types 4
bones found in Level 9 at Cueva 4. The interpretation of and 7 raw materials. There is little evidence for retooling
the small mammal aggregate is more equivocal. The counts in this level. Cueva 4 appears to be an alternative to an
are very small in comparison to the other aggregates, and open-air or boulder field location for a logistical camp and
unlike them, the small mammal bones are mostly whole. may have been used on an opportunistic basis during bad
None of these bones have cutmarks or evidence of animal weather. Alternatively, it may have been used as a way stop
gnawing. Although there are no utility indices for this ag- for travel up and down the valley. It is likely that the other
gregate, it seems clear that of the bones present, only the two rockshelters were used in a similar fashion through-
femur is a high meat part, whereas the others are either out the Qhuna Phase: as temporary shelters, way stops, or
from the lower fore- and hindlimbs or body itself and are logistical camps.
generally low meat parts. It is likely that these bones are One observation to be made of Cueva 4 is the relatively
the remnants of a chance encounter with vizcacha by mem- large proportion of lower high-sierra raw materials in the
bers of a hunting or logistical party which were consumed assemblage (32.3%). The proportion of this material in
on site. Other skeletal elements may have been tossed down Qhuna Phase assemblages at Asana ranges from a maxi-
the talus slope or in other portions of the shelter. mum of 15.9% (Level IXa) to a minimum of none (Levels
No feature, hearths, or other facilities were found in IXc and IXb). In the other levels that have lower high-
the level, and no morphological tools, either chipped or sierra raw materials, the proportions range from 3.4% to
ground stone tools other than the biface fragment, were 0.9% (table 8.3). Cueva 4 is located near the lower limits
found. Although a I-m 2 unit is not a sufficient basis to of the high sierra and is significantly closer to the known
offer definitive conclusions on activity performance, I can sources of lower high-sierra raw material than is Asana
nevertheless offer these tentative conclusions. Given the (13 km to 25 km, respectively). The implication of these
limited diversity of the assemblage, it appears that Level 9 differences will be explored later.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 231

Table 8.3. Asana VIlQhuna Phase Raw Material Types by Level

Material Type by Zone

Levels Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna

IXc 83.2 8.4 8.4

IXb 87.0 8.7 4.3

IXa 15.9 74.8 9.3

VIII 3.4 96.6

\11 1.1 97.8 1.1

VI 1.3 98.7

V 0.9 99.1

Densities More densities-eight-can be assigned to the Faunal Data Although a large number of faunal mate-
Qhuna Phase than to any other phase. Each of them is rials were recovered in this level, a distinct change from
located from 5 to 6 km upstream of Asana. Consequently, the Late Muruq'uta and Asana V/Pisi Mara Phase levels,
travel times are relatively short to these sites (table 8.1). the great majority (86%) are less than 2 cm in maximum
Since these surface assemblages are not directly compa- dimension, making this one of the most fragmented as-
rable to the excavated samples from Asana, little definitive semblages found at the site (table 8.4). This observation is
can be offered as to activity performance at them. It is reflected in the relatively low weight of the fauna materi-
obvious, however, that each of them served as a locus for als (970 g), while their density is very high (1,000 frag-
reduction and some retooling if the assumption that the ments/m 3). MNI counts are correspondingly low, and no
projectile point fragments found near and in them were small or medium-sized mammals were recovered. Only
discarded during retooling. No other morphological tools 1.3 % (N = 40) of the fragments could be identified as to
were found in or near them, and it is probable that these species, and thus it is difficult to make statements about
densities served as small logistical camps, field camps (stag- proportions of species present. Deer are present, however,
ing areas for hunting), or convenient stopping points dur- and are represented by antlers and a single radius. The
ing the pursuit of other activities. remainder of the identifiable bone is placed in the gua-
In summary, Qhuna Phase settlement focused strongly naco category, while the vast majority can be placed in the
upon the high sierra, with limited use of the lower high- large mammal aggregate. Slightly more fragments (2 %; N
sierra environment. No evidence from the Rio Asana val- = 57) could be identified as to their age and size. Of these,
ley suggests that either the puna rim or puna environments 7.4% are from small or immature animals, while 92.6%
figured importantly in the settlement system of this phase. are from larger, mature or adult animals. A very small pro-
portion of these bones-3.7%-has been burned.
Level VIII (4610 BoP.)
The packet and element data show a number of pat-
A total of 176 m 2 of Level VIII has been exposed, and terns (table 8.4). A total of 4.1 % (N = 119) of the assem-
disturbance is found in the northern and eastern portions blage can be identified as to element, and while this figure
of the excavation block (fig. 8.1). As can be seen, distur- is relatively small, it is sufficient for a number of tentative
bance to this level has been substantial and has destroyed observations to be made. While head/neck and forequar-
an unknown but significant amount of the large ceremo- ter NISP proportions are almost identical, the assemblage
nial structure that occupies most of the block. is dominated by trunk NISP. In contrast, both hindquar-
232 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P


o .....
I \
I ~
\ I
0, I
'0 t
\ I
~, \, I
\ I
:. ~
I " ....... _'y / Eastern
/. ....: 'j Altar
..... ~
-...... 2 ~."
: ,~;';!,. :~~:;
.............. ~
I, ,

\ Destroyed


., I

"" Post
" .... _---- /
/' C Rock
\) Wall
c:::; Trench
@ Hea r t h
;.;('~.~.::: Surface Hearth
:;/// Sheet Midden

N Clay Basin
G Grinding Stone
, --.,
'- ,- Structure
f;,it1t;\ Ash Stain
a, 2

Fig. 8.1. Plan view, Level VIII.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 233

Table 8.4. Faunal Data Summary, Level VIII gregate analysis of these six types shows some very inter-
esting variation (fig. 8.2). The reduction by-products of
four types (Type 7 from the lower high sierra, Types 4, 17,
Packet Data a and 22) are consistent with small-tool maintenance, re-
tooling, or replacement. In contrast, two types-Types 11
and 21-reflect the final stages of biface or small-tool
2 3 4 5
manufacture, a finding supported by the relatively large
14 13 87 5 o number of broken Stage 111111 bifaces found in the assem-
.12 .11 .73 .04 o blage (table 8.5). This is the first appearance of this type
of lithic reduction at Asana since the reduction of Type 1
N = 2,881 materials in Level PXXIV of the Asana IIIKhitufia Phase.
MNI= 3 Thirteen morphological tools were recovered from this
level, with the majority of them either projectile points or
Phalanges = 8
bifaces (table 8.5). Of the 10 artifacts examined through
Metapodials = 11 microwear analysis, the only clear microtraces discovered
Tooth fragments = 159 were woodworking or whittling and butchery traces. No
scraping tools were found in the assemblage, and no hide-
working traces were found on any of the points, bifaces,
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that or edge tools. None of the bifacial fragments had traces of
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the wear, either through use or hafting. These tools were prob-
assemblage. ably generated through in situ reduction and were broken
during the reduction process.
In contrast to earlier phases and levels, there is a lim-
ters and tail packets are almost absent. However, whole ited diversity of projectile point styles in the Asana VII
animals are being returned to the site. Frequencies of Qhuna Phase. One style is characterized by triangular
metapodials and phalanges fall within the 95% confidence bladed, contracting stemmed points with slightly rounded
intervals for the size of the faunal assemblage, but the num- or straight bases (fig. 8.3a-d). There is also a small, or
ber of tooth fragments is slightly larger than would be pre- miniature, variety of these points, which are found associ-
dicted. The best explanation for the absence ofhindquar- ated only with ceremonial features and never with domes-
ters and tail NISP is that these portions of the carcass were
not consumed on site and were either stored for future
consumption or taken off site. 50

Lithic Data Counts of lithic material in Level VIII, like

A Freehand
those of faunal materials, are high (N = 2,666). While the 40 -

density is high (757 reduction by-products/m 3), the weight A Bi face, Stage 2
of these materials is very low (501 g). As I will show else- <I ABipolor

where, the total weight of lithic materials has been signifi- -

:30 -
cantly affected by the very large number of very small re- u
duction by-products in the assemblage. The assemblage is z
~ 20 -
almost wholly dominated by high-sierra raw material types u

(96.6%), while the remainder is made up of lower high- ~

6Biface, Stage 3-4 Small Tool

sierra materials (3.4%). There are no puna rim or puna 10 - Small Tool

materials reduction by-products. Only 10 raw material A Production

types are found in this assemblage, and this figure falls 68iface, Stage 5 22 7
." 17.. .4
o .........---"T""I-----y--I----.,I----lIL...",;;;~I~~----t
outside the 95% confidence interval for the number of
material types predicted by sample size. The number of o 10 20 :30 40 50
raw material types with counts greater than 50 (N = 6),
however, falls within the predicted values. The flake ag- Fig. 8.2. Flake aggregate analysis, Level VIII.
234 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.p.

Table 8.5. Lithic Data Summary, Level VIII

Tools (N = 13)
Stage IIIIII percussion blanks 6
(all broken)
Edge tools
Projectile points 5
(3 whole,
2 broken)
Indeterminate 0

Microwear Summary (10 tools examined)

Wood whittling/scraping 2
Butchery traces 2
Haft element 2
Indeterminate/unused 4


g '
1 ~""

tic structures or residential deposits (Aldenderfer 1991aj
see fig. 8.3c-g). These miniature points are made of
nonlocal raw materials, generally from the puna, or of very Fig. 8.3. Asana VIlQhuna Phase projectile points.
high quality local raw materials, such as Type 10 red chal- a: M24blVIIIj b: L22dlVIIIj c: L22cIVIII; d: talus slope,
cedony or Type 9 aplites. Miniature points show no signs Quellavecoj e, f: M3ldlIXa; g-i: various locations on IXa
of wear, such as hafting traces or linear projection traces. and IXb-l ceremonial hearths.
In contrast, the larger examples of this point style are made
ofcommonly available local raw materials, especially Type
II volcanic andesite, and are frequently broken or heavily ofsize and weight for these tools (fig. 4.9b). Most are made
resharpened; most show clear signs of use, including lin- on naturally flattened river cobbles. Batanes are of two
ear projection traces and hafting traces. A search through types: small, naturally flattened and unmodified river
the literature reveals that Qhuna Phase points are very cobbles, or larger flaked and ground colluvial rocks that
similar to points assigned to the Hakenasa Phase of north- have been shaped into a roughly rectangular form (fig.
ern Chile, which is said to date from 6000 to 4000 B.P. 4.11). There is no apparent functional or temporal dis-
(Santoro 1989: figs. 6, 39,43,44). Points of similar mor- tinction between these two types, and they are found con-
phology do not appear in the assemblages that date to this temporaneously in many of the residential structures of
period from the central Andes, including Telarmachay, Qhuna Phase levels. Both were used for heavy push-pull
Pachamachay, and the Ayacucho sites. In one sense, then, grinding, and all those recovered have been used inten-
this style appears to have a limited regional distribution- sively. This is a marked contrast to earlier phases in which
the south-central Andes. batanes used for grinding have been recovered. In the ear-
The ground stone tool assemblage on Level VIII has lier levels, while grinding use could be observed by the
three functional types: mano-type grinding stones, small crushing of the surface of the artifact, it was generally nei-
to medium-sized batanes, and large pecked and ground ther extensive nor intensive. This suggests that grinding
pounding tools that are found exclusively within ceremo- was of greater importance in Qhuna Phase times. Unfor-
nial features (fig. 8.4). The manos found in residential ar- tunately, there is no direct evidence from the artifacts them-
eas are typically small and fall toward the lower extremes selves that indicates what was being ground upon them.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 235

Fig. 8.4. Ground stone pounding tool, Level IXb-l. Tool is found within a clay-lined basin.

Site Structure The use of space on Level VIII is com- structures found in the Asana VIlQhuna Phase (table 8.6).
plicated by the presence of the large ceremonial structure The structures have a number of features within them,
in the eastern portion of the excavation block (fig. 8.1). including hearths, thin sheet middens composed of organi-
This structure, as well as its antecedents, is discussed at cally stained soil and in some cases containing small quan-
length later, and the discussion here will focus primarily tities of lithic reduction by-products and small bone frag-
upon the domestic architecture. ments, postmold alignments that appear to delineate inte-
The domestic architecture in this level marks a major rior space, and small batanes embedded in the floor sur-
change when compared to residential structures in previ- face. While this defines the range of typical features, there
ous levels. Although in terms of construction they are simi- is significant variability in the contents of these structures.
lar to the structures found in Late Muruq'uta and Pisi Mara For instance, Structure 1 has none of these features,
times, Level VIII structures, as are all of the residential whereas Structure 4 has all of them. The other incom-
structures in the Qhuna Phase, are substantially larger than plete structures show varying combinations of them. There
those of any other phase at Asana. Qhuna Phase struc- is also variation in these features when looking at other
tures are defined by ovoid to rectangular patterns of levels of this phase. Unlike the surfaces in other levels, ash
postmolds and have no prepared floors of any kind. In some lenses are relatively uncommon on Level VIII, and there
cases, the floors have been packed through repeated use, are no large, deeply stained soils indicative of the buildup
although this is not a true diagnostic feature of these struc- of middens or extensive secondary refuse deposits.
tures. In some structures, such as Structures 1 and 3 of As with the distribution of features in these structures,
VIII, small rocks are found along the presumed edge of there is some evidence for variability in activity perfor-
the floors; these stones were probably used to support per- mance within them as well. Some structures appear to have
ishable wall materials. Covered floor area of the domestic been cleaned or well maintained, while others have large
structures in this level ranges from 9.4 m 2 to 12.6 m 2, with quantities of reduction debris or bone within them. For
a median structure size of 10.1 m 2. These are the largest instance, Structures 2 and 5 have large concentrations of
236 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

Table 8.6. Covered Floor Area, Asana VIlQhuna Phase in maximum dimension. These findings support the in-
Domestic Structures ference ,that this is primarily differential cleanup and ac-
tivity performance and not extensive redeposition ofrefuse
by later occupations.
Covered Floor Area The small batanes on the floors of Structures 4 and 5
Level (in square meters) Median
have strictly push-pull wear on them and exhibit no con-
sistent signs of having been used as anvils since none show
9.4 10.1
impact fractures or flake scars from use. Since formal
10.1 pounding ground stone tools are essentially absent from
12.6 any Asana VI/Qhuna Phase assemblage aside from cer-
emonial features and since manos are found in abundance,
IXa 7.4 8.0
the use of these stones as batanes seems highly probable.
Of even greater importance is that these tools are literally
embedded in the floors of these structures. Unlike the
IXb-1 7.0 7.9 kitchen rock features, anvils, or batanes found in other lev-
(estimated only) 8.8 els, which tend to be found resting on the floor, the batanes
IXc-1 7.9 8.0 of level VIII are in it. This sort of placement suggests two
8.0 things: the reuse of these structures over time and conse-
8.6 quent redundancy of the locus of activity performance
Phase mean = 8.96 within the structures. That is, the area around the batanes
is likely to have been a food preparation area and remained
Phase median = 8.60 so throughout the occupation of Level VIII.
This reuse and redundancy are coupled with a number
of instances of the division of internal space. For example,
Structure 4 has a line ofsmaller postmolds running roughly
east-west in the southern third of the structure. Although
small bone within them (fig. 8.5), while Structures 1, 3, no artifacts were found within this area, there is the im-
and 4 have similar concentrations immediately exterior to pression of the intentional bounding of this space. It may
them. In contrast, Structure 1 has a very large concentra- have been used for storage of food or equipment. There is
tion of small reduction debris near its center (fig. 8.6), a very similar but less well defined area within Structure 2.
Structures 2 and 4 have concentrations of similar debris Structure 5 has a row of postmolds on one side of the inte-
adjacent to them, and Structures 3 and 5 have no lithics rior hearth. This set of posts probably supported a screen
within them. The cultural processes that have led to these or shield either to reflect heat and light or to separate food
different concentrations of material are somewhat diffi- production activities from others that may have taken place
cult to define. Small bone and lithic material within struc- along the southern side of the structure. Whatever the
tures suggests in situ eating or bone cracking for marrow interpretation, the use of interior space has clearly become
and stone tool manufacture, respectively, while the distri- more formal by the redundant placement offacilities within
bution of similarly sized materials adjacent and exterior to structures, especially when compared to the relatively open
structures suggests intensive cleanup. This situation is spaces within structures found on previous levels.
complicated because distributions of all bones and lithic The use of exterior space on this surface is heavily con-
reduction by-products are essentially identical to those of strained by the presence of the ceremonial structure. There
the small materials (figs. 8.7, 8.8). This pattern suggests are a number of bone dumps immediately adjacent to the
that we are looking at a palimpsest reoccupation of these ceremonial structure but none within it (fig. 8.7). The
floors since bone and lithic debris across all size categories dumps are composed of small bone fragments only; virtu-
is present. However, a closer look at the sizes of these ally none of the bones on this level are burned, and what
materials suggests that this hypothesis is incorrect. Sev- are present are spatially dispersed. These data suggest that
enty-five percent of the lithic material is less than 1 cm in bone grease or juice making was unimportant during the
maximum dimension, while 95% is less than 2 cm. Simi- use of the site. It is probable that the dumps adjacent to
larly, 98% of the bone debris on the level is less than 2 cm the ceremonial structure are reflections of activity perfor-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 237


'. ,~



J. Altar
~ :Western Altar
I. De s t royed
\ 0 Bone Density
'-\ Post

..... _--- ...... /

/ OJ
c;::J Trench
CD Hearth
;{~.:.> Surface Hearth
~/~ Sheet Midden
N Cloy Basin
G Grinding Stone
-- ,-
'- ....
{,~{r;\ Ash Stain
0 2 4

Fig. 8.5. Size 1 bone density, Level VIII, interval = 10.

238 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.p.



o .....
I \ r
I ~ I

o I

, f
:Stage 3
, I I
"', I. I i
\ I I
:. ~ \., /
I ....... _ Y L. Eastern
.1 'j Altar
"'" ' - .-;'
: {c.c
I ...

:Western Altar
\ De s t royed
I C> Lithic Density

.... _--- ....... /
/' 00 Rock
\.,) Wall

~.--~~oJ) '~:t~
c::;J Trench
~, ;.{~'~.>: Surface Hear t h
5 \ //'/ Sheet Midden
\ _ u
._ ..
\ Cloy Basin
G Grinding Stone
, --,
'- .... Structure
{,Fit~\ Ash Stain
I ,

Fig. 8.6. Size 1 lithic density, Level VIII, interval = 10.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 239




.-;s;;:.:./:" . Wes tern A Itar

Dest royed

c::> Bone Density


"" Post
" ...... _---- O? Rock
\,) Wall
c::J Trench
<:~':.~.::: Surface Hearth
~// Sheet Midden
- -.--
N Clay Basin
G Grinding Stone
, -......,
'- .... Structure
f,~~t;1' Ash Stain

Fig. 8.7. Total bone density, Level VIII, interval = 10.

240 Ropid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.p.


r- _.- ...


o' ,
:Stage 3 IStage ,Stage
I I 2 \ I
~ \
i I \
L. , l' i
J. I .,B 0 Eastern
'j Altar
I .{:.r. I ,I. ~ 0 ...

I ~ , "0 Q ""0

I :.

\ T~ /:;;~
:Western Altar
\ De s t royed
I C) Lithic Density
,, Post
.... _---- /
/ O? Rock
'\,) Wall
C:J Trench
;';:::::"~):': Surface Hearth
/'// Sheet Midden
- _. --
N Cloy Basin
G Grinding Stone
- ....
,_ ~
f,~fir;\ Ash Stain
0 2 4

Fig. 8.8. Total lithic density, Level VIII, interval = 10.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 241

mance within it and have not been generated by typical of time. Longer occupation spans also tend to lead to more
domestic activity or food preparation. As noted earlier, formalization in the use of interior space. Both of these
most of this food preparation debris is either within do- factors, however, are proximate causes of the increase in
mestic structures or immediately adjacent to them. One house size, and the obvious question is what is the ulti-
ash lens to the east of Structure 5 has a high concentration mate cause of this change? I have argued elsewhere that
of both bone and lithic material, and this appears to be the during the Qhuna Phase there is a significant decrease in
only secondary dump on the surface that was generated both the range and frequency of residential mobility and a
by domestic activity. The ceremonial structure is a space- simultaneous transformation in the way in which high-
consuming facility that obviously has a different range of sierra dwellers deal with surrounding populations (Al-
functions than the nearby domestic structures. denderfer 1993 a). This topic will be discussed at greater
length in the final chapter of this book.
Interpretations It seems clear that Asana during Level The scale of land use in Level VIII appears to be much
VIII times continues to serve as a residential base. The more limited than in previous phases. The inhabitants of
architecture, while seemingly less complex in terms ofcon- Asana were confined to the lower high-sierra and high-
struction techniques because there is no substantial invest- sierra environmental zones if debitage frequencies are a
ment in the laying of prepared clay floors, is nevertheless good indicator of regional scale mobility (table 8.7). In
impressive, especially in the way interior space has been terms of Level VIII, most of the tools discarded on site are
partitioned and in the redundancy of feature placement, of high-sierra raw materials (84.6%), while the remainder
particularly the food preparation areas within structures. are of lower high-sierra sources (15.4%). Although tool
These latter two features have been identified through counts (N = 13) are extremely low and therefore too much
ethnography and ethnoarchaeology as probable indicators reliance should not be placed on the interpretation, the
of residential bases. This inference is also supported by significant difference between the amount of lower high-
the presence of the large ceremonial structure. As I noted sierra debitage and proportion of discarded tools made of
earlier in discussing the Early Muruq'uta Phase "men's these materials (more tools than debitage) suggests that
houses," structures of this complexity, if built at all, are most of these tools were made off site at logistically occu-
generally constructed only at residential bases that are pied sites like Level 9 at Cueva 4. This tendency is also
occupied for significant portions of the annual round. reflected in the aggregated data for the entire Qhuna Phase,
While Asana may remain a residential base, there are although the discrepancy is not as severe (table 8.7).
important changes in the activity profile when compared There is a shift in debitage frequencies at Asana through
to previous phases. Lithic reduction of local raw materi- time, one that suggests that in the earlier levels of the
als, especially Type 11 volcanic andesites, is significantly Qhuna Phase, the scale of land use may in fact have been
more important in this level, and reduction in general re- somewhat greater. Although debitage counts in Levels IXc-
flects not only a pattern of retooling but also the manufac- IXa are small (85, 137, 189, respectively), puna rim and
ture of fine bifaces on site. Hide preparation is of very puna raw materials are found in these levels, indicating a
limited importance in this level and in the Qhuna Phase continued use of the higher elevation environments of the
in general. Other activities observed include butchery of valley. By Level VIII times this pattern changes, with these
animals and wood whittling and scraping, presumably as a higher zones dropping out of the settlement system.
part of gear construction or maintenance. Grinding is A close look at the relationship between tool form, deb-
strongly represented with the large number of manos and itage frequency, and raw material types for the entire phase
batanes in the assemblage. provides other important insights (table 8.7). The rela-
The increase in the size of the domestic structures also tionship between tool form and zone of raw material is
suggests that an important change has taken place in the highly significant (chi square 41.42, p < 0.0001), and a care-
way in which the site is now used. Larger structures, among ful review of the standardized residuals shows that three
other things, can house larger numbers of individuals, and cells-miniature points/puna material, projectile points/
this may be at least one of the causative factors in their lower high-sierra material, and edge tools/puna rim ma-
increase in size. Whether this possible increase in num- terial-have significantly greater than expected frequen-
bers of people is caused by population growth or some cies of occurrence. A comparison of debitage frequencies
other social process remains unclear. Another possible fac- and sources of tool materials supports this general ten-
tor is that the site itself was occupied for a longer period dency as well, except for the puna rim materials. There is
242 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

Table 8.7. Asana VIlQhuna Phase Tool and Debitage Comparisons

Tool and Raw Material Type Comparisons

Material Type by Zone

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna Total

Biface 0 9 0 0 9
0.64286 6.42857 0.32143 1.60714 9
-0.80178 1.01419 -0.56695 -1.26773 0
Edge 0 3 1 0 4
0.28571 2.85714 0.14285 0.71429 4
-0.53452 0.08452 2.26779 -0.84515 0
Indeterminate 0 4 0 0 4
0.28571 2.85714 0.14286 0.71429 4
-0.53452 0.67612 -0.37796 -0.84515 0
Mini Point 0 0 0 5 5
0.35714 3.57143 0.17857 0.89286 5
-0.59761 -1.88982 -0.42258 4.34659 0
Point 2 4 0 0 6
0.42857 4.28571 0.21429 1.07143 6
2.40040 -0.13801 -0.46291 -1.03510 0
Total 2 20 1 5 28
2 20 1 5 28
0 0 0 0 0
Table contents
Expected values
Standardized residuals
Chi squared = 41.42, 12df, significant at 0.05 level

Tool, Raw Material, and Debitage Comparisons

Lower High Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna

Tools 7.1 %a 71.4% 3.6% 17.9%

Debitage 3.2% 91.1% 3.9% 1.8%

apercentage values refer to proportion of tools and debitage made of raw materials from each zone.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 243

virtually no puna debitage in most of the levels ofthe phase sence of burned daub or other wall fillers. Furthermore,
(table 8.3), and each of the miniature projectile points is there is no evidence that the structure was roofed in any
made of puna raw material. This asymmetry suggests that manner. The distances between posts and the regularity
a mechanism other than direct access to raw material of their spacing varies through time (table 8.9). Until Level
sources was responsible for the appearance of these finely IXa, the mean distance to nearest neighbor remains more
made puna raw material points in the assemblage at Asana. or less constant and fairly large. The median, however,
Recall that these points are found only within features or varies substantially. The greatest distance between posts
contexts labeled as ceremonial. Therefore, while direct likewise remains high. In IXa and the three stages of Level
access to puna sources of raw material may have charac- VIII construction, the mean and median distances between
terized the earlier levels of the phase, it is clear that it was posts, as well as the value of the greatest distance between
no longer an option by Level VIII and later times. posts, decline dramatically.
At least one and quite possibly two elevated or raised
Asana VI/Qhuna Phase Ceremonial Structures platformlike constructions are associated with the Level
Ceremonial structures are found in Levels IXc-1, IXb-1 VIII floor (fig. 8.13). The western platform appears to have
and IXb-2, IXa, and VIII (see figs. 8.4, 8.9-8.12). While it been constructed in two stages: the first stage consists of
is likely that they also existed in Level VII, VI, and V times, an elevated platform of soil 20-30 cm in height capped by
a landslide has destroyed the context that once existed two thick layers of prepared white clay (fig. 8.14). The
between the domestic structures found on these levels and second stage consists of an addition of a 70-cm-high plat-
the ceremonial structures. I have argued that ceremonial form built around a core of rough, angular rock and soil
structures persisted until Level Iv, but at present the data (Aldenderfer 1991 b: fig. 6). The first stage of the western
that support this assertion are tentative. Unfortunately, platform is roughly rectangular in shape and has two dis-
since the landslide has been so destructive, it is unlikely tinct horizontal surfaces, or steps, that can be observed in
that definitive data useful for a "final" answer to this ques- profile (figs. 8.14, 8.15; Aldenderfer 1991b: fig. 6). The
tion will ever be recovered (Aldenderfer 1991 a). platform has an arm, also constructed of a core of soil and
The ceremonial structures at Asana contain the follow- patchily covered with smoothed white clay, that extends
ing features and facilities: prepared clay floors, altars, stone to the north. Whether a similar arm extended to the south
circles and ovals, trenches, clay-surfaced basins, surface cannot be determined since this side of the feature has
hearths, miniature ovals and circles of posts, and artifacts. been destroyed by natural processes. This platform has
Temporal variability in the presence of these features is been built directly atop the Level IXa prepared clay floor.
presented in table 8.8. Since most of these features have The uppermost level of the platform is surmounted by
been described at length elsewhere (Aldenderfer 1991 b: a large, pyramidally shaped rock of unknown type but of
231-240), I will briefly summarize them and then inter- local colluvial origin, split perpendicularly to its long axis
pret their probable functions. (fig. 8.16). The rock's exterior is rough, and the split re-
Floors made of a locally available white clay are com- veals that the rock is filled with bright mineral inclusions
mon to each of these structures. Their thickness varies that sparkle when exposed to sunlight. Below the split rock
from 0.5 to over 8.0 cm, and it is likely that the thickest is a circular depression excavated into the uppermost level
floors are probably palimpsest re-Iayings of the floor. The of the altar (fig. 8.14). This depression is lined on its sides
floors were constructed by puddling lumps of damp clay and base with small, unbroken rocks of the same brilliant
and then smoothing it into place. Each of the floors is sur- stone as found atop the platform, and of interest is the
rounded by postmolds which have been used to demar- presence in this depression of two miniature stones simi-
cate different construction episodes within levels. The lar in shape and breakage pattern to the larger split rock
postrnolds vary from 2 to 5 cm in diameter and from 2 to that surmounted the platform. One of these stones is on
3 cm in depth. With the exception of Level IXc-1, the western lip or edge of the depression, while the other
postmolds are frequently found paired. Many of the is in the center on the floor of the depression. The soil
postrnolds in all levels have carbon chunks and flecks within within the depression is not burned and is probably fill.
them, suggesting they were burned in situ. The walls of The arm that extends to the north terminates in a stone-
the structure were probably brush that was secured to the lined, clay-walled, and clay-lined oval that shows evidence
upright posts. This is indicated by the size of the posts, of light burning as defined by the presence of small char-
the relatively large distance between them, and the ab- coal flecks and white ash embedded in the surface of the
244 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.p.

v o Rock
u a Hearth
Surface Hearth
T N Clay Basin
~_I Structure
I :'-;\~ Ash Stain
2 4

R Meters

.. :r.::'; .
Q /~"., Destroyed



I Stage 2
tf I
/ 0 I
'- /
' ..... , J / D I
ii:J I

Dest rayed

G /.
_.A- _ _ ... e -

D ':.:,"
--, 19 1
20 1
21 1
22 I 23 I 24 1
25 I 26 I 27 1
28 29 30

Fig. 8.9. Plan view, Level IXc-I.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 245


u o Rock
Surface Hear th

T 1,
N ~,

C lay Basin
'- ..- Structure
S I ~:'~)" Ash Stain
0 2

R Meters

Q Destroyed

.. :.

o .


Excavated before IXb-2 Palimpsest Recognized


-, I I I I
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Fig. 8.10. Plan view, Level IXb-2

246 Ropid Transfonnation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.


u 0 Rock
S u dace Hearth
T -- Clay Basin
N ,- ...,
'- Structure
S J ~~~

Ash Stain --.... ".'.r '.>.

0 2 4 "~:2:~ - - - -

R Meters



H 1
--_ ....
...... L ......

. \

" \

I 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 I 23 I 24 1 25 I 26 I 27 I 28 29 30

Fig. 8.11. Plan view, Level IXb-l.

Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 247

V 0 Rock
Surface Hearth
/ / / Midden

- ---
T re nch
Clay Basin
~ -
"'- ) Structure
I ~t?:t? Ash Stain
0 2 4

Q ----_.

P ----"";"

~ .
o .';j",

N .... ... ""- -----

\~ " . '.,

I . .i
" . ..
' "".

~, I ", . .. ~1i:
_.-- _ _ J I ',: -.':'


J "..--_--.----- ...... "\

G r
".. -.. -- -.-",
~ I
, I
" I
" J

I 19 I 20 I 21 I 22 I 23 I 24 I 25 I 26 I 27 I 28 29 30

Fig. 8.12. Plan view, Level IXa.

248 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

Table 8.8. Temporal Variability in Features clay, surface hardening, and in a few cases, color changes
on Ceremonial Floors typically observed when clays are lightly fired (fig. 8.17).
A number of small "pockets," some lined with stone, were
found along the edge of both the arm and the platform.
Level Most of these features are also lined with clay, and most
have evidence of light burning.
A second possible platform can be found at the eastern
IXc-l IXb-2 IXb-l IXa VIII
end of the complex (fig. 8.13). Because this area is at the
edge of the landslide zone, it is possible that this platform
Prepared clay floor x x x x x has been extensively damaged. Like the second stage ad-
dition to the western platform, it is constructed of a core
Platforms x
of angular colluvial stones and soil and has not been sur-
Stone circles/ovals x faced with clay, although it may have been abraded away
Trenches x x
by the landslides. Much taller than the western platform,
this platform is approximately 50 cm in height.
Clay-surfaced basins x x x x At least 50 ovals made of a combination of rock, clay,
Surface hearths x x x x x and mud are found between, atop, and beside the plat-
forms (figs. 8.13, 8.17). It is difficult to estimate the exact
Miniature circles/ovals x x
number due to the disturbance of parts of the complex by
Miniatures x x landslides. Also, portions of the western platform were
vandalized before they could be recorded in detail. The
ovals range in size from 18 to 65 cm along their long axis,
with most measuring 30 to 40 cm. They are shallow, usu-
ally no more than 3 em deep, and many have bases and
sides lined with a thin lens of white clay or mud. For the
smaller alignments, this has the effect of creating a mud
Table 8.9. Postmold Distances on Ceremonial Floors "pocket." Some of the coated alignments show ash and
carbon staining, but none show evidence of having been
heavily burned. Frequently the stones that form the edge
Largest of one alignment are used to create the side of another.
Level Median Mean Distance a These stones are generally found either on the south or
east walls or in the center of the stone ovals. Although no
artifacts have been found within these ovals, most of them
contain either a chunk of red or gray stone with brilliant
Stage 1 1.9 1.3 9.5
Stage 2 2.0 1.3 9.0 mineral inclusions, similar to the larger split rocks found
atop or embedded within the western platform.
IXb-2 Trenches are found in two cultural levels: the VIIalVIIb
Stage 1 4.2 1.5 5.4
series and VIII (fig. 8.13; Aldenderfer 1991 b: fig. 5). Four
Stage 2 1.9 1.3 10.5
trenches are found in Level VIII and range from 2.1 to 2.9
IXb-1 2.5 1.2 5.5 min le!lgth and from 30 to 52 cm in width. Each has been
IXa 1.6 0.9 5.0
cut into the soil matrix of CL VIII to a depth of IOta 30
em. The southernmost trench is the longest and deepest.
VIII It has straight-sided, parallel walls and is V-shaped in cross
Stage 1 0.6 0.6 1.1
section (Aldenderfer 1991 b: fig. 5). While the entire length
Stage 2 0.8 0.7 1.9
of this trench has been covered with a thin (1-1.5 em) lens
Stage 3 0.5 0.5 1.9
of smoothed mud and clay laid in a fashion similar to the
construction of the prepared clay floors, this layer is thick-
aAll distances in meters; distances between nearest neighbor est at the south end, which is also the location of light fire
measured across contiguous floor surfaces only. staining identical to that described for the ovals. Finger
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 249

(' \
1~(l(1)f Wall

N 9~
/.0 Stone Oval

I Brilliont or Colored M,nefol

0 I 2


Fig. 8.13. Detailed plan view of the clay-soil and rock platforms, Level VIII. Note the location of the pyramidal rocks near
the termini of the remaining complex and atop the clay-soil platform.
250 Rapid Transforntation: Asanafrom 5000 to 3600 B.p.

Fig. 8.14. View of profile cut through the western clay-soil platform, looking south. The
prepared white clay soils are clearly visible.

Fig. 8.15. The westernmost platform, Level VIII, showing the relationships between the northern
arm, circles, and ovals, and the added stone altar to the rear. The large, split pyramidal rock is in
the upper left, while the added platform of colluvial rock is at the top center. Small ovals and circles
can be seen atop the arm, at its terminus, in the left-center of the photograph, and along the lower
edge of both the arm and the altar. The stains in the foreground are postmolds from Level IXa.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 251

Fig. 8.16. Frontal view showing the split pyramidal rock atop the western clay-soil
platform, Level VIII.

Fig. 8.17. Closer view of the terminus of the northern arm of the western clay-soil platform. The built-up
clay-rock oval can be seen to the left, and two small excavated stone-lined pockets can be seen in the
252 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

impressions in the clay surface are also found at the south many instances by a thin layer of ash and carbonized wood.
end of the trench. The three northernmost trenches are Most are oval to circular in form and range in size from 24
considerably shorter and shallower and while lined with cm to 3 m in maximum dimension. There is a clearbimo-
mud and clay, have no evidence of fire staining or light dality in size, with one group measuring from 24 cm to 1
burning within them. Unlike the sharp, straight walls of m and the other group ranging from 1.5 to 3 m. The ba-
the southern trench, the walls of these are less straight sins range in depth from 8 to 17 cm and in general, the
and resemble basins. The two trenches found in Level larger the basin the deeper it is. The basins have been ex-
VIlalVIlb are similar in construction to the CL VIII cavated from the natural soil matrix and form shallow,
trenches but are even more sharply cut into the soil ma- bowl-shaped depressions.
trix, with very straight walls. They are found south of the The pattern of interbedding of the basins' levels con-
western platform. Unfortunately, little more can be said sists of a layer of white clay (the same type, color, and con-
of the Level VIlalVIlb trenches features owing to their sistency as that of the prepared clay floor) ranging in thick-
extensive disturbance by the landslide. ness from 5 mm to 1 cm, followed by a very thin lens of
It is extremely unlikely the trenches have been created pink or salmon-colored clay (Munsell color 5YR5/3) no
by some natura~ process such as mass wasting and are thus more than 1 to 2 mm thick, followed by a thin lens of ash.
no more than "boulder grooves" that have scoured the In many cases, this pattern is repeated up to nine times,
surface of the site. The boulders on the surrounding slopes strong evidence for intentional reuse or, at a minimum,
are angular, not smooth, and it is very unlikely that such resurfacing. Most basins were used from two to four times,
boulders would have created narrow trenches with very while a small number show only a single use. The distinc-
parallel, straight walls, like those found in the trenches, as tive salmon-colored lens was probably poured on in a liq-
they rushed down slope. Furthermore, the evidence for uid form since it is extremely thin and tends to fragment
burning in the largest trench is not redeposited on its sur- in small, thin pieces. It does, however, separate from the
face but instead embedded within it. Although other, white clay layers relatively easily. Whatever was burned in
deeper layers of the site have also been subjected to ero'" these basins was burned lightly because the surrounding
sional action, there are no other similar features to be found clay has not been hardened or modified in color to any
in any other layer of the site. significant degree.
Three shallow basins are found only in Level IXa (fig. Most of the basins are devoid of artifacts, but one of
8.12). These basins, roughly ovoid or circular in shape, them on the IXb-1 floor had a large ovoid pounding stone
range in maximum dimension from 80 cm to 1.1 m and embedded in the floor (fig. 8.4). Associated with it were
from 10 to 15 cm in depth. They have been excavated from small 2 cm maximum dimension) scraps of unidentifi-
the natural soil matrix of this level and are not lined with able bone that were also embedded in the clay lenses. The
clay or stones. Their interiors have been smoothed, how- pounder and bone scraps are probably associated with the
ever. While none of these basins show any evidence of feature. The pounder appears to rest directly on one of
burning, each has at its base a number of small (2-5 cm in the palimpsest reconstructions of the basins, while the bone
maximum dimension) discrete lumps and patches of a ho- is found both within the clay layers and in the ash and
mogeneous white soil. Superficially, these lumps resemble carbon lenses that separate the clays.
consolidated wood ash. Similar lumps of ash do not ap- A large number of shallow surface hearths are found
pear in the domestic areas of the site nor in ash stains associated with the ceremonial structures. These hearths
thought to be associated with the activities performed in range in depth from 1 to 3 cm and have been simply
the ceremonial structures. Ash from these contexts is dif- scooped out of the surrounding soil matrix. They tend to
fuse and unconsolidated. Materials from the basins have be basin-shaped in cross section, although some are large
pH values of 8.5, indicating their alkaline nature and and irregular in form. None have been lined with either
strongly suggesting that these materials are either con- rocks or clay, and while most are oval, they do not appear
solidated wood ash or calcium carbonate. The surround- to follow a formal design or specific plan for construction.
ing soils have a pH of 7.5. While all of them contain varying quantities of burned
Clay-lined basins, while showing considerable variability soil, ash, and small pieces of carbonized wood, a minority
in size, have a consistent pattern of construction and de- also contain bone scrap and lithics, both debitage and
sign, suggesting comparable function. The basins are lay- finished tools. Although most of the bone from these fea-
ered with' a series of interbedded clay lenses separated in tures has been burned, very little of it has been calcined or
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 253

heavily charred. As can be seen from table 8.10, there are from 1 to 2.5 mm. When first encountered, it was assumed
apparent differences in the contents of these features when that these twigs were nothing more than pieces of carbon-
compared to hearths and surface middens from the do- ized wood associated with nearby hearths and clay-sur-
mestic areas of the site. In general, the surface hearths ei- faced basins or possibly charred brush roof fall. However,
ther within or around the margins of the ceremonial floors as they were mapped and as the amount of floor area ex-
contain only small 2 cm maximum dimension) bone posed was increased, it became clear that most of the twigs
scrap, and the density of bone is very low. In contrast, the were arranged in roughly circular and oval patterns (fig.
domestic hearths and middens contain both large and small 8.18). In many cases, the walls of an existing pattern were
scrap, as well as more identifiable bone and far more lithics used to form the walls of a subsequent construction. Al-
(Aldenderfer 1991b: 248). While bone crushing and splin- though it is difficult to determine with accuracy, most of
tering are present in both types of features, crushed and the circles or ovals do not appear to be totally closed and
burned bone dominates the contents of surface hearths, are thus open on one side. In two instances on the IXa
implying a pattern of activity performance different from floor, these tiny ovals surround a small piece of a broken,
domestic contexts. Few of the hearths show signs of in- smooth river cobble that had been placed in the center of
tentional reuse, although a small number of them have the oval. Aside from these stones, no other artifacts were
either irregular cross sections or show clear evidence of found associated with these circles or ovals. There is con-
having been dug out slightly deeper at one end, suggest- siderable similarity between these tiny wooden circles and
ing they had been cleaned and reused. ovals and those made of stone found in VIII times.
Miniature ovals and circles are the most curious fea- Relatively few artifacts are found on the floors of the
ture type found on the floors of these structures. Begin- ceremonial structures, and some of the floors have none.
ning in IXb-1 and continuing to IXa times, a very large Aside from the stone pounding tool described earlier, only
number of small carbonized twigs or branches were found small bone scrap is found on the floors. All of this bone is
embedded in situ either on the prepared clay floor or im- either adjacent to a clay-surfaced basin or a surface hearth
mediately adjacent to it. Each of these twigs has been bro- or immediately exterior to a presumed entrance of the
ken off at the surface of the existing floor. They resemble structure. There is no suggestion of a thin scattering of
very small posts. Because of their number and small size, debris indicative of postabandonment trash disposal. The
accurate measurements were not obtained, but a sample total lack of lithic debitage argues forcefully that the bone
of the twigs found on the IXb-1 floor ranged in diameter on these floors is related to whatever activities pertained

Table 8.10. Contents of Surface Hearths


Domestic Hearths

Number of hearths present 5 15 12 18 26 6

Percent of hearths without artifacts 80 73 67 67 100 a

Number of identifiable skeletal parts a 4 4 5 n.a 6

Proportion of splinters <2 cm 100 99 98 98 n.a. 85

Lithics present?a no no yes yes n.a. yes

aLithics present in IXb-l and IXa include only miniature projectile points and no reduction by-products.
254 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

..... I
/ .
.... -'


Edge of "'-
Cloy Floor--"-..


" 27
.- 28


(JJj) Hearth

N - - - Cloy Basin

I ~
. Burned
oI I
Mete r s

Fig. 8.18. Plan view of Level IXb-l showing therelationships of the tiny twigs burned in situ on the floor.

to the use of the clay basins or surface hearths, and fur- made on site: no reduction debris of the material types
ther, it is likely that their use differed from typical domes- used to make the points is to be found in the associated
tic activity. Further, as I have already noted, it is probable Qhuna Phase Late Preceramic domestic middens.
that the bone dumps found immediately adjacent to the The small carving is made of a very soft dark stone of
Level VIII ceremonial structure were generated by activi- unknown type. It is unfortunately broken, which has made
ti es within it.
Some finished tools were discovered in the surface
hearths: miniature projectile -points in IXa hearths (fig.
8.3g-i) and a small stone carving in a IXb-l hearth (fig.
8.19). One of the miniature points is complete, while the
broken ones are represented only by their stems. None
have been burned, and unlike the larger points, high-power
microwear analysis demonstrates that none have been used
or obviously hafted. While the points from the domestic eM
middens are made of local raw materials, mostly volcanic
andesite, the miniatures are made of nonlocal raw materi-
als from high puna sources or of very high quality local Fig. 8.19. Views of small stone carving interpreted as a
raw materials. There is no evidence that these points were bird at rest.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 255

it very difficult to interpret what it is intended to repre- the structure in IXb-1 times but appear to be gradually
sent. If the only flat surface of the carving is interpreted as moved outside during IXa times. In IXb-l they are spread
the base, the carving has a vertically segmented body sur- across the floor, while in IXa they are for the most part
mounted by a flattened ovoid. On the upper surface, two found just inside or outside the postulated doorway. By
lines converge toward one end of the piece. It is possible VIII times, they appear to have been transformed into the
that the figurine is meant to represent a bird at rest. The stone circles and ovals found on and between the altars
panels with vertical segments may be wings, and the tri- constructed during this occupation of the site.
angle atop the body may be the head or beak of the bird, S. The size of the structure grows through time but
turned back, which is commonly done by many species stabilizes in size relatively early, by IXb-2 times. It actu-
when sleeping. Like the miniature points, it is not burned. ally shrinks in the Stage 1 and 2 constructions ofVIII times,
An examination of the plan views of the structures of but by Stage 3 it has expanded considerably (table 8.11).
each level (figs. 8.9-8.12) as well as table 8.8 demonstrates 6. There are changes in the diversity of activity perfor-
a number of changes in the use of features through time. mance inside the bounded space through time. IXc-l is
1. It appears that the space demarcated by the prepared the simplest, with no traces of activities remaining. IXb-2
clay floor has always been bounded, and this in turn sug- has a single inside activity involving use of the clay-sur-
gests there is an inside-outside dichotomy of activity per- faced basins. There is a dramatic increase in the range of
formance in the use of the floors and the features within features present in IXb-1 and IXa-surface hearths, min-
the structure as they change through time. Furthermore, iature postmold patterns, and clay-surfaced basins. Min-
there is a qualitative change in the way in which the struc- iature artifacts are also found in the surface hearths of these
ture is bounded through time. In the earliest levels, from levels. In VIII times, the floor is cleared, and the platforms
IXc-1 through IXb-1, exterior bounding appears to be and their associated features appear to dominate activity
somewhat haphazard. Distances between posts are rela- performance within the structures.
tively great, and moreover, they are irregular (table 8.9).
While there is a greater degree of regularity on Level IXa,
post spacing and distance become extremely regular in the Table 8.11. Estimated Floor Sizes of Ceremonial
different construction stages of the Level VIII complex. Architecture
2. With one exception, surface hearths are found out-
side the bounded space of the floor in Levels IXc-1 and
IXb-2. In Levels IXb-1 and IXa, hearths are found both Estimated Dimensions a
inside and outside the bounded space. By VIII times, sur-
face hearths have once again been moved outside the
Level N-S E-W
bounded space. There are also changes in hearth contents
through time based on this inside-outside dichotomy. In
IXc-1 and IXb-2 times, hearths both within and without IXc-l
the structure contain bone splinters and fragments. In IXb- Stage 1 6.4 3.4
1 and IXa times, only surface hearths within the struc- Stage 2 9.0 4.2
tures contain bone, and in VIII times, none of the exterior
hearths contain bone.
Stage 1 11.2 6.0
3. The patterning of clay-surfaced basins is similarly 11.2 9.2
Stage 2
clear. If the two questionable basins of IXc-1 are omitted,
it appears that these basins, which make their first appear- IXb-l 11.2 9.2
ance in IXb-2 times, are used both inside and outside the IXa 12.0 9.2
bounded space. This pattern continues until Level VIII,
when again all basins are found outside the structure. The
Stage 1 4.4 2.1
bimodal~ty of size noted previously also follows an inside-
Stage 2 8.8 5.7
outside dimension: basins found within the structures are Stage 3 12.0 11.0
larger and show signs of repeated use, while those outside
are smaller and have been used only once or twice.
4. Miniature postmold patterns are first found within aAll measurements in meters.
256 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

Table 8.12 summarizes these changes. For the use of symbolized, it appears that their place in ritual activity did
interior space, it is possible to differentiate between open not change dramatically as long as they were outside. These
and busy. "Open" means that the prepared floor itself has basins were brought inside during IXb-1 and IXa times,
no facilities placed upon it, whereas "busy" means that the but they were better constructed, used repeatedly, and were
floor is crowded with features. This distinction is sugges- much larger than their exterior counterparts. It is appar-
tive of different uses of space. Open space would be more ent that while the meaning assigned to the clay basin may
conducive for the aggregation of individuals within the not have changed through time, its place in ritual did.
space, whereas busy spaces imply that an activity involv- The question that remains to be answered pertains to
ing the use of some feature (clay-surfaced basin or minia- the functions of these structures and the activities per-
ture structure) in the space is most likely and that depend- formed within them. Elsewhere (Aldenderfer 1991 b: 247-
ing on the size and number of features, the aggregation of 250) I have made the claim that these structures are in-
a large group of people would have been difficult. deed ceremonial, and therefore I will not repeat that ar-
Levels IXc-1 and IXb-2 are characterized by open in- gument here aside from a briefsummary. These structures
terior spaces, while the remaining species are busy, with are wholly different in construction technique, size, and
the possible exception of the third construction stage of contents when compared to contemporaneous domestic ar-
VIII. Although the facilities (platforms, trenches, etc.) are chitecture found in each level. Further, the ceremonial
clearly the focus of activity, the large amount of empty structures contain no obvious special-activity areas that
space surrounding them in the final construction stage pertain to some set of utilitarian activities, like the situa-
suggests that aggregation is once again an important ac- tion at the Cementerio de Nanchoc in the Zafia Valley of
tivity. However, other changes, such as the formal bound- northern Peru (Dillehay, Netherly, and Rossen 1989).
ing of the space, suggest that interior space is perceived in While the absence of obvious domestic or utilitarian func-
a different way than the open spaces of earlier times. tions does not automatically make the prepared clay floor
In contrast, the use of exterior space remains constant structures ceremonial, these negative data, combined with
through time, with surface hearths and clay-surfaced ba- data obtained through analogy, do make a more compel-
sins found in virtually all levels. Whatever these features ling argument that these structures were in fact ceremo-
nial in their function.
It is clear, however, that these ceremonial structures do
not represent a single sort of ceremonial or ritual activity
Table 8.12. Uses of Interior and Exterior Space at Asana but instead show change through time, with the ceremony
through Time
and the ritual that took place within them moving across a
continuum from open and public in the earliest levels to
Level Interior
closed and private in Level VIII times. This transforma-
tion can be illustrated with ethnographic descriptions of
the ceremonial and ritual structures of two southern Cali-
IXc-l "open" hearths fornia foraging groups, the Gabrielino (Bean and Smith
1978) and the Tipai and Ipai (Luomala 1978). These groups
IXb-2 "open" hearths
reside in an arid environment very similar to Qhuna Phase
clay basins
Asana, and while displaying a range of residential mobility
IXb-l "busy" Ihearths hearths and sociopolitical complexity from the highly mobile and
clay basins clay basins relatively simple Tipai and Ipai to the relatively sedentary
and politically complex Gabrielino, they are nevertheless
miniature houses
useful models for interpreting the prepared clay floor cer-
IXa "busy"Ihearths hearths emonial structures from Asana. These examples illustrate
clay basins clay basins two different organizational principles for the use of cer-
miniatures emonial structures: open, public ritual for the Tipai and
miniature houses Ipai versus closed, secret ritual for the Gabrielino.
VIII "open"/platforms hearths The Tipai and Ipai used two simple variants of dance
clay basins floors. An unroofed, leveled dance floor surrounded by
rock-supported brush walls was used by multifamily ag-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 257

gregations at fall nut-harvesting sites (Luomala 1978: 597). within the structure. However, since the walls continue to
Dances and integrative rituals controlled by shamans were be irregular in form, it is possible that whatever took place
performed in these structures when more than one family within the structure could have been viewed from beyond
was present in the nut grove. At winter sites, a similar struc- the boundaries of the prepared clay floors. This use ofspace
ture, the keruk, was constructed for the Annual Feast of appears to be something of a mixture of the open Tipai
the Dead. In this case, while the floor was leveled and and Ipai format and the closed Gabrielino pattern.
maintained, it was roofed, and in some instances walls were In Level VIII times, the use of space has changed sig-
not erected. Various curing ceremonies, dances, and other nificantly. The space is clearly and regularly bounded, and
rituals conducted by shamans took place within them and focus of the activity in the structure is the platform and its
were witnessed by the entire resident population (Luomala associated features. The interior of the structure is now
1978: 603-605). The keruk was constructed within the vil- devoid of artifacts, and the small size of the first construc'-
lage near the lineage head's residence and was maintained tion stage suggests that access to the platform was highly
by his lineage. Neither structure was used as a residence restricted. Features that had once been inside, such as clay-
and when not used for ceremony was simply left open. lined basins, are now found outside only, along with sur-
The Gabrielino used a single ceremonial structure, the face hearths. All of this speaks to a formalization of activ-
yuvar. Like the keruk, the yuvar was built within the vil- ity performance with a clear inside-outside dichotomy.
lage, again near the village headman's residence. The struc- Although the structure increases dramatically in size in
ture was carefully walled with woven brush and willows the second and third construction phases, the pattern of
supported by posts, and feathers, skins, and other decora- activity performance remains the same, with the focus of
tions were attached to the walls. It was also frequently activity being the platform. "While larger numbers of people
roofed (Blackburn 1962). The yuvar was the site of major could have been admitted to the structure, it is possible
rituals, such as the annual mourning ceremony, in which that the platform was shielded from view by a wall sup-
the entire resident population participated (Bean and Smith ported by the posts of the first construction stage. In fact,
1978: 545-546). However, a portion of the structure was the placement of bone dumps along the Stage 3 construc-
devoted to worshipping the cult of the god Chingichngish. tion suggests that just such a wall existed (fig. 8.7). This
This interior area was walled and screened, and in some strongly resembles the Gabrielino pattern of a closed sanc-
cases platforms and altars were built and the image of the tuary combined with a larger public area.
god placed atop them. Access to this inner sanctum was As I will show later, these changes in the form and con-
restricted to powerful elder males, shamans, and the vil- tent of ceremonial architecture parallel major changes tak-
lage headman, and it was the scene of secret ceremonies ing place in Asana VIlQhuna Phase times related to sub-
devoted to the god which could be witnessed only by these sistence, mobility, and the nature of external relationships.
few individuals (Bean and Smith 1978: 548). In this light, then, the ceremonial structures at Asana il-
If these structural parallels are valid, activity perfor- lustrate important cultural historical changes in the re-
mance in CLs IXc-1 and IXb-2 strongly resembles the gion while simultaneously providing insight into different
Tipai and Ipai pattern of openness and aggregate ceremo- theoretical explanations of why they appeared when they
nial activity performance. As table 8.12 shows, there are did and what ends they served.
very few features within the structure in these levels. The From a strictly cultural historical perspective, it is use-
haphazard bounding of the floors is very similar to the ful to describe the ceremonial structures at Asana in the
pattern observed at the Tipai and Ipai winter and fall vil- context of modern Aymara religious practice and belief.
lages. The space probably served as a focus for dances and As I have argued elsewhere, these ceremonial structures
group ritual at times of seasonal aggregation. Activity at are fundamentally "Aymara" in their historical origin, and
this time appears typical of the face-to-face ritual practice the features can be interpreted on the basis of this assump-
of relatively simple, mobile foraging peoples insofar as it tion (Aldenderfer 1991b: 250-252). I will recapitulate the
is known from the ethnographic record. main points of this argument.
In contrast, the use of space in IXb-1 and IXa times "While it is unquestioned that the effects of the Spanish
appears to focus more upon the use of the features within conquest on Aymara systems of belief have been substan-
the structure rather than as a locus of group aggregation. tial' numerous authors-such as Bandelier (1910), Paredes
Because of the large number of features on the floor, it (1963), La Barre (1948), Tschopik (1951), and Bastien
would have been difficult to admit large numbers of people (1978)-have maintained that elements of Aymara ritual
258 Rapid Transformation: Asanafrom 5000 to 3600 B.P.

and ceremonial practice, especially at the individual, house- atop the mesalike mountain of Cerro Baul in the Osmore
hold, or community level, have survived substantially in- valley. The shrine is oval in form and measures 5.3 x 4 m,
tact from preconquest times. While it is yet another (long) with a height of 1.2 m. The sides of the shrine are well
step from the agricultural and pastoral Aymara to the for- defined, and no rocks are placed haphazardly around its
agers of Late Preceramic Asana, there are nevertheless a base. Its most prominent structural feature is the series of
number of intriguing parallels between these groups. I do stone circles and ovals found primarily on its western face.
not, however, argue that the ceremonial structures at Asana These circles are composed of stones ranging in size from
are in any real sense "Aymara," but the possibility that 15 to 50 cm in diameter that have simply been piled atop
Asana represents an early expression of "proto-Aymara" one another to form the ovals. No mortar or other binder
culture cannot be discounted. has been used to keep these ovals together. The average
Three aspects of Aymara ritual practice are relevant to size of the opening of the ovals is 60 cm, and they range in
this discussion: the oft-recognized telluric nature ofAymara height from 30 to 50 cm. There are at least 15 ovals on the
ritual and belief; the structure, content, and use of shrines; west side of the shrine. The ovals are constructed so that
and the alasita, an annual trade and barter fair also de- the walls of one are used as the boundary of another. This
scribed as the ''fiesta of the miniatures." suggests that the structure grew by accretion.
The use of stones of all kinds figures prominently in The ovals contain melted wax from candles that have
Aymara ritual practice. Apachetas, or stone cairns, are fre- been allowed to burn out, flowers, coca leaves, and ash.
quently used as offertories by travelers. These begin as The amount of wax in some of the ovals is considerable,
small piles of stones that through time can grow substan- suggesting that they have been reused repeatedly. The in-
tially. Travelers will place a rock on them as they pass and sides of the ovals are not heavily charred or burned, sug-
at times will also place a quid of coca on them or may offer gesting that whatever burning was done in them was not
flowers, broken gear, or other items (Tschopik 1951: 194). intense. All ovals had candle wax, but only a few had flowers
No formal ritual is practiced at them, however. Various or coca leaves or showed evidence of burnt offerings. No
minerals and stones are used as offerings or as divinatory animal bone or parts were found on the shrine itselfnor in
devices (La Barre 1948: 75; Tschopik 1951: 247), and some any oval. Outside the ovals but still on the shrine are found
of these are burned at shrines and at apachetas O. Bastien, empty and unbroken pisco and wine bottles, flowers, cans,
personal communication, 1991). Large boulders and other pottery vessels (incensarios) , and articles of clothing. On
natural outcrops of stone are often known as place spirits the top of the rock pile near its center is an altar or el-
(Tschopik 1951: 192-194). Stones and rocks of all sizes, evated platform upon which there are many offerings.
then, are important in several Aymara ritual practices. Surrounding the shrine in all directions are two other
Shrines also figure prominently in Aymara ritual. features: surface hearths and fire basins surrounded by rock.
Tschopik (1951: 194-196) describes two shrines used by Both of these contain large amounts of charred animal
the Aymara near Chucuito: Father Atoja and Mother Atoja. bone, usually of a single animal, such as a juvenile sheep
Father Atoja is represented by a large boulder that has or goat. In some cases, the bone is heavily charred and
been roughly modified to resemble the form of a human reduced. For the most part, however, it is broken into rela-
head. An altar of dry stone masonry has been erected at its tively large pieces and has not been crushed or smashed.
base, and a number of niches and stone ovals have been Over 250 surface hearths were found within the area de-
constructed around the margins of this oval (Tschopik fined by a 20-m radius from the center of the shrine.
1951: plate 27a). Burned offerings are found within the The final distinctive feature is thousands of miniature
niches, and burned areas are scattered on the ground in houses constructed of stone. They range in size from 20-
front of the altar. Mother Atoja is a far more formal shrine, cm-diameter ovals made of stones to full-sized replicas of
being a V-shaped, dry stone masonry construction with a the floor plans of modern rectangular houses. Some of the
number of internal and external altars (Tschopik 1951: fig. structures contain small niches within them to symbolize
4). The interior altar at the base of the U is said to be the rooms, and in some cases they contain small amounts of
most important. Burned offerings are found scattered both flowers, coca leaves, and other organic material. The en-
inside and outside the shrine complex. tire northern half of Cerro Baul is covered with these
A major shrine near Asana-at Cerro Baul-offers ad- houses. Some are found interspersed with the surface
ditional insight into features associated with the use of hearths and fire basins near the altar but only to the west
Aymara shrines (see also Kuznar 1995: 82-85). It is found and north of the altar complex.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 259

A third type of shrine used by the Aymara is the mesa. indigenous Aymara ritual practice and the material remains
The mesa is employed in a number of ritual events, and of ritual activity at Asana? The most significant are sum-
thus its use is strictly situational. It is a temporary con- marized in table 8.13. Surface hearths have their closest
struction relying for its efficacy not so much on a place parallels with the use of outdoor mesas, which are gener-
but instead on the combination of ritual paraphernalia and ally conducted for individuals, households, or small groups
their manner of use. In one sense, then, the mesa is a tem- of people and are not typically the scene of larger group
porary altar, erected and dismantled as needed. The most aggregations. The clay/soil altars, as well as the colluvial
complete descriptions of mesas are by Tschopik (1951: 219- rock altars, resemble most closely the larger permanent
294), who describes their use in a number of important altars such as Cerro Baul and Mother and Father Atoja.
ritual events, including house dedications, animal increase "While individuals may use these shrines at any time, the
ceremonies, and general propitiatory rites. "Where the mesa shrines are more frequently the scene of rituals and cer-
is built depends on the kind of ceremony desired. For ani- emonies that integrate larger groups, such as aggregations
nlal increase ceremonies, it is made outdoors near a cor- of households or larger coresidential groups (Bastien 1978;
ral, whereas propitiatory mesas can be performed at exist- La Barre 1948). "While individuals own and use amulets in
ing shrines, near households that have requested them, or personal rites and "magic" (Tschopik 1951: 238-240), and
simply in the open. Regardless of location, however, the although amulets are also used in mesas, their public dis-
specialist performing the mesa faces east, and in general, play, as well as the public construction of miniature houses
altars at the other types ofAymara shrines face east as well and farms, takes place during the alasita, a festival that
(Tschopik 1951: 253). serves as an integrative mechanism for large numbers of
The ritual equipment employed in the mesa includes,
among other things, carved stone miniatures of animals,
houses, and other symbols; sea shells; minerals; stuffed
animals; and a wide variety of perishable items used as of- Table 8.13. Parallels between Asana and Aymara
ferings, including flowers, food, coca leaves, tobacco, and Ritual Practices
banners. "When mesas are held outside, the offerings are
burned near the mesa using a surface hearth which may be
Telluric Nature of Ritual
reused the next time the ritual is repeated (Tschopik 1951:
260-261, plate 29b). The ashes are frequently buried or Construction of altars of stone; use of stone to construct
disposed of in running water. Level VIII complexes of circles and ovals
The alasita is a pan-Aymara annual event celebrating Use of split pyramidal cobbles atop altar and as
terminations of walls of Level VIII ceremonial complex
the fiesta of the god of good luck, eq'eq'o (La Barre 1948:
Use of red and brilliant minerals in the stone circles and
195-196; Paredes 1963: 215-218). As noted by La Barre,
it takes its name from the imperative form (alasita, "buy
from me") of the Aymara verb "to buy, exchange, or bar- Shrines and Altars
ter." The festival today is held at various times of the year Construction and use of clay/soil and colluvial rock
in different parts of the Aymara world due to local histori- platforms, interpreted as altars due to similarity in
cal events of the postconquest and colonial periods. The construction with Cerro Baul and other Aymara altars
alasita is also known as the "festival of the miniatures." Use of surface hearths surrounding modern altars and use
Eq'eq'o is represented as carrying dozens of miniature of mesas; surface hearths at Asana postulated to have
goods-cheeses, money, clothes, and animals, and "almost similar use
the entire material culture of the altiplano is at some point Alasita
or other represented in the fair ofthe miniatures" (La Barre
Postmold patterns of tiny wooden posts interpreted as
1948: 196). In some parts of Bolivia, miniature towns are
miniature houses similar in form to known domestic
constructed, and these are populated with the miniatures
brought by the eq'eq'o (Paredes 1963: 214-215). Tschopik Use and deposition of miniature projectile points only
(1946) indicates that some of these miniature villages are within boundaries of ceremonial complex
permanent constructions and are located near the centers Use and deposition of miniature carved stone only within
of aggregation for the festival. boundaries of ceremonial complex
"What parallels can be drawn between these aspects of
260 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

people, usually on an annual basis. There are no direct 4600 to 4400 B.P. (which includes Levels VIII-V), seed
modern parallels for the other features found at Asana. grinding was of much greater importance.
If these parallels between Asana and Aymara rituals are The shift toward intensive seed processing around 4600
valid, it is clear that there is a mixture of "public" ritual B.P. is paralleled by another major change in the residen-
(large group aggregation represented by the alasita; use of tial architecture, that being a significant increase in the
formal altars) with smaller scale, possibly more "private" amount of covered floor area. In the earlier levels, the
ritual acts (such as the use of mesa). This mixture suggests median covered floor area for domestic structures was 8
that Asana served multiple roles as a ceremonial locus, but m 2, but in the later levels (represented only by Level VIII)
one that changed dramatically through time. the median jumps to slightly more than 10m2 (table 8.6).
Thus while Qhuna Phase domestic architecture from any
Variability in Domestic Architecture level is larger than that seen in any previous phase, the
There are a number of very important differences in do- increase in Level VIII times is exceptional. This increase
mestic architecture during the Asana VI/Qhuna Phase in size is accompanied by a more structured or formal use
when early levels (IXc-IXa) are compared to later levels of space within the structures. Batanes are found only
(VIII-V). Unfortunately, since the data from Levels VII- within domestic structures in Level VIII and subsequent
V are very fragmentary due to the disturbance from the times, and there appear to be more internal partitions of
landslide that destroyed portions of the Level VIII cer- the space in these structures as well. In domestic struc-
emonial structure and any such structure that might have tures in the earlier levels there are no indoor food prepa-
been present until Level V times, it becomes necessary to ration areas marked by batanes, and only one structure
rely on the data from Level VIII. Data on residential struc- (on the Level IXb-2 floor) has ,any hint of internal parti-
tures from other later levels, particularly VII and V, will tioning. Taken together, these data suggest that a signifi-
be employed when available. cant change in the way in which the site was used takes
In other publications, including Aldenderfer 1990a, place at Asana around 4600 B.P. The contexts and causes
1993a, I have characterized one aspect of subsistence for these changes will be discussed at length in chapter 9.
change in Asana VIlQhuna Phase times as a heightened
emphasis on seed processing. As I have shown in the de- Summary: Asana VI/Qhuna Phase
scription of Level VIII, this assertion is based upon the Qhuna Phase Asana witnessed a number of significant
presence of seed grinding tools embedded in the floors of changes in its use over a relatively short period of time.
domestic structures and numerous push-pull grinders as- Once again, it is possible to turn to the familiar triad of
sociated with their use. Although this assertion is correct, diet, the place of Asana in its settlement system, and the
it fails to note that intensive seed grinding appears in the scale of mobility implied in the use of that system. In the
later levels of the Qhuna Phase occupation of Asana. case of the Qhuna Phase, however, it is best to start with
A review of the plan views of complete levels of the the third of these-scale ofmobility-because this is where
Qhuna Phase occupation demonstrates this (see figs. 8.1 we see one of the most profound changes in Asana's occu-
and 8.9-8.12). Except for Level IXb-2, each level in ques- pational history, which is in great part determinative of
tion has at least one complete or near-complete domestic changes in other societal realms.
structure present. Like the structures on Level VIII, while It appears inescapable to conclude that the scale of resi-
there is some within-level diversity in feature placement dential mobility declined throughout the Qhuna Phase,
and structure content, the structures from Levels IXc-1- using lithic raw material frequencies as an indicator. While
IXa are very similar. None of the earlier level structures, some puna and puna rim materials are found in the earli-
however, have batanes embedded within their floors or est levels of this phase, these materials disappear by Level
other obvious food preparation areas within them. In con- VIII times, and assemblages are dominated by high-sierra
trast, in the later levels batanes are found only within the lithic types. What could cause such a shift? One plausible
structures. There are also more potential seed-processing answer is changes in raw material preference, but there is
tools in the later levels, despite the disturbance these lev- no obvious reason for puna and puna rim materials to drop
els have suffered. It is therefore more accurate and de- out of favor at this time. A more probable explanation is
scriptive to argue that from ca. 5000 to 4600 B.P. (a time that access to the puna and puna rim environments is highly
frame which includes Levels IXc-2-IXa), seed-processing limited in Qhuna Phase times. In effect, I suggest that the
activity was of minor importance at Asana and that from inhabitants of Asana, unlike in earlier phases, had no di-
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 261

rect access to these environmental zones. Although there Asana VIIIAwati Phase (4400-3600 B.P.)
are no .data ~ith which to evaluate this hypothesis, the likely
There are four major cultural levels assigned to the Asana
cause IS regIonal packing. That is, it is probable that the
VIIIAwati Phase-Iv, III, II, and I. Each of these levels
Qhuna Phase inhabitants ofAsana were denied or had lim-
however, can be divided into a series of palimpsest occu~
ited access to these environments by other groups of for-
pations (called "microstrata" by Kuznar 1990); and there
agers. "'Whatever the cause, it is still the case that subsis-
are ten of these occupations. Disturbance to the Awati
tence activities for much of the phase were likely concen-
Phase levels has been extensive. Level I, for instance, has
trated on the exploitation of high-sierra resources.
b~en heavily disturbed by erosion and scouring by land-
Dietary evidence supports this observation. Seed use,
slIdes, and there is relatively little of the level that is in-
as indicated by the increase in numbers of small batanes
tact. The situa~on improves for Levels II, III, and IV; each
and grinding-type manos, seems to intensify through this
of these levels has suffered extensive disturbance along the
phase. Many of these batanes are found embedded in the
northern margin of the excavation block. In Level Iv, most
floors of the residential structures. There are no paleobo-
of the ,LM file of excavation units are filled with coarse
tanical indicators of exactly what seed was being used, but
colluvial rock (fig. 8.20), while in Level II, the LM file is
it is probable that the local variant of Chenopodium-
in~a~t, but those further to the north have been essentially
quinuay-is being exploited. Moreover, the intensity ofseed
elImInated by the landslides (fig. 8.21). Thus while the size
use has increased, especially when compared to earlier
of the excavation block for the Awati Phase was ca. 120
phases. "'While some seed use at Asana has been part of the
m 2, the amount of undisturbed area ranged from 100 m 2
diet since Khitufia Phase times, no other level rivals those
in Level IV to only 84 m 2 in Level II.
of the Qhuna Phase in terms of the numbers of batanes
. Th~ Awati Phase occupation has been the subject of
found in residential contexts. Hunting continues to be of
IntenSIve study by Lawrence Kuznar, who completed his
importance to the diet as well.
dissertation in 1990 (Kuznar 1990) and who later wrote a
This restriction of mobility has important implications
book on Andean ethnoarchaeology using data from Awati
for the place of Asana in its settlement system. All indica-
Phase Asana (Kuznar 1995). His dissertation focused upon
tors-architecture, both public and private, and activity
what he called the Terminal Late Archaic of the Rio Asana
profile-suggest that Asana is a residential base. Again,
valley, which I have called the Awati Phase (Aldenderfer
while there are no direct indicators of the term of occupa-
1990a). In his dissertation and book, Kuznar completed a
tion, the presence of the public architecture suggests it
vegetation survey of the high-sierra environment (one
was a significant portion of the year. The question of
which he subsequently extended into the lower high si-
~hether it was permanent throughout the year, especially
erra and the puna rim); studied modern goat pastoralists
In the later levels of the phase, remains moot. If settle-
in the Rio Asana valley in order to create a model ofAndean
ment mobility was restricted, this implies a permanent,
pastoralism in this type of environmental zone; studied
sedentary occupation of the site. However, traditional in-
the grazing habits of goats and other modern herbivores
dicators of long-term site use, such as midden accumula-
to better understand the way in which vegetation was ac-
tion, are not evident, whereas others, such as a structured,
tually consumed and on the basis of analogy, used these
relatively formal use of space, are. This question will only
data to project stocking rates for different species of wild
be answered when settlement survey and excavation are
camelids that once inhabited the valley; and argued that
conducted in the valleys adjacent to the Rio Asana, par-
Levels I-III at Asana were created by a pastoral occupa-
ticularly the Rio Torata valley.
tion of the site. He also developed a general model of the
The appearance and elaboration of the public architec-
domestication process for this region.
ture during this phase suggest that religion, ritual, and ide-
Kuznar (1990: 331-337, 1995: 100-107) concludes that
ology were also part of the response ofAsana's inhabitants
subsistence at Terminal Late Archaic (Awati Phase) Asana
to the observed limitation on residential mobility. Of in-
was characterized by herding as indicated by the presence
terest is the evidence of a dual response-intensification
~f dung-derived soils, faunal remains, and the organiza-
of seed use and a clear intensification of ritual that culmi-
tIon of space at the site. During this period, the site was a
nated, by the end of the phase, in the collapse of both the
residential base occupied by a single family and was prob-
settlement and subsistence system and aspects of the ritual
ably occupied during the dry season. Puna and puna rim
and ideological system. Both the cause and consequences
lithic material found at the site suggested a pattern of sea-
of this collapse are explored in chapter 9.
262 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.p.

0 ~:~;.
[) o.
! c::>
_ _ _ _ _1

I 0

\) J,\ i

G () ~4.~i

F f~iJ

CJ) Hear th
D ~ Quebrada ~

c:;f;J Landslide \l
~~~f.~J~ Ash Stain

I 0

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Fig. 8.20. Plan view, Level Iv.

sonal residential mobility, and Kuznar speculates that these covered the upper limits ofKuznar's postulated Awati Phase
herders returned to the puna during the rainy season. settlement pattern. Therefore, while the following discus-
While this is a reasonable supposition, no data existed at sion relies heavily upon Kuznar's interpretations, these new
the time either to confirm or refute this assertion. data will expand upon and amplify his excellent work.
I am in essential agreement with Kuznar's conclusions,
although I have some differences regarding the interpre- Asana VII/Awati Phase Settlement Patterns
tation of certain details of the organization of space at the As noted, Kuznar (1990) has argued that Awati Phase settle-
site, lithic materials, and other matters. Since 1989, when ment was characterized by residential mobility between
Kuznar accumulated the excavation data from Asana un- the high sierra and puna. Asana was a dry season (austral
der my direction, I have had one more field season at the winter) residential base, and the wet season residential base
site which has provided a few new insights into the Awati was presumed to be on the puna near a bofedal, a pattern
Phase use of the site, and more important, fieldwork in that is typical of modern llama and alpaca herders in the
both 1990 and 1991 in the puna rim environment has dis- Moqueguan highlands. Herders moved their animals from
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 263

.---- ---... ______
Limito! /
Dung Soi I


----- /


. \



o Rock
C) Hearth
/// Midden
G Ground Stone
- ~ Conal
t.t;) AshSto;n
F 0
, - I- ; - : - _ - - - '

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Fig. 8.21. Plan view, Level II.

the highlands in the dry season to smaller bofedales in the CAMS-3209). This date just barely overlaps at two stan-
high sierra and probably grazed their animals on the veg- dard deviations with the radiocarbon date from Level II
etation on the valley floor and slopes, as modern goat Asana of 3640 80 B.P. (Beta-23364), and for this reason,
pastoralists do. Kuznar also speculates that herders supple- only Level XXVI will be discussed in this volume.
mented their diets with hunted animals, probably taruca. Although the lithic data from El PanteGn are still un-
While a highly plausible model, the problem at the time der analysis, it is possible to describe their sources. Of the
of its publication was that there were no data from the 128 reduction by-products recovered from XXVI, 41.4%
puna, the presumed high-elevation terminus of the settle- are from the high sierra, 53.1 % are from the puna rim,
ment system. Happily, new excavation data from two im- and 5.5% are from puna sources. There are no materials
portant sites-EI PanteGn and Cueva San Agustin-in the from the lower high sierra in this assemblage. The major-
puna rim environmental zone have filled this gap. Fur- ity (N = 48) of the high-sierra materials are Type 4 cryp-
thermore, additional survey in both the puna rim and high tocrystalline quartz, while the puna rim materials are domi-
sierra has led to the discovery oflogistical camps or hunt- nated by Type 18 red andesite (N = 33). There are six dif-
ing blinds that can be assigned to the Awati Phase. ferent puna rim sources, five high-sierra sources, and a
single puna source. No raw material type has a count of
El Panteon As was described in chapter 3, EI PanteGn greater than 50 reduction by-products. Only two morpho-
was first discovered in 1990 and was tested in 1991. Levels logical tools, both biface fragments, were recovered from
XIX-XXVI appear to date to the very late Archaic or Early this level, and these are made of high-sierra and puna rim
Formative periods; the basal layer of the site (Level XXVI) raw materials. The lithic data, then, suggest that there is
produced a radiocarbon date of3320 80 B.P. (Beta-52330/ an axis of puna rim-high-sierra mobility.
264 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

The faunal data have been completely analyzed using neck set of elements. There are relatively large numbers
the same methods as at Asana and other excavated sites in as well of other low-utility skeletal elements, such as
the region. For this analysis, I have lumped the data from metapodials, phalanges, and teeth. In contrast, high-util-
two levels-XXV and XXVI-since there is a significant ity parts seem relatively underrepresented, especially those
degree of continuity in feature placement between the two elements associated with the trunk and hindquarters pack-
levels. For the relatively small area opened, bone counts ets, which suggests these elements were either consumed
are relatively high, as is density (1,661 fragments/m 3), al- off site or were processed and stored for future, probably
though weight is only 195 g (table 8.14). The assemblage off-site consumption. These packet data are in rough ac-
is also relatively intact: only 46% of it is in fragments of cord with Kuznar's (1990: 276) assertion, based on his
less than 2 cm in maximum dimension. Despite this, MNI ethnoarchaeological studies, that the faunal materials found
counts are small, as is the total NISP that can be identified at the residential bases of pastoral peoples should be domi-
as to skeletal element (5.4% of the assemblage; N = 16). nated by low meat yield parts.
Of the NISP that could be identified as to species (N = Our knowledge of the organization and use of space at
257), the majority are in the large mammal aggregate EI Panteon is limited by the size of the excavation block
(95.2%), followed by guanaco (2.5%), the small mammal and its placement. Despite these limitations, structural
aggregate (1.9%), and taruca (0.4%). Also, a very small remains are found in the southeastern corner of the block
proportion of the NISP (4%; N = 12) could be identified and consist of two sets of postmolds, one running north-
as to age. Of these, 42 % are either from yearlings or very west-southeast and the other north-south (fig. 8.22). Both
young animals, while 58% are from adults. Finally, only a meet in a large, in situ colluvial boulder to form a corner
very small proportion of the bones (0.7%) were burned. of a presumed structure. Within the limits of the postrnold
The packet and skeletal element data must be inter- pattern there is a single fire hearth in Level XXV that,
preted with extreme caution given their very low counts. when the structure was abandoned, was reused as a burial
However, if at all valid, they show that whole animals were pit for a human infant. A linear patch of organically stained
consumed on site and that the dominant packet is the head/ soil labeled in the field as a midden runs on the inside of
the northwest-southeast alignment of postmolds. The re-
mainder of the excavation block is composed solely of the
natural soil matrix with no features observed. No spatial
analyses have been performed with these data.
Table 8.14. Faunal Data Summary, El Panteon Levels
Although the data remain equivocal, it is probable that
the earliest occupation ofEI Panteon was the high-eleva-
tion end of Kuznar's postulated Awati Phase settlement
Packet Data a pattern. While it lacks corrals and other highly distinctive
features of pastoral sites, the residential architecture
present, the nature of the faunal record, and the lithic data,
2 3 4 5 which speak to a puna rim-high-sierra axis of mobility,
7 5 3 o combine to suggest that El Panteon served as a residential
base on the puna rim at approximately 3600 B.P.
.44 .32 .18 .06 o
N= 299 Cueva San Agustin The second major site known to
have a late Awati Phase component and excavated since
MNI= 1
1990 is Cueva San Agustin. Tested in 1991 (see chapter 3),
Phalanges = 2 its basal layer produced a carbon sample dated to 3460
Metapodials = 3 160 B.P. (Beta-52329). This date overlaps at two standard
deviations both the basal date from EI Panteon and the
Tooth fragments = 24
Level II date from Asana. As at El Panteon, fiber-tem-
pered ceramics are found in levels superior to Level XXVIII
aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that but have yet to be dated with chronometric techniques.
packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the No lithic material was recovered from Level XXVIII,
assemblage. but there were some faunal remains present (N =62). Both
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 265

n_. .. ._n_. .. _u ._ _.... . .._ _ ._ _ __.

v w x

Hea r t h

House Floor
Mete r s

Fig. 8.22. Plan view, Level XXVI, EI Pante6n.

266 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

weight (20 g) and density (310 fragments/m 3) are very low.

Level IV (4340 B.P.)
All bones can be assigned to the large mammal aggregate,
and 400/0 of them can be identified as to skeletal element. In many ways, Level IV at Asana is atypical: very few arti-
The majority of these (92 %) are thoracic vertebrae and facts were found on its surface. The only cultural level in
thus are assigned to the trunk packet. The remaining ele- the site that had fewer artifacts was PXXXIII, the initial
ments are from the head/neck and hindquarters packets. occupation of the site. Furthermore, of the materials found
The overwhelming number of vertebrae are indicative of on Level Iv, only lithics are present in the assemblage.
a snacking pattern of food consumption on the site. None Every other level at the site has at least lithics and faunal
of the fragments are burned. material, and most have some ground stone tools. Level
The organization of space at the site is very simple. A IV has neither. The level also has a limited range of cul-
small hearth is located near, but still within, the dripline tural features-a single hearth, a number of ash lenses,
of the shelter. A small patch of organically stained soil la- and postmolds. What, then, are the attraction and impor-
beled as a midden was found adjacent to this hearth, and it tance of Level IV for this study?
contained most of the discarded faunal material. In sum- For all of its limitations, Level IV marks an unambigu-
mary, this site is an ancient example of a modem site type- ous transition from the preceding Qhuna Phase. Large,
a temporary shelter in which herds were observed by their ovoid domestic structures disappear, as do the batanes
keepers, also called a rest or observation site (Kuznar 1990: embedded in their floors, implying that seed processing is
250-251,1995: 80-81). An alternative is that the site may no longer of importance as an activity at the site. There is
have been used on a sporadic basis by travelers, but the virtually no lithic reduction, and since there are no mor-
distance of the site from the valley floor and the steep as- phological tools present, there is no clear notion of activi-
cent make this improbable. ties performed. The ceremonial architecture that figured
so prominently in the Qhuna Phase has also disappeared.
Other Sites None of the densities found during survey What replaces the complexity of the Qhuna Phase is a to-
in the Rio Asana valley had Awati Phase cultural materials tally new subsistence and settlement system, one based on
within or near their boundaries. However, a number of the herding of domesticated camelids, probably the gua-
typical Awati Phase projectile points have been found naco. Admittedly, the scanty Level IV data hardly support
throughout the valley. Single points are found on the talus this sweeping assertion, and it must be understood that
slopes of Cueva 4 and Coscori, and other points have been the strongest data for this transformation come from sub-
found on terraces of the Rio Asana valley below Cueva 4 sequent levels, beginning with Level Ille (Kuznar 1990).
and Apacheta Chica. Stray finds of projectile points have Yet sufficient data exist to show that Level IV at Asana was
been found in the Rio Charaque drainage as well as in the in fact the first pastoral occupation of the site, albeit some-
valley in an elevation range of approximately 3,500 to 3,700 what different from those seen later in the phase.
m. None of these points are associated with other cultural Because of the lack of faunal data and the very small
materials indicative of either logistical camps or field number of reduction by-products (N = 32), I will move
camps. The scattered distribution of these points has prob- directly to a discussion of the organization of space and
ably been generated by hunting. the distribution of features across the surface. I will, how-
In summary, Awati Phase settlement is residentially or- ever, discuss the lithic material when appropriate. A total
ganized around two base camps-Asana in the high sierra of 100 m 2 of this surface has been exposed and is suffi-
and EI Panteon in the puna rim. Cueva San Agustin ap- ciently intact for analysis. What is immediately striking
pears to be a field camp or station, while the number of about this level is the very large number of postmolds.
stray points found throughout the valleys of the region Unlike most of the levels in which these features are
suggests that hunting was still an important aspect of sub- present, it is difficult to see any clear patterning in their
sistence practice during this phase. No logistical camps distribution. There are no obvious domestic structures
pertaining to this phase have been identified, although it present, and the placement of either ash lenses or the single
is probable that the upper levels of both Cueva 4 and hearth is not suggestive of the presence of a domestic struc-
Coscori can be assigned to this phase. Unfortunately, dat- ture. While a domestic structure may not be present, there
able material from these levels has not been recovered, so may well be a large corral outlined by these postmolds
this hypothesis cannot be confirmed. (fig. 8.23). The smaller corral is the most probable and
encloses a minimum of24.1 m 2. The existence of the larger
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 267

K D 0
0 ~~~:.

J [) o.
-~~t............. ~,J

---;- ....... ,

---_ .... -
. \


G (j \)~

"..--" Struct ure

(2) Hearth
D ~ Quebrada ~~~

Q0 Landslide
':~~:''t~~; Ash Stain
I 0

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Fig. 8.23. Plan view, Level Iv, with possible corrals.

corral is far more tenuous, but if it exists, it encloses 46.9 tern. The limited ethnoarchaeological support for this ar-
m 2. These postllolds show a very irregular distribution; gument is based on Kuznar's (1990) research on the Rio
this may have resulted from a series of rebuildings of the Asana goat pastoralists. Kuznar (1990: 267-282) describes
corral at various intervals during the occupation of the site. two important site types of pastoral peoples: the residen-
While a few ash lenses are found within the boundaries of tial base and the herd observation stations. He concludes
the smaller corral, larger ones are found immediately ex- that residential bases always have some sort of corral in
terior to it, and all of the lithic material is found in or near which the animals sleep, have a consequent accumulation
the large ash lens in unit FG25-26. The materials are all of dung within them as the animals defecate while con-
from the high sierra, and all of them are less than 1 cm in fined, and usually have domestic structural remains present
maximum dimension, suggesting that a minor amount of with relatively high densities of associated lithic debris (in
tool resharpening or retooling took place on site. prehistoric times) and faunal materials. Stations, in con-
This admittedly is thin stuff, but I believe that Level IV trast, generally have corrals, although these may be highly
at Asana is a very short-term residential base, or possibly a ephemeral, have very light scatters of dung on their sur-
herd observation or rest site, in a pastoral settlement sys- faces, have poorly defined or nonexistent structures, and
268 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

have very low densities of cultural remains. If the postmold The packet and skeletal element data are very poor (table
patterns in Level IV at Asana are accepted as a corral, it is 8.15), and because of the small sample, any interpretation
probable that this occupation reflects a pastoral station. based on them is tenuous at best. However, it does appear
An alternative is that this is a very briefly occupied resi- that whole animals have been but~hered on site given the
dential base, but if this is the case, the soils of the level large number of lower limb parts and tooth fragments,
should reflect a greater accumulation of dung and should and while the packet data are essentially even in their dis-
begin to resemble the dung-derived soils commonly ob- tribution, a closer inspection of the elements actually
served in subsequent levels, especially since there is rea- present in the assemblage shows that each of them-skull
son to believe that the site has been occupied repeatedly fragments (3), ulna (1), carpal (1), rib (1), thoracic verte-
as witnessed by the corral rebuilding and expansion. bra (1), tarsals (3)-is a low meat weight part. Therefore,
If Level IV at Asana is a station, where are the residen- it is likely that high-utility parts have been either consumed
tial bases? It is highly unlikely they are in the Rio Asana on site and then fragmented for marrow, removed from
valley. Recall that the basal dates of occupation of the puna the site, or finally, stored for future consumption and then
rim sites are no earlier than 3680 B.P., a date contempora- consumed off site.
neous with Level II at Asana. While it is possible that other
residential bases once may have existed in the valley and Lithic Data Counts of lithic material are moderately
have been either destroyed by natural processes or over- high in Level II (N = 748). However, their density is low
looked during survey, a more parsimonious explanation is (445 by-products/m 3), and their weight is very low (128
that the residential bases were located in some other val- g). While the assemblage is dominated by high-sierra raw
ley system. The most likely candidate is the nearby Rio materials (68.7%), there is a very significant proportion of
Torata drainage. Admittedly, this is not a wholly satisfac- puna rim material present (27.3 %), followed by lower high-
tory answer, but it is the best the data can support at this sierra materials (2.5%), puna materials (0.9%), and far
time. What does seem clear is that a pastoral utilization of nonlocal materials (0.4%)-all obsidian. The number of
the Rio Asana valley has been initiated by Level IV times raw material types (N = 22) falls within predicted limits,
continuing until a clear pattern of within-valley pastoral- although the number of types with counts greater than 50
ism is established by Level II times.. (N = 2) falls below the 95% confidence limits predicted by

Level II (3640 B.P.)

A total of 84 m 2 of Level II has been exposed and is suit-
able for analysis. As noted, the northern portion of the Table 8.15. Faunal Data Summary, Level II
excavation block has been severely damaged by landslides.
Packet Data a
Faunal Data The faunal assemblage in Level II is rela-
tively large, although highly fragmented, with 87% less
than 2 cm in maximum dimension. Both bone density (650 2 3 4 5
fragments/m 3) and total weight (205 g) are low. MNI
3 2 2 3 o
counts are low due to this high level offragmentation (table
8.15), and no small mammals have been found in the as- .30 .20 .20 .30 o
semblage. Only 0.7% (N = 8) of the fragments could be N = 1,092
identified as to species, thus making statements about the
MNI= 1
relative proportions of species present almost impossible.
While the vast majority of the bones can be placed into Phalanges = 3
the large mammal aggregate, all of the species-identified Metapodials =3
skeletal elements are of guanaco, and no taruca are present.
Tooth fragments = 59
Due to the fragmentation, only 1.3 % (N = 14) of the fau-
nal remains could be identified as to age; of this very small
number, 29% are from yearlings, while 71 % are from fully aThe horizontal rows of this table are packet, total NISP for that
adult animals. A relatively large proportion (40%) of these packet, and the relative frequency of that packet within the
bones has been burned. assemblage.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 269

the relationship between sample size and number of types the puna of the Titicaca basin, and large numbers of very
with counts greater than 50. These numbers suggest that similar points have been recovered from Level \VXXIV
while the inhabitants of the site had access to a wide vari- (dated to 3660 B.P.) at the site of Quelcatani (Aldenderfer
ety of raw material types from all zones either through 1991 b). Nunez and Santoro (1988: fig. 8.81-82) describe
mobility (for lower high-sierra, high-sierra, and puna rim similar points from the Late Archaic Hakenasa Phase of
types) or from some other process such as trade (for puna northern Chile dated to 6000 to 4000 B.P.
and far nonlocal types), they preferred to use only two of The ground stone tool assemblage from Level II is ex-
these (Type 4 from the high sierra and Type 23 from the tremely limited and consists of only five small mana-type
puna rim) for most of their tool-making tasks. The flake stones. There are no obvious batanes on site, nor are there
aggregate analysis of these two material types shows two any kitchen rocks present in the assemblage. Furthermore,
different reduction types: Type 4 reflects late stage biface none of these tools have traces of hide-working wear. In
manufacture and small-tool production, while Type 23 fact, there are no hide-processing tools of any kind, either
reflects resharpening, tool maintenance, or minor small- chipped stone or ground stone, in any Awati Phase level.
tool production (fig. 8.24). This is the only phase at Asana that demonstrates this pat-
Eight morphological tools were recovered from this tern. Since no obvious ground stone or chipped stone tools
level. Five are discarded projectile points, all of them bro- have been found at El Panteon, the presumed high-eleva-
ken; two are Stage IIIIIV bifaces, all broken; and one is an tion anchor of the Awati Phase settlement pattern in the
edge tool made on a broken tertiary flake. The only arti- Rio Asana valley, it is very likely that wool clothing had
fact with clear microtraces is the edge tool, which appears been adopted by this time.
to have been used to whittle wood. None of the projectile
points have linear projection traces or obvious hafting Site Structure As Kuznar (1990: 310-315) has shown,
traces, but all are basal fragments, suggesting they had been the organization of space and the range of features on the
returned to the site in their hafts and subsequently replaced. Level II surface are clearly indicative of a pastoral occupa-
As before, none of the tools show hide-processing wear. tion of the site (fig. 8.21). Perhaps the most striking fea-
Projectile point styles of the Awati Phase are generally ture of this level is the large, extensive mantle of dung that
triangular with convex bases (fig. 8.25a, b, c) or are paral- covers most of the level. Through his ethnoarchaeological
lel sided with concave bases (fig. 8.25 d). These points are studies in the valley, Kuznar (1990, 1995: 74-76) has dem-
generally very small, with maximum length generally less onstrated that thick caps of dung in corrals are typical of
than 3 cm. Points of this form are extremely common on the residential bases of pastoralists. One of his most im-
portant discoveries is his observations on the way in which
dung soils are transformed into a claylike soil with very
50 specific chemical characteristics. Camelid dung begins as
pellets and through time is gradually compressed into dry
sheets which, given sufficient time, are transformed into
A Freehand
40 - soils that physically resemble clays (fig. 8.26). However,
A Biface, Stage 2 the soils retain a chemical signature that identifies them as
ABipalar dung derived (Kuznar 1990: table 31). These dung-derived
30 -
soils are first found in the Level III series of palimpsests
U and continue through Levell. These soils can be very thick
.... (see fig. 8.27) and are very difficult to excavate.
lU 20 -
These dung-derived soils are roughly outlined by a se-
a. ries of postmolds that are probably the remnants of a cor-
ASiface, Stage 3-4 Small Tool
10 - Sma II Too I
AMaintenance ral used to pen the camelids (figs. 8.21, 8.28). Within the
A Product ion corral are a few small ash lenses which were probably de-
A B i face, Stage 5 posited by hearth-cleaning episodes. While corrals are
.4 .23
o ~----r--I~--"I----r--I-----"'TI---"""'"'1 often the scene of activity performance, inoffensive waste
o 10 20 30 40 50
like ash is sometimes thrown in them. Kuznar (1990) sug-
gests that a small structure is located in the southeastern
Fig. 8.24. Flake aggregate analysis, Level II. corner of the corral near the edge of the dung-derived
270 Rapid Transftrmation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

a b


Fig. 8.25. Awati Phase bifaces. a: F26d-1IIIb; b: G27d-3IIIa; c: D25a-1!IIb-2; d: D29a-5IIIa.

Fig. 8.26. Test units HI]K 19-20, Level IIIb floor, showing the
consistency of the camelid dung-derived soils. The tendency for
this soil to resemble the cracking pattern of clays can be seen
especially in the bottom right corner of this view of the floor.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 271

Fig. 8.27. Close-up of the profile of one of the walls in the West Excavation Block at Asana. At its deepest point,
Level Illb reaches 15 em. Dung-derived soils are found in Levels IIa-mb in this profile. Note that Level IV does not
appear to have been dung derived and is quite distinct when compared to the II-III series of levels.

soils. Only a single feature, an ash hearth, is found within modern pastoral sites in the valley. In this kitchen zone/
this presumed structure, but immediately exterior to what midden area, there are two distinct types of bone dumps:
appears to be its doorway are small concentrations of bone one type (two dumps) is composed solely of unburned,
and lithic material (figs. 8.29, 8.30). The concentrations fragmented bone, while the second type is a mixture of
resemble the doorway dumps or simple floor sweepings burned and unburned bone fragments (fig. 8.31). This
thrown out the door. These findings tend to corroborate dump appears to be derived from the making of bone juice.
the inference that this postmold alignment does indeed One of the most interesting features in this level is a
reflect a residential structure. Kuznar (1990) estimates the canal that runs roughly east-west through the midden area
amount of covered floor area at 4.2 m 2. below the ramadalike structure. This feature has very
Adjacent to the corral and the domestic structure is an straight vertical walls and in profile is V-shaped. Although
extensive midden area with a large number of surface it is filled with colluvial debris, it is highly improbable that
hearths and ash lenses. The majority of the lithic and bone this feature is a natural quebrada, which tends to have a
waste is found in this area, as are two of the discarded mano- broader, shallower base and sloping walls. Kuznar (1990)
type grinding tools. Northeast of the midden and hearths has shown that modern pastoralists often dig canals to their
is a small set of postmolds, which Kuznar (1990) has de- residential sites to provide themselves with running wa-
scribed as a ramada. It is likely that this is some sort of ter. An alternative hypothesis offered by Palacios-Rios
structure, most likely a formal kitchen area. Kitchens tend (1977) is that canals are often cut to expand the size of
to be found exterior to domestic sleeping structures at bofedales by allowing water to irrigate surrounding dry
272 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.P.

Fig. 8.28. Postmold pattern on Level IlIa floor, test units DE25-28. Other
stains and ash lenses are also visible.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 273

rtLimit 01 /-........
---- Dung Soi I

. ."'--- \ \

--- /

_ _ _ _ +i .
"rJ-'l'' - -_ _

'.~ ~
' --+-_~1_i::_"~-+-_--+-}_~_.: -+--_ _---1

o Bone Density

H _ Post

o Rock
o Hearth
/// Midden
G Ground Slone
_ .:::: Conal
Ii'> Ash Stain
-, I
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Fig. 8.29. Total bone density, Level II, interval = 10.

Dung Soi I
/ ----
"'--- \
--- I--

I {~
6'1 } t; .~


N tEl .~

I~ -. ~I~:

o Lithic Density
- i

/// Midden
G Ground Stone

- .:::: Canol

Ash Stain

17 \8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Fig. 8.30. Total lithic density, Level II, interval = 5.

274 Rapid Transformation: Asana from 5000 to 3600 B.p.

23 24 25 26 27 28

Fig. 8.31. Total burned bone density, Level II, interval = 5.

soils. However, given the proximity of the canal to the in Level PXXXIII. While the presence of only a single
presumed kitchen zone, the canal-as-water-source hypoth- structure may well be a function of the size and the place-
esis is the most parsimonious explanation of its existence. ment of the excavation block, it is consistent with the way
modern pastoralists in the valley use residential bases. It is
Interpretations The data support the hypothesis that extremely rare for a residential base to be occupied by more
Asana in Level II times was a residential base of pastoralists. than a single family, and when this does occur, the families
The features present at the site, including the presumed usually construct more than one sleeping structure.
corral, dung-derived soils, domestic structure, and exte- The scale of mobility during Awati Phase times is well
rior kitchen area complete with canal, all have parallels in understood. El Pante6n served as a high-elevation resi-
the ethnographic record of modern pastoral peoples in the dential base, while Asana served as the dry season base. It
region. Although there is limited diversity in the artifact is likely that the low sierra was used on a logistical basis,
assemblage and the activities performed, the majority of and sites like Cueva 4 and Coscori probably served as lo-
the data are indicative of a residential occupation of the gistical camps. Very small quantities of lower high-sierra
site. Kuznar (1990) has postulated that the site was occu- raw materials were obtained during these logistical forays.
pied during the dry season (austral winter). He bases this Much of the remainder of the valley, including the puna
assertion on the presence of yearling animals in the faunal rim, was used by hunters, although the lithic data suggest
assemblage, but as I have pointed out, frequencies ofiden- that the puna itself was used only sporadically by herders
tifiable faunal materials in this assemblage are very small, based in the Rio Asana valley. That the lower high sierra
and therefore this assertion, while plausible and probably and puna were of limited importance to Rio Asana herd-
correct, is only tenuously supported at best. ers is corroborated by phase-aggregated frequencies of
The size of the residential group appears to be smaller debitage and tools from different environmental zones
than in previous phases. There is a single domestic struc- (table 8.16). The vast majority of debitage and all of the
ture present, and the only other level in which a single tools are from high-sierra or puna rim sources.
structure is found is the very earliest occupation of the site The most important question, however, is concerned
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 275

with the origins of camelid pastoralism in the Rio Asana location in the south-central Andes. There are, however,
valley. Kuznar (1990 and in other publications) has argued no other data antecedent to Asana that speak to the do-
that pastoralism in this region appeared in response to re- mestication of camelids in this region. Data from north-
gional packing, which increased throughout the Archaic ern Chile suggest that camelid domestication occurred no
(see also Aldenderfer 1989a, 1993a). Residential mobility earlier than 4000 B.P. While the Lake Titicaca basin has
in the preceding Qhuna Phase was essentially confined to long been suspected as a zone of early domestication, no
the high sierra, and under these conditions, foragers in published data can be found to support this suspicion. Stud-
the valley found it necessary to intensify their use of both ies at Quelcatani, a rockshelter located at 4,400 m in the
seed-bearing plants and camelids. Kuznar maintains that Rio Chila basin some 80 Ian east of Asana, suggest that
given constraints on different resource mixes, herding- domesticated camelids are present by at least 3700 B.P.,
combined with the cultivation ofsmall quantities of quinoa but the data are still under analysis. At present, what few
and hunting whenever feasible-represented an optimal data exist suggest that the domestication of the guanaco in
strategy for coping with the social and ecological prob- this region was independent of developments elsewhere.
lems generated by regional packing. The ultimate cause, In one sense, though, it really makes no difference if
then, of herding in the Rio Asana valley is regional pack- domestication was a "borrowed" technology in the Awati
ing. I will evaluate this argument more fully in chapter 9. Phase, since its mere presence is important. That is, a pas-
torallife-style "worked" for the Awati Phase inhabitants
Summary: Asana VII/Awati Phase
of the valley. This stands in stark contrast to the more com-
Awati Phase Asana is the scene of the other major trans- plex Qhuna Phase occupation, which in some sense did
formation that takes place in the Rio Asana valley after not work if by that is meant a settlement and subsistence
5000 B.P.-the appearance of domesticated camelids, pre- system reliant upon seed use and hunting and a social sys-
sumably guanacos. Whether this is a purely local event or tem in great part dependent on ritual, religion, and ideol-
had some external influence is very difficult to determine. ogy for its reproduction. The system implied by the Awati
If projectile point styles can be read as indicators of Phase-one based on pastoralism-either could not or did
ethnicity or interaction in some exchange network, it is not support a complex adaptation like that seen in the
clear that Awati Phase Asana has little contact beyond the Qhuna Phase. That pastoralism became a foundation for
south-central Andes. In fact, this more limited regional the development of complex societies in some parts of the
focus of projectile point styles started in the preceding Andean world is unquestioned. However, it is also clear
Qhuna Phase. Therefore, if the idea of camelid domesti- that the Awati Phase, at least in this portion of the western
cation was "borrowed" by the inhabitants of the Rio Asana flanks of the Andes, created no long-term basis for the
valley, it was most probably "borrowed" from some other development of these more complex societies.

Table 8.16. Asana VlIlAwati Phase Raw Material Frequencies a

Material Type by Zone

Lower High
Level Sierra High Sierra Puna Rim Puna

IIIIIa debitage 2.5 68.7 2.5 0.9

lIb debitage 1.6 71.3 35.9 1.2

Tool raw materials 0 87.5 12.5 0

aAlI figures are percentage value.

Asana and Models of Montane Foraging

It is now possible to evaluate just how the archaeological can be broken down into three obviously interrelated parts:
evidence from Asana corresponds to the model of mon- diet choice, mobility and movement, and risk ameliora-
tane foraging developed in chapter 1. Before so doing, tion strategies (table 9.2). To facilitate this discussion, I
however, it is useful to review briefly the contents of that will organize my comments in the following manner: I
model (see tables 9.1 and 9.2 for summaries of model as- first will discuss diet choice, for it is here that the archaeo-
sumptions and model contents, respectively). High-moun- logical evidence from Asana is perhaps the clearest. I then
tain ecological systems offer a number of significant con- will turn to a discussion of mobility and movement and
straints on how foraging peoples use them, particularly finally risk amelioration.
since these systems tend to be of low productivity and low
predictability and are patchy in resource distribution. Fur-
Diet Choice
thermore, they add the significant and extra biological costs
of cold stress and hypoxia, which place greater caloric de- To explore the diet choice of montane foragers in general
mands on individuals and reduce, at least over the short and those at Asana in particular, I have argued that a cen-
run, work capacity and efficiency. tral place foraging model offers considerable potential for
Given this set of constraints, I can predict that foraging predicting various aspects of subsistence practice. This
peoples will adopt a wide variety ofleast-cost adaptive strat- model offers a series ofspecific predictions about resource
egies, primarily focused upon settlement systems charac- rankings based on the relative energetic value of the re-
terized by low residential mobility and a logistical resource source and the quantity obtained, the structure of resource
procurement strategy. Within this system, I can further patches, the handling time of the resource, and the travel
suggest that these foragers will be risk adverse, with aver- time associated with the procurement of specific resource
sion based upon the desire to avoid caloric shortfalls and types. However, before such a model can be applied to a
to maintain a steady intake of calories. They will further set of resources, it is necessary to consider whether it is
seek to buffer or ameliorate risk through a combination of desirable to develop two distinct sets of resource rankings
strategies, including mutual access to territory, storage, and based on the division of labor.
exchange. Which of these strategies is adopted will de- While anthropologists' knowledge of the division of
pend primarily upon their costs relative to one another labor between males and females has a long history in our
and the costs of mobility. It is likely that mutual, recipro- discipline, this knowledge has yet to be applied systemati-
cal access to territory through mobility will be the most cally to modeling efforts derived from optimal foraging
likely buffering strategies in high-mountain systems as long theory. As Jochim (1988) has persuasively argued, it fre-
as the costs of mobility are not too great. Exchange be- quently makes good empirical and theoretical sense to
comes an option as these costs increase. In short, the model consider separately male and female contributions to the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 277

Table 9.1. Summary Statement of Assumptions and Conditions of a Model of Montane Foraging

Basic Assumptions
Risk aversion, with aversion based on avoidance of caloric shortfalls

Subsistence will operate under a threshhold function, meaning that foragers may be risk seeking until
a sufficient level of calories has been achieved
Minimization of effort, including work loads and mobility in general, but under the constraints of the
prior two assumptions
Behavioral Responses to Constraints of High-Mountain Environments
Relatively low levels of residential mobility, with relatively short distances between residential moves

Emphasis on logistical mobility, with relatively short distances between logistical moves

Residential bases should be "optimally" sited on the landscape

Reduced foraging radius

Increased emphasis on caching

N onsubsistence resource procurement should be embedded in the subsistence round

Relatively high degree of field processing of animal kills and more early stage preparation of bifacial
tools and cores away from the residential base
Amelioration of effects of hypoxia and cold stress through cultural adaptations

Regular and steady intake of calories

diet in any modeling effort because the sexes generally hunt vide a safety net of sufficient quaOntities of resources that
or forage for very different resources that can have radi- can be shared by all family members. Males are less con-
cally different pursuit, handling, and processing times in strained by considerations of reliability and may actually
relation to their energetic returns. Females should pursue be risk seeking in terms of their activities, in that they may
resources that are on the whole less demanding in terms have numerous short-term resource shortfalls or failures
of the energy costs for procurement, such as plants or less but over the long run have higher average yields.
mobile game resources, are reliable so as to avoid caloric The implications of these findings, as Jochim points
shortfalls that are especially severe during pregnancy or out, are clear: it will be more valuable to develop different
lactation, and are compatible with child care, such as sessile sets ofresource rankings appropriate to the goals and strat-
or nondangerous resources (Jochim 1988: 132). The de- egies of each sex rather than to lump these together as has
gree to which they are able to adhere to such a strategy been the custom in many applications of optimality mod-
depends on the combination of resources present in the eling in anthropological and archaeological research.
environment and social factors. The situation is further Single-model resource rankings may well discount the
complicated by a system of food sharing between males value of the female contributions to the diet since they
and females, suggesting that the adaptive strategies of the may be of lower efficiency in terms of energetic return,
sexes are not independent. and such models may lead to a spurious ranking that is
Jochim (1988: 133-134) also suggests that males and based primarily upon the male contributions to the diet.
females seek to achieve different goals in their subsistence Therefore, I will follow Jochim's suggestion to create
tasks. Females in general appear to pursue risk-aversive two separate resource rankings appropriate to the strate-
strategies designed to avoid caloric shortfalls and to pro- gies and goals of the sexes. In practical terms, this division
278 Asana and Models o/Montane Foraging

Table 9.2. Summary of a Model of Montane Foraging heuristic insight into some process of anthropological in-
terest rather than to develop specific predictions regard-
ing it that are to be directly tested. I have used the model
Model Components of central place foraging in precisely this manner through-
Diet choice is based on a central place foraging model that out the book-as a tool to gain insight into the ways in
takes into account the relative energetic value of the which foragers used the Rio Asana valley in particular and
package obtained, the density and value of resource the ways they are most likely to use high-elevation envi-
patches, handling time, and travel time. ronments in general.
Mobility should be logistical in form, with relatively few
Even if this position is accepted, however tentatively, I
residential moves. The frequency of mobility will in great still expect to receive two general responses to my use of
part be determined by resource abundance and availability numbers: some will argue the numbers are hopelessly pre-
as compared to the costs of procurement, at least in cise and that small changes in individual values may have
tropical mountain systems. dramatic effects on model predictions, while others will
surely argue that the use of average values does not ad-
Risk amelioration or buffering will be accomplished by
mutual access to territory as long as mobility costs remain
equately capture the inherent variability in hunting and
relatively low; as these costs increase, risk amelioration harvesting success, thereby failing to realistically model
will become exchange based. Storage remains an option. the behaviors in question.
Territorial defense is not expected. In one sense, the numbers used in this chapter could be
labeled as examples of false precision. Kaplan (1964: 204)
defines this term as a degree of precision that goes beyond
the scale or sensitivity of the instrument employed to make
is effected by ranking resources first by their reliability, the measurements. That is, such numbers give the impres-
dichotomized by low and thus obtained by males, and high, sion, if hastily reviewed or used, that we can really know
obtained by females. Rankings will then proceed within the energetic value of a guanaco or taruca from 9000 B.P.
these two categories. and that we can predict with accuracy the kind of deci-
sions made by ancient foragers on that basis. It is a fact
Methodology and Modeling
that we cannot move directly from the incomplete archaeo-
Much of what follows contains various kinds of quanti- logical record at Asana to determine if the outcomes of
ties-estimates of calories or protein content per kilogram the model are actually consistent with its predictions. We
of meat, calculations of the average meat weight of a par- cannot take the bone assemblage from, say, Level PXXIX
ticular species of animal, or determinations of harvest ef- and compute the kilocalories of taruca present within it. If
ficiency of plants. These numbers are manipulated through I had attempted to do so, not only could I be accused of
common operations, and the results of these manipula- being guilty of false precision, I could also be tried and
tions are used to frame arguments or evaluate inferences convicted of pointless precision, perhaps a more grievous
drawn from the general model ofhigh-'elevation foraging quantitative crime, which is using measurements more
I have already presented. Many readers may find the use exact than can actually be used, (Kaplan 1964: 204). It
of these numbers problematic, and to some extent I share should be clear that I have used these numbers as approxi-
these concerns and reservations, although, given the kind mations or as heuristic measures of what could have been,
of model I have proposed, the use of numbers in this con- not what was. Since they are robust approximations, even
text is both legitimate and useful. relatively large changes in their values will have little ef-
Although all modeling efforts in archaeology that use fect on the general predictions of the model. I also ac-
numbers are subject to these concerns, models based upon knowledge circumstances in which changes in their values
optimization theory are perhaps even more suspect than may affect a resource ranking. Thus these numbers have
most. In part, much of this suspicion is based on the con- the appearance of precision, but in reality they are used
troversy over the applicability of this approach to human solely as reasonable guides to past behaviors.
affairs Oochim 1983; Keene 1985; Smith 1991). Without To the question of variability and realism, I have two
denying the relevance of these concerns, they have little responses. From a quantitative perspective, to model vari-
effect on the practical problems of model implementation. ability using these models would invite the charge of point-
This is especially true if the model is created to provide less precision. While there are optimality models that are
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 279

capable of dealing with stochasticity, such as the z-score the bulk of the seeds, the wild chenopod quinuay is a much
model (Bettinger 1991: 119-124), in the present instance smaller plant that has a large number (5-25) short stalks,
there barely are reasonable average values of productivity, each of which contains seeds. These stalks grow radially
let alone any data on seasonal or patch variability. Thus to from the plant and tend to be low to the ground. To har-
create numbers to employ more "realistic" models would vest the plant, it is necessary either to bend low or actually
truly be pointless. In a number of instances that follow, I sit on the ground to pull the seeds from each stalk or to
provide ranges of likely productivity values or harvesting cut the stems below the seed bundle and then remove the
efficiencies under varied circumstances. These are not used seeds. Tschopik (1948: 501) reports that Aymara in the
in a stochastic manner, however, because I have no data modern era pull the plants from the ground and beat them
on resource variability at this level. Any model using such on threshing grounds or in some instance break the heads
numbers would not be more realistic but would be point- off of the plants. In each case, however, the labor is te-
lessly accurate and precise. dious and difficult. As can be seen in table 9.3, the effi-
My second response is based upon the recognition of ciency of harvesting is low; only 271 g of seeds can be
the limits of archaeological data. As we all know, except recovered in one hour of seed stripping and winnowing.
under extraordinary circumstances, we cannot see indi- In addition, the amount of seeds that can be accumulated
vidual events in the archaeological record. \Vhat we ob- in a typical day's harvest of varying duration by a single
serve are aggregates of different kinds and durations of person ranges from approximately 0.5 to just over 1.6 kg.
activities. As Jochim (1991) has argued, we should look at Harvesting efficiency tends to decrease as the day wears
archaeology as a form of "long-term ethnography" in on simply from the effort involved. Unlike the mongongo
which we can view the results of patterned activities on nut that can often be harvested by the !Kung San in a seated
the landscape over fairly long time frames. To deduce pat- position (Lee 1979: 192-193), harvesting wild quinuay re-
tern, we attempt to identify redundancy and structure. quires repeated, tedious bending and rising.
\Vhile we must acknowledge variability, we must also ad- These estimates of harvesting efficiency offer new in-
mit that we are likely not to be able to recognize that vari- sights into the abundance of this resource. If a six-hour
ability in any consistent way in the archaeological record. collecting session is assumed, with ten individuals collect-
Therefore, I have chosen not to ignore variability but in- ing, a total of 16 kg of chenopods can be collected daily
stead not to model it. The effects ofvariability in resource (expressed as 1.6 kg/person/day). Using this figure as a
productivity are discussed, and the direction variability is baseline, an average year produces over 3,1 00 person/days
likely to produce in model predictions is discussed, but of chenopod seeds. Clearly, there are far more seeds avail-
neither is modeled explicitly. able than can be collected. However, it is also clear that
under normal conditions, chenopods can be seen as a highly
Productivity ofHigh Reliability Resources
reliable resource due primarily to their high productivity.
The most abundant and reliable resource available in the Chenopods are highly nutritious and yield significant quan-
Rio Asana valley is the chenopod. As I demonstrated ear- tities of calories and proteins (table 9.3). These figures
lier (table 2.6), an average year produces just over an esti- compare favorably with the caloric and protein yields of
mated 50,000 kg of Chenopodium seeds in the high-sierra lean meats of different species (table 9.4).
environmental zone, especially the Franseria and Balbisia Unfortunately, there are no other estimates of wild
communities. This does not take into account stands of plants and their productivity that could have been con-
plants that may have been generated around camelid dung sumed in the Rio Asana valley in the past. Only one pos-
piles. By any measure, this is a very substantial amount of sible wild species of tuber was discovered by Kuznar in his
usable biomass, with 14.7 kg/ha of seeds produced annu- vegetation surveys, and he remains uncertain whether this
ally. Despite the apparent quantity of these plants, how- is truly a wild species or a remnant of plants utilized by
ever, they are difficult to harvest. In modeling terms, their pastoralists in the modern era (L. Kuznar, personal com-
handling time is very high. munication, 1992). Chenopods, therefore, are the only
In 1991 Kuznar (1993; personal communication, 1992) resource for which there are suitable data upon which to
conducted a series of harvesting experiments designed to estimate past uses of plant resources.
determine the value and productivity of the wild chenop-
ods in the Rio Asana valley. Unlike the domesticated plant
quinoa, which usually has a single thick stalk that contains
280 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

Table 9.3. Harvesting Experiments of Wild Chenopods in the Rio Asana Valley
and Nutritional Value of Chenopods


Time spent walking between plants 12 seconds/plant

Time spent stripping plant stalks/plant 14.8 seconds/plant

Proportion of harvesting time spent walking between plants 47%

Average weight of seeds recovered in 20 minutes of 90.35 g

harvesting after winnowing

Efficiency of harvesting in a natural stand 271 glhour

Harvesting efficiency over different periods

2 hours 0.54 kg

4 hours 1.08 kg

6 hours 1.63 kg

Total patch productivity 14.70 kg/ha

Nutritional Contentb

Average caloric content (kcals) 333 kcals/1 00 g seeds

Average protein content by weight 14.8 g/100 g seeds

Patch productivity in an average patch in an average year 48,951 kcal/ha

Protein productivity in an average patch in an average year 2,176 glha

aData from Kuznar (1993; personal communication, 1992).

bData from Duke and Atchely (1986: table 2). Seeds are fresh and have not been corrected for
moisture content.

seen in table 9.4, there are differences in the caloric, pro-

Productivity ofLow Reliability Resources tein, and fat content of the meats of many familiar species.
The three major mammalian species in the Rio Asana val- The most significant variation is in the fat content. Those
ley are the guanaco, taruca, and vicuna; their behavioral species used primarily as food (beef and mutton) have gen-
ecology and their abundance have been described at length erally larger quantities of calories of fat and grams of fat in
in chapter 2. In some ways, it is a misnomer to label these their meat, whereas wild species or species generally not
species as "low reliability" since each is territorial and the consumed extensively (at least in most Western societies)
spatial location of most family groups can be generally have relatively low quantities of fat in meat. To estimate
predicted with some accuracy. However, unlike plants, the nutritional content of these three species, I propose
these animals move and therefore offer an element of un- the following model. I will use the figures for deer as an
certainty in the outcome of a hunt. analog for the taruca and a modified "goat model" for the
Because I am unaware, despite an extensive search, of two domesticated camelids, llama and alpaca. "When they
any published literature on the caloric and nutritional value compare it to the two camelids, Andean peoples praise the
of the edible meat of these three species, I have been forced taruca for the fat content of its meat. "While it is unclear
to develop a reasonable model of it. The flesh of domesti- just how fatty it is, most informants say that taruca "tastes
cated species, especially that of beef and pork, has been better" because of its fat. The deer estimates, then, are
analyzed extensively; that ofwild species less so. As can be reasonable estimates of taruca meat content.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 281

Table 9.4. Calorie, Protein, and Fat Content of Meats of Different Species a

&al Protein &al Fat g Protein gFat

Deerb 90.6 31.7 20.6 3.3

Goat 85.8 74.9 19.5 7.9

Horse 90.6 23.4 20.6 2.7

Lean beeft 82.7 130.2 18.8 13.7

Lean mutton C 80.1 118.6 18.2 12.5

Lean beefd 160.0 20.0 9.0

Lean beefe 124.0 21.0 7.4

aSource: Souci, Fachmann, and Kraut (1981); all measurements are for 100 g of
edible meat.
bSpecies measured is Cervus elephas.
cWhole half of lean beef or lean mutton.
dAmerican Meat Institute (1960: 186). Figure is total kcal for 100 g edible meat.
eBodwell and Anderson (1986: tables Iv, V) for 100 g edible meat.

In contrast, the anecdotal evidence obtained through the amount of fat and protein per 100 g (lean meat ratio,
ethnoarchaeological studies suggests that in general the 0.30; brain ratio, 0.95). Moreover, it also has high concen-
camelids have relatively low proportions of fat per gram trations of essential fatty acids and cholesterol, which are
of usable meat. My friends and informants routinely com- critical for the growth and health ofyoung children as well
plain about the poor quality of camelid meat: "This meat as pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, while from
is tough and stringy; it has no fat." It is, of course, con- a strictly meat weight perspective the utility of the head is
sumed with gusto, but it is still recognized as inferior in relatively low, from a fat perspective it is very high. Unless
fat content and taste. Although many domesticated transport costs are extremely high, I would expect high-
camelids have significant quantities of fat in their meat, it elevation foragers to routinely bring heads back to their
is highly improbable that their wild ancestors would have residential bases. Since the heads of these animals are not
had comparable amounts. No single modern domesticated substantially different in size and therefore are unlikely to
species, then, is likely to be a useful model for these two contain substantially different amounts of fats, I do not
camelid species. Therefore, I suggest a model that uses expect that this part per se would have had a significant
the protein value of the goat and the fat values of deer as effect on prey selection.
reasonable approximations ofwild camelid meat nutritional Fat pockets, however, may have been highly desired.
content. The amount of fat in goat meat seems excessive White-tailed deer are renowned for the quantities of fats
for use as an analog to the wild camelids. Any of the pro- they have stored in pockets beneath their skins. These
tein figures could have been used because the range of pockets are very rich sources of calories. Keene (1981 : table
variation in them is relatively minor. 5.3) notes that deer fat has 900 kcal/l00 g, a far greater
Other sources of fat in these animals must be consid- quantity of calories than for any lean meat. Taruca are
ered. Stiner (1991: 471-474) has observed that the brain, known to have fatty pockets according to my informants,
because of its structural and functional characteristics, is but it appears these are relatively small. Thus while de-
the last bastion of usable dietary fat in otherwise lean ani- sired, it is unlikely they would have been a primary crite-
mals. In fact, when compared to lean meat, which is likely rion for prey selection.
typical of most species, the brain has almost three times Looking solely at individual animals, the most produc-
282 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

tive in terms of all measures, including meat weight, calo- tive, the guanaco is the most valuable species in the valley.
ries/kg/usable meat, grams of protein/kg/usable meat, and From a patch perspective, however, the vicuna is by far
a "total animal" figure (meat, hide, bones, and selected the most valuable species; finally, there is anecdotal evi-
organs like the liver and brains), is the guanaco, with the dence to suggest the taruca is more desirable from a "fat"
taruca and vicuna essentially equal. Therefore, either in perspective. To sort these competing values, I turn to the
terms of energy produced or the total animal (assuming central place foraging model.
hides of the different species are of equal value), the gua-
Central Places and Resource Ranking
naco has the most potential productivity of any animal
species in the valley (table 9.5). Given the rough estimates of caloric and protein quanti-
Yet another way to compare these three species is to ties as well as the "total animal" estimates for each of the
evaluate them within resources patches. That is, just how major animal species likely to have been consumed in the
much usable meat exists within the "average," or modal, Rio Asana valley in the past, I am now in a position to rank
patch? Such a consideration is important because one of the resources within a central place foraging framework.
the criteria evaluated in the central place foraging model As I have shown, a central place foraging model ranks re-
is the resource density of the patch. In this exercise, I will sources and makes predictions about which resources will
assume that the individual territory of each of these spe- be sought and in what order on the basis of four criteria:
cies is the patch, since each is a territorial species, and I the energetic value of the packet obtained, the density and
will also assume that each territory contains a single, aver- value of resource patches, handling time (composed of two
age-sized family group. I do not consider the bachelor parts: within-patch foraging time and actual handling time
troop of any species because they tend not to be territo- once an individual prey item has been recovered), and travel
rial. Using the "total animal" figures, I can calculate the time. The qualitative predictions of this model are pre-
average productivity of each patch (table 9.6). From this sented in table 9.7, and specific values for the Rio Asana
perspective, it is clear that the vicuna patch is by far the valley are presented in tables 9.8 and 9.9. Once again, it is
most productive, exceeding the other two species by con- important to stress that these figures are averages and not
siderable amounts. Guanaco patch productivity is gener- meant to represent any particular foraging episode. How-
ally higher than that of the taruca, although they overlap. ever, even as averages, they provide valuable insight into
In summary, from an individual "total animal" perspec- the range of options available to foraging peoples. Fur-

Table 9.5. Productivity and Nutritional Content of the Guanaco, Taruca, and Vicuna

Total Calories Total Protein/ Total Fat/

Average Total Calories Total Calories of Protein and Animal Animal
Weight a Kg/meat b ofProtein ofFate Fat/Animal by Weight by Weight h

Guanaco 110 kg 61 52,460c 19,520 71,980 12,200 gf 2,013 g

Taruca 52 kg 29 26,930 d 9,280 35,670 6,090 gg 957 g

Vicuna 50 kg 28 24,080 c 5,880 24,080 5,880 gf 924 g

aAverage weight of adult animal.

bTotal amount of edible meat per animal. A 55% dressing percentage is assumed following Kuznar (1990).
C'fotal calories (kcal) of protein for total edible meat based on 86 kcal protein/IOO g edible meat (goat model).
dTotal calories of protein for total edible meat based on 91 kcal protein/IOO g edible meat (deer model).
errotal calories (kcal) of fat for total edible meat based on 21 kcal fatl! 00 g edible meat (deer model).
rrotal grams of protein for average animal based on 20 g/100 g edible meat (goat model).
n'otal grams of protein for average animal based on 91 g/IOO g edible meat (deer model).
hTotal grams of fat for average animal based on 3.3 g/IOO g edible meat (goat model).
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 283

Table 9.6. Comparative Patch Productivity of the Guanaco, thermore, since it is not possible to predict or model the
Taruca, and Vicuna very short-term given the coarseness of the archaeologi-
cal record, it is best to see these figures as predicting long-
term, modal behavior (for similar approaches to this prob-
Famity Group Animal lem, see Jochim 1991; Mithen 1990).
Te1Titory "Total Animal" Weightlha
From a patch perspective (table 9.8), and using Asana
Size Estimate Ratio
as the central place from which hunters and foragers leave,
the upper high-sierra guanaco patch is the highest ranked,
Guanaco 56-140 ha 460 kg a 3.3-8.2 followed by the vicuna, taruca, and lower high-sierra gua-
naco patches. Travel times are based on minimum and
Taruca 30-100 ha 188 kgb 1.9-6.3
maximum estimated travel times to the resource patches
Vicuna 12-17.5 ha 220 kgC 12.6-18.3 in each environmental zone. These calculations further
assume that handling time per se (butchery and field pro-
cessing) is essentially equal for each species, and assume a
aEstimate based upon single adult male (110 kg), three adult search time of two hours. All things being equal, hunters
females (80 kg each), and two juveniles (55 kg each). Data
should spend most of their time and effort in the upper
estimates from Franklin (1982) for size variation and family
composition. high-sierra patches. Lower high-sierra guanaco patches,
bEstimate based upon single adult nlale (52 kg), two adult females in contrast, are not highly ranked due to their distance
(42 kg each), and two juveniles (26 kg each). Data estimates from from Asana and the relatively low density of animals within
Roe and Rees (1976) for size variation and family composition. the patch. Vicuna patches, despite their distance from
CEstimate based upon single adult male (50 kg), three adult females
Asana, are ranked more highly since high densities of ani-
(40 kg each), and two juveniles (25 kg each). Data estimates from
Franklin (1982) for size variation and family conlposition. mals within them offset the distance factor. Taruca, de-
spite their relative closeness to Asana, are ranked third due
to their lower densities. Any increase in the search time

Table 9.7. Qualitative Summary of Predictions of Central Place Foraging Models

Prey choice depends on energy content of prey species in relation to both handling
time (foraging time + handling time) and travel time

Prey choice under this model is expressed as a ratio:

choose Plover P2 when

EPI/(HI + TI) > EP2/(H2 + T2)

where PI, P2 are two different prey species; EP1, EP2 are the energy recovered
from each; HI and H2 are handling times for PI and P2, respectively; and Tl and
T2 are round-trip travel times for P I and P2, respectively

Given short travel times, handling time becomes more important

Given long travel times, handling time becomes less important

Given very long travel times, handling time is unimportant; i.e., always choose large prey
items at great distances from the central place contingent upon ability to return them

Low-ranking prey items given short travel times may become high-ranking prey items
in distant patches
284 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

Table 9.8. Resource Rankings by Patch Choice Model

Kg/ha a Travel Time b Harvesting Efficiencyc

Minimum Maximum 1 2 4

Guanaco 3.3 3 10 0.3-1.1 0.15-0.55 .08-.28

Lower high sierra
Guanaco 8.2 4 2.0-2.7 1.00-1.40 .50-.80
Upper high sierra

Taruca 4.4 3 6 0.7-1.5 0.35-0.75 .18-.38

Vicuna 15.3 6 12 1.3-2.6 0.64-1.30 .32-.65

Quinuay 14.7 3 10 0.9-1.6 d

aAmount of meat (for animals) or seeds (for quinuay). Patch size for animals based on average family group (see table
9.6); patch size for quinuay is 1 ha.
bRaund-trip travel time from Asana to the patch. Includes two hours search time.
cMeasured assuming a kill of a single "average" animal.
dMeasured as amount of quinuay harvested by a single person and includes six hours of handling time (see table 9.3).

for the taruca would probably drop it to fourth. Obviously, to bring it down, and the taruca is killed by people follow-
any increase in the density of taruca would increase their ing the chase (Kuznar 1990: 135-136). Another effective
ranking since their patches are relatively close to Asana. strategy that could be used to hunt these animals would
However, the model also predicts, at least for a single take advantage of two of their behavioral characteristics:
hunter, that one would take taruca if encountered at or their territoriality and their tendency to descend to the
near distant vicuna patches. river bottoms to escape pursuit. If a group of hunters could
These predictions are based upon a critical assumption: get above their territories, they could essentially "beat"
search time for the three species is equal. This is likely to the animals downslope, where they could be taken by hunt-
be so for the guanaco and vicuna, since they are noncryptic ers awaiting them there. While this hunting pattern is
and highly territorial, but possibly less so for the taruca, speculative, it is nevertheless feasible and has some indi-
which is territorial but cryptic. While this model prob- rect support judging from comments made by other high-
ably underestimates true search time, it is a reasonable sierra dwellers (L. Kuznar, personal communication, 1992).
estimate since the strategies for hunting these animals are While positioning oneself above these animals would ne-
very similar. All three species are territorial, and as such, cessitate off-trail travel and consequently increase search
their locations can be predicted with some accuracy. As time, I have chosen to ignore these additional costs for
Rick (1980: 328-329) argues, the most effective technique heuristic reasons.
for hunting a vicuna family group is a collective surround Table 9.8 also presents some information on harvest-
technique in which animals are driven into culs-de-sac or ing efficiency under the patch model given a larger, more
are prevented from moving by the presence of people. This realistic party of hunters. The strategies for hunting each
strategy would also work with the guanaco. Patterns for of these three species probably involved more than one
hunting the taruca are somewhat problematic. Inhabitants person. How many, though, has been speculated upon for
of the Rio Asana valley have claimed to use dogs to hunt some time. The surround technique has been portrayed
taruca today; the dogs are trained to chase the animal and in rupestral art throughout the Andes and is probably of
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 285

Table 9.9. Resource Rankings by Package

Package a Travel Time b Harvesting Efficiencyc

Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum 1 2 4

Guanaco 110 165 3 10 11-37 6-19 3-9

Lower high sierra 17-55. 8-28 4-14
Guanaco 110 165 3 4 28-37 14-19 7-10
Upper high sierra 42-55 21-28 10-14
Taruca 52 78 3 6 7-17 4-9 2-4
13-26 7-13 3-7
Vicuna 50 75 6 12 4-8 2-4 1-2
6-13 3-7 2-4
Quinuay 1.3 3 10 0.13-3.0

3Minimum package is a single adult animal; maximum is an adult and one immature animal. The quinuay package is the amount of seeds
collected in a six-hour harvesting session.
bRound-trip travel time from Asana to the patch, including two hours search time.
CMeasured as kg/animal/hunter for animals or kg/seeds/person. Efficiency of quinuay collection includes six hours of handling time.

great antiquity. However, the central place model shows (moving from last place in the patch model), taruca, and
very clearly that as group size increases, harvesting effi- vicufia (falling from second place in the patch model).
ciency decreases rapidly. This is no surprise, but it does Obviously, the major change in this ranking is that the
provide some insight into how labor may have been used direction ofresource pull moves down valley into the lower
and the use of quinuay in the Rio Asana valley. For the high sierra rather than up valley into the puna or puna
sake of argument, assume the quinuay patch is 1 ha in size. rim. The position of the taruca remains the same. The
In terms of harvesting efficiency, even given its relatively assumptions of this model are the same as those of the
large handling time, the quinuay patch would be ranked patch model, but some discussion of the definition of
third in a single-model resource ranking table. From an "package" and how it is operationalized is in order.
optimality perspective, this ranking implies, using Asana By "package," I mean the most likely outcome of a hunt
as a central place, that males should spend their time hunt- or a foraging episode. While it is obvious that I cannot
ing in upper high-sierra guanaco or puna rim vicufia predict how many animals were killed at anyone time or
patches, while women should harvest quinuay in lower how many kilograms of quinuay were harvested in a single
high-sierra patches or devote their labor to essential but foraging episode, there is nevertheless a set of constraints
nonsubsistence-related tasks. To use women as part of the on these activities that must be taken into account. That
hunting surround would be considered a "waste" of their is, while patch quality and density were certainly major
labor unless total group size was very small or there was a factors in resource selection under the central place for-
marked asynchronicity in the availability of quinuay and aging model, other factors were equally important. Two
these hunted resources. of them, aside from a plethora of social forces that cannot
If these data are examined from a package perspective, be easily incorporated into this model, are constraints on
however, resource rankings change (table 9.9). While up- the number of animals that can be taken in a hunt and the
per high-sierra guanacos remain the highest ranked spe- additive quality of gathered resources.
cies, they are now followed by lower high-sierra guanacos Whether foragers manage their resource base in a ra-
286 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

tional manner has been a topic of considerable debate (see mathematics of these systems under two distinct but rea-
Williams and Hunn 1982). Foragers appear to be aware of sonable sets of assumptions.
the consequences of overexploitation of essential resources. Since the mathematics are complex, I will not repro-
Rick (1980: 328-329) has argued that the Preceramic Pe- duce them here, but it is possible to describe in qualitative
riod foragers on the Junin puna probably practiced a se- terms the differences and the outcomes of the two strate-
lective hunting strategy for vicuna to avoi~ overexploiting gies. Sandefur (1990: 137) shows that for any fixed har-
these animals. Because of the animals' behavioral charac- vesting plan for any growth or harvesting rate, there is no
teristics, it is relatively easy to kill large numbers of gua- single equilibrium value (i.e., no single solution to the
nacos or vicuna in a single hunting episode. Rick (1980: nonlinear dynamical system). There is, however, a set of
328-329) notes that an indiscriminate surround strategy inequalities that satisfies the equation such that harvest-
under these circumstances could lead to overexploiting ing rates below a fixed point will always allow the system
these animals by killing too many females. To avoid this, to reproduce itself and above that value will send thesys-
hunters could easily take advantage of yet another behav- tem to negative infinity (that is, if harvesting is continued
ioral trait of vicuna-the conspicuous role of the male in at that rate, the animal population will become extinct).
territorial defense. When intruders arrive, the females and Thus in his example, assuming a population growth rate
yearlings retreat in the opposite direction while the male of 0.8, any harvesting strategy such that b < 0.2 (where b is
moves toward the intruder. In so doing, he identifies him- the harvesting rate) will allow the population to regener-
self, and once identified, it is relatively easy to kill him ate; rates above this will not. To use numbers to describe
after the family group has been trapped. It would be to the this situation, let me assume the population of animals is
hunters' long-term advantage to avoid killing the repro- 10,000 and b < 2,000 animals/year. Given r = 0.8, the ani-
ductive base of the vicuna or guanaco family group so as mal population drops to 5,000, but is able to regenerate
to avoid the costs of more frequent residential moves as itself. This model assumes that the animals are killed at
productive family territories are moved further and fur- one time; while not a realistic assumption, it simplifies the
ther away from the residential base. Although it is reason- mathematics. It should be obvious that a more realistic set
able to assume that foragers did in fact manage their take of assumptions about hunting would exacerbate this situ-
rates of these animals as Rick has suggested, it neverthe- ation, making it more difficult for the hunters to recog-
less remains plausible that unanticipated larger-than-av- nize and maintain a maximum sustainable harvest rate.
erage take rates could have had a disastrous effect on the When b = 0.2, the animal population is able to reproduce
ability of these animals to reproduce themselves. Although itself, but this is not a stable point, meaning that neither
Rick (1980: 329) suggests that computer simulation might the harvesting rate nor the ability of the population to re-
be employed to examine this problem, an approach using generate itself can be maintained if the population falls
the mathematics of nonlinear systems can illustrate the below 5,000 animals due to a random perturbation or
fragility of these reproductive systems. overexploitation. The more the population falls below the
Sandefur (1990: 133-141) discusses harvesting rates and threshold, the more rapidly it will move toward negative
the fragility of many natural populations to minor pertur- infinity. Thus b = 0.2 as a harvesting rate is "unstable from
bations in growth rates. Using the familiar logistic equa- below" in the jargon of nonlinear systems (Sandefur 1990:
tion to model growth but cast into the mathematical nota- 139). The point is that even a small decrease in the popu-
tion of nonlinear dynamic systems, he compares two har- lation would send the system rapidly away from its un-
vesting strategies-a fixed harvest, in which hunters kill a stable equilibrium, and therefore it would be in the hunt-
fixed number of animals over some time period, and a pro- ers' best interest to maintain a harvesting rate well below
portional harvest, in which hunters attempt to kill a fixed 0.2 (i.e., to maintain a nonoptimal take rate).
proportion of the population. The goal that guides these In contrast, the proportional harvesting system has a
hunters in this modeling exercise is the underlying notion stable equilibrium for values of b (here described as the
of a maximum sustainable harvest; that is, the largest num- proportion of the animal population harvested) in the range
ber of animals that can be taken over a period of time that o < b < 0.8. Through computation, the value of b that
will still permit the animal population to reproduce and provides the maximum harvest is 0.4; this is equivalent to
replace itself successfully. Sandefur's exercise is not in- harvesting 40% of the population. While this strategy pro-
tended to be a realistic simulation of the process of hunt- duces the same harvest in actual numbers (2,000 animals),
ing or harvesting animals but instead an exploration of the it is a stable strategy because when b is slightly larger than
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 287

0.4 or the animal population drops due to some other rea- taruca or vicuna kill. Clearly, this resource provides secu-
son, the actual harvest (the number of animals actually rity, not efficiency, at least in its wild form. The issue of
taken) also drops. The most important assumption this whether other tasks would have been a better use of
model makes is that the hunters know the size of the popu- women's labor, however, will be explored more fully later.
lation and are constantly able to monitor its size so as to
adjust their take rate. Regional Perspectives on Diet Choice
For many animal populations, implementing either of From a regional perspective, using either the patch or pack-
these two strategies would be extremely difficult, especially aging model Asana is truly in an optimal location. Aside
for cryptic species. However, Andean foragers would have from the obvious suitability of the basin in which it sits as
been able to implement either of these strategies for the a location for either a logistical camp or residential base,
camelids due to these animals' territorial habits. Camelids the site is optimally placed for access to high-sierra, lower
can be conveniently counted and their dynamics moni- high-sierra, and puna rim resources. If the residential base
tored. In contrast, neither of these strategies could have were located further up valley in a number of suitable lo-
been easily implemented for the taruca despite its territo- cations, it would have been nearer to the most productive
rial behavior. Of course, whether either of these strategies patches in the valley-high-sierra guanaco and taruca
was in fact implemented in the prehistoric past cannot be patches and the puna rim vicuna patches-but the already
directly measured, but at least from an optimality perspec- low harvesting efficiency of quinuay would have decreased
tive, the fixed proportional strategy is a rational response and lower high-sierra guanacos would drop from second
to resource procurement. to third in the package ranking model, with taruca taking
All of the foregoing suggests that the hunters of the their place. Such a move would make any daily use of the
Rio Asana valley may well have chosen their diets based lower high sierra more expensive and less efficient.
not only upon patch and travel considerations but also with A higher placement would have had a profound effect
the constraint of taking a limited number of animals in a on the ability of females to provide any real contribution
single hunt. Therefore, while they may have used the sur- to the diet. Quinuay does not grow well above roughly 3,400
round technique, they may have killed only the adult male m, and those patches that did exist would probably have
in the group and perhaps one of the immature animals. been small, spatially dispersed, and located near natural
Table 9.9 presents resource rankings based on this assump- dung piles. While these patches are dense, they are very
tion, using the whole animal productivity estimate for a small and could be easily overexploited. There are no other
single adult male and an adult male plus a single immature known plant resources in the upper high-sierra area that
animal. What is apparent in this table is that assuming could have been exploited, aside from the possibility of
hunters used a surround technique, it is almost always bet- tubers. Female contribution to the diet, then, would have
ter to hunt guanacos in either the upper or lower high been to assist in the communal animal drive. While this
sierra than it is to hunt either taruca or vicuna. Vicuna might have led to greater success in obtaining the kill, it
package rankings are especially low. Taking additional ani- would have had the undesirable effect of decreasing the
mals would help to increase the ranking considerably and overall efficiency of animal procurement by increasing the
make it competitive with the taruca but only at the risk of numbers of individuals hunting without increasing the
overexploitation. number of calories obtained.
A package model also provides a different perspective These rankings also provide a way in which to evaluate
on the use of quinuay. The patch model shows it to be the potential uses of other sites in the valley. Given its
third ranked overall, but in the package model, because of position vis-a-vis the distribution of resource patches, it is
its very high handling time combined with the long travel likely that Quellaveco always served as a logistical camp
times to the patch, it falls to the very bottom of resource for most of its uses. It lies within easy range of highly pro-
rankings. Since women gathered it, as long as their labor ductive high-sierra guanaco patches and the far less pro-
was not required in some other, more essential task, it is ductive taruca patches. Further, it is an ideal location to
likely it would have been collected. If the number of col- move into puna rim patches to pursue vicuna. As such, it
lectors is increased, the efficiency of harvest does not in- conforms to a model prediction that states that distances
crease, but the absolute quantity does. Thus six collectors to logistical camps should be relatively small from resi-
in a patch near Asana could collect a total of 2.6 kg of dential bases so as to reduce travel costs.
seeds, an amount that is competitive with a four-hunter Although I postulated that the surface densities up-
288 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

stream from Asana may well have been logistical camps, a sible to consider both upstream and downstream compo-
more probable interpretation is that they are associated nents of the foraging radius. The upstream limit appears
with the posited downslope hunting drive pattern. These to be Quellaveco, located just over 6 Ian upstream at a
sites are situated within range of a number of high-sierra round-trip travel time of approximately 2.5 hours. No
guanaco patches as well as some ofthe best taruca patches- known sites are found between Quellaveco and the puna
the quenual forest. These densities, wholly composed of rim site of El Panteon, and although negative evidence is
lithic debris and discarded projectile point fragments, likely frequently difficult to interpret, the location of Quellaveco
represent locations at which hunters waited for the game vis-a-vis surrounding high-sierra resource patches, as well
to be pushed to them by the drivers above. During the as the lack of any archaeological evidence above it within
wait, they retooled broken gear or made new tools. If this the high sierra, strongly suggests that the foraging radius
scenario is correct, these sites are best seen as field camps ranged from 6 to 8 Ian upstream and from 2.5 to 4 hours
associated with hunting. in round-trip travel times.
Downstream from Asana, Cueva 4 and its associated The downstream foraging radius is almost identical, but
sites could have functioned either as a logistical camp for the data that support this inference are stronger. Cueva 4
hunting trips into the lower reaches of the lower high si- and the valley bottoms near it lie within and near the lower
erra, a field camp used by females during foraging epi- high-sierra quinuay patches. The site is almost 8 Ian down-
sodes for quinuay, or as a short-term residential base for a stream from Asana, and the round-trip travel time from
segment of the coresidential group that moved into the Asana is just over 3 hours. Assuming an average time of 6
area to exploit plant and animal resources. While the hours to collect 1.6 kg of quinuay seeds, the total time spent
former two possibilities are the most plausible, the latter in foraging and travel is approximately 9 to 10 hours. Bur-
is intriguing. A residential use of this site would necessar- dened travel, as well as any off-path travel, would substan-
ily imply group fissioning since lower high-sierra resource tially increase the amount of travel time. Daylight hours
patches are less productive than their high-sierra counter- in this region range from 12 to 14 hours, depending on
parts. If used in this fashion, the site would have had opti- season. Therefore, it seems unlikely that distances greater
mal access to both plant and animal resources with a mini- than 8 Ian would have been exceeded by females engaged
mization of travel costs, and the best time of year to use in foraging. Given that females have other tasks, such as
this area would have been the rainy season or the begin- food preparation, child care, and general maintenance
ning of the dry season, when resources would have been duties, 9 to 10 hours spent in food acquisition appear to
at their highest densities. However, the data from Cueva be the maximum possible. Once again, there are no known
4, while sparse, simply do not support a residential use of field camps below Cueva 4, and therefore a 6 to 8 Ian down-
the site, especially if seed processing is an important as- stream radius with round-trip travel times ranging from
pect of subsistence practice. 2.5 to 4 hours seems probable. These radii can only be
Coscori could have been used similarly but not as a field sustained if Asana is placed exactly where it is or within a
camp for females. It could have served as a logistical camp few hundred meters of where it is. These radii are consis-
for males exploiting lower high-sierra guanaco patches or tent with the prediction of reduced foraging radii in high-
as a temporary, very short-term residential base. mountain environments as developed in chapter 1.

Foraging Radius A discussion of the regional structure Contexts for Pursuing Taruca and Vicuna Taruca are the
of resource procurement in the Rio Asana valley from a third-ranked resource in both the patch and packet mod-
central place foraging perspective also provides data to els, yet their remains are common in many faunal assem-
evaluate the probable size of the foraging radius around blages at Asana. Under what circumstances will hunters
Asana. A 10-Ian radius has been enshrined in the archaeo- pursue taruca since other species, especially the guanaco,
logical literature (Thomas 1983a), and although most au- are not only more highly rated but substantially more pro-
thors admit it has a heuristic value only, it is nevertheless ductive in terms of yield? Looking strictly at resource
frequently cited. As should be obvious, this figure makes rankings, there are few obvious circumstances in which
the implicit assumption of isotrophy, a fatal assumption in foragers would ever make the taruca the target prey. Us-
high-mountain environments, as I have demonstrated re- ing the predictions of the central place foraging model,
peatedly. Assuming the site was used as a residential base however, I can postulate two distinct scenarios for their
throughout much of the occupation of the site, it is pos- use: the encounter of taruca during travel to high-sierra
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 289

guanaco patches and incidental encounter during pursuit the site. However, if foragers selected prey primarily upon
of guanacos. To evaluate the former context, we must turn a package basis, the puna rim should only see sporadic,
away from patch-based models and move to individual low-intensity use since other animals have better yields
animal models. Again assuming Asana as a residential base, for the effort involved in their pursuit.
let us assume that hunters are traveling to a distant high- There are circumstances under which there may be
sierra guanaco patch. Central place foraging predicts that greater use of the puna rim patches, and one of these is to
a hunter should take a smaller prey species if, at the time avoid (or to compensate for) the overexploitation of the
of encounter, the energy obtained from that prey species high-sierra guanaco and taruca patches. Although it is rea-
exceeds that which could be obtained by encountering a sonable to assume that foragers did in fact manage their
target prey species within a certain radius. To illustrate take rates of these animals as Rick (1980) has suggested, it
this, let us assume average animal sizes of 110 kg for the nevertheless remains plausible that unanticipated larger-
guanaco and 52 kg for the taruca, with total usable meat than-average take rates could have had a disastrous effect
weights of 61 and 29 kg, respectively. The model predicts on the ability of these animals to reproduce themselves. In
that the hunter should wait to take a guanaco within one such instances, it may have been necessary to choose lower
hour of travel time from the residential base. Within this ranked species because preferred animals were unavailable.
radius, the anticipated return on the guanaco is 61 kg, while The problem of overexploitation also provides a basis
the in-hand return is only 29 kg. However, up to three for thinking about the conditions under which foragers
hours travel time beyond this radius, it is equal value or will leave the valley to seek game elsewhere. In strictly
better to take the taruca, since travel time influences the caloric terms, it appears that the puna rim patches could
value of the packet: for two hours the ratio of energy/cost help to support a small population of foragers year-round
drops to 31 and at three hours it is 20, while the value of at Asana in conjunction with the judicious use of the high-
the taruca remains the same. The second scenario can be sierra guanaco patches and the lower high-sierra quinuay
seen as a consequence of hunting guanacos with a collec- and guanaco patches. However, under the central place
tive, drive hunting strategy. Because these species may foraging model, it becomes clear that despite the produc-
overlap in their spatial ranges due to differences in diet tivity of the puna rim, it cannot sustain year-round habita-
and forage preference, it is possible that taruca were flushed tion within the valley using Asana as a residential base be-
along with the more commonly hunted target species of cause of the high costs of obtaining prey and transporting
guanaco. It is difficult to imagine that taruca would have it back to the high-sierra residential base. At some point,
been spared had they been encountered in this process. especially ifthere is a tendency toward the overexploitation
There are, however, other possibilities to consider that of the high-sierra guanaco patches, the energy/cost ratio
cannot be easily modeled. If in fact taruca have high fat of guanaco hunting will begin to decline, and at that point,
content, hunters may have selectively hunted them for this the puna rim vicuna patches become more attractive. For-
fat. This cultural and biological preference may well have agers may well use these vicuna patches for a time, but at
outweighed strictly caloric-based predictions, especially if some point the same situation obtains-energy/cost ra-
females are consistently producing relatively small but se- tios begin to decline and more distant patches must be
cure quantities of quinuay. Yet another possibility is that exploited. At this point, the foraging group has two op-
taruca hides may have been preferred for certain articles tions: they may fission and small groups of foragers may
of clothing or shelter. move to the puna rim or they may move their residential
The contexts for the pursuit of vicuna are somewhat base to an adjacent valley system, such as the Rio Torata.
different. The vicuna are the second-ranked species in the Obviously, which strategy is employed will depend on the
patch model but drop to fourth place in the animal-based perceived costs of the residential move, the social costs of
model. Since it has not been possible to identify vicuna group fissioning, and other social costs and implications
remains in the faunal assemblages at Asana, there is no of residential movement. From a strictly travel time per-
direct indicator of their presence. However, if it is assumed spective, the Rio Torata valley is only nine hours distant
that evidence of puna rim and puna hunting is reflected by even with burdened travel. These travel costs may be
the presence of puna or puna rim raw materials, I can as- greater if children and the aged are involved in the resi-
sert that vicuna hunting probably did take place. Under dential move, however. Nevertheless, even with an over-
the patch model, it makes good sense to pursue vicuna night stop, travel costs do not seem excessive and may be
using Asana as a central place despite their distance from tolerated especially if the adjacent valley has not been oc-
290 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

cupied for some time and has had an opportunity to re- have been pushed downstream as well, and productive
generate animal and plant populations. One final note: this patches would probably extend into the lower high sierra.
discussion assumes that these adjacent valleys are open and Above approximately 3,800 m, however, it is unknown just
available for use; that is to say, they are not part of a per- how rapidly typical puna and puna rim vegetation was es-
manent population of a different group of foragers. tablished. Near the beginning of this phase, ca. 10,000 B.P.,
this area would have been transformed from a periglacial
A Temporal Perspective on Diet Choice environment within the past 500 to 1,000 years. While it
I have discussed diet choice to some extent separately from is probable that bofedal plants began to colonize this area
the evidence of the archaeological record at Asana. I am immediately at the beginning of the Holocene, it is also
now in a position to evaluate some of the predictions of- probable that plant densities had not achieved modern lev-
fered earlier to determine the degree to which they can be els. Therefore, the resource pull of the puna rim was not
read from the material culture at the site. yet fully established.
One caveat must be observed. As pointed out in chap- I have interpreted the earliest occupation at Asana, Lev-
ter 4, the faunal data from almost every level of Asana are els PXXXIII and PXXXII, as logistical camps monitored
highly fragmented and consequently difficult to interpret. from a lower elevation base camp. Unfortunately, the fau-
This fragmentation compounds an already difficult situa- nal data from these two levels are very poor; PXXXIII has
tion regarding my ability to distinguish the Andean a single taruca tibia, and while bone count, weight, and
camelids on the basis of the form of their skeletal elements. density increase in Level PXXXII, the counts remain too
Few portions of the postcranial skeleton are diagnostic of small for convincing interpretation. What faunal remains
species differences, and since few of the bones are of a are found in Level PXXXII are low-utility parts, such as
sufficient size, quantitative analyses of size variation can- phalanges, metapodials, and teeth, suggesting whole ani-
not be performed. Teeth, the best diagnostic element of mals were returned to the site, these low-utility parts were
these species, while abundant at Asana, are also very frag- consumed on site, and the remainder of the animal was
mentary and therefore of limited value. Since the faunal taken elsewhere for consumption. Neither of these levels
data per se cannot provide definitive tests of model pre- has any ground stone tools, suggesting that seed use was
dictions, I identify trends that can be examined through limited or nonexistent. Judging from the lithic data, the
the use of parallel data sources, such as lithic materials, to puna rim and puna have yet to be used intensively. This
help. bolster a line of reasoning. In particular, I will use pattern continues in Level PXXX, although bone densi-
debitage frequencies of lithic raw materials as a proxy ties increase substantially. Asana has become a short-term
measure of the intensity ofuse oftheir zone of origin. This residential base at this time, and hide preparation is of
admittedly is a very crude measure, but if the assumption considerable importance. The faunal data, however, are
that lithic procurement is embedded in resource procure- similar to those found in previous levels. There is no trace
ment strategies in high-mountain environments is ac- of the taruca, although the size data show that the NISP
cepted, debitage quantity reflects the amounts of this raw of smaller, immature animals were found in the assem-
material, aggregated across time, brought into the site. Two blage at a ratio of 2 to 1 when compared to the NISP of
additional assumptions, both of which can be sustained larger, adult animals. Assuming that this pattern is a valid
for most occupations of Asana, include similarity in activ- representation of hunting choice (a difficult to maintain
ity profile in each occupation and similarity in the reduc- assumption at best), this suggests that hunting radii may
tive process (i.e., that the reduction strategy is the same well have been relatively short around Asana since smaller,
across all raw material types). rather than larger, game were being selected. This obser-
vation "fits" with the location ofAsana as essentially being
Asana IIPuruma Phase (10,500-9500 B.P) To provide a on top of productive guanaco and taruca patches. There is
background to this discussion, it is useful to review briefly some penetration of the puna rim, but no skeletal elements
the paleoclimatological data for this time period. As I have of the vicuna have been identified in the faunal assem-
argued in chapter 2, it is likely that prime taruca habitat, blage. Finally, there is no evidence of seed processing as
the quefiual forest, has been lowered in elevation by ap- reflected by ground stone tools.
proximately 200 to 300 m. If correct, this would place the The faunal data are of little value in assessing the dy-
lower reaches of these forests within a less than one hour namics of diet choice for this phase. Seeds, however, at
round-trip travel time from Asana. Guanaco habitat would least at this elevation, are noticeable by their absence. Given
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 291

the limited data, it seems that the high-sierra resource in either ochre grinding or hide preparation. While these
patches of guanacos and taruca dominated diet choice. tools are small in number, their presence signals the grow-
ing importance of quinuay in the diet.
Asana II/Khituiia Phase (9500-8700 B.P.) There is rela- In regard to the central place foraging model, these data
tively little change in the climate of the Asana IIlKhituna offer a number of possible interpretations. Given the low
Phase, aside from a slow drying and warming trend. Its modern ranking of the taruca patch, it seems that there
climate is similar to that seen during the Asana I Phase, are more taruca in the faunal assemblage than might be
but it is likely that the puna rim plant communities were expected. High-sierra guanaco patches should still have
fully established sometime during this phase. Vicuna prob- the highest ranking, and taruca patches should be ranked
ably began to increase in numbers as bofedal vegetation near the bottom unless one or more of the following con-
became established. Furthermore, it is also probable that ditions are met: despite some logistical use of the puna
the queiiual forest began to retreat to high elevations in rim, these patches had not yet achieved their modern den-
response to the warming and drying trend that would have sities and therefore may have been ranked somewhat lower;
affected lower elevations more dramatically by decreasing quinuay had not reached sufficient densities in the lower
rainfall and gradually lowering biomass. Prime taruca high sierra to rank it highly; females, who would have been
patches would have remained relatively near the site, with responsible for quinuay processing, participate more ex-
round-trip travel times increasing only slightly, if at all. tensively in nonsubsistence tasks, such as making clothing
Asana was used as a residential base throughout this and hide preparation, or were an integral part of hunting
phase based on an examination of site structure and activ- strategies; hunting radii around Asana remained relatively
ity profile data. Since the faunal assemblages of Levels small so that taruca encountered on the way to hunt gua-
PXXIX and PXXIV are not badly fragmented, they are nacos were taken as encountered; and taruca moved up in
more valuable as indicators of diet choice. In Level PXXIX, resource ranking as nearby guanacos were overexploited
11 % of the identifiable NISP are of the taruca, with the and became more costly to obtain.
remainder placed in either the guanaco or camelid aggre- Of these possibilities, there is indirect evidence to sup-
gates. There is no evidence of vicuna in the assemblage port the importance of a nonsubsistence role of females
despite the presence of moderate quantities of puna rim and thus their limited use of quinuay. Well-made and com-
raw materials in the lithic assemblage. Furthermore, most plex clothing was probably necessary for survival at high
of the identifiable NISP are of large, mature animals as altitude during this period, and artifactual and microwear
opposed to smaller yearlings or immature animals, a re- evidence shows that clothing manufacture was well estab-
versal from the previous phase. Whole animals have been lished by PXXIX times, the level in which the higher taruca
returned to the site, and the low proportion of hindquar- frequencies are first observed. Clothing manufacture, in-
ters in the assemblage suggests their removal to other lo- cluding hide preparation, would have consumed signifi-
cations or possibly their storage. Seed grinding remains cant amounts of time. Therefore, while quinuay may have
conspicuous by its absence. been present by Level PXXIX times, clothing manufac-
These trends are continued in Level PXXrv, although ture had a higher priority. This is the time at which popu-
a few important changes are observed. In this level, 15.9% lations had begun to reside year-round at high elevation
of the NISP can be assigned to the taruca, while the re- and were therefore just beginning their biological accli-
mainder have been placed in the camelid or large mam- matization to life at high altitude. While quinuay may have
mal aggregates. No vicuna remains are present. The ma- been present, it may not have been of sufficient density to
jority (86 0/0) of age-identifiable NISP are of large, mature reduce the value of clothing manufacture, which is a far
animals, while the remainder are ofyearlings or immature more important cultural adaptation to hypoxia and cold
animals. Whole animals are returned to the site, and while stress than the slight increase in subsistence production
the trunk dominates the skeletal element packets found offered by this plant. This situation changes somewhat by
on site, there are roughly equal proportions of hind- and Level PXXIV times; some quinuay processing is indicated,
forequarters packets present, suggesting that these ele- and while clothing production remains important, it is
ments were either consumed, stored, or removed from the likely that a combination of acclimatization plus more ef-
site in roughly equal proportions. The important change ficient means of making clothing increased the amount of
is the appearance of seed grinding. Push-pull batanes are "free" time females had.
now found in the assemblage, along with manos not used The packet data, insofar as they are available, show that
292 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

head parts are returned to the site and are not field butch- the explanation offered for the Khitufia Phase is valid in
ered or otherwise processed off site. This in turn suggests, the Jilana Phase as well. Female contribution to the diet
but does not demonstrate, that brains were consumed for involving seed production is present but is of minor im-
their fat content; given the paucity of other fat sources in portance. While clothing continues to be made, especially
the Andean diet, and the importance of fat for health, this early in the phase, the frequency of hide-working tools
seems to be a reasonable conclusion. and their diversity begin to taper off by the end of the
phase. However, at least for Level PXIv, this does not ap-
Asana IIIl]ilaiia Phase (8700-7800 B.P) Very few cli- pear to have increased the amount of seed processing ob-
matic changes are likely to have occurred during the Asana served. The puna rim continues to be utilized, but the use
IIIIJilafia Phase, aside from the general warming and dry- is of an apparent low intensity. It is unlikely that vicuna
ing trend initiated immediately after deglaciation. This contributed significantly to the diet during this phase.
process would have continued to make the Rio Asana val- An important observation that reflects on subsistence
ley more "modern" in resource density and distribution. practice during this phase is the apparent flexibility in the
During this phase, Asana was a residential base, although place ofAsana. While the site was always a residential base,
there is some evidence for changes in the term of occupa- at various times it appears to have significant variation in
tion. PXVII appears to have had two distinct uses: as a the length of that occupation. This implies that resources
short-term residential base and as a somewhat longer term may not have been as predictable or as abundant during
residential base. PXIV appears to have had a very short this phase, at least in comparison to the Khitufia Phase.
residential occupation based on site structural and artifac-
tual data. Unfortunately, the faunal assemblage from PXVII Asana IVIMuruq'uta Phase (7800-6000 B.P) During
is highly fragmented, and neither packet nor species data what I have called the Early Muruq'uta Phase (7800 to
are sufficiently reliable for interpretation. Whole animals 6500 B.P.), the gradual warming and drying trend contin-
continue to be returned to the site, however, and seed use ued. However, after 7000 B.P., this trend appears to have
is apparently very minor since only a few manos and no accelerated through the Climatic Optimum, which was ap-
batanes were recovered from the assemblage. Lithic data parently initiated after 6000 B.P. At some point during this
suggest that there was only a limited use of the puna and period, conditions became very dry. This would have had
puna rim environments. the effect of reducing the density and size of resource
The faunal data from PXIV are more informative, how- patches in all environmental zones except for the puna rim,
ever, and they show a continuation of the trends in animal where such patches would always have been able to main-
use initiated in the Asana lIIKhituna Phase; of the skeletal tain their productivity due to the nature of the bofedal.
elements identifiable as to species, 42 % are of taruca, with Through the Early Muruq'uta Phase, Asana was a resi-
the remainder placed in the camelid or large mammal ag- dential base that was apparently occupied for relatively long
gregate. No vicuna have been identified. Furthermore, periods of time on an annual basis. Site structural and ac-
85 % of the age-identifiable elements are of larger, older, tivity profile data support this inference, which is further
mature animals, while the remainder are of yearlings or supported by the appearance of the public structures in
juveniles. As before, whole animals are being returned to Level XIX. In this level, the faunal assemblage is small
the site, and the packet data indicate that trunk elements, and fragmented, and consequently relatively little can be
rather than fore- or hindquarters, are consumed on site, said ofdiet choice. Taruca are present, however, as are gua-
carried off site, or stored for future consumption. Seed- nacos, but no vicuna have been recovered. Whole animals
processing equipment is almost nonexistent; a few manos are returned to the site, but the packet data are too small
have been recovered but no batanes. Finally, there are no for reliable interpretation. Plant use has apparently be-
puna rim or puna raw materials in the lithic assemblage. come more important because there are larger numbers
On a phase-aggregated basis, however, the lithic data dem- of manos and batanes in the assemblage than in any previ-
onstrate that the puna rim was very intensively utilized, ous phase. Also, plant cutting knives are also found in most
but the puna was not. of the levels of this phase. Puna rim land use, however, is
In terms of diet choice predictions, these two levels and not intensive if the small quantities of debitage from this
the phase in general are extremely similar to the Asana III zone are indicative of this process.
Khituna Phase. More taruca than might be expected by Level XVIlc is very similar to Level XIX. Although the
their resource ranking are being taken, and it is likely that faunal assemblage is much larger than that recovered in
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 293

Level XIX, it is likewise fragmentary and therefore some- valley were beginning to be affected by the increasing des-
what unreliable. Taruca are present but not abundant, and iccation of this period. Resource densities probably de-
of the very small number of skeletal elements that can be clined significantly at this time, although it is clear that
identified as to age, the majority are of smaller, indepen- guanacos and plants remained the mainstays of the diet.
dent animals. The pattern of returning whole animals con- Puna rim usage as monitored by debitage frequencies sug-
tinues in this level, but the packet data are too small to gests that this habitat was as important to these foragers as
interpret. Ground stone tools are abundant, including it was during Early Muruq'uta times. From a diet choice
manos and batanes, and these tools are found within or perspective based on central place foraging, this makes
near most of the residential structures in this and other good sense. Despite the longer travel times to the puna
Early Muruq'uta levels. Larger amounts of puna rim deb- rim than to other resource destinations in the lower reaches
itage suggest that the use of this zone has intensified dur- of the valley, the puna rim patches maintained their pro-
ing the occupation of this level. ductivity through this period of desiccation. Vicuna
The intensification of seed use appears to be the most rankings probably increased in this period, and given lower
significant change in diet choice observed in the Early resource densities in the lower high sierra, hunting in the
Muruq'uta Phase. Chenopods probably increased in rank- puna rim would have been more efficient than hunting in
ing as the environment became increasingly arid. More- the lower high sierra. This is indirectly confirmed by not-
over, it appears that females may well have had more time ing that frequencies of lower high-sierra lithic materials
to devote to subsistence pursuits since complex hide cloth- at Asana have dropped significantly when compared to
ing was no longer being made after ca. 8000 B.P. It is likely Early Muruq'uta times, suggesting that fewer logistical
that the increased use of seeds was instrumental in sup- forays were made to that environmental zone.
porting the longer occupation during this phase. The ap-
parent decline of the importance of the taruca suggests Asana V/Pisi Mara Phase (6000-5000 B.P.) During the
that its ranking has become much more like that in the Asana V/Pisi Mara Phase, the Climatic Optimum reaches
modern era. The decline in taruca use may be related in its maximum aridity. Resource densities would have shrunk
part to the decline of effective taruca habitat initiated dur- dramatically, and most of the valley, again excepting the
ing the drying process, which would have further decreased puna and puna rim with their essentially permanent
their ranking. Guanacos and seeds were the cornerstones bofedales, would have been a very difficult place in which
of Early Muruq'uta Phase settlement, but vicuna were to live. The occupation at Asana reflects this difficulty;
probably important as well since there is clear evidence while domestic structures continue to be constructed, there
for the intensive logistical use ofthis zone during this phase. is virtually no faunal or lithic material associated with any
By Late Muruq'uta times, the situation and climate at level of this phase. There is, however, continued low-in-
Asana have changed dramatically. After 6000 B.P., the ef- tensity seed usage as indicated by manas and a few small
fects of the Climatic Optimum are beginning to be felt; batanes. Diet choice and ranking at Asana during this phase
desiccation apparently accelerates. In Level XIv, Asana has are marked by simple availability-Asana was used on an
two distinct occupations: a short-term residential base and opportunistic basis by small groups of foragers. This phase
a very short-term residential base or logistical camp. The has the best evidence for group fissioning at any time dur-
majority of the artifacts found in the level are associated ing the occupation of the site. Resource densities would
with the portion of the site interpreted as the short-term have been extremely low, probably far too low to support
residential base. While bone counts are high, numbers of large populations like those seen in the Early Muruq'uta
identifiable elements are low, but taruca and guanacos are Phase even for short periods of time. Group fissioning
present, while vicuna are not. Whole animals have been would have been a workable response to this problem, since
returned to the site, and the packet data indicate that trunk it would have led to some reduction in residential mobil-
elements have been removed from the site. Ground stone ity and its high costs within a high-mountain environment.
tools related to plant processing, as well as plant cutting There is no or very minor use of the lower high sierra on
knives, continue to be found in the assemblage. In con- a logistical basis, as indicated by debitage frequencies. This
trast, the area of the site described as the very short-term is expected, since this environmental zone would have been
residential base or logistical camp is almost devoid of arti- hyperarid, with almost no rainfall and consequently no sig-
facts or faunal remains. nificant plant growth to support animal populations.
It appears obvious that the inhabitants of the Rio Asana
294 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

Asana VI/Qhuna Phase (5000-4400 B.P) The climate is increase plant density and reduce travel time to the patch.
recovering from the Climatic Optimum during the Asana While there is no direct evidence that this process took
VIlQhuna Phase; temperatures begin to cool, and it is place during Qhuna Phase times, the intensive use ofseeds
probable that rainfall begins to increase in both amount throughout this phase strongly suggests that such a pro-
and predictability after 5000 B.P. Resource density, there- cess did indeed take place.
fore, is also beginning to recover, although it is unclear It is during this phase that the problems with any ani-
how long it may have taken to have it return to the pre- mal management scheme are likely to become apparent.
Climatic Optimum levels. If residential mobility is constrained, there will be increas-
Asana continues as a residential base, but there is a major ing pressure on existing resources to increase their effi-
change in the scale of the settlement system, which now is ciency of return or to increase the amount of the return.
wholly confined to the high sierra and lower high sierra. However, as the results of the nonlinear harvesting mod-
The faunal assemblage is large but is in a fragmentary con- els make clear, any attempt simply to increase the harvest
dition. Taruca are present, but since the numbers of skel- (i.e., to increase the number of animals in the fixed harvest
etal elements identifiable as to species are very small, quan- model or the proportion of animals in the proportionate
titative estimates of their proportion in the diet are diffi- harvest model) will necessarily lead to long-term failure.
cult to interpret. Guanacos are present, however, but vicuna In the case of the former model, the animal population
continue to be absent. Whole animals continue to be re- will lose its ability to regenerate itself and become extinct,
turned to the site, and the packet data show that hind- and in the latter, as the proportion harvested increases,
quarters are almost wholly absent from the assemblage. the amount actually taken over the long term decreases.
There is only very limited evidence of puna rim or puna Therefore, the only sustainable strategies are to add new
land use, and this is only in the levels in the early part of species to the diet by selecting lower ranked resources or
the phase (the IX series). The logistical use of the lower to increase the efficiency of return on existing species. It
high sierra below the quinuay patches appears to be very should be clear that of these two choices, only the latter
minor. Plant use during this phase is apparently very in- has a long-term future. Lower ranking species are lower
tensive but does not become so until Level VIII times, at ranking because they have low harvesting efficiency, and
approximately 4600 B.P. Prior to that, while seeds were simply collecting them does little to alleviate the long-
apparently utilized, as demonstrated by the presence of term resource problem. In traditional anthropological
grinding tools and batanes, they do not appear to have thinking, what I am describing is increasing diet breadth
been used extensively. By Level VIII times, however, seeds (adding lower ranking species) or intensifying resource
had become extremely important; virtually every residen- acquisition (improving the efficiency of collection). In
tial structure after 4600 B.P. had at least one and some- thinking about these processes within a central place for-
times two small batanes in the structure. Given the inten- aging framework, it is possible to get a better picture of
sity of seed use, it appears that seeds have moved up in the dynamic process at work to look at both long-term
their ranking or a higher ranking resource (i.e., vicuna in and short-term consequences of the choices made. If in-
the puna rim patches) is no longer available. Since forag- tensification means increasing effort, it is doomed to fail-
ers during the later portions of this phase are confined to ure; if it means increasing efficiency, the solution may be
the high sierra, it would have been very important not to stable over a longer time frame.
overexploit the available animal resources in the valley.
Under these circumstances, the availability of a relatively Asana VII/Awati Phase (4400-3500 B.P.) Climate dur-
productive and secure resource like quinuay would have ing the Asana VIIIAwati Phase begins to approach that
been extremely important, since it is likely that these plants seen in the modern era. Yet another major change has taken
would have contributed a greater portion of the diet than place in subsistence practice at Asana, this one involving
they had in previous phases. However, while reliable, it the domestication of the guanaco. While the causal forces
would not have been easy to increase the efficiency of this behind the domestication process in the Andean world
species due to its high handling time. Therefore, while continue to be debated (see Kuznar 1990: chapter 2), it is
these seeds would have made an extremely important con- difficult to escape the conclusion that domestication of the
tribution to the diet, their long-term value would have been guanaco in the Rio Asana valley effectively solved the prob-
limited unless resource patches closer to Asana could have lem of the difficulty ofimproving the long-term efficiency
been created through some cultivation process that would of seed plants though cultivation and the equally difficult
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 295

problem of overexploiting existing game and thus being Rio Asana valley. I believe that my figures are more con-
forced to move the residential base or to rely even more servative and more likely to represent Awati Phase times.
heavily upon seed plants, which may work in the short run My figures have indirect support from the faunal assem-
but has serious limits on long-term productivity and effi- blage at Asana; taruca remains are not found in either Level
ciency. Domestication can be seen as a risk-buffering de- IV or II and are essentially absent from the entire Awati
vice as well, since it is possible either to consume the stock Phase. Even though the faunal assemblages are small, at
or trade it for other resources and thus avoid other kinds least some taruca remains would be expected if they were
of local resource shortages. While overconsumption of as important to the diet as Kuznar predicts. Taruca re-
stock is always a problem, it is easier to manage a herd of mains are essentially absent from the faunal assemblage at
animals that you virtually permanently control instead of El Panteon, the puna rim anchor of this settlement sys-
having to seek out, drive, and then kill the right animal in tem. Furthermore, the amount of quinuay predicted in
a wild herd. In central place foraging terms, domestica- Kuznar's model is very small, only 24 kg. Using the har-
tion reduces handling time to very low levels and effec- vesting figures developed previously, this would represent
tively places the domesticated species at the top of the re- only 15 hours of quinuay harvesting on an annual basis by
source-ranking continuum. Herding and domestication a single individual. It appears that Kuznar's model fails to
also have the benefit of increasing the density of the do- predict the potential value of this resource despite the long-
mesticated species, in this case the guanaco, within its re- term problems of increasing its efficiency.
source patch since human control of these animals can ef-
fectively limit male territoriality and competition for mates Mobility
and in so doing allow these animals to approach carrying
capacity as expressed by stocking rates. To understand mobility in the Rio Asana valley through
In Levels IV and II, there is little evidence of the use of time, it can be examined from three perspectives: the scale
seed plants. No batanes are found in the assemblage, and and distances of mobility, the frequency of mobility, and
there are only a few small grinding stones present. There- the seasonality of mobility. Table 9.10 summarizes some
fore, while seed plants may well be used, they are of very of the most important information from the valley, and
minor importance to the diet, especially when compared table 9.11 summarizes the mobility-related expectations
to their use in the later levels of the Qhuna Phase. ofhigh-mountain land use developed in the model ofmon-
Kuznar (1990: 338-371) has developed a model ofAwati tane foraging presented in chapter 1.
Phase subsistence using linear and dynamic programming
models. Building a variety of assumptions and constraints
into the model, he shows that an optimal use of the Awati The scale of regional land use and mobility during the
Phase landscape would be to herd just over 100 guanacos, Archaic in the Rio Asana valley is most remarkable for its
continue hunting the taruca, taking over 41 per year, and stability; once Asana was established as a residential base
grow approximately 24 kg of quinoa per year. The major (by PXXIX times, ca. 9400 B.P.), the scale of mobility re-
difference between my reconstruction ofAwati Phase sub- mained unchanged until Level VIII times (ca. 4600 B.P.),
sistence and Kuznar's is the importance of taruca hunting. when it was confined to the high-sierra environmental
In his model, taruca hunting would be ranked second in a zone. The larger scale of mobility, however, was reestab-
diet choice model, whereas in my model, taruca hunting lished by Level IV times (ca. 4400 B.P.), and it apparently
continues to be ranked third. It appears that this differ- persisted until Asana was abandoned after 3600 B.P. Un-
ence is based upon Kuznar's hypothesis (1990: 346-347) fortunately, I cannot discuss the scale of residential mobil-
that dogs would be used to hunt this animal. The labor ity for most of the Archaic directly since until Asana VIII
value of the dog would help to increase the efficiency of Awati Phase times, there are no other residential bases
taruca procurement. However, Kuznar's model does not known in the valley. In Awati times, residential mobility
take into account travel and handling times, and further, was organized on a high sierra-puna rim axis; Asana served
he uses a larger estimate of taruca density (3 animals/km 2) as the lower elevation base, while 1 Panteon was the high-
as well as larger effective habitats. His model predicts that elevation base in the puna rim. For the other phases, how-
Awati Phase hunters, in order to achieve an optimal diet, ever, it is possible to speculate on the likely location of
would have to take 41 taruca per year, a figure far larger residential bases. If, as I have argued, foragers permanently
than I calculate for the entire taruca population within the occupied the highlands by PXXIX times in the Asana III
296 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

Table 9.10. Summary of Site Use, Duration of Occupation, and Mobility Scale at Asana

Phase/Level Site Use Duration Mobility Scale

Asana VPuruma

PXXXIII logistical very short coast-high sierra

PXXXII logistical short coast-high sierra

PXXX residential short coast-puna

Asana IVKhitufia

PXXIX residential moderate lower high sierra-puna

PXXIV residential moderate lower high sierra-puna

Asana 111/IJ ilafia

PXVIIa residential moderate lower high sierra-puna
residential short unclear

PXIV residential moderate lower high sierra-puna

Asana IV/Muruq'uta
XIX residential long lower high sierra-puna

XVIIc residential long lower high sierra-puna

XIVa residential short lower high sierra-puna
logistical!residential very short unclear

Asana V/Pisi Mara

XII logistical/residential very short lower high sierra-puna

Asana VVQhuna

VIII residential long high sierra

Asana VIVAwati
IV residential short (?) high sierra-puna

II residential long lower high sierra-puna

aRefleets two distinct residential uses of the level.

Khitufia Phase, then residential bases in that phase and all essentially "empty" environment in which there are few
others until Awati times must be located in an equivalent or no other groups and when mutual access to territory is
elevation zone but in a different valley. The nearest valley granted between different foraging groups.
with roughly equal resource productivity is the Rio Torata Logistical mobility ranges the full length of the valley,
valley, located only 22 Ian to the north and within nine from the lower high sierra to beyond the puna rim. Dis-
hours travel time. If this line of reasoning is correct, dis- tances from Asana to the furthest known logistical camp
tances between residential bases throughout the entire that is likely to have been a part of the Archaic settlement
Archaic ranged from 20 to 25 Ian. This type of residential systems in the valley range from ca. 16 Ian and 6.5 hours
mobility will work under two conditions: when there is an round-trip travel time downstream (Coscori, utilized at
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 297

Table 9.11. Packet Removals and Possibility of Mobility

Possibility ofMobility/
Phase/Level Packet Removal Duration ofOccupation

Asana VPuruma

PXXXIII unclear yes/short

PXXXII most of animal removed yes/short
PXXX hindquarters removed yes/short
Asana IIIKhituiia
PXXIX hindquarters removed yes/moderate
PXXIV fore- and hindquarters removed yes/moderate
Asana 1111]ilaiia
PXVII unclear yes/moderate
PXN trunk removed yes/moderate
Asana IV/Muruq'uta

XIX unclear yes/long

XVIlc forequarters removed yes/long
XN fore- and hindquarters removed yes/short
Asana V/Pisi Mara
XII unclear yes/short
Asana VVQhuna
VIII hindquarters removed no/long
IV unclear yes/short
II most of animal removed yes/long

least in the Jilana and Awati Phases) to ca. 15 km and 6.2 Quelcata, which is at the upper limits of the Rio Asana
hours round-trip travel time upstream (El Panteon, uti- drainage just over 8 km upstream from El Panteon and 23
lized at least during the Muruq'uta and Awati Phases). I km from Asana. Finally, the puna raw materials at Asana
have remarked on the symmetry of these travel times and are found at a minimum of20 km above Quelcata. There-
distances elsewhere. The degree to which foragers from fore, the likely maximum downstream logistical radius from
Asana are likely to have used areas beyond these two sites Asana is likely to total 25 to 30 km below Asana and ca. 40
is unclear. There are no known Archaic sites below Coscori, km above (upstream from) Asana. The logistical camps
but stray finds ofMiddle Archaic Muruq'uta and Late Ar- nearest Asana include Cueva 4 (7.8 km, 3.34 hours round-
chaic Awati Phase projectile points have been found near trip downstream) and Quellaveco (6.3 km, 2.58 hours
298 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

round-trip upstream). In general, both the scale and dis- extensive drought is known to have the potential of drying
tances involved in residential and logistical mobility are out smaller bofedales (Aldenderfer 1989b). Likewise, the
consistent with the predictions offered by the model. lower high sierra, because of its constancy (i.e., the gen-
erallack of truly significant amounts of rainfall during the
Frequency oflvIobility
rainy season), sees relatively little seasonal differences in
The frequency of residential mobility is difficult to assess resource availability unless rainfall is substantial. There is,
owing to the limitations of the data. However, it is pos- therefore, no compelling seasonal pull that drives settle-
sible to offer a number of plausible reconstructions of its ment. Consequently, a number of adaptive strategies rang-
frequency by evaluating in qualitative terms the length of ing from group fissioning to residential mobility of the
occupation at Asana. There is no accurate way in quanti- entire coresidential group to larger resource patches are
tative terms to fix a clear length to these occupations, but possible in the highlands of the region.
a review of table 9.10 suggests a gradual long-term in- The best clues to the season of occupation at Asana can
crease in the length of stay at Asana until Late Muruq'uta be gleaned from an examination of the locations and uses
times (ca. 6500-6000 B.P.), here represented by Level XIV of the lower high-sierra logistical camps and field camps.
(6400 B.P.). In the first residential occupation of the site, Once Asana became a residential base, and since it is prob-
Level PXXIX, the term of occupation was relatively short, able that it was the only residential base in the valley until
implying a higher level of residential mobility. Following the end of the Awati Phase, the logistical and field camps
this, it appears that the frequency of residential mobility in the lower high sierra were tethered to it. In terms of the
declined until Late Muruq'uta times, when it apparently logistical camps, hunting could have been done in any sea-
increased significantly until the latter part of the Qhuna son of the year given the territorial habits of the guanaco,
Phase, as represented by Level VIII (4600 B.P.). The evi- and therefore these sites provide little direct evidence for
dence suggests that the foragers at Asana at this time were the season of occupation at Asana. However, the lower
essentially confined to the high sierra and effectively had sierra field camps like Cueva 4 are more useful. Quinuay
no residential mobility. Following the transformation of thrives during the rainy season and persists into the be-
subsistence economy marked by the adoption of pastoral- ginning of the dry season. Hence, its peak availability is
ism in the Awati Phase by 4400 B.P., mobility increased from January to April/May. In the natural state, quinuay is
once again in Level IV times, followed by a return to low a preferred food of the guanaco, and much of it would
frequencies of mobility by the end of the Awati Phase in have been consumed relatively rapidly. Once the foraging
Level II times. Again, while tentative, these data are con- peoples in the valley began to use the plant (ca. 9400 B.P.),
sistent with the predictions offered by the model. Devia- as it became more important to the diet (ca. 7100 B.P.),
tion from it, that is, periods of high residential mobility, and as it came to be intensively used (ca. 4600 B.P.), hu-
appear to be closely correlated with significant environ- mans would have competed directly with the guanaco.
mental problems that would have substantially reduced Therefore, to reduce the costs of procurement and to im-
available biomass (the period 6000-5000 B.P. during the prove the plant's efficiency in terms of energy/cost ratios,
Climatic Optimum) or with the major transformation of foragers would have necessarily occupied the base camp
subsistence practice and the adoption of pastoralism (Level during the rainy season or early dry season-in effect, the
IV times, ca. 4400 B.P.). austral winter. How long they stayed, of course, depended
upon the availability of the quinuay and the other resources
Seasonality ofMobility in the upper high sierra.
In chapters 1 and 2 I argued that in tropical mountains From these indirect lines of evidence, it appears that as
such as the south-central Andes, the seasonal pulse seen in early as 9400 B.P., and likely continuing at least until
continental mountains that dramatically limits their use roughly 6000 B.P., Asana was occupied for varying lengths
in different seasons is not as strong. In practical terms, of time during the austral winter. In Level XII times, when
this means that in general, residential mobility is depen- Asana became a logistical camp or more probably a very
dent more upon resource densities and the costs and effi- short-term residential base occupied by a small group, it
ciencies of resource procurement than on significant sea- is also likely that the site was occupied during the austral
sonal differences in abundance or shortage of particular winter since seed-processing equipment is present. Given
resource types. For instance, the puna rim environment the reliance upon seeds at the end of the Qhuna Phase, it
with its bofedales remains productive year-round, although is certain that the site was occupied during this period.
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 299

A similar argument, but for different reasons, can be broader scale, it is clear that some social process has in
advanced to describe Awati Phase settlement. In this in- fact restricted the degree to which foragers at Asana have
stance, seed use becomes of minor importance, although access to other environmental zones. Whether this can be
it is still present. However, the forage requirements of the called territorial defense remains moot, however. What is
domesticated animals are more compelling. Given a do- important, though, is the constriction of mobility.
mesticated guanaco, the best time to use the high-sierra
environment is when there is sufficient and high-quality
forage for the animals, and this period, of course, is the Storage is an attractive option for risk amelioration. It can
austral winter. While the puna rim could have been occu- reduce mObility and thus the costs associated with it, an
pied year-round by these herders, the optimal use of the important consideration in high-mountain environments.
environment is to rest the bofedales and allow them to However, storage as an option depends on the availability
regenerate. Therefore, herders moved to Asana at the start ofstorable resources, the existence of a suitable, long-term
of the rainy season and remained there until a time in the storage technology, and the ability of the foragers to ex-
dry season when forage availability declined and the costs tract "surplus" production. That is, foragers must be able
of moving the herd increased significantly. not only to supply their short-term caloric requirements,
they must also be able to harvest sufficient quantities of
Risk Amelioration Strategies resources to store for future consumption.
Storage is relatively easy to observe in the archaeologi-
As long as residential mobility remains possible and of rela- cal record and is visible through material culture such as
tively low cost, it should be the primary way in which the the remains of storage features, including bins, chambers,
foragers who occupied Asana dealt with resource short- caches, and similar facilities, or through the presence of
falls and other aspects of environmental risk. This hypoth- foodstuffs harvested in one season and consumed at sites
esis is based upon the theory discussed at length in chap- known to have a different period or season of occupation.
ter 1, which compared and explored the contexts under It is difficult, however, to obtain a reliable indicator of the
which four distinct but evolutionarily stable strategies for degree of reliance a population may have on stored goods,
risk amelioration-territorial defense, storage, exchange, since these may in fact be taken off site in some cases to a
and mutual access to territory via mobility-could have different residential base. Therefore, an understanding of
emerged. I am now in a position to evaluate the empirical the monitoring position of the site and its storable re-
evidence for each of these strategies as reflected in the ar- sources is necessary for any evaluation of the presence or
chaeological data from Asana and its surrounding region. role of storage as a risk amelioration device. It is fortunate
in the case of Asana to have good data with which to iden-
Territorial Defense
tify its place through time.
Identifying territorial defense in the archaeological record What could have been stored successfully in the Rio
of foraging peoples is difficult, if not impossible, and can Asana valley in the past? The only two subsistence re-
only be approached through proxy measures. Defense, of sources for which any data exist are seed plants, presum-
course, is a social process, and as such it leaves few mate- ably quinuay, and meat. In the Andes today, chenopods are
rial indicators in the archaeological record, especially that stored either as seeds or flour in boxes, ceramic vessels,
of simple foraging societies. One possible proxy measure and tight baskets. Since Andean highlanders had adequate
is the scale of residential mobility and the associated lo- basketry technology in the Early Archaic as indicated by
gistical use of the surrounding landscape. That is, we Lynch's (1980) work at Guitarrero Cave, storage technol-
should expect that under conditions of territorial defense, ogy was probably not a problem for the foragers at Asana.
both residential mobility and the logistical use of other Meat is stored in the Andes today as charki, which is sun-
environmental zones should be limited. In looking at the dried and sometimes salted meat. Making charki is simple;
archaeological record of Asana, the only phase in which meat is butchered into packets and in some instances may
residential and logistical mobility are significantly con- be cut into smaller pieces. The meat is then exposed to
strained is the Asana VI/Qhuna Phase. Both the residen- the sun until the surface is hardened and blackened. Al-
tial and logistical uses of the Rio Asana valley are con- though charki is best made in the dry season, it can be
strained to the high sierra. Since mobility in all previous made at any time of the year as long as the drying meat is
and subsequent periods at Asana is characterized by a much protected from moisture during its processing. Properly
300 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

prepared charki can last for months and is frequently used efficiency ofmeat procurement could have been increased.
by herders and travelers as trail food. Herders also exchange Herding and domestication, of course, solve this problem
it for other products. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume and are essentially "storage on the hoof." Thus while meat
that the foragers at Asana had access to the technologies storage may have been feasible in the short run, it is un-
and techniques for storing these resources. likely to have been practiced extensively at Asana.
Whether they did so is another matter, and for an evalu- Since no facilities or special technologies are required
ation of that, I must return once again to the economics of to make charki, there are no diagnostic indicators of it in
harvesting these resources. The handling time of quinuay the archaeological record of Asana. However, the degree
makes it very difficult to harvest large quantities of it. In to which meat packets are present or absent in the faunal
our experiments, it took six hours to produce only 1.6 kg assemblages can be monitored. If certain packets are miss-
of usable seeds after winnowing. Harvesting efficiency is ing or underrepresented, this may indicate that the meat
low, and it would be very difficult to intensify the use of associated with them was turned into charki and set aside
this plant by improving harvesting efficiency. The only for future consumption. A necessary assumption is that
way in which quinuay could be successfully manipulated whole animals must be returned to the site; this assump-
with long-term storage as a goal would be to increase the tion is met in every level at Asana. If storage is a buffering
efficiency of its harvest. To d9 that requires that foragers risk, I would expect infrequent residential moves since the
artificially increase the density of the plant (thus reducing stored product essentially tethers foragers to the place at
one aspect of handling time by decreasing the amount of which the resource has been stored. Table 9.11 summa-
time spent moving from plant to plant to strip the seeds) rizes the relationship between packet presence or absence
and to reduce search time by cultivating the plant near the and mobility at Asana. Since these relationships are de-
residential base. The question, then, becomes one of com- pendent upon the monitoring position of the site, I must
peting costs: Given the option of residential mobility, is it examine only those residential uses at Asana (table 9.10).
ever cost-effective to harvest surplus quantities of quinuay Therefore, let me exclude Levels PXXXIII, PXXXII, and
for long-term storage? The answer appears to be no, al- XII from this discussion. Packets are removed from every
though the empirical data from Asana that support this duration of occupation-short, moderate, and long, and
position do not exist because no remains of a presumed therefore there is no obvious correlation with packet ab-
storage technology of any kind have been discovered. sence and infrequent residential mobility. Packet removal
Under conditions of restricted mobility, however, while it must monitor some other social process. It is reasonable
may not have been cost-effective to harvest more quinuay, to conclude that storage is not likely to have been an ef-
it may have become necessary to do so. fective risk amelioration device in the prehistory of Asana
Meat storage presents a somewhat different picture. In until Awati Phase times.
the short run, it appears that it is relatively easy from an The Awati Phase marks a clear break with the past at
economic standpoint to harvest more animals for future Asana in that the inhabitants of the site became reliant
storage. That is, given the likely hunting methods of drive upon a domesticated resource-the guanaco. WIth care-
and surround, whole family groups could have been taken ful management, they may have been able to generate some
in single hunting episodes. Meat not immediately con- surplus production of meat, although it is probable that
sumed could have easily been turned into charki. In the the herds of the early foragers were relatively small and
long run, however, as the mathematical models show, this thus very sensitive to overculling and the consequences of
strategy could not be maintained without eventually in- random perturbation discussed previously. The packet data
curring significantly higher procurement costs as measured support this inference, albeit indirectly. The packets found
by greater handling times (increasing travel costs to more in Level II of Asana are typical of those found at modern
distant patches) due to the elimination of the animal popu- pastoral sites in the Andes which tend to be dominated by
lation in nearby patches, which can happen very rapidly low-utility skeletal elements (Kuznar 1990, 1995). A very
depending on the level of the harvesting rate and the kind similar pattern of packet content is found in the contem-
of harvesting strategy employed. If unchecked, a storage poraneous basal layers of EI Panteon, the presumed puna
strategy could have had the unintended effect of eventu- rim residential base.
ally requiring greater logistical and residential mobility and
their attendant high costs. Therefore, extensive meat stor-
age seems unlikely to have occurred at Asana unless the
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 301

access to territory through mobility should be the least-

Exchange cost risk amelioration strategy in most high-mountain
From the perspective of producers at Asana, exchange as a settlement systems.
risk amelioration strategy suffers from the same flaw as There is no question that for most of the phases at
does surplus production: exchange is based upon a surplus Asana, residential mobility was practiced (tables 9.10,9.11).
of some economically important good. As I have shown, Foragers moved in and out of the valley and probably
since it is so difficult or dangerous to produce surplus quan- moved into adjacent valleys in nearby drainages either as
tities of either quinuay or meat, it is highly unlikely that resources became too costly to obtain or because a short-
exchange was used by the foragers at Asana until Awati fall occurred and was avoided. It is even possible that for-
times and the problematic Qhuna Phase. For Awati times, agers at Asana moved to lower or high-elevation environ-
the packet removal data support the notion of exchange at mental zones not on a residential basis but instead to avoid
this time-neither Asana nor EI Panteon had many high- risk or caloric shortfalls. The degree to which mutual ac-
utility parts or packets in their faunal assemblages, and cess was a part of this system of mobility, however, is much
therefore the most parsimonious explanation is that these more difficult to read from the archaeological record. In
elements were traded away. Pastoralists in the modern the earlier phases of the occupation of the south-central
Andes routinely trade high-utility elements and packets Andes, population sizes were very low, and if the data from
and use the lower utility parts for their own consumption. the Rio Asana valley are any indication, population growth
The obvious question, of course, is to whom were these through time was slow. Whether and when adjacent val-
packets traded? Marine shell pendants were recovered from leys filled with local inhabitants or fissioned populations
Level IIIb, and a marine shell necklace was found with an from the original inhabitants of the highlands are currently
infant burial at El Panteon in the earliest occupation of unknown since none of the valleys surrounding Asana have
that site, which is contemporaneous with Level II at Asana. been the focus of intensive survey.
It appears that these packets were being traded to people One way in which mutual access may be identified in
at lower elevations, at least those in the midvalleys and the archaeological record is to search for material expres-
possibly on the coast. Presumably the coastal materials sions of social or individual bonds. Mutual access to terri-
made their way to Asana and beyond through intermedi- tory may assume many forms depending on specific re-
aries in the lower transverse valleys. This pattern of inter- source combinations and local settings. Marriage and kin-
action is strikingly similar to accounts of modern exchange ship may form a basis for individuals or families to move
relationships in the Andes. from an area experiencing resource shortfalls to another
area that is not. In this instance, people will live with their
Mutual Access to Territory through Mobility
kin. Other examples of mutual access may involve rights
Mobility to avoid resource shortfall and risk is well known of access to land if the owners are not present. Whatever
throughout the anthropological literature on foraging the social relationship, it is frequently cemented and sym-
peoples (Cashdan 1990; Spielmann 1986). When the en- bolized by the exchange of a variety of goods, ranging from
vironment is "empty," mobility, while potentially costly, is decorative objects to utilitarian items. While the objects
also relatively easy. When the environment begins to be- may have economic worth, their true value lies in the sym-
come packed, or filled with other social groups, mobility bolization of the reciprocity-based relationship between
mayor may not become constrained. Mutual access to ter- individuals. Brown (1985: 223) has described the use of
ritory tends to occur when the costs of mobility to the tokens as markers of intergroup and interindividual rela-
moving group are lower than other risk amelioration strat- tionships. In this view, tokens would be finished objects
egies and when the costs to the receiving group are lower constructed of nonlocal raw materials, objects executed in
than territorial defense and exclusion, storage, or exchange. nonlocal styles, or possibly small quantities of nonlocal
Another condition that must be factored into consider- foodstuffs. Therefore, the discovery of small quantities of
ations of cost is the frequency of access. Infrequent, finished, nonlocal goods known to be produced in nearby
nonperiodic, or predictable requests for access have a lower or adjacent environmental zones may signal mutual access
cost, whereas periodic, frequent requests are seen as costly to territory as long as logistical mobility to these zones
by the receiving group or individuals. The model of mon- can be eliminated as a possibility.
tane foraging predicts that as long as the costs of mobility Schiappacasse and Niemeyer (1984) have developed a
remain lower than those of the other strategies, reciprocal model of resource buffering strategies for the Middle Ar-
302 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

chaic foragers of the northern Chilean littoral using this within the ceremonial structure are made of puna raw
approach but without explicit mention of tokens or mate- materials, although there is no puna debitage on site. It is
rial symbols of individual or group interaction. Using eco- possible these points are tokens, but since they are of ob-
logical theory, primarily the work on territoriality and vious ceremonial value, a ritual-related explanation is
boundary formation by Cashdan (1983), they argue that equally plausible. At the local level, then, there are no com-
Middle Archaic coastal foragers were residentially seden- pelling artifactual data to identify tokens of relationship
tary but were often faced with unpredictable shortages in between the inhabitants of Asana and the inhabitants of
resource abundance. They resolved these shortages by nearby environmental zones.
moving into the territories of other coastal or littoral for- \Vhether there are tokens is not of critical importance,
agers with whom they maintained a risk-buffering or pool- however, because the evidence for residential mobility for
ing system similar to that observed for the !Kung. all phases except for the problematic Qhuna Phase is very
Schiappacasse and Niemeyer say little about the possibil- strong. Mobility is the likely explanation for the packet
ity of interaction with high-elevation populations, but the removals seen throughout most of the prehistory ofAsana.
data from Camarones-14 and other coastal sites suggest
there was interaction between the coast and the highlands. Archaic Period Complementarity
Looked at from a regional perspective, there is some "Complementarity" is a term intimately connected with
tantalizing but also tentative support for this hypothesis. analyses of the structure of interrelationships between
There is a clear increase in the appearance of nonlocal high- and low-elevation late prehistoric and ethnohistoric
materials in assemblages during the Archaic throughout cultures ofthe south-central Andes. As originally conceived
the south-central Andes in general and the Rio Asana val- by Murra (1972), complementarity is a form of land use
ley in particular (Aldenderfer 1989a: table V). More Late characterized by direct, central control ofvertically strati-
Archaic sites have exotic materials, which suggests more fied resource-producing zones ("vertical archipelagoes").
intensive interaction between people in the highlands, the Puna-based societies reliant upon tuber production and
coast, and other low-elevation environments. Materials pastoralism would attempt to control sierra production of
appearing in highland assemblages are limited to marine maize and cotton through state-supported mechanisms of
shell or other marine products, and most appear to have centralized redistribution.
been used for personal adornment. In coastal assemblages, Since the publication of Murra's seminal work, other
projectile points made of puna raw materials are charac- forms of Andean complementarity have been recognized,
teristic of the Early and Middle Archaic. Vicuna hides, and attempts have been made to generalize their salient
quinoa, and feathers of puna-dwelling birds appear in the characteristics across environmental and social parameters
Late Archaic. Regardless of the material, however, quan- (Salomon 1985). Two dimensions ofvariability are impor-
tities are very small, and none are clearly of economic im- tant: decentralized or reciprocity-based systems versus
portance. These data are consistent with buffering rela- centralized, redistributive systems and systems based on
tionships or other reciprocity-type exchange relationships direct access to resources versus those based on indirect
based upon direct access to subsistence resources through access, primarily different modes of trade, exchange, and
mutual access and thus provide indirect support for the barter. The latter dimension also includes the number of
model proposed by Schiappacasse and Niemeyer and the external contacts a group must maintain in order to ob-
model of montane foraging proposed in this volume. tain access to desired resources (Salomon 1985: 513-516).
The data from Asana are unfortunately equivocal. Since As I have argued elsewhere (Aldenderfer 1989a, 1989b,
the midvalleys have yet to be investigated in detail, the 1993 a), it is necessary, as Salomon has done, first to gen-
only environmental zones for which I can identify nonlocal eralize the concept of complementarity and then to make
raw materials are the littoral and the puna, both of which it applicable to foraging peoples. I have done so with the
were part of the logistical radius during certain phases. model of montane foraging developed in this book, and
The only phase in which coastal materials appear at Asana moreover, I have provided an explicit theoretical basis for
that could not be explained by logistical mobility is the predicting the forms of complementarity for foraging
Awati Phase, a phase for which I have suggested that ex- peoples in these high-mountain environments. My ap-
change was probably in place. The only phase in which proach has been anticipated by Lynch (1971), who has ar-
puna raw materials cannot be explained at Asana is the gued that seasonal residential mobility (direct access by
Qhuna. In this phase, the miniature projectile points found foragers to multiple resource zones without an exchange
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 303

medium) could be considered to be a very simple form of of resource procurement-pastoralism. All of these
ecological complementarity. changes take place in a maximum of 500 years and pos-
Complementarity during most of the prehistory of sible minimum of 250 years. If the focus is placed even
Asana was achieved by direct access to resources through more tightly on events in the Qhuna Phase, it can be seen
residential mobility. Beginning in Asana I1Puruma Phase that while seed processing was a part of the subsistence
times and through the Asana V/Pisi Mara Phase, foragers system throughout the phase, the most dramatic changes
based at Asana moved within and between valleys both to in Qhuna society appear in Level IXa and VIII times (ca.
avoid risk and to reduce the cost of obtaining resources. 4600 B.P.) to roughly Level IV times (ca. 4400 B.P.).
From a theoretical perspective and from our knowledge I believe that the ultimate cause of these changes is the
of the economics of hunting guanacos, taruca, and vicuna effects of long-term, regional-scale population growth
and harvesting quinuay, it appears that relatively infrequent coupled with circumscription, in effect a regional-pack-
residential mobility was the least costly way in which these ing argument (see Brown 1985; Aldenderfer 1989a, 1993a).
peoples could have buffered themselves from risk. On a While such data are notoriously difficult to obtain and then
regional scale, the exchange between highland and low- interpret, the evidence presented in chapters 3 and 8 shows
land peoples of tokens of relationship, which include pro- that there are more Late Archaic sites on the landscape in
jectile points, ornamentation, and other utilitarian and previous phases, and this population appears to have grown
nonutilitarian goods, begins to intensify and symbolizes in other western flanks' valleys in the south-central Andes,
interindividual or intergroup obligations. In Asana VIII such as the Lluta and Azapa valleys of northern Chile
Awati Phase times, risk buffering was apparently achieved (Santoro 1989; Nunez 1989). Unfortunately, there are no
by exchange, with highlanders trading meat probably for data from the valleys adjacent to the Rio Asana. Even if
plants grown by lowlanders in the midvalleys. While resi- the population has not grown, there is no question that
dential mobility was still practiced, it was done so for dif- the foragers of the Qhuna Phase are circumscribed in their
ferent reasons-that is, to provide adequate forage for the residential mobility and are confined to the high sierra.
herds of domesticated animals now in use. Under this particular set of circumstances, these forag-
In this reconstruction, the Asana VI/Qhuna Phase ers would have been faced with two serious problems-
stands out as something distinct. Elements of exchange greater difficulty in obtaining sufficient resources within
between highlanders and lowlanders are present. Ceremo- the high-sierra valleys and increased levels of risk due to
nial architecture is constructed at the site, and through their inability to move out of the valley. These stresses are
time it gradually becomes more complex and formalized especially severe in high-mountain environments. As long
(Aldenderfer 1991b). Residential mobility is constrained as population size remained relatively small, these prob-
to the high-sierra environment, seed utilization is intensi- lems could be dealt with by the intensification of use of
fied, some meat packets are not found on site in any fre- guanacos, taruca, and quinuay. However, the more inten-
quency, and residential architecture increases substantially sive use of each of these species offers only a short-term
in size when compared to that in all previous phases. In solution to subsistence problems. Furthermore, all high-
one sense, the Qhuna Phase does not fit the developmen- mountain foragers require some form of risk amelioration
tal sequence described earlier. It has elements of classic strategy as predicted by theory and the model of montane
Andean complementarity-exchange-coupled with in- foraging. There is evidence for an exchange-based
tensification of resource utilization and evidence of cer- complementarity in this phase. It is apparent that Qhuna
emonialism. I will now attempt to place the Qhuna Phase foragers were trading meat for as-yet-unidentified re-
in a historical and theoretical perspective. sources. This inference is based upon the almost complete
absence of the hindquarters packet from Level VIII and
Other Social Pathways to Risk Amelioration? other Qhuna Phase faunal assemblages. But the potential
When compared to the evidence from previous phases, for the exchange of this meat resource is limited and could
subsistence and social change occur very rapidly within not be sustained over the long term.
the Qhuna Phase. Tracing developments from the begin- Therefore, it is inescapable to conclude that Qhuna
ning of the Awati Phase, ceremonial structures are con- Phase society probably faced increasing levels of resource
structed, become more complex through time, and finally shortfall, the threat of subsistence risk, and social stresses
disappear. A subsistence adaptation focused upon inten- attendant upon these problems. Given the apparent diffi-
sive seed utilization is replaced by a wholly different form culty of mobility to escape these problems, Qhuna Phase
304 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

foragers turned increasingly toward the use of ritual, as inequality, even those labeled in the ethnographic litera-
symbolized by the transformation of the ceremonial struc- ture as "egalitarian." Flanagan (1989), in reviewing the
tures from simple dance grounds to closed, bounded struc- massive literature on hierarchy in so-called simple societ-
tures. Furthermore, ritual was used by a segment of Qhuna ies, has persuasively demonstrated what archaeologists and
Phase society to deal with this increasingly intense spiral anthropologists have long known but have tended to over-
of social and subsistence stresses, and in part, the transfor- look-that hierarchies based on age, gender, kinship, gen-
mation of ritual can also be seen as the extension of hier- eration, and ability characterize all "simple" societies. This
archy and the emergence of a form of social inequality. omission has been made through classifications, especially
Within this context, the simultaneous appearance of in- those that focus on defining "types" of societies based on
tensive seed grinding and the most complex ceremonial structural principles. However, it has become increasingly
structures in Level VIII times at Asana is not a coinci- clear that hierarchy and inequality in "simple" societies
dence. They are, in fact, two distinct pathways used to are often context-specific, based more on social organiza-
alleviate or mitigate both social and subsistence stresses tion, situation, and practice than on fundamental struc-
caused by the effects of circumscription. tural categories of society (Flanagan 1989: 261-262), and
As I have argued elsewhere, following a deep tradition therefore, the attempt to characterize whole social systems
in anthropological theory, ritual is one of the most impor- as being either egalitarian or unequal is inappropriate.
tant sources of stability and change within foraging soci- But what is of primary interest to the archaeologist,
eties (Aldenderfer 1993b). Most of us are familiar with the however, is not simply that hierarchy or inequality exists
role of ritual in maintaining the status quo, but it is also in "simple" societies, but instead the ways in which hierar-
the case that ritual has a major role to play in the exten- chy becomes institutionalized inequality-that is, how so-
sion of hierarchy and inequality in so-called egalitarian cial organization and interaction become social structure.
societies. While ritual was used in part to deal with social In other words, what pathways exist that permit some seg-
stresses and crises, it was simultaneously extending exist- ment of society to take control or monopolize access to a
ing social inequalities in Qhuna Phase society. To explore critical or strategic resource (Paynter 1989: 383)? Equally
these claims, I will first define hierarchy and inequality, interesting, but for different reasons, are those pathways
ritual, and circumscription and then show they articulate to hierarchy that are attempted but fail to persist.
from a theoretical perspective (see Aldenderfer 1993b for In his discussion of sequential hierarchies, Johnson
a fuller treatment of these concepts). (1982) posits a general model of the way in which hierar-
chy might be promoted into an institutionalized form.
Hierarchy and Inequality A number of terms must be According to Johnson, a sequential hierarchy is a form of
defined before the archaeological evidence from Qhuna inequality that tends to be of unstable membership, thus
Phase Asana can be considered. Hierarchy, according to impermanent, and while it may dominate access to a single
Flanagan (1989: 248), refers to inequality between per- strategic resource, it does not control others. Thus an in-
sons and pertains more to social organization than to so- dividual atop a sequential hierarchy may control access to
cial structure. Under this definition, it is obvious that while some resource important in trade, for instance, but not
hierarchy can exist within stratified societies (those so de- control other aspects ofthe productive or economic sphere
fined by social formations such as classes or "elites"), soci- of society. The ethnographic literature is replete with ex-
eties need not be stratified in order for hierarchy to exist. amples of how societies in which sequential hierarchies
Inequality is a very clear difference in access to some com- exist control those atop these hierarchies: leveling mecha-
modity, position, or resource. Some individuals have ac- nisms, an emphasis on an ethos of sharing, prohibitions
cess to the resource while others do not. It must be stressed on food storage and self-aggrandizing behavior, and more.
that it is not necessary to identify this resource as a subsis- While it is known that these mechanisms are present in
tence or other economically valuable good. As Paynter most "simple" societies, it is important not to overempha-
(1989: 383) points out, the "resource" may be control of size their power. Fundamentally, they are ideologies, and
force, access to strategic food resources, trade goods, as such while a society might proclaim its egalitarian ethos,
knowledge, competency, legitimacy, and prestige. It is this there may well be substantial differences in wealth, knowl-
entire range of possibilities that leads to the situational edge, or prestige among its members (Flanagan 1989: 248).
and contextual nature of hierarchy. This means that archaeologists cannot simply assume that
All known human societies have some form of social such ideologies always "worked" in the past. If this were
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 305

the case, it would be difficult to see how any movement to the obvious control functions of ritual and its potential as
institutionalized inequality could be made. a change agent. If it is granted that all societies maintain
some form of ritual communication that at least in part is
Ritual Ritual, especially in a sacred context (Wallace a means of justifying existing social relations, it further
1966: 104), is generally viewed as some form of "conveyed can be postulated that ritual will be effective in the media-
regulation" (Wagner 1984: 144) in which ritual becomes a tion of these social relationships and the maintenance of
means of communicating and justifying the existence of existing social categories as long as most participants in
social forms and relations. The circumstances under and the ritual process continue to get what they consider to be
degree to which ritual performs this vary, depending on their appropriate benefits and have a reasonable expecta-
different theoretical orientations. Bloch (1977: 289), for tion of continuing to do so. That is, individuals agree to
example, argues that ritual legitimizes social inequality and "cooperate" with the ritual process through a belief in the
is thus a mechanism by which hierarchy can be developed power of ritual as either a sanctioning or persuasive force
(Conkey 1985: 304). Rappaport (1979: 125), from a posi- (Burns and Laughlin 1979: 271-275). In the former, indi-
tion firmly grounded in ecological anthropology, proposes viduals participate in the ritual system through a belief in
that "wholeness, holiness, and adaptiveness are closely re- some reward for behavior consistent with the ritual pro-
lated" and attempts to demonstrate that ritual is the pri- cess or through fear of sanction (punishment) if the con-
mary means a society utilizes to maintain itself in some straints of the ritual process are violated. In the latter, in-
sort of homeostasis with its environment. Whatever the dividuals cooperate with ritual because their beliefs are
orientation, however, the emphasis remains firmly fixed strongly molded and manipulated by a wielder of ritual
on ritual as some form of social control. Ritual, as a means power. Thus it is not reward or fear that leads to coopera-
of social communication and at least in part of social justi- tive behavior but instead a process ofmanipulation in which
fication, can be a traditionalizing force. It mediates exist- a context for cooperation is carefully managed. As Burns
ing social relations as they are categorized by the partici- and Laughlin (1979: 274) note, the power of persuasion is
pants in the event. Douglas (1973: 79), in describing her particularly important when the context of ritual perfor-
approach to understanding ritual, has argued that "the re- mance is related to the possibility of collective action on
stricted code (ritual) is used economically to convey infor- the part of the participants.
mation and to sustain a particular social form. It is a sys-
tem of control as well as a system of communication." Circumscription Under what circumstances can wielders
It is important, however, not to overemphasize the role of ritual power attempt to extend their authority, and fur-
of ritual as a means of generating social solidarity and con- ther, under what circumstances will this extension be suc-
sensus. Societies are not organisms, and this sort of purely cessful? Using the definitions of hierarchy and inequality
functionalist thinking has been largely discredited in mod- offered earlier, if we are concerned with the emergence of
ern anthropological thought, especially from the perspec- cultural complexity, only one of the three conditions pro-
tive of theories, such as agency critiques, that demonstrate posed by Price and Brown (1985: 8)-circumscription-is
that society is composed of individuals who are members in fact necessary for complexity to emerge. The other
of shifting and often contradictory, competing segments two-resource abundance and large populations-are nec-
(Giddens 1984) or from neo-Darwinian thought, which essary for the eventual institutionalization of hierarchy.
emphasizes how individuals make choices that tend to Circumscription may be broadly defined as "the net
maximize their inclusive fitness often at the expense of the benefit, or relatively lower cost, of remaining in a group
group (Boyd and Richerson 1985). Indeed, if ritual is for any individual member" (Betzig 1986: 102; Irons 1979).
viewed solely as a control device, it becomes extremely Individuals stay within the group as long as the net costs
difficult to place ritual in more than simply a reactive po- of group membership do not exceed the benefits. An im-
sition, and it thus remains only a traditionalizing or con- portant correlate of this prediction, as Betzig (1986: 101)
servative force. For the archaeologist, ritual must remain points out, is that individuals may tolerate an increasing
consequent to the dynamics of other social processes that social inequality within groups because the perceived ben-
promote hierarchy and inequality. efits outweigh the costs of inequality or to avoid some
To place ritual in a dynamic framework, one in which it greater cost, such as the results of intra- and intergroup
can serve as a causal factor in the process of social elabora- conflict or resource shortfall.
tion, it is necessary to build a theoretical bridge between Circumscription is necessary for the emergence ofcom-
306 Asana and Models ofMontane Foraging

plexity because it limits choice and mobility, both ofwhich increase population pressure without substantially increas-
have been seen as hallmarks ofsmall-scale, relatively egali- ing absolute population size. Population pressure should
tarian societies. Moving away from conflict, stress, and be seen as a proxy measure of some form of circumscrip-
subordination is generally the most cost-effective and fre- tion that has a social or ecological basis.
quently observed means of dealing with these social prob-
lems in foraging societies (Betzig 1986: 100-103). Circum- Hierarchy, Inequality, and Ritual as Dynamic Processes in
scription was first invoked by Carneiro (1970) in his theory Qhuna Phase Asana The context of change under con-
of the origins of state-level societies, and while it has been ditions of circumscription also offers those in control of a
challenged and defended repeatedly (see Carneiro 1988), ritually defined hierarchy an opportunity to extend the
certain important aspects ofthe theory have been borrowed range of their power-in other words, to attempt to con-
and translated for use in the setting of foraging societies. trol other sequential hierarchies. Ritual, since it can con-
As applied to simpler societies, circumscription is gen- trol in part the definition of social categories, is an ideal
erally seen within a context of reduced residential mobil- means of literally redefining social relationships. Ifwielders
ity, and as Brown and Price (1985: 438) note, a reduction of ritual power are in fact successful in convincing indi-
in mobility "appears early during the course toward in- viduals to continue their belief in the power of ritual, they
creased complexity." Most students of foraging peoples may also be able to convince them to allow the extension
agree that as the ability to move from social and ecologi- of ritual into other social fields. The extent to which this
cal problems decreases, existing institutions, roles, and is possible depends on the degree to which individuals can
other social entities are increasingly called into play to al- be manipulated and persuaded that they can expect ben-
leviate the attendant stresses, which include increasing lev- efits from the changed ritual scheme or decide that the
els of inter- and intragroup conflict and potential resource costs of an extended hierarchy and increased inequality
shortfalls. There may be many causes of reduced residen- are less than the alternatives open to them.
tial mobility, including a local increase in population den- Under conditions of rapidly changing social and eco-
sity due to resource concentration or overall larger popu- logical environments that result from circumscription,
lations on a regional scale (Brown 1985). however, ritual can prove to be fragile. Rappaport (1968:
If circumscription is a necessary condition for emer- 234), an advocate of the adaptationist perspective on ritual
gent social complexity, there are situations that exacerbate practice, notes one of the disadvantages of Maring ritual
the social stresses it generates. These are highly depen- regulation: "In a stable environment slow and inflexible
dent on local historical or environmental factors and are regulation may not produce serious problems, but the novel
thus contextual in nature, but their operation can be ex- circumstances that are continuously presented by rapidly
plained in theoretical terms. In some ways, these stresses changing environments may require more rapid and
can best be seen as proximate causes of the extension of flexible regulation." While Rappaport is discussing the
hierarchy. Socially generated conditions include a rapidly physical environment, it is obvious that this comment could
changing social environment in which competition be- be extended to a rapidly changing social environment.
tween roughly equivalent small-scale societies is intensi- Echoing this view, Minc (1986: 102) shows that ritual may
fied, culture contact situations in which a small-scale soci- not be able to respond flexibly to crisis situations since it
ety is thrown into persistent and intensive contact with a has relatively high social costs and frequently rigid sched-
larger, more complex society, and attempts by individuals uling constraints. However, if neither the pace is too rapid
atop demographically defined sequential hierarchies, for nor the intensity too severe, ritual should in fact undergo
example (see Chagnon 1979), to control hierarchies de- some transformation. Indeed, as Laughlin and d'Aquili
fined on other bases. Externally or environmentally driven (1979: 297-299) argue, disaster so severe as to undermine
situations include substantial and persistent structural ritual power and authority generally tends to atomize, or
changes in resource abundance, availability, and predict- fragment, social groups, which frequently leads to the col-
ability that occur over a relatively short time span, such as lapse of whole societies.
within a single human generation (Laughlin and d'Aquili The choices made by both wielders of ritual power and
1979: 308-309). This perspective is consistent with believers may not be optimal and in fact may well be mal-
Keeley's (1988) observation about the emergence of com- adaptive under rapidly changing social environments (Al-
plexity and degree of population pressure. As defined here, denderfer 1993b; Boyd and Richerson 1985: 271-279).
the social or ecological correlates of circumscription can This is especially true if the ritual process has no direct
Montane Foragers: Asana and the South-Central Andean Archaic 307

effect on the social or ecological conditions or worse, cre- of the ceremonial structures, along with the development
ates significant new labor costs. Turning back to myorigi- of new forms of ritual practice, reflects the redefinition of
nal concern, it is clear that by Level VIII times, the for- social categories and the changing relationships between
mality of the ceremonial structure appears to reflect a individuals as hierarchy emerges. The simultaneous in-
greater degree of control of ritual and ritual performance tensification of seed use mayor may not be controlled by
when compared to Level IXc-l times. It is not known who this new hierarchy (my guess is that it is not), but what-
exercises this control, but based on ethnographic analogy, ever the case, it probably provides the economic basis for
it is probable that adult males have transformed the na- a new form of complementarity, presumably some form
ture of ritual practice by Level VIII times. In other words, of balanced reciprocity based on exchange.
there is evidence of a segment of society-a hierarchy- Almost as quickly as the ceremonial architecture ap-
controlling access to religious performance and activity. pears it vanishes, and Qhuna Phase subsistence and settle-
Just how this hierarchy articulates with others in Qhuna ment are likewise transformed into the pastoral economy
Phase times is unclear. Since there is no mortuary record, of Awati times. Unless there has been a wholesale ethnic
it is unknown whether there was any status differentiation replacement (again, in my-view, unlikely), it seems that
present (accumulation of "exotic" resources, etc.). Other Qhuna economic patterns and rituals themselves were
limited material indicators, such as the size of the domes- unable to cope with the social climate of the times. In other
tic residence, show no dichotomy in size that could indi- words, this hierarchy and its ritual basis failed to persist or
cate yet another form of hierarchy. We are limited to what reproduce itself, and it appears that the transition to pas-
we can learn from the ceremonial structures. There is no toralism is connected in some way to this failure, although
evidence, then, of other hierarchies. more specific models await development.
There is the simultaneous emergence of a hierarchy in It should be apparent from this discussion that hierar-
control of ritual and the intensification of seed use, and chy and inequality, even in so-called egalitarian societies,
both of these are embedded in a broader social context of can be inferred from the archaeological record and then
changing forms of complementarity relationships. Are they connected to broader questions and problems of anthro-
connected? I believe they are. The Qhuna Phase was one pological interest. At Asana, the development of a ritual
of apparently rapid social change in which a number of hierarchy becomes increasingly formal through time, and
aspects of society were transformed. This would certainly it is connected to a context of rapid social change, the in-
qualify as a period of stress, both social and economic. As tensification of seed use, the appearance of balanced reci-
I postulated earlier, the control of ritual during these peri- procity, and probably the local domestication of guana-
ods may well be significant, because if manipulated cor- cos. That Qhuna economy and social relationships, based
rectly, ritual may provide the basis for changes in social on this ritual hierarchy, failed to reproduce themselves is
relationships between different groups ofpeople-in short, testimony to the difficulties inherent in sequential hierar-
the control of ritual acts as an agent of social change. It chies and the ways in which they are transformed into si-
seems probable that the movement of features in and out multaneous hierarchies.
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Acha-2, 137, 138, 148 structure, 235; summary, 260-261 Asana, 130-132; south-central
AlpwirtschaJt, 16-17, 25 Asana VII/Awati Phase, 228, 261-275; Andean Archaic, 51; and
Architecture: ceremonial, 228; domestication, 275, 295,303; stratigraphy at Asana, 122, 123-130
residential or domestic, 260. See exterior space, 168; pastoralism, Clothing, 10, 140-142; at Asana, 154,
also Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase 261,263-264,267-268,271,274, 155-156, 162, 172,292, 295; and
Asana I/Puruma Phase, 136, 142-155, 275; settlement pattern, 262; site biological acclimatization, 219-220
290; diet choice, 290; exterior structure, 269; summary, 275 Cold stress, 10, 139
space, 151, 154; site structure, 143, Component, 63; definition, 60-61;
146, 151; summary, 154 Barro Negro, 49 and surface survey, 143
Asana IIIKhituna Phase, 136, 156- Biological acclimatization: fertility, 4- Corral, 268-271
174, 291; diet choice, 291; exterior 6, 140; to high-altitude Coscori, 46,52,55,56,57,70,71-73,
space, 159, 162, 168, 171, 172; environments, 5,22,139-140,219, 190,223,266,274,288
interior space, 171, 172; site 291; infant mortality, 7,139,140, Cueva 4,52,55,70-72,229,230,241,
structure, 157, 165; summary, 172 142; lactation, 21,139,277 266,274,288,297,298
Asana IIIIJilana Phase, 175-189; diet Bofedal, 30, 33, 36; Asana bofedal, 50, Cueva Quellaveco, 55,74,190,287,
choice, 292; interior space, 187; site 120,132,134-135 288,297
structure, 178, 186; summary, 189 Buffering strategies, 20-25, 295 Cueva San Agustin, 52, 58, 74,263,
Asana IV/Muruq'uta Phase, 175, 189- 264-266
224; diet choice, 292; interior Caru,53
space, 194, 202, 208; public Central place foraging model, 11, 23- Decapage, 70, 76, 77
architecture, 221-224; site 24,276,278,282,285,289,291 Density, 63; definition, 59, 60-61;
structure, 192,202,210; summary, Cerro Baul, 258, 259 distribution of, 67; interpretation,
223-224 Cerro Mejia, 82 61; and surface survey, 143
Asana VIPisi Mara Phase, 175, 224- Chenopodium sp., 31-33, 55; Diet choice, 276, 287, 290-295
228, 293; diet choice, 293; site distribution, 38; productivity of, 41, Domestication. See Asana VIIIAwati
structure, 224; summary, 225 279 Phase
Asana VIlQhuna Phase, 228-261; diet Chipped stone lithics: analysis of, 80,
choice, 294; domestic architecture, 83, 84; microwear analysis, 84-87; El Aguilar, 49
260; exterior space, 236, 241; raw material types, 80 El Nino, 48, 49
interior space, 235, 236, 241; public Chronology, 51; models of Archaic EIPanteon, 52, 58, 70, 74,190,223,
architecture, 228, 243-260,306- lanQ use, 52-56; phasing at Asana, 263-264,266,269,274,288,295,
307; settlement pattern, 228; site 136; radiocarbon assays from 297,300,301
326 Index

Environmental heterogeneity, 38 22; constraints on mobility, 20-21, Mutual access, 296,301-302

Excavation procedures: horizontal 46-48; definition, 1-2, 18; high- Mutualism, 20
provenience, 78; vertical control, altitude, 1; and human biology, 5;
79 montane, 1-2 Nez Perce, 16, 19, 24
Excavation strategy: at Asana, 76, 113; High sierra: definition, 28; ecology, Nutrition at high altitude, 139-140,
at El Panteon, 70, 74; off-site at 38; extremeness, 39; guanacos, 36, 280-281; caloric requirements, 7,
Asana, 77, 80; at rockshelters, 69- 138,280; mobility, 46; models of 21,22,23,140,142,299; caloric
70 land use, 52; plant and animal values, 280-282; digestion of fats,
Exchange, 20, 25; at Asana, 301-303; productivity, 41, 44, 45; plant 8; optimal diet, 18; role of essential
and raw material types, 80, 90 communities, 31-33,41,50,55; fatty acids, 8-9, 140, 142
Extremeness: definition, 3; and precipitation, 29, 41; raw material
residential mobility, 18; in the types, 82; taruca, 36,138,143,145, Pachamachay, 95, 136, 137, 164, 177,
south-central Andes, 39 280; vicufia, 37, 50,280 234
Hiking function, 12, 46 Packet, 149
Faunal analysis, 100, 101; bone juice Holocene archaeology, 136-137 Packet data at Asana: Asana I1Puruma
and grease, 108, 110, 182; Holocene environment, 139; in the Phase, 149; Asana IIlKhitufia
economic utility, 104, 106, 107; Andes, 48-49; water ponding, 134- Phase, 156, 163; Asana IIIJ]ilafia
economic utility of guanacos, 105, 135 Phase, 176, 185; Asana IV/
106, 107; economic utility of Hypothermia, 22 Muruq'uta Phase, 191, 199, 210;
llamas, 105, 107; fat, 280-282; Hyporia, 1,3,5-10,139,142 Asana VI/Qhuna Phase, 233; Asana
food utility index (Fill), 104; VII/Awati Phase, 264, 268
minimum number of elements Intrasite spatial analysis, 109, 110, Palimpsest, 61,77,113,114; densities,
(MNE), 84; minimum number of 113; contouring, 114-115; 68
individuals (MNI), 84; number of interpolation, 60, 114, 115; kriging, Pampa Corazon, 70
identified specimens (NISP), 84, 55, 60; methods of, 114 Panalauca, 137
101; packet definition, 104; Pastoralism. See Asana VII/Awati
taphonomy at Asana, 100, 101 Jarsitiya, 70 Phase
Flake aggregate analysis (FAA), 62, Patapatane, 52, 53, 54, 87,138,164
83, 84; at Asana, 149, 155 Laguna Seca, 49 Patch productivity, 282-283, 288
Flotation samples, 80 Landslide dynamics, 132, 134 Pikimachay, 136
Fragility, 4, 46 Las Cuevas, 52, 53, 54, 87,138,164 Primary productivity, 3,4,28;
Lauricocha, 136 harvesting efficiency, 279, 284-287,
Ground stone tools: analytical 300; of plant and animal
methods, 91-98; material types, Mobility, 10,24-25, 54, 301; at Asana, communities, 31-36,43,280-282
91; materials worked by, 95, 97 295-299, 302-303; constraints Puna rim: definition, 29; ecology, 38;
Guitarrero Cave, 95,136,219,299 on, 20-21, 46-48; costs of, 11,20, extremeness, 39; guanacos, 36;
140, 142; measure of, 155, 156, models of land use, 52; in the
Hakenasa, 52,53,54,87, 138 162, 172-174; model of Osmore basin, 29, 46; plant
Hide working: Asana I1Puruma, 150, complementarity/mobility, 54-57; communities, 33, 50; precipitation,
154, 15 5; Asana IIlKhitufia, 157, travel time in high-mountain 41; productivity, 30, 44; raw
162-164; Asana IIIIJilafia, 186, environments, 47, 174,283,295, material types, 83; vicufia, 37
189; and microwear analysis, 141, 296,299 Puripica, 54
150,155,157 Models: of complementarity/mobility, Puxuma 1, 54
High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema 54-57; of high elevation land use,
(HAPE),6 53; of high-sierra and puna rim Quereo, 136
High-mountain ecology: adaptive land use, 52; of limited
strategies, 15-16; in the Asana transhumance, 53; mask site, 61 Raw material types, 81; diversity, 87
valley, 38; behavioral responses to, Montane foraging: models of, 22-23, Refitting, 86
18; definition, 2 276,295, 302-303; and montane Risk: behavioral responses to, 19;
High-mountain environment: alpine, production strategy, 2, 16 definition, 17; risk amelioration,
1-2; constraints on human biology, Mountain sickness (Monge's disease), 6 25,299-303;r~kreduction,20
Index 327

Rockshelters, 69-70 interior space, 110, 256; space- Titijones, 56, 57

Rupestral art: Apacheta Chica, 70, 71, conserving, 109-112; space- Tojo-Tojones,53
266; Coscori, 56, 71-73,296,297; consuming, 109-111 Toquepala, 53, 56, 73, 74
Cueva Quellaveco, 70, 74,229; Shell Ring Site, 136-138, 150, 151 Transhumance, 16, 53
Tala 1, 71, 73,229; Tala 2,71; Soroche, 5, 139 Tuhin,54
Toquepala, 73, 74 Storage, 19,25,299,300
Survey procedures, 58; component, 59, Uncertainty, 17,280
Sajima,49 60-61; density, 59, 60-61; Utility: definition, 18; strategy, 24
Sample size effect, 87 opportunistic, 58, 59; siteless, 58-60
Settlement pattern: Early Archaic, Verticality, 16, 25
143; Late Archaic, 228, 269; Tala 1, 70, 71-73,229 Volcanic activity, 135
Middle Archaic, 189 Tala 2,70,71-73,229
Silencio arqueologico, 226 Telarmachay, 77,84, 136, 137, 164, Wool processing, 219-220
Site structure: and activity 192,234 Work capacity, 9,139,140,142,276
performance, 138, 139, 145, 151, Territoriality, 20; animal, 284-285,
154, 171, 172; empty space, 111; 295
exterior space, 110, 111, 256; Threshold, 18

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