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C 0 U RS E S AN D L E C T U RES - No. 27






UDINE 1970


ISBN 978-3-211-81144-3 ISBN 978-3-7091-4309-4 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-4309-4
Copyright by Springer-Verlag Wien 1970
Originally published by Springer Vienna in 1970

P r e f a a e

This aourse of 21 ~eatures on RECENT

most~y on the former aourse I had the p~easure to give
at the Internationa~ Centre for Meahaniaa~ Saienaes in
Udine during the September-October session in 1969.
Being aware of many important topics in the mechanics
of polar continua whiah I did not ina~ude in my form-
er course, and even more being aware of the p~enty of
mistakes, and most of them were not of the typographi
a~ nature, I was very g~ad to receive the invitation

of the Reator of CISM to give another course of lec-

tures on the same subject as I did nine months ago.
Owing to the ~ack of time at home, I
had to prepare this course in Udine. The Rector, W.
Olszak, the Secretary Genera~, Professor L. Sobrero,
together with the complete technical and administrat-
ive staff of CISM did everything possib~e to make my
stay and work here not only efficient, but a~so a
p~easure. I mostly admire their support and assistance.

In parallel to this course, at CISM

were he~d the courses by the most distinguished scie~
tists, Professors Eringen, Nowacki, Mindlin and Soko-
lowski on more specia~ized topics of polar continua.
Therefore, I have omitted from my ~ectures the chap-
ters dealing with the applications of linearized the-
ories to some specia~ problems, such as wave propaga-
4 Preface

tion, stPess aonaentPation, singulaP foPaes eta. I

have added a ahapteP on some aspeats of the shell the
oPy, and 2 ahaptePs on polaP fluids and on the theopy
of plastiaity, as welL as some otheP minoP aoPPeations
and additions (e.g. on inaompatible stPains with ap-
pliaations to thePmoelastiaity and to the theoPy of
disloaations). Also the list of PefePenaes is aoPPea!
ed and the PefePenaes aPe also given to some Peaently
published papePs.
I mostly appPeaiate the help of MP.J.
JaPic, M. Sa. in aoPPeating the list of PefePenaes
and in aheaking the proofs in the main text, as well
as the help of Mr. M. Miaunovia, B. Eng. in WPiting
the foPmulae.
The International CentPe foP Meahaniaal
Saienaes in Udine paid for the seaond time in one
year its attention to the meahanias of polar aontinua.
Appreaiating very muah this interest in this modern
branah of meahanias, I hope that this aou~se of lea-
tures (whiah !.delivered with the greatest pleasure)
will be, besides all imperfeations and may be even
aonaeptual errors, at least a small aontPibution
to the furtheP development of aontinuum meahanias.

Udine, July 16, 1970

R. Stojanovic
l. Introduction

Classical continuum mechanics consider~ material

continua as point-continua with points having three degrees of
freedom, and the response of a material to the displacements of
its points is characterized by a symmetric stress tensor. Such
a model is insufficient for the description of certain physical
Already in 1843 St. Venant [471] ~~ remarked that
for the description of deformations of thin bodies a proper the~

ry cannot be restricted to the analysis of deformations of a

straight line which can be only lengthened and bent, but must
also include directions which can be rotated independently of the
displacements of the points.
A further generalization of this idea was to at-
tach to each point of a three-dimensional continuum a number of
directions which can be rotated independently of the displace-
ments of the points to which they are attached. That physical
bodies might be presented in this way was suggested in 1893 by
Duhem [94]. In the study of crystal elasticity Voigt [473, 474]
came to the s.ame ideas. It is the merit of the brothers Eugene

~~ The numbers in square brackets refer to the list of refer-

ences at the end of these lectures.
6 1. Introduction

and Fran~ois Cosserat that a theory of such oriented continua

was developed, and there are three papers by them[71, 72, 73]
published in 1907-1909 which are the basis of all later work on
polar continua. However, their work remained forgotten until 1935,
when Sudria [437]gave a more modern interpretation of their theo
ry, applying the contemporary vectorial notation.
One of the essential features of polar continua
is that the stress tensor is not symmetric, and the well known
second law of Cauchy is to be replaced by another one from which
the Cosserat equations follow.
In oriented bodies the antisymmetric part of the
stress tensor, according to the Cosserat equations, is related
to the divergence of a third-order tensor of couple-stresses.
This tensor, through the constitutive relations, depends on the
deformations of the directors, but the deformations of directors
are not the only deformations responsible for the couple-stres-
The non-symmetry of the stress tensor appears
also if the higher order deformation gradients are taken into
account, instead of the first-order gradients only, as it is the
case in the classical continuum mechanics. According to Truesdell
and Toupin [467], Hellinger [202]was the first in 1914, to ob-
tain the general constitutive relations for stress and couple-
stress, generalizing an aRalysis of E. and F. Cosserat.
In 1953 Bodaszewski [39]developed a theory of non-
A historical introduction 7

-symmetric stress states, but without any reference to earlier

works. He applied the theory to elasticity and fluid dynamics.
Since 1958, the general interest in the non-sym-
metric stress tensor and in the Cosserat continuum rapidly in-
creases. In that year Ericksen and Truesdell published a paper
oh the exact theory of rods and shells in which they considered
a generalized Cosserat continuum, i.e. a medium with deformable
directors, but without any constitutive assumptions. GUnther
[190] gave a linear theory (statics and kinematics) of the Cosse-
rat continuum, with a very interesting application to the con-
tinuum theory of dislocations, and Grioli ~79] developed a the
ory of elasticity with the non-symmetric stress tensor. Erick-
sen's theory of liquid crystals and anisotropic fluids is also
an application of the theory of oriented bodies [101] .
There are different physical and mathematical
models of continua which serve as generalizations of the clas-
sical concept of a point continuum. All such models in which the
stress tensor is not symmetric are regarded here as POLAR CONTI-

2. Physical Background

It was already mentioned that the classical mo-

del of a material continuum is insufficient for the description
of a number of phenomena. In the case of thin bodies this can
already be seen.
8 2. Physical background

If we regard a very thin circular cylinder, a

one-dimensional representation is the sufficient approximation
for the study of its elongation, but twists are excluded from
such considerations. In order to include the twist we may asso-
ciate a unit vector with each point of the line, and rotations
of this vector give us the needed information on the twist. Ob-
viously, this rotation is independent of the displacements of
points of the line.
For the study of a flexible string a rigid triad
of unit vectors may be attached to each point of the string.
In the theory of rods, plates and shells the sit-
uation is similar. In the direct approach to the theory of rods,
Green and Laws ~53, 156] define a rod as a curve at each point
of which there are two assigned directors. The theory of plates
and shells may be based on the model, consisting of a deformable
surface with a single director attached to each of its points.
Such a surface is.called by Green and Naghdi ~65]a Cosserat sur
A crystal in the continuum approximation is a
point continuum, but the rotations of particles cannot be repre~

sented in such an approximation. In order to include the intera

tions of rotating particles in crystal elasticity, Voigt ~73,
474]was the first to generalize the classical concepts of con-
tinuum mechanics.
Ericksen~OS]developed the theory of liquid crys-
Physical models 9

tals and anisotropic fluids assuming that a fluid is an ordi-

nary three-dimensional point continuum with one director at each
point. Particles of the fluid are assumed to be of the dumb-bell
Continuum mechanics is a method for the study of
mechanical properties of bodies the dimensions of which are very
great in comparison with the interatomic distances. The discrete
structure of matter, in fact, is to be studied if we wish to
make an exact theory of the behaviour of matter. For bodies co~

taining a large number of particles it is practically impossible.

The classical point continuum is just an approximation, and
some models of continua are constructed in such a way to repre-
sent a better approximation and to include some effects which can
not be interpreted from the point of view of a point continuum.
In a series of papers Stojanovic, Djuri6 and Vu-
josevic [428] in 1964, Green and Rivlin (for references see Riv
lin [378]) have taken as the starting point the discrete struc-
ture of particles which constitute the medium. Each particle
consists of a number of mass-points. The continuum representa-
tion consists of a point continuum, the points correspond to
the centres of gravity of particles, and in a number of defoE
mab~e vectors, the directors. The distribution of masses in
such a representation is specified through some inertia coeffi
ients. The forces acting on mass-points in the continuum repre-
sentation reduce to the simple forces acting on the points of
10 2 Physical background

the continuum and on the director forces acting on the directors,

as well as to the simple and director surface forces (stresses)
and couples, measured per unit area of the deformed surface.
Kr6ner, Krumhansl, Kunin and other authors approach
this problem of approximation from the point of view of solid
state physics [255] We shall mention here only the very im-
pressive picture of the couple-stress given by Kr6ner in a dis-
located crystal [252] From the distribution of microscopical
stresses, applying an averaging process, Kr6ner computed the
macroscopic moments. The obtained couple-stress he attributed
to the non-local forces, i.e. to the long-range cohesive forces.
Mindlin [285] and Eringen and Suhubi [138] intro-
duced microstructure into the theory of elasticity and into con
tinuum mechanics, in general. The unit cell of material with
microstructure might be interpreted as a molecule of a polymer,
as a crystalite of a polycrystal, or as a grain of an incoherent
material. The concept of microstructure Eringen introduced also
into the fluid mechanics [121]
Eringen generalized further the model and defined
micromorphic materials [125]. A volume element of such a mater-
ial consists of microelements which suffer micromotions and mi-
crodeformations. Micropolar materials are a subclass, in which
the microelements behave as rigid bodies.
The theoryof multipolar media by Green and Riv-
lin [172, 173] represents a very fine abstract and general math-
Physical models 11

ematical treatment of generalized continua, from which many the-

ories follow as special cases.
Besides the physical models mentioned which serv-
ed as a basis for different continuum-mechanical representations,
there is a number of other theories and treatments inspired by
the problems of solid-state physics (Teodosiu [449]), or by the
structure of technical materials {Misicu [306]) or by the math-
ematical possibilities for generalization of classical concepts
(Grioli [179], Aero and Kuvshinskii [5]).
Granular media represent also the field in which
the methods of generalized continuum mechanics are applied (Osh!
rna [347] )
It is impossible to mention all contributors to
the contemporary development of continuum mechanics, and we re-
stricted this list only to some of them whose work most inspired
further research.

3. Motion and Deformation

We shall regard material points as the fundament-

al entities of material bodies.
A body B is a three-dimensional differentiable
manifold, the elements of which are called material points. ~l-

This definition of a body corresponds to the definition given


by Truesdell and Noll (468]. Noll [330] developed a very general

approach to continuum mechanics, but we are not going to follow
12 3. Motion and deformation

The material points MJ'12rmay be regarded as a set of abstract ob

jects M_mentioned in the Appendix, section At, so that the 1:1
correspondence of the points Mk and of the points of a three-di-
mensional arithmetic space establishes a general material three-
dimensional space. Since bodies are available to us in Euclidean
space, we shall relate the points Mk to the points of Euclidean
space, establishing a 1:1 correspondence between the pointsMkof
a body B and points ~ of a region R of this space. The numbers
x ~, L= 1,2,3 represent coordinates of the material point M and
the points x are places in the space occupied by the point
Any triple of real nwnbers x\~ =1,2,3 may be r~
garded as an arithmetic point, which belongs to the arithmetic
space /\ 3 A 1:1 smooth correspondence between the material points
M of a body B and arithmetic points X , such that X
=Xk(M) , K =
1,2,3 represents a system of coordinates in which individual
material points are characterized by their material coordinates
X , K = 1,2,3
A 1:1 correspondence between points Nx of a region
R of Euclidean space, and points Mof a body B is the configur!
tion of the body,

it since it does not include plasticity and mostly is concerned

with the non-polar materials, regarding elasticity, visco-elast!
city and viscosity from a unique point of view. For the general
approach to this theory, because of its highest mathematical ri-
gour and for a very complete bibliography we refere the readers
to the book by Truesdell and Noll [468] .
Kinematics 13

= (3 .1)

The points X~ represent places in the space occupied by the ma-

terial points M and we shall refer to the coordinates x" as to
the spatial coordinates. The functions are assumed to
be continuously differentiable.
In general no assumptions are made on the geomet-
ric structure of the material manifold and it is not to be con-
fused with one of its configurations. It is advantageous to
choose one configuration as the reference configur.ation and to
identify material coordinates with the spatial coordinates in
the reference configuration.
Thus, the material points of a body Bin the re-
ference configuration are referred to a SJstem of coordinates
X , which is an admissible system of coordinates in Euclidean
space, and in the following we shall refer to X as to the mate-
rial coordinates.
Motion of a body is a one-parameter 1:1 mapping
Xk = k 1
x(X ,X ,X
2 3
,t ) = k
or shortly
x = x(X, t) ,

of the points M in the reference configuration Ko on the points

X occupied by the material points at a moment of time t , which

detennines a configuration Kt = K( t). The parameter t is a real

parameter and it represents time. We assume that the functions
14 3. Motion and deformation

xN x(X)
are continuously differentiable.
We asswne that
(3.3) det axk !!! det X k. K :/; 0 ,
axK '
so that there exists the inverse mapping

K 1
X(x ,x ,x
2 3
,t ) ,
(3 .4) X = X(x , t)

The partial derivatives

(3 .5) F\ a &xk/()XK 5 X
Fk K !ii axK/ax~< = X I<
are called deformation gradients,and the total covariant deriva-
tives (see Appendix, section A3)

represent deformation gradients of order 2 , 3 , N

Let Ko and K be two configurations of a body B ,
l< 0 referred to material coordinates X , and Kreferred to spatial
coordinates xk. The systems of reference XK and xk are chosen in
dependently of one another. The deformation is a mapping of one
configuration on the other,

(3. 6a) =
Deformation tensors 15

= X (x)
. (3 .6b)
2 2
If dS and ds are squares of the line elements in the configu-
rations K0 and Krespectively,

(3. 7)

using the mappings (3.6) we may represent the line element of

the reference configuration in terms of the coordinates of the
deformed configuration and conversely. From (3.6) we have

(3. 8)


(3 .9)


(3 .10)

is the spatial deformation tensor, and

(3 .11)

is the material deformation tensor.

16 3. Motion and deformation

It is always possible to decompose a non-singular

matrix Minto
one symmetric and one positive definite matrix,

(3 .12) =

N N t\1
where R, 5 and S are uniquely determined ( cf. Ericksen [100] ,
43). Applying this polar decomposition theorem to the matrix
F ( cf. [468] ) of deformation gradients, we obtain

(3.13) F
= RU
t\1 N
= VRt\1

where R is orthogonal, and U and V , determined by

N N t\1

(3 .14) = =
are the right and the left stretch tensors, respectively. The
deformation tensors C and B

(3 .15) c = rvuc =

B =

are accordingly called the right and the left Cauehy-Green ten-
Since F
= {.x\} , the transposed matrix
is determined by

and for the components of the tensors C and B we

Deformation and strain tensors 17

= (3.16)

= = = (3.17)

The tensorc,
with the components

is the reciprocal of the spatial deformation tensor c,

If a body suffers only a rigid motion, the distances between its

points are preserved, there are no deformations and

= = (3.19)

The material and the spatial strain tensors are

defined by the following formulae

= = (3.20)

where we denote, as usually, material tensors and material com-

ponents by capital letters and capital indices, and spatial teg
sors and spatial components by small letters and small indices.
Velocity of a material point X is
the vector ~
18 3. Motion and deformation

with the components

(3.21) ~~~ = ill =

ax~(~, t)l
()t X
= const.

In general, if T
= T(x,X,t)
N tv N
is a time dependent double
tensor field (See Appendix, section Al and A3), the time deriv!
tives with the material coordinates XK kept fixed are called
material derivatives and are denoted by a superposed dot. Some-
times it is useful to place the dot above a superposed bar,
which denotes upon which quantity the operation of the material
derivation is to be performed. For the tensor field T we

TKk. . . ar .. k... +
(ar:::. _ { t }rK...t _. . . )X. e =
axv ml<D

(3.22) - !\TK ...

u ..
TK... .e
... k .. 'eX

Acceleration Na is a vector with the components

defined by

The rate of change of the arc element may be cal

culated directly from (3.7) 2,

The rate of strain 19



and the material coordinates are kept fixed, we have

~ L
dx" = ::r;._ d. X = (3. 25)


= (3.26)


= 'ltcel-l k) (3.27)

is the rate of strain tensor.

The gradients of velocity 'IT~,~ may be decomposed
into the symmetric and the antisymmetric part. The antisymmetric

'It[~,;'] = (3.28)

represents the vorticity tensor.

The tensors of the rate of strain and of the vor
ticity are mutually independent, but the gradients of these two
tensors are related by a simple relation:

- 1
2 ~,c~-'k - \J'~,~'k)
20 3. Motion and deformation

(3.2Q) = dk.-
..,~ dk
t ,~ =
A motion is a rigid body motion if ds = dS , and
the conditions for a motion to be a rigid body motion are given
by (3.19). In terms of the strain tensors these conditions re-
E = 0 and
duce to 1\1 e
= 0 . For a rigid body motion the rate
of strain vanishes and the velocity field has to satisfy the ob-
vious equations

(3 .30) 'U'u,p = 0 .

The conditions (3.30) are necessary and sufficient for a motion

to be a rigid motion. If dx~ = IN~ is an elementary displacement
of a body, from (3.30) it follows that the necessary and suffi-
cient conditions for displacements to determine a rigid motion are


These equations are called Killing equations. In Euclidean space

the equations (3.30) and (3.31) are integrable and the integrals
represent components of the velocity field and of the displace-
ment field for rigid motions.
Let dtR
and d2 rv

(3 .32)

be two infinitesimal vectors in the initial configuration of a

The surface elements 21

body. These two vectors determine a surface element dS,



with the components

(3 .34)

or, according to Appendix (A1.29),

(3 .35)

The surface element may also be represented by an antisymmetric


(3 .36)

For a surface given by the equations XK = XK(u.\ti)

may choose the vectors d.tB and c:L 2 ~ to have the components


and from (3.-35) and (3.36) we obtain

dSM II: t ax ax du,i du.2 (3.38)
11KL ()1.4.1 ()u,2

[P Q]
dSPG = QL. ax du.1 du.2 (3 .39)
()u,1 ()~2
22 3. Motion and deformation

When the body suffers a deformation (3.6), we have

(3 .40) ( - 1,2)

where the equations of the deformed surface are xk = xk[X(t.~.\t.~.2)].

Introducing (3.40) into (3.38) 1 we obtain



(3 .42)

which represents the surface element of the deformed surface.


(3 .43)
The volume element 23

and it may be easily verified that

= XP;p XQ.; q d s pq . (3 .44)

The volume element d~in the initial configuration

of a body may be defined in terms of three infinitesimal displa-
cement vectors d.csE d., X SK , "" 1 , 2 , 3 ,

(3 .45)

After a deformation we have

dV =


with the notation (3.41) 2 we may write

dV = J d'U' ' (3. 46)

where d~ is the volume element in the deformed configuration,


Some authors, mostly British, prefer the use of convected coor-

dinates, with respect to which the numerical values of coordin-
ates of material points in a deformable body remain unchanged
during the motion of the body. Let X = const. be three independ-
24 3. Motion and deformation

ent families of material surfaces. At any moment of time these

surfaces define a convected system of coordinates for a given
motion, and during the motion we have :x.k = XK b~. To avoid ambi-
guities we shall denote convected coordinates by ek .
If TK(X)
is a tensor field in the initial con-
figuration of a body, at time t its components will be

(3.48) =
Since it is no more necessary to distinguish between material
and spatial coordinates, it is possible to consider simply the
t L
tensor field Tk(X,t)
which coincides with TK at the initial mo-
ment t 0 of time. Thus, the fundamental metric fonn at time t will
k e K L
(3 .4-9) ds
= gk 1U1,t)d0
d0 = QKL(X,t)dX
d.X ,

and 9ke coincides at the initial moment t 0 with the components

GKL , and with the components CKL at time t . The strain tensor,
with respect to convected coordinates, is defined by

From (3.49) we have

(3.51) ) k e
= Sht(e,t de de ,
The compatibility conditions 25

and for the rate of strain tensor follows the expression

4. Compatibility Conditions

For a given tensor field c(x), or

C(X), the defor
NN -


= x(X)
tV N
or X = X(x)

do not necessarily exist. The existence of the deformations de-

pends on the integrability conditions of the equations (3.10) or
(3.11), and these conditions are usually called in continuum mech
anics the compatibility conditions.
There are six independent equations (3.10), with
nine independent deformation gradients Xik . In order to find the
deformations we have first to find the deformation gradients, but
since the number of the unknowns, regarding the equations (3.10)
as a system of algebraic equations, exceeds the number of equar-
tions, we shall first differentiate partially the equations (3.10)
with respect to the spatial coordinatesx', assuming that the de-
formations (4.1) exist. Thus we obtain a system of 18 equations
with 18 unknowns a.. Oil XK '
26 4. Compatibility conditions


Pennutating the indices t, m, n we may construct the Christoffel

symbols of the first kind for the tensor c

where [LM,N)Gare the Christoffel symbols for the fundamental

G Since there are 18 equations (4.3); we easily find
tensor I'll
the derivatives a, amx M :

According to {3 ,18) we have GNK x;k

n -1nkXN
c ;k , and since

(4.5) =

(4.4) reduces to

N ,
The integrability conditions of (4.6) are U[k Fe]rn = 0
Differentiation of (4.6) with respect to xk and
the elimination of the second-order derivatives of X's by the
aid of (4.6) gives for the integrability conditions the rela~
The compatibility conditions 27


R.. "( )XN

kim C ;" -
R" .. N'G)XK XL XH
I<.LK \ t\1 ;k jt ;"' = 0

where R(c) and R(G) are the Riemann-Christoffel tensors (see Ap-
"' N f\1 N

pend.ix, (A4.;t.O)) for the Riemannian connections {tmt and {L~}G

However G
is the metric tensor of Euclidean space ~d R(G)v~sh
- ~N

es identically. Therefore the integrability conditions reduce to

Rki~"(c) = 2fak {2m

n }c + { kt
n}c { tm
t } )
c [kt.]
= 0 . (4.7)
"' Ill ...

Transvecting Rk. e~t with c nt we obtain the covari-

ant Riemann-Christoffel tensor

(4. 8)

which satisfies the following three identities (cf. Schouten

[402] ) :


and this reduces the number of independent components of the

tensor Rk''"" to six.
The Einstein curvature tensor ~ with the compo-
28 4. Compatibility conditions



in three-dimensional spaces may be obtained from (4.8) by


and the compatibility conditions may be expressed in terms of

the Einstein tensor, which is symmetric.
The compatibility conditions are usually written
in terms of the strain tensor f\1e, and may be derived from (4.8)
and (4.10) substituting 2 from (3.20) 2,

c1'\1 = N9 - 2e1'\1

and neglecting the products of the Christoffel symbols in (4.8),

as small quantities of the second order. Thus,

(4.11) = 0

where ","denotes covariant differentiation with respect to the

fundamental tensor 9.
If the compatibility conditions (4.8) for a given
strain are not satisfied, we may write

(4.12) = '1~~(e)
Incompatible deformations

and ~ is the incompatibility tensor. In the linearized case we




When 1"\ .; 0 a deformation of the form (4.1) does

not exist and the strain tensor may be interpreted as a tensor
which represents a deformation from a non-Euclidean configuration
N of the body considered into one of its Euclidean configura-
tions. This interpretation of incompatible strains is applied
in the theory of dislocations and in thermoelastici ty.

4.1. Inc om pat i b 1 e De f o r ma t i o n s

When the compatibility conditions are not satis-

fied but the deformation tensorC(X), or c(x) is given, the

quantities X;k which appear in (3.10),


are not deformation gradients. In other words, the space with

the fundamental tensor Nc is not the Euclidean space. To indicate
that X;2 are not deformation gradients ( i.e. partial deri va-
tives), we shall introduce the notion of distorsion and denote
L t~)
them by 9().) and 9 L ,

= = (4.1.2)
30 4. Compatibility conditions

such that

(4.1. 3) =

and c!u.>.. are not coordinates of the Euclidean space. (We may also
interprete u.~ as non-holonomic coordinates in the Euclidean
space}. Since 9 L are not defonnation gradients, the Pfaffians
(4.1.3) are not integrable and

(4.1.4) i! 0.

To detennine the geometry of the non-Euclidean

space in which the distorted body is to be now considered, we
shall introduce some assumptions: a) The space is a linearly
connected space; b) coefficients of linear connection rML are
completely determined by the distorsions; c) the distorsions are
smooth and continuously differentiable functions of coordinates
X;d) the space admits absolute parallelism and the distorsions
represent in it three fields of parallel vectors. From these
assumptions we may write

(4.1. 5)

and the coefficients of connection are determined by the expre~


Distorsions 31

To bring the body back into the Euclidean space,

into its final configurationK 0, we have to subject it to an ad-
( A.) 2
ditional incompatible defonnation (distorsion) ~ e , or ~(A.) ,

such that

(4.1. 7)

Combining the distorsions (4.1.3) and (4.1.7), we obtain

(4.1. 8)

Since Xm and X are coordinates in the Euclidean
space, the relation (4.1.8) must be integrable and the products
of distorsions f(~) and
have to represent deformation gradi-

t (A.)
' e().) e
L = X ;L (4.1.9)

9 L
f (A.) =
X;e . (4.1.10)

It may easily be verified from (4.1.6, 9, 10)


= = (4.1.11)

If 9:L and g~, are the fundamental tensors corresponding to the

K k
connectionrHLandr.t, respectively, we may define the correspon~
4. Compatibility conditions

ing strain tensor by


It is not possible, however, to determine direc!

ly the rate of strain and vorticity tensors. Let xf and x~ be
two infinitesimally close to one another points in the deformed
configuration K,


SinceA~~is determined independently through the difference of

coordinates x1-x2 in the initial configuration,

(4.1.14) X2K - XK
1 = "'XK
u = K d ,_
9(~) 1.1, '

~~A is independent of time and if the configuration K changes

with time, only the distorsion f(~ may be considered as functions

of time. Let the equations of motion of points of the body con-

sidered, in its final Euclidean configurationK 0 ,be xk = :x.~(t).

k k k ~
(4.1.15) x2 - Xi = ~,_,.k = teA.> Au.

- . k)


\)"k(~ ~) = 'U'k(xf -+ 6x) ... 'IT

k k A t
-+ 'U",t X + ..
The rate of incompatible strain 33

and we may write


Since this relation has to be valid for arbitrary pairs of points

and xN 2 , the gradients .of the velocity vector have to satisfy
the relation:

= (4.1.17)

Using the fundamental tensor 9mk of the configuration K, we write

and for the rate of strain and for the vorticity tensors we
have the expressions


From the expression (4.1.18) 2 for the vorticity

tensor we can calculate its gradients,

The distorsions t(h) are only implicite functions of time, and


using (4.1.10) we obtain

k k . k k ~ (J4)
t(~),n = (teA.) . "'r) = t (),,),~ n 'U' d' + t(A.),~ ~(f") ~ n = (4..1.19)
'~' '"
k k (}Ao) ~
= f(A},n + t(A.l,~ ~ n ~(p.)
34 5. Oriented bodies

and finally,

(4.1.20) -
5. Oriented Bodies

A body to each point of which is assigned a set

of vectors ~(), u 1,2, ... , n, represents an oriented body.
The vectors de> are directors of the body. In general, deforma-

tions of the directors are independent of the deformations of

Let the directors in an undeformed reference
configuration Kobe the vectors

t5 .1)
with the components E(e&) referred to a material system of refer-
ence X A deformation of an oriented body is determined by
the equations

(5.2) X
= x(X)
1\1 N

Directors are not material vectors. For material

vectors fU
D(~ the deformation is determined by the deformation of

The Cosserat continua 35

= (5.3)

In an oriented body the vectors

= (5.4)

represent the difference between the deformed directors and the

vectors obtained from the directors in the reference configura-
tion by the deformation of position.
The Cosserat continuum in the strict sense is a
material medium to each point of which there are assigned three
directors, which represent rigid triads of unit vectors. The
directors in this continuum suffer only rigid rotations, and
length and angles between the directors are preserved through-
out the motion so that

= = const. . (5.5)

A medium with deformable directors represents a

generalized Cosserat continuum.

5.1 D i s c r e t e Systems and Co n t i n u u m

Mo d e l s
The basic notion in the solid state physics is the
crystal lattice. A unit cell of a crystal is composed of four
lattice points M0 ,M1.,M 2 ,M 3 Let M0 be a lattice point. Any three
vectors a1 ,a 2 ,a 3 are lattice vectors if they are position vectors
36 s. Oriented bodies

of the lattice points Mt, M2, M3 with respect to Mo .of the unit
cell. The vectors

(5.1.1) r = 2at + ma2 + na3 ( 2,m,n- integral numbers)

"' "' "' 1\1

determine the iattice points of a perfect crystal.

Motions of a crystal are determined if determin-
ed are the motions of its lattice points. However, instead of
the motions of the lattice points it is possible to regard the
motions of one lattice point for each cell, and the motions of
the lattice vectors ~~for each individual cell. This may be co!!
sidered as a.four-point model which under suitable assumptions
may be used for a continuum approximation of an oriented body,
as was done by Stojanovic, Djuric and Vujosevi~ [428] . A more
general approach to the generalized Cosserat continuum with an
arbitrary number of directors is proposed by Rivlin [377, 378]
and in the following we shall consider Rivlin 1 s n-point model.
We assume that a body consists of particles P1 ,
, PN and that each particle consists of n material points Mh .
, Mn with masses m1, . m" and with position vectors r 1, ... , r" with
1\1 1\1

respect to a fixed origin 0 in the space.

If Cp is the centre of masses of the particle P,
and !!v, V 1, ... , n position vectors of the pointsMv, from part!_
cle dynamics we obtain for the momentum, moment of momentum and
kinetic energy of a particle P the following expressions:~~

*Rivlin [377, 378] investigated the transition from a discrete Y.

Discrete systems 37


= mrcx\1-c +
N nJ
L mvgvxev
V=i N

(5.1. 4)

Here we have

= r" = at

= rv

Lmvev = 0
(5.1. 7)
"-1 N

m = L m"
" = 1.

mrc = N
Yi t\1

Introducing the coefficients (which are not tensors)


system to continuum, including some implications of the first

and second laws of thermodynamics, without writing the expres-
sions for momentum and moment of momentum.
5. Oriented bodies

the relations (5.1.3, 4} may be rewritten in the form

(5.1.11) eo = m(rcxvc + >.JL

I, !hX!!JL
1\1 IV N 1\1 N IV

. ~... . . )
(5.1.12) 2 1>'2c + " ~0)... 0~,..
T = !!1('

From the last two expressions we see that for the dynamical
specification of the particle 'Pwe need to know the quantities: m
-the mass of the particle, ~~J-1-- the dimensionless coefficients
which characterize the distribution of masses inside the parti-
cle, and the vectors eh which determine the configuration of
the particle.
To denote that all the quantities which appear
in (5.1.2- 12) correspond to the particle P we shall label them
with the index P so that we write

0 p p
Kp '
tp ,
mp , rc '
IV ev '
Tp '


(5.1.13) mp = L m~
v =t


For a body consisting of N particles we have now

for the momentum

(5.1.14) K =
A passage to continuum 39

for the moment of momentum

L mprcxrc: + L
eo = L e~ = p P >..~ p P
mp ~ p Q>..X e,~~- , (5.1.15)
"' P=1"' P=1 "' "' P=i N N

and for the kinetic energy

T = LTp = (5.1.16)
To pass from this discrete system of particles
to a continuum we have to replace the sums by integrals. In or-
der to do so we assume that our system of particles occupies a
domain B + 8B where aa is the boundary of the body B We assume
further that the discrete vectors r c, r c , !!v and !v may be re-
"' 1\1 t\1 N

placed by COntinUOUS VeCtOr fields N

I'" ' r and d(Y) and a(Y) and
1\1 N N
discrete scalars mp and~\,... by continuous scalar fields !! and~ A.p..
It must be noted that the passage from a system of particles to
a continuous model can be ef:Ucted only if all the quantities
involved, which are connected with the particles, vary but little
as we pass from one particle to its neighbours.
We assume that a region V of B with a boundary
5 is sufficiently large to contain many particles. Hence we
may write

= f gdV, (5.1.17)

l:m~ = /evdV (5.1.18)

v 'I
40 5. Oriented bodies

(5.1.19) Lmpr~ =
v N / e~ dV ,
(5.1. 20) Lmprcxrc
p P
1'\1 N
= /e~xtdV
(5.1.21) Lmprcrc
= /ettdv
v N N
(5.1. 22)
~~ p p
mp~ p Q>.X Q~"'- = JQ~ f' ~().)X ~lp)dV ,


= Q~~~ ~().)' ~(~ d,V

Thus the expressions for momentum, moment of mo-

mentum and for the kinetic energy for a part V of the body B ob
tain the fonn

(5.1.24) K =
N /
(5.1.25) l
= /e,(rxr 1\1 N
+ ~>.IA'd(}.)Xd(~))d.V
(5.1.26) T = ~ eCt -t Jv + 1,.~"' ~(>.r~<JA<l)dv .

The continuum representation of the originally

discrete system has all the properties of a generalized Cosserat
medium: to its points l" attached are the directors ~{?..), the mo-
tions of which are independent of the motions of the points.
Microstructure 41

5.2 M a t e r i a 1 s with Mi c r o s t r u c t u r e
Let a body be composed of microelements AV 1
which a continuous mass density P exists, such that the microe-
lements AV represent material continua. A macro-volwne element
' I
dV is composed of the micro-volwne elements dV ,

dV = I
d,V' ' (5.2.1)

and we asswne that the macro-mass dM in dV is the average of all

masses in d.V. Denoting by P1dV 1 = dM' the micro-mass of the
micro-volwne element dV' we may write
/P 1 dV1 = d.M = Pd.V (5.2.2)
With respect to a fixed Cartesian coordinate sys-
tern Z

let ZI~

be coordinates of points Z
in a micro-volume ele-
ment dV in a reference configuration K0 The integral over the
macro-volwne element

j p'z'Cl dV 1 = PZ" dV (5.2.3)

detennines the centre of mass Z of the macro-volwne element dV.

Denoting by R
= z'e.the
position vectors of the points z' of
elements, by R
= z e ~ f\1
the position vectors of the centres of
mass of macro-volwne elemen"ts dv and by P = =- e" the position
I -10&

N f\1

vectors of the points R'relative to the centre of gravityR,


42 S. Oriented bodies

all with respect to a fixed Cartesian system of reference, we

have in the coordinate notation

(5.2.5) Z = z~~~. _.~~~.

+ .:. .

In a deformed configuration K(t)let the positions

of points R' be Nr' and of the points NR be Nr The relative posi-


tion vectors of r' with respect to the new positions of the cen-
tres of mass let be
"' e' The equations of motion of the centres

of mass of the macro-elements dV, which become d.'\)" and of the

points R

(5.2.6) r
= r(R,t), R
= R(r , t)
N t\1

r' =
r(R', t) ,
= R(r', t) ,

and we assume that in the deformed configurat~on the positions

of the points NZ'are defined by the relations

(5.2.7) r' = r + o'

N N ~
, or z = z "' + eer.

The further assumption we make is that the motion (5.2.6) car-

ries the centres of mass of dV into the centres of mass of the
deformed macro-volume elements du-,

(5.2.8) ,
/ ...o'r'd."U"' =
Micromotions 43

From (5.2.6) we have

= r(RN N
+ P',t) = r(R t) +
N 1\1,
~ '



Expanding (5.2.9) 1, under the assumption that!!' is an analytic
function of .:. , we obtain

~ = ~(~,O,t)+ 0 ;.":"' + ..

Through (5.2.9) 2 we see that for ~ = 0

f!(R,O,t) = 0 (5.2.12)
"'"' 1\1

and if we write


in the linear approximation we obtain the equations of motion

of points R' in the fonn
o' = "X. .. .:. (5.2.14)

t'~ =
'X, C.:,
_... . (5.2.15)
44 5. Oriented bodies

The coefficients x"reciprocal to 'X. 11 are defined by the relations

"' "'
(5.2.16) X~ =

(5.2.17) x..Jl 'X. ft


The velocity V' 1 of a point R1 is defined by

fiJ "'

(5.2.18) vi = r =

r + e
= ,. + x. .:.-cr.
"' IV N N N

or, in the componental form

C II - I l l
(5.2.19) ::i! + 'X..p =- .

Eliminating -= JS 1
from (5 .2.19) we obtain



For a macro-volwne element d'O'the momentum is gi!

en by the relation

(5.1.22) d~ = ~d~ 1 = /e.''f, dV' = /e, 1 (~+V~,a~'')d\t 1 = e!cL'\Y,


d,,. d,,. d,,.

and for a portion vof a body we have

Moment of momentum 45

The moment of momentum dl for the macro-volume
element dv
will be

d!1'\10 = /olo,l\1
1 r 1 XV' 1 d'\T 1
= ;~ 1 (r +
-. IIJ
e )X('U' + xll'~-)d,vl.
1\1 N
dv dv
Since Q1 are the position vectors of the points r 1 relative to the
N 1\1

centre. of mass r of the macro-volume element, we have


-= o ,

d oo
= e,rx'U"
d.'\T + Ie e I
X 'XII'.=.
_,.d'\)' I (5. 2 .25)
In the componental form we have


and using (5.2.14) this becomes

.:. =

-'Cit. -ft
= 'X. A. X 'X. or. .:.

Hence, for the moment of momentum d!0 we may write

= Qr X'U' dv +
-. "' "'

'X. X 'X.t~.
rv rvr
e .:. .:.
Using the inverse of (5.2.15),

46 5. Oriented bodies

by (5.2.13) we see that

( 5.2. 30) I
d. 'II'
1-11111-l~d, I
.:. .:. ,. J
= x)..,.x;! g~~~)A- dv-' '

and if we introduce the "micro-inertia density", ~l~ by the ex-


(5.2. 31) g~h~d,,. = J~~).r;~d'lt''

and the "macro-inertia density moments 11 rc:.ft by


the expression (5.2.28) for the moment of momentum becomes

(5.2.33) urxv- + 1.)4

o~ x.,.xxu.
d v- .
~N N .., N 1\l r

For a portion 'V" of the body we have now

( 5. 2. 34) = jo(rxv + ~).."'xA.xX.Jdv- .

... N N N Nr

Analogously, we find for the kinetic energy the


(5.2.35) T = 1jo(v-'\r
2 "" N N
+ ~).).I.X)..X.NJA- )chr.

Materials with micro-structure were first consider

ed by Eringen and Suhubi in elasticity [138, 442] and in the
fluid mechanics ~24] Here we diverged slightly from the ori-
ginal exposition of Eringen and Suhubi since we wanted to write
Micromorphic materials 47
the expressions for ,.,t and T in a form similar to the correspond-
ing formula in the section 5.1, obtained from the consideration
of a discrete system.
In the original papers (cf. [124]) the coeffi-
cients r.& stay instead of ~fl' and ~-~ instead of ~-~' and, fol-
lowing our notation, the coefficients

= 'X...~ x,Jitjp'-=-'-"'--=-''cLv'

are named "micro-inertia moments", and the coefficients

~fl = jp';_'"';_'ildv' (5.2. 37)

are constant material coefficients. We prefer to use here the
densities defined by (5.2.31, 32)
According to Eringen [123], materials affected by
micro-motion and micro-deformation are micromorphic materials.
Micropolar media are a subclass of micromorphic
materials, and they exhibit microrotational effects, i.e. the
material points in a volume element can undergo only the rota-
tional motions about the centres of mass.
The materials with microstructure of Mindlin [285,
289] coincide with the model given above. Mindlin considered the
infinitesimal deformations only, and his theory is restricted to
the linear case. If we assume that the deformations are infini-
tesimal and if we make no distinction between the material and
spatial coordinates z and z", for the micro- deformation we may
48 5. Oriented bodies


(5.2.38) R! 1 ~
-:; =
.:. +
u,J.. '

where \A.1GG are components of the micro-displacements. From (5. 2 .15)

it follows then


where the quantities '~ defined by the expression

(5.2.40) ,! = 6~J.'ft =
xt - o~
are called by Mindlin the micro-deformations. Denoting by~).~ the
displacements of particles (which are not necessarily represent-
ed by their centres of mass),

(5.2.41) ~ " = z " - ZGii

the macro-strain is given by

(5. 2.42)

and the relative deformation by


In this theory the quantities ~~ play the role of directors,

and the medium with micro-structure is a generalized Cosserat
Multipolar media 49

5.3. Mu l t i p o l a r Th e o r i e s
In a series of papers Green and Rivlin ~72, 173,
175] , Green [151] , and Green Naghdi and Rivlin [170] developed
the theory of multipolar continua which represents a very general,
but a very formal approach. Let Z be coordinates of a particle
in reference position and z its position at time


It is possible to consider the position of the particle Zat

~ also in tenns of the current position at time t , so that

:l "( T ) = :l "(2 i , 2 2 ,z 3 , -!i 1

t) (5.3.2)

A simple 2 't -pole displacement field is defined

in two fonns,




The examples of such multipolar displacement

fields are the gradients

so 5. Oriented bodies


(5.3.6) =

The time derivatives of the multipolar displacements represent

the multipolar (2 1 -pole) velocity fields.
In multipolar theories the deformation is describ
ed by the simple deformation field z(T) and by v tensor fields,
say IA.At A/ T) , '( = 1, 2 , ... , V The tensor fields
~A{ Ar(t) are called multipolar deformation fields. In
1967 Green and Rivlin [175] showed that the multipolar theory
can be considered as a special case of the director theory, with
the multipolar deformation fields u.uAi .. At corresponding to
3 "t directors.
The theory of multipolar media was applied by
Bleustein and Green to fluids [3 8]

5.4 S t r a i n - G r a d i e n t Th e o r i e s
The state of strain of a body at a point X de-
pends on the relative displacements of points in a neighbourhood
X+ AX1\1 is a point in N(X),
If 1\1 1\1
and the equations of motion

(5.4.1) =

the relative displacements of all points IVX+AXN for arbitrary AXN

are determined by the deformation gradients
Strain-gradient theories 51

~ ~ ~

:x:;K' :X:jKil<2, , XjK1 KN , (S . 4.2)

Material derivatives of these deformation gradients are the ve-

locity gradients,

~ ~ ~
'U'jK' \tjK1K2, , 'lrjK1. KN' (5.4.3)

The theories which consider the influence of the higher-order

deformation and velocity gradients are known as the strain-gra-
dient theories.
According to (3.20) and (3.11), by differentia-
tion we obtain
k e
9ktXiM(LXjK) (5.4.4)

and we see that the first gradient of strain involves the second
gradient of deformation.
The deformed directors at two points, say X and
X +AX in a neighbourhood N(X)
will be according to (5. 2)
tV "'


Hence, the director deformation at X is characterized by the

k k "'
director gradients d("l;L' d(~l;L 1 L 2 , ... From (5.4) it follows then

52 S. Oriented bodies

If an oriented body degenerates into an ordinary body the direc

tors will become material vectors and A(er.) vanishes. In this case
we may choose the directors 2~) in the reference configuration
to be parallel vector fields so that D(:);L = 0 Consequently,
the director gradients will be proportional to the second gra~

dients of deformation,

(5.4.7) =

and the theory of an oriented body will degenerate into a strain-

-gradient theory.
In Cosserat bodies the directors ~~}form rigid
triads, such that


In this case the rates of the directors will be

(5.4.9) = ~x~Cer.>

where w
is the rate of rotation of the triads of directors. In
the componental form we may write

(5.4.10) ~(m)m =

If there are only three directors, "" = 1,2,3 and, in the Gosse
rat continuum in the strict sense there are only three directors,
. (.) .
the reciprocal tr1ads d
ex1st, and for the tensor w
we have

(5.4.11) =
Shells and rods 53

From (5.4.8) it follows that the left-hand side

of (5.4.11) is an antisymmetric tensor. If the rotations of the
director triads are constrained to follow the rotations of the
medium, which are given by


where 11~= i~ is the velocity vector, for the corresponding medium

it is said that it is a Cosserat continuum with constrained ro-
tations (Toupin [463] )

5.5 S h e 1 1 s a n d R o d s a s Oriented
Bo d i e s
One of the essential problems in the theory of strus
tures is the simplification of the general three-dimensional the-
ories of materials. All structures are three-dimensional bodies,
but certain geometric properties justify the introduction of ap-
proximations which give sufficiently good results, at least for
engineering purposes. In the Introduction to these lecture notes
we mentioned St. Venant 1 s remark that for the description of thin
bodies an analysis of deformation of a straight line, or of a
surface, is insufficient, but an extensible line may serve as the
first approximation for a rod. Deformable planes and surfaces
play the same role in the theory of plates and shells. The main
question is what is happening with the points which in an ini-
tial configuration were situated outside the middle surface of the
54 5. Oriented bodies

shell considered, or which were not on the middle line of a rod.

There is a number of different hypothesis (Kirchoff, Love, Vla-
sov etc.), and all these hypothesis have a definite value, under
corresponding assumptions.
In this section we shall give a brief account of
the approximations of a three-dimensional medium for shells and
rods, according to the theory recently developed by Green,
and Naghdi [157] and by Green and Naghdi [169]

5.5.1 She 1 1 s
Let X =0 define a surface .. in the initial confi
guration of a body, and let the position vector of any point on
~ be

( Rf'\1

For the surface ~ we assume that it is smooth and non-intersect-

ing. At time t the surface ~ will he ! and the points on ~ are
determined by the position vector

( i 2
= Nr(X ,X ,t)

We further assume that a three-dimensional body is bounded by

the surfaces

( (A < 0 < B)

Shells 55

and by a surface

(5. 5.1.4)'

The relations (5 . 5.1.3, 4 ) fix a shell in the initial (refer-

ence) configuration.
For the simplicity in writing we shall put X = X,
and we shall let the Greek indices take the values 1, 2.
At time t we may introduce spatial coordinates xk

such that

i 2
= x(X,X,X;t)

and we assume that the shell in this instant of time is fixed

by the bounding surfaces

:X: = , X = fJ , ( < 0 < ~)

The coordinates :x:k may be selected to be convected coordinates

and then we have

The position vector of any point of the shell is
a function of coordinates and time,
56 5. Oriented bodies

( r* = r *( X1,X 2,X;t) ,


and for sufficiently small ct. and ft we may represent r* by the

convergent Taylor series in the vicinity of !,
N $
( ~* =
1 2.
!:(X ,X ,t) + l: NiX
1 N(()
!: ) .
N=1 ()X X=O

The quantities


may be called directors, and we see that they are functions of

coordinates of the points on the middle surface ~'

1 2
(5. 5.1. 8) ~(N) = 2(N)(X ,X;t) .

At any instant of time t the configuration of a shell is compl~

tely determined by the configuration of the surface 2 and by the

directors ~(N)

The velocity vector at a point X of

the shell
will, according to ( be
( u*
= r * = '\)' +
d(N) '
"' N=i N


The momentum for shells 57

We shall define the base vectors Slk at the points

of the shell by


and the base vectors Na..,.at the points of the surface ~ by

(5. 5.1. 12)

It follows from ( that

~ N ()~(N)
= a~ + ~ x 77 (
"' N=1 uX

Let e*(~*)be the density of matter at the points of the shell.

The.momentum of any part~ of the shell, bounded by the surfaces
. ~ :r. ~ fl and by a contour enclosing an area c1 of the surface
s will be
K =
!Q.*~* d'tt
= J/f!.*VQ('
+ ~ XN ~(N))dx\tldX
(5. 5.1.14)

The vectors z and ~(N) are independent of X, and

we may put
Je,*vg dX = eva , (

where 2 is the density of matter per unit area of the surface

.. and

g = g~~ , (

58 s. Oriented bodies

(5. 5.1.16b) a = d.eta., ,

t 2
The quantities ! and a are fun_ctions of X and X only:. We shall
also write
( /e.*XN'{g d.X = ek Nra , (N = 2 , 3 , 4 , ..)


Je*xvg cLX
(5. 5.1.18) = o.

The last relation fixes the surface with respect to the bound
N 1
ing surfaces ~ and fl . The quantities k are functions of X and
X only.
From ( we have now


For the moment of momentum we have now

! 0 = Jo*r*x,.*cLv =
,. ""' N IV


+ H,~tX
N+H J t
~{N)X 2-<Ml d.X d.X dX ,

and if we introduce the notation

An approximation in the theory of shells 59


= ek
X ygcLX ra , (5. 5.1.21)

for the moment of momentum we obtain the expression

+ d(N)X'U') + L k d.\N)Xd(M) dO"

e0 = } e~rxV' + N~
'- kN(rxdtN) (
"' " N N =2 N 1\1 M,N=11\1 N 1\1 fU

Using the same notation and procedure, we find for the kinetic
energy of the considered portion of the shell the following ex-

If ND(1) , ND(2) , are directors in the initial configuration, and

if oo N
= R+
X DtN)
is the position vector for points of the shell in the initial con
figuration, the equations of motion may be considered in the form

= r(R,t) ;
(5. 5.1.24)

Retaining in ( only the terms linear in X we see that in

this approximation all points of the shell which were in the ini
tial configuration situated on the straight line D( 1)X , in the

deformed configuration will be again on the straight line d(i) X IV

The higher approximation in ( we take, the more precise

description of the distribution of the points of the shell out-
side the middle surface s we obtain. In the linear approximation
the expressions (, 22, 23) will obtain the form analo-
60 5. Oriented bodies

gous to (5.1.24, 26), or to (5.2.23), but for a medium with a

single director field.
Some other contemporary approaches to the shell
theory, such as Reissner 1 s (see Section 12), which is partly
based on the earlier work of GUnther [189, 190] and SchH.fer [390]
may be considered as a special case of the here outlined general
approach. Reissner regards shells as Cosserat bodies with rigid
director triads. In that case the configurationof a shell is de!
cribed in tenns of the position vector ...r of points on the middle
surface, and in tenns of the rotation vector +, which is
pendent of the displacements of points on s and describes the
rotations of shell elements (cf. Reissner [368, 370, 371], Reiss
ner and Wan [375, 376] , Wan [479, 48o, 481]).

5.5.2 R o d s
The basic ideas for the theory of rods are essen-
tially the same as for the general theory of shells, sketched
above. Let

( = 0 ' = 1 '2

be the parametric equations of a smooth and non-intersecting
curve C in the space; we consider this curve as the middle curve
of a rod. The position vector of any point of the rod in the ini
tial configuration is
An approximation for rods 61

where X=X is the parameter varying along C. It is asswned that
R* for sufficiently small values of X"may be expanded into a


= R(O,O,X) + X~~+
tV ax
R is the position vector of any point on C.
Introducing the notation


we may write

= R
+ '~- x"i ... X""D~ ~
,., i-n
At a time t the curve C will be c, and the posi-
tion vector of points of c will be Nr, such that


where we have put


The directors d are functions of the variable X along c

"{n K
and of the timet. Here again xk = b~X are c~nsidered coor-
62 5. Oriented bodies

The base vectors at the points of the rod are

( =

and the tangential vector a to the middle curve c is given by


( a
From the last two relations we find

a" +
... ,..,. L nX z .. . x"d. A~
n =2
Nl"'-2. -n
_ ,

xt .. . xn ad a
( OD
a + .t.
,.. n= 1 X
We assume that the rod is a three-dimensional
body bounded by a surface


such that x~onst. represents curved sections a bounded by

closed curves. We shall consider an arbitrary element of the
rod bounded by ~X ~;land by the surface (
The momentum of the considered element of the
rod will be the vector

(5,5.2.12) K= /e*'U'*dv -
/P.*'/Q(v + I:x"t ... X""d.. )d'O'.
"' n "' t ""'n

Since Z and ~..t .. n are independent of X1, X2, we may write

( //e*vgdX 1dl = eVa33,

The dynamical specification of rods 63



The expressions for the moment of momentum will

be obtained from

and using ( we may write it in the form

Applying the same procedure, for the kinetic e-

nergy of the considered section the rod we find the expression
ft ao
T = !2}1;.
fn(v'\T + 2 ~ k"t"'"" V
N 1\1
tV NCIIi'""n
~ n= 2 {
+ ~ k"t"'n~t .. flm d
1.. tV
,d )'a= dX .
"t"'"n <Ufltftrn V ""33

The linear approximation with respect to X"

leads to the representation of rods in which we consider instead
of rods curves with two directors attached to their points (cf.
64 6. Forces, stresses and couples

Section 7.3).

6. Forces Stresses and Couples

In the mechanics of particles it is usually proved

that a system of forces, sayf(1),f(2l' . ,f(n) acting on a system
N ~ 1\1

of particles Mi., ... , Mn may be reduced to the resultant force

(6.1) f
and to the resultant couple, which is defined with respect to a
pole 0
by the expression

(6.2) = t"' r- x N~
L.,.,~t f(.}
~ =1
where r;, are position vectors of the particles M~ with respect to
0 In continuum mechanics an immediate generalization is insuf-
ficient to describe all the forces and couples which appear, even
if the suitable a~sumptions are made for the transition from a
discrete system to a continuum model.
In the following definition we partly follow
Truesdell and Noll [379] , but we introduce some additional de-
finitions in order to consider more general models of continua.
Let u- be a part of a body B and S the bounding
surface of the u-, and let the motion of the body be given by the

(6.3a) x~ = x~(X ,t)

Forces and couples 65


and let e= ~(~) be the density of matter.

1. At each time t there is a vector field f(x,t)

defined per unit mass, which we call the external body force.
The vector ~~'U'} defined by the volwne integral


is called the resultant external body force exerted on the part

'U" at time t .
2. At each time t there is an antisymmetric tensor
field l"t(.x. ,t) defined per unit mass, which we call the external

body couple. The resultant body couple is defined by the volume



3. At each time t , to each part '\t of the body B
corresponds a vector field Nt(x,t) , defined for the points x on ~

the bounding surface s of v . It is called the stress (or the

density of the contact force), acting on the part v of B. The
resultant contact force ft(~) exerted on vat time t is defined
by the surface integral

Ft('U') - ft(x,u)ds (6.6)

5 "'"'
66 6. Forces, stresses and couples

4. At each timet, to each part '\t of the body B CO

responds an antisymmetric tensor field m~~defined for the point

x on the boundary s of 'IT It is called the couple stress (or

the density of the contact couple) acting on the part '\t of B.

The resultant contact couple M~('U') is defined by the surface

(6. 7) M~('l1) fm~~C:,'U')d.s .

5. The total resultant force exerted on the part
~ of B is defined as the sum of the resultant body force and the
resultant contact force,

(6. 8)

6. The total resultant couple exerted on the part

tr of B is defined as the sum of the resultant body couple and
the resultant contact couple,

(6. 9) =
According to the stress principle (cf. [469]
there is a vector field t(x,n) defined for all points 1\1x in B

and for all unit vectors tVn such that the stress acting on any
part ~ of B is given by

(6.10) t(x,u-)
1\1 1\1
= t(x,n),
1\1 N
Stress. Director forces 67

where n
is the exterior unit normal vector at the points xN on
the boundary of S.
In elementary continuum mechanics it is proved
that the stress vector C\1t (x
, Nn) ,


may b.e represented in the form

( 6 .12)

where .t~~x)
are components of the stress tensor. From (6.6) we
obtain now that the components of the resultant stress are given
by the integral

Ft('\t) = ft~~(;)~~n~d,s . (6.13)

In analogy to the stress vector we may write for
the couple stress

= (6.14)



where m~~k = - rn~~kis the couple-stress tensor (cf. [469]).

7. At each timet, at each part '\1 of the body B
there are vector fields K (x.,t) defined per unit mass, which we

call the external director forces. The vectors NF:('U') defined by

68 6. Forces, stresses and couples

the integral

(6.16) F~( v)
= Je k
(c)(x ,
t)d.u- , ( = 1 , 2 , ... , n)

are called the resultant director forces exerted on the part v

of the body at time t .
8. At each time t, to each part \J" of the body B
correspond vector fields h~~x,u-), defined for the points x on
"' 1\1 "'

the boundary s of v , which we call the director stresses. We

asswne that there are vector fields Illhll(x,'IT),
defined for all
points of~ and for all unit vectors n , such that the director
stresses acting on any part ~ of B are given by

(6.17) = h 1\1
(x , n) ,
1\1 N
( = 1 , 2 , ... , n)

The resultant director stresses are given by the surface integ-


( 6.18) F~( '\t) = I "'

h (x, 'U" ds ,
("' = 1, 2, ... , n)
For the director stress vectors h (x,n)we asswne
1\1 Nl\l

that they may be represented in the form

(6.19) h
N Ill N

and that

(6.20) = h(c)~~( :x; ) g-n

1\1 1\1 ~ ;-
The momenta of forces 69

The quantities h
we call the director stress tensors.
9. The total resultant ~irector forces exerted
on the part ~ of B are defined as the sum of the resultant dir-
ector forces and the resultant director stresses,


We assume that the number of the director force

vectors and of the director stress tensors is equal to the num-
ber of the directors gr(Gc) of the body
The momenta of forces and stresses are defined by
the following expressions:
a) The moment of the external body force at a point X ,
respect to the origin nl0 :

"' -..,
rxnf , (6.22)

and the resultant moment for the part v of B


b) The moment of stress at Nx, with respect to the origin N0:

r x t (x , n) ,
1\1 nl 1\1 N

and the resultant moment of stress :

f~x!<z '~)d.s (6 . 25)

70 60 Forces, stresses and couples

c) The moment of the director forces at Nx :


and the resultant of the director forces for the part v of B:

(6. 27)
J!!~(lx~(\~ , t)d-u- o

d) The moment of the director stresses at 1'\1

(6.28) dc)xh
()c x , n) ,
N N f\1 1'\1

and the resultant moment of the director stresses,

(6.29) ~~(..)xb()c;, ~)d.s

The total resultant moment of forces acting on a
part v of a body B at time t is the sum of the moments of body
and director forces, of body and director couples, and of the
moments of stress and director stresses, and of the couple stres


+ f (rxt
1\1 1\1
+ Nd,.)xh
\ f\1
+ m)ds

This may be written in the component form as follows:

L.,s = 2Je,cz["fJlJ + d~~lkCA.>~J + lJl)dtr +


+ 2/Cz[t/.IJ.t + dt~)h(:\.)fth + mllr)nrds 0

A physical interpretat ion of director forces 71

6.1 A P h y s i c a 1 I n t e r p r e t a t i o n
Physical interpretat ions of thedirecto r forces
depend on the model considered. For a medium consisting of par!
icles which are composed of mass points, as was the medium con-
sidered in the section 5.1, we may assume (Rivlin [377, 378])
that the external force m(~ f'~ 1\1
acts on the mass point m(~ of
the P particle. The resultant external force acting on the Pth
particle is

~ (P)f(P) m{P) f (P)

-"m~ "' = N
"'"'1 N

and if we assume that the discrete sets of vectors f and
f (P)
t\1 N-
may be replaced by continuous vector fields f and f ~, defined
I'll Ill

throughout the body B, for a part ~ of B we may write for the

resultant body force


Denoting again by r(P)the position vectors of the


centres of mass of the particle and by e(~ the position vectors

of the mass points inside the particles,"' with respect to the
correspondi ng centres of mass, the moment of the force m(P) f(P)

with respect to the origin Q will be


For a particle P we have for the resultant moment

72 6. Forces, stresses and couples

of external forces the expression


and for the part '11' of B under the suitable assumptions we may


= e.~x! d'IJ"
+ Ie,t};,.>xf.
d,,. ,

where according to the section 5.1 the discrete vectors 2(~ are

replaced by continuous vector fields ~()

According to Rivlin [378], the field ,..,f represents
the body force field, and f.
are the director force fields.
According to this model of Rivlin's, if s is the
bounding surface of 'U' in B, under the assumption that on the
(P) (p)
surface S the discrete vectors f and f may be replaced by con-
! ! () , we may
"' 1\1

tinuous vector fields and write


where ds
= nds
is the directed surface element and Nn is the
unit vector, and

~ {P) (P) {P) ~

(6.1.7) L. m !! X f = d,() X t (a) d. S
s 1\.1 "'
s "" "'

l represents the simple surface force field, or the stress, and

t(~ are the director surface force fields,or the director stres-
The equation of balance 73

ses according to the terminology introduced in the previous


7. Balance and Conservation Principles

The differential equations of motion in classical

continuum mechanics are usually derived from the law of conser-
vation of mass (equation of continuity), and from the Euler's
laws of balance of momentum and moment of momentum. Since we
postulate here the validity of these laws, \ve regard them as
Let 'IJ' be a part of a body B and s the boundary
of 'IJ' Let r be the density of a quantity in balance, ~ its in-
flux (or efflux) per unit area of the bounding surface and B

its source per unit volume. The equation of balance has the ge~

eral form

~t Ir
du- = f~ds
+ I ~du-

where dsN is the oriented surface element, dsN = nds

, and Nn the
unit normal vector tods. If the source vanishes, the equation
of balance becomes the equation of conservation.
In classical mechanics we assume that there are
neither sources nor influxes of mass. If e is the density of mass,
so that dm,

(7. 2)
74 7. Balance and conservation principles

is the mass contained in the volwne d.'IT, the mass contained in

the part ~ of the body considered will be

(7. 3) m(u-) = 1
I)' .

From (7 .1) we may write now the law of conservation of mass,

dm = 0 ,
which may be written in the fonn

(7 .4) /<Q.du + ed\t) = 0 .


For a body in motion the equations of motion of

its points are

. . 1 2 3
(7.5) x ~ = x ~(x ,x ,x ,t) , (~ = 1 ' 2 ' 3)
K k
where X are material, and x spatial coordinates. If d.V is the
volume element of the body in an initial configuration referred
to the coordinate.s X , and d.'U' the corresponding volwne element
in a configuration K( t) at time t, the volume elements dtr and
d,V are related by the fonnula

(7. 6) dtr = JdV ,


The equation of continuity 75

From (.:; 6) we have now

. .
d\l' JdV , (7 .8)

and since-l*-

(7. 9)

from (7 .4) we immediately have the global fonn of the law of

conservation of mass

(7 .10)

this has to be valid for an arbitrary part ~ of the body and

therefore we finally obtain the local fonn of this law, which
is often called the equation of continuity,

a + e'lt k,k = 0 . (7.11)

In general, the density e is a function of po-

sition and time, 2 = Q(~,t)and Q ()~/()t +fl,k'U"k. Substituting
this in {7.11) we obtain the continuity equation in another

*According to ~he rule f~r th~ dtfferentiation pf determinants,

f a. -- ci e tthen a 6~~ "' aJ
, ~ Act-, k , where A,r k is the cofac~
x;k = (cofactor

tor i~ a correspondking to the element a.~J Since

for x;K ) I (?et x;k ), we have
t k .k K m e k m
de x;K = x;KX;t(detx;M)bk = '\t;kdetx;M
where '\tk = xk is the velocity vector.
76 7. Balance and conservation principles


(7.12) = 0 .

The principle of balance of momentum states that

the rate of the global momentum K of
a part ~ of a body B is
equal to the total resultant force exerted on the part ~ of the
body. According to (6.4), (6.6), (6.8) and (6.10), for the total
resaltant force we have

(7.13) ~(~) = Je! d~ + 1

,. s
!(~,~)ds .
We assume the momentum K of
a part ~ of a body B
to have the fonn given by (5.1.24) or (5.2.23)

K = Jo'U'd'\1 ,
N """'

and the balance of momentum equation reads

(7.14) = J~fd~ + lt(x,n)ds

'""N JNN 1\1
v 5
Using (6.12) and referring for the sake of simplicity all quan-
tities to a Cartesian system of reference2a;the component form
of (7.14) becomes

(7.15) ~/oz"du
dt ...
= J!!f.du-
1 JS n~ d.s
+ 'ft

Perfonning the differentiation on the left-hand side and apply-

ing the divergence theorem to the surface integral on the right-
-hand side of (7.16), and using the continuity equation (7.11)
The equation of motion 77

we obtain

j evll'cJ,,. = J(et" + t"~fl)d"' , (7.17)

'II' v
which is valid for an arbitrary part ~ of B and therefore the
relation (7 .17) must be valid at all points of B, which give
the local equation for the balance of momentum;

... = t ft A+
f" (7 .18)

This is a tensorial equation and for arbitrary curvilinear coor-

dinates :x:" we have

= (7.19)

where (see Appendix, (A3.10) )

= (7 .20)

and t ,trepresents the covariant derivative of ! with respect to
:x.~, or the divergence of the tensor t.

In the local form (7.19), the equations of balance

of momentum represent the set of three differential equations of
motion for points of a body B
The principle of balance of moment of momentum
states that the rate of change of the moment of momentum of a
part v of a body is equal to the total resultant moment of forces
acting on '0'.

From the discussion in the section 5 we see that

78 7. Balance and conservation principles

the expression (5.1.25) may be considered as a general form of

the moment of momentum, since various physical models which lead
to continuum models yield for the moment of momentum expressions
of that form. Using (6.29) we may write directly the principle of
balance of moment of momentum,

(7. 21) d/ ). .
dt e(~X~ + ~ p.~().)X 2-(~))d.'lr =

= jo(rxf + 2-c>.)x~!x> + !)d."' + fc~xl + S.<A.)x~(A.) + ~) d,s

, '"' 1\1 "'
For Cartesian coordinates by the application of (6.30) in the
component form, the relation (7.21) reduces to

(7. 22)

Differentiating the integral on the left-hand side of (7.22),

applying the divergence theorem to the surface integral, using
the continuity equation and the equations of motion (7.18), and
since the coefficients ~~~are symmetric, from (7.22) we obtain
The moment of momentum 79

However, from the analysis in the sections 5.1

and 5. 2 it follows that the coefficients ~>.)A- may be assumed to
be independent of time, and since the relation (7.23) has to be
valid for an arbitrary part tr of the body, we obtain from (7.23)
the local form of the principle of balance of moment of momentum,

t [,B"J + 2(d[e& k(~),BJ a~~'') (d(" h(~).BJ r l'r)

= (~) + ., + (~) + m , 't ( 7 24)
Let us introduce the notation

~JA- d[ct. d.'~]

~ (A) (~ = ae~ofl
te&jl d [ct. k(A.),BJ *ct..,B
+ (A.) = t

d [ct. h<~)Mt
+ (A.) = ~ C!Gft)" (7.25)

d C& h(A.)JS't HJlr

(>.) =
d" k (>.),B
().) = k O!oft .

With this notation the relation (7.24) obtains the simple form

(7. 26)

The principle of moment of momentum in this form

(for elastic materials) was obtained by Toupin [463] from
Hamil ton' s principle. He named a"'ft the spin angular momentum
ff.,B t
per unit mass, H corresponds to Toupin's hyperstresses, and
so 7. Balance and conservation principles

he identified with the couple-stresstensor. The appar-

ent discrepancy in the terminology and symbols is due to the
fact that Toupin considered separately materials with directors,
and materials which are described in terms of a strain-gradient
mwhich we introduced indep end-
theory. The couple stress tensor 1\1
ently of the hyperstresses corresponds to the couple-stress ten-
sor in Toupin's strain-gradient theory.
From (7.24) and (7.25) it is evident that it is
impossible in the total effect to separate ~he influence of body
moments from the director moments, and the influence of couple-
-stresses from the hyperstresses.
Assuming that there are no deformations of the
directors and that there are no director forces and director
stresses, the relation (7.26) reduces to

(7.27) =

which substitutes. Cauchy's second law


valid only in the non-polar case.

In the theory of anisotropic fluids and liquid
crystals , Ericksen [101 -117] writes a separate equation of
balance for the director momentum. Ericksen considers liquid
crystals as packets of rod-like molecules, which correspond to
a one-director continuum model. Generalizing this idea we may
The balance o.f the director moments 81

introduce the principle of balance of the director moments

(Stojanovit, Djurit, Vujosevi6 [428] , Djuri6 [86] , Stojanovic
and Djurit [426] in the fonn

= fh ().)/- dsft + /ek{).)ec dv, (7.29)

s "'
where on the right-hand side we have written in the component
fonn the expression for the total resultant director force (6.21)
Performing the indicated differentiation and ap-
plying the divergence theoremin (7.29) we obtain

= (7. 30)

as an independent set of the differential equations of motion

for the directors.
Using (7.30), the equations (7.24) may be reduc-
ed to the fonn which does not include explicitly the inertial

= (7.31)
and which admits the non-vanishing of t also in non-oriented
It is obvious that the antisymmetric part of the stress tensor
is affected by the director stresses if the medium considered
is an oriented medium.
Since all the equations of motion (7.18), (7.26),
(7.30) are tensorial equations, we shall write these equations
82 7. Balance and conservat ion principle s

directly in the component form valid for an arbitrary system

of curviline ar coordinat es

(7.32) ex.. .. .. 1-
= t '~' + ...of .. ,
(7.33) h(A)~~ k~)~
= ,~ .... a '
(7 .34)

i.. ;}At - 1, 2, ... , n )

Eliminati ng from (7 .34) the spin angular momentum G', as it

was already done in (7.31), decomposing in (7.32) the stress
tensor into its symmetric and antisymm etric parts and substitut
ing the antisymm etric part from (7.34), we obtain the set of
3n + 3 differen tial equations of motion,

.. t (~~) . + m~.i.k (d[i, h().)~]k) .~~ ,~

(7. 35) (!X . ,.. v k
-t "' , k
,;. o " ,1-. + niill
+ .. '


Obviously , the motion x~ = x~X,t)is affected by the deformati ons


of the directors and by the director stresses, and the motion

. .
.. =d.(~)~'
of the directors , d~) .. ( t) is affected
only by the director
stresses and director forces.
It is in some cases more convenien t to use the
equations of motion written in the compact vectorial notation,
The equations of motion 83

than in the component form. If we multiply the relations (7.32)

and (7 .33) with the base vectors g~ (see Appendix, Sections A1

and AJ), we obtain

.. ~
= -at"' = v '
. d~(~)
X g~
N N = dt = !~h..,
h (~l~i-
yg a.t <v'Qg h(),)~)
. = -1
,;. g~

.. k (~~ ~h k{l)
f 9~-
= f '
= ,

and (7.32) may be written in the form

(7. 37)


Composition of (7.34) with the Ricci alternating

tensor t .. ..
gives the vectorial equation

(7. 39)

where we have used (6.12) and (6.15), and

O"m =
i .. cr~ct-
*2111 = 21 t"~t ~
t .. =
N '
m..k - !t .. :;.k
2 .. ~ .. (7.40)
84 7. Balance and conservation p~inciples

Thus, we may write


7.1 Th e Co s s e r a t Continuum
The Cosserat continuum is the medium in which the
directors represent rigid triads of unit vectors, so that the
motion is described by the motion of points and by an independ-
ent rotation of the director triads. According to (5.4.11) the
rotation of the directors is determined by the field of the an-
gular velocity tensor w(x,t), so that we have

from which follows

(7.1.2) =
The angular velocity tensor w is antisymmetric and instead of

nine functions d.(~)(~,t) we have to consider only three independ-

ent components of w

From (7.34) and (7.25) we easily obtain three in-

dependent equations for the determination of the angular veloci-
ty tensor,

Micro inertia 85


= (7.1.4)

which represent the density of inertia coefficients per unit mass

According to (5.1.10), for a particle consisting
of n mass points the directors 2<~ are position vectors of the
mass points with respect to the centres of mass of correspond-
ing particles, and therefore we have

Hence, I
., are components of the inertia tensor of the. particle
considered. Also for the media with microstructure when a curvi-
linear system of coordinates X~ is introduced into (5.2.32) and
(5. 2. 36) and when the vectors x..
are identified with the direc-
tors, a relation of the form of (7.1.4) will be obtained.
Taking the material derivative of I~.~- (with ~ ~t"
independent of time) and using (7.1.1) we find

ai"r + ~~~k,k
()t ,
- Ik~wk~ - I~\,.~ =
0. (7.1.5)

This relation Eringen [124] calls the conservation of micro-

The complete set of equations of motion of a Cos
serat continuum consists now of the following equations

1) (7.1.6)
= 0 '
86 7. Balance and conservation principles

ex i,
= ,., et "
t ..... + (2

(7.1.6) I~~ -
Ik~ (l)k~ -
I~k (l)k~ = 0 (3
e[I'~(wi~ + w~"w~~)Jr~~] =
t [~~]
+ *'
+ e*
t.,a- (4

Substituting in the last equation (7.1.6) the

angular velocity tensorw~by the angular velocity vector w
1 ..
= -t w~i
2 ~~~t

and recalling (7.41), we may write (7.1.6) in the form

(7.1.7) oir = O~W

1 (I.[Qm*k) '
+ g(Iw)xw == gkx t"k + eNt + ,r,;;aK *
'"'"' '"'"'"' ~"'"' 1\1 N N N

where we have put

(7.1.8) = =
(7.1.9) lw

In the linear theories it is assumed that the an-

gular velocity is sufficiently small, such that the spin-moment
may be approximated by

it = J.W
The Cosserat continua 87

For microisotropic materials (cf. Eringen [132] )

it is assumed that

= ~1 '
L.e. fn = d-Un
'Ill 'f..lll
(7 .1.10)

A very interesting field of application of the

theory of Cosserat media is the dynamics of gradual media. Oshima
[347] considered a model of a granular medium assuming that
there are no director forces and director stresses and disrega~

ing the coefficients of inertia of the granulae. Cowin [74] as-

sumes the same kinematical model as Oshima. A more general ap-
proach is offered by the theory of micropolar media (Eringen
~23 - 127]), but this theory is not yet explicitly applied to
granular materials. Satake considered first [385] a granular
medium in the absence of volume and director forces and moments,
but in a recent paper [386] he included these forces into the
consideration. Satake approaches the problem from the point of
view of a purely linear theory and, the same as Oshima, he assum-
es certain a priori described mechanical properties of the medium
(elasticity). Cowin admits the medium to be a composition of elas
tic and viscous phases.
A much wider field of applications is offered if
the directors do not constitute rigid trihedra. The micropolar
theory of Eringen generalizes the idea of a Cosserat continuum
admitting the directors to deform, but restricting the number of
directors to three. A large number of applications is covered
88 7. Balance and conservation principles

by the later development of the micropolar theory. (Cf. e.g.

Ariman [14,15] , Ariman and Cakmak [18], Ariman, Cakmak and Hill
[17] , Askar and Cakmak [19] , Askar, Cakmak and Ariman [20]).
A structural model of a micropolar continuum
(Askar and Cakmak [19] ), which consists of a two-dimensiona l
network of orientable points, joined by extensible and flexible
points, yields the equations very close to those obtained by
Eringen and Suhubi [138, 442] , Eringen [126] and Mindlin [286,
291] , starting with continuum principles.

7.2 Bodie s with 0 n e Dire c tor

The theory of liquid crystals and anisotropic
fluids of Ericksen [101-117] ( cf. also Leslie [267, 268] )
is based on the assumption that the media such as liquid crys-
tals and suspensions of large molecules may be described by the
position vectors.of the particles and by a simple director field.
The differential equations of motion may be obtained from our
equations (7.32-34), together with the continuity equation (7.11):

i! + !!~ ,k = 0
.. t ~6- . + ef
(7.2.1a) ,..
QX =

.. ~
d = k"
The Cosserat surfaces


To obtain these equations from (7.11) and (7.25)

we have to assume that there are no director stresses Nh , no cou:e.
le-stresses m and no volume couples l . Under such assumptions

the equation (7.2.1) 4 is a direct consequence of the moment of

momentum equation (7.24).
Another example of a one-director theory is the
theory of Cosserat surfaces. (Green, Naghdi and Wainwright [171]
Green and Naghdi [163 - 167]).
A Cosserat surface is a two-dimensional material
manifolds to each point of which a simple director a!
signed. This surface is embedded in a three-dimensional Euclid~

an space. Let x, u = 1 , 2 be coordinates defining points on the

surface and x 3=0 at all points of the surface. The position ve_
tor of a point of s at time t and the director d
are functions
of position x and of time t ,

r(x, t) ,
= d(x"
,t) . (7.2.2)

The base vectors along curves x are SJ and we as-


sume that 93 is the unit nonnal vector to s, so that


Q.gft = g.., (g.xg,s)Q3 > 0 ' (~ :J. Jl)


g"Q.a =
,., "' b:: ' ,.,g3g.
0 ' SbQ3 = 1
90 7. Balance and conservation principles


From the theory of surfaces it is known that the

second fundamental tensor bft of a surface is defined by

(7.2.4) =
where 11 111 denotes covariant differentiation with respect to the

metric fonn on the surface S

Let F and k be the assigned force and the assi~

ed director force per unit mass,

F g.+
(7.2.5) F = F Sh
"' "' N

= k g.+
1\1 ... k Q3
The stress vector f\Jt is to be regarded as a force
per unit length of a curve bounding an area on s . The same
holds for the director stressh, so that
(7.2.6) t

To write the equation of continuity (7.11) in

the appropriate fonn we have to calculate the divergence of the
velocity vector vN considering (7.2.3). Let the velocity vector
of a point on s be
'\)' =
Stress in the theory of surfaces 91

The Hamiltonian operator on the surface s is

v =
and we have

= V~ =

which in virtue of (7.2.4) becomes

= '\t "'ler. - b"'"''IT 3

Substituting this in (7.11) we obtain the continuity equation in

the fonn

0 (7.2.7)
Differentiation of the stress vectors t gives

t.. ...
which because of (7.2.4), reduces to


We obtain the similar expression for the derivatives of the dir-

ector stress vectors h
N "'


From the vectorial fonn of the differential equa-

tions of motion (7.19),
92 7. Balance and conservation principles

by scalar multiplication with the base vectors 9 and g3 we ob-

"" 1\1
tain the following three differential equations of motion:


where a is the acceleration vector with the components (a.,a3).


Green, Naghdi and Wainwright [171] assumed that

there is an additional physical director force which they deno!
ed by 1\1
m and which acts over the curves x.
For the motion of the director d(x",t) we shall
write also the equations (7.33) in the compact (vectorial) form
to which our equations (7.33) reduce in the case of a single
director field,

m =
h ~. + o(k - ~d)
1\1 'i '"' 1\1 "'
where ~ represents the additional physical force, and e~ is the
inertia density at the points of the surface. Since the director
stress depends only upon x, we may write

(7.2.11) m
= h
~- + e(k - ~d) ,

and by scalar multiplication with gP and g3 this equation gives

N 1\1

the following equations in the component form:

Shells and Cosserat surfaces 93

h 3c b hflr~. ( 3 . 3)
I" + Kft + !! k - "d

The equations (7.2.7), (7.2.10) and (7.2.12) re-

present the basic set of equations for a Cosserat surface. In
the original paper of Green, Naghdi and Wainwright, as well as
in the subsequent work of Green and Naghdi, the equations of mo-
tion are derived directly from the considerations of the surface,
and not from a general theory of the generalized Cosserat conti-
In the applications of the theory of Cosserat sur
faces to the theory of elast1c plates and shells it was assumed
that in the initial configuration D(&) = 0
and D(3)
= e3 For furth-
er references see e.g. [163, 164, 167, 318] . -l~

-l~ Ericksen and Truesdell [121] gave a very elegant and exact
theory of strain and stress in shells, assuming that three di-
rectors are assigned to each point of the surface. The work of
Cohen and DeSilva ~4, 65] on elastic surfaces is based also on
the assumption that three directors are assigned to the points
of the surface, and they based their work on the results of E-
ricksen and Truesdell. Their equations of equilibrium may be
derived directly from our equations (7.32, 33). However, in the
theory of elastic membranes ~6] they consider, at the points
of the membrane, a single director field. The director is taken
to be normal to the surface and the only deformation it suffers
is the deformation of its magnitude.
94 7. Balance and conservation principles

7.3 Bo d i e s wi t h T wo Di r e c t o r s
A Th e o r y o f Ro d s
As an example of two-director bodies we shall con
sider the theory of rods by Green and Laws [153, 155], which was
applied to the theory of elastic rods by Green, Naghdi and Laws
A rod is considered as a curve t, imbedded in
Euclidean three-dimensional space. At each point of the curve
there are two assigned directors. Let e be a convected coordin-
ate * defining points on the curve, and let t be the position
vector, relative to a fixed origin, of a point on the curve,

(7.3.1) r
= r(e,t) .

Let d.m Sh and~) 92 be the assigned directors


and let the vector g 3 tangential to the curve,


(7 .3.2) ~3 = ae ,

be considered as the third vector of the triad, so that

* Convected coordinates, by the definition, move with the body

and deform with it so that the numerical values of such coordin-
ates for each point of the body remain unchanged.
A theory of rods 95

Along e we may construct the reciprocal triad g ~ ' such that


9d~ =
9~~ '
g"gt = gt ' 9~~9 = g" (7.3.3)
tV tV .. tVd-
"' "'
N fVd-
= ,~ ' sf'.. 9~k = bk
We shall introduce the notation
ae "' ..
= X.... ' "k
ncl- X.
a .... = X~
(7 .3.4)

It is assumed that the stress acts along the

curvet. The stress vector t(e,n) according to (6.11) is
"' tV

~ ~3 ~
= t (e,n)g~
1\1 N
= t g~11
3 t g~
(7 .3. 5)

Since n3 n =1 , the components of the stress tensor reduce to

t~ = t~ the total resultant stress exerted on a segment (ei 'e2.)
of a rod is

(7 .3.6)
For the director stress vectors h , according to
(6.19) and (6.20) w~ may also write

= =
and the moment of the director stresses, defined by (6.27), be-
h g .. xg~ (7.3.8)
1\1 N
96 7. Balance and conservation principles

The resultant moment of the director stresses exerted on the seg-

ment (9 1 ,0 2) of the rod will be according to (6.28),
{7 .3.9) ~(9 2)
- tA-(61)
= [JA.\6)] 9
N 1

If we assume that there are no body couples 2


and no couple stresses m acting on the curve l, and since the

mass d.m of the line element d.s is given by

(7.3.10) eLm = ac:Ls = evg 33 d0,

the law of conservation of mass and the principles of balance of
momentum (7.14) and of the moment of momentum (7.21) obtain the

(7.3.11) ~~ QV93-sd.9 = o'


ftf e.~v

(7.3.12) Q33 de = +
et e1

Since 8 1 and 0 2 are convected coordinates of two

points of the curve and remain unchanged under the deformations
Equation of balance in the theory of rods 97

of the curve, it follows from (7.3.11) thateVg 33 is independent

of time and the law of conservation of mass may be written in the

fJ.V933 = J(0) , (7.3.14)

where J(0) is an arbitrary function of position.

Using the simple relation

the equations (7.3.12) and (7.3.13) obtain the fonn-l~

These two equations must be valid for an arbitrary segment

cei,92), which yields the local fonn of the equations of balance,
i.e. we get the equations of motion:

0'1)' = (7.3.17)

*We take ~ to be indipendent of time [155].
98 7. Balance and conservation principles


<r =
d(A,)Xk )
"' "' tV

where we have applied (7.3.17) to simplify the equation (7.3.18).

To write the equations of motion in the component
fonn we have to apply the fonnula

ae =
ae +
T x~" ~~ '

where T(6, t) is a tensor defined along the curve and x;: is e,

defined by -(7.3.4). Hence, the scalar products of the vectorial
equations (7.3.17, 18) with the base vectors 9~ give the follow-
ing six differential equations of motion:


(7 .3. 20)

Since we have

and k must be different from 3 according to the definition of

the {-tensors,
the equation (7.3.20) may also be written in the
Theories of rods 99

The equations (7.3.14), (7.3.19) and (7.3.21) r~

present the basic set of the equations of motion in the general
theory of rods by Green and Laws.
Ericksen and Truesdell [121] assigned to each
point of a rod three directors and discussed in detail the state
of strain and stress from this point of view, without making any
constitutive assumptions on the mechanical properties of the
material of the rod. In their criticism of the classical descrip-
tion of the strain in a rod, the inadequacy of the classical
description of twist and the insufficiencies of the theories
which do not assume the material to be oriented in the sense of
the generalized Cosserat continuum become obvious. Cohen's theo-
ry [63] of elastic rods is based on the kinematics and statics
of Ericksen and Truesdell. An independent approach to the theory
of rods, but with the same form of the equations of motion (7.3.14
19, 21) is presented by Suhubi [440].

8. Some Applications of Classical Thermodynamics

During the last ten years a great work has been

done on the development of thermodynamics of continua. Our inte~

est here is primarily directed towards the application of thermo

dynamics in the derivation of the constitutive equations, and we
shall restrict our considerations to the classical formulations
100 8. Some applications of classical thermodynamics

of the first law and the second law of thermodynamics. The read-
ers interested in the modern contributions up to 1965, may be
referred to the book by Truesdell and Noll [468] , and for the
later work to the papers by e.g. Chen [61], Green and Laws [154],
Green and Rivlin [176], Kline and Allen [236], Leigh[265], Trues
dell [466, 467] , Uhlhorn [470]etc.
The experience shows that mechanical processes
cannot be separated from thermal phenomena. Mechanical work may
make a body hotter, or heating may produce certain mechanical
effects, such as e.g. thermal dilatations and thermoelastic stres
To indicate how hot is a body the temperature G
is introduced as a fundamental entity. It is assumed that there
exists an absolute zero e = 0 which is the lowest bound of 0 and
for all processes e> 0
It is postulated'that the total energy of a body
is the sum of the kinetic energy produced by the motion of the
mass points of the body and of an internal energy E.
For the internal energy it is assumed that it is
an absolutely continuous function of mass, so that for a part v
of a body it may be written

( 8.1) E = jtdm
= /etd'lt,

where f is the specific internal energy,

Energy. Mechanical working 101

t = f(xnJ , t) . (8.2)

The increment of the total energy per unit time

depends on the rate Pat which the mechanical forces do work (the
mechanical working), and on the total input (output} of the non-
mechanical working (heat), which we shall denote by Q.
Mechanical working is the rate at which the body
forces f, the director forces Nk(~), the body couples Nt, the stres-

ses Nt , the director stresses h().)and

couple stresses
do work. Ac
cording to the definitions of the section 6, t, h(>.)and
tV N
m are

defined for the points on the boUndary s of a part ~ of the body

considered. Therefore the working of f , k and & is to be sununed
NN N (l,)
over all the points of~, and the working of the forcest,h
m over the points on the bounding surface
s .
The kinetic energy T of a part ~ of a body we
shall assume to be in the general case represented by the expre~

sion of the form (5.1.26),


where we assume that the coefficients ~A~ are independent of

time. The rate of the kinetic energy will be now


Using the equations of motion (7.32, 33, 34),

.. .
.. ~ t"cl- f~ (8.Sa)
~X = ,j. + ~ '
102 8o Some applications of classical thermodynamics

l. . ~ h(~~j. k().) ~
(8o5b} e~ iA'd(JA-l = ,~ + ~ '
~i. t[~~] + n t~~ + m.-
ncr.- =
... .. ,k '

where owing to the tensorial character of the quantities involv-

ed We may from (7o25) write the corresponding expressions for
curvilinear coordinates,


.~~ d.[~ k().)~] *"'k

= + (~ ' m"~"

and for the rate of the kinetic energy we have the expression

(8.7) T. = rl(t~k.Xj, +
h(l)~k d,.
(~j, -
m ,. "liT~~
Sk +

I ( . {).) . )
~ ~ ~~
+ Q f X~ + k cl,(l)~- t 'tit~~ d'\r - W o

By W we have denoted here

(8.8JW - f
= 'latdU' = f (t<~Pd + hCll~k d,,.,,k'IAJ'
~ + h<>.l~k d,,.,,.

..,..,, ;
k- m~ \AJ' ._)dv.
""''h r'"

The right-hand side of (8.7) represents the mechanical working

p 0

The non-mechanical working Q is assumed to rise

from surface and volume densities,

(8o9) Q = + jhdm,

s '1)-
The first law of thermodynamics 103

where q is the rate at which heat flows through the surface, and

h is the heat generation per unit mass (source). q is often call


ed the heat flux vector.

The first law of thermodynamics postulates that
. .
T+E = P+Q (8.10)

From (8.10), using (8.1) and (8.5-9), we obtain


which represents the local law of balance and energy. According.

to (8.1), (8.3), (8.8) and (8.9) we see that the first law of
thermodynamics is also of the form of a balance law, and there-
fore it represents in the global form (8.10) the law of balance
of the total energy.
From experience we know that at least one part of
the mechanical working goes into heat, and the rest is again
available for the mechanical work. Therefore we assume that W
may be decomposed into a reversible part EW and into an irrever-
sible part nW which may also be called the dissipative part of
W , such that

VI = r'W + n'W (8.12)

The reversible part of working goes into the potential energy )C,
such that l: = 0Wand
104 8. Some applications of classical thermodynamics

where is the specific strain energy, or the elastic potential.

The difference between the rate of the specific
internal energy and the rate of reversible work we shall denote
by e~ ' so that
(8.14) et = Ell)" + ee~ '
where 'l represents the specific entropy and is defined per unit
mass and per unit temperature, and from (8.11) we obtain


which represents the equation of production of specific entropy.

If we assume that all stresses, director stresses
and stress-couples may be decomposed into parts which do revers-
(>.) (~)
ible work ( Et1\1 , Eh
, Em), and which do dissipative work (D t, nh ,
N N ~

D~ ) , we may write

(8.16) t
= = m

From (8.15) it follows that any portion of the

stress, director stresses and couple-stresses which does recover
able work makes no contribution to the entropy (Truesdell and
Toupin [469] )
On the basis of (8.11, 12, and 15) we may write

The second law of thermodynamics 105

The quantity H defined by

is called the total entropy. Now, from (8.17) we obtain


The postulate of irreversibility, also called the

second law of thermodynamics states that

H- f qk:sk - d"' ;;. o. (8.~9)

s ,.
In the form (8.19) this law is also known as the Clausius-Duhem
inequality, or the entropy inequality. In the local form this
law reads


Sometimes it is convenient to use the Helmholtz

free energy~ per unit mass, defined by the relation

'f' = e - e11 (8.21)

ln substituting this equation into (8.14) we find


Using (8.11) we may rewrite (8.20) in the form

which includes the mechanical working~,
106 8. Some applications of classical thermodynamics.

(8. 23)

and if we introduce the free energy into this inequality, it

(8. 24) -e~- er&e + \At + 1 a,k q k
e ;:?:; 0 .
A process in which

e = 0 is called isothermal ,
Q = 0 is called adiabatic ,
11= 0 is called isentropic ,
t = 0 is called isoenergetic

When in (8.19) we have the equality, we have the

case of equilibrium and the corresponding process is reversible.
From (8.14) and (8.22) we see that the strain
energy ~ is equal to the internal energy t if the process is i-
sentropic, and the strain energy a is equal to the free energy
~ if the process is isothermal.
An inspection of (8.8) shows that for the recover
able part of working we may write

= E
t (~pd, ~~ + E
(>.),k 'IAT~~ +
(8 .25)
The rate of recoverable mechanical working 107


g~& Et <~P tr,t'

t<~Pd =
E ~~
(~) d-k ~ [~ (Altlk t
Eh d.(l),d- '\a)'~J. = Q~t d(l),k E h . '\t , .. (8.26)

and since


we see that E\lt may be expressed as a linear function in the

material derivatives of the gradients of deformation and of the


E'lit = [ t (~f.)xl; .. + d[~
~he E (l),k E
'~ - E
m~(~k)x~. ]~ +
'6-k ,L

. . (8.28)
(l)k K --;- (" k) L K e
+ Eh ci- X;kdC1>;K - Q~REm" r X;;.X;k x;KL
108 8. Some application s of classical thermodynamics

According to (8.14), we may assume that the inter

nal energy is a function of the deformation and director gradients
and of the entropy,

t =

so that*

(8. 29)

Since the relation (8.14) must be valid for any processes, it

must be satisfied for arbitrary rates x;L
-;- ,
x;KL ,

and.~ , which yields the following relations



Hence, from the first law of thermodynamics we may obtain certain

relations for the reversible parts of the symmetric part of the
stress tensor, and of the symmetric part of the couple-stre ss
tensor and for the director-st ress tensor. The dissipative parts

~~We follow here the procedure applied by Stojanovi6 and Djurib

[425, 427] and by Stojanovib, Djuri6 and Vujosevib [343] in the
case of elasticity.
Irreversible processes 109

remain unchanged.
Regarding the dissipative parts of the stress teg
sor,couple-stress tensor and of the director stress tensors,there
is a discussion whether or not the inequalities (8.19), or (8.23,
24) present any restrictions. E.g. Kline [235] demonstrated that
from these inequalities without additional assumptions-further
conclusions cannot be made, but Leigh[265](in the non-polar case)
finds certain restrictions and applies the second law of thermo-
dynamics to plasticity and linear viscous flow. Green and Rivlin
[176] obtained the differential equations of theories of gener-
alized continua by the systematic use of the first and second
law of thermodynamics, but applied the procedure only to the re-
versible case (cf. also Green and Laws [154]).
I find, however, that in some cases the principle
of least irreversible force by Ziegler [516] is very useful.~~

Ziegler applied it to a number of cases in the theory of non-

polar materials.
For polar materials this principle was applied
for the derivation of the constitutive relations of plasticity
and viscous flow by Komljenovic [243], Plavsic [359, 361],Plav-
sic and Stojanovic [363]and Djuric[88].
Ziegler assumed that the entropy n has two parts,

~f This principle is not generally accepted and some authors

have serious objections on its general validity.
110 7. Balance and conservation principles

the irreversible part Yl(~} and the irreversible part fl(r) , so that




~ ., = qk,k + ..

These relations satisfy the equation of production of entropy.

Further he assumed the second law of thermodynamics (fordt > 0)
to be of the form

(8.35) r1t~) ~ 0 0

From (8.20) we see that this assumption is valid only if


which is not in contradiction with the experience, since the

temperature flows from the parts of the body with higher tempe!:_
ature to the parts with lower temperature. It follows then from
(8.34) that

(8.37) nW" ;;;!= 0.

The rate of entropy production ~ (~) is independent

of the heat exchange and may be a function of the. rates of de-
formation only.
The principle of least irreversible forces 111

If .xk, k = i, .. ,n are variables which describe

the configuration of a thennodynamical system and if Xk are ir
reversible forces, we may write

X(~)... k
= k u.X (8.38)

In an n-dimensional space of the variables xk the

dissipation function

t (:i:) = e~ (j,) (8.39)


for each prescribed value of the velocities xk represents a sur-


t(:i:) = M (8.40)
Assuming that a process considered is quasistatic,
i.e. the change of the coordinates xk and of the temperature a
is sufficiently slow, the principle of least irreversible force
states that:
If the value M > 0 of the dissipation function
t (:i: k) and the direction '\)k of the irreversible force (X k = X"lt)
are prescribed, then the actual quasistatic velocity ik minimizes
the magnitude X of the irreversible force Xk subject to the
condition t(xk) ~ 0.
For the justification of this principle we refer
to Ziegler's paper [516]
As a consequence of this principle it follows
112 8. Some applications of classical thermodynamics

that the components of the irreversible force have to satisfy

the equations

(8.41) =


When we identify the components X~) with the com-

ponents of the irreversible parts of the stress tensor, couple
stress tensor and tensor of the director stresses, and the velo.
ities ik with the corresponding rates of the deformation of pos!
tion and directors, from ( 8.40) follow the relations for nt , )) m
().) ftl "'

and Dh

8.1 I n v a r i a n c e o f t h e F i r s t La w o f
Thermo d y na m i c s and the E g u at ions
o f Mo t i o n
The first law of thermodynamics may be written
in the explicit form (cf. 8.10)

(8.1.1) = f tV"
(N N
+ Nh d.c'A.'
N /
- Nmw
+ q)d,s +
+ f,. o(f.,. +
I( d(~ -
J-w + h)dv-
Superposed rigid body motions 113

where we have put

. U' n (~) . (A)~J

= t
h . d(~)
"' ..
= h d(A)~ n~
" ' t\1
., ct
.. k (>..) k(A)~ d
m"t W"~d- nk
' ~ .2-<~> = l>..H (8.1.2)

= e "lit"d-.

and lltis
the antisymmetric vorticity tensor defined by (3.28).
Two motions of a body considered differ by a rig-
id body motion if the velocities of the points of the body differ
by a rigid body velocity. Let '\T and '\t*be two velocities of a
"' tU

point NX, and let a and w

be two constant vectors. A rigid motion

is defined by the velocity field

'\t = aN + wx(r - rN 0) = b + wxr (8.1.3)

"" N N N t\JN

where r is the position of X and ro is an arbitrary constant vee

"' 1\,1 t\1

tor. Since w
is the angular velocity vector, its components are
w = -fkwct
wei- = -w
" 2 ~~-
We postulate now the invariance of (8.1.1) under
superposed rigid body motions. This means that the form of (8.1.1)
is invariant for all motions which differ by an arbitrary rigid
When in (8.1.1) -z is substituted by -z +~,the po~

tulate will be satisfied only if

114 8. Some applications of classical thermodynamics

(8.1.4) /[e~~d~ + (~2 + ~b2 )eci1r] = /!2ds + je!gdv .

,. s 'It

For arbitrary Nb and Nb we obtain two relations,
the law of conservation of mass,

ed."' = o ,
which by (3.46) obtains the usual form

(8.1.5) Je = eo
and the equation of motion (7.19),

(8.1.6) 0 .... ~
'"'u = t~...
,., + ef" .
To investigate the consequences of the invariance

. ..
of (8.1.1) under superposed arbitrary rigid body rotations, we
have to substitute v, V, d~) ,d(A.) and 'laY by

(8.1.7) ,;.
-+ ir + wx('U'
N t\1 N
+ wxr)
N t\1
Superposed rigid rotations 115

respectively. Thus we obtain the relation

(8.1. 8)

+ f ~(!:X! +
S().)Xb + ~)dS .

Using (8.1.6) and after the application of the divergence theorem

for arbitrary rotations w
we obtain


which coincides with (7.34).

The equations of motion of the directors (7.33)
may be obtained from the invariance of the relation (8.1.1)
under arbitrary rigid translations of the directors. If <~)are

arbitrary constant vectors, and if we substitute S.e1) by

in (8.1.1), it follows immediately that the form of the first

law of thermodynamics will be preserved if

0 '
which for arbitrary Co.)~ reduces to (7 .33).
This last requirement, ~hat (8.1.1) is invariant
if the rates of the directors are changed by some arbitrary, con.
116 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

stant rates, is an extension of the well-known invariance of the

energy-balance law under superposed rigid motions in classical
continuum mechanics. This extension however, is not unnatural
since (8.1.3) are rela.ted to the displacements of the points of
the body, and the motions of the directors are independent of
the motions of the points. That was the principal reason for our
introduction of this new, additional requirement for the invar-
iance of (8.1.1).
From the results in this Section we see that the
postulated invariance of the first law of thermodynamics under
arbitrary rigid motions of the points and of the directors is
equivalent with the principles of balance of the Section 7, and
contains all these separate principles as special cases.

9. Some General Considerations on Constitutive Relations

The relations (8.30-32) for the reversible part

of the stress, director stresses and couple-stress tensor, as
well as the relations for the irreversible parts which follow
from (8.40), have to satisfy some additional assumptions in or-
der to represent constitutive relations.
Constitutive relations in mechanics describe the
response of a material to deformations. The response is charac-
terized by the intrinsic properties of matter and not by the
The general problem of constitutive relations 117

choice of coordinates, or by the choice of the way of describing

deformations, rates of deformation, motions etc. Constitutive r~

lations,never describe completely mechanical properties of real

materials, but only some of the dominant properties considered
for some particular purposes. Therefore, a material which would
completely behave according to some prescribed constitutive re-
lations is an ideal material and does not exist in the Nature.
The first question, regarding the constitutive
relations, is: which quantities are to be determined by these
relations and which quantities are to be considered as variables.
There are 3n+3 differential equations (7.35) and (7.36) from
which the motions .x
= .x(X,t)and d(cr.) = d(a)(X,t)
<VN N N 1\1
may be determined if
the forces f and k and the couples ..,t are prescribed, but there
~ ~

are 9+9t27=45 components of the t , h(") and

~ N
m which cannot

be determined from these equations. If we turn to the laws of

thermodynamics, we obtain some relations, but then two new ad-
ditional quantities are introduced, temperature e and entropy Y\.
Expressing the laws of thermodynamics in terms of the internal
energy f, or in terms of the free energy tp we may regard e, or
~ respectively, as a quantity to be determined by a constitu-
tive relation.
There are two methods for the formulation of con-
stitutive relations. One method is: to assume certain relations
and to subject them to certain restrictions which follow from
thermodynamics and from the principles which will be introduced
118 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

later. The other method consists in deriving the relations from

the energetic considerations based on thermodynamics; so obtaig
ed relations are then to be subjected to further restrictions
furnished by the additional principles.
The number of the assumed additional principles
which are to be imposed on the constitutive relations varies
from author to author. Since we are going to consider the con-
stitutive relations which follow from the energetic considera-
tions, and since we are not going to consider problems of more
complex nature such as viscoelasticity and dependence of the
state of stress on the history of deformation, we shall restrict
the number of additional assumptions to two principles,
1 The principle of material frame indifference, and
2 The principle of local action.

The discussion of various other principles in

continuum mechanics may be found e.g. in the books by Truesdell
and Noll [468] a.Q.d by Eringen [122, 131]
The two mentioned principles are independent of
the so called material symmetries. In order to obtain the rela-
tions for a particular class of material symmetries, we have to
require, in addition, that the constitutive relations are inva-
riant with respect to a subgroup of the group of orthogonal tran~

formations which characterizes the class of material symmetries

Let z .. and i
. be two orthogonal Cartesian coordin
Objective tensors 119

ate systems with origins at 0 and 0, and let an _event be describ


ed with respect to these two systems by{~,t}and{!,t}, where t

and t are times measured by two observers at 0 and
A change
of the frame of reference is expressed by the formula

z = Q~p{t) zft + al)f,(t) (9.1)

t = t - T

= a;an!,a + bllfo(t) (9.2)

t = t + T


Qfl Cf. Q~'t = c,; ' Q'ID&Q 1'

Jl f
= o; ' (9.3)

and we assume that Q

is an orthogonal matrix, Q
= QT

If Tis a tensor field with components T::: and

T::: with respect to the coordinate systems 0i! and 0z respeo-
Nrv NN

tively, and if the components transform according to the trans-

formation law for tensors when both, the dependent and indepen~

ent variables, are transformed according to (9.1.2), the tensor

field T is said to be frame-indifferent, or objective.
The components of the position vector r =zect.are
N rv

obviously not objective quantities since they transform accord-

ing to (9.1.2).
120 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

The components of the velocity vector ~ are de-


fined with respect to the two considered reference frames by

= z ' =
-z .

From (9.1) we have


and obviously the velocity vector is not an. objective vector.

Writing (9.5) in the form

( 9.6)

we obtain for the velocity gradients the following transforma-

tion law,


Hence, the velocity gradients are not objective quantities. How-

ever, the rate of strain is an objective tensor. From (9.7) we

= =
T~e principle of material frame indifference 121

but in view of (9.3)

and obviously

From (9.7) it may be seen that the vorticity teg

sor W'ft = V'.,ftl is not an objective tensor, but the gradients of
this t:ensor are objective quantities. We have


= (9.8)

If points of a body are referred to a system of

material Cartesian coordinates z"- and if z" and z are two spa,..
tial reference frames, we see from (9.1) that

and the deformation gradients are objective. The same holds for
the higher order deformation gradients
= etc. (9.10)
The principle of material frame indifference re-
quires that: Constitutive equations must be invariant with re-
122 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

spect to rigid motions of the spatial frame of reference.

A function F(V~) 'v~h ... 'z") of vectors ~ll.)iS
objective or frame-indifferent if it remains invariant under rig-
id motions of the spatial frame.
If only translations are regarded, i" z +a'', it follows that

and the condition of objectivity for the function F reduces to

F(~<il , . , :z" + a") = F(~Cih ... , z") .

If the translations a are small quantities, from the Taylor ser-

ies expansion of the function F we obtain that it will be objec-
tive only if
= 0
i.e. if it does not depend explicitly on spatial coordinates of
Let us see now which restrictions are imposed on
the function F by arbitrary rigid rotations of the spatial frame,
if F is an objective function.
Let Q be the matrix

where w.~ = -w~. is an arbitrary infinitesimal rotation, and
Objective functions 123


If F is an objective function of vectors v(v)" 'y =1,2, .. ,n' it will

satisfy the relation

( 9.12)

From (9.11) we have


and the invariance requirement (9.12) reduces to the relation


For sufficiently small w ~,a we may expand F into the Taylor ser-

Hence, if F is an objective function, for infinitesimal rota-

tions w
we obtain that F has to satisfy the condition

aF fl "
L=1 OV
~ V{v) W ft =
0 (9.15)

But w is an arbitrary antisymmetric tensor and (9.15) reduces

to the system of three differential equations (Toupin [460] )

= 0 . (9.16)
124 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

The equations of (9.16) are tensorial equations.

If the variables are objective quantities, we may write (9.16)
in the form appropriate for arbitrary curvilinear coordinates

(9.17) (f v=t
g~t a~ v,~)r 'J =
av (~) "d-
0 .
The principle of local action states that: the
state of stress at a point Z of
a medium is determined by the
motion inside an arbitrary neighborhood N(Z)of
Z, and
the point IV
the motion outside this neighbourhood may be disregarded.
Under the"state of stress" we understand the val-
ues of all the quantities which describe the stress field ( t,
b(l)' m etc.}. If ,(a(Z)) is a function which describes the
state of stress at Z at time t , according to this principle, at
a configuration K(t)the state of stress at Z is determined by the
, I
instantaneous configuration of the neighbourhood N(Z). Let Z be
<V N
a point inN<Z). At the configuration K(t) the relative position of

z' with
respect to Z is given by

Az = z(z' , t) - :i!(Z , t)
"' "' 1\1 1\1 "'

If Z - z" = u~.z , we may write


Since the state of stress at ,.,Z is determined by the local con-

figuration of an arbitrary neighbourhoodN(Z), it follows that
Materials of grade N 125

o/ must be a function of the deformation gradients,


If 'I is the internal energy function f and if N

is the highest order of the deformation gradients which appears
in the expression for the energy, according to Toupin [463] ,
the corresponding material is said to be of order of N.
Stojanovi6 and Djuri6 [425, 426] generalized this
notion to directed elastic bodies, considering the strain energy
as a function of the deformation gradients of an order N, and of
the director gradients of an order M, such that f is a function
of the form *

In the following we restrict our considerations

to the materials of the order N =2 and M =1, i.e. the constitutive
variables, which are to be considered as independent variables,
in the expression for the internal energy density are first and

*A number of authors considered the strain energy as a function

of the components d(~ of directors, and not only as a function
of the gradients of the directors (mostly in linear theories).
From our considerations in the section 8 (see eq. (8.28)) it does
not follow that the components of the directors appear explicitly
as constitutive variables and therefore we omit them here.
126 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

second order deformation gradients and the director gradients,

so that

(9.21) t =
Generalizations to higher order materials are in
principle simple, but require more involved notation Which makes
the expression less clear. The higher order gradients of defor-
mation and directors may be identified with the multipolar dis-
placements, and the theory then might be directly applied.
The materials for which the constitutive relations
do not depend explicitly on X are
called homogeneous and we
shall consider only such materials.

9.1 T h e I n t e r n a 1 En e r g y Fu n c t i o n
The internal energy function l in the form (9.21)
has, according to the principle of material frame indifference,
to satisfy the conditions of the form (9.17). When the constitu-
tive variables are identified with the components of the vectors
v~) according to the table

e t c c e c
V(1), V(2l, Yt3l ~ x;t, x;2, x;3
t e r a
V(4) , ' V<sl ~ x;th ' x;33
e t
V(tO) ' ' Vl3n+9) ~
The deformation tensors 127

the equations (9.17) obtain the form

[ Q~ec~()~ xtK
+ () ()~ x:tKL +
()~ . dt).);K) l~
()td().) 7K
= 0 (9.1.1)

This represents a system of 3 linear partial dif-

ferential equations with 3 x (3n+9) variables V{v) , 2 = 1, 2, 3;
v = t , 2 , .. , 3n + 9 .
The internal energy { is an arbitrary function of_3x{3n__:t 91.-
- 3 = 9n + 2 4 independent integrals of the sys tern ( 9 .1.1) o
It is a matter of a direct calculation to verify
that the integrals of the system (9.1.1) are the material ten-

a. b
CAB = Qab:x;,..x;a
' (9.1.2)

a b
GcAB = SJabXjcAx;B (9.1.3)

a b
F.AB = Shbx;,.. d.(~)iB (9.1.4)

These tensors are invariant under the transformations of spatial

coordinates. Since

= GAcB (9.1.5)

there are 6 +18 + 9n independent integrals ,..,C, G

, f\1F()and the in-
ternal energy is an arbitrary function of these quantities,

t = (9.1-.6)
128 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

9.2 I r r e v e r s i b l e P r o c e s s e s
The dissipation function t in (8.39) is a funo-
tion of certain generalized velocities. According to the princi-
ple of material frame indifference t has to be a function of
objective variables. Such variables are the components of the
rate of strain t:ensor d.~~ ... 'U' (~,~), the gradients of vorticity
w~~,k , as well as the second gradients '\r~,d-k of the veloc-
ity vector.
. ~

For oriented media the rates of directors d.(-.)

. ~
and the gradients dt-);k of these rates are objective tensors.
With respect to rigid motions (9.1.3) of Cartesian frames, it
follows that the directors are objective vectors,

but the rates

and the gradients of the rates

are obviously not objective quantities.

From (8.8) we have for the dissipative part o'IAt
of the mechanical power the expression
Irreversible processes 129

. "k
D m~ct 'liT. k.

However, we may write




.... .It
is the co-rotational time flux (cf. [469] ) of the vector d(A.)
may directly be verified that "'dt~)~ is an objective vector. Hence,
we may rewrite now (9.2.1) in the form


Hence, all rates which appear here,


di.~ , w~~,k , d(l)~,k (9.2.5)

are objective. It would be natural to assume now that the dis-

sipative function+ depends on the objective rates (9.2.5). But,
according to the definition, + is
a function of velocities, and
.k .k d.k
therefore it might be regarded as a function of x:;K, x;KL, (:\.)iK
via the objective variables (9.2.5).
For the derivation of the constitutive relations for irreversible
processes we may turn now to Ziegler's principle, or to consider
the Clausius-Duhem inequality. Ziegler's principle of least ir-
reversible force is so far applied only to the case of non-orie~
130 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

ted polar media, where it was assumed (for references-see sec-

tion 8) that


Formal difficulties for the application of the

Clausius-Duhem inequality are evident, since the internal ener-
gy function t, or the free energy ~ , have to be regarded as
k k lc
functions of x;K, x;KL, d.c~);K , and not of the rates ( 9.2.5).
Therefore we may only quote Rivlin [377], who said that "The
application of the Clausius-Duhem inequality to inelastic ma-
terials is questionable. It should, however, be realized
that the results obtained from many applications are, in the
main, not very strong".
The only possibility which remains is to intro-
duce the constitutive relations by assumption, and in the form
which will not violate the laws of motion and the laws of ther-
modynamics. The ~orm of the assumed relations depends on the
mechanical properties which are to be considered. Often in the
applications of this method is used the principle of eguipres-
~: A quantity present as an independent variable in one con-
stitutive equation should be also present in all, unless its
presence contradicts the laws of physics, or the rules of in-
variance (cf. [468] ). It should be noted that this principle
is not generally accepted.
In general, constitutive equations have to be in
The Clausius-Duhem inequality 131

accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, i.e. not to violate

them. Let us write Clausius-Duhem inequality in the form (8.24),

and let us assume that some generalized forces xk are functions

of some generalized velocities ,.k, (k = 1,2, .. ,n),of Q,e,Q,i.,e,i.,
etc. We have


and if we assume the principle of equipresence, the quantities

"'' , t'\ , Xk , q k have all to be functions o'f the same set of va-


Introducing this into the Clausius-Duhem inequality we obtain


According to the law of conservation of mass we


e= -elci ' (9.2.10a)

132 9. Some general considerations on constitutive relations

(9.2.10b) =

where Ie is the first invariant of the rate of strain tensor,

and x k are spatial (three-dimensional) coordinates of position
of the points of the medium.
The inequality (9.2.9) has to be satisfied for
arbitrary rates e' ..:.
e~ ' ,;.k and it follows that the necessary
condition for this is that

(9.2.11) = -ae '

= 0 ' = 0 .
Thus, the free energy function for irreversible processes re-
duces to

(9.2.12) , = 'Y(e , e,~ , e)

and the inequality (9.2.9) reduces to

e,k qk
+ xk,. + e 0 .

Obviously, from this inequality it does not seem

possible to derive the constitutive equations, but whatever are
the assumed constitutive relations, they have to satisfy the
inequality (9.2.13).
Elasticity 133

In this discussion of the Clausius-Duhem inequali-

ty we restricted our considerations to the first gradients of ~

and e' but the procedure might be applied to any grade of the
gradients and to any number of the other constitutive variables
assumed in the theory.
In the theory of ineiastic properties of non-polar
media, owing to the recent developments of the thermodynamics of
continua, some progress is made by Leigh (265] and Dillon [84].
In the following sections we shall discuss the
constitutive relations of some particular media, when the const~

tutive relations are expressed in the form of functions. More

general theories, based on functionals, are not very much ~evel


I 0. Elasticity

In some modern treatments the difference is made

between elastic and hyperelastic materials. Hyperelastic mate-
rials are those for which an elastic potential exists and the
stresses may be derived from this potential. For elastic mate-
rials the existence of such a potential is not necessary. Hyper-
elastic materials are elastic, but elastic materials are not nee

-l~For some aspec t s o f v1scoe

. l ast1city
we refer the readers to
the papers by DeSilva and Kline [83] and by Eringen [123, 130].
134 10. Elasticity

essarily hyperelastic. We restrict our considerations, accord-

ing to this division, to hyperelastic materials.
In the sense of thermodynamics the mechanical
work done by a deformation of an elastic material is reversible
and it is accumulated in the elastic potential energy cr, so
that from (8.12, 13) we have

(10.1) 'IAt ... (W', fT = L

The local law of balance of energy (8.11) may be written in one
of the forms corresponding to (8.14) or (8.22),




Since the dissipative part of working vanishes we shall drop

t h e sub script "E'.'.
According to the section 8, we assume the specif-
ic internal energy to be a function of the form

(10.4) t =
and the specific free energy to be a function of the form


If we take the energy balance equation in the

Elasticity 135

form (10.2), from (8.29, 32) we obtain the following expressions

for the temperature , stress, director stress and couple-stre ss:





The similar set of equations follows if the free

energy function "f is used instead of f. , but since in "f the tem-
perature e is regarded as one of the constitutiv e variables,t he
correspondi ng constitutiv e equation for entropy will be

= _o'l'
ae (10.10)

The relations (10.7 - 9) cannot be regarded yet

as constitutiv e relations. First, the internal energy must be
an objective function, and second, the symmetry properties of
the left and right-hand sides of the relations (10.7, 8) have
to be the same, i.e. the necessary and sufficient conditions .
for the tensorial equations (10.7 - 9)to be satisfied are that
the irreducible parts of the left and right-hand sides of each
of the equations are equal (Toupin [462] )
According to this requirement the relations (10.6)
136 10. Elasticity

and (10.9) present no restric~ions on the function t, since the

requirements are identically fulfilled, but the relatio'ns (10.6)
and (10.7) present considerable restrictions.
On the left-hand side of (10.7) we have the sym-
metric part of the stress tensor, and hence the antisymmetric
part of the right-hand side must vanish. This yields the set of
three equations

(10.11) 0 .

If we compare this with (9.1.1), which followed from the princi-

ple of material frame indifference, we see that (10.11) is iden-
tical with (9.1.1). Accordingly, the internal energy must be a
function of the form
(10.12) t = t.(c,.B , GcAB , F.. AB, 11 , X )

To investigate the restrictions imposed by the

symmetries of (10. 8) we have first to find the irreducible parts
of the tensor m~(~k) = M~tk, knowing that m~~k = -_ m~~k. According
to the Appendix, (A2.26- 29), the irreducible parts of the ten-
sor M are

= 0

= 0
The indeterminacy of the couple-stress tensor 137


= =

Hence, the right-hand side of (10.8) has to satisfy 10 conditions


--e- X~,KX~, L) r . kl = 0 '

( g ~ t ()[ (10.14)
ax.,KL "d-

and one condition (10.13) 2,

()f. X~,K X~)

(g~t --t- ,L ['. k] = 0 ' (10.15)
iJxlKL "'

and the tensor m~(~k) has only 8 independent components.

0 w:Lng ' .=
to t h e symmetry of t h e grad'1ents x;Kl c

(10.15) is identically satisfied.

Relations (10.14) represent an additional system
of 10 partial differential equations which must be satisfied si-
multaneously with the system (10.11). According to the defini-
tions of the tensors C,G and F(..), (9.1.2-4), it is obvious that
"" tV tV

(10.14) will yield restrictions only on the tensor G

It may be
directly verified that the system (10.14) is satisfied by the
material tensor
138 10. Elasticity

(10.16) = Cc[A,B]

Hence, the specific internal energy t is an arbitrary function

of the tensors C, D, F(.,.) and of 9 and X For homogeneous materi-
"' "' 1\1
als t does not depend on X ,

(10.17) f. = t(CAB ' DABC , F .a.B ' 1'\)

To write the mechanical constitutive equations

(10.7-9) we have to perform the differentiations of the intern-
al energy function considering it as an arbitrary function of
the form (10.17), which gives for the derivatives the following

at at ac,..B at -
aDA.BC ()f. &F.AB
= --+ + - ---
Dx;L aCAB ax!
()DABC l):x;!
()fAB &x~
(10.18) ()f.
()x;KL {)DABC ()x~
at DF.AB
' oF.AB a de~.);K

According to (10.11), the equation for the sym-

metric part of the stress tensor becomes now

(10.19) =
The elastic constitutive relations 139

and the complete set of the mechanical constitutive relations is

- o
at ~ i-
. . (2 acn x'K.x,L + u
~t v
<.~ x~ -.>
()DKL 11 .... ,K ,u, + M

x~ dv )
aF~KL ,K (c.hL , (10.20)

= (10.21)

= (10.22)

For applications it is advantageous to substitute

the deformation tensor C by
the strain tensor E (3.10).
It is
also possible to represent the tensor D in
terms of the strain

= 2Ec[A,B] (10.23)

From the constitutive relations (10.20-22) we see

that the symmetric part of the stress tensor is affected by the
strain of position, by the strain gradients and by the deforma-
tions of the directors, but couple-stresses depend (explicitly)
only on the strain gradients, and the director stresses depend
explicitly only on the deformations of the directors.
It is to be explicitly mentioned that in the ther
modynamical approach to the constitutive relations the couple
stress tensor remains indetermined. Out of its nine components
only eight appear in the equation of energy balance and only
140 10. Elasticity

eight are determined by the constitutive relations.

So far, except in the theory of dislocations
(Krtlner and Hehl[200], Stojanovic [419, 421], Stojanovic and

Djuri6 [425] ) the general relations (10.20-22) were not used

in the applications. The applications are mostly concerned with
more special classes of materials, i.e. with materials of grade
two (the strain gradient theory}, and with different kinds of
oriented (directed) materials. For the materials of grade two
the internal energy is assumed to be of the form

(10.24) t = f(C , D , Y\) ,

IV ttl

and for the oriented materials of the form

(10.25) f = f.( C , D., , l'\)

"' "'
In the section 4. we have already discussed the
compatibility conditions for the deformation tensor C
To ob-
tain the compatibility conditions for the tensor D we
shall use
the commutativity of the covariant differentials in the Euclide-
an space. From (10.16) we obtain after differentiation

= 2D ABC o + CcB AD
' '
Eliminating the derivatives of the tensor C we obtain
(10.26) DABC n + Dnc DnAc 0
' ,A + 'B =

From the definition (9.1.4) of the tensors NF.we

The compatibility conditions 141


= (10.2.7)
Assuming that X;~ are deformation gradients, we may write

and for the spatial components of the tensors F we have


Now, from (10.27) we have

and obviously

F.[AB,C] = 0 , (10.2.9)

which represents the compatibility conditions for the tensorsFK.


10.1 A P r i n c i p l e o f Vi r t u a l Work
and Boundary Conditions
To derive the boundary conditions for elastic
polar materials we shall generalize the principle of virtual
work used by Toupin [462] for static equilibrium in the theory
of elastic materials of grade two. In a slightly more general
form this principle was also applied to generalized Cosserat con
142 10. Elasticity

tinua by Stojanovic and Djuric ~26]

We assume the principle of virtual work in the

(10.1.1) oT + bE = bw ,

where 6 T is the virtual work of inertial forces, bE is the first

variation of the internal energy and O'llt is the virtual work of
all body and contact forces acting on a part~ of a body. At the
points of the boundary s of v the nonnal derivatives Dbxi, and
~ . ~
Db d.t) of (by assumption) independent variations ox~ and 6 deal
are to be considered also as independent.
In general, it may be assumed that the boundary
s consists of a finite number of surfaces J bounded by curves
'e The boundary curves represent edges.
The gradients 'l,k of a function 'I', defined in the
interior and on the boundary of~, may be decomposed on the boun9:
ary of~ into the. surface gradient Dk'P and the nonnal gradient

o, '
(10.1.2) =
where n is the unit nonnal to the boundary surface s Toupin in

troduced a three-dimensional extension of the second fundamental

tensor I'llb of a surface by'~ (see foot-note next page)

(10.1. 3) b.
= -D" nct = -DI n"
An integral identity 143

For any smooth tensor field f... defined at points

of a smooth surface J Toupin introduced the integral identity

Jn~f n~ds = lbkkn~n~- bi.~)f... ds + j'm~"/dt ,
where Nm N't"xnN and TN is the unit tangent to 'e, and cU is the scal-
ar line element of f
If the integral transformation (10.1.4) is applied
to all surfaces 'J, i.e. to the whole boundary s of v, one gets

jDl"/is = fcbkkn~ni- bi)f... ds + j[m~n/ ...]d~, (10.1.5)

s s c

where [ ] represents the jumps of the enclosed quantity when an

edge is approached from either side. We assume that the poundary
s of \J' has no edge and that f... is smooth throughout s, so that
the line integral in (10.1.5) vanishes.
For the virtual work of inertia forces we assume
the expression

6T = I
rJ.(i ~ 6 Xi. + ~ l }A- d.~~) b d(;AJ) d '\)" (10.1.6)

* Letu.ot;ui,2 be coordinates on S, and the equations of the sur

face are x~ = x~(u.). From (10.1. 3) it follows that
~ ~ ~
b~i~;.x;ft = n~x;oc.ft a ba:ft
where bet.,$ is the seco~d fundamental tensor and x;.,_s are cava-
riant derivatives of x;.,
with respect to the surface ~etric. It
is to be noted that for the points on the surface nj.x;. = 0.
144 10. Elasticity

and for the variation of the internal energy we may write

Since the spatial coordinates only are subject

to variations we shall use the following relations:.

= (bx k ) ... x;K



and (10.1.7) may be rewritten in the form

(10.1. 9)

For the sake of brevity in writing let us introduce the notation

Evaluation of the integrals 145


~ ml( k
~2 j B k bx ),ml d.V" ' (10.1.11)

For ~i we have

k) k]
:lt = ![( AK 11
bx ,11 - Ak,m o:x
'17 (10.1.12)

Jz may be written in the fonn

:12 = j[(B~m! bxk)ml + B~~~~ mlbxk]du- - 2~B~(mC) 6Xkn,ds. (10.1.13)

, ' '

'17 s
Since we may write

applying the integral identity (10.1.5) this becomes

J~ = f{[DB~"''nmnn + (b\n 111 n1 - b 1 1 e)B~m 1 ]bxk +

146 10. Elasticity

and for J 2 we definitively have


For ::S 3 we obtain similarly

(10.1.15) ~3 =
Ip {eG)m k
k ,modt.)dU'.
5 ~

Collecting the results we obtain for bE the ex-


According to the form of (10.1. 16) it is natural

to assume for the virtual work b'llt the expression

bw = /<Lkbxk + S~lbd~.1 )d'U' +


+ f[Mkbxk + Nk(Dbxk) + r<:lodc~l]ds

Equations of motion and boundary conditions 147

(a:) (a:)
where L , M , N , S and T are some generalized for.ces.
1\1 1\1 N N 1\1

Introducing now oT ,bE and but from (10.1.6, 16, 17)

into (10.1.1) and assuming that the variations 6X ' D6x k and k

in~ and on s.are independent, we obtain the following relations:

in '\t :

.. t Aem tmn
,m + 8 ' mn (10.1.18)

' '
s'' . (10.1.19)
on s

Mt, (10.1.20)

= (10.1.21)


From (10.8), (10.9)' (10.19) and (10.1.10) we see that

A(~~) t ( ~ ~)
8 tmn = - m&(mn) (10.1.23)
h \"')tm
148 10. Elasticity

According to (10.11) we also have ~*"

(10.1.24) = 0 '
which substituted in (10.1.18) yields

t {tm) Ill + mt(mn) mn + d [t h(m)m]p Ll

== p +
' '
\ '
This~ together with (10.1.19),

. ~A- d e
!!" (.) =
represents the equations of motion. Here we may identifyl with
e<f' + e'm, . J ' and s(t) with ok()' The boundary conditions fol-
low from (10.1.20-22),

(10. 1.25)

~}The equation (10.1.24) follows also from the requirement that

bE is invariant under virtual rigid displacements. Let x~ be
Cartesian coordinates. The virtual rigid displacements are
k~ k kij
6_xk,..ak+t K~d.()~, wherea.k and K~ are arbi-
K~xct andbd.(a)t
trary constants. Introducing this into (10.1.14) and requiring
that the energy of every part of the body is separately invariant
under all rigid variations we obtain (10.1.24).
Elastic materials of grade two 149

. d forces M , T() and N are

Th e gener al ~ze
certa~n surf ace trac-
"' 1\1 N

tions which are to be prescribed on the boundary of the body.

10.2 El a s t i c Ma t e r i a l s o f Gr a d e
- -
When the internal energy is a function of defonn!
k k K
tion gradients ,
:t.K and ,
X.KL and of X and t'\ only, the mechanical
constitutiv e relations (10.20, 21) obtain the fonn

(10.2.1) '

m~CJk) =

According to the Appendix (Al.32), the couple-

stress tensor m~~kmay be represented by the second order tensor
m~k, and this tensor may be decomposed into its deviatoric and
spherical part, where the deviatoric part is

m.k - mPp!..uok = -t .. k - -f
1 ~k (
2 .. 2 P9'" mPq'"ue 10.2.3
m~~ )
li D H~


150 :10. Elasticity



In the constitutive relations (10,2.2) only the symmetric part

m~(~k) of the couple-stress tensor appears, and from (10.2.4)
we see that

(10.2.6) m~( ~k) == 1-4 ~(~ k)

Since there are only eight independent components

of the tensor m~(~k) ( cf. 10.13), and since the deviator has only
eight components (cf. App. (A2.4)), we may represent the devia-
tor J.L ~~k in tenns of the tensor m~(~k),

(10.2.7) JA. ~~k = ~(2m i.(~k) + mk(~P) .

.. k k
The invariant f.~t'km~; m k of the couple-stress
tensor remains undetennined since there are only eight consti-
tutive equations (10.2.2), and also in the boundary conditions
(10.1.25) only the symmetric part of the couple-stress tensor
appears. According to Koiter [24~ , without any loss in genera!
ity we may assume that m: is equal to zero.
The tensor DKLM is antisymmetric in K and L and
if we introduce the second-order material tensor

(10.2.8) i ~ NKLD
a -... KLM
The stress-strain relations 151

the constitutive equations (10.2.1) obtain the form

= e( ()[of. ~ ~
:x:;Kx;L + 21 N"
NKL (~ ~) )
X ;Kx;LM (10.2.9)
KL i>D M
where we have used (3.10), and for the deviator ~t we get from
(10.2.3, 7, ~,) the relation

= (10.2.10)

For isotropic materials the internal energy must

be a function of isotropic invariants (see App. section A2) of
the tensors E and D,
N "'

Teodosiu [449 - 453] applied the general theory

of elastic materials of grade two to media with internal and
initial stresses and particularly to the determination of inter-
nal stresses produced by dislocations. He also considered a
more general theory in which the couple-stress tensor is not un-
determined. A proposal for such a generalization was already
given by Toupin [462] on the basis of the analysis of the boun-
dary conditions (10.1.25) 3 From the antisymmetry of the couple-
stress tensor it follows that the traction N has to be orthogon-
al to the boundary surface,Nn = 0 , but this requirement for
N 1\1

the traction N is without a physical motivation. For that reason

Toupin proposed a more general theory in which the complete
couple-stress tensor would be determined.
152 10. Elasticity

For infinitesimal deformations we may assume that

the coordinates XK and ::x:k coincide in the reference configuration,
such that

:x:k ... xK:,k + u.k

K '

x;L = r,kL + u. k,, 0 Le
x;LM = k
U, ) tm
o'L o11 '

where 1'\Ju, is an infinitesimal displacement. The deformation ten-

sors in the linear approximation are




(10.2.15) =

It is accustomed, however, to represent the third-

order tensors ~ and D by their second-order duals. Since the ro-
"" 1\)
. 1 ~k&
tation tensor 'l.ltkt may be represented by the vector '\11'~ = -l -urke ,
we may put

Linearization. Isotropy 153

and the linear constitutive relations may be written in the


t (~ ~)
1 e k& +
2 H
M~~kt M~iktk
JJ. ~~- = t e kt + 2 kt

For isotropic materials the fourth-order tensors

C and M are linear combinations of the fundamental tensors

such that

c~i ka
= vg~tgkl + flv9~kg~t + 'tv g~lgtk '
" (10.2.18)
= a"gi.f. gkt + byg~kgjt + c"g~&g .. k (v =1,2) ,
Since the constitutive relations (10.2.17) for
isotropic materials have to be invariant under the full orthogo
al group of transformations, we shall obtain them substituting
the elasticity tensors from (10.2.18) into (10.2.17).
In the linear theory we may assume that the den-
sity e is approximatively equal to the density in the reference
configuration, e Rl fo!o.
For isotropic materials in this approximation the internal ener-
gy function may be approximated by a quadratic polynomial in
1 2
the isotropic invariants I e 'II e and n D ' liD of the tensors ~ and
2, and it may be written in the form (Koiter [241] )
154 10. Elasticity

~ . J
10.2 .19)
[ " 2
~ 0 t = G 1 _ 2 " Ie + e;. et. + 2 E2(k .~._k~d-. + t1k.~k~)J
where G is the shear modulus, v is the Poisson ratio and 2 G
and 2~Gt are two additional new elastic constants. The constant
e has the dimension of length and is called the characteristic
length of the material. 1'\ is a non-dimensiona l nwnber.
The constitutive relations (10.2.9, 10) may be
written now in the fcnn

= 2 G(e~~ + V I n~~)
1-2.v eiJ
= 4G2 2 (k~i + 11k~ir)

These relations were obtained by Aero and Kuv-

shinskii [5] in 1960. Grioli [180] studied the non-linear theo-
ry and in the linearization he obtained the similar expressions,
but he neglected the tenns involving~. Mindlin and Tiersten
[283] considered. the linear constitutive equations as a result
of linearization of the relations derived by Toupin, and they
applied the linear theory to a number of problems in vibrations
and stress concentration (cf. also Mindlin[287]). One of the
most interesting effects of couple-stresses is its influence on
the stress concentration factor which appears to be a function
of the characteristic length e and to be less than what is u-
sually assumed in the non-polar theories to be its value. For
detailed study of the influence of couple-stresses in linear
References on the effects of couple-stresses 155

elasticity we refer the reader, among others, to the papers by

Mindlin and Tiersten [283], Mindlin [284] ,, [287], Mindlin and
Eshel [288], Koi ter [241] , Neuber [324] , and, for the problems
of stress concentration, to the book by Savin[387] which appear-
ed in 1968 and where detailed references may be found.
Lomakin [275] applied Lagrange's variational
principle to derive various boundary conditions. He also comple!
ed the theory proving the validity of the principle of minimum
potential energy, generalizing Clapeyron's theorem for the strain
energy and proving the uniqueness theorem.
Within the theory of materials of grade two (or,
within the strain-gradient theory) a generalization of Rivlin' s
method for the construction of general solutions in non-linear
elasticity was presented by Stojanovic and Blagojevic [424] and
by Blagojevit [33, 34] It is found that owing to the influen-
ce of couple-stresses the Poynting effect, which is in the non-
linear theory of elasticity attributed to the second-order terms,
appears as an effect of the first order in hemitropic materials.
A very fine and general synthesis of work of
Grioli, Aero and Kuvshinskii, Bressan [47] and other authors is
presented by Galletto [107]
156 10. Elasticity

10.3 T h e E1 a s t i c Co s s e r a t Co n t i n u u m

When the influence of the strain gradients in the

internal energy function is neglected, according to (10.20-22)
the couple-stress tensor m will vanish and the constitutive
relations obtain the fonn


(10.3.2) =

The directors in a Cosserat medium represent

rigid triads and therefore we may assume that in the initial
(reference) configuration the directors D(~ coincide with the
base vectors of a Cartesian system of reference X , i.e.

(10.3.3) =

For infinitesimal deformation we may write




where u, is an infinitesimal displacement vector, and n is an

"' "'
The elastic Cosserat continuum 157

independent rotation of the director triads. However,


and the deformation tensors are


thus, we may consider as the constitutive variables the strain

tensor eke and the gradients of rotation x .. ke = -x ke or

:tm (10.3.8)

From (10.28) we easily obtain the compatibility
conditions for the tensor x~k~ From (10.3.7) we have

Since the indices k, t, m here must have different values, there

are just three independent relations, which may be written in
the form

e X k& m = 0 .
158 10. Elasticity

Using now the antisymmetry of x.kt = -x k.d , and writing

we find

= 0 .

This is, however, identically satisfied, since from (10.3.7) 2

we see that the relation

X. [t 7n] = 0

represents the compatibility condition. In this context we also

refer the reader to the compatibility conditions for micromorphic
elastic media derived by Eringen [134]
The constitutive relations (10.3.1, 2) for !!AI!! 0become now

eo!\ .
uX., ... ~ ..

however, Xt~j is an antisymmetric tensor and the index~ is of

the tensorial character. Applying (10.3.8) we may now write

Linearized constitutive equations 159

... = at (10.3.10b)
~o--:- '
() :t "



The internal energy t may be approximated now

by a quadratic polynomial,

not = G[ 1 -" 2 V I e2 + e~et

. .
+ 2t*2.(x"x:ct
. .+ n
*X~. X").
.~ (10.3.12)
~ t " "t ~ ., .,_ "" ,

and the linear consitutive relations have the form completely

analogous to (10.2.20),

= 2 c(e~~ + 1 - v2v I ean~~)

h.. = 4C *2 .
t (xr
+ 11x~~) .

Here again we have a "characteristic length" C of the material, *

and a nondimensional constant fl *
The linear theory of elasticity of Cosserat mate
rials is studied extensively by Sch~fer [390-395] , who also
elaborated a method for solving the equilibrium problems in
terms of the stress-functions [394] , and applied the theory to
the theory of dislocations* [396-398].

*r mostly appreciate the late Prof. SchHfer's kindness to put

at my disposal his yet unpublished results on the dislocation
theory in the Cosserat continuum.
160 10. E~asticity

The theory of non-symmetric elasticity developed since 1960 by

Aero, Bul'gin and Kuvshinskii[4-6, 52,26o] is based on the as-
sumption that particles of a medium may suffer rotations inde-
pendent of the displacements, which makes their theory to be, in
fact, a theory of Cosserat media.
The equations of motion (7.1.6) 2, 4 in the linea~

ized theory of Cosserat continua obtain the form

.. ~
t"cl-.,.. + of"
QX = "
t[~ . .i-l t (~~J + H[~~Jkk
QI Wt = , +
dG kl)~]
e <l '
where the hyperstress tensor H cl- defined by (7.25) 4, appears
only as an antisymmetric tensor.
The moments of director forces appear here in the form of body
couples. The effect of hyperstresses in the linear theory of an
elastic Cosserat .continuum is obviously the same as the effect
of couple-stresses in the strain-gradient theory. For that reason
many authors consider both kinds of "materials" as Cosserat ma-
terials, or simply as materials with couple-stresses without
making any distinction between the two kinds of materials.
Transvecting the equation (10.3.14) with l 111 ~i

and representing the rotation tensor wni by the rotation vector

= 21 "tnj
, we obtain

Micromorphic media 161

where (see Section 7.1)

~~~~ = I"6t It
n m - m'
s H~~k

For microisotropic media by (7.1.10) we have


and the equation (10.3.15) obtains the form often used by vari-
ous authors in the linearized theories.

10.4 E 1 a s t i c Ma t e r i a 1 s wi t h Mi c r o -
s t r u c t u r e
a) Micromorphic and micropolar materials.- The
basic theory is developed by Eringen and Suhubi [123-130, 137-
139, 442] It is assumed that for the microelements are valid
the Cauchy laws of motion,

lot -
t' ~;. +
,; et'~

= fP
where primes denote that the quantities are related to microe-
lements. For macromaterial the corresponding quantities are ob-
162 10. Elasticity

tained through the averaging, e.g.

(10.4.2) Jef~ cJ.,. = ef d.'l>' ; ~

The stress and volume moments are defined by the

jf~~ t'kds~ a .,.,_. ~~kd s~. .

(10.4.3) d.s
fef'~ f~ d'U'' =
and '\"' ~~k represents the "first stress moment", which is not the

same as the couple-stress. Further, in the relation

(10.4.4) fe.'a'~~~d'lt 1 a

the quantity C1 ~1- is defined as the "inertial spin", and the sym-
metric tensors~~, defined by

represents the "microstress average".
The constitutive relations, according to our no-
tation (cf. section 5.2) read


Micropolar media 163

= (A = 1,2 ,3)

where it is assumed that the internal energy E is a function of

the mechanical constitutive variables


The stress moment A coincides lrith our hyperstress,


and this theory may be regarded also as a theory of generalized

Cosserat continua.
The difference between the general theory outlin-
ed in the section 10.3 and the theory of micromorphic continua
is in the assumption that the internal energy depends explicitly
on the components of the directors, and, also, in the assumed
existence of two independent stresses - the macro-stress Nt and .
the micro-stress average ~
In micropolar bodies the micro-elements are rigid.
The directors in this case represent rigid triads and the theory
reduces to the theory of elastic Cosserat media (10.3).
If we assume the internal energy t to be a func-
tion of the variables (10.4.7) and of the specific entropy ~,

t =

and if we apply the principle of material frame indifference to

obtain the equations which correspond to (9.17), we shall obtain
164 10. Elasticity

that t is an arbitrary function of 11 and of the materials tensors

CKL & , , ,

k I
(10.4.8) 'l'u. = ~ilk eX ;K d,(~

k e
ri<u , d.(l)L,
gke x.K

Owing to the symmetry of the tensor C there

are 42 independent
integrals tVC,~and
of the (three in number) equations (9.17).
In the theory of micromorphic bodies there are only three direc-
tors and the greek indices are regarded also as material tensor-
ial indices.
The tensors c and r are
included in the general
theory of the section 10, in which the tensor D is to be omitted
since l does not depend now on the second-order deformation grad-
ients X~ KL The tensor r corresponds to F ~ , and r are called
' "' "' "' tV
micro-deformation tensors.
As in the case of Cosserat materials in the sec-
tion 10.3, for micropolar materials we may write


and for the tensor l we have


(10.4.10) Sh.K + u.AK + CJ)l.K

Measures of strain in the micropolar theory 165

The corresponding strain tensor


is not symmetric. Its symmetric part coincides with the strain

tensor corresponding to ,so ~hBt in the linear theory of micro-
polar bodies the state of strain is described in terms of the
strain components

f(kt) = =, t) '


These measures of strain appear in the theories

of Aero and Kuvshinskii [5, 6 J and in many other linear theories
of Cosserat media.
b) Microstructure.- The linear theory of elastic
bodies with microstructure was developed by Mindlin [284, 285]
The continuum is composed of unit cells which have some proper-
ties of crystal lattices. The theory represents, in the mechan-
ical sense, the linearized version of the theory of the general-
ized Cosserat continua with deformable directors (section 5.2).
The directors represent microdeformations, and since there are
only three directors in this theory we may putd.l-l~ ="t'.~, where "Y..i
166 10. Elasticity

are displacement-gradients in the micro-medium,

.,. .
= i)u,'l'f ax"' .
. .
Denoting by X~ and u. ~ Cartesian coordinates and components of the
macro-displacements, resp.~the relative deformation is given by
= _cl- -'f ..
();x:~ ct- '

and the macro-strain by

Macro-deformation gradients are determined by the tensor

which represents the tensor of director-gradients.

The state of stress is described by the ordinary
(Cauchy) stress t~~, by the relative stress 0"~~, and by the double
stress .,u.~j.k ' such that (for~ = ao = 1)

at ..,
t"d- = ()f. i)f
()'~.' ..
G lr ..
and the equations of motion are

Materials with microstructure 167

t~' are certain double forces, and ~.,,

= -31 e~d~"~z)
are certain inertial coefficients. The quantities d~ depend on
the ''unit cell" of the medium considered. The symmetric part "''c~p
of the microdeformation represents the micro-strain, and the
antisymmetric part is the micro-rotation, 'T[~i] = w~~ ( cf. Section
This theory contains the linearized equations of
Cosserat continua as a special case, and the linear version of
the strain-gradient theory as a special case,too. Eringen[130]
showed, however, that this theory coincides with the theory of
micromorphic materials. The theory of Mindlin, however, is ela!!
orated only in the linear version and it is difficult to say
from the coincidence of two theories in their linear form if
they agree in general, or they represent two different theories._

10.5 I n c o m p at i b 1 e Def"ormations
Under certain circumstances a field of stresses
cannot be associated to a field of deformations which satisfies
the compatibility conditions (see App. sections A4 and section
4). Such situations appear in thermoelasticity and in the theory
of dislocations. In the classical linear thermoelasticity, in the
Duhamel - Neumann law, it is assumed that the total strain Ne
which satisfies the compatibility conditions, is composed of two
strains which do not satisfy these conditions, of an elastic
168 10. Elasticity

strain eEwhich produces thermal stresses, and of a strain NeT


which depends on the distribution of temperature in a body.

This idea was used in the linear theory of dislocations for the
determination of internal stresses produced by dislocations (cf.
Krtlner [246] ) and later it was generalized first in the theory
of dislocations by Krtlner and Seeger [247] GUnther [189] esta~

lished a very important and interesting relation between the in

compatibilities of the Cosserat continuum and the structural cur
vature of a dislocated crystal.
Stojanovic, Djurit anl Vujoshevic [419-421, 429,
432-434, 475-478] developed a general theory of elastic incom-
patible deformations which was applied to thermoelasticit y and
dislocations [419, 421] .
The theory is based on the assumptions (see sec-
tion 4.1) that the deformation gradients corresponding to a de-
formation xk =xk(X) of a body from an initial (and unstressed)
configuration K0 .into a deformed (and stressed) configuration
K may be decomposed into two deformations, such that

(10.5.1) = e(h)'f
K (A.)

where e,~) and e(l.) represent reciprocal triads of vectors, as

N "' (A)
well as i (l.) and i .
nJ "'
The linear differential forms

Incompatible deformations 169

are in general non integrable. The vectors t(l) represent elastic

distorsions, and ~{~ are plastic or thermal distorsions (the teE
minology depends on the applications; in the theory of disloca-
tions these distorsions are plastic). The coordinates ~~owing
to the non-integrability of (10.5.2) may be interpreted as co-
ordinates of points of a non-Euclidean, linearly connected space
with the coefficients of connection (with respect to the systems
of reference x k and XK )


In the following sections we shall consider two

special cases. In the first case we assume that the internal e-
nergy f is a function of the elastic distorsions and their grad-
ients (Stojanovic [422] ),

t = (10.5.4)

and in the second case we assume that [ is a function of distor

tions and director gradients (Stojanovic [421] ) ,

t - (10.5.5)

In the first case the theory may be reduced to the theory of

elastic materials of grade two, and in the second case to theory
of elastic generalized Cosserat materials.
170 10. Elasticity

10.5a E1 a s t i c M at e r i a 1 s o f Gr a d e
We consider the local Clausius-Duhem inequality
(8.24) in the form


and we assume that the free energy function lis a function of

t ' .
i(l.) , ~('~.),"' and of the temperature 9 . Using (4.1.17) and (4.1.

19), the inequality (10.5a.1) may be written in the form


This inequality is to be satisfied for arbitrary variations of

! -r- .
t(l) ' !(1),111 and. e and it will be satisfied if



Materials of grade two with incompatible deformations 171

Remains the inequality

e ,k qk ,. o (10.5a.6)

which is to be satisfied by the heat-conduction law.

The relations (10.Sa.3-5) represent the consti-
tutive equations for elastic incompatible deformations. It is
to be noted that the couple-stress tensor in (10.Sa.4) is com-
pletely determined.
When distorsions degenerate into deformation
gradients, we put


= ,' .,
X.~... x~'k '

.. k
and the constitutive equations for t<~;.> and m~f reduce directly
to (10.19) and (10.21). The indeterminacy of the couple stress
tensor appears as a consequence of the assumption made a priori
that the compatibility conditions are satisfied.
Introducing the request that the free energy fun
tion is invariant under rigid motions, and the right-hand side
of (10.Sa.4) possesses the same symmetries as the left-hand
side, we obtain the system of linear differential equations

(10 sa.7)
172 10. Elasticity

(10.5a.8) (g~' a;
at(l.) ,k
+ttt ')
= o.
There are 21 independent equations (10.5a.7-8)
with one unknown function and 36 independent variables. This
system admits 36-21=15 independent integrals.
It might be easily verified by direct calculation
that the following material tensors satisfy the system of dif-
ferential equations considered,



where e...(.) are distorsions introduced in (10.5.1)

The function l which satisfies the system of e-
quations (10.Sa.7-8) is an arbitrary function of 15 independent
components of the tensors C and D and of temperature,

'I' = T(CIV , ND , 9) ,

and we finally obtain after some calculations the following set

of constitutive equations,

Incompatible deformations in Cosserat continua 173




lO.Sb Ge n e r a 1 i z e d E1 a s t i c Co s s e r a t
M a t e r i a 1 s

To derive the constitutive equations of the gen-

eralized elastic Cosserat medium with incompatible deformations
we shall consider the strain energy function in the form(lO.S.S),
and apply the principle of virtual work (Stojanovi6 [432] ). We
shall restrict our attention to the static case since we are
here interested in the constitutive equations, and the equations
of motion are not affected by incompatibilities. We assume the
principle of virtual work in the form

bE = A , (lO.Sb.l)


E= fetd~, (10.Sb.2)


174 10. Elasticity

We asswne that b:x:~ and 6d.~) are independent va-

riations; f~ is the external body force, gt1)are external direc-
tor forces, F~ and G{l) are surface tractions on the bounding SU

face s of '0'

From (10.5b.2) and (10.5.5) we have

(10.Sb.4) bE = fe(()f,at..,
-~- ,,<:~.)
~ at
+ ---w-6d.~,~ d,. .
()d . .
'"" If I ti-
By Appendix (A5.10) the expression (10.Sb.4) will become

(10. Sb. 5)




and applying the modified divergence theorem (Appendix,(A5. 9))to

(10.5b.S) we obtain the expression for the variation of the in-
ternal energy in the suitable form,

(10.5b.8) 6E f ~
= - te,j6:x:
E ~~ (~-")) r( j
+ h<p.l,t6d~ d,. + ;te bx + h(~"')bd~ )ds~.
I i,. (I')

The principle of virtual work gives now the equi-

libriwn equations

t..,,.. + of:.v
Iii = 0
Thermoelasticity 175

= 0

and the conditions on the bounding surface S ,

t n = F~
t "'
~~ ~

h(l"') "J G()Aol

The equations (10.5b.6-7) represent the constitu-

tive equations, where ! is the stress tensor, and b(JAl are three
director stresses. The equation (10.5b.10) 2 is equivalent to
(10.9), and (10.Sb.10) 1 reduces to (10.7) when the distorsions
degenerate into deformation gradients (and for Df = 0 )

10.6 T h e r mo e 1 a s t i c i t y
Thermal deformations represent the best known
example of incompatible deformations. If we denote by" the coef-
ficient of thermal dilatation and by 0(X)
the increment of tern
perature from an initially and everywhere in the body considered
constant reference temperature T0 =const., the strain tensor (in
Cartesian coordinates)


will not satisfy the compatibility conditions (4.11), unless the

temperature e is constant, or a linear function of position co-
176 10. Elasticity

To obtain the stress-strain relations in thermo-
elasticity, we shall consider the distorsions el ' introduced
in the section 4, as thermal distorsions. We further assume that
thermal stresses are produced by the elastic distorsions teA)
For isotropic materials the thermal distorsions are isotropic
functions, and for Cartesian coordinates we may write

(10.6.2) 0 ~).) =

In this case TeA , given by (10.5a.13), becomes


and we have

(10.6.4) = = 2Ec[A 1BJ

For isotropic materials the free energy ~ is an

isotropic function i.e. it is a function of isotropic invariants
of the tensors AIC,Dand
of the temperature ( cf. Appendix, Sect.
The constitutive equations (10.5a.11-12) reduce
for isotropic materials to

()"f PB ~ ~ ()l' PAB ~ ~ )

(10.6.5) t{~~) = 2( -PG x.,.x.B+ 2-'P-t x.,.:t. 8c ..
aE , ' aD , (v ;l ,
A .c
A linear approximation 177

= (10.6.6)


eo = ;le = ~detX~ ,
D.c = 2{. DABC ( 10. 6. 7)

To obtain linear constitutive equations it is

sufficient to approximate "'' by a polynomial quadratic in the


IID = DP.Q n'P o.

I p Q
lin= D. 11 D.p, II

For infinitesimal deformation gradients, and

for sufficiently small temperatures e we may write ....E ~ ...e and the
constitutive equations (10.6.5-6) become


For the material constants A1, , A5 we may intro-

duce the traditional notation,

178 10. Elasticity

(10. 6.11b) =

(cf. 10.2.19), and the equations (10.6.10) obtain the form in

which they are well ~~own in the linear theory of thermoelasti-
city with couple-stresses. These equations were first derived
directly, within the frames of a linear theory by Nowacki [334].
Nowacki ~33~338] developed the linear theory of the non-sym-
metric stress in thermoelasticity, without referring to the ~

compatibilities of the thermal strains, which is not necessary

in linear theories. He derived the constitutive relations for
both the materials of grade two, and for the Cosserat (i.e.
micropolar) materials. Thermoelasticity of materials with mi-
crostructure, also without entering into the problems of incom-
patibilities, was studied by Wozniak in a number of papers [500
-504, 506, 507] .

10.7 Di s l o c a t i o n s
Dislocations are a kind of defects in the struc-
ture of matter. In the atomic structure of solids we can observe
that the lattice points in real crystals are not perfectly ar-
ranged. A perfect arrangement of lattice points exists only in
ideal crystals. In a real crystal, when compared with the cor-
responding perfect pattern, it is possible to observe vacant
lattice points, atoms on the places where should not be an atom,
Dislocation lines. The Burgers vector 179

extra atoms etc. Such defects are called by solid state physi
ists point defects. For mechanical properties of solids, prima-
rily of metals, of greater importance are defects distributed on
a surface which is bounded by a closed contour. For instance,
all lattice points on a crystalographic plane bounded by a clos-
ed curve may be missing, or it is possible to have on this plane
extra lattice points. Such two-dimensional defects are called
dislocations. The curve bounding the surface upon which the mis~

ing or extra lattice points are located is the dislocation line,

and this curve cannot be an open curve.
Crystals with dislocations may be compared with
ideal crystals of the same crystalographic class. In the regions
sufficiently far from the dislocation .we say that the crystal is
"good". A closed curve which encircles the dislocation line, pas~

ing through the lattice points in the "good" region of the cry~

tal,is called the Burgers circuit. When a real crystal is com-

pared with the (imagined) ideal crystal and when the Burgers
circuit is mapped upon the ideal crystal, lattice point by lat-
tice point, the curve in the ideal crystal will not be closed.
The vector which measures this closure failure is called Burgers
vector b A dislocation is completely characterized by its dis
lacation line and by its Burgers vector.
Dislocations produce internal stresses in solids
and these stresses cannot be associated to a uniquely defined
field of displacements, i.e. the strain tensor which corresponds
180 10. Elasticity

through the elastic stress-strain relations to the internal

stresses produced by dislocations do not satisfy the compatibi-
lity conditions. The only way to release a body from internal
stresses is to cut it.
Let us consider a body with an isolated disloca-
tion, and let us consider a part of that body with the rectilin-
ear segment or''the dislocation line. The dislocation line can
be isolated by a circular cylinder with a very small diameter.
If we cut this element along a plane which is passing through
the dislocation line, but with the cut ending on the cylinder,
the element of the body will defonn in order to release the ig
ternal stresses. Two portions of the body, facing one another
along the plane of the cutting will suffer a displacement rela-
tive to one another. The displacements 6 u. of points, with the
position vector r with respect to an origin on the dislocation
line, are given by the fonnula

bu. = b + dxr
""' f\J f\1 N

bN = const., d..., = const

(Weingarten's theorem), where b is the Burgers vector

the rotation vector.
If we introduce a system of rectangular Cartesian
coordinates, with the Z-axis along the dislocation line, the
following classification of dislocations is due to Volterra.
For d. 0 and b parallel to one of the coordinate axes, X, Y and
"' "'
Dislocations in the Cosserat continuum 181

Z respectively, the dislocations are of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd

kind respectively, and for b=Oand d parallel to one of the
"' "'
axes X, Yor Z, the dislocations are of the 4th, 5th or 6th kind,
respectively. The dislocations usually considered in the litera-
ture on dislocations are belonging to the first three kinds of
of Volterra dislocations. An arbitrary dislocation, in fact, has
a constant Burgers vector, but its inclination to the dislo-
cation line is changing along the line. The dislocations of the
last three kinds are called sometimes disclinations.

a) Dislocations and Deformations of Directors

Let us regard simultaneously a crystal with dis-
locations and the corresponding perfect reference lattice. The
lattice vectors D of the perfect crystal are determined by
the lattice points and if the crystal is subjected to a defor-
mation, the lattice vectors are deformed as material vectors.
Hence, the lattice vectors of a perfect crystal cannot be con-
sidered as directors of a Cosserat medium. The lattice vectors
in the perfect undeformed crystal represent fields of parallel
vectors in the Euclidean sense.
If we refer the reference lattice to a coordinate
system X , and the dislocated lattice to a coordinate system X ,
it is impossible to determine the lattice points of the dislocat
ed crystal by the mappings of the form

= (10.7.1)
182 10. Elasticity

( d(l)
and the latt~ce vectors of the dislocated crystal cannot be
N (~
regarded as deformed lattice vectors D
of the reference crystal
i.e., there are no relations of the form

(10.7.2) D (~)XK
K ;k

If P is a lattice point of the dislocated crystal

and if D~).) are components of the lattice vectors of the reference
crystal transported parallel toP, for the components of the lat-
t~ce vectors doo
~ we may wr~
. te

(~) (l.)
The vectors ~ vanish if the directors d ~ deform as material vee
An infinitesimal displacement along the lattice
vector ..,
d().) is represented by the expression

(10.7.4) dr~ =

Let t be a closed contour passing over lattice points in the

11 good "region of a dislocated crystal and surrounding a disloca,..
tion line (or zone with dislocations). The contour integral

(10.7.5) Ab().) = fdr). = 1(D~'A.) + fl<~>)dx~

t e
determines the comp~nents of the Burgers vector in the directions
of t h e 1 att~ce vectors d(l) The Burgers vectorsu"b corresponding

to the dislocations surrounded by e is given by the components

The dislocation density tensor 183


wh ere are vee t ors of t h e rec1proca

d (A.) . . d , d~(~) d(A.)
l di rector tr1a !t.~
i- = u~.
For an infinitesimal region AF encircled by t we
have from (10.7.5)


Since the vectors Dv represent fields of parallel vectors, the
gradients D~~~~vanish and we have

Ab>. = (10.7.8)

WhenAFO, we obtain from (10.7.6) and (10.7.8) for the disloca-


tion density tensor~~~the expression

k Ab l.
= dtA) t~rm - - .. = (10.7.9)
f.F -oAF~;.

(cf. Stojanovic [419], and also Toupin [464]).

This relation, or its equivalent
.. k =
b ~ ..
p (10.7.10)

where the fundamental metric tensor 1\Jb of the Euclidean space is

used for the raising and lowering of indices, represents the ba~

ic relation between the distribution of dislocations and the

184 10. Elasticity

gradients of directors [425, 419]

The existence of the directors d
for a given
distribution of dislocations depends on the integrability of
the equations (10.7.10), which we can write in the form

(10.7.11) 2 .. t d(t)
~.~- t

Differentiating this relation with respect to x k and alternating

the indices ~~k we obtain

(10.7.12) =
The left-hand side of (10.7.12) vanishes because of the com-
mutativity of partial derivatives, and the integrability con-
ditions reduce to the relations


The indices~~ k involved in the alternation in

(10.7.13) must all have different values and hence there are
only three independent relations (10.7.13) for2=1,2,3. Nothing
will be lost if we transvect the relations with the alternating
Ricci Tensor t bJ formed with respect to the Euclidean metric
tensor b Writing

Differential geometry of dislocations 185



the integrability conditions (10.7.13) obtain the form

e mt
= - U. (10.7.16)

Here b;t are the Christoffel symbols of the first kind for the
tensor b and b~m
= ak tn Vb .

b) Geometry
In the continuum theory of dislocations the stress
-free state (N) of a dislocated crystal is considered in a linear
ly connected metric space with torsion [247] . If g i.~ is the fun
damental tensor of this space and s~~ the torsion tensor, the
coefficients of connection r~~ are given by

r ..k
= (10.717)

where g'~~ are the Christoffel symbols of the second kind for the
tensor g and
. k
h = s ..
. k
s ..k + s.k..
~~ ~~ cl'~

s...k k
r[~dJ .


186 10. Elasticity
where vm denotes the covariant differentiation with respect to
the Euclidean metric tensor 2[247]' the coefficients ~~ may be rk
expressed by the relations


If we assume that the lattice vectors of a dis-

located crystal represent fields of parallel vectors in the
space l3 , they have to be covariant constant with respect to
the connection ri,~ '
(10.7.21) =

and from (10.7.15) it follows that

(10.7.22) r ..k = D. =

Hence, the geometry of th.e non-Euclidean space l3

is completely detennined by the directors d , i.e. by the latti
ce vectors of the dislocated crystal.
From (10.7.10) and (10.7.22) we see that the tor
.. k
sion tensor 5~~ of L 3 is equal to the dislocation density tensor,
.. k
(10.7.23) S. =

The integrability condition (10.7.16) may be

brought to a more familiar form. If we substitute partial deri~

atives by the covariant derivatives with respect to the Euclide-

an metric b,i.e.
Conservation of the dislocation density 187

() k kt = Vb N
k ...
N mp
(10. 7 .24)

and if we use the expression (10.7.20) for the coefficients of

connection, the expression (10.7.16) reduces to

= (10.7.25)
Using the fundamental tensor g~~ of L3 for the rais-
ing and lowering of the indices, so that

(10. 7.26)

the integrability conditions obtain the form

J.. = n(11

This coincides with Kr8ner 1 s and Seeger's generalization to the

non-linear case of the conservation law for the dislocation den-
sity tensor, given in the linear theory by Nye.
In the treatment of the continuously distributed
dislocations Kondo and Kr8ner and Seeger [247, 248] consider the
space L 3 corresponding to the (N)-configuration of a dislocated
crystal with the coefficients of connection determined in terms
of the distorsions ~t ,


The coefficients r~m determined in terms of the directors ~(~

were introduced first by Bilby et al. However, the geometries
188 10. Elasticity

of the two spaces, L 3 and l3 are equivalent. In L 3 the disloca-

tion density tensor is also equal to the torsion tensor of the


The integrability condition of (10.7.29) reads

b kt bk
(10.7.30) k" + km" ~

Comparing this with (10.7.16) we see that the coefficients of

connection ~~ and r~~ of the
Nk N
spaces L 3 and L 3 are equal, which
makes the geometries equivalent.
The time does not permit us here to discuss the
problem of internal stresses., but we shall note here that the
theory of internal stresses contributed very much to the increase
of interest in incompatible deformations and in the theory of
elasticity with the non-symmetric stress tensor. (Cf. Kr8ner
[ 252, 253, 255,.256] ). Hehl and Kr8ner have calculated direct-
ly couple-stresses for an isolated dislocation [200] An increa~

ing number of papers deals now with dislocations in directed

media. Claus and Eringen [62]approached this problem from the
point of view of micromorphic mechanics and gave a comparative
analysis of some other contributions in this field. Cf. also
Ben-Abraham [29] , Minagawa [281] and Claus and Eringen [62]
The linear theory of moving dislocations in the
Cosserat continuum was also recently treated by Sch~fer [317-319]
Disclinatio ns 189

and by Kluge [240].

c) Disclinatio ns
One type of disclinations~ which corresponds to
Volterra dislocation s of the sixth kind~ called wedge disclina-
tions, has been detected experimenta lly in the two-dimensi onal
lattice formed by vortex lines in the mixed state of type II
supercondu ctors.
Since the disclinatio ns represent a rotational
closure failure, in analogy to dislocation s, they can be asso.c-
iatedto the incompatib ilities of rotation of a Cosserat triad
of directors.
According to (10.28), the compatibili ty conditions
for the director deformation read

0 (10.].31)

and for infinitesim al rotations this reduces to

:X: 111.[!,n] = 0

which may be also written in the form

= = 0.

If these compatibili ty conditions are not satis-

fied, the tensor e~~ represents the disclinatio n density tensor
(Anthony, Essmann, Seeger and TrH.uble [13] , Claus and Eringen
190 11. Shells, plates and rods

[ 62] Up till now the theory is not much developed.

11. Shells Plates and Rods

We mentioned already that in the theories of

thin bodies, with one (or two) dimensions small in comparison
with the remaining two {or one) dimensions of the body, the e-
quations valid for the three-dimensional continuum may be simplif
ied. This is of the greatest technical importance. Different
approximations of the three-dimensional equations lead to dif-
ferent models, but the common characteristic of all these models
is that the orientation of the elements, the presence of couple-
-stresses and hyperstresses etc. appear as a result of the ap-
proximation and as a substitute of the neglected thickness of
the body considered.
In 1958 Ericksen and Truesdell [121] gave an

analysis of stress and strain in rods and shells from the point
of view of the theory of oriented bodies, and they indicated the
significance of couple-stresses in the exact description of the
state of stress. Their considerations were based on the geometry
of rods and shells and they have not made any constitutive as-
Since 1958 a large number of papers appeared,
mostly dealing with elastic shells and ,rods. In this section we
shall give only a brief review of some of the most characteristic
GUnther's theory of shells 191

approaches to this important part of Applied Mechanics. Our at-

tention will be concentrated on the theory of shells with only
a very short account of some of the ideas which appeared recen!
ly. We refer here also to the references quoted at the end of
the sections 7.2 and 7.3. T h e o r i e s wi t h Ri g i d Di r e c t o r s
In 1958 GUnther ~89] considered the Cosserat
continuum with rigid director triads and assumed that the points
of the continuum have six degrees of freedom, so that at each
point we may consider a displacement vector u. and a rotation

v~ctor !
which is independent of u. . The deformation is deter

mined by the deformation vectors

f. = ().u, + g-xt (

"'~ ~N N~ N

X = (). + (
N~ ~ N
with the components

= u. .. - t .... k +
f. .. ~,~ ~

= +e . ,~
192 11. Shells, plates and rods

Thus we see that the kinematics of GUnther coin

cides with the kinematics of micropolar media (cf. section (10.4).
The symmetric part of l~t corresponds to the strain tensor e~t =
= t,l~~) of the linear theory, and the antisymmetric part repres-
ents what might be called a resultant rotation, composed of the
rotation induced by the displacement and of an independent ro-
t ,
tation 1\J
(11.1a.S) = '\1)"
- t, ..

The static equations may be obtained from the

principle of virtual work. Let 1\Jf be the volwne force and ~
volume couple acting on points of the body ~ and q and p the
~ "'
surface tractions and couples acting on the body surface S
bounding~. All forces and couples are in equilibriwn if

(11.1a.6) /e(!-6': + !b!)du- + f(~-b't + ~-b!)ds = o.

~ s
For rigid motion~

= a.(bu) + g-xot
\f N N\f N
= 0 ,
( 7)
b:x:~ = n.(o
= o.

Multiplying ( 7) by Langragian multipliers t~ d~ and m~ds,

respectively, integrating the first of these relations over ~

and the other over s and subtracting the so obtained expressions

GUnther's theory of shells 193

from (11.1a.6) we obtain + m~-bx. -of-bu.- ot-bt)d'lr-

j'N N 11 N Nl< "'"' tV "'"' N
(10.11a. 8)

- f<~6tt + ~-b!)ds = 0.

For arbitrary bu. and ot follow now the equations which corres-
"' "'
pond to (7.37) and (7.41) for tu 0' a=
0 ' and the boundary

t n

= q'
"' ~ p' (10.11a.9)
"' "'
where n is the unit normal to s .
This approach to the mechanics of Cosserat con-
tinua GUnther applied in 1961 [190] to the theory of shells.
Let fl be the middle surface of a shell, and n the unit normal
to a . If x, = 1,2 are coordinates on a, the rotation and dis-
placement vectors for the points on ~ are given by

i = +" a.. + +n, u. = (10.11a.10)

1\1 "' "'
where r
=r(x\x 2) is
the position vector for points of the middle
surface, and Na" are the base vectors defined by the relations

a. = "' =
"' Dx .. '
194 11. Shells, plates and rods

The deformation vectors are



(11.1a.12) x. ft
= xfi. 9p + X"'n , tit. = trio, gfo + t.n
"' "' "' "' "'
with the components

., ,
x. = "
t.- b. t ' x. =
f,ec. + bcsft + '
t.fl = u.Jl,- b.Jlu.- e.,t, tit. =
u.,. + b.u.,& + e._ft+

Here we used the notation

where bft is the second fundamental tensor of the surface,


and l~j) is the two-dimensional permutation (Ricci) tensor

The equilibrium equations 195

GUnther introduced certain "response quantities"

K and Mof the shell, defined by
"' "'
K K~ Va = (K P a. +
=N Kp n) v"' ,
,., r "' "'"

where V is the unit nonnal to an arbitrary closed curve C in the

middle surface 0", and n is the unit nonnal to Cl. Let f and e be
"' "' "'
external force and couple acting on the points of the middle
surface, and let dK and dM
be forces and couples acting on the

points of the bounding curve C of a GUnther postulated the

principle of virtual work in the fonn

- Jje'<.~.-6~ft + ~-.6~~)do- = J/a(!.b't +!-&!)do-+

~ (11.1a.18)
+ p(d~b't; + d~-b!)dC .
Assuming that the vectors bu. and b+ may be vari-
"' ...,
ed arbitrarily, introducing (11.1a.7) into (11.1a.8) and apply-
ing the divergence theorem we find the system of equilibrium e-
quations for points on the middle surface,

196 11. Shells, plates and rods

and for the points on the bounding curve C,

(11.1a.20) K.axcr. = dK, = dM

"' "' rv

If we '!II'ite now
(11.1a.21) vaN ,

the quantities N~ represent the components of the shell forces

(membrane forces), and N are components of the transversal
Denoting again by 11 IA 11 covariant differentia-
tion with respect to the. coordinates x~ on U , scalar multipli-
cation of the equations (11.1a . 19) with the base vectors will
give the equilibrium equations in the componental form,

eJ'(Mv,l- b."M~) . ,. Ee~~.vVa N + 2t.., = 0


eP(M,BI + b~MJA-ft) + E.,BvaN~ + ae3 = 0 .

Let m~ = mfla + m'n be some new moments, related to the moments

N "'" 1\1

M~ by the relations
The equilibrium equations 197

or, in the componental form,


The equilibrium equations (11.1a.23) obtain now

the form

0 '
m ' = 0

The equilibrium equations (11.1a.23) are essen-

tially the same as the equilibrium equations (7.2.10) for Cos-
serat surfaces in the static case. The difference appears when
we compare the equations ( with (7.2.12), since the
later equations do not include the influence of the forces N

upon the director stresses h"' This difference is a consequence

of different kinematical models which served as bases of the
To establish a connection between the forces and
moments K, M (or N and m ) acting on the points of the middle
11.1 N N ftl

surface a, and the usual three-dimensional stress tensor!, we

shall assume that the position of points of the shell are deter
mined by the coordinates xu,(. = 1,2) on (J and by the normal dis-
tance x 3 = z of the points considered from cr. Thus, for an arbi-
trary point of the shell we may write
198 11. Shells, plates and rods

(11.1a.26) r* =

The base vectors g~

at r
* are
= = a. - zbCIA ,
N "' "'
= n

and the components of the fundamental tensor g~i are

9"' = a.,~ - 2zb.,~ + z 2 b"b.&,


(11.1a.28) 9e&3 = 0 '

Q33 = nn N N
= 1.

Considering the shell as a three-dimensional body

we assume that the stress vector t is defined for the surface
N 3
elements orthogonal to the middle surface a, i.e. t = 0

t =
where " are components of the unit normal to an arbitrary curve
C on 6 If dC is the arc element of C with the unit normal v
the contact force dK
acting on the surface element vdCdz will be

(11.1a. 30)
The reduced stress tensor 199

Let us denote the unit tangent vector to C by 't'

.., ,

Then we have


However, according to (11.1a.16) we may write


and we have

( 34)

From (11.1a.zo) 1 we see that along C

dKN = dK~dx.~

and therefore
dK 1 = E; g~dz . ( 35)
"' "'
Introducing the "reduced stress tensor" o-~ by the relations

( 36a)
200 11. Shells, plates and rods

(11.1a. 36b)

we see that


Integrating over the thickness-~ ~ Z ~ ~ of the

shell we obtain the forces K ~ ,
N a
(11.1a. 38) ~l - E~).(Jhcr~~dz)~j,
By (11.1a.21) we find

(11.1a.39) VaN,B

or .l

(11.1a. 40) liN~ = jht3fldz .

GUnther also considered the moment

(11.1a.41) dM
Moments 201



Since !3 = 0, by ( 2 we find




Integration over a ~ z ~
a gives
2 2
MIA-A. = E.,JME1u.jhzo-1toftdz ,
-~ ( 11. la. 45)
Mn = 0

Comparing the results with ( we obtain the expressions

for the moments induced by the stresses,

m}} = jhza ..ftdz , m~ = 0 . (11.1a.46)
Obviously the moments m111 ,a are directly connected
with the stress field in the shell. When the three-dimensional
theory is reduced to the two-dimensional theory, for a more com
plete picture of the stress-field it is necessary to consider
not only the resultant forces NA., but also the resultant couples
202 11. Shells, plates and rods


According to (11.1a.46) 2, the equilibrium equations

(11.1a.2S) 2 reduce to

(11.1a.47) 0 '

which is equivalent to


From (11.1a.23) 1 we have


The constitutive equations for an elastic, iso-

tropic and homogeneous shell GUnther obtained from the two-di-
mensional Hooke's law,

where 'h.po is the strain tensor,

and 9 ~J.I- is the deformed metric. If the points on the middle sur-

face (j suffer a displacement u.,

from (11.1a.28) we have

u.)\ = a tt.ft
- 2 Zb tt.fl
+ z 2 C fl.)\

== b.bA.
rv NJ'
The change of curvature 203




....a = a.(r + )
.... = a .
+ u.""
t'U ( 53)

From (11.1a.53) and from a~n = 0 we find for n1 in the first

"' "'
approximation (for infinitesimal displacement gradients)

n = n -
(nO.~.~.)a .

From (11.1a.15) 1 we see that in the deformed configuration

and when the products of the displacement gradients are neglected

( 55)



represent the change of curvature. When the shell is in the ini-

tial configuration flat, i.e. when we consider a plate, the ten-
sor Q~ represents the curvature of the deformed plate.
204 11. Shells, plates and rods

Finally, from (11.1a.51) 2 we may write

(11.1a. 57)

where we have put

(11.1a. 58)

and l'A.ft is the defonnation tensor, f'A.~ = ~).'~J'

The strain tensor will be now

1 1 2( ~ l
(11.1a. 59) t.'t = 2 (g""~- QccJ'
I )
= t(ccft) + :a~.~-
2z bet.!!~).+ b~ed).

From (11.1a.36) and (11.1a.50) we obtain for the

reduced stress tensor the expression

(11.1a. 60)

Introducing 't.p from (11.1a.59) and using (11.1a.46) we finally

obtain the constitutiv e equations for the shell,

Reissner's theory of shells 205

Here we have put

( 63) R e is s n e r 1 s T he or y
From the point of view of continuum mechanics,
Reissner's approach to the theory of plates and shells [368-376]
(cf. also Wan [479-471] ) is based on the same kinematical model
as Gfinther's theory (see equations ( Reissner's deri-
vation of the shell equations differs from that of GUnther in the
approach to the problem of constitutive equations. Reissner deve1
oped an iteration procedure for deriving two-dimensional equations
from an integra-differential formulation of the three-dimensional
If we introduce into the fundamental equations of
motion (7.37) and (7.41) the notation

Va9,.,tk = Tk Vg=k = M
"' ' N
"' (
!t"9! = p ovgl* = q
.... N N
206 11. Shells, plates and rods

the equilibriwn equations may be written in the vectorial fonn

() Tk + p = 0
"" '
aleNMk lc
+ SJkXT + q,.,
= 0 .
Two vectorial equations of equilibriwn (11.1b.2),
together with six compatibili ty conditions for GUnther's defor
mation vectors ( ,

( 3)

0 '

represent the basic set of equations of Reissner 1 s theory.

The faces of the shell are given by the equations

where x, = 1,2 are coordinates on the middle surface fT of the

shell, andx. 3=zis orthogonal to C1. In the original papers Reiss
ner chooses xi, x 2 to be the lines of curvature of the middle
surface. The face boundary conditions are

(11.1b.4) = o, = 0 .
The two-dimensional theory 207

Stress and couple resultants in the two-dimension

al theory are assumed to be

t .!
N. =
Jr .dz,
= f(M. + znxT .)dz ,
j'"' "" "'
-t _!

where n is again the unit nonnal vector to C1 ,

n = (11.1b.6)
The two-dimensional theory is obtained from the
three dimensional theory by the systematic elimination of x 3 = z.
We assume again that the position vector of any point of the
shell is given by the relations of the fonn

( 7)

where Nr is the position vector of points on f1 If a.

are base
vectors on cr we have

a. = a.r
"" "' (11.1b.8)
g. .. aaNr* .. a. + za.n '
93 -- n
"' ""

From the equilibrium equations ( we find

= ....
-a T - p (11.1b.9a)
208 11. Shells, plates and rods

DM 3
(11.1b.9b) ~ -
Using the property of the sign-function sgn(x) ,

:x sgn(x) = 26(x) ,

where 6(x) is the del tar-function, the integration of_ the two e-
quations (11.1b.9) may be perfonned using the fonnulae *
!3 = ~Jsgn(y- z)[~(! 3) + ~]dy ,
a -A
(11.1b.10) 2 z
53 = ~!sgn(y- 2)[~\s) + ~ + ~kxrk ]dy .
3 *3
Introducing now the values for T and M into the face boundary

conditions (11.1b.4) 1 , we obtain the relation

( ! ~)
( = ~! sgn~ ~)[~<r) + ~]dy = 0 '

~~We use the following elementary properties of the integrals

involving t.he delta-functions. a)b(x-x 0)=0, X"Xo ,b)jL(x)d,x =

= 1, c) JfW)6(y-x)d.y f(x) . Now, if
f'(x) = F(x) , a""r;'ct if we
f(x) = - ![sgnW-xlf(y)dy ,
by differentiation we obtain

t'(x) ~~llf-x)f(y)dy = F(x)

Resultant forces 209

which gives
j[~cr) + EJdy = o. (
Similarly, from ( 2 we obtain

= 0. (
Remembering the relations (, we see that ( may
be rewritten in the form


in which it represents the two-dimensional equilibrium equation

for the resultant forces~- Using ( 1 we obtain from



and in view of the face boundary conditions and ( we

210 11. Shells, plates and rods

finally have

i !
(11.1b.15) act.M" +ja"xT" dz + j'f(q + znxp)dz = 0 ,
N N N N 1\1 N

which represents the two-dimensiona l equilibrium equation for

resultant couple-stresses .
To obtain the two-dimensiona l deformation vectors
we shall use the compatibility conditions (11.1b.3). To distin-
guish three-dimensio nal deformation vectors from the two-dimen-
sional deformation vectors, we shall denote three- dimensional
vectors by Nt" (z) , :X: w(z) and two-dimensiona l vectors by fN ,

From the first set of compatibility conditions we obtain
two relations,

and the integration gives


(11.1b.16) ~"(z) = ~" + j D.~ 3 (z)dz .

From the second set of the compatibility conditions we also have
two relations,

Deformation vectors 211

which may be rewritten in the form


83~.(2) = a.~3(z)- ~x~.,.- ~x Ja.,.~ 3(f1)d'fl +


+ a.,xxl:z)
1\1 IV
+ za.nxx3(2) r.l IU

Integrating this for 0 ~ ~ ~ z we obtain

z z

~..(z) = ~-- z~x~. + ~.xj: 3('fl)dl1 +J'1a.~x~irt)dl1 +

0 0
lE :z y

+Ja.. ~3(Yl)d'1-J[~xja.~3(fl)drz]dy .
0 0 0

Integration by parts gives

i! y i! lE

/('2xJa.~ 3(fl)d~dy = Z'JXJa.~(y)dy- Jy~xD,:iy)dy ,

0 0 0 0
and we finally have

t..(z) = Nt., - znxx.
+ a.,.xjx
3(y)dy +
0 (11.1b.18)

+j[a.. ~ 3(y) + ya.Cnx~ 3(y)- z~x().~ 3 (y) ]dy .


Introducing {11.1b.16) and (11.1b418) into the

three-dimensional compatibility conditions which were not used
in the derivation of (11.1b.16) and (11.1b.18), we obtain two
two-dimensional compatibility conditions,
212 11. Shells, plates and rods

f. 1 \ - ()At_ca
(}u._..,., rN + ,..
,...,. ai\XXIIG
,...,. "' =0 .

To obtain the components of the deformation ten-

sors we shall consider the scalar products of the vectors tu.(z)
and x~(z) in the relations (11.1b.16) and (11.1b.18) with the

base vectors acr.

and Na 3 = nN (Reissner does riot use the base vec-
tors, but the unit tangent vectors to the lines of curvature on
(j" ) '

z.~(z) = x.~ + jr.Jz3Jy)]dy

( = 1,2 ; ~ = 1,2,3)

(11.1b.20) t .. Jz) = t.~ + zE~'t 3 x~1 - Efi&~ 3Jx 53(y)~dy +


+ Jsu.J t3Jy), x3~(y) ]dy '

Components of stresses and couples 213

Components of the stress vector T3

may be obtain-
ed applying the same procedure to ( ,
~ 1


T~\z) = ! 3:~ = sgn(y- z)[R~(!") + p~)dy (11.1b.2l)


and for the components of the couples M we obtain

In (11.1b.20) we have the expressions for twelve

components of the deformation :x:.,~(z) , t.lz) , expressed in
terms of the components of l 3 ~(z) , x 3 ~(:z) , through certain integ-
ral relations
For three-dimensional elastic bodies the linear
constitutive relations are of the form

= D-~ k" T
+ D k"M (z)
""" .
Introduction of the strain and stress components
from (11.1b.20-22) into these constitutive equations yields a
system of eighteen integral equations for the determination of
214 11. Shells, plates and rods

T~GC ~~ l 3i, and

M X3~ as functions of z Together with the
' '
six two-dimensi onal equilibrium equations (11.1b.14, 15) and
with the six two-dimensi onal compatibili ty-conditio ns (11.1b.16,
17) we thus have a sy~tem of thirty integrodiff erential equa-
tions for thirty quantities, among which twelve quantities t~~
and x.~ do not depend on z
As an illustratio n of these integro-dif ferential
equations, we shall write only three of them, and for transvers
ally isotropic material for which Reissner assumes the linear
stress-stra in relations

't = ~[r - v(l 1 - r..)]- ~~ T33 ,


c t+vr
(11.1b.24) "~ =E ~~'

t~3 =~ T.3, t3. =! T3., t33 = i i!

(T33- vlt), lr a lit+ T22

1 * 1 *
xtlloft = -2- M.,a ' x.3 = -2.-M.3'
h F h H
Shallow shells 215

E.g. we have

tu + ZXi 2 + jsudY = TH- rT22- 2~ fsgn(y- z)[k 3 + p3]dy '

0 1.0
xu+ Jr11 ciy = 11 , ; etc.
o h F

Further elaboration of the iteration and approxi-

mation methods to be applied to the integro-differential equa-
tions of this sh~ll theory is beyond the scope of this exposition.
We shall only notice here that in the theory of shallow shells
(Reissner and Wan [376] , Reissner [371] , Wan [479]) the shell
is considered as a surface, but the kinematical model is the
same as in the general theory. The theory of shallow shells is
completely two-dimensional and does not involve the integro-dif-
ferential equations of the general theory.

11.2 Th e o r i e s wi t h De f o r m a b 1 e
Di r e c t o r s
The theories of plates, shells and rods with de-
formable directors are based on the assumption that the three-
-dimensional material is an ordinary material in the classical
sense, and the appearance of the directors in the theory is a
result of the reduction of the three-dimensional theory to a one
216 11. Shells, plates and rods

or two-dimensional theory. We have already reviewed some of the

basic ideas and relations in the sections 5.5.1, 5.5.2, 7.2 and
7.3 but in those sections we have not considered the constitutive
It seems to me that the most general approach is
offered by the theory of Green, Naghdi and Laws [157, 169] In
this section we shall give only an outline of their treatment
of the subject.
We consider the energy balance law in the form
(8.1".1), assuming that there are no volume couples acting on the
points of the body and that the material is non-polar. For the
kinetic energy we use (,

(u. 2 1 ) t'tfe~~~-z* + t*)dv = f(l'!* + q*)ds +Je.*(!~* + h*)dv.

~ s ~

For the part v of the shell we choose a cylinder

defined by a closed contour C on the middle surface, and by the
surfaces X = and X=j'J. The element of an area of the surface
X = const is


For the surface integral on the right-hand side of (11.2.1) we

may write now
Calculation of the surface integrals 217

where A is the cylindrical surface determined by the contour C

and dC is the arc element of C. Thus we may write

tlds =/!dA+([Jgg 33 Jx=. +[!Jgg 33 Jx=,)dx 1dx 2 c11.2.3)

s A
For X= . the unit normal vector is n
= rlIVg 33
and therefore

For X=~ we have t

= -t 3/fQ33 and

/!ds =J!ct.CdX+[I/Q!3]:dX1dX 2 (11.2.4)

s A
Similarly we obtain

fq*dS =Jq*d.CdX + ([q* Jgg 33 Jx ... + (q*Jgg 33 Jx=~)dX 1d/ .(11.2. s)

s A
If we put in (11.2.2)H = H.. n., where n is the u-
nit outward normal to the surface A, we have to use the follow-
ing relation

where 't" is the unit tangent vector to the curve C, and TdC =d:x:ftg/1.
N N 1\1



/HdA =f~ygH 1 dl- 1{9H dX )dX. 2 1

A C "'
218 11. Shells, plates and rods
If we put 1/QH dX = H , and in the analogy to (11.2.6), at the
" of the surfaces
intersection A and X = 0 denote by v the normal
to C, we have

(11.2. 7)

Using this we finally obtain

(11.2.8) jHdA = fHv.dC = fHd.C .

We introduce now the notation


(11.2.1o) fe*h*vgdX+rVggssq*]
+[Vgg33q*] x.., = ehva'
(11.2.11) '..
/!.vgdX = ~.Vi, (N
= N"v

(11.2 .12) M. Vi,


<11.2.13) jq*vgdX - qra , (q = q"v.)

(11.2.14) J~*t.*vgd.X = etva '
The energy balance equation 219

/e.* !*xN yg dX + [!X NVgg
33 Jx=. + [!xNVgg 33 Jx=Jl = e~ NVa . (11.2 .14a)

Using now the formulae (11.2.2-13) we obtain from

(11.2.1) the following expression for the energy balance law,


This expression is completely two-dimensional.

From the invariance of the energy balance law un-
der superposed rigid body motions we obtain, using (11.2.15),
the equations of motion and the simplified energy equation.
Following the procedure of the section 8.1 we obtain the follow-
ing equations,

e. + e("1. - "
-. = 0 ' (11.2.16)

...0'\T.., =


N" xa.,+ "'

'- (m Nxd<Nl + MNer. xd<Nll.) = 0 ' (11.2.18)
"" "' N=t N "' tv "'
220 11. Shells, plates and rods


Using the equations of motion (11.2.16-19) the
energy equation may be reduced to the simpler form,

0 '

N'' = N~"' _ f: (mNd~

N.. 1
(N) +
MNrA. ~ )
N r '

ANJ'a = d(N)~I - b~dlN)3

AN3 = a. d(N)3 ~
+ b.d(N}fl

a., = 2e.~ .

If we introduce the free energy function"'' l- '1 0,

and if we asswne

following in principle the procedure of the section 10 we obtain

the constitutive equations of the two dimensional shell theory,
The constitutive equations 221

'1 = - ae '
(11.2. 22)
N'~Jl ()"f 0_!!_ MN~~ ()"f
= e-a-- , mN~ =
""a d(N);, '
= 0
ect.ft "'()A, N~"

Without entering deeper into the details of this

shell theory we shall only mention that the constitutive equa-
tions resemble very much the constitutive equations of the the~

ry of micromorphic media (10.4.6). The appearance of the dire

tors and of the director gradients here is natural consequence
of the reduction of the three-dimensional theory to two dimen-
sions. For details of the theory we refer the reader to the
original papers [157, 169]. In the last of these papers Green
and Naghdi have developed a general, non-isothermal theory.

11.3 R o d s

The general theory of rods of Green, Naghdi and

Laws ~57, 169] is in essence based on the same ideas as were
the ideas in the just outlined theory of shells. The fundamental
quantities are already derived in the section 5.5.2, and for
the first approximation (in which a rod is considered as a line
with two directors) in the section 7.3.
The one-dimensional form of the energy equation
222 11. Shells, plates and rods

(11.2.1) for a part +t ~ X ~ i 2 of a rod, where X = X is the
parameter varying along the middle line, is {we are using the
notation of the section 5.5.2)

(11. 3.1)

Laminated composites 223

The double integrals are over any cross-section

X= const of the rod, bounded by the curve (, and the
line-integral is along the curve defined by ( and
X= const.
From (11.3.1) the rod equations may be derived
following the procedure analogous to that applied in the prece~

ing section to the shells and we refer the interested reader to

the original papers by Green, Naghdi and Laws.

11.4 Lam in at e d Com p o s i t e M at e r i a 1 s

Laminated composites represent because of their
practical engineering interest an important field of applica-
tions of the theory of materials with directors. In parallel
layers each layer might be considered as a uni-directorial mi
cro-element. This point of view was adopted by Hennann and
224 12. Polar fluids

Achenbach, who developed a general dynamic theory of laminated

composites. Details of their theory are beyond the scope of
this course of lectures and we refer the readers to the original
papers ~' 2, 3, 203] where further references may be found.

12. Polar Fluids

In comparison with the theory of elasticity, the

theory of polar fluids is considerably less developed, although
there are certain effects predicted by the theory which might
be experimentally observed.
The flow of a fluid, if it is not an 11 ideal 11
fluid, is a dissipative process and the constitutive equations
cannot be directly derived from the laws of thermodynamics, as
was the case with the theory of elasticity.
The equations of motion,

(12.1) !?X
.. ~

= t ~d- . + ~fb '

.. h(:t)~i . k(~)~
~ ~

(12.2) e~ + ~

tGJJ + m~~'
... t ~;
(12. 3) *"k
oir~~ = ,k +

have a general validity, independently of the consistency of

the material. These equations do not impose any restrictions on
Thermodynamic restrictions 225

the constitutive equations. BUt the laws of thermodynamics,

(12. 4)

(12. 5)

impose certain restrictions, since the constitutive equations

cannot violate them.
The general scheme to be followed in the formula
tion of the theory of polar fluids might be considered as the
following one. First, select a mechanical model and the appro-
priate kinematical variables, and then postulate constitutive
equations and see that they are in agreement with the laws of
There are today two main concepts of polar fluids,
besides the theory of liquid crystals and anisotropic fluids
which might be considered as a special case of a general theory
of "generalized Cosserat fluids" which does not exist yet. Both
theories predict certain effects which are expected to give an
experimental evidence of the influence of the non-symmetric
stress upon the distribution of velocities.
In the following subsections we shall give a brief

review of these theories.

226 12. Polar fluids

12. 1 Mi c r o p o 1 a r F1 u i d s
The basis of the theory of micropolar fluids re-
presents the general concept of a micromorphic medium, which
was introduced into fluid mechanics first by Eringen [124] par-
allel with the development of the theory of micromorphic elas-
ticity, and later further developed in a series of papers ~~

Eringen [123, 125, 125, 133, 135] , Eringen and Ingram [137],
Allen, DeSilva and Kline [10,11], Allen and Kline [12], Ariman
[ 15], Ariman and Cakmak [16, 17, 18] , Condif and Dahler [69],
Kirwan and Newman [233, 234] , Kline [235] , Kline and Allen (?36,
237, 238] , Liu ~72], Rao et al. 1)67] etc.)
Quantities which characterize the state of stress
in a micromorphic medium (cf. section 10.4) are the stress ten-
sor t
, the micro-stress average tensor
s~~ and the first
stress moment tensor A~~k The rates,according to our notation,
are: velocity gradients vi.,~ , gyration tat~~ , and the gyration
gradients w~~,k . If the phenomena including the heat conduction
are excluded from the considerations, there are nineteen unknowns
which have to be determined through the equations of motion:

r'"'(x 't) '

, t) ' CAtk 1(x,
t) .

*A similar theory was independently developed by Aero, Bul'gin

and Kuvshinskii [4] .
The microfluids 227

The principle of objectivity requires that the con

stitutive variables are objective tensors. Such tensors are the
rate of deformation d~i and the micro-deformation rate tensors
b and a ,
I'V "'

~ d-
= 'U'(.. ,;')

( 12 .1.1)

According to Eringen [124] , a fluid is a micro-

fluid if its constitutive equations are of the form

.... =

= ~(~~,~' wu~' w~t,k) ' ( 12 .1.2)

N - h('\)'~ ~ ' w~t ' w~~,k) '
t\J '

subject to the spatial and material objectivity and

= s t\J
= 0 ( 12 .1. 3)

when d =U'( ) = 0 and b w + '\T = 0

.,, "'' "' "t .,,,
Another assumption which is made in the theory of
fluids with micro-structure is that the fluid possesses an inter
228 12. Polar fluids

nal energy t which depends solely on the entropy ~ , specific

volume t/2 and on the micro-inertia I ,
-1 lkm)
(12.1.4) t = t ( '1 dl ' .

With this we may define the following quantities, thermodynamic

temperature 9 , thermodynamic pressure 1C and thermodynamic
micro-pressure 1(~~ ,

e 'lt = at \
a0 -i 'l1 1 = const
"' "'

For the constitutive equations we shall write now

( 12. 1. 6) t = f (d., b , a) , s = g(d,b ,a),

i.. = h(d., b , a)
1\) 1\1 N N N
1\1 ,.., r..l "" f\1

where t and s are second-order tensors, and h is a third-order

,., ... "'
tensor. The principle of objectivity requires that


r<J NN N ) NNN ) NNN N
......... '
and similarly for g , and for h
"' '
h(Qci,QT Qb QT Qa QTQT) = QhQT
"' ........... '"'"'"' '"'"'"' "' "'"'"' '
The constitutive equations for micropolar fluids 229

where Q is an arbi tray orthogonal matrix. If we select Q = -1

~ N 1\J

we will obtain

f(d, b,- a)
IVN N t\J - f(d ,b,

g(d., b,- a) = g\d. ,b 'a.) ( 12 .1. 7)

"' "' "' "'
N N N tV

h(d., b,- a) = ' 'd. 'o' 'a)

N n.l N N N t\J :oJ rtl

and it follows that ! and 9 have to be even functions, and h

"' ""
an odd function in a
The general constitutive equations that were con
sidered by Eringen [124] were

tk e := fk 1(d , b - d , bT - d) + O(a 2)
0 N N N N f'\11 ~

5kt = gk!(d, b - d , b1 - d) + O(a 2) (12 .1. 8)

0 f\IN 1\1 N"' N

~E111 T
= hkEm(d ' b - d b -.d) + O(a3)
0 N1\J)N n.l 1\1 N

where Nb - d
and b - d are introduced instead of b for later
fOol N

According to (12.1.3) we may add that for the
vanishing d and b the right-hand sides of ( 12 .1. 8) have to
"" ""
satisfy the following conditions,
230 12. Polar fluids

f k (0 ' 0 ' 0) = -~j~~ u'

... k
(o,o,o) = _'l'l",'
" u
(12 .1. 9)
k,O,O) = 0

Taking all this into account, in the linear ap-

proximation the constitutive equations for micro-fluids are

t = [ -1t' + Av tr d + i.. 0 tr(b - d.)] t + 2jkvd. + 2p. 0(b- d.)+ 2J.A-i(bT- d.) ,
ftl 1'\1 I'U N n,J 1\1 N N N N


= [ -7C + t'lvtrd + Ylotr(b- d)] 1 + 2~"d + t 1(b + bT- 2d.).
N N NN 1\1 NN N


A micro-fluid is a micropolar fluid if the gyra-

tion tensor ~ is the angular velocity tensor for the particles,
. . . ~i-k ~k~ .
1.e. 1f wi-J = -ttt~i. , and 1f).. = - i.. In th1s case ai.~k =-aj.~k.
Micropolar fluids 231

The constitutive equations for micropolar fluids

are much simpler than the equations for micro-fluids,

( 12.1.12)


'\tr~ 11'-J
:, '

and the micro-stress average ...s disappears from the equations

The spin becomes

Clr = ~Wr (12 .1.13)

The equations of motion are

= -grad1C +(A." +JJ)grad.d.~v V+ (~" + k)A'\t + k"(Vxw), (12 .1.14)
1111 H N N

(12 .1.15)

For ~ = ! = 0, k" = v = ~" = 't" = 0 these equations

reduce to the Navier-Stokes equations. The theory of micropolar
fiuids includes four additional coefficients of viscosity, be-
sides the two coefficients 'A." and J.kv which were known in the
232 12. Polar fluids

non-polar theory of viscous fluids.

The considered constitutive relations for micro-
polar fluids do not violate the Clausius-Duhem inequality, and
the inequality only imposes certain restrictions on the coeffic-
ients of viscosity.
Aero, Bul 1 gin and Kuvshinskii [4] developed in
1964 independently a theory of fluids with the non-symmetric
stress tensor, which is completely analogous to Eringen's theory
of micropolar fluids, i.e. the directors represent rigid triads.
Also in 1964 appeared a paper by Condif and Dahler [69] in which
the fluid considered corresponds to the micropolar fluid, but
their constitutive equations (linear) involve only five coeffic-
ients of viscosity. Allen, DeSilva and Kline [233] proposed a
more general theory of fluids with deformable directors, but
this theory is not completely developed. Recently appeared also
a paper by Eringen [133] in which certain extensions of the the-
ory of micro-flui~s are studied in order to include deformable
micro-elements. Quite recently also appeared a paper by Liu [272]
in which some generalizations of the theory of micropolar fluids
are suggested, in order to derive the equations for turbulent
parallel flow from the general theory.
Dipolar fluids 233

12.2 Di p o 1 a r F1 u i d s a n d F l u i d s o f
Gr a d e T wo
Theory of dipolar fluids originates in the theo~

ry of multipolar continua proposed by Green and Rivlin ~72,

173, 174]
In the theory of dipolar fluids the constitutive
equations are to be postulated (Bleustein and Green [38]), or
derived (Plavsit [358-361] ) for energy, entropy, heat flux,
stress and dipolar stress, considering as constitutive variables
the density of matter Q, gradients of the density 2,~ and Q,~~'

temperature and temperature gradients a ' a~

' a ~i_'
' IT
and first
and second gradients of the velocity, 'tt;,,~, '\t~,~k

Assuming that the Helmholtz free energy function

"t' is a function of the fonn



= a.. k
= (12.2.2)

Bleustein and Green considered the Clausius-Duhem inequality in

the fonn
. . e ~ q~ ~~
-o("t' + na)- - ' - + t d~.~- +
.. .' e ak..
~ 0.

Here are components of the "dipolar stress 11 which are
234 12. Polar fluids

symmetric in the first two indices. From an analysis it follows

that '1' .cannot depend on other quantities, but on !b !!,~ and e
(cf. section 9.2 and equ. 9.2.11 ), and the inequality (12.2.3)

[t + o2(),
"~ ... ao ~h.-
- n .. + 2o - Vg. + n o )]d~ .. +
""Dv ~.- '"''~ "",.-
!).""I ] kp.. e,.:.q~
[L (;,~)k + Q av (e,~ g~k + e,~ ~hk)
+ a - -e- ~ 0 .

The constitutive. equations are derived only for

homogeneous incompressible fluids. For such a fluid we have
U'~lc ld. = 0, and Bleustein and Green obtained the following
constitutive relations:


q~ = a~kk+ke~.
Here tp , "t'~ are some arbitrary functions to be det-
ermined in the course of solution of each particular problem.
Under certain, in the thermodynamical sense, more
Nonlinear constitutive equations for dipolar fluids 235

restrictive conditions, Plavsic [361] derived the constitutive ~

quations for dipolar fluids from Ziegler's principle of the least
irreversible force (see section 8). He considered the dissipa-
tion function in the form

...0~ = (12.2.6)

Since d~d- and a

k are obJ' ective tensors, the dissipation func-
tion may be regarded in the form

= ~(d .. a .. k) (12.2.7)
' ~d- ' (, ~ '

and from Ziegler''s principle (8.41) follow the constitutive e-



These equations, when linearized, reduce t.o the equations (12.2.

In analogy to materials of grade two in the the-
ory of elasticity, where the strain energy function is a func-
tion of the strain gradients, we may consider "fluids of grade
two" where the dissipation function will depend on the second-
order gradients of vorticity. This case was studied also by Pla~
236 12. Polar fluids

sic [358, 360] '

(12.2.9) -
Using again Ziegler's principle Plavsic obtained the constitu-
tive equations for the symmetric part of the stress tensor and
. (. k)
for the symmetric part m~ ~ of the couple-stress tensor, which
is in complete analogy to the theory of elastic materials of
grade two. When linearized, the constitutive equations read


where J.A.~~ is the deviatoric part of the second-order couple-

-stress tensor. Here we have four coefficients of viscosity, but
in the equations of motion besides the two coefficients which
appear in the Navier-Stokes equations there will be present only
one coefficient, the coefficient of "rotational viscosity".The
equations of motion read


The essential difference between various approacg

es to polar continuum mechanics is in the assumed kinematics.
For micropolar fluids there are two independent vectors which
describe the configuration of a fluid, the velocity vector and
A comparation of micropolar and dipolar fluids

the micro-rotation (or gyration) vector. In the theory of dipo-

lar fluids and in the theory of fluids of grade two there is just
one vector field, the velocity vector. However, since the sec-
ond gradients of the velocity vector are objective quantities,
their combinations contained in the vorticity gradients are also
objective quantities and the dipolar fluids are a more general
type of fluids than the fluids of grade two. Moreover, the the-
ory of dipolar fluids by Bleustein and Green is based on a more
general thermodynamical basis, valid also for heat-conducting
fluids, and not on the restrictions as is in the case when we
apply Ziegler's principle.
A very fine comparison of the theories of micro-
polar and dipolar fluids is made by Ariman [15]
Independently of the difference, all existing the
ories of polar fluids predict certain effects which might be
experimentally detected, and all theories are in agreement on
the nature of these effects. In a number of papers the theories
were applied to various flow problems, mostly to the study of
channel and pipe flow and are obtained velocity profiles. Inde-
pendently of the theory which was applied, the obtained veloc-
ities differ from the velocities obtained in the classical hydr~

mechanics. Towards the middle of the channel or of the pipe the

velocities are smaller in the case of polar fluids than in the
case of a classical fluid. Plavsic DS9] studied the viscometric
flow of polar fluids and predicted theoretically certain measur-
238 12. Polar fluids

able effects which might help in the determination of the coef-

ficients of the rotational viscosity. It should be noted that
already in 1962 S.C. Cowin [74] discovered that in oriented
fluids such effects of rotational viscosity are to be expected.
The theory of Condif and Dahler [69] was inspired
by the problem of fluids containing some rigid structures. The
same problem was considered by Kirwan and Newman [233] , who
also considered fluids with deformable structures [234], basing
their considerations on the theory of micropolar fluids. Afana-
s'ev and Nikolaevskii [7] considered the same problem as Kirwan
and Newman in_ [233], but referring only to the work of Aero,
Bul 1 gin and Kuvshinskii [4] and to Ericksen's papers on aniso~
tropic fluids.

12.3 L i g u i d Cr y s t a l s
In the section 7.2 we already derived the diffev-
ential equations of motion of liquid crystals, according to E-
ricksen's theory. In addition to the contact and body forces
which appear in (7.2.1), Leslie [268] introduced another force
g which is defined as an intrinsic director body force per unit
volume. To avoid ambiguities in the notation, the director vec---
tor, which was previously denoted by d., we shall denote now by
The equations of motion now read
Equations of motion and energy balance 239

de + 0'\t ~. = 0
dt ... '~
= t~"'.
,; + ef (12.3.1)

.. " = h~"'. + ! k~ +
2" g~

' "'
With the aid of these equations the local energy
balance law may be written in the form

= 2h + q,k
k + t~c1- d + h~; N
"d- ....


N. == N.II = (12.3.3)


= (12.3.4)

From the invariance of (12.3.2) under a

..... superpo~

r =
ed rigid rotation is sym-
r" it follows that
W. -W

metric.?~ This reduces (12.3.2) to

*This is not identically satisfied in (12.3.4) and has to be

taken as a request into account when constitutive equations are
240 12. Polar fluids


Leslie assumes the entropy inequality in the form

(12.3.6) ~je. 11 dv - J~h d'O' + fp~ds~ ; ;~: 0

~ ? s

where, according to some new concepts in thermodynamics, p~ is

the entropy flux which is not necessarily equal to the heat flux
per unit temperature. Writing tp~ = q~- 9 p ~ and combining (12.3 .5)
and (12.3.6) we obtain
t d.+h
~~ . . . . .
N-a"N-9p"-o("''+n9)-m". 0.
(12.3.7) "d- ~" il t '" T 1 "" '\ If

The quantities which have to be determined through the constitu-

tive equations are
. . ~... ~..

(12.3.8) f. ''l' q"' p"' h 't 'g" '

and the objective.independent variables are

( 12. 3. 9)
From an analysis corresponding to that at the end of the section
9.2 we find that

(12.3.10) D"''
'l = -ae
For static isothermal deformations Leslie obtained
Leslie's constitutive equations 241

the following constitutive equations,

et = - e2 al' g~~ ...og~c_!!_nk

an k . ,e
= ...0 ()"t'. + "oD n~
~ v
hd- (12. 3.11)
an ct-.

g~ = -0
()'f ( 0Dd-n.)
~ ,,


and o is a coefficient which is a scalar function of the tem-

perature 9 and of the magnitude of the director n. Ericksen [109]
obtained the same constitutive equations, but without the terms
involving the coefficient o
Leslie's equations are applied to a number of
special problems of interest to physicists working on liquid
crystals. However, there is still a discrepancy between the th~

ory and some observed phenomena. As is the case in the whole the
ory of polar media, the lack of estimates for constants which
appear in the theory prevents a comparison of predicted results
with the results of measurements.
13. Plasticity_

The theory of plasticity represents even in the

classical continuum mechanics a field in which certain fundament
al problems are not solved. The existing engineering theories
give for practical purposes sufficiently good results, but such
theories represent only phenomenological descriptions which are
more or less in good agreement with experiments, and the nature
of the plastic flow from the physical standpoint, except in met
als, is not well understood yet.
At a microscopic scale the mechanism of plastic
flow in metals is explained as a consequence of the motion of
dislocations, but there is still not existing a theory which is
capable of connecting the phenomenological theories with dislo-
cations. Polar media in the problem of plasticity play an inter-
esting role, since one of the first applications of certain
concepts in mechanics of Cosserat continua was just in the theory
of dislocations (GUnther [189]). However, the theories of plasti
ity in polar materials are still far from representing a missing
link between the theory of dislocations and the problems of pla~

tic flow.
In 1964 Komljenovic [243] considered an elastic-
plastic body with couple stresses. Assuming that the stress and
couple-stress tensors may be separated into reversible (elastic)
and irreversible (plastic)parts, he considered the energy balance
Plastic materials of grade two 243



and assumed that

= J. I< k )
'-',yt' :X: K ' X KL (13.2)
' '
= (13.3)

where ~ is the dissipation function.

For elastic parts of the stress and of the couple
-stress tensor Komljenovit obtained the well-known equations
from the non-linear theory of materials of grade two. To obtain
the constitutive equations for Et and
he applied a method Em
which corresponds to Ziegler's principle of least irreversible
force. The yield condition is considered in the form

0J1 = t iii= 0

0' (13.4)

where k= canst. Since + is assumed in the form (13.3), only

for linearized constitutive equations it was possible to sub...
stitute in ~.r. the rates :x:.K
k k
and x.KL by the stress and
, '
couple-stress tensors and to write the yield condition in the
244 13. Plasticity

t( t , m) - k :a- 0
(13.5) 1\1 "'

For isotropic materials and in the absence of couple-stresses

the dissipation function is an isotropic function and (13.5)
reduces to the Henckey-Mises yield condition .
In 1967 Sawczuk [389] developed the theory of

plastic flow in Cosserat continua with constrained rotations.

The kinematical variables in Sawczuk's theory are

~~ - U.(~,p ' X.
~~ - W.
.. ,;

'IIJ'~ e~'""
'\At'"" - e~"" .
.. (~,P
The dynamical variables are the symmetric stress tensor 1:~.- =t
and the deviator of the couple-stress tensor a. ""
,...~., 3 . b..
m~r- !mkk ~t .

For the dissipation function it is assumed that it is of the


(13.7) 0 .

A further assumption is that the dynamical va-

riables are homogeneous functions of degree zero in time and
homogeneous of order zero in the kinematical variables,

as..".. d. as ..~~
(13.8a) ~ rs
,.. +ax,.,
x,., = 0 '
Plastic Cosserat materials of Sawczuk 245

= 0 ' (13.8b)

where s~~ is the deviatoric part of the stress tensor, s~~ =

= ,; ..
- !-rkkb'.
3 . vJ-
From (13.8) it follows that

A. B
s.. = .A.Tv~' J..l.v~ = ,&BT~~
A 1, ... ,5' B = 1' ... ' 8 '
where T and
T~~ are linearly independent tensorial functions
of d and xN , and Clf.A and ,& 5 are scalar functions of d. and X In
N "' ,..,
the tensorially linear form we have


and ~'s , ~ s and 't are scalar functions of the second-order in-
variants of the kinematical variables.
Further analysis is based on the fact that in plasticity there
does not exist a one-to-one correspondence between the invariants
of the kinematical and of the dynamical variables. Since there
is the same number of the variables s and )..t on one side, and

and x,.., on the other side, from 13.9 it is possible to estab
246 13. Plasticity

lish the relations between the two kinds of the invariants. The
requirement that there are no 1:1 correspondences between the in
variants yields the vanishing of the functional detenninant,
Denoting the invariants of the second order by

y =

etc,, we have

(13.11) l a(x , y , z) I= 0
a(~ , l1' ;)

The tensorially linear flow law may be considered

in the form

(13.12) d.. = e
.As~~ ' X(~p =
-~(~") X[~tl = ~
AA.2i ~ ";..2
(13.13) -X = ~~ =
2 T} z
i ' -X = A~
1\t )..1 ~

and A1 and A.2 have the dimension of length. Elimination of S

from the relations between the invariants X, y, z leads to the
establishment of the yield condition. (13.12) is in general not
compatible with any potential rule for plastic flow.
Lippmann's theory of yielding 247

lippamn [270] considered a Cosserat continuum

with directors which represent rigid triads. The kinematical
variables of Lippman's theory are

d.~~ = e. = a(. 'lr); '

~; ~ x~~ = i)~w~, (13.14)

and the dynamic variables are


The dynamic variables represent a system of 18 components of a

generalized force 9= { Qt , . , Qi8} 18 components of d~~ , X ~~

and of Jl.
=1\1w- x are considered as 18 components of a generalized

velocity q = {qi, , qi8}

"' The basic assumption of the theory is the extre~

urn principle of Sadowski, Philips and Hill: for arbitrary velo

ities q the forces ....Q have such values that the shape-defor-

mation action

" = Qq (13.16)
"' "'
is maximal, bl\ = 0.
The most interesting assumption of Lippmann is
that there are at least 2 and at most 18 yield-conditions,

fp(Q) = 0~ (2 ~ p ~ 18) (13.17)

13. Plasticity

Then we have simultaneously


and consequently


where ),P are proportionality factors.

For various specific conditions Lippmann derived
various yield conditions of the classical theory of plasticity
as special cases of his theory. He also applied the theory to
a number of problems which are of technical and practical impo~

At the end we shall mention here also that some
attempts were recently made for the formulation of various the-
ories of other anelastic phenomena. There are papers on visco-
elasto-plasticity (Misicu [294] ) , and on visco-plasticity
(Radenkovic and Plavsic [362]), as well as on viscoelasticity
(e.g. Eringen (129] , Askar, Cakmak and Ariman [20] , DeSilva
and Kline [83] , McCarthy and Eringen [278], etc.). All these
theopies represent very important contributions which we unfor-
tunately have no time to analyze in detail here, but as a gen-
eral conclusion we might say that even in the polar theories of
elasticity, and elasticity is physically the simplest situation,
Lippman's theory of yielding

we have not succeeded yet in establishing a general theory and

that in the theories involving irreversible phenomena a great
deal of work remains to be done.

For theoretical considerations it seems to me

that the most suitable in the nonlinearized expositions is the
notation of the double tensor field theory (cf. Ericksen "Ten-
sor Fields" [100] ) Assuming that the readers are familiar with
the tensor analysis, the aim of this Appendix is to present only
a survey of notation and some basic properties of ordinary and.
double tensor fields which are used in the lectures.

Al. Co o r d i n a t e s. T e n s o r s.

An ordered set of numbers ~={x~l, ... ,x"} (we con-

sider only real numbers) represents an arithmetic point. The
numbers xk are coordinates of the point x The set of all pos
"' -
sible arithmetic points, obtained when the coordinates take all
possible values, represents an n-dimensional arithmetic space An
If Mis a set of objects m , such that there is
a 1:1 correspondence between the objects of the set Mand the
points x of a region A of A" we may say that the numbers x"

are coordinates of the objects m , and that the objects m are

pictures of the arithmetic points ~

If there is a 1:1 mapping of points ,..,
x of a re-
gion A. in An upon points x
of a region A in the same An ,
252 Appendix

= X
k(-1 -2 -n) ,
X ,X , ,X

X = -k( i
X X ,x 2 , ... ,X ") ,

we say that the xk represent another coordinate system with re-

spect to which the objects m are determined. The set Mof ob-
jects m , together with the coordinate system x\ and a group
of transformations (Al.l) which introduces all admissible sys-
tems, represents an n-d.i.mensional geometric space xn The ob-
jects m are now points of the space xn
The coordinate transformations are transforma-
tions of numbers characterizing the same point m
A eR referred
If R is a region in X" with points
to a coordinate system xk, and if R is another region in X"
with points 8 referred to a system of coordinates X , the 1:1
mappings of the points of R upon the points of R,

X kA = ... k(XtB, ... ,

,. X")
B 1

X~= x\xl, ... ,xA),
represent a point transformation.
In the following, if x k are coordinates of a point
in X" , we say it is the point x

A geometric quantity in X" at a point Nx is defin-

Geometric objects. Vectors 253

ed by a set of numbers, say N, and by a transfonnation law which

enables us to detennine these numbers when a coordinate transfor
mation is perfonned. If x~ and i~ are coordinates of a point
P in X" given with respect to two coordinate systems, and Fn,
5l=1,2, ... ,N are the components of a geometric object E, the gene!:_
al transfonnation law has the form

If the transformation law does not depend expli

itly on the coordinates of the point P, and on the partial der-
ivatives of higher order than the first, the geometric object
is a geometric quantity.
A scalar is a geometric quantity with one compo-
nent and with the transformation law

( I ... ,x ")
.,x, = cpx, -n)
(-1 ... ,x (A1.3)

Covariant vectors are quantities with the number

of components equal to the number of the dimensions of the space,
n =N If 'U'k and ite are components of a covariant vector ~ at a
point x , the transformation law for covariant vectors reads

= (A1.4a)
254 Appendix

(A1.4b) (k,t = 1,2, ... ,n).

Here and in the following we apply the usual summation conven-

tion for repeated indices.
For a contravariant vector w
with components 'IAtk
and v 2 the transformation law reads

\}' = ,.,.kax'
,k -2axk
= \It - t .

A tensor T
... of covariant order p and contravariant
order q is a quantity with n p+q components T"i... d-t"~"q and
... ~p
with the transformation law

(A1.6) =

The order of this tensor is p + q .

A tensor all of whose indices are superscripts
(subscripts) is said to be a contravariant (covariant) tensor.
If the components of a tensor remain unchanged
when two of its co- or contravariant indices interchange their
places, we say that the tensor is symmetric with respect to
these indices, e.g.
Symmetric and antisymmetric tensors 255

If components of a tensor change sign when two of its co- or

contravariant indices interchange their positions, the tensor
is antisymmetric, e.g.

= =

A second-order tensor may always be decomposed

into its symmetric part,

T<~~> = i(r
2 .. + r..) '
~~ p
(Al. 7)
l!i i(T~~ + T4-~) '
and into its antisymmetric part,

lcr~~ - TP)'
T [~.lJ !I
2 ~ .. - T~)'
such that

T~~ =
(Al. 9)
Z56 Appendix

There are tensors defined simultaneously with

respect to two points of the space, and these two points are, in
general, referred to two different coordinate systems, say xk and
XK Such tensors represent the double tensor fields. Lett\(~,~)
be such a tensor. With respect to coordinate transformations at
x it transforms like a contravariant vector, and with respect

to coordinate transformations at Xit transforms like a covariant

vector, -t k Bi 1 ax~<
(Al,lO) t.L t K
.A k
- -L
vX ()X
Further examples of the double tensor fields are
partial derivatives of the point transformations (Al.2)

Fk Dxk f) XK K
(Al.ll) .K !!! a xk FkK !!
;K ' fh;k '

In Euclidean spaces there exist rectilinear o~

thogonal (Cartesian) systems z~, ~ =1,2,...,n , and if such a co-

ordinate system is admissible in anXn, besides some other prop-
erties which will be mentioned later, we say that it is Euclide-
an space. The unit vectors in the directions of the coordinate
lines z" we shall denote by e"=e The position of a point z: in
"' ""
En is determined by the position vector 1\1r ,

(A1.12) = 2" e
rv '
where r 114=z" are the components of ..,r If x" is an admissible co-
ordinate system in Euclidean space, i.e. if there exist the coo~
The base vectors 2.57

the coordinate transformations

X.,. X ~( z,
i ... ,i! ")

z>' = ~>'(vi
..r:. "" ' ... 'X

which are analytic functions in the neighbourhood of the point

z , the components of the position vector r with respect to the
"' N

system x~ are given by

r~ = z ax~
z = . az
r~ - .

Denoting by g~ the base vectors of the coordinate

systemx\ the position vector ,..,r may be expressed now in the form

t" = r~g~ (A1.15)

"' N
9~ = eaz
..,. -
()x;. = "' (A1.16)

The reciprocal base vectors g" , defined by the



represent the reciprocal vectorial base. For Cartesian coordin-

258 Appendix

ates, the scalar products of the base vectors are

(A1.18) e" e~ = b"~

N N '

where b" = b
~ "/t
= b.& ={ O,tG
1 ,~ =f.J
# ft
are the Kronecker symbols. Hence

We shall use the symbol ! for the matrix { b;}

The scalar products of the base vectors g~ and g"
"' "'
give the components of the fundamental tensor ( !h~ and 9~~ ) for
the systems of coordinates x", which is a symmetric tensor,


and also

(A1.20) g~.t = g"g.t = g~~


Transvection of co- and contravariant components of the funda-

mental tensor gives the components of the unit tensor,


Denoting by G".t the cofactor in the determinant

g = det Sh~, corresponding to the element 9j ~ such that

(A1.22) G 9~k '
The e-tensors 259

from (A1.22) we have


where G~ ~ is the cofactor in det g ~,j. corresponding to the element

sf'~ ' and
= ( 9~J) {A1.24)

In 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces the vectorial product of two

base vectors s~ and!~'" :;.jl is the vector ~t'" 'Jl' t all diffe!:
ent. If tiC.fl tis an even permutation of the numbers 123, we have


and if it is an odd permutation,


Hence we may define completely antisymmetric unit tensors eKftt

and e fJ 't by the scalar products

(Al. 27)
(e"'x efl) e t =

Under arbitrary coordinate transformations the

unit tensors Ne do not behave as tensors. The transformation law
involves the jacobian of the coordinate transformation and such
tensors are named relative tensors. However, if we make the seal
260 Appendix

ar products analogous to (A1.27), we obtain using the relations

(A1.16, 17)

(A1.28) =

where e~~k are now numerical symbols with the same meaning the
unit tensors for Cartesian coordinates have. From (A1.19) we
have now

= (det 3 z~)2
\ 3x ~ '

and therefore for (A1.28) we may write

(A1.29) t.v;"k


(A1.30) = _1_ e~~k

Vg .
s ~~k
The quantities ~~~k and ~ are true tensors under arbitrary
coordinate transformations and often they are referred to as
the Ricci tensors.
Using Ricci tensors an antisymmetric tensor may

b e represented b y a vector. For 1nstance, 1 f Mt; =- M~4- , t h e ten-
sor M
has three independent nonvanishing components in E3 and
we may represent it by a covariant vector
Raising and lowering of indices 261

(Al. 31)

Analogously, if mir~k =-m~~k is an antisyrnmetric

third -order tensor, we may represent it as a second- order
mixed tensor,

i .. k
== -t . mva-
2 ~o-
(Al. 32)
(m~jk == li~j mck)

Using the components of the fundamental tensor

the operation of raising and lowering of indices may be defined,
such that

T ...~... ...... .
...... = T ... ~ . . . ' (Al. 33)

... ...
= T (A1.34)

0 0


and for the scalar. .product of two vectors, say u and '\t, we may
262 Appendix


(A1.35) g U.~'\)".
~~ ;
= lA,~ 'IT "
The vectorial product of two vectors, say aN and
b , is a second-order antisynunetric tensor,

axb == {a~b~ a~b~} = {c~~}

(Al. 36)
= -eel-~
and using the Ricci tensor we may represent it as a vector S,


Tensors, as geometrical quantities, are defined

at points of the space, and the operations of addition may be
performed only if the tensors considered are brought to the same
point of the space. If we have to add two tensors, or to compare
them, and they are not defined at the same point, one of the ten
sors must be shifted parallely to the point in which the other
tensor is defined. In Cartesian coordinates the components of a
vector which represents a field of parallel vectors at all points
of the space are equal, but with respect to curvilinear coordin-
ates this is not true and we have to define the operation of pa~

allel shifting which will enable us to compare components of ten

sors which are not given at the same point.
Let ! be a field of parallel vectors in E3 and let
Euclidean shifters 263

~k be its components at a point x, and VK its components at a


point X The two points may, in general, be detennined with

respect to two different coordinate systems, x k and XK Let z
and Z be the coordinates of the two points considered with re-
spect to an absolute Cartesian system of reference and 'U- 4 and
V the components of the vector field~ with respect to this
Cartesian system. Since by asswnption u-
is a field of parallel
vectors, we have

'\)'~ = or VII = (A1.38)

According to the transformation law for vectors we have

v" = (A1.39)

and the relations (A1.38) may be written in the form

k I( l.
az vK, vK b" ax a:z
b~ax = ~k (A1.40)
"'k =
"&z"' axK ~aZ 11 axk

The quantities
K 'l
9.K a 6l.i)xk az" , SkK !E! b" ax az
"az~ axK 1az" ih:.K '
(with gk.K gK = b~ gk.K gL = bi) '
t ' k

are the Euclidean shifters (Doyle and Ericksen [92] , Toupin

[460] ). Using the shifters we may perform the shifting of an
arbitrary tensor from one point of the space to another.
264 Appendix

As an example let us consider a vector field 'U"


at a point (R,t) given with respect to a system of polar coord.:4!,

ates in the Euclidean plane, and let us shift it to a point(r,~)
given with respect to the same system of coordinates. Since Z =X,
Z2 =Y; Zi=x,z 2 =y;Xi=R,l=t;xi=r,x2 ='f and since the coordi-
nate transformations at the two considered points are

X = R cost , Y = R s~n t

x = r cos 'P , y = r s~n 'P

from (A1.41) we obtain the following expressions for the compo-

nents of the shifter:

g.i ... cos(., - t) , g~ 2 = 'R s~n(tp- t)

g~2 = ~cos(+ - ')

Using now (A1.40) 1 we easily obtain the components '\tkof the ve.
tor ~ when shifted from the point ( R, t) to the point (r, 'I):
Conversion of indices 265

The shifters g~K represent another example of

double tensors, and applying them to an arbitrary tensor by par-
allel shifting we perform the conversion of indices, e.g.

a.K TK. PQ = r'.'PQ
If 9mn and GMN are components of the fundamental
tensors corresponding to the coordinate syst-ems xk and X at the
points x and X of the space, from (Al.19) and (A1.41) we obtain
"' "'
k e az"azB
9.K9.L 9ke = bAB - K - L

Let Sh , gk , GK and GK be base vectors for cur-

"' "' "'
vilinear coordinate systems xk and XK respectively. According to
(Al.l6, 17) we have

Dr 32.. e"
Sh "' = -e gk = axk
()z'"'"' '
"' axk ax.K "'" ' "'
BR az" GK ax
el( .
GK = N
= -Ke"' =
axK ax "' N

The Euclidean shifters may be defined as scalar products of the

base vectors considered at two different points of the space,

nK k
= = Q .K ' (A1.42)
ak '
266 Appendix

and we may write the following formulae:

GKL 9k.K = ShL = ~Jk ~L '

QKt 9.K = 9kK = ~JkGK.
t\1 N

The infinitesimal displacements dr at a point x.

.... ftJ

are vectors of the form

(A1.44) d,r =
and the square of the displacement dr represents the fundamental
(metric) form for the space and for the considered system of

(A1.45) = d.rdr
"' "'
Hence, the fundamental tensor in the Euclidean space is the met
ric tensor.
Physical components of vectors and tensors are
defined only for orthogonal systems of coordinates (g~~ = 0 for
~ :f. ~) If we write for the base vectors g~ = h~g 0 ~ , with
ftJ N

h~ = lgd , where g 0 ~ are unit vectors colinear with the base

vectors, evidently we have

Physical components of vectors and tensors 267


(not summed). (A1.47)

We may also write g" = h"g 0. with

1\J "'

h" = Qo = (not summed) . (Al. 48)

and from (Al.23) we see that for orthogonal coordinate systems

1. . . (A1.49)
The physical components of a vector are scalar
products of the vector and of unit vectors colinear with the
base vectors. Thus, for the physical components of a vector V
which will be denoted by V(~)since the indices are neither co-,
nor contravariant we have

t k
V(~) = ~QOj, = - V ~h9~ = vJ~ =
"' l)g..,.. N N

= v g"0
,.. = v"/~ .

Physical components of tensors are defined in an-

alogy to the definition just introduced for vectors, e.g. for
a second-order tensor we have

= = = (AL sl)
268 Appendix

Besides the decomposition of a second-order ten-

sor into its symmetric and antisymmetric parts, for mixed ten-
sors also may be introduced a decomposition into its deviatoric
and spherical parts. The deviator of a tensor T is defined by

the expression


and its spherical tensor will be

such that for the considered tensor we have

DT~ . + ST~ .
= , d-

A2. I n v a r i a n t s

Let Tw , ... , T
ftl N
(K) be tensor variables. Any scalar

function of these variables,

(A2 .1)

which remains invariant with respect to arbitrary coordinate

transformations is an absolute invariant of the tensor Tm, ... ,T(K)

However, there are invariants only with respect to some partic-

ular groups of transformations. We are mostly interested in ortho
Isotropic invariants 269

gonal transformations.
For a linear transformation of Cartesian coor-

z-~ Q\ }'- a~ b).

z + aA. ' z~
= -)A-
= (A2.2)
Jol' )A- z + '

we say that it is orthogonal if

Q a detQIA' = 1 ' (A2. 3)

and the matrix of the coefficients of this transformation has

T -1
the properties Q Q , where T denotes the transposition of a
"' ,..
matrix. If Q =1, the transformation (A2.2) belongs to the group
of full orthogonal transformations, and if Q =+1, we have the
group of proper transformations.
Functions (A2.1) invariant with respect to the
full orthogonal group are called isotropic invariants, and if
they are invariant only with respect to a subgroup of the full
orthogonal group,then it is said that they are relative invar~

iants with respect to that subgroup. If a function is invariant

only under the transformations of the group of proper orthogonal
transformations, such invariants are called hemitropic invariants.
If T is a symmetric tensor of the second order,
the principal invariants of T are: N

= (A2. 4)
270 Appendix

and all three invariants are isotropic.

Here we have used the symbols

The principal directions of a second-order sym-
metric tensor are the directions determined by the unit vectors
~, suchthat r;n~ = Tn , or

(A2.5) (T; - T 6ft)n~ = 0

and there are thr~e such directions. Since the equations (A2.5)
are homogeneous, the nontrivial solutions for ,.,n exist if

(A2.6) det(T; - Tb~) = 0 ,

which represents a third-order equation in T,

3 2
(A2.7) - T + Ir T - llr T + mr = 0,
Principal values and principal directions 271

and the solutions T(l.) are the principal values (eigenvalues,

proper values) of the tensor T

If we denote by n {) the vectors of a triad re-


ciprocal to the triad of the vectors "<) obtained for " = 1,2,3
from (A2.5), it is possible to introduce a coordinate transfor-
mation so that the new Cartesian coordinates i"' are colinear
with the principal directions,
zl. = .
n(l.) z
"Cl> z ,
' (A2.8}


... = (A2 .9)

The components
T,. of: r with respect to the new
coordinates z
11 are
TJA- - T;. n (Jo~o)
, (1)
n ,

and according to (A2.5) and (A2.9) we have

T}A- = (A2 .10)

Hence, the principal values of a tensor T are

its components
with respect to a Cartesian coordinate system with coordinate
axes colinear with the principal directions. With respect to
this system of coordinates the matrix of the tensor T
,.., has only
diagonal elements.
The powers of a tensor T are defined by the ex-
272 Appendix

Tx T"
T.~ = 0" 0)N
3A A " Jl
T.f = T " T .Jl T JA- ,

and from (A2.10) it follows that

Since T(~)are the solutions of (A2.7) we have ob


(A2 .12)

(A2 .13) T =

which represents the Cayley-Hamilton theorem.

For an antisymmetric tensor M
Jlr =-M Jlt of the
third order, the corresponding second order tensor, according to
(A1.32) is given by

(A2 .14) =

Because of the nonsymmetry of M for the construe-

tion of the invariants we have to regard besides its components
Mit also the components M~'- = g ~.Un M:r, which makes the
.v "'~'-" "'
Invariants of nonsymmetric tensors 273

list of invariants larger than the list of invariants of a sym-

metric second-order tensors. There is one linear invariant,


but there are two independent quadratic invariants,

filM 16~~ M:'M:m

= 2! tm " d- ' (A2 .16)
ZIIM = lo~b M: 1Mm
2! tm v .t )

and there are eight independent cubic invariants, etc.

If we write for IM the expression

(A2 .17)

and apply the orthogonal transformation (A2.2) to the components

of M , we obtain


and it follows that IM is a hemitropic invariant.

1 2
The invariants IIM and nt1 are isotropic.
The joint invariants of a symmetry tensor NT and
of a non-symmetric tensor Mare
274 Appendix

(A2.18) = T ~M'
~ " =

= T~T'M:"'
'" ~
illrM = T ~M:'"w'
e ~ m
(A2.19) 3
illrH = T~M'".M e
t .~
][TI1 = T~M 111 M'
t .~ Ill

Possible are also other combinations of one sym-

metric and one non-symmetric second-order tensor, which are not
listed in (A2.18,19), but it may easily be verified that the
listed invariants (cubic and quadratic) are the only independent
invariants. For higher order invariants I have not tried to es-
tablish the list of independent invariants.
Among the listed joint invariants, llrM and ][TM

are hemitropic, and the remaining invariants are isotropic.

The principal invariants of a symmetric tensor T

may be expressed also in tenns of the principal values of Tc"-) ,

(A2.20) =

= Tm T<2l Tl3>
Invariants of tensors 275

Sometimes it is useful to consider the moments

IIr, Inr , instead of the principal invariants. The moments are
related to the principal invariants by the formulae

= ... ....
r".r ~
= I ZT - 2llT
= ==

In the theory of plasticity often is used the so called octaedral


2 i/2 2 1/Z
3Ar = [2Ir - 6llr] = L.,.,[( T{.) - T<~>)] . (A2.22)

If a tensor is decomposed into its spherical and

deviatoric parts,

i . 1 ")
( T ~ . - -I STj, -~
= -1
3 1 b~.. +
"t 3 1 b~, = ~ + "-~ (A2 .23)

the principal invariants of the spherical part are

31!2T' = (A.2.24)

and the first invariant of the deviatoric part vanishes identical



Since (A2.25) represents a relation between nine

components of a tensor, it follows that a deviator has only eight
276 Appendix

independent components.
A second-order tensor can be uniquely decomposed
into its symmetryc and antisymmetric parts. For a third order te~

sor such a decomposition is more involved because we are search-

ing for its irreducible parts. Toupin [462] introduced the follow
ing decomposition.
~~k .
Let M be an arb1trary tensor of the third
order. Its irreducible parts are:

the symmetric part

the antisymmetric part

the principal parts

= .!. (M~k+ Mk~~ - M.~k - Mk~~)

3 '
= ~(M~~k + Mi~k _ Mk~~ _ Mk~) .

The symmetric part 5 M has 10 independent com-


ponents, the antisymmetric part has 1, and the principal parts

p~ and p ~ have 8 independent components each, so that the
tensor Mis determined by 27 independent components of its ir-
reducible parts, and
The covariant derivatives 277

sM + AM
t'U N
+ pM
+ ;M

A3. D i f f e r e n t i a t i o n
If Vis a vector field in E3 with components v
and Ve with respect to a coordinate system X 11 , the partial der-
ivatives of the vector V are given by the expressions

av avk k&gk
-ib:"'m = ax m ~k ( avk
v ();"' = ax"'
{ k} e) (A3.1)
+ + me v ~ k '


av age
av t e (OVt {k})
= i)iii9 Yea;"' = (A3.2)
"' t
&x"' X rv
+ ax"' - tm vk ~ '


(A3. 3)


represent the covariant derivatives of co- and contravariant

components of the vector field V.
278 Appendix

The quantities

(A3.5) [tm,n] a =

are the Christoffel symbols of the first kind, and

(A3.6) { k}
me a nk"[em,n] =
a ax"':nk

are the Christoffel symbols of the second kind.

In general, if T isN
a tensor of contravariant or
der p and covariant order q , the covariant derivatives of its
components are tensors of contravariant order p and covariant
order q + 1 ,


For the sake of brevity we write sometimes for

partial derivatives

(A3.8) a =
The covariant differential of a tensor T is
Partial and total covariant derivatives 279

tensor of the same order, defined by the expression

u~r , d. X.
T k k (A3.9)

Let T be a time-independent tensor field. The ab-

"' T(x,t) are defin-
solute time derivatives of the components ofT=

ed by the formula

DT ...
... 6T : : : T . . . d.~ k ....
= at + .. ,k dt
T ... (A3.10)

For double tensor fields we define partial and

total covariant derivatives. If Tk K(x,X) is
' N N
such a tensor, the
partial covariant derivatives are defined by

. K,t - OTk K
+ { k }
.K '

. K,L =
- {L~} T\ (A3.12)

If there is a mapping Nx x(X), the total covariant derivatives

ftl 1\1

with respect to xeand XL are defined as a generalization of the

classical rule

T. K;l (A3.13)

T.K;L (A3.14)
280 Appendix

l t
where X. e and :s:. L are the gradients of the mapping X++ X The
' ' tV tV

chain rule of ordinary differential calculus also holds for

total covariant differentiation,

T ...
K =
T .. k = T ... XK
I k

A4. L .i n e a r 1 y Co n n e c t e d S p a c e s
Let vtt. be components of a vector field in E3'
referred to a system of Cartesian coordinates and let us per-
form a parallel displacement of the vector V from a point z to
1\l f\1

a neighbouring point z + d.z . The components of the vector V

"' "'
will remain unchanged. Denoting by d. V * " the change of the com

ponents at a parallel displacement along dz we may write

(A4.1) *
dVf4 = 0

However, when the vector field V is referred to an arbitrary


system of curvilinear coordinates x~, (A4.1) will obtain the



The vector field V at a point x +dx has the com-
"' f\1
Linearly connected spaces 281


V (x + d.x) ""' Vk( X ) + Dt Vkd.x J + ....

The difference between the field value of the vector V at x + dx

k k 1\1 N N

and V + dV is the covariant differential,

k *k
= V (x + dx)- V

According to (A4.2) parallelism in Euclidean

space is defined (in the sense of differential geometry) as a
linear connection of the increment dV k of the components of *
the vector y't and the components d.xt of the displacement.
The law (A4.2) may be generalized writing

dv k = rk Vllld e (A4. 5)
- trn X '

where r,'"k are arbitrary functions of position and are called

coefficients of connection of a linearly connected space L 3
In general, the coefficients rt~ are not sym-
metric, and the antisymmetric part em s.. k =
1 [tm] is the torsion ten-
sor of the space L 3
Generalizing the rules for covariant differen-
tiation to linearly connected spaces we may write for the co-
variant derivatives of a contravariant vector

Vk __ !l k rk v'" (A4.6)
,e "tV + tm '
282 Appendix

k .
and from the requirement that V t transforms a mixed se-
cond-order tensor we obtain the transformation law for the coef
ficients of connection:


From (A4. 7) it follows that .. ' is a tensor indeed.

Parallelism in an Ln is, according to (A4.5),
defined only for infinitesimal displacements. If ABC is a curve
in L3 , the total increment Av k of the components vk of a
vector transported parallely from A to C along the curve will be

AVk = Jd.vk = -jrt:vmdx'.

If AB 1
C is another curve connecting the points
A and C , the increment of the components of the vector V a-
long this curve will be

A' 1 Vk = f dVk,
I k II k
and the increments ~ V and AV are, in general, not equal,
i.e. the integral along the closed contour AB CB A is not van-

The Riemann-Christoffel tensor 283

AVk = f dVk = -~r~V"'dxe = A'Vk- A.. Vk.


k Ill k
Denot1ng -rem V by f t and applying the Stokes

fr~ dxe = Jjt~t,m] dFmt (A4.8)


,..,.'A and dF me
where F is the surface enclosed by the contour AB.
mC e.
are components of the surface element, AF =-A F , we have

AVk = //R~~tkYtciF"'", (A4.9)



is the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor.

If R~: ~ k vanishes at all points of the space,
we say that this space is with absolute parallelism (or with
In Euclidan spaces the fundamental tensor 9~~

is covariant constant, i.e. its covariant derivatives are iden-

tically equal to zero. If anL 3 admits a symmetric covariant
constant vector field g ~~ , we say that the space L 3 is metric.
Let us assume that an L 3 with the coefficients of connection
rtm is metric and that its fundamental metric tensor is 9~j '
284 Appendix

then we have


The integrability conditions of (A4.11) are

and after some calculations they reduce to


Hence, if the Riemann-Christoffel tensor for a linear connection

rem is symmetric with respect to the second pair of indices,
the connection is metric.
The linearly connected space is Euclidean if:
1 the coefficients of connection are symmetric,
20 it is a metric space,
3 the fundamental fonn of the space

(A4.1'3) =

is positive definite, and

4 if the Riemann-Christoffel tensor vanishes everywhere in the
space. If all these conditions are satisfied, it is possible to
find a coordinate transfonnation

Nonintegrable mappings 285

such that the fundamental tensor with respect to the new coor-
dinate system :z" obtains the fonn

= = (A4.15)

In some problems we have to deal with the cor-

respondence of a set of points of Euclidean space with a set of

points of a linearly connected space L 3 If x" is a system of
coordinates in Euclidean space, and u." a system of coordinates
inL 3 there do not exist 1:1 finite mappings of the form

:X:~ =
u." =

but only the local mappings of infinitesimal elements dx ~ and


We assume that the relations (A4.17) are linearly independent,


so that there exist the inverse relations

du."' = (A4.19)
286 Appendix

The integrability conditions of (A4.17)

(A4.20) = 0

and those conditions are, in general, not satisfied.

The vectors !c~) constitute in E3 three vector
fields and at each point there are lines the tangents of which
are colinear with the vectors f() The differential equations
of these lines are


Let us assume that there is a linearly connected

space with the coefficients of connection r~~ such that the
vector fields +~)COnstitute fields of absolutely parallel vee-
tors, i.e. with respect to the connection considered, the vec-
tors ! () are covariant constant everywhere in the space,

Transvection of this with Tn and using the relations

"'(~~~o)"' E
(A4.23) = T f T (~) =
we obtain

Nonholonomic components of tensors 287

It may easily be verified that substituting r:n ...from

(A2.24) into
the expression (A4.10) for the components of Rnml k
it will identi
ally vanish. According to (A4.12) it follows that the conditions
for the space considered to be metric are identically fulfilled.
From the preceding it follows that it is always
possible to associate a linearly connected metric space to a
non- integrable mapping, and the torsion of this space does not
necessarily vanish.
The torsion tensor of the connection (A4.23) is
given by

= (A4.25)

and it is obvious that the space associated to a non-integrable

mapping will be Euclidean only if the torsion vanishes i.e . if
the mapping is integrable (this is a necessary, but not a suf-
ficient condition).
The quantities obtained by transvecting vectors,
tensors etc. of Euclidean space with the components of the vee-
tors !<"l , ~ , e.g.
= = (A4.26)

are often called non-holonomic components of those quantities.

288 Appendix

AS. M o d i f i e d Di v e r g e n c e T h e o r e m f o r
I n c o mp a t i b l e De f o r ma t i o n s Va r i a -
t i o n s.
Since there are no integrable mappings of a non-
-Riemannian space upon the Euclidean space, a straightforward
application of the divergence theorem to the integrals of the

(AS.l) J !!! fr:~U'~dSI


is impossible. We assume that T is
any regular differentiable
tensor field in E3 5 is the surface bounding an arbitrary volume
~ of a body B
The whole region~ may be divided into a number
of smal.l elements Av-.. with bounding surfaces AS. and we have


For Cartesian coordinates x. ~ we may choose A'U'cc

to be cuboids with edges parallel to the Cartesian axes xi,x2,x3
such that the sides of the cuboids are Ax 1 , Ax2., Ax3 If we put
T!~ '\tit = T; , we have

The modified divergence theorem 289

. X =X i , y =X 2 ; 2 =.X. 3 , t h e faces As~, As~ , As~ will
be orthogonal to the a."'Ces x\x~,x 3 Thus on the faces As~ we have

As~: Ti = T(x
+ Ax,y,z),

and on the face

-As~: Ti = T1(,X' y' :l,)


A s .2 T2 = T2(x ,y + Ay, z) ,

-As 2 T2 2
= T (:x:,y, z) ,

As 3 T3 = T3(x,y,z + ~z) ,

-As!: T3 = T3(:x:,y,z) .

Hence, for the pair of integrals

290 Appendix

we have
y+Ay ll +Az

(A5.5) J~ = j j [T\x+Ax.,y,z) -T\x:,y,z)]dy dz.

y li

However, for a regular tensor field T v and for
sufficiently small Ax~ we have

1 1 i
(A5.6) TJx + Ax ,y, z) = T~ (x ,y, z) + () 1T~Ax + ...

For the velocities ~~ we have (4.1.16)

(A5.7) ~~I x,y, +AU'~ =

The difference AT in (A5.6) obtains now the form

(A5.8) "'Tt
Q =
(T1;. ~ "'()J ~ T.t ~)"' i
~ T(A,)T j, + Ut j, 'IJ' QX

For infinitesimal elements A11" the mean-value

theorem may be applied to the integrals I" , and it gives

and, in general,

When A'U'"- 0 and n - oo the sum (AS. 2) becomes the volume integral
over~ and for any curvilinear system of coordinates we may
finally write
Variations for nonintegrable mappings 291

J = fT .~ \t j,d. s.d- =
J(n r~ + r~i~
if.(>-l) d.'\)'
"' d- (AS.9)
S 'It

When we deal with the variations bx~ of coordin

ates (cf. Stojanovic[421]), it follows from (4.1.12) that


When the directors d.~ are compared at two points,
say P and Q of a body, we have for sufficiently near to one an-
other points

The variation of this difference will be

. (A.) (1) .
Axd-bd. + d bAxd-
~,J- ~,,

But we also have

{).) .
(bd.~ )'cl-Ax' =
Since this expression must be valid for arbitrary Ax~, we fin-
ally have


Besides the papers quoted in the text, this list

of references contains also references to other work dealing
with polar continua. The desire was to make as complete as pos-
sible a bibliography on mechanics of polar continua, and here
are listed all papers and books treating this matter according
to the knowledge of the author. Unfortunately, there is a num-
ber of important contributions of whose existence I was not a-
ware at the moment when the list was completed.
For the majority of journals usual abbreviations
are used. E.g. PMM = Prikladnaja Matematika i Mekhanika, Int. J.
Engng. Sci. = International Journal of Engineering Sciences,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. = Archives for Rational Mechanics and
Analysis, App. Math.Mech. = Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
(English translation of the Soviet Journal PMM), etc.

[1] J.D. Achenbach: Free vibrations of a layer of micropolar

continuum. Int.J. Engng. Sci. Z, 1025-1040 (1969)
[2] J.D. Achenbach, G. Herrmann; Wave motion in solids with
lamellar structuring. Dynamics of Structured Sol,.;.
ids, pp. 23-46 Publ. by ASME
294 References

[3] J.D. Achenbach, G. Herrmann: Effective stiffness for a

laminated composite. Developments in Mechanics.
Proc. lOth Midwestern Mechanics Conference,
Colorado (1968).
[4] E.L. Aero, A.N. Bul 1gin, E.V. Kuvshinskii: Asimmetriches-
kaja gidromekhanika. Prikl. Mat. Mekh. 29, 297-
308 (1964).
[5] E.L. Aero, E.V. Kuvshinskii: Osnovnije Uravneneija Teorii
Uprugosti Sred S Vrashchtal 1 nim Vzaimodeistviem
Chastic. Fiz. tv. tela ~ 1399-1409 (1960).
[6] E.L. Aero,E.V. Kuvshinskii: Kontinualnaja Teorija Asim-
metricheskoi Uprugosti. Ravnovesije Izotropnogo
Tela. Fiz. tv. tela Q, 2689-2699 (1964).
[7] E.F. Afanas 1 ev, V.I. Nikolaevskii: K postroeniju asimme-
tricnoi gidrodinamiki suspenzii s vrascajuimisja
tverdimi casticami. Problemi Gidrodinamiki i
mehaniki splosnoi sred 1 i, Sedov aniversary volume,
Moskwa 1969, Izdateljstvo "Nauka", pp. 17-24.
[8] H.R. Aggarwal, R.C. Alverson: The effect of couple-stres~
es on the diffraction of plane elastic waves by
cylindrical discontinuities . Int. j. Solids.
Structure 2, 491-511 (1969)
[ 9] J .B. Alblas: Continuum mechanics of media with internal
structure. Simposia Mathematica ~ 229-251 (1969).
[10 J S.J. Allen, C.N. DeSilva: A theory of transversally iso-
tropic fluids. j. Fluid Mech. 24, 801 (1966).
[11] S.J. Allen, C.N. DeSilva: Theory of simple deformable di
ected fluids. Phys. Fluids 10, 2551-2555 (1967).
[12] S.J. Allen, K.A. Kline: A Theory of mixtures with micro-
structure. ZAMP 20, 145-155 (1969)
References 295

[13] K. Anthony, u. Essmann, A. Seeger, H. Trauble: Disclina-

tions and the Cosserat continuum with incompatible
rotations. Mechanics of Generalized Continua. Proc.
IUTAM Symposium Freudenstadt-Stuttgart (1967).
pp. 355-358.
[14] T. Arirnan: On the stresses around a circular hole in mi-
cropolar elasticity. Acta Mech . 4, 216-229 (1967).
[ 15] T. Arirnan: Micropolar and dipolar fluids. Int. J. Engng.
Sci. 6, 1-8 (1968).
[ 16] T. Arirnan, A.S. Cakrnak: Couple stresses in Fluids. Phys.
Fluids 10, 2497-2499 (1967)
[ 17] T. Arirnan, A.S. Cakrnak, L.R. Hill: Flow of micropolar
fluids between two concentric cylinders. Phys.
Fluids 10, 2545-2550 (1967)
[ 18] T. Arirnan, A.S. Cakmak: S.ome basic flows in micropolar
fluids. Rheologica Acta z,
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PREFACE ...................................... 3
Chapter I. Introduction ........................ . 5
Chapter II. Physical Background ................. 7
Chapter III. Motion and Deformation .............. . 11

Chapter IV. Compatibility Conditions ............ 25

4.1 Incompatible Deformations ........... . 29
Chapter V. Oriented Bodies ..................... . 34
5.1 Discrete Systems and Continuum Models 35
5.2 Materials with Microstructure ....... . 41
5.3 Multipolar Theories ................. . 49
5.4 Strain-Gradient Theories ............ . 50
5.5 Shells and Rods as Oriented Bodies .. . 53
5.5.1 Shells .............................. . 54
5. 5. 2 Rods ................................ . 60
Chapter VI. Forces, Stresses and Couples ......... 64
6.1 A Physical Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Chapter VII. Balance and Conservation Principles .. 73
7.1 The Cosserat Continuum............... 84
7.2 Bodies with One Director............. 88
7.3 Bodies with Two Directors. A Theory of
Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chapter VIII. Some Applications of Classical Thermo-
dyn.amics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
8.1 Invariance of the First Law of Thermo-
dyn.amics and the Equations of Motion . 112
344 Contents

Chapter IX. Some General Considerations on Consti-
tutive Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
9.1 The Internal Energy Function ...... 126
9.2 Irreversible Processes ........... 128
Chapter X. Elast1city .......................... . 133
10.1 A Principle of Virtual Work and Bound-
ary Condit ions ...................... . 141
10.2 Elastic Materials of Grade Two ...... 149
10.3 The Elastic Cosserat Continuum ..... 156
10.4 Elastic Materials with Microstructure 161
10.5 Incompatible Deformations ........... 167
10.5a Elastic Materials of Grade Two ...... 170
10.5b Generalized Elastic Cosserat Materials 173
10.6 Thermoelasticity .................... . 175
10.7 Dislocations ........................ . 178
Chapter XI. Shells, Plates and Rods .......... 190
11.1a Theories with Rigid Directors .... 191 Reissner 1 s Theory ...... 205
11.2 Theories with Deformable Directors 215
11.3 Rods ......................... 221
11.4 Laminated Composite Materials ....... 223
Chapter XII. Polar Fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
12.1 Micropolar Fluids .................. 226
12.2 Dipolar Fluids and Fluids of Grade Two 233
12. 3 Liquid Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 38
Chapter XIII. Plasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
A1 Coordinates. Tensors ................ . 251
A2 Invaria.Ilts .......................... . 268
A3 Differentiation ..................... . 277
A4 Linearly Connected Spaces ........... . 280
Contents 345

AS Modified Divergence Theorem for Incom-
patible Deformations Variations ..... . 288
REFERENCES ...................... ................ 293
CONTENTS ...................... ................ 343

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