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Manual for Krash

Why Krash?
Towards the end of preparation, a student has lost the time to revise all the chapters from
his / her class notes / standard text books. This is the reason why K-Notes is specifically
intended for Quick Revision and should not be considered as comprehensive study material.
Its very overwhelming for a student to even think about finishing 300-400 questions per
subject when the clock is ticking at the last moment. This is the reason why Kuestion serves
the purpose of being the bare minimum set of questions to be solved from each chapter
during revision.

What is Krash?
Krash is a combination of K-Notes and Kuestion which effectively becomes a great tool for
revision. A 50 page or less notebook for each subject which contains all concepts covered in
GATE Curriculum in a concise manner to aid a student in final stages of his/her preparation.
A set of 100 questions or less for each subject covering almost every type which has been
previously asked in GATE. Along with the Solved examples to refer from, a student can try
similar unsolved questions to improve his/her problem solving skills.

When do I start using Krash?

It is highly recommended to use Krash in the last 2-3 months before GATE Exam.

How do I use Krash?

Once you finish the entire K-Notes for a particular subject, you should practice the respective
Subject Test / Mixed Question Bag containing questions from all the Chapters to make best
use of it. Kuestion should be used as a tool to improve your speed and accuracy subject-
wise. It should be treated as a supplement to our K-Notes and should be attempted once
you are comfortable with the concepts and basic problem solving ability of the subject. You
should refer K-Notes before solving any Type problems from Kuestion.

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Krash (Sample)

Krash - Sample

Engineering Maths
(Linear Algebra &
Differential Equation)

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A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers (or functions) enclosed in brackets. These
numbers (or function) are called entries of elements of the matrix.
2 0.4 8
Example: order = 2 x 3, 2 = number of rows, 3 = number of columns
5 -32 0

Special Type of Matrices

1. Square Matrix
A m x n matrix is called as a square matrix if m = n i.e. number of rows = number of columns
The elements aij when i = j a11a22 ......... are called diagonal elements

1 2
4 5

2. Diagonal Matrix
A square matrix in which all non-diagonal elements are zero and diagonal elements may or
may not be zero.
1 0
0 5

a. diag [x, y, z] + diag [p, q, r] = diag [x + p, y + q, z + r]
b. diag [x, y, z] diag [p, q, r] = diag [xp, yq, zr]
c. diag x, y, z
diag 1 , 1 , 1
x y z

d. diag x, y, z = diag [x, y, z]
e. diag x, y, z diag xn , yn , zn
f. Eigen value of diag [x, y, z] = x, y & z
g. Determinant of diag [x, y, z] = xyz

3. Scalar Matrix
A diagonal matrix in which all diagonal elements are equal.

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4. Identity Matrix
A diagonal matrix whose all diagonal elements are 1. Denoted by I
a. AI = IA = A
b. I I
c. I I
d. det(I) = 1

5. Null matrix
An m x n matrix whose all elements are zero. Denoted by O.
a. A + O = O + A = A
b. A + (- A) = O

6. Upper Triangular Matrix

A square matrix whose lower off diagonal elements are zero.
3 4 5
Example: 0 6 7
0 0 9

7. Lower Triangular Matrix

A square matrix whose upper off diagonal elements are zero.
3 0 0
Example: 4 6 0
5 7 9

8. Idempotent Matrix
A matrix is called Idempotent if A2 A
1 0
0 1

9. Involutary Matrix
A matrix is called Involutary if A2 I .

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Matrix Equality
Two matrices Amn and Bp q are equal if

m=p; n=q i.e., both have same size

aij = bij for all values of i & j.

Addition of Matrices
For addition to be performed, the size of both matrices should be same.
If [C] = [A] + [B]
Then cij aij bij

i.e., elements in same position in the two matrices are added.

Subtraction of Matrices
[C] = [A] [B] = [A] + [B]
Difference is obtained by subtraction of all elements of B from elements of A.
Hence here also, same size matrices should be there.

Scalar Multiplication
The product of any m n matrix A a jk and any scalar c, written as cA, is the m n matrix

cA = ca jk obtained by multiplying each entry in A by c.

Multiplication of two matrices

Let Am n and Bp q be two matrices and C = AB, then for multiplication, [n = p] should

hold. Then,
cik aij b jk

If AB exists then BA does not necessarily exists.
Example: A 3 4 , B4 5 , then AB exits but BA does not exists as 5 3
So, matrix multiplication is not commutative.
Matrix multiplication is not associative.
A(BC) (AB)C .
Matrix Multiplication is distributive with respect to matrix addition
A(B + C) = AB +AC

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If AB = AC B = C (if A is non-singular)
BA = CA B = C (if A is non-singular)

Transpose of a matrix
If we interchange the rows by columns of a matrix and vice versa we obtain transpose of a
1 3
1 2 6
eg., A = 2 4 ; AT
6 5 3 4 5

Conjugate of a matrix
The matrix obtained by replacing each element of matrix by its complex conjugate.
a. A A
b. A B A B
c. KA K A
d. AB AB
Transposed conjugate of a matrix
The transpose of conjugate of a matrix is called transposed conjugate. It is represented by
A .


a. A

b. A B A B
c. KA KA
d. AB B A

Trace of matrix
Trace of a matrix is sum of all diagonal elements of the matrix.

Classification of Real Matrix

a. Symmetric Matrix : A A
b. Skew symmetric matrix : A A

c. Orthogonal Matrix : AT A1 ; AA T =I
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a. If A & B are symmetric, then (A + B) & (A B) are also symmetric
b. For any matrix AAT is always symmetric.
c. For any matrix, is symmetric & is skew symmetric.
d. For orthogonal matrices, A 1

Classification of complex Matrices

a. Hermitian matrix : A A
b. Skew Hermitian matrix : A A

c. Unitary Matrix : A A 1 ; AA 1
Determinants are only defined for square matrices.
For a 2 2 matrix
a a
11 12 = a11a22 a12a21
a21 a22

Minors & co-factor

a11 a12 a13
If a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33
a12 a13
Minor of element a21 : M21
a32 a33
i j
Co-factor of an element aij 1 Mij
To design cofactor matrix, we replace each element by its co-factor

Suppose, we need to calculate a 3 3 determinant
3 3 3


a1 jcof a1 j

a2 jcof a2 j a3jcof a3j
We can calculate determinant along any row or column of the matrix.

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Value of determinant is invariant under row & column interchange i.e., A T A

If any row or column is completely zero, then A 0

If two rows or columns are interchanged, then value of determinant is multiplied by -1.
If one row or column of a matrix is multiplied by k, then determinant also becomes k
If A is a matrix of order n n , then
Value of determinant is invariant under row or column transformation
AB A * B
An A
A 1
Adjoint of a Square Matrix
Adj(A) = cof A

Inverse of a matrix
Inverse of a matrix only exists for square matrices
Adj A

a. AA1 A1 A I
b. AB1 B1 A1
c. ABC 1 C1B1 A1

d. AT A 1
e. The inverse of a 2 2 matrix should be remembered
a b 1 d b

c d ad bc c a
I. Divide by determinant.
II. Interchange diagonal element.
III. Take negative of off-diagonal element.

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Rank of a Matrix
a. Rank is defined for all matrices, not necessarily a square matrix.
b. If A is a matrix of order m n,
then Rank (A) min (m, n)
c. A number r is said to be rank of matrix A, if and only if
There is at least one square sub-matrix of A of order r whose determinant is non-zero.
If there is a sub-matrix of order (r + 1), then determinant of such sub-matrix should be 0.

Linearly Independent and Dependent

Let X1 and X2 be the non-zero vectors
If X1=kX2 or X2=kX1 then X1,X2 are said to be Linearly Dependent vectors.
If X 1kX2 or X2 kX1 then X1,X2 are said to be Linearly Independent vectors.
Let X1,X2 . Xn be n vectors of matrix A
If rank(A)=no of vectors then vector X1,X2. Xn are Linearly Independent
If rank(A)<no of vectors then vector X1,X2. Xn are Linearly Dependent

System of Linear Equations

There are two type of linear equations
Homogenous equation
a11 x1 a12 x2 .......... a1n xn 0
a21 x1 a22 x2 .......... a2nxn 0
am1 x1 am2 x2 .......... amnxn 0
This is a system of m homogenous equations in n variables
a11 a12 a13 a1n x1 0
a a22 a2n x 0
21 2
Let A ; x ; 0= -

am1 am2 amn m n xn 0
n1 m1
This system can be represented as
AX = 0

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Important Facts
Inconsistent system
Not possible for homogenous system as the trivial solution
x1 , x2 ....., xn 0,0,......,0 always exists.

Consistent unique solution

If rank of A = r and r = n |A| 0, so A is non-singular. Thus trivial solution exists.

Consistent infinite solution

If r < n, number of independent equation < (number of variables) so, value of (n r)
variables can be assumed to compute rest of r variables.
This solution set has the following additional properties:
1. If u and v are two vectors representing solutions to a homogeneous system, then the
vector sum u + v is also a solution to the system.
2. If u is a vector representing a solution to a homogeneous system, and r is any scalar,
then ru is also a solution to the system.

Non-Homogenous Equation
a11 x1 a12 x2 .......... a1n xn b1
a21 x1 a22 x2 .......... a2n xn b2
am1 x1 am2 x2 .......... amnxn bn
This is a system of m non-homogenous equation for n variables.
a11 a12 a1n x1 b1

a21 a22 a2n x2 b2
A ; X ; B= -

a b
m1 am2 amn m n xn m m 1

a11 a12 an b1
a a22 b2
Augmented matrix = [A | B] =

am1 am2 amn bm

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If r(A) r(A | B), system is inconsistent

Consistent unique solution

If r(A) = r(A | B) = n, we have consistent unique solution.

Consistent Infinite solution

If r(A) = r (A | B) = r & r < n, we have infinite solution
Specifically, if p is any solution of the system Ax=B, then entire solution set can be described
as {p+v: v is any solution to Ax=O}.
The solution of system of equations can be obtained by using Gauss elimination Method.
(Not required for GATE)
Let Anxn and rank(A)=r, then the number of Linearly Independent solutions of Ax = 0 is n-

Cramers Rule
Suppose we have the following system of equations,
a1x b1y c1z d1
a2 x b2 y c2 z d2
a3 x b3 y c3 z d3
We define the following matrices,
d1 b1 c1 a1 d1 c1
1 d2 b2 c2 2 a2 d2 c2
d3 b3 c3 a3 d3 c3
a1 b1 d1 a1 b1 c1
3 a2 b2 d2 a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 d3 a3 b3 c3
Then, the solution is given by,
1 2 3
x y z

This rule can only be applied in case of unique solution.

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Eigen values & Eigen Vectors

If A is n n square matrix, then the equation
Ax = x is called Eigen value problem.
Where is called as Eigen value of A.
x is called as Eigen vector of A.
a11 a12 a1n
a a22 a2n
Characteristic polynomial A I 21

am1 am2 amn
Characteristic equation A I 0
The roots of characteristic equation are called as characteristic roots or the Eigen values.
To find the Eigen vector, we need to solve
A I x 0
This is a system of homogenous linear equation.
We substitute each value of one by one & calculate Eigen vector corresponding to each
Eigen value.

Important Facts
a. If x is an eigenvector of A corresponding to , the KX is also an Eigenvector where K is a
b. If a n n matrix has n distinct Eigen values, we have n linearly independent Eigen
c. Eigen Value of Hermitian/Symmetric matrix are real.
d. Eigen value of Skew - Hermitian / Skew Symmetric matrix are purely imaginary or zero.
e. Eigen Value of unitary or orthogonal matrix are such that | | = 1.
f. If 1 , 2 ......., n are Eigen value of A, k 1 ,k2 .......,kn are Eigen values of kA.

g. Eigen Value of A 1 are reciprocal of Eigen value of A.

h. If 1, 2 ...., n are Eigen values of A, , , ........., are Eigen values of Adj(A).
1 2 n
i. Sum of Eigen values = Trace (A)
j. Product of Eigen values = |A|
k. In triangular or diagonal matrix, Eigen values are diagonal elements.

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Cayley - Hamiltonian Theorem

Every matrix satisfies its own Characteristic equation.
e.g., If characteristic equation is
C1n C2n 1 ...... Cn 0
Then, C1An C2An 1 ...... CnI O
Where I is identity matrix
O is null matrix

The order of a deferential equation is the order of highest derivative appearing in it.
The degree of a differential equation is the degree of the highest derivative occurring in it,
after the differential equation is expressed in a form free from radicals & fractions.

For equations of first order & first degree

Variable Separation method
Collect all function of x & dx on one side.
Collect all function of y & dy on other side.
like f(x) dx = g(y) dy
Solution: f x dx g y dy c
Example: 1 x tanz 1

x tanz


cot z dz xdx
log sinz c

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Linear Differential Equations

An equation is linear if it can be written as:
y' P x y r x
If r(x) = 0 ; equation is homogenous
else r(x) 0 ; equation is non-homogeneous

y(x) = ce
p x dx
is the solution for homogenous form
for non-homogenous form, h = P x dx

y x eh ehrdx c

Example: t x t

dx x
Divide by t, 1
dt t

IF e1/tdt elogt t


Solution is x t 1 t dt

Exact differential equation

An equation of the form
M(x, y) dx + N (x, y) dy = 0
For equation to be exact.
; then only this method can be applied.
y x
The solution can be given by any one of the following two equations,

Mdx terms of N not containing 'x' dy = c (y constant)

Ndy terms of M not containing 'y' dx = c (treat x as constant)

Else, some special terms can be rearranged as given below,

xdy ydx x 1 ydx xdy ydx xdy
d log xy d log
xy y x / y y 2

y xdy ydx x ydx xdy

d log d tan1 2
x xy y x y2

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y xdy ydx 2 xdx ydy

d tan1 2
x x y2
d log x2 y 2
x2 y 2

ex yexdx exdy ey xey dy ey dx

d d
y y2 x x2

x2 2xydx x2dy y 2 2xydy y 2dx

d d
y y2 x x2

x2 2xy 2dx 2x2 ydy y 2 2x2 ydy 2xy 2dx

d 2 d 2
y y4 x x4

Example: y cosy dx x x siny 1 dy 0
2 x

ydx xdy cos ydx x sin ydy dx dy 0
2 x

d xy d x cos y dx dy 0
2 x

xy xcos y x y 0

Integrating factors
An equation of the form
P(x, y) dx + Q (x, y) dy = 0
This can be reduced to exact form by multiplying both sides by IF.
Rule I
If the given equation Pdx + Qdy = 0 (1) isnt an exact equation but it is a homogenous
equation and Px + Qy 0, then (2) is an integrating factor of (1).
Px Qy
Rule II
In the given equation Pdx Qdy 0 (1) is not exact equation but it is in the form

f xy ydx g xy xdy 0 and Px Qy 0 . Then IF ...............(2)
Px Qy

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Rule III
1 P Q 1 P Q
If is a function of x, then R(x) = . Then, Integrating Factor
Q y x Q y x

IF = exp R x dx
Rule IV

Otherwise, if 1 P is a function of y then, S(y) = 1 P . Then, Integrating
x y x y
Factor, IF = exp S y dy

Bernoullis equation
The equation Py Qyn
Where P & Q are function of x
Divide both sides of the equation by yn & put y
1 n
P 1 n z Q 1 n
This is a linear equation & can be solved easily.

Clairauts equation

An equation of the form y = Px + f (P), is known as Clairauts equation where P = dy dx
The solution of this equation is y = cx + f (c) where c = constant

Linear Differential Equation of Higher Order

Constant coefficient differential equation
dn y dn1 y
k1 .............. kn y X
dxn dxn1
Where X is a function of x only
a. If y1 , y 2 ,.........., yn are n independent solution, then
c1 y1 c2 y 2 .......... cn yn x is complete solution
where c1 ,c2 ,..........,cn are arbitrary constants.

b. The procedure of finding solution of nth order differential equation involves computing
complementary function (C. F) and particular Integral (P. I).

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c. Complementary function is solution of

dn y dn1 y
k1 ............. kn y 0
dxn dxn1
d. Particular integral is particular solution of
dn y dn1 y
k1 ............ kn y x
dxn dxn1
e. y = CF + PI is complete solution

Finding complementary function

Method of differential operator
d dy
Replace by D Dy
dx dx
dn n dn y
by D Dn y
dxn dxn
dn y dn1 y
k1 ............ kn y 0 becomes
dxn dxn1
Dn k1Dn1 ........... kn y 0
Let m1 ,m2 ,............,mn be roots of
Dn k1Dn1 ................ K n 0 .(i)
Case I: All roots are real & distinct
D m1 D m2 ............ D mn 0 is equivalent to (i)
m1x m2x
y = c1e c2e ........... cnemnx is solution of differential equation
Case II: If two roots are real & equal i.e., m1 m2 m
y = c1 c2 x emx c3e .......... cnemnx
Case III: If two roots are complex conjugate
m1 j ; m2 j

y = ex c1 'cos x c2 'sinx .......... cnemnx

Finding particular integral

Suppose differential equation is
dn y dn1 y
k .......... kn y X
dxn 1
Particular Integral,

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W1 x W2 x Wn x
PI = y1 Xdx y 2 Xdx .......... yn Xdx
W x W x W x
Where y1 , y 2 ,............y n are solutions of Homogenous from of differential equations.
y1 y2 yn y1 y 2 yi1 0 yn
y1 ' y2 ' yn ' y1 ' y 2 ' yi1 ' 0 yn '
W x Wi x
n n n n n n
y1 y 2 yn y1 y 2 yi1 1 n

Wi x is obtained from W(x) by replacing ith column by all zeroes & last 1.

Example: D2 6D 9 y x2
D 3 y x2

Finding Complimentary Function,

D 3,3
y c1 c2 x e3x c1e3x c2 xe3x
y1 y2

Wronskian is given by,

e3x xe3x
W e6x
3e3x 3xe e
3x 3x

0 xe3x
W1 xe3x
1 3xe e
3x 3x

e3x 0
W2 e3x
3e3x 1
Coefficients for Particular integral can be computed as,
e3x xe3x
A dx logx
x2 e6x
e3x e3x 1
B 2 6x dx logx
x e x
yP Ay1 By 2

Euler-Cauchy Equation
An equation of the form
dn y n1 d
xn n k 1 x .......... kn y 0 is called as Euler-Cauchy theorem
dx dx 1

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Substitute y = xm
The equation becomes
m m 1 ........ m n k1m(m 1)......... m n 1 ............. kn xm 0

The roots of equation are
Case I: All roots are real & distinct
m1 m2
y c1 x c2 x ........... cnxmn
Case II: Two roots are real & equal
m1 m2 m
y c1 c2 nx xm c3 x
........ cnx
Case III: Two roots are complex conjugate of each other
m1 j ; m2 j

y = x A cos nx Bsin nx c3x 3 ........... cnx n

m m

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Type 1: Linear Algebra

For Concepts, please refer to Engineering Mathematics K-Notes, Linear Algebra


01. If for a matrix, rank equals both the number of rows and number of columns, then the
matrix is called
(A) Non-singular (B) singular
(C) transpose (D) minor

2 1 1
02. The equation 1 1 1 0 represents a parabola passing through the points.
y x2 x

(A) (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, -1) (B) (0, 0), (-1, 1), (1, 2)
(C) (1, 1), (0, 0), (2, 2) (D) (1, 2), (2, 1), (0, 0)

a 1
03. If matrix X 2 and X2 X I 0 then the inverse of X is
a a 1 1 a

1 a 1 1a 1
(A) a2 (B) 2
a a 1 a

a 1 a2 a 1 a
(C) 2 (D)
a a 1 a 1 1 1 a

04. Consider the matrices X 43 , Y43 and P23 . The order of P X T Y P T will be

(A) 2x2 (B) 3x3

(C) 4x3 (D) 3x4

1 1 1
05. The rank of the matrix 1 1 0 is
1 1 1

(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 3

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2 2 3
06. The matrix M 2 1 6 has given values -3, -3, 5. An eigen vector corresponding
1 2 0

to the eigen value 5 is 1 2 1 . One of the eigen vector of the matrix M3 is


1 8 1 1 2 1
(A) (B)
1 1 1
(C) 1 3
2 1 (D)

07. The system of equations x + y + z = 6, x + 4y + 6z = 20, x + 4y + z has no solutions

for values of and given by

(A) 6, 20 (B) 6, 20
(C) 6, 20 (D) 6, 20

08. Let P be 2x2 real orthogonal matrix and x is a real vector x1 x 2 with length

x x12 x22 . Then which one of the following statement is correct?

(A) px x where at least one vector satisfies px x

(B) px x for all vectors x
(C) px x where at least one vector satisfies px x
(D) No relationship can be established between x and px

09.The characteristics equation of a 3 x 3 matrix P is defined as

I P 3 2 2 1 0 . If I denotes identity matrix then the inverse of P will be
(A) P 2 P 2I (B) P 2 P I
(C) P2 P I (D) P2 P 2I

10. A set of linear equations is represented by the matrix equations Ax = b. The necessary
condition for the existence of a solution for the system is

(A) A must be invertible

(B) b must be linearly dependent on the columns of A
(C) b must be linearly independent on the columns of A
(D) None.

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11. Consider a non-homogeneous system of linear equations represents mathematically an

over determined system. Such a system will be
(A) Consistent having a unique solution.
(B) Consistent having many solution.
(C) Inconsistent having a unique solution.
(D) Inconsistent having no solution.

12. The trace and determinant of a 2x2 matrix are shown to be -2 and -35 respectively. Its
eigen values are

(A) -30, -5 (B) -37, -1

(C) -7, 5 (D) 17.5, -2

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Type 2: Differential Equation

For Concepts, please refer to Engineering Mathematics K-Notes, Differential Equations.


01. For the differential equation f x, y g x, y 0 to be exact is

f g f g
(A) (B)
y x x y
2 f 2g
(C) f = g (D)
x2 y 2
02. The differential equation py Q , is a linear equation of first order only if,
(A) P is a constant but Q is a function of y
(B) P and Q are functions of y (or) constants
(C) P is function of y but Q is a constant
(D) P and Q are function of x (or) constants

03. Biotransformation on of an organic compound having concentration (x) can be modelled

using an ordinary differential equation kx 2 0 , where k is reaction rate constant. If
x = a at t = 0 then solution of the equation is
kx 1 1
(A) x a e (B) kt
x a

(C) x a 1 ekt (D) x = a + k t

04. Transformation to linear form by substituting v= y1n of the equation

p t y q t yn , n > 0 will be

dv dv
(A) 1 n pv 1 n q (B) 1 n pv 1 n q
dt dt
dv dv
(C) 1 n pv 1 n q (D) 1 n pv 1 n q
dt dt

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d2 y dy
05. For
4 3y 3e2x , the particular integral is
dx dx
1 2x 1 2x
(A) e (B) e
15 5
(C) 3e (D) C1ex C2e3x

06. Solution of the differential equation 3y 2x 0 represents a family of
(A) ellipses (B) circles
(C) parabolas (D) hyperbolas

07. Which one of the following differential equation has a solution given by the function

y 5sin 3x
dy 5 dy 5
(A) cos 3x 0 (B) cos3x 0
dx 3 dx 3
d2 y d2 y
(C) 9y 0 (D) 9y 0
d2 x dx2

dy 2 d3 y
08. The order and degree of a differential equation 3
4 y 0 are
dx dx
(A) 3 and 2 (B) 2 and 3
(C) 3 and 3 (D) 3 and 1

09. The maximum value of the solution y (t) of the differential equation y(t)+ y (t) = 0 with
initial conditions y 0 1 and y(0) = 1, for t 0 is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) (D) 2

10. It is given that y 2y y 0 , y(0) = 0 & y(1) = 0. What is y(0.5) ?

(A) 0 (B) 0.37

(C) 0.82 (D) 1.13

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11. A body originally at 60 cools down to 400 in 15 minutes when kept in air at a
temperature of 25c. What will be the temperature of the body at the end of 30 minutes?
(A) 35.2 C (B) 31.5C
(C) 28.7C (D) 15C

d2 y dy dy
12. The solution 2 17y 0 ; y 0 1, 0 in the range 0 x
dx 2 dx dx
x 4
is given by

1 1
(A) ex cos 4x sin4x (B) ex cos 4x sin4x
4 4

1 1
(C) e4x cos 4x sin x (D) e4x cos 4x sin4x
4 4

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Type 1: Linear Algebra

01. Ans: (A)

Solution: Rank=no. of rows=no. of columns
A 0 As all rows & columns are linearly independent
A=Non-Singular matrix

02. Ans: (B)

2 1 1
Solution: I 1 1 1 0
y x2 x
By just looking at matrix I we can conclude that:-
One solution of above matrix is (0,0) as row3s all elements are zero hence |I|=0
Second solution is (1,2) as R1=R3 Linearly dependent rows
Third solution is (-1,1) as R2=R3 Linearly dependent rows

03. Ans: (B)

Solution: X2 X I Multiplying by X1
1 0 a 1 1a 1
X 1 I X 2 2
0 1 a a 1 1 a a a 1 a

04. Ans: (A)

1 T

and P X T y

Solution: X 43 , Y43 & P23 P

Matrix operation Order
3 4
Y 43


P X Y T 1

P X Y P T 1 T

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05. Ans: (C)

Solution: R1
R1 R3 ,

0 0 0

1 1 0
We get A
1 1

B 2
A 0

06. Ans: (B)

Solution: Eigen values=-3, 3, 5

Eigen vector corresponding to 5 is 2

For M3 Eigen values -27, 27, 125
But Eigen vector will remains the same
1 2 1

07. Ans: (B)

1 1 1 6

Solution: A | B 1 4 6 20
1 4 u

For no solution
A A | B n
A n
A 0
1 4 24 1 6 1 4 4 0
4 24 6 0
3 18 6
But A | B 0

1 4u 80 1 20 u 6 4 4 0 => u 20

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08. Ans: (B)

Solution: Orthogonal matrix, PT P1 .............. 1
Note: Orthogonal matrix presence the length of vector [Euclidean Norm]
X X1X2
XT 1
X 2

2 T

From (1)

X T X X2

09. Ans: (D)

Solution: Characteristic equation= 2 2 2 1 0 . Every matrix satisfies its characteristic
equation [Cayley Hamiltonian theorem]
P3 P2 2P I

Px Multiplying by P1 P2 P 2I P 1

10. Ans: (C)

Solution: This equation will be solvable even for non-square matrix A of B vector is linearly
independent of columns of A.

11. Ans: (D)

Solution: Over determined system will have no solution as number of equations are more
than number of unknowns.

12. Ans: (C)

Solution: Eigen 2 & Eigen 35
1 2 2 & 12 35

1 2 1 35
12 21 35 0
1 7 or 2 5

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Type 2: Differential Equation

01. Ans: (B)

Solution: f x, y dy g x, y dx 0

For exact differential equation

M N f g

y x x y

02. Ans: (D)

Solution: For linear differential equation:-
Py Q

P & Q must be function of x Or constant k f x

03. Ans: (B)

Solution: kx2 0 , x t 0 a
kx 2 Variable separate type
dx 1
x 2
k dt
kt c

At t=0
1 1
x a

04. Ans: (A)

Solution: Py q.y n [ Bernoullis equation].(i)
Let V y

dv n dy
1 n y
dt dt

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dy yn dv
................... 2
dt 1 n dt
Equation (1) can be written as
Py q
1 n
y n
Pv q
1 n dt
1 n pv 1 n q

05. Ans: (B)

Solution: Let D, f D D2 4D 3 0
3e2x 3e2x e2x
f 2 15 5

06. Ans: (A)

Solution: 3ydy 2xdx 0 [Variable separable]
On integration
3y 2 y2
x2 K [Ellipse, x2 ]
2 2
For circle, coefficient of x2 coefficient of y 2

07. Ans: (C)

Solution: y 5sin 3x ............. 1 On differentiating both sides
5 3 cos 3x
dx 3
Again differentiating both
d2 y
5 33 sin 3x 9 5 sin 3x
dx 2
3 3
d2 y
From (1) 9y 0

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08. Ans: (A)

d3 y dy
Solution: 4 y

dx dx

On squaring both sides

d3 y dy 3
3 16 y

dx dx

Order=3, Degree=2

09. Ans: (D)

Solution: m2 1 0
m i
y C1 cos x C2 sin x

y 0 1 => C1 1 and y 0 1 => C2 1

y cos x sinx 2 sin x 450

y max 2 at

10. Ans: (A)

Solution: y 2y y 0
y 0 0 & y 1 0
m2 2m 1 0

m 1
0 m=-1 (Replacing Roots)
y e x C1 xC2
y 0 0 C1
y e x xC2

y 1 0 C2 0
Solution of difference equation

y 0.5 0

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11. Ans: (B)

Solution: By Newtons law of cooling (0=Temp)
Q 0 Secondary temperature
Q1 Initial temperature
k Q Q 0
k Q Q dt

lnQ Q k t c Q Q
0 0
ekt .ekc
Q Pekt Q 0
At t 0 P Q1 Q0
P 600 250 350
Q 35ekt 25

After, 15 minutes 40 25 35e : K .0565

k 15

After, 30minutes
Q 35e0.56530 25 31.48 31.50 C

12. Ans: (A)

Solution: Let my
Then, m2 2m 17 0
m 1 4i
y ex C1 cos 4x C2 sin4x
y 0 1 => 1 C1
y ex cos 4x C2 sin4x
On differentiating both sides
y ex cos 4x C2 sin4x ex 4sin4x 4C2 cos 4x

At y 0 : 0 4C2 1
C2 1
sin 4x
Solution= y e x cos 4x

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